Referen....dum and dumber
Referen....dum and dumber
Referen....dum and dumber June 23rd is D Day -that’s decision day as the country prepares to decide on its future, in or out of the European Union. Polling stations are open from 7am till 10pm for the nation’s first referendum in over 40 years. It’s a debate that has divided communities, families and political parties. Our photo at the top of the page shows a man (left) who felt he had been racially insulted. He claimed that an elderly lady had told him that the UK is not his country. The confrontation took place next to the UKIP battlebus near Birmingham’s markets, as UKIP leader Nigel Farage took a walk around the market stalls. The insulted man says he will vote to stay in the EU. Pictured left, a Remain leafleter in Erdington High Street chats to two pensioners outside the Bookies. The leafleter, a Dutch student on an English course at Birmingham City University, told our photographer that he had been confronted by several passers-by within the space of an hour. One had called him a traitor. These two, Irish/Erdington pensioners, had made up their mind. They will vote to leave the EU, they say. Uncontrolled immigration is the frequently cited reason by those who intend to vote LEAVE. Racism is the response to that argument from the REMAIN supporters. Trade will suffer if we LEAVE, say the REMAIN suppporters. We can manage better on our own, say the LEAVE campaigners. Tough decision. Many voters fear that, however they vote on 23rd June, six months later, they will wish they had voted the other way. Only fifteen people turned up for a Euro Referendum debate at the Six Ways Baptist Church in Erdington last week. Even one of the key speakers failed to turn up. But the Conservative Party activists’s place was taken by Ted Woodley, from an extreme left wing group. Two sides of the political spectrum voting on the same side at the Referendum..... for Empty church.. not for a Sunday Service, but for a Referendum debate different reasons, they claim. Page 19 Tyburn Mail June 2016
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