MEDJUGORJE NEWS - Our Lady of Medjugorje


MEDJUGORJE NEWS - Our Lady of Medjugorje
New Zealand
Issue n°65 – September 2012
Invitation to
Creation and The
New Holiness
See page 22
For details
* Latest Messages from Our Lady (p.4)
* From the Editor – Readers’ Letters (p.5)
* To all Medjugorje followers (p.5)
* Medjugorje today: Ivan: Media push youth (p.6)
* Marija: Keep kids close (p.6)
* Both legs of sculpture now shed liquid (p.7)
* Mary seen in the sun at Apparition time (p.7)
* Marija: Medjugorje still at early stage (p.8)
* Footballer owes it all to Medjugorje (p.8)
* New Web TV show in Medjugorje fruits (p. 8)
* Blind woman saw after sun miracle (p. 9)
* News from Medjugorje (Children of Medjugorje) (p.10-12)
* Fatima visionary saw and confirmed (p.13)
* Our Lady’s call (p.14)
* The Stranger (p.15)
* My Journey is search of Jesus (p.16-17)
*Medjugorje – a most blessed and highly favoured (p.18-19)
* A special relationship with Mary (p20)
*God’s power and love
*Our reward if peace (p.22)
*Meulaboh in Aceh (p.23)
Sarah Moran, Medjugorje News
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As its name implies, the aim of this newsletter is essentially the spreading of the
messages received by the visionaries in Medjugorje, according to the wishes of Our
Please Note
The official position of the Catholic Church remains as set down by Pope Paul VI in 1966, i.e. “in matters of
private revelation, the faithful are free to promote and propagate the messages without any reference to
Church authority:
1- Provided that in doing so they willingly submit themselves to the ultimate official pronouncement of
Holy Mother Church on the matter.
2- Provided that the content of the messages does not constitute a danger to faith and morals.”
Thank you for approaching me at the Wellington Eucharistic Convention, asking for
permission to distribute copies of "Medjugorje News" in the Archdiocese of Wellington.
As with my predecessor, Cardinal Thomas Williams, I too have no objection to your
distributing copies of "Medjugorje News" in the Archdiocese of Wellington
The Medjugorje Story
On the evening of 24 June 1981, in the parish of St James in Medjugorje, six young people claimed
to have seen the Blessed Virgin Mary on Podbrdo Hill. The next day four of the six alleged another
meeting with Our Lady, and said they spoke with her. On this occasion, the four teenagers (three
girls and a boy) were joined by another young boy and a teenage girl. These six became the definitive
visionaries in Medjugorje; they are Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan
Dragicevic, Marija Pavlovic and Jakov Colo.
Since 1981, these six young people have been the centre of world attention, and medical and
scientific studies. Their principal claim is that practically every day to the present time, our Blessed
Lady has been appearing to one or more of them, and that from her they have received thousands of
messages for the parish of Medjugorje and the world. All six still claim apparitions, though only
three of them now on a daily basis, and each of the six says that he or she has received, or is in the
process of receiving, ten secrets. The first of the secrets is to be revealed to the world through
Mirjana Dragicevic, and the third is said to be concerned with a permanent sign that will
authenticate the apparitions and be a help to conversion, and will be evident to all at Medjugorje.
The visionaries say that Our Lady identifies herself to them as the Queen of Peace.
As a result of these claims, more than forty million people have visited Medjugorje from all over
the world and there have been many assertions regarding remarkable signs and wonders, cures and
spiritual healing. There is no doubt at all that those millions of people have found a pilgrimage to
Medjugorje one of the most spiritually significant experiences of their lives.
The Blessed Virgin Mary proposes a six-point programme:
1. Faith - Belief in God and in the supernatural. It is your true vision. Therefore live by it.
2. Commitment to God - Let Him direct your life. Begin by turning away from sin in true conversion and repentance.
3. Prayer - Regular Mass, monthly confession, daily rosary and dedication to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
4. Fasting - Bread and water on Fridays (and Wednesdays) if you can. If not, at least cut back or practise some other form
of self denial.
5. Peace - In your own heart, in your family and neighbourhood and workplace, in all your human relations and reaching
out to the war-stricken world.
6. The Holy Bible - We should read part of the Holy Scripture every day.
The Messages of Mary are addressed not only to Catholics but to the whole human race, regardless of
beliefs or religion.
Email Your Petitions to Medjugorje!
All petitions will be presented to Our Lady by Vicka or Ivan during one of their apparitions. Your petitions will not be
read by anyone. They are completely confidential. Only Our Lady will know their content. Please do not include any
questions when sending petitions, since we do not read them.
Email Your Petition To:
News from Medjugorje can be found at the official website:
We acknowledge and accept that the authority regarding the authenticity of apparitions, locutions and
related messages as well as all private revelations from Our Lord, Our Lady or any Saint rests with the Holy
See of Rome whose final judgement we will respect and obey.
We also affirm our total allegiance to our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, our Priests
and Bishops and our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
However, this being said, the universality of Our Lady’s messages means that
many people from other denominations or other faiths are coming to Medjugorje in great
numbers and are themselves witnesses to the Medjugorje phenomenon.
Furthermore the many conversions and miracles which happen in this wonderful
and holy place cannot be ignored.
Our Lady’s Messages
25 February, 2012
“Dear Children!
At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray
little. Read and meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life for you. I encourage and
love you, so that in God you may find your peace and the joy of living.
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
25 March, 2012
“Dear Children!
Also today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing and to call you to prayer. May prayer
become a need for you to grow more in holiness everyday. Work more on your conversion because you are far
away, little children.
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
25 April, 2012
“Dear Children!
Also today I am calling you to prayer, and may your heart, little children, open towards God as a
flower opens towards the warmth of the sun. I am with you and I intercede for all of you.
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
25 May, 2012
“Dear Children!
Also today I call you to conversion and to holiness. God desires to give you joy and peace through
prayer but you, little children, are still far away - attached to the earth and to earthly things. Therefore, I call
you anew: open your heart and your sight towards God and the things of God - and joy and peace will come to
reign in your hearts.
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
25 June, 2012
“Dear Children!
With great hope in the heart, also today I call you to prayer. If you pray, little children, you are with me
and you are seeking the will of my Son and are living it. Be open and live prayer and, at every moment, may it
be for you the savour and joy of your soul. I am with you and I intercede for all of you before my Son Jesus.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
25 July, 2012
“Dear Children!
Today I call you to the 'good'. Be carriers of peace and goodness in this world. Pray that God may give
you the strength so that hope and pride may always reign in your heart and life because you are God's children
and carriers of His hope to this world that is without joy in the heart, and is without a future, because it does
not have its heart open to God who is your salvation.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
From the Editor
I have faith in Sue Wilson, at the Institute, to
pass on her expertise to me. Wish both of us
The Year of Faith begins 11 October, 2012.
In the Acts of the Apostles, we learn that God
has opened the door of faith for the early
Church. But did you know that God has opened
the door of faith for each one us and he invites
us to step through the threshold into a deeper
relationship with him. The upcoming Year of
Faith is an opportunity for every Catholic to
turn towards Jesus Christ, encounter him in the
Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and rediscover the Faith
and Church.
Thank you to all who gave donations, It is in Our Lady’s
hands if she wishes the magazine to continue.
Thank you, thank you, thank you and may God bless you all.
Dear Friends of Medjugorje News,
Again Our Lady never fails to amaze me as to
how she manages to bring together the articles she
wants for our magazine, it all comes together at the
last minute in Her way. I see Our Lord and Lady
walking beside me in my journey and I feel
blessed. Tanya’s article talks about our reward is
peace even though we may have a hard road to
travel, but knowing that God is with us, makes the
journey so much easier. “My yoke is easy, my
burden is light.”
Our Lord has invited me to pursue, through
distance learning Catholic Institute of NZ, the Introduction to
the Old Testament. I am still amazed at how this all came
about, but am trusting in Him to help me through it.
I haven’t done any study for a lot of years but I am convinced
that you can’t teach something, that you do not understand
yourself. With this learning, I am required to read so much of
God’s word, seems that was his master plan all along. Anyhow,
Sarah Moran
We wish to remind our readers that we would like them to contact us at least once every two years to
ensure that they are still interested in receiving our magazine.
Failure to do so entails the risk of your name being deleted from our mailing list.
Readers’ Letters
To All Medjugorje Followers
As the pilgrimages to Medjugorje have been ongoing for
some 30 years now, I am wondering just what New Zealand
pilgrims are doing to spread Our Lady’s messages. In
Hamilton, for example, over the last 5 years we have been
having an anniversary celebration of a Rosary and Mass on
the 25 June each year. We started off with a Mass at the
small parish of Saint Matthews with about 30 people at our
first celebration in 2007, culminating with over 100 people at
our recent celebration at the Hamilton Cathedral. Bishop
Denis Browne was the main celebrant at our recent
In New Zealand, then, we are following the worldwide trend
of both priests and bishops getting involved with the laity in
spreading the Medjugorje messages. Whilst the Church has
not approved the Medjugorje apparitions as authentic at this
stage, it nevertheless encourages our priests to support
those of us who believe and go as pilgrims to that holy place.
As not a lot of information is forthcoming as to what others in
New Zealand are doing to promote Medjugorje, I am
interested in hearing just what other parishes are doing or
are involved with in spreading Our Lady’s messages,
information that should be forthcoming via pilgrimage groups.
I would be interested, then, in members of those parishes
contacting me with a view to me determining the New
Zealand participation. From that information, we may be able
to form a Medjugorje centre of information for interested
parties. I note that this is the format taken in other countries,
which appears to be successful.
I understand that a Medjugorje visionary has been to New
Zealand on four occasions. The renowned author of several
books on Medjugorje, Wayne Weible, a previous Protestant,
has also been to New Zealand. Who and how were these
visits organised and at what cost? I ask these questions with
a view to inviting these people to come again. Why?
Because there are still many people in New Zealand who
have never heard of Medjugorje. Would there be sufficient
interest in New Zealand to invite either of these people? I
need your input to determine this.
Please help me to assess the New Zealand involvement in
Medjugorje. I can be contacted at:
Bob Gill
Humility says, “I am nothing, I have nothing.” Charity says, “I desire nothing but Jesus.” You
must never lose these two companions, neither will they consent to be separated from each
other, for they agree lovingly together, and the deeper you establish yourself in humility the
higher you will advance in charity, for the more you see and feel yourself to be nothing the
more ardently you will see and love Jesus, that by Him who is All you may become
something. - Blessed Henry Suso (1295-1366)
Ivan: Media push Youth into blindness
25 April, 2012
Media influence a downfall and push the young into a many outside sources – television, radio, media – are
valley of blindness, visionary Ivan Dragicevic told a packed influencing the downfall. And it is pushing the young people
church in Ohio, USA, on April 21. Forgiveness is needed for into a valley of blindness” Ivan said.
Well-being takes forgiveness. Compared to previous
even physical well-being, he further told a crowd that came
from far away for his talk and a 10 minutes long apparition. lectures, the visionary raised a rare or even new point in
People traveled to Chagrin Falls, Ohio, from as far away as talking about how forgiveness is necessary for even the
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (431 miles) and Toronto, Canada physical well-being of man. “We need to know how to forgive
(475 miles) to hear Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic – and to forgive oneself and to forgive others. Without
speak in Holy Angels Catholic Church on April 21. The large forgiveness, we cannot get well spiritually, physically, or
church accommodated 900 people, and it was estimated that emotionally. The Holy Spirit and prayer are needed to learn
there were 150 people standing. Ivan’s apparition lasted 10 how to forgive” Ivan told the attendees.
The seer next turned to talking about prayer, the Virgin
minutes during which the Virgin Mary prayed over all the
Mary’s foremost message in Medjugorje: “Our Lady has said
attendees in her Aramaic mother tongue.
The visionary said, in quoting the Virgin Mary, that parents many times over the years, to “pray, pray, pray,” but she
do not pray with their children, and there is no time for each does not want us praying by habit or by looking at the watch
other in families. Introducing this theme led Ivan to talk about that you may finish as soon as possible”. “She wants us to
the negative influence of media, especially on young people. set aside a time every day for prayer and to pray from the
“Parents do not have time for their children and children don’t heart, which means “to pray from love and with love, to pray
have time for their parents. There is no love in families and with your whole being, so that our prayer can be a meeting
there is not enough fidelity within marriages. Every second, with Jesus”. If we pray like that, we will be filled with peace
third marriage is falling apart, and so many broken families, and joy” Ivan said. He added that religious vocations will
and tired families, and morality is on the downside”. “So come
Spirit of Medjugorje editor June Klins reported from Chagrin Falls
Marija: Keep kids close to have them pray
26 April, 2012
Passing on the Virgin Mary’s message to Radio Maria on be necessary to keep them near you. At least I did it that
April 25 led visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti to reflect on way.” The Medjugorje visionary, a mother of four sons, also
teaching prayer to children. She recounted how she had advised a playful approach to teaching children faith and
done with her own, and gave other practical advice on how to prayer: “I remember a friend who was a monk who brought
make the most of May, the Virgin Mary’s month.
me a Gospel for children, with a handle. All four of them used
Throughout her time in Medjugorje, the Virgin Mary has it with great joy. Finding a book, a coloured Rosary, or telling
urged families to pray the Rosary together. But how to find them stories might be attractive to them. This could be a tip
the time, how to begin, and how to teach prayer to children? for the mothers” Marija told Radio Maria.
Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti got to touch on
Mary asks for the whole family to pray the Rosary; children
all of these issues and more on Wednesday when she was with parents and parents with children? “Yes, Our Lady
on the phone to Radio Maria to pass on the Virgin Mary’s asked us all. Many times my children say “we’ll do two
message of April 25, a message that came with this wording: Rosaries” I’d say a little at a time – like the Italian proverb:
“Dear children! Also today I am calling you to prayer, and ‘You gain appetite by eating’. At first we might not be in the
may your heart, little children, open towards God as a flower habit, it is difficult. Start out, then add thoughts on how much
opens towards the warmth of the sun. I am with you and I you love, somewhat like lovers. It could be the Hail Mary but
intercede for all of you. Thank you for having responded to it could be a thousand other ways.”
my call.”
One such way could be blending prayer into daily activities,
“Many mothers ask ‘About reciting the Rosary, what should the visionary said: “I might have to drive and I’d be praying
we do with our kids?’ Radio Maria founder Padre Livio the Rosary or maybe while I cook. Once, a Mexican bishop
Fanzaga asked the visionary in their short subsequent said ‘the Rosary can be washed, ironed, and cooked’,
conversation. “I have seen that the important thing is that meaning you can work and pray. Certainly it is preferable to
they are near you. Then by praying you are giving them an have a specific place and maybe a little altar.” “In the early
example. A mother with small children cannot demand that years (the Virgin Mary) asked our parish to place the Bible in
they pray a complete Rosary. You might say at some point a visible place, but also a chapel or nitch area to be calm.
“Let’s pray ten mysteries” but later it is not necessary any Normally the tv is the centre of the house, but if you could
more. It becomes a part of life” Marija said. “When they are have a tiny altar in the centre it would stimulate prayer”
tiny, you might have to say ‘It is prayer time’, and a toy might Marija said.
By Jakob Marschner
Mirjana: Christianity is not about bans
28 April, 2012
Mirjana took the opportunity to address an incorrect notion
Many young people are afraid to follow Jesus because they
think it will keep them away from all the fun. But it is only of the Christian faith which she has found among the youth,
what hurts you that is forbidden, visionary Mirjana local newspaper Fatto Diritto reports. “Many young people
Dragicevic-Soldo tells 5,000 people in a packed Italian sports are afraid to follow Jesus because they think that if they
hall. People came from all over central Italy to hear her in follow Jesus all that is fun is forbidden, but I always say that
Ancona. It does not take an apparition to fill a sports arena is not true – that nothing is forbidden, only that which hurts
for a Medjugorje event in Italy. A lecture from one of the you is banned” Mirjana said, referring to sin.
The parking lot outside the sports hall Pala Baldinelli was
seers can have the same effect, visionary Mirjana
Dragicevic-Soldo saw along with 5,000 people in Osimo overcrowded with cars. So were the streets next to the hall,
writes local newspaper Cronache Anconetane.
close to Ancona on April 25.
By Jakob Marschner
Both legs of sculpture now shed liquid
9 May, 2012
With liquid dripping from one knee, the bronze sculpture of occasions as well. Several times, the dripping has stopped
the Risen Christ has been a mystery in Medjugorje since for extended periods of time. One such occasion in 2010
2001. While the nature of the liquid is itself mysterious, the coincided with Medjugorje receiving large amounts of rain,
mystery as such has just increased, for these days the weakening a theory that the watery substance could be rain
unknown substance flows from both legs of the sculpture.
dripping out from inside the sculpture. On another occasion,
Almost 11 years after one of the knees of the Risen Christ a large group of pilgrims witnessed how the substance was
sculpture in Medjugorje first started to shed a tear-like liquid, suddenly red and no longer clear: “My friend Drago who lives
even returning pilgrims are surprised by the sculpture these in Medjugorje has informed me that this past week a man
days: Now the watery substance comes from both legs. “Yes, took a paper napkin and reached to take a drop of oil from
it is true. Water is coming from both legs now. The new drip the Risen Christ statue. When he looked at the napkin it is
is actually just above the knee, on the lower thigh. The new reported that the napkin was full of blood. A minimum of 50
drip is stronger than the older one” film-maker and Queen of people witnessed this. Some screamed in fear and some
Peace Productions founder Sean Bloomfield reports from said, “It’s a miracle” Medjugorje USA reported by that time.
Vatican experts have been rumoured to have analyzed the
With all the people in Medjugorje now, having both knees substance, but neither Rome nor the parish of Medjugorje
dripping sure helps in the crowd flow!” he adds on the have ever confirmed such analysis to have taken place. The
discussion board at Medjugorje Live where another pilgrim statue is a replica of the 277 centimetre silver sculpture “The
just back from Medjugorje likewise tells to have witnessed Resurrection”, sculpted by Andrej Ajdic and presented to
the substance dripping from both sculpture legs. The Pope John Paul II on the occasion of his 1996 visit to
sculpture has shown to be unpredictable on previous Slovenia.
By Jakob Marschner
Mary seen in the sun at Apparition time
17 May, 2012
A former Italian bank manager says he saw the Virgin Mary Tirreno Grosseto. “Some began to cry, some to pray, some
in a sun spectacle in Medjugorje on April 27. Wearing a blue were still walking as if nothing had happened. I realized I was
cloak, the Virgin stood forth in the sun just about the time the crying. And I took off my glasses, and I left myself to watch
daily apparition begins, Luciano Giglioni testifies. Group of the sun changing color continuously for at least half an hour.
other Italian pilgrims also saw the sun wonder.
Just as it started, then everything went back to normal, with
Along with a group of Italian pilgrims, Luciano Giglioni from only the ‘normal’ heaven, and apparently ‘normal’ people” the
Castel del Piano witnessed a 30 minutes sun wonder in retired bank manager says. Saying he will always have
Medjugorje on April 27. Giglioni says he saw the Virgin Mary emotions tied to the event, Giglioni has spent a while since
in the sun minutes before 5.40 pm when three Medjugorje April 27 trying to make sense of what happened: “Imagine
visionaries have their daily apparition. “When we went down my surprise when I tried to rationalize the event. What had I
Apparition Hill, the sun had become so bright that its light seen? What did we see? How did I look at the sun without
took much of the sky. Then suddenly it started to throb and sunglasses all the time, and not take any damage to my
turn on itself, and then split into two. And you could see the eyesight?” Luciano Giglioni recounts. “I am only giving a
image of the Virgin Mary dressed in a blue cloak, and a witness, and this means that I must stick to the facts of what I
purple Cross” Luciano Giglioni tells regional newspaper Il experienced on April 27 at about 17.30.”
By Jakob Marschner
Marija: Medjugorje still at early stage
27 June, 2012
Clear majority of first time pilgrims, new conversions and Medjugorje and told of a very joyful atmosphere at the 31st
fresh messages from the Virgin Mary show the events of anniversary: “We just got back from the Mass. At the end,
Medjugorje are still in their first phase after 31 years, says after we sang Hail Queen of Peace, there was a grand
visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. Mary’s heart is big enough applause as a big thank you to Our Lady. With the joy in our
to embrace the whole world, Marija adds in Radio Maria talk. hearts of 31 years of her presence and the gift that God gave
31 years after the first apparitions, the events of Medjugorje us” the visionary said. - Was she happy this evening? “Joyful
are yet to develop beyond their initial stage, visionary Marija and with a heart big enough to embrace the whole world, not
Pavlovic-Lunetti affirmed to Radio Maria on June 25. just us.“ “We are praying and living the joy of 31 years of
“Despite the 31 years, would you say Medjugorje is still in the apparitions. Last night we stayed up as a thanks for all Jesus
first phase?” Radio Maria director Fr. Livio Fanzaga asked. gives us” Marija said.
Hill has lost rocks.
Always fond of anecdotes, the
“True. We can tell from her “fresh” messages, and that 80
percent of the visitors are here for the first time. People are visionary also found time for one on June 25: “A Spanish
still coming from afar and converting, being healed, some priest asked for a personal gift. I said fine and gave him a
beginning to walk the path of saints” Marija answered. - rock from Apparition Hill, something from Our Lady. Seems
Many priests regain enthusiasm. “True, and I still find them like I gave a thousand away. Now the hill has less. They
saying “I would have been finished if not for Medjugorje.” have gone to all parts of the world” Marija told. - Yes, the hill
They live the joy of God and transmit it. ”Mary’s heart can seems to have lost some. “Our Lady was generous to
embrace the world. Marija was on the phone from choose a hill with so many rocks.”
By Jakob Marschner
Footballer owes it all to Medjugorje
8 July,
All good in my life happened because of Medjugorje,
former Croatian football national player Mate Bilic testifies.
He has come to Medjugorje all his life and now regularly
visits with his children, attempting to teach them faith and
moral values in a world where he feels both are threatened.
While football player Mate Bilic has fans in Croatia and in
Spain where he plays for Sporting de Gijon, the player
himself is a fan of Medjugorje where he visits regularly. “The
prayerful atmosphere of peace, and peace that I feel in my
heart amazes me. I come with many problems, and leave
peaceful and blessed. If I do not come for a long time, I feel a
longing and need to come. We use most every opportunity to
come” Mate Bilic tells Radio Mir Medjugorje. “It is always
there, in my heart, and I gladly testify about it” he says of
Medjugorje. In games I regularly wear a shirt with the image
of Our Lady of Medjugorje because all good in my life
happened because of Medjugorje. People have recognized
this. Many Spanish people are very enthusiastic about this
place.” Born in Split little more than half a year before the
apparitions began in Medjugorje, the 31 years old centre
forward is a long-time visitor to Medjugorje. “Even when I
was a child I came with my family, and now I come every
year with my wife and children. This is simply a place where
people gather strength to go further, and it strengthens
families. Medjugorje is outwardly quite changed, though I feel
that the spirit has remained the same” Mate Bilic says. I
believe in God, and we all have moments of crisis in life. The
real way out of this crisis is prayer in the family. We are all
witnesses of how the family is now threatened, and therefore
the Church. We see the threats especially to the family unit.”
“Our values are built into us, and we are trying to convey
them to our children. It is important that children from an
early age learn what is important for us Christians” he says.
His wish of teaching faith to his children is one more reason
why Mate Bilic often returns to Medjugorje. “Today young
people are pressured to think that the Church, prayer and the
Sacraments are not important, and that they are outdated. In
fact, those who practice religion in any way are often
ridiculed. I try to educate my children in the religious life, and
provide them with moral values” Bilic tells Radio Mir
Medjugorje. “I believe that young people can only grow into a
moral persons with God’s help. The difficulties are great, and
we devote much time to the family. We often call upon Our
Lady of Medjugorje to help us.”
By Jakob Marschner
New Web TV Show on Medjugorje Fruits
16 July, 2012
Ordinary people’s not so ordinary experiences in testimonies with “Fruit of Medjugorje”, to be aired every
Medjugorje are at the forefront of Mary TV’s new bi-weekly Monday and Thursday. Most of the programme will be filmed
show. “We would like to make the incredible fruits of what in Medjugorje, with the exception of some testimonies given
Our Lady is accomplishing in Medjugorje available to the at Medjugorje conferences and at Mary TV’s studio in the
public worldwide” Mary TV states before the debut on US. Many accounts have been captured on location.
Monday. Medjugorje gets an online tv show devoted to
“We would like to make the incredible fruits of what Our
showing forth the fruits of 31 years of apparitions. Debuting Lady is accomplishing in Medjugorje available to the public
on July 16 at 8 pm EST, Mary TV zooms in on personal
worldwide, in a consumable, accessible format. The
programme will usually be close to an hour, sometimes
more, sometimes less. Because we are streaming on the
internet, we don’t have conventional time restraints” editor
Michael Nolan tells Medjugorje Today. “The conception of
this show really came from the Holy Spirit! We have collected
quite a few testimonies and interviews, and needed a format
for spreading them. It took the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to
connect the dots through prayer.” It has not been decided if
the show will feature Medjugorje visionaries, too. But Michael
Nolan tells that Mary TV has “several interviews with them
that can be incorporated.” The opening programme features
the physician couple Joe and Sheila Kuzmic who travelled to
Medjugorje during the civil war of 1992-95, to help with the
treatment of refugees. “Of course, Our Lady quickly took
them under her mantle. They met in Medugorje, were
married soon after, and have built a family in the spirituality
of the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje” Mary TV editor
Michael Nolan tells.
It has come at great cost to them materially, professionally.
But they are filled with zeal, enthusiasm, and joy as they
recount the incredible blessings and conversion they have
received through the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje”. “The
second half of the opening program is a friend of the
Kuzmics, who has also received both spiritual and physical
blessings through Medjugorje” Michael Nolan announces.
By Jakob Marschner
Blind woman saw after sun miracle
17 July, 2012
Raffaella Mazzocchi was blind on one eye when her family sunglasses and with my good eye, the left, I first clearly saw
persuaded her to go to Medjugorje. When she saw a sun the sun rotating and pulsating, almost approaching my face
miracle, she first turned blind on both eyes for five minutes. and moving back again, and then changing colour constantly,
But she could see when she opened up her sick eye, and becoming red, blue, orange, green” Raffaella Mazzocchi
when she opened both, her inexplicable healing was recounts. “I finally took off the sunglasses and started to cry
complete. Blinded on one eye without notice, then healed desperately because I realized that I had also lost the sight
from one moment to the next. There is nothing gradual to the on my left eye and had become completely blind. My
story of Raffaella Mazzocchi’s eye sight.
screams attracted many pilgrims who gathered around me
At age 16, on December 22nd 2001, the Italian girl but I kept screaming more and more desperately because I
completely lost sight on her right eye while she was at felt a strong burning in my eyes.” “This total blindness lasted
school. Doctors found her condition was due to retrobulbar five minutes, the longest of my life. When she saw I was in
optic neuritis, a virus that irreversibly destroys the optic panic, my mom got me seated and somehow managed to
nerve. “It is a diagnosis without hope of recovery, and no calm me down” the young Italian woman tells. “While I kept
treatment seemed to work. I was forced to leave school my head down and my eyes closed, suddenly I felt the urge
because I could not study. I could not even sleep, I went to open my right eye, the sick one, and I realized that I could
ahead with psychotropic drugs, and in this state I lived in a see my hands. I opened the other eye and I could see very
nightmare for eight years. I lost faith, and I stopped attending well with that, too.” By moving my hands back and forth
church” Raffaella Mazzocchi tells in her testimony at before my eyes, I realized that I was healed, but instead of
Messaggi Medjugorje. “One day, my aunts, my mother and jumping with joy, I was overcome by fear and locked. From
my sister decided to go to Medjugorje, and at all costs they seeing my eyes, my mother noticed the change in me and
wanted to take me with them. I was reluctant but eventually ran up to hug me. So did all the many pilgrims” Raffaella
succumbed to the entreaties of my family, but I had no Mazzocchi tells. “From that day, my sight has been fully
intention of praying for my recovery.” Raffaella Mazzocchi recovered, and even now I have a perfect view of 11/10.
and her family arrived in Medjugorje and went to climb And, more importantly, I also picked up the faith again
Apparition Hill on June 26th 2009. On the way down, because now, finally, we see in all directions.” While the story
something unusual caught the family’s attention. “My sister of Raffaella Mazzocchi is relatively well-known in Italy, it has
noticed that the sun moved in a non-normal way, and not been told in English before.
seemed to be dancing. So I grabbed the my sister’s
By Jakob Marschner
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Excerpts from
Children of Medjugorje
From Sister Emmanuel -
On May 2nd, 2012, Mirjana received
her monthly apparition at the Blue
Cross. After the apparition of Our Lady
to her, Mirjana gave us the following
"Dear children! With motherly love I
implore you to give me your hands,
permit me to lead you. I, as a mother,
desire to save you from restlessness,
despair and eternal exile. My Son, by
His death on the Cross, showed how
much He loves you; He sacrificed
Himself for your sake and the sake of
your sins. Do not keep rejecting His
sacrifice and do not keep renewing His
sufferings with your sins! Do not keep
shutting the doors of Heaven to
yourselves! My children, do not waste
time! Nothing is more important than
unity in my Son. I will help you because
the Heavenly Father is sending me so
that, together, we can show the way of
grace and salvation to all those who do
not know Him. Do not be hard hearted!
Have confidence in me and adore my
Son. My children, you cannot be
without the shepherds. May they be in
your prayers everyday. Thank you."
Won't you believe my story? Last
April 27, a man attended the Mass in
French at noon: Jean, 35, from the
Island of La Reunion (Indian Ocean).
The evening before, he had given his
testimony of conversion to his group of
overwhelmed by it. It needs to be said
that, after having killed a man, Jean
had just gotten out of prison. Here is
the story:
Although he was of catholic origin,
Jean had stopped practicing his religion
at 14. Then he got into drugs, alcohol,
hanging around bad company. He lived
with his companion, Jessica. In 2003, in
the course of a violent dispute with
Gilbert, he felt threatened and hit him a
little too hard... Gilbert died instantly.
Jean was condemned to 12 years of
His girlfriend Jessica went to
Medjugorje in 2008, and she had a
major conversion. Upon her return, she
taught Jean - still in prison - how to
pray the Rosary. During his years of
detention, Jean held onto praying the
Rosary, though it was not always easy
for him. But he carried on and realized
that "it cured him of heart pains and
head pains", as he said. He became a
diligent reader of the Bible. Later,
another person talked to him about the
Rosary and about Medjugorje.
He came out of prison on Good
Friday, April 6, 2012, and his first step
was to go to confession after 17 years
away from the Church. Then he asked
for a Mass for the repose of Gilbert's
soul. His deepest wish was to go to
Medjugorje. A generous person offered
him the trip and, on April 27, Jean was
with us at the French Mass. Only the
pilgrims in his group knew him and his
That day, the celebrant did something
I've never seen: during the homily, he
called Jean to the pulpit and asked him
to illustrate by his own witness the story
of the conversion of Paul, who was
struck blind, was healed of his
blindness, and followed Christ. Jean
delivered a few simple words and went
back to his seat. Then the most
unheard-of thing happened: in this
small chapel, thousands of miles from
the Island of La Reunion, that very
same day, that same hour, were
present the relatives of Gilbert, the man
whom Jean had killed! Seeing Jean in
front of the microphone, they couldn't
help but recognize him! Imagine the
That day, once again, Heaven opened
up in Medjugorje, because after the
Mass, they fell into each other's arms
and reconciled.
They were weeping
tears of joy, full with the emotion of
having known Jesus and Mary. If I had
not been present at that mass, I would
not have believed this story!
On June 2nd, 2012, Mirjana received
her monthly apparition at the Blue
Cross in the midst of a huge crowd.
After the apparition of Our Lady to her,
Mirjana gave us the following message:
"Dear children! I am continuously
among you because, with my endless
love, I desire to show you the door of
Heaven. I desire to tell you how it is
opened: through goodness, mercy, love
and peace - through my Son.
Therefore, my children, do not waste
time on vanities. Only knowledge of the
love of my Son can save you. Through
that saving love and the Holy Spirit He
chose me and I, together with Him, am
choosing you to be apostles of His love
and will. My children, great is the
responsibility upon you. I desire that by
your example you help sinners regain
their sight, enrich their poor souls and
bring them back into my embrace.
Therefore, pray, pray, fast and confess
regularly. If receiving my Son in the
Eucharist is the centre of your life, then
do not be afraid, you can do everything.
I am with you. Every day I pray for the
shepherds and I expect the same of
you. Because, my children, without
their guidance and strengthening
through their blessing, you cannot do it.
Thank you."
The Italian mamma. The foreign
priests who hear Confession in
Medjugorje sometimes come across
unusual situations. One of them told
this story: As he was waiting in a
Confessional that read "Français" on
the outside, an Italian lady came in,
knelt down, and started talking to him in
speedy Italian. Not understanding
anything, he told her, in French, to go
instead to an Italian priest in a
Confessional with the sign "Italiano" on
the outside, because he simply did not
understand what she was telling him.
But the mamma ignored the priest's
advice and continued her Confession,
telling him many things very fast.
Silently, the priest asked Jesus for help:
what could he do? According to Church
teaching, the Confession is not actually
valid if one of the two persons does not
understand anything.
Just at that moment, an incredible
thing happened. The priest started to
see, like in a movie unfolding before his
eyes, all that the woman told him in
Italian, and he could understand
everything! But the story does not end
there. In fact, as the priest answered
the woman, he found himself speaking
perfect Italian, a language that he never
learned and did not know! This event
left him deeply touched. He added that,
when he hears Confession in
Medjugorje, he is able to remain
several hours at a time without getting
tired or hungry.
God frequently encourages his
children to make a good Confession by
giving overwhelming signs of his
astonishing aspect of this Sacrament
resides in the fact that two sinners meet
together to celebrate the infinite mercy
of God! One of them has received the
power to forgive sins and the other one
humbly comes to him and puts his
misery in the light. Behold, in the
human poverty of this encounter
between the confessor and the
penitent, the very Blood of the Saviour
starts flowing, purifying the soul of the
faithful in a degree far beyond what he
can understand, and then the great
miracle happens.
"I invite you to go to Confession once
a month", the Blessed Mother tells us.
"For there is no one on earth that would
not need a monthly Confession.
Monthly Confession will be a remedy
for the Church in the West." Of course,
Our Lady means a sincere Confession.
St. Padre Pio, who could read souls,
would not hear the Confession of
someone who would come to him
without repenting from his sins.
Praying With the Holy Family Heals.
Behind our home in Medjugorje a
with life size statues
representing the Holy Family, attracts
people from all over the world. While
the people are very different, all have
something in common, they come to
the Holy Family in prayer. Some suffer
from inner troubles that cause a terrible
lack of peace, and seek healing. Others
come to hold a statue of the Child
Jesus in their arms; still others come to
pray for peace in their families. Here
are a few recent examples of hope the
Holy Family has given to those who
Angela went to the manger in order to
cry. She was a wreck with too many
interior sufferings to bear. She had
been abused by her grandfather at the
age of 3 and never recovered. She
prayed for a long time before the Holy
Family and, in the end, Our Lady won a
beautiful victory in this wounded heart:
Angela was able to let go of her pain,
give it to God, and surrender to the
Child Jesus, whom she held in her
arms, the destructive event that had
ruined so many years of her life. That
evening her group could not recognize
her: she was completely changed! For
the first time, joy was flowing from her
eyes and from her lips. The dreadful
feeling of being worthless, too
despicable to deserve any love, had left
Blandine, who is now 77, had lost her
2nd child, Lynn, long ago. She never
accepted it and was continually tortured
by the loss. She went into the manger,
took Baby Jesus against her heart and
began to scream! The friends who had
accompanied her there were shocked
by her reaction so they started silently
praying for her. Slowly, slowly she
calmed down. While she was rocking
the Infant Jesus, she remembered what
it felt like to hold her own child in the
same way, then suddenly all her pain
came back and exploded in her heart.
But after some time, seeing Mary with
her hands open, she was little by little
able to take the step she had never
taken before, the only step able to bring
inner peace back: she gave her child to
the Mother of God! The chain of death
was broken. From that day on Blandine
was able to sing and enjoy the gift of
Go to the manger just as you are!
Take the Child to your heart, and you'll
see for yourself what Heaven has
prepared for you.
On July 2, 2012, Mirjana received
her monthly apparition at the Blue
Cross, and the Podbrdo was covered
with huge crowds! After the apparition,
she gave the following message:
"My children! Again, in a motherly
way, I implore you to stop for a moment
and to reflect on yourselves and on the
transience of this your earthly life. Then
reflect on eternity and the eternal
beatitude. What do you want? Which
way do you want to set out on? The
Father's love sends me to be a
mediatrix for you, to show you with
motherly love the way which leads to
the purity of soul; a soul unburdened by
sin; a soul that will come to know
eternity. I am praying that the light of
the love of my Son may illuminate you,
so that you may triumph over
weaknesses and come out of misery.
You are my children and I desire for all
of you to be on the way of salvation.
Therefore, my children, gather around
me that I may have you come to know
the love of my Son and thus open the
door of eternal beatitude. Pray as I do
for your shepherds. Again I caution
you: do not judge them, because my
Son chose them. Thank you."
Modern leprosy, pornography! A
priest friend of ours, who comes often
to Medjugorje, received a special grace
to help souls in confession. He shared
this event with us: A couple came to
see him because their 7-year old son
was not well. His health had always
been good and he had done well in
school, but everything seemed to be
collapsing! The child was continually
sick and none of the consulting doctors
could find the source of the problem.
Also, his grades were falling and it was
as if he had lost all motivation and even
his capacity for studying. Then the
worried parents consulted several
psychologists with their child, to no
avail. Eventually, they came to our
friend and asked him to speak with the
child. The priest asked them to leave
the boy outside as he wanted to speak
with them first. After a few basic
their habits and
behaviours at home, the priest
discovered with amazement that both
parents had been indulging in
pornography for some time. They
considered this activity as a distraction
when the child was not with them and
they had become addicted.
The priest exclaimed, "What!?? Don't
you know that in doing this, you are
committing a very serious sin?
Addressing the man, he said, "You are
the head of the family according to
God's plan, but by doing this you are
losing your fatherly grace and you are
destroying what God entrusted to you!"
Addressing the woman, he said, "You
are damaging yourself and damaging
the gaze of your husband upon you. In
reality, you are making your husband
distant from you, running the risk of
losing him! And you wonder why your
child is sick and crushed? He is paying
a heavy price for your sin. So stop!!
Pornography makes families sick!"
By the grace of God, the couple
decided to put an end to their perverse
habit and they got rid of all their porn
media. Soon after, without any medical
care, the child recovered and regained
experienced a kind of rebirth and it was
high time! The parents have realized
how harmful pornography really is, they
had no idea! Now they are able to
witness to others who are snared by
the same addiction. (Along with his
many years of ministry, this priest also
noticed that in a couple, if the man
indulges in pornography, many times
his wife starts to suffer from serious
troubles in her reproductive system. In
Rome, this priest has been asked to
write a report for exorcists on the
effects of pornography.
Oh Children! In a recent homily in
Medjugorje, a priest told this fact: A 4year old child had a serious lung
problem. Because he had already
suffered a lot, he was afraid of doctors.
The radiologist tried to reassure him by
explaining that he would examine him
by a painless a scan, in order to see
everything inside of him so as to be
able to treat him better. The child was
surprised, "You will see everything
inside of me?" he asked. After the
exam, the doctor explained the
diagnoses to the parents in complicated
terms that were beyond the child. The
boy became more and more impatient
to know... Not being able to wait any
longer, he interrupted the doctor and
asked him, "If you saw everything that
is inside of me, then did you see the
Blessed Mother who is in my heart?" In
a world so troubled, it is wonderful to
see that Our Lady still has her little
comforters! It is our duty to always
protect their innocence - their most
precious treasure - as a lioness
protects her cubs.
Thousands of young people are
getting ready to come to Medjugorje
for the Youth Festival! How can we
help but think that the Queen of Peace
is also preparing herself to welcome
them with her immense motherly heart,
to spoil them the way mothers always
do, with the most marvellous gifts?!
These young people who - we must
acknowledge -have escaped the threat
of abortion to come into the world, were
born into a culture which entices them
with a thousand excitements but never
satisfies them. When they are not
materialistic paganism which surrounds
them in the West, they are searching . .
. searching . . . searching for a meaning
for their lives and a valuable reason to
continue their journey.
What a marvellous response the
Blessed Mother gave them in her
message of July 2nd!!! There is nothing
to add to it. The young people have
only to follow her instructions! At
Medjugorje they will have the
opportunity to stop for a moment and to
reflect on themselves and on the
transience of this earthly life which is
theirs. Then they will reflect on eternity
and on the eternal beatitude. Our Lady
asks them: "What do you want? What
way do you want to set out on?" They
will answer her in prayer and they will
be able to count on her to help them
follow the path which leads to
happiness. "Many young people are
searching for happiness right where it
gets lost," Mary says in another
message. In Medjugorje, they will see
other young people who have been
following Jesus for some time, and they
will realize that for them, also, such a
path is possible. A mother helps her
child realize that in the plan of the
Creator he is truly a unique person,
irreplaceable and infinitely loved. She
helps her child achieve his highest
potential for happiness.
I hope to appeal to those who take to
heart the coming of the young people:
Let each one offer something to God (in
prayer you will find out what to offer) in
order to bring at least one young
person, if not many, to encounter Jesus
so deeply during the Festival that he
will have the strength to change his life
and to choose the path of holiness.
How many saints became saints after a
sacrificed himself for them? Just to
quote one example, Blessed Charles
de Foucault was wallowing in impurity
before a confession which launched
him towards holiness, thanks to the
prayer of his cousin.
Thank you for each Hail Mary, each
fast, each new act of charity, each
Mass lived with the heart, each hidden
sacrifice, and each suffering offered to
Jesus without complaint! In Heaven,
sooner or later some day, you will see a
great saint coming towards you and tell
you that it was thanks to you that he
was able to come out of misery,
abandon his road to death and choose
life with Jesus!
If you want to write a letter to the
Blessed Mother?! Send it to "Queen of
Peace", BP 2157, F-06103 Nice cedex,
France. It will be entrusted to one of
the visionaries.
Sister Emmanuel
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Divine Mercy Publications Trust Christchurch. PO Box 20266 Bishopdale Christchurch 8543 - Ph/Fax 03 359 2087
Man's life comes from God; it is his gift, his image and imprint, a sharing in his breath of life.
God therefore is the sole Lord of this life: Man cannot do with it as he wills.
- Blessed Pope John Paul II (1920-2005)
Fatima Visionary saw and confirmed the Apparitions of Our
Lady of Medjugorje
As the Vatican continues its
international Commission investigating
the ongoing apparitions of Medjugorje,
under the leadership of Cardinal
Camillo Ruini and the CDF, the Holy
See should not ignore an important, but
little known, fact about these Marian
apparitions. They were confirmed as
being authentic by the main visionary of
Fatima, Sister Lucia dos Santos, who
not only confirmed but also reported
experiencing apparitions of Our Lady of
Medjugorje in the convent.
According to Sister Lucia’s own
nephew, Father Salinho — a Salesian
priest who lives in Portugal — Sister
Lucia continued receiving visions of the
Virgin Mary long after 1917, and some
of these apparitions of the Virgin spoke
to Sister Lucia of the Madonna’s
continued work in Medjugorje. This
report of Father Salinho’s was
documented by the French author
Sister Emmanuel Maillard in her book
Medjugorje, Triumph of the Heart!
(Queenship, 2004), a revised edition of
Sister Emmanuel’s earlier popular work,
Medjugorje: the 90s. Pope John Paul II
met with Sister Emmanuel, was given a
copy of her earlier book, and therefore
this knowledge – between Fatima’s
main visionary and the apparitions in
Medjugorje – may not have been
foreign to the Vatican.
This is a very important revelation, for
one of the things that the Church looks
for, in evaluating apparitions, is
coherence between Mary’s apparitions.
Fatima and Medjugorje already have an
immense amount in common; from the
miracle of the dancing sun that has
been recorded at each location – once
in Fatima and numerous times in
Medjugorje – to references to Mary’s
Immaculate Heart in the devotion of
both Fatima and Medjugorje, to the
spiritual program of daily prayer –
especially the Rosary – Mass, fasting,
and penance for the salvation of
sinners at each site; to incredibly similar
depictions of visions of the afterlife,
particularly of hell, which were given to
both the Fatima and Medjugorje seers
by their apparition. The coherence is
evident. Now there is even a report
from a Catholic priest and a family
member of Fatima’s main visionary,
that Sister Lucia herself experienced
apparitions of Our Lady speaking about
her work in Medjugorje; and, therefore,
Sister Lucia reportedly confirmed the
apparitions of Medjugorje through her
own private revelations of the Virgin.
This revelation also places doubt onto
many theories that Medjugorje critics
notoriously Donal Anthony Foley, the
British author who – in his book,
Understanding Medjugorje – lionizes
the apparitions of Fatima while (quite
literally) demonizing the apparitions of
apparition sites as having nothing in
common. Well, if Foley and likeminded
critics believe in the authenticity of
Sister Lucia’s visions, then it becomes
difficult to doubt that the Madonna is
not appearing in Medjugorje since
Sister Lucia herself confirmed this very
fact, after being told so by her
apparitional experience of the Virgin
Mary. This report by Sister Lucia’s
nephew has, unfortunately, not been
circulated widely. But it shows that
Pope John Paul II was not alone in the
conviction that Medjugorje completes
Fatima, and that the two sites share the
same spiritual source: the Mother of
Slawomir Oder’s recent book on Pope
John Paul II, Why He Is a Saint, we
received confirmation that the Pope
considered Medjugorje the fulfillment of
Fatima, explaining in 1984: “Medjugorje
is the continuation of Fatima, it’s the
completion of Fatima.” Now we see that
this conviction of the Pope’s was not
simply a personal opinion, for even
Fatima’s own visionary, Lucia dos
Santos, proclaimed the same, that the
same Virgin who appeared to her in
Fatima continued appearing to her in
the convent, and told Sister Lucia of her
– the Virgin’s – continual work in
It is noteworthy, in stressing this
connection, that Sister Lucia and Pope
John Paul II maintained a lifelong
friendship. One wonders whether they
ever discussed together Our Lady’s
presence in Medjugorje, as both held
the conviction that the Virgin of Fatima
continued her work in the Bosnian
village. Though we could never know
for sure, since both parties have
passed away, this would not be an
impossibility, since John Paul II
proclaimed that Medjugorje is the
continuation and completion of Fatima
in 1984, while he met with Sister Lucia
only two years earlier, when the pope
was in Fatima on May 13, 1982, to
thank the Virgin for saving his life from
an assassination attempt. This was the
same day that Our Lady of Medjugorje
told the visionaries in Yugoslavia: “His
enemies tried to kill him, but I have
protected him.”
What is interesting about Lucia’s
visionary experiences of the Madonna
is the fact that they did not end while
she was a little girl. It is true that the
last apparition in the Cova da Iria fields
nearby Fatima, resulting in the miracle
of the dancing sun that was witnessed
by an estimated 70,000 people, did
conclude on October 13, 1917.
However, even after the conclusion of
these public apparitions, Sister Lucia
continued receiving private revelations
of the Virgin Mary as a nun in her cell.
The same Virgin Mary that came to her
as a little girl in Fatima continued
appearing to Lucia as a grown woman
in the convent. The apparitions lasted
late into Lucia’s life, even after the
Madonna reportedly began appearing
in Medjugorje to six Croatian youths in
Lucia dos Santos was the only
remaining visionary of Fatima who lived
through the twentieth century and into
the twenty-first. Shortly after the
apparitions of Fatima began to three
shepherd children in 1917, two of the
children, Jacinta and Francisco Marto –
brother and sister – passed away.
Francisco died of bronchial pneumonia
in 1919, while Jacinta developed a
serious case of pleurisy and died in a
Lisbon hospital a year later. Francisco
was two months away from turning
eleven, and Jacinta was only a month
away from celebrating her tenth
birthday. It was Lucia who lived onto
old age.
She became a cloistered nun, making
her perpetual vows on October 3, 1934
under the name Sister Maria das Dores
– Mary of Sorrows – at the Institute of
the Sisters of St. Dorothy in the convent
of Tuy, Spain. Later Lucia would return
to Portugal and become a Discalced
Carmelite on May 31, 1949, taking the
name Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and
the Immaculate Heart at the Carmelite
convent of St. Teresa in Coimbra.
Sister Lucia died in the convent at the
age of 97 on February 13, 2005.
By Daniel Klimek of Medjugorje Miracles
By Gail Smith
When my daughter and I were requested to
write about our recent trip to Medjugorje it
occurred to me that Our Lady's Call does not
just suddenly end in a return flight back from
Herzegovina. It is a living thing that remains
with you – continually seeking a response
and touching your life in remarkable ways.
Today, when I consider my hesitancy in
going there, I am so grateful that Our Lady’s
amazing Grace opened my faith eye a little
wider to see past the personal difficulties that
almost prevented me from doing so.
And now, as I sit here in an attempt to
respond, I just know that I am being prompted
by the message that Our Lady gave around
that very same time that my bookings were
With those thoughts in mind I have now
decided to share a little about the human side
involved in responding to Our Lady's Call
because I suspect there are many others out
there who, like me, have failed to recognise
that the decision to go to Medjugorje is not
just a coincidence - it is a Calling. And I am
sure that Our Lady has very good reasons for
saying (so frequently)
For my part, I was hesitant.
Although I was blown away by the surprise
offer of the trip to Medjugorje that my three
children gave me for my birthday, I would
have to say that I found it very difficult to see
past the fact that my home was desperately
in need of some paint and repairs to preserve
it from rot and the gorse bushes some weed
killer to destroy them!
As a working widow on a minimum wage I
had no way of doing these things and, as
boring or ungrateful as it may sound, I did
wonder if the trip was an unaffordable luxury
and perhaps I should discreetly suggest the
money instead.
While my excited daughter sat waiting for
my response, I stood speechless - riveted to
the spot, with the words "Should I? and
Should I not?" racing around inside of me.
One minute felt more like an hour as I
searched my head and heart for an answer
and found none. I was stuck in a valley of
decision, and I knew I needed help in choosing the right path.
"Dear Lord,” I prayed in silence, "Send me
your Holy Spirit. I really do not know what to
say or do. Mother Mary, help me with your
Grace, How can I agree to this trip abroad
when I have been fasting and praying for the
provision to be a good steward of all that God
has given me in NZ? Should I be going to
Medjugorje or staying here to pray for my
special needs? Heavenly Father, hear my
prayer and let it be done to me according to
your Will - nothing more, nothing less, nothing
With a simple heartfelt prayer along those
lines, clarity began to enter into my reasoning
almost immediately. My mind flashed back to
one of the Eucharistic Conventions I attended
many years ago and suddenly I recalled an
unforgettable moment in prayer: it was during
the Mercy Hour.... I had prayed a Rosary and
had just finished offering the Divine Mercy
Chaplet before the Blessed Sacrament when
a most extraordinary, deep and penetrating
awareness came over me that one day in the
future I would be going to Medjugorje.
The feeling was so powerful at the time that
I shared it with the person sitting beside me.
However, during the struggles that followed
after it, that understanding had almost been
lost from my memory ... and there it was back
again ... as though it had just happened.
The strange thing is - I have never yearned to go to Medjugorje myself. Although I
have lived Our Lady's messages as best I
could ever since the time I first heard about
them over 20 years ago, I have always been
more than content with the closeness I could
feel through prayer.
The dilemma that I fell into really stopped
me in my tracks. It had me thirsting for the
Light to make a choice between the two
alternatives which I just could not see past.
All I could do was pray - and I was greatly
relieved when I suddenly recalled a few
words that I had once heard spoken by a
humble and holy priest.... "The decision to
go to Medjugorje is not just a coincidence
- it is a Calling and we should always
remember that Our Lady always thanks
those who respond to her call."
With that realisation all confusion vanished
- leaving me with just one very clear and
precise question ... "Will I respond to Our
Lady's Call or not?"
I shudder now when I think how difficult it
can be to realise the Truth that; "All you need
to say is Yes if you mean Yes and No if you
mean No, because anything more than that
comes from the evil one." (Mat 5:37)
I guess that all of this is part of our human
condition and the enormous struggle we are
all in, and after visiting Medjugorje I have
come home immensely grateful for the Power
and the Gift of Prayer.
The people over there really value prayer
and they are happy to stay on praying in the
church for 2-3 hours at a time... every day.
Our Lady said
Autumn 1983.
After experiencing the vivid contrast of
Medjugorje I now understand that while we
are surrounded by a society that is largely
Godless it is very easy to miss, ignore or fail
to recognise or respond to a Calling when it
Personally, I cannot even remember saying
"Yes"... I simply remember thinking that I
could not say No to the Mother of God, and
with the next breath I found my silence
broken with words of gratitude rolling off my
lips for the birthday present.
It had been a very long few minutes and
with a sigh of relief my daughter said; "Oh
that's good. For a moment I thought you were
going to ask for the money instead!" I just
smiled and when I looked into her eyes I saw
that they were dripping with mine as well.
It was God's Will.
Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else
And we both went to Medjugorje together
with her best friend.
It was an experience I shall never forget
and today I treasure Our Lady's messages
more than ever - especially the beautiful
things she has said about prayer...
.” 20.10.84
Thank you Mary for calling us.
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The Stranger
A few years after I was born, my Dad
met a stranger who was new to our
small town. From the beginning, Dad
was fascinated with this enchanting
newcomer and soon invited him to live
with our family. The stranger was
quickly accepted and was around from
then on. As I grew up, I never
questioned his place in my family. In
my young mind, he had a special niche.
My parents were complementary
instructors: Mom taught me good from
evil, and Dad taught me to obey.
But the stranger... he was our
storyteller. He would keep us
spellbound for hours on end with
adventures, mysteries and comedies. If
I wanted to know anything about
politics, history or science, he always
knew the answers about the past,
understood the present and even
seemed able to predict the future! He
took my family to the first major league
ball game. He made me laugh, and he
made me cry. The stranger never
stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to
mind. Sometimes, Mom would get up
quietly while the rest of us were
shushing each other to listen to what he
had to say, and she would go to the
kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder
now if she ever prayed for the stranger
to leave.) Dad ruled our household with
certain moral convictions, but the
stranger never felt obligated to honour
them. Profanity, for example, was not
allowed in our home – not from us, our
friends or any visitors. Our long time
visitor, however, got away with fourletter words that burned my ears and
made my dad squirm and my mother
blush. My Dad didn't permit the liberal
use of alcohol but the stranger
encouraged us to try it on a regular
basis. He made cigarettes look cool,
cigars manly, and pipes distinguished.
He talked freely (much too freely!)
about sex. His comments were
embarrassing. I now know that my early
concepts about relationships were
influenced strongly by the stranger.
Time after time, he opposed the values
of my parents, yet he was seldom
rebuked ... And NEVER asked to leave.
More than fifty years have passed
since the stranger moved in with our
family. He has blended right in and is
not nearly as fascinating as he was at
first. Still, if you could walk into my
parents' den today, you would still find
him sitting over in his corner, waiting for
someone to listen to him talk and watch
him draw his pictures. His name?... We
just call him 'TV.' He has a wife
now....we call her 'Computer.' Their first
child is "Cell Phone". Second child "I
WAS a Grandchild: IPAD
Author unknown
Thoughts of the Curé of Ars on the Eucharist
People talk about Lazarus who had the joy of entertaining the Divine Saviour in his home; but Lazarus only had Him by his
side, while we, if we will, may have Him in our heart just as often as we wish.
OUR Lord is hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, waiting for us to come and visit him.... See how good he is! If he had
appeared before us now in all his glory, we should not have dared to approach him; but he hides himself like one in prison,
saying: "You do not see me, but that does not matter; ask me for all you want.
GOD has created my heart only for himself. He asks me to give it to him that he may make it happy.
AH! If only God saw in us the same humility and self-abasement as he saw in the Centurion who said to him: "Lord, I am not
worthy that you should come under my roof," with what pleasure and with what abundance of graces would he not come into
our hearts.
God loves the humble, while he resists the proud. If we elevate ourselves through pride, God will
withdraw from us and we will fall into dense darkness. If we are humble, He will approach us,
console us, hear our prayers, and send us away justified. - Saint Francis Xavier Carbini.
My Journey in Search of Jesus
I was born in an average middle-class Zoroastrian
family. My parents found it difficult to make ends meet,
however, we always had sufficient food to eat and they
provided me with a good education in a Catholic Convent
school in India. The school I went to was run by The
Sisters of Mercy and was called St Joseph’s Convent. At
the age of 7, I was initiated into the Zoroastrian faith
through a ceremony called a Navjote which means new
light. I am truly blessed for having been born in this faith
where since childhood I had learnt the principles of good
thoughts, good words, good deeds, worshipping God in
spirit and in truth as Almighty, walking in God’s light of
truth, faith and trust. I grew up to be a shy and a soft
spoken person who did not have much of a social life other
than being with the family. I was very close to my mother
who I used to go with every month to a Church called
Mount Mary’s Church which was a very famous pilgrimage
place in Mumbai. I had great faith in Our Lady who I would
speak to as a child and tell her all my worries and
At the age of 22, I got married and had two children and
we lived together with my husband’s parents for over 16
years. My husband and I had good jobs in India and life
went all in its routine manner. There was a Church
opposite our house where I would visit, where there was a
statue of St Anthony and Novena prayers which I said
every Tuesday at the feet of the statue. There was also
Mother Mary’s Grove where I would go and light candles to
our lady and pray to her. This was the only interaction I
had with the Catholic faith at that time.
In 1998, my husband got a job in Dubai, and my children
and I joined him there. After three years, my husband
suddenly lost his job and our lifestyle drastically changed.
It was during those times that we decided to move to New
Zealand. When we made this decision, which was one of
the hardest ones we had ever made, my son went back to
India to complete his graduation and my daughter stayed
back with me and my husband went to New Zealand to
look out for a job. This was the first time I ever been away
from my husband for such a long time. During this time, I
started suffering from the worst of my depression attacks
and I was undergoing extreme emotional turmoil. I was
also suffering from very severe physical pain in my body
for which I had to undergo very expensive treatment. This
was the darkest phase in my life and I felt myself drowning
in total despair, running through a dark tunnel where I
could see no light at the end. I started living in a make
belief world and it was as if I had no consciousness of right
from wrong. In these moments my prayer life was in-tune
with praying to Abba Father and asking Him for help.
Then one evening, the beginning of a new era and the
first step of God’s for me unfolded. On 14 March 2001,
God sent his two angels, a married couple, Godfrey and
Lily, to grace my home and introduced me to their friend
and spiritual guide – Jesus Christ. I remember the first
words they said to me, “Have you met Jesus Christ?” I
said that I heard of him and that he is the Son of Mother
Mary who was crucified on the cross for us. It was as if a
messenger of God came and stood at my door, knocking
gently and asking me to open the door a little bit for him.
They came, the prayed and they stayed in my life forever.
(My friend Lily is now no more in this world, dying at a very
young age, after a major surgery). I felt a stirring of my
soul in their presence as they asked me to bow my head
while they read some scriptures form the Holy Bible. They
presented me, with The Catholic Bible on the same day.
The first scripture they read was, “No one can come to me,
except through the will of God”. They spoke about Jesus,
His life, His death and His resurrection. After they left, I
started reading the New Testament from the Bible and
could not stop reading it. Slowly, everyday as I kept
reading, I could recollect my scattered emotions together
and my mental equilibrium was restored again. What
touched me most from Jesus’ teachings in the scriptures
was his messages regarding the mercy of God through his
son Jesus for our darkest sins if we confess and ask for
mercy. The forgiveness and the cleansing power of his
precious blood which he shed on the cross for us. I
developed a very strong bond with this couple and I
started going for Bible study once a week with them.
I remember the night when I had come to the last
chapter of Revelations, I closed my Bible, I had very
stressful day and I was tossing and turning in bed and
unable to get sleep. All of a sudden, at around 1.30 am, I
was awakened by a very bright light I sat up and I saw the
entire room being illuminated by a very powerful light. I
was very frightened. In front of me I saw a vision of our
Lord Jesus Christ, dressed in gold and kingly garments.
He had his arms stretched wide open and it was as if he
was saying “Do not be afraid, I am with you”. The vision
lasted for two minutes, after which it disappeared like a
bird flying out from my room. I quickly stood up and turned
on all the lights. I was shaking uncontrollably and started
sobbing. When I closed my eyes again in prayer, I started
hearing hymns being chanted in my ears. I immediately
called my friends and told them what had happened and
they offered to come to my place and stay with me for the
night. I prayed again and I heard a voice telling me, “Do
not worry my child, I am with you in this great hour of
need”. The next day, I told Godfrey and Lily and they said
I must testify this in our prayer meeting. That evening I
went to Church and as I knelt down to pray I heard the
priest say, “My mission is to witness His faith”. I knew that
this was Jesus speaking to me and I had to give my
testimony. At that time, it was as if I had a mission to fulfil
and I would wait for his plan to unfold before me. I knew I
had a Friend, Saviour and my guide in Jesus. Many times
Godfrey always asked me why I would not want to be
baptised. I used to always reply “I am happy the way I am
in my relationship with Jesus and this was because I did
not know any different”.
When I left Dubai and joined my husband in New
Zealand I again started going through a lot of struggle
adjusting to the lifestyle here. I continued praying the Holy
Rosary and different Novenas to our Lady and always
asked for her intersession on our family. I was also given a
portrait of Divine Mercy and was taught the Divine Mercy
Prayer which I used to diligently say. One day I told my
husband I would like to search for a Church where I could
pray. I asked God and Jesus to lead me to the Church he
wanted me to belong. We stopped at a place called St
Mark’s Catholic Church as I knelt down there, I knew that
this was where Jesus wanted me to be. I started going to
Mass every Sunday and when it was time to receive
communion I joined the queue and bowed my head in
blessing. This continued for a while and one day as I went
ahead for my blessing I could feel the tears rolling down
and stared feeling very miserable. I felt that Jesus was
calling me a step closer and I prayed to our Lady and
asked once again for her help. I knew that I really wanted
to be baptised and receive the Body and Blood of Christ
but I also knew that I was very scared. I could not share
this with any of my family members and simply kept
praying to our Lady for help.
One day I filled out a form of the Legion of Mary and
ticked a column which said Auxiliary membership. Evelyn
phoned me, asking me if I would like the statue of our
Lady to be brought to my house. I remember muttering but
I am not a Catholic, is that okay? She said that’s okay and
that she would visit me. She came along with another lady
called Mary, how ironic it was Mary coming to meet me
with my Mother Mary’s Lady of Fatima statue. It was no
co-incidence, and I opened my heart to Mary about my
spiritual journey and my feelings of wanting to be baptised.
She immediately understood my predicament and agreed
to drive me for catechism lessons- (at the time I did not
know driving) one on one with a priest once a week. I saw
in them my God sending me another pair of angels. Again
a new world opened up for me and Jesus started taking
me through this journey all over again. But this time he
was unfolding a deeper mysterious spiritual journey. I still
did not have the courage to share this with any one in my
family. Then after a few months the priest asked me one
day:”My child you are ready now to be baptised; when
would you like to be baptised?”. I immediately answered
“Today “He smiled and said no, not today. Then I said ok,
tomorrow and he asked me, “But don’t you need time to
call your family, friends etc. I replied “who is my family.
You who know Jesus, are my family and friends. The next
day, as arranged I left home in a casual pair of jeans, that
evening I smuggled my baptism change of clothes in a bag
and then went and changed at Mary’s house. I just was too
scared to tell anyone for fear of retribution and just did not
want anything to come in the way of my union with Christ.
So on March 20th 2003 I was baptised in to the Holy
Catholic faith at the chapel with Mary and Colin being my
only family and friends..This was the happiest Day in my
life. That day I was baptised confirmed and had my first
Holy Communion...My heart and soul was on fire with the
love of Jesus and I felt I would explode with joy. I felt like a
radiant bride who had witnessed heaven so closely. My life
changed after that and I became closer and closer in my
walk with Christ. I know that if Jesus had not come into my
life, I would never have known of God’s mercy and
forgiveness for which he sent his son Jesus in the world. I
know that God has a plan for me and He is slowly
enfolding it at every stage in my life. Thank you Abba
thank You Jesus Thank you Holy spirit Thank you Mama
For 2 years thereafter I prayed and asked God to give
me the courage to share this wonderful joy with my
husband. Then finally that day arrived in my life when I felt
the stirring up of the Holy Spirit and a small voice saying
“Speak child and be bold Do not be afraid I am with you.
Words started pouring out and I kept talking .I imagined
Mama Mary to be in the room with me and as if she was
holding my hand and giving me courage to keep speaking
and I did. There was pin drop silence after I finished and
the only words my husband spoke after was “I know this
already “I did not speak a word further .It was as if a big
burden was taken away from my soul. I thanked and
praised Jesus all the time .I started growing in holiness
and learning all the beautiful sacraments that the Holy
Catholic Church and God’s mercy had for us.
I visited India in May this year as my mum had a very
severe stroke and was in coma in hospital. The doctor said
she did not have much time. I was heartbroken and
sobbed at her bedside uncontrollably. She was the closest
friend, I cried my heart to Jesus and prayed for a Holy
death for her. As I wiped my tears and opened my eyes I
saw a photograph of Divine Mercy in her room saying to
me “Give me your tears and pain and sorrow”. The next
day, two priests who my sister in India knew from the
catholic school she worked in, came and gave her the
anointing of the sick. I prayed rosaries and Divine Mercy
chaplets at her bedside and lo behold she responded with
movement of her hands and legs .It was as if she was
telling me I am listening to your prayers and thank you for
praying them for me. She finally left for her heavenly
abode on 23rd May 2012. Family and friends all helped me
and without their support I would not have been able to
As I sat in the ambulance, with my mum’s body at my
side, I looked up and found the photograph of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus staring straight into my eyes. It was 3 pm
as we left and we started praying the Divine Mercy
Chaplet. What a balm that was to my soul and again here
was Jesus walking softly with me and my Mama Mary
consoling me and holding my hand as I went through this
spiritual journey during the following days with my mum.
She was laid to rest according to the cultural rites and
prayers of the Zoroastrian Faith.
In my journey and walk with Christ I had faced many
challenges and many persecutions but at every stage I
praised and thanked God offering everything up for
conversion of sinners and to console the hearts of Jesus
AND Mary. I wish to acknowledge my husband for whom it
was not easy to see me change from the person whom he
married to the person who I am now. It was only his
genuine love for me that finally motivated him to support
and help me in this journey. At every stage he has
supported me when I go to church. When I go for the early
morning mass at 06.00 am every day he very lovingly
wakes me up and gives me a cup of tea. He also packs
my lunch gets my car heated He is my “Martha” in my life he would make sure I did what I wanted most to do receive
my Lord in communion. My life with him has undergone a
real change now and I can feel him grow very close to me
At one stage in my journey I was going off at an extreme
and once again God sent me his angel in the form of Willy
Vermulen. Her book “My soul is thirsting for you oh Lord,”
also gives Divine Messages from the Lord. It was here that
she gave me the most beautiful advice. She said your
marriage is a sacrament. Don’t neglect your husband, pray
for him, don’t exclude him from your life. Once again I felt
Jesus spoke to me through her. Today the love I have for
my husband is very deep, I want to acknowledge here that
without his support, I would not be able to find the time to
devote to my prayers and my spiritual visits to the Blessed
Sacrament and attending Mass every day.
My mum is no more but I know she is in heaven with
Mama Mary, who I always call upon to console me. I offer
this testimony in humble obedience to what has called me
to be “A True Witness of Jesus Christ “.I a humble follower
of Jesus who was not a cradle Catholic but whom Jesus
has beckoned to walk with Him bless and pray for
everyone who reads this article. I want to say “The
journey to heaven is always through a narrow gate” but we
know, through our faith, we will reach there someday. May
I follow you Lord till the ends of the earth and to salvation
in heaven and may I bring more and more souls into your
heavenly abode, through your grace and fulfil your plan for
me on this earth .Amen.
By Kashmira Siganporia
By Gail Smith
When I look back on my time in Medjugorje
there are many wonderful highlights.
Standing with the crowds, praying the
Rosary on Apparition Hill while Mirijana was
receiving an apparition of Our Lady so close
to us, was very special.
Tramping up Cross Mountain and praying
the Stations of the Cross along the way was
unforgettable. That climb is so steep and
rocky that I think the extra Grace and Mercy
strengthens you to do it. Over the years there
have been some accidents and even fatalities, including the death of Fr Slavko at the
Station of the Resurrection, so it was remarkable to see invalids and the elderly climbing
up there.
The beautiful Masses, Rosaries and Adorations were real treasures every day but since
returning home I have realised that the parish
life has left a lasting impression on me..
The living faith of that Parish is absolutely
awe inspiring and I am convinced that it is
nothing less than an awesome gift from God
to a troubled world.
Our Lady said over
a decade ago. 25-3-90.
And today the blessed fruit of Mary’s
Visitation can be seen everywhere. From the
valley to the mountain top, the Joy of the Lord
is very visible in the homes, in the workplace,
in the Church, on the streets and in the fields.
In Medjugorje it seems that everyone has
responded to Our Lady’s call and they have
gladly committed themselves to a regular routine of prayer because they “
Experience has shown them
and “
Grace abounds in Medjugorje and you can
sense the outstretched arm of God blessing
that privileged place with a gift so irresistible
that people keep returning there time and
time again for refreshment of faith, spiritual
renewal, divine favours and Peace. (To date
over 40 million people from all around the
For me, Medjugorje is the ultimate Retreat
Centre of the world because the Church, the
work place and the entire village are extraordinarily united in a lifestyle that reflects
strong Christian faith and values (both inside
and outside of the Church).
In Medjugorje they lead by example and
through their response to Our Lady’s messages they have produced a society that places
gospel values at the forefront of decisionmaking and at the centre of ordinary everyday village life.
Our Lady
said. 25-12-05 and today it is not too difficult to
read this great sign of our times.
A stopover in Medjugorje immerses you in a
certain way of life that can automatically have
the effect of strengthening, supporting, encouraging or re-educating you to be a Christian in a world that is sinking in vice.
"Medjugorje enriches my faith and trust in
God”, a frequent visitor said: "In Medjugorje
one can really feel that a higher power is
moving all this."
Over 25 years ago Our Lady said
26.6.86; and the
truth of that Message is now very obvious..
The Bosnian War has left so many scars of
destruction in the neighboring towns and villages that you would have to be blind not to
realise that Medjugorje was extremely blessed and highly favoured. It remained a sanctuary of Peace throughout the entire war and
was untouched by the dreadful atrocities that
took place all around it.
"In Medjugorje I could not help but be moved by the workings of Grace" a bishop commented, and while I was there I found myself
constantly reflecting on the Word “Immanuel
which means God-with-us" Mat 1; 23
said. 11.7.85
Unlike other places across the Adriatic Sea,
it felt safe to walk alone at night. The streets
were not full of anger, stress, road rage,
impatience, pushiness, alcohol, night clubs,
drugs, foul language, obscene graffiti, grubbiness or seediness. It was spiritually refreshing just to sit quietly watching the village life
happily going about its simple, ordinary everyday business with the love of God reflected in
a simple, ordinary, everyday way.
In Medjugorje you are not considered "overly religious” if you go to Church, receive the
Sacraments, Pray and take the Ten Commandments seriously. On the contrary, you
would feel that you were missing something
precious if you did not.
It would be difficult for a lukewarm heart to
remain in Medjugorje and not be enkindled
with the fire of God's Love because it glows
so warmly in the hearts of so many.
Every street and shop is full of holy reminders that God does exist, the supernatural is
real, love for Jesus and Mary is very important and Prayer is like the air that you
There are racks and racks of Rosary Beads
and pictures of Our Lady and the Divine
Mercy everywhere and people are not embarrassed to sit in Cafés, walk in the streets or
stop in the fields with their fingers silently
moving through a pair of Rosary beads
dangling from their hands.
The beautiful Church bells of St James ring
out from the heart of the village every morning and night. They are as regular as clockwork and their welcome sound is an invitation
to start and end the day with prayer.
From my hotel window I loved to watch the
dawn break over Cross Mountain. It was inspiring to pray and to keep watch as the morning light gradually revealed the Cross on top
of Mt Krizevac. After the light had dispersed
the darkness a trickle of people would emerge from doorways to join up with large
streams coming in from the side streets.
Then, in a constant flow, they would all pour
down the pavement like a great river of
people flowing toward the Church for Holy
Mass … And those Masses, Expositions and
Benedictions were something out of this
The Church was always packed ... every
day. Not once did I see an empty pew! The
crowds filled the porches and the courtyards
outside the church as well and the singing
alone gave testimony to the joy, of Living
Faith. The notable thing is that the apparitions
are not a new phenomenon - they have been
going on for thirty years - and that Parish has
not lost any fervour.
There was never any shortage of priests
praying with the people and dozens of priests
concelebrated Mass every day (more than
In Medjugorje the emphasis is on prayer.
The young and the old - men, women and
children- have discovered that “
20-10-84 and they are
happy to pray with one another.
In Medjugorje the path of holiness is much
easier to follow because the majority, rather
than the minority are living it. If other parishes
around the world looked to that parish as a
role model I don't think we would have so
many empty seats in our churches.
The food, like the lifestyle, is simple, wholesome and honest ... much like that which our
granddmothers used to cook... vegeetable soup,
omelets, meat andd potatoes, gaarden peas
and beans,
steamedd fish, crisp greeen salads,
fresh loaves of breaad, a carafe off local wine
or poot of tea and fruit for dessert.
Meeal time is a haappy time for communicac
tion and wheneverr I came into the dining
m for breakfast or
o dinner, the jooyful sound
of chhatter and laugghter was som ething very
morable. As pilggrims on a journney it was a
delight to sit aroundd the large tabbles sharing
experiences with other
travelers,, especially
the wonderful
bunchh of Australianss we joined
up with along the waay.
." Our Lady saaid. 25.7.99
Thee word Medjugorje meanss "Meeting
Placee between the mountains"
andd it is true to
its naame. I was pleeasantly surprissed to meet
the Editors
of "Thhe Message of
o the Two
Hearrts" and Senttinel magazinee because
fifteen years ago, (1995-2000) when
I was
writinng the regular Reflection Articcles on our
Ladyy's Messages foor the Medjugoorje News, I
had found
those maagazines very helpful.
Surrprise meetings, reunions, spiriitual realisations,, reconciliationss and conversions are all
very common
in the Medjugorje expperience and
manyy people refer to
t it as being thhe Place of
Althhough I did recceive a very speecial Grace
at a Croatian
Rosarry/Mass/Adoration I did not
see the
t sun spinniing, rosary beaads turning
gold or any other 'ccandy-kisses' froom Heaven
and nor
n did I searchh for them.
Whhat I saw was faar more preciouus because
it wass God's Love not
n only living inn the hearts
oof the multituddes all aroundd me, but also
on theeir faces, and inn their lifestyles.
When those crowds gatherred together as
o body at thhe Masses and Prayer Sesssone
you couldd really feel thee Power of God
in thaat place. Thee congregationns
an unfoorgettable Beaccon of Light. By
example they bore wittness to strong
steadfasst trust, true devotion, lovee,
and resspect. The teennagers were noot
there was
w no shortagee of men's facees
i the pews annd the childrenn were happy to
b there.
To the youthh of the Parish Our Lady saidd:
Our Laady Queen of Peace said 25
yyears ago. (4.4.885) and her wishh was granted.
We spent six wonderful days
there, saav
peace and soaking up spiritual reef
before returning to Italy for the finaal
of our 12 day
d Group Pilgrrimage to Romee,
t Vatican, Meedjugorje and Duubrovnik.
After saying goodbye
to ourr travelling com
on thee tour my daugghter and I then
went up innto the Italian Mountains for a few
We visiteed St Michael's amazing Cave on
the breathhtaking slopes of Mt Garganoo and
we stayed at San Giovannni Rotondo to spend
some timee at St Padree Pio's magnificent
shrine beffore returning to Rome for a final
glimpse off St Peter’s and a tour of the Roman
Forum (thee ancient hearrt of western ciivilisation).We w
went to the Cooliseum and Paalatine
Hill and w
wandered arouund the surrouunding
ruins whicch in ancient times was a Civic
piazza surrrounded by huuge marble palaces,
temples, basilicas
and monuments where the
public life of the “Eternnal City” took place
many centturies ago.
Althouggh the ruins are
a now a fainnt reminder of the enormous power and weaalth of
the Romaan Empire, thee guide did givve us
deeper inssight into the cuulture and influeence it
cradled, and we gained a greater apppreciation of whhat St Peter annd St Paul weere up
against whhen they went too Rome.
Then, wiith my suitcasee, pockets and backpack heavvily weighed doown with mem
carved from
m the humble rocks
of Medjuggorje I
staggered through Cusstoms and retturned
t privileged expehome veryy grateful for the
rience of going
Thank yoou, Mary, for caalling us.
Paul Farge’s
s News
Sarrah has asked me to write
someething about me as it
appeears that som
me readers
wouldd like to know
w what has
become of me since I relinquishhed the editorship of Medjugorje News. For some times
beforre making thatt decision, I
realissed that old agee, infirmity (I
suffer from sensoryy ataxia – a
slow dying of the nerves
in my leegs – which
meanns that, loosin g feelings of the legs, I
have to walk eitherr with two walking sticks,
crutcches or with thee aid of a walker), and a
couple of mini strookes were a sign that I
should find someonne to replace me.
m It came
to a head
on the Suunday morning of the 2010
Euchharistic Convention: I wanted to go early
to ouur stall, so I weent in the showeer (it was a
moteel unit for disabbled!) and as I was drying
myseelf, holding onn to my walkeer (without
whichh I find imposssible to walk), I slipped on
the wet
w floor and my
m legs got tanngled up in
my walker.
I was stiill naked, cold and
a in great
pain so Elizabeth, my wife whoo was still
asleeep, phoned 111. Thankfullly
ourr motel was quite close to
Norrth Shore Hoospital and th e
ambulance soon arrived. I had a
douuble break of my
m ankle! For a
w days the docttors were considerring an operatioon to put a pin in
my tibia. But I asked them instea d
if it would be posssible to send me
bacck to Whangarrei by ambulannce. Fortunately there was an
duee to go back to Whangarei and
I went to the Whangarei
In there everyy day the doctoors told me that I
be operaated on; but att the last minutte
removed the
t sign “nil by mouth” that waas
o my bed! As it probably meaant that after the
I would have to staay in the orthoop
ward, theey decided to boot
b me away. I
not go hoome as would need care so a
r home wass found for me where I stayed
f seven longg weeks. Usinng my portable
I starrted working onn the next issue
o Medjugorje News. Then I went back to
to rem
move my plasterr. I stayed therre
another tw
wo weeks parttly for rehabilittation,
but also because
I got an infection which
could onlly be treatedd with intraveenous
injection off antibiotic.
When att last I was abble to return hoome I
realised thhat it was time to stop. A couuple of
years prevviously, as I was
w in hospital recovering froom my first sttroke, a man from
Dargaville was in the same ward andd was
visited reggularly by his daughter
… no other
than Sarahh Moran who showed
a willinggness
to take over from me an d so she is thee new
editor of Medjugorje
ws. She told me that
many readders have triedd to email me, but I
have channged my addrress which is now:
I am now
w 88yrs old annd I feel that after
rich life full of many differrent adventuress I am
now readyy for whatever God has in stoore for
me! Right now, I sleep most of the time in my
very comfoortable Lazy Booy chair and I can
c do
very little else!
God Blesss you all.
A Special relationship with Mary in everyday life
and calls us through prayer to grow in openness and obedience drawing
others to Christ like her. Marists see in Mary, the perfect model of the
ideal Christian, and breathing in her spirit will always for them bring a
deeper understanding of Christ and a more intense love for Him. Pope
Paul VI reminds us “The Virgin Mary has always been proposed to the
faithful by the Church as an example to be imitated… for the way in
which in her own particular life, she fully and responsibly accepted the will
of God and acted on it and because charity and a spirit of service were
the driving forces of her actions… Mary’s YES is for all Christians a
lesson and example of obedience to the will of the Father, which is the
way and means of one’s own sanctification.”
Secular Marist; Disciples of Hope Under Mary’s Name: Fr Colin who
founded the Society of Mary put it
this way, “Marists never forget that
they belong, by a gracious choice,
to the family of the Blessed Virgin
Mary and that they bear her name.
She it is whom they have chosen
from the beginning as their model…
they should always strive to breathe
in and out her spirit – namely the
spirit of humility, self-denial, of
intimate union with God and great
love for others. So let them try to
imitate Mary in everything, thinking
like her, judging and acting in all
things as she would.” It is this
particular emphasis on being like
Mary that characterises Marist
spirituality and members of the Third Order or Secular Marists live this
out in a special relationship with Mary in everyday life. They seek to draw
close to her, to in a sense breathe her spirit and embody her love for the
church as the Body of Christ reaching out in compassion to the world. To
be Marist is to carry on her work of openness to the Holy Spirit, gathering
God’s children under her care where they are embraced and led to a
deeper relationship with her Son Jesus for the greater glory of God.
Who can be a Secular Marist? Any Christian attracted to be like Mary is
invited to explore this spirituality. It involves a love for the Church and the
people of God, a desire to be supported by Mary to be an effective
disciple of Christ bearing his presence and hope to the world like she did.
It is a way of simplicity that is open to all. To be like Mary is to be like a
bridge to souls; effective at reaching people because we are alongside
them and able to reach out to them in our everyday ordinariness. No
special apostolic project is attached to being a Secular Marist. They are
called to be disciples of hope in everyday life, sharing their faith, prayer
and their love by responding to the needs of the Church and those in
their circles of influence in the world of their homes, parishes,
neighbourhoods in whichever way the Holy Spirit leads them. Mary was
a woman of prayer so whatever their life circumstances, a Marist will be a
person of prayer who is willing to trust God. This does not mean
spending hours in prayer. It means having deep faith in the love of God
and through simple daily prayer seeking to live in the presence of God,
as a disciple open to the Holy Spirit and interceding for the world.
Secular Marists are missionaries of peace and missionaries of hope in
everyday life.
Anyone interested in knowing more: contact or
write to Bev McDonald at 88 Hobson St, Wellington 6011, Phone 021
041 9728 or go to the website:
Medjugorje 1994:My name is Bev McDonald and I am a married
woman and now a grandmother. In August 1994 I had a six year old and
yet by grace there I was on pilgrimage in the little village of peace in a
country ravaged with war. Things that stand out are climbing Krisevac,
and the way of the Cross, clambering over rocks in 30’ heat at 3 pm with
about 1000 people to pray for peace on the hill of Apparitions. My most
treasured memory is sitting at dusk in prayer at the Blue Cross during an
apparition and experiencing a quality of peace and presence that I find
impossible to put into words. I experienced something wonderful and
filled with grace and I was just grateful to be there. Love of the Eucharist
was another fruit. My love of silence in the presence of God has endured
and deepened with the years. I met and listened to visionaries and their
down to earth simplicity and authenticity touched me. I went to shops for
souvenirs and as the church bells rang the shopkeeper would invariably
ask “how long are you here?”, when I replied “a week” they would say
“leave this and go to the church and pray, you can come back later.” That
witness of faith was very moving.
At my last Mass I was privileged to be part of
the singing group and recall we sang “This is
our God, the Servant King He calls us now
to follow him to bring our lives as daily
offering of worship to the Servant King…” I
can never hear that song without recalling
that Mass. The final verse is “So let us learn
how to serve and in our lives enthrone him,
Each other’s needs to prefer, for it is Christ
we're serving”. My relationship with Mary
echoes that song; always she points the
way to Christ and it is Jesus we serve by trying to be like her. The Icon to
the left was commissioned for “The Work of Mary, A.M.D.G & D.G.H”
(For the greater glory of God and the Honour of His Mother).
Conversion of Sinners and the Perseverance of the Just: So why am I
telling you this? I was also a Lay Marist in 1994 and am now the Lay
Coordinator of the Third Order of Mary and Marian Mothers for the NZ
Society of Mary. The Marist Third Order received Papal approval in 1834
as the ‘Confraternity for the Conversion of Sinners and the Perseverance
of the Just’, then in 1850 formally recognised as the Third Order of Mary
with indulgences and a simple practical way of living as a disciple of
Christ under Mary’s name in everyday life. Those of you who know the
messages of Medjugorje well will recognise the resonances of praying for
conversion of those far from God’s grace and for perseverance in prayer
for those in God’s family.
To be Marist is to respond to Mary’s call in a specific way. Her Marist
family carry on her work and try to be like her in all things. At Medjugorje I
was deeply affirmed as a Marist lay woman and have found Marist
resonances within the messages of Medjugorje. In June 2009 we heard
“…Be my extended hands for every creature, so that it may draw closer
to the God of love.” Then in November 2009, “Little children, be my
extended hands, hands of love for all those who have become lost, who
have no more faith and hope.”In December 2011 “By your baptism you
are all, in a special way called and loved, therefore witness and pray that
you may be my extended hands to this world which yearns for God and
peace.” And again in January 2012 “Open yourselves to prayer, until it
becomes a joy for you. Through prayer, the Most High will give you an
abundance of grace and you will become my extended hands in this
restless world which longs for peace. Little children, with your lives
witness faith and pray that faith may grow day by day in your hearts. I am
with you.”
In her school of prayer and life Mary leads us to Christ and asks us to be
“her extended hands of love for all.”She was fully open to the Holy Spirit
God’s power and love
One of the messages I keep coming back to this year is the message of
being “Real”. Meaning speaking only truth. Today I am going to tell you a
true story. For some of you it will be hard to believe and for others I hope
that it will clear some of your doubts. The story that I am about to tell you is
completely true and I am promising right now that I will not lie to you. Some
of you may find the stories of the Bible hard to believe. You may find it hard
to believe that God spoke to this guy Moses and gave him messages. You
may find it hard to believe that God actually loves you. You may find it hard
to believe that God even exists. You may find yourself having all these
doubts and all these questions left unanswered. Wondering if there really is
a God why won’t he prove that he exists. The story I am about to tell begins
with my mother asking these questions. Before I was born my mother had
several miscarriages. Meaning she would get pregnant but something
would happen and the child would die in the womb. This happened time
and time again. She was convinced that she couldn’t have any kids and
because of this became very angry with God. And in a prayer she said
“God if you exist you better come down here and show me.”
Around this time one of my mom’s employees was leaving on a trip to a
place called Medjugorje. She asked off for work to go visit this place where
“miracles” happen. This place was famous for people seeing The Virgin
Mary, Jesus’ mother. The co worker left for the trip and upon returning she
pulled my mother aside and told her that she had something very important
to tell her. She pulled my mother aside and told her that while in Medjugorje
she was walking at night with two friends back to their hotel when one of the
friends had this sudden feeling that she was supposed to be somewhere.
She had this feeling that she was supposed to be in a specific room of a
church. So they ran to the church. When the got there the nuns were just
closing up and said that no one else could enter the church. They
suggested that the group go to the side of the church and try looking
through the window. They ran to the side of the church and found the
window that looked into the room. A cloud came into the room and before
them appeared the Virgin Mary. She looked at my moms friend and told her
“ I have seven names for you. I want you to go home and bring them all
here.” My mom’s friend looked my mother in the face not knowing about
my Mom’s prayer for God to prove himself and said “Judy, she called your
My mother knew in that moment that she had to go to this place. The one
thing that stood in her way was convincing my dad to go. My dad when it
comes to things like this looked at it as many of you might…as complete
crap. HE thought the whole thing was hokey and wasn’t excited about
spending all the money to go to some in your face Jesus town. But my
mom full of faith convinced him to go. My dad was very bitter about it but he
did go. While there they witnessed many things that if I were to talk about
all of it would take hours upon hours. So I will tell you the key event. On one
of the last days my parents went to hear a priest talk about the history of this
town and the events that have taken place. At the end of his sermon he said
that he wished to pray for each of the people in the church. The guide that
my parents were with stated that this was a very, very rare thing to have
happen. Stating he doesn’t usually do this. My parents watched as the first
groups went down to be prayed for. The priest would walk in front of them
placing his hand before them (not touching them) and many would fall to the
ground. My dad much like I would have thought said that that was complete
crap and there was no way he was going down there. My mom having a
little more faith begged and begged for my dad to go down there and
eventually convinced him. They walked down. The priest came down the
row praying for people. He came to my dad and said a prayer then went to
my mother. He then stopped and looked back at my dad. The priest then
came back and placed his hand on him. My dad fell to the ground. My dad
lay on the ground and looked up and before him appeared Jesus Christ. He
stood before my dad and told him many things but there was on specific
thing that he told him that would have an impact on my family’s life. He told
him that everyone who came on the trip with them would go home with a
gift. And he told my dad what my mom’s gift would be. He told my dad that
her gift would be a son. I was born around a year later. I was raised with this
story. I heard it time and time again but it wasn’t my story it was my parents.
As far as I was concerned nothing miraculous every happened to me. And
believe it or not there would come a time when I would doubt if God exists
and I would ask a very similar question that my mother had.
My freshman year of high school I made tons and tons of new friends.
There was nothing in life that I valued more than the strong friendships that I
had. Half way through my freshman year my parents would tell me some of
the worst news that I had ever been given. They told me that we were going
to move from Tallahassee to South Florida. I was beyond angry. All the
friendships I had ever made seemed wasted. Right when everything
seemed perfect my happiness was stripped from me. I became angry at
God praying if you love me you wouldn’t do this to me. I began to doubt if he
even existed. I like my mother needed proof. That summer before I moved
was Young Life camp. Young Life is the high school version of Wyldlife. It
would be the last thing I did with my close friends before I moved to
Sarasota. In fact I moved almost immediately after returning from camp.
That week they gave many talks like we give you each week. The last night
of camp the speaker told us of how much God loved us. I remember rolling
my eyes and saying “yeah right. If God truly loved me I wouldn’t have to
leave all of my friends.” That night we were asked to go outside and sit and
just talk to God. I sat on the side of this mountain and prayed “God if you
really love me you better show me.” I cried out to God and he answered my
call. A force came over me that pinned me to the ground. My body felt
empty. I had this feeling of chills but not having any chills. It was as if a spirit
was moving in me. And as I sat there shaking in fear, I heard a voice. “I love
you.” Three times I heard this. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” I sat there
in fear. I was shaking and crying. Through my tears I looked up at the sky,
up at the stars. There was a perfect constellation of a heart.
My dad and I both were afraid when we had our encounters. Not because
we felt threatened or harmed or in any danger but because we saw God’s
power, we felt his presence and it was Incredible. I had never experienced
such peace and such greatness. I believe in God because I KNOW that he
exists. You may ask well how can you be afraid of God? Well in the bible
there is an incredible story. After teaching many people Jesus and his close
friends the disciples went out to sea. As night came they were out on a boat
and a furious storm came upon the waters. The boat was thrashing and the
situation was so bad that the disciples thought that they were going to die.
They ran down to the stern of the boat where Jesus IN THE MIDST OF
him up and said “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown!?” Jesus woke up
looked out at the wind and the waves and said “Quiet, be still!” Then the
wind died down and the waters were completely calm. He said to the
disciples “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The disciples
looked at Jesus terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind
and the waves obey him!” Jesus’ power was so great that even his closest
friends looked at him and said “HOLY CRAP!”. They were reminded of just
how great our God is.
There are a few similarities in the three stories that I’ve told. In each of the
stories we were all afraid. My mother was afraid she couldn’t have a child. I
was afraid of leaving all of my friends behind. And the disciples were afraid
that they would drown. In the three stories we all were losing faith. And In
the three stories we all asked Jesus if he cared about us. And in the three
stories he showed us above and beyond that the answer is yes. YES. In the
hardest times of our lives, in our worst and scariest moments, God comes
down and says I. LOVE. YOU. And I care about you, and I will help you
through this. Our God is so incredibly powerful and when bad things
happen God comes down and he calms the storm and he tells you that he
loves you. I believe in God because I know he exists. And I know that him
telling me that He loves me was not just something that I needed to hear.
But something that we ALL need to hear and remember and live for. God
loves you. And he cares about you very, very much.
By Devon Bailey
When I was young I recall a picture from one of my us constantly on how to maintain our peace and in this
bible books which showed two young children at the message she offers to guide us in our peace. Satan’s
cross roads of two paths. One was a smooth, beautiful attacks are not always obvious and overt. They can be
path, edged with flowers and it was heading cunning and subtle and before we are aware of it, our
downwards, you could not see where it headed. The personal foundation may already be shaken. We may
other path was not so inviting, was a very rocky road, it not have seen the signs. For example, if you are
looked like a difficult climb, and heading upwards suffering from an addiction, you may have the urge to
towards the sky towards the sun. The children in the partake in your addictive behavior, not realizing what
picture were trying to decide which way to go. The the trigger was or what the underlying problem.
It may be that you are under attack in some way by
smooth path did look more inviting to them. They were
confused. My young mind interpreted this illustration another person whose behaviour is unkind and nonthat the way towards Our Lord may not always appear Christian. They may be projecting their own craziness
to be the easiest way. In order to work towardsHim, our and problems on to you and before you know it you are
dreams, our spiritual path, the road may at times be a entangled into their web. Never underestimate the
challenging one, with a few bumps and injuries methods on which Satan will disguise himself as he
tries to destroy your peace. Our Lady tells us to always
received along the way.
The human condition does enjoy instant gratification keep a rosary in our hands as a sign to Satan that we
hence temptation is always around us. We live in a belong to her.
One of my favourite quotes by St Frances de Sales is
world which provides immediate solutions to many
things and takes away the need for us to work or wait as follows, “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly
for what we need or desire in life. The easiest, softest and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for
way may seem like the most appealing, however it anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems
does not always prove to be so. Our Lady shows us upset”. I have this quote on a piece of paper and carry
the way and provides us the tools through her it with me everywhere. Some may say, ‘how can you
messages to us. I have always found it rather amusing not lose your inner peace when you feel as though you
that she appears in Medjugorje, which is surrounded by have lost everything?’ Our Lady also tells us it is
rocks and not the easiest climb up to Mt Krizevac! Yet possible, we must allow Her to guide us. Life is
we do it, because we believe, we have faith in Her and beautiful. Life is also painful. Loved ones pass away,
no road would be too difficult. She frequently asks us to we are faced with illness, emotional pain, financial
pray for peace, particularly within our own hearts. issues and at times, a spiritual emptiness. Our Lady
When we have a peaceful heart, we are able to stand says, “…I wish to help you and to guide you…” We
up to the attacks that can at times throw us off our must let Her. I have personally always felt comfort from
the book of Job. "I came naked from my mother's
In 1990 she asks, “Dear children, today I call you to womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The LORD
pray especially for peace in the world. Offer sacrifices gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away.
and good deeds for peace, for Satan is strong and tries Praise the name of the LORD!"Job 1:21,
Acceptance, surrender and trust in the Lord is the
with all his strength to destroy the peace which comes
from God. Therefore, dear children, pray with me in a easiest softest way. It may not be paved with a smooth
special way for peace. I am with you and I wish to help road with blossoming flowers that we often get
you with my prayers – and to guide you – on the path attracted to. The journey may in fact be a difficult one,
to peace. I bless you with my motherly blessing, and a hard climb on sharp rocks that leave the occasional
ask you not to forget to live the messages of peace.” scar. Our scars are beautiful; they are our signs of
Our Lady understands and warns us of the power of resilience.
Our reward is peace.
Satan and how his attacks can affect us. She teaches
Tanya Unkovich is a business consultant and published author. Tanya was recently interviewed by Dr.
Robert Schuller on the Hour of Power in California. Her passions are writing and helping others to find
hope in their lives.
Creation and the New Holiness
Hugh Owen from Mt Jackson America, and Fr Emil from Australia
St Mary’s Avondale 11 September 7p.m.
St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby, 12 September 7p.m.
Hugh Owen and Fr Emil will be doing a presentation on these two nights. What light do authoritative
magisterial teachings of the past shed on the origin of man and the universe? How does cutting edge
natural science judge the theory of evolution? How do the answers to these questions relate to the
current crisis of faith and morals?
Donations appreciated to cover costs. Any enquiries, please contact Kath Marr, ph 09 8204253
We know that 80% of the town of Meulaboh in Aceh was destroyed by the Tsunami waves and 80% of the people also died.
This is one of the towns that was hit the hardest. But there is a fantastic testimony from Meulaboh. In that town are about 400
They wanted to celebrate Christmas on December 25th but were not allowed to do so by the Muslims of Meulaboh. They were
told if they wanted to celebrate Christmas they needed to go outside the city of Meulaboh on a high hill and they can celebrate
Christmas there. Because the Christians desired to celebrate Christmas the 400 believers left the city on December 25th and
after they celebrated Christmas they stayed overnight on the hill.
As we all know, in the morning of Sunday, December 26 - 2004, there was the earthquake followed by the Tsunami waves
destroying most of the city of Meulaboh and thousands were killed. The 400 believers were on the mountain and were all saved
from destruction.
Now the Muslims of Meulaboh are saying that the God of the Christians punished us for forbidding the Christians from
celebrating Christmas in the city. Others are questioning why so many Muslims died while not even one of the Christians died
Had the Christians insisted on their rights to celebrate Christmas in the city, they would have all died. But because they
humbled themselves and followed the advice of the Muslims they all were spared destruction and can now testify of God's
marvellous protection.
This is a testimony of the grace of God and the fact that as believers we have no rights in the world. Our right is to come
before God and commit our lives to Him. Our right is kneeling down before the Lord almighty and commit our ways to Him. He is
our Father and is very capable to care for His children. Praise the Name of the Lord.
Bill Hekman Pastor, Calvary Life Fellowship in Indonesia
My yoke is easy, my burden is light. . . .
Jesus tells us that all who are weary should come to Him. He eases all burdens. When He is our help, we need
not pull as though we were the only ones pulling.
But too often, we read this to mean that with Jesus there is no burden. That simply isn't so. We all have our work
to do in the Kingdom. We all have the little ordinary trials of life that form part of the cross we are to carry. We are
called to work for God; we will have a burden to carry. We will have a plow to draw.
But, with Jesus yoked with us, we will hardly feel it because He will carry the most weight and He will be there to
help us when we tire and stumble. Yes indeed, there is work for us in the Kingdom, but in all that we do Jesus is
there--an ever present help.
::: JuandelaCruz | sriddle415(at)
Willy’s new book, My Soul is thirsting for you, Oh Lord. Vol 2 is now available. Recommended as fantastic reading
by Sarah at Medjugorje News. Well done, Willy, the Lord is truly working through you.
Books are available directly from Willy at email
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- John Paul II Apostolic letters "Rosarium Virginis Mariae" (10 pages) & “Mane Nobiscum Domine” (7
- The four triptych pages, one for each series of mysteries, with a comment for each Hail Mary (I have
found these to be useful aids to meditation when praying the Rosary).
- John Paul II's "Letter to the Elderly" (6 pages) & Encyclical “Ecclesia De Eucharistia” (12 pages)
- The Testimony of Catalina Rivas on the Holy Mass (5 pages)
- “Medjugorje: Encounter with the Queen of Peace”, a comprehensive document on the happenings
at Medjugorje (11 pages)
- Benedict XVI's Encyclical letters: "Deus Caritas Est" (11 pages), "Spes Salvi" (13 pages) & "Caritas
in Veritate" (16 pages)
- The Secret of the Rosary (13 pages) by St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
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