2016 Issue 12 Click for PDF
2016 Issue 12 Click for PDF
I SSUE 12 O AKS P ARK N EWS 4 TH D ECEMBER 2015 DIARY DATES Mon 7 Dec Y11 PPE Practical's Re-sits begin Winter Performance Drama Club 4pm Tues 8 Dec End of Term A reminder that we break up for the Christmas holidays on Friday 18th December. We return on Tuesday 5th January 2016. Full details will be in next week’s Newsletter. Sixth Form – Year 12 Parents’ Evening Thank you to all parents who attended the Year 12 Parents’ Evening. It was a very good turn out and I hope you found it worthwhile. New Building At the moment we are all very frustrated as the handover Y13 Trip to Redbridge date keeps being put back. We are hoping to occupy the Drama Centre building as soon as possible, but realistically we have little Dance Competition time left this term. Weds 9 Dec Parent Governor Elections The Ballot for the Parent Governor Elections closes at 3.30pm on Friday 4th December. Results will be posted on Y13 Trip to Redbridge the school website. Thurs 10 Dec Drama Centre Y10 Parents’ Evening 16:00 to 19:00 Ballot Papers should be posted in the Ballot Box in the main reception. Fri 11 Dec S Wilks Headteacher I SSUE 12 O AKS P ARK N EWS 4 TH D ECEMBER 2015 Christmas Lunch On Friday 11th December Christmas Lunch will be available for students in school. In order to cope with the large numbers of students to be served, there will be no food available at Break-time on that day. Breakfast will be available as usual, but no food at Break. Students will be collected from lessons in order to have all students served in an orderly manner. Students with packed lunches will be able to eat them in the Canteen as normal. The Menu is on the next page. Mr D Dutch Deputy Headteacher Word of the Week Slugabed (Noun) Meaning: A lazy person who stays in bed late. In a sentence: “As a natural slugabed, Alex is always late for school.” O2AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 12 O AKS P ARK N EWS 4 TH D ECEMBER 2015 O3AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 12 O AKS P ARK N EWS 4 TH D ECEMBER 2015 Lost property will be on display in the Welfare Office. Please claim your lost items before the end of term O4AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 12 O AKS P ARK N EWS 4 TH D ECEMBER 2015 Oaks Park 16-9 Valentines The Oaks Park Bullfrogs got back to winning ways with a slow burning match against Valentines High School. The match was particularly significant as it was the first time that females outnumbered males on the team, but also in the match as Valentines brought a balanced gender team as well. Oaks Park built up a steady stream of points, particularly from veteran James Lo, and it was enough to earn the Bullfrogs their first win of the season. The next event will be the inter-house Hans Woyda competition, which will see whether we might have some new faces for the next match versus Seven Kings. Congratulations to the team of Tehillah Campbell, James Lo, Kiran Mann and Vytene Janiukstyte. Mr A Bissett Team Leader Maths Department O5AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 12 O AKS P ARK N EWS 4 TH D ECEMBER 2015 New Building The builders are working hard to finish off the last few tasks on the new building. Furniture and fittings are in. It is looking really good. Most of the external site has been cleared and final groundwork jobs are nearly completed. Once the Craig Foster Building, Changing Rooms and 4G pitch are handed over, there will still be areas fenced off where grass will be seeded. Students have been shown a power-point in Assemblies showing all the improvements made to Oaks Park over the last few years. These include the Dining Room Extension, re-seeding the Playing Field , fencing the Field off, removing Telly-Tubby Land and replacing it with a caged all-weather sports area, refurbishing the Hall, re-modelling the Main Reception. We are continually looking to improve the facilities for our students and staff. Mr D Dutch Deputy Headteacher O6AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 12 O AKS P ARK N EWS 4 TH D ECEMBER 2015 Monday 7th – Friday 11th December Wednesday 9th Yr 7 Netball Ms. Castle Emerson Park (Away) Monday 7th U13 Handball Girls Ms. Tricker/ Ms. Mcdonald Isaac Newton Academy (Away) Yr 7 Basketball Mr. Green Isaac Newton Academy (Home) Dance competition Oaks Park Yr 7 Basketball Mr. Green Caterham High School (home) Yr 9 Netball Ms. Castle Southend (Away) Yr 7 Final Indoor Athletics Mr. Edwards/Ms. McDonald Beal High School (Away) Tuesday 8th Yr 8 Netball Ms. Mcdonald Seven Kings High School (Away) Yr 9 5-a-Side Mr. Edwards Woodbridge High School ( Away) Thursday 10th Yr 10 Volleyball/Handball Mr. Green Copperbox Arena (1-3pm) Friday 11th Yr 9 Basketball Mr. Edwards Woodbridge High School (Away) O7AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921