The Catholic C ommunity Divine Savior of
The Catholic C ommunity Divine Savior of
The Catholic Community Divine Savior f o Norridge, IL Page Two THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 Congratulations to our 2014 First Communicants Congratulations to our families whose sons and daughters are welcomed to the Table of Jesus in their First Eucharist this weekend. May this begin a life of deeper love and union with God’s Son that sees them all the way through this world and into the next. Isabella Alvarez Nathan Alvarez Gennaro Auriemma Sofia Auriemma Francesca Ayuso Amy Blevins Donato Clemente Niall Kenny Angelica Kopala Domenico LaCamera Marissa Nuccio Theodore Petrick Marco Pontarelli Daniela Rescigno Kayla Robertson Luis Robles Alyssa Ruffolo Marcus Valadez Anna Vitiello Ashley Zientara MAY CROWNING NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 18TH, AFTER OUR 9:30 AM LITURGY Please join us at the outdoor Marian Shrine on Sunday, May 18th after our 9:30 AM liturgy when our parish family celebrates the month of our Savior’s Mother. Our traditional May Crowning will honor in devotion and prayer, as God’s people, the many ways we enjoy a special relationship and bond with Mary, proclaimed “Theotokos,” the Mother of God in the Greek (Eastern) Church in 431, and today venerated worldwide by Christians, with over two hundred titles ascribed her through the many ways she informs and strengthens our faith in Jesus our Savior. Our special guests at the May Crowning ceremony, in which our parish groups will participate, will be our newly confirmed young persons and our children who celebrated First Eucharist. All are welcome to join us in this wonderful expression of our love and devotion to Mary, our Blessed Mother. MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE Beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers will be sold after all of the Masses on Mother’s Day Weekend, May 10/11. The proceeds will benefit the Marillac House, whose work provides assistance to needy mothers and families. Support God’s gift of Motherhood and give a beautiful bouquet to the special lady in your life. The Women’s Club will attend the 9:30 AM Mass on Sunday, May 18th, as a group in a reserved section. After Mass, we will meet in the Parish Hall for a brief meeting and refreshments. This will be our final meeting until fall, so come and join us as we discuss our plans for next season. YOUNG AT HEART MEMBERS Members, are you in for a treat! Not only will we be celebrating Mother’s Day with delicious sub-sandwiches, chips, and soda, but The Visiting Nuns will be entertaining us with their very funny, amazingly amusing show. Here is the information you need: Date: Monday, May 19th, Time: 12:30PM(doors open at 12:00PM), Price for sandwich: $3.00/ person, Call: Lu Hanson at (708) 586-1922 to order sandwich. Note: No extra sandwiches will be ordered, so don’t delay—place your order today. MORRIS DROP-IN Spring At Last! Come join Morris Drop-In on Thursday, May 22nd, for a fun time at The Theatre at the Center in Munster, IN to see "Miracle on South Division Street" a warm and funny comedy where family secrets are revealed. Cost of the trip is $50.00 and includes bus transportation, show, and lunch. Reservations and payment are due by Sunday, May 11th. For more information or to make reservations, please call Rita Gignac at (708) 457-1128. Page Three THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 NEW SAINTS FOR THE CHURCH By: Owen McAteer As of April 27th, the Church has two new saints. They were both Popes. One was John XXIII, the other John Paul II. In this article I would like to say a few words about John XXIII. Of the two new saints I believe he is the one less well known and our memories of him may need to be refreshed. John XXIII was the Pope from 1958 to 1963. In other words, he died more than fifty years ago. That means that anyone under age 60, or so, probably has only vague memories of this Pope. Here is an example of how different he was and how he won the hearts of people all over the world. For many years, for political and other reasons, the Popes had been "prisoners of the Vatican". They never ventured beyond the few acres of church-held territory in Rome. Shortly after his election John had a better idea. He decided to visit the major prison in Rome, well outside the Vatican walls. On his arrival he told the prisoners that because they couldn't come to him, he had come to them. He gave them no lecture on the morality of prison life. Instead he told them about his uncle who had done time for stealing sheep. If you are under sixty, I'm telling you, you cannot appreciate how refreshing and really mind-blowing it was for a Pope to act and speak that way. He was a man filled with the joy of the good news of Jesus Christ. He was an optimist who had no use for "gloom and doom". His positive outlook came shining through in the opening words of "The Church in the Modern World", a major document of Vatican II, the Council John had called: "The joy and hope, the grief and anguish of the people of our time, especially those who are poor or afflicted in any way, are the joy and hope, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as well. Nothing that is genuinely human fails to find an echo in their hearts." It was Pope John's Council that taught us there IS salvation outside the Catholic Church, the Jews are still God's chosen people and not "Christ killers", that you achieve more by praise for one good thing you see in another person, than by condemnation for ten bad things you see. Perhaps the most important teaching to come out of Pope John's Council was a new understanding of the role of the laity in the Church. This is the Bible-based teaching that the Church's main identity is "The People of God". It means that the Church is all of us--not just the Pope, bishops, and priests--but all of us. It is OUR CHURCH and, along with the Pope, bishops, and priests we are responsible for being the Church Christ wants us to be. Vatican II taught us to take seriously these words from Isaiah: "You will be my people and I will be your God." Vatican II opened on October 11, 1962. That night there was a great torchlight procession that made its way across Rome. When it arrived in St Peter's piazza Pope John appeared at his window and gave a spontaneous address. It came to be known as his "Moonlight Speech". "Even the moon may be said to have hastened on this evening....When you return home you will find your children: Caress them and tell them, "This is a caress from the Pope." You will find some tears to dry. Speak words of comfort to the afflicted. Let the afflicted know the Pope is with his sons and daughters, especially in hours of sadness and bitterness... It is a brother who speaks to you, a brother who, by the will of our Lord has become a father. But fatherhood and brotherhood are both of them gifts of God. Everything is! Everything!" Saint John XXIII, Angelo Giuseppe, pray for us. Page Four THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER CATHOLIC CHARITIES MOTHER’S DAY COLLECTION May 4, 2014 WEEKLY OFFERING As members of this faith community, we are invited to become good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. God Bless all those whose support has enabled Divine Every 30 seconds someone turns to Catholic Charities for Savior Church to continue its mission. help. When you give to the second collection today you April 26/27 Envelopes used: 327 ensure that one less mother has to worry about feeding Loose Cash: $ 593.30 her children tonight. That one less person will make a Cash/Checks in Envelopes: $ 5,102.00 bench their bed tonight. That one less veteran will go Give Central $ 671.00 without a job. 92 cents of every dollar you give goes Total received: $ 6,366.30 directly to help someone in need. Watch a short video Children’s Envelopes = $ 21.02 about why your support is so vital and donate at Easter Collection as of 4/29/14: $25,160.06 BINGO Experience the thrill of BINGO at Ridgewood High School on Saturday, May 10th. Doors open at 5:00 PM, the first BINGO game begins at 6:00 PM. Entry fee is $20.00. You’re guaranteed 15 BINGO games, two of which are $500.00 cover-all BINGOs along with several raffles and options to purchase pull-tabs games. Refreshments available for purchase throughout the night! Proceeds benefit Ridgewood High School Parents Club. DIVINE SAVIOR REUNION The Divine Savior class of 1964 will be holding a 50th year reunion on Saturday, June 7, 2014. Our reunion committee is looking forward to hosting this exciting get-together and hoping to find as many of our former classmates as possible in order to make this a truly memorable event. If you graduated from Divine Savior in 1964 or know of, or are related to, anyone from that graduating class, please contact John Hansen at (847) 912-9722 or send him an email at Looking forward to hearing from you! FOOD FOR THE NEEDY Next weekend, May 10/11, the targeted non-perishable items for our weekly food collection for the needy will be: BREAKFAST CEREALS, CANNED FRUIT or VEGETABLE JUICES, (NO FROZEN JUICES, PLEASE), CANNED or POWDERED MILK. The vestibule is the place to leave your gift. Thank you for your continued generosity in helping those in need. The food pantry at our sharing parish, St. Eulalia in Maywood, IL, is in great need of the donations we receive each week. Your continued generosity in remembering the needy is appreciated. PLEASE KEEP OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND IN YOUR PRAYERS Please remember Dorothy Aiello, Bienvenido Arquiza, George Bagarella, Katherine Bajak, Fran Barnas, George Belitz, June Bielanski, Sophie Bukowski, Patricia Burke, Alicia Calabrese, Marilee Cass, Greg Cazolas, Lee Cazolas, Debra Connelly, Al Corrado, Edith Corrado, Daniel Coyne, Eleanore Coyne, Angela Dalton, Josephine Davi, Daisy Drozda, Elvera Fulhorst, Juanita Ghilarducci, Kaye Giamalva, Lola Golonka, Lucille Glassner, Kay Hayden, Gina Hess, Sylvia Johnnic, Alice Jurek, John Kielczynski, Mary Kriz, Lois Mack, Edward Madura, Frank Maggio, Giuseppe Magnelli, Frank Marino, Mary Marino, Ethel Marzano, James Melnychuk, Mary Morreale, Ernest Morris, Tom Neuhengen, Walter Neuhengen, Sr., Stephanie Niedbala, Autumn Novielli, Luke O’Donnell, Kris Olson, Divinia Ong, Edward Pasdiora, Marie Pastorino, Frank Pisello, Ted Regan, Maria Scimeca, Eileen Sterkowicz, Emil Sterkowicz, Dorothy Suszek, Vincent Thome, Anthony Ungaro, Geraldine West, Jeanette White, Martha Wozny, James Zeidel, Cardinal Francis George, and all parishioners, family members, and friends in your prayers. Please pray as well for Josephine Deliberto and all who have died this past week. May they now rest in eternal peace. Page Five THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 OUR LADY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH Saints & Sinners Bingo, the latest in bingo comedies by Vicki Quade, creator of the hit comedy, Late Nite Catechism, is coming to Our Lady, Mother of the Church! Come and laugh, play a few games, and try to figure out if you are going to Heaven or Hell. You won’t want to miss this live, on-stage performance on Friday, May 16th at 7:30 PM, Hayes Center, 8700 W. Leland. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. For info , please call OLMC office at (773) 625-3369. PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT NEEDED Seeking part-time Personal Care Attendant for physically disabled female, Norridge Resident. Duties include lifting/ transfer to/from wheelchair, dressing, and grooming. Please call (708) 436-0042. Page Six THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 7:30 AM— ANNA MAKOS INTENTIONS OF THE KLAFTA FAMILY TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014 7:30 AM— SUSAN BAGARELLA WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 2014 7:30 AM— STANLEY GRABOWSKI THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014 7:30 AM— STANLEY CZACHOR STANISLAW NITA, SR. STANISLAW NITA, JR. STEFANIA NITA STANLEY STOMPER SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014 VIGIL: FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 4:00 PM— ANGELA BRICHETTO JOSEPHINE DOLNIK JOSEPH, HELEN, & PHILIP IWAN FRANCES OSZAKIEWSKI HELEN OSZAKIEWSKI MARION OSZAKIEWSKI MARY ANN OSZAKIEWSKI FREDERICK TOMZIK SPECIAL INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 AM— LILLIAN DEHNICKE 9:30 AM— BETTY GLOMSKI ROY & LEONA GRIZZI BERNICE, LADISLAUS, FRANK, & EMIL KOZIARA MARY & FRANK KOZIOL PETER & MARY MIECZYKOWSKI GENEVIEVE OBRZUT LEONARD STANCY 11:30 AM DIVINE SAVIOR PARISHIONERS FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014 7:30 AM— MIKE & MICHAEL BRODERICK JUSTIN JANKIEWICZ MARY O’SHEA CAROL A. REIN SPECIAL INTENTIONS READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts of the Apostles 6:8-15 John 6:22-29 Friday: Acts of the Apostles 9:1-20 John 6:52-52-59 Tuesday: Acts of the Apostles 7:51—8:1a John 6:30-35 Saturday: Acts of the Apostles 9:31-42 John 6:60-69 Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts of the Apostles 2:14a, 36-41 1 Peter 2:20b-25 John 10:1-10 Wednesday: Acts of the Apostles 8:1b-8 John 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts of the Apostles 8:26-40 John 6:44-51 MINISTERS AND SERVERS SCHEDULE FOR WEEKEND OF MAY 10/11 4:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Presider Lector Fr. Holbrook O. McAteer J. Caponigro E. Kelly J. Rein P. Wang T. Wang TBD D. Sulimowski A. Puetz U. Kucharski N. Sulimowski J. Puetz D. Ellsworth TBD J. Marley D. Duszynski P. Patzelt G. Fornek J. Fornek P. Frendreiss V. Duszynski L. Juridico K. Lorscheider R. Yamame V. Chernich S. Kumiega R. Maurello M. Sammarco N. Sta Ana O. Giacalone D. Maurello R. Maurello Fr. McCarthy Fr. LoBianco Fr. LoBianco Eucharistic Ministers Servers Page Seven THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 MISSION STATEMENT OF THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF DIVINE SAVIOR We are a faith community that seeks the fullest relationship with Jesus, by our communion with each other, through the Eucharist, Sacraments, Prayer, and Service. THIS WEEK PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Rev. Richard J. LoBianco Tuesday: Director of Religious Education/Business Manager Ms. Mary E. Coban Assisting Priests Rev. William Holbrook Rev. Karl Langsdorf Rev. Michael Madigan Rev. Terrence A. Mc Carthy — Morris Drop-In 8:00 AM—Parish Hall — Bible Discussion Group 10:00 AM—Rectory Coordinator of Music Ministry Mrs. Mary Herman Wednesday: — Prayer Group 7:45 PM—Rectory Bulletin Editor Friday: — Ladies Night Out 6:30 PM—Vestibule Sat./Sun. — Women’s Club Flower Sale After all Masses—Vestibule Mrs. Linda Gurklis Coordinator of Adult Formation Mr. Frank Lizak 7740 W. Montrose Avenue Norridge, IL 60706 (708) 456-9000 Fax: (708) 456-7838 E-mail: Website: WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Every Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM One Sunday a Month. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the rectory. — Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection Smartphone users stay connected with us: Divine Savior Facebook
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