
User guide
For the presenter
Getting started
Installation of your multimedia client
To get yourself set up for Meet Me Now, you first need to install a copy of our
multimedia client, which you can find on the enclosed CD. If a previous version
of the client is currently installed on your machine, please uninstall it and
reboot your PC before proceeding. Also ensure all other applications are closed
(especially Microsoft Outlook).
Double click the installation file and follow the steps on screen.
Launching Microsoft Outlook
Once the installation is complete, launch Microsoft Outlook and under the menu
options you will see a new heading named ‘multimedia’.
Select ‘preferences’ from the Multimedia menu and under the ‘user’ settings, fill
in the following details, as supplied on your Timico welcome letter.
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Under connection set the connection speed relevant to your network –
low, medium or high.
Under network, ensure the active proxy IP is always set to, the
proxy port is 5060 and the domain name is as supplied to you by us.
Setting your location
Once these steps have been completed, click ‘OK’ which will take you back to the
Outlook main screen. From here select the multimedia heading again and select
‘login’ from the list of options. If all the above details are correct, a pop-up box
should appear asking you to select a location. Choose the relevant entry from
the list. If the pop-up box does not appear, from the Multimedia menu in Outlook,
select preferences then user.
Locations are set up by Timico and usually correspond to your company offices
or sites. If no relevant location is defined you should select ‘other’ from the list.
Once a valid location is chosen, the user status/presence should change from grey
(unknown) to green and show as connected/active.
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Your Meet Me Now settings
1. Log on to your Personal Agent via the multimedia client tool bar in Outlook
or the URL provided by Timico.
2. On the menu bar, click preferences.
3. I n the left pane, select preferences > services > Meet Me Now. The
Personal Agent lists your Meet Me Now settings. Amend or complete any
missing fields.
Access code to join
your conference
Conference URL to provide
to your participants
Starting a Meet Me Now web conference
1. Send the required phone access information to your participants - dial-in
number and access code (see above), along with the date, and time of the
2. P
rovide participants with the web link to the conference. You can find this
conference URL on your Meet Me Now page within the Personal Agent,
shown as ‘Address to use to join the web collaboration conference’
(see above).
3. When you are ready to start your conference, call the dial-in number.
4. Enter the conference access code followed by the hash (#) key.
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5. P
ress the star (*) key and then enter your chairperson PIN followed by the
hash (#) key.
6. T
o start the conference, press 1 and then to start the web collaboration
session, press 9 1. Click the link pushed to you on the share tab of the call
pop up, or go to the Meet Me Now page on the Personal Agent and click
on the Chairperson web collaboration link (hit the refresh button in your
web browser if this does not appear in a few seconds). This will open the
presenter web collaboration window in your web browser.
7. F
rom this window, you can publish the Microsoft Office documents (Word,
PowerPoint, Excel) that you want to present to the participants, or you can
share your entire desktop.
8. If you wish to record all or part of your Meet Me Now meeting, press * 9
to start recording and * 9 when you wish to finish. Your recording will be
emailed to you as a .WAV file.
Presenter web collaboration window tools
Lock the web conference
to new users
Publish Microsoft Office
Share your desktop with
Present the previous and
next page of a published
Present a specific slide,
identified by title or
number in the drop-down
Guide the presentation
using the Document
Conduct instant polling of
Mark up published
documents in real-time
End the web portion of
the collaboration. Audio is
Switch all participants to
full screen
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Publishing your documents
To publish Microsoft Office documents for use during a presentation:
1. On the toolbar, click publish
2. Browse for the document you want to publish.
3. C
lick publish document. The first page will then appear automatically in the
web collaboration window.
Note: If you use Office 2007, you will first need to save documents in the
98 – 2003 format e.g. .doc instead of .docx.
Presenting your documents
To navigate through a published document, use the previous and next icons
on the toolbar
, or use the drop-down menu to jump to a specific
To guide participants around the published page, click the document
pointer on the toolbar
and all participants will be able to follow your
To mark up published documents for real-time demonstrations in your
presentations, click the marker on the toolbar
To keep an electronic copy of any marked up changes, use the print screen
function on your PC.
Removing published documents
To remove a published document from the presentation:
1. From the publish documents window, click on the appropriate published
2. Click delete.
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Sharing applications
To share applications (e.g. non-Microsoft Office documents such as pdfs) or your
entire desktop with conference participants (requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or
1. On the toolbar, click application sharing
2. From the dialogue box, select the applications that you want to share.
3. C
lick share selected to share the selected applications, or click share all, to
share all applications.
4. T
o select the document to share, restore the main window or annotate your
shared document with the pointer or marker, click on the file sharing icon
on the right hand side of the top toolbar on your screen.
5. To stop application sharing, click unshare all.
Note : The first time you try to share a document on Meet Me Now, you
will see a dialogue box asking you to download a file sharing application,
then follow the steps below:
1. Click install now.
2. C
lick share, if you’re happy for all your applications, including your desktop
to be shared.
3. C
hoose the appropriate quality option (Best, medium or high quality),
depending on the speed of your broadband connection.
Using the attendee roster
You can use this to view present conference participants, along with their web and
audio status:
Hover over an entry to view more information about a participant: name,
company, e-mail address, or telephone number.
Click all attendees for options available to all participants.
Click an entry for options available to that participant.
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Manage the attendees by using the attendee menu options to:
–– Select remote control to direct applications on a participant’s
–– Select send file to send files to selected participants.
–– Select disconnect to remove selected participants from the web
collaboration session.
–– Select edit info to add or change attendee information.
–– Select chat to send an instant message.
To transfer control of the presentation to a participant, right-click the
participant’s roster entry, and then select make presenter. To take back
control, click on the presenter icon in the toolbar.
Taking instant polls
To gather instant polls during your presentation:
1. On the toolbar, click poll
2. To clear any previous questions, click new.
3. Type your poll question and list of possible answers.
4. To add more answers, click add.
5. To remove answers, highlight the relevant question, then click delete.
6. Click save to save the poll question for later use.
7. To immediately send the question, click conduct.
8. To broadcast results to your participants, click end poll then share results.
Ending your conference
To end your conference, click stop presentation and sign out, then click OK.
If you have any questions about setting up or
using our Meet Me Now service, you can email us at, or call us on 0844 871 8125.
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