November 2013 - Mary Immaculate Catholic Church


November 2013 - Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
November 2013
Mary Immaculate
Mary Immaculate Catholic Parish Newsletter
Fall Festival Insights
Inside this issue:
Parish Festival
Senior Adults
Music Ministry
Family Life
The day of the Fall Festival finally came, after
months of preparation and meeting with different members of the community who were willing to put their time, effort, skills, and gifts to
work. These past few months of preparation
were full of surprises not only because most of
the stuff was new to us, but also because we
were able to see how people accomplished so
much in such a short time; sometimes with limited resources. At the end, the Divine Providence made itself present.
God has called all those volunteers from many
different places and corners of our community.
Many ministries came together to work as one.
All the graces bestowed upon our community,
with the intercession of Our Blessed Mother
Mary, were shown in many different ways: donation of time, monetary resources, professional experience, talents, creativity, prayer time,
selling of raffle tickets, cooking skills, and lots
and lots of good will.
Since very early Friday morning, everybody
was working at full speed... On your mark, get
ready … rides. It is great seeing many families
from our community spending quality time together and having fun on the rides and, of
course, slices of pizza to boost the energy to
keep them riding the rides. Volunteers at the
pizza station (thanks Shepherd's Café for your
generosity) had no time to spare. The festival
had not officially opened and people were already waiting to get there share of pizza, drinks
to keep them hydrated, tickets for the rides and
raffle tickets. On the other side of the parking
lot, so much more was taking place. While several people were working very hard on the final
details for Saturday morning, a group of men
had been working nonstop since before sunrise
setting up all the booths, tables, chairs and
tents for Saturday. These men did not have
peace of mind until every tent, table and chair
was in its proper place. But their work was not
finished. What comes up must come down.
Once again, these men had to work hard to tear
down the booths, tents, tables and chairs, but
this time they would have to work under the
rain. This was not an easy task to do with the
rain but God sent these men some helpers, lots
of teenagers from the MIC Youth Ministry. Seeing people so motivated to serve our Church
and the community brings much joy and is a
vivid example on how the Holy Spirit keeps on
invigorating the Church through the gifts bestowed on each one of us.
In the name of
the Father, the
Son and the
Holy Spirit was
the initial blessing by Father
Michael which
kicked off the
big day of the Festival. It was official; the BIG
day was finally here and along with it came the
rain and the wind. Bad weather was no obstacle for MI parishioners. Right after morning
Mass, under the light rain, people gathered
around Father Michael in order to have their
animals blessed. Even snakes received the
blessing in celebration of the feast of Saint
Francis of Assisi, patron of animals. The community responded very well to the call. By the
time the blessing of the animals was completed,
all the young adult volunteers were done bringing all the supplies to the booths. In a matter of
hours, all of the booths were up and running
and very nicely decorated. A few hours later, in
spite of the threatening weather, the community
joined us for fun and lots of warm food. Entire
families from MIS were working together to
bring the game booths up to speed so the kids
could start playing and have some fun. The kids
looked excited and parents did too, some of
them hungry but that was no issue because
everywhere you looked there would be food.
Food booths were not the exception in trying to
stay up to speed with all the food orders they
had going on. But I don’t blame the people for
wanting to buy food, because all the food was
Continued on page 2
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I know because between my hubby and I, we tried almost every
type of food being sold! All the different ministries did an amazing job cooking and selling gorditas, turkey legs, tamales, brisket
sandwiches, corn, fruit, nachos, burritos, fajitas, hot dogs, funnel
cakes, churros, pretzels, tostadas, sausage & sauerkraut, sausage on a stick, water made with real fruit, pizza, menudo and
hot chocolate. We had a little bit of everything to satisfy almost
every craving. People were having fun, enjoying the festival,
spending quality time with their loved ones, helping others and
contributing to the community in their own way. Everything went
according to God’s plan. People put aside their differences and
for the first time we all spoke the same language, the language
of serving others for love and for the love of our Parish. A love
which resembles the love of God and together we worked as the
body of Christ to show the face of Christ to the community as
servers. By Gio & Hugo-Festival Coordinators
Parish Festival Entertainment
A funny thing happens when we volunteer: We always seem to
get so much more out of it than we give.
This year, I volunteered to assist with entertainment for the Fall
Festival. The generosity and talent of our community never fails
to amaze me. As you can imagine, there is quite a bit of logistical work involved in coordinating entertainment. Quickly, I began to make phone calls. Just as quickly, I began to receive
positive responses from our community leaders and businesses.
It was such an incredible honor and joy to work with such positive and uplifting people.
There was a bit of a drizzle, but it didn’t stop any of the wonderful volunteers from coming out to participate. We started the
morning with a blessing from Father Michael.
Sometimes we don’t realize what great talent we have in our
own community. Tom Grossman, our very own Campus Ministry
Coordinator, started the show with “Tom Grossman Unplugged”.
He had his own back-up singers, our very own youth volunteers.
They were followed by Los Reyes de Dallas, the mariachi that
plays at Mary Immaculate on the first and third Sunday of the
month at the 8:45 Mass, sang all of the mariachi favorites and
even took special requests. Of course, I couldn’t help myself
and sang a tune with them. The incredible talent that comes
from our young people in the community is unbelievable. Esther
Ko, a student and pianist at R.L. Turner, performed in the Parish
Hall as well as the Turner orchestra. Their dedication and sense
of commitment is such an inspiration. Truly, it is wonderful to
see so many young people utilizing their talents. This year, we
were lucky enough to have a second mariachi perform. Mariachi
Morelia performed and, as always, put on a great show. The
Sidekicks Mixed Martial Arts Team from Carrollton did a wonderful job as always. It even made me want to take up martial arts.
The Mary Immaculate School Drill Team performed wonderfully
as well as Los Originales, a wonderful Spanish band that performed some great music. Kassye Capener did a guitar solo
and sang some of her own original songs. After that, we moved
into the Parish Hall because of the weather. Ministerio Angelus
from Mary Immaculate performed. Art and Cultural Academy
that has a studio at Josey and Valley View, had their young children perform a ballet ensemble as well as a ballet folklorico per-
formance. Of course, it wouldn’t be complete without our own
Matachines performing; they were fabulous. It was amazing to
see how long they were able to perform with seeming ease. I
know it’s a lot of hard work to coordinate all of those moves especially with so many dancers. The House of Funk, a Christian
dance studio here in Farmers Branch was the grand finale, and
let me tell you; grand is the key word here. They were fabulous.
Everyone in the audience, including me, was mesmerized.
I would like to extend a very special thanks to everyone that participated in the Fall Festival. We couldn’t have done it without
you. If you haven’t volunteered in the past, we hope you’ll volunteer next year.
At the end of the evening, Natalie, my daughter summed it all up.
She said, “Mom, everything is always so much more fun when
we volunteer.” You know what? She’s right. Thank you for the
opportunity to serve. God’s blessings to you and your family.
By Elizabeth Villafranca– Entertainment Coordinator
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Princess Fundraiser
I had no idea what to expect
when I was nominated to represent the Youth Ministry and
Religious Education Departments for the Fall Festival
Princess competition. I knew
that is was going to be hard
I had so much support and help from family and friends. We
worked together to raise money all the while learning about
the different ministries we have at Mary Immaculate.
On the day of the Fall Festival when Father Michael announced my name, I couldn't believe how much our dedication paid off. Our Holy Father would be proud of the love and
dedication that everyone has for our Parish. Being named
Princess is an honor, and I am proud to represent Mary Immaculate Youth. By Olivia Arratia
Raffle Ticket Winners
1st Place—Juan Alvizo
$4500 in Gift Cards
2nd Place-Elizabeth Villafranca
$3500 in Gift Cards
Princess Fundraiser Candidates
It is with great honor that I present the young ladies that
raised the most money for the Princess Fundraiser.
Thank you to our ten candidates that participated in the fundraiser. Our candidates this year are:
Citlaly Cervantes representing the group Encuentro con Jesus, Diana Castrejon representing Corazon Joven de Maria,
Paula Ortega representing Esperanza Matrimonial, Brenda
Cristal Villanueva representing Familia Guadalupana, Edith
Carrillo representing Legion de Maria, Isabel Cendejas representing Matachines, Alicia Dimas representing Hispanic Ministry, Gabriela Aguiñaga representing Monaguillos, Olivia Arriata representing Youth Ministry and Religious Education and
Kenny Gabriela Perez representing Hispanic Ultreya.
3rd Place-Beth & Chris Hall
$2000 in Gift Cards
4th Place-Dileep Sirur
Apple iPad Mini
Crowned Miss Mary Immaculate
2013 Mary Immaculate Festival Raffle Ticket
Sales Contest Winners
1st Place—Legion de Maria
1st place, Olivia Arriata, representing Religious Education
and Youth department.
2nd place, Citlaly Cervantes, representing Encuentro con
Jesus group.
3rd place, Edith Carrillo, representing Legion de Maria
The Princess fundraiser raised a grand total of$20,813.09!
2nd Place—MIS 8th Grade
3rd Place—MIS 3rd Grade
Religious Ed 1st Place—Wed. Class 3-FC-107
Religious Ed 2nd Place—Wed. Class 2-FC-104
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MIS Eighth Grade Retreat
This year’s MIS eight grade retreat was a huge success. We were able to open up many opportunities for the students
to encounter Christ over the 2 days. On Thursday we started off with some group building activities and songs, a talk
and some reflection. On Friday after mass students were given the opportunity to go to confession and participate in
Eucharistic Adoration. They listened to guest speakers Eric Neubauer and Deacon Dennis Duffin who challenged the
students to live for Christ and to embrace their faith. Over the course of the retreat students opened up and shared with
each other and the group leaders. We praise God for the gift of these students and look forward to their Confirmation.
By Tom Grossman-Campus Minister
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My Citizenship
My Citizenship
I thank God for all the blessings He has given me since I came to this country in 1985. I met the love of my life, Julio. We were married and blessed with 3 wonderful children: Julio, Diego and Tracie. I started working at Mary Immaculate Church in 2001. Throughout all this time, I have met many wonderful and generous people who have given me their love and friendship. My co-workers and
the teachers of Mary Immaculate School have contributed to my personal and spiritual growth. On September 16th of this year, I
had my Oath Ceremony to become a citizen of the United States. That day I had the opportunity to celebrate with my loved ones and
with my co-workers, (my Mary Immaculate family). I thanked God for everything that happened. It was an extraordinary experience,
because it helped me to look back on all the events of my life; the joyful and difficult times; seeing the presence of God always caring for and loving me.
At this time also, I reflected and I could understand more clearly that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God, and that we are pilgrims
waiting for that appointment in which we will be in the presence of God.
The 1st of October began a six-week course here at MIC with the help of Catholic Charities. This course is to prepare people for immigration citizenship. Please pray for them to receive approval for their citizenship.
By Sonia R. Dimas
Hispanic Ministry Assistant
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Senior Adult Ministry News
The Senior Adult Ministry held its kickoff luncheon in September with over 60 parishioners in attendance. Everyone
had a great time reconnecting and meeting new friends.
An interest survey was completed, which will guide our activities for the upcoming year. Nearly 2/3 of those surveyed
were interested in day trips, so planning is underway for
our first trip in December. Please watch the bulletin for
more information!
With Medicare open enrollment starting in October, Paul
Jackson from Bardley Benefits came to Mary Immaculate
to provide an in-depth explanation of Medicare and to answer a variety of questions about special enrollment periods, the prescription drug coverage gap, and much more.
If you missed the session but have questions about Medicare, please call Sarah Redford at the parish office (ext.
48) for more information.
Upcoming Events
On Sunday, November 3rd, Ursuline Academy students will
host Senior Bingo from 3:00-4:30. There are many great
prizes to win, so we hope to have a good group of Bingo
players there. Feel free to drop by the parish office for a
sneak peek of some of the prizes.
Our annual Senior Brunch will be held on Monday, December 9th at 10:00 a.m. The Mary Immaculate School Choir
will be performing its Christmas program for us, and food
will be provided by the Parent Teacher Club. This is always a wonderful event, so make sure to mark your calendars now!
Transportation Program
Many have expressed a need for reaching out to our parishioners that are no longer able to drive to Mass or parish
activities but who want to remain connected to the Mary
Immaculate community. We are looking for volunteers that
are willing to occasionally or regularly provide transportation assistance for these seniors. Volunteers must be 18 or
older and have reliable transportation. Please contact Sarah Redford in the parish office for more information.
By Sarah Redford
If you would like more information about the Senior Adult
Ministry, contact Sarah at 972-243-7104 x48.
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Design Team Unveils Mary Immaculate New Organ Pipes
As many of you may already know, a key part of the most recent
giving campaign conducted by the diocese at the parish level was
the expansion of the sanctuary pipe organ. Currently, the sanctuary houses an Allen Renaissance 3 Manual Digital Organ. This
type of organ was designed to function as an electronic organ
with or without pipes, using industry leading “samples”, or prerecorded sounds, to produce the sound of a “real” organ. We
have been working closely with our design team on the project,
and we are happy to unveil the artist’s rendering of the new pipes
and how they will look in the sanctuary. Not only will they enhance the sound of the organ, they also will enhance the beauty
of the sanctuary.
The new pipes will be placed within the current space that the
organ speakers are kept. In order for pipes to produce sound, air
must first be compressed and then sent through the pipes. The
air chamber for the pipes will be located under the housing for the
pipes closest to the choir area. We will continue to use the organ
speakers, and those will be located behind each set of pipes,
forming a “hybrid” or “combination” pipe organ. Additionally, our
current pipe organ samples will be upgraded to the most current
sample series, which will provide a noticeable difference in the
overall sound of the organ.
This project is a very time consuming one. The pipes are handmade by a single person, who is an expert in the craft. Each one
is delicately designed, formed, and tuned to precise accuracy and
tone. Once all pipes have been completed, the install will begin to
take place.
Again, this project is only one of five on the parish’s list resulting
from the Bishop’s Capital Campaign. The goal is to begin the
actual construction and installation of the pipes once other facility
enhancements have taken place, and after the new entryway is
completed on the east side church entrance.
Some common questions regarding the new pipes:
Will the pipe organ be any louder or softer?
We do not anticipate the organ volume being any different than it
currently is. The organ volume is typically at 60% capacity for
congregational singing. Occasionally, we will receive feedback
about the organ being too loud and the choir cannot be heard.
While the choir does serve a role in leading music in the church,
they should not be listened to as if at a concert. The organ volume is always at a level that supports a community of 200-800
people joining together in sung worship.
Will the pipes have to be tuned?
Yes, regular tuning is a must for pipe organs. The pipes are tuned
by moving a metal collar on the pipe to regulate length. Because
metal expands and contracts, regular tuning is required to keep
the pipes in tune with each other. Expect the pipes to be tuned
before Christmas and Easter, to coordinate with seasonal temperature changes.
Once the pipes are completed, how long will it take to install
If no unforeseen circumstances occur, it should take 2-4 weeks to
fully install the organ pipes and other components.
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Upcoming Events from Family Life
“Journey of Hope” for those who are divorced or separated, will begin a new session on Sunday, November
10th at 10:15 a.m. in the Parish Conference room. You are not alone. The church is here to help you. Come and
see the goodness of the Lord as we share the healing resources we have available to you in the coming year. For
more information contact Alma at or Priscilla at 972-243-7104 Ext. 26 or Registration forms are in the church foyer or on line at the parish web site
The loss of a loved one through death often requires adjustments in the way of looking at the world and plans for
living in it. It is a major disruption in life. Even those who accept the fact that there will be suffering, still experience the pain and grief that loss brings. With this in mind, we invite you to join us for “A Ray of Hope for the
Holidays” on Sunday, November 17th at 11:30 a.m. in the Parish conference room. We will share ideas and suggestions on how to help ourselves through the holidays while grieving. A light lunch will be served. For more information call Priscilla at 972-243-7104 Ext. 26.