annual report 2014 verein it st.gallen


annual report 2014 verein it st.gallen
May 2015
Verein IT St.Gallen
c/o Standortförderung Stadt St.Gallen
9001 St.Gallen
+41 71 224 47 47
Editorial department:
Isabel Schorer
Head of economic development
of St.Gallen city council
Laura Rosini,
Sabine Nussbaumer
Economic development
of St.Gallen city council
Andreas Imthurn
Legal Counsel & Projectcontroller
Weiterbildungszentrum Holzweid
Alltag Agentur, Namics AG
Alltag Agentur, Namics AG
Alltag Agentur
03 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
A brilliant start in 2013, an impressive
campaign in 2014 and now we are in a phase of consolidation and further development. The message “Do more. Live better.
IT St.Gallen rockt!” is being spread further
and lived.
Which tools do we choose for this purpose? We will continue
to select specific tools in order to address this quite special
target group via various channels and to spread the word
about “IT St.Gallen rockt!”. In so doing, we use online and
print advertising and PR measures via the trade press as
well as networking and recruiting events. In the case of all
these tools, we take account of the careful and targeted use
of available resources. Our aim with these tools is to counter
the lack of specialists in the St.GallenBodenseeArea and
to reinforce it and its companies as an economic centre.
Furthermore, we are intensifying the contact with our training and network partners and promoting networking between our partner companies.
From a vision to a dynamic initiative. In short order an ICT
cluster has been developed. This ICT cluster is characterized
by large firms with their own IT departments, ICT companies, training and network partners. We thank all our partners that support this initiative with their trust and commitment.
Launched by St.Gallen’ s city council - through to the initiative St.GallenBodenseeArea. We are now marketing the initiative internationally too. Our goal is far from complete. It
takes time, commitment, further partners and much more.
The offering of training and further education options plays
a key role in the medium term, as we work to prepare the ICT
cluster of the St.GallenBodenseeArea for the future.
With the new year for the association, we also have a change
to report. Jan Keller, who built up the association as managing director and who characterised, supported and led it for
a year, has moved to a partner company to take on new challenges. We thank him for his hard work and commitment.
Hermann Arnold
Co -founder/Chairman of the Board Haufe -umantis AG
Chairman of Verein IT St.Gallen
Hermann Arnold
04 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
Verein IT St.Gallen
The executive board of the Verein IT St.Gallen comprises
representatives of the companies supporting the campaign.
The executive board uses the economic development department of St.Gallen’s city council as the office of the Verein IT
Status 02.04.2015
Hermann Arnold,
co-founder / VRP Haufeumantis Ltd.
Angela Stupp,
management board member
mhs@internet ag
Markus Ammann,
Ammann ConsultingOne
Martin Pulfer, head of HR
Management Namics Ltd
Sabine Nussbaumer,
project manager
economic development
St.Gallen city council
Peter Imthurn,
managing director
GUS Schweiz AG
Manuela Vetsch,
economic development
St.Gallen city council
Isabel Schorer,
head of economic development
St.Gallen city council
05 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
Sponsorship of the initiative
“IT St.Gallen rockt!”
Education /
Bildungszentrum BVS St.Gallen
FHS St.Gallen University of Applied Science
Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (HSR)
Schule für Gestaltung St.Gallen (GBS)
Innerstaatliche Hochschule für Technik Buchs (NTB)
Institute for Information Management University of St.Gallen (IWI-HSG)
Zentrum für berufliche Weiterbildung (ZBW)
“IT St.Gallen
Public Funding
St.Gallen city council
Network partners
Status 02.04.2014
Career Services Center University of St.Gallen (CSC-HSG)
cyberLAGO e.V.
Swiss Engineering
Wirtschaft Region St.Gallen WISG
4net AG
ABACUS Research AG
Abraxas Informatik AG
AdCubum AG
Alpha Solutions AG
Ammann ConsultingOne
Bildungszentrum BVS St.Gallen
E-Experts GmbH
EGELI Informatik AG
Frontify AG
GemDat Informatik AG
Genossenschaft Migros Ostschweiz
Goldfish Software GmbH
GUS Schweiz AG
Haufe-umantis AG
Helvetia Insurance
Informatikdienste St.Gallen
InnoSolv AG
Kantonsspital St.Gallen AG
Kern Concept AG
Leica Geosystems AG
mhs@internet AG
movento Schweiz AG
Namics AG
netz.werk köppel & partner GmbH
Next AG
Notenstein Private Bank AG
QuoVadis Trustlink Switzerland AG
Raiffeisen Switzerland
Solenthaler Recycling AG
Squeng AG
Steffen Informatik AG
Swisscom AG
University of St.Gallen (HSG)
Verwaltungsrechenzentrum AG St.Gallen
Zentrum für berufliche Weiterbildung (ZBW)
Zoot International AG
06 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
The ICT sector is characterised by dynamic and successful
SMEs. These typically have high productivity and anticipate
increasing demand for IT services in all sectors such as in
the areas of enterprise software, business process engineering
and outsourcing, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and
content management systems (CMS) as well as Internet
technology, e-commerce, IT security and SaaS. The joint aim
is to counter the lack of specialists in the ICT sector.
Training partners
Qualified specialists form the basis for a prospering ICT
sector. To this end, an attractive training and further education offering is fundamental. Today several training partners already support the initiative “IT St.Gallen rockt!”.
Together we pursue our goal to enhance the existing trainings and further education offerings for ICT and IT companies.
Network partners
A network comprises an organised group of people and institutions with the same interests wishing to benefit from
mutual support. That is precisely the aim too of the initiative “IT St.Gallen rockt!” and its network partners. All come
from various sectors but all have a common aim: strengthening the eastern Swiss economy, notably the ICT cluster:
and together we are working to achieve this.
St.Gallen’s city council and the St.GallenBodenseeArea support the initiative “IT St.Gallen rockt!”.
Further information on the
The St.GallenBodenseeArea is the official joint venture of
the cantons of St.Gallen, Thurgau and both Appenzells for
the international promotion and development support of
Switzerland’s most cost-efficient region, the St.GallenBodenseeArea. In this economic region with a catchment area of
more than two million people, around 2,000 ICT companies
employ in excess of 15,000 persons. The St.GallenBodenseeArea is strategically positioned in the square encompassing
Munich, Stuttgart, Zurich and Milan, and Zurich’s international airport is just 30-60 minutes away. Moreover, the
St.GallenBodenseeArea with its unique cost/benefit ratio is
one of Europe’s most attractive economic regions.
Davidstrasse 35
9001 St.Gallen
T +41 58 229 64 64
Further information on the regional
economic development of St.Gallen city
c/o Standortförderung Stadt St.Gallen
9001 St.Gallen
T +41 71 224 47 47
07 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
In the St.GallenBodenseeArea, interests and preferences are
combined with work.
08 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
From association of companies to
ICT cluster
Via the initiative “IT St.Gallen rockt!” as an ICT cluster of
the St.GallenBodenseeArea, an association was formed comprising 38 ICT companies, 7 training institutes, 6 network
partners and government. Thanks to the networking and
further development of people and companies, the scope of
the initiative is growing strongly. This active network supports the influence of our economic region far beyond the
national boundaries.
What started in 2013 as a vision of like-minded ICT companies together with the local business development department of the St.Gallen city council has now grown into a
dynamic initiative. After only one year since its foundtion,
the association of companies has expanded into a strong
and broadly supported ICT cluster due to the inclusion of
well-known training institutes and established network
”IT St.Gallen rockt!” is the official
ICT cluster of the St.GallenBodenseeArea (SGBA)
The Verein IT St.Gallen was founded in 2013 with the aim
of assuring the familiarity of the location of St.Gallen as a
Swiss centre for entrepreneurial ICT and making it attractive for relocations. The association combines relevant ICT
actors in the economic region of St.Gallen, thus creating an
attractive environment for companies and talent.
Combining common goals
The density of qualified ICT offices in our region occupies a
top position throughout Switzerland as a whole. Yet in the
catchment area of Zurich, we notice an acute lack of specialists all the more clearly. Are you affected too?
The Verein IT St.Gallen launched the initiative “IT St.Gallen
rockt!” to counter this lack of specialists. And we didn’t have
to wait long for success. The location St.GallenBodenseeArea
was and is still being strengthened and various partners
confirm the measurable benefits in the filling of vacant positions in the ICT sector.
The initiative “IT St.Gallen rockt!” is open to all companies
and institutions in the St.GallenBodenseeArea that train,
further educate, employ and/or recruit ICT specialists. Various packages are available to those who wish to back the
Information on membership can be found at
“IT St. Gallen rocks!” is open to all
companies and institutions in the
St.GallenBodenseeArea that train,
further educate, employ and/or
recruit ICT specialists.
Have we aroused your interest?
Contact us now!
Verein IT St.Gallen
c/o Standortförderung Stadt St.Gallen
9001 St.Gallen
T +41 71 224 47 47
09 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
Balance sheet as of 31 December 2014
Accounts payable
VAT tax debt
Deferred income
Income statement as of 31 December 2014 1
Lokremise event
Other events
Administrative costs/Office
Printed matter
Input tax reductions
Interest cost/Bank charges
Interest income
Sale of packages
Launch funding from city council
Lokremise event
The cash-equivalent services of the executive board members and their companies are not to be found in the income
statement. In order to enhance transparency, these items are
listed here: Management of the office (economic development
department of St.Gallen city council), compensation for the
executive board (Haufe-umantis AG,Ammann ConsultingOne,
mhs@internet AG, Namics AG, GUS Schweiz AG, St.Gallen
city council economic development department), further
personal commitments of the executive board members.
All these items were provided to the association free of
charge. If they would have been purchased at market prices,
they would have cost around CHF 200,000. Moreover, the
services provided by Alltag Agentur AG were offered on
preferential terms. Many thanks.
The audit department of St.Gallen city council states in the
report on the annual accounts: “In our review we came
across no items from which we would have to conclude that
the annual accounts do not convey a picture of the asset,
financial and revenue position of the Verein IT St.Gallen
that reflects its actual circumstances in compliance with
the relevant laws and statutes.”
10 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
Local recreation areas just a few minutes away from your
workplace: that is St.Gallen.
11 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
Facts and figures (status 02.04.2015)
Page views at
Sessions at
Users at
Likes on Facebook
Newsletter recipients
News posted at
Jobs currently posted at
Twitter followers
Partner companies
Numbers of events 2013 ­– 2015
Newsletters despatched
Average session length at
12 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
Review May 2013 – May 2015
Since the foundation of the Verein IT St.Gallen, its office has
implemented various measures by order of the executive
board. The launch in autumn 2013 was followed by the
first communication wave in spring 2014. The second communication wave, notably the eastern Swiss training fair
(ostschweizerische Bildungsausstellung, OBA), followed in
autumn 2014.
Outlook 2015
In 2015, communication will also be the focus of our activities. Via the brand “IT St.Gallen rockt!”, our target group is
being systematically addressed. The message “Do more.
Live better. IT St.Gallen rockt!” must be spread further so
that the attractive IT jobs and companies become more
widely known. The focal areas of this communication will be
adapted slightly in 2015. University and college marketing
is moving centre stage in the first third of the year to enable
graduates to be addressed directly. Trade media will play a
central role here. It is planned to place PR articles of partner
companies in a targeted manner. This autumn the focus will
then switch to classic communication.
In addition to communication, measures are being launched
to help us push ahead with the expansion of the ICT cluster.
The cooperation between business, training and research,
government and further network partners is of central importance for a prospering development of the ICT cluster.
As such, the set-up and enhancement of training options in
cooperation with the ICT companies is to be driven forward
in order to create a regional pool of talent. After all, particularly in technical professions, students tend to stay in the
region after graduation.
The economic region St.GallenBodenseeArea is establishing
itself as THE Swiss location for ICT with an entrepreneurial
focus. Anyone wishing to be entrepreneurially active, do
something and be successful in this sector, will find the
right environment here. In the field of entrepreneurial ICT,
the participating companies, training institutions, government and further network partners form a strong team.
With attractive offers they make a joint contribution to
countering the deficit of specialists as well as the sustainable development of the eastern Swiss economy.
13 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
Partner companies
Ammann ConsultingOne, E-Experts GmbH, Frontify AG, Goldfish Software GmbH, netz.werk köppel & partner GmbH, Squeng AG,
Steffen Informatik AG, Zoot International AG
Education partners
Network partners
Public funding
14 Annual Report 2014 of the Verein IT St.Gallen
ICT cluster St.GallenBodenseeArea
Swiss Engineering
Alpha Solutions AG AG
ABACUS Research AG
Notenstein Privatbank AG
Helvetia Versicherungen
Universität St.Gallen (HSG)
Kantonsspital St.Gallen
sh Software GmbH
Wirtschaft Region St.Gallen
GUS Schweiz AG
Leica Geosystems AG
QuoVadis Trustlink Schweiz AG
Abraxas Informatik AG
Stadt St.Gallen
Raiffeisen Schweiz
Zoot International AG
Informatikdienste St.Gallen
Frontify AG
Squeng AG
FHS St.Gallen Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
GemDat Informatik AG
Swisscom AG
Bildungszentrum BVS St.Gallen
Verwaltungsrechenzentrum AG St.Gallen
Namics AG
Haufe-umantis AG
EGELI Informatik AG
Schule für Gestaltung St.Gallen
mhs @ internet AG
Genossenschaft Migros Ostschweiz
Next AG
netz.werk köppel &
Adcubum AG
Steffen Informatik AG
Zentrum für
iche Weiterbildung
movento Schweiz AG
InnoSolv AG
4net AG
E-Experts GmbH
Solenthaler Recycling AG
Members of the Verein IT St. Gallen
Kern Concept AG
Network partners
Education partners
Public funding
Additional ICT companies
Hochschule für Technik NTB