Mark Your Calendars - Mukwonago Area School District


Mark Your Calendars - Mukwonago Area School District
W318 S8430 CTY. EE, Mukwonago, WI 53149
Telephone: 363-6260, Press 0
Attendance Line: Press 1 (Available 24 Hours)
Health Room: Press 3
Web Page:
District Web Page:
Smarter-Balanced Testing Pilot – Section Elementary has been chosen to pilot the Smarter-Balanced
Assessments for grades 3 and 5 this year. Our students will have a chance to try out this new on-line
assessment the year before being implemented. We have been told that this will happen mid-March to
early April. Keyboarding skills are very important for our students to be successful with this assessment
since much of the test will require the integration of reading, thinking and writing using a keyboard.
Continuing to reinforce typing skills at home is extremely important. Parents can find websites that
provide keyboarding instruction and practice on our district’s “Classroom Connection” section of our
website. Click on the “keyboarding” link on this website:
Candy Bar Bingo/Raffle – This will be held on Friday, Feb. 7th at Mukwonago High School Cafeteria.
Dinner will be available from 5:00 – 7:00. Bingo starts at 5:30 and runs until 7:45. Raffle tickets for the
many donated items will be available for sale until 7:45, and the drawings will be held at 7:50. Aside from
being a fun, social event, proceeds from this will go to Section’s future playground equipment replacement
fund. Food will be available in an ala carte manner so families do NOT need to reserve dinners ahead of
time. See the PTG pages at the end of this newsletter for more details.
Early Release Day / Parent-Teacher Conference Day
February 5th is an Early Release Day – K-6 Students Dismissed @ 1:00
and Parent/Teacher Conferences are 3:45-7:45 p.m.
Early Dismissal Day
February 20th is an Early Dismissal Day – All K-6 Students Dismissed @ 11:35
February 21st – K-12 NO SCHOOL – Teacher In-service Day
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for Mukwonago Area School District residents will be held
on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., at each of the schools listed below. Children
who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2014, should register for the 2014-2015 school year.
Children are not required to attend this registration.
Enrolling for kindergarten is a three-part process.
1. Registration Night – March 4, 2014
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
2. Screening – This will occur at a later date, but will be scheduled at the registration night.
3. Parent & Child Orientation – To be held the first day of school.
Parents must bring a certified birth certificate to the registration night. This is used for age and
identity verification. Registration materials will be completed the night of registration.
If you are unsure of attendance boundaries or school location, feel free to contact a school at the
number listed below.
Families with a child entering kindergarten for the 2014-15 school year who have a desire to
have their child attend Eagleville for Grades 1 and beyond; will have an opportunity to express
this interest at the kindergarten enrollment night. The District will explore the possibility of
grouping these children.
Big Bend Elementary – 363-4401
Clarendon Ave. Elementary – 363-6286
Rolling Hills Elementary – 363-6318
Prairie View Elementary – 392-6310
Section Elementary – 363-6260
The Mukwonago School District is accepting applications for early entrance to Kindergarten
through March 1, 2014. Early Entrance eligibility evaluations will be conducted for children
who are not 5 years old by September 1st only if the child will be 5 years of age by October 1,
To be eligible for early admission to kindergarten the child must be age 5 by October 1, 2014
and meet criteria set by the District in the areas of social-emotional, academic and intellectual
levels. More information can be found on the district website,, in Board
Policy JBCCB. To apply, parents must send a letter of request stating the child's name, date
of birth, parent name, address and phone number to Mukwonago Area School District, Pupil
Services Department, Attn: Laura Stroika, 385 County Road NN East, Mukwonago, WI
Wisconsin’s inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for
their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they live. Applications may
be submitted to up to three non-resident school districts. Students in 5-year old kindergarten
to grade 12 may apply to participate in open enrollment.
The open enrollment application period for the 2014-15 school year is from February 3 – April
30, 2014. The application period closes at 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2014. Late applications
will not be accepted for any reason. Parents must apply On-line at: For a complete copy of the enrollment flyer and
information go to the DPI website listed above.
Elementary schools will accept intra-district transfer requests for next school
year January 1 through May 1. Parents desiring a transfer for their son or
daughter must complete a form and submit to the building principal of their
current home school. Intra-district transfers are requests for a district resident
student to attend a Mukwonago Area School District elementary school other
than the one assigned according to where he or she lives. Home school
principals will notify the requested school principal of the request to transfer.
Transportation to attend a school outside of the home area is the responsibility
of the parent. Students who are already attending a school as intra-district
transfer students do not need to re-apply, however, new family members would
need to do so. Parent notification of acceptance will be made by June 1st.
Forms are available at each elementary school or download from the district website
under K-12 general student forms/ printable forms
K-6th grade teachers will conference with parents on February 5th from 3:45-7:45 p.m. We
are not able to set aside enough time for a conference for each student. Teachers will be
contacting those parents they wish to see. If a parent feels a conference is necessary for
their child, please contact the teacher. This is an Early Release day and students are
dismissed at 1:00 p.m.
Please remember to put in writing your request for students to alter their regular dismissal
procedures (riding a different bus, being picked up, doctor appointments, etc.).
Convenient school note pads with pre-printed checkboxes are for sale in the office for
($1.00) one dollar. The volume of last minute phone calls and students requesting to
call their parents at work often results in a breakdown in communications. Although we
understand that emergencies do come up, it is very difficult to handle the volume of calls
(especially at the end of the day) and get information to the classrooms without
disrupting teaching. Please review your schedules the night before and send written
notes to the classroom teachers of any change.
Parent Volunteers
A huge thank you to our parents for the involvement they have shown at Section Elementary.
Remember, any time you come into the building to volunteer, you must report to the office
where we will be sure you sign in and have a volunteer card on file and give you a
volunteer badge to wear while in the building.
If you are doing volunteer work at home be sure to call the office to have a volunteer card
sent home. You can record the days you worked at home and then send in your card so we
can update our files. These cards are used when we send out invitations to the Parent
Volunteer Breakfast held at the end of the year. So, please be sure you are included in
our files and Thank You for Your Help at Section!
What’s Happening in Physical Education Class
A huge THANK YOU to the PTG for our new climbing wall.
The students tried it out and are loving the new experience.
on gym days. Many times students wear
boots to school and forget to bring shoes for class. An option would be to keep a pair of tennis shoes
at school for the entire year!
Any new/used beach balls that you want to donate to
Section PE classes for upcoming activities are greatly appreciated.
Check out our Section PE website (located on the Section home page) for what is going on during your
child’s gym class.
@ Section Elementary Library
And the winners are…
The 2014 Caldecott and Newbery Award winning books were announced on
January 27, 2014.
2014 Caldecott Medal Winner:
Locomotive written and illustrated by Brian Floca
2014 Newbery Medal Winner:
Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures,
written by Kate DiCamillo
The Caldecott (award for the illustrations) and Newbery (award for the storyline) are very prestigious awards to
earn for authors and illustrators. Only one book each year earns either the Caldecott or Newbery medal;
however, there are a number of books that can receive high honors for each award.
If you would like more information about the awards or see a list of previous winners, go to the American
Library Association’s web page @ in addition to the Caldecott
and Newbery award, you will find other award winning lists. Happy Reading!!
Ms. Mary Olejnik, Library Technology Specialist
Girl Scout - Brownie Troop 4556 - Collections Drive
Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha
When: Monday, Feb. 17 – Friday, Feb. 28 (A collection box will be in the Section lobby).
Featured Supplies that HAWS is currently in needs of include: Clorox wipes, liquid hand soap refills,
soft dog treats, like Pupperoni, Swiffer floor dusting clothes, and Gallon Zip lock bags.
Dog Supplies:
Large Rawhide bones and chews
Metal leashes
Canned Food - Any brand
Scat Mat
Kong Dog Toys - Med, Large, X-tra Lg
Cat & Kitten Supplies:
Feliway refills
Kitten Formula - KMR, other powdered
Dry Kitten Food
Catnip - Dried
Cat toys (gitter balls, plush balls)
Thank you so much for thinking of the paws and claws at HAWS!
Head Lice does not discriminate!
What is head lice?
Just the thought of head lice makes people want to start scratching their head. Head lice
have been around for many years and are found worldwide. It is a small insect that is looking
for a warm head to live on, and does not care how clean a person’s head is or what their
living environment is like.
How is head lice spread?
Head-to-head contact with someone that already has head lice is the most common way it is
spread. Although less common, it can also be spread by contact with clothing (such as hats,
scarves, and coats) or personal items (such as combs, brushes, or towels). Some may
believe that head lice are spread at school, but actually is more commonly spread at home
(from sleepovers, playing with neighbors, or family gatherings), sports activities (sharing
helmets), summer camp, or scouting activities.
How do head lice move?
Head lice crawl very fast; they do NOT hop, jump, or fly. Head lice are not shared with cats,
dogs, or other animals. Animals get fleas, which are known to jump, so don’t get the two
confused. Head lice do not jump, but fleas do.
How do I know if my child has head lice?
Early detection is the best method of control. The diagnosis of head lice infestation is made
by finding live lice on the scalp or hair of a person. It can be very hard to find because the
lice are very small, move quickly, and avoid light. If crawling lice are not seen, finding nits
(lice eggs) firmly attached to the hair shaft strongly suggests, but does not confirm infestation.
Nits are often mistaken with other things found in the hair such as dandruff, hair care
products, and dirt particles. Unless you are able to see live lice on the head, do not treat until
confirmed by your child’s health care provider or a person trained to identify live head lice.
What can I do as a parent?
It is important to check your child periodically throughout the year, especially around the
holidays and during the summer. It is important to check your child 1-2 times a week after
family gatherings and sleepovers. In most cases, lice are not found until a person shows
symptoms of scratching their head which is about a month after infestation.
See the CDC website for more information:
Laura Heidelmeier RN, BSN
Mukwonago School District Nurse
February 2014
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Vision and hearing screens will take place at your child’s school this winter. All first graders
will receive vision and hearing screenings. All third and fifth graders will receive vision
Your child will receive a copy of the screening results. The form will indicate if no further
evaluation is needed or if follow up is recommended with Physician, Optometrist, or
Audiologist for further evaluation. Results will be documented in your child’s school health
record and available to parent/guardian upon request.
Do you have a child that is NOT in first, third, or fifth grade, but feel they would benefit
from a vision or hearing screen at this time? Please contact your child’s school health
assistant or the district nurse to request a vision or hearing screen for your child. If leaving a
voicemail be sure to include your child’s name, school, grade, teacher, and any concerns you
may have about their vision or hearing.
Thank you,
Laura Heidelmeier RN, BSN, Mukwonago School District Nurse
(262) 363-6292 x27515
“Hooked On Learning”
Any student at Section Elementary. By yourself or with a friend or with a group.
A display project about anything that interests you or that you want to share.
Wednesday February 26th 6:30-7:30 pm
Set-up will be on Tuesday February 25th 6:30-7:30 pm
Section Elementary School Gym
It’s a chance for you to learn something new and share something that interests you with
everyone else.
Information and sign-up sheet sent home in Friday folders or you can download it from the Section
website (there’s a link on Section’s homepage). If you would like to participate, please complete the
sign-up sheet and return it to school by Friday February 7th.
Any questions? Feel free to contact Tina Lawton ( or 262-244-0800) or Tanya
Herbst ( or 262-436-0730).
February 2014
Need for New Leadership
Looking for a way to be more involved in the school community?
PTG is accepting nominations for the 2014-2016 school years for the following:
1) President
2) Secretary
3) Volunteer Coordinator
There are also open chair positions available for the 2014-2015 school year:
1) Math Mania Party (summer 2015)
2) Teacher Appreciation Week
3) Candy Bar Bingo Shadow
If you are interested in finding out more information about any of these opportunities,
please email Mary at
Candy Bar BINGO
Section's popular fun family night will be held on Friday, February 7, 2014.
It will be in the commons at Mukwonago High School.
This Year!!
Doors will open at 5pm with A la Carte dining throughout the evening from Pizza
to a taco and baked potato bar.
Bingo will be played throughout the evening, starting at 5:30pm and ending
Raffle and Silent Auction drawings will be announced beginning at 7:50pm
Everything will be wrapped up by 8:00pm
Watch for a flier to come home with more details in January!!
Candy Bar Bingo's Basket Raffle & Silent Auction
We are still accepting donations, gift cards and services!
Please contact Laura Glosemeyer
or Jennifer Strube
Pictures of our Raffle Baskets and Silent Auction items will be found online in the
coming month. Raffle tickets will be available for sale in advance, or at the door.
Information on how and when to purchase raffle tickets will come home in
All Money raised during this family event will go directly towards
the Section School Playground Fund.
Project Fair
This year's Project Fair will take place on February 26th, set-up will be on the
25th. Watch for more information
Section PTG is on Facebook!
We are listed as “Section school PTG”. Parents, friend us!
Next PTG meeting: Thursday, February 13th at 7:00pm in Section's library