Jill Rhodes, Administrative Specialist Leadership - ESC-20


Jill Rhodes, Administrative Specialist Leadership - ESC-20
Jill Rhodes, Administrative Specialist
Leadership Development
Welcome Distinguished Guests!
Texas Education Agency, Educator Leadership & Quality – Viviana Lopez, Director
Hondo ISD – Dr. A’Lann Truelock, Superintendent
Hondo ISD – Vanessa Fox-Norton, Principal – Meyer Elementary School
Hondo ISD – Steve Ayers, Principal – Woolls Intermediate School
Hondo ISD – Steve Alvarado, Principal – McDowell Middle School
Understanding the New Evaluation Systems
Texas Teacher Evaluation & Support System
Texas Principal Evaluation & Support System
• Designed to support teachers in
• First statewide evaluation process
their professional development
and help teachers grow and
improve as educators
• Comprised of multiple measures of
teacher effectiveness
In- and out-of-classroom indicators
Student learning growth
Teacher self-reflection
for principals
• Will utilize goal-setting and a
value-added model (VAM) as part
of the evaluation process
• Aligned with T-TESS
Development of T-TESS and T-PESS
Facilitated by the Texas Comprehensive Center at SEDL and the Texas Education Agency
Steering committees
T-PESS – professional educators from around the state
T-TESS – teachers, principals, representatives from higher education and educator organizations
Fall 2013
Standards updated
Spring 2014
Rubrics created and tied to updated standards
Summer 2014
T-TESS & T-PESS training for ESC and pilot district staff
T-TESS – National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET)
T-PESS – McRel International
Objectives of the New Evaluation Systems
Ensure continual improvement of practice
Provide clear, useful, and timely feedback
that informs professional development
Differentiate performance in a meaningful way
Rewards and
Use multiple valid measures to assess progress
Evaluate teachers and principals on a regular basis
Place personnel in the best position to succeed
Hiring and
Key Components of the New Evaluation Systems
• Formative evaluations
• Goal is timely feedback that will allow teachers and principals to grow
• Ongoing conversations between appraiser and appraisee
• Not a one-time visit during the appraisal year but a continuous dialogue
around effective practices
• Development of relationships that foster open and collaborative
campus and district cultures
Why Leave PDAS?
• PDAS has drifted from its original intent – to be a professional
development system for teachers – and become a system
focused more on compliance with rules.
• Education has evolved since PDAS was implemented in 1997.
• T-TESS seeks to update the tools of evaluation to complement
what’s happening in classrooms and to align with what districts
are already doing – creating open, collaborative campus
environments with a constant focus on instructional and
professional improvement.
T-TESS Annual Appraisal Process Timeline
The T-TESS goal-setting process is designed to occur at the end of the school year based on a teacher’s
current performance; however, during the first year of implementation, goal-setting will occur twice:
Initial goals will be established during the first three weeks of the school year.
During the summative conference, subsequent year goals will be established.
Teacher Self-Assessment
Development is an ongoing process for all teachers, regardless of proficiency level,
to promote and track agreed upon [by teacher and appraiser] goals and professional
Teachers have a say in and monitor their own goals and growth.
Track progress toward goals
Document professional development to achieve goals
Make revisions to goals as contexts change over the year
Development is not isolated in single-year snapshots but is continuous and
consistently building off prior efforts and attention.
T-TESS Rubric
Standards and Alignment
Data and Assessment
Achieving Expectations
Content Knowledge and Expertise
Monitor and Adjust
Learning Environment
Knowledge of Students
Classroom Environment, Routines, and
Managing Student Behavior
Classroom Culture
Professional Practices and
Professional Demeanor and Ethics
Goal Setting
Professional Development
School Community Involvement
Differences in the Rubrics
T-TESS Rubric
PDAS Rubric
Focuses on both teachers and students in observable
Strives to capture the holistic nature of teaching
Strives to capture feedback built into the rubric itself
Gauges effectiveness of teachers by collecting data on
how students respond to teacher’s instructional
Allows teachers to find practices in performance levels
that they can work toward in professional development
Utilizes five performance levels
Articulates different practices between performance
Focuses individually on students or
teachers in observable domains
Utilizes four performance levels
Differentiates between performance
levels based on how often a teacher
does the same practice
T-TESS Measures of Teacher Effectiveness
• Observation = 70%
• Teacher Self-Assessment = 10%
• Student Growth = 20%
Student growth will not be part of the evaluation score during the pilot or
refinement years, making the relative weight 7:1
• Observation = 87.5%
• Teacher Self-Assessment = 12.5%
Impact of Student Growth
on T-TESS Evaluation
Observation and Self-Assessment Results (80%)
Well Above
Developing *
Developing *
At Expectations Distinguished
Accomplished* Accomplished
Well Below
T-PESS Components
Instructional Leadership – ensure every student receives
high-quality instruction
Rigorous and aligned curriculum and assessment
Effective instructional practices
Data-driven instruction and interventions
Human Capital – ensure high-quality teachers and staff in
every classroom and throughout the school
Targeted selection, placement, and retention
Tailored development, feedback, and coaching
Staff collaboration and leadership
Systematic evaluation and supervision
Executive Leadership – model a consistent focus on and
commitment to improving student learning
Resiliency and change management
Commitment to ongoing learning
Communication and interpersonal skills
Ethical behavior
School Culture – establish and implement a
shared vision and culture of high
expectations for all staff and students
Shared vision of high achievement
Culture of high expectations
Intentional family and community
Safe school environment
Strategic Operations – implement systems
that align with the school’s vision and
improve the quality of instruction
Strategic planning
Maximized learning time
Tactical resource management
Policy implementation and advocacy
Teach for Texas Portal
Video Library
Collection of hours of classroom lessons, as well as accompanying pre- and
post-conferences, designed to be used for professional development
Training Modules
User-directed and interactive training modules on each of the T-TESS
dimensions that provide research, text, and tangible examples of activities
and materials, as well as applicable lesson videos that can be used by
teacher appraisers to enhance instruction
Online Training
Online certification module that must be successfully completed
by all teacher appraisers
Document Library
T-TESS resources to guide and support campuses, including fillable forms, guidance documents, overviews, and the appraiser handbook
Staff Professional Development
Half- and full-day training modules created specifically for elementary, middle, and high school teachers that will be utilized by campus/district
administration to provide a required T-TESS overview to staff members
Fillable observation templates that can be used to perform walk-throughs and/or evaluations on appraisees
Tool that allows appraisers to create reports that summarize campus, department, educator, observer, and goal data
Teach for Texas Portal
• 2014-2015
• 2015-2016
• 2016-2017
Pilot Year (approximately 65 districts)
Refinement Year (approximately 200 districts)
Statewide Rollout*
* Districts have the option of adopting a local evaluation system in lieu of using T-TESS/T-PESS.
The Pilot Year: 2014-2015
Districts provide feedback on:
Evaluation tool
Evaluation process
Feedback will be used to refine the system so that the purpose of supporting teachers and
principals in their pursuit of improving their craft can be realized.
Districts have the option to pilot T-TESS and T-PESS jointly or each system individually.
Entire district
Specific schools
The Refinement Year: 2015-2016
• Allow TEA to take all 2014-2015 feedback
• ESC-20’s capacity to train new appraisers
during Summer 2015, in addition to the need
to implement the new system with a diverse
population of districts/charters (urban vs
rural, small vs large, etc.) will impact how
many districts/charters in the region will
have the opportunity to participate.
into consideration to appropriately adjust
appraiser training materials and
evaluation tools
Allow districts/charters additional time to
have conversations about the role of a
formative evaluation system in teacher
and principal development
Districts/charters may choose to pilot all
campuses or select specific campuses to
participate in the pilot.
Districts/charters may choose to pilot both
T-TESS and T-PESS together or may pilot
only one of the two systems.
Refinement Year Benefits to Districts/Charters
• Begin the process of changing the culture around evaluation from one based
in compliance to one based in feedback, support, and development
• Receive focused attention and support from ESC-20 and content experts to
assist in implementation
• Provide feedback on the evaluation system(s) that will lead to improved
processes and materials
Receive free appraiser training
Refinement Year Requirements
• Utilize T-TESS and/or T-PESS as the district’s/charter’s locally-adopted
evaluation system
• Attend appraiser training during Summer 2015 at ESC-20
• Ensure all appraisers are certified
• Implement all components (except student growth) of the T-TESS and/or
T-PESS evaluation system(s) with fidelity
• Interact with ESC-20 to receive implementation support and provide
feedback on the evaluation system(s)
Are You Interested in Becoming a
Refinement Year Pilot District/Charter?
Step 1: Complete the interest survey today indicating:
• Whether your district/charter wants to participate in T-TESS, T-PESS, or both;
• The approximate number of campuses that will participate;
• The approximate number of campus administrators, who will need T-TESS training in Summer 2015; and
• The approximate number of district administrators, who will need T-PESS training in Summer 2015.
Step 2: Distribution of LOIs (via email) to interested superintendents by January 31, 2015.
• Complete LOI and return to Jill Rhodes at jill.rhodes@esc20.net by March 31, 2015.
• Districts/charters selected for Refinement Year pilot will be notified by April 17, 2015.
Step 3: Confirm number of campuses/administrators participating in the pilot.
Step 4: Ensure all administrators registered for and attend required summer training(s).
• T-TESS – individuals, who will be appraising teachers
• T-PESS – individuals, who will be appraising principals, assistant principals, and/or other campus administrators.
Step 5: Implement T-TESS and/or T-PESS, as indicated in the training and provide feedback, as required.
Where Can I Find Additional Information?
Where Can I Find Additional Information?