File - Pastor Vic Sassano


File - Pastor Vic Sassano

Vic Sassano
Over 12
years of
Called to exalt Christ through gospel-centered preaching and
strategic leadership. Passionate to mobilize people by casting vision
to the body of Christ. Desiring to see men and women move from
simply attending church to embracing God’s purposes in their lives.
Rhonda and I have been
joyfully married for over
25 years. Throughout our
marriage, we have
served the Lord side-byside. Rhonda is a source
of encouragement, joy,
and inspiration, for me.
We have three wonderful
children: Victor (23), Clair
(18), and Charity (16).
An ordained minister,
collaborative, and visionary
leader committed to being a lifelong learner. I hold a BA in
Theology and am working
toward a Masters in Theology.
Strategic Leadership
Casting vision and equipping people to use their God-given gifts,
talents, artistic abilities, and passions for His glory in their daily lives,
workplaces, families, church, community, city, and beyond.
82 Lions Head Blvd South
Brick, N.J. 08723
Ministry Mobilization
Training and launching leaders for short-term and career-length
kingdom work across a variety of ministry and cultural settings.
Preaching Speaking engagements including venues from a handful of people to
over 600 in attendance. I’ve enjoyed leading in small churches as
well as multi-service congregations, retreats, conferences, and small
group settings.
Personal Mission Statement
To experience an ever deepening relationship with God, so I may be a
loving servant and inspiring leader as I live a balanced life enjoying it to
the fullest.
Philosophy of Ministry
God is all about relationships: His relationship with us, our relationship
with Him, and our relationships with each other. Very little worthwhile
happens outside relationships.
HERE to visit my website!
Hope part 1
Simply Love
Live part 1
Live part 2
Live part 3
Work Experience
Evangel Cathedral, Spartanburg, SC (2011 - 2015)
Provided: primary leadership while Senior Pastor was away; mentoring leadership; pastoral
care; leadership at a mul0-racial and mul0-genera0onal congrega0on and staff; collabora0ve planning
for worship services; 1on1 encouragement and accountability to pastoral and leadership team; the
development of administra0ve staff into a cohesive, effec0ve team;
Pioneered: men’s department, leadership teams, men’s retreats; new K-12 charter school with over 400
enrolled first year and more than doubling in their second year; children, marriage, and family events
Conducted: staff chapels, staff mee-ngs, staff retreats; communion and bap-sms; fundraising projects
raising over $250k; partnership with leaders to establish vision and direc9on for the church
Oversaw: mul$-million dollar budget; 10 paid pastoral and administra$ve staff, perform reviews; small
groups; all buildings and grounds, projects, services, and accounts; reorganiza6on of daycare including
100+ children and 27 employees; turned budget around from loosing more than $30k a year to
profi%ng over $70k annually
Reason for leaving: In early 2015 I helped facilitate a merger between Evangel Cathedral and Free Chapel,
a mul&-campus church led by Jentezen Franklin. Toward the end of the transi&on, Free Chapel offered
me a posi)on on staff. A/er prayer and considera)on, I chose not to accept the posi)on for 2 reasons:
1) I believe God is calling me to be a Senior Pastor and I believe now is the 7me to pursue that call.
2) My father became terminally ill and we felt there was an opportunity to return to N.J. to assist my
mom, as well as be there for my dad during his final days. My father passed not long a9er we arrived,
and we have been blessed to be able to take this 0me to minister to my mom, extended family, and
New Life Community Church, Nashville, IN (2009 - 2011)
Provided: primary leadership while Senior Pastor was away, leadership on the board of elders; marriage
counseling, crisis counseling
Developed: new internship program; distance Bible educa6on classes; new website; family outreach
Conducted: communion and bap,sms; unique family-style VBS
Oversaw: all children’s and family ministries; large-scale renova6on
Reason for leaving: The direc)on the Lord was placing on the Lead Pastor's heart for the church did not
line up with the direc.on the elders wanted to go. A5er much prayer, discussion and counsel, the lead
pastor decided to resign rather than divide the church. I felt the Lead Pastor was being mistreated so I
chose to resign as well.
Living Water Community Church, Bolingbrook, IL (2003 - 2008)
Created & Coordinated: community outreach events; family fall outreach reaching over 1,100; annual VBS.
Developed: curriculum; logos, publica0ons; en0re new facility; new discipleship and leadership program;
12,000 square foot state of the art children’s center
Conducted: leadership and training for mul2ple services; bap2sms.
Oversaw: en#re children and family ministries reaching more than 400 kids weekly; volunteer staff of 150
Reason for leaving: We had an opportunity to assist a small church in developing and growing their
ministries and leadership. This would afford us the 4me to work on refining our na4onal children’s