Happy Que Year To Our Members Around The Globe!
Happy Que Year To Our Members Around The Globe!
Kansas City Barbeque Society – America’s Barbeque Experts!® January 2015 Postmaster: Dated Material. Please deliver by January 10, 2015 The Monthly Publication of the Kansas City Barbeque Society Happy Que Year To Our Members Around The Globe! 2015 Inside The Bullsheet Retail List 4 Books, Seasonings & More Welcome!38-39 Upcoming Events KCBS New Members 2015 Events Class Schedules 24,25,37 Cooking, Judging & Table Captain Classes 34-37 Volume 30, Issue 1 11514 Hickman Mills Drive KCMO 64134 Phone: 800.963.5227 www.kcbs.us page 2bullsheet – January 2015 bullsheet – January 2015Page 3 page 4bullsheet – January 2015 kcbs retail list BBQ Books The first price is for members only! America’s Best BBQ: Ardie Davis & Paul Kirk....................................$20.00 Great BBQ Sauce Book: Ardie Davis......................................$14.95/$15.95 Grilling America: Rick Browne.............................................................$25.95 The Kansas City Barbeque Society Cookbook....................$20.95/$22.95 The Kansas City Barbeque Society Cookbook25th Anniversary Edition..................................................$20 Free Shipping On the Grill Backyard Bunglers: Steve Tyler.....................................$19.95 They Were Smokin’: Billy Bob Billy.......................................................$24.95 Searchin’ For Smoke Are you searching for someone in your area to start a barbeque team with? Let know and we’ll post your name, location, and e-mail address until you find someone! Send an e-mail at bullsheet@Kcbs. to have your name added to the list any personal information provided is at your own discretion. KCBS is not, under any circumstances, responsible for contacts received by the requestor Alabama Pins & Accessories 2014 KCBS Member Pin............................................................................$3.00 2013 KCBS Member Pin............................................................................$3.00 2011 KCBS Member Pin............................................................................$3.00 2010 KCBS 25th Anniversary Pin.............................................................$3.00 Specialty Pins Pig, Cow, or Chicken Pin..........................................................................$3.00 Past Years KCBS Pins Limited Quantities 2005, 2003, 2008................. $2.00 KCBS Member Banner............................................................................$20.00 BBQ DVD’s Norman Dasinger - dasinger1861@bellsouth.net Arkansas Mo Sliger - mo_sliger@yahoo.com Arizona Real BBQ Know How- Troy Black......................................................$29.99 ea Happy “Holla”- Ed Roith- ...............................................................$38.00 ea KCBS Order Form Ryan Passey - rmpassey@gmail.com Illinois Andrew Piskorz - apiskorz@msn.com Brandon Davis-jenandbrandondavis@comcast.net Indiana Brian Herbert - brian@foldedmayhem.com Georgia Danny Boes - dboes45@yahoo.com Maryland Skip Schlesinger - oceancityrealtor@comcast.net Missouri Lee Jeffers - leesterj@sbcglobal.net Greg Dahl - gdahl105@gmail.com Oklahoma Don Jones - joebjones@suddenlink.net Blake Bradley - blakebradley@ymail.com Tim & Rhonda Holley - Timothy.Holley@warrencat.com New Jersey Dave Torpey - torpx2@aol.com Luke Euripides - lukeurip@gmail.com Iowa Bob Penne - rpenne@iowatelecom.net OHIO Barry Barnes - barnespainting@hotmail.com Hakie Shropshire - dalebbq@gmail.com New Mexico Mark R. Conklin - mrconklin59@gmail.com Michigan Terry Kekich - tkekich@hotmail.com Ryan Lawrence - lawrence1402 @yahoo.com Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana LIam McCarthy - ljmccarthyii@yahoo.com Vermont Gerren Allen - chefdaddy1508@yahoo.com Virginia James Haddix - bigbonebbqva@gmail.com Nate Duke - nkduke644@yahoo.com Pennsylvania Jeffrey Paknel - jeffreypaknel@gmail.com South CArolina Steve Wainscott - swainscott1@earthlink.net FloridA Jim Tatterson - tattwo28216@yahoo.com Arthur Miksis - amiksis@gmail.com Wisconsin Walt Baker - walt.baker@nothingknew.com kcbs, 11514 hickman mills dr., kc, mo 64134 Item Qty Price Each Total ____________ ______ ________________ ________ ____________ ______ ________________ ________ ____________ ______ ________________ ________ Missouri Residents add 8.350% (Tax) ________ Standard Shipping Charge $10.00 ________ Pin Order Shipping $5.00 International Add $20.00 for S/H TOTAL: _________ name: ____________________________________________________________ Please Print address:__________________________________________________________ no p.o. box deliveries! city/state/zip:____________________________________________________ phone (day):______________________________________________________ Are you a KCBS member? Yes No Charge: MasterCard _____ Visa_____ AmerX_____ Card#___________________________________ Exp Date ___________ CVC Code:__________ Name as it appears on Card_____________________________________________ Please Print! Signature____________________________________________________________ Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery bullsheet – January 2015Page 5 Kansas City Barbeque Society’s Side Dish our mission Recognizing barbeque as America’s Cuisine, the Mission of the Kansas City Barbeque Society is to celebrate, teach, preserve and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form. Kansas City BullSheet (PS - 015592, Periodical Postage) is published monthly by The Kansas City Barbeque Society at 11514 Hickman Mills Drive, Kansas City, MO 64134. $18 of the $35.00 dues is allocated to subscription. For editorial, display, and classified advertising information call 816/765-5891. Periodical postage is paid at Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Postmaster: Send address changes to Kansas City BullSheet, 11514 Hickman Mills Drive, Kansas City MO 64134. Kansas City BullSheet is the official members-only publication of the Kansas City Barbeque Society©. Join KCBS today to get your subscription started. Kansas City Barbeque Society 11514 Hickman Mills Drive Kansas City, MO 64134 Phone: 816.765.5891 Toll Free: 1.800.963.KCBS (5227) Fax: 816.765.5860 Visit on the web: www.kcbs.us We reserve the right to edit any article, ad or comment. Columnists: Mike & Chris Peters- The Great American BBQ Tour Recap Rem Powers PhB- Rem Says Paul Kirk CWC, PhB, B.S.A.S.- Education Corner; The Readers Recipe Exchange George Hensler- Startin’ The Fire Mike Garrison- The Adventures of the Flying BBQ Judges Pat Maddock - The Great Pacific Northwest Marc Gonick - Barbeque Confidential Jason Ganahl-RMBBQA Articles By: Doug & Sue REid Lyle Coleman Jason Ganahl Gordon Hubbell the kansas city Bullsheet editor Kelly Cain Bullsheet@kcbs.us Bullsheet Advertising Information & Banquet inquiries Raye Keyes Project Coordinator rkeyes@kcbs.us Contest sanctioning & Team of the year Inquiries Karrin Murphy Team of the Year Coordinator & Contest Manager kmurphy@kcbs.us OFFICE MANAGER/ accounts receivable & Payable Sybilla Hawkins Manager, Accounts Payable & Recieveable shawkins@kcbs.us Membership inquiries Sammye Phelps Manager, Membership Services membership@kcbs.us KCBS Officers Mark Simmons - President Wayne Lohman - Vice President Kim Collier - Treasurer Candy Weaver - Secretary Photos By: Doug & Sue Reid Lyle Coleman Carolyn Wells - Executive Director/Co-Founder All rights reserved, Kansas City Barbeque Society© 2015 KCBS Board Members Randy Bigler Bill Capstack Kim Collier Dave Compton Steve Farrin Don Harwell Wayne Lohman Mike Peters Dennis Polson Mark Simmons Richard Preston Candy Weaver KCBS Content Disclaimer The content of this newsletter is published on behalf of KCBS members and is offered for informational and entertainment purposes only. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but can not guarantee accuracy in all matters due to deadlines, multiple sources and the complexity of publishing a product of this magnitude. We encourage and welcome our members to bring inaccuracies to our attention so that they can be corrected as soon as possible in subsequent editions. From time to time, KCBS will invite and include commentary from members, independent authors, contributors and vario other entities who want to share BBQ tips, techniques, info and secrets with our membership. In such cases, we will endeavor to mark such contributions as “Commentary”. As a result, it is important for our members to realize that any and all opinions expressed by contributors are solely that person’s opinion and do not reflect the opinions of KCBS, the KCBS Board of Directors, our membership at large or the National Partners of KCBS. You should not treat any opinion expressed by individual contributors as an inducement to change or spend any specific KCBS rules and/or regulations. Any such change or spension will be clearly communicated by an official KCBS alert from the Board of Directors. In general, KCBS welcomes original contributions of all kinds that have anything to do with BBQ or competitive BBQ in general. However, for the betterment of our society, KCBS reserves the right to moderate, edit or deny any contributions that are factually incorrect, grammatically incorrect, counter productive to our mission, or inflammatory and/or confing to our by-laws or membership in general. deadline The deadline for the February issue is January 15th @ 5pm CST Any ad, comment or article received after this date may appear in the next issue. President’s Corner January to me is always the time of new beginnings. I love a fresh start. And we all get one every year. WOW, this is a time of several big accomplishments and anticipations. If you haven’t heard yet, we catapulted past our goal of 100,000 meals in November. How can I say thank you to so many people who worked so hard and made so many sacrifices and gave in so many ways to make this happen. I am very grateful for our organizers who took up the challenge to participate, our cooks who donated space on their smokers and turned in the meats, all the charitable organizations that picked up and processed the meat for the hungry and homeless, and so many others who donated and worked and spread the word so we could accomplish our goal and meet a great humanitarian need in our country. This initiative for me is just one more demonstration of the greatness of the BBQ people in the Kansas City BBQ Society and their true heart and spirit. Isn’t it fun to be part of something so much bigger than ourselves, that we can only do when we all work together to accomplish it. THANKS! In the last few weeks we were notified that we have received our 501(c)3 status as a tax deductible charity. This means that donations can be received and if you choose to, your donation could be tax deductible. Not everyone realizes that last year we gave to 100,000 meals, college scholarships and charitable grants almost $100,000. We believe as people contribute to our tax deductible foundation, these numbers for these and other charitable initiatives could grow significantly. Donna and I have already made a donation for 2014 to the foundation and we trust that many more will choose to do so. Your entire donation to the KCBS Foundation will go toward the charitable initiatives with nothing taken out or withheld for administrative purposes.Thank you in advance for your support. Finally, January marks the beginning of our election process and the seating of our new board of directors. The results are announced at the annual banquet, this year in Denver, Colorado. I want to personally encourage all of our current members to take the time and vote for the candidates of their choice. We look forward to growing voter participation on the part of the membership. If you have not received notification by now about how to vote via email, please call the office to receive the information so you can vote on line. Thanks for a great 2014. Donna and I look forward to seeing all of you in Denver, January 16-17. Happy BBQ’ng. Mark Simmons LIFETIME MEMBERS The following people have become lifetime members of KCBS this month THORSTON BRANDENBURG WESEL, GERMANY ED SITARSKI BROWNSTOWN, IN MICHAEL REMUS SUSSEX, WI A. DENISE MCRAE CHARLOTTE, NC LAURIE REMUS SUSSEX, WI EDWARD HILL CHARLOTTE, NC AL STRUTTMAN TOPEKA, KS TRISTAN KANE PHILIP, AUSTRALIA MARY JO STRUTTMAN TOPEKA, KS JAMES BURG EVANS, GA page 6bullsheet – January 2015 2014 KCBS Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire Each Candidate for the Board of Directors was given the following list of questions: Question 3: Identify your major short term goal and the major long term goal, if elected to the Board of KCBS and your plan to implement change or improvement in order to carry out each of these goals. Question 1: Please describe the skills you possess (which you believe are stronger than the other candidates) which would make you an asset as a board member, in dealing with the challenges facing KCBS, and give an example of how those skills would serve the KCBS Board of Directors and its membership. Question 4: If elected please explain “your level of commitment, time and energy” for committee projects and monthly reports, board meetings and attendance, as well as representing KCBS to the public and being responsive to our members. Question 2: If you are a Cook, Judge, Rep or Backyard Cook, please identify the major KCBS issues concerning, one of areas in which you are involved. Describe the major issue, your strategies to correct or improve the issue, and what you see as the biggest challenge to the success of your plan. Question 5: Please describe your previous participation in KCBS activities and years of experience. Question 6: Please explain why you want to be a member of the KCBS Board. governing the way Cooks prepare entries, what can be cooked, how it can be presented, tell them why it is changed, how it is changed and when it is to become effective. If the BOD makes changes that affect the way that Judges and/or Table Captains perform their tasks, tell them why it is changed, how it is changed and the effective date. KCBScore is an example. The same should apply to Sponsors and Communities. Communication in a clear, concise and timely manner is imperative. It may be said that this is too much information for the membership of KCBS to handle. The saying goes that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. However, I want all the information that the membership needs, wants and will use to continue to make KCBS an exciting, informed and involved dynamic organization of 20,000+ members. The biggest challenge is what is too much information and what is the monetary cost? Question #3 Cary Bond Question #1 -For almost thirty years I served the State of Georgia in the State Treasury Department and also served as the Legislative Fiscal Officer for the General Assembly of Georgia -Worked for a Computer Service Bureau for about ten years and for a computer software developer about five years -Was employed by a land developer for five years -Worked for a building supply company for ten years -I have been active in numerous civic organizations over the years -Served as a board member of Atlanta and South DeKalb YMCA Finance Committees -Was a Charter member of the Capital Hill Jaycees holding all of its offices -Served as the State Treasurer of the Georgia Jaycees -Been active in my local United Methodist churches having held and served in almost all capacities available -Served as chairman of our County Board of Elections and Voter Registrations This background has provided me with the ability to be objective and to know how to ask the questions that need to be asked. My experience in gathering information to make correct and valued judgments enables me to see the overall picture. I can assist others to be able to reach and achieve the objectives and goals of the organization. The ability to work with people in a productive and effective manner is my expertise. Question #2 KCBS is an organization encompassing Organizers, Reps, Cook Teams, Judges, Table Captains, Sponsors and the Communities where the events are being held. I have had (and have) contact with all of them. In the environment that KCBS exists, rapid dissemination of information is vital to the group or groups that are involved. Any changes or additions that are being made need to be fully explained in a timely manner with the implementation time and the benefits of the changes clearly stated. The Bullsheet, July 2014 issue, page 31, had a highlighted note - JUST ASK. Anything you want to know about KCBS or whatever, send it to INFO@ KCBS and your question will be answered and published in the Bullsheet. Is this new or have I been missing it? If it is not new, how many others have missed it? With The Bullsheet available in digital form, I hope the all inclusive Membership of KCBS will be reading it on a regular basis. We can download the Proposed Board Meeting Agenda to see what is going to be discussed by the BOD and we can listen to the BOD meeting by the MP3 sound track. But as an organization, could we not send the upcoming Monthly Agenda via an E-Mail Blast (on an “as needed” basis) to the membership? This would allow persons that see items of interest the time to contact the Chairman and express their support or concerns and obtain pertinent information. Perhaps we could establish “Groups” for E-Mail Blasts that would allow rapid dissemination of changed/additional information. For example: If changes are made to the Organizers Handbook, it needs to be sent to all of the organizers. If changes are made to the Reps Handbooks (Duties, Reporting, etc.), it needs to be sent to all of the Reps. It should be clearly stated why and how it is changed and when it becomes effective. If the BOD makes changes to the rules If elected to serve, my primary interest will be to improve all lines of communications, by whatever means, with everyone in KCBS who has concerns and interests. A new member of KCBS attends a Judges or a Table Captains class for which they pay. For this fee they receive a membership card, a name tag and a copy of The Bullsheet. A notice of annual dues renewal is sent out at the end of the individual’s membership year. My Short Term Goal would be the following: Would it be possible for each Board of Directors Committee Chairperson to have a summary article in The Bullsheet on a monthly basis keeping the membership up to date? At the end of the year the membership would have a record of what each committee accomplished. My Long Term Goal would be the following: Publish the Strategic Planning Goals of KCBS at least once a quarter as the goals would probably be changing. These could be published as the current year’s goals, three years, five years goals. Question #4 I am very fortunate to have been married to Jean Bond for almost 54 years and to have her full support for my serving on the KCBS Board of Directors. I am retired and have the ability to devote whatever amount of time is needed for monthly BOD meetings. I can make myself available and devote whatever time is needed to serve on Committees to which I might be appointed. If my physical presence is required at BOD meetings, I will do whatever I can to attend. Jean and I will judge or participate in 28 events this year. We will continue to and will always enjoy talking to the participants, be it the Cook teams, the Judges, the Reps, the Sponsors and the general public. I am available by calling 770-9229565 (my home), 770-856-8337 (my cell), or by e-mail at BONDKCBS@ GMAIL.COM or CARYBOND@COMCAST.NET, and I will respond to all calls or inquiries. My favorite saying is “THE INTERSTATE HIGHWAY TOOK BACKROADS AMERICA OFF THE MAP. KCBS IS PUTTING BACKROADS AMERICA BACK ON THE MAP WITH OVER 450 BBQ CONTESTS EACH YEAR AND WE HAVE A MONTHLY PUBLICATION CALLED THE BULLSHEET SPELLED SHEET IN CASE I HAVE A DICTION PROBLEM”. We travel to places we might not have thought of going to if it was not for BBQ, visit with the greatest extended family one could ask for, always have the opportunity to experience and judge the best culinary skills that teams can present for our evaluation, and help a charitable cause. Question #5 I attended the KCBS Judges Class in Covington GA in July 2007. I judged my first contest August 8, 2007 - the Pigs and Peaches in Kennesaw, GA. I am a member of the 100 Plus KCBS Club, and have judged and will have participated in 140 Kansas City Barbeque Society events by December 31, 2014. I have had the pleasure of judging 10 non-KCBS events including one International event. My wife and I have the honor of being the first recipients of the SAM AND DIANE GROGGAN AWARD being selected by Organizers, Cooks and Reps for service to events and functions of KCBS. It was a most humbling award and one that we will always cherish. Question #6 I am offering the skills and experience I have acquired over my lifetime to assist the KCBS Board in continuing to lead the finest BBQ organization in the world. I want the membership to know that I am here to serve and be their voice as a board member. After all, it is their organization and the Board of Directors just leads it. The KCBS Board of Directors are stewards looking after the membership’s concerns, properties, growth and future. I may not be your first choice for the Board but I am your best Choice!!!!!!!!!!!! bullsheet – January 2015Page 7 120 KCBS sanctioned contests and a few non-sanctioned ones as well. I normally take my travel trailer and camp nearby so that I can come out on Friday evening and visit with the teams. At most contests here in the center of the country I’ll most likely know around 25 to 30% of the teams and I’m meeting new people at every contest. When I’m judging I’ll hand out my KCBS business cards to everyone at my table and to anyone who wants one – I’m always willing to answer a question or try to explain something if I can. Question #6 I feel that being a CBJ and a part-time cook gives me a chance to represent both the CBJs and the smaller, part-time cooks on the Board. When I first came on the Board three years ago I was the only voice for the judges, and that’s something that I want to continue I truly feel that I’ve helped to make a difference on the Board of Directors during the last three years. With your support I hope to make the Board even more open and responsive to you, the member. Dave Compton Question #1 I’m a KCBS Master CBJ and I’ve judged over 120 sanctioned contests since 2007. I’ve judged contests in Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Minnesota and Tennessee and most of those contests included visiting with friends old and new on Friday evening. I’ve been an ambassador from the judges to the cook teams and vice versa. I cook at least once a year, usually with a different team, and I am in the process of getting my own team together to cook at least a couple of times a year. I’ve volunteered to help out at contests and at CBJ / Table Captain classes. If it has to do with competition BBQ then I’m right there! For the last three years on the Board I’ve had the privilege of serving on the Philanthropy, Rules and CBJ committees. I feel that this Board has come a long way in being more responsive, open and transparent to the members and I’d like to help us to continue doing so. Question #2 One of the things that caused me to run three years ago was the disconnect between cooks and judges. I think that we’ve come a long way on this but there’s still quite a long way to go. I’d like to see more Reps inviting the judges to stick around for the awards, I’d like to see more judges come out on Friday evening and meet some cook teams. I’d like to see a time where a judge cooks with a team long before they have judged 30 contests, like maybe around their 10th or 15th contest and continuing to cook with a team every so often. I’d also like to see cooks judging every once in a while – just to see what the judges are really looking for inside that tent. I’d like to see the upcoming CBJ continuing education program be just the starting point on making our KCBS CBJs the very best judges in the BBQ world. Question #3 My major short term goal is to finish the work that my Philanthropy committee has done on revamping all of the grant programs. I’ve been very fortunate to have some great committee members, KCBS members who have volunteered their time and talents to help our organization. We are in the process of completely eliminating paper applications for all of our programs – that means no more lost pages, no more missing applications and most of it takes a load off of the office staff. KCBS is a non-profit, charitable organization. We have an obligation to make charitable grants to worthy organizations and individuals but we also have an obligation to you, our members, to be responsible with your money. I think that our new requirements and the new computer program will help KCBS in doing this. My major long term goal goes right back to the judging and the judges. Obviously we don’t want cookie-cutter judges but we need to have all judges somewhat on the same page. All 8s and 9s tells the cook something – even all 5s and 6s tells him something. What drives any cook up the wall is a taste or tenderness score of 9, 6, 8, 4, 5, 7. That’s what we need to work on! I don’t know if that means more education, a whole different scoring system or what but I do know that something has to be done. Another long term goal is to set up a system where the members could opt-in for an e-mail whenever there’s a change, update or clarification of a KCBS Rule. Most people aren’t aware that the Rep Advisories are posted on the KCBS website – somehow we need to get these changes out to the membership as soon as possible. Question #4 Being retired gives me more time to devote to KCBS. I’m usually available from about ten a.m. until midnight or so (I’m not much of a morning person). You can reach me at 515-669-5882, davethebbqguy@ gmail.com or at dcompton@kcbs.us. During my three year term I have only missed one Board meeting (family emergency) and three committee meetings while serving on three different committees. If you leave a message I WILL get back to you – it might take a few days while I look for answers but I will get back. Question #5 I started out cooking with a friend of mine in 2006 and I took my CBJ class in early 2007. Since then I have cooked at least once a year, usually with a different team each year and I have managed to judge over Sandy fulton Question #1 I have been an organizer of KCBS Competitions for the last twelve years. For years I owned my own restaurant business and then spent 25 years working at hotels as Director of Sales and Marketing. My strengths in these jobs were the ability to organize successful events for my restaurant and catering business and for the hotels. I have always excelled in bringing people together for a common cause. Every event that I have planned has been successful and I am very proud of my accomplishments. With BBQ competitions I have always put the competitors and judges as my top priority. There are many competitions for the competitors and judges to choose from I want to always be the organizer that they want to follow. I believe that my years of experience can help both new and established organizers to make their event the best it can be. Profitability is so important to organizers whether it is a business or a nonprofit behind the event. I believe my experience over the last years can help organizers find sponsors, increase the size of their event, introduce new attractions to their events. Question #2 I am a certified judge but my main reason for running for the Board of Directors is that of an organizer. We are witnessing many competitions cancelling. We do not need to see a decrease in our KCBS sanctioned events. I believe my years of experience in organizing successful events can help these organizers. I am sure most of the cancellation is lack of profits for the organizer whether it is a private business or a nonprofit. Knowing how to find sponsors and finding other ways to increase their revenue I believe can make a difference in them cancelling. Also how to help them calculate the economic impact their event can have on their community. Question #3 My major short term goal would be to be of assistant to organizers who currently are working on their events and helping them to maximize the efforts in order to increase the size of their event and the revenue. Long term would be to help people or organizations who are interested in organizing a competition and have never done it before. KCBS provides the organizer with excellent guidelines but having a Board Member who has been successful in planning these competitions will be able to share with you experiences they have had. Sometimes when going into the unknown it helps to have someone near that has traveled that road. Question #4 I have spent a lifetime as a business owner and executive. When given my commitment I stand by it. Now that I am retired I have the time to do this. For 12 years I have been a member of KCBS and promoted them every chance I have had. Have done many TV and radio spots for my competitions and have always been proud that I represent KCBS when I do these events. After spending a lifetime career in the hospitality industry/event organizing I decided after retirement I wanted to continue doing what my true career passion was. That is event organizing and in particular KCBS BBQ Competitions. My plans were not to retire this early but do to an accident I was forced to retire because I no longer could physically perform page 8bullsheet – January 2015 2014 KCBS Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire Each Candidate for the Board of Directors was given the following list of questions: Question 3: Identify your major short term goal and the major long term goal, if elected to the Board of KCBS and your plan to implement change or improvement in order to carry out each of these goals. Question 1: Please describe the skills you possess (which you believe are stronger than the other candidates) which would make you an asset as a board member, in dealing with the challenges facing KCBS, and give an example of how those skills would serve the KCBS Board of Directors and its membership. Question 4: If elected please explain “your level of commitment, time and energy” for committee projects and monthly reports, board meetings and attendance, as well as representing KCBS to the public and being responsive to our members. Question 2: If you are a Cook, Judge, Rep or Backyard Cook, please identify the major KCBS issues concerning, one of areas in which you are involved. Describe the major issue, your strategies to correct or improve the issue, and what you see as the biggest challenge to the success of your plan. Question 5: Please describe your previous participation in KCBS activities and years of experience. Question 6: Please explain why you want to be a member of the KCBS Board. Sandy fulton cont. the duties necessary for my job. This was a very difficult time for me because mentally I still wanted to do what I had always loved doing. With the help of family and friends I am again organizing BBQ competitions. All it takes is the knowledge of how to organize an event, a computer, a telephone and a golf cart during the event. My love for this started in 2002 when I organized my very first KCBS event. With only 14 competitors I held my first Pork in the Park BBQ Competition in Salisbury Maryland. I was employed by the County as a Tourism Director and wanted to bring an event to our town that people would embrace and hopefully be excited to watch it grow. And that it did. I had spent the last 25 years organizing special events but this would be my first KCBS event. Needless to say I fell in love with BBQ and the competitors and judges. In 2012 I retired from the County but had reached 132 teams in my final year of organizing Pork in the Park the largest competition on the East Coast. But the love affair with BBQ wasn’t over for me. The relationships and friendships I had made with the competitors and the judges just couldn’t be part of my retirement. I missed them and missed the challenge and excitement of organizing these events. It is hard to explain but with bbq lovers there is a bond a feeling I had never had organizing other events during my career. I had developed over the years a huge list of bbquers and judges a list that most promoters would die for. I couldn’t let this go to waste. Spent so many great hours with these people, it wasn’t time to say goodbye. After I had retired the Delaware State Fair contacted me to see if I was interested in organizing a bbq festival for them at the State Fair Grounds in Harrington Delaware. Well from that Triple Threat BBQ Beer and Music Festival was scheduled and sanctioned by Kansas City Barbecue Society (KCBS) and the event was held in April 2014 with over 100 competitors and 160 judges. A huge success and a perfect location. The State Fair staff a dream to work with. The 2015 event has been scheduled for April 2015. Hoping to reach 200 teams next year!!!!!! My next event was a very special event. Right here in my hometown of Snow Hill Maryland. The President of the local Middle School PTA, was looking for a money raiser for the school. Hence Pig and a Jig was created along with great sponsorship from Preston Ford it was a fantastic event. Great local support and profits were made for the school. Mission a success. It has been scheduled for June of 2015. With just two months to organize I was approached to do a competition in Hampton Roads Virginia. Told the promoter it usually takes more time that two months but I would give it everything I had. From there the Virginia BBQ Championship was sanctioned and held at the Hampton Roads Coliseum. The promoter, Live Wire Media had never promoted a BBQ competition and were amazed and excited about the event. The property was sold out; there wasn’t a space open for another competitor. Success!!! And yes they have scheduled it again for August of 2015 and not too long after that there will be an inaugural event hopefully right on the beach. Soon to be announced. Question #5 I had to retire from my Government job because of a bad fall and consequently 5 operations and could no longer do what the job required of me. But soon realized that although I am left with a handicap of walking with a cane the knowledge of being an organizer and event planning was still there and now I have the time to do it exclusively. I have 12 years of experience organizing BBQ competitions. I am starting a business where I can assist other organizers in building their competitions. Every event I have organized has been successful and I want to assist others in helping to make theirs successful also. I think as a member of the Board of Directors I can make a difference by helping to make KCBS events grow across the country. The potential is tremendous for KCBS. If elected I believe that I have the time and experience to help organizers with their current event and be available to new organizers to offer my help in making their events a success. I definitely will be committed and have the time and energy to do this now. Question #6 I want to be a member of the KCBS Board because I believe I can help the Association’s competitions grow and that I can help the individuals promoting the competitions to make their event the best it can be. Mike Hays Question #1 I have 30 years of experience in Sales and Marketing, both in the corporate world, and as a self-employed business owner. In the corporate world, I was involved in the construction and electronics industries, while as a self-employed business owner I have enjoyed success in the real estate industry, as well as an independent representative in the insurance industry. My sales and marketing experience has allowed me to develop skills in successfully negotiating contracts and finding common ground that is mutually beneficial to all parties involved. My KCBS experience includes competing in 200+ KCBS sanctioned contests over the last 10 years, as well as being a Certified BBQ Judge. Question #2 As a Cook, my biggest concern is the number of contests that have cancelled over the last several years. It is encouraging to see new contests come on board every year, but as an organization, we must also pay close attention to established contests, especially those that are struggling to stay viable, and do everything we can to ensure that as we move forward as an organization, we aren’t forgetting to look back and remember where we’ve been and those contests that have helped us grow. Having the opportunity to cook all across the country, I’ve also noticed significant differences in the structure and processes of different KCBS Reps at the contests they preside over. I’d like to see more consistency in the product that KCBS presents to its customers, the organizers, the judges, and ultimately, the cooks. My experience has taught me that Brand consistency is imperative to the success of any product. As with any change, the biggest obstacles to overcome will be identifying the underlying issues of the problems we face and finding solutions that address those problems, while still being sensitive to our culture and tradition, and meeting the needs of those involved in implementing the changes. Question #3 My short term goals are to focus on becoming familiar with the current processes within the organization and identifying areas where I feel my particular skills would be of service to KCBS. I feel a common mistake of anyone taking on a new position, is to come aboard and take on too much, too fast, without the proper information and background to make reasonable decisions. Change, just for the sake of change, helps no one. My long term goals will center on being instrumental in identifying areas where KCBS can improve its Brand by providing a more consistent and valuable product to its customers. This will involve fostering open communication and transparency with Organizers, Cooks, and Judges to identify areas of inconsistency and working toward solutions that are beneficial to all those concerned. Question #4 I have made the commitment to run for the Board, knowing that to be a successful and contributing Board Member, it will require much bullsheet – January 2015Page 9 more than just participating in a phone call once a month. I know that to successfully implement change in the short amount of time available to each Board Member, 36 meetings per term, the majority of the work has to be done outside of meeting time. I resolve to have active committee members and to be fully prepared to discuss issues where and when the need arises, both during meetings and in between. Having cooked 2530 contests a year over the last 3 years, in all parts of the country, I have the ability to be personally available to Members all over the US, whether they are organizers, judges, or cooks. I welcome the opportunity to sit down and listen to their concerns and ideas. Question #5 I am an active KCBS cook, competing as Team Enoserv in contests in various parts of the country. I cooked in 34 contests in 2014, in almost 100 contests over the last 3 years, and in over 200 contests since 2005. I am a CBJ, and have cooked for a CBJ class held in Bixby, OK for the last 7 years. I have been a member of KCBS since 2006. Question #6 I want to be a member of the KCBS Board for several reasons. First, and foremost, as I look back on my 10 years of competing in KCBS contests I realize all of the great friends I have made and all of the wonderful experiences I have had because of competition BBQ. I am at a point in my life where it is important to me to try and give back to an organization that has been so instrumental in giving me so much. Also, I see that as KCBS continues to grow, there is an opportunity to address some of the organizational and structural issues of KCBS that pertain to the product that it puts forward to its organizers, cooks and judges. Finally, I firmly believe in what KCBS stands for and what it wants to accomplish as an organization. I feel that I have the energy, experience and skills needed to be a valuable, contributing Board member and help KCBS improve and grow. I would greatly appreciate your vote and your support to be elected to the Board of KCBS! higher: teams spend a lot of money and time to compete, in the judging tent KCBS Reps call out low scoring judges, and there is the promise/ threat that KBCS is tracking judges. To combat ‘score inflation’ I have a multi-part strategy: reemphasizing the 2 thru 9 scoring guideline, tweaking the 2 thru 9 descriptions, defining average, and taking some of the pressure off of judges by shining a light into the dark corners of judge tracking. Is judge tracking happening? What methodology is being utilized to track judges? And to what end? There is a mountain of challenges to addressing this issue. Not the least of which is that cooks like high scores and judges love giving high scores. But if competition barbeque is about learning, honing of skills, and presenting the best you have to offer to be judged then a judge’s highest calling is to judge that effort fairly following the KCBS judging guidelines. Then and only then can excellence in Barbeque be achieved. Question #3 A major short term goal besides ‘score inflation’ is getting all of KCBS on the same page and implementing regional representation so that my long term goal of having a more engaged membership can be achieved. Because KCBS Reps are the face of the Kansas City Barbeque Society, they should all be on the same page. The frustration teams and judges have with Reps having their own rules and/or their own interpretation of rules causes apathy toward and mistrust of KCBS. Rep’s best practice should be identified and implemented across the board. Ten percent of the KCBS membership voted in the last Board election; that’s low by anybody’s standard. Could it be because members don’t know any of the candidates? Regional representation would give our membership candidates that they know and in turn Board members that they recognize as representing their interests. With representation comes more involved members and with more involved members we get a more engaged membership. Question #4 When I was told that I had been nominated I realized that the decision to run would take some careful consideration. I had to ask myself and answer a number of questions. Do I have the needed experience? I do, as outlined in the answer to question one. Do I have the level of dedication needed? I do. I revel in taking care of all the details and seeing projects through to the end. Do I have the time? I have the time. In Texas hold’em they call that being all-in. I’m all-in, fully committed and welcome the opportunity to hear your concerns and look forward to serving you as a KCBS Board member. Question #5 Kevin keeling Question #1 As a Certified Barbeque Judge and Certified Master Judge I’ve judged almost fifty contests. Plus I’ve cooked almost half that many contests as a member of a competition barbeque team. Through those experiences I have an understanding of both barbeque and KCBS. I’ve served on a number of different Boards. I understand the responsibilities of a being a Board member and I have the skills to succeed: listening, reasoning, seeing all sides, compromising, and moving forward with the solution voted for by the majority of the Board. I have a Master’s of Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems. I taught computer applications, programming, and information systems at the university level for almost ten years. My teaching skills that will aide KCBS include being able to present information in a clear and concise manner, being able to lead discussions with diverse opinions, and providing summation and resolution. My experience and skills have proven valuable to other organizations and associations and I believe will prove to be beneficial to KCBS and its members as well. Question #2 Although I’ve cooked a number of contests I feel I identify more with Judges and judging. The major judging issue KCBS is facing is what I’m going to call ‘score inflation.’ In academia, I was always aware of and concerned with grade inflation. Now in barbeque I’m aware of and concerned with score inflation. I’m seeing a lot of 180s and 700s. As table captain I’ve witnessed high scores being given to samples that were not deserving; e.g., 9s given for Tenderness to ribs with the bones falling out. Judges are obviously struggling with the scoring descriptions and guidelines. The national forums are full of judges who have completely pushed aside the 2 thru 9 judging guideline by openly declaring, “There is no average in competition barbeque.” A number of things create pressure for judges to score My involvement in the KCBS barbeque world started in 2007 with a KCBS Certified BBQ Judging Class. Since then I’ve judged nearly 50 events, became a Certified Master Judge, and have cooked more than twenty KCBS competitions with a competition barbeque team. I’ve been a member of the KCBScore Committee from its inception. As past Vice-President and lifetime member of the Rocky Mountain BBQ Association I’ve conducted round table sessions for event organizers and designed and taught a ‘Judge Fairly Symposium’ for Certified Barbeque Judges. I also developed the Judges’ Liaison Program (JLP) and JudgeBBQ which are online systems that event organizers can use to sign up judges for their events. Question #6 I believe that I have knowledge, experience, and tangible skills that will be invaluable to the KCBS Board. In my seven-year involvement with barbeque I’ve made a lot of great friends and met a lot of acquaintances all who love barbeque; going forward I’m sure there will be many more. For those friends, current and future, and those acquaintances, current and future, I want to have a positive impact on KCBS. Richard Preston For KCBS Board of Directors Richard Preston Question #1 Some of the skills that I posses include being in public education for over 36 years in which I deal with the general public everyday as part of being a teacher. I have a Masters degree in Education & Administration and Supervision. These skills have been used in the past when I have served as Area Director for AYSO and other boards for both my community and church. I have taken what I have learned and applied them to page 10bullsheet – January 2015 2014 KCBS Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire Each Candidate for the Board of Directors was given the following list of questions: Question 3: Identify your major short term goal and the major long term goal, if elected to the Board of KCBS and your plan to implement change or improvement in order to carry out each of these goals. Question 1: Please describe the skills you possess (which you believe are stronger than the other candidates) which would make you an asset as a board member, in dealing with the challenges facing KCBS, and give an example of how those skills would serve the KCBS Board of Directors and its membership. Question 4: If elected please explain “your level of commitment, time and energy” for committee projects and monthly reports, board meetings and attendance, as well as representing KCBS to the public and being responsive to our members. Question 2: If you are a Cook, Judge, Rep or Backyard Cook, please identify the major KCBS issues concerning, one of areas in which you are involved. Describe the major issue, your strategies to correct or improve the issue, and what you see as the biggest challenge to the success of your plan. Richard Preston cont. working with the other members of the Board of Directors to make a better KCBS. Question #2 As a judge of over 100 contests, we need to find a way to get all the judges on the page. In my 11 years, there have been numerous ways judges have been taught. I have sit in a number of judges classes to continue my education. This is one way to keep up with the standards that is being taught today. This is one way for all judges to learn what is now being taught. Also continue education classes need to be add to our web page. Question #3 My goal for KCBS is to make it the strongest BBQ society for cookers, judges, and organizers. My other goal is to finish all the business I started as a member of the Board this year. Question #4 While I am very dedicated to KCBS I would have to say that my family and church would come first, but KCBS is definitely third. This year I have attended every board meeting, but one. I have attended all committee meetings I was assigned. Also I am a Lifetime Member of KCBS. Question #5 I have been involved with KCBS serving as a judge and/or table captain for eleven years. I am a proud member of the KCBS 100+ Club and I am a CMJ and CTC. I have been a KCBS Contest Representative for eight years. I also have repped over 68 contests. I also served as a volunteer at the KCBS National Meetings, Great American Tour, and other events. I have served on the KCBS Board of Directors in 2014. I have served as Chair of the Membership Committee, Vice Chair of the Finance Committee, and Vice Chair of Education/Communication Committee. Question #6 I want to continue to be on the KCBS Board of Director to finished the work I started. I am committed to work with cooks, judges , organizers, board members to make KCBS the best BBQ Society. Question 5: Please describe your previous participation in KCBS activities and years of experience. Question 6: Please explain why you want to be a member of the KCBS Board. Question #2 As a BBQ Cook, I have competed in almost 100 contests in the past three seasons, and have traveled throughout the United States and have met many fellow competitors who share the same passions and goals as I do in promoting this sport which can quickly become the #1 family oriented sport in the world. I am confident that I can take this experience and use it to contribute to the continued successful growth of the Sport of BBQ. As a Cook, Organizer and CBJ, I believe there is room for growth and improvement in all three of these facets of the sport. As a Cook Team, we must develop stable strategies that provide consistent contest operations as well as a stable and viable contest structures that will attract new competitors and level the playing field for all involved. From an Organizer’s position, I can see where the KCBS can better help assist with the profitability of contests thru more assistance and training for organizers, revised sanctioning standards, and a Marketing/Media focus on BBQ throughout America as a whole. From the Judging tent, is has been no secret that an across the board review of judging standards and practices needs to be immediately addressed. This is not so much an issue that pertains to individual judges, but rather the various Genre’s of judges that were certified under different curriculums and all judge at the same table and score based on different criteria. I believe there should be a focus from the Board that should work on standardizing current CBJ’s rather than continuing to recruit new CBJ’s which only contributes to the standards and dilutes the frequency of opportunities that existing CBJ’s get to use and hone their judging skills. Once again as a Cook Team, these differences in standards make it hard for teams to develop profiles that can be consistent week in and week out. Question #3 My short term goal will to be to work with the Board and Administration to educate myself on the process of the organization and determine how I can best be of service. My long range goals are to help to implement the immediate needs, and to work toward a long range plan of continued stable growth of the sport and promote this past time as a viable and quality activity for anyone who in interested in a family themed competitive activity that can offer rewards of not only winning money, but to enhance the quality of life of all involved while benefiting from the growth of the associated industries what will support and supply these activities. Question #4 Having held various appointed and elected offices in my community, I understand the time and commitment required to adequately serve those that have entrusted me with this responsibility. To be a successful representative of “The People”, you have to pledge three things; a) Your Time, b) Your experience, and most importantly, c) Your Attention to the Members concerns. Question #5 david qualls Question #1 I have 27+ year tenure in the Gaming & Entertainment Industry. I have served public offices such as Mayor of my City and Member of the local School Board. In addition to being Chairman of the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association for over 8 years. That Association represents some 300,000+ members who generate a $5 Billion Dollar industry in Oklahoma. I have been the 1/2 of our Husband & Wife Team, The American Dream BBQ Team, for the past three years, we have attended the past two annual meetings of the KCBS and I regularly read the minutes and notes of Board meetings and actively communicate with fellow Team Members, Contest Representatives, Contest Organizer’s, and Current Board Members to stay current on the benefits and challenges of our sport. I have been the organizer of the “Smokin At The Run” contests held the past couple of years in Miami, Oklahoma and actually got exposed to the sport and KCBS by assisting with the “Its A Smokin Thang” contest in our hometown of Tecumseh, OK when it ran in the years from 20092013. Question #6 I have really enjoyed what KCBS has developed as a sport for families and friends to participate in. We have enjoyed success and grown personally from all the acquaintances and experiences we have enjoyed thru participating in KCBS events. Because of this, I think it’s my responsibility to both “Give Back” to KCBS for what it has provided to me, and help to “Pay Forward” this opportunity for new families to enjoy the same fulfillment that I have enjoyed thru KCBS. bullsheet – January 2015Page 11 notice to help improve the consistency of their role within KCBS. Question #3 My short term goal is reducing the occurrences of “good” and “bad” tables. I believe this is possible by utilizing KCBS Score to create table assignments for the judge’s tent. This would more than likely require several modifications to the current process and require organizers to participate. Currently it is the organizers responsibility to gather the judges and the Reps’ responsibility to seat the Judges. There would be obvious challenges to work out, judges unable to make the comp at the last minute, etc., but I believe that this would have an immediate and positive impact on scoring. My long term goal is to improve the relationships between Cooks and Judges. This can be accomplished through improved communication and effort on both parties. Remember we are all here because we love BBQ! Question #4 Mike Richter Question #1 During my 29 year career with the Department of Justice’s Federal Bureau of Prisons I held numerous positions with varying degrees of responsibility. My last 10 years I served as a Section Chief. One of my responsibilities was overseeing Bureau’s compliance with applicable rules and regulations by auditing Bureau facilities across the country. These audits covered everything occurring inside our facilities, regional offices and central office (financial management, correctional services, healthcare, food service, information technology, etc.). This responsibility enhanced my already broad knowledge of the Bureau’s operations. Another duty was serving as the Deputy Competition Advocate responsible for reviewing and approving or denying all sole source acquisitions over $100,000. This responsibility relied upon my skill as a Contracting Officer and knowledge of Government acquisition regulations. Additionally, I led the Bureau’s initiative on reducing and eliminating redundancies in governing policy and regulations. This 2 year project required coordinating groups of subject matter experts and reviewing each and every line of policy and regulation. This assignment solidified me a subject matter expert on Bureau operations. Although an enormous task, it proved to be an extremely productive initiative resulting in the reduction and elimination of numerous duplicate polices and redundant effort. The skills utilized to keep these groups focused and on point will serve me well interacting with the Board and completing whatever projects I may be assigned. Additionally, the skills developed during my career would transfer well to the vast needs and responsibilities of the KCBS board by: My ability to work within a wide range of personalities (KCBS Board, Organizers, Reps, Judges, and Cooks) to achieve optimal results from our initiatives. The insight to listen to the members in all categories of involvement to determine and prioritize need areas within the organization. Improving upon existing and developing innovative processes to attain a more unified membership. Versatility to work in whatever capacity I am asked, to identify, achieve and attain goals that best serve the organization. Commitment to the KCBS to be “in the field” and available to listen to concerns, bring concerns to the Board when appropriate, be an active advocate for building bridges between membership categories, and encouraging positive interaction of Cooks, Judges and Reps. Before deciding to run for the Board my wife, Barbara, and I discussed the time and energy that election to the Board would require. Those who know me know I do not take on things lightly and if elected I will be in, body and soul. I am retired which allows me ample time to support the KCBS. We are fortunate to compete in 25-30 contests per year, traveling in many states throughout the year. I have the time and energy to do more than compete. I would be honored to represent and be a voice for all members of the KCBS, and believe I am in touch with what is happening in the field. Question #5 My team CHIX, SWINE & BOVINE Bbq. competed in our first comp in 2002 and did one or two comps a year for several years. We started getting serious (less partying) in 2008. Since then, we have improved our consistency and results. We have, since 2008, become much more involved and knowledgeable about the KCBS as an organization. We became Certified Judges as well as cooks. We support the Mid Atlantic BBQ Association in addition to KCBS. We have attended the Annual Banquet since 2009, and have built strong relationships among all membership categories within the KCBS in many areas of the country. Question #6 The decision to run for the Board was not made lightly nor without some reservation. I believe I have something to offer and believe my personality and skillset would benefit the Board and the KCBS. Traveling and competing across the county has introduced me to so many wonderful people. There is nothing better than visiting with old friends and making new friends at comps. This is an excellent time for folks to share their thoughts about competition BBQ. BBQ has become much more than a hobby – it has become a way of life for us. I believe the KCBS is the best organization anywhere whose goal is to support and promote BBQ. I want to see the KCBS continue to grow and I am confident I can help. I am a proud member of the KCBS and believe I can help affect positive change through listening to concerns from all parties in my travels to BBQ, and making the commitment to do what I can to improve communication, processes and the image of the KCBS by committing to serve on the Board. Question #2 Our organization needs active members from all facets, including Organizers, Reps, Cooks, and Judges to remain vibrant and to continue to grow. As a Cook and sometime Judge, I believe the major issue facing the KCBS is improving the relationship and understanding between Cooks and Judges. The creation of KCBS Score has provided Cooks with useful and valuable information. However, it has also verified what some have suspected in that there are “good” tables and “bad” tables. I believe KCBS Score can be utilized to identify outliers and help reduce, if not eliminate, both overly good and overly bad tables. The main obstacle is determining how best to proceed. We do not want to make snap decisions and totally change how things are currently accomplished but we also cannot continue with the status quo. Decisions need to be made and acted upon. It is not in the best interest of our organization to discuss ideas and then table in lieu of making a decision. Social Media has played a huge role in the disconnect between Judges and Cooks, and I believe in order to move the organization forward it is imperative we identify and develop positive solutions, recognizing the importance of all parties. To accomplish this task, I would like to investigate how further development of the data collected through KCBS Score could be isolated for Cooks, Judges, Organizers and Reps, and used as a tool for not only Cooks to gain insight, but also to provide to Judges, Organizers and Reps appropriate information so they have the ability to compare results, as cooks do, and make a determination based on this feedback if further training might be needed, or if a more concise understanding of the expectations is needed. The major obstacle in this plan would be gaining commitment from those who receive this feedback to thoroughly examine the information provided, and then act upon “patterns” they may Jeff Sharp Question #1 I have been competing for the past 4 years, and for the past two years I have been a member of a Competition Organizing Committee coupled with a 26 plus years career working in Law Enforcement that has given me valuable skills dealing with tough decisions involving individuals and groups concerning their well-being. It has also afforded me the opportunity to be involved in various aspects of the operations of a Law Enforcement Agency. During this 26year period, I had the opportunity to write Rules and Regulations, Oversee the Hiring Process, Acquire necessary Equipment, and Work within and submit Budgets, Held a seat on the Pension Administration Board. All of which has given me the organizational, leadership, and time management skills that are of value to KCBS. page 12bullsheet – January 2015 2014 KCBS Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire Each Candidate for the Board of Directors was given the following list of questions: Question 3: Identify your major short term goal and the major long term goal, if elected to the Board of KCBS and your plan to implement change or improvement in order to carry out each of these goals. Question 1: Please describe the skills you possess (which you believe are stronger than the other candidates) which would make you an asset as a board member, in dealing with the challenges facing KCBS, and give an example of how those skills would serve the KCBS Board of Directors and its membership. Question 4: If elected please explain “your level of commitment, time and energy” for committee projects and monthly reports, board meetings and attendance, as well as representing KCBS to the public and being responsive to our members. Question 2: If you are a Cook, Judge, Rep or Backyard Cook, please identify the major KCBS issues concerning, one of areas in which you are involved. Describe the major issue, your strategies to correct or improve the issue, and what you see as the biggest challenge to the success of your plan. Question 5: Please describe your previous participation in KCBS activities and years of experience. Question 6: Please explain why you want to be a member of the KCBS Board. Jeff Sharp cont. Question #2 I started in the backyard and was encouraged to try competing in a competition; this hobby has now become a way of life, and I enjoy the contact with the teams, and I can comfortably relate to them. Question #3 As a member of a local Contest Organization Committee and a competition cook a major issue that concerns me is the difficulty for organizers to maintain or grow their respective contests. In 2014 a large number of contests was cancelled given the current economic conditions I feel that KCBS should take action or have dialogue to avoid this trend of conflicting contests and to many contests that are in the same geographic locations. Further, I feel the required team count should be lowered especially in those regions where contests are abundant. Increasing the team count requirements concerning adding additional REPS, which incurs additional costs for organizers. I am fully aware that these points maybe hard to implement and that there may be adverse effects on the organization as a whole, however I feel there needs to be more dialogue to address the current difficulties facing organizers and to determine what steps KCBS can take to assist organizers, which in the end would only benefit KCBS growth. Question #3 In the short term, I would like to help address organizers concerns, such as conflicting competitions, and limiting competitions in given regions. In addition, I feel there is a need for a database relating to judging that should be available to the organizers to assist them in table placement at competitions in an attempt to have a more balanced judging system. In the long term, I would like to have an open dialogue concerning a refresher course for judges and possibly making that available on-line. Further, I would like to see KCBS pursue a partnership with an organization to increase the promotions of a KIDS-Q at competitions that can lead to a future growth in addition to a stronger membership. Question #4 As I stated earlier that BBQ has become a way of life, being a cook that is not afraid to travel affords me the availability to members. My geographic local will allow me to attend meetings via Telematics involvement on committees and subsequence projects will be handled in a timely manner. Question #5 My experience with KCBS is that of a cook and CBJ. Sharing the experience with my wife and team mate competing in our First Professional Competition in May of 2011. Currently I am a board member for a local competition in Plymouth, Indiana, now in its 2nd year has successfully seen growth, but not without the hard work of the organizers. Question #6 As a member of the Board of Directors, I want to see KCBS not only prosper but grow; I would like to be a voice for the cooks, and take KCBS to the future successfully. Ralph williams Question #1 As a retired school administrator, I dealt daily with budgets, meetings, parents and student problems. One must be versatile in handling the dealings of a large school district. I have those management skills. I bring that versatility to the BOD. Being retired, I have the time to spend to complete those tasks presented to me. I have been privileged to serve as a CBJ, Master CBJ, contest REP, and instructor. I have served on national committees where policy was written and implemented on the national level. Additionally, I served on our state Elementary Principals BOD for 17 years. I currently serve as Treasurer for our local BBQ organization. Our group sponsors a successful BBQ event each year. All of these experiences show the responsibility and commitment I would bring to the BOD. Question #2 Membership retention is an area of concern. Why does a member not return? Have they retired, are they disinterested, once trained can’t get accepted to an event, is it economics? Factors such as this need to be considered to keep the growth of KCBS at the successful level it currently operates. I feel an effort to contact non-returning judges’ needs to be looked at. Their information may hold the key to help KCBS redirect the loss of members. As I work various contests, I am frequently asked “Why are they adding more contests? We can hardly get our required numbers”. A look at our current sanctioning policy/ saturation numbers may need to be addressed. Question #3 My short term goal is to become orientated with the Board and various procedures as soon as possible, a hands on active approach. Be responsive to everyone I represent, be it cooks, judges’, organizers or Board members. My long term goal is to be a good, supporting, listening BOD member. I often hear judges and cooks asking for certain changes. Change/review is always needed; change/review is usually a good thing. Oftentimes the changes needed are slow to evolve; however, change does not always need to occur just for changes sake. I would like to take a look at refreshing the education of judges. To stay in tune with current practices, techniques, trends and any upcoming situations requires education. Continuing education is a must for everyone. I would be for implementing a form of on-line review. It needs to be simple but keep everyone in touch with sensitive topics, rules and/or changes. Judges, Reps, and others working within the KCBS organization, need to be a part of continuing education. Knowledge is a powerful tool and we need to use it to further the success of KCBS. Question #4 Being retired affords me extra time to devote to the continued betterment of KCBS. I will commit whatever time it takes to be a productive Board member. Committees, Board meetings, listening to members concerns, are all part of the time I am willing to devote to this position. bullsheet – January 2015Page 13 Question #5 I have been a KCBS member since 2002. I am not a competitive cook but I have had the privilege to cook with several teams through my time with KCBS. Each cook was an interesting learning experience. I have been the Treasurer for our local BBQ club for several years and have had the opportunity to help make organizational decisions that have made our contest successful. I am a Master KCBS judge. I am a KCBS representative. I am a KCBS instructor. Question #6 I consider all KCBS participants part of my growing “family”. Everyone brings something different to the table and that makes for an interesting family. It’s neat. It’s rewarding but can be tough. When we joined, Ed Roith told us to “HAVE FUN” and we do. If it is not fun, time to find another adventure. Boards of Directors need a good balance of members’ experiences. Cooks, judges, REPS, and organizers all bring necessary skills and information to the good of the total cause. As a contest REP, I am privileged to hear organizer concerns, cooks concerns and judges’ concerns. We take all of their information and try to create a balance where all concerned parties can have a FUN and enjoyable event. Contest Review Shelby, NC By Doug and Sue Reid We arrived Thursday with lots of clothes and rain suits after being warned about the predicted weather. This was the 23rd year for this contest and the organization is unbelievable. This was our first opportunity to work with John Busch and everything that we had heard is correct; he is one outstanding rep. Friday went smoothly and at noon all the teams were served lunch. With the temperature dropping, what could be better than three different types of homemade soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. By the Cooks’ Meeting, the rain had started and the forecast looked like sleet and snow. As it was, Halloween plans were in place for a costume contest and for the kids to visit the teams for treats. However, Mother Nature started fireworks around 7:00pm and everything had to be called off. Every year, all the helpers and the board of directors of the Children’s Homes of Cleveland County are rewarded by being judges for the Anything But contests held Friday evening and they were not going to allow the weather to slow them down. They braved the sleet and judged the seven different categories. When we arrived early Saturday morning, the weather continued and as I walked with the clock, I could feel the sleet in the rain. Of course, none of this affected the teams who had made in through a night that saw temperatures in the 20’s and a slight snow. Everything was ready and went smoothly. The chicken entry actually was on all the tables in 4 minutes. Judging was completed on time and our scores were compiled by local bank official Lisa Alvino. Over the years I have seen some fast people key, but no one holds a candle to this lady. The packets were ready quickly and the decision was made to hold the awards early. Anything But Gumbo Stew Hogzilla NC Autumn Brunswick Stew with a 180! Meat M o u n t a i n Magic Pineapple Cheese Stuffed Filet Dessert The Nekkid Pig Spider Tarts Fowl Redneck Scientific Stuffed Chicken Marsala Pumpkin Pigs on the Run Pumpkin Ganache Seafood Pigs on the Run Oyster Aueigion Pizza Redneck Scientific Cajun Pizza w/Shrimp and Crayfish North Carolina/South Carolina Battle Smokin’ Butt Heads 2nd Annual Intrastate BBQ Championship This includes scores from Kings Mountain, Lexington, Kannapolis, Salisbury, and Shelby Won by Checkered Pig Pro ChickenSmokin’ Butt Heads Pro Ribs EB’s Bar-B-Que Pro Pork Warren County Pork Choppers Pro Brisket Muttley Crew BBQ Reserve Champion Killer B’s BBQ Grand Champion Rocky Top Barbeque with a 701.0972 All the proceeds of this event go to Children Homes of Cleveland County. Margie Christopher, the director, was on site the entire event with all her helpers. Everyone did a great job throughout the weekend. Hopefully, the 2015 Hog Happnin’ will see some better weather! Proposed change to the KCBS Bylaws to enact a plan for regional representation. To go into effect for the election in 2016. This must be approved by 2/3 of the voting membership to be incorporated into the Bylaws. Proposed new Bylaws section 4.04: Additions in bold. Section 4.04 Election and Term of Office: The Directors of the Corporation shall be elected by the Members annually. Elections shall take place (a) by written or electronic ballot delivered to each Member electronically or by U.S. Mail, or (b) at the annual meeting of the Members, as may be determined by the Board. Each Director shall serve for three-year terms. In order to provide for staggered terms of office, the Directors shall be divided into three classes of not less than three (3) and no more than five (5) Members. The terms of each group of Directors will expire at staggered times so that in each year the term of office of one group of Directors shall expire each year. At all annual elections thereafter, the Directors shall be elected by the Members in good standing for a term of three (3) years to succeed the Directors whose term then expires, providing that the Directors be limited to two consecutive three-year terms, after which one year must lapse before a Member is eligible for another term(s). A candidate shall be nominated to the Nominating Committee in writing from any Member. Except as set forth below regarding “regional seats,” the candidates on the ballot prepared by the Nominating Committee receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared Directors. Election of one class of Directors by the Members shall take place annually. Terms of newly elected Directors of the Corporation begin the first regular meeting of the Board following the announcement of the election results. In the event of a tie vote causing the group of candidates to be elected to be unknown, the tie will be resolved by a vote of the newly seated Board at the first meeting after the election. Any Director elected by a vote of the Board following a tie vote, shall be considered elected by the Members for the purposes of Removal described in Section 4.08. The election may be conducted by paper or electronic ballot. Each year, the Nominating Committee will examine the geographic diversity of the Board, taking into account the vacancies created by directors who will be unable to run for re-election due to the two-term limitation. The Nominating Committee, with the approval of the Board, will assess if there are one or more regions of the United States that will not be represented by the continuing directors. If so, the Nominating Committee may, in its discretion and with approval of the Board, designate a board seat that will be vacated as a “regional seat.” The Nominating Committee may designate no more than two regional seats for each annual election of directors. If at least three candidates residing in a designated region are nominated and run for election as a Director (the “regional candidates”), then the regional candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected to the regional seat for his or her region to serve as a Director. If there are less than three regional candidates nominated and running for a regional seat, then the board seat will be designated an at-large board seat. The at-large board seats, which are the board seats other than the regional seats, will be filled by the remaining candidates, including any regional candidates who were not elected to a regional seat, who receive the highest number of votes. If there are no regional seats to be filled at an annual election, then the Directors will be elected as set forth in the paragraph above. All Directors, whether elected for a regional seat or an at-large board seat, have the same voting rights and owe the same fiduciary duties to the Corporation as Directors. All Directors serve the Corporation and its Members as a whole and do not represent only a portion of the Members or a region of the Members. @kcbbqsociety Follow Us! page 14bullsheet – January 2015 BBQ’n FOOLS CATERING WINS 5 AWARDS AT WORLD’S MOST COMPETITIVE FIERY FOODS CONTEST 2015 Scovie Awards Honors Best Spicy & Savory Food Products (Greenfield,IN-November 12, 2014) –Grant Ford and his Greenfield-based catering company, BBQ’n Fools, was recently informed that he has been awarded five (5) first and one (1) third in this year’s Scovie Awards competition. The Scovie Awards, one of the most prestigious competitions for the best grilled, spicy and savory food products, are to barbecue enthusiasts what the Oscars are to the motion picture industry, the Emmys are to television and the Tonys are to the Broadway stage. Consisting of a judging panel of top culinary experts, Ford continues to exhibit his elite position with sauces and seasonings. Ford’s first place entries were applauded in the categories of XXX Hot Sauce, Beverages, Cook-It-Up, Meat Required, and Prepared Sauces. BBQ’n Fools’ Hot Teriyaki Pepper Sauce, Apple Cider Mix, Low Sodium Chipotle Lime Dry Rub, and Southwest Chipotle Lime Dry Rub all received first place honors while the Hot Teriyaki Pepper as a Stir-Fry Sauce was ranked third. Hundreds of products from around the world were entered and went through rigorous tastings to receive the top honors. When informed of the results of the Scovie Awards, Ford stated, “It is wonderful to enter our products in the Scovie Awards again after ten (10) years and to see our products still winning first places!” BBQ’n Fool’s award-winning sauces, mixes, and seasonings may be purchased online at www.bbqnfools.com or at his shop at 20 West South Street in Greenfield. Introducing --- Q-Bones BBQ Q Bones is Ben Wilson! He’s been cooking competition barbeque for 4 years, 3 years on MBN circuit. He’s been cooking KCBS this year. Ben is a solo cook, arriving late in his pickup, towing an open trailer with his gear then setting up and getting right to business. He cooks on two 270 Smokers out of Virginia and an UDS for brisket. All his life Ben has been a chef. Currently, he works as an executive chef in a corporate setting, which gives him barbeque competition time. Living in Memphis now, Ben was raised in Kansas City and spent some time in Texas. He gives experiences in three great barbeque areas credit for his love of the sport. After his work cooking, he finds competing a relaxing break. “KCBS is less stressful than MBN,” Ben says. “It’s all about the meat, not the show.” Q-Bones BBQ has made a mark this first year! Two grand champions, a perfect perfect, 7 top 5 finishes and a 700+ score all show Ben Wilson to be an aaccomplished pitmaster! Optional: Ben’s been my next door neighbor a two contests this year. Since we’re both solo cooks, we look at comps from a different perspective than teams which are more than one person. It’s all on me if the ball drops! Ben is very organized, yet always has a gracious manner with visitors who walk by his open cook site. No walls are on his canopies! We both struggle with ribs and are “minorities” in the world of barbeque competing. But it’s all about the meat, gender and race are blind in the turn in box. Watch out for Q-Bones! We are going to see more from Ben! Contest Review Chatsworth, Ga. By Doug and Sue Reid Sue and I had been in touch with Mitchell Bedwell throughout the year as he prepared for the event. The location was excellent with plenty of space, power, and water for the teams. When we arrived Thursday afternoon many of the best teams in the country were already in place for this first time contest. Mitchell was busy with his co-organizer, Sparky Roberts making sure that all the attending needs were taken of care of promptly. Sparky, even had his sister Tara Noe, filling in where needed throughout the weekend. As we walked the area all the teams could talk about was the caliber of the list of attending teams. Seven of the top ten teams were present chasing points for the 2014 TOY. Friday all 34 teams were in place and the boxes and meat inspection went smoothly. It was in the 30’s at that point and everyone was preparing for the evening that saw the mercury drop into the teens. As we arrived early Saturday morning there was a power truck that had just finished replacing a transformer. Although, I’m sure the blow out was due to the demand of all the heaters, there was a rumor that Donny of Warren County Pork Choppers had hit the transformer shooting squirrels for breakfast. The teams began to arrive for the country breakfast that was being prepared in the Judging area. Tammy England, our cook, did one outstanding job! I’m sure that there will be talk about this spread for a long time. The items are too numerous to list, but it was enjoyed by everyone. The judges braved the weather and were happy that the judging area was indoors, and with heat. Rick Goldstein was the Judges Coordinator for the contest and had done an outstanding job. The word quickly spread to the teams that there were four Master Judges at each table. We would like to thank Rusty and Julie Cook along with Wayne and Racheal Harper who assisted us throughout the event. Due to the weather we made efforts to get the entries to the tables as soon as possible. The teams had requested as many comment cards as possible. Sue and I have had a great response in the southeast this year from the judges in regards to these cards. This event was no different with 138 cards. The judging went without a hitch and the Cook’s packets were prepared quickly with all the excellent help. The organizers decided to hold the awards early due to the weather. John Hale had arrived to announce the awards and did an excellent job as always. Hogz Gone Wild Ga walked away with Chicken after winning the coin toss with Bar-BQ-101. Both of these teams had received a score of 180. Ribs were won by Warren County Pork Choppers. Donny did not even get to his seat when they announced that Warren County Pork Choppers they had also taken first place in Pork. Moyers Competition Bar-B-Cue Team scored a 180 to win brisket. Fellow Rep, Dave Amend won dessert with an entry that had a very unusual presentation. The top five teams were finally called to the stage. When it was all over, Under the Radar had won the Reserve and Checked Pig has taken The Grand. Sue has wanted to have a 700 all year in one of her contests. She was tickled pink when the top three places all scored in the 700’s. The staff did a wonderful job with this event. All of the Teams were very pleased with the service they received throughout the weekend . We are sure the word will spread and 2015 this event will be even bigger! bullsheet – January 2015Page 15 remUS says: Bells toll for the Golden Ox: What’s Next? By Remus Powers, Ph.B. Remember the very first American Royal Barbecue in the parking lot of the Golden Ox restaurant 35 years ago? The parking lot is still there, but by the time you read this, the Golden Ox has departed to Diddy-Wa-Diddy Heaven. Now our dearly departed can partake of the famous Golden Ox aged flame grilled KC Strip steaks with loaded baked potato, pit beans and crispy salad with blue cheese vinaigrette—plus the fantastic Ole Hickory™ smoked crusty outside/tender inside spareribs, brisket, pork and chicken. No more barbecue meat emporium with a monastic feel, dim lighting, dark woodwork, soft carpeting, and the quiet, reverent feel of the Trappist chapel in Gethsemane, Kentucky, prior to sunrise mass, except when the Ox was filled with the buzz and hubbub of diners feasting and chatting. When Kansas City finishes the necessary lamentations and nostalgic recollections, it’s time to go from what was to what-could-be. A fast food joint or fast food court is off the table. Same goes for a pricier fast food joint with table service. The West Bottoms doesn’t have enough traffic to sustain fast food joints. The Ox is a destination location. You want to go there because it has something to attract you. Many ideas will be kicked around as to the next use of the space. The owner and chosen developer will have final say. A new concept may already be in place, but here’s a thought. Build a boutique hotel nearby, featuring themed rooms that pay tribute to Chow Town’s agribusiness history. For example, a Tom Bass American Royal Founder’s Suite, a Barbecue Hall of Fame Suite, Cowgirl Hall of Fame Suite, Cowboy Hall of Fame Suite, a Cattle Barons’ Suite and Ranch Hand’s Bunkhouse Suites. Some of the artifacts from the Golden Ox restaurant could be used in the suites. The Barbecue Hall of Fame Suite could be reserved for the defending Grand Champion of the American Royal Barbecue. How about that, Smoky D’s? The totally renovated restaurant could feature American regional barbecue at its best, with a Memphis Section, a Texas Section, a Carolinas Section, a Kansas City Section, and a Competition Pitmasters Section. The décor in each section would reflect their respective regions, but diners could order any style of barbecue they want from one menu. Memphis menu items would include barbecue spaghetti, charcoal grilled Rendezvous-style babyback ribs, dry or wet, pulled pork sandwiches and fried pies. Texas would include beef ribs, beef brisket, cabrito, big pork chops, big sirloin steaks, and pork spareribs. The Carolinas menu would include pulled or chopped pork sandwiches with bark or pig cracklins, coleslaw, vinegar and vinegar/tomato sauces, skillet cornbread, and a Kings-style Pig in a Puppy. The Kansas City menu would feature burnt ends, rib tips, pork spareribs and specialty sandwiches. The Competition Pitmasters Room would feature the standard competition Kansas City, Texas and Memphis meats, trimmed to perfection, heavily seasoned and glazed. Monthly specials could feature barbecue from other states: Kentucky mutton, lamb ribs and burgoo, for example, or northern Alabama barbecue chicken in white sauce. I expect this idea will take on as much traction as my Planet Barbecue proposal for the Kemper Arena/American Royal campus complex. Hats off and farewell Golden Ox owner Bill Teel, general manager Mike Holland and staff! You will be dearly missed! Ribs and Happy New Year to ya! Remus Powers PhB Webster County Pantry To Receive a “Spud-tacular” Food Donation Courtesy of Big Woodie BBQ and Reser’s Fine Foods On December 16th, a Reser’s semi-truck will roll into town to donate 18,000 servings of their world famous potato salad and macaroni salad, to feed local community members in need this holiday season WHO: Big Woodie BBQ, a Missouri BBQ team, competed against 15 national finalists to win Resers America’s Best Potato Salad Challenge at The World Food Championships in Las Vegas. The team won a $5,000 grand prize, as well as the chance to give back to their local community. Big Woodie BBQ selected Webster County Pantry to receive this holiday food donation. WHEN: Tuesday, December 16, 2014; Truck Delivery Time: 9:00 am CST WHERE Webster County Pantry 51 Ferguson Drive, Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-3525 WHAT: Local BBQ Team Delivers Big Holiday Food Donation Big Woodie BBQ Team members Jimbo Tyson, Jeff White and William Wilson will be on-hand to help unload the truck and receive this donation. Their winning potato salad recipe was “It’s A Big ‘Dill!” Reser’s Cares, Reser’s employee giving program, will donate 18,000 servings of its world-famous potato salad and macaroni salad, one case for every recipe submitted in this year’s contest. “We are humbled to be a part of Reser’s donation to our hometown food pantry. Reser’s has been so generous, not only to us, but our entire community. It’s hard to believe $20 worth of potato salad ingredients would create such a positive result,” states Jeff White, Big Woodie BBQ. “From local foundations to community picnics, Big Woodie BBQ has given back to our community in many ways,” states Jerry Nehl, Director, Webster County Pantry. “I’m thankful they selected us for this holiday donation.” “Big Woodies BBQ shows the big impact each one of us can make if we work together to strengthen the communities where we live and work,” states Mari Jo Prlain, Corporate Director, Reser’s. Contacts Press Contact: Sunshine Morrison e: sunshine@radiancecom.com c: 971.645.3677 Onsite Contact: Jeff White (Big Woodies BBQ) o: 417-739-3264 c: 417.631.1285 About the Recipe Contest Reser’s America’s Best Potato Salad Challenge invited potato salad lovers from across the nation to submit their favorite recipe. Fifteen finalists competed at the The World Food Championships for a $5,000 grand prize. Recipes were judged by Reser’s culinary team, as well as celebrity chefs including Whitney Miller (“Master Chef” winner) and Food Network Star alums Emily Ellyn and Vic Vegas. KCBS BBQ Judges get together at Golden Coral page 16bullsheet – January 2015 Contest Review SMOKIN IN STEELE 2014 by Lyle Coleman The 7th annual Smokin in Steele, organized by the Knights of Columbus for the benefit of our local Special Olympics, was May 30-31 in Owatonna, MN at the Steele County Fairgrounds. 67 teams formed the line up for this KCBS sanctioned State Championship event. Not only was this the most teams in our history, but also it was a stellar line up of midwest powerhouses. Guiding us thru the weekend was our great team of KCBS Reps: David and Virginia Londeen plus Ron and Dena Milhous. Any event would be fortunate to have either one of these couples, but having both of them was a real blessing. Our complex schedule of overlapping activities is designed to appeal to all age groups. On Friday evening about 180 sponsors received our gratitude with a VIP dinner that features all 4 categories of competition meat plus award winning beans, slaw and a cheesecake desert. Just outside in Fair Square 21 children started the Kids Q. Using EZ Grills, kids 7 – 10 cooked hamburger while ages 11-14 cooked steak. Sponsored again this year by Fruita Wood Chunks and BBQ Supply along with Krenik’s Meat Market with goody bags from Quetopia BBQ Supply, this competition drew a large crowd of parents and spectators. In addition to providing cash prizes to the champions of the two age categories, Fruita Wood Chunks gave each participant a gift certificate for their web site. Meanwhile a group of Special Olympians got to tour a number of team sites. Both the cooks and the Olympians really enjoy this interaction. To top it all off, world class Blues Bands both in the Beer Garden and on an outdoor stage rocked the night away while the teams all enjoyed their usual Friday night camaraderie. Each year the group of judges that comes and camps or stays in a hotel for the whole weekend grows. Everyone joined in the fun. Saturday dawned bright and clear and activities began with a free cooks breakfast from our KC Breakfast Crew. At just about the same time Backyard teams began to set up. A field of 15 Backyard teams, another record, filled Fair Square and began preparations for their contest. In addition to all that, our 5K Run with new partner Gopher Sports of Owatonna, saw 175 runners approach the starting line for the beginning of their race. As the race was in progress CBJ’s from 6 states converged on the Fairground and signed in at the judging building. An antique tractor show and Blues 4 Kids free harmonica lessons added to the fun as well. As Noon and the first turn in approached, tension filled the air along with the aromatic scents of smoke and roasting meat. There was a lot on the line. Not only was there the $10,000 purse plus laser etched black granite plaques we will award, but also the extra prizes that were new this year. We formed an alliance with the Central Iowa BBQ Cruise and Brew contest from Boone Iowa. Top cumulative points from either of their back to back contests plus our points would win a free entry to one day at Boone and a free entry to Smokin in Steele for 2015. Then there was the Fareway Foods Challenge. Fareway Foods, a regional chain of grocery stores, headquartered in Iowa, just added a new store in Owatonna. Fareway Foods is known for the quality of their meat department. They agreed to partner with us with a new challenge for our teams. All 4 category winners would each receive an additional $ 500 if they had purchased that meat at Fareway. We verified the teams eligibility by category at meat inspection. Teams could purchase from any one of the Fareway Stores in their chain. After all the turn ins were done, the judges scores entered, tabulated and audited, we were ready for awards. And the winners are: Chicken: Big Tz Q Cru Grumpy Old Men Hogline Smokey Boys Authentic BBQ Black Dog BBQ Ribs: The Smoking Hills with a 180 and Fareway Challenge Bonus Sons of Butchers Pork: Red Line BBQ A Boy and His BBQ Fergilicious Big Brads BBQ with a 178.8 and a Fareway Challenge Bonus Lucky’s Q Grills Gone Wild of Iowa Bend in the River Cookout Nectar of the Hogs Brisket: Pigskin BBQ with a 180 and a Fareway Challenge Bonus Dry 2 Da Bone Shiggin and Grinnin A Boy and His BBQ Iowa Wild Hogs Reserve Grand Champion: Pig Skin BBQ Grand Champion: Lucky’s Q with a 699.4 total points. Justin McGlaun of Lucky’s Q did not win a category outright, but used all Fareway meat, so Fareway awarded him a Fareway Challenge Bonus as well. This is the second time Lucky’s Q has been our Grand Champion. What did Justin say after he won? “ I am going back to Fareway, they still had some really good looking briskets left!” The winner of the free entries into Boone and Owatonna next year was Pig Skin BBQ who edged out Lucky’s Q by .2 points! With awards over, the celebrations began with modified garden tractor pull. Our outstanding line up of bands returned to the stages to begin to entertain the large crowd of music fans, contented judges, and happy teams. It was an evening that transported everyone to a “near heavenly” experience and made all the hard work worthwhile. Even the thunderstorms that had threatened most of the day held off until late in the evening. For Smokin in Steele, our 7th annual event was record breaking in many ways, but we are already hard at work to make the 8th annual even better. bullsheet – January 2015Page 17 Kookers Kare, Harvesters and the BBQ Community Request to Speak at KCBS Board Meeting Member Name:_______________________________ Member #:___________________________________ Date of Board Meeting:_____________________________________ I want to monitor the meeting only: _________yes __________no I want to speak to the Board: ___________ yes ____________no If yes to speak, what agenda item or what topic do you wish to address? ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I understand I will have 3 minutes to speak if marked above and will follow the KCBS Board guidelines for Communication with the Board and Public Decorum at Board meetings attached here to. If I have not asked to speak, I understand I will only be granted the ability to listen to the meeting. _______________________________________________ ___________________ SignatureDate Deadline for submissions is as follows: Meeting Attendance, 24 hours; Speak at meeting, 72 hours ; Limited to the first 25 to register per month Please note: The KCBS Board Minutes can be found at www.kcbs.us We hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday and were able to enjoy spending time with family and friends. Food plays a big part in our celebrations, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day we gather around the table sharing good food with good company. Not everyone is so fortunate. A recent study by Feeding America and Oxfam America® ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday season showed that more than half (54%) of all households seeking charitable food assistance included at least one member who had employment in the past year. Many working Americans face challenges providing enough food for their households. They are making difficult choices, between paying for rent, utilities, healthcare and enough food for their families. Kookers Kare, thru Harvesters and other hunger-relief organizations, raises money and awareness of the need to assist families in meeting their basic nutrition needs. That effort is supported by you, the BBQ community with your generous support of Kookers Kare events like the recent American Royal Food rescue where we were able to collect nearly 4,000 lbs. of food that was distributed by the Harvesters Food Network. With that in mind, Kookers Kare would like to invite you to Winter FunFest, our main fundraising event for 2015. There you will be able to mingle with your BBQ friends in an atmosphere of fun, food and good company. Our theme this year will be “A Day at the Beach”. So wear you best “Beach Clothes” and bring the sunshine to brighten up the gray days of Winter. Also, bring a side dish to share, bring a cooler of your favorite beverage and Kookers Kare will provide 2 whole hogs and dessert. You will be able to purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win some amazing door prizes, and 2015 contest entries. All ticket sales and donation of door prizes made to Kookers Kare, a 501(c)(3) charity, are tax deductible. As always, we would like you to bring some non-perishable food to be donated to local food pantries. For each 5 items you bring we will give you a raffle ticket for a special door prize. The date for this annual event will be February 21, 2015 from 7:00 11:00 p.m. at the Addallah Shrine, 5300 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park, KS 66202. Tickets are still only $10.00 and are limited to 300 people, so don’t wait too long to get yours. You can reserve a table and purchase tickets online at our website, www.KookersKare.com or contact Gerry Benham at 816-352-2078 for tickets, questions or to just say “hello”!. page 18bullsheet – January 2015 bullsheet – January 2015Page 19 page 20bullsheet – January 2015 bullsheet – January 2015Page 21 page 22bullsheet – January 2015 bullsheet – January 2015Page 23 page 24bullsheet – January 2015 UPCOMING KCBS Certified Barbeque Judging Classes January 1/17/15 Hartselle, AL Certified BBQ Judging Class - Cancelled Contact: Susan Hines 256-773-4370 susan@hartsellechamber.org http://www.hartsellechamber.org 1/24/15 Sandy Springs, GA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Bob Herndon atlantabbqclub@gmail.com 2/26/15 Lake Havasu, AZ Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Skip & Cheryl Ramsden 928-209-2375 info@musicbrewsbbq.com 3/28/15 Omaha, NE Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Steve Richards 402-350-1289 steve.richards@cox.net 2/28/15 Joppa, AL Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Jason Haggard 256-309-8611 jasonhaggard@msn.com 3/28/15 Gettysburg, PA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Dana Stewart aa@adamsart.org http://www.gobs.org 3/28/15 2/28/15 Owatonna, MN Vidalia, LA https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kcbs-judgCertified BBQ Judging Class Certified BBQ Judging Class ing-class-at-sandy-springs-united-methodContact: Ross Bowen ist-church-tickets-13561899005 Contact: Ann Westmoreland 952-454-4406 awestmoreland@cityofvidaliala.com rrbowen61@yahoo.com 1/24/15 http://www.concordiapchamber.com/ Snow Hill, MD 2/28/15 Certified BBQ Judging Class April Des Moines, IA Contact: Sandy Fulton 4/15/15 Certified BBQ Judging Class 410-726-1881 Overland Park, KS Contact: Anne Rehnstrom sandyfulton720@gmail.com Certified BBQ Judging Class - Can515-223-2622 celled arehnstrom@pork.org 1/29/15 Contact: Jim Lilleston Lakeland, FL 913-206-7860 2/28/15 Certified BBQ Judging Class james.lilleston@us.army.mil Laurens, SC Contact: Nick Nicholas http://vfwpost846bbq.com Certified BBQ Judging Class 863-669-6493 Contact: Jonathan Irick info@lakelandpigfest.org 4/25/15 http://www.lakelandpigfest.org 864-984-2119 Marietta, OH mail@mainstreetlaurens.org Certified BBQ Judging Class http://www.mainstreetlaurens.org Contact: Emmeline Wharton FEBRUARY mariettabbq@gmail.com 2/7/15 March Cary, NC 4/25/15 3/1/15 Certified BBQ Judging Class Huron, SD St. Charles, IL Contact: Graham Wilson Certified BBQ Judging Class Certified BBQ Judging Class 919-608-0209 Contact: Candi Briley Contact: Julie Farris gwilson@prstreet.com 605-353-3740 630-233-4746 candi.briley@state.sd.us julie@firinupthefox.com 2/7/15 http://classes.firinupthefox.com/ Morton, IL Certified BBQ Judging Class May 3/7/15 Contact: Ryan Koener Floyd, VA 5/3/15 309-208-1572 Certified BBQ Judging Class Annapolis, MD rak@koener.com Contact: Sally Truslow Certified BBQ Judging Class http://www.mortonbbqthrowdown.net/ 540-593-9223 Contact: Edward Kumian struslow@thedogs.com 410-991-0611 2/21/15 http://www.thedogs.com/ ekumian@comcast.net Harper, KS http://www.barbayq.com Certified BBQ Judging Class 3/7/15 Contact: Kimberly Temple Schrant Riverside, CA 5/22/15 316-383-3229 Certified BBQ Judging Class North Bend, OR kimberly.schrant@us.gt.com Contact: Jim Palmer Certified BBQ Judging Class 714-319-1782 Contact: Amy Bailey 2/21/15 jpee@sbcglobal.net 541-756-8800, ext. 1574 Westmont, IL abailey@themillcasino.com Certified BBQ Judging Class http://www.themillcasino.com 3/14/15 Contact: Jim Addington Smithville, MO 630-215-9527 5/31/15 Certified BBQ Judging Class jaaddington54@comcast.net Norco, CA Contact: Tony Kerns Certified BBQ Judging Class 913-991-3991 2/26/15 Contact: Debbie Yopp tony@kerskonnection.com Huntsville, TX info@brewnquefestival.com Certified BBQ Judging Class http://www.brewnquefestival.com/bbq3/28/15 judges/ Contact: Ben Pruitt Stillwater, OK 936-661-4204 Certified BBQ Judging Class benatt41@aol.com Contact: Chuck Willoughby http://www.shotgunfredbbq.com 405-744-7300 chuck.willoughby@okstate.edu June 6/25/15 Leadville, CO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Jeff McGuinness 303-601-7990 leadville@leadvilleusa.com 6/26/15 Artesia, NM Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: David Grousnick 575-513-4291 dvgrousnick@yahoo.com http://smokinonthepecos.us July 7/2/15 Lake Placid, NY Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Dmitry Feld dmitry@usaluge.org September 9/13/15 St. Charles, IL Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Julie Farris 630-233-4746 julie@firinupthefox.com http://classes.firinupthefox.com/ October 10/8/15 CINCINNATI, OH Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Ruthann Spears 513-321-6070 ruthann.spears@cincinnati-oh.gov bullsheet – January 2015Page 25 UPCOMING BBQ COOKING CLASSES “Cooking good bbq is a matter of high honor and ingenio preparation. Although all cooking class instructors are KCBS members, each cooker brings his and her own special talents and ingredients to the fire. Please note the KCBS is proud to offer cooking class listings in our publication but do not take these listings as an endorsement of any or all of these classes. Class attendee discretion is advised and encouraged.” January March 1/16/15 Unadilla, GA Instructor(s): Myron Mixon - Jack’s Old South Cooking Class Contact: Myron Mixon Phone Number: jacksoldsouth@yahoo.com http://www.jacksoldsouth.com/ cooking-school 3/6/15 Overland Park, KS Instructor(s): Rod Gray - Pellet Envy Contact: Rod Gray Phone Number: rod@pelletenvy.com http://www.pelletenvy.com/classes/ 1/30/15 Bowling Green, KY Instructor(s): Donny Bray - Warren County Pork Choppers Tell All Class - CLASS FULL Contact: Tory Bray Phone Number: tory.wcpcbbqclass@aol.com February 2/6/15 Hammond, LA Instructor(s): Johnny Trigg Smokin’ Triggers Contact: Johnny Trigg Phone Number: johnnytrigg@gmail.com 2/13/15 Unadilla, GA Instructor(s): Myron Mixon - Jack’s Old South Contact: Myron Mixon Phone Number: jacksoldsouth@yahoo.com http://jacksoldsouth.com/cookingschool 2/13/15 Bowling Green, KY Instructor(s): Donny Bray - Warren County Pork Choppers Tell All Class Contact: Tory Bray Phone Number: tory.wcpcbbqclass@aol.com 2/14/15 Hinsdale, IL Instructor(s): Scottie Johnson - cancersuckschicago.com BBQ Class Contact: Scottie Johnson Phone Number: scottie@cancersuckschicago.com http://www.cancersuckschicago. com/bbq.htm 3/14/15 Sellersburg, IN Instructor(s): Chris Marks - BBQ Boot Camp Day 1 Contact: Hal Wagner Phone Number: info@charcoalandmore.com http://charcoalandmore.com/bbqbootcamp 3/15/15 Sellersburg, IN Instructor(s): Chris Marks - BBQ Boot Camp Day 2 Contact: Hal Wagner Phone Number: info@charcoalandmore.com http://charcoalandmore.com/bbqbootcamp 3/20/15 Hoboken, GA Instructor(s): Paul Kirk - Spring Que School Contact: Que School Phone Number: http://www.langbbqsmokers.com 3/21/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ 3/21/15 Hoboken, GA Instructor(s): Paul Kirk - Spring Que School Contact: Que School Phone Number: http://www.langbbqsmokers.com April 4/3/15 Overland Park, KS 2/20/15 Instructor(s): Rod Gray - Pellet Sperry, OK Envy Instructor(s): Donny Teel - Buffalo’s Contact: Rod Gray BBQ Phone Number: Contact: Donny Teel rod@pelletenvy.com Phone Number: http://www.pelletenvy.com/classes/ buffbbq66@sbcglobal.net 4/4/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ May 5/2/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ June 6/13/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ July 7/11/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ August 8/1/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ September 9/5/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ October 10/3/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ November 11/7/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ December 12/5/15 Smyrna, GA Instructor(s): STBBQ Fundamentals Contact: Laura Warner Phone Number: lwarner6@gmail.com http://www.southernthunderbbq. com/ 100+ Club The 100+ Club is an exclusive club for Certified Barbeque Judges who have judged 100+ contests during their time as a CBJ. BERT MOSES GALLATIN, TN GARY BAKER DECATUR, AL ROGER A. BIXBY ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL RITA BAKER DECATUR, AL JUDY BIXBY ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL WAYNE JARRETT RYDAL, GA BRYANT KELLEY ADA, OK MARY M. WALKER KETTERING, OH page 26bullsheet – January 2015 Contest Preview TV’s BBQ Pitmasters make rare California appearance Myron Mixon and Big Moe Cason Kick off Brew n’ Que Festival Myron Mixon and Moe Cason, two of America’s top celebrity chefs on the competitive barbecue circuit, headline the Horse Town Brew n’ Que Festival, May 29-31, 2015 in Norco. In rare California appearances, both Mixon and Cason appear at the ‘Meat, Greet and Compete’ Kick-off reception, Friday, May 29th, 2015. As part of the reception, Mixon will sign copies of his latest book, The BBQ Rules. Both Mixon and Cason will answer questions, sign autographs and take pictures. Cason will also compete in the festival’s barbeque cook-off sanctioned by prestigious Kansas City Barbecue Society. The festival incorporates a variety of food, competition barbecue, live entertainment and craft beer. Over 60 barbecue teams, micro and craft brewers from California, Nevada and Arizona will compete for $10,000 in cash, prizes and most importantly, bragging rights. Both beer and barbeque will be available to sample and attendees may cast a vote for their favorite craft beer or barbecue. The festival hosts a rare California Certified BBQ Judging (CBJ) class and an onsite Brew 101 class will be held. Food lectures, brewing demonstrations and other activities will also be featured. Mixon is widely recognized as the most successful and charismatic man in barbecue. Myron competed in his first competition in Augusta, Georgia, in 1996, where he took first place in whole hog, first place in pork ribs and third in pork shoulder. Since then, he’s won more barbecue competitions than anyone else in the world. He’s won over 180 grand championships resulting in over 1,700 total trophies, 30 state championships, 8 Team of the Year awards, and 11 national championships. Myron’s team has taken three first place whole hogs at the Jack Daniels World Championship Invitational Barbeque Competition; has been the Grand Champion at the World Championship in Memphis three times: 2001, 2004 and 2007; and, has also taken first place in the Whole Hog category at the World Championship in: 2001, 2003, 2004 and 2007. And, his team is the only team to win Grand Championships in Memphis in May, Kansas City BBQ Society and Florida BBQ Association in the same year. Most recently, he was inducted into the Barbeque Hall of Fame in Kansas City, Missouri. Cason, a multiple grand and reserve barbecue champion, has competed and won in 35 states. He appears as a judge on the popular Destination America reality television show, BBQ Pitmasters, and has been featured in the hit television series, BBQ Pit Wars. His infectious smile and skill on the grill make him popular throughout the barbeque and food communities. His rubs and sauces are popular with backyard and competitive barbeque cookers. In previous competitions, Cason has received a perfect score of 180 in chicken, ribs and pork shoulder. The Horse Town Brew n Que Festival marks his first California appearance in a KCBS sanctioned barbeque competition. The stakes are high as Cason faces the famed, “West Coast Offense,” a group of award winning West Coast barbeque teams who believe California smokers are a true force in barbeque. “ We are very excited to welcome Myron and Moe at the “Meat and Greet.” This event will be Moe’s first competition in California,” notes Derrick Turner, one of the event organizers. “They bring a lot of energy to the event and a camaraderie and competitive spirit that make barbeque competition exciting. “Turner adds. Grammy nominated, Ray Brooks; blues stylist, the 60 Grit Blues Band; toe stomping Blue Henrys; country artists Tessie and the Calico Cats; brass band, Tuba Force and crowd favorites, the Muddy Hooker Kings add to the festival aroma. About The Organizer: The DEC Group and Service Through Action are organizations that have been at the forefront of social change. They courageously take an innovative stance on issues such as education, leadership development, and healthy environments. Through creative arts, community service, education, and advocacy, they improve the quality of life for youth, their families, and the community. Tickets are now on sale and priced as follows: Pre sale tickets- General admission tickets, $10.00. Beer sample tickets, $25.00 per day (includes 10 beer taste tickets). A limited number of VIP and Kick off reception seats are available. Children 12 and under are free. For more information visit www.brewnquefestival.com or call (760) 705-4FUN. Historical Day for KCBS! By: Don Harwell Gelsenkirchen, Germany - On October 11th and 12th, Tom and Natascha Hermann of Palm BBQ hosted the largest KCBS sanctioned barbeque contest outside of the United States and the largest international KCBS sanctioned contest ever, Ruhrpott BBQ. There were teams from 12 different countries including three from the United States and the judges also came from 12 different countries. This was definitely a diversified group of cooks and judges all united together by barbeque. We had the privilege of going over to Germany a few days early and teaching a KCBS certified barbeque judging class prior to the actual contest on the week-end. Thomas and Jenny Eriksson Frohlich with Flaming Pig Competition Barbeque team from Sweden doing all the cooking and preparations for the class. They did an amazing job and the food was fantastic. As the class participants arrived they were greeted by an Italian Coffee vendor who offered great European coffee and hot chocolate for those who wanted a wake-up drink before getting started with the class. A television crew from Italy was there to document the judging process and what a serious affair the judging of barbeque can be. They stayed for the contest that week-end and documented the whole event. After the judging class we even had a Certified Table Captain’s class and several of those participants were so gracious to volunteer to take the duty at the contest the very next day. The contest was held at a local horse racing track with spacious room to accommodate all the teams and vendors who came to join the fun. It was typical cloudy and rainy fall weather for the German contest, but that did not deter the competitors from coming in Friday to start their celebrations and prepare for the Saturday to Sunday contest. By the time Sunday’s turn in rolled around it was bright sunny skies. In addition to the required four categories for Grand Champion, the competitors also had the opportunity to turn in sausage that had to be ground and mixed on site and then a mandatory chef’s choice entry at the end of the competition. The chef’s choice entries were worthy of any television cooking competition with some amazing dishes. In fact there were two 180 pins awarded for the chef’s choice, a 180 pin was given to BBQ Guru for his perfect score and another 180 pin for LetzQ’s perfect perfect score of all 9’s from all judges. The registration is now under way for next year’s contest and it should be on all competitors’ bucket list. While it’s difficult for teams from the United States to compete essentially out of a suitcase, the hospitality from the European teams is amazing. ATTENTION KCBS MEMBERS, ORGANIZERS AND ADVERTISERS! Please check out our new on-line version of the Bullsheet. This version is in addition to the on-line Bullsheet you are already familiar with. The updated version includes an interactive feature that allows you to open any website just by clicking the link shown! It also allows you to click any email address to send a message. Our new version has been available for the last few months and is still in its trial stages. We would love your feedback on the new version. Please send your opinion, ideas and suggestions to info@kcbs.us. To access the new version please go to www.kcbs.us, click “more news” located at the bottom of KCBS News section. At the next screen select the Bullsheet issue you want to view, then click the link! bullsheet – January 2015Page 27 Congratulations to the following new Master CBJ’s!!!! KRISTIN S. HUBBARD LAKE HAVASU, AZ JASON WINGET HAMMOND, WI BARB WINGET HAMMOND, WI STEVEN KNUCKLES O’FALLON, MO DAVID TROVILLION CHANDLER, AZ LARRY EDDY LEAVENWORTH, KS JUANITA WIGGINS PLANT CITY, FL WAYNE WIGGINS PLANT CITY, FL MIKE CARPENTER GIRARD, KS LOUIS GOLDMAN FERNANDINA BEACH, FL DONNA SALLER BEAUFORT, MO JOHN SALLER BEAUFORT, MO BONNIE GHOLSTON TREMONT, MS TOMMY J. GHOLSTON TREMONT, MS LESLIE LITTLEJOHN ALMA, AR ED SITARSKI BROWNSTOWN, IN WAYNE HARPER MONROE, GA RACHEL HARPER MONROE, GA ANN HURST COLUMBUS, OH GREG HOYT OPELIKA, AL FRANK BRAMWELL LINCOLN, IL page 28bullsheet – January 2015 News From the RMBBQA By: Jason Ganahl @gquebbq The competitive BBQ season officially came to an end on November 8th in the heart of downtown Denver. Our BBQ Association celebrated the conclusion of our 10th year. We had a great turnout of over 130 people, our largest attended banquet to date. Attendees were treated to a nice presentation by Kevin Keeling and Beth Lentz (more on them later) of how we as an association started and got to where we are today. It was great stroll down memory lane and education of our history that many of us had not heard before. Besides bidding on items like free entries into 2015 cup events, and baskets of wine, engraved bottles of Jack, attendees also were treated to a white table cloth lunch. Bob Oldfield our president MC’d the extravaganza. Our season long award winners were recognized 1-10 in both the shot glass and the cup. Shot Glass Winners Chicken: Clark Crew Ribs: Clark Crew Pork: Parrothead Smokers Brisket:Parrothead Smokers Overall: Parrothead Smokers Cup Winners Chicken: Burnin’ Bobs Butts and Bones Ribs: Jo’ Bawbs Pork: Jo’ Bawbs Brisket: GQue Overall: GQue Congrats to all those that got to walk - It was fun to watch! The Big Mike award went to Bill Maes. A special moment happened when our association inducted its first recipients into the Hall of Fame. This year we inducted Beth Lenz and Kevin Keeling. It was a special moment. While the fires are out - its hard to believe we kick off our season in a little over 6 weeks in Denver at the stock show as they host their 1st ever BBQ contest. 2015 is right around the corner and should be every bit as fun and exciting as 2014 was. This month lets go under the tent with this years runner-up in the shot glass category. A unfamiliar position for Clark Crew as they are usually the ones called last. I would venture to guess their Grand Championships to contests entered ratio might be as good as or better than anyone in the country. How did you come up with the name Clark Crew? Well if your ever around our team usually all 4 kids and the wife are along so we really are a Crew…So Clark Crew BBQ just seemed right. Any other names you were considering? Yeah I was thinking about Big T’s BBQ but that was to close to Ryan Newstrom and Big T’z that it didn’t seem right to use it. Who is all on your team? We are a family team, we have my wife Kimberly, my daughters Jennifer, Madison, Brooklyn and the real deal behind it all my son Cooper “Coopdog” What do you like to do when you’re not BBQ’n? Well this year if we were not out competing I was was working at my real job as an Electrician, but when I do have time I like to sit on my butt and watch football! Tell us a little about your equipment what kind of smoker do you use? I cook on a Enclosed Jambo that I got from my buddy Wade Reeder. Really enjoy cooking on it but I have also been playing with my BPS Drum and may be doing a little on it this next year. What BBQ accomplishment are you most proud of and why? Wow, that’s a tough one I would have to say taking RGC at the 2013 American Royal Open, Competing at the Colorado Rockies Contest, making it to Sams Club Nationals and getting in the top 25 in KCBS in 4 categories, then being picked to compete at the King of the Smoker this year to help raise money for the Casey Lee Ball Foundation has made this a dream come true season. Who or what has influenced how you BBQ the most and how have they influenced you specifically? Rod Gray with Pellet Envy, I took his class 2 years ago and that is what really got us going, now I have helped at several of his classes and still continue to learn from him. I use the same type of flavor profile and try to use a similar cooking technique as him. Then all of my friends that I have met like yourself, Wade Reeder (Theres No Place Like Smoke), Rod Gray (Pellet Envy), David Qualls (American Dream BBQ Team), David Bouska (Butcher BBQ), Darian Khosravi (Kosmos Q), Sterling Ball (Big Poppa Smokers), Stephan Franklin (Simply Marvelous), Tommy Houston (Checkered Pig), JP (JP Custom Smoke), Merle Grauer (Whiskey Pit), Kent Boatright (Uncle BC’s) all these guys have become great friends and have gave encouragement and bits of advice that have helped make us a better team Wildcard is there anything you would like the readers to know about you, your team or BBQ in general that was not asked? We will be back at it and doing more comps for 2015. We owe our success in 2014 to our Sponsors, EAT BBQ, Simply Marvelous, Big Poppa Smokers and Kosmo’s Q and thank you everyone for your support, thanks for the opportunity to go in the tent Jason!!! Startin’ the Fire by George Hensler Who Are Those Guys? BBQ Team Cookin across the pond…. A few months back, my friend and fellow competition cook Bob Trudnak of The BBQ Guru Company found out he had to travel to Germany on a business trip to tie up a few loose ends associated with a recent business deal. You see, The BBQ Guru is going global and now has an operation based in Marl, Germany operating under the name BBQ Guru Europe. While he was in town, he and the folks charged with running the European operation, Tom and Natascha Hermann, thought it would be a good idea for Bob to give a barbecue cooking class. The class was held on October 5th in a beautiful European farmhouse style building and had over 35 attendees, from 11 different countries. According to Bob, the folks that attended were all very eager to learn and a good time was had by all. As luck would have it, the Ruhrpott BBQ contest in Gelsenkirchen, Germany was to be held October 11 & 12 right at the end of Bob’s visit as he was due to fly home on the 13th. It goes without saying, that this particular scheduling occurrence was not complete happenstance or luck. At the very least, this would have to be considered good planning, especially for a competition barbecue cook who knows there is a contest nearby. The event is the largest International BBQ contests held outside of the United States. Some of the teams signed up to compete had cooked The American Royal and the Jack Daniels Invitational Barbecue Contest here in the States. The contest was attended by 65 teams and was held at GelsenTrab Park a large horse racing track in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. A little different twist than here in the US, along with the 4 main KCBS categories there were mandatory sausage and Chef’s Choice categories. Bob says the event was well attended by the public and was very well run especially for a first year competition. Contest organizers are already hard at work for the 2015 event and note the host venue has room for well over 100 teams and they are vowing to work to fill the park for future contests. Of course, it goes without saying that there were a few minor obstacles involved in this undertaking. Bob was able to travel with his knives, rubs, sauce and a couple small cooking utensils. Everything else for both the class and the contest had to be borrowed or purchased upon arrival, and then there was the language barrier. Although Bob says the language of sweet blue smoke and slow smoked meats was pretty much universal and easily dealt with. With minimal effort, he was able to assemble everything he needed to both teach and compete. You see, BBQ folks across the pond are pretty much like the ones over here, friendly and helpful. Bob was able to assemble a complete setup with the help of several fellow competitors and local vendors. He even had folks volunteer to lend a hand during the competition in which The BBQ Guru made quite a respectable showing. Their results were 6th overall, 16th sausage, 22nd chicken, 14th ribs, 17th pork, 4th brisket and 2nd in chefs choice with a perfect 180. According to Bob, the overall experience would be considered nothing short of amazing; he recommends the trip to any and all barbecue teams interested in expanding their horizons and making some new friends. Bob says much of the success for the trip is due to the generosity, support and assistance of the European barbecue community, which, like their American counterparts, are some of the “Best People on Earth.” bullsheet – January 2015Page 29 page 30bullsheet – January 2015 Smokin’ the Competition since 1987 9 time world champions at Memphis in May The old fashion taste with a modern design. The Backwoods Smoker is a one piece unit with a double wall design. (an inner wall and a completely insulated outer wall). The smokers provide an internal chimney which allows smoke to flow by patented down draft. They are available in 17 sizes, price ranging from $970.00 TO $9500.00 from the CHUBBY to the WHOLE HOG Backwoods Smoker, Inc. 318 220 0380 office 318 220 9022 fax 8245 Dixie Shreveport Road • Shreveport, LA 71107 www.backwoods-smoker.com backwoodssmoker@hughes.net Kids Que Corner • To get your Kids’ Que event listed, please e-mail details to education@kcbs.us! • • January 31, 2015, Badcock Kids-Q Contest, Lakeland, FL Que Tip: Keep, paper towels, cloths used for wiping hands, cloth gloves and other flammable objects away from the fire. bullsheet – January 2015Page 31 By: T. Michael Garrison, KCBS Master judge And Michael Dyer, KCBS Certified Judge Unquestionably Sun N Fun in Lakeland, Florida is the premier aviation show of the year for General Aviation. I have been attending this for over 10 years. In early November a KCBS BBQ contest flew into SunNFun at Lakeland Linder Airport with Pigs Fly South. What a great setting for BBQ. Plus it was really convenient to park very close to the judging area after a beautiful flight across the state. To enhance the experience there were vintage aircraft, fighter aircraft, and many more on display throughout the weekend. 42 teams competed in an excellent contest. Donavan Tinsley organized the event and from my perspective Brad Lunz did a great job organizing the judging area. All ran very smooth, plus we were inside enjoying a very comfortable atmosphere for judging. Mike Garretson and Mike Garrison had a lot of fun confusing Mike Lake with our very similar names. (see photo) The other two Mike’s did a super job as the Reps for this event. This is the 3rd year for this contest and the Sun N Fun folks are great promoters as well as organizers. Five judges reached their 30 contest level and four of them read the oath to the judges. (see photo) The folks from United Pork Smokers were particularly happy to go home with the Grand Champion credentials. Later in November we were able to fly into the Lakeland area for a really fun event, the Pig Jam in Plant City. Amy Nizamoff has an abundance of energy and she pulled this 39 team contest together. As a judge I really appreciate how she organized the judge selection, notification, organization, and overall communication process. Plus it was really great to see Carolyn Wells who served as one of the Reps. Mike and Roberta Garrison welcomed Carolyn to Florida. (see photo) Once again Mike Garretson and Mike Garrison had a lot of fun confusing Carolyn with our similar names but didn’t have to work as hard to confuse Rep Stephen Smith. We had a lot of fun with Stephen who is a great sport and had fun with us. What a powerful Rep team and the contest reflected their expertise. Michael Cameron was the key guy pulling everything together for the judging, making everything happen on time and very well executed. Chris Sparkman was one of the original organizers of this event and I had the opportunity to meet and talk with Chris. This is the 12th Annual Pig Jam, held in the Strawberry Capital of the US, Plant City. Local stores throughout Florida make a major point of having Plant City strawberries, Plant City has a Strawberry Festival, and many events throughout the season relating to strawberries. I have had the opportunity to taste them and they are terrific. A very familiar name appeared at the top of the results once again, Hot Wachula walked away with the Grand Champion honors. What a great contest. We Like Each Other’s Company! By: Gordon Hubbell, Ph. B. Not long ago I did a research project on KCBS barbeque judges’ origins, attitudes and methodologies because I was curious about where we come from (what got us into judging) and how we do what we do once the room gets quiet and we’re trying to figure out how we’re going to score the entries we’re confronted with. One of the areas I focused on was why we judge and what keeps us doing it. I surveyed 115 judges from all over the country, with many levels of judging experience and lengths of service as judges. One thing really stuck out in the answers: Judges like the social side of judging. I asked them to respond to the question, “Which statement most closely describes the primary reason you judge” and gave them a choice of seven possible reasons, asking them to pick their main, driving reason for judging. Only a tiny percentage said they couldn’t answer at all, nobody said it was for “free food” and a few (less than 5%) opted for “helping cooks improve their barbeque”. Some (16.5%) said getting to taste many different kinds of barbeque is what keeps them going and about the same percentage said they mainly judge in order to get ideas for their own cooking. That makes sense when you consider a lot of judges are also cooks and some even compete. A little over 12% said they just like the challenge of the effort. But, almost half (49.6%) opted for “I enjoy the judging event – the friendship and company of other judges”. What is surprising about that finding isn’t the thought itself. Anyone who judges knows that a lot of friendly conversation and banter goes on between the entries (fill a room with barbeque judges and then listen to them talk) but that it is such a large percentage compared to all the other reasons that were presented – such a dominating reason among many possible ones. We are very social beings, it seems, and for at least half of us socializing with other judges is a real motivator to keep us seeking contests to judge. Responses to this question were essentially the same for new judges, Master Judges, and regardless of how long we’ve been judging. We like each other’s company! Over the years, I’ve been blessed to amass a great number of friends. Most of them have computers and e-mail addresses, so (inspired by that “social” judge motivation I discovered) I took a look at my address book while thinking about where and when the friendship arose. The “sources” fall into categories like family, school, work, church, a hobby or two, friends of friends who’ve become friends, and barbeque. Yes. Barbeque. A really significant number of folks in my address book have become friends via the judging table at barbeque contests. That never occurred to me until I looked at my address book in light of what my research showed about our tendency to want the company of others afflicted with the barbeque habit. Somebody once observed, “we are what we eat” but he was talking narrowly about food, not friendships and associations that food might start. Our food affliction or addiction, or whatever we want to call it goes far beyond the groceries, I think. Yes, we like to eat (and thus, “are”) barbeque, but there’s something a lot bigger here. Something that is warm and encouraging in a world so frequently full of shallowness, doubts, and even fear of strangers. We’ve found common ground that really goes far beyond food or fun. We’ve found each other in an oasis of good feelings and comfortable companionship. If you’re a judge of long standing, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If you’re a new judge, you’ll feel it very soon if you haven’t sensed it already. I think it speaks well for everyone involved in competitive barbeque endeavors, judges and cooks, reps and organizers, that we’re “social”. What better attribute could we have? What higher calling could we have than to participate in our favorite hobby and, at the very same time, immerse ourselves in sharing and friendship? Sometimes, despite all the pressures and stresses we face and all the problems life throws us, we get it right. Sure is nice knowin’ ya! Visit US On FacEbook!!! www.facebook.com/ KansasCityBarbequeSociety page 32bullsheet – January 2015 The 2014 KCBS Member Pin is still available! See page 4 for ordering information, or call the KCBS office at 816.765.5891 to order by phone. bullsheet – January 2015Page 33 the reader’s recipe bbqbaron@gmail.com http://baronofbbq. blogspot.com X change by Paul Kirk CEC, Ph.B., B.S.A.S. Kansas City Baron of Barbeque – Barbeque Guru Order of the Magic Mop – Ambassador of Barbeque Certified Master Barbeque Judge • Master of the Grill Order of the “Ole Has Been” www.baron-of-bbq.com “A Barbeque Fantasy” I hope that everyone had or is having a great new year. It’s time for all to start planning for our Big Game Party which most of us call the “Super Bowl”. Then again we still have a lot of College Bowl games to party and watch along with the new College play-off games. “Roll Tide”! Around out house it’s traditional to have some sort of wings, this year were are going to try something new, instead of hot and spicy add some honey to make the wings a sweet taste. Honey-Pineapple Chicken Wings 3 pounds chicken wings 1 garlic clove 1 cup fresh or canned pineapple 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 cup clover or light honey honey 1/2 cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons vegetable oil Ranch and/or blue cheese dipping sauce Rinse and drain wings. Mince garlic and cut pineapple into 1 inch cubes. Combine the salt, pepper, honey, soy sauce, pineapple, vegetable oil and garlic in a bowl and mix well. Place wings in slow cooker and pour sauce over the wings. Cook covered on low setting for 6 to 7 hours. Serve with dipping sauce. Now for a good dip, this delicious appetizer that can be served at a fancy cocktail party or at poker night. Serve with crackers or toasted French bread slices.” Tuscan Cream Cheese Spread 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 2 teaspoons chopped garlic 1 teaspoon salt 1 (14 ounce) can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped 1/3 cup chopped black olives 8 green onions, chopped 3 ounces sun-dried tomatoes, softened and chopped 1/4 cup chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives In a medium bowl, mix cream cheese, garlic and salt; stir and blend in artichoke hearts and olives. Add green onions, tomatoes, parsley and chives; gently mix together. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight to blend flavors; serve. Herbed Bacon Cheese Ball 4-8 ounce blocks cream cheese, softened to room temperature 1 stick unsalted butter, softened to room temperature 3 packages dry Ranch dip mix 1 1/2 pounds this sliced bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled Cream the butter and cream cheese together well. Add the dry dip mix and blend until all is incorporated. Refrigerate at least 8 hours, or overnight. Form into ball or log, and roll in bacon pieces just before serving. Makes 2 large balls or logs. Refrigerate any leftovers. Will keep for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. (It never lasts this long at my house.) Here’s a nice spicy balance for your sweet wings. Acadian Peppered Shrimp 1 pound butter 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons fresh basil, chopped 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper 2 teaspoon fresh oregano, chopped 5 large cloves garlic, pressed 1 bay leaf, crumbled 1/2 cup black pepper, finely ground 1 teaspoon sea salt 4 pounds large raw shrimp in shells The shrimp should be of a size to number 30-35 per pound. Melt the butter in a large deep-sided frying pan or iron skillet over low heat. When melted, raise the heat, and add the remaining ingredients except the shrimp. Cook, stirring often, until browned to a rich mahogany color, about 10 minutes. Add the shrimp, stirring and turning to coat well with the seasoned butter. Cook until the shrimp have turned a rich deep pink, about 8 to 10 minutes. Serve the shrimp in their shells, peeling them at the table. OKBS Cleaver Team of the Year Banquet set for February The Oklahoma Barbecue Society’s 1st Annual Cleaver Team of the Year banquet will be held February 7 2015, at the Stillwater Elks Lodge, 202 E. McElroy, Stillwater, OK. Join the OKBS for a fun-filled and rewarding evening as they present the winners of the Head Country-Cookshack Cleaver Team of the Year competition. The mission of the OKBS is to create passion and excellence in the culinary art of barbecue among fellow Oklahoman’s, and the organization will also take time during this event to recognize those individuals who dedicate themselves to judging and organizing contests. OKBS will present the Smoklahoma Judges Recognition Awards and recognize all of the State’s contests that have made the organization’s inaugural year possible. Special recognitions will include Lifetime members, those that have made significant contributions to the OKBS and those within our state that we are proud to call World Champions. If you or someone you know, is an Oklahoman and a World BBQ Champion, someone that has won at the American Royal or the Jack, or you would like more information about the banquet, contact the OKBS at 918-286-7770 or email them at okbs@cox.net page 34bullsheet – January 2015 KCBS Upcoming Events 3/27/15-3/28/15: Havasu Landing, CA. Havasu 4/17/15-4/18/15: Winchester, TN. High on the 5/1/15-5/2/15: Elk Grove, CA. Elk Grove WestLanding CA (JUDGES LIST IS FULL). Thom Hog Festival. Linda Gould (TEAMS). Phone: ern Festival & BBQ Championship. Ed Anhorn. Emery. Email: thom@bbqthom.com. 931-308-7660. Phone: 916-599-5095. Email: ed@bigbullb1/9/15-1/10/15: Denver, CO. National Western bqevents.com. BBQ Throwdown. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615477-7447. Email: arlie@arliequeevents.com. 3/27/15-3/28/15: Conyers, GA. Smokin’ 4/17/15-4/18/15: Cornelia, GA. Cornelia Apple Butts & Tires - RCA Cookoff and Car Show. Blossom BBQ Festival. TEAMS CONTACT: 5/1/15-5/2/15: Liberty, IN. Smokin on the WaDick Mulloy. Phone: 404-934-9728. Email: Heather Sinyard. Phone: 706-778-8585 x280. ter 2. Carl Sharp. Phone: 765-458-5574. Email: 1/16/15-1/18/15: Rein in Taufers. 1st W.E.S.T dmulloy7@gmail.com. Email: bht@corneliageorgia.org. carl.sharp.c9mm@statefarm.com. - Winter Extreme South Tyrol. MiG Alpine Grill & BBQ. Phone: +39 349 4661115. Email: info@mig.bz gutweniger@fgs.bz.it. 3/27/15-3/28/15: Atmore, AL. Throwdown 4/24/15-4/25/15: Edwardsville, KS. Smokin’ in 5/1/15-5/2/15: Show Low, AZ. Show Low BBQ 2015. Jay Norris. Phone: 251-446-4387. Email: the Ville. Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Cham- Throwdown. Carrie Natceli. Phone: 928-532jnorris@pcigaming.com. ber of Commerce. Phone: 913-422-5044. Email: 4141. Email: cnatceli@showlowaz.gov. 1/30/15-1/31/15: Lakeland, FL. Lakeland Pig info@bsedwchamber.org. Festival. Nick Nicholas. Phone: 863-669-6493. April Email: info@lakelandpigfest.org. 5/2/15-5/3/15: Ridgefield, CT. Ridgefield Gone 4/3/15-4/4/15: Gulfport, MS. ‘Que at the View. 4/24/15-4/25/15: Calhoun, GA. BBQ Boogie & Country BBQ Festival. Ridgefield Rotary Club. Stacy Thompson. Phone: 228-314-2103. Email: Blues. Aaron Walkover. Phone: 706-307-9129. Phone: 845-893-4648. Email: rvazzana@gmail. 1/31/15-2/1/15: Melbourne, Victoria. Mel- viewque@gmail.com. Email: calhounkoa@yahoo.com. com. bourne Barbecue Festival. Margaret Vitale. Phone: 61418364594. Email: contact@melbournebarbecuefestival.com.au. 4/3/15-4/4/15: Pleasant Hill, MO. Smokin On 4/24/15-4/25/15: Morris, OK. Morris Twister 5/2/15-5/3/15: Brugg. Smoke by the River. OkBig Creek BBQ Contest Benefiting Operation Days BBQ Competition. Sarah Amador. Phone: ker Cuiper. Phone: 41628910853. Email: okker. BBQ Relief(Judges Registration begins January 918-759-1338. Email: sfamador@windstream. cuiper@comanagement.ch. February 10th, 2015). Stan Hays. Email: smokinonbig- net. 2/6/15-2/7/15: Young Harris, GA. Brasstown creek@operationbbqrelief.org. Valley’s BBQ Throwdown (JUDGES FULL). 5/2/15-5/3/15: Appleton, WI. The Masters In Bobby Brumley. Phone: 706-379-4616. Email: 4/24/15-4/25/15: Mt. Carmel, IL. Wabash Rib- May - The Classic. Bob Schemm. Phone: 920bbrumley@brasstownvalley.com. 4/3/15-4/4/15: Somerville, TN. Fifth Annual ber Fest. Terry Beckerman. Phone: 618-263- 740-6920. Email: rschemm@new.rr.com. Bull Moose. Marvin Hurley. Phone: 901-282- 2093. Email: maplehill82@hotmail.com. 6138. Email: mdhurley1957@yahoo.com. 2/13/15-2/14/15: Great Bend, KS. Kansas Win5/2/15-5/3/15: Mesquite, NV. Smokin In Mester Q. Kent Romine. Phone: 620-793-2985. 4/24/15-4/25/15: Murfreesboro, TN. Backyard quite BBQ Championship. Arlie Bragg. Phone: Email: kansaswinterq@gmail.com. 4/3/15-4/4/15: Stillwater, OK. Stillwater Elks BBQ Brawl. George Smith. Phone: 615-890- 615-477-7447. Email: arlie@arliequeevents. com. Lodge Blazathon. Chad Duncan. Phone: 405- 9006. Email: decherd2@hotmail.com. 880-4514. Email: chadduncan_1979@hotmail. 2/21/15-2/22/15: San Juan, PR. Smokin’ Hot com. BBQ San Juan Puerto Rico. Michael Compton. 4/24/15-4/25/15: Lexington, NC. BBQ Capital 5/2/15-5/3/15: Liberty, IN. Smokin’ on the WaPhone: 787-319-9410. Email: mike@bbqpr. Cook-Off. Rebekah McGee. Phone: 336-249- ter. Carl Sharp. Phone: 765-458-5574. Email: com. carl.sharp.c9mm@statefarm.com. 4/10/15-4/11/15: London, KY. Grills Gone Wild 0383. Email: rebekah@uptownlexington.com. BBQ Festival. Travis Moody. Phone: 615-4766397. Email: travis@infernogroupcorp.com. 2/26/15-2/28/15: Huntsville, TX. Shotgun Fred 4/24/15-4/25/15: Gothenburg, NE. Pony Express 5/8/15-5/9/15: Waynesboro, GA. Boss Hog BBQ Showdown. Ben Pruitt. Phone: 936-661BBQ Challenge. Mike Eberle. Phone: 308-926- State Championship Cook-Off. Nan Lynch Amy 4204. Email: benatt41@aol.com. Lively. Phone: 706-554-8100. Email: bosshog4/10/15-4/11/15: Harrington, DE. Triple Threat 0112. Email: crabdaddyfeast@hotmail.com. cookoff@yahoo.com. BBQ Beer and Music Festival. Sandy Fulton. Phone: 302-398-3269. Email: sandy@thestate2/27/15-2/28/15: Lake Havasu City, AZ. 6th An- fair.net. 4/24/15-4/25/15: Springfield, MO. Rock N Ribs nual Lake Havasu Music Brews & BBQ ChamBBQ Festival. Brett Sheets. Phone: 417-860- 5/8/15-5/9/15: Kannapolis, NC. Jiggy with the pionship. Skip or Cheryl Ramsden. Phone: 9284376. Email: bsheets@steelmantransport.com. Piggy BBQ Challenge. Eddie Smith. Phone: 208-2375. Email: info@musicbrewsbbq.com. 704-920-4308. Email: resmith@kannapolisnc. 4/10/15-4/11/15: Osage City, KS. Smoke in the gov . Spring. Corey Linton. Phone: 785-528-4610. May Email: rec@osagecity.com. 5/8/15-5/9/15: Abilene, KS. Wheatstock Grill 2/27/15-2/28/15: Isle, MN. Fire on Ice Barbe5/1/15-5/2/15: Bixby, OK. Bixby BBQ’N Blues Off. Kimberly Smith. Phone: 785-263-6688. cue World Championship (Competitor’s Series). Festival. Buster McCurtain. Phone: 918-481- Email: ksmith@mhsks.org. Tony Korthaus. Phone: 952-405-8495. Email: 4/10/15-4/11/15: Cedar Park, TX. Cedar Fest 3277. Email: brmccurtain@sbcglobal.net. tony@quetopiabbq.com. BBQ. Lyndee Matthews. Phone: 512-260-7800. Email: info@cedarparkchamber.org. 5/8/15-5/9/15: Ashland, MS. Mississippi 5/1/15-5/2/15: Nassau Bahams. Smokin’ Hot Springfest BBQ Contest. Tony Tidwell. Phone: March BBQ Nassau. Michael Compton. Phone: 787- 662-224-3220. Email: msspringfest@att.net. 3/6/15-3/7/15: Pensacola, FL. Smokin In The 4/10/15-4/11/15: Winston-Salem, NC. Bib’s 319-9410. Email: mike@bbqpr.com. Square. Ivan Delabruere. Phone: 850-516-2622. Camel City Cookoff (formerly Jammin’ Pig). Mark Little. Phone: 336-665-7245. Email: mar_ Email: smokininthesquare@yahoo.com. 5/8/15-5/9/15: Council Bluffs, IA. BBQ in donlittle@hotmail.com. 5/1/15-5/2/15: Hunstville, AL. The Whistlestop the Bluffs. Rick Guill. Phone: 712-328-9239. Festival & Rocket City BBQ. Whitney Heaps. Email: rguill@farmersagent.com. 3/13/15-3/14/15: Tupelo, MS. Don’t Be Cruel Phone: 256-564-8116. Email: whitney.heaps@ BBQ Duel. Bev Crossen 662-372-2208 Leslie 4/10/15-4/11/15: Indianapolis, IN. CCS Spring huntsvilleal.gov. Mart 662-891-5379. Email: tupelobbq@gmail. Festival & BBQ Competition. Brett Healey. 5/8/15-5/9/15: Lawrence, KS. Sertoma 48 BBQ. Phone: 317-223-7143. Email: healeybrett@att. com. Sertoma Club of Lawrence. Phone: 785-865net. 5/1/15-5/2/15: Lansing, KS. Brews, Blues & 6308. Email: lawrencesertoma@gmail.com. Bar-B-Q Cookoff. Jessica Waters. Phone: 9133/13/15-3/14/15: Bainbridge, GA. Flames on 727-5488. Email: jwaters@lansing.ks.us. the Flint. Ronnie Godwin. Phone: 229-246- 4/10/15-4/11/15: Smithville, MO. The Best 5/8/15-5/9/15: Auburn, AL. Boda Getta BBQ. “Dam” Barbeque Contest at Smithville Lake. 7900. Email: ronnie@godwinjewelers.com. Lolly Steiner. Phone: 334-887-7011. Email: Tony Kerns. Phone: 913-991-3991. Email: 5/1/15-5/2/15: Annapolis, MD. Naptown bar- lolly@auburnchamber.com. tony@kernskonnection.com. BAYq Contest and Music Festival. Edward Ku3/13/15-3/14/15: North Kansas City, MO. NKC mian. Phone: 410-991-0611. Email: ekumian@ MO State Championship BBQ. Jason Forge. comcast.net. 5/8/15-5/9/15: Fredericksburg, VA. BBQ JamPhone: 816-645-5304. Email: nkcrotarybbq@ 4/10/15-4/11/15: Wildomar, CA. The Ultimate boree. James Sharon. Phone: 540-840-1442. BBQ Showdown East vs West VI. Henry Silvesgmail.com. Email: james_sharon@verizon.net. tre. Phone: 951-445-1903. Email: hsilvestre@ 5/1/15-5/2/15: St. Joseph, MO. Apple Blosaol.com. som BBQ Contest. Melissa Birdsell. Phone: 3/20/15-3/21/15: Arcadia, CA. 4th Annual San816-271-1480. Email: mbirdsell@co.buchanan. 5/8/15-5/9/15: Rome, GA. Roman Roast on the ta Anita Winners’ Circle BBQ Championship. mo.us. River . Betsy Hampson. Phone: 706-314-1324. Ben Lobenstein. Phone: 415-683-0784 . Email: 4/10/15-4/11/15: Staten Island, NY. New York Email: bhampson@rfpra.com. City BBQ Cookoff. Frank Saulle. Phone: 718ben@fireitupevents.com. 351-1611 x245. Email: fsaulle@historicrich- 5/1/15-5/2/15: Lucedale, MS. George County mondtown.org. Firefighters Association BBQ Challenge. Jef- 5/8/15-5/9/15: Warsaw, IN. Rockin’ BBQ for Ri3/20/15-3/21/15: Miami, OK. 3rd Annual fery Erkhart. Phone: 601-508-8131. Email: jef- ley. Kevin Harris. Phone: 574-269-1823. Email: Smokin At The Run. David Quals. Phone: 405feryerkhart@gcffabbqchallenge.org. dawnuharris@hotmail.com. 4/11/15-4/12/15: Hoofddorp Netherlands. Base598-7575. Email: smokin@buffalorun.com. ball & BBQ Cookoff. Harry Havinga. Phone: +31 06-10568568. Email: h.havinga@trippel-b. 5/1/15-5/2/15: Grandview, MO. Truman Heri- 5/8/15-5/9/15: Lamar, CO. Wild West BBQ. 3/21/15-3/22/15: Miami, OK. 2nd Annual nl. tage Festival BBQ Championship. Sky Smoth- Toni McPerson. Phone: 719-688-3899. Email: Smokin At The Run Shootout. David Qualls. er. Phone: 816-316-4998. Email: ssmothers@ tmcp@centurytel.net. Phone: 405-598-7575. Email: smokin@buffagrandview.org. 4/17/15-4/18/15: Enid, OK. 10th Annual Roblorun.com. erts Ranch Smokin’ Red Dirt BBQ. Lynne Ben5/8/15-5/9/15: Green Lane, PA. Smoke in the kendorf. Phone: 580-548-8194. Email: lbenken- 5/1/15-5/2/15: Appleton, WI. The Masters In Valley BBQ Competition & Festival. Shawn dorf@eaglemkt.com. 3/26/15-3/28/15: Kissimmee, FL. Florida HeriMay. Bob Schemm. Phone: 920-740-6920. Tucker. Phone: 215-740-7593. Email: glfcbbq@ tage BBQ Classic. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615Email: rschemm@new.rr.com. comcast.net. 477-7447. Email: arlie@arliequeevents.com. 4/17/15-4/18/15: Midland , TX. Bynum Schools Best of the Basin BBQ Championship. Tracy 5/1/15-5/2/15: Dwight, IL. The Doggone Good 5/8/15-5/9/15: Claremore, OK. Boots & BBQ 3/27/15-3/28/15: Ashburn, GA. Fire Ant Fes- Bush. Phone: 432-520-0075. Email: tracy@by- BBQ Contest. Rodney Connor. Phone: 815-374- Festival. Clarice Doyle. Email: rsucjc76. tival BBQ Bash . Gail Walls. Phone: 229-567- numschool.org. 0364. Email: rodneyconnor@hotmail.com. 3436. Email: ggwalls@windstream.net. January 5/8/15-5/9/15: Claremore, OK. Boots & BBQ 4/17/15-4/18/15: Washington, MO. 7th Annual 5/1/15-5/2/15: Columbia, MO. Columbia Elks Festival. Clarice Doyle. Phone: 918-343-2527. 3/27/15-3/28/15: Shawnee, OK. Firelake BBQ Main Street BBQ & Bluesfest. Alex H. Phone: Lodge #594 BBQ Contest. Curtis Stone. Phone: Email: rsucjc76@gmail.com. Cook Off. Jason Boyce. Phone: 405-878-4850. 636-239-1743. Email: events@downtownwash- 573-442-6416. Email: bbqelks594@gmail.com. mo.org. Email: jason.boyce@potawatomi.org. bullsheet – January 2015Page 35 5/8/15-5/9/15: Long Beach, CA. West Coast BBQ Classic. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615-4777447. Email: arlie@arliequeevents.com. KCBS Upcoming Events 5/23/15-5/24/15: Hoofddorp Netherlands. Tony 6/5/15-6/6/15: Mayetta, KS. 2015 Keepers of 6/19/15-6/20/15: Williams, AZ. Northern ArizoStone Low & Slow BBQ Competition. Harry the Fire BBQ Contest. Tracy Satterfield. Phone: na BBQ Festival. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615-477Havinga. Phone: +31 06-10568568. Email: 816-806-9402. Email: tracy@thinkbbq.com. 7447. Email: arlie@arliequeevents.com. info@tonystonecompetition.nl. 5/9/15-5/10/15: Kapermolenpark / Hasselt / 6/5/15-6/6/15: Levittown, PA. Que for the Belgium. Beers, Fries & BBQ II - The Belgian 5/23/15-5/24/15: Mound City, KS. Sugar Troops. Jeff Dence. Phone: 215-302-3316. Championship Low & Slow BBQ. Wim Bloe- Mound BBQ Festival “A”. Ron Nation. Phone: Email: que@fallstwp.org. men. Phone: +32 496 72 48 45. Email: wim. 620-224-6708. Email: ronnation@hotmail.com. bloemen@fricksfashion.com. 6/5/15-6/6/15: Lee’s Summit, MO. Smokin’ on 5/23/15-5/24/15: Mound City, KS. Sugar the Summit . Keith Stidham. Phone: 816-5545/15/15-5/16/15: Chesapeake, VA. Chesapeake Mound BBQ Festival “B”. Ron Nation. Phone: 8610. Email: info@smokinonthesummitbbq. Jubilee BBQ Cook-Off. Dorothy Kowalsky. 620-224-6708. Email: ronnation@hotmail.com. com. Phone: 757-482-4848. Email: director@chesapeakejubilee.org. 5/23/15-5/24/15: West Des Moines, IA. Smokin’ 6/12/15-6/13/15: Fitzgerald, GA. Fitzgerald Pig in the Junction. Katie Rooney. Phone: 515-222- Pickin’. Christi Schirack. Phone: 229-423-9357. 5/15/15-5/16/15: Langley, OK. Grand Lake 3642. Email: events@valleyjunction.com. Email: cschirack@mediacombb.net. BBQ Festival. Darrel Hicks. Phone: 918-5916090. Email: darrelhicks52@yahoo.com. 5/29/15-5/30/15: Fond du Lac, WI. BBQ 4 AS- 6/12/15-6/13/15: Wynne, AR. Delta Smoke TOP. Pam Hammond. Phone: 920-602-0341. BBQ Contest. Chad House. Phone: 870-9455/15/15-5/16/15: Monroe City, MO. Smokin on Email: dishmania@aol.com. 0880. Email: chad@houseindustriesinc.com. the Lake . Michael Baker. Phone: 877-700-9422. Email: manager@marktwainlanding.com. 5/29/15-5/30/15: Canon City, CO. Holy Smoke 6/12/15-6/13/15: Tryon, NC. Blue Ridge BBQ BBQ Showdown. Autumn Dever. Phone: 719- & Music Festival. Carolina Foothills Chamber 5/15/15-5/16/15: Sevierville, TN. Sevierville 429-7662. Email: autumn.dever@uaacog.com. of Commerce. Phone: 828-859-7427. Email: Bloomin’ BBQ and Bluegrass Festival. Carroll christina@carolinafoothillschamber.com. McMahan. Phone: 865-453-6411. Email: cmc5/29/15-5/30/15: Norco, CA. Horse Town Brew mahan@scoc.org. n Que Festival. Debbie Yopp. Email: info@ 6/12/15-6/13/15: Jeffersonville, IN. Smokin’ brewnquefestival.com. On The River. Daniel Skaggs. Phone: 502-2255/15/15-5/16/15: Platte City, MO. 20th Annual 7700. Email: skaggs_daniel@yahoo.com. Platte City BBQ Cook-Off. Gary Vest. Phone: 816-536-1392. Email: silvercreek@passporta- 5/29/15-5/30/15: Owatonna, MN. Smokin’ in Steel. Joe Elbert. Phone: 507-279-4015. Email: 6/12/15-6/13/15: Oconomowoc, WI. 3rd Annual merica.com. jelbert56@gmail.com. Hog & Steer Barbecue Competition and Festival. Dianne Crowley. Phone: 262-560-3604. 5/15/15-5/16/15: West Chester, OH. Buckeye Email: dianne.crowley@wishd.com. State BBQ Championship. Tom Glass. Phone: 5/29/15-5/30/15: Brookhaven, MS. Hog Wild 513-621-2120. Email: tpglass@strausstroy.com. BBQ Cookoff and Family Festival. Mark Porter Adam Wallace. Phone: Mark - 601-757-1772 6/12/15-6/13/15: Brimfield, IL. Smoke on the Adam - 601-757-2826. Email: markporter500@ Prairie. Josh Helms. Phone: 309-256-0541. 5/15/15-5/16/15: Hartselle, AL. Cotton Pickin’ yahoo.com. Email: smokeontheprairie@yahoo.com. BBQ Cookoff. Susan Hines. Phone: 256-7734370. Email: susan@hartsellechamber.com. 5/29/15-5/30/15: Lima, OH. PigMania Lima. 6/12/15-6/13/15: Hays, KS. TBD. Traci StanDan Hurst. Phone: 614-223-1530. Email: ford. Phone: 785-621-4171. Email: dhdc@ 5/15/15-5/16/15: St. Paul, MN. Minnesota in dhurst@pigmaniabbq.com. downtownhays.com. May. Randy Applegren. Phone: 612-790-6364. Email: randyhomeloan@gmail.com. 5/29/15-5/31/15: Swanzey, NH. Monadnock Up 6/12/15-6/13/15: Marietta, OH. Marietta River in Smoke BBQ Fest. Geordie Fifield. Phone: City BBQ. Emmeline Wharton. Phone: 7405/15/15-5/16/15: Bakersfield, CA. Bakersfield’s 603-831-1655. Email: monadnocksmokebbq@ 629-7139. Email: mariettabbq@gmail.com. Biggest, Baddest BBQ Championship. Curtis & gmail.com. Angie Trigueiro. Phone: 661-978-6785. Email: crtrigueiro@gmail.com. 6/12/15-6/13/15: Fillmore, CA. California Hon5/29/15-5/30/15: Valley, NE. 4th Annual Val- ey Harvest Festival and BBQ Championship. ley Veterans BBQ Competition. Doug Eggen. Roger Campbell. Phone: 805-857-2785. Email: 5/16/15-5/17/15: Madison, WI. Madison Maga- Phone: 402-510-1603. Email: deggen@valley. rognfillmore@aol.com. zine BBQ Festival. Joseph Parajecki. Phone: omhcoxmail.com. 608-767-3940. Email: grassfedjoe@gmail.com. 6/13/15-6/14/15: Uncasville, CT. Sun BBQ 5/29/15-5/30/15: Missoula, MT. Carnivores Fest. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: 5/22/15-5/23/15: Boulder City, NV. Best Dam Classic. Amy Nack. Phone: 406-214-4068. arlie@arliequeevents.com. Barbecue. Christy Springgate-Hill. Phone: 702- Email: amy.nack@umontana.edu. 812-6449 NO TEXTING. Email: cscsgate23@ gmail.com. 6/19/15-6/20/15: Barbourville, KY. Barbourville June BBQ Cook-Off & Festival. Denise Wainscott. 6/5/15-6/6/15: Montello, WI. Poor Que. Anita Phone: 606-545-9674. Email: dwainscott@ 5/22/15-5/23/15: Westmont, IL. Red, White and Moore. Phone: 920-295-3647. Email: ap- unionky.edu. BBQ (Day 1). James Addington. Phone: 630- moore@charter.net. 215-9527. Email: jaaddington54@comcast.net. 6/19/15-6/20/15: Hernando, MS. Desoto Shrine 6/5/15-6/6/15: Huron, SD. Original SD BBQ Club 7th Annual 2015 BBQ Cook Off. Douglas 5/22/15-5/24/15: North Bend, OR. BBQ, Blues Championships. Candi Briley. Phone: 605-353- Francis. Phone: 901-487-6785. Email: kfran& Brews on the Bay. Amy Bailey. Phone: 541- 7354. Email: candi.briley@state.sd.us. cis008@yahoo.com. 756-8800 ext1574. Email: abailey@themillcasino.com. 6/5/15-6/6/15: Lincoln, IL. Up In Smoke On 6/19/15-6/20/15: Miles City, MT. Miles City The Square. Chris Graue. Phone: 217-732-7997. Cowtown Cook-Off. Trudy Winslow. Phone: 5/22/15-5/23/15: Kennett, MO. 34th Annual Email: info@lincolnbbq.com. 406-439-0491. Email: ltwinslow@midrivers. Kennett Jaycee Show-Me State BBQ CookOff. com. Allen Williams. Phone: 573-717-6875. Email: kennettkcbbq@yahoo.com. 6/5/15-6/6/15: Bardstown, KY. Bourbon City BBQ Festival. Rick Berry. Phone: 502-348- 6/19/15-6/20/15: Apex, NC. Peak City Pigfest. Graham Wilson. Phone: 919-362-7141. Email: 6221. Email: rmb@bardstowncable.net. 5/22/15-5/23/15: Kimberling City, MO. Table gwilson@prstreet.com. Rock and Ribs. Jeff White. Phone: 417-7393264. Email: jeff@kimberling.com. 6/5/15-6/6/15: McLouth, KS. McLouth BBQ Blowout 24th Annual. Cliff Weeks. Phone: 913- 6/19/15-6/20/15: Edmonton Alberta. Porkapalooza BBQ Festival. Darcy Fitzgerald. Phone: 796-6330. Email: weeksc65@gmail.com. 5/22/15-5/23/15: Lewisburg, TN. Lewisburg 780-491-3527. Rotary Club BBQ CookOff. Jeff Jordan. Phone: 931-359-4373. Email: jjordan@advancedeyec- 6/5/15-6/6/15: Boonville, MO. Hott Butts BBQ areclinic.net. Contest. Pamela Beerup. Phone: 573-443-8706 6/19/15-6/20/15: Auburn Hills, MI. 7th Annual x1030. Email: pamela-beerup@showmeaction. Auburn Hills Barbecue Cook-off. Shawn Keenan. Phone: 248-364-6926. Email: skeenan@auorg. 5/23/15-5/24/15: Westmont, IL. Red, White and burnhills.org. BBQ (Day 2). James Addington. Phone: 630215-9527. Email: jaaddington54@comcast.net 6/5/15-6/6/15: Marysville, KS. Big Blue BBQ Championship. Allie Argo. Phone: 785-562- 6/19/15-6/20/15: State Center, IA. State Center 8374. Email: marysvillemainst@bluevalley.net. Rose Festival BBQ Championship. Misty Bunn. 5/23/15-5/24/15: Rochester, NY. Roc City Rib Phone: 641-328-4584. Email: mistyl4l@outFest. Brian Wemett. Email: info@rockcityriblook.com. fest.com. 6/5/15-6/6/15: Memphis, TN. Variety Children’s Charity BBQ Bash. Sherri Schwartz. Phone: 901-373-5368. Email: varietyclub@bellsouth. 6/19/15-6/20/15: Quincy, IL. Knights of Columbus “Smokin Good Time BBQ Challenge”. net. Bill Anderson. Phone: 217-257-2108. Email: bml44@comcast.net. 6/19/15-6/20/15: Frisco, CO. 22nd Colorado BBQ Challenge. Nora Gilbertson. Phone: 970668-9132. Email: norag@townoffrisco.com. 6/20/15-6/21/15: Buckner, MO. Smoke Out in the Valley. Tonia Richardson. Phone: 816-6993454. Email: trichardson1229@embarqmail. com. 6/20/15-6/21/15: Merrimack, NH. Rock’N RibFest 2015. William Paige. Phone: 781-7525666. Email: williamlpaigejr@yahoo.com. 6/20/15-6/21/15: Old Orchard Beach, ME. Smokin’ at the Ball Park BBQ Fest. Sharri MacDonald. Phone: 207-590-4201. Email: smacdonald@maine.rr.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Leadville, CO. Leadville’s On the Mountain BBQ and Brew Fest. Jeff McGuinness. Phone: 719-486-3900. Email: leadville@ leadvilleusa.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Willard, MO. 3rd Annual Willard Freedom Feast BBQ Cook-Off. Stacia Buffington. Phone: 619-933-2790. Email: staciabuffington@aol.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Omaha, NE. 3rd Annual Ribstock MBA BBQ Festival. Kenny Engelmeyer. Phone: 402-981-3171. Email: kennys52@gmail. com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Artesia, NM. Smokin’ On The Pecos. David Grousnick. Phone: 575-513-4291. Email: dvgrousnick@yahoo.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Chandler, OK. Hog Wild BBQ & Chrome Fest. Chandler Area Chamber of Commerce. Phone: 405-258-0673. Email: chandlerchamber@gmail.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Central Point, OR. Battle of the Bones. Sarah Garceau. Phone: 541-4231978. Email: battleofthebones@gmail.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Newport Beach, CA. Newport Beach Barbecue Contest. Steve Bender. Phone: 949-300-5103. Email: steve@stevebender.net. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Maryville, TN. Blount County BBQ Bash. Mark Smith or Jonathan Sitzlar. Phone: 865-806-5398 or 865-250-4732. Email: bigbbqbash@gmail.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Santa Clara, CA. Silicon Valley BBQ Championships. Frank Walsh. Phone: 408-. Email: frank@svbbq.com. 6/26/15-6/27/15: Franklin, IN. Smoke on the Square: In Memory of David Harness. Tara Payne. Phone: 317-346-1258. Email: tara@ discoverdowntownfranklin,com. 6/27/15-6/28/15: Washington, DC. National Capital Barbecue Battle. Doug Halo. Phone: 301-860-0630. Email: info@bbqindc.com. July 7/3/15-7/4/15: Jackson, TN. Blues Hog Barbecue, Music & Craft Festival. Scott Casey. Email: scott@caseycompanies.net. 7/3/15-7/5/15: Lake Placid, NY. I Love Barbecue & Music Festival. Dmitry Feld. Phone: 518523-2071. Email: dmitry@usaluge.org. 7/3/15-7/5/15: Rio Rancho, NM. Pork & Brew BBQ State Championship. Greg Pena. Phone: 505-891-7258. Email: gpena@ci.rio-rancho. nm.us. 7/9/15-7/11/15: Greenwood, SC. SC Festival of Discovery. Laura Ackerman. Phone: 864-9428448. Email: uptown@cityofgreenwoodsc.com. 7/10/15-7/11/15: Wise, VA. Chillin & Grillin in the Glades. Greg Cross. Phone: 276-328-1000. Email: cross_g@wisecounty.org. page 36bullsheet – January 2015 KCBS Upcoming Events 7/10/15-7/11/15: Falls City, NE. Sauce & Cycles. David Branch. Phone: 402-245-4228. Email: directorccms@sentco.net. 7/31/15-8/1/15: Alamosa, CO. SLV Beat the 8/28/15-8/29/15: Washington Island, WI. Deaths 9/12/15-9/13/15: Harvard, MA. Harvard Fall Heat - Barbeque, Brews and Chili. Arlie Bragg. Door Barbecue. Richard Jepsen. Phone: 920- Festival BBQ Contest. Chris Ryan. Phone: 978Phone: 615-477-7447. Email: arlie@arli- 847-2784. Email: jepsenr@gmail.com. 618-6442. Email: ryan28@charter.net. equeevents.com. 7/10/15-7/11/15: Green Bay, WI. Gold Ribbin’ BBQ Fest of Greater Green Bay. Steven Krueger. Phone: 920-617-5553. Email: sjk@ lcojlaw.com. 8/28/15-8/29/15: New Holland, PA. New Hol- 9/18/15-9/19/15: Kearney, NE. BBQ on the 7/31/15-8/1/15: Brainerd, MN. Great Northern land Summer Fest. Chuck Sheffield. Phone: Bricks. Ron Lieske. Phone: 308-440-9698. BBQ. Cory Jay. Phone: 218-851-5737. Email: 717-669-1400. Email: nhsummerfest@yahoo. Email: bbqonthebricks@gmail.com. advantage.rs@gmail.com. com. 7/10/15-7/11/15: Fort Smith, AR. 14th Annual Bordertown Bash. Daniel Moore. Phone: 479650-9135. Email: trolleytimebbq@gmail.com. August 9/18/15-9/19/15: Salisbury, NC. Tilley Harley8/28/15-8/29/15: Albert Lea, MN. 8th Annual Davidson Biker Blues BBQ Rally and BBQ 8/7/15-8/8/15: Floyd, VA. Black Dog Music and Big Island BBQ. Perry Vining. Phone: 800-658- Classic. Gary Moss. Phone: 704-202-8712. Que Festival. Sally Truslow. Phone: 540-593- 2526 or 507-402-6371. Email: pvining@smig. Email: garymoss@windstream.net. 9223. Email: struslow@thedogs.com. net. 7/10/15-7/11/15: Warrensburg, MO. Johnson County Fair BBQ. Jason Beckner. Phone: 660238-3976. Email: jbeckner@vlpco.com. 9/18/15-9/19/15: Sacramento, CA. Smoke on 8/7/15-8/8/15: Gillette, WY. Smokin’ on the 8/28/15-8/29/15: Sheridan, WY. Best of the the River. Susan Rabinovitz. Phone: 916-716Prairie. Steve Thomas. Phone: 307-682-8120. West BBQ Fest. Tye Bach. Phone: 307-751- 2319. Email: susan@sacramentoartcouncil.org. Email: miksteve@bresnan.net. 1600. Email: info@bestofthewestbbqfest.com. 7/10/15-7/11/15: Wellsville, MO. 8th Annual Wellsville BBQ Cookoff. Pat Pursifull. Phone: 573-684-3131. Email: ppursifull@sbcglobal. net. 9/18/15-9/19/15: Denver, CO. 2015 Colorado 8/7/15-8/8/15: Huntington Beach, CA. Ribs, 8/28/15-8/29/15: Kenosha, WI. Grill Games. Rockies Invitational Championship (CompetiPigs & Watermelons. Courtney Lutkus. Phone: Lou Molitor. Phone: 262-654-1234. Email: tor’s Series). Charles & Rose Lankford. Phone: 714-897-3221 x107. Email: clutkus@afhusa. lou@kenoshaareachamber.com. 303-682-0365. Email: ctl@c-hengineering.com. org. 7/10/15-7/11/15: Rohnert Park, CA. Wine Country Big Q. Judy Groverman Walker. Phone: 707523-3728. Email: judy@wcbigq.com. 8/29/15-8/30/15: Den Haag, Zuid-Holland. 9/18/15-9/19/15: Worthington, MN. KTD 8/7/15-8/8/15: Odessa, MO. Smokin’ with Regahfest. Daan Hamoen. Phone: +31-(0)6- Smokin’ Gobbler Cook-Off. Nathan Holt. Woods. Keith Sisk. Phone: 816-263-1311. 47940067. Email: daan@regahfest.nl. Phone: 507-372-2919. Email: agoettig@frontier.com. 7/10/15-7/11/15: Kettering, OH. 9th Ohio Veterans BBQ Cookoff. Joe Law. Phone: 937-4339327. Email: legionpost598@yahoo.com. 7/17/15-7/18/15: Bellevue, NE. RiverFest Red White and Que. Doris Urwin. Phone: 402-6576447. Email: doris@bellevuenebraska.com. 7/17/15-7/18/15: Burlington, KS. 11th Annual WildBlue BBQ. Kristy Reeves. Phone: 620-3645121. Email: kristyr@lyon-coffey.coop. 7/17/15-7/18/15: Laramie, WY. Griller’s Cup. Dee Bott. Phone: 307-755-4516. Email: dbott@ ivinsonhospital.org. 7/17/15-7/18/15: Waterloo, IA. BBQ’Loo & Blues Too!. Cindy Wells. Phone: 319-404-7308. Email: cjwsews@mchsi.com. 7/17/15-7/18/15: Watertown, SD. Cookin’ on Kampeska. Caitlin Voecks. Phone: 605-8865814. Email: caitlin@watertownsd.com. 7/24/15-7/25/15: Maggie Valley, NC. WNC BBQ Festival . Teresa Smith. Phone: 828-9261686. Email: teresa@maggievalley.org. 7/24/15-7/25/15: Dodge City, KS. Dodge City Days Barbeque Cook-Off. Abby Elliott. Phone: 620-227-3119. Email: aelliott@dodgechamber. com. 7/24/15-7/25/15: Morton, IL. 5th Annual Morton BBQ Throwdown. Ryan Koener. Phone: 309-208-1572. Email: rak@koener.com. 7/24/15-7/25/15: Iola, KS. Smokin Hot Cars & BBQ. Tom Brigham. Phone: 620-365-9740. Email: bbq@iola-rotary.org. 7/24/15-7/25/15: Dyersburg, TN. BBQ-Fest Cooking Contest. Nathan Patterson. Phone: 731288-7076. Email: bbq@burksb.com. 7/31/15-8/1/15: Rossville, KS. Rossville Tall Corn Festival BBQ Contest. Jason Connell. Phone: 785-215-2346. Email: jason.connell@ rossvillekansas.org. 7/31/15-8/1/15: Asheboro, NC. Pigs & Pedals. Pam Morgan. Phone: 336-626-1277. Email: pmorgan@ci.asheboro.nc.us. 7/31/15-8/1/15: Waucoma, IA. Lynch Livestock Pig Stampede. Christy Bouska. Phone: 319-2409011. Email: chris@lynchbbq.com. 7/31/15-8/1/15: Oakland, CA. Oaktown Throwdown. Dave Campbell. Phone: 510-701-5971. Email: dave.campbell62@gmail.com. 7/31/15-8/1/15: Laurie, MO. Laurie Hillbilly BBQ. Susann Huff. Phone: 573-374-8776. Email: events@cityoflaurie.com. September 8/7/15-8/8/15: McMinnville, TN. Smokin’ in McMinnville. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615-477- 9/4/15-9/5/15: Farmington, NY. Finger Lakes 9/18/15-9/19/15: Denison, IA. Tri-City BBQ 7447. Email: arlie@arliequeevents.com. Fire & Smoke. Rikk Foringer. Phone: 585-734- Fest. Michele Ertz. Phone: 712-263-6622. Email: mertz@cdcia.org. 6227. Email: slikk1@aol.com. 8/7/15-8/8/15: Frankllin, NC. Mountain High BBQ Festival & Car Show. . 9/4/15-9/6/15: Bedford, TX. City of Bedford Blues & BBQ Festival. Wendy Hartnett. Phone: 817-952-2128. Email: wendy.hartnett@bed8/7/15-8/8/15: Woodward, OK. CASA’s Grab, fordtx.gov. Root and Growl BBQ. Keri Alva. Phone: 580256-7755. Email: nwokcasa@gmail.com. 9/5/15-9/6/15: Parker, CO. Smokin’ Brew BBQ. John Brokken. Phone: 507-358-2595. Email: 8/7/15-8/8/15: Rochester, MN. Med City BBQ johnbrokken@hotmail.com. & Musicfest. JamieLea Wellik. Phone: 507-2080336. Email: rochesterpal@rochestermn.gov. 9/5/15-9/6/15: Calgary, Alberta. BBQ on the Bow. Terry Brow. Phone: 403-650-2594. Email: 8/14/15-8/15/15: Atlanta, GA. Atlanta BarB- 3rddegreebz@gmail.com. Que Festival . Bob Herndon. Phone: 404-4061403. Email: atlbbqclub1@gmail.com. 9/11/15-9/12/15: Fort Mill, SC. Fiddle-N-Pig Shindig. Mina McLean. Phone: 803-547-1010. 8/14/15-8/16/15: New Paltz, NY. Hudson Valley Email: minamclean@ascgreenway.org. Ribfest. Shonda Bholinger. Phone: 1-844-RIBFEST (742-3378). Email: contest@hudsonvalleyribfest.org. 9/11/15-9/12/15: Richmond, VA. 11th Annual Recovery Fest. Honesty Liller. Phone: 804-5640132. Email: honesty@mcshin.org. 8/14/15-8/15/15: Fulton, MS. Stand By Your Grill. Kim Graham. Phone: 662-652-3446. Email: mascadine@yahoo.com. 9/11/15-9/12/15: Grand Junction, CO. Colorado Pork & Hops Challenge. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615-477. Email: arlie@arliequeevents.com. 8/14/15-8/15/15: Conifer, CO. Conifer Mountain BBQ Challenge. Mat Matson. Phone: 303905-4550. Email: matmatson@skybeam.com. 9/11/15-9/12/15: Mears, MI. Silver Lake Apple BBQ Festival. Jeff Clark. Phone: 231-578-2940. Email: jeff.sandsrestaurant@gmail.com. 8/14/15-8/15/15: Athens, GA. Classic City BBQ Fest & Tailgate Show . Stephanie VanDyck. Phone: 706-357-4417. Email: stephanie@clas- 9/11/15-9/12/15: Winder, GA. Jug Tavern Fessiccenter.com. tival & BBQ Cook-Off. April Furman. Phone: 678-425-6805. Email: april.furman@cityofwinder.com. 8/14/15-8/15/15: Worland, WY. Pepsi WY State Championship BBQ & Bluegrass Festival. Dale Wagner. Phone: 307-388-0392. Email: imw- 9/11/15-9/12/15: Montello, WI. Puckaway Pigwv@rtconnect.net. fest. Jessica Malsack. Phone: 920-295. Email: pigfest@lacampground.com. 9/18/15-9/19/15: Plymouth, IN. Marshall County Blazin’ BBQ & Bluegrass. Corine Humes. Phone: 800-626-5353. Email: ceh@visitmarshallcounty.org. 9/18/15-9/19/15: Mission, KS. Battle of the Brisket. Christy Humerickhouse. Phone: 913722-8210. Email: chumerickhouse@missionks. org. 9/18/15-9/19/15: Hot Springs, AR. Smokelawn. Brandon Scott. Phone: 501-701-1351. Email: bscott@oaklawn.com. 9/18/15-9/19/15: Kearney, MO. Jesse James Barbeque Cook Out. Larry Pratt. Phone: 816903-7728. Email: lpratt2@kc.rr.com. 9/19/15-9/20/15: Kimberling City, MO. Table Rock Boats and Bones. Cindy Rains. Phone: 417-335-9233 or 417-527-5388. Email: crains@ whiteriver.org. 9/19/15-9/20/15: Seaside Heights, NJ. Que by the Sea. Danielle Gries. Phone: 732-830-3700. Email: info@exit82.com. 9/25/15-9/26/15: Vidalia, LA. Jim Bowie BBQ Throwdown. Ann Westmoreland. Phone: 318336-8223. Email: awestmoreland@cityofvidaliala.com. 9/25/15-9/26/15: Murphysboro, IL. Murphysboro Barbecue Cook-Off. Mike Mills. Phone: 618-684-8902. Email: becky@17bbq.com. 9/25/15-9/26/15: Newton, NC. Butts and Beans BBQ Challenge. Noel Kay. Phone: 828-4558914. Email: nkay@catawbacountync.gov. 8/21/15-8/22/15: Bonner Springs, KS. Smokin’ on Oak. Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Chamber 9/11/15-9/12/15: Tuscaloosa, AL. Bama Brew of Commerce. Phone: 913-422-5044. Email: & Que. Brooke Nixon. Phone: 205-469-2410. info@bsedwchamber.org. 9/25/15-9/27/15: Herten, NRW. 2nd Ruhrpott Email: bnixon@rosenharwood.com. BBQ 2015. Tom Hermann. Phone: 0049 2365 9732660. Email: contest@palm-bbq.de. 8/21/15-8/22/15: Hill City, SD. Hill City Wine, 9/11/15-9/12/15: Spearfish, SD. Taste of AuBrew & BBQ. Arlie Bragg. Phone: 615-477- tumn BBQ Championships. Chris Harwood. 7447. Email: arlie@arliequeevents.com. Phone: 605-722-1430. Email: toabbq@gmail. 9/25/15-9/26/15: Fayetteville, AR. Bikes Blues & BBQ. Ron Autry. Phone: 479-571-0203. com. Email: rautry333@gmail.com. 8/21/15-8/22/15: Marshall, MN. Smokefest. Tim Steinback. Phone: 507-537-7204. Email: 9/11/15-9/12/15: Carrollton, KY. Bands & BBQ October tim.steinbach@smsu.edu. at the Point. Misty Wheeler. Phone: 502-73210/2/15-10/3/15: Springfield, KY. Jim Beam 7036. Email: director@carrolltontourism.com. BBQ Classic. Ralph Blandford. Phone: 8598/21/15-8/22/15: Hot Springs, AR. Bass & BBQ 481-3992. Email: jimbeambbqclassic@gmail. at the Forrest Wood Cup Day 1. Scott Ellison. 9/11/15-9/12/15: Butler, MO. Butler Chamber com. Phone: 270-205-6864. Email: scott.ellison@fl- of Commerce BBQ & Huckster’s Day. Lee Anna wfishing.com. Schowengerdt. Phone: 660-679-3380. Email: di10/2/15-10/3/15: Dana Point, CA. City of Dana rector@butlerchamber.com. Point State BBQ Championship. Arlie Bragg. 8/22/15-8/23/15: Hot Springs, AR. Bass & BBQ Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: arlie@arliat the Forrest Wood Cup Day 2. Scott Ellison. 9/11/15-9/12/15: Vermillion, SD. Ribs, Rods & equeevents.com. Phone: 270-205-6864. Email: scott.ellison@fl- Rock ‘n Roll. Jennifer French. Phone: 605-670wfishing.com. 9688. Email: charcoallounge@msn.com. 10/2/15-10/3/15: Harrisburg, PA. Keystone Classic Barbeque. James Sharp. Phone: 717787-2905. Email: kile@pa.gov. bullsheet – January 2015Page 37 KCBS Upcoming Events 10/2/15-10/3/15: Earlington, KY. City of Earlington OctoberFest. City of Earlington. Phone: 270-383-5364. Email: cityclerk@earlingtongovcity.com. 10/9/15-10/10/15: Sand Springs, OK. Chillin and Grillin. Mary Eubanks. Phone: 918-2453221. Email: mary@sandspringschamber.com. 10/9/15-10/10/15: Centralia, MO. Anchor City Cook Off. Centralia Chamber of Commerce. Phone: 573-682-2272. Email: ginny@centraliamochamber.com. 10/9/15-10/10/15: Lyons, GA. The Real Squeal. Alexa Carter Britton. Phone: 912-526-6445. Email: lyonsmainstreet@gmail.com. 10/9/15-10/10/15: Greenfield, MA. Riverside Blues, Brews & BBQ Festival. Christy Moore. Phone: 413-772-1553. Email: christym@greenfield-ma.gov. 10/9/15-10/10/15: Bullhead City, AZ. Slab O Rama Barbeque Challenge. Ardie Lauxman. Phone: 620-343-0182. Email: alauxman@yahoo.com. 10/9/15-10/10/15: Rocky Mount, NC. Eastern Carolina BBQ ThrowDown. Susan Ball. Phone: 252-972-1159. Email: susan.ball@rockymount. gov. 10/9/15-10/10/15: Cincinnati, OH. The River Grill before the Big Chill. Ruthann Spears. Phone: 513-321-6070. Email: ruthann.spears@ cincinnati-oh.gov. 10/16/15-10/17/15: Lenoir, NC. Smoking In The Foothills Barbecue Competition and Festival. Michael Kilby. Phone: smokinginthefoothills@ gmail.com. Email: 828-310-2953. 10/16/15-10/17/15: Munfordville, KY. Big Buffalo Crossing BBQ Cook-Off. Coni Shepperd. Phone: 270-524-4752. Email: conimtourism@ scrtc.com. 10/16/15-10/17/15: Libertyville, IL. 10th Annual Lambs Farm Barn Burner Bar-B-Q. Kathy McMeins. Phone: 847-990-3749. Email: kmcmeins@lambsfarm.org. 10/16/15-10/17/15: Harper, KS. Harper County Bullseye BBQ. Kimberly Schrant. Phone: 620845-0397. Email: kimberly.schrant@us.gt.com. 10/16/15-10/17/15: Parsons, KS. Balloons Bikes Blues and Barbeque. David & Aquila Winchell. Phone: 620-421-2365. Email: info4parsonsbbq@gmail.com. 10/23/15-10/24/15: Osawatomie, KS. Border War BBQ. Don Cawby. Phone: 913-755-1944. Email: borderwarbbq@gmail.com. 10/23/15-10/24/15: Cleveland, GA. Hillbilly Hog BBQ Throwdown & Fall Festival. Heather Sinyard. Phone: 706-809-0139. Email: heather@hillbillyhogbbq.com. 10/30/15-10/31/15: Fort Gibson, OK. Smokin’ the Fort - BBQ & Bluegrass Festival. Fort Gibson Chamber of Commerce. Phone: 918-4784780. Email: fortgibson@sbcglobal.net. November 11/6/15-11/7/15: Shelby, NC. Hog Happnin’. Jerry Gardner. Phone: 704-473-1352. Email: jerryg@carolina.rr.com. 11/13/15-11/14/15: Richland, GA. Richland Char-Broil Challenge. Chip Jones. Phone: 229887-2193. Email: chipov@bellsouth.net. 11/13/15-11/14/15: Mount Pleasant, SC. Smoke on the Harbor BBQ Throwdown . Chris Mitchell. Phone: 843-284-7022. Email: cmitchell@ charlestonharborresort.com . 10/16/15-10/17/15: Nelsonville, OH. Ohio Smoked Meat & BBQ Festival. Kevin Dotson. Phone: 740-753-4346. Email: ohiobbq@gmail. com. 10/16/15-10/17/15: Mount Pleasant, TN. MidSouth Barbecue Festival. Donna Morency. Phone: 931-379-9837. Email: dmorency@ mountpleasanttn.org. The Great Pacific Northwest By Pat Maddock - KCBS & PNWBA Happy New Year from the BBQ community in the Great Northwest! Western Canadians and Pacific Northwestern BBQ teams are in a serious off-season out here, now, not unlike many of the rest of you. Our last event was a chilly November cook-off in Spokane, Washington where Darin Tandberg’s UFF-DA-Q smoked all comers to earn GC and Diane Mee’s Lake House BBQ took RGC in this first-ever, low temp competition. It’s those temperatures and wet weather that puts a halt to sanctioned competitions around here until early Spring but you know darned good and well most teams are passing the time trying new recipes and techniques and seasoning new equipment Santa may have dropped down the chimney. Looking forward to the 2015 season, we’ve already got several good events on the books in Oregon. The fantastic Mill Casino in North Bend right ON beautiful Coos Bay near the Pacific coast, will be the scene for a west coast favorite, May 22-24th. Thirty one teams competed there last year with two of our favorite “Marks” (Simmons and Silver) as KCBS reps on hand and we hear they’ll be back to oversee another well run comp to say nothing of the live blues and beer competition. (Did I say beer competition? No wonder we all love this event!) Teams from as far away as Texas were on hand last year, knowing the gorgeous Oregon coast is a killer vacation destination and you can even sneak in a comp or two between the sand dunes and some nearby world class golf. Come join us! The challenging KCBS Battle of the Bones is also locked in again for Central Point, Oregon, June 26th and 27th and there’s a brand new PNWBA event set for the Sublimity-Stayton area of Oregon, August 1st and 2nd. That first year event has already collected $7,500 to build their prize purse on and they haven’t quit, yet. There will be many more NW events to come. Summer vacation? Why not a visit to the Northwest, including a comp or two or three? We’d love to have you. If you want more info on any NW events, you can drop me a line at patmaddock@cbba.com I’ll be happy to get you the information you need. In the meanwhile, from all of us “up here” we wish you a wonderful New Year on a very successful BBQ trail. To our judges, cooks, leadership and supporters of the KCBS community, thanks for a great 2014 and let’s make it an even better 2015 amidst the thin blue smoke! UPCOMING KCBS table captaiN Classes 1/17/15 Hartselle, AL Table Captain Class - Cancelled Contact: Susan Hines 256-773-4370 susan@harselle.org http://www.hartsellechamber.org 1/24/15 Sandy Springs, GA Table Captain Class Contact: Bob Herndon atlantabbqclub@gmail.com https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kcbsjudging-class-at-sandy-springs-unitedmethodist-church-tickets-13561899005 2/7/15 Cary, NC Table Captain Class Contact: Graham Wilson 919-608-0209 gwilson@prstreet.com 2/26/15 Lake Havasu, AZ Table Captain Class Contact: Skip & Cheryl Ramsden 928-209-2375 info@musicbrewsbbq.com 2/28/15 Joppa, AL Table Captain Class Contact: Jason Haggard 256-309-8611 jasonhaggard@msn.com 2/28/15 Des Moines, IA Table Captain Class Contact: Anne Rehnstrom 515-223-2622 arehnstrom@pork.org 2/28/15 Laurens, SC Table Captain Class Contact: Jonathan Irick 864-984-2119 mail@mainstreetlaurens.org http://www.mainstreetlaurens.org 3/1/15 St. Charles, IL Table Captain Class Contact: Julie Farris 630-233-4746 julie@firinupthefox.com http://classes.firinupthefox.com/ 3/7/15 Floyd, VA Table Captain Class Contact: Sally Truslow 540-593-9223 struslow@thedogs.com http://www.thedogs.com/ 3/7/15 Riverside, CA Table Captain Class Contact: Jim Palmer 714-319-1782 jpee@sbcglobal.net 3/27/15 Owatonna, MN Table Captain Class Contact: Ross Bowen 952-454-4406 rrbowen61@yahoo.com 3/28/15 Omaha, NE Table Captain Class Contact: Steve Richards 402-350-1289 steve.richards@cox.net 3/28/15 Gettysburg, PA Table Captain Class Contact: Dana Stewart aa@adamsart.org 4/16/15 Overland Park, KS Table Captain Class- Cancelled Contact: Jim Lilleston 913-206-7860 james.lilleston@us.army.mil http//www.vfwpost846bbq.com 4/25/15 Marietta, OH Table Captain Class Contact: Emmeline Wharton mariettabbq@gmail.com 9/13/15 St. Charles, IL Table Captain Class Contact: Julie Farris 630-233-4746 julie@firinupthefox.com http://classes.firinupthefox.com/ page 38bullsheet – January 2015 MATTHEW WELTZIN LAWRENCE, KS January Kentucky JAMES BAUMER SOMERSET, KY DAN BAYLISS BARDSTOWN, KY JASON COLLINS NICHOLASVILLE, KY New Members Alabama GREG BARNES HUNTSVILLE, AL SCOTT COPELAND HUNTSVILLE, AL GEORGE HARRIMAN HUNTSVILLE, AL EDWARD PEGUES HOOVER, AL ED TAYLOR DECATUR, AL Arkansas DOUGLAS KARAFFA CABOT, AR JEREMY MILLEN NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR Arizona RON BEHEE TEMPE, AZ DOUGLAS PALMQUIST CLARKDALE, AZ California MALIHA AGLORIA MENLO PARK, CA ART ANDERS UNION CITY, CA STEVEN ASANUMA TORRANCE, CA BARRY BATES LAGUNA HILLS, CA TOBY BERGER IRVINE, CA TOM DEANY YREKA, CA KEVIN DO MILPITAS, CA AUGUSTIN FLORES SAN JOSE, CA SHAUN GUYOT LONG BEACH, CA LYNDA HEVERON JOSHUA TREE, CA DEON JACKSON MURRIETA, CA GENO JENKINS SAN DIEGO, CA THOMAS KOFF SANTA PAULA, CA LINNEA LIVINGSTON ORANGE, CA BOB MCELNEY IRVINE, CA HENRY MIRANDA SAN DIEGO, CA JAMES PASTUR OAKLAND, CA PATRICIA PASTUR OAKLAND, CA WILLIAM SEGUI EL CAJON, CA CALVIN THOMAS LOS ANGELES, CA KENNEDY WESTFALL PALMDALE, CA Colorado EMMA LYONS BROOMFIELD, CO GARY LYONS BROOMFIELD, CO ELIZABETH SMITH AURORA, CO RUSSELL SMITH AURORA, CO Connecticut JOHN SNYDER SHELTON, CT LEE WHITE GROTON, CT Florida JOHN D BAILEY OCOEE, FL J. MARK CARLTON BARTOW, FL ELLIOT CUOCO ORLANDO, FL JENNIFER DEL RIO TAMPA, FL PAULETTE DISINGER OKEECHOBEE, FL RUSSELL DISINGER OKEECHOBEE, FL CHRIS EVANS FERNANDINA BEACH, FL FRANK KENNA TRINITY, FL EDWARD NAGLER PANAMA CITY, FL DEL RIO RAPHAEL TAMPA, FL NICHOLAS YZZI DUNEDIN, FL Georgia MICHAEL BARCZAK NEWNAN, GA JOHN BERARD CUMMING, GA JORDYN BLARE SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA FRED CALHOUN LAGRANGE, GA KATHY CALHOUN LAGRANGE, GA FRANCES HALL KERCE COLUMBUS, GA ROBERT COTHERN ELIZABETHTOWN, KY MARK SPANKA COLLEGE PARK, GA TERRY WALKER MARIETTA, GA AUSTIN WIMBERLY CUMMING, GA Iowa DENNIS CHRISTY CLIVE, IA PATRICIA FERGEN SIOUX CITY, IA WILLIAM FERGEN SIOUX CITY, IA JIM LOCKWOOD NEWTON, IA Illinois TRISTAN ACEVEDO CHICAGO, IL CYNDI CAPPS CAHOKIA, IL BRADLEY DAY KAPPA, IL TERESA DAY KAPPA, IL TIM JUNG SPARTA, IL JOHN KROOT COLLINSVILLE, IL BENJAMIN LIND GLENVIEW, IL BILL ROONEY CHICAGO, IL BRUCE RYLANCE LAKE FOREST, IL Indiana JULIA ABBOTT MITCHELL, IN JAMES CHERCO LIZTON, IN JAMES LINK SELLERSBURG, IN TOM MORRIS BRISTOL, IN LEE REEVES MT. VERNON, IN JOSH TAPP BLOOMINGTON, IN PHILIP TAPP BLOOMINGTON, IN Kansas JUSTIN HAMMOND COVINGTON, GA JOHN BREWER OLATHE, KS RYAN HUFFMAN GAINESVILLE, GA DIANA DEWITT GODDARD, KS KEITH MARKS ATLANTA, GA ROBERT (BOB) DEWITT GODDARD, KS MARY MASI MARIETTA, GA TOM DINGELL BONNER SPRINGS, KS LAURIE PERRY SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA AMMON DIXON OVERLAND PARK, KS TODD PERRY SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA BRYAN HARKIN TOPEKA , KS JUSTIN PETERS OCILLA, GA SALVATORE SCIRE SHAWNEE, KS TRAVIS COURTRIGHT SOMERSET, KY CHARLES D. CRABBE OAK GROVE, KY KEVIN DAVIS PROSPECT, KY DONALD GIBSON PROSPECT, KY RONANDUS JOHNSON KANSAS CITY, MO DOUGLAS LADE KANSAS CITY, MO JAMES MASTALSKI COLUMBIA, MO SHELIA MASTALSKI COLUMBIA, MO KEITH STEPHENS SPRINGFIELD, MO ROBERT TESTER FORT LEONARD WOOD, MO ED WEBER STOCKTON, MO MIssissippi ZACKERY PARKER BILOXI, MS North Carolina SIMON MORTIMER LONDON, KY JON DAVIS CHARLOTTE, NC MICHAEL SETTERS VANCEBURG, KY AMANDA HARRELL KNOTTS ISLAND, NC JORDAN SMITH ELIZABETHTOWN, KY MARY LINVILLE PINEHURST, NC RUSSELL TODD ELIZABETHTOWN, KY JEREMY ODOM ASHEVILLE , NC MO WOLTERING CALIFORNIA, KY DAVID YEARY BEREA, KY Louisiana JARVIS DAVIS BOSSIER , LA HERBERT DUVIC COVINGTON, LA Massachusetts BENJAMIN LAPINS SPRINGFIELD , MA ENRICO PASQUALE RAYNHAM , MA SHARYN PASQUALE RAYNHAM , MA Maryland STEPHEN MARTIN SNOW HILL, MD MICHAEL RUBENSTEIN BALTIMORE , MD ALAN SELLERS ELLICOTT CITY, MD WAYNE STONE ADELPHI, MD Michigan Nebraska STEPHANIE KENNAWAY DOVER PLAINS, NE BRAD MENSIK LINCOLN , NE New Hampshire SAGE SWAIN WALPOLE , NH New Jersey DAVID ARMIGER BUDD LAKE, NJ DON DITZEL BRICK, NJ JOHN MENKE GLEN GARDNER, NJ JASON RIGGIONE WESTVILLE, NJ New Mexico JOSEPH BROWN LOS ALAMOS, NM Nevada HOWARD ANALLA BOULDER CITY, NV New York CHRISTOPHER CASSA HICKSVILLE, NY MIKE BORASHKO WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI JAMES OLIVER CURY BROOKLYN, NY MATTHEW GILLETT LANSING, MI RAYMOND PATTERSON BROOKLYN, NY JOSHUA LANE LANSING, MI OMAR RADA BROOKLYN, NY MICHAEL MCGRATH PINCKNEY, MI CRAIG PRATT LAKEVILLE, MI Minnesota Ohio CHARLES ROWE CINCINNATI, OH JOHN STACY COLUMBUS, OH Oklahoma JEREMY FERGUSON NOBLE, OK ROBERT JOHNSON ARNETT, OK Oregon DON JOHNSON PORTLAND, OR CARISSA NOVICK SHERWOOD, OR MIKE NOVICK SHERWOOD, OR Pennsylvania LEROY BRICKER ENOLA, PA JOSEPH J. HUDAK, SR. DALLAS, PA KIRK KOPACK FEASTERVILLE, PA ROBERT NELSON PHILADELPHIA, PA MAUREEN PETROSKY YARDLEY, PA STANISLAV SAVCIUC PHILADELPHIA, PA RAY SHRECKENGOST HAWTHORN, PA South Carolina JIM PETTUS COLUMBIA, SC RONALD VASKO LAURENS , SC Tennessee BUD ALEXANDER HENDERSONVILLE, TN GLEN BLACK MT. JULIET, TN ANDREA K. CARTER TULLAHOMA, TN PETE DARBY OLD HICKORY, TN CAROL FULMER ESTILL SPRINGS, TN SUE FULMER COWAN, TN BOB GIDEON GALLATIN, TN LORRIE GIDEON GALLATIN, TN DAN GRIESS APISON, TN TAMAUL BOSTON CANAL, OH DOUGLAS HOLLANDSWORTH BARTLETT, TN JEFF SMITH NEW MARKET, MN TINA GRABILL MCDERMOTT, OH HARPER ZAPF MAPLE GROVE, MN JOHN PAUL JONES BEXLEY, OH MARGE COVERT KIMBERLING CITY, MO LEVI ROBINSON GARFIELD , OH NANCY HIBLER WINCHESTER, TN JOHN GRABILL MCDERMOTT, OH CHRIS BUEHRLE WILDWOOD, MO ADIL QARNI CINCINNATI, OH PATRICIA BENDICK WORTHINGTON, OH KEVIN FLANIGAN MINNETONKA, MN Missouri LARRY POGUE FAIRBORN, OH DAVID KLENK CINCINNATI, OH FAITH POGUE FAIRBORN, OH LYNN HORTON SELMER, TN COREY JOHNSON KNOXVILLE, TN MARY LEBLANC FAYETTEVILLE, TN DENISE LUCCHESI MEMPHIS, TN MATT MCCLURE NASHVILLE, TN bullsheet – January 2015Page 39 ROB MCKINNEY NASHVILLE, TN RICK MORRIS SHELBYVILLE, TN SANDI MORRIS SHELBYVILLE, TN ANDREW PEERCY FRANKLIN, TN REGINA PRESTON WINCHESTER, TN JONATHAN PRICE SHELBYVILLE, TN ANDY RALEY FRANKLIN, TN TED REED SPRING HILL, TN PHILLIP G. STEWART WINCHESTER, TN BRENDA SWEETON TULLAHOMA, TN BRENDA WATTERS FRIENDSVILLE, TN DOUG WATTERS FRIENDSVILLE, TN MARLENE WHITAKER MULBERRY, TN CAROLYN WISEMAN WINCHESTER, TN Texas JAMES CHACON THE WOODLANDS, TX BARRY JONES GLEN ROSE, TX MICHAEL O’NEILL SELMA, TX ROLANDO RODRIGUEZ HOUSTON, TX LYNN SHIVERS JOSHUA, TX STEVE TAYLOR CARROLLTON, TX CHRIS WADLEY HOUSTON, TX KATHERINE WHALEY HOUSTON, TX Virginia SCOTT ANDERSON ARLINGTON, VA DENSON BELL SMITHFIELD, VA JOHN COMPTON GLEN ALLEN, VA RON DAVIS ELK CREEK, VA NATE DUKE MANASSAS , VA BRADY HYPES ROANOKE, VA MARK PACELLA FALLS CHURCH, VA KENNETH SCOTT MANASSAS, VA ANDREA STEVENS NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA RONALD STREATER ALEXANDRIA, VA STEPHEN SZEREMETA VIENNA, VA Washington SHAWN DUNCAN BONNEY LAKE, WA MARK RINI BATTLE GROUND, WA Wisconsin CHRISTOPHER BRUEGGEMAN WEST SALEM, WI West Virginia GINA ECKSTADT CHARLESTON, WV International KEVIN KIDDER US SERVICE MEMBER SERVING OVERSEASTHANK YOU for your service. ANNE BEAN BRIGHTON, AUSTRALIA WILL MORRISON OSLER, CANADA NORBERT BLASCHKE AHRENSFELDE, GERMANY GIANLUCA SANNA BAREGGIO, ITALY PHIL BOWEN BURTON UPON TRENT, UNITED KINGDOM Have YOU Got The Right Stuff? page 40bullsheet – January 2015