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trasy turystyczne EN okladka przod
BYDGOSZCZ LIFE TAKES ON COLOUR TOURIST ROUTES BYDGOSZCZ. LIFE TAKES ON COLOUR. Bydgoszcz, which used to be mainly associates with industry, changed its face a long time ago. Referred to as "little Berlin" or "Venice of the North" it is one of the most striking Polish cities, a city that has much to offer. TOURIST The logo of the City of Bydgoszcz refers to the historic tradition of presenting an outline of three 18th c. granaries on the waterfront of the Brda River. ROUTES The beauty of Bydgoszcz is not obvious and not closed within a specific historic time. Its essence lies in a collage of styles, colourful processions of houses, the omnipresent river whispering quietly the extraordinary history of the city. We offer you a variety of ways to discover the secrets of Bydgoszcz. Do you prefer to walk, to go by car, or maybe on the water? Everyone will find something for themselves: a lover of medieval history, enthusiast of 19th century architecture, someone interested in World War II an adventurous child. Experience it all for yourself ... 01 St. Martin and St. Nicolas Cathedral. 02 1. 1. CASMIR THE GREAT’S ROUTE (MEDIEVAL ROUTE) Time: 2 hours. Useful tips: after the walk, take a cruise by a water tram along the old town route. On Saturdays the museums on Mill Island are free of charge. Casmir III the Great was never in Bydgoszcz, despite the fact that the city received its foundation act from his hands. Bydgoszcz owes a lot to the wise king, except ... its name. The king wanted it to be called Królewiec! (Kingstown, Konigsberg). The residents, however, were convinced that the word "Bydgoszcz", meaning the same as "be my guest", would have a better connotation for travellers. Well, they were not wrong. It is good to start the medieval route from the model of the old town (1), located at the granaries (7-11 Grodzka Street). It shows the shape of the town in the 17th century, before the Swedish invasion that devastated the city. At that time Bydgoszcz was a famous centre of merchants. It was renowned for its grain and timber, which were around in abundance, for excellent beer brewed in the local breweries and for… pots (supposedly unbreakable). Then we head along Mostowa St. towards the Old Market (2). It is worth paying attention to the town hall building in the western frontage, the former Jesuit College. On the opposite side there is the tenement house number 15. In one of its windows Master Twardowski (3) appears twice a day (at 13:13 and 21:13). Under the cobble stones of the Market Square there are the ruins of the old town hall with a tower prison and merchants' stalls, which will soon be exposed. We go now to the St. Martin and St. Nicholas Cathedral (4), the oldest church in Bydgoszcz. It was built in the place of an earlier Gothic church burned during the great town fire in 1425. This event had a consequence - disruption of the symmetry of the cathedral nave and chancel (shifted to the right by approximately 0.5 m, clearly visible when we stand under the organ). There are stunning murals decorating the interior of the church and the miraculous image of Our Lady of Beautiful Love that was crowned by Pope John Paul II in 1999. Along the picturesque Jezuicka Street, we get to Długa Street (5) – the longest street of the medieval town (541 m). On both ends access to it was defended by city gates: Kujawska and Poznańska. Strolling along Długa St. toward Zbożowy Rynek (Grain Market) it is worthwhile to raise your head slightly to see the interesting details of the 19th-century buildings (many of them have also interesting Gothic cellars). Along Przesmyk St. we get to the statue of King Casmir the Great (6) in Nowy Rynek New Market. The king reminds us of the medieval origin of the city. The sculpture stands in the place once occupied by the castle’s outer fortified wall with towers. One of them is hidden behind buildings on the western side of the monument. You can reach it from Pod Blankami St. walking into one of the gates. Continuing on along this street we come back to Długa St. in the place where formerly the Poznańska Gate was situated. According to a legend, the town executioner lived above it. Along a narrow passage between houses at Wełniany Rynek - Wool Market we head towards the Venice of Bydgoszcz (7), once the industrial area of the city. 03 Bydgoszcz received its foundation act from Casmir III the Great in 1346. Ogrod Świecka Rycers ka ubsk a Sowińskiego Bocianowo Cho c ims Pomorska ta gus u ntaA ka The building housing the archaeological collection of the Leon Wyczółkowski District Museum. ki icza sz War Kasz mu Zyg Racławicka owa European Centre of Money. na zecz ściu sz o kieg rew s Pad a r. 920 a1 zni Sty c li Roga ks. L. Sienki S. Mon Ogińskiego o Jagiello ńska M. Ka Rumińskiego ńska Krakowsk a św. Floria na Ma Wyczółk owskieg o eja ja R Mik oła 3Maja ńsk ieg ina iuszki czy F. Chop Rondo Ossolińskich go skie wiń skiego arskie go anisła wa K on Mo Tramwaj wodny / WaterTram Rondo Bernardyńskie bia Toruńska Ba eś Wi Żup y lońskie Star yPor zka Tramwaj wodny t Pl. Kościeleckich ŚRÓDMIEŚCIE ardy azimie JanaK 6 Wały Jagi el i Ber Bern 3 arg Rondo Jagiellonów Grod Magdziń skiego Zaułek Długa Pio traS k warta Piotrow Pocz towa 1 Ks. Mark Ks. St ska Gdań rza Kręta Jezuic ska a Przes myk Batore go kami Mostow a Malcz ewsk iego Rynek 19.03.1 981 r. ińsk iego Gim naz jaln a S. S tas z K. L ica ibe lta Asny ńsk Gda ka Szw alb ego 20 a Pod g ma Str o ka edz Szw Przy rzecz e PodBla n Now yR Trybunal a Wąska dzk ynek Filarecka War m ica ska dzią a ińsk Pomorska Mar cink ows kieg o A. Grott gera Kącik Pozn ań Gru b Szu nom Stary órn yjna Plac Poznański Farna 9 Przy Zamczysku inar Ku M ły P odwale lska Sem 8 Wyspa 4 Młyńska 2 7 5 F oc h a ks. R. Urocza Lub e wo yto Chw łka M . Menn ina A. Czartoryskiego Ko rd ks. A. Dol Mars z a jcy Tró Św. eck i ego Kruszwicka Św.Trójcy a cza kiew i ien H. S za arus zew ic A. N i Królo wej Jadw ig Śluza Miejska Wyspia ńskieg o Sielanka zka STARE MIASTO skich ald nw Rondo Grunwaldzkie iń Al. Ossol a rcow OKOLE Gru Nakielska iego J.Sułkowsk Wil eń ate jki Królo wej Ja iradz kieg o Siem a iczn Dwo Gran J. M dwig a iczn Gran a Jasn a a arsk Śląsk Ślus i ska T. K o a rcow Dwo rska r Nad H. Sienkiew a la Żeg k aws Hetma BOCIANOWO ńska Historically, buildings such as workshops and factories were situated almost in the water, as in Venice in Italy. j go Cho skie e i dkie Once the town’s b Ma Mill Island, passing over one of the footbridges, is a magical place. zowiafter o where we ry will get to ec S ka d wic e r U F Zam z Świ ojskon the island. aOriginally there ęto fishermen used to come here, later mills, tanneries and sawmills worked hard jań iego ska were three islands, but as a result of filling in the channels separating them, one extensive island with a Rejt Kw remained. Once on the island, it is recommended to visit the ana “Międzywodzie” (water junction) cascade iato A. M wa icki ew R. C Archaeological Museum (8), located in Bydgoszcz’s Granary) which has vaulted cza iesz oldest granary (the iWhite B. C kow th and 17th c. the hroIsland was famous skie for having a royal mint here. It minted one of the Gothic cellar. In the 16 bre go go Tramwaj wodny Lip most valuable coins of the weighs over 300 grams! ow world: Sigismund III Vasa’s 100-ducat coin. One such coinPlac a Weysenhoffa You will learn more about the Mint in the European Centre of Money. We will leave the island via a footbridge called the "Bridge of Love" (the name comes from padlocks hung there by lovers) and then along Focha St. Zdu until we get to the former Church Pod ofny the Poor Clares (9) - a Gothic church, which in the past served as a defen- Rondo al. Powstańców ols M. K Wielkopolskie k oper and a hospital. This institua sive construction. The Poor Clare’s nuns used to provide a shelter for the homeless n K ik ołłą a Garb taja ary Dw tion was located on the other because of a concern about conta-Skwer Norkowskiego Z. K then city walls, orc side of the river, outside the Tramwaj wodny rasi ow ń a skie Reymo Stadion KS P gion. nta go lskie ube ni L Toruńska BABIA WIEŚ Ha W Ł 2. MARIAN REJEWSKI’S ROUTE Time: about 7 hours. Tips: it is best to visit this route by car due to the significant distance between visited places. Marian Rejewski was one of three cryptographers who decoded the operation of the German coding machine "Enigma". The route named after the eminent mathematician leads along the most important places related to World War II. The tour begins in the Old Market, where at the beginning of September 1939 the city witnessed the first executions of the inhabitants associated with the so-called Bydgoszcz "Bloody Sunday". Statue of Marian Rejewski. The victims are commemorated by the Monument to Resistance and Martyrdom (1) that is situated in the Old Market Square. Previously there was a church in this place, which was destroyed by the invaders. According to a legend, the reason for the destruction of the church was the bloody mark of a hand that was left after the execution of a priest from one of Bydgoszcz's parishes. The mark could not be removed in any way. Next we go along Mostowa St. and Gdańska St. towards the statue of Marian Rejewski (2). The famous cryptographer was born in Bydgoszcz in 1905, he graduated from the grammar school here, and after the war for many years worked as an accountant. To see the famous "Enigma" and learn more about it you are advised to visit the Museum of Military Land Forces (3), which is located in Gdańska Street. Exploseum DAG Fabrik Bromberg. 05 Ogrod Świecka Racławicka owa Wil eńs ka a Cho d kiew Zam ojsk iego ska icza K iego J.Sułkowsk kieg o 920 Pad a r. ate jki Sty c zni a1 J. M iradz kieg o 20 ego lta ka Asny Pomorska Gda Szw alb ńsk a icza kiew ien za H. S nika Wielkopolskie al. Powstańców S. S tas zica ibe K. L a ka ta Wyczółk owskieg o ina Ogińskiego Piotrow M. Ka Rumińskiego Krakowsk a św. Floria na bia Toruńska Ba eś Wi Toruńska 4 WZGÓRZE WOLNOŚCI sk Kujaw Romualda Traugut skiego 3Maja Ks. St ńska Ma Tramwaj wodny / WaterTram Rondo Bernardyńskie Nowod wors a nartowicza i upk Skor cego iuszki 5 Jagiello li gna Ks. I S. Mon F. Chop Mik oła ja R eja jaln naz Gim go arskie anisła wa K on 19.03.1 981 r. ska Gdań Pocz towa lońskie o Żup y Pod gór na Wały Jagi el ńsk ieg ka Przy rzecz e Mostow a rza azimie Pl. Kościeleckich ks. L. Sienki czy Roga skiego ed Szw Leszczyń ma Filarecka Star yPor zka Tramwaj wodny t Grod Magdziń skiego Zaułek Długa Mo Rondo Ossolińskich ardy ńs ynek kami ŚRÓDMIEŚCIE kar gi Bern Now yR PodBla n Kręta JanaK a Rynek Trybunal Jezuic ska a Przes myk Batore go Wąska dzk Malcz ewsk iego ica Menn ks. A. Ko rd eck ieg o Kruszwicka A. Czartoryskiego ska dzią 1 traS Rondo Jagiellonów Przy Zamczysku Pozn ań Gru zka ińsk iego A. Grott gera Kącik Królo wej Jad wig i Mar cink ows kieg o A. N arus Farna nom Stary Ku M ły P odwale lska a 2 3 F oc h a Sielanka Wyspa Młyńska Plac Poznański łka M . skich Mars z a War m iczn a Siem zew ic M. K oper Koł łąta ja Urocza Lub e o tow cy Trój Św. y Chw Str o a iń Al. Ossol a rcow Gran Dwo Śluza Miejska Św.Trójcy ina sk ubiń rew s i dwig Królo wej Ja iczn a Gran a a Jasn arsk Ślus ka z ald nw Rondo Grunwaldzkie Dol yjna lsk ary Skwer Norkowskiego Z. K Basilica of Vincent de Paul (5). The largest church in After returning to the city centre we are Dwrecommended to stop at the orc Tramwaj wodny rasi ow ńsk a R e y m i Bydgoszcz, built in the 1920s and 1930s, miraculously survived World War II. eFirst, soldiers ofothe nta Third Reich arranged a warehouse Stadion KS P go W ia ńskieg for three days. The reconstrucand vehicle servicing depot in the church, then at the beginning of 1945 It was set on fire andyspburnt o go skie ks. R. tion of the Basilica lasted many years. Currently, one of the most impressive parts of the church is its coffered dome wiń decorated with Mark warta Ber Ks. kg! Polish flowers. Each flower is different, and the heaviest ones weigh over 300 STARE MIASTO Pio Gru Nakielska Sz Świ ę na wia While continuing the sightseeing tour we go to the Exploseum (4), a modern museum,A. Mthat inhabits the old Nazi German factory of tow icki a ew R. C explosives DAG Fabrik Bromberg, located on the outskirts of the city. iesz The hidden from theiczaworld and closely guarded factory was B. C kow Śląsk hro skie bre Reich. The factory established toTramwaj supply ammunition for the army of the Third had over 30,000 workers. In the museum you can learn a go go wodny Lip o about many historical facts e.g. by whomwand for what was dynamite invented, and get to know thePlac history of arms, weapons and a explosives. Exploseum is an extraordinary journey through the buildings, tunnels and shelters of Weysenhoffa the former factory. Following the long, winding, dark corridors, sometimes we can feel the horror that once must have accompanied the slave workers from across Zdu OKOLEEurope. An Exploseum tour lasts approximatelyPo 3 hours ny Rondo and takes place with a guide. do Garb inar BOCIANOWO toja ń Rejt Sem ka T. K o ska Mazowiecka ry Fred ims ki ubsk Kasz a Hetma ń go skie obie H. Sienkiew k aws na zecz a rcow Dwo rska r Nad S icza sz War la Żeg iej elsk Basilica of Vincent Lubde Paul. Uni Cho c ściu sz Rycers ka Sowińskiego Bocianowo a ug ntaA mu Zyg Pomorska usta Port Lotniczy BABIA WIEŚ Ha W Ł 3. POLA NEGRI’S ROUTE Time: about 2 hours. Tips: recommended a visit to the tenement house at 27 Gdańska St. to see the interior decoration of houses from the beginning of the 20th century. Art Nouveau paintings and a beautiful antique lift transfer us into the belle époque atmosphere. The famous Hollywood silent film actress visited Bydgoszcz several times. She even bought a beautiful house, where later her mother lived. Apolonia Chałupiec herself remembered Bydgoszcz mainly for its naked, "obscene," as she said, statue of the "Archer Lady". The fact of placing the sculpture in the city centre, next to the theatre, she considered a scandal. Let us remind you that the actress was later announced as a sex bomb of American cinema and the lover of Charlie Chaplin and Rudolph Valentino. Pola Negri’s route starts on Gdańska Street by the “Hotel pod Orłem” ("Under the Eagle Hotel") (1) where in the stylish restaurant we can taste dishes from the 1920s. The building was designed by Józef Święcicki - a prominent builder, who designed and constructed more than 60 buildings in Bydgoszcz. His likeness is on the facade of the hotel. Then we go to Casmir the Great Park, where we could take a photo at the "Deluge" (2) fountain. The monumental fountain was a “must” for every trip around the city before the Second World War. Today you can admire copies of two of the original three sculptures of the fountain. Then along Gimnazjalna and Libelta Streets we will get to the Music District of Bydgoszcz (3), a green oasis in the city centre. “Pod Orłem” Hotel ("Under the Eagle"). Racławicka Among the beautiful buildings of the Philharmonic, the Academy of Music and the Theatre we will find busts and statues of great composers, a replica of the first in Poland statue of Henryk Sienkiewicz and of the unashamed "Archer Lady" (4), who despite her advanced age (over 100) still delights with her beauty. Beside the Theatre we can walk and admire Mickiewicza Av., a street that comprises a selection of powerful Art Nouveaux tenement houses and slightly smaller villas. They were designed by Józef Święcicki and his student Rudolf Kern, and marked the new trends in urban architecture. It is worth noting that Kern created the most beautiful Art Nouveau building in Bydgoszcz, located at 4 Paderewskiego St. We return now to Gdańska St. to see the house of Pola Negri (5). The building purchased at some point by the famous actress is a beautiful villa (84 Gdańska St.) with an amazing ballroom, a fountain and a large terrace overlooking a garden. Then, following Gdańska St. toward the centre, stop for a moment by two villas (48 and 50 Gdańska St.) (6) that once belonged to wealthy industrialists of Bydgoszcz. Currently the buildings house the PIK radio broadcaster. Exquisite interiors with a club room and ornate staircase reflect the wealth of the former inhabitants. The last point of the route is Cieszkowskiego Street (7). While walking along this unique street we may have the impression that time stopped here in the early 20th century. The exceptional atmosphere of this place is created by houses with original Art Nouveau ornaments, jewellers’ workshops, a wine shop and a Ogrod Świecka owa restaurant stylish serving dumplings. T. K ośc iu iego J.Sułkowsk ks. L. Sienki S. Mon iuszki czy ńsk ieg o Jagiello ńska Ma o Rondo Ossolińskich ina Mo go skie wiń F. Chop Rondo Jagiellonów ŚRÓDMIEŚCIE Ber Ogińskiego i warta skiego arg Stadion KS P nta Wyspia ńskieg o Mark al. Powstańców Skwer Norkowskiego Reymo eja M ik oła Pio traS k Rondo Wielkopolskie yczółko wskieg ka Asny S. S tas z ica lta ibe K. L nika ks. R. 3Maja Ks. o kieg rew s Pad a r. a1 zni Sty c 3 ja R a jaln naz Gim go arskie anisła wa K on go icza Plac Weysenhoffa M. K oper Koł łąta ja skie Ks. St 981 r. 19.03.1 ska Gdań Mostow a alczew skieg o 4 cza Sz w alb ńsk Gda Pomorska rasi ń 2 F oc h a ewi 20 6 Z. K 1 5 icki 920 o a icza kiew ien ze a War m łka M . a A. Czartoryskiego Menn ic Wyspa kow skie g ińsk iego Kącik A. Grott gera Mar cink ows kieg o H. S zew icza arus A. N i Królo wej Jadw ig o eck ieg Ko rd ks. A. o tow Mars z a A. M ego Wil eń ate jki J. M go iradz kie Siem iczn a Gran i Królo wej Jadw ig iczn a a Jasn Gran y Chw jcy ina Tró Św. Kruszwicka Śluza Miejska ska Sielanka zka ald nw Gru Dol lsk Zdu ny Dw orc ow a STARE MIASTO Św.Trójcy Pod o kiew ojsk iego R. C iesz 7 Cho d Zam skich Tramwaj wodny ka iń Al. Ossol a rcow ary Rondo Grunwaldzkie Lip Dwo Garb Nakielska rob reg o ow a OKOLE Świ ę B. C h a Tramwaj wodny BOCIANOWO Kw iato wa arsk a Ślus Śląsk ims toja ń Rejt ana Cho c Piotrow ubsk Kasz ry Fred ska zna rzec Mazowiecka Pocz towa o kieg ies Sob a rcow Dwo ska H. Sienkiew Hetma ń a rska Nad U icza k aws sz War la Żeg kiej ls ube ni L a Tenement houses in Cieszkowskiego Street. szki Rycers ka Sowińskiego Bocianowo Pomorska sta ugu ntaA mu Zyg M. K 4. MASTER TWARDOWSKI’S ROUTE (ESPECIALLY FOR KIDS) Time: 1 hour. Tip: it is worthwhile adding a water tram cruise to this route. We begin with "Man Crossing the River" (1) - a sculpture suspended above the Brda River to celebrate Poland’s accession into the European Union. It is worth considering why “the Man" has stayed up on the rope for such a long time. It's not magic, but the laws of physics that make the sculpture not fall into the river. The figure that weighs more than 50 kg has its centre of gravity located below the rope, and the pole helps it maintain balance. ”Man crossing the River”. Then we go down to the boulevard near the granaries, stopping for a moment beside the water tram stop. It was here that fragments of some famous Polish films where shot - "Four Tankers and a Dog" (Czterej Pancerni i Pies) and "Magic Tree" (Magiczne Drzewo). A little further on, at Plac Solny (Salt Square), there is a model of the former castle of Bydgoszcz (2). The castle is linked to the legend of the beautiful castellan lady Angelica and her cruel father Carolus. The girl fell in love with a handsome prince, who had been captured by her Dad. Angelika freed the young man and he got into a fight with some troops of Carolus. Both – the father and the beloved man - were killed. The girl plunged into despair, threw herself into the Brda River. It is said that for centuries her ghost haunted the castle of Bydgoszcz. Model of the former castle in Bydgoszcz, Solny Square. ”Międzywodzie” canal on Mill Island. Ogrod Świecka a Bocianowo Cho c ims Pomorska Rycers ka Sowińskiego u ntaA mu Zyg Racławicka owa ta gus ka ki ściu sz T. K o o iego J.Sułkowsk Królo wej Ja wic kieg Wil eń dwig a iczn za ma ka li Roga rew s ka Asny lta Pl. Kościeleckich S. Mon iuszki Piotrow Ogińskiego o skiego ńsk ieg Jagiello ńska M. Ka Rumińskiego ńska Krakowsk a św. Floria na Ma ardy Tramwaj wodny / WaterTram Bern 2 ks. L. Sienki czy Ks. St Star yPor zka Tramwaj wodny t Rondo Ossolińskich go skie wiń Wyczółk owskieg o Mo Ber ina S. S tas z Mik oła ŚRÓDMIEŚCIE 3Maja anisła wa K on i warta F. Chop ica ibe K. L eja ja R a jaln naz Gim lońskie 19.03.1 981 r. ska Gdań Pocz towa Mostow a rza azimie Wały Jagi el arg Rondo Jagiellonów Grod Magdziń skiego Zaułek Długa JanaK 5 arskie go ińsk iego War m Przy rzecz e kami Kręta Pio traS k Mark Rondo Bernardyńskie bia Toruńska Ba eś Wi Żup y Pod g órn a ynek Filarecka Jezuic ska a Przes myk Batore go Now yR PodBla n Trybunal a Wąska dzk Rynek 1 Przy Zamczysku ska dzią ka ińs zub 4 P odwale Farna nom Stary F oc h a Malcz ewsk iego ica Menn Wyspa Młyńska Pozn ań Gru edz Szw Pad a 920 a1 Sty c ńsk Gda Pomorska Mar cink ows kieg o A. Grott gera Kącik A. Czartoryskiego 3 Ku M ły Plac Poznański łka M . Ks. nta Wyspia ńskieg o ks. R. Urocza 6 lska Str o a cza kiew i ien H. S za arus zew ic A. N i Królo wej Jadw ig ego eck i Ko rd ks. A. wo yto Chw Mars z a jcy Tró Św. Lub e yjna Szw alb ego 20 Siem a Kruszwicka Św.Trójcy go Sielanka zka Śluza Miejska skich ald nw STARE MIASTO iń Al. Ossol a rcow Gran Dwo iczn r. ate jki zni iradz kieg o J. M Gran a Jasn a Gru Rondo Grunwaldzkie ina S ckie Text prepared by Daria Kieraszewicz Photos by Robert Sawicki Translated by Ross Language Service Dol inar . Mi R. C iesz B. C Tram in Długa kow Street (5). Here, children can play tram conductors, Now along Batorego Street we move towards the Old Śląsk hro skie bre a go gocan read a newspaper punch ticketsTramwaj in awodny historic validating machine, and parents dating back 100 years. Lip ow Plac a On Długa Street near Wełniany Rynek (Wool Market) we will easily find the passage leading to the Venice of Bydgoszcz. We Weysenhoffa walk over a lovely foot bridge to get to Mill Island (6). Who will count the padlocks left by lovers on the bridge over the Brda OKOLERiver near the Opera Nova on the other side ofPo theZdunyisland? Centuries ago the Island was famous for its mint. One day it was Rondo al. Powstańców Wielkopolskie lsk closed due to thefts. Apparently greedy workersdofrom the mint buried gold on the island. To thisM. Kday oper the treasure has not been a n K ik ołłą a Garb you will succeed? At the end of the walk let the children have some fun found. Maybe taon ary Dw ja the unique playground on Mill Island.Skwer Norkowskiego Z. oc Tramwaj wodny ow ińsk Meanwhile, parents can sit on the red magic rchair. Apparently it effectivelyKrashelps people make their dreams come true! a Reymo Stadion KS P ie Nakielska Sem tow a arsk Ślus i ska na zecz a rcow Dwo rska r Nad H. Sienkiew a la Żeg k aws icza sz War Kasz ubsk It is recommended to visit the Old Market at 13.13 or 21.13 precisely, when the silhouette of the famous Master Twardowski (3) appears in the window of the house No. 15. The magician came to Bydgoszcz to sell his secret powers to the rich townspeoHetma ple. Many of them later regretted the deals and transaction, as itBOCIANOWO often turned out that Master Twardowski played various tricks ńska go kiej hod background you skie on them. TheLufigure of Twardowski in the window is holding a piece of paper – his pact with the devil, inCthe e i bels b Ma kiew zowiecka ry So icza Uni Fred Zam can hear the devil laughing. Well, I must honestly say that in the history ofŚwithe city one could meet a few witches and devils. ojsk ęto jań iego ska Apparently they all used to meet on Łysa Góra (the Bald Mountain). One devil though remained in the Old Market. I wonder if jtana you can find him. HisRename is Węgliszek (4). Kw ia A Toruńska BABIA WIEŚ Ha W Ł o M. Karł ńska Krakowsk a Rumińskiego Łużycka O. Kolber ga owicza Jagiell ońska ardy bia Toruńska Ba eś Wi Toruńska BABIA WIEŚ Hala Sportowo Widowiskowa Łuczniczka Nowod wors ka USEFUL ADDRESSES Romualda Traugut ta Lenartowicza skiego ina ńska Wyczółk owskieg Jagiello św. Floria na WZGÓRZE WOLNOŚCI a 1 Ogińskiego Piotrow o e ri skiej Cu kłodow Marii S sk Kujaw Ks. Leszczyń i rupk S. Mon iuszki skiego ńsk ieg li oSko ks. L. Sienki czy Roga ceg Igna Rondo Ossolińskich go skie wiń F. Chop S. S ta s z ic a ibe lta K. L Mo Ber Tramwaj wodny / WaterTram Rondo Bernardyńskie Pod g warta Żup y Pl. Kościeleckich lońskie Mark Rondo Jagiellonów Star yPor zka Tramwaj wodny t Magdziń skiego Zaułek Długa i Stadion KS Polonia nta Wyspia ńskieg o ŚRÓDMIEŚCIE arg 3Maja Pio traS k Skwer Norkowskiego Reymo ks. R. al. Powstańców Wielkopolskich Jurasza Asny ka Sz w alb ego ńsk a Gda go Ks. St anisła wa K onar skie ska G da ń 19.03.1 981 r. Pocz towa Mostow a ierza Ks. Grod Wały Jagi el órn go Rondo Wielkopolskie Bern kami Kręta JanaK azim ynek skie Gim naz jaln a Mik oła ja R eja skie go War miń Malcz ewsk iego Przy rzecz e Jezuic ska a Przes myk Batore go Wąska PodBla n Now yR a Rynek Trybunal ks. A. Menn ica a Pomorska H. S Mar cink ows kieg o arus zew icza A. Grott gera A. N Kącik Królo wej Jadw igi Ko rde cki ego A. Czartoryskiego dzk 5 1 Przy Zamczysku ska dzią F oc h a P odwale Pozn ań Gru rasi ń nika o Farna nom Stary Ku M ły Z. K M. K oper Koł łąta ja Urocza Wyspa 2 Młyńska Filarecka łka M . 3 Kurpińskieg Mars z a jcy Tró Św. o tow a Sielanka Śluza Miejska y Chw Zdu ny Dw orc ow a STARE MIASTO Św.Trójcy lsk skich Tramwaj wodny Pod o iń Al. Ossol a rcow ary ien kiew icza Dwo Garb 4 Bydgoszcz Centre of Information 2 Batorego St., 85-104 Bydgoszcz Tel: +48 52 340-45-50 2 Exploseum DAG Fabrik 7 Mennica St., 85-112 Bydgoszcz Tel: +48 52 585-99-27, +48 883-366-056 Leon Wyczółkowski District Museum in Bydgoszcz 7-11 Grodzka St., 85-109 Bydgoszcz Tel: +48 585-99-66 3 Museum of Military Land Forces 2 Czerkaska St., 85-641 Bydgoszcz Tel: +48 52 378-20-26 Toruńska Port Lotniczy 4 Regional Branch of PTTK “Brda Trail” 1 Sienkiewicza St., 85-037 Bydgoszcz Tel: +48 52 322-35-89; 52 322-51-93 5 VISITE.PL Tourist Office 4/3 Batorego St., 85-104 Bydgoszcz Tel: +48 52 521-47-96, +48 607-566-388 VOIVODESHIP BYDGOSZCZ AT INTERNATIONAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN 2011-2012 The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of Kujawsko-Pomorskie 2007-2013 and from the budget of the City of Bydgoszcz
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