Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lingayen www. p ang asinan. g oa. p li OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY gf,BTIFTgATTON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS 1S TO CERTIFY that at the regular session duly constituted of the Sangguniang Panlalm,vigan, Province of Pangosinan, held on August 15, 2016 at Lingayen, P angas inan, the follow ing r e so lution w as appr oved : Sponsored by SP Members Napoleon C. Fonteler4 Jr. and Antonio F. Sison and co-sponsored by SP Members Sheila Marie S. Perez-Galicia and Jeanne Jinky C. Zaplan RESOLUTION NO. 413.2016 DECLARING TIIE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2016 OF SUAL, PANGASTNAI\r mryOLyrNG A TOTAL APPROPRIATTON OF P221,685,750.00 OPERATIVE IN TTS ENTIRETY WHEREAS, pursuant to R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Pangasinan as a legislative body of the Province is empowered to review ordinances authorizing annual or supplemental appropriations of component cities and municipalities in the manner prescribed by law; WHEREAS, the Sangguniang Bayan of Sual, Pangasinan submitted its Annual Budget for Calendar Year 2016 involving total appropriations of P221r685r750.00 which was approved on January 22,2016 through Appropriation Ordinance No. 0l; WIIEREAS, the Committee on Laws and Ordinances of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan with the technical assistance of the Local Finance Committee pursuant to Section 316 of the Local Government Code of 1991, have conducted preliminary review and study on said budget with the following findings: 1. The projects under the 20Yo of the Annual Internal Revenue Allotment for development projects (20o/o Development Fund) shall be subject to the provisions of DILG and DBM Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2011-1 dated April 13, 2011 re. "Amending DILG-DBM Joint Memorandum Circular No. I dated September 20, 2005, entitled "Guidelines on the 2F Capitot Bl@., Lingayen, Pangasinan 24A1 TeUFax (+6375) 5424040 e-rn ail addre ss: Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lingalen xtruna. p ang asinan. g w. p fi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY Resolution No. 4 I i-20 I 6 Page 2 Appropriation and Utilization of the 20% of the Annual Internal Revenue Allotment .for Development Projects" and DILG Memorandum Circular No.2010-138 dated December 2, 2010, entitled "(Jse of the 20% Component of the Annual Internal Revenue Allotment Shares ". ; 2. All programs, projects and activities shall be in accordance with the approved Local Development Plan and the FY 2016 Annual Investment Program of the municipality formulated pursuant to DILG-NEDA-DBM-DOF Joint Memorandum Circular No. I series of 2007 dated 08 March 2007; 3. The disbursement of appropriations for prior years obligation in the amount of P3,764,424.31 shall be subject to the provisions of Section 350 of RA No. 7160; 4. All procurements to be undertaken shall be subject to the provisions of R.A. No. 9184 (The Government Procurement Reform Act) and its revised Implementing Rules and 5. The grant of step increment to municipal officials and Regulations; and employees shall be in accordance with the provisions of Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, 5-2012 dated March 20, 1990, as amended by Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1-2003 dated April 11, 2003. The salary therefore of the tbllowing employees shall be adjusted as: FROM Name/Position RATE/Annum SG l.Florencia S. Guanzon Municipal Agriculturist 2. Flocerfida D. Felipe 2414 t5l4 P&4,238.00 SG 24/4 275,988.00 r5l4 TO RATE/Annum P551,700.00 274,980.00 Agriculturist tr yHEREAS, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, after final evaluation, finds the same in order provided that the above-findings shall be complied with by the municipality; 2F Capitol BW., Pangasinan 2401 TeWax e-mail adress: Republic of the PhiliPPines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lingalten w rutu. p arg a in a n. g u a. p li OFFTCE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY Resolution No. Page j 11 3-2016 NOW THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, on motion of SP Members Napoleon C. Fontelera, Jr. and Antonio F. Sison and co-sponsored by SP Members Sheila Marie S- Perez-Galicia and Jeanne Jinkry C. Zaplan, d,tly seconded, it was - RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan in session assembled, to declare OPERATM IN ITS ENTIRETY the Annual Budget for Calendar Year 2016 of Sual, Pangasinan, Pangasinan as of January l,2O16, provided, that the disbursement of appropriations as approved shall be subject to the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations, and compliance with other pertinent laws, rules and regulations shall be the responsibility of the Municipal Govemment of Sual; RESOLVED, FINALLY, that a copy of this resolution be fumished the Municipal Budget Offrcer of Sual, Pangasinan, for his,iher information and gfudance. ,,{#, r",i::;ff: ATTESTED: ARBOLEDA,JR SP Temporary P 2F Capitol BW., Lingayen, Pdng€sinan 2401 tng Oficer TeYFax (+6375) 921U0 e-rra,l addtessr pbsecpang@ydh@.@m
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