Newsletter - Creve Coeur
Newsletter - Creve Coeur
Newsletter March 2012 the heart of community & commerce Survey results reflect high level of satisfaction In fall 2011, the City of Creve Coeur contracted with The Warren Poll for its triennial resident survey to provide guidance to elected officials and staff on important issues facing the community. The Warren Poll conducted 615 random phone interviews of Creve Coeur adults (ages 18 years and older). Kenneth Warren, Ph.D., president of The Warren Poll, presented highlights of results to the City Council on January 23, and noted the results were similar to those reported in 2005 and 2008. Citizens continue to highly rate living in Creve Coeur and many City services. According to Warren, “Close to all respondents (98.3%) rated Creve Coeur as a ‘good’ (35.3%) to ‘excellent’ (62.9%) place to live.” 70% 60% Creve Coeur as a Place to Live 62.9% 50% 40% 35.3% 30% 20% 10% 0% Excellent Good 1.6% Fair 0.1% Poor Ten key City services were also ranked in order to track citizen satisfaction with services over time. Feedback from the report assists the City with long-term goals and provides data for benchmarking satisfaction levels with other cities. City Service Ratings Excellent Good Fair Poor Police 58.7 31.7 6.6 3.0 Leaf Vacuuming 44.7 45.6 7.9 1.8 City Newsletter 43.6 49.3 5.2 1.8 Park Maintenance 42.9 51.2 4.7 1.1 Limb Chipping 40.2 44.5 11.4 3.9 Parks and Recreation 40.1 54.5 4.4 1.1 Snow Removal 34.5 50.3 12.3 2.9 Municipal Court 21.4 53.3 17.4 7.9 Street Repair 15.1 53.2 23.7 8.0 Building Permits & Inspections 12.0 48.7 26.3 12.0 The report states, “Residents continue to express high satisfaction with the overall quality of City services with 93.1% ranking the quality of City services as ‘good’ to ‘excellent’.” Police services received the highest percentage of This Issue City services ranked “excellent” Page 2 with leaf vacuuming ranking second Mayor’s Column and the City newsletter ranking Elected Officials third. Council Activity To read the complete report, visit residentsurvey. Changes to commercial trash collection hours The City Council recently voted to change permitted hours for commercial trash collection citywide effective immediately. The change was in response to complaints about early morning noise levels from residents living in close proximity to commercial properties. Commercial trash collection is now between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday, WWW.CREVE-COEUR.ORG consistent with residential morning trash hours. Collection previously began at 6 a.m. There are no changes to Sunday collection hours (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). If you witness a commercial hauler servicing a business before 7 a.m., please remind the hauler of the new hours or call the police dispatch nonemergency number at 314-737-4600. Page 3 Building Updates Leaf & Limb Schedules Arbor Day Celebration Have You Seen Me? Pages 4-6 Meet the Candidates Page 6 Election Sign Usage Page 7 Planning Updates Page 8 City Calendar Committee Vacancies Recreation Spotlight 314-432-6000 from the desk of Elected Officials MAYOR DIELMANN It’s hard to believe it’s March and spring is just around the corner. We have experienced a very unusual winter with a combination of winter and summer temperatures. Just as a reminder, our golf course is in excellent condition and is open throughout the winter and I hope that our golfers have had an opportunity to enjoy it. We have many good things going on in our city. Zip code 63141 has been ranked as one of the cities with the highest concentration of medical doctors in the United States. We can be proud that Creve Coeur is home to a great medical community. • An application for a classic car dealer located on Baur Boulevard Mayor Harold Dielmann 314-872-2518 Deer bow hunting season came to a close in January with 18 deer removed from the population in Creve Coeur since the program’s inception last fall. Ward 1 David Kreuter 314-727-2488 Just as a reminder, the Limb Collection Program is scheduled to start on March 26 and the Leaf Collection Program on April 2. If you are interested in preserving the rich history of Creve Coeur, apply to be a member of the Historic Preservation Committee. Read more about how to apply on page 8. Yours for a better place to live, work and retire, The Planning and Zoning Commission has under review: • A new restaurant, Potbelly Sandwich Works, located at the previous Provisions Market location in the CityPlace development Harold Dielmann, Mayor Ward 2 A. James Wang 314-432-5656 Tara Nealey 314-602-3466 Ward 3 Robert Hoffman 314-576-4885 Charlotte D’Alfonso 314-317-9945 Ward 4 Scott Saunders 314-579-9101 Council Activity from meetings on January 23 and February 13 • Adopted Ord. 5239 authorizing conditional use permit for Valvoline Instant Oil Change to include Sunday hours of operation • Adopted Ord. 5240 amending Municipal Code pertaining to permitted hours of commercial refuse collection • Adopted Ord. 5241 amending Code of Ordinances to change the name of Recycling, Environment and Beautification Committee to Horticulture, Environment and Beautification Committee and codify its mission • Approved Resolution 991 authorizing City to purchase (5) police Dodge Charger vehicles from Lou Fusz Chrysler/Dodge • Approved Resolution 992 adopting The Citizen’s Guide to Advisory Boards, Committees and Commissions • Adopted Ord. 5242 amending Code of Ordinances regarding stealing rented personal property • Adopted Ord. 5243 amending Zoning Ordinances regarding disabled parking • Approved Resolution 993 approving the City to purchase of Crafco SS 125 Diesel Melter Crack Sealing Machine from Clayco Midwest Co., for $32,830.32. • Approved amended Resolution 994 designating Pulaski Bank in Creve Coeur as the City’s depository pursuant to Section 140.060(B) of the Code of Ordinances 2 Beth Kistner 314-872-3913 March 2012 Jeanne Rhoades 314-210-5779 City Departments Administration: 314-872-2511 Building: 314-872-2500 City Clerk: 314-872-2517 Finance: 314-432-6000 Municipal Court: 314-432-8844 Parks & Recreation: 314-569-8999 Planning: 314-872-2501 Police: 314-432-8000 Public Works: 314-872-2533 Building Division: Year in Review Limb & Leaf Collection Limb Collection Program: Begins Mon., March 26 Following is a comparison of construction activity for calendar years 2010 and 2011. Description Building Permits Issued Estimated Construction Value of All Projects 2010 2011 741 758 $78,429,448 $49,438,516 Permits Issued for: New Commercial Buildings Commercial Alterations/Tenant Finishes 7 1 200 202 New Homes 10 8 Room Additions Residential Remodel Projects (kitchen/ bathroom, etc.) 26 21 143 162 As in past years, City crews will continuously cycle the city collecting limbs between 0.5 inches and 3 inches in diameter and more than 3 ft. long. Limbs less than 3 ft. long will not be collected. Chipping crews are limited to fifteen minutes per residence pick up in order to serve all residents in a timely manner. Limb collection continues through the week of October 15. Spring Leaf Collection Program: Area Wards 3 & 4 Wards 1 & 2 Wards 3 & 4 Wards 1 & 2 Week of April 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 Sign up to receive updates: The Public Works Department posts weekly status reports about leaf and limb pick up. Subscribe online at Arbor Day Celebration Save the Date: Saturday, April 28 10:00A-noon Government Center, Council Chambers 300 N. New Ballas Rd. Basement Finishes Mechanical (new furnaces/ACs) 31 23 227 241 Retaining Walls 38 32 Swimming Pools 14 14 Decks Permanent Emergency Generators 37 41 8 13 Demolitions 15 13 Fences 34 28 Signs 95 118 Commercial Projects 2,632 2,102 Have you seen me? Residential Projects 1,966 1,876 Do you know where this piece of public art is located in Creve Coeur? Inspections for: If you have any questions about construction activity, please contact Steve Unser, Chief Building Official, at 314-872-2513 or The Arbor Day Celebration, hosted by the City’s Horticulture, Environment and Beautification (f.k.a. Recycling, Environment and Beautification Committee) kicks off with elementary school students reading their winning essays entitled, “A World Without Trees.” Immediately following, Urban Forester Perry Eckhardt from the Missouri Department of Conservation will briefly present “Trees, Shrubs, and Pollinators.” For more information, contact Sharon Stott, Public Information Officer and Management Analyst, at sstott@ or 314-442-2081. To learn more about the Horticulture, Environment and Beautification Committee and how you can get involved, contact Fran Cantor, Chair, at or 314-567-1387. Do you know the name of the artist that created it? (Look for more information in the April Newsletter.) March 2012 3 Meet the Candidates: Creve Coeur Municipal Election Mayoral Candidate Name: Barry L. Glantz Address: 6 Shardue Lane Residency: 34 years Incumbent: No Employer: Glantz & Associates Architects, Inc. Title: President Education: B.A., Architecture, University of Texas at Austin Boards, Committees, Commissions, Charitable & Professional Organizations: • City of Creve Coeur -- City Council, Council Member (’92-’00); President (’96-’97) -- Planning & Zoning Commission, Member (’02-’11) • St. Louis County Building Commission, Member (’10-present) • St. Louis County Board of Building Appeals, Member (’10-present) Mayoral Candidate Name: Laura Bryant Address: 12738 Hezel Lane Residency: 17 years Incumbent: No Employer: Enterprise Holdings (Enterprise Rent-A-Car) Title: Director, Corporate Communications Education: B.A., Journalism and Russian Area Studies, University of Missouri-Columbia Boards, Committees, Commissions, Charitable & Professional Organizations: • City of Creve Coeur -- Technology Committee, Member (’97) -- Planning & Zoning Commission, Member (’97-01) -- Historic Preservation Committee, Member (’99) -- Comprehensive Land-Use Plan Citizen Advisory Committee, Member (’00-’01) -- City Council, Council Member (’01-’11) -- National League of Cities’ Finance and Intergovernmental Relations Policy Committee, Member (’06-’09) -- Finance Committee, Council Liaison (’07-’08) -- Pension Board, Council Liaison (’09-’11) 4 • Home Builders Association of St. Louis & Eastern Missouri, Board Member (’95-’99; ’10-present); Vice President (’00-’01; ’11) • National Association of Home Builders -- Board Member (’07-present) -- Associates Advisory Council, Board Member (’05-present) -- Design Committee (’06-present) -- International Builders Show Plan Review Panel, Member (’05-present) -- Best in American Living Awards, Judge (’04; ’06-’08) • Aurora Awards, Judge (’07-’08) • Westwood Country Club, Board Member (’10-present) • American Institute of Architects, Member (’04-present) • Shaare Emeth Congregation, Member (’95-present) • Creve Coeur Squires, Member (’97-present) Family: Sheri (wife) and (children) Evan (21), Corey (18) and Marissa (13) • Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber of Commerce -- Legislator of the Year 2006, Award Recipient -- “Progress and Perspectives: Creve Coeur” Public Forum, Presenter (’07) • Bordeaux Subdivision, Trustee (’96-’01) • Concerned Citizens of West Creve Coeur Neighborhood Coalition, Member (’96) • Tappmeyer Homestead Foundation, Treasurer (’98-’99) • Creve Coeur Eminent Domain Citizen Initiative Petition Committee, Member (’06) • Taxpayers Concerned About Creve Coeur TDD Bailout Grassroots Coalition, Co-Chair (’07) • Creve Coeur “Golden Rule” Citizen Initiative Petition Committee, Co-Chair (’08) • Missouri School of Journalism Futures Forum - “Sunlight Is the Best Disinfectant: Empowering Citizens and Providing Accountability,” Presenter (’08) • Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Public Relations Council, Member (’08-present) • Maryville University Legal Studies Advisory Committee, Member (’09-present) • Missouri Sunshine Coalition (’09-present) Family: (children) Eliot (22) and Ava (19) March 2012 Election Day: Tuesday, April 3 Ward I Candidate Name: David Kreuter Address: 51 Tealwood Drive Residency: 30 years Incumbent: Yes Time in Office: 16 years Employer: Kreuter & Gordon, P.C. Title: President Education: B.A., Mathematics, University of Notre Dame J.D., University of Notre Dame Law School Boards, Committees, Commissions, Charitable & Professional Organizations: • Creve Coeur Olive Boulevard Transportation Development District, Director (’07-present) • Sonlight Family Center Corporation, Director (’01-present) • City of Creve Coeur -- City Council, Council Member (’93-’03; ’06-present); President (’03 & ’07) -- Police Committee, Council Liaison (’08-’11) -- Ethics Commission, Council Liaison (’01 & ’03) -- Employee Pension Plan and Trust, Trustee (’99-’00) Ward II Candidate Name: A. James (AJ) Wang Address: 544 Fairways Circle Residency: 29 years Incumbent: Yes Time in Office: 6 years Employer: Private Practice Title: Attorney Education: B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology M.S., Petroleum Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Washington University M.B.A., Washington University J.D., St. Louis University Attended, Cambridge University Boards, Committees, Commissions, Charitable & Professional Organizations: • City of Creve Coeur Finance Committee, Council Liaison • Creve Coeur Days Organizing Committee, Member • Fairways Subdivision, Trustee and Former President • U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Bar Member -- Economic Development Commission, Council Liaison (’98) -- Parks and Recreation Committee, Council Liaison (’97) -- Planning and Zoning Commission, Council Liaison (’96) -- Finance Committee, Council Liaison (’95) -- Historic Preservation Committee, Council Liaison (’09-present) • St. Louis County Public Transportation Commission, Commissioner (’03-’06) • Kiwanis Club of Jennings-North County, Director and President (’96-’97) • Universal Sheltered Workshop, Director and President (’02-’06) • Creve Coeur Days Committee, Director (’95); Parade Chairman (’96) • Tealwood Subdivision, Trustee and Treasurer (’89-’95) • Creve Coeur Squires, Member (’98-present); President (’10-present) • Our Lady of the Pillar Parish, Member, Special Minister and Usher Family: Linda (wife), and (children) Justin (32) and Alexis (29) • Granny Tsai Charity Resale Shop, Board Member • St. Louis Chinese Academy, Board Member Family: Christine (wife) and (child) Elizabeth (9) (Meet the Candidates continued...) Creve Coeur Municipal Election Tuesday, April 3, 2012 Candidates as they will appear on the ballot: Mayor: Barry Glantz Laura Bryant Wa r d I : David Kreuter Wa r d I I : AJ Wang Wa r d I I I : Robert Hoffman Wa r d I V: Jeanne Rhoades March 2012 5 Meet the Candidates: Creve Coeur Municipal Election continued... Ward III Candidate Name: Robert Hoffman Address: 212 Ladue Oaks Drive Residency: 27 years Incumbent: Yes Time in Office: 1.5 years Employer: Northwest Pediatrics, Inc. Title: Pediatrician Education: B.S., Biology, University of Illinois M.D., St. Louis University School of Medicine Appointment, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Washington University Boards, Committees, Commissions, Charitable & Professional Organizations: • City of Creve Coeur -- City Council, Council Member (’10-present) -- Storm Water Committee, Council Liaison (’11-present) -- Planning & Zoning Commission, Member (’09-’10) Ward IV Candidate Name: Jeanne Rhoades Address: 12778 Mason Manor Drive Residency: 18 years Incumbent: Yes Time in Office: 8 years Employer: Missouri Baptist Medical Center Title: Certified Clinical Perfusionist Education: B.S., Perfusion Technology, University of Texas-Houston Heart Institute Attended, University of Missouri-Columbia Boards, Committees, Commissions, Charitable & Professional Organizations: • Advisory Committee for the Comprehensive Land-Use Plan, Former Member -- Police Department, Commissioner (’99-’08) -- Police Committee, Chairman (’04-’08); Chairman Emeritus (’08-present) -- Red Light Traffic Committee, Member (’07) -- Bike Helmet Safety Committee, Chairman (’00) -- Chief of Police Selection Committee, Member (’08) -- Chief’s Award, Recipient (’00) • Solomon Schechter Day School, Board Member and Past President (’85-present) • American Academy of Pediatrics, Member (’80-present) • JCC Preschool Committee, Former Chair • JCC, Former Board Member • Ladue Pines Subdivision, Trustee (’00-’09) • Congregation B’nai Amoona, Former Board Member • St. Louis County Athletic Association, Former Board Member Family: Barbara (wife), (children) David (35), Jenny (32) and Jonathon (30), and four grandchildren • Citizen Initiative Petitioners’ Committee to Limit Eminent Domain, Former Member • Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber of Commerce, Legislator of the Year 2007, Award Recipient • City of Creve Coeur Parks and Recreation Committee, Council Liaison • Missouri Advisory Commission of Clinical Perfusionists, Board of Healing Arts, Vice-Chair • Missouri Perfusion Society, Member • American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Member • American Society of Extra-Corporeal Technology, Member • Parkway Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), Member Family: Bob (husband), and (children) Christina (24), Julia (21) and Robby (17) Election signs: Understanding proper usage In addition to signs that are allowed during the rest of the year, temporary election signs and other non-commercial signs are allowed during election season. These additional temporary signs are regulated by the City’s zoning ordinance to ensure pedestrian and vehicular safety are not hindered due to improper sign placement. Regulations include: • Signs are not permitted within the public right-of-way. (The right-of-way is typically ten feet back from the curb.) • You may only post such signs starting 45 days before the election. • Signs must be removed no later than 10 days after the election. 6 • Signs are only permitted with the property owner’s permission. • Signs may be single or double faced, but no sign face may exceed 12 square feet on residential property or 24 feet on commercial property. • The number of additional signs per lot may not exceed the number of candidates or propositions on the ballot. • Signs may not be attached to utility poles. • When installing an election sign, do not to block access or visibility of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. If you have questions about signs, call Whitney Kelly, City Planner, at 314-442-2087. March 2012 Planning and Zoning Updates Overstreet House of Cars Conditional Use Permit as of 2/14/2012 a recommendation is forwarded that night, the matter will be tentatively scheduled for the City Council meeting on February 27. Location: 10623 Baur Blvd. Description: Wally Overstreet, on behalf of Classic Cars Sign Code Update Plus, L.L.C., doing business as Overstreet House of Location: Citywide Cars, has requested a conditional use permit to allow the Description: The Planning Division has proposed several operation of an automobile dealer selling only classic used amendments to the City’s Sign Code (Article VIII of cars. All related activities will be indoors and no major the Zoning Ordinance) service will be performed intended to simplify on the vehicles. several regulations Status: The Planning and definitions as well & Zoning Commission as eliminate certain (P&Z) is scheduled provisions that appear to conduct a public to be inconsistent with hearing on February the purposes of the Sign 21. If the Commission Code relating to aesthetic votes to forward a appearance and visual recommendation that clutter. night to the City Council, Status: On February 6, the Council will be able P&Z held a work session read the item for the first on possible changes to the time on February 27, with ground, wall and building a final vote anticipated no Classic used cars at Overstreet House of Cars. sign regulations. On sooner than March 12. February 21, P&Z will discuss custom sign plans and various definitions associated Potbelly Sandwich Works Conditional Use with the sign code. If P&Z is comfortable with the draft Permit language, a compiled draft will be provided on March 5 Location: 11615 Olive Blvd. and, barring significant revisions, P&Z will hold an open Description: Todd Stimson, of Potbelly Sandwich Works, discussion with residents and business owners on March has submitted a request for a conditional use permit for 19. During that time, the Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber a 2,413 square-foot restaurant in a portion of the former of Commerce will also be asked to review and comment Provisions Market within the CityPlace retail development. on the draft regulations. Once P&Z believes the public The restaurant will have 42 inside seats and 16 seasonal has had an adequate opportunity to read and informally outdoor seats with tables. comment on the draft, a formal amendment to the Sign Status: A public hearing before P&Z will be held on Code will be submitted and presented in a formal public February 21 for recommendation to the City Council. If hearing. CORRECT INCORRECT March 2012 INCORRECT 7 Postmaster: Dated material, please deliver by March 1, 2012 300 N. New Ballas Road Creve Coeur, MO 63141-7501 prsrt std u.s. postage paid St. louis, mo permit no. 2693 March Calendar 5 Planning & Zoning Commission 6 Finance Committee 7 Horticulture, Environment & Beautification Committee 8 Police & Safety Committee 12 City Council Work Session City Council Meeting (special time) 13 Tappmeyer Foundation Board 15 Economic Development Commission Board of Adjustment 19 Planning & Zoning Commission 21 Historic Preservation Committee Climate Action Task Force 26 City Council Work Session City Council Meeting (special time) 28 Arts Commission 7:00P 5:30P 4:30P 4:00P 6:00P 7:30P 4:00P 8:00A 7:00P 7:00P 4:00P 4:30P 6:00P 7:30P 6:30P April Calendar 2 Planning & Zoning Commission 7:00P 4 Horticulture, Environment & 4:30P Beautification Committee All meetings are held at the Creve Coeur Government Center, 300 N. New Ballas Rd., unless otherwise specified. Committee Vacancies The Historic Preservation Committee is accepting applications to fill up to five vacancies. Candidates should be Creve Coeur residents interested in historical research, archival methods and preparing items for public display. Committee members also support the efforts of other historic preservation groups with interest in preserving Creve Coeur history and landmarks such as the historical Tappmeyer home located in Millennium Park. The Committee advises the City Council regarding those activities. Submission deadline is March 13. For more information about the committee and its activities, call Carole Levin, Historic Preservation Committee Chair, at 314-432-3715. Apply online or upload a resume or biography and a letter of interest at www.creve-coeur. org/apply Prepare your gardens! Now is the time to tidy up your gardens and update your landscape design to enter into the City’s Beautification Contest coming in the spring. Look for contest information in future newsletters. Recreation Spotlight Golf Course 11400 Olde Cabin Rd. March is “spring forward” month—more daylight for golfing! First tee time starts at 8:30 a.m. Ever wondered what your true handicap is? You can purchase your USGA handicap membership at the Pro Shop. Handicap membership perks include posting your scores from home or any participating golf course. You’ll also receive helpful monthly email updates from USGA and Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association. Apply in person before April 1 and receive your yearlong membership for $25 (regularly $30). Kids “making a racket!” A festive, fun and FREE party to kickoff the tennis season with games, prizes and tennis racket giveaways. To register, call 314-432-3961. Ages 4-11 Wednesday, March 7, 4:00P Government Center, Gymnasium 300 N. New Ballas Rd. March 2012
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