Mar 2012 - Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
Mar 2012 - Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
March 1, 2012 Mary Immaculate Herald Mary Immaculate Catholic Parish Newsletter Director of Campus Ministry & Young Adult Coordinator Named Inside this issue: Spotlight: Campus & Young 1 Adult Ministries Bishop’s Award 2 LifeLong Faith Adult Ministries 3 Catholics Come Home: Parish Retreat 4 Lenten Mission 5 Parish Development 6 Mary Immaculate 7 School Auction Calendar 8 Tom Grossman, who has been working part -time in our Youth Ministry Department, has agreed to work full time as our Director of Campus Ministry and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator effective February 1st! He will continue to support the Youth Ministry Department in executing the Confirmation program throughout the year. Tom will also continue to offer assistance to the parish’s already developing Young Adult Ministry. A 2005 graduate of Oklahoma University with a degree in Communications, Tom worked most recently with the His campus ministry responsibilities Young Adult Ministry at St. Joseph in will include developing and implement- Richardson before coming to Mary ing seasonal sacramental retreats for Immaculate Parish. With his special parish children and developing the calling for prayer ministry, Tom also High School serves as CORE Director of “One of the best ways to keep up your TEAM. Tom Prayer for relationship with our Lord is through will invite the Catholic prayer.” students to Pro-Life take ownerCommittee Tom Grossman ship of their of Dallas and parish as a Sidewalk through participating in the liturgy as Counselor at abortion clinics. ushers, greeters, hospitality ministers and altar servers. Tom is also excited about his expanded role at Mary Immaculate. “Over the Tom will be reporting to Fr. Michael, past year this has become my family who notes: “Tom demonstrates strong and I am grateful to serve in my new leadership and ministerial skills. The position. Please pray for me as I school Campus Minister piece of his job embark on my journey to serve directly duties is unique, I believe, for any in the parish school, and also as I parish in our diocese. I’m excited continue to serve the parish youth and about Tom assisting the parish school young adult ministries!” in fulfilling its mission to ‘Provide Academic Excellence in a Catholic, Christ centered environment.” Tom will assist school students, parents, faculty and staff in matters spiritual and ministerial. Page 2 First Bishop’s Award for Service to the Church On February 11 Mary Eason and Gail Hartin were honored at a special mass of Thanksgiving for their tireless volunteer efforts with the first Bishop’s Award for Service! A total of 135 volunteers from around the Diocese of Dallas were bestowed the award at this inaugural service. Bishop Kevin J. Farrell says the new award will be conferred on an annual basis to recognize the contributions of lay people to their parishes and the diocese. Furthermore, Mary manages our Parish Web Site and posts all information, changes and notifications that are required to maintain an active and interactive website. Gail Hartin and her husband Bill have been members of Mary Immaculate Parish since 1979. Gail has served on the Parish Advisory Council for nine years, only recently rolling off. During her time on the Council, she managed and handled the Parish Time and Talent weekend. This weekend was the basis for “It is time that we recognize the essential work and recruiting new volunteers for the many ministries the true sacrifices made by these lay men and womhere at Mary Immaculate. She also served as a cateen. It is my hope this award will help convey my deep chist and Confirmation teacher during her children’s gratitude for their dedicated service to the Church.” years in the RE and Youth Ministry programs. “We represent all the dedicated volunteers who help make Mary Immaculate the spiritual home for so many….our volunteers represent such a blending of different approaches to living one’s faith and showing love for our Catholic Church.” Mary Eason & Gail Hartin Gail is a Cantor and sings in our parish Choirs. Also, Mary Eason has been a long time member of the she is a member of our parish Hand Bell Choir and an Parish. She and her husband Eddie sent both of their active member of the Diocesan Choir that performs at children to Mary Immaculate School. the Cathedral for occasions such as Ordinations, Rites of Election and Chrism Masses. Mary was an active and integral member of the Parish Finance Council for well over 10 years and currently Gail has served as an advisor to the current and past serves on the Parish Advisory Council and attends the Pastors of Mary Immaculate in matters pertaining to Finance Council meetings as the Parish Council school management, parish history and future direcliaison to the Finance Council. tion. Currently, Gail serves on the Bishop’s Lay Advisory Council which meets with the bishop quarterly. Over the years, Mary was involved in Youth Ministry, volunteering her time by assisting with the Youth Congratulations to both Mary and Gail on this special Ministry activities. Most notable is that Mary devel- recognition! Mary Immaculate is blessed to have both oped and managed the Youth Ministry database that of you serving our parish! was used in the YM Department for years. Page 3 Christmas in…Christmas out! Thanks to the volunteers who showed up after the Epiphany to help take down the Christmas trees and decorations for Christmas. Though the crew was small, they were tenacious and hearty, and stayed until every last pine needle was swept away. Attn: MIS Alumni & Alumni Families! The winter edition of the MIS alumni newsletter, the MIS Messenger, is now available online at pages/Alumni_Home. If you would like to contribute your story to the summer edition, please send your story to We welcome photos, wedding announcements, birth announcements, success stories, etc Let your classmates know what is happening in your life! Like our own families at Christmastime, everyone likes to put the decorations out, but it is usually only mom or dad who takes them down and puts them lovingly away for the next year. This year, our “moms” and “dads” were Susan Davis, Jan Brotherman, Ed Brandt, Rosemary Martinez and our own maintenance staff - Mel, Ramon and Juan! Thanks again to everyone who helped put up and take down our decorations. You are a wonderful part of our Mary Immaculate Altar Society, and we are so thankful to God for all your help! If you want to join the Altar Society, call the parish office and speak with Beth at ext. 46. RCIA—It Takes a Parish! This past fall, our Adult English RCIA Candidates and Catechumens took a class on Confirmation from our resident Confirmation expert, Kelli Simon. Kelli is the Mary Immaculate Youth Ministry Coordinator and has the enormous responsibility of preparing our youth for the Sacrament of Confirmation. She and the adults met in the Imy Lounge to learn about Confirmation in a similar way that she teaches the youth. RCIA Candidates and Catechumens, in the age range of 18-90, are really just like our young people: learning the essentials of their faith and trying to “put it all together!” in preparation for the reception of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. The Candidates and Catechumens enjoyed Kelli’s presentation on “building church,” and said they wish every class could be just this fun! If you would like more information about becoming Catholic, or to find out how you can become an RCIA Sponsor or volunteer, call our Adult Faith Coordinator, Beth Crouch, at 972-243-7104 ext. 46. Page 4 Catholics Come Home campaign kicks off in a big way! This November, our official Catholics Come Home campaign kicked off with a series of events and talks designed to help bring our loved ones home for Christmas! A panel of speakers gathered at four different sessions to talk about what has changed in our Church over the past few years, Why Catholics leave the Church, Why do Catholics Do That? And so much more. The committee has now begun preparation for the next part of the Campaign, which will involve the Lenten Mission, Parish-wide Reconciliation and Lenten Retreat “Behold, I Make All Things New!” The Committee, comprised of staff members Sefanit Mekonnen, Kelli Simon, Pricilla Mahaffey, Tom Grossman and Beth Crouch, and parishioner Steve de la Garza, worked diligently to prepare the series of talks to help fallen-away Catholics come home, and to prepare a comprehensive calendar of parish and school-wide events for the season. By giving fallen-away family members, friends and neighbors the brochure and inviting them to one of the events, it was hoped that the invitation would be an open door to bring people back to the Church in a non-threatening way that would be welcoming and inviting. Sefanit Mekonnen, Priscilla Mahaffey, Steve de la Garza and Beth Crouch at the panel discussion “Why do Catholics do that?” Behold, I Make All Things New! Mary Immaculate Parish invites you to come on a Lenten Journey with Jesus when we present “Behold, I Make All Things New!” Saturday, March 17, 2012 beginning at 8 am in the Parish Hall. This Lenten Retreat will be a day-long reflection on Jesus’ journey to the desert where he was tempted by Satan, his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, and culminating with his death and ultimate Resurrection on Easter Sunday that reflects back to our Baptism and Jesus’ Baptism in the River Jordan. Our guest speakers will include staff members Tom Grossman, Kelli Simon, Sefanit Mekonnen and Beth Crouch. The retreat is free and a light breakfast and lunch will be provided. The Spanish language retreat, “Yo Haga Nuevas Todas las Coasas”, is set for Saturday, March 3rd, from 8 am—5 pm. A free-will offering will be accepted. Sign up for the Speakers will include Deacon Martin Armendariz and retreat after any Mass on Sunday March 3 and Sunday March 10, or call the parish office to put other Diocesan deacons. your name on the list to attend the Retreat! We hope you will come! Page 5 National Director of Apostleship of Prayer to lead Lenten Mission March 24-26 Fr. James Kubicki, National Director of the Apostleship of Prayer, will be our Lenten Mission week speaker the days of March 24-26, 2012 as Mary Immaculate Parish kicks off its annual Lenten Mission Week. The week will begin with Father Kubicki concelebrating all English Masses the weekend of the March 24th and 25th, and he will present talks on Monday March 26th and Tuesday March 27th evening beginning at 7 p.m. in the Church. Father Kubicki will work within our Lenten Theme begun at the Parish retreat on March 17, with Behold, I Make All Things New! Father Kubicki is a Jesuit priest who is nationally known through his appearances on EWTN, Relevant Radio and Ave Maria Radio throughout the nation. You can hear him give the Holy Father’s prayer intentions on national radio each week. His website lists the Holy Father’s prayer intentions as well as providing numerous prayer resources for Catholics everywhere. Find more about Kubicki at has arrived! What is flockNote? flockNote is a communication and registration tool made specifically for Catholic parishes, dioceses and organizations. Mary Immaculate ministry leaders can now post information in one place and have it sent out via email, text message, phone call, Facebook, Twitter and more. One of the biggest perks of this system is that it will empower you, our parishioners, to get personally plugged in and choose precisely when and how you’d like to receive information. So what should I do as a parishioner? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Go to and click on REGISTER to create an account. AFTER you have created an account, SEARCH for the Mary Immaculate Catholic Church Network. Click on Mary Immaculate Catholic Church. Click on JOIN THIS NETWORK. Complete your profile. Click on SUBSCRIPTION SETTINGS. This is where you select how you want to receive flockNotes from the Network Master List, by email, text message and how often you want to receive the notes. 7) From the Mary Immaculate Catholic Church Network page, review all of the different Mary Immaculate ministry lists from which to choose. 8) SUBSCRIBE to those lists where you already serve or want to receive information regarding those ministries. When you subscribe to each list, you select SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS to select how you want to receive the flockNotes that will be sent by each particular List Owner. 9) Contact the ministry leader or the church office if you are unsure of which lists to subscribe, or if you want more information regarding that ministry. flockNote Vocabulary: Account—You need to set up an account to be able to subscribe to different lists. Network—Mary Immaculate Catholic Church is just one of many Networks within the flockNote system. List—On the Mary Immaculate Catholic Church Network page, you will see the lists, which are the different ministries affiliated with Mary Immaculate. Subscription —The method by which you choose from which lists you want to receive information. Page 6 Mary Immaculate is Blessed with Generous Parishioners! If you’ve been around the church campus, perhaps walking to or from the school to the church, you may have heard the new “bells” music coming from the bell tower. In December of last year the church’s prayers to repair the bell system were answered by a generous donor. In a passing conversation the donor had with Fr. Michael, the need to have the church bells repaired or replaced was mentioned. So their Christmas gift to the church was the funds to repair the bell system. The gift was so great that we have been able to repair the old bell system and to have as a back-up, and also to purchase the new system that you hear during the weekdays playing the spiritual melodies that our entire community enjoys! The system actually digitally reproduces the sound of cast bronze bells! The anonymous donor mentioned in his letter “...My mother, who passed away in June of 2010, always enjoyed hearing the bells as we entered church each Saturday evening. As her birthday was just last week I thought this would be a wonderful gift in her memory. We continue to love the people and liturgies of Mary Immaculate.” Another item that has recently been gifted to the parish is the Marian “Madonna in Prayer” oil canvas replica, which will be installed and blessed by Fr. Michael on Monday, March 26th at 1:30 pm. This date has been especially chosen as it is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord to Our Lady. This donor who also wishes to remain anonymous, has thought for some time that the church office reception area should display a representation of our Blessed Mother, since our parish is named after her. This beautiful art piece will surely be an inspiration for prayer to all who walk past the office! The original 17th century piece was painted by artist Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferatto. It’s been written that the artist places emphasis on the softly modeled draperies, the white veil and brilliant blue cloak, painted in ultramarine. The face remains largely in shadow, the eyes downcast, and has the effect of highlighting the hands joined in prayer. We praise you, Father of all. We thank you for calling us to be your people, and for choosing us to give you glory. In a special way we thank you for all Mary Immaculate parishioners. Cleanse our hearts and our lives with your holy word and make our prayer pleasing to you. Guide us by your Spirit as we follow in the paths of Jesus All glory and praise are yours Father, Forever and ever, Amen! Page 7 Auction Recap Raffle Winners: 1st prize—$10,000 in Gift Cards—Kristen Brandt 2nd prize—$3,000 in Gift Cards—Marissa Tomlinson 3rd prize—$2,000 in Gift Cards—Lou Masferer Congratulations Winners! Auction Numbers: Congratulations Attendees: 477 Auction & Raffle Net profit: $125,000 and still counting!! Mary Immaculate School on another successful Auction year!! Page 8 Calendar of Events Father of all mercy, We thank you for this season of grace and light. We know that sin has blinded us. Draw us ever closer to you, in prayer & penance. Since you, O God, are light itself, Give all your people a clearer understanding Of what is sin, & what is virtue. Grant in particular that we may see, as never before, The profound dignity of every human life, Including the vulnerable unborn children. Give us grace to defend our brothers & sisters in the womb By our prayers, our words, & our selfsacrificing actions. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. March 3 Spanish Retreat— “Yo Haga Nuevas Todas las Cosas” March 4—5 Living your Marriage as a Sacrament Workshop—6 pm in Church Conference Room March 5 Prayer & Life Workshop—1st of 14—6—8 pm in School Room 8B March 6 English Baptism Class—7 pm in the School Library March 7 1st Year Confirmation students MI Night—The Secret of Happiness (Service projects due) March 13 Adult Confirmation Class—7—9 pm, Church Conference Room March 17 English Retreat—”Behold, I Make all Things New” March 20 Adult Confirmation Class - 7—9 pm, Church Conference Room March 21 1st Year Confirmation students MI Night—In Service of Others March 25 Blood Drive March 26 Lenten Mission Talk —Fr. Kubicki— 7 pm in the Church March 26 Blessing of new Marian art piece—Church Office 1:30 pm March 27 Lenten Mission Talk—Fr. Kubicki—7 pm in the Church March 28 Parish Reconciliation Service—7 pm in the Church March 28 2nd Year Confirmation student MI Night Sword of the Spirit April 1 Palm Sunday April 5 Holy Thursday—Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper—7 pm April 6 Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross 12 noon & 5:30 pm English, 7:30 pm Spanish April 7 Holy Saturday—Bilingual Easter Vigil Mass April 8 Easter Sunday Mary Immaculate 2800 Valwood Pkwy Farmers Branch 75234 972-243-7104
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