Issue - Oaks Park High School
Issue - Oaks Park High School
I SSUE 37 Diary Dates Mon 11 July Y10 Business Trip to Coca Cola Tues 12 July Y10 trip to St Guys Y10 Music Performance Exam Weds 13 July Y10 GCSE Trip to Norfolk Y11 Prom Thurs 14 July Fri 15th July Y12 Finish Geography Trip Returns O AKS P ARK N EWS 8 TH J ULY 2016 Annie Jr. Congratulations to all students involved in the production of Annie Jr. last week. To produce such a high quality show in 6 days was a wonderful achievement! Thank you to all staff involved. Sports Day Although the weather was not great we held our Sports Day last Friday for Years 7-9. Despite the rain the students participated enthusiastically in all events and there were some very close races. Well done to all students concerned and the staff who were in before 7:00 am to set up for the day! End of Term End of term is fast approaching. Please remember that we break up on Tuesday 19th July. As normal on the last day of summer term, we will finish at 12:00 after Period 3. Staff Leaving Once again we have very few staff leaving Oaks Park this summer. Next week in the Newsletter I will be saying goodbye to colleagues who are leaving at the end of term. S Wilks Headteacher I SSUE 37 O AKS P ARK N EWS 8 TH J ULY 2016 Monday 11th – 15th JULY Monday 11th Y7 Rounders Final Ms Petrie Home Oaks Park Wednesday 13th Y10 Mixed Rounders Ms Tricker Ms Andrews Frenford 1pm O2AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 37 O AKS P ARK N EWS 8 TH J ULY 2016 Word of the Week Turophile (Noun) Meaning: A connoisseur of cheese; a cheese fancier. In a sentence: “Hannah loves all different kinds of cheese; she’s a true turophile.” Motivational Quote of the Week O3AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 37 O AKS P ARK N EWS 8 TH J ULY 2016 . Please bring in your donations for the above and see Ms Nathan, Ms Rockson and Mrs Smith for more information O4AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 37 O AKS P ARK N EWS 8 TH J ULY 2016 Lost property will be on display in A16 the Welfare treatment room, your last chance to claim your lost items before the end of term. Ms Francis—Welfare Officer OPHS O5AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921
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