- Citywest Campus News
- Citywest Campus News
what’s on YOGA AT THE RIVERWALK Have better days – enjoy a better life! Discover how, through the Yoga system of Breathing, Postures, Nutrition, Relaxation and Meditation. Due to popular demand Yoga Beginners started back in January. Course runs for 6 weeks – cost €50.00. For further details you can contact Alison on 087 6302694 email alisonflynn@eircom.net or the Citywest Office – 4660160. WEIGHTWATCHERS Weightwatchers returned to the Riverwalk in January. Classes take place on Thursday from 1.00pm – 2.00pm. For further details contact Katherine at 4660160 or email reception@citywest.com. SPRING 2006 Work has commenced on the Shopping Centre which will be 14,000sq meters on Citywest Road. Dunnes Stores are the anchor tenant. It will be a full format with 60% drapery and 40% grocery. Other tenants will be McCabes Pharmacy, Jean Scene and many more to follow. Campus Intro Facilities LUAS update Recently the Minister for Transport, Martin Cullen T.D. was in Tallaght to receive the first copy of the public consultation document on the proposed Luas branch to Citywest. Maps What's On Getting There Campus Special Offers Newsletters LAUNCHING WWW.CITYWESTCAMPUS.COM Welcome to Citywest Campus News I would like to introduce you to a new website specifically designed for you, the people who work at Citywest Business Campus. We developed the website to promote a sense of community within the Campus and to make your life easier. Public Consultation is onging. RPA literature has been circulated to businesses in the Campus and the public is invited to make submissions directly to the RPA. This document will form the basis for discussion and consultation with residents, business and commercial interests, Luas customers, stakeholders and the general public. Luas Line A1 will deliver top quality public transport services to established Communities and will facilitate the rapidly developing Citywest Business Campus. Details of the Open Day will be announced very shortly. The website lists all the amenities such as Restaurants, Shops, Creches etc., on the Campus with contact details and information on what they offer. It also lists nearby facilities such as Hotels, Gym and Golf Courses. It has maps of the Campus to help new staff find their way around. It contains all previous Campus Newsletters which contain valuable information relating to Citywest. It has timetables for all public and private transport services to the City, to the Luas and to the Dart. It will have a weblink to the new shopping centre when it opens in 2007. Please log onto www.citywestcampus.com. If you have any suggestions please use the contact page on the website. I hope the website is of interest to you and provides you with valuable information to make working on the Campus more enjoyable. Stephen Campbell Corporate Website If you are a business looking for information about Citywest Business Campus then visit www.citywest.com The New Shopping Centre Next year the exciting new Citywest shopping centre will be open, offering you a wide range of stores and services. Transport Information Tel: 01 4660160 Contacts Citywest operates a private express bus service to the city centre, suburban areas and the Luas in the morning and evening as an alternative transport option. What's Where Find out what's where with our new campus facilities map. 2005 christmas toy appeal f ction o s A sele tic toy s ta n the fa y you. b d te dona The Citywest Christmas Toy Appeal in aid of the Bubble Gum Club was a great success, thanks to all the companies on the Campus who donated presents. We received approximately 500 presents into the Citywest Office, which we delivered on behalf of the Bubble Gum Club to Sunshine Home and Drimnagh Stephe Castle, for distribution at a Winter n Cam pbell re Plaq Campu ue on behalf ceiving the Wonderland Extravanganza. Bub s. T of he pla que is Your generosity helped put a smile on the faces of hundreds of children with life threatening illnesses. the co mpanie ble Gum on dis play in s on the the Lin k Café . welcome WELCOME TO THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES WHICH HAVE MOVED TO CITYWEST RECENTLY • • • • • • Shire Pharmaceuticals, 5 Riverwalk Ryan Academy for Entrepreneurship, 3013 Lake Drive Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals, 7 Riverwalk Smart Telecom have taken additional office space on Lake Drive P.E. O’Brien, Magna Park Origo (formerly Beaver), 22 Magna Park the ryan academy An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern officially opened the Ryan Academy for Entrepreneurship on 24th October 2005. The Academy is a joint venture between the Ryan Family and Dublin City University (DCU), their vision being to stimulate and lead international best practice in entrepreneurship. local community links with citywest campus Citywest Campus Community Investment Programme in Conjunction with DCU Currently only 40% of leaving certificate students in the Dublin 24 area proceed forward to third level education after the completion of their leaving certificate (‘Who went to college’ OECD report, 2006). The Davy Hickey Properties/Citywest Community Investment Programme aims to directly increase the number of Dublin 24 students attending third level education through an effective outreach programme driven by a local partnership betweens secondary schools, universities and the Citywest Business Campus while integrating the Citywest Business Campus into the wider Tallaght Community. students get an opportunity to attend a range of career development workshops in DCU’s Ryan Academy for Entrepreneurship. Themes include: access third level, student shadowing, life skills development, university open day. 2. Access Scholarships: This fund will sponsor students from our area throughout their college education at DCU. This year eight students are enrolled and this will increase as more students become aware of the programme. 3. Sports Scholarships: This fund will sponsor Athletes from the Tallaght area to compete at a national or international level throughout their college education. DCU have put a programme on behalf of the campus in place that will involve schools in the area, such as; Brookfield, Jobstown and Killinarden Community School to name a few. DCU have also joined with Tallaght IT, UCD and TCD to ensure the programme has maximum impact on the local Community. There will be a number of Practical Workshops developed and targeted at both students and their parents; thereby developing a positive approach to education and helping both students and parents understand the CAO application process thus developing a positive approach to education for all the family. 1. Outreach: This programme was launched by the Tanaiste Mary Harney on May 4th at 5pm in the Tony Ryan Academy. Throughout the school year, transition year St. Aidans School Football Team The campus have sponsored the local school under 14 boys football team with new Kit and Footballs. Key values at the Ryan Academy include being exciting and different and the building in Citywest certainly meets these criteria. The Ryan Academy and DCU Business School will deliver their first joint MBS in Entrepreneurship this October at it’s custom built facility at Citywest Business Campus. To obtain further details / register your interest please contact us on 7006760 or email ryanacademy@dcu.ie Ryan Academy customers are those interested in the range of professional development, education,research and networking services on offer in this new Citywest facility. If you are interested in registering for events please email events@ryanacademy.dcu.ie COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS Do you have unwanted/surplus computers/monitors/keyboards/printers? A number of companies have previously donated surplus/old IT equipment that the local IT Teacher in the school can refurbish to make suitable replacements to their existing equipment. The computers need to be Pentium 2 or better. This can go a long way to help educating our local children in IT, where funding from the authorities is inadequate. Please contact Katherine/Christina at Citywest Reception on 4660160 or email Reception@Citywest.com if you can help.
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