In This Issue - Magnolia Messenger
In This Issue - Magnolia Messenger
MAGNOLIA MESSENGER JULY/AUG., 2005 -- VOLUME 27; NUMBER 3 MAGNOLIA MESSENGER 27th "Let us consider one another to provoke unto LOVE and GOOD Works." (Hebrews 10:24) Not Just An Ordinary Old Store Front See What's Inside (Page 19) MM Readers Ask Can one who has received denominational baptism “place membership” and be accepted by a church of Christ? (D.N. and R.K.) What should we do with one who comes from a denomination and says she has been baptized for remission of sins? Can we accept her in membership or should she be baptized again? (W.W.) Cecil May Responds (Turn to Page 3) P. O. Box 1578 Kosciusko, MS 39090 Our In This Issue Six Billion People to Die this Century ---- (Page 2) Worship & Church Growth --- (Page 4) "Just A Christian" --- (Page 4) Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader --- (Page 5) The Church at Antioch --- (Page 6) Retirement Reception for Paul Sparks (Page 6) MBC Accreditation Reaffirmed --- (Page 7) Fall Schedule at MBC --- (Page 7) Fun... FUN ...Fun --- (Page 9) Central Mississippi Lectures --- (Page 10) Mississippi Flood Relief --- (Page 11) The Hill of Three Crosses --- (Page 12) God's Role for Men and Women --- (Page 13) Churches Seeking Preachers --- (Page 14) TZ 2000: Hattiesburg Mission --- (Page 16) Reaching the Lost: Columbus Mission --- (Page 16) A Changing World; An Unchanging Gospel (Page 17) "Hard QB": 488 Readers Sent in Answers (Page 18) South Mississippi: Booneville Mission Area (Page 19) Year 662-289-3559 (H/O) 601-668-3344 (cell) Fear Not to answer "The Question Box" Subject: Fear "Easier", this time! Guaranteed! 7th Annual LA MM RV Rally (Zwolle, LA) October 19-23, 2005 Details on Page 12 "Mississippi's GOOD NEWS Newspaper" -- Serving Mississippi, Louisiana and Adjoining States Non-Profit Organization Permit #143 Postage Paid Kosciusko, MS 39090 Thanks for Receiving and Reading the "Magnolia Messenger". Published By Magnolia Messenger Church of Christ P. O. Box 1578 Kosciusko, MS 39090 Change Service Requested People are Funny They Want the front of the bus; the middle of the road; and the back of the church! Editor says: "Read somewhere, copied" 30th Annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship October 16-20, 2005 The Gospel of Belief: JOHN Getwell Church of Christ 1511 Getwell Road Memphis, Tennessee 38111 (901) 743-0464; Fax 901-743-2197 Mansion Made by Man No Comparison to the Mansion Being Prepared by Jesus (See Page 2) Fulton Bible Institute Begins August 30 FIRST COURSE Clap As They Go By The Distinctive Nature of the Church (Page 6) The Fulton Church of Christ is starting a school called Fulton Bible Institute. The first class is scheduled for Tuesday, August 30, at 7:00 p.m. at the Fulton church building. The school will offer one course this fall called “The Distinctive Nature of the Church.” It’s a twelve-week study that will meet one night each week for about an hour and a half to two hours. Bible courses are offered through the curriculum of Sunset International Bible Institute in Lubbock, Texas. Fulton Bible Institute will provide fundamental Bible instruction. Their motto is “Going Forward by Going Back to the Bible.” For more information you may contact, Russ Crosswhite at the Fulton Church of Christ in Fulton, Mississippi. Telephone: (662) 862-4549. E-mail: MM Circulation 25,000 Thank you. Thank the Lord! Now, He Has It! (although it's not much!) Sample of News Notes (Look for other notes as you read!) VICKSBURG The I-20 Church of Christ in Vicksburg scheduled a Gospel Meeting August 7-10, 2005, with Leon Barnes from North Little Rock, AR as the guest speaker. Evening services are at 6:30 PM on Sunday evening and at 7:00 PM Monday through Wednesday. Paul Walden presently preaches for the Vicksburg congregation. NEW ALBANY An “All Day Service” was held on July 31, 2005 at the New Albany Church with Keith Mosher, Sr. from Walls, Mississippi, doing the preaching. In addition to their regular morning services, they enjoyed lunch together, then an afternoon service followed by an "Area-Wide Singing" at 2:00 P.M. Johnny Burkhart serves as preacher for the New Albany congregation. BATON ROUGE The Capital City Church of Christ in Baton Rouge has a new minister. His name is Chad Martin. Eddie Boggess was the former preacher. Later, He Lost the Little He Had (see Page 19) TUPELO There is scheduled to be a Youth Rally at the Gloster Street Church of Christ on August 20, 2005. Chad Ramsey is the local minister. "Put them in mind... to be ready unto every GOOD work." (Titus 3:1) Page 2 July/Aug., 05 Magnolia Messenger Readers' Response (Comments & Suggestions Invited; Criticisms Considered) I receive the Magnolia Messenger and really enjoy the true teaching of the Word of God from your paper. I wish there were so many others who could receive it beside the ones who already do. I was so amazed of all the ones who sent in Bible question answers. I thank you so much for the paper. I love your paper, but I can’t afford to send a gift right now. I am a member of the Elysian Field Avenue Church of Christ. The minister is Errol Reid. I am proud to be a Christian and I enjoy reading your paper and filling out the Question Box. I will send a donation when I am able. I am on a fixed income and bills are hard to meet... I pray God will continue to send a blessing upon the spreading of the gospel paper and your good work. God be with you always. (Dorothy Terrell Jackson, New Orleans, LA) Editor's Note: The above response helps to explain why "no charge" is made for the MM. We continue to thank the Good Lord for our faithful supporters and our regular readers. (alf) Dear Christians at M/M, I can’t say enough of good things about M/M. I can’t wait to get it every time. I read and then try to pass it on. I know it is discouraging to get Negativeism, they are the losers. Keep up the good work. In Christian Love, Linda Paden. Brother Al, I saw a copy of your magazine at my parent’s house when I was visiting the other day and was very impressed. I was especially impressed with the item titled ”Folks Who Outgrow The Church”. Please send the magazine to: Richard Paylor, West Monroe, LA 71291 I look forward to receiving it. We have enjoyed reading your magazine, through our preacher and his wife, Charles and Joan Rye. They are former sojourners and have recently started serving with us at our small country church -- Bald Hill Church of Christ. Please send your wonderful magazine and also send it to my son... Thank you for your good work in helping spread the gospel. (Melvin & Kay Linton, Lufkin, Texas) I just want to say how much we appreciate and enjoy reading all that’s in there. I like to read the questions and answers. There is just so much good in there. God bless you for what you all do to spread the good news. In Christian love, (Billy & Mary Vickers, Ambrose, GA) I enjoy reading the Magnolia Messenger very much. God bless you in this great work for the Lord. Would you please send my brother a copy? (Ms Maggie N. Fain, Ocean Springs, MS) ... Appreciate the Magnolia Messenger. Always look forward to the news in Mississippi. Of course, appreciate June's write-up on Charles Curtis’ retirement... (Virginia & Lavon Henley, Daphne, AL) Magnolia Messenger 6,000,000,000 (Six Billion People) Destined to Die In This Century That's everyone* of us! When the year 2000 A.D. had its beginning (four and 1/2 years ago), over six billion people were living on planet earth. Now, I realize that my next statement is not going to surprise you. By the end of this century, all 6,000,000,000 will be dead. Not surprised. I understand; however, do you not agree, it's serious? May we be made to think soberly. In reality, it won't make that much difference how the following questions may be answered: "When?" "How?" "Why?" Or, "How Old?" What does make a difference is preparation. "Was he/ she ready?" That's what really matters! Are you ready/prepared? Are you a Christian? Are you a faithful Christian? Remember: "It is appointed unto man once to die." (Heb. 9:27) Unless Jesus comes first, you will be among the six billion to die in this century. So will I. (alf) (*There may be a few exceptions where folks live more than 100 years.) Church of Christ - Kosciusko More Reader Response Published every two months (as funds and time permit). Mailed without charge to all who ask to receive it and to others for whom it is requested. Contributions from churches and individuals make possible the circulation of approximately 25,000 copies of each issue of the "Magnolia Messenger". Your help is requested, needed and appreciated! Supported By Contributions A. L. Franks, Editor Paul Franks, On Line Editor; www Cecil May, Jr., Bible Questions Answered June & Glenda Franks, Special Assistants Telephone Numbers Office/Residence (662) 289-3559 Cell Phone (601) 668-3344 Oregon & Flordia EXAMPLE: A call received July 28 from Junction City, Oregon. MM reader Joel Brown called, informing us of the death of his sister, Eunice Jane Willett, who lived in Miami, Flordia. Brother Brown stated that his sister "really loved it [the MM]". He also expressed his and his wife's appreciation for the "Messenger". Our sympathy to the Browns in their loss. May God bless. Thanks for reading the MM. E-Mail: Mansion Built By Man (c1856) Not to be Compared to the Place Being Prepared by our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions [abiding places]; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:1,2) Our Eternal Home No picture available. BIBLICAL DESCRIPTION: Holy City. The "New Jerusalem". Lighted with the glory of God -- like unto a stone most precious -- clear as crystal. The lamp is the Lamb. No more night! Wall of jasper; great and high. Foundations adorned with all manner of precious stones. Gates of pearls. City is pure gold; street is pure gold, as it were transparent glass. A river in which flows the water of life. And a tree of life, bearing twelve manner of fruits. Even more exciting: God shall dwell with his people... wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death shall be no more. No mourning, no crying, no pain. Not any more! Forever. Eternal. "These words are true and faithful." (See Revelation 21 and 22) I want to go to Heaven. I want you to go to Heaven. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father except by me." (John 14:6) Are you ready? Are you a Christian? Are you Faithful? We Wondered... But, Why? "O WE of little faith!" Mailing Address: Magnolia Messenger P. O. Box 1578 Kosciusko, MS 39090 Editor's Note: The mention of a person or church in the Messenger does NOT necessarily mean that we either endorse or approve all the person or church may believe, teach or do. We do not (can not) have full knowledge of every person or church mentioned in the ‘MM; furthermore, we do not believe our role before God to be that of a judge. We pray, however, that we will never lend encouragement to anyone or anything in conflict with, or not in harmony with that which is plainly taught In Scripture. Your comments invited and encouraged. (A. L. Franks, Editor) An Earthly Home in Natchez, Mississippi Editor A. L. Franks We confess. As the appointed time to publish this issue of the MM drew nearer, we began to wonder. Will we be able? Will we have the money? Funds were not presently available. In our weakness, we wondered. But, now we ask, "Why?" Once again, the Lord has provided. Regular supporters continue to give. "Dependable" is the word. "Faithful" describes the response of many congregations and scores of individuals. Bank drafts are being honored each month. One from a church that gives $300.00. Another from a car dealer who con- tributes $100.00. We can always count on a certain widow's draft for $10.00. Some special contributions have recently come. A church sent $1,200.00. Another sent $600.00. A couple sent $75.00. A reader included $1.00 with her answers to "The Question Box". So once again, we are enabled to publish -- to pay nearly $5,000.00 for the printing of this issue and another $4,000.00 to mail all of the nearly 25,000 copies. Thanks to our good Lord and our faithful supporters... Why did we wonder? Lord, strengthen our faith! (Al & June Franks) Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 ’ Bible Questions Answered By Cecil May, Jr. QUESTION NUMBER 1: What should we do with one who comes from a denomination and says she has been baptized for remission of sins? Can we accept her in membership or should she be baptized again? (W.W.) NUMBER 2: Can one who has received denominational baptism “place membership” and be accepted by a church of Christ? (D.N. and R.K.) Responder's Note: These two questions are not the same. It is important to differentiate between the situations these questions pose. Response To Question Number 1: The accounts of conversion in Acts are our pattern. I often say in preaching them, “If you hear what they heard and do what they did, you will get what they got and become what they became.” When people believe the gospel, repent and are baptized for the remission of sins, they are saved. At that point they are added by the Lord to the church He promised to build (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:47; 5:11), the kingdom over which He reigns (Colossians 1:13). The Lord does the adding. We are not called to vote on it. Some Principles to Consider 1) In things related to salvation, the Bible is clear and can be understood by an ordinary reader. As part of our “back to the Bible” plea, we frequently make that point: “Be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11).” “Regardless of what your preacher, parents or others may tell you, search the Scriptures for yourselves. Believe and do what you learn there.” “The Bible only makes Christians only.” “One cannot be taught wrong and baptized right,” is a true statement, but a person can be exposed to erroneous teaching about baptism and other subjects and still learn and practice the truth by his or her own personal study. I have known some who have done that. 2) It is not possible to know what a person believes simply on the basis of what the church he is a member of teaches. That is even true among us. Just because a person is a member of, or even a preacher for, a church of Christ, it is no longer possible, if it ever was, to say with certainty what he believes about anything in particular. So even though it is correctly said that a particular church which immerses for baptism teaches that one is saved before and without baptism, it does not necessarily follow that every member of that church believes that. Traditional practice in many such churches is for the candidate for baptism to confess, “I believe that God for Christ’s sake has forgiven me of my sins.” But every person baptized in those churches has not been asked to make that confession, and some who were asked to do so have declined, confessing instead that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. There are people who are members of groups that usually sprinkle instead of immerse who, because of their own study of the Bible, have been immersed. Some have done so with proper biblical faith and understanding, gleaned from their own study of the Scriptures. 3) The validity of baptism is not determined by the faith of the baptizer but by the faith and understanding of the one being baptized. It would be impossible for any of us to have confidence that we were baptized scripturally if it depended on the faith or sincerity of the person baptizing us. We are not equipped to read minds or hearts. Some think they have “proven” to people who thought they were baptized for remission of sins that they really were not by calling the preacher that baptized them and asking him. However, it is not the intention of the baptizer that matters, but the faith and intention of the person being baptized. 4) Baptism into Christ, into His body, does not require being baptized in association with a particular congregation. The treasurer of the African Queen Candace was baptized by Philip as the treasurer rode from Jerusalem back toward his home in Ethiopia. Philip began his teaching with the prophecy of the suffering servant of God who “bore the sins of many and makes intercession for the transgressors” (Isaiah 53). From that passage he preached the gospel of the crucified and risen Lord. The Ethio- Cecil May, Jr. pian believed the gospel, was baptized and went on his way redeemed and rejoicing. Philip departed in another direction (Acts 8:26-40). The Lord added the treasurer to His church. There was, however, no local church where he was or where he was going. We have no way of knowing what the treasurer did with his newly found truth when he got back home in Ethiopia. We do not know what else Philip had time and opportunity to teach him or whether he ever saw another Christian. But we do know that he believed the gospel, was baptized and was added by the Lord to the company of the redeemed. 5) The only way we can know whether anyone has been baptized with biblical understanding is by what he or she tells us. Even if someone is baptized in an environment with which we are familiar, and by a preacher we know preaches the biblical understanding of baptism, the person being baptized could have some other motive entirely. One man told his wife in my presence, “The only reason I was baptized was to get you and the preacher off my back.” There is no reason not to trust what we are told. We must, because we have no other way of knowing. There are people who do not understand the expression “baptized for remission of sins.” Some have said they were baptized for remission of sins but also stated that they thought they were saved at one point and baptized later. Obviously they did not understand the phrase biblically. If a person from a milieu in which the opposite is usually taught says she was baptized for remission of sins, we may need to help her be certain she understands what that should mean. Page 3 A recommended practice, when beginning a study, is to ask, “Are you a Christian?” If they say, “Yes,” ask them to tell about their conversion. If they thought they were saved before baptism, it will be revealed in that conversation. Note can be made of that and they can be reminded of it if, after further study, they then understand that the Bible puts baptism before salvation and try to extrapolate that back to their conversion. Once they see from the Bible that baptism precedes salvation, if they are on record that they were baptized with a different understanding, it usually flows naturally for them to request to be baptized biblically. In answer to the current question however, if the person clearly understands what he or she is claiming to have done, we have no right to say, “No, I will not accept that you have done that.” Response to Question Number Two If by “denominational baptism” is meant baptism for the purpose of joining a denomination, or baptism in accordance with erroneous teaching, the answer is “No.” Biblical baptism is a burial; it is not sprinkling or pouring (Acts 8:38-39; Colossians 2:12). It is preceded by faith (Acts 8:37 KJV; Mark 16:16); so an infant or anyone coerced into baptism has not been scripturally baptized. Biblical baptism is motivated by faith, and it is also the act by which faith is completed (compare James 2:22). God’s promised blessings are usually conditioned on obedience to a commandment that does not logically relate to the promise. Examples: marching around the walls of Jericho to conquer that city (Hebrews 11:30); washing in the pool of Siloam to be cured of blindness (John 9:7); dipping in the Jordan river to be cleansed of leprosy (2 Kings 5:10); leaving home and family to be blessed and to be a blessing (Genesis 12:14; Hebrews 11:8). The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is filled with such examples. In every instance people received blessings “by faith” when they obeyed. The basis and power of our salvation is what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross of Calvary. Being baptized is the act of faith by which we appropriate what Jesus did on the cross. The Bible on Baptism “Baptism... now saves you.. . through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21). Baptism is “into Christ” (Galatians 3:27). There are no spiritual blessings outside of Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Ananias, sent by Christ, commanded Saul, “Be baptized and wash away your sins” (Acts 22:16). Baptism is “for the forgiveness of your sins” and to “receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). At baptism we are “baptized into (Christ’s) death” and “raised from the dead by the glory of the Father (that) we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4). When we “obey from the heart” the “form,” “pattern” or “type” (Greek, tupos) of the gospel, we are “set free from sin” (Romans 6:17). The gospel is the good news “that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). We obey the gospel when we are buried with Christ by baptism into his death and are raised from the dead by the glory of the Father that we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4). Jesus said, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16). That is entirely different, even exactly opposite as far as baptism and salvation are concerned, of “Whoever believes is saved, and then will be baptized.” All of that leads me to conclude that a person who is baptized maintaining that baptism has nothing to do with salvation has not submitted to biblical baptism. To say one is saved before and without baptism is to deny every biblically stated purpose for baptism. Invitation To readers who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and who are attempting to turn their lives away from sin, I urge, as did the Christ-sent messenger to Saul, who was in that same mental and spiritual condition, “And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name” (Acts 22:16). CM YOUR QUESTIONS INVITED Cecil May Jr., Dean College of Biblical Studies Faulkner University 5345 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, AL 36109 334/386-7154 Magnolia Messenger Page 4 Bulletin Selections July/Aug., 05 Articles on this page are selected from church bulletins/papers and are considered worthy of wider circulation. Editor's Note: We are blessed to regularly receive scores of church bulletins from churches of Christ throughout Mississippi and nearby states. For the diligent efforts that go into each publication, we thank God. We are pleased to reprint in the MM a select few of the many meaningful messages found in recent bulletins. Brethren, keep up the good work! (alf) Worship & Church Growth - Steve Reeves In his excellent book, More Than A Feeling - Worship That Pleases God, Jimmy Jividen notes that “Church growth is an excuse some give for adding unscriptural innovations to the worship of the church. There is a whole body of literature promoting church growth by secular means.” Every child of God should be interested in the growth of the church. Jesus’ great commission given to the apostles was to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned" (Mk. 16:15-16). While such growth is essential it is also true that we must not compromise clear Biblical instruction in an attempt to achieve it. In an effort to “connect” with those in the world more and more churches have a l l o w e d pragmatism to dictate their actions rather than the clear instruction of scripture. When this happens the door is wide open for the introduction of anything that might draw a crowd. This is why, in many churches across the land, worship services have become “holy entertainment.” The proliferation of soloists, praise teams, bands, drama, and other innovations have turned worship into a consumerdriven forum rather than an encounter with the living God. In the attempt to make services more “user-friendly” and contemporary it concerns me greatly that some much needed qualities are being lost. The spirit of reverence that causes us to humble ourselves before God as Moses did when ne approached the burning bush (Ex. 3:5). The sense of wonder possessed by Isaiah when he saw the Lord, “high and exalted” in the temple (Isa. 6:1). The realization of our sinfulness and need for salvation (Isa. 6:5). Our society views worship as an event rather than an experience; it is where we “go” rather than what we “do.” Such a mindset is contrary to the very meaning of the word “worship". In the New Testament there were two words translated, “worship,” The first, proskuneo is found 59 times and means, “to prostrate oneself before another.” The second, latreuo means “to serve”. Jesus used both words in Mt. 4:10 when he said, “You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.” What has happened to our sense of commitment and dedication? Why is it that we can have 750 -800 in a crowd on Sunday morning and less than half that number back on Sunday or W e d n e s d a y nights? Frankly, we’ve done a good job of attracting a crowd but a poor job of making true disciples. Such is the case in many c h u r c h e s throughout the land, The way to better worship is not through human innovation and the introduction of unscriptural practices. Better worship is not the result of “tweaking and tampering” with the service from week to week. Simply put -- our worship will be better when we as the people of God are better; when our hearts are truly convicted about the God we serve and our souls are fueled with passion for the Lord. In 1 Corinthians 11 the apostle Paul addressed abuses in worship -- particularly the Lord’s supper. His means of doing so was not to change up the format or introduce some radical style. Rather, in the remaining chapters of that book he sought to remind people of the true spiritual foundations of worship and service to the Lord, As we seek to please God through our worship, may we begin by seeking His forgiveness for our sins and renewing our commitment and dedication to His Word and His cause. (Steve Reeves preaches for the Goodman Oaks congregation in Southaven, Mississippi. His address: 1700 Goodman Road; Southaven, MS 38671; Church Bulletins Requested Just A Christian! Needed Reminders Some Things the Church is Not - Paul Sparks The Church is NOT In the Money Making Business. Some churches hold huge savings accounts, drawing interest, hoarding funds, while people all over the earth are dying lost without the gospel. It is NOT the Business of the Church To Provide Secular Education. Secular schools are businesses and do not belong in the church budget. For some years now some have dug into the treasuries of the church for their support. Jesus Christ did not die to provide chemistry labs, tennis courts, and computers or to make secular “scholars”. Schools CAN be helpful to the cause of Christ, but they can be harmful also. In fact, many of the schools that were established by brethren many years ago have become a liability to the Lord’s church, instead of an asset. The church is NOT simply a "feel good society" Designed to draw huge numbers. Numbers are important, but simply drawing numbers does not necessarily mean that a church is faithful to the Word. The church must work to please God, not man. Some have perverted the gospel by seeking to do things without Bible authority and then asking, “What’s wrong with it?” We must have authority for the work of the church even as we must have authority for worship, the plan of salvation, organization and terms of entrance into the church. People who are calling for change ignore the fact that Jesus said, “I will build MY church...." (Matthew 16:18) Furthermore, He said, “My kingdom is not of THIS world.” (emphasis mine, DPS) We must completely give up the concept that just anything will be OK if we are just sincere. Remember, we can and probably have been, sincerely wrong in many of our endeavors in this life. (Paul Sparks is the long time preacher for the church in Indianola, MS. He plans to retire from fulltime service within the next few months. His address: 603 E Percy Street; Indianola, MS 38751-2547.) Jesus established His church in the first century. Its beginning was on the Day of Pentecost when Peter preached and God added to Christ’s church about 3,000 souls. These people were later called "Christians". Churches were started all over the known world. These churches all taught that faith in Jesus was the only way to have eternal life. On Pentecost, those who were convicted of their sins repented and were baptized for the remission of their sins. (Acts 2:38) In every account of conversion, related in the book of Acts, you see the same thing taught. When a person does this today, the Lord adds him to His church. There are many Biblical expressions used to identify the church that Jesus built. Our sign, in front of the building [Lake Charles, LA], uses one of those expressions -- "Church of Christ". This name is descriptive; it tells the world who meets in this building. When I talk to people about faith, I often use the phrase, "I am just a Christian." I try to stay away from phrases like, "I am Church of Christ" or "I am a Church of Christ Christian." It is sometimes hard to do that. Some other phrases that I grew up hearing were: "The Bible is our only creed." "Let us speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent." "In matters of faith -- unity; in matters of opinion -- liberty; and in all things, love." The scriptural basis for all these phrases was, and still is, a plea for Christian unity. I am thankful to be just a Christian. I am thankful to God for adding me to His church. The importance of love and unity is clearly seen when we remember the words of Jesus who said, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35) And, in his final hours, Jesus prayed that all believers would be one -- that the world may believe that God had sent Him into this world. (John 17:21) Paul Franks (our eldest son) preaches for the Boulevard congregation in Lake Charles, Louisiana. His address: 2808 Enterprise Boulevard Lake Charles, LA 70601. E-mail: The Joy of Soul Winning Wayne Burger Every Christian ought to bring souls to Christ simply because God wants us to do that. But, like all the commands of God, there are many “side benefits”. Christians should be “Soul Winners” for the joy it brings. 1. It brings joy to the one saved. When the nobleman from Ethiopia was baptized into Christ the text says, “he went on his way rejoicing.” (Acts 8:39.) 2. It brings joy to heaven. Jesus said,“likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repents.” (Luke 15:7.) Every soul saved proves that the death of Christ was not in vain. 3. It brings joy to the one who had a part in the conversion. There is joy to the mother and father who have produced a physical baby. In an even greater sense there is joy in the life of the one who has part in another’s spiritual birth. This joy continues for a lifetime and is far reaching. Recently, I had the joy of finding out that a man I taught over twenty years ago is now serving as an elder in the Lord’s church. That brings me joy. If you haven’t experienced this joy, let me urge you to become a soul winner. The joy that it brings to your life will be a tremendous by-product. The joy it brings will rate right along with the joy you had when you were baptized into Christ. Taken from "Old Paths", published in Amarillo, Texas (Dalton Key, editor). Article was written by Wayne Burger Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Joshua 1: 1-9 The book of Joshua is not intended to be a continuation of the history of Israel from the death of Moses to the death of Joshua. Nor is it simply the “Acts of Joshua.” The real purpose of this book is to show how God faithfully fulfilled His promise to Abraham (Genesis 15:18). This book shows us the entrance of God’s faithful people into the blessings of His promise. They are receiving the land that He had promised them-their rest (Hebrews 4). Joshua is 85 years old when he receives command of the nation of Israel. At the end of the book he is 110 years old (24:29). So the book covers a period of 25 years as Israel conquers the inhabitants of the land and possesses it for themselves. The first 12 chapters describe their entrance into the land and the battles which Joshua and Israel fought to conquer the land. The last 12 chapters describe his efforts to see God’s people comfortably settled in their new homes and the establishment of God’s covenant in the land. The work of Joshua was terribly severe and led him from one battle to another as he led the forces of God to conquer the land. “And he captured it and its king and all its cities and they struck them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed every person who was in it. He left no survivor, just as he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir, and its king, as he had also done to Libnah and its king” (10:39). As you can see this was a campaign of extermination. Over the centuries many have questioned why God would lead his chosen people to such bloody battles. Many have expressed that the God of the Old Testament must have been different from the God of the New Testament. In the New Testament we see love, mercy, and forgiveness from God to all people. I want to emphasize to find fault with the campaign of Joshua is to find fault with God Himself. Joshua is simply acting on God’s command (Deuteronomy 20: 10, 11). God did offer peace to those that would take it, but the people of Canaan would not accept the offer. The conquest, represented in this book, is an act of righteous judgment by God on these people for their abominations, idolatrous rites and practices, and their moral Eddie Lewis degeneracy. To me it shows the great severity of God’s judgment on sin and what the sinner needs to be aware of as he faces the final judgment. Israel in the wilderness had learned the strict difference between right and wrong -- good and evil. They hated sin and this was a holy war to them with God on their side. God had never left his people without proper leadership. After the death of Moses God rose up Joshua to be His captain. Moses is called the “servant of Jehovah” (1:1). That means that he faithfully proclaimed God’s word to the people. Joshua is called “Moses’ servant.” That means that he assisted him in the work of God. Now that the leader was dead, Joshua had to step into the work he was prepared to do. We see four characteristics that qualified him as a spiritual leader for Israel and are qualities needed by leaders today. 1. He was a man of courage (1:6). The hard part was ahead for Joshua and Israel -- conquering the land (1:5). God promised Joshua that no one would be able to stand against him, “I will not leave you or forsake you.” God told Joshua to go to war. He must lead them into enemy territory. Courage was needed by Joshua and the people of Israel. This is the only way to possess the land. It takes courage to face troubles and problems and deal with them, but like Joshua we must understand that the source of our courage is God. 2. He was a man of obedience (1:7). God promises Joshua that he would succeed and prosper if he would obey. Moses had told Joshua to be firm and strong (Deuteronomy 31 :6), to rely on God (Deuteronomy 31 :7, 23), to divide the land right for an inheritance (Deuteronomy 1:38, 3:28), and to observe the Law (Deuteronomy 5:29;28:14). If he did these things God would be with him and Israel. This is a great lesson for us. Our leaders must show us an example of obedience in their lives. If we obey, God promises to abide with us. 3. He was a man of the book (1:8). What does this statement mean, “The Word is not to depart from your mouth?” God did not want Joshua to use the Word of God to speculate on some theory, but use it to guide his daily walk. Joshua was to be so familiar with the Word that his speech was to be flavored by the Word of God. He was to know the meaning of the Word of God and daily apply it to his life. Even though he was a military leader, he was to be so familiar with the Word of God that he could talk to the religious leaders about God’s will. He was to govern the nation of Israel by the kind of government God would approve. Simply, scripture applies to all of life. A professor of biology told his class that he knew all the exact components of a seed that he held in his hand. He said he could make one that looked exactly like the real one, but if he planted the seed he made into the ground it would simply dissolve. He said the real seed contained the mysterious life principle called DNA that he could not make. The Bible looks like all other books. We may even write a book that sounds like the Bible, but there is a deep, mysterious difference. Man’s word will never produce what God’s word planted in good honest hearts can produce -- eternal life and eternal fruits. See LEADER on page 12 Caribbean Missions Forum November 11-12, 2005 Hosted by the Sylvan Hills Church of Christ 117 W. Maryland Ave. Sherwood, AR 72120 Cliff Ganus Jr. keynote speaker Theme, “To God be the Glory" Those interested in registering or in presenting a 10 minute presentation, submit request by October 15, 2005 to the above address, phone 501835-4141, or email web page, or . Page 5 Abraham "Friend of God" - Jimmy W. Cox The only person to have received this title. “And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ‘Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness,’ and he was called the friend of God.” (Jas. 2:23). Also 2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8). Let us note some of his qualities. –He believed God. Jas. 2:23; Heb. 11:8, 9, 17. Faith is required for salvation, but it is not the only requirement. A person can believe, and still be lost. “Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” (John 12:42, 43); (Jas. 2:17-26). –Obeyed God. When told to go to another country, he went (Heb. 11:8); When commanded to offer Isaac, he did (Heb. 11:17). We must obey to be saved. “Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” (Heb. 5:8, 9). More... News SOUTHAVEN The 13th Annual Power Lectureship is scheduled for July 31 - August 4, 2005 at the Southaven Church of Christ. The theme is “Why Should I Believe The Bible”? DEQUINCY Michael Potthoff is the new minister for the DeQuincy Church of Christ in DeQuincy, Louisiana. Michael and his wife, Ruth, moved to DeQuincy sometime in May. SOUTHAVEN The Goodman Oaks Church of Christ near Memphis has begun a new area of ministry. It is a deaf ministry. Kevin Crabtree is the deacon over this new ministry. Recently, a group from the Roebuck Parkway Church of Christ in Birmingham, AL came to assist Goodman Oaks in a door knocking campaign to introduce the church to the area deaf. On July 3rd Hal Suddreth was to hold their first deaf worship service. Plans are to establish a permanent deaf congregation. CORINTH One hundred twenty young people recently participated in a Regional Work Camp. They painted sixteen houses -- thirteen in Alcorn county and three in Prentiss County. Sixteen congregations were represented under the Regional Work Camp Banner. About sixty adults helped assist the youth in accomplishing the tasks. Terry Smith is the associate minister for the Foote Street Congregation in Corinth. –Feared God. “And He said, ‘Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” (Gen. 22:12). Man’s whole duty is to fear God and keep His commandments. (Eccl. 12:13). –Had a deep concern for the lost. (Gen. 18:16-33). Every Christian should feel a responsibility to the lost. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Rom. 1:16). –We also can be friends of God. “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.” (John 15:14). –You are either for God, or against Him. “No man can serve two masters . . . You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt. 6:24). Article by Jimmy Cox, a member of the church in Columbia, Mississippi. He can be reached at: Jimmy Cox 54 Cox Lane Sandy Hook, MS 39478-9435 Notes ...More QUITMAN Jesse Coats Died The Magnolia Messenger has been informed of the recent death of Jesse Chalmers Coats, Sr. of Quitman, Mississippi. Brother Coats died at his residence on June 29, 2005. His funeral service was conducted on July 2 by Richard Gooch, David Sargent and Lannis Lindsey. Brother Coats is survived by his wife Mary B. Coats, three sons, three brothers, eleven grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. He was an active member of the Quitman Church of Christ. We extend our deepest sympathy to the Coats’ family and to his church family at Quitman. PONTOTOC Sixteen teenagers and three adults from the Siwell Road Church of Christ in Jackson, Mississippi recently participated in various service projects with the Pontotoc church on Church Street. Their main goal was to host a Vacation Bible School. Attendance was reported to be good with around 115 attending on Monday through Wednesday evenings. The Youth Minister for the Siwell Road congregation is Scott Jefcoat. Thank You for your interest in Bible Study and for reading the MM Magnolia Messenger Page 6 The Church At Antioch A prayer for the South Huntington Street congregation in Kosciusko, Mississippi. 50 Years of Preaching That Calls For a Celebration! Retirement Reception Honoring Paul Sparks Saturday August 27, 2005 Registration 1:30 - 2:00 P.M. Program: 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. The church at Antioch has long been a model for church growth,and for good reason. We note these characteristics: 1. It was a changed church. At the preaching of the word, “people turned to the Lord” (Acts 11 :21). That means, among other things, a new value system, a new way of life, different priorities. 2. It was a teaching church. That is seen in 11 :26 and in 15:35. In the 15:35 verse, not only do we see Paul and Barnabas teaching and preaching, but “many others also.” 3. It was a giving church, If a church is to be classified as a teaching church,” then it necessarily follows that it will also be a “giving church.” You cannot be successful at teaching without giving of yourself. The Antioch church not only gave of themselves but they also gave of their means to help the poor (11 :27-29). 4. It was a fasting, praying, and sending church. That is seen in 13:1-3. One result is the missionary journeys of Paul. The church was led by men who wanted to do God’s will. They were open to His direction and guidance. It was while they were “ministering to the Lord and fasting” that the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I called them: (13:2). 5. It was a church of truth seekers. When men came to Antioch from Judea teaching the necessity of circumcision in order to be saved, “the brethren determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders concerning this issue” (15: 1,2). They were not “issue centered,” but when truth was at stake they were not afraid to tackle the issues. It is my prayer that these Biblical characteristics be descriptive of us as the Lord’s church in this place. (by Les Ferguson, Sr. -- taken from Kosciusko's church bulletin - 3-05) Clap As They Go By Garvis Semore Please Come To A Les Ferguson, Sr. July/Aug., 05 Indianola Church of Christ Indianola, Mississippi Attention: Wanted, Christian Pen-Pals Some interest has been shown in seeking others who may have a desire to correspond by letter and/or email with other faithful Christians. If you desire to have a Christian pen-pal, you may wish to write to one or more of the following persons. Sandra Abston 112 Bluebird Dr. Greenwood, MS 38930 Melissa Stewart 1416 North Park Ave. Greenwood, MS 38930 Michael Hony 32800 County Rd CR512 Lot 801 Greenwood, MS 38930 You CAN Answer The Question Box (See Page 20) Remember, Jesus said: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness...." (Matthew 6:33) Priestly Prayer Biblical & Beautiful Under the provisions of the New Covenant, all Christians are priests (study I Peter 2:5). And, among our priestly privileges is the daily opportunity to pray for one another (read James 5:16). May I ask, What could be more Biblical or beautiful than the earnest recitation of the God-given petition recorded in Numbers chapter six (verses 22-27)? Through Moses, God instructed Aaron and his sons, as priests, to pray for the people. "This is the way you should bless the children of Israel. Say to them... "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, And be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, And give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26 Have you ever found yourself wondering if you were doing enough for God? I vividly recall sermons and seminars where I was left with the feeling that everyone was doing more than me. To be sure, we need to be reminded of our personal responsibility to God. We need to be reminded that the Great Commission is given to every Christian, not just preachers. Every Christian must come to the realization that we live in a big world where many are lost. We do have a personal responsibility to God. Still, we aren’t all the same. We have different talents and abilities. We have different Garvis Semore, MBC President opportunities. Paul frequently compared the church to a body. In writing to the church at Corinth Paul would speak of hands and feet; or eyes and hearing or smelling. “But now are they many members, yet but one body” (1 Corinthians 12:20). As Paul continues, he begins to specify particular functions held by individuals in the early church. We are reminded yet again, “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular” (1 Corinthians 12:27). Paul’s point is clear. We don’t all do the same things, but we all have the same goals and we all work together as one body. Are you doing enough in the Kingdom? What you are able to do I might not ever accomplish. What I am able to accomplish might not be among your strengths. We don’t judge ourselves by what others have done or are doing. We judge ourselves in light of God’s Word and a thorough self-examination. Working together we accomplish God’s purpose on earth. “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6). For more than twenty years I have served as a local preacher for several congregations in Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky. I have watched as people of varying talents, means, and health have done what they could (you are reminded of the breaking of the alabaster box in Mark 14). Some received acclaim and recognition. Others quietly went about their tasks. Now my focus has changed. I’m no longer filling one local pulpit every week. I now serve as the president of a college that exists primarily to help train workers in the Kingdom. Even at Magnolia Bible College we have different roles and abilities. Some will receive acclaim and recognition. Others will quietly go about their tasks. Still others of you will quietly pray for our efforts at the Bible College and we may never know your names. Some will be in a position to help us in our efforts financially. We aren’t the same. We’re not even expected to accomplish the same things. Are you doing enough for God? We need not concern ourselves with what others are doing. We need only to concern ourselves with what God has blessed us with and how we are using those blessings. Will Rogers is given credit for saying, “We can’t all be heroes, because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.” We can’t all be a Paul. We can’t all be a Peter. We can’t all be preachers, elders, song leaders, or Bible class teachers. For those of us who can’t be those things, may we ever become a Barnabas and encourage others as they walk by. Garvis Semore P.O. Box 1109 Kosciusko, MS 39090 E-mail: Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 MBC News 1-800-748-8655 "Good to Go" Accreditation Reaffirmed! John Gardner An expression of rather recent origin (at least to this writer’s knowledge) is “good to go.” The words are used to sum up a sense of readiness and confidence about some future endeavor. One is “good to go” if certain preparations are completed and resources are on hand to help with what lies ahead. The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has once again put its stamp of approval on Magnolia Bible College as an institution of higher learning by reaffirming MBC’s regional accreditation at the Commission’s June meeting. As far as meeting the recognized standards of good practice in higher education is concerned, SACS said in effect that MBC is “good to go” for another ten years, at which time its reaffirmation will once more be considered. Needless to say, the administration, faculty, staff, students, and other interested Magnolia Bible College Memorials and Living Tributes The following is a list of those who recently made contributions to Magnolia Bible College in memory of, or in honor of, loved ones. The names of those so honored, and the names of the donors, will also be inscribed in a book in the library. The names in bold type are memorialized or honored. The names following are the donors. In Memory Of KATHRYN GAINES Betty S. Kellum BONNIE HADDOCK Mary Jane Haddock LESLIE W. DYCUS, JR. Barbara Dycus Robert and Lois Dycus Robert J. Delk Neil and Jill Ford Neil Ann Delk Dycus Grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan CLAUDIE H. WALTERS Jerry and Neeta Hart THOMAS “LARRY” PARKS Mary Jean Parks Bobby and Sandra Anderson Robert and Lois Dycus Gregory and Annie Grissom Dr. and Mrs. Jim Costello Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan DOUG WALTON Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Bennett, Jr. BILLIE FAY ROBY Lone Pine Church of Christ DORIS BISHOP Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Bogle MATTIE COFER Bobby and Lila Schmitz BOYD FLOYD Bettie Jo Hill BILL SWARTZEL DORIS BISHOP PHILLIP GAUNT Carroll and Amy Foote Thank You! Note: Gifts in memory or in honor which are sent to the Magnolia Bible College are listed above. Gifts to the Magnolia Messenger are handled separately from those given to MBC. (Please see page 11.) Thanks for including either or both MBC and the "MM" in your giving to the earthly work of the heavenly kingdom. Please Send MBC Memorials And/or Tributes To: Magnolia Bible College P.O. Box 1109 Kosciusko, MS 39090 Page 7 P. O. Box 1109 Kosciusko, MS 39090 parties are excited and grateful to God for His blessing. Regional accreditation through SACS means that Magnolia Bible College can continue to offer a bachelor’s degree in Bible that is recognized for its educational quality. Without accreditation by a Department of Education approved accrediting agency, MBC could not operate in Mississippi as a degree granting institution. Because of accreditation, courses taken at MBC are more easily transferred than would be possible otherwise if a student decides to complete his or her education at another institution. While Magnolia Bible College receives no federal monies, MBC students can apply for federal grants and loans to help them with” their educational expenses because of the college’s recognition by SACS. While accreditation is important, it is by no means all that it takes to make MBC “good to go” in achieving its mission of educating and training gospel preachers and other workers in the kingdom of God. Magnolia Bible College must have a dedicated administration, faculty, staff and student body to be ready for the challenge ahead. MBC must have generous financial support from many individuals and churches who want to see prepared workers filling valuable places in the kingdom. The college must have many who will speak up for her and point others to her as a good place to equip for ministry. Most of all, MBC must have God’s blessing to succeed. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain” (Psalm 127:1). With God’s blessing and the support of those just mentioned, Magnolia Bible College, which this year celebrates its 29th anniversary of service to the cause of Christ, will indeed be “good to go” for whatever future the Lord may choose to give her. [To those who have supported MBC in so many ways over the years, let me thank you and ask that you continue your support as you are able. JGJ] MBC Fall (2005) Schedule of Classes Registration -- Aug. 12 Classes Begin -- Aug. 15 (All are 3 hour courses unless otherwise noted.) Monday 8:/5 -11 :05 AM DOC 113 Teachings of Jesus DOC 233 Inspiration & Authority of Scripture 11:15 -11:50AM 1:00-3: 50 PM BL 213 Elementary Greek I PRE 153 Methods of Evangelism 4:00 -6: 50 PM CS 131 Introduction to Christian Service [1 hr.] MBC 102 My MBC (Freshmen Seminar) [2 hrs.] (Both CS 131 & MBC 102 must be taken together) 7:00-9:50PM CE 123 Educational Media Teclmiques SOC 113 Introduction to Sociology Instructor Smithson Hines Chapel Hines Ferguson Ferguson Staff O’Brien Staten Tuesday 8:15-11:05AM DOC 313 Religions in America OT 133 Survey of Old Testament Hines Nettle 11:15 -11:50AM Chapel 1:00-3: 50 PM CE 133 Adult Religious Education NT 353 Synoptic Gospels OT 453 Critical Introduction to Old Testament Gardner Hodge Hines 4:00 -6: 50 PM DOC 213 Case for Biblical Christianity ENG 113 English Composition I OT 413 Prophets of the Babylonian & Persian Periods Nettle McArthur Semore 7:00-9:50PM CE 413 Educational Psychology ENG 213 English Literature PRE 433 Principles of Church Growth Gardner McArthur Ferguson Wednesday 11:15-11:50 Chapel Thursday 5:00 -8: 50 PM SCI 114 Survey of Physical Science [4 hrs.] 6:00 -8: 50 PM CL 213 Computer Literacy I ENG 103 Development English Benson O'Brien McArthur EXTENSION CLASSES South Madison Church of Christ, 338 Lake Harbor Rd., Ridgeland, Mississippi Thursday: 6:00 -8:50 PM NT 233X Galatians, 1 & 2 Thess. OT 133X Survey of Old Testament Hodge Nettle TO BE ARRANGED CS 210 Christian Service I [O hrs) - Ferguson FW 311 Field Work I [I hr.] - Ferguson FW 411 Field Work III [I hr.] - Ferguson MIS 213 Bible Basis for Missions - Staff PE 211 Physical Education [I hr.] - Staff PRE 333 Introduction to Campus Ministry - Gardner PRE 253 Introduction to Youth Ministry - Gardner 800-748-8655 662-289-2896 Magnolia Messenger Page 8 (Almost 101) Mrs. Mattie Ellen Moore Cofer Preacher at Ellisville Responds to Request June 24, 1904 - May 11,2005 for many, many Mrs. Mattie years. She was M. Cofer was a an excellent faithful member teacher. Miss of the Water Mattie built a Valley Church scale model of of Christ. “Miss the tabernacle Mattie”, as she which is housed was affectionin a classroom ately known, in our church was a gracious building. Not lady. Her hope many months was to live to be ago Miss 100 years. She Mattie, very did! And, she ably, presented almost made it a program on to be 101 years the tabernacle old. to the YaloM i s s busha County Mattie’s funeral Historical service was at Society. Seven Oaks Miss Mattie Funeral Home On Her 100th Birthday lived a wonderin Water Valley with burial in Oak Hill Cemetery. ful Christian life and her passing Her going home service was has left a void in all the lives she conducted by brother David Floyd touched during her 100 years on and brother Bob Floyd. this earth. Miss Mattie lived at Hermitage Gardens in Oxford, Mississippi, (Report submitted to the MM by Bob for the last two years and, while and Glenda Singleton of Water Valley, there, she continued her Christian MS. Picture provided by Frances living and influenced the many Stewart. Thank you all.) people with whom she came in contact. Even though she had to move to an assisted living facility, her desire was to continue to worship with for the Water Valley church which she did as long as she was able. Miss Receiving & Reading Mattie was a virtuous woman and the her memory will live on for many years to come. Miss Mattie taught Bible classes for ladies and young people Thank YOU Magnolia Messenger Bob Spurlin's Popular Book "Don't Ever Give Up" Has Been Revised and Enlarged. Added Chapters Include: "Suicide, A Christian Viewpoint"; "Shocking Events Do Happen"; "Our Health, A Blessing From God." Two hours of work daily requires two days of total rest or sleep. For several years brother Spurlin has been suffering with illness that keeps him confined to bed, requires constant care and permits very limited activities. In spite of his severe physical problems, he continues to serve by writing excellent material with the aid of a voice activitated computer. One of his best known books, "Don't Every Give Up" has been circulated in forty states and several foreign countries. The revised edition (soon to be available) can be ordered for $11.50 (includes shipping and handling). A case of books (30 copies) may be purchased for $300.00 (a $45.00 discount). All profits will help the Spurlin family in meeting their medical and related expenses. Please order from the: Bob Spurlin Family 2101 Glenwood Drive Hartselle, AL 35640 or e-mail PREACHTEACH@Aol.Com Comments, Ideas And Suggestions Are Invited and Truly Encouraged A few weeks ago I spoke on the phone with preacher Jerry Morton and asked him to tell a little about himself and the church in Ellisville, Mississippi. I am thankful for his following response. (alf) Dear Brother Franks, There is not a whole lot to tell about myself. For several years I was what people call a "tent making preacher." The work at Ellisville is my first full time work. My family and I moved here from Tennessee in December of 2004. We have three children, only one lives at home, that's our 18 year old daughter, Kimberly. Our oldest, Ryan, lives and works in Memphis and our middle child, Justin, just finish at FreedHardeman and is now working as a youth minister at Church Street Church of Christ in Lewisburg, TN. I studied at The Nashville School of Preaching. The members of the Ellisville Church of Christ are excited about what the future holds. We have a lot of work to do and our elders are getting things in the proper order. In the near future we hope to establish deacons. Our main focus will be on the City of Ellisville and Jones county with the goal to spread the gospel of Christ Jesus thoughout this area. We have started a web-site; it’s not quite ready but it will be very soon. Our web address is . Our e-mail address is Please keep our efforts in your prayers. Yours in Christ, Jerry Morton Additionally, brother Jerry wrote, "Also please put in your paper that the Ellisville church of Christ now has elders. They were appointed on April 24th of this year. Their names are Jim Hale, Paul Heathcock, John Sexton and Laudice Scrimpshire." COFFEEVILLE Don Huddleston from Ponca City, Oklahoma spoke in a Gospel Meeting at the Coffeeville Church of Christ. The dates were July 31st August 3rd. BOONEVILLE Ladies Retreat Set for October 7,8 The ladies of the Booneville Church of Christ are making plans for the retreat held each year at Tishomingo State Park. The date for this year's retreat is October 7 and 8. For more information, please contact the Booneville church at P. O. Box 28; Booneville, MS 38829 or call 662-728-5544. Magnolia Messenger Welcomes Teaching Articles SHARE TRUTH WITH OTHERS July/Aug., 05 And It Shall Come To Pass by Barbara Cagle Ray BCagleRay@Aol.Com Ed was plagued with physical problems; Pain was an everyday part of his life. And when he returned from work each day, He entered a home filled with family strife. He had no special pleasures of his own, Yet he wore a smile when the day was done. All his friends couldn’t seem to understand, His cheerful disposition puzzled everyone. One day as Ed came home from work, His neighbor, Phil, was on his way in. He thought, “I’ll go over and say hello, Maybe Ed would like to talk to a friend.” Phil asked of Ed, “Can you please tell me, How do you deal with life’s pain and strife? You seem to handle adversity so well. What’s your secret to dealing with life?” “Well, said Ed, “I read my Bible a lot, And I listen closely to what it has to say. It says, ‘And it shall come to pass...’ It never says, “It shall come to stay.’” Forest Update Lake Charles Youth Conduct VBS About 9 years ago, the church in Forest, Mississippi had dwindled to less than eight faithful members. Facing a rather large monthly payment on their meeting place, the struggling church reluctantly decided to sell their property and disTest band as a visible church of Christ in Forest, Mississippi. Upon hearing of their plans, we called for a special meeting and pleaded that their plans to sell and disband be reversed. Thank the Lord, a decision was made to keep trying. We published a report and an appeal in the Magnolia Messenger and things have not been the same since. Brethren from several states responded, offering to help financially and in other ways. One lady, a sister who requested that her identity not be publicized and who knew nothing about the church in Forest before reading the report in the MM, starting sending a $1,000.00 each month (more, some months). She kept up her support for several years -- until she was sure the church could and would survive. And, it has! A very special thanks to our dear sister and her caring husband. Presently, the church has a fulltime preacher. Larry Gallaher, who Jeremy Geurin, Youth Minister, taught VBS adult class each night. is also a full-time student at MBC (this is his senior year!), does an excellent job in presenting sermons from the Word of God. Attendance is running about 40 each Lord's day. Brethren from other congregations continue to assist, including a group from the Boulevard church in Lake Charles, Louisiana, who came a few weeks ago and conducted a VBS. (Paul Franks, who preached several years at Forest, now preaches for the church in Lake Charles). Of course, all property debts have been paid. Part of the preacher's support is provided by the Lebanon Road Church in Nashville. Often, when prayersare offered by Forest brethren, special thanks is given to God for all who have helped keep the Lord's church alive in Forest, MS. Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 Page 9 ... From A Woman's Viewpoint ... worldly lusts, ye should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.” (Titus 2:12) The Bible also says, “And be not conformed to this world...” (Romans 12:2) There are many things we can and should do in the service of God, that bring pleasure, causing maturing believers to honestly exclaim, "It's fun to to be a Christian". You receive a sense of fulfillment and joy when you know you are serving God to the best of your ability. It has been demonstrated that those who are among the most de- pressed of people are often those who only think only of themselves. They seek what they want and to make an effort to do only what they want to do.This way of life never brings true or lasting satisfaction. The Bible says, “Thou wilt shew me the path of life; in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalms 16:11) “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” (I Peter 1:8) You might ask, “What is my relationship to this world?” Fun and the things of this world only offer temporary pleasure that quickly subsides. On the other hand, a close and lasting relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus, offers an earthly life of peace, joy, happiness and "fun". And, even more exciting, beyond this life, there is waiting a home in heaven. Mrs. A. L. Franks P. O. Box 1578 Kosciusko, MS 39090 Ladies' Day 20th Annual at Amory Ladies' Day at Winona October 1, 2005 September 10 Jane Maynard Fun... FUN... Fun The Bible teaches there is a time for everything. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven... A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1,4) After observing the actions of many, you would think all they are interested in is a time of fun and pleasure. If we are not careful, this world and all its attractions can become our god. There are many things that may not necessarily be wrong within themselves, but if we put those things before God to the neglect of spiritual things then they become a sin. The Bible says that in the last days perilous times will come. Among the things listed, during the perilous times, are those who are lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. (II Timothy 3:4) This pretty much describes our world. Don't you agree? God made a beautiful world for us to enjoy. God also made us with a need for some rest and relaxation. Each of us needs some time for "R & R." However, in many of the so called "recreational" activities, we come away feeling the very opposite of rested and/or recreated. We, as the offspring of God, are also spiritual beings who need the Creator of this universe in our lives. God made us, therefore, He knows what we need and what is best for us. To love this world is incompatible with holiness. The Bible commands, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (I John 2:15,16) If we leave off serving God, then we have left undone the one thing that really matters. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26) The Bible admonishes us to live a godly life even though we live in an ungodly world. Holy Scripture exhorts, “Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and June Franks Topic Another Beautiful Mississippi Scene: The Pearl River Fifth Mississippi Ministers' Wives Conference October 28-29, 2005 Clarion Hotel & Convention Center (Jackson, MS) Speaker: Doris Dansby (Bossier City, LA) Contact Robin Nettle; 1183 Hwy 27; Vicksburg, MS 601-638-5142 Have You Counted the Cost? Do you want to be a Christian and wear God’s holy name, Or do you want to follow Satan and enter into the burning flame? Do you want to teach others about God’s saving plan, Or had you rather be lost by enjoying the pleasures of man? If you study the Bible each day, you will learn of God’s riches untold, But if you turn your back on him, you’re no longer a part of His fold. We can choose to follow Satan’s plan and be eternally lost, Or be led into Heaven by God’s nail scarred hand. Have you counted the cost? By Nina Thorn; 1135 Ratliff Ferry Road; Canton, MS 39046-9688 "Here I am Lord, Send Me." Speaker Melissa Lester (Wetumpka, AL) Church of Christ North Blvd Drive Amory, Mississippi For more information, please contact Cindy Hathcock @662-256-2382 speaking on "Flowers That Never Fade" Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. Fellowship Lunch Provided Ladies Retreat at Sardis September 16, 17 Speakers: AlPaulthena Cotton, Kathy Segars, & Jane Maynard, Answering Bible Questons In Memory Of Pauline Jackson by Lisa Dearman Tho' stooped in nature... She was tall in faith. Tho' her body was frail... Her spirit was strong. Tho' quiet and gentle... Her presence was deafening. Tho' her health has failed her... Her soul has triumphed. (Sister Jackson was a faithful member of the Morton church of Christ.) Messenger of Love Vickie Smith Eaton 120 CF 503 Guntown, MS 38849 When you are blessed with a child, Your life becomes enriched. A child inspires happiness, From the moment they exist. When time is spent with a child, Every moment is a treasure; And caring for a child, Makes every chore a pleasure. A child is a precious gift, From Heaven up above. A child is sent by God, As a messenger of love. Magnolia Messenger Page 10 Gospel Crusade Conducted in Kosciusko The date of July 9-15, 2005 will long be remembered as a very special time for churches of Christ in Central Mississippi. Several Kosciusko area congregations cooperated in a joint effort to evangelize the community and to manifest a spirit of "oneness" among the churches regardless of racial makeup. Nine Services, Nine Speakers Answering "What Does the Bible Teach" Paul Williams (Metro-East church in Jackson) "Music in the Church" Eric Dawkins (Tipton St. Church in Kosciusko) "About Church Offices" Les Ferguson, Sr. (So. Huntington St. church in Kosciusko) "Benevolence" Willie Baldwin (East Pearl Church in Macon) "Saved Before or After Baptism?" Sometimes I Forget... Almost! Central Mississippi Lectures On a recent Sunday morning, my June and I enjoyed worshipping with the South Huntington Street congregation in Kosciusko. This is not a normal practice for us. As readers of the MM know, our evangelistic work, including publication of the "Messenger", usually takes us into other communities and other congregations. But, occasionally, staying home on Sundays brings benefits. Obviously, the opportunity to visit with brothers and sisters we have loved for many years is a great blessing. Our recent Sunday visit also blessed us with the opportunity of hearing one of Kosciusko's four elders, John Gardner, present two excellent studies, one in the Bible class hour and the other in the "worship hour". We were also blessed with the opportunity to follow the very capable leadership of Robby McCafferty as he led us in some beautiful and meaningful songs -- some old, some not so old. But... what I really started out to stress in this article was not so much the fellowship, the singing or the sermon. Rather, what "sometimes I forget... almost!" was brought to my attention as I read the weekly Sunday bulletin which had been handed to me by Ray Gilbert as we entered the church building. The following is a section of the bulletin listing mostly foreign mission ministries of Kosciusko's South Huntington Street Church. Hosted by the Roger Hines (North Liberty Church in Canton) "About the Church" Curtis Page (Williamson Ave. Church in Jackson) "About Worship" John Gardner Academic Dean, MBC "Authority of the Scriptures" McArthur Williams (Tchula congregation) "Who is Authorized to Preach?" Nathan Wright (Huntsville church at French Camp) "Eternal Destinies" The special services were conducted in the J. B. Hayes building on the campus of Magnolia Bible College and at the Attala County Coliseum in Kosciusko. July/Aug., 05 Yes, in addition to generous support of local evangelism, Magnolia Bible College and the Magnolia Messenger, the Kosciusko church has a long history of interest in overseas mission work. This is something that I sometimes forget... almost! I appreciated and needed the reminder. (ALF) Thanks for Reading the MM Our Daily Prayer Help us, Lord, to publish a paper that will advance Your Cause, resulting in saving and strengthening precious souls. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Siwell Road Church of Christ 4075 Siwell Road ; Jackson, MS 39212 “Growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord” (2 Peter 3:18) September 30 - October 2, 2005 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Friday, September 30 7:00 - 7:40 -- Congregational Singing 7:45 - 8:30 -- Permanence of the Gospel Gary Knuckles, Keynote Speaker Saturday, October 1 Tract A (Auditorium) "Congregational Growth" Tract B (Fellowship Room) "Personal Growth" 8:50 - 9:30 A. Growth Through Family Ministry John Pigg, (South Madison, Ridgeland) B. Growth Personally Greg Ledbetter (Durant Church of Christ) 9:40 - 10:20 A. Growth in a Large Congregation Doug Greenway (West Main, Tupelo) B. Growth is Commanded Scott Jefcoat (Siwell Road, Jackson) 10:30 - 11:10 A. Growth in a Small Congregation Shaun Evans (Tylertown) B. Growth Through Training Robert Rawson (Batesville) 11:20 - 12:00 Growth Through a Youth Program Michael Bates (Batesville) B. Growth Through Missions Rocco Pierce (Missionary, South Pacific) 12:00-1:30 -- Lunch (Provided) 1:30 - 2:15 Growth Through Evangelism Mark Ray (Siwell Road, Jackson) 2:30 - 3:15 Growth in Our Faith John Gardner (Magnolia Bible College) 3:30 - 4:15 Our Growth in Mississippi Al Franks (Magnolia Messenger) 7:00 - 7:40 Congregational Singing 7:45 - 8:30 The Power of the Gospel Gary Knuckles, Keynote Sunday, October 2 Gary Knuckles, Speaker 9:30 -- Growth Through Love 10:30 -- The Beauty of the Gospel For Accommodations: Camper hookups available on Church grounds or Days Inn, 306 Swinging Bridge Rd., Byram, MS 39212 (601) 371-7111 For information: Call (601) 372-2551 or Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 Good News From Union, MS - Report by Rick Benson - Mississippi Flood Relief by Goodman Oaks Church of Christ Brother Franks, Here’s a bit of news regarding a recent disaster in Southaven. This was a localized flash flood that hasn’t received any media attention outside our local area. However, the need is real for us to assist these families in getting back into their homes. We would appreciate any coverage you can give. Thanks for your continued good work. Brotherly, Steve Reeves, Goodman Oaks Church of Christ Southaven, Mississippi Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:27 AM On Friday afternoon, July 15th our community was inundated with over four inches of rain in less than one hour as a result of the remnants of Hurricane Dennis. All across the area streets were flooded and damage was sustained. The hardest hit area was on Longbranch Drive and Acorn Cove just north of Rasco Road. Over thirty-five houses received damage from the flood. While a few homes sustained only minor damage (carpeting, etc.), others are having to be completely gutted and rebuilt on the inside. In addition these families lost furniture, clothing and other household possessions. Goodman Oaks has been on the scene continuously providing relief. Initially we provided water and food to these families. Early in the week we contacted the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief agency in Nashville who responded immediately with boxes of food and necessities along with new mattresses and box springs. In coming days they will be shipping new refrigerators and ranges. We have worked with various emergency relief agencies and businesses to secure building materials and equipment for renovating the damaged homes and helping these families get back on their feet. A fund has been established at Bancorp South for immediate relief needs. Every cent donated will go to flood victims and the fund will be administered by our congregation. Though we can help provide building materials for reconstruction it is important that this work be done by qualified builders. This will be a lengthy and expensive project. Remember, most of these individuals did not carry flood insurance and such is not covered under regular homeowners' insurance. Goodman Oaks is co-ordinating an “Adopt-A-House” program to provide funds for this long process. We’re asking area businesses and churches to adopt a house and take care of whatever needs are there. We, personally, hope to adopt as many of these homes as we can afford to. Accordingly, our Elders have designated this coming Sunday’s offering in its entirety to go to this relief effort (July 31). We hope to raise $100,000 in this effort. Individuals or congregations throughout the nation who would be interested in assisting with this effort are asked to contact the Goodman Oaks church. For additional information contact: Steve W. Reeves, Pulpit Minister, Goodman Oaks Church of Christ, Southaven, MS 38671 (662) 349-3600 The Promise Of Pefect Peace "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." (Isaiah 26:3) Comments & Criticisms Considered! A group of 11 Sojourners came to Union in May. They brought their RV’s and stayed on the grounds at the church building. The Sojourners were assisted by a dozen members of the local church, resulting in the knocking on 500 doors and giving out 42 Bible correspondence courses. The following week the church held a Gospel Meeting with the theme, “What Must I do to be Saved?” God blessed our efforts so that we witnessed 3 baptisms and one restoration. During this second week 40 home Bible studies were completed. The Sojourners contributed 540 man hours, spreading the gospel in Union. Many additional hours have been spent by the local congregation, following up on the work that was started by the sojourners. In June we started and completed a home Bible study with a young man who is blind. He obeyed the Gospel and was baptized into Christ. He has received a Bible in Braille, has been faithful in attendance and has twice read the scripture during the assembly. The church in Union has been blessed by the efforts of those Sojourners who came and unselfishly gave of themselves. We would like to thank each of them for coming and helping us spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Sojourners who worked the campaign in Union are: John and Mary Townley, Luther and Martha Barnes, Carl and Barbara White, Eunice Conn, Claryce Arnold, Eleanor Townsend, Dickie and Brenda White. This is a great and very much needed work of the Lord’s church and we are very thankful for all the sojourners. (Our special thanks to Rick Benson who preaches for the Union, Mississippi church of Christ for sending the MM this report. Brother Rick is another graduate of MBC.alf) (Right) John Townley, unofficial spokesman for the group (Below) Sojourners are always at home in their RVs. Page 11 STOP See the Sun Rising God Has Given Us Another Day "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psa. 118:24) MAGNOLIA MESSENGER Memorials & Tributes The person whose name is in CAPS is memorialized or honored by the person(s) whose name is in lower case letters. Thank you for remembering and/or honoring your loved ones and/or friends in a very special way by giving to the missionary efforts of the “Messenger”. Thanks again. God bless! (ALF, editor) In Memory Of MRS MATTIE COFER Bob & Glenda Singleton Mrs. L. C. Stewart (Water Valley, MS) LEE BROWN VERA HODGE Mrs L. C. Stewart (Water Valley, MS) BOB HUNT M/M Henry Ford (Ackerman, MS) MILDRED JEANS Alma Callahan (Merryville, LA) NELSON WARD Hazel Cook (Columbus, MS) RANDALL MONAGHAN Dr. & Mrs. Joe Kellum (Tupelo, MS) GLADYS ALDRIDGE RAY ALDRIDGE Charles Aldridge (Magnolia, MS) WAYMON TAYLOR Faye Taylor (Tupelo, MS) M/M MORRIS REICH & RAY M/M RALPH GRAY Joyce Reich Gray (Amory, MS) PAULINE JACKSON Randy & Lisa Dearman (Morton, MS) MATTIE COX Ramona Pound (Columbus, MS) NICKI DUNLAP Hazel Dunlap (Natchez, MS) In Honor Of GLOSTER STREET LADIES’ JAIL MINISTRY WORK Tupelo, Mississippi Anonymous Thank You! NOTICE! Memorials and/or honorariums given to Magnolia Bible College are handled separately from those given to the Magnolia Messenger. (See Page 7) Thanks for each gift, whether MM or MBC. Thank You! PLEASE SEND Memorials & Tributes to the MAGNOLIA MESSENGER P. O. Box 1578 Kosciusko, MS 39090 Your faithful and generous support of the mission efforts of the "Magnolia Messenger" is greatly needed and deeply appreciated. MM -- Good News Newspaper Page 12 Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 The Hill of Three Crosses by Danny Dodd "The Ballentine Home" - Pinevale's New Cottage Pine Vale Children’s Home located in Corinth, MS thirty four miles from Freed Hardeman University has now completed their new home. The home is named in honor of Audelle Ballentine, mother of Betty Peck, Starkville, MS. The home will be able to house twelve children with ample room to grow and play. The 5,000 square foot wing floor plan allows for housing both boys and girls. Houseparents have a large area for their private quarters. The main area is open, light and friendly. The Ballentine Home, along with the Wade Cottage and the Doran Cottage have the capacity to care for a total of 36 children. The director’s home, Pharr Cottage, is also available if there were an emergency. At this writing, May’ 2, 2005, Pine Vale is still in need of houseparents for the new home. Please call Bonnie Vansandt if you would like more information on the home or the position. Bonnie Vansandt, Director Pine Vale Children’s Home 1872 CR 700; Corinth, MS 38834 662-286-6555 More and More churches and/or classes are answering the "Question Box" as a joint class effort. Join the Joint Studies! 7th Annual LA Magnolia Messenger RV Rally October 19 - 23 Ray Bob and Jim Bob Insure Fun! "We Are A Blessed People" Keynote Speaker: Bill Oakley Thursday Night Special - "Legends of Country Music" Bible Lessons, Gospel Singing, Fellowship, Games, Food, Big Fish Fry, Entertainment Wednesday -- Sunday North Toledo Bend State Park Zwolle, Louisiana For more information or to reserve a place to stay, please call Ray Franks at 337-786-4494 or Gerald Spears at 337-786-7801. Or write to Ray at P. O. Drawer 218; DeQuincy, LA 70633. In Vilnius, Lithuania, high above a ridge overlooking the city near the ancient tower of Grand Duke Gediminas, stands the Hill of Three Crosses. Starkly beautiful, this monument to Calvary has endured the onslaught of Nazi Germany, the tyranny of communism, and of destruction and rebuilding, to testify to the faith of this historically Catholic stronghold. Easily seen throughout most of the city, it was meant to be a continuing reminder of the sacrifice of Christ to generations of Lithuanians who have grown up in its shadow. Unfortunately, the latest generations seem to be moving out of that shadow and away from any form of Christian tradition. They now bow to another god -- the one we call secularism. Traveling there since 1996 and living there during 2001-2003, I witnessed a remarkable decline of interest in spiritual matters. In the more immediate years after their liberation from fifty years of communist oppression, Lithuanian citizens flocked to Christian gatherings and Bible study. Interest was extremely high as they thirsted for knowledge of God. The Vilnius Bible Study Center was abuzz with activity and study and the Vilnius church of Christ was growing. As time passed and information and choices increased, the allure of secularism with its emphasis on self-gratification swept in. Suddenly Lithuanians discovered heretofore unknown thirsts that demanded quenching. Multiplex cinemas came to town. Huge malls with all the bells and whistles followed. New car dealerships were built. Modern banking with quick and easy loans was next. Casinos came to cash in. Adult entertainment of various sorts began appearing. Slick commercials aired on the newly available satellite TV channels to explain why all of this was needed. It all came pouring in -- along with drastic increases in crime, AIDS, STDs, divorce, suicide and calls from government officials pleading for more funding to handle these new problems. In just one decade Vilnius changed so rapidly and dramatically that the Hill of Three Crosses and all it stood for was reduced to just another tourist stop. Now, the Study Center is not nearly as busy. Fewer Lithuanians are interested in pursuing the one true God. What happened so swiftly and crosses on it. It was there 2000 suddenly there has been years ago in reality -- nailed to that happening more slowly and subtly center cross on Golgotha. It stands here. The Lithuanians are merely before us even now in the person playing catch-up. We’ve had all of of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ what they are seeking for so long who steadfastly remains at God’s that we take it for granted and how right hand pleading for us to listen. it affects our own pursuit of God. If we could just grasp the value For the most part the majority of in seeking “first his kingdom and our country still goes to Sunday his righteousness” (see Matthew school and worship, but fails to 6:25-34) we would receive such give much else to God. Through God-designed personal and the week we rush along often spiritual fulfillment that the need to unwittingly upholding the principles follow the god of secularism would of secular thought. Self-interests vanish. Through God’s power we reign above all else. Families bow would be able to see how truly to it, now churches are bowing to it shallow, harmful and futile is a life and souls are lost to it. lived selfishly. When we do take the time to To find him, though, we have to access the damage look past the done in our pursuit attraction and of it, we blame clutter of secular life anyone but to that lonely hill of ourselves (even three crosses God), apply centuries ago. No expensive selfmatter where we serving band-aids are, only by and then later embracing him -- not wonder why things self -- will our life have not gotten really and eternally better. We have matter. created a vicious Danny Dodd preaches cycle of which we for the Gateway are often too blind church of Christ in to see, much less Pensacola and may be find real answers to reached by addresDanny Dodd solve. sing him at: 245 Brent Lane The answer does exist, Pensacola, FL 32503 however. It is there in Vilnius represented by that hill with three Morton Church of Christ Conducted Meeting and Homecoming Manny Lago, former preacher for the church in Morton, returned to Mississippi on June 12-15 for a gospel meeting with the Scott County church. Brother Manny, pictured above (on right), and his wife (on left), are now living in and working with the church in Savannah, Georgia. (The younger lady in the center is Traci Nichols.) The meeting, described as "one of the best", was a great encouragement to the church. My June and I were privileged to attend the last night of the special series and are pleased to close out this short report by saying, "A good service, a good sermon, a good church!" We are very thankful for the capable work of the present preacher, Josh Allen, a student at MBC. (alf) July/Aug., 05 Magnolia Messenger God's Role For Men and Women - Daniel Guy In the beginning God created the woman as a helper suitable for the man (Gen. 2:18). She was not inferior to the man in any way, but she was not created to rule over the man. The two, man and woman, were to be as one, in body, as well as in purpose and direction. A body cannot function properly with two heads, so God put the man to be head of the family. Not only could we say this is because God created the woman for the man, but also because the woman listened to the serpent, the old devil himself, ate of the forbidden fruit and tempted her husband to eat as well (Gen. 3:6). Because of this, the woman’s desire was to please her husband and her husband was to rule over her (Gen. 3:16). A truly godly woman will seek to please her husband, and the truly godly man will seek to please the Lord as he takes charge of his family as God directs. The man is responsible to God for leading his family as well as bringing up the children. While the woman is to be his helper in the great task of child rearing, she is never charged with that responsibility in Scripture. The man is commanded by God not to provoke his children, to discipline them with love, and to “bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). The man is not to treat his wife as his slave who must jump at his every command. She is not his doormat and he is to treat her with love and respect. Christ is the supreme example that the man is to follow in caring for and nurturing his wife in love. Husbands are told to love their wives “just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it” (Eph. 5:25). This means that if she is ever in peril, he will be willing to put his life on the line to save her. It means that he will forget himself whenever she is upset and take time out to console her. Remember, “Christ is the head of the church and He is” also “the Savior of the body” (Eph.5:23). It also means that the man will not give his wife everything she desires. This would likely cause financial ruin, lead to extreme friction when basic needs cannot be met, and likely end in the demise of the family. But most of all, he will not use this as an excuse to satisfy his own desires, leaving his own family hungry and under-clothed. After serving God, a man’s major desire should be towards his wife and children. If a man will do this, he will likely find his wife willing to submit to his authority as God commands (Eph.5:22-24). In the early days of the church, women were looked upon with respect and when some were neglected in the daily distribution of food, faithful men were Fifty Years Together immediately appointed to take care of the matter (Acts 6:1-3). Women played a vital role in the spread of the gospel by the early church. Tabitha was an example of faithful, loving service (Acts 9:36-39). Through women such as Lydia, who were given to hospitality, the disciples were able to carry the gospel throughout the world (Acts 16:11-15). Phoebe is described as a “servant of the church that is in Cenchrea” (Rom.16:10). A few women were even supported by the church. These were widows over 60 who had been very hospitable, had no family, and had helped others along life’s road (I Tim. 5:9-10). Women were also involved in private teaching as was the case when Aquila and Priscilla taught a misinformed preacher, Apollos, correctly concerning the Law of Christ (Acts 18:26). Older women are told to train younger women in Christian living (Titus 2:4). Christian women are to be chaste and obedient to their unbelieving husbands so they might win them to Christ (I Pet. 3:1). Christian women also have a very important role in assisting their husbands to make strong family units which are the backbone of the church as well as the society in which we live. Without them, neither the church nor society can function as God intended. Many of Jesus’ closest disciples were women. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susannah, and many others helped to provide financial support for Jesus and the apostles as they went about preaching (Luke 8:2-3). It seems that several women provided a place of rest, relaxation, and consolation during His earthly ministry. Jesus never treated women disciples as though they were inferior to the men in any way. In fact, by his attitudes and actions, he indicated that men and women have equal worth in the sight of God. He even expressed that some of the women provided the greatest aid for his ministry. Mary provided moral support while her sister Martha was so concerned about cooking a meal (Luke 10:42). This same Mary was the one who anointed Jesus’ feet with costly ointment which was considered as an anointing for his future burial (John 12:7). Faithful and sorrowing women witnessed Jesus' death on the cross while the apostles fled the scene (Mt.27:55-56). While He was supposed to be still in the tomb, several women brought spices to anoint His body but He had already risen (Mk.16:1-6). We can see from this that women provided a great service for Jesus on earth. They were great disciples with important roles, but they were never included in any leadership position. Never did he appoint one woman apostle. Those in leadership were all men. On the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, men and women came into the church in great numbers. No distinction was made between the sexes concerning membership in the Lord’s church. All were told to repent and be baptized to wash away their sins (Acts 2:38) and the Lord added them to His church (Acts 2:47). But there is not one Scripture that says they had the same roles in the church. Not one woman is ever called a preacher, evangelist, or pastor (elder, bishop, overseer, shepherd, presbyter — all terms for the same office as pastor). One of the qualifications for a pastor as well as a deacon is that he be the husband of one wife (I Tim. 3:2,12) A woman cannot meet that qualification. Though some translations may use the word deaconess in conjunction with some women, they have transliterated that from DIAKONOS which means “servant” and should be translated so when it is not speaking of an official office of the church. Both men and women have important duties in service to the Lord Jesus Christ, but men are to be the leaders and women are not to teach or have authority over a man in the church (I Tim. 2:12). Under the Patriarchal Age, no woman was ever known to preside over a man in any religious matter. Under the Mosaic Age, no woman ever officiated in any religious rites. At least one woman, Deborah, Judge of Israel, held authority over men in political and military affairs. But by context, it seems that this was only by default since no man would take the lead in these matters (Judges 4-5). Only priests of the tribe of Levi officiated in any religious matters under Moses’ Law. These were all males between 30 and 50 years of age (Num. 4:34). Despite this, at least one very Page 13 prominent contemporary female writer uses a passage from Ezekiel which says absolutely nothing about women presiding in religious services as an excuse to preach to men as well as women in large assemblies. Under the law of Christ, women are very directly and emphatically told not “to teach or to have authority over a man” (I Tim. 2:12). Why do women insist on exercising authority where God has given them none, and why do men relinquish their duties to the women? Remember, we will be judged by God’s word. For years people have paid little attention to God’s word in many matters. One such digression has been the leadership of women in many churches since the “Women’s Lib Movement.” There is a common practice today for women being accepted as preachers. This is a direct transgression of such passages as I Cor.14:34. Christians should not question the Lord forbidding women to assume certain roles in the church. Even if no reasons were given by God, we should accept by faith what God has revealed. But the truth is, God has given some reasons. In the first place Adam was formed first and Eve was then made as a helpmeet for him (I Tim. 2:13). Another reason given is that it was the woman who was first deceived by Satan and fell into sin (Gen.3:16; I Tim. 2:14). The woman’s role in the church is closely connected to her unique role in the home. Woman alone can give birth to children (I Tim.2:15). The man must provide for his wife and love her as Christ loved the church (Eph.5:25). The woman’s willing submission to her husband will most likely bring forth his best care for his wife (Eph.5:22, 33). In order for there to be the greatest amount of happiness in the home, God has established different roles for men and women. This difference should likewise be reflected in the church. Daniel Guy, 114 E. 6th St., Alliance, NE 69301, Assistance from: Baird, James O., “Role For Women In the Church.” Introducing the Church of Christ. Fort Worth: Star Bible Publications, Inc., 1981. Thanks for Reading the MM ACKERMAN On Wednesday night, July 20, we traveled from Kosciusko up Highway 12 to Ackerman, Mississippi to attend a Gospel Meeting at the Ackerman Church of Christ. Upon our arrrival we were told that Don McWhorter had become ill and would not be able to preach that night. We were disappointed and sad that brother McWhorter was ill and had to return home. However, Ackerman’s regular minister, Ed Casteel, filled in and brought a good lesson. The Eupora congregation had dismissed their services to enable their members to attend the meeting. The lesson, prayers, singing and the fellowship with so many other Christians made for an enjoyable evening. (JF) EUPORA Les Ferguson was preaching in a Gospel Meeting at the Eupora Church. We decided to drive up for services on the last night, July 27th. We had made plans to stop at Wendy’s for a meal; however, we happened to remember that Eupora’s preacher, Don Green, had told us the congregation would be eating together before services. Thankfully, we arrived in time to join the Eupora brethren for a delicious meal.We were blessed to hear brother Les preach and to be associated with him, his wife; also with Don Green and his wife. Several congregations were represented for the evening services. We were encouraged to see the wonderful cooperation between brethren.(JF) An Example of How We Are Privileged to Publish the Magnolia Messenger An Unsolicited Personal Check to the Magnolia Messenger for $500.00 We walked up to the entrance door of the church building. Of course, being a gentleman, I opened the door for my June, so she could be the first to enter. A brother, standing just inside the door, reached out and shook hands with my wife, and in so doing, he placed a check in her hand. He also expressed gratitude for the opportunity of having fellowship with us in our evangelistic efforts. Be assured, we are grateful for his five hundred dollar check. We are also grateful for $5.00, $10.00 or any amount. When it comes to thankfulness, it really doesn't matter how much! True, we can travel more miles and send out more messengers with larger amounts. But, please be assured, we appreciate all who help us, regardless of the amount. Thanks to you -- to every congregation and individual. Al & June Franks Magnolia Messenger Page 14 Churches Seeking Preachers Notice: We are pleased to run ads for congregations seeking to find preachers to work with them. There is no charge for this service. Please call or mail your request to: 662-289-3559 or 601-668-3344; "Magnolia Messenger"; P.O. Box 1578; Kosciusko, MS 39090. You may e-mail us by addressing: Thank you. (ALF, Editor) Cleveland, MS The Cleveland Church of Christ, located in Cleveland, Mississippi, has an opening for a minister. The congregation has a Sunday morning attendance of approximately 160-170. The church seeks a mature individual, preferably with a degree, who is well versed in the scripture and who can preach, teach, and work in a positive manner in the community. Applicants should send a well-developed resume with references and phone numbers to the following address: Cleveland Church of Christ P. O. Box 1566 Cleveland, Mississippi Attention: Lowell Kirkbride. Blytheville, Arkansas I am writting to you from the Church of Christ at Southside, in Blytheville, Arkansas. We are in need of a full time, strong minister, in the Gospel, and we would very much appreciate if you would place an ad in your paper for us. We are a small congregation with about 70 to 80 members and no elders. We offer weekly salary, the brethren are requesting a resume and a cassette or video tape of a few of your sermons. For more information, please contact: Leroy Tate 112 Roselawn Dr. Osceola, Ar.72370 (870-563-1203) Cedric Johnson 625 David Lane Blytheville, Ar. 72315 (870-762-0986) James Hoy 504 Sawyer St Blytheville, Ar. 72315 (870-763-0372) Southside Church of Christ 1213 South Franklin St. Blytheville, Ar. 72315 (870-762-1916) 7-25-05 Preacher Needed Indianola, MS *Attendance: About 60 *Elders: Two *House: 3 bedrooms; 2 baths Church Work Includes: *Prison Work *World Bible School *MDCC Student Center for information, please call elders Gary Free at 662-887-1370 or Jimmy Steward at 662-887-6839. Present Preacher, Paul Sparks, plans to retire. Leesville Looking For a Preacher We are in need of a true preacher to lead a small congregation to its potential in a community where there is a world of opportunity because of the families of soldiers stationed at Fort Polk. We only have about twenty regular adult members now. We would consider a military retired person. We have a good parsonage and the utilities will be paid. The advantages of Fort Polk are better than the city can give. You can call me (John H. Moore) at 318-565-8592 or Alexander Wied at 337-239-3047. Church of Christ 1410 S. 11th St. Leesville, LA 71446-4899 Full-Time Minister Needed Memphis Church Searching for Preacher Attendance: "About 150" Elders: Four Salary: "Moderate" House: 3 bedrooms; 2 baths Contact: John Dempsey 5926 Benjestown Road Memphis, TN 38127 (901) 353-4970 Forestview Church of Christ 5425 North Watkins Memphis, TN 38127 1-5-05 Word is Living & Powerful Panama City, FL Looking for Preacher (maybe, simi-retired?) Church - 5 Years Old 20 Members "Very Friendly" contact Tom Skipper 850-763-8027 (7/24/05) "How beautiful are the feet of them that bring glad tidings of good things." Brother Al, Hope this note finds things going well for June and yourself. We have received a lot of response in our search for a minister here at the Gonzales congregation. We have not filled the position yet, but feel very close in doing so. At this time we would like to stop the ad in the Messenger while we continue to process the many applicants that we have. Thanks to you and the Messenger for the great service you do. God Bless (Mike Krieger, Gonzales, LA; Church of Christ) St Louis, MO The Berkeley Heights Church of Christ located in St. Louis, Missouri is seeking a full-time minister of the Word of GOD with: strong family values (married, preferably with children); firm preaching and teaching skills; a passion for soul-winning/evangelizing the community; and who is able to equip the church in ministries and by ordaining elders and deacons (counseling background a plus). Interested applicants should submit the following: 1) a copy of their minister perspective; 2) a resume; and 3) a vocal and/or visual presentation to: Berkeley Heights Church of Christ Minister Search Committee, 4800 N. Hanley Road, St. Louis, MO 63134. "Preach the word." (2 Tim. 4:2) July/Aug., 05 Leader (Continued from page 5) Spiritual leaders need to be men of the book. Men that know more than just the words, but what they mean and have applied them to their lives. 4. He was a man of faith (1:9). “Have I not commanded you?” This statement is a rhetorical question. It is just another way of God reminding Joshua that He had commanded him and he had obeyed. God assured him of His help and presence. When Joshua would ask himself, “Is this God’s will?” he was assured by God that what he was doing was commanded him of God. He would act without fear. Also, this assurance is to let him know that he had no alternative but to obey God’s command. “Be not afraid” is a familiar phrase in scripture. Adam and Eve were told not to be afraid, but their fear came from their disobedience to God (Genesis 3: 10). The shepherds were told not to be afraid when the angelic host sang their praise to God and His glory at the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:9). I believe it is natural for man to be afraid, especially in the presence of God. We see our sinfulness and weaknesses, but when we yield our will to the will A Special Thanks From the Franks For Receiving & Reading The Magnolia Messenger of the Father and trust Him, God brings peace to our hearts. Joshua overcame his fears because he knew that God was with him. The passengers on a train were uneasy as they sped along through the dark, stormy night. Lightning was flashing; black clouds were rolling in as the train sped along. The fear and tension among the passengers was evident. One young boy,however, sitting by himself, seemed utterly unaware of the storm or the speed of the train. He was amusing himself with a few toys. One of the passengers spoke to him. “Son, I see you are alone on the train. Aren’t you afraid to travel alone on such a stormy night?” The boy looked up with a smile and answered, “No, ma’am, I’m not afraid. My daddy’s the engineer.” When we know that God is in control, we have the assurance of His love and help no matter what the circumstance, we have peace. Joshua had trust and faith in God. It made him a great leader. It will make us great leaders also. Brother Lewis is associate minister of the church of Christ in Germantown, TN. His home address: Eddie Lewis 7416 Fox Glen Olive Branch, MS 38654 GREENWOOD Brent Smith is scheduled to preach in a Gospel Meeting at the Greenwood Church of Christ on August 14-17, 2005. Alex Bayes is the local minister for the Greenwood congregation on West President St. Heritage Christian University (Florence, Alabama) 34th Annual Evangelism Workshop Position Available September 20-24, 2005 Family Life Missions ++++++ Job Title "Corporate Accountant" "Lift Up Your Eyes" Job Description: The Corporate Accountant is expected to handle the matters related to financial and management reporting. In addition to this, the individual will be required to help around the office with other nonaccounting related tasks. This will be a full-time salary based position and we participate in a Simple IRA program. A background in Spanish would be a plus but is not required. Any questions please call: Terry L Rikard Executive Director Family Life Missions Office Phone: 662-324-8472 Cell Phone: 662-312-3104 Email: Sowing and Growing Healthy Churches +++++ *How we are baptizing 200+ each year *Why our children are leaving the faith *Dynamic church planting *What we can learn from our unchurched neighbor *Renewing the plateaued church *Reaching the church dropout for more information call 800.367.3565 or go to Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 WANTED (In Booneville) Northeast Christians on Campus The Northeast Christians on Campus group is a student organization sponsored by the churches of Christ on the campus of Northeast Mississippi Community College. It’s purpose is to provide a Christian atmosphere for Northeast students who are looking for spiritual fellowship away from home. To kick off the new school year, the Booneville Church of Christ will host a “Welcome Northeast Students” fellowship meal on Sunday, August 21, 2005 following the evening worship service which begins at 6:00 P.M. All Northeast students, along with their families and friends, are invited to attend. Following the evening worship service all Northeast faculty and staff who are present will be introduced to the students. Reader's Response Dear Brother Franks: The stance you’ve taken with publishing a paper that will advance the Cause of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is admirable, and I extend to you my support. This issue has received tremendous attention. From what I see, the changeagents are continuing to undermine sound Gospel. Recent evidence of the efforts by some to introduce the use of instrumental music in services clearly indicate the need for more Christians to take a stance, such as yours, to Bible study. Thank you for your consistent, hard-line stance on this issue. In spite of the financial strength these changeagents can bring to bear, many Christians like me will continue to support the ministry like you, who consistently stands up for what is right. May God Bless You, Philip Carter The Northeast Christians on Campus group is designed for that student who is looking for an opportunity to strengthen his belief in Christ. Interested students are invited to attend Tuesday night devotionals at 8:00 P.M. at the Activity Center of the Booneville Church of Christ as well as weekly Bible discussion sessions on Wednesday nights at 7:00 P.M. with a home-cooked meal to follow at 8pm. For further information contact Tommy Baragona, Youth/ Involvement Minister, at (662)7285544 or email him at If you are on campus you may also contact Lynn Baragona at the NEMCC Library at (662) 720-7583 or email her at (Report by Lynn Baragona) MM Circulation 25,000 Thank you. Thank the Lord! Read/Study the "Question Box" on Page 20 The Bible is Central at Magnolia BIBLE College BRANSON, Missouri Vacation in the Beautiful Ozark Mountains 2 Condominiums Available (Each Sleeps Six) (1 mile west of Silver Dollar City) Stay 3 nights (4th night - FREE) Stay 5 nights (6th & 7th nights - FREE!) Only $100.00 per night Owned and Operated By the FulghamFamily in Yazoo City, Mississippi Information or Reservation 662-746-5865 Page 15 Pardon The Inspiration! A Book Review by John Dobbs I want to recommend a new book that has just been published called “Pardon the Inspiration”. This excellent book is by my friend Al Sturgeon, preaching minister for the Ocean Springs (MS) Church of Christ. Pardon The Inspiration is a book of devotionals that carry the common theme of sports. If you love sports, you will enjoy this book. (I am not a sports fan, but I still love the book!) The book carries endorsements by several sports notables including Bailey Howell who is a former NBA star and now an elder in the Starkville, MS church. The devotionals in this book are short and easy to read, yet they challenge our spirituality and bring us closer to the Christ by using stories about sports. Laughter and tears will be a part of your experience as you glance through these verbal snapshots over and again. I predict you will keep this book and reread it from time to time. It is that good. The book is 181 pages and published by Centerfield Publishing. The author, Al Sturgeon, is a native of Paragould, Arkansas. He is the founder of the West Jackson County chapter of the Habitat for Humanity. Al can frequently be found teaching his Tuesday morning ladies Bible class, meeting with the Mayor of Ocean Springs, doing color commentary for baseball games on WOSM 103.1 FM alongside Noah Britt, or sharing lunch each Thursday with me in a local eatery. I encourage you to buy one for yourself, one for the church library, one for a sports fan you would like to reach for Jesus, one for your brother, your husband, your son, your buddies, and one for your dad for Father’s Day! Order from Centerfield Publishing, PO Box 272, Ocean Springs, MS 39566. The price is $13.95 plus $4 shipping/ handling. For more details visit http:/ /www. Magnolia Messenger Page 16 July/Aug., 05 “Reaching the Lost” 7th Street Church of Christ Columbus, Mississippi Report by Bill Brumley The Columbus Church has strived over the years to reach the lost not only in this country but throughout the world. This church has been a benevolent church in times of distress. Through the efforts of sister Kathy Cadden, brother Joe Thompson and other shipping in the Ukraine. What we are asking from those of you that can, send a check of $10.00 per month, above your contribution, or more if you can, to the: Columbus Church of Christ 2401 7th Street North Columbus, MS 39705 ATTN.: Bill Brumley, Ukraine This is something you can do also. We need the following articles: clothing (new or used) for children and teenagers, wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, and potty chairs, hotel soap or regular s o a p , toothpaste and q u a l i t y toothbrushes, shampoo, new towels and wash clothes, new twin bed sheets, first aid equipment, and boxes of w a s h i n g powders. If you can provide any of these and cannot ship to above address, please call Kathy Cadden at 662-5492416. Joe Thompson, Columbus Church We suggest members of the church, several to you that you or someone in your thousand dollars of medical congregation, check with your supplies, children’s clothes, etc. hospital, doctors’ offices and others have been shipped to Donetsk, to call you if they are discarding Ukraine and delivered to children’s anything. If you do, and have some hospitals, homes and adult material, we will be happy to pick it hospitals by members of the church up. I feel that this is a golden through the program “Operation opportunity to reach the lost in a country that has been governed by Provide Hope”. Our Federal Government communists. We would like to send three provides the containers and the freight to the Ukraine. We sent a containers this year. We have container in June, 2005 worth enough material now for three $68,000. The weight was ten tons. containers. With your help, along Baptist Memorial Hospital here in with others, we can send more containers. A one-time contribution, Columbus, just finished a new tower will be welcomed, if that is most of rooms and furnished the rooms convenient for you. If your congregation would like to fill a ...need more information, container, or need more please call Bill Brumley at information, please call Bill Brumley at 662-328-8083 or Kathy 662-328-8083 or Kathy Cadden at 662-549-2416. We will Cadden at 662-549-2416. be glad to come and talk with you. James 1 :27 -”Religion that God We will be glad to come and our Father accepts as pure and talk with you. faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to with new furniture. They gave us keep oneself from being polluted the old beds, chairs, dressers and by the world.” (NIV) The Lord has furniture. Some of that was in the provided us a way and we must use June container and some will be in every means to reach the lost. I container two, which is waiting on pray that we will hear from you soon. paperwork from the Ukraine. In Him, The Columbus Church is not Bill Brumley able financially to support this work 100%. We need support in buying repair parts, paying the building utilities, rent on the warehouse (here in Columbus), and cost of - Mission - Kensington Wood Church of Christ Hattiesburg, Mississippi We Welcome News Reports Arusha Church of Christ - Home of Arusha Bible School "Probably the largest congregation of the Lord's people in East Africa" TZ 2000 A Dream, a Vision, a Reality To the Glory of God Report Sent to MM By Ken Upchurch Deacon - Missions TZ 2000 began in the mind of Andrew Connally many years ago when he labored in Chimala with Hospital Evangelism. Andrew knew, way back then, that the church in Tanzania would never be self supporting unless it was planted in the major cities, and was able to convert the middle class. So in the early ‘70’s Andrew came to Arusha, raised the money to build a building and started preaching and teaching the gospel. Unfortunately, Andrew died in 1992 and his dream to evangelize Northern Tanzania seemed to die with him. Enter one Cy Stafford, recruited to work at Chimala by Andrew Connally, where Cy served with his family for three years in the early ‘90’s. Returning to Seagoville, Texas, (then the overseeing congregation for the Chimala work), to go to preaching school, have his children finish their schooling and then return to Chimala to work full time once again. As God’s providence proved, Cy’s return to Chimala was not to be. Andrew had shared his dream with Cy and that seed had been planted. Cy took Andrew’s idea and formulated a vision for evangelizing Northern Tanzania. He saw bible schools in the two major cities of the region, Arusha and Moshi, with the bible schools serving the local congregation to accelerate the maturity and knowledge of the local congregations. In addition, Cy incorporated the idea of Safari For Souls, an idea borrowed from his past experience in the mission field and then, finally, a Preacher Training School to train Africans to teach the gospel to Africans in Africa. This was a dream even bigger than Andrew’s, and Cy knew it would take 20 years to see it through. Seagoville was already involved in a major work in Chimala, being the overseeing congregation for that great work. Cy needed to find a congregation with the will and resources for the long term - he found it in the brethren of the Kensington Woods church of Christ, in Hattiesburg, MS -- a congregation that had longed to support it’s own missionary. Cy laid out his vision for the work and, as they say, the rest is history. The congregation was totally unified and embraced the vision for the work, and Cy set about laying the foundation for the effort. Land was purchased for the first bible school to be built in Arusha, funds were allocated and work began. On or about 2000, a fellow named David Hamrick, a man associated with Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, who was also involved in a great visionary work, that of putting an extension school in every country of the world to train preachers in their own countries. They had learned through experience that bringing foreign students to train in the preaching of the gospel in America was not the best situation as many of these students when they graduated did not want to return to their own countries. Thus the idea was born to train men to preach the gospel in their own home lands.. To do this, training schools would be needed in these countries. So BVBI determined to plant Extension Schools in every country in the world - a higher vision to be sure. David Hamrick was selected by BVBI to be the Director of Extension Schools. KWCOC had a long standing One of over 40 new congregations that have been established since the beginning of TZ 2000 in 1997. friendship and fellowship with David when he was a gospel preacher at the Tylertown, Mississippi church of Christ. Cy knew David and they were friends. It was a natural sequence when KWCOC and BVBI discovered that we were all trying to do the same type of work -- Save souls and train preachers in their own country. Thus began a wonderful partnership in the first foreign Extension School of BVBI and KWCOC in Tanzania. KWCOC has overseen and been responsible for the financing and building of the facilities and BVBI has provided the curriculum and the certification for the programs of study for the two bible schools that have been built and the Andrew Connally School of Preaching that opened in March of 2005. In the process two classes of students have been graduated with Bachelor Degrees in bible and are now out preaching the gospel in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and other countries on the continent of Africa. KWCOC is starting its seventh year in a twenty year program of work, to make the church selfsufficient and self propagating in the cities of Arusha and Moshi. The congregations in the cities are growing in a spectacular way, and in addition, through the yearly campaigns, Safari For Souls, tract ministry, BCC program, bible schools and the work of local evangelists and members of the church there in Tanzania, they have been responsible for planting an additional 40 new congregations. No good work can be done alone and no work for God can be done without His blessings. We are confident the Lord has just begun to bless TZ 2000. As our faith and sacrificial giving of our time, talent and treasure mature, we know and believe that the dream of Andrew Connally, the vision of Cy Stafford, and the collective faith of thousands of God’s people will, at last, make God’s will a reality in Tanzania and all of Africa -- that all men might hear and obey the truth, and that we might all be after one more soul for the Master and all to his glory. When we dream God’s dreams, and work His will they always come true. The King'ori Congregation in their "Building Without Walls" (Two Hattiesburg elders are in the above picture) Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 A Changing World -- An Unchanging Gospel - Ron Deaton We live in a world that is vastly different from what our ancestors experienced. Medicine, science, transportation, communication, education, business, etc., all have changed dramatically over the last 100 years, yes, even in our life time. You and I have changed. Age has taken care of that. Even though these times, as an old song said, “they are a changing,” there is one thing that has not changed. God has not changed? Mal 3:6 states, “For I am the Lord, I do not change.” God has not changed His attitude toward sin, and the fact that man is lost because of sin. He has given us an unchanging Gospel in order to bring man out of sin through Christ. Some would have us believe that the Gospel is a forever changing message in order to make it “relevant and appealing.” What does the Word of God, the Bible, say? In Acts 17, Paul travels to Thessalonica (vs 1), and there he preaches Jesus as the Christ (vs 3). Some were converted (vs 4), while others caused an “uproar” because of their jealousy (vs 59). Paul and Silas had to escape by night, after which they traveled to Berea (vs 10), where they immediately went into the synagogue and preached the same message they had preached in Thessalonica. There is no indication that they changed their message to make it more appealing! Same message with better results because the people in Berea were “more fair minded than those in Thesalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” (vs 11). Again, the message was the same, it was (more)... Readers' I enjoy your paper tremendously. There are some of the best articles I have ever read. Thank you so much for such fine reading. Please accept my donation and as I can I will send more. (Elton Jackson, Hohenwald, TN) ...Thanks so much for the wonderful work that you do with the Magnolia Messenger. May God continue to bless you with many years in his service. Thanks again! (Nelia Chapman, Mangham, LA) Keep up the good work. (Ronney & Charlotte Hoffman, Atmore, AL) Just a note to say we truly enjoy “The Magnolia Messenger.” I especially enjoy June’s articles. It was nice to see our son-in-law’s picture, Alan Judd, in this issue. We are proud of his and Amy’s work at Meridian. It was also nice to see their new sign in front of their church building in your paper. We recently were able to visit them and see it in person. Thanks for all your good work. Here is small contribution. (Mrs. Linda Anderson, Gainesboro, TN) I really enjoyed this one! It really made me work on the ones I didn’t know. Keep up the good work! (Angie Mask, Tupelo, MS) relevant. The people there in Berea were more receptive to the message and, as a result, “many of them believed.” (vs 12). Why is the Gospel unchanging? First, it is suited for all men everywhere (Acts 10:34-35). Second, it has the power to save (Rom 1:16). Third, it makes man perfect or complete (2 Tim 3:16-17). Fourth, it is our guide to Christian living (2 Pet 1:3). Since it is suited for all men, has the power to save, makes man complete and guides us in our everyday life, why would we change it? How do we prevent change? We need to heed the Word of God. Heb 2:1 declares, “...we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” Therefore, we must remain “grounded and steadfast” in the faith which is founded in the unchanging Gospel (Col 1:23). Paul warns those who teach false doctrine (1 Tim 4:1-3) and cautions Christians to "no longer be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine” (Eph 4:14-15). In Galatians, Paul places a curse on those who would change the Gospel, (1:8-9). It is the Word of God, the Gospel, that keeps us from “drifting away.” Psalms 145:17 states, “The LORD is righteous in all His ways.” The Lord gave us His message, therefore, we ought to preach and teach the simple message of the Gospel -- without change -- in order to save man -- just as it was preached in the first century. Article by Ron Deaton, minister, Liberty Church of Christ. (Sent to MM by the church secretary.) Brother Ron's home address: 307 County Road 864; Dennis, MS 38838-9727 Response... (more) God bless Garvis Semore. He used to preach at Chapel Hill where my family went at White Bluff, Tennessee. (Nancy Taylor, Ashland City, TN) ...We both enjoy the Messenger which comes to our home... We’re happy to learn that Garvis is working with you there. We loved him when he worshipped with us at Verona, then later when he and Teresa married. They are a special couple... (Rivers M. Wills, Shannon, MS) Your praiseworthy paper, “Magnolia Messenger,” is apparently being read by unbelievers of God’s truth. I’ve been studying God’s Word seriously since baptism into Christ in 1944, and your paper tells me you are doing a marvelous job of proclaiming the truth... Keep up the good soul winning news offered in this commendable paper. (F. Joel Freeman, Junction City, OR) The Messenger is a great paper. I enjoy it very much. All so true. Thanks. (Joyce Reich Gray, Amory, MS) Caution, CAUTION! Please do not think you HAVE to contribute to the MM in order to be on our mailing list and to receive each issue. Such is not REQUIRED! (A. L. Franks, editor) Page 17 Magnolia Messenger Page 18 (See Question Box) 1. Louise McLeod 2. Ouida Gentry 3. Dorthy Ford 4. Stacey McDaniel 5. Roger King 6. William Hickey 7. Ruby Jefferson 8. Otis & Linda Baker 9. Millie A. Goode 10. Brenda Thrower 11. James R. Brooks 12. Modean Edwards 13. Jean E. Johnson 14. Ann Kimble 15. Sherry Gordon 16. Lisa Dettor 17. Brenda Burlison 18. Bea Basford 19. Mrs. Eunice M. Kirkwood 20. Janice Vaughan 21. Ray Ann Woodruff 22. Steve & Shirley Kelly 23. Brenda Wilson 24. Nannie Fay Wilson 25. Margie Smith 26. Lisa Benson 27. Esther Williams 28. Ruth Christian 29. Wilda Pounds 30. Barbara Beard 31. Evelyn Little 32. WM. & Atlean Snow 33. Kerry Deaton 34. Kay Shiers 35. Linda Keirn 36. Linda Joyce Laird 37. Pauline King 38. Mrs. Emmett LaGrone 39. Juanita LeBouef 40. George Ellington 41. Guyla J. Hubble 42. Debbie Shull 43. Pauline Craft 44. Mary Ella Webster 45. Christine Gray 46. Bettye Ohren 47. Sandra Welch 48. Gaynell Doughty 49. Nancy I. Switzer 50. Patsy Sexton 51. Gladys M. Vines 52. Clara Carter 53. Fran Williford 54. Lora Joy Box 55. Ruby Beard 56. M/M Bowden Grisham 57. Carole Shelby 58. Minnie Sonnier 59. Melvin R. Banks 60. Corinne Murray 61. Geneva Brooks 62. Jeannie Stanley 63. Marie Green 64. Shellie Hancock 65. Annie L. Cummings 66. Mildred B. Isom 67. Ruby Wright 68. Melba Ogg 69. Ima Jean Fogus 70. Billy Willingham 71. Ms. Jean Bohanan 72. Linda Anderson 73. Mamie Guinn 74. Pierce Flatt 75. Betty Standard 76. Ruth N. Blazer 77. Julius Lee Morris 78. Myrle Thurman 79. Ben Hightower 80. Olen Roden, Jr. 81. Margaret Gaskin 82. Don Clair 83. James Kennedy 84. Shirley Pearce 85. Dathol Camp 86. Ellene Vaughan 87. Lorne Lindsey 88. Evelyn Faulkenburry 89. Mary Keener 90. Irma Lucas 91. Patricia D. McClure 92. Mrs. Sharon Freeman 93. Elizabeth Jackson 94. Vic & Ruth Hawn 95. Mrs. J. R. Gray 96. Carol Bonner 97. Jennifer F. Gray 98. Linda T. Shirley 99. Chestley & Helen Nash 100. Cynthia Guy 101. Melba Sewell 102. Simone M. Boler 103. Morgan Wilson 104. Terry Newkirk 105. Rosie Lee Odoms 106. Eileen Williford 107. Ruby Dilmore 108. Elvis Dilmore 109. Betty Parker 110. Charlene Williams 111. Joseph & Bobbie Priddy 112. Paul Gaunt 113. Irene M. Wright 114. Margaret Johnson 115. Rosie Mae Felton 116. Betty A. Skinner 117. Cecil Perdue 118. Alma Maddox 119. Mima R. Vines 120. Catherine G. Cathey 121. Linda Peterson 122. Carolyn T. Taylor 123. Willa Fox 124. Carolyn Harvill 125. Bobbie Saxton 126. Linda Paden 127. Annie Ruth Perry 128. Olen Lee Moore 129. Mary Lois Moore 130. Patricia Thornton 131. Velva Dykes 132. Genie Henning 133. Opal Sappington 134. Ann McDonald 135. Mrs. Ruby Gideon 136. Shirley Graves 137. Faye Cottrell 138. Donnita Ginn 139. Leonard Young 140. Dee Kepler 141. Jane Walker 142. Mildred A. Doss 143. Myra D. Reaves 144. Katie Wyrick 145. Peggy Wroten 146. Betty Jo Stewart 147. Hazel Cook 148. Betty VanBuren 149. Shelia Hall 150. Emily Hall 151. Marce & Joe Kellum 152. Bea Estes 153. Peggy S. Walker 154. Exie Motes 155. Mildred Carroll 156. Mrs. Carolyn P. Olson 157. Mrs. Cassie Pirani July/Aug., 05 These Sent In Answers 191. Garry Gooch 192. Jeremy McFarlin 193. Glen Brady 194. Donna Gulley 195. Billie Jane Davis 196. Ray Parham 197. Ella Darnell 198. Freeman Gray 199. Frances Harrell 200. Evelyn McArthur 201. Billy C. & Lucille Smith 202. Rick Bishop 203. Ron Webb 204. Elizabeth Hines 205. Mrs. L. C. Stewart 206. Grace M. Cooley 207. Lester Cooley 208. Dorothy Alexander 209. Michael Coleman 210. Osteen & Era Hinson 211. Robert Coleman 212. Jane S. Bell 213. Miriam Styers 214. Teresa Williams 215. Otis L. Ransom, Jr. 216. Oscar F. Yates 217. Hazel M. Brown 218. F. Joel Brown 219. Diane Dunaway 220. Mrs. Clay Hopkins 221. Mrs. B. H. Darby 222. W. E. Walker 223. Florence Ashmore 224. Cathy Missildine 225. Clifford Crowder 226. Paul & Marcella Black 227. Nikki Alford 228. Mrs. Doris Laird 229. Nola H. Balentine 230. Lou Smith 231. Jack L. Falls, Sr. 232. Taylor S. McCullough 233. Nancy L. Taylor 234. Ed Istre 235. Gail Herring 236. Betty Clark 237. Kathy Wheeler 238. Wilma J. Branch 239. Penny Clanton 240. Corine Ross 241. Linda Walton 242. Janita Smart 243. Shirley Meche 244. Montrelle Netterville 245. Willie N. Netterville 246. Angie Mask 247. Ralph & Doris Gillespie 248. Maurice Graves 249. Verna Spake 250. Anne Litchford 251. Ruby Matejka 252. Gene M. Lewis 158. Princess & Johnny Watson 253. Sandra Grisham 159. Imogene Blair 254. Dorthy Laws 160. Barbara S. Yates 255. Imogene Kirk 161. Louise H. Butler 256. Audrey Pope 162. Jim Vermillion 257. Travis Hamilton 163. Eddie Vermillion 258. Hazel Lewis 164. Ruby McCrory 259. Evelyn Page 165. Bill & Miriam Moore 260. Jim Nowell 166. Grace Potts 261. Sheri Glazier 167. Jackie L. Hester 262. Mrs. Louella Whitehead 168. Nancy Thayer 263. Norma Inman 169. Shelia Grant 264. Sondra Williams 170. Wanda Lampley 265. Glenda Jefcoat 171. Cory Collins 266. Peggy Cooper 172. Patricia Wright 267. Luella Nelsen 173. Dezarie Ashby 268. Vera Winfrey 174. Patsy Pounders 269. Mrs. J. W. Cooper 175. Mary M. McDonald 270. Mark Hudson 176. Matt & Leigh-Annah Simmons 271. Dorothy Brunson 177. Iris Casteel 272. Annie Copeland 178. Marie Sykes 273. Mrs. Dorothy L. Thornton 179. Ollye Rush 274. Rusty Lambert 180. Sue McDaniel 275. Robert Y. Hudson 181. Dorothy Winslett 276. Evonne Hudson 182. Dwight E. Hester 277. Aron Nielsen 183. Estelle McDonald 278. Gloria Nielsen 184. Bonnie B. Glass 279. Debra Gallaher 185. June Faulkner 280. JoAnn Glenn 186. Charlane Stanfield 281. Otis Whitehurst 187. Mrs. Mary Faulconer 282. Pam Richardson 188. Taldena Zacharias 283. William Richardson 189. Mavis Sanders 284. JoAnn Mayer 190. Ruth G. Reeves 285. Madge Beal 286. Geri Spears 287. Tabitha Strickland 288. Kristy Pipes 289. Jean Cearley 290. Marie Harrell 291. M/M T. N/. Lollar 292. Louise Holcomb 293. Robert Blackburn 294. Mrs. V. E. Buffington 295. Jerry & Jean Lewis 296. Betty Shackelford 297. Edna Thornton 298. Stacy Rogers 299. Shelia Foster 300. Wayne Crum 301. Ruby Pounds 302. June Brents 303. Mary Adams Warren 304. Alice Dempsey 305. Dolores Whatley 306. Roy Gambrell 307. Jewel Lyle 308. Josie Isaacs 309. Josephine Edwards 310. Rose Glaude 311. Mary C. Glaude 312. Tommy & Peggy Shull 313. Mary Jacobs 314. Imogene Grayson 315. Minnie L. James 316. Mary A. Bowers 317. Mary Dennis 318. Bettie Brown 319. James Hudley 320. Wardie Parks 321. Bernice Hauck 322. Angela B. Robinson 323. Linda Crochet 324. Gloria Seabury 325. Bodean Collum 326. Pearl Hitt 327. Spencer Furby 328. Tommy Wall 329. Clara Davis 330. Carol Pipes 331. Walter Bellard 332. Maggie Bohannon 333. Kathie Bordelon 334. Paulette Boudreaux 335. Charles Brittain 336. Doreen Brittain 337. Ruby Brown 338. Dortha Carlile 339. Joe Carlile 340. Neal Claborn 341. Suzan Clayton 342. Natalie Cole 343. Patricia Cole 344. Tommy Cole Sr. 345. Alice Cooper 346. Vester Cooper 347. Janice Crowell 348. Kara Crowell 349. Kasey Crowell 350. Kobe Crowell 351. Jackie Decareaux 352. Erline Elkins 353. Judith Elkins 354. Walter L. Elkins, Jr. 355. Louis Estes 356. Marilyn Estes 357. Vicky Estes 358. Chris Franks 359. Ena Franks 360. Glen Franks 361. Paul Franks 362. Robyn Franks 363. Randall Gandy 364. Barbara Gayle 365. Aubri Geurin 366. Jeremy Geurin 367. Chris Green 368. Craig D. Green 369. Crystal Green 370. Cynthia D. Green 371. Dell Griffin 372. Jack H. Griffin 373. Margaret Griffin 374. Shannon Griffin 375. Steve Griffin 376. Patricia Hanney 377. Angel Harris 378. Jeannine Harris 379. Hunter Hewitt 380. Kenny Hewitt (Turn to Page 20) Joycelyn Thornton West, Mississippi Recent Bible Winner 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. Melinda Hewitt Debbie Kineman Gerry Lambert Lauren Landry Cole Law Marlene McCartney Ken & Janet McReynolds Lydia McReynolds Pat Sue McReynolds Tim McReynolds Susie Morgan Tola Morgan Rachelle Neblett Sterling Neblett John Patterson Christine Poynter Jason Poynter David Sigmund Debra Sigmund Evelyn Sigmund John Sigmund Kenneth Sigmund Bill Slocum Vivian Slocum Jean Smith Lauren Smith Sarah Timpa Dustin Treme Renee’ Treme Grady Ward Wanda Ward Gloria Watson Leora White April & Ethan Williams Denise Williams Margaret N. Freeman M/M Arthur Burnett Sommer Burnett Hattie M. Hooper Greg Mullinicks Mrs. C. W. Wells Carolyn Garrett Rubye S. Miller Sarah Hill Marie Lively Linda Hogue Loney Sykes Doris W. Durr Cindy Simmons Delores Martin Gladys Bryant Lisa Dearman Admiral Tidwell Kay Bramlett Maggie Fain Elsie M. Moore 437. Ms. Tommie Jean Floate 438. Susan Tankersley 439. Minnie Gwyne 440. Glenda Rhodus 441. Christine Holiday 442. Sandra Morris 443. Rusty Lovejoy 444. Chasten Blackmon 445. Abram Hare 446. Wes & Rhoda Jeans 447. Missy Blackmon 448. Carter Blackmon 449. Helen Franks 450. Vernie Cornes 451. Reid & Frieda Thompson 452. Earl Franks 453. Dorothy Franks 454. Johnny Blackmon 455. Caleb Blackmon 456. Keitha Hare 457. Anna Hernandez 458. Ben Hare 459. Bonnie Mobley 460. Jesse W. Moore 461. Mildred Herrington 462. Beulah Rupert 463. Debbie Wilson 464. Faye Stanford 465. Elethia Garrett 466. Mrs. Dean Howe 467. Norma Barnes 468. Mary Evelyn Barnes 469. Joyce Sullivan 470. Jeremiah Woodard 471. Jimmy Woodard 472. Jeremiah Woodard, Jr. 473. Earl C. Woodard 474. Patrick Woodard 475. Kemeikia Bullock 476. Initra Buckley 477. Joe Buckley, II 478. Darren Buckley 479. Kennedy Woodard 480. Betty L. Woodard 481. Inez Buckley 482. Shelia Woodard 483. Joe Randall Potts 484. Bobbie Walker 485. Vera Spencer 486. Peggy Engel 487. Louisa W. Ganier 488. Bonnie Howell If answers are received after July 31, you will be recognized in our next edition, Lord willing. Magnolia Messenger July/Aug., 05 Page 19 Not 109, But 110 And the Lord made 110! Minister Middleton Outside & Inside N Fayette Church Making Progress "Auditorium for "New"Congregation: Organized 10/04 The Church in Fayette, Mississippi - Report by June Franks - With renewed efforts and support from the Booneville Church of Christ in Booneville, Mississippi, the church is meeting once again in Fayette, Mississippi. (A few years ago, for a short time, services were conducted in Fayette, but were discontinued.) Fayette is located in Jefferson county and is one of three counties 70th Anniversary And Reunion All former members of the Wooddale/Southwind congregation in Memphis are invited to a reunion in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the congregation’s beginning and 10th anniversary of its move to the Southwind community Gospel Meeting August 19-21, 2005 Stafford North, speaker Reunion Sunday, August 21 Please RSVP Church of Christ at Southwind 8220 East Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38125 901-755-6699 Email: in the state where no church of Christ was meeting on a regular basis. Kennie Middleton, a Chancery Judge since 1995, preaches for the congregation which began meeting in October of 2004. Average Sunday attendance is running in the 20s. Eight souls have been baptized since the beginning of the work. (Remember Noah? "Eight souls") The church meets in a vacated store or office building in downtown Fayette. One will be pleasantly surprised, after seeing the meeting place on the outside, to enter the building and to see how nice it is on the inside. It offers, to the one entering, an attractive and pleasant place to worship. God has blessed the small church in many ways. One is to have brother Middleton and his family working with the congregation. Another is to have the support of the Booneville church. Also, the church was blessed when an outof-state congregation heard of their needs for pews and supplied them with just the right number, the right length and just the right padding color for the existing building. We are thankful to be able to report that once again the Church of Christ is meeting in Fayette, Mississippi. Our prayers are that the Fayette church will continue to grow and will be able to reach many more than eight souls with the Gospel of Christ in the town of Fayette and in all of Jefferson county. BOONEVILLE According to the July 24, 2005 church bulletin from the Booneville Church, Lloyd Beard, one of the members of the Booneville congregation and Jerry Davidson, Booneville’s missionary to Guyana, report there have been 28 baptisms so far in their mission endeavors. Steven Guy is the local minister for the Booneville congregation. Prayers, Please. For the MM. - Report by Lynn Baragona The Booneville Church of Christ Teen Mission Team traveled to Fayette, Mississippi on June 25, 2005 to help the Church of Christ at Fayette conduct a Vacation Bible School during the week of June 26 -29. The Booneville Teen Mission Team was made up of the following Christians: Tommy Baragona, Lynn Baragona, Jordan Guy, Tommy Palmer, Angela Duncan, Andy Duncan, Aaron Duncan, Jordan Coats, Keenan Thompson, Jon Timbes, Jon Palmer Green, Kenita Kearns, Mary Barton, Crystal Snyder, Paige West, Becca Wanner, Jennifer Allen, Chelsea Tittle, and Kiri Beard. The Church of Christ at Fayette is a newly established congregation of around twenty souls who meet in a renovated storefront building on Main Street in Fayette, Mississippi. The Fayette brethren warmly greeted the Teen Mission Team on Sunday morning as they arrived to worship with the saints at Fayette. After a very uplifting service and a quick lunch the Teen Mission Team got to work decorating classrooms and began door knocking with the assistance of the brothers and sisters at Fayette. Brother and Sister Kennie Middleton, Sr. were able to secure the use of Jefferson County High School for Vacation Bible School classroom space. And what a blessing that proved to be! Due to the intense door knocking Sunday afternoon and the efforts of members like Cedric Doss who filled up the bed of his pickup truck with young people, the VBS began with a bang! On the first night of VBS there were 73 in attendance and that number climbed each night. In fact, the teens were so excited; they got their youth minister, Tommy Baragona, to agree to shave his head if the number reached 110. By Wednesday, the enthusiastic group had knocked on every door possible in the city of Fayette and their hard work paid off! On the final night of VBS, 109 heads were counted but alas they were one short. However, as we read in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Therefore, the Lord made 110 and Tommy Baragona got his head shaved! As exhibited by this joint effort of the brethren at Booneville and the brethren at Fayette, much good can be done when congregations work together for a common goal. (Lynn Baragona) See Picture to the Right Booneville Workers Conduct VBS in Tylertown Several members from the Booneville Church of Christ, located in the north eastern part of the Magnolia state, traveled south to Tylertown, Mississippi where they spent several days conducting a Vacation Bible School. Others from the Booneville congregation went a few days before Vacation Bible School began and door knocked, inviting others to attend. Leaflets/tracts were handed out to hundreds in the Tylertown area. We were privileged to visit the VBS on Tuesday, June 28, 2005. Jerry Davidson from Fairhope, AL assisted in the mission effort and was the teacher of an adult class. Brother Jerry, who is a missionary to Guyana and is partially supported by the Booneville church, presented a very good lesson on“The One True Church”. Others who came to help with the VBS and were present at the time of our visit included Lloyd & Barbara Beard, Billy & Virginia Moorman, Joe & Mary Ellen Johnson, Jane Allen, Ashley Carter, and the Moorman’s grandson, Ethan Brown. It was interesting and encouraging to see those who were so willing to help even though they might not be as young as they once were. Being in unfamiliar territory at night and in very heavy rain, one of the men who took kids home after VBS was heard to say after he returned, “I’m really glad to be back, I couldn’t see and I didn’t know where I was going. I’m so tired.” His wife just patted him on the shoulder and said, “You can make it one more night.” Even though the attendance was not what the workers had hoped it would be, those in attendance seemed eager to learn. Refreshments were prepared by the local congregation and were enjoyed by all. Shaun Evans, who lives near Raleigh and is a student at Magnolia Bible College, preaches for the Tylertown congregation and, from all reports, is doing a good job. (report by June Franks) Tommy Lost the Little Hair He Had Tommy Baragona, Youth Leader of the Booneville church, surrounded by excited teens who Insisted that he keep his "shaved head" commitment. Comments Invited Magnolia Messenger THANK YOU For Answering The Question Box See Page 20 Your Financial Support Needed, Requested, Appreciated Magnolia Messenger Page 20 V KJ se ing u d ase or g. Ple e to w ellin du nd sp a The Question Box Fear Fear is a natural part of life. It is another of the blessings given to us by our loving Creator. Under control, used properly and directed toward the right objects, fear can serve us well. It protects. It empowers. It motivates. And, all of this can be good. On the other hand, fear can be bad. Instead of us controlling fear, fear can control us. Many things, we all fear. Rightly so. All around us, there's danger, destruction, death. Then, there are the "terrorists"!? God's help is needed. Our study for this issue of the QB asks you July/Aug., 05 Pl e du ase e t us an o w e K d s or JV pe din llin g g. to ponder some of the many interesting and practical Bible teachings concerning fear. Please fill in or complete each of the sections in the following lesson. Please send your answers to us. By so doing you will encourage others (see page 19). You also become eligible by having your name in the list from which we randomly select our New Bible Winner. (We award a beautiful Study Bible to one student who sends in answers. This time, you just may be the one.) Thank you for your continued interest in the Bible and for answering "The Question Box". Who Commanded, "Fear Not....?" (An Angel or Jesus?) References: Luke 2; Matt. 10; Luke 5; Matt. 28; Rev. 1 ______ 1. "...Ye are of more value than many sparrows." ______ 2. "... for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified." ______ 3. "...from henceforth thou shalt catch men." ______ 4. "...I am the first and the last." ______ 5. "...I bring you good tidings of great joy." Godly People Who Feared In the blank before each point, write in the name of the person who experienced fear. Answers: Moses, Paul, Noah _______ 1. "I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling." (I Cor. 2:3) _______ 2. "...moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house...." (Heb. 11:7) _______ 3 "... said, I exceedingly fear and quake." (Heb. 12:21) Fear Not Fill in the Missing Words and Complete the Bible reference. (1) "And fear not ______ which _____ the ______, but are not _______ to _____the ________: but rather fear him which is _____to_______both _____ and ______ in _____." (Matthew ___:28) (2) "So that ____ may _______ say, The ______ is my ________ and I will not fear what ______ shall ___ unto ____." (______ 13:6) (3) "There is no fear in ______; but ________ love _______ out fear: because fear hath _______. He that feareth is _____ made _________ in _______." (I John ___:___) Ray and Sharon Paseur Leave MBC; Move to LA After 24 years of dedicated work with MBC, Ray Paseur and his family have moved to West Monroe, Louisiana, where he has accepted the challenge of serving as a full-time preacher for the West Ouachita congregation. In an advertisement received by MM from the Louisiana church, the following is quoted. "We are a small congregation with lots of wonderful, loving members. We need a minister who wants to help us meet the potential that God desires. Minister must be grounded in Biblical truths. We have in attendance between 5070 people." Ray and Sharon decided, in view of their age and present circumstances, it was time for them to "move on". Ray expressed a strong desire to go back into preaching full-time. We bid them God's-speed and want them to know that those of us associated with the Bible college, will be forever grateful for their valuable service to MBC. (alf) Gospel Meeting 1. One who believes Jesus is the Son of God. (Acts 8:37) 2. One who has and continues to repent of his sins. (Acts 2:38) 3. One who has been baptized into Christ. (Gal.3:27) 4. One who is "Christ-like". with MM editor A. L. Franks Jackson Chapel Church Leesville, LA September 11-16, 2005 (Sunday thru Thursday) Area Wide Singing Fear Commanded Passages which require fear. Find the missing number/book in the Bible reference. 1. "Be not highminded, but fear." (Romans 11:___) 2. "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God." (Ephesians ___:21) 3. " out your own salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:___) 4. "Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God...." (I _______ 2:17) 5. "...fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew ___:28) SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO US Name: ________________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ____________________ State: ________ Zip:__________Telephone: ________________ Notice: Each person who sends in answers will be recognized in the next issue of the "MM" (see page 18). Also the name of one student will be selected, at random, to be awarded a beautiful New Study Bible. You may be the one. Send your answers to: The Question Box P. O. Box 1578 Kosciusko, MS 39090 Friday - Sept. 17 New Bible Winner Bobbie Saxton (Yazoo City, Mississippi) Congratulations! W H O IS A CHRISTIAN? ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? From Mississippi, Watching the Sun Set in Louisiana