MRIP-APAIS Recreational Fisheries Survey What is goal of recreational survey? To collect data on saltwater recreational catch and fishing effort with precision and accuracy John Boardman measuring catch aboard HB. Why estimating catch is important Proportion landed from recreational fisheries in the Northeast % Recrecational component of catch Gulf of Maine cod 24% 76% Bluefish 70% Striped Bass 30% 74% Summer Fl 26% 40% Black Sea Bass 60% 59% 0% 20% Recreational % Image credit Gary Shepard NOAA NEFSC 41% 40% 60% Commercial % 80% 100% Catch estimate is key to understanding yearly fish abundance! The number of fish next year = Num fish + this year Births – Deaths Rec fishing Deaths Comm fishing - Nat Mort Role of survey is science not enforcement Enforce laws Estimate catch Image Booked Off Charters What do surveyors do? • Interview anglers • Identify • Count • Weigh • Measure catch Sea Queen II Hyannis, MA • Obtain angler demographic information • Target species • Effort info. - hours fished. • Gear used • Location fished Field biologist weighing catch aboard HB What recreational fishing types do we survey? Headboats n = 48 + 4 = 52 Private boats + Shore Permits = 156,356 in 2014 Charter boats n= 745 + 42 = 787 Fishing sites throughout entire state surveyed MA n = 503 Distribution of personnel Region 3 Ernest Jaramillo – Gloucester Christian Kishida - Rockport 6 Amanda Clapp – New Market, NH Baily Stauffer – Waltham Antonio Bigatello - Rockport Mike Brown Region 2 Region 1 8 Rachel Wencek - Weymouth Kelly Swart – Pembroke Judy Rembiscz - Marshfield 5 Scott Dupre - Berkley Emily Roy – Pocassett Jonathan Wilbur – Mattapstt Jaye Koontz – Buzz. Bay Robert Voegtlin – Yarmouth Dale Gorman – Dennis Meri Ratzel – Harwich Travis Lowery – Rochester WE only Sam Asci – Mattapoisett WE only Scott Best Gabe Lundgren N. Scott Perry – MV Larry LeCain - NKT Fred Hanna – Chatham Sampling times - 6 hr blocks 24-hour day divided into 4 sampling intervals + peak: • A: 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. (night interval) • B: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. • P: 11 a.m to 5 p.m. • C: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. • D: 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. (night interval) More representative sampling! Schedule example SITE1 NAME SITE1 TOWN DOCKSIDE MARINA HYANNIS CAPE COD CANAL HERRING RUN BOURNE Site2 NAME SITE2 TOWN DAY Date MODE TIMESLOT BASS RIVER STATE RAMP YARMOUTH WED 5/1/2014 MB 1100-1700 CAPE COD CANAL PORTUGUESE HOLE BUZZARDS BAY FRI 5/3/2014 SH 08:00-14:00 MA Marine Fisheries invests in increased sampling each year 2015 Base schedule March April NOAA BASE SCHED. 15 56 MA DMF ADD ON 0 0 TOTAL 15 56 May 92 40 132 June 103 90 193 July 101 80 181 Aug 98 90 188 Sept 97 63 160 Oct 96 62 158 Nov 108 0 108 Dec 8 0 8 TOTAL 774 425 1199 Number of assignments in 2015 MA 2015 number of assignments NOAA Base and MA DMF Add On 200 MA DMF ADD ON Number of assignments 180 NOAA BASE ACTUAL 160 90 140 80 90 63 120 62 40 0 100 80 60 0 92 40 20 0 103 101 98 97 96 108 56 0 15 March 0 8 April May June July Aug Month Sept Oct Nov Dec Total Interviews by month 2015 n = 3,858 Number of interviews 1200 1016 1000 946 902 Total Int 2015 800 535 600 400 285 125 200 0 0 12 Mar Apr May June July Aug Month Sept Oct 37 0 Nov Dec Number of interviews by month and mode 2015 800 Number interviews 713 700 SHTotal 694 686 CHTotal 600 PRTotal 500 410 400 300 232 182 200 121 100 0 000 804 Mar Apr 139121 141 67 40 13 May June July Aug Month 6065 Sept 90 32 3 11 3 23 000 Oct Nov Dec Headboat Sampling Summary Month # Trips completed # Interviews May 12 197 June 11 148 July 18 349 Aug 16 368 Sept 11 132 Oct 2 16 Total 70 1210 Result of surveying is to produce catch estimate! NUMBERS OF STRIPED BASS CAUGHT 2014 NEW ENGLAND STATES State MAINE NEW HAMPSHIRE MASSACHUSETTS RHODE ISLAND CONNECTICUT TOTAL Year -PSE 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 150,037 39,626 1,461,602 141,278 237,502 Total Catch (A+B1+B2) 296,515 82,900 2,041,344 262,599 389,347 3,072,705 + PSE PSE 442,993 126,174 2,621,086 383,920 541,192 25 26 14 23 20 10 Estimated number of striped bass caught, MA only, by year. Year - PSE 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 3,402,926 6,467,314 4,223,866 3,084,968 2,070,078 1,565,712 904,322 1,107,626 1,594,231 1,461,602 Striped Bass Total Catch (A+B1+B2) 4,329,422 8,124,766 5,646,880 4,027,374 2,627,003 2,012,483 1,228,699 1,367,440 1,973,058 2,041,344 + PSE PSE 5,255,918 9,782,218 7,069,894 4,969,780 3,183,928 2,459,254 1,553,076 1,627,254 2,351,885 2,621,086 10.7 10.2 12.6 11.7 10.6 11.1 13.2 9.5 9.6 14.2 Striped Bass Catch MA by year 2005 to 2014 11,000,000 Striped Bass Total Catch (A+B1+B2) 9,000,000 8,000,000 + PSE 7,000,000 6,000,000 -PSE 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 1,000,000 2004 Number of Striped bass 10,000,000 Atl. cod catch CH and PR Number of fish caught 1,200,000 Atl cod Total Catch (A+B1+B2) CH 1,000,000 Atl cod Total Catch (A+B1+B2) PR 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year 2012 2014 2016 Angler participation in MRIP survey integral to achieving sustainable fisheries • 1,952 refusals in 2014 vs 2,769 interviews - 41% • Non participation reduces precision and accuracy of the survey • Anglers need to understand the importance of survey outcome. Benefit is improved management of their fishery Survey is fulcrum of science and management The MRIP Survey is only comprehensive and standardized source of saltwater angler catch and fishing effort information Survey is fulcrum of science and management The MRIP Survey is only comprehensive and standardized source of saltwater angler catch and fishing effort information Used to assess condition of fish stocks – gauge annual population status Survey is fulcrum of science and management The MRIP Survey is only comprehensive and standardized source of saltwater angler catch and fishing effort information Used to assess condition of fish stocks – gauge annual population status Compared to harvest goals in fishery management plans, measures performance against target quotas Survey is fulcrum of science and management The MRIP Survey is only comprehensive and standardized source of saltwater angler catch and fishing effort information Used to assess condition of fish stocks – gauge annual population status Compared to stock reference points in fishery management plans, measures performance against target quotas Used to analyze management measures like size limits, bag limits and seasons Participate in survey, minimize refusals • This is your survey! Embrace it! • Encourage your anglers to participate, we’ll do the rest • Survey is critical to proper management of your fishery • Access MRIP website to monitor catch by species Let’s keep moving in right direction! Thank you! Images courtesy Snapshot Charters
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U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA Fisheries