Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lingajten OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY gf,etrlFTlgATIONJ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the regular session duly constituted of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Province af Pangasinan, held on August 22, 2016 at Lingayen, Pangasinan, the following resolution was approved: Sponsored by SP Members Rosary Gracia P. Perez-Tababa and Clemente B. Arboleda, Jr. and co-sponsored by SP Members Sheila Marie S. Perez-Galicia and Jeanne C . Zaplan RESOLUTION NO. 438.24rc APPROVING RESOLUTTON NO. I7, 5.2016 OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF VILLASIS, PANGASINAN, ENTITLED 6'APPROVING THE SUPPLEIVIENTAL ANNUAL rr{yESTMENT PROGRAM (AP) NO. 1 OF FISCAL YEAR 2016 OF THE MT]NICIPALITY OF YILLASIS, PANGASINAII' WIIEREAS, the Sangguniang Bayan of Villasis, Pangasinan submitted its Resolution No. 17, Series of 2016 to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for review and evaluation pursuant to Section 56 of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991; WIIEREAS, the Committee on Laws and Ordinances of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, with the technical assistance of the Provincial Planning and Development Officer, have conducted initial review and study on said resolution and found out that the Local Development Council of Villasis, Pangasinan has formulated the municipality's Supplemental Investment Program No. 1 for CY 2016 to be funded from the municipality's savings in CY 2015 amounting to P4,684,062.42. This was endorsed thru MDC Resolution No. 01-2016 dated April 28, 2016 to the Sangguniang Bayan for approval and was subsequently approved by the Sangguniang Bayan thru Resolution No. 17, 5-2016 dated May 18,2016; WHEREAS, the Supplemental Investment Program No. 1 of Villasis, Pangasinan covers increase in salaries of municipal govemment workers; 2F Capitol Bldg., Lingayen, Pangasinan 2401 TeYFax (+6375) 5424040 e-mail address: pbsecpang@y ahoo. com Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lingayen www.p on4qsinan. g oa. p fi OFFIGE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY Resolution No. 138-20 I 6 Page 2 WIIEREAS, funding for the implementation of the Supplemental Investment Program No. I is embodied in the municipality's Supplemental Budget No. I which was passed and approved by their Sangguniang Bayan thru Appropriation Ordinance No. 01, CY 2016 dated May 18, 2016; WIIEREAS, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, after final evaluation, finds the subiect resolution in order; WIIEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, on motion of SP Members Rosary Gracia P. Perez-Tababa and Clemente B. Arboleda, Jr. and co-sponsored by SP Members Sheila Marie S. Perez-Galicia and Jeanne Jinky C. Zaplan, duly seconded, it was RESOLYED, by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan in session assembled, to approve Resolution No. 17, 3-2016 of the Sangguniang Bayan of Villasis, Pangasinan, entitled "Approving the Supplemental Annual Investment Program (AlP) No. 1 of Fiscal Year 2016 of the Municipality of Villasis, Pangasinan"; RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this resolution be furnished the Office of the Municipal Mayor and the Office of the Sangguniang Bayan of Villasis, Pangasinan, for their information and guidance. vERNA {lO?r^PEREz Secretary to tte Sanggunian ATTESTED: \ACE 2F Capitol Bldg., Lingayen, Pangasinan 2401 AND Z. Tel/Fax (+6375) 5424040 JR. e-mail address:
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