Annual Report FY12 - Community Ministries of Rockville


Annual Report FY12 - Community Ministries of Rockville
of Service
Health Care  Housing  Elderly Services 
Emergency Assistance  Education  Advocacy
The CMR Mission
Community Ministries of Rockville seeks to improve the quality of
life for the most vulnerable of Montgomery County residents by (1)
providing basic services including housing, healthcare, homecare,
education, and emergency assistance, with the goal of achieving and
maintaining client self-sufficiency, and (2) advocating on their behalf.
Baha’i Community of Rockville
Christ Episcopal Church
Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church
First Baptist Church of Rockville
Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
Faith United Methodist Church
Jerusalem Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
The Jesuit Community at Georgetown Preparatory School
Living Faith Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Rockville Christian Church
Rockville Presbyterian Church
Rockville United Church
Rockville United Methodist Church
St. Elizabeth’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church
Temple Beth Ami
Twinbrook Baptist Church
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville
We Welcome New Member Congregation
Millian Memorial United Methodist Church
The CMR Vision
The vulnerable population of Montgomery County achieves selfsufficiency and an improved quality of life.
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Presidents’ Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Message From the Executive Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Rockville Emergency Assistance Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Latino Outreach Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Elderly Ministries Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Jefferson House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CMR Fundraising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Volunteer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Contributors FY12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Auditors’ Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Statement of Financial Position as of June 30, 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
FY12 End of Year Income and Expense Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
CMR Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Photos courtesy of Chuck Lee
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Although faced
Fiscal Year, I can
report that progress
has been made
vision and mission.
I was privileged to
witness a number of
program expansions
positively impacting
hundreds of our
Chuck Lee
vulnerable citizens,
Outgoing President,
and operating under
Board of Directors
the radar of public
attention. To share
a few with you, in our Elderly Ministries program, the
homes of frail elderly being renovated and repaired by
national construction company volunteers and church
groups, as well as public housing apartments being
cleaned by volunteers from local businesses.
Preschool children who came to the Kaseman clinic with
their parents being read to by Rockville Emergency
Assistance Program volunteers in the waiting room then
are given the book, often the first book that that child
had ever owned. The annual graduation celebrations fill
the sanctuary of Living Faith Lutheran Church and are
attended by the Rockville Mayor and Council members
and other community leaders. As I hear honor graduates
give testimonials regarding the value of the program
to them personally, I am reassured that CMR is doing
something special in the furtherance of its vision.
From the Board of Directors, I thank the staff, the
unselfish giving of volunteer hours from hundreds of
individuals, the generous donations of in-kind services
by businesses, the support of local governments,
foundations, and affiliated congregations. With that
type of support in FY 2013, new Board president Troy
Atkinson should be able to report even more progress
next year as CMR expands on new initiatives.
Chuck Lee
CMR Outgoing President
Board of Directors
It is good to share
with you a year filled
with challenges and
Each CMR program
you will see represented
in this annual report
is conducted with the
highest integrity of
service to our clients.
following a long
tradition of providing
Troy Atkinson
housing assistance,
CMR launched an
Board of Directors
initiative to purchase
homes in the area so
that affordable housing might be provided for residents
in need. CMR board member and Capital Bank President
Scot Browning made the first donation of $10,000
laying the groundwork for program expansion. Such
a commitment is appreciated and should spark future
program growth beyond the scope of CMR’s current
facility, Jefferson House.
Development Director Lynn Arndt continued to
nurture our relationships with the Business Community
and coordinated a successful Taste of Rockville. Another
$105,000 was raised by our Annual Gala. The Honorable
Doug Gansler, State Attorney General, was our keynote
speaker in an evening that was enjoyed by all at the
beautiful Lakewood Country Club.
Thanks to the generosity of Stuart Wolfpoff, and Isla
Miller from Cape Rosier Consulting, we are now able to
communicate in a more efficient way, reaching a broader
audience with a new website.
I am proud to represent the board and wish to thank
Executive Director Agnes Saenz and all of our capable
and devoted staff members for their selfless service to
improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable of
our fellow Montgomery Country residents.
Troy Atkinson
CMR Incoming President
Board of Directors
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Fiscal Year 2012 marks CMR’s 45th anniversary and there is so much to celebrate and for which to be grateful.
From its modest beginnings in 1967 when two churches, Faith United Church of
Christ and St. Andrews United Presbyterian Church, merged to form a community
ministry to the organization we are today with twenty two member congregations;
from a budget of slightly more than $1,000 to over $3,000,000 today; from an
office for two people to more than ten sites today; from a mission of advocacy to
an organization that not only serves as an advocate for those in need but operates
five programs which provides direct service, CMR has been and continues to be
a presence in our community. We continue to fulfill our mission of serving the
most vulnerable residents of Montgomery County.
Since its inception in 1967, CMR has served close to 60,000 residents utilizing
over $25,000,000 in funds in order to provide housing for the homeless, health
care and healthcare education for the uninsured, emergency assistance, services
for the elderly and literacy and language classes and services for immigrants.
Through our Rockville Emergency Assistance Program, we have distributed
Agnes Saenz
$1,723,811 in emergency financial assistance to 15,680 residents and we have
Executive Director
referred 22,421 people for food, clothing, furniture, dental and eye clinic services.
In our Latino Outreach Program, we have taught English and Literacy to 6,192 adults while caring for 2,928 children. 1,277 elderly residents have been able to live comfortably in their homes thanks to the services provided by
our Elderly Ministries Program. Through our Housing and Homeless programs, CMR provided 437,118 bednights
to 4,053 homeless individuals who would otherwise be homeless. 7,074 patients were treated in our Kaseman Health
Program and Clinic providing 16,875 patient visits. And finally, every year our Holiday Giving Program distributes
over 400 holiday meals and gifts for families in our community. Throughout it all we are advocates for our clients,
our patients, for those in need.
I invite you to read the following pages to celebrate the accomplishments and successes of 45 years of service. We
look forward to celebrating at least another 45 years.
Special thanks to funders, donors, and friends who gave
us, CMR’s staff, the opportunity to make our client dreams
possible. We also thank our clients for their continued
efforts in improving their lives and making a positive difference in our community. And on behalf of our clients, our
volunteers and especially our staff thank you for your continued support. We need your on-going support to continue
our work. God Bless You all.
Agnes Saenz
Executive Director
Rockville City Councilmember Tom Moore interviewing
Agnes at the Salute to Non Profits about the services provided by CMR.
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
MANSFIELD KASEMAN HEALTH CLINIC ...Established 2009...providing high quality
health care and health care education to low income uninsured residents.
A Message from Jim Marrinan, Chairman of the MKHC Board
There has been a great deal of uncertainty in the health care field this past year. One
thing that remains certain, however, is the continued need for health care services for the
low-income and uninsured residents of our community. The Mansfield Kaseman Health
Clinic continues to grow and gain community support after three years of operation. We
have been able to do so because of support from our community. In an extraordinary
act of generosity the Rotary Club of Rockville, an organization dedicated to community
service both locally and globally, partnered with the Rotary Club of Bombay Queen City
and Rotary Club International to award the Clinic a $55,000 grant. This grant was used to
support patient care, fund new equipment and provide promotional materials for the Clinic.
We were honored when the United Way held its Maryland Health Fair at the Kaseman
Clinic. That Health Fair was an example of the United Way’s commitment to CMR, the
community we serve and the mission we share.
Jim Marrinan
Chairman, MKHC Board of
During FY12, the Kaseman Clinic offered a number of projects to supplement patient
care such as nutrition classes conducted in-house for uninsured patients, health education
classes in Spanish for low income seniors at Arcola Towers, one of the senior public
housing facilities; and cancer screenings from the George Washington Mammovan in an
affiliated church’s parking lot.
United Way Health Fair at the Clinic.
Nutrition class for Clinic patients.
The Clinic remains open three days a week with additional days per
month added for the various specialty services. Our greatest hope is to
be able to achieve full access. With the dedication of our Board and staff,
full access is within our grasp. I am proud to announce that Executive
Director Agnes Saenz was appointed by County Executive Ike Leggett to
serve on the Montgomery Cares Advisory Board. Agnes works tirelessly
on behalf of the Clinic and its patients. She wears many hats in any given
day, supporting the busy front desk when needed, calmly interpreting for
a non-English speaking patient, overseeing a grant application, negotiating
a contract to expand services or attending a meeting with the Healthcare
Centers Leadership Council.
Seeing the patients everyday is an incentive for us all to continue our
efforts. Mrs. C is the type of patient for whom MKHC is dedicated. She
is a woman in her 50s who suffers from Type II Diabetes. Diabetes is one
of the most common medical conditions treated at the Clinic. When Mrs.
C began coming to MKHC in 2010, she was experiencing blurred vision,
a side effect of not being in control of her glucose levels and managing
her disease. The Clinic’s Nurse Practitioner worked with our
volunteer endocrinologist and taught Mrs. C how to manage her
insulin. The Clinic’s Specialty Care Referral Coordinator worked
with Project Access and arranged for Mrs. C to have cataract
surgery. All the health care needed pre-surgery was performed at
the Clinic. Following her surgery, Mrs. C returned to the Clinic
with improved vision and better able to manage her condition.
Mrs. C continues to be seen by the Clinic every three months
for follow-ups and has said she is happy with the consistent and
comprehensive care that MKHC provides. "I am so happy to have
the clinic to come to and that you care."
The majority of the patients seen at the Clinic are much like
Mrs. C, they are patients with chronic health conditions who
Total patients served by Kaseman Clinic and CMR Health Programs since 2004: 7,074
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
receive primary care and education on
how to achieve and maintain wellness.
But on occasions, patients are seen with
far more serious conditions. One such
Patient Visits
patient this past year was Mr. B. Mr. B
Clinic Days
first came to the Clinic in April of 2012
Clinic Hours
complaining of frequent urination.
Referrals to Social Svcs.
After taking the patient’s medical
history, Dr. Cohan was concerned about
Pap Smears
additional symptoms. Mr. B needed a
People educated by
colonoscopy. Unfortunately, there is
Health Care Promoters:
little funding for colonoscopies and the
In Kind Goods & Services $1,058,868
patient could not afford the procedure.
Volunteer Hours
Dr. Cohan ordered a less expensive
Total Program Costs
exam that revealed a mass in Mr. B's
colon. The need for a colonoscopy
became more imperative. Clinic Staff
then worked with Project Access to help fund the needed procedure. Mr. B was diagnosed
with colon cancer. Within a month, the Clinic, again with the assistance of Project Access,
secured a surgeon for Mr. B. He ultimately was able to have the surgery needed to remove
the tumor as well as the follow up chemo and radiation therapy. In October of 2012, Mr. B
returned to the clinic and told Dr. Cohan that he had been given a clean bill of health after
completing his radiation treatments and was "feeling great."
Dr. Allan Cohan
Medical Director
Mariama Nixon
Nurse Practitioner
Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic staff
Seated l-r: Cecilia Lopes, Mariama Nixon, Agnes Saenz
Standing l-r: Dr. Allan Cohan, Maribel Ramos, Marisol Whitcomb,
Teresita Castro, Pat Schaefer
Dr. Dempsey with a patient
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
of providing emergency assistance to the community.
Clients receiving financial service: 656
Housing 141
Other Needs
Amount of Financial Assistance Clients referred
Vision Clothing Monica Ramos
Director, REAP
In Kind Services Value
Volunteer Hours 343
Total Program Costs
Oftentimes, people think in stereotypes about those who
seek emergency financial assistance. They picture a lazy
person trying to “work the system” rather than working
themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth about
REAP’s clients. They are hard working adults, many of
whom work several jobs while trying to raise and support
a family. They are people with employment who suddenly
must cope with an unexpected financial burden they just
can not meet while also covering basic necessities such as
rent, heat, and electricity. They are people living with serious illnesses who just need a little extra help every now
and then. The latter is the case for one particular REAP
client, Ms. M.
Ms. M is a very sweet 27-year-old single mother raising
three children ages three, four and ten. That could be difficult enough for any woman, but Ms. M copes with one
more burden; she is living with HIV. Ms. M contracted
HIV through a blood transfusion at a local hospital, and in
recent months her health has declined and she is no longer
able to work. Ms. M receives $818.00 a month in government assistance. This barely covers the basic costs of
living for her family of four, let alone her added medical
expenses. Ms. M knows though that she always has CMR and the REAP office to turn to when she needs a little extra help.
We have provided a safety net for her and her family. Since 2008, REAP has provided Ms. M with financial assistance six
times to prevent utility termination. Our support goes beyond money. Ms. M knows that she can turn to REAP when in
need of diapers, bus tokens and gift cards for food. She has been given referrals for services including Manna Food, the
Interfaith Clothing Center, and the Holiday Giving Program through which she and her family have received holiday meals
and gifts. Our hope is that we provide Ms. M with the security and the knowledge that she and her children can always turn
to us when in need, and to know that we will always be there to help.
REAP Volunteer Beth Pattison can be found on Wednesday
mornings at REAP and the Clinic reading to children accompanying their parents as they seek services. Beth reads from
books donated by her and Rockville United Church. The
books are then given to the children in a small effort to turn a
difficult time into one that has a happy memory.
Total clients served by REAP since 1981: 38,101
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
LATINO OUTREACH PROGRAM (LOP) ...Established 1993...19 years of providing English as a
Second Language classes to adult residents of Montgomery County and tutoring for their children as well as naturalization services for immigrants of all nationalities.
The dedication of LOP Students
The days are long for Mrs. A. The 65
year old grandmother wakes up early every
morning to catch a 6 am bus to go to her
daughter’s house so that she could take
care of the grandchildren while her daughter
works. She wakes the children, gets them
ready and walks them to school, takes care
of their home and prepares their meals, then
picks them up after school. Twice a week,
during the fall and spring she then walks
to a local school for evening English LOP
classes. She is always one of the first to
arrive and she brings her grandchildren with
her because she knows they will be cared for
while in class.
Children 102
Churches: Living Faith Lutheran, Twinbrook Baptist, and
Rockville United Church
Schools: Twinbrook, Meadow Hall,
and Maryvale Elementary Schools.
Instructional Hours:
Childcare & Tutoring Hrs 1,634
In-Kind Goods & Services $155,310
Volunteer Hours
During a class this year, Mrs. A expressed
her frustration that she was not learning as
Total Program Costs
quickly as she would like. Her remarks were
met with surprise from her classmates who reassured her that it was
she who motivated them to come to class no matter how tired. The
language classes led to Mrs. A enrolling in LOP’s Citizenship classes
and as a result, she recently became a U.S. citizen. She continues to
take English classes and her days are still long but her dedication to
the program and to improving her life are an inspiration to all.
The dedication of LOP Teachers
Between Jessica Moore and her husband Joel Solorzano, they
have taught LOP classes for over 15 years. Their commitment to
the program goes far beyond their classroom duties. In the past they
have served as mentors for the Program Youth and organized and
run a program focusing on drug and alcohol prevention. This past
year they went beyond any expectations for a teacher when they
offered to continue the tradition of recognizing students for their
dedication to leaning the English Language. In preceding years each
teacher nominated a student who had made the greatest progress in
their class. Unfortunately, after fifteen years of support, the sponsor
of that award was no longer able to fund the scholarship. Jessica and
Joel personally funded the award this year with a $250 scholarship.
Jessica wrote “Joel and I are both very excited about having
the opportunity to recognize students for their hard work and
dedication and also because we believe in the work of The
Latino Outreach Program and the community it serves”.
Cecilia Rojas
Director, Latino Outreach
Top: Jessica Moore and Joel Solorzano awarding
their scholarship to the Most Improved LOP Student
Right: The Processional of
LOP Tutors and Children at
Total clients served by LOP since 1993: 9,120
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
...Established 1983...29 years of providing homecare and home repair services to
elderly frail Rockville residents to help them remain living in their own homes and avoid premature institutionalization.
Home Care Program: Clients Served
Hours of Client Care2,439
Assistive Devices: (i.e. walkers, shower
chairs, reacher/grabbers)
Barbara Smith-Brady
Program Director,
Elderly Ministries Program
Safe & Habitable Home Program:
Boxes of free food delivered by volunteers
from Manna Food Center
valued at $12,185
Clients Served
Modification services 38
In Kind Goods & Services $38,560
Total Volunteer Hours:
Total Program Costs
Mr. B was a life-long resident of Lincoln Park. At the age of 69, he was facing
possible wheelchair confinement suffering from a myriad of illnesses. Unfortunately,
his house was not wheelchair friendly, the entrances to the bathroom were too narrow
to accommodate the chair. Already a client of Elderly Ministries, he turned to the
Program for additional assistance.
Mr. B was overwhelmed by the response. Barbara Smith-Brady, the Program
Director, immediately reached out to community partners, both private and non profit,
for help in providing the necessary work. Rebuilding Together Montgomery County
helped assess Mr. B.'s needs and Clark Construction responded by providing master
craftsmen and supplies. Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Mr. B’s church and member
congregation of CMR, opened its doors to the workers to provide meals for the
volunteers working on the project. Ultimately the work performed went far beyond the
original scope of the project. Two doors were widened to accommodate a wheelchair,
plumbing was moved, and a new handicap accessible shower stall was installed. The
bathroom was totally rehabbed.
Mr. B with Kathy Thrower of
Rebuilding Together Montgomery
County and Barbara Smith-Brady
Volunteers moving Mrs. C
Sadly, Mr. B recently passed away but because of the work orchestrated by the
Elderly Ministries Program, he was able to remain comfortably in his own home
during the last year of his life.
Mrs. C is a 74 year old woman who was referred to Elderly Ministries for help in
moving to a facility for low-income seniors. Mrs. C could no longer afford her
costly apartment with her limited income and growing debt. Prior to making
the move, however, she became extremely ill and was hospitalized. She did not
have any children or close family relatives and there was no one to help her move.
Barbara Smith-Brady filled that void with volunteers of the Elderly Ministries
Program. She enlisted the aid of several volunteers and together they packed up a
lifetime of memories, moving items to Mrs. C’s new home and taking care of items
she no longer needed. One volunteer developed a warm relationship with Mrs. C,
visiting her in the hospital and getting her input on the move. In doing so, Mrs. C
was provided with the support of a family. All this was done for a person who had
not yet formally become a client of CMR. She was just an elderly person, alone, and
in need of our services. After Mrs. C was discharged from the hospital she became
a client of the Elderly Ministries Program and as such she enjoys the services we
provide. She now lives comfortably in a new apartment and she is no longer alone.
Total clients served by Elderly Ministries HomeCare Program since 1983: 1,277
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
JEFFERSON HOUSE …Established 1991...21 years of permanent supportive housing for men who
would otherwise be homeless.
Jefferson House Personal
Living Quarters was dedicated
in July of 1991 and the first
Clients Served: 6
residents moved in in August
of that year. Since then Jef- Bed Nights
ferson House has served over
Relapse Prevention
136 men by providing a safe
sessions offered
affordable residence with onResidents who remained in 6
going case management, life permanent
skills development, and renot enter the Montgomery
lapse prevention services. The
County homeless system
average stay for residents of
Jefferson House has been three In Kind Services
years. Residents have lived
Total Program Costs
there for as long as 14 years when needed to maintain stability and an affordable place
to live in Rockville. Jefferson
House Residents obtained income through employment, and/or needed benefits and
were able to give back to the community in the form of taxes and volunteer services,
as well as through productive employment.
Jim Booker
Director/Case Manager for
Jefferson House Program
Over the years of operation, it is estimated that approximately 90% of
the men who have lived at Jefferson House have remained stable in the
community for at least two years after moving to independent living, a
higher average than other programs in the area. These men have improved their community living skills, socialization skills, relapse prevention skills, and their education while living at Jefferson House and have
gone on to obtain their own housing in the community. They continue
to be productive members of the community. Some have become successful businessmen in Montgomery County and others have maintained
long term employment. Several return to Jefferson House periodically
to provide encouragement and support for current residents. Jefferson
House has been an example of the positive value of Permanent Supportive
Housing in Rockville.
Top: Residents of Jefferson House joined
Walk for Homeless participants.
Left: Scot Browning and Rouzanna Oganissian
present Agnes Saenz with the first donation for
CMR’s new housing initiative.
Total bednights provided by the Jefferson House since 1991: 37,882
Total bednights provided by CMR Housing Programs since 1987: 437,118
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
FROM FUNDRAISING…making a difference dollar by dollar.
From the Department of Development and Volunteerism….WE THANK YOU for
YOUR Support.
Not a month went by in FY12 without some event or fundraiser planned by or for CMR
and the Clinic. It was a busy year and we thank everyone who supported our work as
event sponsors, donors, volunteers and guests. We dined at a Medieval Banquet hosted
by Rockville United Church and danced the merengue at our Annual Gala’s Latino Fiesta.
We walked for the Homeless, worked the ticket booths for another Taste of Rockville, and
donated our wooden nickels at Whole Foods. We sold Rockville Rewards, wrapped presents
at Barnes & Noble, and enjoyed a ride in the country to Lewis Farms for the Punkin Chunkin
that benefits the Clinic. We enjoyed many benefit concerts held on our behalf throughout the
year from the annual spring concert featuring the Rockville Singers to the Annual Christmas
Concert performed at Christ Episcopal Church by the National Philharmonic Singers. We
thank you and we ask you to join us again for all of the above and more.
Lynn Arndt
Director of Development and
Volunteer Services
Jazmin donating her
“wooden nickel” for MKHC
at Whole Foods.
GALA guests State Attorney General Doug
Gansler, Katherine Leggett, and Montgomery
Councilmember Phil Andrews
Taste of Rockville May 2012
Punkin Chunkin at Lewis Orchard
Mayor Phyllis Marcuccio and Agnes Saenz with Jose Perez,
owner of El Mariachi Restaurant for Rockville Rewards Day
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
VOLUNTEERS…making a difference hour by hour.
To Our Volunteers….We Thank You!
The phone rang one day at Barbara Smith-Brady’s desk. It was a client of her Elderly
Ministries Program. “Barbara” the client cheerfully announced “There is a rocket scientist
washing my windows!” And there was. The window washer/scientist was participating in
a day of corporate volunteerism organized through the United Way. The high-rise of low
income seniors had windows washed, apartment doors painted and heavy cleaning done for
them. The seniors loved having the work done but it was the volunteers who gained the
most from that day.
3,867 hours were donated to CMR programs this past year by hundreds of volunteers. The
value of their time and donations equaled a staggering $1,430,571. CMR’s programs would
not be able to provide its services without the support of their volunteers. On any given day,
volunteers are calling seniors, delivering food to them and making repairs to their homes,
teaching and tutoring students of LOP or taking care of the children of the students, interpreting
at the Clinic, and
interviewing clients
for REAP. The list
of activities is as
long as the need of
Odeth Berlin
our clients is great.
to the Director of
Volunteers join us as
and Volunteer
individuals, through
corporate days of
church organizations. They are as young as the sixth grader
who helped distribute holiday gifts to the more seasoned
volunteers who have made CMR a second career.
Volunteers planting flower beds at Town Center Apartments
We value each and every one of you. We thank you and
we hope that we enrich your lives as much much as you have
enriched the lives of those we serve.
CMR thanks the following individuals for their generosity throughout the year.
411 hours served
Albertini, Diane
Arndt, Christopher
Arndt, Christy
Atkinson, Troy
Axmacher, Fred
Bartorelli, Agnes
Booker, Charlene
Borton, Amy
Brady, Mark
Carlisle, Kurtis
Castro, Teresita
Chappel, Tahlea
Clancy, Cassie
Cohen, Hanna
Cohen, Ryann
Cooper, Elizabeth
d’Almeida, Gail
Dolan, Susan
Donvito, Kate
Drilea, Susan
Durscher, Eldon
Escobar, Andrea
Escobar, Valerie
Fagnani, Jessica
Farrar, Brennan
Fehr, Loretta
Fenimore, Chuck
Franklin, Christopher
Franklin, Morgan
Gauea, Geoffrey
Giarth, Phil
Gilbert, Danielle
Gilbert, Joe
Gilbert, Zachary
Gilbert, Zoe
Goodman, Lynn
Gregory, Jean
Grundmayer, Cathy Ann
Henry, Eric
Henry, Margie
Hernan, Cynthia
Hoffman, Buck
Hoggard, Ciana
Jesperson, Ellie
Kass, Adam
Kass, Amy
Kass, Michael
Kenly, Cheryl
Krasnow, Rose
Lee, Chuck
Lichtenstein, Al
Lichtenstein, Kyle
Lin, Alex
Lin, Belinda
Love, Paul
Marrinan, Cynthia
Marrinan, Jim
McBride, Christine
Merrill, Laurie
Meyer, Margie
Miles, Kathia
Miller, Jim
Mingo, Kim
Moreno, Natalie
Newton, Bridget
Newton, Maggie
Nugent, Kim
Olson, Guy
Peery, Matt
Penny, Alex
Penry, Wendy
PLetcher, Sue
Ramos, Kat
Rancier, Kaitlin
Rapoport, Dara
Rodriguez, Rebecca
Rogers, Andrea
Rosenfeld, Gary
Saenz, Marianella
Saenz, Rodolfo
Sanatian, Kaitlin
Saunders, Mary
Schoerer, Susie
Seay, Emily
Selz, Ann
Short, Charlie Jr.
Slawson, Dessie
Snyder, Katie
Soldavini, Amy
Soldavini, Stephanie
Sosin, Mark & Bonnie
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Speed, Brendan
Spitzer, Natasha
Stein, Michael
Stevenson, Nancy
Vossler, Patty
Wang, Daniel
Windmueller, Patty
Youth of First Baptist Church of
Zack, Sam
755 hours served
Ameling, Jim
Amirmokri, Nina
Armstrong, Carl
Bailey, Cecilia
Balely, Isaac
Barret, Jane
Barrientos, Rosa
Bennett, Frederick
Berthiaume, Nick
Betteker, Jason
Blizzard, Ted
Brady, Mark
Caruso, Marguerite
Cooper, Lesley
Creed, Carey
Crudup, James
Deval, Mohan
Durscher, Eldon
VOLUNTEERS…making a difference hour by hour.
Easlick, Ben
George, Sylvia
Ginther, Joe
Gochez, Christian
Gooding, Charlene
Grassick, Mary
Gridley, Glo
Gruppelaar, Jan-David
Given, John
Hamilton, Robert
Hardesty, Katrenia
Henry, Margie
Hom, Cathy
Hughes, Steve
Isidro, Roberto
Johnson, Leonard
Kadrichu, Karim
Katz, Yoau
Kiang, Julie
Laud, Edward
Levi, Daniel
Lipkin, Jerry
Lopez, William
Mazza, Mike
Nahabedioa, Shirley
Nash, Henry
Passagno, JoAnn
Patino, Andres
Perez, William
Peterson, Joe
Plumber, Kurt
Rothman, Todd
Sacks, Sheldon
Steel, Elizabeth
Steel, Sam
Tishler, David
Tyner, John
Unger, Doug
Vance, Eric
Vaughn, Matt
Veirs, Janet
Vergara, Vicky
Wright, Christine
Yi, David
1185 hours served
Attmann, Shirel
Baptist, Maya Jean
Bonilla, Cris
Burrell, Victoria
Castro, Nancy
Cedillo, Evelyn
Cohen, Hanna
Cohen, Ryan
Cubas, Ana
Diaz, Jackie
Diaz, Liseth
Granados, Sandra
Hamilton-Cager, Michele
Hastings, Alex
Hernandez, Sandra
Lemus, Ericka
Montedeocca, Jonathan
Palacios, Aidan
Perez, Rebecca
Pliego del Gonzales, Ivon
Quintero, Vanessa
Reyes, Isis
Ribera, Ivette
Ruano, Fatima
Sigaran, Sara
Stern, Jared
Vargas, Jonathan
Villatoro, Alonso
Villatoro, Helen
CLINIC - 1173 hours served
Archdiocese Healthcare Catholic
Banner, Rachel
Bartorelli, Agnes
Blair, Dubilier & Associates
Cantoral Tres Osvaldo Aquino
CASA of Maryland Interpreter
Cortez, Jessica
Cumes, Annabella
Dempsey, Dr. Michael
Genzyme Biosurgery Customer
Gonzales, Ciriaco
Gonzalez, Ivonne
GW Mammogram ProgramHenry,
Kass, Amy
Lautz, Marta
Pattison, Beth
Project Access
Priority Partners/Health Advocate
Saenz, Graciela
Saenz, Marianella
Saenz, Rodolfo
Samek & Rotbert
Seligman, Teresa
Spiegel, Dr. Neil
University of MD Nutrition Education
343 hours served
Gonzales, Ciriaco
Lautz, Marta
Leshuk, Joan
Pattison, Beth
Vann, Linda
Face painting an LOP student
“The Love Team” Paul Love and his volunteer
elves at CMR’s holiday party.
Luis Martinez performing for LOP
Ciriaco Gonzales volunteering at MKHC
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Volunteer Cathy Hom hard
at work
Carey Creed performing
at Interfaith Thanksgiving
We would like to thank all of our contributors. Because of your support, we were able to fulfill our mission.
300 Shady Grove
Abass, Natalie
Abrahams, John
Adams, Donald
AFI Silver Theatre
Aiken, Casey
Albertini, Diane
Alcus, H. Darren
Alder, Annette
Aldous, Ann
AMC Theatres
Andrews, Phil
Angel, James
Apollo Restaurant
Armand’s Pizzeria & Grill
Arndt, Lynn & Christopher
Art & Frame Depot
As Kindred Spirits
Ashton, George & Monique
Atkinson, Rose
Atkinson, Sandi
Atkinson, Troy
Atlantic Edge
Baker, Nancy
Baltimore Symphony
Baronessa Restaurant
Barron, Joanne
Bartorelli, Agnes
Bartoszewicka, Kara
Baublitz, Mr. & Mrs. John
Beadle, Michele
Bean Bag, The
Belford, Claire
Ben & Jerry’s
Bensiminhon, Abigail
Berlin, Odeth
Best Western
Bjorson, Donnaruth
Blackman, Alice
Blair, Dubilier & Associates
Blum, Sam & Phyllis
Bockstahler, Rotraut
Bono, Elizabeth
Booker, James & Charlene
Bottle Shop
Bounce U
Bowl America Gaithersburg
Brady, Mark & Barbara SmithBrady
Britton, John
Britton, June
Brooklyn’s Deli
Brooks, Mary & Richard
Brown, Marika
Browning, Rebecca
Browning, Scot
Brun, Carmen
Bryan, Pauline
Bryant, Charles
Buckley, John & Rosemarie
Buffalo Wild Wings
Buglass, Ralph
Bur, Anthony
Burch, Eric
Burgess, Geraldine
Burgos-Sasscer, Ruth
Burks, James
Burnet, Mary
Buy Buy Baby
Buzoiahu, Manuela
Cain, Dennis
Calabrese, Kevin
California Tortilla
Cape Rosier Consulting
Capital Bank
Cardon, Steve & Debra
Carlin, James
Carmen’s Italian Ice
Carr, Charles
Carr, Margaret
Carrillo, Antonio & Suzanne
Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
Caruso, Marguerite
Castillo, Emeteria
Castro, Teresita & Francisco
Cava Mezze
Cecil, Robert & Susan
Celarier, Doris
Cervarich, Frank & Margaret
Chalkley, Margaret
Chalmbers, Virginia
Chang, Son Hwa
Chapman, Ann
Chappel, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Cheesecake Factory
Christianson, Brian & Evelyn
Cichy, Gerald
City of Rockville
Clark, Cecilia
Clark Construction Group
Clarke, Tim & Michelle
Clyde’s Tower Oaks Lodge
Coakley Realty
Coakley, Rory
Cochran, Robert
Cohan, Dr. Allan
Cohen, Dave
Cohen, Linda
Cohen, Ryann
Cole, Carolyn
College Gardens Garden Club
Color Me Mine
Combs, Margaret
Commonwealth Copy Products
Community Development Block
Community Foundation for NCR
Cooke, E.J.
Coompson, Yaa
Cooper-Martin, Elizabeth
Cordero, Ramon
Correll, Emily & Gary
Coyle, Jim & Lorine
Crampton, Janet & Theodore
Crawford, Barbara
Crawford, Brian
Creed, Carey
Crime Museum
Cromwell, Phyllis
Crowe, Joan & Brian
Crowne Plaza Rockville
Curley, John & Ann
Curtis, Kathleen
Danish Club of Washington
Davila, Dolly
Davis, Dan & Joan
D.C. United
DeCarlo, Patricia
De Leon, Iliana
Deierlein, Charles
Delany, Rebecca
Desai, Mr. & Mrs. Vipin
Dheenan, C.K.
Diagne, Nydeye
Diggs, Gennette
Doerrman, Linda & Glenn
Donoghue, Jack & Gladys
Donohue, Michaela & Warren
Donvito, Kate
Dorna, William and Blanca
Dorsch, Donna
Doyle, Rich
Drilea, Susan
Drummond, Robert
Duggal, Anupama
Dulany, Mary
Dunbar, Amy
Dunn, Anita
Durscher, Eldon & Jean
Earth Treks Climbing Centers
Edwards, Dana
Edwards, Steve
El Mariachi Restaurant
Elaj Aveda Day Spa
Elk Run Winery
Ellis, Raquel
Emergency Assistance Coalition
Emily Grace
Estate of Joy Rubinstein
Estrada, Maria
EU Caring Campaign
Family and Nursing Care
Fannie Mae Foundation
Farrar, Brandon
Fehr, Loretta
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Fenimore, Chuck
Fenton, Jim & Kay
Fisher, Stephen
Fitness First
Flagship Carwash
Fontina Grille
Foster Soltoff & Love
Fouant, Zelinda
Four Streams
Francis Asbury Palmer Fund
Frederick, Debra
Freedman, Stephen
Fresh Market
Frieser, Roslyn
Funkhouser, Gary & Claire
Gallagher, Nancy
Garcia, Emmanuel
Gatti, Richard & Eileen
Gazette Newspapers
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman
George, Sylvia & Dodge Wells
Gill, Zafar
Ginther, Joseph
Giuseppi’s Pizza
Gonzales, Yesenia
Gonzalez, Otto
Goodman, Lynn & Ed
Goodman, Sarah
Goozh, Paul
Gordon, Nancy
Gould-Kostka, Jeanne
Graf, Robert & Joyce
Grant, Alan
Graves, George
Gray, Nancy
Gregory, Jean
Gregory, Mark
Griffith, Lindsay
Gross, Joanna
Grossman, Bernice
Grundmayer, Ed and Cathy Ann
Gumm, Penny & Robert
Gundling, Richard
Gustavson, Bill & Jody
Guzman, Nathaniel
GWUH Mammogram Van
Haire, John and Marjorie
Halperin Family Foundation
Hands on Health
Hannaford, Carol
Harris, Alice
Harris, Gerald & Linda
Harris, John & Lois
Harris, Walter & Angela
Harry & David’s
Haugrud, Kevin
Healthcare Initiative Foundation
Henderson, Charlene
Heneghan, Frank & Helen
Herbert, Carolyn
Herbst, Marc
Hernan, Cynthia
Herrmann, Winifred
Hessler, Jack
Hickman’s Exxon
Hinrichs, Margo
Hixson, Del. Sheila
Hoferek, Mary
Hollon, Tom & Nancy
Holton Arms School
Holy Cross Hospital
Honigsberg, Saul and Mary
Hopkins-Laboy, Treava
House, Jackie
Hudson, John
Huffman, Lucy & Richard
Hurtado, Sergio
International Spy Museum
Investment Properties
Island Pride
Jackson, Gwendolyn
Jaeger, John
James, Della
James, Emma
Jarrah, Huda
Jensen, Sandra & Jay
Jefferson House
John A. Baker Fund
John J. Kirlin
Johns, Daryl A.
Johnson, Marilyn
Johnson, Pat
Johnson’s Florist
Jolly, Andrea
Jones, Evelyn
Jordan, George
Kaiser Permanente
Kakae, Seama
Kaldor, Helen
Kapoor, Kawalpreet
Karacki, Sue
Kaseman, Kasey & Dianne
Kennedy Center
Keshi, Ruta
Kiang, Julie
King, Wade & Miriam
Kirby, Susan & William
Kirby, Ted & Ida
Kiwanis Club of Rockville
Kostka, Greg & Jeanine
Krasnow, Steve & Rose
Kroop, Lisa
Kubalak, Sandy
Kuehner, Msgr. Ralph
La Tasca
Landenburger, Jon
Landon School
Lawver, Doug & Darlene
Layn, Samuel & Martha
Lazarus, Angie
Leatherman, Mark
Ledbetter, Erik
Lee, Chuck & Carol
Leshuk, Joan
Lewis Orchard
Lewis, Linda
Liberty Diversified
Liberty Mountain Resort
Little Farms Garden Club
Littleton, Pauline & Preston
Livingston, Kathy
Lockard, N.S.
Long, Sylvia
Lopez, Evelyn
Love, Paul
Luochring, Anne
Luray Caverns
Lush at Montgomery Mall
M&T Bank
M&T Charitable Foundation
Maas, William
Macdermid, Malcolm & Linda
Manna Food
Marinelli, Barbara
Marrinan, Jim & Cynthia
Marshall, Johanna
Marshall, John & Cindy
Martinelli, Betty
Maryvale Elementary School
May, Jan & Denise
May, Reggie
Mayo, Karen
Mayorga Coffee
McCaffrey, Robert & Carla
McClellan, Janie
McCormick, Delia
McDowell, Jason
MCHW Wagging Tails Thrift
McIsaac, Alban
Meadow Farms Nursery
Meadow Hall Elementary
Meakem, Carolyn
Merill, Lori
Michaelian, Katherine
Miers, Mary
Mikkelsen, Karen & Kent
Miller, Doris
Mindfulness Center
Miranda, Delvis
Mitchell, Ed & Jean
Moehring, Merete
Mohr, Wendell & Jo Ann
Molony, Frank & Carroll Saussy
Montgomery Alliance
Montgomery Cares
Montgomery County
Community Foundation
Montgomery County Council
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Revenue
Montgomery, Sen. Karen
Moore, Scott
Moran, Thomas and Carol
Morris, Dwayne
Mosaic Cuisine
Moser, John
Mullican, Brigitta
Munguia, Maria
Nelson, Robert
Neradka, Vince & Donna
Newman, Paul
Newton, Bridget & Fred
Nicholas, Jerome
Noodles & Company
Nordstrom, John
Nugenty, Kimberly
Ocampo, Francisco
O’Donnell, Cory
Olney Theatre Center
O’Malley, Governor Martin
O’Neill, Patricia
Olson, Guy & Dian
Olson, Susan & David
Oosterhous, Karolyne
Oro Pomodoro
Orr, Whitney
Oskin, Virginia & Tim
Panera Bread
Papadopoulos, Antonios
Pappas, Paula & Thomas
Pararas, Nancy
Pattison, Beth & John
Perez, Mike
Perez, Rebecca
Perry, Donna
Pfleiger, John
Pham, Kim
Phoenix Nails
Piccone, Beverly & Robert
Pichler, Dr. Ginny
Pierce, Daniel
Pierce, Stephany
Pierzchala, Mark
Pillaro, Barbara
Pittman, Robert
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Pletcher, Jim & Sue
Plow and Hearth
Posorske, Lynn
Postal, Charles & Mindy
Potomac Grill
Potomac Pizza
Potomac River Running
Power, Barbara
Primary Care Coalition of
Montgomery County
Prokop, George
Provost, Jean & Janet
Pskowski, Harold & Ellen
Ramos, Monica
Rancier, Kaitlin
Reagan, Carol
Rebulding Together
Reed, Don & Sandra
Reuther, Patricia
Reyes, Iliana
Reyes, Jose & Carmen
Reyes, Manuel
Rhoads, Thomas & Linda
Richards, Herbert
Rickman, Deborah
Ries, Lawrence & Lynn
Rifkin, Sharon
Ringe, Sharon
Roberts, Cathy
Roberts, Ruth
Robertson, Nancy & Thomas
Rockland’s Barbeque
Rockville Chamber of
Rockville Chorus
Rockville Lions Club
Rockville Little Theatre
Rockville Senior Center
Rocky Gap Lodge
Rogers, Arthur
Rogers, Nancy & Andrea
Rojas, Cecilia
Ronis, David
Rosenfeld, Gary
Rossbach, Larry
Rotbert, Suzanne
Rotary Club Foundation
Round House Theatre
Roundtop Mountain Resort
Roybal, Elizabeth
Ruby, Carmen
RUMC Ladies Bible Class
RUMC Thrift Shop
Rydlun, Leo
Saenz, Agnes
Saenz, Carmen
Saenz, Graciela
Saenz, Maria
Saenz, Marianella
Saenz, Rodolfo
Saint Elizabeth School
Saint Francis Episcopal School
Sam’s Club
Samek & Rotbert, LLC
Sanberger, Inc.
Sandin, Vernon
Santos, Postal & Company P.C.
Sargeant, Douglas & Karen
Schaefer, Richard & Pat
Schaeffer, James
Scharf, Bill & Barbara
Schiavone, Janice
Schilling, Mark & Sahar Dawisha
Schneider, Joan & Steven
Schoonover, Martha
Schrack, Roald
Schreyer, Marion
Schwartz, Franklin
Schwarz, Janis
Sears, Mike
Seeman, Sarah
Seith, Bryan & Michele
Selehdar, Randi
Seleski, Margaret
Seltz, Ann
Seminario, Mario
Shapiro, Stephen
Sharma, Arun
Shaw, Stephen & Sandra
Sherr, Theodore
Shivon, Jan
Shore, Dale
Short, Charles
Short, Charles Jr.
Shostak, Barbara
Silva-Lopez, Edibaldo & Blanca
Silva, Miguel & Connie
Silver Diner
Smith, Barbara
Smith, Jean
Smolenski, Janusz
Soldavini, Amy & Mark
Solorzano, Joel & Jessica Moore
Spiegel, Dr. Neil & Lynn
Spinner, J.
Stadler Nursery
Steel, James and Elizabeth
Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll, PC
Stella’s Restaurant
Sten, Patricia
Stillwell, Laura
Stovall, Lois
Stowe, Ed
Stranges, Tim & Rosanna Coffey
Studebaker, Cecilia
Studio Theatre
Sugarloaf Mountain Vineyard
Sullivan, Neal & Connie
Suneji, Sydney & Kathleen
Sushinsky, George & Nancy
Syed, Daniel & Anne
Taylor, William & Marilyn
Tempo Book Distributors
That’s Amore
The Jones Group
Thompson, Frances
Thompson, Kathryn
Thrive Yoga
Thomsen, Linda
Thongkamdee, May
Tolerton, Alan
Total Wine
Toy Kingdom
Toys For Tots
Treiman Family Fund
Trumble, Bernie
Trusty, Penny & Marty
Turner, Katherine
Twinbrook Elementary School
United Way Community Service Fund
United Way of NCA
Van Eperen, Laura
Van Grack, Steve
Van Hollen, Rep. Chris
Van Valkenburgh, Ellen
Vance, Eric
Vandermale, Tom and Lillian
Venable Foundation, Inc.
Vineyard, Mel & Mary Anna
Vocke, Christine
Von Arx, Emil
Walstein, Pauline
Warman, Mr. & Mrs. John
Washington Capitals
Washington Redskins
Washington Wizards
Watkins, Carlotta
Weidenfeller, Eleanor
Wellman, Larry & Katherine
Wells Fargo Advisors
White, Lynn & Tim
Whitetail Resort
Whole Foods
Willis, Rukmani
Wilson, James & Joan
Wilson, Pat
Wolpoff, Stuart
Wright, Stephanie & Robert
Wright, Stephen
Wyble, James
Yablunoski, Doris
Yanovski, Jack & Susan
Yee, J.
Yoffee, Stephanie
York Castle Ice Cream
Young, Barbara
Zack, Sam
Zoe’s Kitchen
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Bahai Community of Rockville
Christ Episcopal Church
Church of Christ at Manor Woods
Clinton AME Zion Church
Faith United Methodist Church
Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
Francis Asbury United Methodist Women
Jerusalem-Mt. Pleasant United Methodist
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Living Faith Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Potomac United Methodist Church
Rockville Christian Church
Rockville Presbyterian Church
Rockville United Church
Rockville United Methodist Church
St. Elizabeth’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Francis Episcopal Church
St. Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Rose of Lima
Temple Beth Ami
Twinbrook Baptist Church
Unitarian Universalist Church of
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
A Note from the Finance Director
Thanks to the continued generosity of our supporters, the financial condition of CMR
and MKHC remained stable in FY2012. Government contracts and in-kind donations
remained our primary sources of funding. Administrative costs remained low, as our staff
made efficient use of limited resources.
Grants, Contracts and Contributions
Net Appreciation of Investments
In-Kind Contributions
Jody Eccleston-Gustavson
Director of Finance
169 (3,145)
1,430,571 Other
15,142 Gala
105,279 Patients and Client Fees
274,271 TOTAL
$3,083,166 EXPENSES:
Salary and Fringe Benefits
$588,499 Insurance
Rent, Utilities, Telephone
157,565 Other Operating Expenses
109,888 Interest Expense
1,847 Depreciation and Amortization
98,661 *
Emergency Assistance Services
100,811 Home Care Services
61,904 Safe & Habitable Home Project
Jefferson House Program
62,340 ESL and Naturalization Projects
Della James
Accountant/Human Resources
30,790 Clinic Operations
154,991 1,573,001 Clients' Support
81,964 Fundraising Events
Other-Uncollectible Funds
$3,189,995 * Financial Note: Construction costs at the clinic are being amortized o ver the life of
the initial 5-year lease.
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Member Congrega,ons & Other Religious Organiza,ons 3% Table 1. Income By Source
Individuals and Board Pledges Net Realized/
2% Unrealized Loss on Investments 0% Member Congregations &
Other Religious Organizations
Individuals and Board Pledges
Government Contracts/Grants
United Way,CFC and local campaigns
Foundations, Corporations, & Other Non-Profits
Clients' contributions
Special Events
In-Kind Services
Net Realized/Unrealized Loss on Investments
Total CMR Income By Source
$80,721 52,935 868,744 33,487 189,046 274,271 156,536 1,430,571 (3,145) Government Contracts/Grants 28% In-­‐Kind Services 46% United Way,CFC and local campaigns 1% Founda,ons, Corpora,ons, & Other Non-­‐Profits 6% Special Events 5% $3,083,166 Clients' contribu,ons 9% Table 2. Income By Program
Rockville Emergency Assistance Program Basic Program 6% Ministries 13% IncomeFY2012Elderly 6% Rockville Emergency Assistance Program
Elderly Ministries
Jefferson House Latino Outreach Program
Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic
Agnes Saenz Fund
Basic Program
Total CMR Income By Program
Jefferson House 3% $187,481 173,861 108,772 370,804 1,842,738 1,789 397,721 $3,083,166 La?no Outreach Program 12% Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic 60% Table 3. Expenses By Program
Rockville Emergency Fundraising Assistance Program 4% 7% Elderly Ministries Management and Rockville Emergency Assistance Program
202,796 6% General 10% Elderly Ministries 199,173 Jefferson House Jefferson House
124,018 4% Latino Outreach Program
359,573 Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic
1,789,489 Agnes Saenz Fund
2,685 La@no Outreach Program 11% Management and General
297,969 Fundraising
121,792 Total CMR Expenses By Program
$3,097,495 Mansfield Kaseman Other-Uncollectible Funds
Health Clinic Total Expenses and Other
58% Financial Statements: The Financial Statements of Community Ministries of Rockville for the year ended June 30, 2012, have been audited by Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman. A
complete copy of the FY2012 audit report including all accompanying notes, can be requested by writing to: CMR, 1010 Grandin Ave., Suite A1, Rockville,
MD 20851. The three tables above and financial notes included in this annual report were prepared by CMR Staff using audited figures. According to FASB
(Financial Accounting Standards Board) regulation 116, we must include as income all grants that we have been notified of, despite the fact that no actual funds
may have been received.
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Chuck Lee, President, Executive Officer
Rockville, MD
Member, Twinbrook Baptist Church
Troy Atkinson, Vice President,
Executive Officer, Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville Christian Church
Mike Sears, Treasurer, Executive Officer
Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville Christian Church
Natalie Singh, Secretary, Executive Officer
Rockville, MD
Member, Jerusalem Mt. Pleasant United
Methodist Church
Eldon Durscher, Rockville, MD
Member, First Baptist Church
Bill Scharf, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Raphael’s Catholic Church
Lynn Goodman, Rockville, MD
Member, Temple Beth Ami
The Rev. Sandra Cox Shaw, Rockville, MD
Pastor, Living Faith Lutheran Church
Paul Goozh, Rockville, MD
Member, Temple Beth Ami
Charlie Short, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Mary’s Church
Cathy Ann Grundmayer, Gaithersburg, MD Amy Soldavini, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church
Member, Rockville United Church
Cynthia Hernan, Rockville, MD
Member, Living Faith Lutheran Church
Larry Wellman, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Raphael’s Catholic Church
Ellie Jespersen, Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville United Church
At-Large Members
Rachel Watkins, Secretary,
Executive Officer, Rockville, MD
Member, Jerusalem Mt. Pleasant United
Methodist Church
Angeline Lazarus, Rockville, MD
Member, First Baptist Church
Nancy Hollon, Secretary,
Executive Officer, Rockville, MD
Member, Twinbrook Baptist Church
Kathia Miles, Rockville, MD
Member, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Diane Albertini, Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville United Methodist Church
Delia McCormick, Rockville, MD
Member, Christ Episcopal Church
Guy Olson, Rockville, MD
Member, Baha’is of Rockville
Rory Coakley, Rockville, MD
President, Coakley Real Estate
Robert Dorsey, Rockville, MD
Frank Molony, Rockville, MD
Former CMR Board President
Asst. State’s Attorney for Montgomery
County, State of Maryland
Member, Rockville United Church
Scot Browning, Rockville, MD
President, Capital Bank
Mirtha Brown, Montogmery Village, MD
Member, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. Laura Hamm Peterson,
Rockville, MD
Pastor, Faith United Methodist Church
Antonio Carrillo, N. Potomac, MD
Member, Unitarian Universalist Church
Kaitlin Rancier, Rockville, MD
Member, Christ Episcopal Church
Robert King, Silver Spring, MD
Senior Advisor, World Bank, Retired
Kate Donvito, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church
Kamyar Sanatian, Rockville, MD
Member, Baha’i Community of Rockville
Johanna Marshall, Rockville, MD
Independent Court Reporter
Worldwide Reporting
Steve Edwards, Potomac, MD
Former CEO of Macmannes, Inc.
Seated l-r: Mike Sears, Treasurer; Cynthia Hernan, Vice President; Troy Atkinson, President; Agnes Saenz, Executive Director; Kate
Donvito, Secretary
Standing l-r: Chuck Lee, Kamyar Sanatian, Angie Lazarus, Cathy Ann Grundmayer, Diane Albertini, Guy Olson, Paul Goozh,
Mirtha Brown, Bob King, Margie Henry, Kevin Kane, Bill Scharf, Jim Marrinan, Johanna Marshall, Kaitlin Rancier, Scot Browning,
Charlie Short, Amy Soldavini
Not shown: Rory Coakley, Bob Dorsey, Eldon Durscher, Steve Edwards, Lynn Goodman, Nancy Hollon, Ellie Jespersen, Delia
McCormick, Kathia Miles, Frank Molony, Laura Hamm Peterson, Sandra Cox Shaw, Natalie Singh, Rachel Watkins
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
MKHC Board of Directors l-r: Dennis Cain, Steve Galen, Stephanie Wright, Bill
Scharf, Jim Marrinan, Dr. Neil Spiegel, Chuck Lee. Not pictured: Angie Lazarus.
Agnes Saenz, Executive Director • Lynn Arndt, Director of Development and Volunteer Services
Jody Eccleston-Gustavson, Director of Finance • Pat Johnson, Staff Secretary
James Booker, Director/Case Manager, Jefferson House Program • Cecilia Rojas, Director, Latino Outreach Program
Barbara Smith-Brady, Elderly Ministries Program Director • Monica Ramos, REAP Director
Odeth Berlin, Assistant to the Director of Development and Volunteer Services
Della James, Accountant/Human Resource Specialist • Arun Sharma, Accounting Assistant
Seated l-r:
Lynn Arndt, Agnes Saenz, Jody Eccleston
Standing l-r: Della James, Pat Johnson, Cecilia Rojas, Arun Sharma, Jim Booker, Monica Ramos, Teresita Castro, Barbara Smith-Brady, Odeth Berlin
Our United Way / CFC / Montgomery Alliance Designation Codes
Celebrating 45 Years of Service
Community Ministries of Rockville
1010 Grandin Avenue, Suite A-1
Rockville, MD 20851
You May Contact Us At:
Community Ministries of Rockville
1010 Grandin Avenue, Suite A-1
Rockville, MD 20851
Telephone: 301-637-0730
Fax: 301-637-0739
Administrative Offices
Agnes Saenz, Executive Director; 301-637-0208
Lynn Arndt, Director of Development/Volunteer Services; 301-637-0705
Jody Eccleston, Director of Finance; 301-637-0242
Rockville Emergency
Assistance Program
Monica Ramos, Director;
Mansfield Kaseman
Health Clinic
Teresita Castro,
Front Desk and Health
Education Manager;
Pat Johnson, Staff Secretary; 301-637-0205
Elderly & Disabilities
Ministries Program
Barbara Smith Brady, Director;
Jefferson House
Jim Booker, Director/Case
Latino Outreach Program
Cecilia Rojas, Director;