December 2012/January 2013 Issue


December 2012/January 2013 Issue
The Medjugorje
Vol. 26, No. 6
Published for the Glory of God
Visionary Marija Speaks to Americans and Italians
December 2012/January 2013
Reflection on the Message
of Our Lady
by Fr. Charles Sellars, omi
In November, Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti
came to Notre Dame to give her witness
to the love of God, the love of Our Lady!
She greeted the large number of people
who came to pray with her in English!
And she spoke the entire night in English! It was a first for Marija! She told
us that God, through Our Lady, had
chosen her to come and witness to us.
Her witness was full of joy, hope and a
deep faith.
Here are the closing remarks given
by Marija:
has Our Lady come
F orhere?whatToreason
say, “Get up! Give this
testimony [of your faith]. ‘I am God the
Resurrection. I am the God who was
crucified and died. But I am resurrected!
I am with you, and I died for you. But I give
you freedom. In this freedom you have a
choice: good or bad. I call you for
goodness.’” And Our Lady says, “I call
you for new life. It’s your choice. It’s
your choice to say yes or no.”
Today my testimony for every one of you
is that I said “yes” with all my life.
And I speak today, also, in English. Never
did I study. But what brought me here is
this big joy in my heart. And I would like
to tell you that I am so happy because
God, through Our Lady, chose for me to
be here with you and to say God is love,
and He chose me to be, for every one of
you, hope. Hope and joy to be for all of
you. Hope that is God. Every one of you
should embrace Our Lady’s messages,
like the last message, to pray in a special
way for priests, who guide us and lead us
in holiness.
The Holy Father, Pope Benedict, asks us
for a Year of Faith. He would like to help
Marija continued on page 2.
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje
November 25, 2012
ear children! In this time of grace, I
call all of you to renew prayer. Open
yourselves to Holy Confession so that each
of you may accept my call with the whole
heart. I am with you and I protect you from
the ruin of sin, but you must open yourselves to the way of conversion and holiness, that your heart may burn out of love
for God. Give Him time and He will give
Himself to you and thus, in the will of God
you will discover the love and the joy of
living. Thank you for having responded to
my call.
December 25, 2012
As usual on Christmas Day Our Lady
came with the Infant Jesus in her arms,
but surprisingly she gave no message
for the world to the Medjugorje visionary Marija. Instead it was Little Jesus
that began to speak and said:
“I am your peace,
live my commandments.”
Jesus Christ is Our Peace
The setting for the birth of Jesus is
simple and private. The reference
to no room in the inn points to the
lack of privacy and not a rejection
of Mary and Joseph. There is no
indication of hardship, unusual
circumstances of social tension.
Emphasis is on the manger.
Luke’s narrative focuses very
briefly on the actual birth of Jesus.
The fact that shepherds are the
first to receive this good news is in
keeping with Luke’s theme of
simplicity. Their initial reaction is
fear, quickly overcome by the joy
of the message itself. The sign of
the manger cradling the infant was
announced to the shepherds. The
true king and peacemaker has
been born. And the angels fittingly
acclaim, “Glory to God in the
Luke never mentions the star of
Bethlehem and the shepherds
never see it. What they do see are
angels, and their response is not to
break out in Christmas carols,
rather to be filled with fear. “Do
not be afraid,” is the standard
greeting of angels. John Paul II
told the crowd gathered at St.
Peter’s upon his election, “Do not
be afraid.” This is a message that
in our times we still need to hear,
“Do not be afraid.”
Then with a Sign of the Cross, Our
Lady and the Infant Jesus blessed all
who had gathered for the apparition.
Volume 26, No. 6; December 2102/January 2013
The Medjugorje Star
coming on December 21, as they say? The
end can come any day, but it seems that
our life depends on the horoscope of the
day. But we must learn from those in the
past who trusted God,” Marija said, according to the local newspaper. “I do not
know what will happen to us, but God
teaches us that without Him there is definitely no future for us. What is a hundred
years if there is no eternal life? We are
too busy with evil, television and computers, but how much time do we devote to
God?” the seer also said.
Marija continued from page 1.
us in this way for our own faith to grow.
Since I was very young, we had Pope John
Paul II, who was the pope, Totus Tuus.
And Pope Benedict XVI is really God’s
providence for us today. We need to be
strong. And he is like a general, so tough.
We pray for him because he feeds us
through his Catechism, which is really
beautiful and a deep way of our faith.
And how beautiful is it to say that we have
so many beautiful people who are going
before us to heaven. We have an example
in Medjugorje, Fr. Slavko. He came to
Medjugorje in the beginning. He took Our
Lady’s messages seriously, and he prayed
every morning, every day. He loved, and
he tried to be joy for Our Lady. He died on
Cross Mountain one day with pilgrims
making the Way of the Cross.
And with joy, John Paul II died in holiness.
Everyone chanted “Immediately Holy!”
Because he was completely Totus Tuus!
And there are so many holy people. Mother
Teresa, how strong and big she was for us.
But she is one of us! John Paul II is one of
us! Fr. Slavko is one of us! But we are
weak! And we know that Our Lady told
us, “Fr. Slavko is with me in heaven!” Our
Lady asks every one of us to be holy.
So I would like to tell you all through this,
my testimony, to be holy like Our Lady is
holy and she is one of us. God bless you!
Marija Pavlovic Lunetti, Nov. 15, 2012
University of Notre Dame
Marija Speaks to Italians
W who trusted God, but it seems like
e must learn from those in the past
more attention is paid to horoscopes, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told 900
people at a prayer meeting on December
1, 2012. We are too busy with technology
and evil, and devote too little time to God,
Marija added.
Medjugorje visionary Marija PavlovicLunetti took on what she saw as misplaced
priorities and bad use of time in addressing 900 attendees on Saturday at a prayer
meeting in the Grand Theatre in Canazei,
“What do we have to fear? The prophets,
hurricanes, or that the end of the world is
“I do not know what will happen tomorrow – but the important thing is to have
your heart free from anxiety, fear, pain,
and live through every test of your lives,
remaining steadfast in prayer and love,”
Marija added, according to the regional
newspaper, l’
Marija cited several examples of healing,
one about a boy who was in a coma for
three months after a car accident,
but woke up without any kind of brain damage. “So many times we do not believe in
miracles, but they are there. My testimony
is intended to be a sign of God’s love for
you. We are nobody, I am nobody, but we
are here as a sign that Our Lady intercedes with God for us,” she said. “Our
Lady loves you and carries the image of
all of us in her heart, today and tomorrow,
because everyone is important to her,”
Marija told them.
Annual Message of December 25, 2012 to Jakov Colo
“Dear children, give the gift of your life to me and completely surrender to me so that I may help
you to comprehend my motherly love and the love of my Son for you. My children, I love you
immeasurably and today, in a special way, on the day of the birth of my Son, I desire to receive
each of you into my heart and to give a gift of your lives to my Son. My children, Jesus loves you
and gives you the grace to live in His mercy, but sin has overtaken many of your hearts and you
live in darkness. Therefore, my children, do not wait, say ‘no’ to sin and surrender your hearts
to my Son, because only in this way will you be able to live God’s mercy and, with Jesus in your
hearts, set out on the way of salvation.”
The Medjugorje Star
Volume 26, No.6; December 2012/January 2013
The Medjugorje Star and P
rison Ministry
n November 2012, Pope Benedict
XVI addressed prison administrators
saying it is not just necessary to simply punish offenders: “It is necessary that
in punishing them, everything possible be
done to correct and improve them. They
take part in the mission of Christ Himself
who came to call not the just, but sinners.
Many of them are at risk of losing their
sense of life’s meaning and the value of
personal dignity.”
25 attend for three hours; Friday night,
Legion of Mary Praesidium in America has
30 active members; and, of course, Saturday, Mass or Communion service followed
by Catholic education and RCIA classes
we conduct. We get 80-90 men there. It’s
all good stuff! Currently we have six candidates and catechumens with sponsors
working toward an after-Easter initiation.
We have choir, band, altar server training,
and on and on. God holds us close here.
To this end we would like to tell you of a
volunteer in Ramsey Prison in Rosharon,
Texas, through moving letters and thankyou notes from inmates.
“Anyway, once again—from all of us—
thank you so much for your support and
contribution to our community. God bless
you all.”
From Bill : “On behalf of all the Catholic
community at Ramsey, I want to express
our sincere appreciation for your kindness
and generosity. Our Monday night rosary
group volunteer, Bob Vinklarek, brings The
Medjugorje Star regularly and we read it
and discuss many of the articles after our
prayers. By proxy, you and your whole
organization have been an active part of
our community for years!
From Richard: “Prison volunteer Bob
Vinklarek has been coming to the Ramsey
Prison for 26 years. He has been a dedicated volunteer to all the men here, not
just the Catholics. His compassionate
teaching of the Gospels and his devotion
to Mary after visiting Medjugorje over 27
years ago has become a shining example
of the teachings of Christ.
“I will tell you that our Church really works
‘inside’ here too. Through the dedication
and devotion of so many outside volunteers who bring the Word of Christ in, we
meet regularly and often. We get to witness our Church at its absolute best. Men’s
lives are changed in here as many of us,
unfortunately, had to find our ‘bottom point’
in life to come to the realization that alone
we can’t do it. With Jesus and through our
Church, life suddenly became meaningful
and purposeful again. And with this, we’ve
seen families healed and lives changed.
“We are blessed here with a very active
and committed community. Weekly, we
have Monday night rosary, about 40 attend for two hours; Friday afternoon, Liturgy of the Hours and FTCM class, about
“He brings the 20 copies of The Medjugorje Star to us each time you send them
to him. He reads the messages from our
Mother and then we pray the rosary. His
group has grown from five men to 42 at
our record this summer. Bob, through the
inspiration of Mary and his experience at
Medjugorje, has brought her words of
prayer and love to all those here in prison.
Her words of understanding and of maternal love for all her children has broken
open hearts devoid of such love and
brought dozens of men back to the Church.
“Thank you so much for your generous
contribution of The Medjugorje Star to Bob
and then to us. We all read it from cover
to cover and wish we were paid for our
labors in here so that we could donate to
cover your own expenses. We would love
Volume 26, No. 6; December 2102/January 2013
to respond to Our Lady’s call, but we are
already taxing our families to cover our
medical expenses. Thank you so much for
including us in your ministry.
“We are fortunate here at Ramsey to have
dedicated volunteers without which we
would not have any programs. Bob,
touched by Our Mother Mary, has brought
a light of understanding and realization of
the Gospels to the men here at Ramsey
Prison. We have the only prison Legion of
Mary Praesidium in America, and say the
rosary every day for people like yourselves
who help prisoners. Thank you again for
including us in your ministry.”
From Brother Rowdy: “I have saved pictures from The Medjugorje Star along the
way, making new additions to my devotional materials that have been a wonderful inspiration and will remain with me for
From Roland: “Thank you so much for
this blessing of The Medjugorje Star. My
family enjoys it also.”
From Gary: “God bless you all and your
loved ones. The Medjugorje Star has been
an up-lifting blessing to us men-in-white
for over two decades. Thank you all for
your time, love and effort in spreading the
message. God bless.”
There are many more notes of thanks from
these men. Bob Vinklarek certainly is carrying out the Pope’s request by “promoting forms of evangelization and spiritual
care capable of drawing out the most noble
and profound side of the prisoner, awakening his enthusiasm for life and his desire
for beauty, so characteristic of people who
discover anew that they bear within them
the indelible image of God.” And, of course,
the Blessed Mother has a big hand in this
The Medjugorje Star
The Model Who Gave Up Chanel for
a Life of Prayer
Healing the Y
A Lame Girl Healed
Silvia Busi fell very ill at age 16, but all the
tests were negative. Silvia found herself
in a wheelchair unable to move her legs.
During an apparition where Our Lady was
appearing to the visionary Ivan, not only
was Silvia healed, but she received the gift
of faith. She continued to have some seizures and to take medication, but eventually this stopped and she was completely
healed. She now prays every day to receive the love of God and the Madonna
more into her heart.
The Teenage Atheist!
When Emma Fradd was in high school,
she got involved in the party scene. She
refused to attend Mass and rejected anything to do with the Church. At the age of
20, she didn’t believe in God at all. She
lived in Australia, but her brother and his
wife lived in Ireland. They invited her to
stay with them for three months. When
she got there, a priest in Ireland paid for
her to go to Medjugorje with the group that
her brother was going with. She thought,
“I’ll go there and pray and show them that
God doesn’t exist.” She prayed the prayers
with everyone but emotionlessly. Soon after, her brother went to Canada as part of
his work with NET missionaries. It was
his job to evangelize. Emma went with
him. When she saw the happiness that all
the young people had, she wanted some
of it too.
She was tired of pretending to be happy
or basing her happiness on false ideals. She
asked God to give her the same feeling as
these young people. Emma then decided
for the first time in five years to go to Confession. She returned to daily Mass and
the Eucharist. When she returned home,
she shared her new found happiness and
faith with her friends, but they did not know
her. They did not like the new Emma. They
The Medjugorje Star
stopped talking to her, and this hurt a lot. It
would have been easier to walk away from
her faith, but she didn’t. She returned to
Canada joining with NET ministries. She
now spends her time not partying but evangelizing.
The Countess Who Gave Up All Her
Countess Milona Von Hapsburg visited
Medjugorje with her relatives for three
days when she was in her 20’s. This trip
left a profound impression on her. It
prompted her to give up her high-flying and
pampered lifestyle in Geneva to become a
volunteer in Medjugorje performing humble
tasks like interpreting for Fr. Slavko and
the six visionaries. Milona had a personal
encounter with Our Lady on the hill. She
felt a presence coming around her and
covering her like a mantle. She felt as if
two eyes were looking deeply into her very
soul. For the first time she saw her entire
life and what it amounted to. There was
no judgment at all, just total truth. After
this she felt she had to rid herself of all
that separated her from God.
Anna Goledzinowaska was from Poland
but was living in Italy. To the outside world
and to her family, she had it all. She had
looks, a high-paying job and a luxurious
apartment. Her friend was going to Medjugorje and paid for Anna to go with her.
When Anna arrived in Medjugorje, she
realized that she was not happy with her
life. Before this, Anna had an allergy to
priests and anything to do with the Church;
yet, here she was attending daily Mass.
She was so touched with Medjugorje that
she could no longer find peace with her
life back home. She gave up her job, which
meant she lost out on a lot of money, and
she stayed in Medjugorje. She is now
happy that people like her for herself, not
for her money. She gave up her Chanel
shoes because they did not “fit” anymore.
Her friends and family cannot understand
her decision, but she is happier than ever.
Amanda Curran,
Medjugorje Herald, July 2012
The Korean Priest
Peter Kim Dae Woo is a parish priest in
Korea. He was ordained in 2009 despite
his great desire to become a singer. He
cursed a lot, and music was his whole
world. He came to Medjugorje, and he
began to pray the rosary and to attend Mass
every day. He lived the five messages of
Our Lady. He would cry during Adoration, especially at the sound of the violin.
When he returned to Korea, he knew
music couldn’t be his whole life. That is
when he knew that he was being called to
become a priest. If he hadn’t come to
Medjugorje, his calling would have never
been realized, let alone fulfilled.
In honor of the Infant Jesus
speaking on Christmas Day, we
are offering three items to foster
devotion to Him: The Infant of
Prague Chaplet, and the Infant
Jesus of Prague prayer book, containing a treasure trove of
prayers, and a beautiful 4-inch
resin statue of the Infant of
Prague. See page 6 to order.
Volume 26, No.6; December 2012/January 2013
Looking toward Lent Feb. 13-Mar. 27, 2013
New Book by Bob & Penny Lord
Stations of the Cross for home or chapel
5x6” black with white resin etched figures
Regular $210.00 limited Special $89.00
Mary’s Way of the Cross
Year of Faith declared by Pope Benedict XVI
Day by Day through Lent
(Reflections, prayers, practices)
October 2012 – November 2013
Way of the Cross
(St. Alphonse Liguori’s method)
Prayers, Promises & Devotions of the
Holy Souls in Purgatory by Susan Tassone
Praying the Rosary with Our Lady of Medjugorje
(Messages of Our Lady between each Hail Mary)
All Four Mysteries on CD
The First Easter Bunny (true meaning
of the Passion, Death & Resurrection for kids)
Children’s Coloring Books:
Stations of the Cross
The ‘One Thing’ is Three by Fr. M. Gaitley $15.00 NEW!
(How the Most Holy Trinity Explains Everything)
Simply written to explain the mystery of the Trinity.
33 Days of Morning Glory by Fr. M. Gaitley
(Do-it-yourself Retreat
in preparation for Marian Consecration)
_____ Heroes - Popes in Hard Times
Year of Faith: A Bible Study Guide
The American Prayer Book, In God We Trust $6.00
(History and prayer for every important date
in the American & Christian calendar)
Audience Talks of Pope Benedict XVI - in book form
Jesus, the Apostles & the Early Church
Church Fathers (Clement to Augustine)
Church Fathers & Teachers
(St. Leo the Great to Peter Lombard)
St. Paul
Power of the Rosary
When Jesus Was Twelve by Fr. Doyle
How to Defend the Faith without Raising Your Voice
by Austen Ivereigh
Evidence of the Afterlife by Jeffrey Long, MD $15.00
(Science of near-death experiences)
Medjugorje, What's Happening?
by Fr. James Mulligan (hardcover)
Dear Children (messages from 1984-2012
arranged by subject matter )
Animals in Heaven? Catholics Want to Know $16.00
The Whole World Will Love Me
(Life of St. Therese) by Dorothy Scallan
The Ten Secrets of the Blessed Virgin
(How to Prepare for their warnings)
Angelic Tails (true animal stories)
by Joan W. Anderson
God Will Provide by Patrica Treece
(How God’s bounty opened to Saints and 9 ways
it can open to you, too)
Ivan Dragicevic DVD (talk from 12/1/09)
The Medjugorje Fasting Book by Wayne Weible$15.00
Seven Sorrows Chaplet (black beads, instructions) $16.00
Medjugorje Chaplet (blue beads, instructions) $8.00
For Greater Glory (True story of Mexico’s
struggle for religious freedom)
Queen of Heaven: Our Lady of Good Help
See How She Loves Us by Joan Cruz
(50 approved apparitions of Our Lady)
The End of the Present World and the Mysteries
of the Future Life by Fr. C. Arminjon
translated by Susan Conroy
Power of the Sacraments
by Sr. Briege McKenna
Mary Undoer of Knots Novena
Basher Five-Two by Scott O'Grady
(Pilot shot down in Bosnia tells his story)
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo FOR KIDS
(hardcover) beautifully illustrated
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo (adult) $17.00
(A little boy's astounding story of his journey to heaven)
Trinity Crucifix
2½” $3.00
2” $1.50
1½ $1.25
Stainless steel chains start at
Brown Scapular, washable
Baby Crib Medal (gift boxed)
circle color White, Blue, or Pink
Books by Bob & Penny Lord
Prayer Books
Novenas for the Church Year HC-NEW!
Prayers for Urgent Occasions
Prayers to Mary (beautifully illustrated)
Our Blessed Mother's Rosary
(Scriptural meditations, prayers)
Catholic Book of Prayers #910/09
An Hour With Jesus Vol. I
An Hour With Jesus Vol. II
Replica of Cross on Mt. Krizevac
3 1/2" $3.00
with .3 gm soil from Apparition Hill in the base
Our Lady of Medjugorje
Visions of Heaven, Hell & Purgatory
This is My Body, This is My Blood
(Miracles of the Eucharist)
Visionaries, Mystics & Stigmatists
Many Faces of Mary
Volume 26, No. 6; December 2102/January 2013
Messages to the World from the Mother of God
(Medjugorje Messages 1984-2009)
24" outdoor statue white
*shipping for outdoor statue depends
on your location. Call for cost.
The Medjugorje Star
_ ____
“For Greater Glory”
(Mexico’s struggle for religious freedom)
_____ “The Greatest Miracle”
(Animated story of guardian angels in lives of three people)
_____ “Good Friday Special” by Fulton Sheen $15.00
_____ “Angels” by Fulton Sheen
_____ “Sheen Gems” by Fulton Sheen
_____ “The Robe” Richard Burton 135 min.
_____ “Jesus of Nazareth” 382 minutes
Beyond the F
71 minutes (English)
CD $12.50
Audio cassette
"Mas Alla de los Campos" DVD
"Mas Alla de los Campos" CD
Music CD’s by Lorraine Hess
_____ Child of God
_____ We Shall be Healed
Immaculée Ilibagiza
Divine Mercy Novena Booklet
Diary of St. Faustina
_____ Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song
live from the National Shrine CD
True Stories by Joan W. Anderson
Angels & Wonders
Guardian Angels
Where Angels Walk
The Power of Miracles
Reflections on Mary (book)
_____The Angels
_____Ten Commandments
_____Prayers to the Saints
_____Receiving Holy Communion
$4.00 ea
_____Mass for Children
_____My First Prayerbook
_____The Holy Rosary
_____Going to Confession
$1.50 ea.
_____The Mass
_____Ten Commandments ____Animals of the Bible
$20.00 NEW!
age 3-up
$1.50 ea
_____Jesus _____Mary
_____Saints _____Angels
_____Prayers _____The Holy Spirit
_____Ten Commandments
_____St. Francis
_____St. Theresa _____St. Joseph
_____St. Padre Pio _____Mother Teresa
_____Twelve Apostles
_____St. Anthony _____ Mass for Children _____Eight Beatitudes
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
_____First Children's Bible
(hardcover) (135/22)
The Boy Who Met Jesus
Visit from Heaven HC
If Only We Had Listened (messages) HC
Led By Faith (her spiritual journey) PB
Our Lady of Kibeho (apparitions)
Left to Tell (her incredible story)
Meditations on the 7 Sorrows of Mary PB
Books by Michael Brown
A Life of Blessings
Life Missions, Family Healings
Praise and Thanks
Ave Maria
Rosary of Healing all 4 mysteries
St. Joseph Home Sale Kit
Statue, instructions & prayer
Fr. Charles Sellars shares his faith
Medjugorje Every Month book
(over 16 years of reflections on the
Medjugorje messages)
New CD’s by Dana
Infant of Prague 4” statue
Infant of Prague Chaplet
Infant Jesus of Prague Prayerbook $4.00
______ Plastic Rosary
______ Medjugorje Rosary (blue crystal)
______ Wooden rosary on cord
$ 4.00
2/$1.00 $33.00/100
Send page 5 & 6 when ordering!
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Volume 26, No.6; December 2012/January 2013
Volume 26, No. 6; December 2102/January 2013
The Medjugorje Star
The Medjugorje
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Metairie, LA 70003-4509
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Thank you for your support for 26 years--The Medjugorje Star
Bob & Penny Lord have chosen
nine popes who have done battle
for the Church against the powers
of Hell that were rampant in their
time, like the French Revolution,
Napoleon Bonaparte, Bismark,
Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin. Most
of the recent books written about
the papacy have been anti-pope
ones. This book counteracts that
mindset and reveals the struggles
the popes had to save the Church
and the world.
It is offered onpage 5.
To receive The Medjugorje Star by email,
send your email address to
The Holy Father’s
§ Visit the Silver Chapel §
The Medjugorje
Star is located near the
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. Join us for prayer in the Silver Chapel –
noon–Angelus, 3 pm–Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Airline Hwy
The Medjugorje Star
Veterans Blvd
David Dr.
General Intention for January 2013
The Faith of Christians. That in this
Year of Faith Christians may deepen
their knowledge of the mystery of
Christ and witness joyfully to the gift
of faith in Him.
General Intention for F
uary 2013
That migrants throughout the world
may be welcomed with generosity and
authentic love, especially by Christian
Non Profit Orgn.
U. S. Postage
New Orleans, LA
Permit No. 1301
Our purpose is to spread information about
the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in
Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina. Any article
in this newsletter can be copied in whole with
credit given to The Medjugorje Star. There is
no subscription fee. This newsletter survives
solely on your donations and purchases of
books and religious items. Your prayers are
requested for this ministry of spreading Our
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Metairie, LA 70003-4509
Phone (504) 889-1713
FAX (504) 889-1714
Editor: Kay Mule
Secretary: Ellie Rodrigue
Printer: Roberson Advertising
(504) 832-1481
Spiritual Director:
Fr. Charles Sellars, omi
Oblate Madonna Residence
5722 Blanco Road
San Antonio, Texas 78216-6680
(210) 348-1466
Patron Saint of TMS:
St. Anthony Mary Claret
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Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:30
Sat. 9:00-4 CST
Volume 26, No.6; December 2012/January 2013