Newsletter 300 : May 2016 PDF - MEDJUGORJE CENTRE ( NORTH


Newsletter 300 : May 2016 PDF - MEDJUGORJE CENTRE ( NORTH
NUMBER 300 : May 2016 : FREE
(Established since 1989)
To spread the messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus,
given through the visionaries in Medjugorje.
led by Fr. Martin Morris
( 2nd Sunday of the Month )
No afternoon of prayer on Sunday 12th June
Sunday 10th July 2016
Sunday 14th August 2016
4.00pm to 5.00pm Adoration
5.00pm to 6.00pm Rosary, Benediction and Reflection
NE31 1BE
Medjugorje Centre North East
Invites you to celebrate the
35th Anniversary of
The Apparitions at Medjugorje
7pm Friday 24th June 2016
Rosary, Mass and Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Led by Fr. Shaun O’Neil
Change of venue
English Martyrs Church
176 Stamfordham Road
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE5 3JR
Important Notice
Please Note : 35th Anniver sar y Vigil—Friday 24th June 2016. (above)
New Venue : English Martyrs,
176 Stamfordham Road, Newcastle, NE5 3JR.
Not as previously advertised—St Andrews at Worswick St. Cancelled
We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused.
New Posters issued.
Please pass on this information and should you come across any posters
advertising St Andrews please remove them.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at English Martyrs on the 24th June.
Given 25th May 2016 to Marija Pavlovic
ear children! “My presence is a gift from God
for all of you and an encouragement for
conversion. Satan is strong and wants to put disorder and
unrest in your hearts and thoughts. Therefore, you, little
children, pray so that the Holy Spirit may lead you on the
real way of joy and peace. I am with you and intercede
before my Son for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Fr. Martin Morris’s Reflection
Spiritual Director of Medjugorje Centre NE
Dear Brothers and Sisters of
Medjugorje North East and beyond,
Let us turn to the Holy Scriptures to
assist us in our reflection on this
month's message from the Queen of
Peace, Mary our Heavenly Mother.
In St Luke's Gospel we hear of our
Lady's Visitation to her cousin
Elizabeth. (Luke.1 39-56) Mary sets out
in haste forgetful of self, and filled
with the Joy of the Spirit, rejoices
with Elizabeth at the news of our
Salvation. In visiting her cousin,
Mary becomes the first missionary in
the Church to bring the person of
Christ to another. "From the moment
your greeting reached my ears the
child in my womb leapt for
joy." (Luke1:42)
The visitation is not consigned to
history, no, in our own day Mary,
Mother of God, continues to come to
the Church and the world with her
"Presence" of the Visitation to
encourage us as she encouraged
Yes, we are like her cousin, we are
the recipients of the Visitation, who
are hearing once again her joyful call
to respond to her presence amongst
us. “Dear Children, My presence is
a gift from God for all of you, and
an encouragement for conversion.”
Mary, knows how difficult it can be
to live good lives today, she is telling
us that her presence is a gift, and her
encouragement is to keep us on the
right path. We should reflect carefully
on this opening sentence, for Mary is
reminding us that she is not absent,
and with her encouragement we can
achieve great things for God, and the
"Satan is strong and wants to put
disorder and unrest in your hearts
and thoughts." Mar y r eminds us
what the Church already tells us when
in the renewal of our Baptismal
promises we "renounce Satan, so as
to live as the Children of light."
In the Gospel, Jesus is filled with the
Holy Spirit, when he goes into the
wilderness for forty days in order to
do battle with Satan. "Filled with the
Holy Spirit." The Gospels tell us as
Jesus confronts the powers of
darkness. So too Mary tells us,
“Pray, so that the Holy Spirit, may
lead you on the real way of joy and
Where do our disordered thoughts
and anxious feelings in the heart
come from? We too have to turn to
the Holy Spirit, as Jesus did in the
desert. When we pray the sequence to
the Holy Spirit in the ‘Veni Creator’
we say, "Far from us drive our deadly
foe, true Peace unto us bring." So let
us turn to the Holy Spirit the giver of
true Peace, the one who brings order
out of chaos, and gives holy
Come, Holy Spirit, come,
breath of God, come Spirit, blowing
from the lips of the Risen Saviour,
come Holy Spirit, come from the
pierced side of Christ on the Cross.
Dear friends, let us write this message
on our hearts, by living in peace. Let
the Spirit write this message on our
hearts by allowing these words to
influence our decisions and choices.
Let us have the humility and courage
to compare our lives against Mary's
words and allow the Spirit To show
us where we are falling short. No one
likes to change, but if we are really to
live the messages we need to Change
the disorder and unrest that can enter
our hearts. But the change will be
worthwhile, and the Holy Spirit will
come to help us in our weakness, and
Mary will help us too, after all she is
here to encourage us to learn to live
and move in the Spirit.
God Bless, Fr. Martin
My Presence
is a gift from God
and an
for conversion
Medjugorje Centre (North East)
Spiritual Director—Fr. John Patrick
Kenrick OP
PP St Dominics, Newcastle
Cost - £120 pp
Fri 14th –16th October 2016
Booking forms available from
Marian Fletcher
Telephone 0191 4174413
Our Lady’s message to Mirjana
2nd May 2016
“Dear children! my motherly heart desires your true
conversion and a firm faith so that you may be able to spread
love and peace to all those who surround you. But, my
children, do not forget: each of you is a unique world before
the Heavenly Father. Therefore, permit the continuous
working of the Holy Spirit to work on you. Be my spiritually
pure children. In spirituality is beauty. Everything that is
spiritual is alive and very beautiful. Do not forget that in the
Eucharist, which is the heart of faith, my Son is always with
you. He comes to you and breaks bread with you; because, my children, for
your sake He died, He resurrected and is coming anew. These words of mine
are familiar to you because they are the truth, and the truth does not change. It is
only that many of my children have forgotten it. My children, my words are
neither old nor new, they are eternal. Therefore, I invite you, my children, to
observe well the signs of the times, to 'gather the shattered crosses' and to be
apostles of the revelation. Thank you.”
the Gospel message...
visionaries, the parishioners, as well
as in your own lives.
Fr Svetozar Kraljevic, May 5, 1986
The name “Medjugorje Messages” is
not the most appropriate, because if
you go to the New Testament you
will find them all. They are not
“Medjugorje Messages”. They are
messages from Jesus Christ. And if
you want to now what is happening in
Medjugorje, just open the bible and
you will find out everything.
Everything is there. The messages in
Medjugorje were here before Our
Lady appeared. She just dramatised
them in the lives of the priests, the
August 1st – August 6th, 2016
(Lk 6,36)
of The Community of The Beatitudes
Medjugorje, May 13, 2016
Centenary of the apparition of the
angel to the 3 little shepherds of
Dear Children of Medjugorje, Praised
be Jesus and Mary!
Mirjana received her monthly
apparition at the Blue Cross, in the
presence of a fairly large crowd.
After the apparition, she shared her
2. Shattered Crosses ( message page4 )
Many people have asked us about the
meaning of this sentence: "Therefore,
I invite you, my children, to observe
well the signs of the times, to 'gather
the shattered crosses' and to be
apostles of the Revelation." Mirjana
asked that the phrase "gather the
shattered crosses" be put in quotation
marks; this means that the Blessed
Moher is referring to something
which is already known. An
explanation can be found in the
received in 1947 at The Three
Fountains, in the outskirts of Rome,
where St Paul was beheaded.
A brief flashback is required here:
Bruno, who fiercely opposed the
Catholic Church, devised a plan to
kill Pope Pius XII by stabbing him.
On the eve of the crime, Saturday
April 12, 1947, he was with his
family at The Three Fountains, where
his children were playing near a cave.
He was working on his book which
spoke against "The Immaculate".
When the time came to go home, his
youngest daughter remained in the
cave, so Bruno said to his son, "Go
fetch your sister!" He went, but didn't
come back. Bruno then sent his other
son, but he didn't come back either.
Bruno, who was angry, went himself
and found all three of his children on
their knees, hands joined in prayer
and their eyes in ecstasy. They
remained deaf to their father's call.
Bruno was then thrust
to the ground on his
knees, against his will.
When he raised his
eyes, Our Lady was
there, looking at him.
She told him:
"I am she who is in
the Divine Trinity. I
am the Virgin of
Revelation. You have
persecuted me, now it
is enough! Come back
to the holy flock which is the
Celestial Court on earth. God's
promise is unchangeable and will
remain so. The nine First Fridays
in honor of the Sacred Heart,
which your faithful wife persuaded
you to observe before you walked
down the road of lies, has saved
Bruno shared how the Blessed
Mother made a gesture with her right
arm, pointing at the ground with her
index finger. Lying there at her feet,
he saw a shattered cross, a piece of
black cloth and a cassock.
cassock thrown to the
ground represents the abandonment
of the priesthood by so many priests.
She said, "this is a sign that my sons
will leave their habits.... You, be
strong in the faith!" (The "sons" Mary
speaks about here are the members of
the clergy). The broken cross, near
martyrdom of priests who remain
faithful to Christ in the persecution.
The black fabric symbolizes that
the Church will become a widow, left
to the mercy of the world. Our Lady
said to Bruno, "The Church will be
persecuted, broken."
Then the Virgin Mary revealed to
Bruno what was going to happen,
especially the defection of so many
priests, and how much he should love
and serve the Church despite all that
was happening. She added that, "even
when priests are in an infernal
whirlwind", said Mary, "they are dear
to me. They will be trampled upon
and massacred."
Bruno converted on the spot. He even
became a fervent apostle and a great
defender of the Church until his death
in June 2001. (His cause for
Beatification has been opened in
Rome). During all those years, he
received words from Our Lady,
especially through dreams, like St.
John Bosco. These messages are
prophetic, they concern the near and
distant future of the Church, and the
internal tragedies the Church is
Why is Our Lady telling us today
about the shattered crosses we need to
gather? It looks like she is flashing a
warning light to us, who desire to
serve Christ and His Church, amidst
the great confusion and deep pain in
this spiritual battle. Our world is
swimming in murky waters. It is no
longer just a single shattered Cross
(that of 1947) but many shattered
crosses (those of 2016)! Mary is
expressing to us her immense pain at
the defection of so many Christians,
priests and lay people, the betrayals
within the very heart of the Church
herself and the widespread apostasy
of our time.
Mary revealed to Bruno the name by
which she wants to be invoked in this
place: "I am the Virgin of the
Revelation". She held in her hands a
little book: the Apocalypse of Saint
John, also known as "The Book of
Revelation". The Virgin of the
Revelation invites us today to be the
"apostles of the Revelation"!
characteristics of these apostles who
will remain loyal in the midst of
tribulation. "They do not complain,
they keep quiet and they do not
rebel." Didn't she herself experience
these characteristics during her
earthly life?
The Book of Revelation is a partly
sealed sacred text. It announces the
fate of humanity and the victory of
God over the Dragon and the Beast,
after a terrible fight. How can we not
open our eyes and see that indeed,
today as never before, the fight
against the Beast is violent and
decisive? Satan knows that his days
are numbered, and he is playing his
last few cards with the energy of
desperation. Does Our Lady want to
tell us that we are in a key moment, a
significant turning point in the life of
the Church? A time when the
realization of the Apocalypse is near
and when everyone will have to take
a stand, to be with Christ or against
Christ? I believe so, because in her
messages she never alluded to
another apparition, (apart in August
25, 1991 when she referred to her
apparition in Fatima). Why, this
month, is she bringing up the key
points of her apparition at Three
On this occasion, it is important for
us all to re-read the Book of
Revelation, especially chapter 12,
where "The Woman" (Mary!) is
present. She said to Bruno: "Before I
withdraw, I say this to you: The
Revelation is the Word of God and
this Revelation talks about me. This
is why I took this title, the Virgin of
the Revelation." (Let me point out
that it is the only Book of the Bible
where a Beatitude is offered:
"Blessed is he who reads these
prophetic words." Rev. 1:3)
It is also important to realize during a
heart to heart fervent prayer, how
much Our Lady is expecting us to
make reparation for all the offenses
against Jesus in the Eucharist and the
Priesthood that He entrusted to men.
"My Immaculate heart bleeds," she
said on April 25. She is not asking us
to "gather the broken Crosses" in
order to criticize and make negative
comments against certain priests and
prelates, or to become discouraged.
No, she is inviting us to do
everything in our power to help them
and to support them through our
prayers and sacrifices. What a
consolation we can bring her by
uniting our hearts to her broken heart!
Yes, her heart is bleeding, but it is
also confident in the final victory and
in her triumph that is drawing closer
each day!
That is why she is seeking souls that
are willing to be at one with her soul!
3. Jolanda Cornacchiola
The wife of Bruno Cornacchiola,
Jolanda, is an admirable example that
will be a path to Holiness for many
spouses experiencing hardship in
their marriage. Despite Bruno's
repeated betrayals prior to his
conversion, Jolanda remained faithful
to him, fervently praying, to the point
that Our Lady herself praised her!
"God's promises are and will remain
unchanged" she said to Bruno. "The
Nine first Fridays in honor of the
Sacred Heart which your faithful wife
persuaded you to observe before you
walked down the road of lies, has
saved you!" Isn't this beautiful? This
simple devotion saved Bruno from
perdition! The Blessed Mother never
experienced this type of problem with
her husband Joseph, thank God! But
she came to the defence of Jolanda,
asserting to Bruno that she had
remained faithful to him and had
never committed the sins of which he
accused her. In fact he would beat
her, probably unloading on her the
remorse for his own infidelities, until
the night that preceded the apparition.
(One could suggest to the Holy See to
beatify Jolanda at the same time as
her husband!) And Our Lady
continues saying, "The Ave Maria's
that you pray with faith and love are
like many golden arrows that reach
out to the Heart of Jesus."
Dearest Gospa, please help us open
our eyes and our hearts to the signs
of the times, grant us the grace to
follow in your footsteps and be a joy
and a consolation for your Son Jesus!
Sister Emmanuel
‘The Shed that Fed a Million
Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow
Presentation of the book
"The Shed That Fed a Million
Children" held in Medjugorje
The presentation
MacFarlane - Barrow's book “The
Shed That Fed a Million Children”,
took place in Medjugorje on
Wednesday 13 April 2016 in the Hall
of John Paul II.
Organised by Mary's Meals Bosnia
and Herzegovina, the Parish Office
Medjugorje, the Information Centre
Mir Medjugorje, the Association of
Guides Medjugorje
The book was presented by the
author Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow,
Dr. Zeljka Markic and Petar Balta,
the chief editor of Verbum
Publishing Company.
The founder of Mary's Meals,
Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, came
to Medjugorje in 1983 for the first
time. It was on his second visit in
1992, when he came bringing the
first delivery of humanitarian aid,
that his life was changed as well as
the lives of millions of children from
all over the world. This was the
beginning of his humanitarian work
as well as the birth of the
humanitarian organisation ‘Mary's
Meals’ which today feeds 1,101,206
children on a daily basis all over the
CNN elected Magnus as CNN Hero
in 2010, while last year TIME
magazine placed him on a list of the
100 most influential people in the
Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow has
never missed the chance of
emphasising how ‘Mary's Meals’ is a
fruit of Medjugorje.
Filmmakers Tour in Support of Apparition Hill
Bloomfield (If Only W e Had
Listened, The Triumph) and the Stella
Mar Films crew have wrapped
filming and finalized the details on an
aggressive 16-city tour scheduled to
launch Apparition Hill, the groundbreaking new documentary due out
this May.
“We didn’t set out to create a film
about life and death,” says Mr.
Bloomfield. “But when you draw
backgrounds together, you can’t help
but explore what’s truly on people’s
hearts. This project turned into a
fascinating experience that shows just
how much we all have in common.
Despite what seem like major
differences, these unlikely pilgrims
have a shared story that needs to be
The documentary is the fruit of a
ground-breaking concept utilizing a
video contest and crowd-funding
campaign to send 5 individuals to
Medjugorje, a little-known village
nestled in between two mountains
along the border of BosniaHerzegovina and Croatia to film their
The contest
campaign surpassed expectations and
additional travellers. Medjugorje has
been a hotbed of controversy as
millions visit the town each year to
see for themselves whether the legend
is true: that Mary, the Mother of
Jesus, has appeared to a select group
of natives with regularity for the last
35 years.
“The Blessed Mother has shown
herself in Guadalupe, Lourdes,
Fatima, Kibeho and elsewhere,”
notes fellow producer Cimela
Kidonakis. “Why not Medjugorje?
Whether or not it’s true, it still makes
for a thought-provoking film when
real people, who don’t necessarily
believe in God or Mary, witness
phenomena that none of us
understands—the conversations and
revelations paint a picture of
humanity that is really hopeful.”
As with 2013’s The Triumph,
Bloomfield is careful to present the
ideas of Medjugorje in a manner that
respects the Catholic Church’s
authority in its opinion of the validity
of these alleged apparitions. Because
the Church does not determine
whether apparitions are true or false
until after they have ceased, there can
be no ruling on what is currently
happening in Medjugorje. Both The
Triumph and Apparition Hill make no
claims on the veracity of the alleged
apparitions but allow viewers a clear,
in-depth understanding of some
interesting facts.
“I think audiences will be very
surprised and moved by this film,”
says Bloomfield. “We took a group
consisting of two atheists, a young
mother with stage four cancer, a
Catholic convert unsure about Mary,
a father of nine who lost his wife, a
man with ALS, and a drug addict.
In a way, the films offers something
for everyone
JO JACKSON brings to The North East
(Follows seven strangers as they
investigate the mystery of Medjugorje)
Monday 27th June 2016
Tyneside Cinema
Coming to Newcastle upon Tyne is
the brand new film documentary
Apparition Hill by well-known film
producer Sean Bloomfield
10 Pilgrim Street.
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tickets £7.00 pp
highlights the experiences of 7
individuals as they travel to and
in Medjugorje.
Travellers include2 atheists,
2 terminally ill individuals,
a drug addict,
a father of nine who lost his wife
several years ago, and
a woman who became Catholic after
13 years of searching but still
struggles with the idea that anyone
can have “apparitions” of the Blessed
What did they look for, and what did
they find?
How has the trip affected their
Find out by seeing the film! Bring
friends or family who you feel may
need to see this too.
For information and advance tickets
ring/text Jo on 07400565695
Remaining tickets will be available
15 minutes prior to show time.
(Any profit from ticket sale after
reimbursement from private hire will
be given to ‘Mary’s Meals’ Charity
Trust. The film & license may be
used again at Tyneside to raise
charitable funds)
Dates for Diary 2016
8th—15th June
35th Anniversary of
The Apparitions at
24th June
Apparition Hill Film
Tyneside Cinema
27th June
SS Peter & Paul
29th June
Medjugorje Retreat
14th - 16th October
The Medjugorje Story—“I have come to tell you God exists”
On June 24, 1981, six childr en in
the town of Medjugorje, Yugoslavia
( today, Bosnia-Herzegovina ), began
to experience apparitions of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. She spoke to
them giving a message of peace for
the world, as well as a call to conversion, prayer and fasting. The children (known as visionaries), Ivanka
Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka
Ivankovic, Marija Pavlovic, Ivan
Dragicevic and Jakov Colo described
Our Lady as ‘beautiful beyond any
human description’. These first apparitions took place on a hill behind
(Apparition Hill) and on the day of
the Feast of St. John the Baptist.
Our Lady has entrusted to the visionaries secret messages about future
events that will occur in the world.
The ‘secrets’, confided individually
to different visionaries, have not been
revealed to the public and are not
generally spoken about, however
there will be a permanent sign given
which will be left at the site of the
first apparition for the whole world to
see. Three of the visionaries Jakov,
Mirjana and Ivanka have received all
ten secrets, while Marija, Ivan and
Vicka have each received nine. Our
Lady, who calls herself the ‘Queen of
Peace’ appears to these three visionaries daily at 6:40pm wherever they
happen to be at the time. On the 25th
of every month Our Lady gives a
message intended for the whole
world. This message is given to Marija. The other three visionaries Jakov,
Mirjana and Ivanka only see Our Lady once a year now. Their daily appa-
ritions ceased once she had confided
all ten secrets to them. Jakov sees Our
Lady on Christmas Day, Ivanka on
June 25th, the anniversary of the
apparitions. This date was chosen as
the anniversary date of the apparitions since it was the first day Our
Lady spoke to the children. Mirjana
sees Our Lady on her birthday, March
18th. Our Lady has also been appearing to Mirjana on the 2nd of each
month since August 2, 1987.
The news that Our Lady might be
appearing immediately began to attract pilgrims to Medjugorje, first
from the surrounding countryside,
and then, despite the communist government of that day, from Europe and
the whole world. Since the apparitions began in 1981, millions of people of all faiths, from all over the
world, including clergy and theologians have visited Medjugorje and have
left spiritually strengthened and renewed.
The appearances of ‘Our Lady
Queen of Peace’ have been accompanied by many miracles in the form of
healings (of mind, body and soul),
supernatural visual events, and deep
conversions back to God.
Our Lady’s messages tell each one of
us God wants to renew our hearts
with his Spirit of Love to change the
world, one heart at a time. Our Lady
loves and knows each one of us for
she is our mother in heaven. She carries each of us in her heart and says,
“If you knew how much I loved you,
you would cry for joy”. Her appearances and messages give us all great
hope in this time of Grace.
of Medjugorje
Vicka Kovic Mijatovic : Born
3rd Sept 1964: Receives daily apparition. Her mission from Our
Lady is to pray for the sick
Ivan Dragucevic : Born 25th
May 1965: Receives daily apparitions. His Mission from Our Lady
is to pray for Priests and Familes
and the youth of the world
Mirjana Drugicavic Solo : Born
18th March 1965: Her Mission
from Our Lady is to pray for Unbelievers. Our Lady now appears
to her on her birthday and on 2nd
of each month. ( See PAGE 4 )
Ivanka Ivankovic –Elez : Born
21st July 1966: Her mission from
Our Lady is to pray for Families
She now receives an apparition
every year on 25th June (the date
of the first apparitions)
Jakov Colo : Born 6th March
1971: Receives an apparition once
a year on Christmas Day. His mission from Our lady is to pray for
the sick.
Maria Pavlovic Lunettie : Born
1st April 1965: Our Lady gives
Maria a Public Message for the
World on 25th of each month. Her
mission from Our Lady is to pray
for The Souls in Purgatory. ( See
PAGE 2 )
( criwnofstars.blogspot )
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Yes, if you forgive others their
failings, your heavenly Father will
forgive you yours,
but if you do not forgive others,
your Father will not forgive your
failings either.”
Matthew 6 : 14-15
In the very early days of the
remarkable event happened in St
James’ church where the people of
the parish had gathered to pray.
Earlier in the day, Our Lady had
instructed the visionaries not to just
“recite” the rosary but to think about
it in their hearts, and to first of all
forgive their neighbours. This
“message” was brought to Fr Jozo
who in turn conveyed Our Lady’s
words to the congregation.
At that time, many families in the
Medjugorje parish were in dispute
and on bad terms with each other, and
some of the disagreements stretched
back to previous generations for all
sorts of reasons.
After Fr Jozo had repeated Our
Lady’s words he remained in silence
and so did the congregation for quite
some time. He refused to continue
with the prayer programme and there
was tension in the air as time went on
and the silence continued.
Then suddenly, a man stood up in
tears and shouted, “I forgive my
neighbour” As he said this he walked
down the aisle and embraced the
person. This grace of mercy then
suddenly spread quickly throughout
the gathering as others held out their
hands and embraced with forgiveness
in their hearts. Fr Jozo later stated:
“This was the moment of conversion
for the entire parish.”
In a single day the entire parish had
suddenly and completely returned to
God. According to one eyewitness,
“during the day that followed,
neighbours who were on bad terms
and had not spoken for years,
approached each other in the fields,
shook hands, made peace and all five
hamlets in the parish were united as
never before.”
Medjugorje is a fountain of God’s
Divine Mercy, witnessed each day
Reconciliation. Through God’s Love
we receive God’s Mercy and God’s
Lillian Dryden aged 94
Lillian had a great devotion to Our
Blessed Mother she died on the Feast
of Our Lady of Fatima.
Lillian was a Pioneer Pilgrim to
‘Medjugorje North East’ staying in
basic accommodation with the Local
After Medjugorje she organize a
pilgrimage to The Holy Land, to walk
in the footsteps of Christ. Lillian was
always eager to bring people closer to
God, which led her and her friend
Ellen to start Children’s Liturgy in
Sheila Brown aged 85
14th Sept—21st Sept 2016
Cost £539 (Sharing)
For further details please contact:
Mrs Marie Bedingfield
Tel: 01642 530739
Sheila was a fervent believer in Our
Blessed Mother’s Apparitions at
Medjugorje. Trusting they brought us
closer to Jesus our Lord
Sheila was a frequent Pilgrim to
Medjugorje and became friends with
the locals. She appreciated the prayer
& contemplation of Medjugorje. At
the ‘Risen Christ’ she knew Christ
was saying to us ‘Come into my
heart’. She encouraged friends and
family to make the journey and the
Our deepest sympathy goes to their
Medjugorje Centre North East
We pray for all who grieve loved
ones, now in the embrace of Our
Blessed Mother Queen of Peace,
living in the Eternal light of Our Lord
and Saviour.
Prayers and candles will burn brightly
in their memory during the coming
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Holy
Mass will be offered.
Eternal Rest grant unto them
O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine
upon them,
may they rest in peace,
Friday 10th June 2016
Friday 8th July 2016
7.30pm to 9.30pm
Rosary : Holy Mass : Talk : Witness
For further details please contact:
Mrs Marie Bedingfield
Tel: 01642 530739
Wednesday 8th June—15th June 2016
Flying from Newcastle
Medjugorje Centre NE would like to wish all our pilgrims a safe and
wonderful pilgrimage to Medjugorje .
May Our Lady protect you and keep you safe .
During the Pilgrimage Holy Mass will be offered for the intentions of all
Readers and Friends of Medjugorje.
Pax Christie
(Mt 5:7)
World Youth Day 25th—31st July 2016
The Centre recognizes and accepts that the final authority regarding the apparitions
at Medjugorje rests with the Holy See of Rome. We willingly submit to that judgement.