Gazette 21557 - Tasmanian Government Gazette
Gazette 21557 - Tasmanian Government Gazette
[1607] VOL. CCCXXV OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING G.S.T. T A S M A N I A N G O VE R N M E N T • U BE RT A S • ET • F I D E L I TA S GAZETTE • TA S M A N I A PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0039-9795 WEDNESDAY 4 NOVEMBER 2015 CONTENTS Notice No. 21 557 Administration and Probate Page ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1935 Administration and Probate................................1607 Notice of Application to Reseal Letters of Administration Crown Lands.......................................................1609 NOTICEis hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof I Margaret Lynette Lawson of 1 Telfords Access Apollo Bay in the State of Victoria retired teacher married the Executor of the Will of G raeme J ohn Davies late of 5 Bennie Street Brunswick in the State of Victoria english language teacher deceased to whom probate of the said Will was granted by the Supreme Court of Victoria on the twenty-seventh day of October 2014 will apply to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that the Seal of the said Supreme Court of Tasmania may be affixed to the said Probate pursuant to Part VI of the Administration and Probate Act 1935. Living Marine Resources....................................1608 Mental Health......................................................1610 Notices to Creditors............................................1608 Rules Publication................................................1611 Tasmanian State Service Notices .......................1615 Wellington Park..................................................1609 Dated this fourth day of November 2015. ARCHER BUSHBY LAWYERS, Solicitors for the Applicant. Tasmanian Government Gazette Text copy to be sent to Mercury Walch Pty Ltd. Email: Fax: (03) 6232 2138 Mail: 5 Bowen Road, Moonah, Tasmania 7009 Order Information When using this facility please ensure that your order and a copy of the material are faxed to Mercury Walch Pty Ltd on (03) 6232 2138 Deadlines All copy must be received by last mail Friday or 4pm Friday prior to publication. A proof will be emailed prior to publication. Please supply an email address in order for us to forward a proof. If your advertisement requires alterations, they are to be sent as soon as possible, but before 4pm on the Monday prior to publication. After this deadline Mercury Walch Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for any errors and the advertisement will be printed. Enquiries Subscription and account enquiries phone (03) 6232 2137 Gazette Notice enquiries phone (03) 6232 2128 Out of Hours Special Gazette Notification Out-of-hours notification for Special Gazettes phone (03) 6232 2128 or mobile 0400 922 459 Gazette and State Service Online The Tasmanian Government Gazette and State Service Notices are now available online at:— No. 21 557—4 November—312895—1 ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1935 Notice of Application to Reseal Probate or Letters of Administration NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof Fenton Hector Jones of 19 Paterson Street Launceston in Tasmania Solicitor the duly appointed attorney in Tasmania to Karen Stacey Mitchell of 17 Blakemanor Boulevard Scarborough Ontario in Canada the Executor of the Will of Glynis Mary Smith late of 17 Blakemanor Boulevard Scarborough Ontario in Canada to whom probate of the said Will was granted by the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario in Canada on the first day of October 2015 will apply to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that the Seal of the said Supreme Court of Tasmania may be affixed to the said probate pursuant to Part V1 of the Administration and Probate Act 1935. Dated this twenty-eighth day of October 2015. FENTON HECTOR JONES, Solicitor for the Applicants. TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE4 November 2015 1608 ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1935 Notice of Intention to Apply for Letters of Administration (with the Will Annexed) NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that Letters of Administration of the Estate of Clare Joyce Geason late of Queen Victoria Home 13 Milford Street Lindisfarne in Tasmania home duties/widow with the Will Annexed may be granted to Dianne Therese Speers of 22 Elphinstone Road Mt Stuart in Tasmania retired nurse/widow Deborah Mary Ingles of 6 Newlands Avenue Lenah Valley in Tasmania medical clerk/married and Phillipa Frances Geason of 11 Nimala Street Rosny Park in Tasmania teacher/single residuary legatees of the said deceased. Dated this fourth day of November, 2015. DOBSON MITCHELL & ALLPORT, Practitioners for the Estate. ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1935 Notice of Intention to Apply for Letters of Administration (with the Will Annexed) NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that Letters of Administration with Will annexed of the Estate of Yvonne Marie Dell late of Mt St Vincent Nursing Home 75 South Road Ulverstone in Tasmania deceased no occupation never married may be granted to George Barry Winch of 12 Raymond Street East Launceston in Tasmania retired business owner married man the surviving residuary legatee of the said deceased. Dated this fourth day of November, 2015. WALSH DAY JAMES MIHAL, Solicitors for the Applicant. Notices to Creditors NOTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court at Hobart an election to administer the estate(s) of EILEEN JOYCE COOPER late of The Gardens Nursing Home 2-4 Mitcham Road Claremont in Tasmania home duties/widow deceased MARJORIE JEAN HODGSON late of 4 Glen Ellen Rise Kingston in Tasmania retired nurse educator/single woman deceased. Dated this 4th day of November 2015. DAVID BENBOW, Chief Executive Officer, Public Trustee. ALAN ALFRED RENNIE late of Room 7 Murphy Wing Queen Victoria Home 13 Milford Street Lindisfarne Tasmania Widower deceased: Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Alan Alfred Rennie who died on the second day of July 2015 are required by the Executor Jenny-Ellen Kennedy to send particulars of their claim to the Executor c/- Groom Kennedy Lawyers of Level 1/47 Sandy Bay Road Hobart in Tasmania by the fourth day of December 2015 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. Dated this fourth day of November 2015. GROOM KENNEDY LAWYERS. ANDREW BRIAN LANE delivery driver/partner deceased who died on the fifteenth day of August 2014 late of 11 Tracy Road Austins Ferry in Tasmania: Cassandra Nicole Wise of 44 Anstey Street Howrah in Tasmania customer service officer/ partner as Legal Personal Representative of Andrew Brian Lane requires that any person who has a claim against the Estate lodge written details of their claim with the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Tasmania at Salamanca Place Hobart in Tasmania within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice after which date the Legal Personal Representative is at liberty to pay and distribute the assets of the Estate dealing then only with the claims that she has notice. Dated this fourth day of November 2015. WORRALL LAWYERS, Lawyers acting on behalf of the Legal Personal Representative of the Estate. Living Marine Resources LIVING MARINE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 1995 Fisheries (Abalone) Rules 2009, Rule 9(3) Public Notice - Dates of Closing of the Commercial Blacklip Abalone Fishery in State Waters off the East Coast of Tasmania I, ROBERT GOTT, Director (Marine Resources), acting under Rule 9(3) of the Fisheries (Abalone) Rules 2009, and delegated authority under Section 20(1) of the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995, hereby determine that that the dates of closing of State waters of the commercial abalone fishery in “State waters off the east coast of Tasmania” to the activities of the take and possession of blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) are as follows: - from 4 November 2015 to 31 December 2015, inclusive; where “State waters off the east coast of Tasmania” is defined to mean: those State waters within an area bounded by an imaginary line commencing at the point latitude 42° 58’ 12.27” South, longitude 147° 59’ 11.19” East in Deep Glen Bay then running directly to the point latitude 42° 59’ 18.29” South, longitude 148° 01’ 27.75” East, then running due east to the line of longitude 148° 18’ 53.13” East, then running due north to the line of latitude 42° 30’ 33.27” South, then running due west to the line of longitude 147° 25’ 18.35” East, then running directly back to the point of commencement. For the purpose of this public notice, “possession” in “State waters off the east coast of Tasmania” does not include abalone on a fishing vessel that is transiting the part of State waters closed to the abalone fishery if the abalone possessed on the vessel were taken from a part of State waters that is open to the abalone fishery and, while the fishing vessel is transiting the part of State waters closed to the abalone fishery, a person does not dive from, or enter the water from, the fishing vessel or auxiliary vessel used from the fishing vessel. Dated: 29 October 2015 Robert Gott Director (Marine Resources). TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE1609 4 November 2015 INFORMATION The commercial blacklip abalone fishery in State waters off the east coast is being closed from 4 November 2015 until 31 December 2015 as part of arrangements to control the total amount of abalone harvested in that area in the interest of resource sustainability. This closed area relates to commercial blacklip abalone fishing in fishing sub-blocks 23A, 23B, 24A, 24B, 24C, 24D and 24E only. Wellington Park WELLINGTON PARK ACT 1993 Wellington Park Management Trust PURSUANT to section 26 of the Wellington Park Act 1993, notice is hereby given of the approval on 26 October 2015 by Her Excellency the Governor, under section 23 of the Act, of the Wellington Park Management Plan Amending Plan 2015. The approved plan may be inspected at the office of the Wellington Park Management Trust, 16 Elizabeth Street, Hobart 7000. Dated the 4th day of November 2015 DR CHRISTINE MUCHA, Chairperson, Wellington Park Management Trust. Crown Lands CROWN LANDS ACT 1976 Department of Treasury and Finance 30 October 2015 NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of the Crown Lands Act 1976 the property listed below will be submitted for sale by public tender. Property 51 York Street, Launceston Folio of the Register Volume 133235 Folio 1 Land Zoned Central Business Tender details Tender closing at Harrison Humphreys Real Estate 48 Brisbane Street, Launceston Thursday 3 December 2015 at 2.30 pm Real estate agent appointed to market the property on behalf of the Crown: Harrison Humphreys 48 Brisbane Street Launceston Tas 7250 HON MATTHEW GUY GROOM MP, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage. CROWN LANDS ACT 1976 CROWN LANDS ACT 1976 Department of Treasury and Finance 29 October 2015 NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of the Crown Lands Act 1976 the property listed below will be submitted for sale by public auction. Property 7 Lalla Road, Lilydale Department of Treasury and Finance 20 October 2015 NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of the Crown Lands Act 1976 the property listed below will be submitted for public sale. Property 48 Gould Street, Gormanston Folio of the Register Volume 226196 Folio 1 and Volume 34330 Folio 1 Folio of the Register Volume 169336 Folio 1 Land Zoned Community Purpose Land Zoned Rural Resource Auction details Auction to be held on site 7 Lalla Road, Lilydale Friday 20 November 2015 at 6.00 pm Sale details For sale on open market Real estate agent appointed to market the property on behalf of the Crown: Roberts Real Estate 212 York Street Launceston Tas 7250 HON MATTHEW GUY GROOM MP, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage. Real estate agent appointed to market the property on behalf of the Crown: Harcourts Real Estate Tullah Village Shopping Centre Farrell Street Tullah Tas 7321 HON MATTHEW GUY GROOM MP, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage. TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE4 November 2015 1610 CROWN LANDS ACT 1976 Department of Treasury and Finance 29 October 2015 NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of the Crown Lands Act 1976 the property listed below will be submitted for sale by public auction. Property 12 Climie Street, Campania Folios of the Register Volume 168424 Folio 1 and Volume 168424 Folio 2 Land Zoned Village Auction details Auction to be held on site Saturday 28 November 2015 at 2.00 pm Real estate agent appointed to market the property on behalf of the Crown: Harcourts Signature Shop 2, 1 Bayfield Street Rosny Park Tas 7018 HON MATTHEW GUY GROOM MP, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage. CROWN LANDS ACT 1976 Department of Treasury and Finance 28 October 2015 NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of the Crown Lands Act 1976 the property listed below will be submitted for sale by public auction. Property 88 High Street, Sheffield Folio of the Register Volume 168881 Folio 1 Land Zoned General Residential Auction details Auction to be held on site Friday 27 November 2015 at 1.00 pm Real estate agent appointed to market the property on behalf of the Crown: Roberts Real Estate 48 Main Street Sheffield Tas 7306 HON MATTHEW GUY GROOM MP, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage. Mental Health MENTAL HEALTH ACT 2013 NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with section 138 of the Mental Health Act 2013, the undermentioned person has been approved as a medical practitioner for provisions of the Mental Health Act 2013 within the Chief Civil Psychiatrist and Chief Forensic Psychiatrist's jurisdictions for a period of five years commencing on 27th October 2015. DR SHERYL DENISE LAWSON Dated this 27th day of October 2015. DR LEILA TATIANA OSORIO KAVANAGH, Acting Chief Civil Psychiatrist/Chief Forensic Psychiatrist. MENTAL HEALTH ACT 2013 NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with section 139 of the Mental Health Act 2013, the undermentioned persons have been approved as mental health officers for provisions of the Mental Health Act 2013 within the Chief Civil Psychiatrist and Chief Forensic Psychiatrist's jurisdictions for a period of five years commencing on the 21st day of October 2015. GREGORY SIKKENS CLARE CUPPARI SCOTT MINEALL OLIVIA TROON KAHLIA SMITH PETA HOOPER MICHAEL VESQUEZ SARAH HAMPTON BRIANNE GOSS Dated this 21st day of October 2015. DR LEILA TATIANA OSORIO KAVANAGH, Acting Chief Civil Psychiatrist/Chief Forensic Psychiatrist. TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE1611 4 November 2015 Rules Publication RULES PUBLICATION ACT 1953 Notice of The Making of Statutory Rules IN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of the Rules Publication Act 1953, notice is given of the making of the following statutory rules:— Title of Act (if any) under which statutory rules made Number allotted to statutory rules Title or subject matter of Statutory Rules (1) Associations Incorporation Act 1964 S. R. 2015, No. 74 Associations Incorporation Amendment Regulations 2015 (2) Firearms (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2015 S. R. 2015, No. 75 Proclamation under section 2 (3) Firearms Act 1996 S. R. 2015, No. 76 Firearms Amendment Regulations 2015 (4) Nature Conservation Act 2002 S. R. 2015, No. 77 Proclamation under s. 21(1) (5) Security-sensitive Dangerous Substances Act 2005 S. R. 2015, No. 78 Security-sensitive Dangerous Substances Regulations 2015 GENERAL PURPORT OR EFFECT OF THE ABOVEMENTIONED STATUTORY RULES (1) Associations Incorporation Amendment Regulations 2015 These regulations amend the Associations Incorporation Regulations 2007 so as to enable certain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander incorporated associations to become prescribed bodies corporate for the purposes of the Associations Incorporation Act 1964. (2) Proclamation under section 2 of the Firearms (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2015 This proclamation fixes 4 November 2015 as the day on which sections 1-4, inclusive, 5, 6, 8 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38, 40-43, inclusive, 45, 47, 48-55, inclusive, 57, 60, 61 and 64 of the Firearms (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2015 commence. (3) Firearms Amendment Regulations 2015 These regulations amend the Firearms Regulations 2006 – (a)by exempting certain devices from the operation of the Firearms Act 1996; and (b) by increasing certain fees. (4) Proclamation under s. 21(1) of the Nature Conservation Act 2002 This proclamation declares that an area of Crown land at New Norfolk that forms part of the Derwent Cliffs State Reserve ceases to be reserved land in the class of State reserve. TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE4 November 2015 1612 (5) Security-sensitive Dangerous Substances Regulations 2015 These regulations – (a) prescribe certain security plan requirements, fees and penalties for the purposes of the Security-sensitive Dangerous Substances Act 2005; and (b) are made consequentially on the repeal of the Security-sensitive Dangerous Substances Regulations 2005 under section 11 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1992. Copies of the abovementioned statutory rules may be purchased at Mercury Walch Pty Ltd, 5-7 Bowen Road, Moonah. Phone (03) 6232 2101 or Toll Free 1800 030 940. ROBYN WEBB, Acting Chief Parliamentary Counsel. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Subordinate Legislation 'Anyone who has problems with, or feels they are adversely affected by, any of the above Regulations can write to the Secretary of the Subordinate Legislation Committee, Legislative Council, Parliament House, Hobart, 7000.' TANIA RATTRAY, MLC, Chairperson. 4 November 2015 TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE1613 We can produce a document the whole world will want to see. We can also make sure they don’t. No matter how good it looks, sometimes your publication contains information that you would prefer to keep under lock and key. At Mercury Walch Pty Ltd, Tasmania’s number one printer, that’s just where we keep it. How good is our security? 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The Contractor reserves the right to reject any advertising material it considers unsuitable for government publication. Copyright. The Tasmanian Government Gazette and Tasmanian State Services are subject to the Copyright Act. No part of any material published in the Tasmanian Government Gazette or the Tasmanian State Service Notices may be reproduced except in accordance with the Copyright Act. Printed by Mercury Walch Pty Ltd under authority of the Government of the State of Tasmania.
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