July - COVVC Home Page
July - COVVC Home Page
Volume 23-07 July 2014 l ica f Of Thoughts from your etter of the Newsl y l h t Mon Board Member AND THE COVVC NORTH Mark Garrett Can you believe July is here already? After the never ending six month winter we went through, it seem like summer and warm weather would never get here, but they have arrived. Of course for all of us Vintage VW lovers, warm weather means driving weather. I would hope by now we all have had our pride and joys out, dusting off those storage cob webs and getting those air cooled engines up to full operating temperatures. From checking out our web site and Face Book, the recent bridge tour appears to have been well attended. A perfect Saturday , to enjoy the cars and friends that make up our fine club. Thanks to Don and Karma Wuertz for organizing the second successful bridge tour! Another successful gathering was the June meeting, held at Blendon Woods park. A beautiful evening and lots of great food made for a very relaxed evening of COVVC friends and vintage Vdubs. Look for more of these casual get togethers during the warm months. That leads perfectly into the July meeting, which will be held at our house, on July 10th, starting at 6:30. The meeting will start at the traditional time. This will also be a pot luck affair, and also BYOB. Debi and I will provide plates, plastic ware and cups. A bon fire will take place at the end of the evening. Of course the toy room will be open for your viewing pleasure. Hard to believe, but this will be the last actual meeting before Volksfest! Look for complete info elsewhere in this months newsletter. The weekend of the July meeting is one of the best vintage car weekends in Columbus. The Good Guys street rod show rolls into town on July 10th through the 13th. The actual show is held at the Fair Grounds, but you can also cruise the hotel parking lots and be quite entertained, to say the least. On the same weekend, the Len Immke Classic Auto Show and Cruise In will be held at the Metro Center in Dublin, Ohio on the 11th and 12th. Check out all the details at www.arthritisautoshow.com. Our club will have a dedicated spot, just for VWs, so you don’t want to miss this event. One of the attractions this year will be the GM Futureliner, a futuristic promotional vehicle from the 50s and early 60s! After all that, we all need to rest up, and get ready for that wonderful once a year extravaganza, Volksfest! See you all at the July meeting for more food, fun and friendship. Tech Talk Bruce Amacker Restoring a Split Bus (continued) Getting the Mud Straight At the last point I wrote I had about 530 hours into the bus, and at current count I have over 900 hours into the restoration. The paint is complete, the bus is on the road, and 95% done right now with only trim and detail work to be completed. The biggest challenge I faced was the bodywork. I’ve painted dozens of heavy trucks in my career but they were always smack-and-pack jobs which means they didn’t have to look good. In the commercial truck world if the bodywork looked fine from 50 feet away that’s all the customer wanted, so the quality I delivered was very sub par as related to the automotive world, and really sub par if you compared it to most classic cars. My goal with this bus was to put the best paint job on I had ever done, and that was a tough goal to achieve. I have used plenty of Bondo in my life to fill dents, repair fiberglass truck front ends, and etc, and I have always struggled to get the Bondo straight and free from waves. My friend Chuck came by last year while I was starting the bodywork to give me some tips. Chuck isn’t really a bodyman, but more like a jack of all trades and master of most. He showed me some tips about Bondo that made a huge difference in the bus. I replaced a lot of rust repair panels in this bus, which means I have lots of panels that have big long weld lines, some as much as 6 feet that need to be arrow straight, or as close as possible. Virtually all panels had big long dents in them and a variety of other issues that needed correcting before paint could be applied. With my talents these large panels would have looked more like washboards than mirrors. Chuck told me to buy a long straightedge. Here’s the tip- do your bodywork and get your metal as straight as possible. This will take a lot of patience, body hammers, dollies, 6’ straightedges to check your progress, and in general, a great feel for how metal responds when you hit it. Your goal while heating, beating, and massaging is to get the metal within 1/8” of where it needs to be so the mud won’t have to be more than 1/8” thick once it’s done. Once the metal is as straight as possible it’s time to slop the mud on. This is not rocket science, it’s more like frosting a cake. Mix the mud and hardener in proper amounts and apply it to the bus with a standard mud paddle, which is a plastic applicator about 4” square. Push it in good so it sticks well, and put it on heavier than you need. Here’s the tip- while the mud is wet, take your 24” straightedge and drag it through the mud so you have a 24” straight section of mud. I never thought of doing this and never heard of anyone doing it before. It’s so simple it’s stupid but the first time I did this (on my long left rocker) I immediately stepped back and with wide eyes shouted things I can’t print here. That was a game changing moment in a way I can’t begin to describe. Continued 2 on Page 4 I went to the Home Depot drywall department thinking that was where the long straight edges would be, but they were found instead in the wallpaper dept. The longest one they have is 24”, and it’s less than five bucks. It’s the best $5 tool I’ll ever buy! The NorthEnd Wrench, Inc.! Your Preventative Maintenance Expert! Offering the Following Services: • • • • • • • Brakes Exhaust Tune-Ups Fluid Changes Air Conditioning Foreign & Domestic Vintage Volkswagen & Porsche Certied Technicians Monday - Friday 7am - 6pm 4330 Indianola Ave. Columbus, OH 43214 614.263.4978 www.COVVC.org Celebrating 25 Years of Service! Meeting Minutes, June 12th 2014 Secretrary Ted Chaney Meeting was held at Blendon Woods Metro Park Shelter House Brenda Agan called the meeting to order after all attendees had enjoyed an excellent pot luck dinner, specail thanks to the Easley’s for all the cooking. Covered Bridge Tour details were announced by Brenda and Don for June 14. Flyers were available. The Arthritis Show was also announced. It is to be held in Dublin with various activities on July 10, 11, and 12. Flyers were also available plus they have a website. Show shirts were available, also Brian had a sample of the show trophies. Next month; the July meeting will be at the Garretts. It is a pot luck, so bring something to share, the ‘new’ toy room will be available. Look for details in the July newsletter. Tom Kern announced the Leakoil campout at the Mohican River this coming weekend, also a camping tour of lighthouses in Michigan sponsored by the Ohio Valley Tribe. Takes place the week of June 22. Contact Tom if interested. With that, Brenda went for more food and the meeting ended. Covered Bridge Tour 2014 www.COVVC.org 3 Tech Talk, Continued Immediately it became evident that my less-than-poor body skills had progressed in a miraculous way to the point I quickly realized I COULD get this bus straight enough to pass judgment. Not Pebble Beach judgment, but at least I wouldn’t feel bad driving it around town. Once the mud is fairly straight, let it set up for about 5-10 minutes, take your cheese grater tool and get the ridges off of it. Once the mud is dry, use an air file with 40 grit over it and you’ll be amazed at how good it looks on the first try. You’ll need to put a few more coats of mud on to fill voids and divots, but gradually it will start looking like a bus again rather than the Tin Man disguised as a bus. The next tip I found is how highbuild primer can fill lots of things you missed with the mud and fill minor waves. You’ll be air filing with 120 or 150 grit and things will be looking really good after a few rounds of mud but there will still be some low spots and other blemishes that need repairing. Get some high build primer (I used Urethane direct to metal style) and mix it with as little reducer as you can. You want to spray this from your gun so it’s thick so you can fill in these lows and voids. This stuff sets up fast- you can shoot a medium heavy coat, wait 10 seconds (or continue spraying a large panel), go right back over it and shoot more, over and over, to build up a thick layer of primer than can be sanded away. In some cases I shot 10-20 layers of primer at one time! Put some 180 grit in your air file and gently run over this as it’s softer than mud and comes off quickly. In many cases this will be all you need before shooting your final paint. In my case, I still hand-blocked it with 400 grit to try and make it mirror smooth. It didn’t come out like a mirror but it came out very nice, I’ll bring it to Volksfest next month for your inspection. I’ll keep writing about my restoration adventure in future articles. Summer is here so get out and drive that VW! Take it visiting and use it wherever possible, because the most reliable car is one that’s driven regularly. Have fun and be safe! Let’s Go Cruisin I hope everyone is getting out to some Cruise Ins and Car Shows. Don’t forget our show is coming up August 9th. DOOR PRIZES NEEDED! If you win a door prize at a Cruise In and don’t want or need it, consider donating it to our Show. Or if you are shopping for car cleaning products, consider buying two – one for you and one for a door prize. McDonald or Subway gift cards, etc or always welcome. Thanks Tina Gibson July 6 – Columbus, Buffalo Wings, 6325 E Broad St – reg 11-2 July 11 – Dublin, Arthritis Cruise – reg 10am-6:30 pm July 12 – Dublin Arthritis Show – reg 7:30 am-11:30am July 12 & 13– Buckeye German Jubilee – Jims Custom VWs Columbiana, Oh July 11 – Columbus OReilly’s, 1911 Brice Rd – reg 5-7 July 19 – Johnstown, AutoZone, 772 W Coshocton (Rt 62) – reg11-2 Aug 2 – Carroll @Fairfield Co Airport, 3266 Old Columbus Rd – reg 4-6 Aug 3 – Columbus, Buffalo Wings, 6325 E Broad St – reg 11-2 This article appeared in the February 1969 issue.Aug 9 – OUR Thanks to Jim Meyer for not only saving these fascinating articles but also for sharing with the COVVC members 4 SHOW www.COVVC.org Let’s Talk Toys! Michael Williams Welcome back everyone!! The toy I’m sharing with each of you this month is one which got away from me recently on a popular Internet auction site. I’m still kind of bummed I wasn’t able to purchase the toy; but I’m sure the lucky bidder has a special place in his or her collection for this neat little toy. Oh well… maybe someday. However, I thought it would still be neat to write about the toy in this month’s article. This month’s toy is a light turquoise colored split window VW bus produced by the Bandai Toy Company of Tokyo, Japan during the early 1960’s. This friction operated toy is constructed of tin and is about 7.5 inches long. The toy represents a livestock truck and is based on an early 1960’s VW bus. Another neat feature of the bus is the rear top gate flips up to allow entry into the rear cargo area. I can just imagine being 10 years old again and pretending I’m loading my livestock up for the drive into town to the market. This VW bus is as rare as they get. I’ve never seen another example of this toy in my 30 years of collecting. The Big Book of Tin Toy Cars also doesn’t list the toy. Consider yourself very lucky if you find the box with the toy. Most boxes never make it past day one once the child removes the toy from the box. The bus which was up for sale on the Internet auction was in near mint condition with a box. Now hold on to your pants for the selling price. Once the dust cleared from all the last minute bidding, the selling price was in excess of $735. Along with myself; seems like a few other individuals would rather invest in VW toys opposed to gold and silver. At least you can play with your investment and they don’t weigh as much !! Until next month… Happy Toy Hunting !! Upcoming Events Brenda Agan Mark your calendars! There are two upcoming shows of interest to VW enthusiasts. The Arthritis Foundation Auto Show begins Friday, July 11 with the huge cruise-in. Registration 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.; judging 12 noon – 6:30 p.m.; show goes unitl 11 p.m. with entertainment and top 100 trophies. The Classic Auto Show continues on Saturday, July 12 with registration 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Judging begins at 12:30 and the show continues with awards presented in the afternoon and entertainment until 11:00 p.m. The show is located at the Dublin Metro Center, 555 Metro Place North. Discounts for pre-registration. Both shows feature all makes and models with many, many unique cars. Go to www. arthritisautoshow.com for more information and registration form. The 20th Annual Buckeye German Jubilee is an all-VW car show and swap meet taking place Saturday, July 12, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday, July 13, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Jim’s Custom VW’s, 219 S.R. 7, Columbiana, OH. Go to www.jimscustomvw.com for more information. Thanks to Bruce Raymer who has been sending me a list of cruise-ins in and around Columbus. I will forward that to my email group. If you aren’t getting my emails, please send me an email at bagan@ insight.rr.com and I will put you on my list. You can also check out http://www.oldride.com/events/ohio_ cruisein.html, or just Google columbus area cruise ins! www.COVVC.org 5 Member Classifieds For Sale: Beetle Moving to a place with no garage. Purchased the car ten years ago, was completely restored at the time. It is still in pristine condition. Asking $6000, Call Joan or Roger Sisson @ 440.428.1337 For Sale: 2001 Bunkhouse Camper Only Weighs 410 lbs, was towed by ’62 Beetle. 4ft x 9ft folded with hitch; 20ft long when set-up. Queen Size bed, Spare Tire, Table, Cooler w/cover, support jacks and more! Asking $3200.00 Please contact Gary Stone at 740.281.4704 or i8av6@mail2gary.com For Sale: 1972 VW Super Beetle Originally from Nevada, Really Clean, Drive’s Great, Always Garaged. New Tires, Rebuilt Engine, Brand New Paint Job, Tinted Windows, Standard, new Fuel Pump. Must sell soon! Great Deal at only $5500.00 (now $4000) Please call 614.453.5128 For Sale: 1962 Beetle Convertible New Top, new upholstery and tires. 1635 dual port engine with mild cam and full flow oil filter, Weber 2bbl, sport exhaust and electronic ignition. Appraised at $16,500, asking $14,500. Contact Gary @ 740.281.4704 For Sale: ‘Emily’ an 1981 Orange VW Rabbit Pick-up In fine shape, restored nicely with VW parts. New tires, head gasket and alternator. I am reaching out to anyone in the club that may have an interest, or can point me in the right direction. Please contact Beth Hillman @ 614.395.6511 For Sale: 1972 Beetle Purchased from second owner who brought it from California. Daily driver until seven years ago, and garaged since. I’m asking $2500 (NEW Lower Price!) because it needs new heads, but a whole new long block would be better. Located in Worthington. Contact Paul @ 614.593.6214 For Sale: TOYS!! Selling off my VW Toy Collection, some rare finds. Please Call Mike Fornataro 740.964.4520 WANTED ADS Wanted: 1965-67 Split Window Bus The better the condition, the better the chance of a sale. Contact Barnett @ 412.965.6450 Wanted: Cargo Door Treasure Chest Door to fit my 1960 Single Cab. Contact Mike Boyle 740.438.8570 Wanted: 6-Volt AM radio (working) for a 1965 Beetle. Contact Ken at 440-429-5633 6 www.COVVC.org Information In the Spring of 1991 our club was founded by 12 enthusiasts looking for a way to pool their parts and resources to maintain their vintage Volkswagen Cars. Now we are in our 23rd year with over 200 members and the premiere Vintage Volkswagen club for Central Ohio. We Strive to share knowledge and resources while having plenty of fun and we welcome everyone interested in classic air-cooled as well as newer water-cooled VW products. Annually we host Ohio’s largest Volkswagen Car show & swapmeet ‘Volksfest’ to benefit kids ‘n camp; an independent non-profit organization, devoted to the needs of children with cancer. MARION ’S OLDEST IMPORT AUTO REPAIR Zundfolge Bill Huntsman, Owner Zundfolge (translated ‘firing order’) is published monthly by the Central Ohio Vintage Volkswagen Club. Its purpose is to keep us informed and running smoothly, while providing knowledge and enthusiam into the Classic VW Community. Members are encouraged to submit articles and photos for the newsletter. Please contact the Editor for more information. * Classified and Wanted ads are free for members. * Submission Deadline is the 15th of every month. Foreign & Domestic Repair New & Used Foreign Auto Parts Monday - Friday 7am - Licensed 6pm 4330 Indianola Ave. Columbus, OH 43214 740.383.1118 Distributor or 800.686.2250 614.263.4978 624 East Church Street, Marion, Ohio 43302 Factory Data To obtain VW factory information send your serial number to: Pre 1955: VW Brezelffenstervereinigung e.v. Ernst Reter Hagen, Amselweg 4, D 3073 Liebenau, Germany Post 1955: Customer Assistance, Volkswagen AG Postfach, 3180 Wolfsburg 1, Germany Officers & Staff Garrett’s Automotive Detailing By appointment only Mark Garrett 1294 Frisbee Drive Columbus, OH 43224 614.262.2881 garrett48@ameritech.net Specializing in Show Quality Detailing Renew your COVVC Membership! Please take a few minutes to check the expiration date on your mailing label. Please note we now accept membership payments via PayPal! Renewals can also be mailed to: COVVC 3671 Wagram Road, Pickerington, OH 43147 Or see Brenda Easley at our next meeting. Please include your current address, phone and e-mail so we can verify that we have your current info on file. Board of Directors: Brenda Agan Mark Garrett Stark Hughes Ryan Easley Debbie Garrett Ryan Cisco Tom Kern Mike Roecker Mike Williams Ted Bailey Ann Gilman Secretary Treasurer Membership Historian Tech Advisor Tech Advisor Tech Advisor Zundfolge Ed. Web Editor Ted Chaney Todd Sichel Brenda Easley Kyle Ray Carl Dewhurst Bill Huntsman Jim Meyer Brian Knoll Ann Gillman www.COVVC.org bagan@insight.rr.com garrett48@ameritech.net covvc42@earthlink.net one_kungfu@yahoo.com garrett48@ameritech.net ryancisco@gmail.com tomkern3656@gmail.com michaelroecker@gmail.com kawasaki6r@aol.com baileyted@msn.com agillman@aol.com 614.323.2593 614.262.2881 614.843.0751 614.570.4179 614.262.2881 740.709.0183 614.876.8902 216.233.4456 937.390.3794 614.771.0358 614.891.3733 tedchaney2wowway.com aafstodd@sbcglobal.net breasley444@yahoo.com k.ray87@yahoo.com Columbus Area Marion Area Circleville Area 614.882.5878 614.252.1431 614.309.8177 614.332.2527 614.830.0111 740.389.3187 740.474.4410 knollb@ohiofreemason.com 937.206.9293 agillman@aol.com 614.891.3733 7 13671 Wagram Rd Pickerington OH 43147 First Last 00/00 123 Address City, OH 00000 Gathering Garretts! Gathering at at thethe Garretts! July10th, meeting and socializer. July10th, 20142014 ClubClub meeting and socializer. Starting 6:30, with meeting to at follow 7:30. meeting - Last meeting Volksfest! Starting at 6:30,atwith meeting to follow 7:30.at- Last before before Volksfest! a pot luck, This willThis be awill potbe luck, like the like the successful June meeting, and successful June meeting, and also BYOB. also BYOB. Plates,plastic cups, wear plastic wear and Plates, cups, and snacks will be provided. snacks will be provided. The revamped toywill room The revamped toy room be will be for viewing, with a bon open foropen viewing, with a bon fireafter for all the meeting. fire for all theafter meeting. - 1294 Frisbee Dr., AddressAddress - 1294 Frisbee Dr., Columbus, OH 43224. Columbus, OH 43224. Call us at 614-262-2881, Call us at 614-262-2881, or e- or email at garrett48@ameritech.net mail at garrett48@ameritech.net
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