IPPC Document B2.5.1 Energy Waste recycling facility and baling plant Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa PA 2453/10 EPF/A/PAF/12/75 Dr. Joe A Doublet PhD (Wales) Applicant Perit Ġorġ Cilia Architect Perit Joe Grech B.E.& A. (Hons), A.& C.E. April 2012 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Table of Contents 1 Operational Phase ............................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.1.1 Energy considerations ................................................................................................ 5 Energy demand ....................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2 Fuel for combustion engines .................................................................................. 7 Page 2 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa List of Figures Figure 1: 3D model showing estimated light intensity and distribution by the proposed lighting setup. ............................................................................................................................. 6 Page 3 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa List of Tables Table 1: Estimated electrical demand at proposed Baling Plant ................................................ 5 Table 2: Estimate consumption of fuel and carbon dioxide emissions. ..................................... 7 Page 4 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa 1 Operational Phase 1.1 Energy considerations An engineer was contracted to study the level of energy consumption and the potential for energy conservation measures which could be undertaken on site during the operational phase (see: Appendix I). 1.1.1 Energy demand An exercise was undertaken to estimate the estimated electrical demand by the proposed plant (see: Table 1). Designation Type of Service 1 Electric Motors 3 h.p. motor 7 h.p. motor 30 h.p. motor 5 h.p. motor 75 kW motor 3 h.p. motor Lighting External Lighting Internal Lighting General Power Total Electrical Demand Diversity Factor Diversified Electrical Demand 2 3 No. of units Demand per Unit kVA Total Demand kVA 10 1 4 6 4 6 2.7 kVA 6.3 kVA 27 kVA 4.5 kVA 83 kVA 2.7 kVA 27.0 6.3 108.0 27.0 332.0 16.2 9 1 1 0.28kVA 12 kVA 18 kVA 1.96 12.0 18.0 548.46 50% kVA 274.23 Table 1: Estimated electrical demand at proposed Baling Plant It is estimated that the total electrical demand of 548KVA would be required at the site if all the electrical equipment would be switched on at the same time which is practically never the case, hence a diversity factor of 50% is employed. Following consultation with Enemalta Area engineer, the nearest existing substation exceeds the stipulated safety distance to the premises, and thus an 11kV/400V substation has to be setup on site to cater for the projected load. To this effect, a substation room in line with Page 5 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Enemalta requirements has been included in the proposed development, which would thus satisfy the above demand and also with ample space for future expansion. External Lighting Scheme The following lighting fixtures are being proposed to be used on site: Type ‘A’: 400W High pressure Sodium Street Light Fixtures fitted on 10m Poles; Type ‘B’: 150W High Pressure Sodium Street Light Fixture fitted on a wall bracket at 6m Heights. Such fixtures have a long service life and high efficiency lamps thus having a highly efficient operation. A high output utilisation is obtained through highly efficient reflectors and as a result that the fixtures are all down lighters. This would also limit glare output to the neighbouring environment particularly the adjacent arterial road. Figure 1: 3D model showing estimated light intensity and distribution by the proposed lighting setup. Page 6 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa The proposed lighting scheme provides sufficient illumination levels to all areas of the development, with an average illumination of 40-50 lux. Critical areas have an illumination which exceeds 150 lux, which is essential for such areas. 1.1.2 Fuel for combustion engines The operations of the proposed plant include the use of heavy vehicles and diesel driven prime movers for a number of activities. Table 2 shows the estimated consumption of fuel from the various machinery which will be used on site and the corresponding carbon dioxide emissions. In order to reduce on carbon dioxide emissions it is being recommended that biodiesel would be sued instead of the standard product. These figures were produced by taking into consideration the type of engines which will be used on site and also the number of working days when these would be employed and the normal transit journeys normally employed by the company in order to run its business. This included also the transit journeys from the plant to the port area for the purpose of loading vessels with material to be exported. Type of equipment Shredder plant Local Handling and transport Excavators/Shearers Daily consumption of diesel / dm3 400 145 220 Annual emissions / Tonnes CO2/ yr 256.00 92.80 140.80 Table 2: Estimate consumption of fuel and carbon dioxide emissions. Page 7 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Appendix I Energy Report Page 8 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Our Ref. No. VB/me/1977/12 Date: 30th May 2012 Application No.: PA 2453/10 Location: Construction of Bailing Plant at HHF 601, Hal Far, Qasam Industrijali, Birzebbuga. Subject: Energy Demand, Energy Saving and Environment Friendly Measures 1.0 Scope The scope of this report is to detail the energy demand of the proposed development and the industrial activities being planned to be undertaken, together with measures being projected and others which have already been incorporated in the engineering designs and technical specifications of the new bailing plant hereby proposed. Such measures have been targeted to obtain significant and daily energy saving, throughout the life cycle of the building by implementing permanent environment friendly procedures and installations, and to limit carbon dioxide emissions produced through such operations, to the minimum. 2.0 Electricity Consumption and Savings Energy consumption saving has a significant effect on the running of a bailing plant of this magnitude, given its size and capacity. Apart from the commercial aspect which has a direct impact on the annual running costs of the plant, electricity consumption savings reflect in reduced emissions of environmental harmful gases from our utility power generating stations, being more termed as reduction in the carbon footprint of the building. Reduction in electricity and energy consumption is being anticipated to be achieved by the following measures: 2.1 Day lighting Page 9 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Utilising and optimising on the use of daylighting, as most of the operations are carried out in open spaces, leaving covered areas only for storage purposes. Lighting used for covered areas and security during dark hours will be of high efficacy, giving a high illumination rate per watt of electricity used. This is dealt in greater detail in report reference VB/rg/R1847/11, also forming part of this submission. 2.2 Energy Efficient Lighting. Lighting in the entire complex will be entirely provided through highly efficient luminaries equipped with energy saving lamps, particularly metal halide (HIT), high pressure sodium (HST), LED technology, high efficient fluorescent (T5-FL), compact fluorescent (CFL) and similar energy saving type of lamps. These types of lighting bulbs have a high luminous output and thus give a higher light output for a lower wattage and energy consumption, and much lower heat emissions. The latter would impose a lower heat demand on air-conditioning and ventilation systems and thus gaining a further energy saving from this aspect. Moreover, all such lamp technologies provide a longer service life, resulting in lower maintenance interventions and costs. 2.3 Power Factor Correction Most of electrical motors and energy saving lighting systems result in the creation of reactive power, which is unused, but yet still consume reactive power which needs to be generated by our power stations. To compensate for this, it is being designed to install localised power factor correction equipment and thus each fixture and equipment shall be specified to include in-built power factor correction facilities to compensate at source and eventually null this unused component of generated power. This would furthermore reduce electric currents passing through the feeding cables, resulting in a directly proportional loss reduction due to heat emissions and thus further energy saving. Page 10 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Moreover, automatic power factor correction equipment will be provided on the main switchgear, to correct any residual power factor at the incoming source of supply, not sufficiently corrected by the local power factor correction modules. 2.4 Building Management Control System All major electrical power consuming equipment and plant will be monitored and controlled by a Building Management Control System. The system shall incorporate on- line status monitoring of all equipment, to enable the operator to sense and identify equipment which is unnecessarily in operation, and to operate such equipment at a load related duty. 2.5 Variable Speed Control Drives All motor starting will be controlled via star-delta starting and for the more commercially viable motors, by means of VVF inverter controlled starting units. The latter motor control systems shall be fitted on variable loads drives, where plant will be driven at lower torque during low load and idle cycle operations. This will increase the load factor of the motor, resulting in operating the motor closer to the optimum efficiency operating point. 2.6 Presence Controlled Lighting Schemes It is being recommended and included in engineering designs that all lighting facilities and all common areas, toilets and staff rooms are to be equipped and controlled by presence detectors. The signal from each respective detector shall enable the automatic control of the lighting in the particular zone, without the need of any manual intervention. In case of non-presence detection, for a pre-determined, user selectable time period, the lighting in the zone will be disabled. This has significant energy saving throughout the daily activities in this industrial facility 2.7 Photocell Control Lighting Schemes for External Lighting Page 11 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa It is being recommended and included in the designs that all external lighting will be controlled via a photocell unit. This ensures that the external areas are being equipped with artificial lighting for security purposes only during periods of low natural illumination, and non-depending neither on human intervention, nor on time, which varies from one season to another. Apart from energy saving, this has a significant impact on maintenance and lamp replacement interventions. 3.0 Water Heating The premises will have a daily demand for hot water, which is used for the personnel toilets and changing rooms. Two in number 4 square meter collector and 300 litre capacity solar water heaters are being proposed to cater for this hot water demand. Considering a maximum of 15 personnel, at a daily hot water demand of 30 litres per person, this results in an annual total demand of 112 cubic meters. The energy required to heat up this water from say 20 deg.C to 60 deg.C is given by : Q =mxCxθ Q = 112k kg x 4.2 kJ/kgK x 40 K Q = 18,816k kJ Q = 5,300 kWhr per annum. The type of solar water heaters being hereby considered is calculated1 to produce 4,248kWhr/yr at the local conditions, (solar radiation, latitude, south orientation, 45deg tilt) and the extra energy required is only 120kWhr per year. This takes into consideration that significant amount of hot water is being utilised during the periods of presence of solar radiation. The energy demand and the respective saving in emissions is tabulated in Table 1. 4.0 Space Cooling and Heating Systems Page 12 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa It is being designed that the air-conditioning systems for the administration block will be provided through air cooled high efficiency inverter driven compressor units ( Variable Refrigerant Technology). A total of five split type AC units are being designated to the administration and changing room building, which at a nominal cooling capacity of 5.6kW and an EER of 3.8, results in a total electrical demand of 5 x 1.5kW = 7.5kW. Taking a utilisation factor of 0.8 for the hot season, say 150 days for an 8 hour period, it results in an energy consumption of 7,200kWhr/yr. Comparing this consumption to the consumption of conventional air conditioning plant, it results that a conservative 25% saving is achieved. In the heating mode, the COP of inverter type split AC unit is in the region of 4.1 and taking a utilisation factor of 0.6 and a 10 hour period for 90 annual days, it results in an annual energy consumption of 3,690kWhr. This would have been 15,120kWhr if standard electric element heaters were to be used, and around 4,800kWhrs if conventional (non- inverter type) ac units were employed. However, it is being planned and consultations are under way with the main bailing machine suppliers, to provide such heat energy through recovery from the diesel driven combustion engine. Given the magnitude of such drive in this application, all such heat energy required for space heating will be obtained from this heat recovery process. This results in a further saving of 4,800kWhr and respective emissions per annum. 5.0 Ventilation of Changing Rooms and Storage Areas Ventilation for changing rooms and toilets will be provided through natural ventilation openings, which will be provide at opposite high/low levels, to enhance the induction of such air changes by convection currents and air movements depending on the actual wind force and orientation. This is being calculated to save the installation of four Page 13 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa extractor fans at 120W each, which for an 8 hour duty for 250 days would use 960kWhr per year. All covered storage areas are being designed to be ventilated through natural ventilation as opposed to mechanical ventilation. This is being achieved by providing adequate low level louvered openings and non-motorised roof top mounted extractor fan ventilator units. Cross ventilation will be induced by convection currents, due to temperature difference of air at floor and ceiling level, which air flow will force the free running fan impeller to rotate, assisting further the induction of natural air currents, and thus providing an energy free ventilation system. It is estimated that such energy free roof top ventilators have eliminated the employment of at least six extractor fans, 600W each, for an 8 hour duty for 250 days. These would have used some 7,200kWhr per year. This has thus contributed to the elimination of electrically operated air extraction equipment, contributing further to a reduced overall electrical energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Page 14 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa 6.0 Rain Water and Second Class Water collection The proposed development shall incorporate two in number underground water reservoirs for collection and storage of rain water and second class water respectively. Rain water shall be collected from the roof tops of all covered areas. This will be directed to the designated rain water reservoir and used for local fresh water demands, with the remainder being possibly retailed to bulk bowser water distributors. Grey water will be collected from the extensive drive-ways and open areas of the industrial complex, and stored into the designated grey water reservoir after being filtered through an oil separator. Second class water shall then be minimally treated and pumped through designated pipework to provide second class water for toilets flushing, irrigation and cleaning and washing amenities. The remainder will possibly be retailed to bulk bowser grey water distributors. Drawing number BLP/HLR/M01 revision 1 dated 14.05.12 shows the proposed interventions and installations, and is hereby attached and forms an integral part of this report. The annual water demand for an occupancy of 15 employees, at 100 litres per day each, results in 1.5m3/day, which for 250 working days amounts to 375m3 per annum. The energy consumption per m3 of water production is calculated from the Water Services Corporation Annual Report 20082, where it is listed that 130GWhr have been used to produce 30.8Mm3 of potable water. This results in an energy rate of 4.22kWhr/m3. This implies that the annual water demand of 375m3 requires an annual energy of 1,583kWhr. 7.0 Motor Starting Page 15 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa All motor starting will be controlled via star-delta starting and in the case of more frequent start-ups, by means of VVF inverter controlled starting units. The latter starting systems shall, in particular and as already amplified in the respective previous section, be fitted to the air-conditioning plant motors which apart from eliminating the significant starting current surges during start-ups, the number of start-ups are reduced and the energy consumption is also reduced due to lower speed / capacity running. 8.0 Insulation of building envelope Measures to reduce the energy consumption of the building have also focused on the building envelope, which play an important part on the energy requirements by the operations undertaken within the premises, in order to maintain a comfortable habitable indoor temperature. The building envelope comprises mainly of three components, namely walls, ceilings, and apertures. 8.1 Walls Dividing walls are generally in plastered hollow concrete bricks or structural concrete elements. Exposed walls are made up of double hollow concrete bricks, with a 50mm air gap. 8.2 Ceilings and Roofs All exposed ceiling and roofs will be covered with a 50mm layer of insulated material having a high insulating properties with a thermal conductivity of 0.034W/m.K. This will provide adequate insulation to the administration building and stores, ensuring full compliance with the Technical Guide F and well within the minimum requirements on the Energy Performance of Building Regulations in Malta. 8.3 Apertures Page 16 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Apertures to exposed areas will comprise of an aluminium frame equipped with thermal break and double glazed. The glazing comprises of a typical 4mm and 4mm panel with a 14mm gap filled with 10% air and 90% argon. 9.0 Fuel for Combustion Engines The operations in the proposed plant also include significant use of heavy trucks and diesel driven prime movers for a number of activities. Table 2 lists the number and type of diesel engines employed for each activity, with the respective projected usage time and fuel consumption. This fuel consumption is subsequently entered in table 1 and the resultant emissions have been tabulated. Page 17 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Transportation 1 Heavy Vehicle ERF Trucks (1998) Engine Cummins 325 HP 10 ltr Fuel Diesel Fuel Consumption 70 liters per working day Quantity in fleet 5 Utilisation & Consumption Qty Rate per day No of days Annually Liters per Annum Average Liters per Day Two trucks Daily 2 70 250 35,000 140 Three trucks every 2 months 3 70 6 1,260 5 145 Liters per Annum Average Liters per Day Total Excavators 2 Heavy Vehicle VOLVO Excavator (1997) Engine Volvo 350 HP 12Ltr Fuel Diesel Fuel Consumption 100 liters per working day Quantity in fleet 3 Qty Utilisation & Consumption Rate per day No of days Annually 1 One Excavator Daily Two excavators 3 days weekly 2 100 250 25,000 100 100 150 30,000 120 220 Liters per Annum Average Liters per Day 100,000 400 Total Shredder (1995) 3 Heavy Vehicle Engine AGO-SACM V12 -1900 BOR (1995) Fuel Diesel Fuel Consumption 400 liters per working day Quantity in fleet 1 Qty Daily Shredder Operation Utilisation & Consumption Rate per day No of days Annually 1 400 Total 250 400 Table 2 : Fuel Consumption by Combustion Engines Page 18 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa The emissions hereby calculated have been based on standard quality fuel. The operator will seek to procure a more environmental friendly fuel, like a higher percentage of biodiesel, in order to reduce the rate of CO2 emissions per litre of fuel consumed. 10.0 Renewable Energy Sources The extensive roof surface areas and the location of the complex makes it a very attractive site for a Photo Voltaic Solar Panel farm. Despite that for the time being capital investment and project implementation are being focused on matters directly related to the line of business of the entity, such potential of the site in renewable energy sources, and particularly in Photo Voltaic Solar Panels, is intended to be exploited. The proposal includes the installation of photovoltaic systems on the two main roofs of the complex, namely the office block and roofed over stores building. The amount of photo voltaic panels which can appropriately installed on each respective roof is given in table 3. Drawing number BLP/HFR/PV-01 revision 1 dated 14.05.2012 hereby attached, shows the installation being proposed and forms an integral part of this report. The design has taken into consideration the orientation of the panels, best inclination and adequate spacing in order to avoid shading from adjacent / front panels, even during the winter low sun elevation season. Building Roof Area – m2 PV Panel kWp Office 90 5.64 Main Store Building 104 24.44 Total 30.08 Table 3 – Photovoltaic Systems Page 19 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa 11.0 Electrical Demand The primary electrical loads and operations involving the direct use of electrical power are listed in the schedule in Table 4 below. No. of units Demand per Unit kVA 3 h.p. motor 10 2.7 kVA 27.0 7 h.p. motor 30 h.p. motor 1 4 6.3 kVA 27 kVA 6.3 108.0 5 h.p. motor 6 4.5 kVA 27.0 75 kW motor 4 83 kVA 332.0 3 h.p. motor Lighting 6 2.7 kVA 16.2 External Lighting Internal Lighting 9 1 0.28kVA 12 kVA 1.96 12.0 General Power Total Electrical Demand 1 18 kVA 18.0 548.46 Designation 1 2 3 Type of Service Total Demand kVA Electric Motors Diversity Factor Diversified Electrical Demand 50% kVA 274.23 Table 4: Electrical Demand Schedule As indicated in the above table, the demand for each machine being employed, together with ancillary services like lighting and general power outlets have been evaluated and summed up. Thus the total electrical demand for the development has been worked out as shown, applying a practical diversity factor of 50%. The total diversified electrical demand for the entire development has resulted in 274 kVA. Following our consultation with Enemalta Area engineer, the nearest existing substation exceeds the stipulated safety distance to the premises, and thus an 11kV/400V substation has to be set-up on site to cater for the projected load. To this effect, a substation room in line with Enemalta requirements has been included in the proposed development, which would thus satisfy the above demand and also with ample space for future expansion. 12.0 Lighting Scheme This section of this report details the lighting scheme being proposed for this development, specifying the type of light fixtures being utilised, the projected light distribution, energy saving and light pollution aspects. Page 20 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa 12.1 Lighting Fixtures The lighting fixtures being proposed are as follows:- Type ‘A’: 400W High Pressure Sodium FloodLight Fixture fitted on a 10m Pole. Type ‘B’: 150W High Pressure Sodium Street Light Fixture fitted on a wall bracket at a 6m Height. All the above fixtures are equipped with long service life and high efficacy lamps, resulting in high energy efficient operation. Moreover, all fixtures are equipped with high efficiency reflectors and are intended for mounting for down-lighting purposes, and this implies a high light output utilisation. 12.2 Glare and Light Pollution As already explained in the previous section, lighting fixtures have been selected for down-lighting operation and equipped with high efficiency reflectors. This is an essential feature in order to limit the glare output to the critical neighbouring environment particularly the arterial road, and thus keep light pollution to minimum possible. Light scattering protection barns shall be included, particularly on light fixture type A, the pole mounted floodlights, in order to avoid light scattering. Drawing number BLP/HLR/L-01 hereby attached provides an accurate light intensity and distribution layout. The drawing shows a complete illumination scheme with the light intensity distribution covering all uncovered areas of the proposed plant. The lighting scheme being proposed provides sufficient illumination levels to all areas of the industrial zone, with the average illumination being 40 to 50 lux, which is marginally higher than that recommended at 30 lux. Critical areas like the turning curves and obstruction zones have an illumination which exceeds 150 lux, which is essential for such areas. 12.3 Lighting Control Lighting control shall be as follows:1. Manual and Timer controlled for luminaires servicing particular zones, like the stores access doors, overridden by a photocell controller . 2. Photocell control for all the remaining light scheme in the common areas and drives ways of the industrial complex. Page 21 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa The above control method shall ensure utilisation of the artificial lighting only during low natural lighting periods, avoiding human and / or timer setting errors. This contributes for an overall energy efficient installation. 12.4 Further comments The lighting scheme being proposed functional illumination levels to all areas of the industrial complex and the overlying sports facilities, in relation to the respective activity being undertaken. Illumination levels are in accordance with Guides LG6 and LG7 of CIBSE – The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers. Lighting fixtures selected satisfy the lighting requirements without posing light pollution to the neighbouring environment. A number of illumination distribution simulation studies carried out, and hereby attached, which indicate that whilst the necessary safety operating illumination levels have been reached, illumination is concentrated on the designated operation zones, limiting light dispersion through the use of specific down lighting luminaires. Lighting fixtures have been selected to be equipped with energy saving lamps and control gear, and efficient reflectors, with light dispersion control barns and louvers where necessary, such that together with the projected orientation of the light fixtures, the best energy efficient installation is obtained. 13.0 Liquid Waste - Drainage The premises will be equipped with a number of washrooms and toilets to serve the employees of the industrial complex. Consultation has been carried out with the Water Services Corporation area engineer, to evaluate the location and invert level of the nearest gravity main sewer in the area. Studying the information provided by WSC, it results that the nearest gravity main is located in Ħal Far road, and its invert level is well below (some 2m and over) than our projected outflow invert level. Further consultation has been carried with WSC and it has been agreed that we shall provide a cesspit, accessible from street level for emptying by a mobile bowser, but primarily equipped with a submersible pump and a rising discharge pressurised main, connected and discharging into the gravity main at Ħal Far road. Page 22 of 28 EIS waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Drawing number BLP/HLR/M-01 shows the size and proposed location of the cess pit, together with the route of the pressure discharge pipework which will connect to the existing gravity main at Ħal Far road. 14.0 Conclusion The above measures have been studied and approved by the developers and are thus being further studied and incorporated in the system engineering designs of the various services being prepared for this bailing plant facility. During the course of the design, these measures are being implemented to ensure an optimum design to considerably mitigate the environmental impact and achieve tangible energy savings. The above measures shall result in a significant reduction of energy consumption when compared to conventional design and installation methods, and will surely provide a lower impact on the environment together with reduced carbon dioxide emissions and slender its carbon footprint. _____________________ Ing. Victor Bonello Consulting Engineer BNel Engineering Consultancy Page 23 of 28 Waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Designation Operation Fuel Type Amount per day 1 2 3 4 Electrical Machinery External Security Lighting Internal Operation Lighting Electricity Electricity Electricity Water Heating Electricity Annual Effective Days Amount per Annum Emissions Rate Annual Emissions Reduced Emissions days MVAhr / liters 3 x10 kgCO2 TonnesCO2/yr TonnesCO2/yr 516kVA x 8hrs @ 0.6 capacity factor = 2,480kVAhr 2,480 1.96kVA x 10hrs @ 1.0 UF = 20kVAhr 20 12kVA x 8hrs @ 0.4 UF = 38.4kVAhr 150 372 0.878 327 49 365 7.3 0.878 6.4 3.2 250 9.6 0.878 8.4 4.2 38.4 5,300kVAhr 250 5.3 0.878 4.63 6 7 8 Space Cooling Electricity Administration & Changing Rooms Space Heating Administration & Changing Rooms 1.58 Reduced emissions estimated at 25% due to higher EER as detailed in section 4.0 0.878 6.32 4.27 All emissions reduced through Heat Recovery from Diesel Engine prime mover of main bailing machine as detailed in section 4.0 0.84 All emissions reduced through Natural ventilation openings as detailed in section 5.0 6.32 All emissions reduced through Natural ventilation openings and 48 Electricity (5.6kW/4.1x1.3=1.77)x5=8.9kVA x 10hrs @ 0.6 UF = 54kVAhr 90 Ventilation - Electricity Administration & Changing Rooms Ventilation Storage Areas 7.2 Electricity 4.9 0.878 4.27 54 4 x 0.12kVA x 8hrs @ 1.0 UF = 3.84kVAhr 250 3.84 6 x 0.6kVA x 8hrs @ 1.0 UF = 28.8kVAhr 250 0.96 7.20 0.878 0.878 0.84 6.32 Reduced emissions estimated at 50% due to interventions detailed in sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.6 & 2.7 4.55 7.5kVA x 8hrs @ 0.8 UF = 48kVAhr 150 Reduced emissions estimated at 15% due to interventions detailed in sections 2.3, 2.4 & 2.5 Reduced emissions estimated 5,300 120=5,120 @ 0878 = 4,550, as detailed in section 3.0 21 5 Comments Page 24 of 28 Waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Designation Operation Fuel Type Amount per day Annual Effective Days Amount per Annum Emissions Rate Annual Emissions Reduced Emissions days MVAhr / liters 3 x10 kgCO2 TonnesCO2/yr TonnesCO2/yr 28.80 9 10 11 12 13 Water Shredder Plant Diesel Engine Local Handling & Transport Excavators Photo Volatic Systems Electricity Diesel / Biodiesel Diesel / Biodiesel Diesel / Biodiesel Electricity 15 x 100l/d =1.5 @ 4.22 = 6.33kVAhr 250 1.58 0.878 1.39 1.39 250 100.0 2.560 256.00 0.00 250 36.3 2.560 92.80 0.00 250 55.0 2.560 140.80 0.00 365 46.7 0.878 0.00 41.02 Total TonnesCO2/yr 854.8 116.4 RESULTANT EMISSIONS TonnesCO2/yr 738.4 6.33 400 liters per day Comments non-powered roof top fans as detailed in section 5.0 All emissions reduced through White and Grey water collection as detailed in section 6.0 400 Av 145 liters per day 145 Av 220 liters per day 220 40kWp @ 1,550 hrs = 46,624kWhr or 128kWhr per day 128 Table 1 : Energy Consumption, Emissions and Reduced Emissions Page 25 of 28 Waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Page 26 of 28 Waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Page 27 of 28 Waste recycling facility, ELV and baling plant, Ħal Far, l/o Birżebbuġa Page 28 of 28