of Divine Savior Norridge, IL The Catholic Community
of Divine Savior Norridge, IL The Catholic Community
The Catholic Community Divine Savior f o Norridge, IL Page Two Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Thank you!!! Mille Grazie… We welcome the following new members of our Christian community who were baptized during the month of April. Diego Alexander Ayala David Christopher Jensen May God bless them and their families. ————————————————————— Holy Name Society All men are invited to join Divine Savior’s Holy Name Society. Monthly meetings are held the second Monday of each month September through June. Our next meeting begins with dinner at 6:00 PM on Monday, April 18th. Please come and join us. ————————————————————— Our next meeting will be held on Monday, April 18th. Doors open at 12:00 noon, meeting will begin at 12:30 PM. Cake and coffee will be served, followed by several games of Bingo. So come, join your friends for an afternoon of fun! ————————————————————— Divine Savior Class of 1976 REUNION ALERT: If you or anyone you know is a 1976 graduate of Divine Savior Grammar School and is interested in information about a 40th reunion that is being planned for Summer 2016, please email: Linda Puetz Babusci lbabusci@hotmail.com or Lori Loverdi Schaefer LoriSchaefer25@comcast.net Looking forward to hearing from our classmates! Thank you to all those that attended the St. Joseph’s Table – we hope you enjoyed this traditional celebration. A special thank you to all who helped set-up, organize, serve, clean or donated food. We are truly grateful for everyone’s participation in bringing this Table together. Many thanks to the local businesses that supported the St. Joseph’s Table. We are truly grateful for your generosity in donating food and supplies to this traditional event, especially Joanne from Flower Fantasy for all her generosity in donating the beautiful flowers. Allegretti’s Bakery Blossom Café Butera Finer Food Cucina Biagio Cumberland Chapels Da Luciano’s Di Cristofano Dental Di Maggio’s Dino’s Italian Restaurant Flower Fantasy House of Cakes Jewel Foods on Cumberland LaVilla Liborio Bakery Lou Malnati’s Luke’s on Harlem Mamma Mia’s Pizzeria Nonna Silvia’s Old Warsaw Osteria Trulli Palermo Bakery Produce World Ridgewood High School Rex’s Italian Food Rocco Vino’s Sam’s Club Sapore Italiano Sapori Napoletani Sicilian Bakery Twins Gyros Villa Napoli White Eagle NEW DATE!! Saturday, April 23 at 6:30 pm Join us for an evening of creative fun as we paint wine bottles. Use them as a light fixture, vase or to simply decorate your home. Please bring a bottle of your favorite wine, non-alcoholic beverage or appetizer to share. All are welcome even if you do not wish to be paint. Please RSVP if you are painting by calling/texting Gabby (847) 471-5801 or Domenica at (773) 213-3629: or simply return information below in the vestibule. —————————————————————————————— Cost to paint is $20 and includes all art supplies. Cash only please. Name: _____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________ ________ Yes, I would like to Paint Page Three Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 We are SO grateful to our Saint Joseph Table Committee Though it included and needed many hands to achieve such a prayerful and memorable celebration of Saint Joseph’s Feast Day, the patron of the poor and hungry, a very special thanks and appreciation is extended for the tremendous efforts of our core group of Domenica Duszynski, Theresa Magnelli, and Lora Lombardi, who along with so many other volunteers, made such a wonderful day for our parish family. Thank you so very much from the bottom of our hearts (and stomachs!). So many people who attended commented on the wonderful array of foods and the festive decorations and atmosphere for this celebration. Plans are already in the making to make this day even more meaningful by giving all who attend next year an even greater opportunity to share with the poor, in the spirit and meaning of this day and custom. Thank you one and all! We are so grateful. Page Four Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Weekly Offering April 2/3 Please remember Linda Adamczyk, Linda Puetz Babusci, George Bagarella, Fran Barnas, George Belitz, Maria Bordignon, David Brichetto, Angela Buffardi, Marilee Cass, Al Corrado, Greg Cazolas, Biagio Cirrincione, Rosemary DiBiase, MaryAnn Entrup, Virginia Favia, Lorraine Gallas, Eugene & Lucille Gibula, Michael Gignac, Lola Golonka, Beverly Gondela, Lucille Glassner, Rosemary Hauck, Gina Hess, Sylvia Johnnic, Alice Jurek, Gertrude Keegan, John Kielczynski, Mary Kriz, Erica Lursky, Lois Mack, Maria Makos, Ethel Marzano, James Melnychuk, Kevin Moore, Mary Morreale, Ernest Morris, Doris Murar, Stephanie Niedbala, Luke O’Donnell, Edward Pasdiora, James Pastorino, Marie Pastorino, June Pickert, Frank Pisello, Frances Rehfuss, Rose Ryan, Alicia Schmitz, John Schneider, Matt Schoenbach, Maria Scimeca, Mary Dolores Serio, Emil Sterkowicz, Steve Strzelecki, Vincent Thome, and all parishioners, family members, and friends in your prayers. Envelopes used: 274 Cash/Checks in Envelopes Loose cash Give Central Collection Total = = = = $ 4,963.00 $ 717.06 $ 1,417.00 $ 7,087.06 Children’s Envelopes = $ 1.00 Easter Collection as of April 5th = $24,394.45 Holy Thursday Collection for St. Vincent dePaul = $ 1,205.34 Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land = $ 1,276.67 Contribution Statements Contribution statements for 2015 are available for those who specifically request them. Statements may be requested by calling the Parish Office at 708.456.9000 or by sending an email request to dsavior@aol.com. Next weekend, April 16/17, the targeted items for our weekly collection for the needy will be: CANNED VEGETABLES, PASTA & TOMATO PRODUCTS, PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY. Your donations may be left in the vestibule of the church. Please pray as well for all who have died. May they now rest in eternal peace. ——————————————–————— When a Family Member is Hospitalized. . . Please notify the parish office, 708.456.9000, when a family member is hospitalized. Because of HIPPA (privacy) laws, Presence Resurrection Medical Center and other hospitals are no longer permitted to notify us when parishioners are admitted to the hospital. ——————————————–————— If you know of any member of Divine Savior Church who is homebound or temporarily homebound and would like a Minister of Care to bring them the Eucharist please let us know. Just call the Parish Office, 708.456.9000, and ask for Frank. FURNITURE, BOOK & BAKE SALE ST. WILLIAM CONVENT 2601 N. SAYRE, CHICAGO, IL 60707 Friday, April 15 from 9:00am - 6:30pm Saturday, April 16 from 9:00am -6:00pm and Sunday, April 17 from 8:00am -1:30pm We have desks, chairs, shelves, small end tables, Dressers, and hundreds of books. Questions, please call 773.637.6565. Page Five Third Sunday of Easter Please place your particular written intentions in the box near the statue of Our Lady of Group Guadalupe, located in the back of the church. The Intercessory Prayer Group will pray over them during their meeting. The Prayer Group meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Rectory basement. The next meeting is Tuesday, April 12th. The meetings are devoted to praise and thanksgiving, praying, scripture sharing, recitation of the rosary, teachings, songs, and witnessing to the goodness of our Lord. All are welcome. Pope Francis Tweet for the Week! “Christian faith is a gift which we receive in Baptism and which allows us to encounter God.” April 10, 2016 Page Six Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Readings for the Week Monday, April 11, 2016 St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr 7:30 AM— June Bielanski Michael Golonka Intentions of the Klafta Family Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:30 AM— John Clemens Ann O’Donnell Rev. John Robinson Wednesday, April 13, 2016 7:30 AM— Divine Savior Parishioners Thursday, April 14, 2016 7:30 AM— Ray Jensen Frances Petrovic Friday, April 15, 2016 7:30 AM— Albert Coban Saturday, April 16, 2016 Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM — John Clemens Richard Horneck Joseph, Helen, & Philip Iwan Jackie Leland Anne Menet Carmella Minelli Carol Rein Theodore Stellmack Frederick Tomzik Sunday, April 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM— Divine Savior Parishioners 9:30 AM— Betty Glomski Ladislaus, Frank, Bernice, & Emil Koziara Frank & Mary Koziol Mary & Peter Mieczykowski Leonard Stancy 11:30 AM— Longin Maj James Mallers Serafina Romano Cathy Stiering Monday: Acts of the Apostles 6:8-15 John 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts of the Apostles 7:51—8:1a John 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts of the Apostles 8:1b-8 John 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts of the Apostles 8:26-40 John 6:44-51 Friday: Acts of the Apostles 9:1-20 John 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts of the Apostles 9:31-42 John 6:60-69 Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts of the Apostles 13:14, 43-52 Revelation 7:9, 14b-17 John 10:27-30 Mercy Challenge In order to share the mercy we have found in Jesus, we must eventually talk to others about Him. This week, take some time to share with another person one thing about your life that is different because you have encountered Jesus. Ministers and Servers Schedulefor forthe the Weekend August Ministers & Servers Schedule Weekendof of April8/9 16/17 Eucharistic Ministers Presider Lector Servers 4:00 PM Fr. LoBianco C. Smits J. Brown S. Kukielka P. Wang T. Wang C. Mistal 7:30 AM Fr. Tomzik J. Klafta M. Flesch J. Kolaski U. Kucharski M. Lauria TBD 9:30 AM Fr. LoBianco D. Rescigno L. Gale M. A. Glassner I. Petryszak J. Pomis M. Stancy J. Blevins M. Petryszak D. Rescigno 11:30 AM Fr. Holbrook M. Coban V. Chernich N. Haines Z. Ong M. Sammarco A. Kopala J. Panlilio Page Seven Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Mission Statement of The Catholic Community of Divine Savior We are a faith community that seeks the fullest relationship with Jesus, by our communion with each other, through the Eucharist, Sacraments, Prayer, and Service. This Week Pastoral Staff Pastor Rev. Richard J. LoBianco Director of Religious Education/Business Manager Ms. Mary E. Coban Assisting Priests Rev. William Holbrook Rev. Michael Moore Rev. Michael Madigan Rev. Fred Tomzik Rev. Terrence A. McCarthy Music Director Mrs. Mary Herman Bulletin Editor Mrs. Linda Gurklis Coordinator of Adult Formation Mr. Frank Lizak 7740 W. Montrose Avenue Norridge, IL 60706 (708) 456-9000 Fax: (708) 456-7838 E-mail: dsavior@aol.com Website: divinesaviornorridge.org WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Every Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM One Sunday a Month. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the rectory. Monday: — Confirmation Liturgy 7:00 PM Tuesday: — Morris Drop-In 8:00 AM—Parish Hall — Bible Discussion Group 10:30 AM—Rectory — Intercessory Prayer Group 7:30 PM—Rectory Wednesday: — Religious Education Classes Grades 6-8—6:45-8:15 PM — Choir Practice 7:00 PM Saturday: — Religious Education Classes Preschool-Grade 5 — 9:00-10:30 AM — Cherub Practice 10:30 AM Smartphone users stay connected with us: Divine Savior Facebook
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