Fall 2013 Newsletter pdf - Father Lacombe Care Centre Foundation


Fall 2013 Newsletter pdf - Father Lacombe Care Centre Foundation
Growing a Caring Community
$15 Million Capital Campaign
270 Providence Blvd. SE
Calgary, AB T2X 0V6
For more than 100 years, the Father Lacombe Care Centre has provided an extraordinary home-like
environment for adults who can no longer care for themselves.
Reception:: 403-256-4641
Foundation: 403-254-6280
E-mail: foundation@FLNH.net
In response to current and anticipated needs, we are planning to more than double access to our
Raymond Cormie,
Executive Director
Evelyn Stewart,
Director of Development
and will provide an additional 160 people with the same personalized care for which the Father
We’re on the web!
unique brand of care by constructing a $38.5 million ‘sister’ facility on the same South Calgary
Lead Story Headline
property in the community of Midnapore. The new facility will be known as Providence Care Centre
Lacombe Care Centre is renowned.
Published Fall 2013
Donations are needed to address construction costs, furnishing and equipping the new home as well
Role of the Foundation
Taking Care of You
Accreditation with
Exemplary Standing
Great Scott!!!
A Resident Story
Alberta Flood 2013
Donate Your Way
Pennies from Heaven
Summer Fun
Gala 2014
as landscaping and building a chapel. Every gift is unique and received with gratitude. There are a
variety of giving options and our Foundation staff would be delighted to discuss these with you to
ensure your gift truly makes a difference in the way you intend.
Thank you!
Mail To:
Father Lacombe Care Centre Foundation
270 Providence Blvd. SE
Calgary AB T2X 0V6
Donate on line:
Go to our website at www.FLCCFoundation.ca
Look for
Careers Next Generation 6
Please accept my charitable gift of: $1,000 ____ $250 ____ $100 ____ $35 ___ Other $____
Please direct my donation to: Providence Care Centre _____ Chapel Fund _____ Greatest Need ______
Cheques should be made payable to Father Lacombe Care Centre Foundation.
I prefer to charge my: VISA ______
MasterCard ______
Name (on Card): __________________________________
Signature :_________________________________
Card #:__________________________________________
Expiry Date: ________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City/Prov:_____________________ PC:_________
Charitable Registration # 855297867-RR0001
Talisman Choir
Bean Growing
Quality of Life for
Residents at FLCC
Dates to Remember
Growing a Caring
The dream, that has been over a
decade in the making, is becoming
a reality for the Sisters of Providence. If you have driven by our
site recently, you will notice that
the fence is up, the pond is drained
and the construction trailers are
on site. The ground is about to
start churning as construction
gets underway for Providence
Care Centre.
Care Centre. “I’m pleased and
proud that Bird will lead execution
of this important project.” said
Raymond Cormie, Executive Director of Father Lacombe Care Centre. “Like the Father Lacombe
Care Centre, Bird has a long record of client satisfaction and a
deep commitment to safety, fairness, teamwork, honesty and
The project is expected to take 20
months therefore we are anticipating the new 160 residents will start
moving in April or May 2015.
Our donors and volunteers are
a very critical partner also in
making this dream become
reality. Indeed, the new
Home could not be built
without the 15 million dollars from the community.
Bird Construction has been selected as the general contractor for
construction of the Providence
Campaign Chairman Chris Hemstock contends “the generosity of
donors proves that this community
truly cares, respects and admires
our special Home… it is so gratifying to see this kind of faith and
support in action, to have benefactors enthusiastically investing to
create a truly magnificent Home
for today and tomorrow’s elderly”.
Ground Breaking Ceremony
The Sisters of Providence and the
Father Lacombe Care Centre invite
you to attend the:
Friday October 4, 2013 at 2:30pm
Join Bishop Henry, the Sisters of
Providence, the FLCC Board of
Directors and the FLCC Foundation
Board of Trustees to lay witness to
the shovels going in the ground.
There will be opportunities for
pictures and you are invited to
stay for a reception and enjoy the
displays depicting the amazing
journey of the Sisters of Providence leading up to this remarkable day.
Please RSVP to aclancy@flnh.net or
phone 403-254-6279
A Caring Community
Page 2
Role of the Foundation in the Capital Campaign
I have been fortunate that family
members have been residents of
Father Lacombe Care Centre
through the years. The staff, Sisters and volunteers create such a
warm and caring environment. I
am one of the fortunate ones.
Chris Hemstock
Capital Campaign Cabinet
Unfortunately, there comes a time
for many seniors when living at
home—even with help—is no longer a viable option. At any given
time, over a thousand Albertans
are awaiting placement into continuing care homes just like Father
Lacombe Care Centre. That chal-
lenge is now being compounded by
a wave of baby-boomers who will
double the population of Albertans
over the age of 75 within the next
20 years.
Father Lacombe Care Centre has a
103 year track record of providing
exemplary compassionate care for
seniors and their families. Our
new Providence Care Centre will
continue that legacy of caring by
providing rooms for 160 new residents making a total of 274 residents in our care.
I accepted the role of Chair for the
15 million dollar capital campaign
because I believe in and recognize
the important role Father Lacombe
Care Centre can play in supporting
seniors to age successfully by
keeping bodies moving, brains
active and spirits lifted.
I invite you to join us as a champion of our new care home. Now is
the time to make an investment in
our exciting project that will support seniors for many years to
Taking Care of You
“Life is not the way it’s supposed to
be. It’s the way it is. The way you
cope with it is what makes the
difference……… The way in which
you respond will direct and influence the event more than the
event itself”.
‘Powerful Tools for Caregiving
similar situations, feelings and
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed? guilty? exhausted?
alone? sad? stressed? ……….if so –
be assured you are normal. Come
and have coffee and conversation
with others who are dealing with
Family Caregiver Group –
4th Wed of the Month at 1:15 pm.
Please contact Judy Axelson, RSW
at 403-254-6284 if you would like
to attend.
ly, our accreditation result is a
testament to our talented, dedicated frontline staff, an engaged
board of directors and a leadership team that is driven to delivering excellence in continuing care,”
said Raymond Cormie, Executive
Director of the Father Lacombe
Care Centre.
“We are very proud of this
achievement, but more important-
Windy Nicklin, President and CEO,
Accreditation Canada stated, “It is
apparent that the organization has
a strong focus on risk management and quality improvement.
Since its previous Accreditation in
2009, Father Lacombe Care Centre has initiated many improvements to its services. Evidence of
the positive effects of these
changes has been demonstrated
and encouragement is offered to
communicate these successes
Page 7
Bean Growing Contest
Every year, residents and staff
team up for the Bean Growing
contest. At the end of a four week
period, the measuring stick comes
out and the beans are all measured.
The winners this year were Roy
McNutt and Jacalyn Ellias, West
Program Manager.
Donations for Quality of Life at Father Lacombe Care Centre
So much of our fund raising activities are focused on the construction and furnishing of the new
Providence Care Centre. We can’t
loose sight of those special residents we care for at Father
Lacombe Care Centre today.
Donations help significantly to
contribute toward quality of life
and there is an ongoing need for
donations to ensure these programs continue and equipment
remains in good working order.
As great as we believe our maintenance staff are at fixing and re-
Accreditation with Exemplary Standing
Father Lacombe Care Centre received from Accreditation Canada,
the highest possible level of accreditation; Exemplary. This is
the highest of four possible accreditation awards following a
comprehensive survey process
and review conducted in February
A Caring Community
pairing, there comes a time when
an item is no longer fixable! Equipment like lifts and beds are in
constant demand.
Computers for the residents to
use are in desperate need of replacing and upgrading. Residents
use the computers to keep in touch
with loved ones, often scattered
across the country. Grandkids are
a wonderful source of delight for
the residents and how many young
people do you know today that
actually sit down and put pen to
paper writing a letter to Gran.
Donations support outings and
birthday parties, activities
many of us take for granted but mean so much for
the residents.
How can you help? All
donation, regardless
of their size do make
a difference and are put to use.
You can leave it at the discretion
of the Board of Trustees to determine the greatest need at the time
or contact the Foundation office
for particulars on current needs.
Thank you for your support.
Memorable Dates to Enjoy at Father Lacombe Care Centre
Remembrance Day
Oct 3 William Watson Lodge Outing
Nov 6 Legion Branch 285
to preside over service.
Oct 4 Ground Breaking Ceremony
Happy Halloween—October 31
Oct 13 Thanksgiving Dinner
Pumpkin Carving Contest Staff
Pre-School Costume Parade
Halloween Costume Party
A Caring Community
Page 6
Careers—Next Generation
During the course of 8 weeks, the
Therapeutics Department had the
pleasure of once again participating in the Careers Next Generation
Program. This program is for
Grade 11 High School Students, and
is a unique, non-profit organization
raising youth awareness of career
options and helping students earn
while they learn through internships. They partner with government, educators, communities,
industry, parents and students to
introduce youth to rewarding careers and develop the skilled
workers of the future.
This year we had hired 3 grade 11
students, Delaney Schofer and
Shannon Kavanagh, who had
Talisman Choir Entertains Residents
A Caring Community
Page 3
Great Scott!!
worked within the Recreation
Therapy Department, and Jordon
Greenfield who had worked within
the Occupational Therapy and
Physiotherapy Department.
Over the course of the summer, it
was a pleasure to see each student grow and develop in their
roles. Each had shown a great
level of maturity and appreciation
to both the resident and staff of
Father Lacombe Care Centre. We
wish each of them well on their
future endeavors!
Georgie and Erven met in Calgary
at the United Church pastoral
centre while attending a program
and have been happily married for
44 wonderful years. “Every Day is
a record for us”, says Erven. The
couple has 5 adult children and 7
grandchildren and consider themselves blessed as they are all living
in town.
Musical talent was also in her
genes. Georgie plays the banjo and
guitar! Together, she and Erven
would frequently gather with
friends and other musicians to
entertain guests. Even today, they
venture out to a jam session located in their good friend’s garage,
play their instruments and have a
great old sing-a –long.
Escaping the Calgary winters was
a great passtime for Georgie and
Erven. They spent six adventuresome winters holidaying in Yuma,
Arizona. During those memorable
holidays Georgie and Erven enjoyed numerous activities under
the heat of the Arizona sun.
When Erven isn’t working swathing
the fields, a commitment to friends
he upholds annually, he spends a
good part of his day and evening
with Georgie at Father Lacombe
Care Centre. Every morning,
Georgie gets ready for the day
with the help of her health care
aides. Her days can be filled with
exercise classes, painting in the
sun room and attending the many
special events. She participated in
the annual bean growing contest
where she came in second! There
is no end to this wonderful lady’s
After a few painting lessons, Georgia discovered she had a knack for
painting. She is without a doubt a
gifted painter, you just need to look
around her room. Being so talented and gifted, Georgia gave sewing
instruction, taught heirloom sewing and made teddy bears that any
child would want to cuddle.
Georgie’s talents were acknowledged through the many awards
she received by entering her oneof-a-kind pieces of work in the
Calgary Stampede.
During her time in Yuma, Georgia
gave sewing instructions to others
on how to sew Teddy Bears and
also taught heirloom sewing. She
designed and created children’s
dresses with hand embroidered
But Georgie isn’t afraid of hard
work either. She spends time with
Marvilla, her physiotherapist. Of
course, her report is nothing short
of wonderful. Way to go Georgie!
In closing, I ask my friends Georgie
and Erven what brought them to
Father Lacombe Care Centre back
in 2011. Georgie suffered a stroke
while in Yuma. She was hospitalized there and really doesn’t recall
much, including when her five
children flew in to be by her side.
Very quickly, a decision was made
to bring Georgie
back to Calgary
where she spent
time at the Foothills
It wasn’t very long
when the time came
for Erven to find a
comfortable and
supportive home
environment for
Georgie. Following
some good advice,
Erven sought out
Father Lacombe Care Centre. “I
didn’t even know there was a care
centre here. Then I started hearing
good rumors about it so I decided
to have a visit. When I first drove
up to Father Lacombe Care Centre
I was impressed with the beautifully groomed grounds. We are not
Catholic, but we were welcomed
with open arms. When I walked in
and experienced how friendly the
staff and volunteers were, I was so
“You know”, says Erven, “a building
does not make a home, the people
inside make the home. I feel this is
the best care home in Calgary and maybe the best in Canada!”
“The presence of the Sisters of
Providence is so great here, and
they really have their eyes open
here and do a great job!” Both
Georgie and Erven are happy, and
are truly part of the Father
Lacombe Care Centre family.
A Caring Community
Page 4
Staff and Volunteers Support Those Affected by the Alberta Flood 2013
They say “charity
starts at home”.
Our staff and volunteers give a lot;
they give generously of the time and
resources, but
when the communiBruce Hoover, Manager Maintenance ty needs help, they are quick to
Services, packs the truck with gen- step up to the plate.
erously donated items.
In June, when the City of Calgary
and surrounding communities
were hard hit with the floods, the
staff got together and asked “what
can we do to help?”
For those who wished, cash contributions were made and given to
the Canadian Red Cross, Alberta
Flood Fund.
The challenge was put up to contribute 500 pounds of food and
household items for those in need.
Both staff and volunteers signed
up for the challenge. Food started
arriving and was piling up in the
front lobby.
In the end, over 700 pounds of
food and household goods were
taken to the Calgary Food Bank.
Special thanks is extended to all
who made a contribution. It truly
does make a difference to those
who received it.
Donate Your Way
Let us take care
of the children,
for they have a
long way to go.
Let us take care
of the elder, for
they have come a
long way.
Let us take care
of those in
for they are
doing the work.
A bequest to Father Lacombe Care
Centre Foundation (FLCCF) in your
Will is a magnanimous gesture of
kindness and generosity that will
greatly enhance end-of-life care
for seniors.
A charitable bequest is a donation
that you specify in your Will. To
include FLCCF in your Will, work
with your lawyer or notary to create a new Will or to add a codicil to
your existing Will. The staff in the
Foundation are pleased to work
with your council to ensure the
funds will go where you intend.
There are several types of be-
A Caring Community
Resident and Families Summer Activities
Over 500 flapjacks had been
served up by our local Fish Creek
Rotary Club, which helped to make
this year’s Stampede Breakfast a
most memorable experience.
The event was well attended by
residents, families and staff. Entertainment which had been provided by “Mary Resek”, helped get
folks into the Stampede Spirit, and
in fact helped staff join in their
very own conga line!
“A special thanks to the Aramark
quests you can make – all are
helpful, All are appreciated no
matter what size:
Specific bequest – you designate
the specific dollar amount
Residual bequest – you donate the
remainder of your estate after all
other bequests, debts, taxes and
expenses have been paid
Contingent bequest – you make a
bequest to FLCCF if other bequests
in your Will cannot be fulfilled (for
example, if your beneficiaries
predecease you).
If you wish, please let us know you have
remembered the seniors through a
bequest to FLCCF. So often, bequests
come in and we haven't had the
opportunity to thank the donors. If
you are comfortable doing so,
please let us know.
But like everything else in life,
there is an abundance of ideas but
Thanks to all the pennies you
dropped in the barrel, We are
Later in the summer, residents
were treated to a wonderful summer BBQ. What a garden party it
was! We were fortunate to have
beautiful clear skies for both our
resident & family BBQ’s. We heard
rave reviews about the amazing
meals served up, which included:
bbq baby back ribs, rotisserie
chicken, corn on the cob, summer
salads, and to top it all off, our
very own ice cream sundae bar!
Also, having the
opportunity to
enjoy the summer outdoors
on our newly
w a s
enjoyed by
all who attended.
Some Enchanted Evening
Pennies from Heaven
a lack of funding. Pennies do make
a difference. They help to fund
outings, birthday parties, boat
rides, music therapy and equipment such as beds and lifts.
staff and the Fish Creek Rotary
Club for helping make this years
Stampede Breakfast such a great
meet residents’ changing needs in
the future, FLCCF encourages you
to consider making your bequest
as an unrestricted gift. This will
allow the current and future
boards of trustees to use your
money in the areas of greatest
need at the time it is received.
To provide the most flexibility to
We continue to build on the success of our programs for the residents of Father Lacombe Care
Centre. Quality of life is paramount in all we do.
Page 5
pleased to tell you we have raised
Even though the barrel is no longer
at the front door, we continue to
accept donations in the Foundation
office. You really can make a difference…. one penny at a time!
We are proud to announce that our
theme for our 15 th Annual Legacy
Dinner will be “South Pacific”!
Be sure to keep May 2nd, 2014
open as we are planning a great
evening of fun and entertainment
which will sweep you off to the
islands of the South Pacific. It will
be “some enchanted evening”
where you may meet a “stranger
across a crowded room!”
We depend on this event for financial support toward the cost of
construction and equipment for
Providence Care Centre. If you
have a few hours you can give, we
would like to invite you to get involved on the organizing commit-
Please contact the Foundation
Office for more information at