September 28, 2014 - Saint Andrew Parish
September 28, 2014 - Saint Andrew Parish
Saint Andrew Parish a vibrant and caring Catholic community The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 Please consider making your Parish contribution electronically through our vendor Regular, recurring contributions help provide a consistent cash flow, especially during the summer months when many parishioners are away from Chicago. To setup an automatic contribution schedule, visit and type in Saint Andrew Parish or our zip 60657. It’s that simple. Thank you for your generosity! Mass Times Daily mass in the Chapel (Addison/Hermitage) Monday - Friday 9:00 am Saturday 8:00 am Sunday mass in Church (Addison/Paulina) Saturday Vigil 4:00pm (Confessions at 3pm) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00am, 11:30am & 5:30 pm Holy Day Masses: 9 am & 7 pm in the Church. There are no Vigil Masses for Holy Days. Parish Office: 3546 N. Paulina Street, Chicago, IL 60657 Ph (773) 525-3016 Fax (773) 525-4124 School Office: 1710 W. Addison Street, Chicago IL 60613 Ph (773) 248-2500 Fax (773) 248-2709 2 September 28, 2014 He Made Us Laugh, He Made Us Cry, He Was Better Than Cats! Vinnie and Saint Andrew Parishstaff enjoying Margie’s Candies’ “World Largest Terrapin.” I regret to inform you that Vincent “Vinnie” Lacey has left Saint Andrew Parish. He has decided to relocate to L.A. to perhaps pursue an acting career. While we are all sad to see him go, and we will all miss his crazy antics, we know he is a talented individual and we wish him well. He has promised to give Saint Andrew a shout out when he makes his Oscars, or Emmy acceptance speech. Vinnie can still be reached at Please be sure to wish him well and thank him for his many years of service. In January of 2009 Vinnie joined the pastoral staff of Saint Andrew as the parish’s Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry. Although this was the official start date, Vinnie had been active in the young adult ministry at Saint Andrew for quite some time before that. Recognizing a natural leader amongst the group of young adults, Fr. Farry hired Vinnie in the official capacity as Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry. Under his direction, Vinnie kept in touch with some 300 young adults in our parish and surrounding area. He organized volleyball leagues, service projects, days of reflection, barbeques, and Theology on Tap. I was especially appreciative of his work in organizing Theology on Tap. A couple of years ago, due to cutbacks in the archdiocesan pastoral center, there was no archdiocesan wide Theology on Tap. But, Saint Andrew was one of the few parishes that continued to have a Theology on Tap without the customary support from the archdiocese. That was due to Vinnie’s leadership. Given the many young people that live in our community, young adult ministry is an important element of Saint Andrew’s mission. And that will continue to be the case. We are however taking Vinnie’s departure as an opportunity to review how we can best minister to young adults. For a few years now Vinnie had collaborated with Ravenswood Catholic Young Adults (RCYA), a ministry supported by five local parishes on various projects. Saint Andrew has begun to talk with RCYA, local pastors, and some young adult leaders about how we can continue working together. The goal of this conversation is to develop a comprehensive young adult ministry, that serves the needs of our young adults in the area. Please pray for our young adults and all those involved in this important discussion. As the conversation develops, I will keep you informed. Fr. Sergio 3 September 28,2014 BAPTISMS Logan Kekoa Ayson Jason A. and Leslie Ayson Isabelle Marie Murphy David M. and Melissa A. Murphy Henry Thomas Wainwright Nelson M. and Mary K. Wainwright Wedding Banns Paul Hoban and Jessica DeLotz II REST IN PEACE Johanna Ban Trump Parish Prayer Line If you would like to ask for prayers from the Prayer Line please e-mail prayerline@saintandrewchicago. com or call 872-588-1016 (local call) to leave your intention. To join as a person who prays for the needs of the Parish call or e-mail as well! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Friday, October 3, 2014 6:30pm Mass followed by Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction in the Chapel 4 September 28, 2014 Liturgical Ministries for October 4-5, 2014 Lectors Communion Altar Servers Sacristan Greeters Barb & Jim Hoban 4:00 Rafael Perello Jim LaFrancis L1 L2 Jennifer Smith Karen Davern Maria Perello C1 H C2 Brando Barnes Miriam Perello Finn Hoban Maria Perello 8:00 Kevin Nedved Kathy Sellman L1 L2 Ali Donnelly Rosemary Sarkisian Bill Carroll C1 H C2 Chloe Benkiser Henry Boyer Megan Daugherty Kaitlyn Benkiser 10:00 Kevin Keefe Tim Duet L1 L2 Andrea Keefe Dennis Grogan Vicki Grogan Kim Penich Emily Matus C1 H Godwin Javan C2 Raisa Javan H1a Jacob Tan H2a 11:30 Amy Pisani Danny Auro L1 L2 Amy Pisani Mary Langhenry SUB NEEDED C1 H C2 Pedro Medero Estrella Almendras Jose Medero Matt Almendras Stephanie Lippian Albert Di Zenzo L1 L2 John O’Connor Patrick Shanahan Liz Shanahan C1 H C2 Maya Shanahan Liam Shanahan Sydney Richards 5:30 Financials September 21,2014 Envelope, Check, EFT Loose Total: Year to Date: 7-01-13 to 6-30-2014 $5,949.33 $1,044.26 $6,993.59 $456,151.30 Annual Catholic Appeal Pledges 2014 Pledge envelopes returned Current total pledged $50,835.00 Total received $47,987.00 Total balance due $12,848.00 Phyllis SUB NEEDED Wright Family Geri Colter SUB NEEDED Parish Staff: Pastor: Reverend Sergio Romo Associate Pastor: Reverend S. Arokiadoss Extern Priest: Fr. Matthias Kakooza Deacon: Eric Sorensen Pastoral Associate: Rachel (Caron) Espinoza Ministry Coordinator: Nathaniel Stubblefield Young Adult Ministry Coordinator: Vincent Lacey Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides Events/Drews Dollars: Julie Richards Secretaries: Christina O’Malley, Joanne Signa Receptionist: Danielle Scardina Dir. of Music/Young Adult Choir Dir: Jonathan Treble School Administration: Principal: Allen Ackermann Assistant Principal: Sarah Casavechia Athletic Director: Matthew Pope Curriculum Coordinators: Michelle Roberts & Maribeth Lynch Engineer: Alfred Benkiser Your weekly contribution to Saint Andrew is vital to keeping our ministries funded and our Parish in good financial standing. Please consider setting up your gift using our electronic vendor, to ensure that even when you are away the Parish, your financial support is not. Please contact the Parish Office with any questions. 5 September 28,2014 9/27/2014 Time 10/5/2014 Saturday Sunday Mass Intentions 4:00 All Deceased of the Parish 8:00 All Deceased of the Parish 10:00 +Maureen Cooney 11:30 +Tom D. Jester, Jr. Readings EZ 18:25-28 PS 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14 PHIL 2:1-11 MT 21:28-32 5:30 All Deceased of the Parish Monday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish DN 7:9-10, 13-14; PS 138:1-5; JN 1:47-51 Tuesday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish JB 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; PS 88:2-8; lk 9:51-56 +Holly Dinkel JB 9:1-12, 14-16; PS 88:10-15; LK 9:57-62 Wednesday 9:00 Thursday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish JB 19:21-27; PS 27:7-9, 13-14; MT 18:1-5, 10 Friday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish JB 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; PS 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14; LK10:13-16 Saturday 8:00 All Deceased of the Parish JB42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; PS 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; lk 10:17-24 Intentions for next weekend: Saturday October 4 4:00 pm +Mary Janet Williams Sunday October 5 800 am All Deceased of the Parish10:00 am +Joseph Neuman 11:30 All Deceased of the Parish 5:30 pm All Deceased of the Parish Please pray for World Peace, Military Service Members and their families: ~Sacramental Schedules~ Confessions: Saturday 3:00-3:45 pm or by appointment Marriage: By appointment with the Pastor, 6 to 9 months in advance Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sunday Call the Office to Schedule. Joey Brown Michael Rosales Jerome Zwick Alex Wilscke Charles Wilson Jon Miller Joshua Cordoba Tim Brown Tim Chambers Casey McDonald Eric Herrera Louis Martinez Victor Torres Michael Haney E-mail Chris O’Malley at the Parish Office to have the name of your friend or loved one serving in the military listed: Baptism Prep Classes: The last Sunday of the month at 11:00am (in the Chapel) Families with one child already Baptized do not need to attend this class. Contact Chris O’Malley or Joanne Signa at the Parish Office. 773-5253016 Job Outreach Ministry The Job Outreach Ministry seeks to help those looking for work or seeking a change in employment. For assistance please contact Jennifer Smith at to get help looking for work or to assist others in need. 6 September 28, 2014 Parish News, Events & Activities Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) is a worship experience that allows children to hear God’s Word and experience the prayers, gestures and rituals of the liturgy on a child’s level. At Saint Andrew Parish: • CLW is offered during the 10:00am Sunday Mass from September through May, except during monthly “Family Masses” during which the celebrant usually gives a special Children’s Homily • Is for children ages 4-8 (or until a child receives First Communion). Children are escorted to the chapel following the Opening Prayer of the Mass and return to their families during the Preparation of the Gifts. FALL 2014 CLW Schedule September 28th October 5th October 12th October 26th November 2nd November 9th November 23rd December 7th December 14th For more information/to volunteer contact Rachel Espinoza at or (773) 525 -3016. Birthday Celebrations Alexis Hansen Anna Maria Hall Annie Zielinski Anthony Guzzardo Brian Daly Brian Morgan Caitlin Muldoon Charlotte Cordis Christine Ochromowicz Christopher Capozzi Christopher Weinacht Connor Smith Emily Halicki Enoe McDonough Erin Wilken Eve Cousino Gabriel Walsh Jack Paxson Jill Fitzsimons Joey Lara Joshua Prangley Katilin Reap Kelliane Bazzell Kelly Sheetz Luciana Villanueva Lynette Vogenthaler Martin McCarthy Mary Ann Murphy Mary Ellen Connolly Mary F. Kaufman Mia McKane Michael Milicevic Michelle Stalilonis Nathan Diamond Nell Bansley Nicole Scardina Patrick Goodwin Peter Voss Rhea Kemerley Rob Sciachetano Roberta Prasciunas Ruth Raymann Sarah Hummel Shawn Zawisza Shirley Davern Stephen White Thomas Coffey Thomas Vincent Troy Smith Veronica Castro Will DiMaulo William Lehnert William Reap Thinking About Becoming Catholic? Please Join us for the 2015 Wearin’ The Green Kickoff Meeting WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 AT 7PM Finley Dunne’s Tavern 3458 N. Lincoln For questions or comments please feel free to contact Colleen Bansley WTG event Chairperson You’re not alone! Each year, many thousands of men and women, from all backgrounds and all walks of life enter into the Catholic Church. They followed an exciting and joyful path of discovery and discernment on their spiritual pilgrimage into the heart of Catholicism. Interested in learning about or joining the Catholic faith? Contact Rachel Espinoza at the Parish Office (773) 525 – 3016 or rachelcaron@ to join sessions with other adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith! Sessions will begin mid-September. September 28,2014 7 Parish News, Events & Activities As you all know Fr. Matthias has been with us and helping us celebrate Masses giving talks at the school and answering the students questions. It truly has been a wonderful experience to have him with us and sharing with us about his life in Uganda and the wonderful children of his school. Next weekend, Fr. Matthias will speak at all the Masses and there will be a second collection to help Fr. Matthias’ Parish, St. Charles Lwanga. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUPPORT THE PRO-LIFE WOMEN’S CENTER OF CHICAGO BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN Support the wonderful pro-life work of the Women’s Center (www. by participating in their baby bottle campaign. Simply pick up an empty baby bottle in the vestibule, next weekend and having filled it with your spare change, bring it back before October 26th.Your quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies will no longer sit in the bottom of your desk drawer, but they will support the precious cause of life! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you to all who stopped by last weekend to make a donation to the Knights of Columbus Intellectual Disabilities Drive, received a tootsie roll, and helped make our Drive a success. All of the funds collected, except for the cost of the candy, go directly to organized groups that service the needs of the intellectually disabled and learning disabled in local parishes, in the community and programs such as the Special Olympics. Please visit our website at for more info on the Knights and some photos from our Drive. 8 September 28, 2014 Parish News, Events & Activities Hospitality Lwamata style By Kim Arndt Nothing can prepare you for receiving generosity from people, who have so much less than you. The overwhelming feeling is tenfold when you realize you’re the benefactor of such precious gifts. The priests and rectory staff of St. Charles Lwanga opened their home to us and went to every effort to make sure we felt comfortable and nurtured. It didn’t take but a day for the housekeeper to notice that all I needed at 5 a.m. with the sunrise was a little boiled water and Nescafe – and then like clockwork it was waiting for me. When Will commented on an entrée he enjoyed, you could be certain we’d see it at the next meal. These thoughtful considerations were wonderful and yet they paled in comparison to the sincere love and warmth extended to us each day. How is it possible to feel you have family so far from home? I’m not sure, but we did. The bond and connection we formed in such a short time is difficult to imagine. Perhaps the magic is possible, because you’re vulnerable entering such an unfamiliar place and then you’re met with such unconditional warmth and hospitality – you can’t help but fall in love. This month it has been our turn to bestow our brand of hospitality on Fr. Matthias as he is visiting Chicago. Numerous families have invited him over to share a meal, others have taken him to enjoy local sites and the teachers of St. Andrew School have opened their classrooms – inviting him to speak and answer students’ questions. If you haven’t had an opportunity to share time with Fr. Matthias, mark your calendar for a Mass during the weekend of Oct. 4 when he will speak at each service and we will conduct a special collection to support our sister parish. 9 September 28,2014 Parish News, Events & Activities Meet Moses By: Kim Arndt Shaka Moses is a sweet and articulate sixyear old. His big brown eyes make you smile when you meet him and convey his gentle and playful personality. Moses would like to enter the P1 class at King David Primary School near Mityana. He has a sister named Winnifred or “Winnie,” who is also looking for a sponsor. Moses’ mother has died from AIDS and his father is having trouble finding a job that pays enough beyond housing and food, to support his children’s education. Consider helping Moses or one of the many other students needing sponsors. The cost is $400 annually. For more information, visit or contact parishioner, Kim Arndt ( 773-472-8772. Erin Mannion, Amanda Dillon, Matthew Lazzari, and Max and Harrison Oldham worked hard this summer selling lemonade and raised $85 for Fr. Matthias’ Uganda ministries! 10 September 28, 2014 Parish News, Events & Activities Comeoutforafunnighttosupport agoodcause! Asyouknowwehavebeenraising moneytosupportFr.Matthiasashe buildsanewschoolinUganda. Sincelastyearwehavemade incredibleprogressandtheexterior wallsarenowup.Nowweneedto �inishtheroo�andtheinterior. Withyourhelpwecangetthis done! Second Annual Fundraiser For ST. ANDREW UGANDA HIGH SCHOOL Turtle Races Hosted @ Big Joe’s 1818 W Foster Saturday, October 4TH 6‐9PM Evening will consist of six turtle races. We will be selling tickets to bet on a winner. You have the opportunity to win great prizes including wine, cash, & a weekend getaway at a four bedroom home in Union Pier! We also have the opportunity to name a turtle – get creative here! There are only six of these available for $200 each. Get a group together to rally behind one special name or recognize someone in the group. $10/person admission at door. Italian Beef and Nacho Bar provided. Hosted by Jane Altman, Mary Langhenry, & Shannon Fultz Please RSVP @ To purchase �ckets online please visit: If you are unable to attend and wish to make a donation to the cause please visit: 21 and over only. Please note that Big Joe’s does not accept credit cards, ATM on premise. 11 September 28,2014 Parish News, Events & Activities Get Ready for School Picture Day with a Haircut at Rock Candy Salon + Spa! Schedule appointments the week of 9/29-10/5 and Rock Candy Salon will donate 40% of services back to Saint Andrew’s Beyond the Walls fund! Call Rock Candy @ 773-883-3000 to book your appointments! Make sure to mention Saint Andrew at check out! Fun promotions just for Saint Andrew students: Free deep condition ($10.00 value) with the purchase of a shampoo, haircut, and blowdry 15% off all hair products & accessories! (lots of navy and gold hair accessories!) One lucky Saint Andrew student will win a basket of products! ($150.00 value). Enter to win with a product or service purchase. Winner to be drawn on Sunday! Remember: School Picture day is Oct. 8 & 9! Rock Candy is located at 4141 N.Lincoln Ave. 12 September 28, 2014 Saint Andrew Running of the Bulldogs 5K Sunday, October 26, 2014 Registration now open at Come out with the entire family and enjoy Sunrise Mass at 8:15am at the Zoo followed by a 5K Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run! Then, stop by the Fat Cat for the After Party! A percentage of the brunch proceeds will be donated to Saint Andrew Parish! 14 DREW’S DOLLARS Fundraising while you shop! Thank you for your participation in the Drew’s Dollars gift card program! Orders are once again due on Monday mornings. You can drop them off at the RECTORY or SCHOOL offices. You can pick up your orders on Thursday mornings at the RECTORY or SCHOOL office. We will continue to have the usual Jewel, Target, Starbucks, Walgreens, CVS, Dunkin Donuts and iTunes on hand at the rectory for purchase. Please email Julie Richards at if you have any questions. Thanks for making this program so successful! September 28, 2014 Please support our generous Sponsors Invite friends, family, and neighbors too! Please join us for this wonderful event in St. Andrew’s Gym! Sunday, October 5th 8:00 am to 1:00 pm 1000’s of items to be sold! Paperbacks: $.25 cents or 5 for $1.00 Hard Cover: $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 Crafts, Cupcake Decorating and more fun surprises… Author Matthew Nickerson will be discussing and signing his book, Images of America: Lakeview featuring photos and stories about Saint Andrew School and Church found in our archives. Drop off used books and baked goods on: Saturday, October 4th from 9:00 am until 12noon in the gym. We need the following donations: Books, DVDs, Audio Books, CDs, Board Games, and Bake Goods. St. Andrew School Gym is located at 1710 West Addison, Chicago Special thanks to our sponsors: and w Email questions to: Jennifer at Sign up to volunteer using this link: mc&usp=sharing_eil#gid=0
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