Twenty-Seventh Annual Synod Assembly of the Southwestern
Twenty-Seventh Annual Synod Assembly of the Southwestern
Twenty-Seventh Annual Synod Assembly of the Southwestern Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Friday, May 16– Saturday, May 17, 2014 Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA 2014 Synod Assembly Table of Contents Assembly Handbook Site Driving Directions Registration times Voting Member Orientation Food and Drink Worship/Offering Bookstore Workshops Voting Seating Assembly Office Displays Messages Handouts Money and dress? Speakers Synod Council and Staff What does this Mean Pineapple as a Symbol of Hospitality Presiding Bishop Eaton’s Welcome- English Presiding Bishop Eeaton’s Welcome- Spanish Bishop Jaech’s Welcome Synod Mission Statement AGENDA Assembly Committees ELCA Acronyms and Terms The Hospitality of Sharing the Synod Assembly Bible Study Leaders/Speakers Map of Trinity Lutheran Church Workshops Synod, Finances and Roster Section Synod Council Members Synod Council Actions 2013-2014 Guide to the Synod 2013 Financial Report 2015 Budget Proposal (with 2008-2012 actuals) Roster Report Ordination and Congregation Anniversaries In Memory Nominations and Elections Section Rules of Procedure How to cast your vote Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance Successful use of Robert’s Rules of Order Nominated Positions Still Open a-f a b b b b c c c c d d d d d e e e-f f 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9-11 12 13-14 15 16-17 18 19 20-21 22 23-32 33 34-35 36 37-40 41 42-43 44 45 46 47 Nomination Biographies (thus far…) Blank Nomination Form Job Descriptions for Elected Positions Reports Section Mission Investment Fund- ELCA Region 1 Candidacy Committee Global Mission Committee Interim Ministry Namibia Task Force Outreach Board Women of the ELCA Synod Youth Committee Lutheran Seminary Pacific Lutheran University Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Peace Community Center, Tacoma Lutheran Community Services NW Parish Nurse Ministries 48-50 51 52-53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 The Pineapple as a Symbol of Hospitality The pineapple has been a symbol of hospitality since the days of the early American colonies. The legend began with the sea captains of New England, who sailed among the Caribbean Islands and returned to the colonies bearing their cargo of fruits, spices and rum. According to legend, the caption would spear a pineapple on a fence post outside his home to let his friends know of his safe return from sea. The pineapple was a invitation for them to visit, share his food and drink, and listen to tales of his voyage. As the tradition grew, Colonial innkeepers added the pineapple to their signs and advertisements, and bedposts carved in the shape of a pineapple were a common sight at inns across New England. Colonists would set a fresh pineapple in the center of the table as a colorful centerpiece of the festive meal, especially when visitors joined them in celebration. If a visitor stayed for a meal, they were often served pineapple as a special desert after the meal. Often when the visitor spent the night, he was given the bedroom which had the pineapples carved on the bedpost or headboard- even if the bedroom belonged to the head of the household. The legend has continued to the present, and frequently one sees the pineapple symbol in hotels and restaurants to signal the presence of hospitality. The pineapple has been a universal symbol of hospitality and welcome for many centuries all over the world. 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God’s work. Our hands. Spring 2014 So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. – Romans 12:5 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, One of my deep joys as I begin my term as the fourth presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is meeting with you and witnessing how we are church together. It is wonderful to see how people’s lives are changed because of the commitment of our congregations to share God’s love with one another. Thank you for your faithful witness to the gospel. Because of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we are church together for the sake of the world. At the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, we affirmed the Book of Faith initiative as a continuing emphasis and priority in this church. It is my hope that our deep biblical engagement with the written word of God may help us become a community of deep spiritual discernment. Together, let us recommit to those spiritual practices of prayer, silence, worship, giving and Scripture study so that together we can prepare ourselves and be quiet long enough to hear how God is speaking to us through the Holy Spirit. We need to first listen to God and then listen to one another. In your congregations, you are already listening and engaging in this communal discernment as you continue to work on your missional covenants. This work, begun by the encouragement of the Living Into the Future Together task force, is not done in isolation from or in competition with one another. It is shaped by our mutual conversations concerning our vision and mission and discerning where the greatest needs are within our congregations and communities. The 2013 Churchwide Assembly recognized a number of those greatest needs when it approved the Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. The Campaign for the ELCA seeks to raise funds for existing local and global churchwide ministries and for new ministries. As church together, we can start or renew a congregation; save a child’s life; develop leaders in our church and in our global companion churches; and feed people who are hungry, equipping them to break out of the cycle of hunger and poverty. This past fall, thousands of congregations participated in the “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday. We plan to do this again Sept. 7, 2014. I hope you will join us. This day of service in Jesus’ name is a wonderful way to share God’s love. As you pray, worship and discern together to seek and listen for God’s will, know that throughout the ELCA, your brothers and sisters are praying for you. God’s peace, Elizabeth A. Eaton Presiding Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 2 Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en América La obra de Dios. Nuestras manos. Primavera 2014 También nosotros, siendo muchos, formamos un solo cuerpo en Cristo, y cada miembro está unido a todos los demás. – Romanos 12:5 Queridas hermanas y hermanos en Cristo: Una de mis profundas alegrías al iniciar mi mandato como cuarto obispo presidente de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en América (ELCA) es la de reunirme con ustedes y dar testimonio de que somos una iglesia unida. Es maravilloso ver cómo cambian las vidas de las personas a raíz del compromiso de nuestras congregaciones de compartir el amor de Dios los unos con los otros. Agradecemos infinitamente su fiel testimonio del evangelio. Por nuestra relación con Dios por medio de Jesucristo, somos una iglesia unida por el bien del mundo. En la Asamblea Nacional de la ELCA del 2013, ratificamos la iniciativa de El Libro de Fe como una prioridad y un énfasis continuos de esta iglesia. Es mi esperanza que nuestro profundo compromiso bíblico con la palabra escrita de Dios nos ayude a convertirnos en una comunidad de profundo discernimiento espiritual. Juntos, renovemos nuestro compromiso con esas prácticas espirituales de oración, silencio, adoración, ofrendar y estudio de las Escrituras, para que juntos nos preparemos y estemos tranquilos el tiempo suficiente para escuchar cómo Dios nos habla por medio del Espíritu Santo. Necesitamos escuchar primero a Dios y luego, los unos a los otros. En nuestras congregaciones, ya escuchan y participan de este discernimiento comunal a medida que siguen trabajando en sus alianzas misioneras. Esta obra, iniciada por el estímulo del grupo de trabajo Living Into the Future Together (Unidos hacia el Futuro) no se lleva a cabo de manera aislada ni compitiendo entre sí. Está moldeada por nuestras conversaciones mutuas para abordar nuestra visión y misión, así como por el discernimiento de dónde yacen las necesidades más grandes dentro de nuestras congregaciones y comunidades. La Asamblea Nacional de 2013 reconoció varias de esas grandes necesidades al aprobar “Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA” (Siempre siendo renovados: La Campaña de la ELCA). La Campaña de la ELCA busca recaudar fondos para ministerios locales y globales ya existentes de la iglesia nacional, como también para nuevos ministerios. Juntos como iglesia, podemos iniciar o renovar una congregación; salvar la vida de un niño; desarrollar líderes en nuestra iglesia y en nuestras iglesias compañeras globales, y dar de comer a las personas que sufren de hambre , preparándolas para liberarse del círculo de hambre y pobreza. Este otoño pasado, miles de congregaciones participaron en el domingo de "La obra de Dios. Nuestras manos". Planeamos hacerlo nuevamente el 7 de septiembre del 2014. Espero que nos acompañen. Este día de servicio en nombre de Jesús es una forma maravillosa de compartir el amor de Dios. Mientras oran, adoran y disciernen juntos para buscar y escuchar la voluntad de Dios, deben saber que en toda la ELCA, sus hermanos y hermanas oran por ustedes. Que la paz de Dios sea con ustedes: Elizabeth A. Eaton Obispa presidente Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en América 3 4 The Mission of the Southwestern Washington Synod is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by empowering congregations and church leaders to Grow in • Worship • Education • Outreach • Stewardship • And other ministries 95 th FRIDAY- May 16 8:00-9:00am 8:00am-12:00pm 9:00am-9:45am 9:45am-10:00am 10:00am-11:17pm 11:17-12:17pm 12:17-12:35pm 12:35pm-2:15pm 2:15pm 2:35pm-5:20pm 2014 SYNOD ASSEMBLY AGENDA Draft 5/05/14 Election Committee meets Registration Open Voting Member Orientation Hymn Sing (Nolte) PLENARY SESSION # 1 Welcome, Opening Prayer and Call to Order Adoption of Rules, Agenda, committees, introductions Nominating Committee Report Credential Report Church Council Greeting (Mr. Jim Hushagen) Portico Presentation 2013/2014 Budget Presentation 2015 Budget presentation, discussion and vote Synod Attorney Presentation (Mr. Jim Hushagen) 10 Min Break Eucharist Worship (Bishop Jaech preach; Rev. Gaustad preside) Travel to Lunch at PLU- Chris Knutzen Hall in Anderson University Center Lunch - Entertainment, Greetings, Anniversaries & Retirements (Deadline for Floor Nominations) PLENARY SESSION # 2 Call to Order Intro of Macedonia Video Project and Videos #1 & #2 Keynote #1 (Rev. Dr. Dan Peterson) 10 min break Bible Study (Bishop Richard Jaech) Music Break Officer’s Reports Sending Prayer Dinner on your own 7:30pm Macbeth in Karen Hille Philips Performing Arts Center at PLU (optional) SATURDAY- May 17th 7:30am-12:00pm 8:15-8:30am 8:30am-11:08am 5/5/2014 Registration Singing PLENARY SESSION # 3 Call to Order/Prayer Credentials Report Keynote #2 (Rev. Dr. Dan Peterson) Music Stretch Break Macedonia Video #3 Churchwide Report/ Presentation (Mr. Kenneth Inskeep) Music Stretch Break 6 11:08-12:08 12:08pm-2:00pm 2:00pm-3:00pm 3:15-4:15pm 4:30pm-5:30pm General Elections report (Huffman) General Elections Living Stones Prison Congregation Report Namibia Task Force Presentation Worship (Rev. Wallschlaeger preach; Rev. Latterell preside) Lunch on your own Workshop Session #1 Workshop Session #2 PLENARY SESSION # 4 Call to order/ Prayer Mission Investment Fund presentation Mission Start Updates Unfinished Business Resolutions Sending Worship Installation of new Synod Council and ALYVE Board Adjourn Synod Assembly 7 5/5/2014 2014 SYNOD ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES The Synod Assembly shall have committees on CREDENTIALS, ELECTIONS, and RESOLUTIONS. (S7.15) …appointed by the bishop. (S7.15.01, S7.15.02, S7.15.03) ASSEMBLY PLANNING COMMITTEE Chair Rev. Ron Kempe Floor Manager Ms. Allison Ramsey Finances Mr. Dick Schmidt Worship Rev. Jeff Gaustad, Dr. Jonathan Wohlers, Rev. Melanie Wallschlaeger, Rev. Ron Kempe, Kirsten Shafer, Rev. John Stroeh Hospitality Trinity Lutheran Church Workshops Ms. Allison Ramsey Ushers Mr. Doug Wright Lunch Ms. Allison Ramsey and Ms. Monica Hurley Assembly Office Ms. Pat Durston, Ms. Lisa Boers. Mr. Dick Schmidt, Ms. Jennifer Schroeder Audio/Visual Spiritborne Productions, Lead-Mr. Andy Kim Minutes Ms. Jill Westwood; Ms. Monica Hurley Electronic Display Ms. Melody Rath ADVICE AND COUNSEL: Mr. Scott Ellerby (Parliamentarian), Rev. John Schier-Hanson (Spanaway, Spanaway), Janeen Smith, AIM (Spanaway, Spanaway), Rev. Kim Latterell (Synod staff) CREDENTIALS: Ms. Pat Durston (Registrar, Trinity, Tacoma), Ms. Lisa Boers (Trinity, Tacoma), Ms. Jennifer Schroeder (Resurrection, Tacoma) ELECTIONS: Ms. Darcy Huffman (Chair), Rev. Sarah Roemer, Rev. Nina Body MINUTES: Bishop Richard Jaech, Monica Hurley (Synod Secretary), Ms. Jill Westwood (Minutes), Paul Opgrande (Vice President), Ms. Allison Ramsey (Synod staff) REGISTRATION: Ms. Pat Durston (Registrar), Ms. Lisa Boers, Ms. Doris Gadley (Bethany, Spanaway), Ms. Jennifer Schroeder, Ms. Mary Ann Nelson (Stella, Longview) RESOLUTIONS: Rev. Mark Woldseth (Gloria Dei, Tacoma), Rachel Knoke (Luth Church of Christ the King, Tacoma) , Mr. Scott Ellerby (Parliamentarian), Rev. Kim Latterell (Synod staff) PARLIAMENTARIAN: Mr. Scott Ellerby (The parliamentarian may be contacted between sessions for assistance in preparing motions, amendments, resolutions, or information on parliamentary procedures.) DON’T BE LOST… ACRONYMS AND TERMS GENERAL ELCA TERMS: ELCA- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (Denominational title) with 3,950,924 baptized members (as of 2012) Region 1- One of 9 regions of the ELCA composed of 6 synods (Southwestern Washington, Northwest Washington, Eastern Washington/Idaho, Montana and Alaska Synods) Churchwide- A term referring to the entire Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Lutheran Center- The name for the facility in Chicago that houses the ELCA Churchwide offices. SYNOD Synod-A geographical group of congregations that are a part of the ELCA. There are 65 synods in the ELCA. SWWA- Southwestern Washington Synod Conference - A geographical group of congregations of the synod: Coastal-8 congregations near the ocean; Evergreen -11 congregations E & S of Tacoma; Ft. Vancouver-11 congregations in Vanc, area; Lower Columbia-6 congregations near Columbia River btwn Vanc. and Centralia; Ministers In Specialized Setting- non-geographical conf. of MISS; Mt Rainier -11 congregations E & S of Tacoma; Olympic-7 congregations on Olympic Pen; Peninsula-7 congregations on Kitsap Pen.; South Sound-11 congregations S of Olympia; Tacoma Narrows-8 congregations by Narrows Bridge;Tacoma SW-7 congregations in SW Tacoma. LEADERSHIP: Presiding Bishop- The elected clergy responsible for the entire ELCA Churchwide for a six-year term; currently serving is Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. The Presiding bishop chairs the Churchwide Assembly, Church Council and it’s Executive Committee, and the Conference of Bishops. The Office of the Presiding Bishop relates to: Augsburg Fortress, Publishers; The Deaconess Community of the ELCA, Lutheran Men in Mission; National Lutheran Campus Ministry, and Women of the ELCA. Office of the Secretary- This ELCA elected position. The secretary is responsible For maintaining the records of the church (rosters, archives, Church Council decisions, Churchwide Assembly) and coordinating the use of legal counsel. Congregational and Synodical Mission (CSN)- New unit of the ELCA supporting synods and congregations by: Centers of Mission (new and renewed congregations, youth ministries, stewardship, worship), Director for Evangelical Mission, Regional Coordinators, Ethnic-specific and Multicultural Mission, Leadership (candidacy and assignment, TEEM, colleges and universities) and Poverty and Justice (hunger, advocacy, disaster, social ministry organizations, Lutheran Disaster Relief, Lutheran Services in America and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) Synod Council- 19 members elected board of directors of the synod. Bishop-The clergy elected by the Synod Assembly to lead a synod of the ELCA for a 6-year term. Our synodical Bishop is Bishop Richard Jaech. Executive Committee- 4 officers and two at-large members of the Synod Council. Three Synod Boards: Outreach Board- Outreach Board: Inspires for evangelical outreach by empowering new mission starts, congregational renewal and equipping people for God’s mission in the world. Fiscal Board- Responsible to direct the financial affairs as well as the property and maintenance matters of the synod. Mission Endowment Fund Board- Stewards the synod’s investment fund that is used by the Outreach Board to support evangelical outreach. This group is formally known as the Mission Fund Board. Candidacy Committee- The Synod Candidacy Committee is appointed by the synod bishop to help determine, with the candidate, whether their character, ability, health and wellness, spiritual formation, preparation and commitment are appropriate for the ministry in which they seek to serve. Global Mission Committee- This committee serves as a clearinghouse within our synod, collecting and communicating directions in global mission. They nurture three primary global relationships: Namibia, Tanzania and China. Hunger Committee-Educates synod members and congregations on hunger-related issues, including the ELCA World Hunger and Domestic Hunger Grants, ELCA Disaster Relief, the ELCA’s HIV and AIDS Strategy, and the ELCA Malaria campaign. Stewardship Table- A group meeting with the Director for Evangelical Mission to educate our synod on matters of stewardship. CLERGY/ROSTERED TITLES: Roster- The official list of the pastors and lay leaders serving the ELCA. As of January 15, 2013, the number of pastors in the ELCA was 16,680. 23.1% of those clergy are women (3,849). Of the active category (those not retired), the percentage is 32.9. Approximately 86% of ordained women and 83% of ordained men are actively serving in congregations. Candidacy- the process that raises up, prepares, certifies and places public leaders in the ELCA. Public ministers include commissioned Associates in Ministry, consecrated Diaconal Ministers and Deaconesses, and ordained Pastors. MISS. Minister in Specialized Setting (rostered person who serves in a ministry other than a congregation, such as a hospital or military chaplain.) Rev. Reverend, accurately written The Reverend. (ordained minister) Pr. Pastor (ordained minister) Dr. Doctor (ordained minister who has a doctoral theological degree, or as one of our synod’s ordained pastors who has a doctorate in cellular biology.) Bishop’s Associate Assists the bishop in carrying out his/her responsibilities (formerly titled ‘Assistant to the Bishop’.) Our synod’s Bishop’s Associate is the Rev. Kim Latterell. DEM Director for Evangelical Mission who is called by churchwide to serve in the SW WA Synod. Our DEM is Rev. Dr. Melanie Wallschlaeger. A.I.M. Associate in Ministry -a rostered lay person who is theologically trained. D.M. Diaconal Minister who is theologically trained in a specialized ministry DEAC. Deaconess who is theologically trained and has taken a vow as a Deaconess CLM Certified Lay Minister (non-rostered lay person who has been trained to assist in congregational ministries. Program is currently on hiatus.) OLFC On Leave from Call (rostered clergy, AIM, Diaconal Minister or Deaconess who is currently without a call to a ministry.) Interim A rostered person, usually called to serve a congregation by the Synod Council, who is serving a ministry in between two called persons. Intern A seminary student who is on staff of a ministry in training for concluding their theological education. RELATED AGENCIES: Faith Action Network (FAN)-In 2011, The Lutheran Public Policy Office joined with Washington Association of Churches to continue supporting ELCA churches, a Advocating for social justice in the ‘halls of power’ in peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, and concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease. The Co- Directors are ELCA Pastor Paul Benz and Ms. Elise DeGooyer. Consultation To Clergy –Seattle-based Lutheran counseling ministry to clergy and congregations. The Director is Pastor Phil Strueffert. Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW)-A Lutheran social service agency in the Northwest. Nine offices located in Washington State, 6 in Oregon and 1 in Idaho. Mission Investment Fund Investment (MIF)- Investment fund of the ELCA to financially assist congregations. RELATED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: Seminary- The theological educational institutions that trains clergy, Diaconal Ministers, Deaconess and AIMs. There are 9 Lutheran Seminaries in the US. The two that are supported by our synod are: PLTS Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Lutheran University in Berkeley, CA. Luther Seminary- ELCA Seminary in St. Paul, MN. PLU- Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA. This is the one ELCA university in our region, which has 27 ELCA Colleges and Universities nationwide. Mt. Rainier High School- A multi-denominational Lutheran High School on the East Campus of PLU. OTHER SYNOD MINISTRIES: ALYVE- Active Lutheran Youth in Various Endeavors Board (youth board that plans various synod youth activities/gatherings.) Men In Mission - Men’s ministry of the ELCA. WELCA- Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (women’s ministry of the ELCA) SWO- Synodical Women’s Organization (women’s ministry of the synod.) Clusters- Nine geographical groupings of congregational women’s ministries (Mt. Rainier- 11 congregations; South Sound- 12 congr.; Narrows-15 congr.; Evergreen- 11 congr.; Olympic- 14 congr.; 3 Rivers - 7 congr.; Ft.Vancouver11 congr; Tacoma SW- 8 congr; Coastal-8 congr.) THE HOSPITALITY OF SHARING THE SYNOD ASSEMBLY Be open and willing to listen and learn at the Synod Assembly. Post pertinent and appropriate assembly items on your church’s bulletin board and website. Take notes during Saturday’s workshops and share with your congregation in an adult forum setting or in your congregation’s newsletter. Bring handouts from the trainings. Question presenters and other leaders at the assembly for answers to take home. Consolidate your assembly information for presentation in a forum or a temple talk. Invite your Synod Council Conference Representative to speak at a forum or service. Invite Bishop Jaech or his staff to visit your congregation for worship or a forum. Plan to buy Spiritborne videos and share presentations that might be of congregational interest. Display your assembly handouts in your social hall. Talk with elected leaders so you can pass along their ideas to your congregation. Invite the Director for Evangelical Mission to preach or teach an adult form explaining our new congregations, stewardship or many other topics. Link your congregation’s website with the Synod’s website for information on the Synod Assembly and more “Like” the Synod’s Facebook page Meet other voting members from other congregations and plan joint activities or share ideas. 2014 Synod Assembly Speakers Keynote Speaker The Rev. Dr. Daniel Peterson Rev. Dr. Daniel Peterson teaches in the humanities for Seattle University’s Matteo Ricci College and for the university’s Department of Theology and Religious Studies. Author of Tillich: A Brief Overview of the Life and Writings of Paul Tillich (Lutheran University Press, 2013) and coeditor with Michael Zbaraschuk of Resurrecting the Death of God: The Origins, Influence and Return of Radical Theology (State University Press of New York, 2014), Peterson has also written numerous articles and reviews, the most recent of which have appeared in the journals Theology and Science and Comparative and Continental Philosophy. He earned his Ph.D. in theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, and is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America called in a specialized ministry to students at Seattle University. Bible Study Leader Bishop Richard E. Jaech The Rev. Richard Jaech was elected as bishop at the Southwest Washington Synod Assembly in Tacoma on June 8, 2013. He began his sixyear term on August 1 and was installed by the ELCA Presiding Bishop at Trinity Lutheran Church in Parkland on September 14. Bishop Jaech, a native of Seattle, was the Pastor of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church of Vancouver, Washington, since 1987 and previously served a Latino congregation in San Francisco. He holds a master’s degree in conflict facilitation and recently published a book titled “Transforming Church Conflict: A Guide for Pastors and Leaders.” He attended Christ Seminary-Seminex in St. Louis, MO where he earned his M.Div degree in Theology. Jaech said that as bishop he will bring ecumenical groups together for common work. In Vancouver, he organized and led a two-year dialogue among Christian, Muslim and Jewish congregations. 113 ELCA Churchwide Representative Mr. Kenneth Inskeep Kenneth W. Inskeep is the director for Research and Evaluation in the Office of the Presiding Bishop in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He has been with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America since 1988 and director for Research and Evaluation since 1992. He is a graduate of Trinity College (B.A., Sociology, magna cum laude, Alpha Kappa Delta--sociological honor society) (now Trinity International University), Deerfield, Illinois; Marquette University (M.A., Sociology), Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Loyola University of Chicago (Ph. D., Sociology). Prior to his tenure with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) he taught sociology (Associate Professor) at Trinity College. His publications include “Views on Social Responsibility: The Investment of Pension Funds in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,” Review of Religious Research; “History of Church Growth Research,” in Understanding Church Growth and Decline, David Roozen and Kirk Hadaway, editors; and “Giving Trends in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,” Review of Religious Research; and Chasing Down a Rumor: The Death of Mainline Denominations with Robert Bacher, Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, Minnesota. In addition to these formal publications, he is the author of many studies on the activities, programs and membership of the ELCA including The Social and Religious Context of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Faith Communities Today Survey of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Congregations. He has been asked to address the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Conference of Bishop's Academy on several occasions and on a variety of topic from church growth to "speaking Lutheran" in the contemporary religious context of the United States. 14 15 2014 SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON SYNOD ASSEMBLY WORKSHOPS SESSION 1 2:00-3:00PM Engaging the Neighborhood Block by Block: A Lutheran Approach Sanctuary Kenneth Inskeep, Executive for Research and Evaluation for the ELCA This workshop gives advice on how to use widely available demographic statistics and other sources of data to shape mission and ministry of local congregations. Hospitality to your Neighbor Using your Website and Blog to Welcome, Teach and Worship Thompson Hall Nicole Rawlins, Administrator, Silverdale Lutheran Church, Silverdale Learn how to use a website and blog to support your congregation’s other ministries, and communicate with members and neighbors. Nicole will give you valuable ideas on the creation, support and maintenance of your congregation’s website and blog and how Silverdale Lutheran Church uses these valuable tools. Hospitality in your Congregation. Generosity that Sticks Fireside Room Ann Cummings, Monica Hurley and Darcy Huffman, members of Synod Mission Support Task Force Learn how giving stuck with the Macedonians as found in 2Corinthians 8:1-5. This interactive workshop includes materials to take home so you can replicate this lesson in your own congregation. Hospitality to your Community. Welcoming Social Justice Ministries to your Congregation Chapel Panel: Kerri Pedrick, (Peace Community Center, Tacoma), Beth Ann Johnson (Mountain View Community Center, Edgewood), Marj Olason, Elise DeGooyer (Faith Action Network) Is your congregation wanting to start a social ministry? Is there resistance or full-on support? This group will discuss how to bring social justice ministries to your congregation and your facility. You will hear about a successful program at Peace Community Center in Tacoma helping to end poverty and connect students with community members and from a newer community center at Mountain View in Edgewood who has started feeding programs as well as senior programming. Both centers have strong connections with their congregation. Faith Action Network Co-Director will share what other churches are doing in Washington State. You’ll also hear from someone who was in need of social services from area churches and her reactions based on the type of reception she received from church volunteers. Hospitality for a Changing World 16 SESSION 2 3:15-4:15PM Four Greetings before you Sit Sanctuary The Rev. Ron McClung, Mission Development Pastor, Peace Lutheran Fellowship, Port Ludlow Pastor McClung is a Mission Developer Pastor that has been working extensively with the ELCA on hospitality in all aspects of their mission development. Pastor McClung has worked with his congregation to embrace the idea of hospitality. Learn the simple steps to bring to your congregation to make others feel welcome, noticed and embraced in God’s love each and every time they come to your church. Hospitality to your Neighbor Social Media and Ministry Thompson Hall The Rev. Joe Smith, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Lakewood Pastor Smith is a pastor that uses social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email and LinkedIn) extensively in his ministry. His tweets have been followed by local news media. Learn how to use social media to further your ministries, send information and connect with others. Hospitality in your Congregation Welcome Committee: What is it and How do we Start One? Fireside Room Mike Rutkosky, Welcome Committee Chair, Creator Lutheran Church, Bonney Lake Learn how to start and fire up your congregation’s Welcome Committee. The main goal of this committee is to share hospitality and help people to feel welcome as they enter your building or ministry. Hospitality to your Community Framing Christian Community…Welcoming Youth and Young Adults Chapel Ingelaurie Lisher, AIM , St. Mark’s Lutheran Church by The Narrows and the SWWA Practicing Discipleship Coach This workshop will present a way of walking alongside youth and young people as we help frame their lives by learning through relationships with surrounding community, learning from an intentional community and learning about yourself through community. Hospitality for a Changing World 17 Synod Council, Finances and Roster 22 18 Conference/ Member Officer Term Congregation City Synod Bishop Mount Cross University Place Creator Bonney Lake Peace Tacoma Creator Bonney Lake Mountain View Edgewood Ends Bishop Vice President Bishop Robert Hofstad Mr. Paul Opgrande Secretary Ms. Monica Hurley Treasurer Ms. Dianne Stoehr Youth Ms. Samantha Baxley Young Adult Ms. Anna Hagen At Large Open At Large Rev. Pamela Hunter 2015 Prince of Peace Forks Coastal Rev. Linda Milks 2014 Saron Hoquiam Evergreen Mr. Mark Johnson 2016 Family of Grace Auburn Fort Vancouver Mr. John Jablonski St. Andrew Vancouver Lower Columbia Mr. Eric Nelson Stella Longview Mt. Rainier Mr. Mark Siltala 2016 Redeemer Fircrest MISS Rev. Randy Olson 2014 Redeemer Fircrest Olympic Ms. Karen Meyer Holy Trinity Port Angeles Peninsula Ms. Ann Cummings Silverdale Silverdale South Sound Ms. Darcy Huffman Good Shepherd Olympia Tacoma SW Ms. Kathryn Nelson 2015 Tacoma Narrows Rev. Heinz Malon 2014 Key Peninsula Lakebay 2013 2016 2014 2016 2016 2016 Advisors: W/ELCA Ms. Carol Fossum Bishop's AssociateRev. Kim Latterell Dir for Evang. MissRev. Melanie Wallschlaeger 2016 2015 2014 2015 2015 Asst to the BishopRev. Valinda Morse Office Admin Allison Ramsey 19 2013-2014 Synod Council and Executive Committee Summary of Actions EC13.03.01 COLA FOR 2014 Recommend 1.7% to Synod Council (accidentally omitted from 2013Summary of Actions to Synod Assembly) EC13.08.01 Letters of Calls extended to Pastor Ron McClung (Peace Lutheran Fellowship, Port Ludlow, effective September 1), Pastor Norman Arnold (Living Stones Prison Congregation, effective September) and Pastor Kim Latterell (Assistant to the Bishop, effective August 26, 2013) EC 13.08.02 Churchwide voting member: replacement for Rev. Linda Milks is Cheryl Mays-Comen (from Trinity Lutheran, Parkland) EC 13.08.02 Young Adult Synod Council member (new): Anna Hagen (Mtn View Edgewood) SC13.09.01 Passed Consent Agenda: Synod Calls: Michelle Manicke (Interim Pastor, Beautiful Savior, Vancouver) On Leave from Call: Rev. Ronald Hoyum (SWWA Synod Office, August 1, 2013), Rev. Sheryl Biegert (Agnus Dei, Gig Harbor- October 1, 2013); Retirement: Rev. Elizabeth Orling (from On leave from call status, September 1, 2013), Rev. Valinda Morse (Assistant to the Bishop, October 1, 2013), Rev. David Steffensen (Mt. Cross, University Place-October 1, 2013) SC13.09.02 Make transfer to consolidate assembly restricted account funds to lower deficit down to $19,000 and transfer remaining from working fund to complete payment of assembly funds. SC13.09.03 Select “Gold Plus” Health Care plan for synod staff through Portico Benefits. EC 13.08.01 Synod Call to Pastor Kim Latterell as Bishop’s Associate (effective 8/26/14) MSC SC13.09.04 The Rev. Rita Anderson approved for non-stipendiary call to serve as Eucharistic Minister at St. Anthony Hospital, Gig Harbor. SC 13.11.01 Approved retirement for Rev. Loren Leapaldt (Christ, Federal Way, Nov. 1, 2013) and Rev. Ron Kempe (Peace, Puyallup Dec. 1, 2013) SC 13.11.02 Approved September 21, 2013 minutes 20 SC 13.11.03 Bishop directed by Synod Council to assemble a task force to develop a fundraising proposal to support synod ministries. SC 14.01.01 Accept Consent Agenda as presented: Review Minutes for September meeting; November Conference Call; Synod Calls: Rev. Jeff Driscoll (Messiah, Auburn, Interim Pastor); Rev. Jeannine Daggett (St. John’s, Chehalis, Interim Pastor) SC14.01.02 Pay Synod Staff per Synod Guidelines for 2014. SC 14.01.03 Adopted Rostered Wellness Fund Recommendation SC 14.03.01 Adopt 2015 budget as presented for recommendation to 2014 Synod Assembly. SC 14.03.02 Ratified ALYVE Board’s appointment of Samantha Baxley as youth member of Synod Council 21 Guide to the Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA– 2014 1 420 121st Street South Tacoma WA 98444-5218 Phone: (253) 535-8300 Fax: (253) 535-8315 The mission of the Southwestern Washington Synod is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ by empowering congregations and church leaders to grow in worship, education, outreach, stewardship and other ministries. Synod Staff Quick Facts Boards and Committees One of 65 synods of the ELCA One of 6 synods in Region 1 Divided into 9 geographical conferences and 1 position conference (Ministers in Specialized Settings) Number of congregations: 87 (including 1 Synodically Authorized Worshipping Comm and 5 Congregations under Development) Baptized Members: 31,146 Ordained Ministers: 246 Lay Rosters: 13 Clergy under call to Conference Deans congregational ministry: 103 Ministers in Specialized Settings (MISS): 14 Clergy in Global Mission: 2 Rostered retired Clergy: 133 Coastal: Rev. Nels Flesher Clergy On Leave fr. Call: 15 Evergreen: Rev. Lori Cornell AIM on Leave from Call: 2 Ft. Vancouver: Rev. Tom Tweed Low. Columbia: Rev. Carol Plummer Associates in Ministry Under Call to Congregation: 2 Mt. Rainier: Rev. Jeff Gaustad Rostered retired AIM: 3 Olympic: Rev. Richard Grinstad Seminary Interns: 3 Peninsula: Rev. Paul Meeker South Sound: Rev. Suzanne Appelo Mission Support from SW WA Synod Congregations: Tacoma Narrows: Rev. Jan Ruud $923,331.57 P Tacoma SW: Rev. Mary Sanders MISS Clergy: vacant Percent support to ELCA: 41% Bishop: Rev. Richard E. Jaech Bishop’s Associate Rev. Kim Latterell Director for Evangelical Mission Rev. Melanie Wallschlaeger Office Manager: Ms. Allison Ramsey Assembly Chair Rev. Ron Kempe 2013-2014 Synod Council Bishop: Rev. Richard Jaech Vice President: Mr. Paul Opgrande Secretary: Ms. Monica Hurley Treasurer: Ms. Dianne Stoehr Members at Large - Rev. Pamela Hunter & open Ministers in Specialized Settings - Rev. Randy Olson Synod Youth Representative - Ms. Samantha Baxley Women of the ELCA Representative - Ms. Carol Fossum Fiscal Board: Mr. Bob Yost Outreach Board: in transition Mission Endowment Fund Board: Mr. David Bjornson ALYVE (Youth Board): in transition Call Committee: Bishop Jaech Candidacy Committee: Rev. Chuck Slocum Consultation Committee: Bishop Jaech Discipline Committee: Bishop Jaech Executive Committee: Mr. Paul Opgrande Global Missions: Rev. Steve Ray Hunger Committee: Ms. Beth Ann Johnson Synod Youth Committee: Mr. John Sauer Women of the ELCA SWO: Ms. Carol Fossum Region 1 – ELCA 800-755-5831 4525 19th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Region 1 Coordinator Rev. Mark Nelson Ext. 109 Financial Services Office: Ms. Alyce Bakker Ext. 107 ; Ms. Judy Webb ext 108 Churchwide – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 800-638-3522 8765 West Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631 Presiding Bishop: Rev. Elizabeth Eaton Secretary: Rev. Chris Boerger (May 2013-May 2014) Coastal Conference - Rev. Linda Milks Evergreen Conference - Rev. Mark Johnson Ft. Vancouver Conference - Mr. John Jablonski Lower Columbia Conference - Mr. Eric Nelson Mt. Rainier Conference - Rev. Mark Siltala Olympic Conference - Rev. Karen Meyer Peninsula Conference - Ms. Ann Cummings South Sound Conference - Mr. Darcy Huffman Tacoma Narrows Conference - Rev. Heinz Malon 22 Tacoma Southwest Conference - Ms. Kathryn Nelson SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON SYNOD OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA FINANCIAL REPORTS JANUARY 31, 2014 Prepared by the Region 1 Financial Services Office, 4525 19th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 624-0093 1-800-755-5831 23 SWWA Synod-Mission Support 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 FEB APR JUN 2013 AUG OCT DEC 2012 24 Southwestern Washington Synod Mission Support through January 881,725 1989 906,627 1990 952,508 1991 952,078 1992 896,408 1993 882,666 1994 923,070 1995 894,663 1996 991,569 1997 1,038,385 1998 1,104,473 1999 2000 1,169,090 2001 1,181,400 1,114,455 2002 2003 1,141,869 2004 1,144,089 1,105,288 2005 1,142,346 2006 1,164,379 2007 1,120,811 2008 1,092,764 2009 902,588 2010 871,468 2011 900,076 2012 917,236 2013 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 25 Southwestern Washington Synod Consolidated Balance Sheet January 31, 2014 General ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash Short Term Investments Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS NON CURRENT ASSETS Long-Term Investments Property, Plant & Eqipment Less Accumulated Depreciation Notes Receivable TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Restricted Endowment 8,063.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,063.55 155,822.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 155,822.93 809.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 809.60 0.00 99,487.11 (87,714.28) 0.00 11,772.83 19,836.38 68,161.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 68,161.51 223,984.44 728,273.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 728,273.10 729,082.70 Combined 164,696.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 164,696.08 796,434.61 99,487.11 (87,714.28) 0.00 808,207.44 972,903.52 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Notes Payable Payroll Witholdings Deferred Revenue TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 0.00 0.00 208.33 0.00 208.33 1,733.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,733.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,733.32 0.00 208.33 0.00 1,941.65 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Long-Term Debt TOTAL LIABILITIES 0.00 208.33 0.00 1,733.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,941.65 222,251.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 222,251.12 223,984.44 729,082.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 729,082.70 729,082.70 FUND BALANCE Restricted Funds Reserved Funds Beginning Fund Balance YTD Fund Balance TOTAL FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BAL 0.00 0.00 22,347.07 (2,719.02) 19,628.05 19,836.38 951,333.82 0.00 22,347.07 (2,719.02) 970,961.87 972,903.52 26 Date : 02/22/2014 Time : 6:40:20 PM Page : 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church in Region 1 Summary of Restricted Accounts - MTD Activity Southwestern Washington Synod January 2014 Note: The Report Option to include Open Transactions is selected. Accounts Temporary Restricted Council Designated 02-341-04043 - Funds Held-SWWA Youth Committe 02-341-04063 - Funds Held-Peace Lutheran Fell 02-341-04073 - Funds Held-Rostered Wellness P 02-341-04083 - Funds Held-Prison Congregation 02-341-04183 - Funds Held-Conferences & Event 02-341-04203 - Funds Held-Hunger 02-341-04213 - Funds Held-Disaster Relief 02-341-04293 - Funds Held-Outreach 02-341-04473 - Funds Held-Council Working Res 02-341-04513 - Funds Held-1000 Friends in Mis 02-341-04613 - Funds Held-Bishops Convocation 02-341-04803 - Funds Held-Bishop's Caring 02-341-04823 - Funds Held-Bishops Contingency 02-341-05013 - Funds Held-LENS Proceeds 02-341-05433 - Funds Held-Non-traditional sch 02-341-20013 - Funds Held-Macedonia Project 02-341-20043 - Funds Held-Comp Synod/Global M 02-341-20073 - Funds Held-Namibia-Oshigambo 02-341-20083 - Funds Held-Namibia-ELCIN 02-341-20093 - Funds Held-Gifts of Hope 02-341-34033 - Funds Held-SWWA Jr High Rally 02-341-34063 - Funds Held-SWWA ALYVE 02-346-06003 - Funds Held-2013 SWWA Assembly 02-346-06013 - Funds Held-Namibia Paulinum Total Council Designated Temporarily Donor Restricted 02-341-04193 - Funds Held-Synod Council Task 02-341-05053 - Funds Held-Planned Giving Gran Total Temporarily Donor Restricted Total Temporary Restricted Permanent Restricted 05-341-10003 - Funds Held-MEF:ELCA Pooled Tru Total Permanent Restricted Beginning Balance Restricted Revenue Restricted Expenses Ending Balance $4,304.63 $6,273.75 $20,589.46 $5,807.77 ($242.44) $2,855.62 $24,252.73 $0.00 $4,268.17 $668.00 $17,090.62 $23,164.70 $8,530.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $9,137.40 $4,998.01 $1,333.07 $7,524.15 $2,229.75 $0.00 $176.44 $1,875.58 $634.98 $147,972.39 $0.00 $9,790.00 $0.00 $5,923.95 $242.44 $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $146.00 $6,304.76 $0.00 $1,096.34 $9,211.62 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $6,428.00 $0.00 $0.00 $857.79 $0.00 $64,007.90 $0.00 $10,019.98 $0.00 $7,570.78 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,268.17 $0.00 $890.96 $911.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 $139.49 $2,733.37 $0.00 $27,133.75 $4,304.63 $6,043.77 $20,589.46 $4,160.94 $0.00 $2,855.62 $24,252.73 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $814.00 $22,504.42 $22,253.70 $9,626.34 $9,211.62 $2,500.00 $9,137.40 $4,998.01 $1,333.07 $7,531.15 $8,657.75 ($600.00) $36.95 $0.00 $634.98 $184,846.54 ($4,032.22) $51,417.03 $47,384.81 $195,357.20 $4,032.22 $0.00 $4,032.22 $68,040.12 $0.00 $14,012.45 $14,012.45 $41,146.20 $0.00 $37,404.58 $37,404.58 $222,251.12 $709,207.26 $709,207.26 $37,436.93 $37,436.93 $17,561.49 $17,561.49 $729,082.70 $729,082.70 27 Date : 02/18/2014 Time : 1:38:38 PM Page : 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church in Region 1 Analysis of Revenues & Expenses - Summary Southwestern Washington Synod February 2013 to January 2014 Note: The Report Option to include Open Transactions is selected. Accounts MTD Actual YTD Actual Annual Budget Annual Budget Remaining % of Annual Budget Used YTD Actual (Last Year) Actual Change (from Prior Year Period) Revenues Mission Support Support from Churchwide Gifts Interest Income Other Income Total Revenues $127,523.15 $485.00 $0.00 $197.49 $0.00 $128,205.64 $923,331.57 $15,485.00 $1,153.50 $1,731.25 $0.50 $941,701.82 $950,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $970,000.00 $26,668.43 ($485.00) ($153.50) $268.75 $1,999.50 $28,298.18 97.19 % 103.23 % 115.35 % 86.56 % 0.02 % 97.08 % $906,238.51 $17,030.97 $0.00 $1,691.20 $0.00 $924,960.68 $17,093.06 ($1,545.97) $1,153.50 $40.05 $0.50 $16,741.14 Expenses Support of Churchwide Regional Partnerships Agency & Social Ministry Outreach Board Church in Society Board Leadership Support Board Congregational Ministries Brd Fiscal & Executive Boards Transfers Total Expenses $50,483.89 $8,260.04 $1,139.91 $12,833.00 $0.00 $3,560.82 $1,000.00 $41,091.58 $12,000.00 $130,369.24 $366,894.31 $54,760.00 $12,140.02 $16,210.80 $0.00 $4,616.23 $2,000.00 $475,799.48 $12,000.00 $944,420.84 $376,000.00 $55,000.00 $12,500.00 $19,500.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $500,000.00 $0.00 $970,000.00 $9,105.69 $240.00 $359.98 $3,289.20 $0.00 $383.77 $0.00 $24,200.52 ($12,000.00) $25,579.16 97.58 % 99.56 % 97.12 % 83.13 % 0.00 % 92.32 % 100.00 % 95.16 % 0.00 % 97.36 % $355,530.20 $56,900.00 $12,500.02 $32.75 $39.07 $1,207.35 $2,080.03 $501,012.62 ($13,465.69) $915,836.35 $11,364.11 ($2,140.00) ($360.00) $16,178.05 ($39.07) $3,408.88 ($80.03) ($25,213.14) $25,465.69 $28,584.49 ($2,163.60) ($2,719.02) $0.00 $2,719.02 0.00 % $9,124.33 ($11,843.35) Net Total 28 Date : 02/18/2014 Time : 10:59:04 AM Page : 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church in Region 1 Analysis of Revenues & Expenses Statement Southwestern Washington Synod February 2013 to January 2014 Note: The Report Option to include Open Transactions is selected. Accounts Revenues Mission Support 01-501-90003 - Mission Support-SW 01-502-90003 - Synod Designated Benevolence Total Mission Support Support from Churchwide 01-515-10003 - Funds from Churchwide-EOCM Total Support from Churchwide Gifts 01-512-92003 - Gifts Total Gifts Interest Income 01-521-97003 - Interest Earnings Total Interest Income Other Income 01-530-00003 - Miscellaneous Income Total Other Income Total Revenues Expenses Support of Churchwide 01-603-00003 - Churchwide Support Total Support of Churchwide Regional Partnerships 01-601-13133 - Lutheran Community Services 01-601-13173 - WAC/FAN Support 01-601-13463 - LPPO/FAN Support 01-746-24503 - Consultation to Clergy 01-746-30003 - Support of Region 1 Total Regional Partnerships Agency & Social Ministry 01-601-13213 - Pacific Lutheran University 01-601-13223 - Campus Ministries 01-601-23203 - PLTS 01-601-23373 - Luther Seminary 01-601-33313 - Archives Total Agency & Social Ministry Outreach Board 01-608-12173 - Congregation Assistance 01-608-13773 - Congregations in Mission 01-673-11253 - Travel/Program/Outreach Total Outreach Board Church in Society Board 01-608-11253 - Program/Travel Total Church in Society Board Leadership Support Board 01-608-23103 - Candidacy MTD Actual (This Year) YTD Actual (This Year) Annual Budget (This Year) Annual Budget Remaining (This Year) % of Annual Budget Used (This Year) YTD Actual (Last Year) Actual Change (from Prior Year Period) $126,209.73 $1,313.42 $127,523.15 $917,235.77 $6,095.80 $923,331.57 $940,000.00 $10,000.00 $950,000.00 $22,764.23 $3,904.20 $26,668.43 97.58 % 60.96 % 97.19 % $900,076.47 $6,162.04 $906,238.51 $17,159.30 ($66.24) $17,093.06 $485.00 $485.00 $15,485.00 $15,485.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 ($485.00) ($485.00) 103.23 % 103.23 % $17,030.97 $17,030.97 ($1,545.97) ($1,545.97) $0.00 $0.00 $1,153.50 $1,153.50 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 ($153.50) ($153.50) 115.35 % 115.35 % $0.00 $0.00 $1,153.50 $1,153.50 $197.49 $197.49 $1,731.25 $1,731.25 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $268.75 $268.75 86.56 % 86.56 % $1,691.20 $1,691.20 $40.05 $40.05 $0.00 $0.00 $128,205.64 $0.50 $0.50 $941,701.82 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $970,000.00 $1,999.50 $1,999.50 $28,298.18 0.02 % 0.02 % 97.08 % $0.00 $0.00 $924,960.68 $0.50 $0.50 $16,741.14 $50,483.89 $50,483.89 $366,894.31 $366,894.31 $376,000.00 $376,000.00 $9,105.69 $9,105.69 97.58 % 97.58 % $355,530.20 $355,530.20 $11,364.11 $11,364.11 $53.37 $26.63 $53.37 $293.37 $7,833.30 $8,260.04 $970.00 $485.00 $970.00 $5,335.00 $47,000.00 $54,760.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $5,500.00 $47,000.00 $55,000.00 $30.00 $15.00 $30.00 $165.00 $0.00 $240.00 97.00 % 97.00 % 97.00 % 97.00 % 100.00 % 99.56 % $750.00 $250.00 $400.00 $7,500.00 $48,000.00 $56,900.00 $220.00 $235.00 $570.00 ($2,165.00) ($1,000.00) ($2,140.00) $53.37 $53.28 $266.63 $266.63 $500.00 $1,139.91 $970.00 $970.02 $4,850.00 $4,850.00 $500.00 $12,140.02 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $500.00 $12,500.00 $30.00 $29.98 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $359.98 97.00 % 97.00 % 97.00 % 97.00 % 100.00 % 97.12 % $1,000.00 $1,000.02 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $500.00 $12,500.02 ($30.00) ($30.00) ($150.00) ($150.00) $0.00 ($360.00) ($2,499.00) $15,332.00 $0.00 $12,833.00 $66.97 $16,032.00 $111.83 $16,210.80 $2,000.00 $17,000.00 $500.00 $19,500.00 $1,933.03 $968.00 $388.17 $3,289.20 3.35 % 94.31 % 22.37 % 83.13 % $32.75 $0.00 $0.00 $32.75 $34.22 $16,032.00 $111.83 $16,178.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 % 0.00 % $39.07 $39.07 ($39.07) ($39.07) $3,560.82 $4,571.23 $3,000.00 ($1,571.23) 152.37 % $1,207.35 $3,363.88 29 Date : 02/18/2014 Time : 10:59:04 AM Page : 2 Evangelical Lutheran Church in Region 1 Analysis of Revenues & Expenses Statement Southwestern Washington Synod February 2013 to January 2014 Note: The Report Option to include Open Transactions is selected. Accounts 01-608-23573 - Call Committee 01-673-24953 - Travel/Operational Total Leadership Support Board Congregational Ministries Brd 01-673-30803 - Youth 01-673-34963 - Global Missions Total Congregational Ministries Brd Fiscal & Executive Boards 01-608-42103 - Communication 01-652-50013 - Salary-Bishop 01-652-50023 - Salary-Assistant to Bishop 01-652-50033 - Salary-Assistant to Bishop 01-652-50043 - Salary-Office Manager 01-652-50073 - Salary-Communications 01-652-50093 - Salary-Adjunct Staff 01-652-50103 - Salary-Office Assistance 01-654-50013 - Housing-Bishop 01-654-50023 - Housing-Assistant to Bishop 01-654-50033 - Housing Allowance-Assist/Bisho 01-655-50043 - FICA-Office Manager 01-655-50073 - FICA-Communications 01-656-50003 - Pension/Medical 01-657-50003 - Cont Education 01-659-50003 - Workers Comp Insurance 01-661-50013 - SECA-Bishop 01-661-50023 - SECA-Assistant to Bishop 01-661-50033 - SECA-Assistant to Bishop 01-661-50103 - SECA-Adjunct Staff 01-671-50003 - Staff Car Allowance 01-671-50103 - Staff Travel Allowance 01-671-51003 - EOCM Expenses 01-672-40003 - Council Travel 01-677-50003 - Hospitality 01-700-40003 - Postage 01-730-40003 - Printing/Supplies 01-741-50003 - Secretary/Treasurer 01-742-50003 - Legal Fees 01-747-40003 - Telephone/Utilities 01-750-40003 - Insurance 01-800-40003 - Equipment 01-800-40013 - Computer 01-800-40023 - Office Improvements 01-833-40003 - Office Space 01-855-00003 - Depreciation/Capital Expense Total Fiscal & Executive Boards Transfers 01-998-00003 - Transfer In 01-999-00003 - Transfer Out MTD Actual (This Year) YTD Actual (This Year) Annual Budget (This Year) Annual Budget Remaining (This Year) % of Annual Budget Used (This Year) YTD Actual (Last Year) Actual Change (from Prior Year Period) $0.00 $0.00 $3,560.82 $0.00 $45.00 $4,616.23 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $955.00 $383.77 0.00 % 4.50 % 92.32 % $0.00 $0.00 $1,207.35 $0.00 $45.00 $3,408.88 $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 100.00 % 0.00 % 100.00 % $1,545.00 $535.03 $2,080.03 $455.00 ($535.03) ($80.03) $0.00 $4,144.92 $3,664.17 $0.00 $3,630.58 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,333.33 $3,333.33 $0.00 $277.74 $0.00 $6,805.87 $129.16 $327.36 $516.67 $506.50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,693.72 ($441.43) $637.45 $0.00 $127.13 $300.00 $626.56 $0.00 ($1,517.50) $1,430.38 $0.00 $486.83 $0.00 $1,096.34 $2,000.00 $6,982.47 $41,091.58 $0.00 $51,536.72 $37,397.67 $24,961.68 $43,566.96 $4,434.00 $4,434.00 $0.00 $48,692.84 $35,667.12 $24,961.68 $3,332.88 $339.24 $71,857.44 $1,417.66 $1,584.64 $7,307.02 $5,420.42 $3,794.00 $339.00 $12,014.97 $9,558.38 $10,246.44 $524.52 $1,047.79 $2,700.20 $4,284.08 $5,000.00 $232.50 $6,784.76 $5,746.84 $9,380.18 $2,876.59 $3,374.79 $24,000.00 $6,982.47 $475,799.48 $500.00 $45,000.00 $36,537.50 $37,557.50 $44,000.00 $8,900.00 $8,900.00 $500.00 $50,000.00 $36,462.50 $37,442.50 $3,299.00 $678.00 $66,300.00 $1,200.00 $1,300.00 $7,212.00 $5,542.00 $5,691.00 $678.00 $10,400.00 $12,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $4,400.00 $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $6,500.00 $4,500.00 $8,500.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $24,000.00 $5,000.00 $500,000.00 $500.00 ($6,536.72) ($860.17) $12,595.82 $433.04 $4,466.00 $4,466.00 $500.00 $1,307.16 $795.38 $12,480.82 ($33.88) $338.76 ($5,557.44) ($217.66) ($284.64) ($95.02) $121.58 $1,897.00 $339.00 ($1,614.97) $2,441.62 $4,753.56 $475.48 $452.21 ($1,200.20) $115.92 $0.00 $767.50 ($284.76) ($1,246.84) ($880.18) ($876.59) ($3,374.79) $0.00 ($1,982.47) $24,200.52 0.00 % 114.53 % 102.35 % 66.46 % 99.02 % 49.82 % 49.82 % 0.00 % 97.39 % 97.82 % 66.67 % 101.03 % 50.04 % 108.38 % 118.14 % 121.90 % 101.32 % 97.81 % 66.67 % 50.00 % 115.53 % 79.65 % 68.31 % 52.45 % 69.85 % 180.01 % 97.37 % 100.00 % 23.25 % 104.38 % 127.71 % 110.36 % 143.83 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 139.65 % 95.16 % $0.00 $44,902.92 $36,462.48 $37,442.52 $43,566.96 $8,868.00 $8,868.00 $0.00 $50,000.04 $36,462.48 $37,442.52 $3,257.20 $678.48 $66,040.17 $1,200.12 $1,637.51 $7,212.00 $5,542.08 $5,691.00 $678.00 $10,512.70 $12,851.46 $14,408.35 $2,210.63 $1,139.84 $1,316.58 $4,486.24 $5,000.00 $831.00 $6,141.09 $4,357.55 $7,111.49 $5,381.32 $0.00 $24,000.00 $5,311.89 $501,012.62 $0.00 $6,633.80 $935.19 ($12,480.84) $0.00 ($4,434.00) ($4,434.00) $0.00 ($1,307.20) ($795.36) ($12,480.84) $75.68 ($339.24) $5,817.27 $217.54 ($52.87) $95.02 ($121.66) ($1,897.00) ($339.00) $1,502.27 ($3,293.08) ($4,161.91) ($1,686.11) ($92.05) $1,383.62 ($202.16) $0.00 ($598.50) $643.67 $1,389.29 $2,268.69 ($2,504.73) $3,374.79 $0.00 $1,670.58 ($25,213.14) $0.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($12,000.00) 0.00 % 0.00 % ($13,465.69) $0.00 $13,465.69 $12,000.00 30 Date : 02/18/2014 Time : 10:59:04 AM Page : 3 Evangelical Lutheran Church in Region 1 Analysis of Revenues & Expenses Statement Southwestern Washington Synod February 2013 to January 2014 Note: The Report Option to include Open Transactions is selected. Accounts MTD Actual (This Year) Total Transfers Total Expenses Net Total YTD Actual (This Year) Annual Budget (This Year) Annual Budget Remaining (This Year) % of Annual Budget Used (This Year) YTD Actual (Last Year) Actual Change (from Prior Year Period) $12,000.00 $130,369.24 $12,000.00 $944,420.84 $0.00 $970,000.00 ($12,000.00) $25,579.16 0.00 % 97.36 % ($13,465.69) $915,836.35 $25,465.69 $28,584.49 ($2,163.60) ($2,719.02) $0.00 $2,719.02 0.00 % $9,124.33 ($11,843.35) 31 Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA Designated Gifts from Congregations 01/31/2014 Gift Number 332 WHS0096 742 324 719 219 GMG0059 701 DDG0060 DDG0010 328 261 DDG0069 335 GCS4008 GMG0092 WHS0051 720 DDG0078 DDG0079 IDG0016 342 4 703 707 MIS0003 212 301 321 MSG0340 308 329 704 705 708 IDG0087 319 341 IDG0057 325 MSG0600 399 313 302 MSG0708 DDG0020 Gift Name 1,000 Mission Friend 100 Wells Challenge 1st Call Travel Equalizat Assembly Offering:SWWA Camp Lutherwood Campus Min-Seattle Chinese Ministry Continuing Education Disaster Response Fund Domestic Disaster Respons ELCIN (Namibia) Faith Action Network Flooding - US Gifts of Hope Global Ministries: China Global Mission God's Global Barnyard Holden Village Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy-US International Disaster L'Arche Tacoma LWR-A5 Luther Seminary Lutheran Community Svcs Malaria Campaign Mary/Martha Nursing Misc Gift-SWWA Mission Churches Missionary Support Mt Rainier HS Oshigambo School Scholars PLTS PLU PLU Q Club Pacific Typhoon Peace Community Ctr Peace Lutheran Fellowship Philippines Prison Ministry Congregat Robertson, Barbara SW Synod Only Benevolence SWWA Endowments Salishan Mission Schmidt,Miriam Tornados - United States MTD Gifts $146.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $224.11 $0.00 $0.00 $301.34 $437.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $2,050.00 $5,880.00 $160.29 $0.00 $317.50 $45.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $224.11 $5,626.71 $75.00 $1,059.35 $100.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.00 $224.11 $0.00 $321.00 $390.89 $0.00 $3,640.63 $224.11 $9,790.00 $1,258.00 $3,653.17 $135.00 $479.50 $0.00 $300.00 $100.00 $737.13 YTD Gifts $1,148.00 $2,777.76 $1,500.00 $500.00 $784.33 $8,500.00 $414.50 $4,389.74 $3,466.30 $2,478.62 $3,089.00 $275.00 $3,992.65 $7,205.00 $160.29 $663.00 $2,669.33 $540.00 $1,678.40 $729.42 $1,500.00 $531.31 $29,269.47 $3,562.00 $6,545.36 $8,841.57 $1,200.00 $10,098.65 $350.00 $100.00 $784.33 $110.00 $2,694.66 $2,352.79 $500.00 $3,740.63 $784.33 $22,975.00 $6,454.09 $32,717.61 $2,926.00 $5,261.88 $200.00 $853.02 $500.00 $13,487.99 32 Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA Designated Gifts from Congregations 01/31/2014 Gift Number 716 WHS0049 WHS0038 GMG0503 Gift Name Trinity College(LBI) Water World Hunger Young Adults in Glob MTD Gifts $229.34 $0.00 $7,469.76 $0.00 YTD Gifts $1,518.04 $317.00 $74,380.37 $135.00 $45,816.05 $281,652.44 33 Southwestern Washington Synod - 2015 Budget Proposal (one-page summary) As recommended by the Synod Council (3/28/2014) and presented to the Assembly (6/16/2014) 08 Actual 09 Actual 10 Actual 11 Actual 12 Actual 13 Actual $ 1,120,811 $ 840 $ 7,678 $ $ 83 $ 1,129,412 $ 1,095,951 $ 985 $ 2,771 $ 10,000 $ 5,258 $ 1,114,965 $ 920,619 $ 3,075 $ 2,311 $ 20,000 $ 671 $ 946,676 $ 892,630 $ 1,653 $ 2,219 $ 15,320 $ 1,806 $ 913,628 $ 906,238 $ $ 1,691 $ 17,031 $ 923,332 $ 1,153 $ 1,731 $ 15,485 $ 924,960 $ 941,701 $ 420,304 37.5% $ 415,250 38.0% $ 347,497 38.5% $ 339,873 39.0% $ 80,000 $ 51,533 $ 43,757 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,338 6,875 3,300 1,467 229 2,500 96,708 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,400 10,000 4,800 2,133 333 10,000 82,199 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 500 3,875 750 250 62 10,000 59,194 $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,286 11,286 2,292 14,120 38,985 $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,417 16,417 3,333 500 20,667 57,334 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,500 4,500 750 500 5,325 15,575 14 Budget 15 Draft REVENUES: Benevolences (undesignated and designated) Gifts Interest Funds from Churchwide (for deployed staff) Other income Total revenues $ 940,000 $ 10,000 $ 2,000 $ 15,000 $ 3,000 $ 970,000 $ 970,000 $ 355,530 $ 366,894 39.5% 40.0% $ 376,000 $ 376,000 40,000 $ 48,000 $ 47,000 $ 45,700 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,750 1,000 578 250 (3,506) 42,072 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 56,900 $ 54,760 $ 53,700 $ 53,700 $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,500 6,500 2,000 500 4,500 20,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 12,500 $ 4,850 $ 4,850 $ 970 $ 500 $ 970 $ 12,140 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ $ 4,616 2,000 $ 6,616 $ $ $ $ $ USAGE: A. Support of ELCA Churchwide % of undesignated benevolences B. Regional Partnerships: Support of Region 1 (incl. Financial Services Office) Partnership agreements: LENS (Lutheran Educational Network & Support) Consultation to Clergy Lutheran Community Services Lutheran Public Policy (Faith Action Network) WA Association of Churches (Faith Action Network) Planned giving Total regional partnerships 7,500 750 400 250 5,335 970 970 485 5,500 1,000 1,000 500 C. Institutional (agency) Support: Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Luther Seminary Pacific Lutheran University PLU Archives Campus Ministry Total agency support D. SWWA Ministries: I. Congregational Empowerment and Pastoral Care (Program delivery. Combined into one board for 2013) Leadership Support Board (incl Candidacy) Congregational Ministries Board (incl Youth, Global) Church in Society Board Total Congregational Empowerment $ $ $ $ 5,411 8,280 107 13,798 $ $ $ $ 5,432 15,376 2,830 23,638 $ $ $ $ 2,468 4,717 530 7,715 $ $ $ $ 2,252 4,201 6,453 $ $ $ $ 1,207 2,080 3,287 5,000 1,000 1,000 7,000 $ 43,461 $ 34,663 $ 18,221 $ 12,350 $ 72 $ 16,210 $ 19,500 $ 29,500 $ 517,265 $ 487,539 $ 487,799 $ 474,180 $ 474,180 7,000 II. Mission Starts and Support: Outreach Board (congregation assistance; mission starts) III. Program (Administrative) Support: Fiscal and Executive Boards $ 523,454 $ 498,474 $ 492,480 IV. Contingency Funds 17,120 TOTAL EXPENSES Net Operating Result $ 1,130,521 $ $ 1,136,538 (1,110) $ $ 946,676 (21,574) $ - $ 913,227 $ 915,828 $ 944,419 $ $ $ (2,718) $ 27,120 402 9,132 $ 942,880 34 $ 970,000 $ - ROSTER REPORT FOR SYNOD ASSEMBLY MAY 2013-MAY 2014 CALLS Date Position Location Rev. Jeff Driscoll 1/15/2014 Interim Pastor Messiah, Auburn Rev. Greg Kaurin 12/01/2013 Pastor Redeemer, Fircrest Rev. Linda Nou 12/01/2013 Interim Pastor Peace, Puyallup Rev. Gary Larson 11/25/2013 Co-Pastor Trinity, Vancouver Rev. Ruth Larson 11/25/2013 Co-Pastor Trinity, Vancouver Rev. Paula Burchill 11/17/2013 Associate Pastor Silverdale, Silverdale Rev. Norman Arnold 10/20/13 Mission Developer/Pastor Living Stones Prison Congr,Shelton Rev. Nel Flesher 10/13/2013 Pastor Naselle, Nasselle/Chinook, Chinook Rev. Rita Anderson 9/21/2013 Eucharistic Minister St Anthony’s Hospital, Gig Harbor Rev. Michelle Manicke 9/20/2013 Interim Pastor Beautiful Savior, Vancouver Rev. Valyn Metropoulos 9/01/2013 Pastor Amazing Grace, Aberdeen Rev. Ronald McClung 09/01/2013 Mission Developer/Pastor Peace Luth Fell’shp, Pt Ludlow Rev. Kim Latterell 8/26/2013 Bishop’s Associate Southwestern WA Synod Rev. Richard Jaech 8/01/2013 Bishop Southwestern WA Synod COMMISSIONING/ORDINATION Norm Arnold Nels Flesher 10/20/2013 10/13/13 RECEIVED BY TRANSFER Gary Larson Ruth Larson Valyn Metropoulos Michelle Manicke Mission Dev./Pastor Living Stones Prison Congr Pastor Naselle, Naselle/Chinook, Chinook Date 11/25/2013 11/25/2013 9/01/2013 9/16/2013 ON LEAVE FROM CALL Rev. Ronald Hoyum (Assistant to the Bishop) Rev. David Steffenson (Mt. Cross, Univ Place) Rev. Laurie Stumme-Diers (Peace Luth Fell, Pt Ludlow) Rev. Sheryl Biegert (Agnus Dei, Gig Harbor) Rev. David Bates (Chaplain) Rev. Randall Haas (Hope, Tacoma) RETIRED/RETIRING Rev. Ron Kempe (Peace, Puyallup) Rev. Loren Leapaldt (Christ, Federal Way) Rev. Valinda Morse (Southwestern WA Synod Office) Rev. David Steffenson (On Leave from Call) Rev. Elizabeth Orling (On Leave from Call) Rev. Robert Hofstad (Synod Bishop) Rev. Phil Nesvig (First, Tacoma) Rev. Randy Faro (St. John’s, Chehalis) From Which Synod EWA/ Idaho Synod EWA/Idaho Synod Montana Synod Oregon Synod 8/01/2013 07/28/2013 7/31/2013 6/15/2013 5/10/2013 3/09/2014 11/20/2013 11/13/2013 10/01/2013 10/01/2013 9/01/2013 8/31/2014 6/01/2013 6/01/2013 35 TRANSFERRED INTO OUR SYNOD Rev. Rita Anderson from NWWA Synod Rev. Jeff Driscoll from NWWA Synod Mr. Larry Johnson, AIM from NW Washington Synod (retired) Rev. Gary Larson from EWA/ID Synod Rev. Ruth Larson from EWA.ID Synod Rev. Michelle Manicke from Oregon Synod Rev. Valyn Metropoulos from Montana Synod Rev. Glenn Petersen from Alaska Synod (retired) RESIGNED FROM ELCA ROSTER Rev. Ron Hoyum 2/10/2014 REMOVED FROM THE ROSTER Rev. Hang Mo Son 1/13/2014 (maximum allowable On Leave time period) Rev. Alan Marshall 3/14/2013 (maximum allowable On Leave time period) DECEASED Rev. Daniel Chu 11/21/2013 Rev. Ronald Vignec 11/10/13 Rev. Lowell Torgerson 2/20/14 Rev. Vernon Hanson 10/14/2014 36 2014 Anniversaries Congregations United Lutheran Church, Tacoma- 100 years Anniversaries of Ordination and Commissioning Associates in Ministry 5 years Mr. Justin Snider Ms. Ingelaurie Lisher 10 years Ms. Joy Lingerfelt Ms. Traci Vatne 20 years Ms. Goldie Royal Ordained Ministers 5 years The Rev. Adrian Bonaro The Rev. Sarah Roemer 15 years The Rev. Laurie Johnson The Rev. Joseph Smith III The Rev. Linda Smith The Rev. Peter Mohr The Rev. Gregory Kaurin The Rev. Heinz Malon 25 years The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. Janis Otto Joanna Robinson Neuberger John Scieer-Hanson William Crabtree 30 years The Rev. Sandra Kreis The Rev. Sigrid Sandrock- Helgeson 35 years The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. Cathleen Bohman John Rosenberg Ronald Zschoche Walter Rice 40 years The Rev. Alan Berg The Rev. John Clausen The Rev. Richard Grinstad 45 years The Rev. Daryl Daugs The Rev. Gary Hagen The Rev. George Larson The Rev. James Riede The Rev. Paul Lundborg The Rev. Robert Ross 50 years The Rev. Hendrick Laur The Rev. Paul Chell The Rev. Raymond W. Johnson The Rev. Richard Foege The Rev. Ronald Hedwall The Rev. Ronald Tellefson 55 years The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. The Rev. A. G. Christensen Alan Carlson Martin Neeb Richard Brandt Richard Knutzen Robet Keller Rodney Ellertson 60 years The Rev. Albert Gerstmann The Rev. Carl Kangas The Rev. Norman Landvik 37 In Memory 2013-2014 THE REV. VERNON HANSON July 2, 1932- October 14, 2013 Vernon Hanson was born in 1932 in Great Falls, Montana. He was ordained in to the Vernon attended Pacific Lutheran College from 1951-1955 earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics. Vern completed some post-graduate work at the University of Washington, and then earned a Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1962 from Luther Seminary. Vernon was ordained into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in June of 1962 and served as pastor at Ascension Lutheran in Medford, Oregon until 1967. In 1970, Vernon earned a Masters of Arts in Social Work from the University of Chicago and served as assistant professor of sociology at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma while transferring to the roster of The American Lutheran Church. He remained at PLU until his retirement On August 17, 1958, Vernon married Marlis Jaherus. Marlis, served on the faculty of the School of Education at PLU. They had three children, Erik, Dayna and Kyle. Vernon was a long time member of the Lutheran Church of Christ the King in Tacoma. THE REV. DANIEL CHU March 20, 1918-November 21, 2013 Pastor Daniel Chu was named after Norwegian-American missionary Daniel Nelson, who brought Christianity to Zin Yang Henan, China, in the late 1890s. Daniel’s grandfather was one of the first converts to the faith. Daniel’s father, the Rev. Dr. Chu Hao-Ran, was one of the first Chinese to devote himself to serving God. Hao-Ran was the first graduate of the new seminary and the first ordained Lutheran minister in China and served the first Bishop of the Lutheran Church in China. Long before Daniel was born, his parents had dedicated him to God’s service. He was given the name Xue Shen, which means “learn to be holy.” Daniel was raised in a strict home that required him to study and memorize Bible verses. He rebelled against a religious life and left home in pursuit of a business career. After a shipwreck, however, he willingly dedicated himself to his destiny. He left his wife and three young sons in Shanghai with his parents, came to America in 1948 to attend seminary at Hamma Divinity, Wittenberg College, Springfield, OH. His goal was to return to China to spread the gospel to the masses yet to hear of God’s forgiveness and unconditional love. Upon completion of his M. Div., Daniel returned to Hong Kong in 1950. During his absence, political upheaval totally changed China. His family was able to secure passage on one of the last trains out of Shanghai, and joined Daniel as he worked out of the True Light Lutheran Church, Hong Kong, ministering to outcasts. After ordination in 1953, Daniel accepted a call to Malaya to start Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Petaling Jaya. Political instability in Malaya forced him to change direction again, prompting his family to immigrate to America settling in Springfield, OH in 1955. 38 Daniel served St. Luke Lutheran in Springfield, OH; Bethlehem Lutheran in Mt. Clemens, MI; Transfiguration Lutheran in Taylor, MI; Resurrection Lutheran in Tacoma, WA and he was the founding pastor of Grace Chinese Lutheran in Federal Way, WA. Daniel retired in 1984. Daniel successfully helped all of his siblings and their families immigrate to the United States, settling in Ohio and Washington. He is survived by his wife of 71 years, Shirley, sons Franklin and Daniel Jr, and daughter Elizabeth. THE REV. RONALD PIERRE VIGNEC July 8, 1943- November 10, 2013 Pastor Ron Vignec was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1943. He was education in Brooklyn and later attended Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. He received his BA degree in art from Wagner College, Staten Island, NY in 1970. In 1970, Ron met Nancy Jo Olson at Holden Village. They have two children, Lauren and Nicole. Ronald Vignec memory continued From 1970-1974, Ron served as an eighth grade teacher at the Eltingville Lutheran School, Staten Island, NY. In 1974, he enrolled at Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota where he received his Master in Divinity degree 4 years later. His internship was served in Fullness of God Lutheran Church at Holden Village, Chelan, WA where he also served as director of a group home for high school boys, and as a substitute teacher. Pastor Ron was ordained in 1978 and his first call was as Associate Pastor at Rock of Ages Lutheran Church in, Stone Mountain, Georgia. In 1980, Pastor Ron accepted a call to serve Pacific Lutheran University as Associate Pastor working with Pastor Ron Tellefson. In 1985, the American Lutheran Church called Ron to be the Establishing Pastor of a new mission start, Salishan Lutheran Mission in Tacoma, WA. (now called Salishan Eastside Lutheran Mission) in an area in extreme poverty. In Salishan, Pastor Ron ministered to the “American poor”. He always looked for creative ways to use their existing church ministries in proximity to the Eastside. In 1992, the ELCA changed Ron’s call to serve as Pastor without limitation of term. Ron retired in August 2009. Pastor Ron was a significant voice for civil rights in Tacoma. He was given many awards and honors for his community work. In 2003 He won PLU’s President’s Medal and Luther Seminary’s Alumni in Residence. In 2005, Ron was honored with Associate Ministries’ Ecumenical Service Award. In 2007, Ron was honored with the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize. Pastor Ron attended every “Moment of Blessing” with Associated Ministries in Tacoma- a program to reclaim a street back following a homicide. 39 REV. LOWELL TORGERSON, JR January 29, 20, 1928 – February 20, 2014 Lowell Torgerson was born in Chicago, IL in 1928. We was ordained in 1954 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church and celebrated 59 years of ordination last Spring. Lowell served several churches within the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the American Lutheran Church and the ELCA: Bethesda in Ames, Iowa June 1954 – January 1956; Central Lutheran, Oakland CA January 1957-July 1958; Ascension Lutheran, San Francisco Sept 1958-October 1966; Olivet, Inglewood, CA October 1966-Sept 1968 and Community Lutheran in Chicago, Ill Sept 1968-October 1976; Faith Lutheran in Marysville, CA 19761980. Pastor Torgerson spent two years without a call working in sales and then lead a preaching and prayer/healing ministery1982-1990. In 1968, Pastor Torgerson was called to an all-black inner-city church in the ghettos of Chicago, a church of the Illinois District of the American Lutheran Church, named Community Lutheran. He spoke of the poverty and crime he saw in the community, the rats and roaches in his apartment- in all of the apartments in the neighborhood. He talked of the gang fights and resulting deaths at the neighborhood school. In 1971, Pastor Lowell Torgerson memory continued Torgerson wrote an article in The Lutheran Standard magazine describing the horrible poverty in his church’s neighborhood and asked congregations to financially support his members (not his church) through supporting “Project Exodus.” It was written in The Lutheran magazine, “the exodus from Egypt was crucial in the lives of the children of Israel, so too the exodus from the ghetto of Chicago is crucial in the lives of many members of Community Lutheran Church.” Lowell saw the potential revenue of the property in western Chicago and wanted to see the black residents share in the wealth-to-come when their neighborhood was torn down and rebuilt. While at Community Lutheran, Lowell was awarded one of 100 “I Will” awards for “meritorious service to Chicagoland”. The Civic award is given to persons exemplifying the “I Will” spirit of self-sacrifice for community betterment. Pastor Torgerson retired in January 2, 1991. In 1995 he and his wife, Doreen, opened a Bed and Breakfast on Fox Island in Pierce County. Beginning in the 1990’s, Lowell performed as a professional celebrity look-alike for Sean Connery. He has four children. Lowell died at the age of 86. 40 Nominations and Elections 42 41 2014 RULES OF PROCEDURE Southwestern Washington Synod Assembly 1. The Credentials Committee of 3-5 persons appointed by the Bishop shall constitute the Committee on Credentials and Attendance. 2. Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the governing parliamentary procedure of the Synod Assembly, unless otherwise provided in this rules or ordered by the assembly. 3. When a voting member intends to bring a motion (whether a main motion, a secondary motion, or a motion to bring a question again before the assembly), the motion must be made and seconded, if applicable, before speaking to the issue. If a member speaks to a matter before bringing the motion, the motion will be considered out of order by the chair. Once the motion is properly made and seconded, if applicable, the voting member who made the motion shall have the privilege of speaking first in support of it, upon recognition of the chair. 4. Each person, when recognized by the Chair, shall state his/her name and congregation, agency or institution before speaking. No person shall speak more than 2 minutes, or more than twice on the same subject, unless the voting members, by a majority vote, waive the provisions of this rule. This rule shall not apply to messages and reports by agencies and officers of this synod or to guest speakers to whom special time has been allotted. 5. The Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and other official representatives of this Church, as designated from time to time by the Church Council, shall have Voice, but not Vote at this assembly. The president of the Southwestern Washington Synodical Women’s Organization or her designated representative shall have Voice, but not Vote at this assembly. 6. The assembly of the synod shall be its highest legislative authority. All congregations, ordained ministers, associates in ministry, diaconal ministers, deaconesses, officers, the Synod Council and its Executive Committee, all boards, and all other committees of this synod shall be bound by all actions pertaining to them taken by an assembly in conformity with its constitution. 7. The Chair shall have the authority to call items of business before the assembly in whatever order he/she deems expedient for the conduct of the assembly business. 8. All reports published in the Bulletin of Reports shall be received by the assembly, without vote. 9. The minutes of each assembly shall be submitted by the secretary of this synod to a Committee on Minutes, who shall examine the same with care and make recommendations thereon to the assembly. Approval of the minutes of the assembly shall be the responsibility of the Bishop and the secretary of this synod. 10. The voting membership at the assembly shall consist of the lay voting members from each congregation, the rostered clergy, associates in ministry, deaconesses, and diaconal ministers under call in this synod, and the retired ordained ministers, associates in ministry, deaconesses, 42 diaconal ministers, and the members of the synod roster that are on leave from call, and those designated as disabled that pre-notified the synod bishop 90 day notice before the start of the Synod Assembly. 11. Resolutions germane to the assembly agenda must be submitted to the Resolutions Committee by 2:15p.m., Friday, May 16th in the Synod Assembly Office. 12. Nominations from the floor must have a completed “Nomination and Biographical Information Form” for each nominee submitted to the Nominating Committee prior to entering his/her name in nomination by 2:15pm on Friday, May 16th, in the Synod Assembly Office. 13. All materials to be handed out at any time during the assembly shall be submitted to the Assembly Office for approval by the Secretary of this synod. Upon approval, such materials may then be distributed by the ushers. 14. Elections and other voting will be by voice, colored voting cards or printed paper ballots administered by the Elections Committee or their appointed representatives. 15. If the intent of an amendment to the proposed budget is to change an individual line item while not increasing or decreasing the budget total, the assembly will refer to the Synod Council the responsibility of adjusting the remainder of the budget to stay within the budget total. (Synod Council Continuing Resolution 9/20/2000) 16. All motions must be written and submitted to the secretary of this synod before the close of the plenary session in which they were offered. 43 HOW TO CAST YOUR VOTE SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON SYNOD ASSEMBLY 1. Quorum a. A quorum will be identified following the reading of the credentials report. 2. Voting Cards a. Each voting member will be assigned voting cards (green, red, and yellow). b. Voting cards will be used at the floor microphone to indicate position: 1. green - in favor of the motion 2. red - opposed to the motion 3. yellow- abstaining or point of order (to ask a question of information or a question of parliamentary procedure.) c. The voting cards may be used by the Chair to get a “sense of the house.” d. The voting cards may be used to vote on certain items as requested by the Chair. Please hold up your chosen card separately, so the same color shows on both sides, for ease in counting the votes. 3. Paper Ballots a. Each voting member will be provided paper ballots for elections for contested positions. 44 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE AT A GLANCE - your guide of what to say and when to say it… TO DO THIS: YOU SAY THIS: Interrupt speaker Need a second Debatable Can it be Amended Vote is needed Can it be Reconsidered Adjourn Meeting “I move to adjourn.” NO YES NO NO Majority NO Call an Intermission “I move to recess for…” NO YES NO YES Majority NO Temporarily suspend considering an issue “I move to lay the motion on the table.” NO YES NO NO Majority NO End debate “I move the and previous amendments question.” NO YES NO NO 2/3 NO Postpone discussion for a certain time “I move to postpone discussion until…” NO YES YES YES Majority YES Give closer study of something “I move to refer NO the matter to committee.” YES YES YES Majority YES Amend a Motion “I move to amend the motion by…” NO YES YES YES Majority YES Introduce Business “I move that…” NO YES YES YES Majority YES THE MOTIONS LISTED ABOVE ARE IN ORDER OF PRECEDANCE… BELOW, NO ORDER… Vote on a ruling of the chair “I appeal from the chair’s decision.” YES YES YES NO Majority YES Request Information “Point of information…” YES NO NO NO No Vote NO Take up a matter previously tabled “I move to take from the table…” NO YES NO NO Majority NO Reconsider a hasty action “I move to reconsider vote on…” YES YES YES NO Majority NO Next page for 'Successful use of Robert's Rules of Order' 45 Successful use of Robert’s Rules of Order Robert's Rules are designed to facilitate the transaction of business by the Synod Assembly, not to hinder it. Here are some pointers to help you to be more effective in using parliamentary motions. The following list clues you in to the more frequent and obvious places where some members reveal their tenuous grasp on Robert's Rules of Order: • Speaking without recognition: It's a mistake to make a motion without first being recognized by the Chair. Stand at the microphone and address the Chair ("Mr. Chairman") and ask to be recognized. The Chair may recognize you when you rise to the microphone without having to ask first. Either way, you must be recognized before you can speak. • Moving to "Table!": Many people think tabling a motion is the same as killing it, but the motion to Lay on the Table is used to set a pending motion aside temporarily in order to take up something else more pressing or urgent. If you want to kill a main motion, you move to Postpone Indefinitely. • Calling the question: When members get tired of hearing the same arguments go back and forth on a pending motion, inevitably somebody calls out, "Question!" or "I call the question!" Calling the question actually requires a formal motion from a member after being recognized by the Chair. Generally, the Chair waits until it is clear no one else wants to speak to the issue; calling out "Question" without first obtaining the floor is just plain rude. • Tabling it until another time: This is yet another misuse of the word table. What the member who makes this proposal really wants to do is to Postpone to a Certain Time, not Lay on the Table. The order of precedence and the rules covering whether the motion is debatable, amendable, and so forth make distinguishing motions important. • "Reconsidering" a vote: Under Robert's Rules, reconsider has a very specific meaning sometimes at odds with the word's meaning in general usage. In our assembly run under Robert's Rules, you can reconsider only with respect to a decision made in the current plenary session. • Requesting a point of information: Some people think that this motion means they can get the floor to give information. In reality, a point of information is made to enable the member to request information, not to give him/her an opportunity to speak again. • Offering friendly amendments: This is an amendment of a motion under debate that is perceived as an enhancement to the original motion, often only as clarification of intent. When a motion is on the floor, the maker of the motion no longer owns it. Any motion to amend a main motion, friendly or not, depends upon the acceptance of the assembly, not the person who made the original motion or seconded it, and is handled like any other motion. Offering a friendly amendment is really patronizing. The best thing to do is to simply get recognition by the Chair at the microphone (holding your yellow card), move your amendment, and tell the membership why you're offering the amendment. • Wasting breath on "I so move": If you just say, "I so move," in response to the presiding officer saying, "The chair will entertain a motion to take a recess," for example, you haven't actually made a motion. Be recognized by the Chair and say, “I move that we take a recess.” 46 SYNOD NOMINATING & SYNOD COUNCIL NOMINATION COMMITTEES POSITIONS OPEN FOR ELECTION BY THE SYNOD ASSEMBLY Revised 5/9/2014 (Conference) (Term of office) (years) SYNOD OFFICER Secretary 4-year term (2014-2018) any lay or rostered person of the ELCA SYNOD COUNCIL 3-year term (2014-2017) (Positions (#1- #4, are not open to floor nominations) Tacoma Narrows Clergy Olympic Lay Female MISS Clergy Coastal Clergy At Large Lay Male (Open for floor nominations by the assembly) Position # 1 Position # 2 Position # 3 Position # 4 Position # 5 (Nominated) Ms. Monica Hurley Rev. Heinz Malon Rev. Randy Olson SYNOD CONSULTATION COMMITTEE Position #1 Position #2 Position #3 Position #4 Position #5 Position #6 Position # 7 Position # 8 6 year-term (2014-2020) South Sound Clergy Peninsula Lay Male Tacoma Narrows Lay Female Olympic Clergy Tacoma Southwest Clergy 3-year term (2014-2017) Coastal Lay Male or Female 2-year term (2014-2016) Lower Columbia Clergy Lower Columbia Lay Female Rev. Ron McClung SYNOD DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE Position #1 Position #2 Position #3 Position # 4 Position # 5 Position # 6 6-year term (2014-2020) Evergreen Clergy Ft. Vancouver Clergy South Sound Lay Female 5-year term (2014-2019) Lower Columbia Clergy Tacoma Narrows Clergy 4-year term (2014-2018) Ft. Vancouver Lay Male or Female SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE the Synod Nominating Committee.) Position #1 Position #2 Position #3 Position # 4 Position # 5 Position #6 Rev. Eric Wooldridge (The Synod Council Executive Committee’s two at-large members are responsible for securing nominees for 3- year term (2014-2017) Mount Rainier Clergy Evergreen Lay Male South Sound Clergy 2-year term (2014-2016) Lower Columbia Clergy Ft. Vancouver Lay Male 1- year term (2014-2015) Coastal Clergy PLU MEMBER REPRESENTATIVES 3-year term (2014-2017) Position # 1 Lower Columbia Lay Male or Lay Female Position # 2 Lower Columbia Clergy Position # 3 Coastal Clergy Position #4 Coastal Lay Female Position #5 Evergreen Clergy Position #6 Ft Vancouver Clergy Position #7 Peninsula Lay Female Rev. John Schier-Hanson Mr. Larry Bengtson Rev. Angela Renecker Mr. Mike Leisle Rev. Robert Hoem Rev. Walter Rice Rev. Tom Tweed Ms. Lisbeth Lusk 47 2014 SYNOD ASSEMBLY NOMINATIONS SYNOD COUNCIL SECRETARY - 4 Years (2014-2018) SYNOD COUNCIL SECRETARY Position: Synod Council Secretary Mount Rainier Conference- Lay Name: Monica Hurley Occupation: Self-employed; Consultant (Fundraising/Non-profit management) Past Elected/appointed synodical experience: Synod Assembly Banquet Chair (asked/accepted), Synod Assembly Usher Chair (asked/accepted), Synod Council Member (elected), Synod Council Secretary (appointed) Personal/Congregational Experience: Sunday School Teacher, Choir, Personnel Committee: Calvary Lutheran Church, Federal Way 1996-2000. Sunday School Teacher, Choir, Stewardship Chair, Fellowship Chair, Worship Team, Altar Guild: Creator Lutheran Church, Bonney Lake, WA 2001-current. Various roles in community groups such as Rotary (Service Above Self) Why I wish to serve: When I was first asked to consider running for synod council, I was already working full time, managing a family, volunteering for Relay for Life, on the board at the Tacoma Lutheran Home, deeply involved in my local church in various roles and I wondered where there would be time to do anything else. I prayed about the role and ultimately submitted my nomination form. Over the past few years on the synod council, I’ve worked closely with some of the most dedicated volunteers who profess the Good News of Jesus Christ and hold closely to the mission of the SWWA Synod. With the election of our new Bishop in 2013, I felt even more strongly a call to continue to be involved as we build leaders within our churches and spread the Gospel wider through new mission starts, strong stewardship worship trainings/support, and building relationships between and among people and congregations as a reminder that God is alive in and through us. “God’s Work: Our Hands” is the theme that churchwide branded a few years ago; I strongly believe our synod is a work in progress – God’s work in progress. It is a privilege and responsibility I take seriously to do the work of the synod secretary the past few months. I pray for wisdom, grace and diligence if elected. SYNOD COUNCIL – 3 Years (2014-2017) SYNOD COUNCIL- Position # 1 Position: Synod Council Name: Rev. Heinz Malon Position # 1 Past elected/Appointed Synodical Experience: Conference Representative to Synod Council. Tacoma Narrows Conf- Clergy Occupation: Pastor Currently serving as Tacoma Narrows Personal/Congregational Experience: Pastor at Key Peninsula Lutheran, Lakebay. Why I Wish to Serve: 5/09/2014 48 Position: Synod Council Name: Rev. Randy Olson SYNOD COUNCIL- Position # 3 Position #3 MISS Conference-Clergy Occupation: Chaplain, Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community Past elected/appointed synodical experience- Congregational Ministries Board; Chair of Planning Committee for several Synod Assemblies; Synod Nominating Committee Chair; Current Synod Council member Personal/Congregational Experience Lead Pastor, Christ Lutheran, Lakewood; Contract Pastor, Mountain View Lutheran, Edgewood; Interim Pastor, Hope Lutheran, Tacoma, Stewardship Committee, Redeemer Lutheran, Fircrest. Why do I wish to serve: Having been involved with the Church in this synod for the past 17 years, I care deeply about our governance and mission. My recent experience (completing an unexpired term) on the Synod Council provided an exciting opportunity to continue to be part of expanding and deepening the mission of Christ’s Church in Southwestern Washington. SYNOD CONSULTATION COMMITTEE Position: Discipline Committee Position #1 Evergreen Conference-clergy Name: Rev. Ronald McClung Occupation: ELCA Pastor Past elected/appointed synodical experience: None so far. Personal/congregational experience: Served as pastor at Shepherd of the Hills, Stevenson from 2007-2013; Hospital Chaplain for almost 6 years; Youth pastor in another tradition for 11 years; 1 year CPE Residency; Receive some Family Systems training. Statement of why you wish to serve: Now that I live closer to the Synod Office, I would love the opportunity to serve occasionally at a synodical level, to support the Bishop, congregations and pastors in need. SYNOD DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE SYNOD DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE -Position #1 (6 years) 2014-2020 Position: Discipline Committee Position #1 Evergreen Conference-clergy Name: Rev. Eric Wooldridge Occupation: ELCA Pastor Past elected/appointed synodical experience: None. Personal/congregational experience: 2 years: Associate Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn Statement of why you wish to serve: I hope to serve the Synod on a board or committee. Whether in this position or another, I plan to serve faithfully. 49 5/09/2014 SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Position #1 (3 years) 2014-2017 Position: Synod Nominating Committee Name: Rev. John Schier-Hanson Position #1 Mount Rainier Conference-Clergy Occupation: Pastor Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Director of Lower Susquehanna Synod Youth Gathering (5 years), Nominating Committee (Lower Susquehanna Synod, 3 years) Personal/congregational experience: Pastor at: St. Paul Lutheran Church, Newville, PA; Centerville Lutheran Church, Centerville, PA; Christ Lutheran Church, Lewisburg, PA; Trinity Lutheran Church, Kirkwood, MO; Zion Lutheran Church, Ferguson, MO; Spanaway Lutheran Church, Spanaway, WA; Member at Christ Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, AP while serving as a long-term care chaplain (2001-2007); Sunday School Teacher. Statement of why you wish to serve: Serving on the nominating committee is a vital role in providing ongoing momentum and new energy to synodical programming and committees. My past experience in this capacity has provided opportunities to become acquainted with a wide range of people in a synod. SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Position #2 (3 years) 2014-2017 Position: Synod Nominating Committee Position #2 Evergreen Conference-Lay Male Name: Mr. Larry Bengtson Occupation: Retired Judge Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Currently serves on Synod Nominating Committee. Personal/congregational experience: Statement of why you wish to serve: SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Position #3 (3 years) 2014-2017 Open Position: Synod Nominating Committee Name: Position #3 Occupation: South Sound Clergy Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Personal/congregational experience: Statement of why you wish to serve: Continued on next page 5/09/2014 50 SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Position #4 (2 years) 2014-2016 Position: Synod Nominating Committee Position #4 Lower Columbia Conference-Clergy Name: Rev. Angela Renecker Occupation: Pastor Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Southwestern WA Synod Candidacy Committee Personal/congregational experience: Member, Our Savior’s Lutheran in Bellingham, WA; Associate Pastor, 1995-1999, Bethel Lutheran Shoreline, WA; Pastor, 2000-2012, Faith Lutheran, Elma, WA; Pastor, 2012-present, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran, Winlock, WA Statement of why you wish to serve: I want to be useful, and to stay better connected with the larger church (also, I was asked!) SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Position #5 (2 years) 2014-2016 Position: Synod Nominating Committee Position #2 Ft. Vancouver Conference-Lay Male Name: Mr. Mike Leisle Occupation: Retired Past elected/appointed synodical experience: None. Personal/congregational experience: A member of St. Andrew since 1980, serving as President, Vice President, Call Team member, and Personnel Team Chair. I completed the Community of lay Ministers training in 2010. Statement of why you wish to serve: This is an opportunity to serve the church beyond St. Andrew. SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Position #6 (1 years) 2014-2015 Position: Synod Nominating Committee Position #2 Coastal Conference-Clergy Name: Rev. Robert Hoem Occupation: ELCA Pastor Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Personal/congregational experience: Currently serving as Pastor at Galilean Lutheran, Ocean Shores. Statement of why you wish to serve: continued on next page 5/09/2014 51 PLU MEMBER REPRESENTATIVES PLU MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE -Position #5 (3 years) 2014-2017 Position: PLU Member Representative Position #5 Evergreen Conference-Clergy Name: Rev. Walter Rice Occupation: Minister Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Synod Council and Synod Secretary in Eastern WA/Idaho Synod Personal/congregational experience: 34+ years of ordained ministry serving 5 congregations. Currently serving Trinity, Enumclaw last 2 years. Previously, 13 years at Bethlehem, SedroWoolley. Statement of why you wish to serve: I have raised a PLU graduate. I consider the University a vital resource for our synod and for the church. Trinity has had numerous students from this congregation, some current. PLU MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE -Position #6 (3 years) 2014-2017 Position: PLU Member Representative Position #6 Fort Vancouver Conference-Clergy Name: Rev. Tom Tweed Occupation: Pastor Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Currently serve as PLU Member Representative, and past Synod Assembly Chair. Personal/congregational experience: Statement of why you wish to serve: PLU MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE -Position #7 (3 years) 2014-2017 Position: PLU Member Representative Name: Ms. Lisbeth Lusk Position #7 Peninsula Conference-Lay Female Occupation: homemaker Past elected/appointed synodical experience: Currently filling this position, previously on Synod Nominating Committee and Synod Council. Personal/congregational experience: Council member, Sunday School teacher. Statement of why you wish to serve: I enjoy keeping in touch with PLU. 52 5/09/2014 2014 SW WA Synod Nomination and Biographical Information Form I hereby present_________________________________________________ as a proposed nominee (Please print full name) for _____________________________________ _________________________________. (position) (conference) Nominated by_________________________________________ Date__________________________ Biographical Information Nominee’s Name__________________________________________________________________ Last First MI Title Please check correct roster, lay or age category: Clergy__ Lay Rostered__ or Lay Male__ Lay Female__ Youth (confirmed thru age 17)__ Young Adult (age 18-30)__ Age 31-49__ Age 50-60 __ Age 60+__ Resident Address_____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address______________________________________________________________________ City___________________________ Zip________ E-mail ___________________________________ Home Phone_______________________________ Work Phone_________________________ Congregational Membership______________________________________ ______________________ Name City Conference ________________________ Occupation _______________________________________ Do you wish to be identified as a person of color or whose primary language is other than English? Y___ N___ Past elected/appointed synodical experience: ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Personal/Congregational Experience: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Statement of why you wish to serve: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Nominee ____________________________________________ Return completed form to: Allison Ramsey Southwestern Washington Synod st 420 - 121 South Tacoma, WA 98444 Date _________________ 51 JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR 2014 SYNOD ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS SYNOD SECRETARY JOB DESCRIPTION: The secretary may be a layperson or a clergy and must be a voting member of a congregation of this synod. The secretary is member of the Synod Council and an officer of the synod. The secretary shall be elected to a term of four years and may serve two consecutive terms. The secretary is responsible to record the actions of the Synod Council, Executive Committee and the Synod Assembly. The secretary shall arrange for the safe keeping of all legal documents. The secretary shall certify a list of the churchwide assembly voting members to the ELCA secretary. QUALIFICATIONS: This person needs a vision of the mission of the church, a record of leadership in their local congregation, and a commitment to Christ expressed in the stewardship of one’s gifts. They must have the ability to record the actions of the legislative groups of the synod concerning the policies and mission of the church and synod. The Secretary must be able to share openly in the decisions concerning the policies and missions of the church, and be ready to assist the Bishop of the Synod in working with the agencies, institutions, conferences, congregations and clergy in implementing the work of the church. Synod Council officers, of which this is one, must undergo a background check (criminal, financial and driving) shortly after being elected into the position. Information will be sent to the elected person from the Synod Office. Results will be reviewed by the Synod Bishop and/or Vice President. SYNOD COUNCIL Each Conference shall nominate one member to the Synod Council and may nominate an additional two AtLarge positions, for three-year terms. Elections for the At-Large position shall take place at and by the Synod Assembly. The Conference Representative position shall be elected by their conference and shall be confirmed by the Synod Assembly. JOB DESCRIPTION: The Synod Council shall be the board of directors of the Synod and shall serve as its interim legislative authority between meetings of the Synod Assembly. It may make decisions which are not in conflict with actions taken by the Synod Assembly or which are not precluded by provisions of the constitution and bylaws of the ELCA. The council normally meets four times a year for a full day. The term is three years and is eligible to serve two consecutive full terms. QUALIFICATIONS: Persons needs a vision of the mission of the church, a record of leadership in their local congregation, and a commitment to Christ expressed in the stewardship of one's gifts. They must be able to share openly in the decisions concerning the policies and missions of the church, and be ready to assist the Bishop of the Synod in working with the agencies, institutions, conferences, congregations and clergy in implementing the work of the church. SYNOD CONSULTATION COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION: The Synod Consultation Committee (12 members) is a constitutionally mandated committee to advise the office of the Bishop and as requested to investigate situations that are potentially matters of formal ecclesiastical discipline. The committee meets at the request of the Bishop. Occasionally individuals are selected from the Consultation Committee to assist congregations in processing matters of 52 conflict or community relationships within a local parish. The committee serves in an advisory capacity. The members serve a one six-year term and not eligible for a second consecutive term. QUALIFICATIONS: The gifts requested for a successful ministry on this committee include the ability to listen with discernment, to act impartially during investigations, to reflect prayerfully and to articulate helpful guidance in situations of pain and difficulty. SYNOD DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION: The Discipline Committee (12 members) is a constitutionally mandated committee which acts to administer a thorough review and, as necessary, discipline process upon congregations and rostered individuals; clergy, associates in ministry, diaconal ministers and deaconesses. The Discipline Committee meets upon call of the Office of the Bishop should charges be either pending or submitted. The term is six years with no reelection. QUALIFICATIONS: The primary gifts required for this ministry are the ability to reflect critically over the unfolding of events or incidences; the discernment of ethical requirements of ministry in the name of Christ; the ability to listen and the sensitivity to sit in humble judgment upon another Christian individual or body. SYNOD NOMINATING COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION: The Nominating Committee shall consist of ten members, one from each conference. This committee obtains the needed nominees for vacant Synod positions and prepares the list of nominees for the Synod Assembly. The term is three years. QUALIFICATIONS: Should have a record of leadership in their local congregation, and a commitment to Christ expressed in the stewardship of one’s gifts. Should be willing and able to attend as many meetings as necessary to develop forms and disseminate information regarding positions open for election and process for nomination to conferences and congregations in a timely manner. PLU MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE JOB DESCRIPTION: The Member Representative, in addition to their corporate duties of one corporate annual meeting at Pacific Lutheran University per year, help to further the objectives of the University where possible in their conferences or congregations by creating and developing greater interest in PLU as an institution of Christian higher education. Member Representatives assist in increasing student enrollment at PLU from congregations of the Synod, and assist congregations in providing financial support to the University. Terms shall be three years. Each conference has a one clergy and one layperson delegate to the corporation meeting. Member Representatives are eligible to serve two consecutive 3 year terms. QUALIFICATIONS: Member Representatives need to have a deep concern for spiritual and educational values, and a concern for the well-being of the entire University. They should also have an understanding of commitment to the preservation of an independent, church-related University. Member Representatives should have a willingness and ability to speak or communicate in a positive way on behalf of the University. 53 Reports 68 54 About the Mission Investment Fund The Mission Investment Fund (MIF), a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, makes low-interest loans to established ELCA congregations, new-start congregations and ELCA-related ministries for capital projects. Established congregations use MIF loans to renovate, expand or relocate. New-start congregations rely on MIF loans to buy land and construct their first church buildings. ELCA-related ministries use MIF loans for a variety of capital projects. To fund these loans, MIF offers a variety of investments for congregations, their members, synods and ELCA-related ministries to purchase. MIF investments offer adjustable- or fixed-rate terms and earn interest at competitive rates. The Mission Investment Fund is financially strong and stable, with a record of steady, controlled growth: With total assets of $660 million and net assets of $190 million at year-end 2013, MIF achieved a capital ratio of 28.8 SHUFHQW PDLQWDLQLQJ MIFs position in the toptier of well-capitalized church extension funds. At year-end 2013, loans for capital projects for more than 780 ELCA congregations and ministries totaled $464 million. MIF investments by congregations, their members, synods and ELCA-related ministries totaled $464 million. Investments and Loans in the Southwestern Washington Synod As of December 31, 2013: 13 Mission Investment Fund loans, with a balance of , are at work throughout the synod. Investments in the Mission Investment Fund by 118 LQGLYLGXDOV, 34congregations, 11 ministries, and the Southwestern Washington Synod totaled. MIF representative for the Southwestern Washington Synod: Joel S. Wudel, Regional Manager: Tel. (773) 682-176; email: Mission Investment Fund | 8765 West Higgins Road | Chicago, Illinois 60631 Tel: 877-886-3522 | Web: 55 Report to the 2014 Synod Assembly It is good to bring you greetings from your partners in Region 1, ELCA, encompassing the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, a just a bit of Wyoming. We’re a large territory that God is continuing to bless! Our Region 1 offices are located in the campus ministry center for the University of Washington in Seattle. We’re right on Greek Row, so this is a lively location. Alyce Bakker and Judy Webb continue to serve you in the Financial Service office there. Your treasurers send your congregation’s mission support dollars to them, and they are distributed as directed by your Synod budget and your Treasurer. By doing this work as a Region we are more efficient and better stewards of your dollars. I keep an office in Seattle, as well as a home office in Spokane, WA. As you may have heard our ELCA seminaries, encouraged by the Association of Theological Schools, have all been making changes to their curricula. At the same time our ELCA is editing our Candidacy Manual to be more nimble in an ever-changing academic environment. All this to prepare pastors and other rostered leaders for an ever-changing, mission driven church. I continue the good work of being your churchwide partner in the candidacy process and supporting the six candidacy committees in Region 1. In numbers of candidates we are not only producing the leaders that we need, but we are providing rostered leaders for other synods in our ELCA, too. Have you experienced a call to ordained leadership in our church? How about a call to one of our ELCA’s other forms of rostered leadership? Do you know who serves on your candidacy committee? Feel free to contact your synod office anytime with candidacy matters, and you can call upon me with your questions, too. I thank you for your support of our campus ministries in Region 1! We serve students at the University of Washington in Seattle, Western Washington University in Bellingham, Eastern Washington University in Cheney, Washington State University in Pullman, Oregon State University in Corvallis, Montana State University in Bozeman, the University of Montana in Missoula, and the University of Idaho in Moscow. In addition we have a very active campus ministry at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA, and many congregations like those in Boise, Idaho and Ellensburg, WA who have supporting roles in campus ministry at nearby colleges and universities. I bet you know congregations in your area who reach out to college students. Each campus ministry offers a focused gospel presence right on or near campus through word and sacrament, pastoral care in times of crisis, bible study, service projects, and yes, food for hungry students. Our campus ministries continue to be a significant outreach of our church, encountering unchurched, searching students with the good news of Jesus. Region 1 is about connections for the sake of God’s mission. Our region brings together those who serve in global mission, outreach, administration, leadership, and in a host of other areas. As your coordinator for nearly two years now, I help bring people together. We meet, share, plan and pray face to face and through various forms of technology, too. It’s good to serve among you! Rev. Mark Nelson Coordinator for Missional Leadership Region 1, ELCA 206-624-0093 or 509-990-0478 or 56 2014 Candidacy Committee Report The synod Candidacy Committee is charged with guiding, encouraging, supporting and interviewing candidates for public ministry (rostered service) in the ELCA, always providing hospitality that welcomes them and recognizes their holiness. We welcome those persons who have heard God's call to service in the church either as ordained clergy, commissioned Associates in Ministry, or Diaconal Ministers, or as a consecrated Deaconess. We have been blessed with fine candidates this year, along with a wonderful Candidacy Committee between May 1, 2013 and May 1, 2014. The first step is the entrance into the candidacy process of the ELCA. This year we entranced: Rev. Heidi Calhoun, Rev. Sang Soo Kim and Rev. Si Bog Lee all entranced as transferring from another Christian tradition. Ms. Chong Im Kim-Chung (“Jenny”), Ms. Ou In Jang and Mr. Jesus Rodriguez have all been entranced into the candidacy process through the TEEM program. TEEM stands for Theological Education for Emerging Ministries through Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, CA. Sara Schier-Hanson was entranced for reinstatement to the ELCA clergy roster. The middle step of the ELCA Candidacy Process is called Endorsement. Rachel Knoke (Lutheran Church of Christ the King, Tacoma) . The final step is the approval for their chosen path (ordination for clergy or commissioning for Associates in Ministry). The committee approved Jonette Blakney (St. Mark by the Narrows, Tacoma), Rachel Eskesen (Messiah, Auburn) and Will Johnson (Messiah, Auburn) for approval into ordained ministry. Will is waiting for a year to be assigned to a synod as he received the Luther Seminary’s Graduate Preaching Fellowship which will have him doing researching and studying for a year. Marjorie Olason (Agnus Dei, Gig Harbor) was approval for commissioned ministry as an Associate in Ministry. The Rev. Sara Schier-Hanson was approved for reinstatement to the ELCA clergy roster and will have her Theological Review Panel this spring. We ask leaders and congregations to encourage and support individuals to consider full time service in the ELCA. As you see their gifts and passions on display in your church, assist potential candidates to discern what God is calling them to and how your church might help them. A call to the synod office will start the process. We have information ready to send out that will make the steps and costs involved clear. We all have a role in equipping future leaders. The committee is looking to add two lay members. If this area of ministry interests you, please email the Synod Office at and let them know. 2013-2014 Candidacy Committee Members: Rev. Chuck Slocum (Chair), Ingelaurie Lisher- AIM, Rev. Sigi Helgeson, Mr. Christopher Evans (PLTS Rep.), Ms. Beachie Warren, Rev. Steven Schumacher, Rev. Kim Latterell (staff liaison and Rev. Mark Nelson (Region 1 Coordinator). 57 SYNOD GLOBAL MISSION COMMITTEE 2013 REPORT Vision: The SWWA Synod’s Global Mission Committee’s vision is a world in which individuals are transformed through global relationships. Mission: The SWWA Global Mission Committee’s mission is to cultivate passion and opportunities for building and sustaining relationships, listening faithfully, accompanying respectfully, and participating in Global Mission within the SWWA Synod. October 5, the SWWA Mission Committee joined members of the NWWA Synod in an African Summit, held at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Bellevue. The event featured a keynote address by Pastor Anna Makyao, of Tanzania who spoke about cooperation between the Tanzanian Lutheran Church, Lutheran World RElief and the ELCA in the fight against Malaria – a brutal killer in the continent of Africa. Other speakers covered topics such as water, community organizing, agriculture, preparing for a mission trip, the concept of accompaniment in mission, health care, education and African music. Displays were brought by a number of congregations and organizations to highlight their involvement on the continent of Africa and invite others to join them. It is hoped that there will be continuing cooperation between the synods with future summits focusing on Asia and Latin America. At the invitation of PLU president, Thomas Krise, members of Global Mission Committees from the SWWA Synod and the NWWA Synod have been meeting with staff from PLU Office of Congregational Relations and the Wang Center for Global Education, in a Global Engagement Partnership. The group hopes to discover ways to work together to enhance global experiences of both students and members of the two synods through cooperative efforts. Recent discussions of the committee have focused on ways to strengthen relationships and invite constructive involvement between our global partners and the congregations of the Southwestern Washington Synod. New members with an interest in Global Mission are always welcome. Please contact Ed and Diane Armbrust, for more information. Diane and Ed Armbrust, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Olympia Lisa Hutson, Mt. Mark’s Lutheran Church by the Narrows Tacoma Linnea Glover, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Olympia Rachel Pritchett, Bethany Lutheran Church, Bainbridge Island Rev. Don and Carol Fossum, Trinity Lutheran Church, Parkland, WA Terri Heckroth, Creator Lutheran, Bonney Lake Cristal Hillstead, Lutheran Church of Christ the King, Tacoma Beth Ann Johnson, Mountain View Lutheran, Edgewood Rev. Steven Ray, Elim Lutheran Church, Port Orchard Rev. Linda Milks, Saron Lutheran Church, Hoquiam 58 INTERIM MINISTRY 2013-2014 SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON SYNOD Changes in pastoral leadership continue each year as pastors retire, move to other congregations or ministry settings, are unable to serve due to health problems, die or change vocations. Those congregations affected by this change in pastoral leadership enter into transitional ministry, moving from a regularly called pastor, to working with an interim, and then making preparations to call a new pastor. Interim ministry is unique in that it provides the congregation time to reflect, to dream, to discover some new things about themselves, map a new journey , to take time to reclaim who they are and also to work with the Synod in a new way. Often new lay leadership comes forward. The transition team works to review history, to assess present context and to establish a new course of action. Interim Pastors are specially trained to help congregations through the transition process. The Southwestern Washington Synod responds to this need of the congregation by calling an Interim Pastor to serve with them through this transition process. A call committee is put into place to match the congregational profile with possible rostered leaders. The interim pastors who serve in the Southwestern Washington Synod are often away from their personal home and family for many days during a week. To these men and women, the synod and congregations say THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFUL SERVICE! From May 2013 through May 2014, these pastors have served or are still serving as Interim or Transitional Pastors in the following congregations: Pastor Janell Bethke- Immanuel, Vancouver; Pastor Heidi Calhoun- Christ, Federal Way; Pastor Jeannine Daggett- St. John’s, Chehalis; Pastor Jeff Driscoll- Messiah, Auburn; Pastor Howard Fosser- First, Tacoma and at Mount Cross, University Place; Pastor Michelle Manicke- Beautiful Savior, Vancouver; Pastor Valinda Morse- Agnus Dei, Gig Harbor; Pastor Linda Nou- Peace, Puyallup; Pastor Margaret O’Neil- First, Tacoma; Pastor Linda SmithSt. John’s, Chehalis; Pastor Art Sortland- Redeemer, Fircrest and at St. Christoper’s, Olympia; Pastor Elaine Swigart- Creator, Bonney Lake; Pastor Elten Zerby- Gloria Dei, Kelso. If congregations or pastors would like more information about the Interim Ministry process, please contact the Southwestern Washington Synod Office, 253-535-8300. Rev. Kim Latterell Bishop’s Associate 59 Report to the 2014 assembly of the Southwestern Washington Synod from the synod’s Namibia Task Force For more than a quarter of a century, the Southwestern Washington Synod has taken part in an official ELCA companion-synod relationship with the Lutheran churches in Namibia. While the relationship officially is with three Lutheran churches there – the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN), and the German-speaking Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (GELK) – the interchange historically has been with ELCIN. Over the many years, that interchange has been expressed through prayer for each other and visitations both ways by lay people and clergy, with the clergy typically exchanging pulpits. In addition, there have been gifts of knitted hats for infants, high-school scholarships, sports gear and money made possible by the generosity of individuals, supporting congregations in the Southwestern Washington Synod and the synod itself. The Lutheran magazine featured a three-part series on this particular companion relationship in 2010. In 2014, the Namibia Task Force began meeting more frequently and regularly, and began contemplating next steps in this rich and deep relationship with our brothers and sisters in Namibia. A 2015 visitation is planned; and talks are underway with the three other ELCA synods that have companion relationship with Namibia to bring over a female pastor in the fall of 2014. Also, there is talk among the four partners about pursuing grants to send a pastor to Namibia for several months, in order to officially “exchange” clergy. And, there is talk of engaging more with GELK. In addition, the task force hopes now to partner with Pacific Lutheran University, which has its own Namibia study-away programs. Both hope to combine some efforts, including offering PLU students service projects. Also casting the net wider, early talks are underway to offer members of the Northwest Washington Synod to come join our companion-synod relationship. The Northwest Washington Synod lost its companion relationship with Ethiopia due to the 2009 ELCA sexuality vote. Through these partnerships, the Task Force aims to strengthen and grow its relationship with Namibia, including new faces, new projects, and new fund sources. Right now, we’re asking that you come and see what we’re about. Perhaps you’d like to learn more about this fascinating nation, about to celebrate its 25th year of independence. Perhaps you’d like to come with us to Namibia in 2015. Contact me to see when the next meeting is. Typically, we meet in Tacoma. Please pray for Namibia. Rachel Pritchett 206-498-0920 60 2014 Synod Assembly Southwestern Washington Synod – ELCA Outreach Board Enflamed by the Spirit of God, the mission of the Southwestern Washington Synod Outreach Board is to: • Enable new mission starts, • Empower the renewal of congregations, and • Equip the people of God for mission. “Energy” is another “e” word that we use on the Outreach Board. The Holy Spirit energizes and enflames us to work in and for the Kingdom of God. So we ask, “Where’s the holy spirit energy?” What are the people excited about doing, and where are they actively engaged in ministry? We see our primary function these days as equipping members and congregations for identifying and carrying out mission. In 2013 we sponsored the third set of workshops in our “renewing congregations” series. “Who is my Neighbor?” was the title where participants were equipped to intentionally orient themselves to their larger community and were introduced to the practice of one-toone relational meetings to help set goals for ministry. Participants have reported taking their training into the neighborhoods where they live and around their churches and have had fun doing it. We also support congregations by reading, forwarding, and financially supporting their grant proposals which are mostly financed by the ELCA. We have supported grants and ministries to Living Stones Prison Congregation, Shelton; Gloria Dei, Olympia; Federal Way Chinese Fellowship; Peace Lutheran Fellowship, Port Ludlow; Light of Grace Korean Church, Federal Way; St. John’s, Lakewood; and, Peace, Tacoma. The Holy Spirit is moving people into new and exciting ministries all over the territory of our synod. We rejoice in the call that God issues to us to serve and love our neighbor, and that the Spirit empowers people with the energy to do it. Opportunities for ministry abound, and prioritizing these ministry opportunities helps to give us focus. Please prayerfully consider one or more of these opportunities for support: first and foremost please keep the ministries of our synod in your prayers and ask the Spirit to guide you in service, 2. encourage your congregation to increase its mission support to the Southwestern Washington Synod, 3. give a gift to Living Stones Prison Congregation (formerly One Thousand Mission Friends fund), 4. if you already give consider raising the amount you give, 5. invite a friend to join you in giving, 6. contribute to the Mission Endowment Fund or allocate a portion of your estate to be gifted to the MEF, 7. have a Living Stones Sunday in your congregation. Thank you for your partnership in ministry here in southwestern Washington. The Holy Spirit is blowing and moving in our congregations. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this great ministry of evangelical outreach, and please continue to share your ideas and stories with us. Finally, I have enjoyed serving as chair of the Outreach Board for about 5 years. I am energized by the work that we do. Starting in March, Pastor Peter Mohr will be the new chair. Join me in thanking Peter for his work on the board so far and in anticipation of his leadership to come. Peace, Rev. Kent Shane, Chair SWWA Outreach Board 61 Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Southwestern Washington Synodical Women’s Organization Report of the President Carol Fossum, 2013-2014 year 2013 was the year of celebration of 25 years for Women of the ELCA. The Region I Gathering in June brought over 270 women together from the 6 synods to hear a keynote speaker and the author of the Bible Study in the Gather magazine. Both women were well received and the entire event was successful. Our synod women are generous with their gifts of money, time and talents. They support Women of the ELCA in their congregations, synod, and churchwide and show that they are bold in their faith in Jesus. On this very weekend of the assembly, several women are at the Women of the ELCA retreat at Dumas Bay Centre in Federal Way with the theme, “He Knows Your Name”. Last summer’s convention elected 3 delegates to attend the Ninth Triennial Convention and Gathering of Women of the ELCA who will travel to Charlotte, NC, with President Fossum in July of this year to vote on a new churchwide board as well as issues before the body. This event is always enjoyable with the expected 2,000 or more women in attendance. SW WA Synod Women participated financially to invite a woman from Namibia to attend the Gathering and will look forward to meet her. The business of the women will occur at the convention on October 11, 2014 at the host church, Peace Lutheran in Tacoma. The theme of the convention is “Open Hearts, Open Hands” with a hospitality focus. A representative from the churchwide executive board will be with us to give a report on the “state of the union” of churchwide Women of the ELCA. Purpose Statement of Women of the ELCA As a community of women, created in the image of God, Called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and Empowered by the Holy Spirit We commit ourselves to Grow in Faith Affirm our gifts Support one another in our callings Engage in ministry and action, and Promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. 62 Synod Youth Committee 2014 Annual Report The mission of the Synod Youth Committee is to equip, empower, and encourage those who work with children, youth, and families in our synod. The SYC is a group of adults working to support adults and young people in ministry. Here are some of the ways we serve those who serve their neighbors in ministry. We serve by helping connect congregations with people in an effort fill youth and family ministry positions. We promote networking through occasional lunches where we can share our joys, struggles, and prayers. As funds are available we provide financial aid for continuing education. We equip people through the ELCA Practice Discipleship Initiative. What is the Practice Discipleship Initiative? The second phase of the Practice Discipleship Initiative was launched in January of 2013 and continues into 2014. This project is the result of a partnership between the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, the ELCA and its Youth Gathering, ELCA Lutheran seminaries and colleges and their faculty who teach children, youth and family ministry, and resource providers of the church. The Practice Discipleship Initiative fosters faithful, thoughtful and intentional leaders in congregations who follow Jesus in their daily lives. The Practice Discipleship Initiative will: · Educate – train leadership to accompany young people on their faith journey. · Connect – Develop partnerships to strengthen faith formation opportunities for and with young people. · Renew – Gather leaders for mutual support and encouragement in ministry We empower and encourage the Associated Lutheran Youth in Various Endeavors (ALYVE) Board. The ALYVE (Lutheran Youth Organization) board is a group of high school students from around the synod. Their main focus is a yearly youth gathering for youth from grades 6-12. The SYC appoints an advisor to work with the youth on the gathering and other activities. Justin Snider has recently completed an interim period as the ALYVE advisor and we are now searching for his replacement. Peace be with you, Paul Davis, Ingelaurie Lisher, Tom Weathers, Justin Snider, Bree Truax 63 Luther Seminary’s 2013-14 academic year report to the Southwestern Washington Synod Continuing our commitment to educate future leaders for the church God has continued to bless Luther Seminary in its mission to educate leaders for Christian communities. All of us—faculty, staff, students and boards—remain committed to our mission. After navigating some difficult issues, we’re now working together to live into our future. This commitment anchors us as we celebrate exciting milestones and look forward to upcoming opportunities: • In addition to our 700 students across all degree programs, Luther Seminary is also committed to educating leaders through our lifelong learning programs, which increased by more than 15 percent, to 4,300 participants. For the sake of leadership needs in the church, as well as the health of the seminary, we need to encourage more men and women to join us. • Luther Seminary is building a new curriculum, allowing us to prepare leaders to meet a wide variety of changing needs in the church and world. This new curriculum will be introduced at Luther Seminary in the fall of 2014. • By the time you read this, we may have named our new president. As I write this, our search is progressing well and we have a number of promising candidates. When that person hopefully arrives around July 1, the Luther Seminary community will be ready to join their new leader in living out our marvelous mission. This is a great time to be a part of Luther Seminary. We have stellar faculty, strong students, a highly respected internship program and innovative ideas that are equipping students to share the love of God in compelling ways in our increasingly complex world. As always, we remain grateful for your support, encouragement and continued commitment to our mission. Please continue that support by praying for us, sharing our story, supporting us financially and sending new students our way. In your synod… Financial Support Synodical and churchwide support accounted for 7 percent of Luther Seminary’s 2012-13 budget. During the 2012-13 fiscal year, the Southwestern Washington Synod provided direct financial support of $5,417. Students Thank you for sending and supporting the education of Luther Seminary students. • There are 10 students from your synod enrolled at Luther Seminary. • There are three interns serving in your synod. Seminary Finances • Of Luther’s operating income, 42 percent comes from private gifts and grants. • Of Luther’s operating expenses, 56 percent goes toward student instruction and institutional support. Board of Directors Alison Shane Alumni Council Jan Ruud In hope, Rick Foss, Interim President Luther Seminary educates leaders for Christian communities called and sent by the Holy Spirit to witness to salvation through Jesus Christ and to serve in God’s world. 2481 Como Ave. + St. Paul, MN 55108 + GC1005-14 64 PAC IFIC L U THERAN UNIVER S I TY A N N UA L R E P O RT TO T H E S Y N O D S A N D C O N G R E G AT I O N S O F R E G I O N 1 • 2 0 1 4 Facts About PLU as of Fall 2013 Undergraduate and Graduate Students Combined................................................... 3,462 Average GPA for first-year students........................... 3.62 Student-to-faculty ratio............................................... 14-1 Percentage of first-year students who live on campus.................................................... 85% Religion Reported by First-Year Students....................................... 21% Lutheran A Message from Dr. Thomas W. Krise, President of Pacific Lutheran University As I look back over my nearly two years as President of PLU, I can proudly say that we accomplished a lot, and the groundwork has been set for even more progress in 2014 and beyond. Much of this would not be possible without your support. PLU is able to fulfill its mission of teaching, research and service largely because of the unwavering commitment of our friends in the synods and congregations of Region I. Increasing access and moderating the cost of higher education are priorities for PLU, and through your support and the generous commitment of our donors, we have been able to increase undergraduate financial aid by 3.7% to $44.5 million for the coming academic year. Here are just a few more accomplishments that your support has enabled in the past year: •PLU was named to President Obama’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. •PLU’s MediaLab was nominated, once again, for an Emmy Award. That makes four nominations and one win. •Our Faculty Assembly approved—unanimously—the first professional doctorate at PLU, the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. •We celebrated the grand opening of the $20 million Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, which won a LEED Gold certification for environmental sustainability. •The Princeton Review recognized our School of Business as one of the nation’s best, and we’ve held the prized AACSB accreditation for more than 40 years. •PLU won the Gold Award from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) for our commitment to sustainability. •Dr. Richard Nance, Conductor of the Choir of the West, won the American Prize for Best Conductor. •A leader in producing Fulbright scholars, PLU was also recently named among the top three small colleges and universities nationwide for our number of Lute Peace Corps volunteers. •Kaaren Hatlen, ’12, was one of nine finalists for the NCAA Woman of the Year Award—and she’s a teacher in an urban Chicago public school with the prestigious Teach for America program. •We broke ground on the new Garfield Station mixed residential and retail complex at Garfield and C streets, with completion planned by August 2014. •Our ASPLU (Associated Students of PLU) student government won a grant from the Washington Secretary of State for a program to promote voting. •The Lute Battalion of Army ROTC won the MacArthur Award—the highest award available—for the second time in three years, a rare achievement. •PLU is ranked 15th out of 137 Regional Universities in the West by U.S. News College Guide, and 32nd of 724 Master’s Universities in the U.S. (top 4.4%) by Washington Monthly College Guide. •We are ranked second in the West for Best Colleges for Veterans by U.S. News. Once again, many thanks for helping to create a memorable year marked by notable achievements. PLU is a remarkable institution and community, with students, faculty, staff and alumni distinguished by their intellectual curiosity, creativity, service and devotion to the University. I have been honored to meet so many Lutes and supporters in the past year, and as we approach PLU’s 125th anniversary in 2015, I look forward to many more such opportunities. With deepest gratitude, Office of Congregation Relations Tacoma, WA 98447 253-535-7424 65 PACIFIC LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY of CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY: A Partner in Ministry with the Southwest Washington Synod Thank you! We are sincerely grateful for your prayers, financial gifts, and participation in providing high quality, cutting-edge theological education on the West Coast. Your support of PLTS is truly appreciated. With your contributions, our dream for a future that includes reducing, even eliminating, student debt is possible. 2/12/2014 – PLTS of CLU Merger Celebration Day in Berkeley Because of you, PLTS can: Draw students to the unique possibilities of pursuing theological education in the San Francisco Bay Area, Attract and adequately support highly qualified and committed faculty, Build our technological capabilities which can provide more flexible theological education for students, clergy and laity – both nearby and distant, Maintain a beautiful, retreat-like, PLTS campus which we want to be a site where more and more can benefit from these new possibilities, and Participate fully in the ecumenical and interfaith possibilities of the Graduate Theological Union. We give thanks for students at PLTS like Rachel Eskesen, Denise Arnold, Jesus Rodriguez, Chelsea Globe, and Cathy Crossan-Vork whom you have supported through candidacy and seminary. You continue to call our graduates and offer your prayers and gifts to us. Last year you sent $5,416 in direct synod support. When this is added to the contributions sent from ELCA Churchwide and all the synods in Regions I and II, it accounts for 26% of the Seminary’s $3.5 million budget. It truly takes a community to grow a church leader. I am excited to be at PLTS serving as the Dean (and “chief administrative officer”). My new call began on January 6th and already I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet some of you. I welcome the chance to get to know you more and meet you, if we have not yet had the chance. Know that PLTS is committed to maintaining its distinct identity, ethos and mission as a seminary of the ELCA as we live into our new identity as a graduate school of CLU. Exciting new things are coming – two new faculty members in fall 2014, expanded learning opportunities for students, pastors, and laity, and providing intentional space for exploring more global perspectives on faith and theology in the public sphere as we explore the future of theological education. My door is always open. Please email me at or call 510-559-2710 if you’d like to meet sometime! With joy and gratitude, Rev. Dr. Karen L. Bloomquist 66 2013 Annual Report Peace Community Center is a place of community, committed to the empowerment of children and young adults. The Center provides the skills and support needed for each to reach their God-given potential with the goals that: 1. All students graduate high school college ready; 2. All students graduate from a post-secondary program; and 3. All students commit to serving their community. Last year, 320 elementary, middle school, high school & post-secondary students received 27,312 hours of instructions and 5,700 Community Meals were served. INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE? Check out JOURNEY TO THE HILLTOP: URBAN IMMERSION OPPORTUNITY Looking for something for your group to do this summer? Your group of youth and/or adults will have a 3-day (Friday-Sunday) or 6-day urban immersion experience with Peace Lutheran Church and Peace Community Center to: LEARN about the ministries of Peace Lutheran Church & Peace Community Center; EXPERIENCE & SERVE Tacoma’s diverse Hilltop neighborhood; REFLECT on what you are called to do in the world as a follower of Jesus; & APPLY your new knowledge to your home congregation & community. SUMMER 2014 DATES STILL AVAILABLE! Email or call Kerri Pedrick, Director of Servant Leadership at or 253.383.0702 Registrations must be made at lead 4 weeks in advance. Participants must provide their own transportation. THANK YOU FOR WALKING WITH US: Serving and Supporting 352 volunteers helped last year—many from the following congregations & faith-based agencies. Agnus Dei Lutheran Church Lutheran Church of Christ the King Spanaway Lutheran Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Celebration Lutheran Church Mount Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Leo's Parish Creator Lutheran Church Mountain View Lutheran Church St. Mark Lutheran Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church One Hope Church St. Mark's Lutheran Church by the Narrows Faith Lutheran Church Our Savior Lutheran Church St. Rita of Cascia First Lutheran Evangelical Church Peace Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church Ft. Lewis Samoan Christian Church Peninsula Lutheran Church University Place Presbyterian Church Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Pacific Lutheran University Campus Ministries Zion Lutheran Church Hope Lutheran Church Resurrection Lutheran Church 67 Lutheran Community Services Northwest partners with individuals, families and communities for health, justice and hope. Report to the 2014 Southwestern Washington Synod Assembly Every day the staff and volunteers of Lutheran Community Services Northwest partner with individuals, families and communities to help them reach “new horizons” and achieve health, justice and hope. Thousands of people across the Northwest are helped each year through a wide range of programs provided by our agency, addressing specific needs in each of the communities we serve. These include: - Mental Health & Alcohol/Drug Counseling - Immigration & Refugee Services - Foster Care & Adoption Services - Senior & Disability Services - Family & Community Support Services We serve communities across SW Washington through offices in Tacoma, Bremerton, Port Angeles and Vancouver. Our Support U (caregiver support) program serves people across the Northwest and beyond. LCS is guided by a dedicated group of individuals who represent our Church and community stakeholders on our Board of Directors. We want to express our appreciation to: - Terri Austin-Randolph of Silverdale - SW Washington Synod Representative - Richard Tietjen of University Place – At-Large Representative It is our privilege to be your social outreach ministry. There are many ways you and your congregation can be a partner with LCS in health, justice and hope: ♥ Support the work of LCS through your charitable donations. ♥ Volunteer your time and talents to help LCS provide services in your community. ♥ Include LCS in your congregation’s outreach or benevolence budget. ♥ Provide food, clothing, furniture and other needs of children and families served by LCS. ♥ Contact your elected representatives and advocate for sufficient resources for human services. You can find more information about our offices and services, and learn how you can lend your support, by visiting our website at Beginning July 1st David Duea will take over the leadership of our organization as the new President/CEO. He will discover, as I have, what a wonderful privilege it is to be called and serve in the life-changing ministry of Lutheran Community Services Northwest. I look forward to retirement but look back on over 30 years with gratitude and wonder of how God has enriched my own life and the lives of all who partner with us for health, justice, and hope. The success of our agency over the years would not be possible without the support and partnership of individuals and congregations across SW Washington and the Pacific Northwest. You help our agency, and those we serve, reach new horizons. Thank you! Roberta Nestaas, President/CEO 68 2013 Annual Report of Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries During what proved to be a year of transition, Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries (NPNM) continued to educate, nurture and network faith community nurses and health ministers to promote wholeness through faith communities. We offered Foundations in Faith Community Nursing classes in Portland and Hillsboro, OR, Bellingham, Tacoma and the Tri-Cities, WA, Billings, MT and Cheyenne, WY, where approximately 100 graduates joined the ranks of over 800 Faith Community Nurses and Health Ministers in the Pacific Northwest. NPNM partners with nearly 1400 congregations in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California. In addition we piloted a new three-hour curriculum to start or invigorate health ministry outreach, entitled, Jump Start Your Health Ministries, provided resources for: a congregational brain wellness program, transitional care, welcoming home war veterans and evidenced-based health programs. Our growing partnership with Henry Ford Macomb Health System in Detroit helps NPNM members document on a secure web-based platform the work that they do and the difference they make. The individual congregation and aggregated network reports give us data about the people we serve, time spent, areas addressed, interventions, referrals and outcomes. It is probably no surprise that we deal mostly with an aging population Time is spent on congregational wellness, home and hospital visits and activities dealing with general health issues. The focus is on the physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of health. Interventions include a combination of active listening, prayer, presence, promoting understanding and providing information and referral. Expanded use of this documentation will continue to provide valuable information on this important ministry. As stated earlier, this has been a year of transition. We suffered significant financial constraints, making it necessary to reduce staff to one employee, laying off the Education Coordinator at the end of June. Then suddenly we were left with a leadership void when our Executive Director of two years resigned last July. At the same time, we were homeless without a specific location for our office. In spite of the setback, we managed two successful scaled-down fundraising events in Seattle and Portland in October and plan similar events this year on the weekend of October 17-18, with Terry Hershey as our speaker. Coinciding with these events, the board hired a new part time Executive Director, Mary Cornils Baich, who started at the end of October, 2013. In January of this year, the board asked Bruce Strade, a former executive director, to become president of the board. Once again we have space at Emanuel hospital, so are no longer homeless. Our vision is to: educate a new generation of Faith Community Nurses and Health Ministers; develop collaborations and partnerships with health care providers; assist faith communities in supporting healthy life styles; expand outreach into our communities; and document more effectively how we make a difference. We know that this work is important because research shows that when a church has an active health ministry, the outreach of the church grows and the well-being of its members improves. Thank you for your support of our ministry. God bless you. Mary Cornils Baich Executive Director 2801 N. Gantenbein Ave. #2027 • Portland, OR 97227 • 503-413-4920 69
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