January 18, 2015 Bulletin


January 18, 2015 Bulletin
St. Michael Parish
1600 S. Marion Road Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Office 361-1600
Fax 361-4350
School 361-0021
Cimply Putting It…
When will we ever learn?...Probably one of the greatest testimonies of the fact of original sin and how we fail to learn
from our past, is the problem of racism in our world. Today
it has rekindled in many of our cities in the USA. What has
our history taught us? Have we really learned anything from
our past?
Monday we honor Martin Luther King. If you ask somebody
who Martin Luther King, Jr. was, or if you go by what you
might hear or read in the media, you will probably be told
that he was a great civil rights leader and social activist.
This is true. But at the heart of it, Martin Luther King was a
Christian pastor—he was an American Baptist Minister.
One of King’s favorite terms was what he called the “Beloved
Community”. As he promoted justice, his goal was not to
defeat his opponents, not to bring down the oppressors, but to
bring about reconciliation. As a minister he often prayed for
his enemies.
One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King comes from an essay
he wrote called “The World House”. Here’s a part of it.
“Some years ago a famous novelist died. Among his papers
was found a list of suggested plots for future stories, the most
prominently underscored being this one: “A widely separated
family inherits a house in which they have to live together.”
This is the great new problem of humankind. We have inherited a large house, a great ‘world house’ in which we have to
live together—black and white, Easterner and Westerner,
Gentile and Jew, Catholic and Protestant, Moslem and
Hindu—a family unduly separated in ideas, culture and interest, who because we can never again live apart, must learn
somehow to live with each other in peace...All inhabitants of
the globe are now neighbors.”
Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which
all people share in the goodness of the earth. In the Beloved
Community, poverty, hunger, and homelessness will not be
tolerated because human decency will not allow it. Racism,
bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive
spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution
and reconciliation of adversaries instead of military power.
Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. As early as
1956—I was just 4 years old—King spoke of the Beloved
Community as the end goal.
Some of King’s detractors like to point out that he was a human being, that he had faults, and human foibles. This is
true. He was certainly not a saint. He made mistakes in
JANUARY 18, 2015
judgment. He put his marriage to the test. He suffered from
human facilities, like anxiety and depression. But Christianity proclaims a God who came to us as we are, accepted us as
we are, forgave us and gave us new life, and thus revealed
that we do not have to be perfect in order to be loved by God.
It is often in suffering where we come together. I remember a
story of a news correspondent who told about a time when
there was a bomb that exploded in Israel. Bloodied people
were everywhere. A man came running up to the correspondent holding a little girl in his arms. He pleaded with him to
take her to the hospital. As a member of the press he would
be able to get through the security cordon that had been
thrown around the explosion scene. They jumped into his car
and rushed to the hospital. The whole time the man was
pleading with the correspondent to drive faster. Sadly the
little girl’s injuries were too great and she died in the hospital. When the doctor came out to give them the news the man
collapsed in tears. The correspondent was lost for words.
Finally he said, “I don't know what to say. I can’t imagine
what you must be going through. I never lost a child.” But
the man said, “Oh, no! That girl is not my daughter. I’m
Israeli. She was Palestinian. But there comes a time when
each of us must realize that every child, regardless of that
child's background, is a daughter or a son. There comes a
time when we realize that we are all family.”
I wonder if I’ll ever see that time?
Two items for your consideration...First, if you have not yet
scheduled a sitting for our new St. Michael pictorial directory, would you do so? You can schedule a time online on
our Parish website or by calling the Parish office. Remember
there is no cost to you and you receive a free picture and a
new directory.
Second, in celebration of the 125th anniversary of our Diocese, Bishop Swain will be celebrating an all Diocesan
Catholic School Mass at the arena this Wednesday at 11:30
a.m. If your schedule permits, please join us. It is to celebrate Catholic Schools Week and Bishop Swain has always
wanted to attempt to get all the Catholic School children in
our Diocese together for a Mass. It promises to be a wonderful celebration.
I feel so privileged to be part of this great family of St. Michael Parish. We are called together each weekend. Called
to follow the Lord together, called to live together in this Beloved Community. May it be so. Amen.
Make it a great week. clc
St. Michael Parish News
Catholic Schools Week - All Diocesan Catholic School Mass
Please join us on Wednesday, January 21 at
the Sioux Falls Arena as we celebrate a kick
off to Catholic Schools Week with an AllDiocesan Catholic Schools Mass – celebrated by Bishop
Paul Swain. Begins at 10:30 with praise and worship music,
followed by Mass beginning at 11:30. Join the 4000 Catholic
Schools Students from throughout the diocese as we pay tribute to their heritage of their Catholic Education. Parents,
grandparents and all interested individuals are invited and
encouraged to attend! We would like to extend a special invitation to all alumni of Catholic Schools to join us for this event!
What a beautiful way to celebrate our Legacy of Faith!
Please RSVP your planned attendance by visiting
www.sfcatholic.org/125thAnniversary and click on the Diocesan School.
Altar Server & Book/Cross
Bearer Training—Rescheduled:
Wednesday, January 28th
See you then!
Welcoming all people in need . . .
Now making its home in the Bishop
Dudley Hospitality House, the Good
Shepherd Center is a non-profit, ecumenical ministry which offers daytime
shelter and services for people who are homeless, poor, or newly
arrived in our community. The people of St. Michael
Attention Men of St. Michael Parish!
Join us for our “That Man Is You” program.
We meet on Wednesday mornings from 6:00-7:30a.m.
(Breakfast at 6 - program at 6:15)
Join dozens of other men for Year 2 of the That Man Is You
program. We have breakfast at 6, watch a video presentation and then discuss the contents with those at our table.
This is a great opportunity to become a better
husband, father and man of faith.
Call Deacon John with questions: 361-1600.
In Sympathy
Let us remember in our prayers this week:
╬ Leona Nyberg
╬ Marge Johnson
╬ Marge Price, mother of Tom
╬ Bill Estlund, husband of Rose
Volunteers for all ministries are in short supply at 6:00 Mass
on Sunday, especially ushers and Eucharistic Ministers. If
you would be willing to be scheduled to serve at this Mass occasionally, please let us know! If you are new and need training,
we would offer it at your convenience. Please contact us:
sylvia@stmichaelsfsd.org or 361-1600 x205.
Want to come with me?
This Thursday, Jan. 22nd, is the 42nd
anniversary of the legalization of abortion in our country. Please let me know if you
would like to join me at any of the following:
5:30 Mass at St. Therese
6:00 Gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches and soup
7:00 First Assembly of God Church:
-Program featuring Fr. Greg Tschakert, pastor
of St. Katharine Drexel
-Prayerful walk to Planned Parenthood
-Hot chocolate and fellowship back at First
Assembly of God
provide a noontime meal once a month.
We are in need of volunteers:
1. One person to help organize this effort each month.
2. Several people to help prepare the meal on the Monday before the 4th Tuesday of the month, at noon in the church kitchen
- scheduled about once every 3 months.
Please contact Sylvia in the parish
office if you can help:
361-1600 x205
Contact me in the parish office-Sylvia
Gather for an hour of prayer for the strengthening of our
families. Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at
7:15pm in the Daily Mass Chapel at St. Michael Church.
R.C.I.A. welcomes ALL who want to learn
more about our Catholic faith.
Zumba at 5:30pm and Weight Watchers at 6:30pm
in the Multi-Purpose Room on Monday evenings.
Come join us!!
Both Influenza and measles present with a fever, runny nose and
 Measles is a highly contagious viral disease prevented by a vaccine. Vaccines are highly effective. Death can occur due to
 Though the influenza vaccine is not the correct strain for this
year's flu, it does have potentially partial protection and does
provide protection against the other strains. Highest at risk are
children younger than 2, adults 65 years & older, and persons
with other chronic medical conditions.
PLEASE STAY HOME if you or your child is ill with a fever.
Sunday evenings at 7:15 in the
Oxford Room (Door ‘B’)
This Week: Walk Through the Mass
Next Week: Penance and Anointing of the Sick
No need to register ~~ Please, just come!
Daily readings: Jan. 19 —Jan. 25
Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 2:18-22
Hebrews 6:10-20; Mark 2:23-28
Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; Mark 3:1-6
Hebrews 7:25-8:6; Mark 3:7-12
Hebrews 8:6-13; Mark 3:13-19
Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14; Mark 3:20-21
Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20
High School Youth
JANUARY DATES: 21 and 28.
To be part of the youth group all you have to do is show
up in the Youth Room at 6:30pm on most Wednesday’s
ready to have a little fun, faith and fellowship!
Ski Trip
Friday February 13th.
Forms available on the youth bulletin
board and are due by Feb. 1!
Looking forward to Summer?
Grow in Faith while attending one of
these Son and sun filled trips!
Mission Trip to Philadelphia - June 5-15
High School Discipleship Camp
June 15-18 or June 29-July 2
Junior High Discipleship Camp - July 6-9
Steubenville Conference in St Louis - July 16-20
Forms are available on the Youth Bulletin Board.
Space is limited.
Fundraising is possible if you sign up early.
Contact Rhonda with Questions.
Adam Martin’s Eagle Scout project is to collect shoes of all
types, sizes, and colors for Mission-Haiti. You may drop off
your new or gently used shoes in the
box provided in the Commons through
February 1st. Thank you for sharing
with our Haitian brothers and sisters.
Presentation Sisters Catholic School Scholarship Applications
In keeping with the Presentation Sisters belief and commitment to Catholic education, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be accepting applications for Presentation Sisters Catholic School Scholarships. We will be awarding
35 K-12 tuition assistance scholarships and 3 high school full tuition scholarships
for the 2015-2016 school year. Catholic School pastors and principals in the
Sioux Falls Diocese have received the application forms for the upcoming school
year. We invite any interested student to complete the application process. You
can visit www.presentationsisters.org to print application forms. If you have any
questions, please contact Sister Phyllis Gill, Vocation Director 605-2298414 or pgill@presentationsisters.org.
Important Dates
Jan. 21 - 1st thru 8th Religious Education Class
Jan. 21 - Confirmation Rehearsal & Reconciliation @7:15pm
Jan. 25 - Confirmation at Cathedral @1:30pm
Jan. 25 - 9th Grade Religious Education Class @4pm
Jan. 28 - 1st thru 8th Religious Education Class
Jan. 28 - 5th & 6th Gr. Server Training @5:30pm & 7pm (rescheduled)
 Jan.
 Jan.
19 - NO School - Teacher In-Service
21 - Diocesan-wide Catholic Schools Mass @Arena
 Jan. 23 - Kindergarten Free Screening
 Jan. 30 - School Mass @8:15am in the Nave
Prepared by Mrs. Diedrich’s 1st Grade Students
 Wondering if your child is ready for Preschool or Kindergarten?
Please call the school office (361-0021) to schedule a free DIAL
Readiness Screening.
 Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will open on Monday, February. 16th. Please call the school office (361-0021) for
info and to set up a tour.
Pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families, Pope Francis visit & Papal
Mass. Travel with others from the diocese for a once in a lifetime pilgrimage
to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, Sept. 22-27. Enjoy a week
of spiritual enrichment, prayer, engaging speakers, breakout sessions, and the
opportunity to join Pope Francis in his first visit to the U.S. and attend a Papal
Mass. Visit www.sfcatholic.com/respectlife for more info or call 988-3755.
Pray For Life w/Bishop Paul Swain Pray in front of Planned Parenthood on W. 41st
St. on Jan. 20th @12:00noon. If you are unable to attend, consider joining in prayer in
your own parish. To learn more or to sign up to pray, visit www.sfcatholic.org/respectlife.
City-wide Sanctity of Human Life Memorial Service & Prayer Walk. Thursday,
Jan. 22 @7pm. All are welcome to attend this program remembering the unborn
children of Roe verses Wade. Join others in this ecumenical, non-denominational
prayer service followed by optional prayer walk to Planned Parenthood. Held at
SF First Assembly of God Church 6300 W 41st St. Call 361-3500 for details.
If you’ve ever wondered what life is like at O’Gorman High School, you’re not
alone. On Mon., Jan. 26th @7pm in the Lorang Theatre, you can find all the answers at the O’GHS Open House & Activities Fair! Ask questions, get answers,
and learn more about our Mission. Come visit with our staff, counselors, coaches,
and even students. Families are welcome. We hope to see you there!
Coffee with Chris. Chris Burgwald will be presenting a talk on Public and Private
Revelation: How God Reveals Himself to Us. Please join us to hear from Chris about
the different ways God speaks to us and the difference it makes. Sat., Jan, 31st in the
Gathering Space at St. Katharine Drexel from 9-11am. Although registration is not
required, if you know you are coming, please call the office at 275-6870 to register.
“Thomas Merton: His Journey & Legacy” at the Benedictine Peace Center Sat.,
Jan. 31, 9am-noon, marking the 100th anniversary of Merton’s birth. Come reflect with us
on the 100thanniversary of his birth. Register at jeanne.ranek@mtmc.edu / 668-6292. For
more info and to download a brochure, visit: www.yanktonbenedictines.org/center-events/.
Retreat Day: “Managing Stress-Avoiding Depression” Sat., Feb. 7 from 10am-3pm in
Watertown, SD at Immaculate Conception. For more info or to register, call 800-700-7867.
What should you get your spouse for Valentine's Day? Jewelry? Flowers? Spend
your Valentine's Day getting to know your sweetie on a deeper level, and learning how to
experience God's love for you through your spouse. Marriage Encounter Weekend is being
hosted at Abbey of the Hills, Feb. 13-15th. Go to sdwwme.org or call 362-0924 to register.
SFCS Position Openings: Admissions Coordinator: FT/Year Round for
SFCS; After School Teacher Asst: PT/Seasonal for St. Lambert and for St.
Katharine Drexel; Substitute Custodian; All positions posted on SFCS website:
www.sfcss.org. Apply by phone to: Human Resources, SFCS- 575-3350.
Retrouvaille: Help for Troubled & Strained Marriages. The next weekend is Feb. 2728, Mar. 1. @The Abbey of the Hills near Marvin, S.D. This is a confidential weekend
that offers hope and help for couples to heal and renew their marriage relationship. To register and for general info visit: www.retrouvaille.org or call 988-3755.
Monday & Tuesday 5:30 pm
Wednesday – Saturday 8:15 am
Saturday 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00–9:30–11:00 am- 6:00 pm
Supervised Nursery at
9:30 & 11am Masses
Nursery open for all Masses
Monday & Tuesday 5:00 pm
Thursday 7:45 am Saturday 3:00 – 3:45 pm
Preparation for Baptism is by appointment with one
of our Parish Priests or Deacon. Please call the
parish office to schedule an appointment.
Begin 6 months ahead by appointment
“Can you spend one hour with me in prayer?
Call 361-1600 to sign up
Monday, Jan. 19
Bible Study 10:15am
Confessions 5:00pm
Mass 5:30pm Will Schroeder (d)
Grief Support 6:30pm
Contemplative Prayer 7:00pm
Tuesday, Jan. 20
Finance Council 6:45am
Confessions 5:00pm
Mass 5:30pm Ed Behrends (d)
Kids of the Kingdom 6:15pm
Book Study 6:30pm
St Vincent dePaul Mtg. 6:30pm
Social Ministries 7:00pm
Good News 7:00pm
Hour of Prayer 7:15pm
Wednesday, Jan. 21
TMIY Mens Group 6:15am
Mass 8:15am Special Intention
1st-8th R.E. Classes
Youth Group 6:30pm
Conf. Rehearsal & Reconciliation 7:15pm
Thursday, Jan. 22
Confessions 7:45am
Mass 8:15am Dick Krenke (d)
M.O.H. 1:30pm
Adult Choir 7:00pm
Gym Leagues 7:00pm
Friday, Jan. 23
Mass 8:15am Elizabeth Skowronski (d)
Life Chain 3pm
Saturday, Jan. 24
Mass 8:15am Bill & Vi Hanlon (d)
Confessions 3:00pm
Rosary for Life 3:30pm
Mass 4:00pm Walt Kampshoff
Sunday, Jan. 25
Mass 8:00am Genevieve Fish (d)
Coffee & Donuts
Mass 9:30am Duane Reiners (d)
Mass 11:00am Jerry Westhoff (d)
Confirmation @Cathedral 1:30pm
Life Chain 3pm
9th Gr. R.E. Class 4:00pm
Mass 6:00pm For the People
R.C.I.A 7:15pm
Liturgical Ministers for the Weekend of Jan. 24/25
Jan. 24/25
Sat. 4:00pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 9:30am Sun. 11:00am Sun. 6:00pm
2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Moos, Vonnie
Johnson, Dick
Altar Servers
Arnett, Dominic
Arnett, Mercedes
Book Bearer
Hohn, Cody
Lector 1
Haiar, Jim
Lector 2
Haiar, Kim
Deacon John
Bies, Barb
Engum, Norma
Huemoeller, Lisa
EME Leader
Thuringer, Daryl
Cup to EME's
Cool, Tom
EME & Sacristan Cool, Sharon
Huemoeller, Lisa
Knudson, Maureen
Schneider, Jerry
SFCS Gift Cards Hohn, Merri
7:30 - 9:15 a.m.
Nieber, Peg
9:15 - 11:00 a.m.
Vanderberg, Liza
Schulte, Anita
Schulte, Teresa
Schulte, Kimberly
Lord, Tom
Larson, Gabe
Dingman, Abby
Dingman, Ethan
Carson, Grant
Clement, Kyle
Cihak, Jacey
Anderson, Mary Beth Serck, Lisa
Bellas, Karen
McKeown, Adrienne Dooley, Sue
Klein, Dave
Deacon John
Arnold, Jordan
Merrill, Tracee
Anderson, Mary Beth Bellas, Karen
Schulte, Nancy
Klein, Wendy
Davis, Teresa
Wieland, Leona
Larson, Gary
Heisel, Wanda
Miller, Marlene
Robinson, Chuck
Sotebeer, Jim
Stellingwerf, Deb
Terrell, Julie
Beaner, Joan
Norton, Julie
Bornitz, Mike
Olinger, Don
Sotebeer, Nate
Clement, Denise
Oppold, Terry
Larson, Terri
Serck, Lisa
Vanderberg, Liza Klein, Dan
Clement, Denise
Cink, Al
Sotebeer, Jim
Schelske, Jen
Downs, Ron
Terrell, Julie
Stellingwerf, Deb
Schulte, Nancy
Anderson, Mary Beth Crouch, Ashley
Engeman, Chuck
Knudson, Maureen Vanderberg, Liza Norton, Julie
Head Usher
Anderson, Marc
Boyd, Don
McClung, Mark
Hartmann, Dan
Emanuel, Doug
Nolz, Chuck
Olinger, Mary
Molseed, Dick
Serck, Dave
Ordal, Betty
Puthoff, Larry
Schulte, Nick
Sexton, Dick
Collection Team
Price, Tom
Good Samaritan
Breitling, Cheri
Cordell, Pat
Monday Rte. 9: Knudson, B. & M.
Monday Rte. 16: Schulte, Nancy
Meals on Wheels
Kolb, Elizabeth
Kolb, Katherine
Fogarty, Kendall
Stehly, Jill
Lange, Lisa
Deacon John
Petermann, Joyce
Stehly, Jill
Albert, Sue
Darby, Jan
Brech, Melody
Christensen, Marie
Albert, Sue
Darby, Jan
Fogarty, Jayne
Skaff, Jim
Petermann, Dave
Stehly, Brad
...Join us TODAY!!
THIS Sunday, January 18th from 9 - 11:30 a.m.
in the St. Michael Gym.
Free will donation will go to The Bishop Dudley Hospitality House
Hosted by the Knights of Columbus.
ERAs of Fun Dinner Dance
St. Michael Multi-Purpose Room
Saturday, February 7th
from 6:30 – 11:00 pm
Guess who’s coming??? Guess what’s for dinner???
You won’t want to miss it!!
Tickets on sale after Masses next weekend, Jan. 24/25.
We continue taking photos for our new Church Directory
Are you signed up? If not, please sign-up Today!!
We want your photo in our Church Directory!
You can sign-up online by going to the Parish website
(www.stmichaelsfsd.org) or call the Parish Office - 361-1600.
We hope to have everyone included in the directory, including YOU!!