04-03-16 Bulletin - Queen of Martyrs Church – Evergreen Park, IL


04-03-16 Bulletin - Queen of Martyrs Church – Evergreen Park, IL
Evergreen Park, Illinois
Rev. Edward M. Mikolajczyk, Pastor
Rev. Kevin McCray, Associate Pastor
Rev. Thomas McCarthy, OSA, Weekend Associate
Rev. Robert Guessetto, OSA, Weekend Associate
Robert Landuyt, Permanent Deacon
April 3, 2016
“Humanity will not find peace until it turns trustfully to divine mercy.”
(St. Faustina’s Diary)
Page Two
2nd Sunday of Easer (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
April 3, 2016
Today, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. It seems appropriate that during this Jubilee
Year of Mercy, we spend this Sunday after Easter reflecting and meditating on God’s mercy.
Through the example and devotedness of St. Faustina, we are called to experience God’s
mercy by trusting in Him through prayer, compassion and commitment to our faith. I invite
everyone to join us this afternoon at 2:30PM to celebrate a Holy Hour and Benediction highlighting the work and devotion St. Faustina had for God’s mercy in her life.
Thank you to all who participated in the Holy Week services and Easter. It’s heart warming and inspiring to see the Church
filled with parishioners, families and friends gathered to share their faith and give witness to the risen Lord. My appreciation
is extended to all who helped to make Easter a joyous and memorable occasion and celebration especially our Art and
Environment Committee, our Bell, Cherub, Children and Adult Choirs under the guidance of our Music Director; to our
Instrumentalists and Cantors, Lectors, Eucharistic Minsters, Ushers, Altar Servers, Teens, Priests, Deacon and Parish Staff.
Each had a part to play to make Easter special and welcoming to all who came to worship and partake of our Liturgical and
Eucharistic celebration.
A reminder that our Spring fundraiser is two weeks away. If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, I would encourage you to
do so and not wait until the last minute. The Committee has worked hard to make this event an enjoyable one for all.
Looking forward to seeing you on April 17 at Gaelic Park between 2:00—7:00PM.
Don’t forget to fill out the online survey for “To Renew My Church” to give feedback and suggestions to the Archbishop as
we look forward to the years ahead. The survey can be found online at www.archchicago.org/renew. Surveys need to be
completed by Monday, April 18. If you are filling out a hard copy of the survey, they need to be returned to the Rectory by
Friday, April 15.
Like anything in life, change happens. It comes unexpectedly and without warning. With recommendation of the Priest
Placement Board and with the approval of the Archbishop, Fr. Kevin will become the Pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Evanston
beginning July 1st. It is truly a loss for Queen of Martyrs, but we are giving a gift to St. Mary’s in Fr. Kevin. I ask you to
pray for Fr. Kevin as he prepares to transition to his new assignment. More information will be coming in the months ahead
as Fr. Kevin prepares to leave our parish community.
We welcome Bishop Alberto Rojas, the Vicar of Vicariate III as he celebrates the Sacrament of Confirmation this Friday at
7:00PM with our 8th grade class and Saturday School of Religion students. Pray for our young people who have worked hard
to prepare for this occasion in their lives.
Have a good week.
God Bless,
Sharing your talents, time and treasure.
Queen of Martyrs Sunday Comparison—March 20, 2016
Last Week
Amount Needed .................. $10,000 .................... $380,000
Amount Collected ................ $9,990 .................... $329,424
Online Giving ........................... $320 ........................ $6,005
Surplus (Deficit) ....................... $310. ....................$(44,571)
Number of Weekly Envelopes………............................ 347
Queen of Martyrs Sunday Comparison—March 27, 2016
Last Week
Amount Needed .................. $10,000 .................... $390,000
Amount Collected ................. $9,350 .................... $338,774
Online Giving ........................... $305 ........................$6,310
Surplus (Deficit) ......................$(345). .................. $(44,916)
Number of Weekly Envelopes……….. ..........................298
Easter Collection ............................. ...................... $27, 951.00
Please consider increasing your weekly contribution to decrease our deficit. Your sacrifice is appreciated.
April 3, 2016
2nd Sunday of Easer (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
St. Vincent de Paul Society News
Sandwich Schedule for Adult Members at
9:00 A.M. in the Convent on the following
April 6 & 20
May 4, 11 & 25
As the Easter season continues these next few weeks,
remember Pope Francis has declared this the Jubilee
Year of Mercy. Continue the kind words, deeds, and
actions you hopefully began during Lent. Think about how
you can expand your works of mercy to reach more
people around you. Never forget the mercy God granted
us by sacrificing his only son.
Results for
03/21/16 & 03/28/16
On Monday, March 21st, Envelope No. 1475 was drawn.
There was NO winner. The total amount of the prize pot
was $10,902.00.
On Monday, March 28th, Envelope No. 0275 was drawn.
There was NO winner. The total amount of the prize pot
was $12,162.00.
To be eligible for the raffle, you must use two separate
envelopes for the current week. In your regular weekly
envelope, your contribution must be at least $5.00; and
you must use the corresponding week’s 50/50 envelope
with a $5.00 contribution in that envelope. To be included
in the weekly 50/50 drawing, envelopes must be in the
rectory office by 8:30 A.M. on the Monday morning
immediately after the weekend.
Good luck next week!
Queen of Martyrs Rectory Business Hours
Monday thru Friday — 9:00 A.M. to Noon and
1:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.
The office is closed from Noon until 1:00 for lunch.
The Rectory is also open for key pick-up/drop-off and
pre-arranged appointments with Fr. Ed:
Monday thru Thursday—3:30 to 8:30 PM
Friday—3:30 to 8:00 P.M
Saturday—9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and
Sunday—9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Please call or visit the Rectory during scheduled business hours
to ensure prompt attention to your requests.
Page Three
Queen of Martyrs
Adoration Chapel of Divine Mercy
Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction with the
Divine Mercy prayers will be taking place today
in Queen of Martyrs Church at 2:30 p.m. sharp.
A 4:00 Mass will be offered following the
The Message of Divine Mercy is that God is Love and Mercy
itself and He wants no one to escape that Merciful Love. Our
Lord wants us to turn to Him with complete trust.
A plenary indulgence (the forgiveness of all temporal punishment resulting from sins that have already been confessed) is
granted on the Feast of Divine Mercy to all the faithful who go
to Confession, receive Holy Communion, pray for the
intentions of the Holy Father, and "in any church or
chapel, in a spirit that is completely detached from the
affection for a sin, even a venial sin, take part in the
prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy, or
who, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or
reserved in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the
Creed, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus
(e.g. 'Merciful Jesus, I trust in you!')."
Please join in these prayers of praise, thanksgiving and
For $25 you can win this 2016 Buick Encore – or
have $25,000 to put toward the car of your choice at
Ray Buick. This raffle is part of the Friends of the
Poor Benefit for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
We’re down to the last 2 weekends for ticket sales
as the winner will be drawn on April 17th at the
Tickets will be sold at the rectory today (4/3) from
10-11:30 and next weekend after all masses. You
can also contact any St. Vincent member or email
me at lindapahu@aol.com for info or tickets (please
note “raffle” in the heading). Tickets are also
available during the week at the rectory for your
convenience. Thanks for your help!
Page Four
2nd Sunday of Easer (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
Queen of Martyrs Youth Ministry
Mission Trip 2016
Orders for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Due Monday April 4, 2016
April 3, 2016
"Women of the Word"
Women of the Bible
We will be discussing the two famous sisters of the Bible Mary and Maratha! Maratha in her determinaƟon to DO
enough for Jesus, and Mary in her THIRST to have more of
Him. Are you a Maratha or a Mary or a liƩle bit of both?
Join us at our next study as we ponder the life of these two
sisters and how their lives mirror our own.
Please join us on Monday, April 4, 2016 at 10:00-11:00 am or
Monday evening from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Women’s Ministry
Room located in the Convent at 10240 S. St. Louis. All are
welcome! Bring your Bible if you have one (we have spares!),
and join us for a Ɵme of learning, laughing, and sharing.
PICK UP SUNDAY April 10th 8am-1pm
Don’t forget to get your doughnuts!!
If you have any suggesƟon or quesƟons please contact
JoAnne at 773-520-7454, jojocpa@gmail.com or Margie at
773-842-4104, ngsmmizerapt@gmail.com
Vicariate V Youth Leadership Awards
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and peƟƟon, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends
all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus.
"Philippians 4:6-7
Congratulations to the teens from Queen of Martyrs who will
receive this award on Sunday at the awards banquet. Thank you
so much for the gifts and time you share with this community!
Meg Barron
Andrew Lis
Katie Carey
Mallory McNally
Maddie Cichon
Brendan Reidy
Gavin Flynn
Katie Sebok
Tim Hogan
Addie Smith
Megan Sullivan
Lector Training April 12th & 19th
at St. Germaine Parish 7-9pm
Contact Tina if you are interested in
being more involved in
Sunday 4pm Mass
QuesƟons about QMYM?
Contact Tina O’Shea at
Please save the date. The event will be held on
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 from 10:00am to 2:00pm
at the Evergreen Park Fire House, 9000 S. Kedzie
Ave. This event is free and open to community
seniors and their caregivers.
Missing peace?
Find it at
Queen of Martyrs CRHP #2
April 30 – May 1, 2016
All ladies of the parish are invited.
Please contact Mary Lorimer at
lorimers@sbcglobal.net or 708-224-1193.
April 3, 2016
2nd Sunday of Easer (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
Queen of Martyrs School Raises Funds
To Fight Childhood Cancer
On Friday, March 11th, fifty one boys from Pre-Kindergarten
through 8th Grade, along with a few dads, and two Queen of
Martyrs teachers had their heads shaved to benefit the St.
Baldrick’s Foundation. Money raised for this organization helps
fund child cancer research.
5th Grade Teacher, Mr. Bill Langevin, and
Computer Teacher, Mr. Mark Grant challenged
the students to reach a fundraising goal of
$12,000.00. The students stepped up to the
challenge and raised a total of $14, 358.00 for
this worthy cause. In turn for the student body
meeting their challenge Mr. Langevin had his
head shaved and Mr. Grant had his beard shaved.
Mr. Grant had sported his beard for over six
years! The entire Queen of Martyrs Staff
supported their efforts by agreeing to wear green
stick on mustaches during the St. Baldrick’s event.
6th Grader Andrew Pipala was the top earner
with donations totaling $2,180. 4th Grader,
Thomas Partida followed with $705.00 and 4th
Grader, Danny Egan came in 3rd Place with
donations totaling $689.00. A special Thank
You to Mr. Bofinger, dad of 4-Year Old Pre-K student, Thijs, for
raising $1,450.00 for this special “Shaving” event!
A DJ was present to play music and offer games to the student
body who came to the gym to cheer their classmates on. Students
and staff purchased green St. Baldrick’s wristbands to help support
this great cause! A “Free Red and Green Dress Down Day” was
enjoyed by the entire student body and staff on March 17th to
recognize the students achievement in helping the fight against
childhood cancer and to honor St. Patrick and St. Joseph!
Mr. Robert Pet and his son Alexander, a First
Grade student at Queen of Martyrs School, as
well as Martin Murray, 8th Grade, were
honored as Knights of the Bald Table for
their long term participation in this event.
Mr. Pet has participated for the last nine years,
Alexander, for the last 7 years, since he was
one years old and Martin for the last 9 years.
Congratulations to them for continuing to
“Brave the Shave”!
A special Thank you to teachers, Mrs. Lexie Brown, Mrs. Sarah
Turano, and Ms. Melissa Wood for organizing and moderating
this wonderful event! Hats Off to Queen of Martyrs students as
they continue to be involved in worthy causes during this “Year of
Page Five
Please Pray for Our Sick Relatives
and Friends
Prayer is a powerful prescription for whatever ails
you. Please remember our sick in your prayers:
Luke Amelio
Bill Barts
Jerry Becmer
Maddux Blunt
Jack Carr
Jan & Jack Clisham
Carol Coleman
Baby Patrick Cox
Janice Della Posta
Don DiFilippo
William Dillon
Jim Downing
Erin Eustaquio
Raymond Farano
Vikki Finkel
Mary Fergus
Jean Harazin
Joyce Hoff
Conor Kilmartin
Teresa Li
Lauren McGovern
May Mesco
Georgene Mitchell
Judy Mitchell
Sharon Nanesta
Jacqueline Olsen
Laura Orlando
Anthony Pappalas
Alex Pier
Richard Pollack
Daniel Ramsden
Elizabeth Reilly
Mary Schneider
Bob Sigel
Judy Ulrich
Bob Warda
While They Serve…
We pray for our Parishioners and the Relatives of
Parishioners who are serving in the Military and
protecting us…
Matthew Beemsterboer - USMC - nephew of Barry and Joan
Daniel Birmingham - USMC - son of Ed & Mary Birmingham
Ted Bos—USMC—grandson of Theresa Bos
Jade Guest—US Navy—Granddaughter of Ray & Sharon
Captain Daniel R. Johnson—US Army—son of Betty and
Roy Johnson
Colton Kielbasa-US Marine-Son of Rich & Charmaine
Kielbasa-Brother of Chris Kielbasa
Lance Corporal Patrick J Kinnerk—USMC— Nephew of
Michael and Meg Kinnerk
Ryan Marth
Sgt. First Class Wayne Mutnansky
Lt. John Mutnansky
Sergeant Clifford Oskvarek—USMC—son of Chuck &
Carol Oskvarek
Colin Prendergast—son of Carole Prendergast
Lt. Col. Ellen Shannon-Ball—daughter of Barbara and
sister of Jack Shannon
Mike Slomski—US Marine—nephew of Steve & Mary Currier
David Slomski—US Army—nephew of Steve & Mary Currier
2LT Martin J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer
2LT Robert J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer
Daniel Talty—USMC—grandson of Colleen & Pete Cunningham
If you would like us to pray for a Parishioner or a Relative of a
Parishioner serving in the Military, please contact the rectory at
708-423-8110 or email jmissey@queenofmartyrschurch.com.
Notice: Bulletin articles must be received in the Rectory
office by Noon on Tuesdays. Please drop them off or
e-mail them to jmissey@queenofmartyrschurch.com.
Thank you!
Page Six
2nd Sunday of Easer (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
6:30 AM—
8:30 AM—
Apr. 4, 2016—Annunciation of the Lord
Communion Service
Darlene Murphy, her family and loved ones
Don, Carol, Julia, Rosanne, Kevin & Nolan
6:30 AM—
8:30 AM —
Apr. 5, 2016—St. Vincent Ferrer
Communion Service
Koral Kettering
WEDNESDAY—Apr. 6, 2016
6:30 AM—
Communion Service
8:30 AM —
John Leonard, Sr.
James Jackson
Stanley Diorek
THURSDAY — Apr. 7, 2016—St. John Baptist de la Salle
6:30 AM—
Communion Service
8:30 AM—
Maureen McIntyre
Josephine Nowak
6:30 AM—
8:30 AM—
7:-00 PM—
Apr. 8, 2016
Communion Service
Stanley Pahuski
SATURDAY — Apr. 9, 2016
8:30 AM — Coyle Family
4:00 PM—
Living & Deceased members of the
Kovacs, Rados & Seper families
Pat Nemeth
Diane Brennan
7:30 AM —
9:30 AM —
11:30 AM —
4:00 PM—
Apr. 10, 2016—3rd Sunday of Easter
Joe Jager
Bill Mitchell
Bernard O’Reilly
Paul Vojacek
John Daley
James Lusk
Kitty Quinlan
Ruth Egan
Apr. 9
4:00 PM
Altar Servers
Apr. 10 7:30 AM
Altar Servers
April 3, 2016
S. Carter
K. Sampson
J. Martin
E. Langle
M. Kramer
T. Egan
C. Biszewski
J. Gasienica
C. Jerousek
B. Pellegrini
K. Bukowski
M. Walsh
J. Lotti
R. Rice
N. Cummings
K. Boucher
D. O’Callaghan
N. Kramer
J. McMahon
K. Lotti
9:30 AM J. Mitchell
(L) K. Lang
Altar Servers L. Manning
L. McGuire
S. Moss
D. Parisi
O. Manning
11:30 AM M. Carbonneau
(L) J. Donnelly
Altar Servers D. McGuire
J. McKenna
K. O’Neil
S. Lorimer
J. McKenna
4:00 PM TBD
Altar Servers C. Morales
M. Murray
C. Murray
Altar Servers
Week Days Apr. 4—9, 2016
8:30 AM
III Katie Daly & Brian Hartigan
I Brianna Dunne & Lawrence Knight
Mon., Apr.4—
Tues., Apr. 5—
Wed., Apr. 6—
Thur., Apr. 7—
Fri., Apr. 8—
Sat., Apr. 9—
M. O’Connor, B. O’Leary, A. Powell
B. O’Connor, T. Quinn, R. Smith
K. Reidy, J. Revers, B. Rewers
L. Reidy, N. Revers, D. Reyes
D. Revers, K, Ryan, R. Rice
Adult Servers
April 3, 2016
2nd Sunday of Easer (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
Page Seven
10233 S. Central Park
Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805
708-423-8110 FAX 423-7372
Parish Secretary: Janine Missey
Business Manager: Irene Smith
Administrative Assistant: Peggy Klein
Bulletin Editor: jmissey@queenofmartyrschurch.com
Anticipated Mass on Saturday: ............................... 4:00 P.M.
Sunday: ................ 7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M.,11:30 A.M., 4:00 P.M.
Vigil of Holy Day: ..................................................... 7:00 P.M.
Holy Day: Eucharistic Service ................................ 6:00 A.M.
Masses ............................... 8:30 A.M. & 7:00 P.M.
Weekdays: Eucharistic Service Mon.—Fri. .............. 6:30 A.M.
Morning Mass Mon.— Sat. ……………..8:30 A.M.
Carole Prendergast
Saturdays from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Bernadine Smierciak — 708-422-1647
Religious Education Classes for Public School Children, Gr. 1-8
Tina O’Shea, Youth Minister —773-332-7553
Kathleen Tomaszewski—Principal
3550 W. 103rd Street
Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805
FAX 422-1811
Website: www.qmschool.com
Janice Bolster, Coordinator — 708-423-8120
Jennie Schmitt—708-252-0359
Pre-marriage instructions required. Arrangements must be
made by the engaged couple, in person, at the Rectory six
months prior to the wedding.
For membership info or assistance call the Rectory.
Confidentiality assured.
Jane Dunne, Coordinator — 708-499-9808
10240 South St. Louis
Open daily from 9:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M.
Registration of New Parishioners:
Please register at the Rectory at your earliest opportunity.
Please notify the Rectory of your departure or of a new address
in the parish.