of The Catholic Community Divine Savior
The Catholic Community Divine Savior f o Norridge, IL Page Two Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Our Catholic Community For Catholics around the world, Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Season of Lent. It is a time of new beginnings. This year, Lent offers us a unique opportunity to invite people to seek healing and participate in the Festival of Forgiveness. From noon on Friday, February 27, to noon on February 28, the Sacrament of Penance will be celebrated at 24 locations for 24 hours. Local Parishes that are participating: St. Francis Borgia 8033 West Addison Street Chicago, St. John Brebeuf 8307 North Harlem Ave. Niles, and St. Paul of the Cross 320 South Washington St. Park Ridge. A complete list of parishes that are participating can be found at www.archchicago.org. Please join us for our Lenten Reconciliation Service which will be held in conjunction with the Festive of Forgiveness, on Friday, February 27th at 7:00PM. Holy Name Society Young at Heart ALL MEN ARE INVITED TO JOIN Divine Savior’s Holy Name Society. Monthly meetings are held the second Monday of each month September through June. Our next meeting begins with dinner at 6:00PM on Monday, February 9th. Please come and join us. Welcome one and all! The first YAH Club meeting for 2015 will be held on Monday, February 16th. Doors open at 12:00 noon, meeting will begin at 12:30PM. Membership dues are still only $12.00 and may be paid at the meeting. So take this opportunity to get away from the winter doldrums and get together with your friends once again…or…what a perfect opportunity to make new friends! “Coffee and…” will be served. Bingo will be played following the meeting. Women’s Club The Women’s Club will attend the 9:30AM Mass on Sunday, February 15, 2015, as a group in a reserved section. After Mass, we will meet in the Parish Hall for a brief meeting and refreshments. Save the Date Men and Women are encouraged to join the upcoming trip to National Shrine of St. Maximilan Kolbe Marytown in Libertyville, IL on Tuesday, April 21, 2015, for the price of $30. The bus leaves Divine Savior’s back parking lot promptly at 9:00AM and returns 3:00PM. The day consists of: 9:30-10:00AM - Coffee &..., followed by a Presentation on St. Maximilan Kolbe, a Video and Tour of Holocaust Museum, 12:00 noon Mass, 12:30PM Hot Lunch, Free time to visit the Gift Shop, the 'Nun Dolls' collection or the lovely grounds with a 2:30PM departure. Reservations will be accepted at the Sunday, February 15th Women's Club meeting. St. Patrick’s Celebration Mark your calendar! On Monday, March 16th, the YAH Club will be celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a delicious corn beef sandwich, served with chips and a soda. Members may bring a guest to join in the celebration. Cost: $4.00 per person. Tickets will be available at our February meeting, may be mailed to YAH Club, c/o Divine Savior Rectory, 7740 W. Montrose Ave., Norridge, IL 60706, or placed in an envelope marked “YAH Club” and dropped in the Sunday collection basket. Should you have any questions, please call Rosemary Wegner at (708) 4530349 or check next week’s Bulletin. Page Three Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Why You Should Support The Annual Catholic Appeal A personal reflection by Father LoBianco As disciples we are all part of the body of believers of Christ. At every liturgy we are gathered as His Body, the Church. If together we comprise His Body in the world today, then like Jesus, we also must be prophets, announcing good news, teaching other about life in God, healing our sisters and brothers hurting in body and spirit. How do we live out these responsibilities? One way is to embrace the opportunities we have to support efforts to teach, heal, inform and witness to Christ, the Living Word and life of God. This is the mission entrusted to us to bring God’s word and healing, his truth and his love to a world deeply in need. This is a great responsibility, one we carry with us our entire live, given to us by Christ himself. Next week’s launch of the Annual Catholic Appeal is an opportunity to enter more deeply into living that responsibility through our participation and support. So who will you heal and teach and witness to and bless with your support? There’s so many ways Christ is alive in His and our Church of Chicago. Here are just a few: • You’ll help Father Joe Mulcrone, from St. Francis Borgia Parish, provide and teach sign language classes to hearing impaired children and adults so the Mass and Sacraments can be understood by those who do not enjoy our gift of hearing; • You’ll make it possible for men like Father Mariusz to travel here from their homes in other countries, listening to the call of Christ, and receive training and formation from our Archdiocese to become priests to minister to our people; • You’ll help Catholic Relief Services feed and clothe and house those who have lost everything to disasters so children and their mothers and fathers have a warm meal, and place to lay their head tonight; • You’ll make it possible for children in poor and unsafe neighborhoods to attend Catholic school in a safe and loving place, to nurture their hearts and minds; • Closer to home when we had an insurance claim from flooding or other unfortunate circumstances, we received the assistance and guidance of Don Turlek, the Risk Manager for the Archdiocese • When we leased our school to Ridgewood High School for their Achiever’s Learning Program, the real estate and legal departments of the diocese drafted and helped us negotiate the lease contract providing monthly income to our parish; These are just a few of the real ways the Church, Christ’s Body, is present and active in the lives of his people right here in our Archdiocese of Chicago. We can’t leave our jobs and families to work full-time for the Church, the place where Christ is found in our world. We can support the people who do and remember we share the responsibility for that wider mission across Chicago’s entire communities. Page Four Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time rdship a w e t S Weekly Offering January 31/February 1 Envelopes used: 228 Cash/Checks in Envelopes = $ 3,807.00 Loose cash = $ 619.00 Give Central = $ 736.00 Collection Total = $ 5,162.00 Children’s Envelopes = $ 29.00 As members of this faith community, we are invited to become good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. God Bless all those whose support has enabled Divine Savior Church to continue its mission. Please remember to mark the amount of your contribution on your envelope each week. This will ensure that your contributions are recorded accurately. Contribution Statements Contribution statements for 2014 are available for those who specifically request them. Statements may be requested by calling the Parish Office at (708) 456-9000 or by sending an email request to dsavior@aol.com. Little Sisters of the Poor Appeal The Little Sisters of the Poor will be visiting our parish the weekend of February 21/22. St. Mary’s Home in Chicago is one of over 180 Homes operated by the Little Sisters of the Poor in 31 countries throughout the world. Your support will enable them to continue their mission of caring for the elderly poor in a spirit of joy and dignity. Any assistance you are able to give will be deeply appreciated. Blessings! Homebound If you know of any members of Divine Savior Church who are homebound or temporarily homebound and would like a Minister of Care to bring them the Eucharist please let us know. Just call the Rectory and ask for Frank. February 8, 2015 Food for the Needy Next weekend, February 14/15, the targeted items for our weekly collection for the needy are: HOUSEHOLD CLEANING ITEMS (Mr. Clean, Pine Sol); DISHWASHING LIQUIDS (Palmolive, Ivory, Dawn); KITCHEN CLEANSERS, LAUNDRY ITEMS, PAPER PRODUCTS (paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, wax paper, plastic wrap); TOILETRY ITEMS (shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, bar soap). All donations may be left in the vestibule. The food pantry at our sharing parish, St. Eulalia in Maywood, IL, is in great need of the donations we receive each week. Your continued generosity in remembering the needy is appreciated. Please Keep Our Sick and Homebound in Your Prayers Please remember Dorothy Aiello, Bienvenido Arquiza, Sebastian Attardo, Linda Puetz Babusci, George Bagarella, Fran Barnas, George Belitz, June Bielanski, Maria Bordignon, Rose Marie Brown, Joan Caponigro, Greg Cazolas, Biagio Cirrincione, Edith Corrado, Angela Dalton, Josephine Davi, Daisy Drozda, Elvera Fulhorst, Juanita Ghilarducci, Eugene & Lucille Gibula, Lola Golonka, Lucille Glassner, Kay Hayden, Gina Hess, Sylvia Johnnic, Alice Jurek, John Kielczynski, Mary Kriz, Ryszard Lizak, Angelo LoGioco, Erica Lursky, Lois Mack, Ethel Marzano, Bernice Mateja, Eugene Mateja, James Melnychuk, Kevin Moore, Mary Morreale, Ernest Morris, Tom Neuhengen, Stephanie Niedbala, Autumn Novielli, Luke O’Donnell, Mary Panico, Edward Pasdiora, Marie Pastorino, Frank Pisello, Frances Rehfuss, Rose Ryan, Matt Schoenbach, Maria Scimeca, Emil Sterkowicz, Steve Strzelecki, Vincent Thome, Anthony Ungaro, James Walsh, and all parishioners, family members, and friends in your prayers. Please pray as well for Rosella Cooper, Frank Orlando, Jozsef Makos, and all who have died. May they now rest in eternal peace. When a Family Member is Hospitalized. . . Please notify the parish office, (708) 456-9000, when a family member is hospitalized. Because of HIPPA (privacy) laws, Presence Resurrection Medical Center and other hospitals are no longer permitted to notify us when parishioners are admitted to the hospital. Page Five Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflections from our Holy Father Pope Francis Gossip can also kill, because it kills the reputation of the person! It is so terrible to gossip! At first it may seem like a nice thing, even amusing, like enjoying a candy. But in the end, it fills the heart with bitterness, and even poisons us. —-Angelus address, February 16, 2014 Prayer Group will pray for your intentions Please place your particular written intentions in the box near the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, located in the back of the church. The Intercessory Prayer Group will pray over them during their meeting. The Prayer Group meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM in the Rectory basement. The next meeting is Tuesday, February 10th. The meetings are devoted to praise and thanksgiving, praying, scripture sharing, recitation of the rosary, teachings, songs, and witnessing to the goodness of our Lord. All are welcome. February 8, 2015 Faith F o rmatio n Page Six Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings for the Week Liturgies for the Week Monday, February 9, 2015 7:30 AM— Carol Rein Tuesday, February 10, 2015 St. Scholastica 7:30 AM— Divine Savior Parishioners Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Our Lady of Lourdes 7:30 AM— Lillian Dehnicke Thursday, February 12, 2015 7:30 AM— Alexander Wrobel Friday, February 13, 2015 7:30 AM— Divine Savior Parishioners Saturday, February 14, 2015 Vigil: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 PM— Joseph & Josephine Derus Matthew Meczynski Domenico & Giuseppe Notardonato Stephen Pastorino Don Shields Frederick Tomzik Rudolph F. Wiatr Rose Wiatr All Souls in Purgatory Sunday, February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM— June Bush Sophie Byskieski Edmund Wiczynski Mabel Wiczynski 9:30 AM— Betty Glomski Paula Hallez Rosena & Marino Mangini Luigi Mangini Millie Mitchell Domenico & Carmela Natalino Elsa & Domenico Neri Margarita & Antonio Pitassi Leonard Stancy Eileen Sterkowicz 11:30 AM— Charles Connolly February 8, 2015 Monday: Genesis 1:1-9 Mark 6:53-56 Tuesday: Genesis 1:20-2:4a Mark 7:1-13 Wednesday: Genesis 2:4b-9, 15-17 Mark 7:14-23 Thursday: Genesis 2:18-25 Mark 7:24-30 Friday: Genesis 3:1-8 Mark 7:31-37 Saturday: Genesis 3:9-24 Mark 8:1-10 Sunday: Sixth Sunday on Ordinary Time Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 Mark 1:40-45 Thought for the Week The union of man and wife is from God. --St. Augustine If you would be loved, love and be lovable. --Benjamin Franklin Ministers and Servers Schedule for the Weekend of February 14/15 Presider Lector Eucharistic Ministers Servers 4:00 PM Fr. LoBianco L. Olen M. Alto T. Fitzpatrick E. Kelly S. Kukielka B. Kwasinski TBD 7:30 AM Fr. Manka D. Sulimowski J. Kolaski U. Kucharski M. Lauria S. Kumiega TBD 9:30 AM Fr. Manka T. Macek G. Fornek M.A. Glassner L. Gutowski P. Patzelt E. Yamane L. Juridico K. Lorscheider J.P. Wachala 11:30 AM Fr. LoBianco T. Forbes V. Chernich N. Sta. Ana E. Sienkiewicz Page Seven Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Mission Statement of The Catholic Community of Divine Savior We are a faith community that seeks the fullest relationship with Jesus, by our communion with each other, through the Eucharist, Sacraments, Prayer, and Service. This Week Pastoral Staff Pastor Associate Pastor Rev. Richard J. LoBianco Rev. Mariusz G. Manka Director of Religious Education/Business Manager Ms. Mary E. Coban Assisting Priests Rev. William Holbrook Rev. Karl Langsdorf Monday: — Holy Name Society Dinner & Meeting 6:00PM—Parish Hall Tuesday: — Morris Drop-In 8:00AM—Parish Hall — Bible Discussion Group 10:30AM —Rectory Rev. Michael Madigan Rev. Terrence A. McCarthy — Prayer Group 7:30PM—Rectory Coordinator of Music Ministry Mrs. Mary Herman Bulletin Editor Mrs. Linda Gurklis Coordinator of Adult Formation Mr. Frank Lizak Wednesday: — Cherub Practice 6:00PM — Religious Education Classes Grade 6-8 — 6:45-8:15PM 7740 W. Montrose Avenue Norridge, IL 60706 (708) 456-9000 Fax: (708) 456-7838 E-mail: dsavior@aol.com Website: divinesaviornorridge.org WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Every Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM One Sunday a Month. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the rectory. — Choir Practice 7:00PM Saturday: — Religious Education Classes Preschool-Grade 5 — 9:00-10:30AM Smartphone users stay connected with us: Divine Savior Facebook
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