riders` roadbook 2015
riders` roadbook 2015
NICE-GENEVA RIDERS’ ROADBOOK 2015 CONTENTS 3 Introduction 4 Follow the race 5 Haute Route App by TwoNav 6 Your Week Overview 7 Main Rules & Regulations 8 Race Management 9 Signage 10 Race Village in Nice 11 Registration Day 12 Typical Day On/Off The Bike 13 Massage process & Extra services 14 Accommodation Overview 15 Nice: Accommodation 17 Stage 1: Nice - Auron 18 Auron: Accommodation 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 Stage 2: Auron - Briançon Briançon: Accommodation Time Trial Process Stage 3: Serre Chevalier - Col du Granon Stage 4: Serre Chevalier - Les Deux Alpes Les Deux Alpes: Accommodation Stage 5: Les Deux Alpes - La Toussuire La Toussuire: Accommodation Stage 6: La Toussuire - Megève Megève: Accommodation Stage 7: Megève - Geneva Geneva: Accommodation Final Day Haute Route Partners Contacts 2 INTRODUCTION Dear rider, Cher coureur, Welcome to this year’s Haute Route Alps. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is in place to deliver the best organised edition of the race yet. Bienvenue à la Haute Route Alpes 2015. Nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour que vous passiez une semaine inoubliable. Part of that process is the publication of this Roadbook. Its purpose is to provide a comprehensive guide outlining all the information you will need during the week, both on and off the bike. Inside you will find details on the registration process, your accommodation and technical stage information including details of the mechanical and medical assistance provided. Nous sommes heureux de vous adresser votre Roadbook. Ce guide a pour objectif de vous fournir toute l’information dont vous aurez besoin pendant la semaine, à vélo et une fois descendu du vélo. Vous trouverez ainsi tous les détails sur le Village Départ, votre hébergement et les informations importantes sur chaque étape, y compris l’assistance mécanique et médicale. We also outline how you and your supporters can follow the race live through our social media channels, the best way to access stage results and the contact details of our Rider Services team should you have any problems during the week. Between now and the event you can also reach the team directly through the live chat function on our website (www.hauteroute.org). Nous vous présentons également comment vous et vos proches pourrez suivre l’événement en direct sur nos réseaux sociaux, la meilleure façon d’accéder aux résultats et comment contacter notre équipe Relations participants si vous rencontrez un problème pendant la semaine. Jusqu’à l’événement, n’oubliez pas que vous pouvez contacter notre équipe via le Online Chat accessible sur notre site internet (www.hauteroute.org). Wishing you the very best of luck with your final preparations. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne fin de préparation. The Haute Route Team L’équipe de la Haute Route 3 FOLLOW THE RACE A number of digital and social media services have been put in place to help you through the week and let you share your Haute Route story with family, friends and the wider cycling community. HOW TO F OLL OW TH E RA C E Check out the ‘LIVE’ page on the Haute Route’s official website as the race unfolds. Live updates from the course will be published along with the day’s results, rankings, intermediate times, video content, photos, rider blogs, news and more. • The best of the content will also appear on the Haute Route’s multiple social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Strava. • Finally you will receive a daily ‘Friends & Family’ email during the race featuring the best images, event videos and stories from the peloton. • R E S U LT S Daily results and overall Solo and Team classifications will be published on the ‘LIVE’ page of our official website as soon as possible after each stage. Split times on some of the course’s main ascents will also be made available. S O C I A L M E D I A S E RV I C E S Sign up to the following services at http://hauteroute.org/riderssocialmedia Text updates with Live Chrono Subscribe to the free Live Chrono application, which will instantly share a message on your Twitter feed at the start and finish of each stage. Personalised photos by PhotoRunning Four photographers will be stationed along the route on each stage. PhotoRunning offers you the possibility to have your photos automatically posted on to your Facebook wall for free at the end of each stage. Personalised video clips by iRewind Purchase daily personalised videos of your ride. Seven unforgettable days captured in seven unique movies that you can show to your friends and family and share on your social media channels. Content upload corner provided by Kinomap An upload corner will be situated in the Riders’ lounge of each finish village allowing you to share data from each stage online with your cycling friends on Kinomap and Strava. 4 H A U T E R O U T E A P P B Y T W O N AV A bespoke Haute Route app provided by TwoNav allows riders to locate their hotels and other services in and around the race village (lunch area, briefing, massages. The app also provides important course information. It will be available to download on the App Store and Google Play on August 7th and will be free to use on and offline on a variety of smartphone devices. HOW TO DO WN LO AD IT? You can download it for free on the App Store (iPhone users) or Google Play (other smartphones). Search for ‘HAUTE ROUTE’. Once you have it on your device, the app will ask you to download content including maps, tracks and points of interest. Full content is about 150MB. Some updates will be available. To update your App, close and reopen it. HOW TO US E IT? On the app you can navigate between ‘Places’ and ‘Stages’. In ‘Places’ you can find the location of all the points of interest for each venue: hotels, race Village, briefing etc. In ‘Stages’ you can find details on each Haute Route stage including course maps and profiles. Places 1. In Places, select the venue of your choice 2. Select the point of interest you want to go to e.g.: your hotel 3. Choose to see the location of your hotel on the map OR allow the app to calculate the shortest route from your current location to the hotel 4. To see another point of interest, go back to the previous screen Stages 1. In Stages, select the stage of your choice 2. Click on the flags to see the course map 3. Go back to the previous screen and click on the graphic to see the profile 5 YOUR W E E K O V E R V I E W NICE – GENEVA Now in its fifth year, the Haute Route Alps will again offer an exceptionally tough timed and ranked challenge across some of the most beautiful and unspoilt mountains in Europe. The course of the 2015 Haute Route Alps features 22 cols and ascents spread over seven timed stages. Saturday 22nd August Race Village in Nice Open between 9.00am and 6.00pm Non-timed parade at 4.00pm Race Support briefing at 5.00pm Riders’ briefing at 6.00pm Wednesday 26th August Serre Chevalier – Les Deux Alpes 168km | 4,200M+ Thursday 27th August Les Deux Alpes – La Toussuire 115km | 3,550M+ Sunday 23rd August Nice – Auron 125km | 3,300M+ Friday 28th August La Toussuire – Megève 156km | 3,800M+ Monday 24th August Auron – Briançon 150km | 3,950M+ Saturday 29th August Megève – Geneva 129km | 2,300M+ Closing party at 7.00pm HAUTE ROUTE ALPS Tuesday 25th August Individual Time Trial Serre Chevalier – Col du Granon 12km | 1,050M+ NICE - GENEVA 23 RD - 29 TH AUGUST 2015 FINISH GENEVA MEGÈVE M STAGE 6 FRIDAY 28TH AUGUST A STAGE 7 SATURDAY 29TH AUGUST STAGE 3 TUESDAY T 25TH AUGUST COL DU GRANON BRIANÇON LA TOUSSUIR TOUSSUIRE RE E STAGE 5 THURSDAY 27TH AUGUST SERRE CHEVALIER CH STAGE 1 SUNDAY 23RD AUGUST LES DEUX ALPES L STAGE 4 WEDNESDAY 26TH H AUGUST STAGE 2 MONDAY 24TH AUGUST AURON AU START NICE 3 6 M A I N R U L E S & R E G U L AT I O N S R U L E S & R E G U L AT I O N S It is important to be aware of all the Rules & Regulations of the Haute Route which include timekeeping & rankings, time limits, equipment allowed, safety, medical and personal assistance, anti-doping and other important topics. View the rules in full here: http://www.hauteroute.org/downloads/HRA2015_RulesRegulations.pdf Key points: • Ride on the right hand side of the road • Respect traffic signs of the Haute Route • Respect traffic lights if they is no marshal present • Respect other road users (not involved in the race) Wear a hardshell helmet at all times • Wear your bib on your back • Position your frame plate on the front of your handlebars • S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y By entering the Haute Route, you commit to respect the environment and the natural areas visited. It is strictly forbidden to leave any type of waste (paper, plastic packaging etc) on the race course. Any rider caught throwing waste on the race course will be disqualified. There will be a zero tolerance policy on this. See chart: http://www.hauteroute.org/downloads/HR_2015_-_Riders_Sustainability_Charter.pdf P E N A LT Y C H A R T In order to maintain a high standard of safety, the jury will apply penalties for any rider who does not comply with our Rules & Regulations. See details of the penalties here: http://www.hauteroute.org/downloads/HR_2015-Penalty_Chart.pdf PROTEST Any rider wishing to protest his/her timing or report an infringement by a competitor should fill out a protest form available at the Info Point within two hours of finishing the stage. The protest will be considered by the race organisation. Adjudications will be displayed on the main information board at that evening’s rider briefing. Retrouvez ces informations en français : http://www.hauteroute.org/downloads/Reglement_Assistance_Alpes.pdf 7 RACE MANAGEMENT R A C E O R G A N I S AT I O N T E C H N I C A L A S S I S TA N C E Race assistance • Mavic is the only party authorised to provide assistance on the course outside of designated feed stations. Riders receiving outside assistance - mechanical or otherwise - are liable to penalties and ultimately disqualification • Every participant is expected to be self-sufficient in case of a puncture If you suffer a mechanical, please be patient and inform the driver of the closest race vehicle - they will inform Mavic. Assistance in the race village Mavic will have a booth at each race village. The team will attempt to resolve issues with wheels, derailleurs and tyres. Replacement parts, spares and accessories Mavic will not provide spare parts. Although there may be some bike shops close to the course, we recommend you bring specific spares including: • A rear-mech hanger • Allen keys specific to your bike • Spare brake blocks (front and rear) • Inner tubes with the correct length valves and CO2 cans or a pump M E D I C A L A S S I S TA N C E Medical emergency number + 33 6 84 84 53 05 European rescue number 112 Available 24/7: • Emergency doctors • Professional nurses • Ambulances EMERGENCY Emergency.indd 1 26/06/2014 11:23 8 SIGNAGE RACE SIGNAGE Warning narrowroad.pdf 1 01/07/2013 Danger 08:54 Steep Decent.pdf 1 26/06/2013 15:04 Successive Turns.pdf 1 26/06/2013 gravel.pdf 15:06 1 01/07/2013 08:51 ROADWAYDISTORTED.pdf 1 01/07/2013 08:45 danger.pdf 1 01/07/2013 08:50 C C M C M Y K C M Y CM MY C M Y CM MY CY M Y CM MY C M Y CM CMY Y CM MY CM MY MY CY CY CMY CMY CY CY CY K K CMY CMY CMY K K K ATTENTION ATTENTION CHAUSSEE RETRECIE NARROW ROAD DESCENTE DANGEREUSE STEEP DESCENT DANGEROUS DESCENT SUCCESSION DE VIRAGES SUCCESSIVE TURNS TURNS AHEAD DANGER DANGER GRAVILLONS RISK GRAVEL GRAVEL CHAUSSEE DEFORMEE ROADWAY DISTORTED UNEVEN ROAD ATTENTION DANGER! Timing INTERMEDIATE START OF TIMED SECTION INTERMEDIATE TIME SECTION END OF TIMED SECTION TIME SECTION Distance to the summit Summit 5km.pdf C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 1 17/07/2013 08:47 meetingroom.pdf 5KM 1 17/07/2013 Finish 50km.pdf 08:47 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K SOMMET SUMMIT Refreshment point Distance to the finish 1KM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K SOMMET SUMMIT 1 09/07/2013 16:24 Finish 10km.pdf ARRIVEE FINISH C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 50KM 1 18/06/2013 15:10 ARRIVEE FINISH RAVITAILLEMENT REFRESHMENT POINT REFRESHMENT POINT START ZONE 1KM 10KM REFRESHMENT POINT END ZONE VILLAGE SIGNAGE The different services offered in the Race Village are identified by these signs: i P BicyclePark.indd 1 MASSAGES INFO POINT BIKE PARK 19/06/2014 16:30 INFO.indd 1 19/06/2014 14:01 Physio.indd 1 Shower.indd 1 SHUTTLE RIDERS MEAL SHOWERS 19/06/2014 14:04 24/06/2014 15:32 Meal.indd 1 19/06/2014 14:02 Parking.indd 1 14/07/2014 13:16 V E H I C L E A C C R E D I TAT I O N Car front Car back MEDICAL 87 87 ORGANISATION 1 1 MEDIA 51 51 PARTNER 72 72 Moto 1 9 RACE VILLAGE IN NICE All riders are required to register in the Race Village on Saturday 22nd August between 9.00am and 6.00pm. Where possible we advise competitors to arrive before midday to allow time to take part in the non-mandatory rider parade at 4pm. The village will be located on the Quai des Etats-Unis, 06000 Nice (a few metres from the Théâtre de Verdure). HOW TO GET THERE? From Nice airport • Take bus 98 in front of terminal 1 or 2 and get off at the stop ‘Albert 1er/Phocéens’. Estimated duration: 30 minutes • Taxis are available outside the terminal buildings. Estimated duration: 15 minutes. From Nice Ville train station • Take Tram1 at the stop ‘Gare Thiers’ and get off at the stop ‘Masséna’, then walk to the Quai des Etats-Unis. Estimated duration: 20 minutes. • Taxis are available outside the train station. Estimated duration: 10 minutes. • Walk to the Quai des Etats-Unis. Estimated duration: 20 minutes Public transport in Nice Nice is well served by bus and tram. More information at http://www.lignesdazur.com/ W H AT I S I N C L U D E D I N Y O U R R A C E PA C K ? On registration in Nice you will collect your race pack containing the following items: • Travel bag (90L) - to transport your belongings between each stage • Backpack (25L) - to put your change of clothes for each day, dropped off at the start and collected at the finish • 2 bib numbers & pins + 1 bike plate & cable ties • Haute Route ID card (Meal & Accommodation) • 1 Haute Route Waterproof pouch • 1 red back light • 1 Overstim.s recovery drink • 1 Haute Route microfiber Compressport towel (for massages) • Bike stickers with stage profile information • Hotel and Bib tags to display respectively on your Haute Route travel bag and backpack You will find in your envelope vouchers to redeem the following products at our partners’ booths in the race village: • Mavic official Haute Route kit (1 jersey + 1 bib short + 1 pair of arm warmers) • 1 pair of Compressport socks A A A A A 10 R E G I S T R AT I O N D AY The Race Village will be open between 9.00am and 6.00pm. Before exploring the village and visiting partners’ and exhibitors’ booths, make sure you follow the steps outlined here. A Kiss & Ride car park will be located near the entrance of the Race Village. You can park for 10 minutes to take your bike box and luggage out. Assemble your bike in the dedicated bike build area provided by Scicon. Once your bike is assembled, you will have to pass a bike check. The bike’s brakes, wheels, general condition and your helmet will be checked by the organisation. You can then leave your bike in the secure bike park. To collect your bib and Haute Route pack, you will need one form of ID. Once you’ve collected your pack, attach your bike plate on to your handlebars. It is forbidden to alter, cut or fold your bike plate. Bring your bike box to the trucks where it will be stored during the event. The luggage you brought with you on your arrival (we recommend a soft bag) has to fit inside your 90 litre Haute Route travel bag. The race organisation will not transport any other bag or wheels during stages. We invite you to meet your teammates at 3.30pm before the start of the parade. Signs with the name of your team will be located around the outside of the bike park. The non-timed parade will start at 4.00pm in the Race Village. You will ride 8 kilometres on the Promenade des Anglais. After the parade you can leave your bike at the secure bike park to attend the briefing. The first briefing of the week will take place at the Centre Universitaire Méditarranéen (CUM) at 6.00pm, 65 Promenade des Anglais, 0600 Nice. Attendance is mandatory. To start the Haute Route the right way, we invite you to the Pasta Party which will take place at the Théâtre de Verdure after the briefing. Finally don’t forget to explore the race village; purchase a coffee card for the week from Claud the Butler and visit our partners’ stands. 11 T Y P I C A L D AY O N / O F F T H E B I K E ON THE BIKE 6.00am* - Wake up / breakfast / leave your Haute Route travel bag in the lobby of your hotel (or at the start line backpack drop off if you arranged your own accommodation). Make sure your travel bag weighs less than 20kg. 7.00am* - Ride to the start line 7.30am* - Start of the race. There is a starting block for the first 75 riders according to the overall ranking (there is no preferential starting block for the first stage) 11.30am - 5.30pm - Arrive at the finish line *Times are indicative and vary for each stage OFF THE BIKE 11.30am - 5.30pm • Cross the finish line, go to the refreshment point (water and coke) • Pick up your backpack at the collection point near the finish line • Drop off your bike at the Village bike park • Book your massage at the Info Point • Lunch • Shower in your hotel or in the Village • Massage in the Village or in your hotel (for Fast-Track holders) / relax in the rider’s lounge • Advice: consider exploring the host town to find and book a restaurant for the evening (dinner is not provided by the organisation) • Check your results on the official board by the Info Point • Go to your hotel where you will find your travel bag in the lobby (or pick up your travel bag at the Info Point if you have arranged your own accommodation) 6.00pm - 7.00pm - Daily briefing - MANDATORY - followed by the official prize giving ceremony and the riders’ apéritif W H AT T O TA K E W I T H Y O U O N E A C H S TA G E ? While every rider will have their own personal preference, this is a suggested list of what to take on the bike and in your backpack (dropped off at the start/collected at the finish of each stage): On the bike: • A windbreaker/gillet • Water/drinks bottles • Cereal bars, dried fruits, energy gels • A pair of sunglasses • A mobile phone in your waterproof pouch • Spare inner tubes or tubeless tyre • Tyre-levers • A pump or a CO2 canister • A multi-tool including chain tool In your backpack: • Spare shoes • High-protein recovery drink • Change of clothes • Shower gel and towel • Haute Route microfiber Compressport towel for rider massage 12 MASSAGE PROCESS & EXTRA SERVICES MASSAGE PROCESS Book your massage at the Info Point soon after you cross the finish line • Arrive at the massage area at your assigned time; late comers will not be treated. Massages last 15 minutes • Bring your Haute Route Compressport towel to place on the massage table • RIDERS’ LOUNGE A dedicated area for riders to relax after each stage will be set up in the race village and include: • Coffee provided by Claud the Butler and comfortable seating • Free wifi • An Upload Corner provided by Kinomap • A small number of electrical plugs & phone chargers E X T R A S E RV I C E S Fast track option: If you have booked this option, you are guaranteed the best possible hotel location relative to the start/finish of each stage, no hotel shuttles, and post-ride massages within your hotel. You still need to book your massage at the Info Point. Osteopath option: If you have booked this option, you are entitled to the following: • Three dedicated osteopath consultations (dates mentioned on your Haute Route ID card) • Priority access to post-ride massages Head to the Info Point to book to book your consultation time. 13 A C C O M M O D AT I O N O V E R V I E W Thank you for choosing an accommodation package during the event. We will do our best to make your stay a success. 2 * A C C O M M O D AT I O N PA C K A G E Single 2* package: • Single room accommodation. • 8 nights in a 2*, 3* or occasionally 4* hotel, from Saturday night 22/08 (Nice) up to and including Saturday night 29/08 (Geneva). • 8 breakfasts in the hotel from Sunday 23/08 (Nice) to Sunday 30/08 (Geneva). • Pick up and drop off of your official travel bag at your daily accommodation. Double / Twin 2* package: • Double room accommodation (one double bed) OR twin room accommodation (two single beds). • 8 nights in a 2*, 3* or occasionally 4* hotel, from from Saturday night 22/08 (Nice) up to and including Saturday night 29/08 (Geneva). • 8 breakfasts in the hotel from Sunday 23/08 (Nice) to Sunday 30/08 (Geneva). • Pick up and drop off of your official travel bag at your daily accommodation. B A S I C A C C O M M O D AT I O N PA C K A G E 7 nights in shared or dormitory accommodation from the night of Saturday 22/08 (Nice) up to and including the night of Friday 28/08 (Megève). Please note that no accommodation has been arranged in Geneva. • 7 full breakfasts from the 23/08 to the 29/08 (in your accommodation or near the start of each stage). Some breakfasts will be provided outside of your hotel (at restaurants or organised by our partner Casino). Please see hotel description in this roadbook. • Pick up and drop off of your official travel bag at your daily accommodation. • You should bring a sleeping bag and towels as not all locations will provide bed linen etc. (e.g.: schools, dormitories). • Note: Breakfasts are included and will be available at least 2 hours before the start of the stage. We do everything we can to allow riders to store their bike inside their hotel rooms. In some cases, hotels won’t allow this but instead provide a room to store bikes. We highly recommend you to bring a bike lock with you during the event. CAPTIONS OF SERVICES OFFERED AT THE HOTELS Breakfast at the hotel 24h Reception Wellness Center TV in the room Restaurant in the hotel Shuttle between the Race Village and the hotel Swimming Pool WIFI 14 NICE: A C C O M M O D AT I O N HOTEL ADDRESS CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES DISTANCE TO VILLAGE Appart’City Acropolis 18 bis Route de Turin 06200 Nice 3.00pm Lat 43.709441 Long 7.284558 2.7km Campanile Acropolis 58 bd Risso 06200 Nice Campanile Nice Aéroport / Arenas 459, Promenade des Anglais 06200 Nice 3.00pm Comté de Nice 29 rue de Dijon 06200 Nice 3.00pm Esattitude Hôtel 3, rue de Roquebillière 06300 Nice Esprit d’Azur 4.00pm Lat 43.702053 Long 7.279753 Lat 43.666807 Long 7.214745 Lat 43.708493 Long 7.262306 1.9km SERVICES BIKE STORAGE Allowed in Rooms (covered) Storage Room 6.7km Conference Room 2.2km Allowed in rooms (covered) 3.00pm Lat 43.715128 Long 7.289474 4.3km Storage Room 4 rue Barberis 06200 Nice 3.00pm Lat 43.705045 Long 7.282951 2.7km Storage Room Hôtel Busby 38, avenue du Maréchal Joffre 06200 Nice 3.00pm Lat 43.698173 Long 7.261761 1km Hôtel Crillon 44 rue Pastorelli 06200 Nice 3.00pm Lat 43.700136 Long 7.26883 1.3km Hôtel National 64, av. Jean Médecin 06200 Nice 3.00pm Lat 43.705262 Long 7.265175 1.9km Storage Room Storage Room Storage Room 15 NICE: A C C O M M O D AT I O N DISTANCE TO VILLAGE ADDRESS Hôtel Vendome 26 rue Pastorelli 06200 Nice 3.00pm Lat 43.700763 Long 7.271265 1.5km Nicea Hôtel 6 rue Miron 06200 Nice 3.00pm Lat 43.70535 Long 7.268107 1.9km Première Classe Nice Aéroport 385 Promenade des Anglais 06200 Nice CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES HOTEL 3.00pm Lat 43.670957 Long 7.223813 4.9km SERVICES BIKE STORAGE Storage Room Storage Room Storage Room View the location of the hotels online: http://bit.ly/1eFG0P6 Campervan site Parvis de l'Europe, 06200 Nice Lat 43.7076393 Long 7.281691 2.6km 16 S TA G E 1 : N I C E – A U R O N KEY FIGURES Sunday 23rd August 125km | 3,300M+ | 1,750M- 104.3km timed Max. ride time: 8h15 PRATICAL INFO Start - 7.30am Promenade des Anglais, 06000 Nice (Théâtre de Verdure) Finish - between 11.45am and 3.45pm Place d’Auron, 06660 Auron Race Village Place d’Auron, 06660 Auron Briefing - 6.00pm Espace Rovery, Route de Nabinas, 06660 Auron Col de Nice 493M, 328M+ over 4.1km, 8% 1st rider: 8.25am | Last: 8.35am http://veloviewer.com/segment/611470 Col des Portes 1062M, 447M+ over 10.5km, 4.3% 1st rider: 8.55am | Last: 9.40am http://veloviewer.com/segment/3357418 Col St Martin 1,500M, 555M+ over 7.6km, 7.3% 1st rider: 10.03am | Last:12.00pm Auron 1,568M, 353M+ over 4.8km, 7% 1st rider: 11.45am | Last: 3.45pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/1723358 http://veloviewer.com/segment/1600847 17 AURON: A C C O M M O D AT I O N BIKE STORAGE GPS COORDINATES DISTANCE TO VILLAGE 2.00pm Lat 44.226816 Long 6.932152 0.5km Storage Room Las Donnas 3 rue Marie Madeleine 06660 Saint-Etiennede-Tinée 12.00pm Lat 44.225421 Long 6.931413 0.2km Storage Room Le Bataclan Plateau Chastellares 06660 Auron 12.00pm Lat 44.21923 Long 6.924111 2.1km Storage Room Le Chastellares Place d’Auron 06660 Auron 12.00pm Lat 44.225528 Long 7.150292 0.2km Storage Room Le Collet d’Auron Bd Georges Pompidou 06660 Auron 2.00pm Lat 44.226752 Long 6.931506 0.5km L’Ecureuil Bd Georges Pompidou 06660 Auron 2.00pm Lat 44.225186 Long 6.933236 0.2km Storage Room Franceloc Alpina* Voie du Berger 06660 Auron 4.00pm Lat 44.227308 Long 6.935173 0.6km Balcony Franceloc St Etienne* Bd Georges Pompidou 06660 Auron 4.00pm Lat 44.226239 Long 6.933853 0.3km Balcony Gymnase* Gymnase salle des fêtes 06660 SaintÉtienne-de-Tinée 12.00pm Lat 44.2575 Long 6.9225 HOTEL ADDRESS Chalet le Savoie Bd Georges Pompidou 06660 Auron CHECK-IN 7.3km SERVICES Storage Room Shuttle to briefing at 5.30pm Shuttles back at 8.30pm and 9.30pm Storage Room View the location of the hotels online: http://bit.ly/1Jgglt7 Camper van site Route de Nabinas 06660 Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée Lat 44.2575 Long 6.9225 0.8km N.B.: Auron is a small family resort offering limited hotel accommodation. Therefore, we have opted for apartment-style housing. For this reason, there will be two separate twin rooms in one apartment (4 people) sharing one bathroom. Riders who have booked single room packages will share an apartment with two separate bedrooms and one bathroom. However, you will benefit from the confort of your own balcony and personal space. We hope you enjoy your stay. * Breakfast will be available at the Gymnase in Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée. Riders staying in Auron will have to ride down to SaintEtienne-de-Tinée to have breakfast. Breakfast will be served from 5.30am to 7.00am. They will join the secured convoy coming from Auron in Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée. 18 S TA G E 2 : A U R O N – B R I A N Ç O N KEY FIGURES Monday 24th August 150km | 3,950M+ | 4,150M- 115.6km timed Max. ride time: 9h45 Col de la Bonette 2,715M, 1,759M+ over 24.3km, 7.2% 1st rider: 8.55am | Last: 10.35am http://veloviewer.com/segment/4950753 PRATICAL INFO Start - 7.30am Place d’Auron, 06660 Auron Riders sleeping in Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée will join the secured convoy coming from Auron in Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée Finish - between 12.35pm and 5.15pm Place du Téléphérique, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey Race Village Place du Téléphérique, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey Briefing - 6.00pm Salle du Serre d’Aigle, Place du Téléphérique, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey AND Casino Barrière, 7 Avenue Maurice Petsche, 05100 Briançon (Depending on accommodation location) Laundry service - 6.00pm Drop off up to 2 items of cycling kit before the briefing Col de Vars 2,109M, 834M+ over 13.8km, 6% 1st rider: 10.00am | Last: 12.50pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/4972333 Col d’Izoard 2,360M,1,001M+ over 14.5km, 7% 1st rider: 11.35pm | Last: 4.15pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/665924 19 BRIANÇON: A C C O M M O D AT I O N BIKE STORAGE HOTEL ADDRESS CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES DISTANCE TO VILLAGE Auberge de l’Impossible 43 Avenue de Savoie 05100 Briançon 4.00pm Lat 44.912829 Long 6.623670 3.9km Storage Room Chalet Pyrène 77b rue de la Guisane, 05240 La Salle Les Alpes 12.00pm 3.2km Storage Room Christiania 23 Route de Briançon 05240 Villeneuve 12.00pm Lat 44.944892 Long 6.562818 2.7km Storage Room Cippa Briançon Avenue Jean Moulin, Parc des Sports 05100 Briançon 5.00pm Lat 44.89088 Long 6.628828 7.4km Storage Room Place du Téléphérique 05330 St Chaffrey 4.00pm Lat 44.933382 Long 6.587512 0.6km Storage Room Grand Hôtel Lat 44.947816 Long 6.559127 SERVICES Hôtel La Boule de Neige 15 rue du Centre Chantemerle 05330 St Chaffrey 2.00pm Lat 44.931898 Long 6.589758 1km Storage Room Hôtel Le Cristol 6 route d'Italie 05100 Briançon 2.00pm Lat 44.902172 Long 6.647100 6.2km Storage Room Hôtel Le Paris 41 avenue du Général de Gaulle 05100 Briançon Lat 44.891737 Long 6.633975 6.7km Storage Room Ibis Briançon Avenue du Dauphiné, Centre Commercial Grand' Boucle 05100 Briançon 2.00pm Lat 44.904452 Long 6.629725 5.3km Allowed in rooms (covered) 20 BRIANÇON: A C C O M M O D AT I O N BIKE STORAGE HOTEL ADDRESS CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES DISTANCE TO VILLAGE Le Grand Aigle 8 Chemin du Cavaillou 05240 Villeneuve 4.00pm Lat 44.945021 Long 6.552974 3.8km Storage Room Mont Thabor 1 Chemin de l'Envers 05240 Villeneuve 3.00pm Lat 44.944766 Long 6.562643 2.7km Storage Room 3.00pm Lat 44.943115 Long 6.565177 2.4km Storage Room 6.00pm - 8.00pm* Lat 44.9437 Long 6.558698 3.1km Allowed in Rooms (covered) Rock Noir 1 place de l'Avaret 05240 Chantemerle UCPA 2 Route du Bez 05240 Villeneuve SERVICES View the location of the hotels online: http://bit.ly/1GHdMwD Camper van site Route du Téléphérique – Chantemerle 05330 St Chaffrey Lat 44.9350352 Long 6.5852641 0.6km *UCPA check-in: If you arrive at your hotel after 8:00pm your room key will be available in an envelope at the front desk. 21 TIME TRIAL PROCESS T I M I N G A N D S TA R T I N G O R D E R Your start time will be defined by your overall ranking (the last rider in the overall ranking starting the time trial first). There will be groups of 75 riders departing every 25 minutes with riders separated by 20 second intervals. There will be a gap of 5 minutes between each group. Your starting group time will be published after the finish of the previous stage. The start list will be available on the Haute Route website, at the info point, at the briefing and in your hotel lobby. S TA R T I N G P R O C E D U R E Go to the waiting area at your starting block time • Enter the Time Trial corridor 2 minutes before your start time • Enter the starting area 1 minute before your start time • Enter the start ramp 20 seconds before your start time • GO! • 22 S TA G E 3 : S E R R E C H E VA L I E R – C O L D U G R A N O N INDIVIDUAL TIME TRIAL KEY FIGURES Tuesday 25th August 12km | 1,050M+ | 0M- 12km timed PRATICAL INFO First Start - 9.00am | Last start - 12.30pm Route du Pont Levis, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey Finish - between 10.20am and 1.30pm Col du Granon, 05100 Val des Près 12 kilometres down to Saint-Chaffey Race Village Place du Téléphérique, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey Briefing - 6pm Salle du Serre d’Aigle, Place du Téléphérique, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey AND Casino Barrière, 7 Avenue Maurice Petsche, 05100 Briançon (Depending on accommodation location) Laundry service - 6pm Pick up your cycling kit before the briefing Col du Granon 2,413M, 1,057M+ over 12.2km, 8.7% 1st rider: 10.20am |Last: 1.30pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/687538 23 S TA G E 4 : S E R R E C H E VA L I E R – L E S D E U X A L P E S ** NEW COURSE ** KEY FIGURES Wednesday 26th August 168km | 4,200M+ | 3,900M- 144km timed Max. ride time: 10h55 PRATICAL INFO Start - 7.00am Place du Téléphérique, 05330 Saint-Chaffrey Finish - between 12.30am and 5.55pm Avenue de la Muzelle, Les Deux Alpes, 38860 Mont-de-Lans Race Village Maison de la Montagne, Avenue de la Muzelle, Les Deux Alpes, 38860 Mont-de-Lans Briefing - 6.00pm Palais des Sports, Rue du Grand Plan, Les Deux Alpes, 38860 Mont-de-Lans Col du Lautaret 2,058M, 658M+ over 18.3km, 3.6% 1st rider: 7.55am | Last: 8.30am http://veloviewer.com/segment/4492721 Col du Galibier 2,645M, 585M+ over 8.7km, 6.7% 1st rider: 8.15am | Last: 9.30am http://veloviewer.com/segment/7474311 Col de la Croix de Fer 2,067M, 1522M+ over 30.6km, 5% 1st rider: 10.40am | Last: 2.00pm http://veloviewer.com/segments/4257023 Les Deux Alpes 1,655M, 586M+ over 8.9km, 7% 1st rider: 12.30am | Last: 5.55pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/632992 24 LES DEUX ALPES: A C C O M M O D AT I O N BIKE STORAGE HOTEL ADDRESS CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES DISTANCE TO VILLAGE Aalborg 5 rue de Tête Moute 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.00726 Long 6.123221 0.6km Adret 1 Chemin de la Sea 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.017871 Long 6.126267 0.4km Storage Room Annapurna 9 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.019495 Long 6.123662 0.5km Storage Room Belle Etoile 111 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.005721 Long 6.121998 1.6km Storage Room Brunerie 59 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.012551 Long 6.124371 0.3km Allowed in rooms (covered) Chalet des champions 120 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.014493 Long 6.124226 0.1km Storage Room Chamois 110 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.006792 Long 6.121551 1.2km Allowed in rooms (covered) 40 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 3.00pm Jam Session 4 Hameau La Meije 38860 Les 2 Alpes 4.00pm Lat 45.017052 Long 6.13018 La Meije 75 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 3.00pm Lat 45.009983 Long 6.123026 Le Cairn 11 rue des Écoles 38860 Les 2 Alpes 3.00pm Lat 45.004685 Long 6.120678 Hôtel de la Valentin Lat 45.014296 Long 6.12589 0.4km SERVICES Storage Room Allowed in rooms (covered) 1.3km Storage Room 1.5km Allowed in rooms (covered) 1.8km Allowed in rooms (covered) 25 LES DEUX ALPES: A C C O M M O D AT I O N HOTEL ADDRESS Le Carlina 76 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes DISTANCE TO VILLAGE BIKE STORAGE CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES 3.00pm Lat 45.011767 Long 6.124610 0.4km Allowed in rooms (covered) SERVICES Les Flocons 9 rue du Cairou 38860 Les 2 Alpes 3.00pm Lat 45.004644 Long 6.119091 1.3km Storage Room Neiges 113 Avenue de la Muzelle 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.005538 Long 6.122041 1.5km Allowed in rooms (covered) Orée des pistes 5, Place des 2 Alpes 38860 Les 2 Alpes 2.00pm Lat 45.010467 Long 6.125363 0.6km 2.00pm Lat 45.00369 Long 6.121301 1.8km Serre Palas 13 Place de l’Alpe de Venosc 38860 Les 2 Alpes Storage Room Storage Room View the location of the hotels online: http://bit.ly/1HdE2Cb Camper van site Avenue de la Muzelle, D213 38860 Mont de Lans Lat 45.017187 Long 6.124856 1.6km 26 S TA G E 5 : L E S D E U X A L P E S – L A T O U S S U I R E ** NEW COURSE ** KEY FIGURES Thursday 27th August 115km | 3,550M+ | 3,500M- 100km timed Max. ride time: 7h55 PRATICAL INFO Start - 8.00am Avenue de la Muzelle, Les Deux Alpes, 38860 Mont-de-Lans Finish - between 11.50am and 3.55pm Place Olympique, 73300 La Toussuire Race Village Place Olympique, 73300 La Toussuire Briefing - 6.00pm Cinéma, Place Olympique, 73300 La Toussuire Col de Sarenne 1,999M, 985M+ over 11.8km, 8.3% 1st rider: 9.00am | Last: 9.40am Col de la Croix de Fer 2,067M, 1,248M+ over 24.2km, 5.2% 1st rider: 11.05am | Last: 1.40pm La Toussuire 1,738M, 862M+ over 13.8km, 6.3% 1st rider: 11.50am | Last: 3.55pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/683482 http://veloviewer.com/segments/662232 http://veloviewer.com/segment/1762338 27 LA TOUSSUIRE: A C C O M M O D AT I O N CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES DISTANCE TO VILLAGE Lat 45.253259 Long 6.256778 0.4km SERVICES BIKE STORAGE HOTEL ADDRESS Centre de vacances “Edelweiss” 73300 La Toussuire Goelia* Route des Chasseurs Alpins 73300 La Toussuire Lagrange Hauts de Comborcière* Route des Champions 73300 La Toussuire Lat 45.251453 Long 6.257251 0.4km Allowed in Rooms (covered) Lagrange L’Ecrin des Sybelles* Les Plans 73300 La Toussuire Lat 45.253202 Long 6.257945 0.4km Allowed in Rooms (covered) Storage Room 1.2km View online the location of the hotels: LINK Camper van site Rue Pierre Delore 73300 Fontcouverte-laToussuire Lat 45.2546659 Long 6.258549 2.4km N.B.: La Toussuire offers various upscale apartment buildings that the Haute Route has booked for the riders. There will be the following room allocations: • Three people having booked Twin room packages will be in one apartment, with two separate bathrooms. • For all the other riders having booked Twin room packages, there will be two separate twin rooms in one apartment with two separate bathrooms. • For single room packages, there will be two single rooms in one apartment, sharing two separate bathrooms. We hope you enjoy your stay. * Breakfast will be available at the Race Village (Place Olympique, 73300 La Toussuire). Breakfast will be served from 5.30am to 7.00am. 28 S TA G E 6 : L A T O U S S U I R E – M E G È V E KEY FIGURES Friday 28th August 156km | 3,800M+ | 4,250M- 126.6km timed Max. ride time: 10h05 PRATICAL INFO Start - 7.30am Place Olympique, 73300 La Toussuire Finish - between 12.45pm and 5.35pm 247 Route du Palais des Sports, 74120 Megève Race Village 247 Route du Palais des Sports, 74120 Megève Briefing - 6.00pm Mairie de Megève, 1 Place de l’Église, 74120 Megève Shuttle to the briefing for riders staying in Combloux between 5.00pm-5.30pm. Shuttle back to Combloux after the briefing Col du Chaussy 1,533M, 1,286M+ over 15.2km, 8.5% 1st rider: 9.10am | Last: 9.55am Col de la Madeleine 1,993M, 1,151M+ over 14.3km, 8% 1st rider: 10.07am | Last: 11.50am http://veloviewer.com/segment/1327190 http://veloviewer.com/segment/7503703 Col des Saisies 1,650M, 992M+ over 15.4km, 6.4% 1st rider: 12.05pm | Last: 4.20pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/1677995 29 MEGÈVE: A C C O M M O D AT I O N BIKE STORAGE HOTEL ADDRESS CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES DISTANCE TO VILLAGE Alp’Hôtel 434 Route de Rochebrune 74120 Megève 2.00pm Lat 45.852046 Long 6.615178 1.4km Alpen Valley Route de la Cry Cuchet 74920 Combloux 4.00pm Lat 45.891891 Long 6.625752 5.7km Au Cœur de Megève 46 Rue Charles Feige 74120 Megève 3.00pm Lat 45.857179 Long 6.618510 0.5km Storage Room Au Coin du Feu Route de Rochebrune 74120 Megève 4.00pm Lat 45.853508 Long 6.615231 1.5km Allowed in Rooms (covered) 3:00pm Lat 45.856926 Long 6.615336 1km Storage Room 2.00pm Lat 45.896328 Long 6.635656 5.2km Storage Room 5.3km Storage Room Au Vieux Moulin Aux Ducs de Savoie Chalet La Colombe 188 rue Ambroise Martin 74120 Megève 253 Route du Bouchet 74920 Combloux 23-25 Route de la Cry Cuchet 74920 Combloux Hôtel La Chaumine 36 chemin des Bouleaux 74120 Megève Lat 45.892262 Long 6.627246 SERVICES Storage Room Storage Room 3.00pm Lat 45.854663 Long 6.620943 0.9km Storage Room Hôtel Le Feug 1191 route du Feug 74920 Combloux 2.00pm Lat 45.885343 Long 6.641786 3.6km Storage Room Hôtel Les Cîmes 341 rue Charles Feige 74120 Megève 4.00pm Lat 45.858292 Long 6.620205 0.3km Storage Room 30 MEGÈVE: A C C O M M O D AT I O N HOTEL Hôtel Sylvana ADDRESS CHECK-IN 53 Allée du Grand Soleil 74120 Megève 2.00pm GPS COORDINATES Lat 45.852997 Long 6.615177 DISTANCE TO VILLAGE 1.4km SERVICES BIKE STORAGE Storage Room La Ferme du Golf 3048 Route Edmond de Rothschild 74120 Megève Le Caprice des Neiges 57 Route de l'Épine 74920 Combloux Le Rent 531 Route Nationale 74120 Megève Les Aravis 1018 Route de Saint-Gervais 74920 Combloux 2.00pm Lat 45.888056 Long 6.649259 4.4km Storage Room 939 Route du Villaret 74120 Megève 5.00pm Lat 45.851794 Long 6.597445 2.3km Storage Room 4.00pm Lat 45.862777 Long 6.621324 0.9km Storage Room Les Chalets du Prariand / Vacances Bleues Les Loges Blanches Route de la Plaine 74120 Megève 4.00pm 2.00pm Lat 45.852974 Long 6.631646 Lat 45.889942 Long 6.659991 Lat 45.864572 Long 6.626256 3.3km Storage Room 5.5km Storage Room 1km Allowed in Rooms (covered) View online the location of the hotels: http://bit.ly/1BAeGMd Camper van site Palais des Sports 247 Route du Palais des Sports 74120 Megève Lat 45.8604657 Long 6.617114 0.1km 31 S TA G E 7 : M E G È V E - G E N E VA KEY FIGURES Saturday 29th August 129km | 2,300M+ | 3,000M- 71.9km timed Max. ride time: 8h15 PRATICAL INFO Carry one form of ID for crossing the Swiss-French border Start - 7.30am 1 Place de l’Église, 74120 Megève Finish - between 11.45am and 2.30pm Place de la Libération, 74100 Annemasse Riders round-up at 3.00pm Place de la Libération, 74100 Annemasse Safety convoy to Geneva Start from Annemasse at 3.00pm / Arrival in Geneva at 3.40pm Race Village Jardin Anglais, Quai du Général-Guisan, 1204 Geneva Closing party - 7.00pm Espace Hippomène, Tavaro Bar, Avenue de Châtelaine 7, 1203 Geneva Col des Aravis 1,487M, 633M+ over 11.7km, 5.4% 1st rider: 8.40am | Last: 9.15am Col de la Croix Fry 1,477M, 270M+ over 4km, 6.8% 1st rider: 8.55am | Last: 10.15am Col des Pitons 1,335M, 580M+ over 23.5km, 2.5% 1st rider: 11.00am | Last: 1.45pm http://veloviewer.com/segment/628891 http://veloviewer.com/segment/635741 http://veloviewer.com/segment/4995046 32 GENEVA: A C C O M M O D AT I O N HOTEL Auteuil ADDRESS Rue de Lausanne, 33 1201 Genève Holiday Inn Express Aéroport Route de Pré-Bois 16, 1215 Genève Ibis Centre Nations Rue du Grand Pré 33-35 1202 Genève Le Lido Rue de Chantepoulet 1201 Genève DISTANCE TO VILLAGE BIKE STORAGE CHECK-IN GPS COORDINATES 3.00pm Lat 46.212824 Long 6.144898 1.5km Allowed in rooms (covered) 2.00pm Lat 46.2235455 Long 6.099366 5.6km Allowed in rooms (covered) 3.00pm Lat 46.214132 Long 6.135205 2km Allowed in rooms (covered) 2.00pm Lat 46.208435 Long 6.143596 1.5km Allowed in rooms (covered) SERVICES View the location of the hotels online: http://bit.ly/1BJLTVG Camper van site Centre Sportif de Vessy, Route de Vessy 29, 1234 Vessy Lat 46.1848891 Long 6.1674285 4.2km 33 F I N A L D AY RIDERS ROUND-UP IN ANNEMASSE The timed finish line of the Haute Route Alps is located in Annemasse, 10 kilometres from Geneva. • Cross the finish line, celebrate, cry, kiss the ground, swear to never turn your pedals again and put your bike on Ebay - true testimonies gathered over the last five years • Receive your Haute Route 2015 official medal & your finisher’s polo shirt • Pick up your backpack • Enjoy lunch at any one of the numerous local restaurants (cost not covered by the organisation). Don’t forget to bring your wallet • Join the convoy departing for Geneva at 3.00pm A R R I VA L I N G E N E VA Riders will arrive in convoy in the Jardin Anglais in Geneva • 3.40pm arrival at the Haute Route finish Village • Pick up your bike box from the village (for basic accommodation-holders only) • 7.00pm - 11.00pm — Closing ceremony (food & drinks reception) at the Espace Hippomène, Tavaro Bar, Avenue de Châtelaine 7, 1203 Geneva The Espace Hippomène is easily accessible by public transport. More information at tpg.ch 34 H A U T E R O U T E PA RT N E R S M A I N PA R T N E R Anywhere, anytime, in or out of the saddle, Mavic delivers first-class mechanical assistance. This year, Mavic will go the extra mile and offers to all riders a limited edition Haute Route kit. OFFICIAL TIMEKEEPER A A A A A Our new Official Timekeeper combining prestige, performance and precision. Keep their tagline in mind especially when the climbs get steep: “don’t crack under pressure”. OFFICIAL SUPPLIERS CRANK UP THE POWER Marvin and his coaches know what it takes to succeed in the Haute Route. They will be your best advisors in the peloton. A hot lunch served at the finish of each stage. What else? Trust us, a fresh Coke will be everything at the Top of Galibier this year. Performance in style, Compressport products optimise recovery and performance: definitely worth a try. They have notably designed this year’s Haute Route socks. Dedicated solely to road cycling, Cyclist will take you on the world’s best routes and get behind the doors of iconic brands. There is nothing better than a fresh Heineken after the daily briefing. See you there. Push riders further through educational videos and a dedicated team of Hutchinson riders. Mastering power will make you a King of Mountains. Infocrank has set an impressive crew of testers on the Haute Route 2015! Have a chat with them. Our motion video provider. Kinomap provides cutting edge video technology to preview the Haute Route and relive it from your lounge. 15,000 gels, 7,500 bars and 500kg of isotonic powder all the way from Anglet to Venice! A well packed bike is a happy bike. Scicon is the reference on the market when traveling with your bike. They have designed the Haute Route backpack. With their GPS devices and navigation software, you should never get lost. For the Haute Route, TwoNav’s teams have set up our smartphone application. The perfect machine to train, whatever the weather. Gradually improve your performance with comprehensive data analytics and monitoring capabilities. 35 C O N TA C T S If you have any questions in the build up to your event, the most efficient way to reach us is via the online chat function at www.hauteroute.org. We can be reached directly during UK office hours, outside that you can still leave a message or email contact@hauteroute.org and we will answer as promptly as possible. NEED HELP DURING THE EVENT? If you are away from the Race Village and unable to go to the Info Point, you can call the Haute Route hotlines: HOTLINE 1 Josie – Zoé +447765007410 HOTLINE 2 Priscille - Marine +33643298985 36
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