Volume 24-11 November 2015 etter of the Newsl y l h t Mon l ica f Of November 2014 A Time to Gather AND THE COVVC NORTH Stark Hughes Hello everyone. It’s been a very good fall season to be able still drive our vintage VW’s. Hopefully Mother Nature will bless us with more of the same so we won’t have to put our VW’s in winter hibernation any time soon. As with longstanding tradition November is the month we gather for Thanksgiving to wsletter of the Neand y l enjoy family friends. h ont Recently several of us were part of an annual gathering by the LEAKOIL folks in northern Ohio lM on Kelley’s Island. Al, Tom, Joyce, Kathy (and dog Liam), Kristi, and I all started out Friday at noon for THE COVVC NORTH our destination. Four busses met atANDKathy Kerns to head north. As any of you who have ever traveled a distance in a group of old VW’s know there is always a chance that the inevitable might happen -breakdown on the road, and of course it happened, 4 times before we even were to Bucyrus. Al Moore’s buss’s biorhythms were really off that day. Every time Al’s bus had an issue we all faithfully pulled over as to never leave a fellow traveler behind. On the first stop we replaced the fuel pump. That worked for about 5 miles. Second breakdown Al replaced a coil & fuel filters. Five more miles and on the side of the road again. Hoping 3rd time was a charm Al was on the side of the road again and he replaced the distributer. With optimism high we all started off with hopes the distributor was the solution. Once again five miles later we all pulled over with Al’s bus still not running well. One strange thing about the four breakdowns Both times the pastors came out and offered us water and memBerwas twice Al broke down in front of a church. ryan easley the use of the church facilities for a rest stop. Our hopes for divine intervention did not happen at either headchurch into the but holiday a few thoughts come towas mind. the season graciousness of the pastors truly appreciated. On the 4th breakdown we all were at tank of gas? Andend “have you seen our wits’ staring intothe thebattery enginemaintainer?” compartment of Al’s bus. Al mentioned maybe it’s the carburetor? nsureCarburetors that our Westy has a goodnot winter’s nap andthat wakes are usually something we up travel with. As fate would have it Kathy Kern said Tom hing about the air cooled VWs is not having the check coolant always kept a spare carburetor in the bus and maybe it’s still there. Low and behold there was a carburetor. Al installed it, did some timing and off we went. Other than an occasional backfire from Al’s bus 63 Beetle at this year’s show but I ran out of days,Kelley’s Mr. Mur-Island. Tom’s spirit is still with us and even though he we traveled flawlessly to our destination, ine I so carefully sealed both ends of before Iwas started workby having a spare carburetor in his bus if ever there was was not there in body, his presence shown master bought didn’t install 30+have yearsbeen ago was a cylinder need forI one. Thebut weekend couldn’t better. Perfect weather, great people, an outstanding pot ve owned the car 32 years, it’s been in restoration for the luck feast Saturday night, and the comraderies ofpast the VW community. It doesn’t get any better than that. n’t matter. AtI this point wecomparisons are going to put bedtofor see a lot of of him this to trip the Pilgrims’. I’m sure they had problems along the way te. Our car willas beaready activities andPilgrims’ arrived at their destination the rest was hisbutproject persevered groupfortonext keepyear’s going. Once the zing just how much room one littlethat Beetle takes up when it’s tory and we still celebrate event today as Thanksgiving. Sunday morning we said our good byes, and glad to have the space thewould garage,have basement, shed, would not shift into gear once we got to the mainland. headed home. Asinfate it Ted’sattic, Vanagon That’s another story. successful show in theforward books and look towards election Looking to seeing everyone this of month for the ng. We’ve beenNovember fortunate meeting. to have a board of directors the past We d h . ksngs velrayer November 11, 2015 Secretrary Ted Chaney Meeting Minutes October 8th 2015 This meeting was held at Tommy’s Pizza in Dublin. The consensus was that the 2015 Vintage Volksfest was a success. We added at least 15 new members. Attendance at the show was up, and we had over 300 cars register. The volunteers who worked at the show were thanked with a round of applause. The following events are coming up (most of which will be over by the time you read this) Kelley’s Island Campout Oct 9-11 Colo’s Classic car show at the Zoo Indianapolis Show Oct 17 Marion Tour Oct 24 MAC Tools Show Oct 10 Mark Richmond will be our representative for the Arthritis Show, assisted by Brad Shisler and Bill Blake, there was a nice article in the last newsletter about 2016 plans for the show. Elections will be at the November Meeting. We will need candidates to step up to keep the club going. Kathy Kern asked for advice on the tools that she should have with her when she travels in her camper. Don Wuertz commented that he received a call prior to our show from someone in Georgia thinking that our show was being held near Columbus, Georgia Ron Baker reported that Papa Boo’s, a bar at Buckeye Lake was interested in sponsoring a car show next year. The January Banquet was discussed. Most people seem happy with the Spaghetti Warehouse, but we keep our options open for now. The NorthEnd Wrench, Inc.! Your Preventative Maintenance Expert! Offering the Following Services: • • • • • • • Brakes Exhaust Tune-Ups Fluid Changes Air Conditioning Foreign & Domestic Vintage Volkswagen & Porsche Certied Technicians MARION ’S OLDEST IMPORT AUTO REPAIR Bill Huntsman, Owner Foreign & Domestic Repair New & Used Foreign Auto Parts Monday - Friday 7am - 6pm Monday - Friday 7am - Licensed 6pm 4330 Indianola Ave. Columbus, OH 43214 4330 Indianola Ave. Columbus, OH 43214 740.383.1118 614.263.4978 Celebrating 25 Years of Service! 2 Distributor or 800.686.2250 614.263.4978 624 East Church Street, Marion, Ohio 43302 Volkswagen TOYS Volkswagen Let’s Talk Toys! Michael Williams TOYS Welcome back everyone!! The toy I’m sharing with each of you this month was produced by an American toy manufacturer who is still making toys today. I picked this neat little VW toy up last week from a fellow collector in Arizona. I’ve bought other examples of this toy over the years, but I was shocked to notice a few features on this toy which were different from other examples. For now, I’ll keep all of you in suspense until later in the article!! This month’s toy is a white colored VW bus manufactured by the Gay Toy Company of Walled Lake, Michigan during the late 1960’s. This plastic toy is based on a 1960’s VW split window panel bus. The toy is 6.5 inches long with metal axles and black plastic wheels. What makes the toy I bought so unique is the actual color of the toy and the side doors. Gay Toy Company never advertised a white VW bus in their sales pamphlets. A blue camper and a red ambulance are the only examples ever produced. Also, the side doors on both the blue and red examples open, while the white example has non-opening doors. The toy has never been played with, so I wonder if this toy was some type of prototype which was never mass produced for some reason. I would consider this toy to be extremely rare. I’ve spoken to several fellow VW toy collectors and none of them have ever seen this color. I’ve been told the toy might have been in the private collection of Jerry Jess who lived in Arizona many years ago. Jerry was known to have many rare and unique VW and Porsche toys in his collection. I’m really excited to have this toy in my collection now. It’s hard to put a value on the toy being this may be the only one ever produced. Even though I was lucky to find a near mint example, I still hope to find another white version, or even some details on this unique little VW toy. Until next month… Happy Toy Hunting !! Renew your COVVC Membership! Please take a few minutes to check the expiration date on your mailing label. Please note we now accept membership payments via PayPal! Renewals can also be mailed to: COVVC 13671 Wagram Road, Pickerington, OH 43147 Or see Brenda Easley at our next meeting. Please include your current address, phone and e-mail so we can verify that we have your current info on file. ONLY $20 PER YEAR! 3 Tech Talk Bruce Amacker Converting a Single Master Cylinder to Dual Master Cylinder (Part Two) #58 Last month I detailed the installation of a dual master cylinder in a ’57 Beetle oval window. This installation makes the car much safer due to the fact that you now have two completely separate hydraulic systems, so in the event of a failure you are assured of having two wheels of brakes instead of the OEM design which leaves you with none. This month I’ll cover the conversion on my ’66 split bus which I completed a full restoration on. There are several ways to accomplish this on an early bus, some of which are to use ’67 bus parts or later Bay window bus parts. The ‘67 is a one year design because it’s the last year of the split bus and the first year of the federally mandated split hydraulic system. The problem with using ’67 parts is the cost, which was generally prohibitive until recently when Chinese parts came down in price. Not surprisingly the quality of these Chinese parts may be in question. I ended up using a Napa reman master cylinder with a lifetime guarantee for $42 with a fluid reservoir bought from the Samba ads. The unit I used was a 71-78 Bay Bus MC from a power brake bus. You’d think a manual brake model would be correct, but the reservoir outlet spacing is incorrect and nobody makes a reservoir to fit the manual brake MC. What you need is outlets that are 3.325” apart center to center and .320” in diameter below the flared end. This is appropriate for a Rabbit/Volvo/Porsche reservoir which you’ll need to source from a junkyard or off the Samba classifieds, the aftermarket reservoirs I found had too large of spigots on the bodies. These days the ’67 parts might be a better choice, as the later Bay Bus master that I used also needs a spacer made to allow clearance for the reservoir which would otherwise hit on a frame crossmember. This spacer can be purchased for about $30-40 or cut from the appropriate stock which is ½” thick. I had the correct material in my scrap bin so I quickly cut one to shape. Using either type of master cylinder requires fabricating a new MC pushrod from a long bolt, be careful that the thread sizes may differ. Most pushrods and yokes use an 8x1.25 thread which is standard metric, but one bus pushrod/yoke I had on hand was 8x1.0 thread which is an unusual thread. In either case make up a new rod about 3” in length and grind a rounded tip on it to engage the MC piston. Once the MC is mounted, adjust the pushrod free play for 5-7mm clearance at the pedal or 1mm at the MC piston. You’ll also need a stock bus rubber boot to protect the MC from the elements at the open (piston) end, which is mounted facing forward and would get exposed to road splash otherwise. This is especially important if you don’t plan to install the pedal pan, which is a large sheet metal cover that prevents road splash from hitting the driver’s controls which are under the floor pan on a bus. On many of these restored buses this pan is left off as they don’t see much rain or weather, and it also make CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 4 MARION TOUR 2015 Tech Talk; Continued from Page 4 access to components for inspection and repair much simpler. Once the components are mounted, it’s time to plumb the system. This is quite intuitive, one line to each front wheel and one line that feeds the rear axle. The remaining port is for the brake light switch. Now it’s time to bleed the brakes which I’ve covered in a previous tech column in November of last year. I use an inexpensive vacuum pump bleeding tool to pull the brake fluid and air from the system. Not only does this work really well, it’s very time effective and fluid effective, which means you don’t waste much fluid. I can fill and bleed the entire bus using only 2-3 pints of brake fluid. Don’t put off that dual MC conversion, safety is of the utmost importance when driving your classic VW, or any car for that matter! 5 Member Classifieds For Sale: 1969 Karmann Ghia Light Blue, Convertible. Automatic Stickshift. Car is in excellent condition, located in Powell. Asking $19,900. Please contact Don Hunter by email: For Sale: Lot of Vintage VW Parts Would like to sell as one lot: Garage full of carburetors, coils, lenses for all types of lights, windows, rims, beauty rings, hub caps, piston rods back seats in mint condition and more. Call Roy Woodruff @ 419-526-0182. For Sale: 1978 Beetle Selling my 1978 VW Convtertible, Appraised value of VW bug is $16500 Asking $11900.00. Call Bruce @ 740.964.9856 For Sale: 1960 Beetle Roof rack, Red with only 48k original miles. One family owned since new. Asking $7900.00. Call Lonnie @ 614.419.8153 For Sale: 1979 Super Beetle All original, Excellent Condition car. Black on Black, Convertible. 35,000 Original Miles, car has never been in rain or even outside of Ohio! Appraised at $13,800, will consider offers. Contact Charles Mers 614.679.6446 or For Sale: TOYS!! Selling off my VW Toy Collection, some rare finds. Please Call Mike Fornataro 740.964.4520 For Sale: 1959 Karmann Ghia Low Light Coupe, unrestored but repaired. Never rusted or wrecked, Approx 40K on newer engine, new upholstery. Valued at $8300, (negotiable) great car to show and drive. Contact Don Bowker @ 330.274.8872 For Sale: 1979 Super Beetle Convertible, Nile River Blue, excellent condition, always garaged, never out in winter, recently detailed, a joy to drive. Appraised at $16,900,asking $15,000. Please call Marilyn, 614-299-4841. For Sale: Collectibles For Sale, VW collection, toys, cd player, framed pictures and much more--Please call Marilyn Allen, 614-299-4841 WANT ED AD S Wanted: 6-Volt AM radio (working) for a 1965 Beetle. Contact Ken @ 440.429.5633 Wanted: 1965-67 Split Window Bus The better the condition, the better the chance of a sale. Contact Barnett @ 412.965.6450 6 Wanted: Windshields (2) Need two front for 66 Split Window Bus Contact Brian @ 937.206.9293 Wanted: Cargo Door Treasure Chest Door to fit my 1960 Single Cab. Contact Mike Boyle 740.438.8570 COVV Suppo C rts Garrett’s Automotive Detailing By appointment only Mark Garrett 1294 Frisbee Drive Columbus, OH 43224 614.262.2881 Specializing in Show Quality Detailing Information In the Spring of 1991 our club was founded by 12 enthusiasts looking for a way to pool their parts and resources to maintain their vintage Volkswagen Cars. Now we are in our 23rd year with over 200 members and the premiere Vintage Volkswagen club for Central Ohio. We Strive to share knowledge and resources while having plenty of fun and we welcome everyone interested in classic air-cooled as well as newer water-cooled VW products. Annually we host Ohio’s largest Volkswagen Car show & swapmeet ‘Volksfest’ to benefit kids ‘n camp; an independent non-profit organization, devoted to the needs of children with cancer. Zundfolge Zundfolge (translated ‘firing order’) is published monthly by the Central Ohio Vintage Volkswagen Club. Its purpose is to keep us informed and running smoothly, while providing knowledge and enthusiam into the Classic VW Community. Members are encouraged to submit articles and photos for the newsletter. Please contact the Editor for more information. * Classified and Wanted ads are free for members. * Submission Deadline is the 15th of every month. Factory Data To obtain VW factory information send your serial number to: Pre 1955: VW Brezelffenstervereinigung e.v. Ernst Reter Hagen, Amselweg 4, D 3073 Liebenau, Germany Post 1955: Customer Assistance, Volkswagen AG Postfach, 3180 Wolfsburg 1, Germany Streetsboro Foreign Auto, LLC Officers & Staff Complete Mechanical & Collision Repair Specializing in Volkswagen, Audi & select other European Brands Elmar Kruza 330.626.2456 Fax 330.626.5030 9796 State Route 14 Streetsboro, OH 44241 John V. Doe Treasurer Member Name Badges: Only $6.00 Available with Pin or Magnet Back Contact Brian Knoll to order. Board of Directors: Brenda Agan Mark Garrett Stark Hughes Ryan Easley Debbie Garrett Ryan Cisco Tom Kern Mike Roecker Mike Williams Ted Bailey Ann Gilman Secretary Treasurer Membership Historian Tech Advisor Tech Advisor Tech Advisor Zundfolge Ed. Web Editor Ted Chaney Todd Sichel Brenda Easley Kyle Ray Carl Dewhurst Bill Huntsman Jim Meyer Brian Knoll Ann Gillman 614.323.2593 614.262.2881 614.843.0751 614.570.4179 614.262.2881 740.709.0183 614.876.8902 216.233.4456 937.390.3794 614.771.0358 614.891.3733 Columbus Area Marion Area Circleville Area 614.882.5878 614.252.1431 614.309.8177 614.332.2527 614.830.0111 740.389.3187 740.474.4410 937.206.9293 614.891.3733 7 13671 Wagram Rd Pickerington OH 43147 in n o i J o J ! y a To d Become a member of the Central Ohio Vintage Volkswagen Club Only $20.00 Annually Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: • • • • • • Monthly Gatherings Shows, Cruise-ins, and Plenty of Fun Great Friends Good Food Share & Educate VW Knoweledge 12 issues of Zundfolge Newsletter VW’s Owned: Complete and return to: Visit for more details $20.00 Annually Central Ohio Vintage Volkswagen Club 13671 Wagram Rd Pickerington, OH 43147 Checks Payable to COVVC Next Meeting: November 12, 2015 7:30PM @ Tommy’s in Dublin
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* Classified and Wanted ads are free for members.
* Submission Deadline is the 15th of every month.