

A word from our Rector
Dear Friends,
To start off the New Year, I thought that I’d share some key elements on making progress in
prayer—an essential priority for all of us in our life in faith. Here they are:
CONTEXT. As known and practiced by Christians, prayer is essentially relational. The
fundamental relationality of prayer for those who follow Jesus is grounded in our
on-going life conversion to him as Savior and Lord—and proceeding from this, our transformation to being his true disciples and friends. While profoundly personal, this is no
“private deal.” To belong to Christ means also belonging to his People, the Church. Corporate prayer supports personal prayer; personal prayer, in turn, nourishes and deepens our prayer together in worship.
CONSTANCY. Growing prayer becomes a regular part of our daily being. This is true in both
set prayer patterns and also spontaneous prayer. Regular patterns of prayer (even
when we may not feel like it) help us to learn to “pray without ceasing.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
INTEGRITY. Growing prayer attains greater honesty with God and also ourselves. God
“already knows,” of course, but consciously and deliberately letting go of our evasions
and being real with God is key for us—and indispensable to a deeper living relationship.
DELIGHT. Growing prayer increases our capacity to rejoice and delight in God. “It is a right,
and good and joyful thing, always and everywhere, to give thanks to you.” Our first,
fundamental thanksgiving is gratitude that God is God.
AUTHENTICITY. Growing prayer remembers we can only pray because God’s Spirit is already
praying within us. (Romans 8:26-27) So, we diligently attend to the Spirit’s utterance
in Holy Scripture—which is God’s Word to us—yes, even in its full humanity! The
Scriptures, therefore, remain our essential school for the language, imagery, and
disposition of prayer, our responding word to God, both in our utterance and our holy
PATIENCE. We bear with the fact that making progress in prayer is a long journey, one in
which we will not have unbroken success, nor always “get it right.” We’ll have our ups
and downs; times of apparent “success,” and also dry patches. The point is keeping at
it; incrementally more fully “practicing the presence of God.”
Blessings, dear ones, to you and yours, in the New Year and always.
Adam +
The Nominating Committee appointed for 2016 is made up of Harold Cole, Chair, Joan Kirkby, Meredith
Perkins, Sandy Marshall and Gilbert Merritt. We offer the following candidates for the positions of Officers
and Vestry Members at the Annual Meeting on January 31, 2016. Those continuing in office are listed as
Warden (2 year ter m):
Warden (continuing in office, 1 year r emaining):
Treasurer (1 year ter m):
Clerk (1 year ter m):
Cynthia Mur r ay
Rick Paris
Steven Koehler
Victoria Hutchens
Vestry New Member s (2 year ter ms):
Melissa Keeffe-Jones
Brooke Eaton-Skea
Vestry Pr esent Member s (con’t in office, 2 year s r emaining):
Katherine Goddard
Matthew Thompson
Vestry Pr esent Member s (con’t in office, 1 year s r emaining):
Marcia Bechtold
Daniel Corcoran
Jack Gentile
Susan Owens
CHS Delegates
2 Delegates to Convention and Deanery (2 year terms):
2 Delegates to the Cape Cod Council of Churches
(continuing in office, 2 year terms):
Jane Nixon
Margaret Rappaport
Jean Collins
Janet Winter
Bob Winter
Cynthia Murray (new to this position): Cynthia is a lifelong Episcopalian and has lived all over the United
States during her marriage to Tom. Each time they moved (7 times in 37 years), one of the first things she did
was to join an Episcopal church. She has been involved with many things including: children’s education,
long-range planning, fund-raising, youth activities, convention delegate, and altar guild. She has served on
vestries in Garrison, NY and Shaker Heights, OH, including as a warden. Cynthia says “I believe Church of
the Holy Spirit is the most active and engaged parish of which I have been a member.” Furthermore she says
“being on the vestry this year has given me the opportunity to meet more members and get to know Adam, and
I look forward to seeing what lies ahead for us!”
Steven Koehler (new to this position): Steven is a native Chicagoan who discovered Cape Cod thanks to his
wife Anne and her deep family roots here. They moved to Orleans full time in 2014, eleven years after buying
their home here as a seasonal escape. Before retiring in 2011, Steven pursued a career in accounting and
financial reporting in several large and small corporations for nearly forty years and is a CPA. Over those
years, he also had considerable experience working with churches and non-profit organizations applying the
same skills. For example, he has served as treasurer for three different Episcopal parishes in Illinois and New
Jersey, and worked for two years with the Treasurer of the Diocese of Newark to provide financial consulting
and annual audits for parishes who needed professional assistance. Steven also served on the Commission on
Ministry in that Diocese. At CHS, he has been a member of the Finance Committee this past year and has sung
in the choir. In the Orleans community he is a Trustee and Treasurer for the Orleans Conservation Trust.
Victoria Hutchens (new to this position): Vicky is originally from Wakefield, Mass. where she spent over 60
years as an active member of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. At different times over those years she served as
Warden, Clerk, and member of the Vestry, Directress of the Altar Guild, on the Pastoral Care Committee, the
Parish Profile Committee and, of course, always in the Choir. She and her husband, Bernie, moved
permanently to the Cape three years ago and joined CHS where she: sings in the Choir, works on the
Reception Desk, is a member of the Altar Guild and is on the Welcome/Paths Committee, volunteers all
summer at Food for Kids, works on the Rummage Sale, and serves as the Parish Librarian.
Melissa Keeffe-Jones (new to this position): Melissa became a full time Orleans resident in 2012, after
spending summers in Orleans her whole life. She moved here with her husband, Matthew, and their three
children. Prior to moving to Orleans, They lived in Dallas, Texas, and then northeast Pennsylvania, where they
practiced law together. They feel very fortunate to have found CHS within a few months of moving to
Orleans. They knew right away that this congregation was the right fit for their family. The children are
active in the Sunday school program and they enjoy participating in the many activities associated with the
program. Matthew is an usher, Melissa helps out with baking for Ruth Campbell and the Hospitality
Committee, and their family ran the lemonade stand at the Summer Fair this year. Melissa is looking forward
to getting to know more of you during her time on the vestry.
Brooke Eaton-Skea (new to this position): Brooke Eaton-Skea has been a member of CHS since she and her
husband, Brian, moved to the Cape in 2004; they have three daughters and one granddaughter. After
graduating from seminary in 1992, Brooke served as a youth minister in an Episcopal Church and as a
counselor for various agencies in the Pittsburgh area. As a certified Pastoral Counselor she practiced as a
psychotherapist and spiritual director. At CHS Brooke has been a member of the church school team since
September, 2006. Along with Wendy Wilkinson, Darlene Hagon, and Sandy Cole, Brooke brought worship
services to the Latham School where she worked as a clinician until May, 2015. She currently serves on the
Outreach Committee as liaison to the Latham School and with the interdenominational Youth Overnights of
Hospitality group formed to address the needs of youth at risk on Cape Cod. Brooke also works with
MASSKIDS’ “Enough Abuse” campaign to prevent child sexual abuse and she will begin working in January
with homeless women and their children at the Angel House through the Cultural Center of Cape Cod.
Jane Nixon (new to this position): Jane has been a member of this diocese since 1963. She and her husband
Jack joined Church of the Holy Spirit in 2000 when Jack retired and they moved from Sudbury to Brewster.
Jane has been a Diocesan delegate in the past. She has been a Eucharistic Visitor trainer tor the Diocese for
over 15 years.
Dr. Margaret Rappaport (new to this position): Margaret M. Rappaport has been a member for 21 years,
was married here in 2005 and intends to maintain her membership as she owns niche 220 in the Columbarium.
She was on the Stewardship Committee and a member of the Vestry. During the Capital Campaign for the
Parish Hall she designed a fund raising program called “Forward in Faith”. Margaret is a licensed Lay
Eucharistic Minister and a Lector. She is a Veriditas certified facilitator and conducts a monthly-facilitated
Labyrinth Walk in the Parish Hall. As a graduate of EfM and with the guidance and inspiration of mentors
Celia Calhoun and Sharon Unger, she has authored two books, “Bringing Life to the Labyrinth” and “Body
Prayer”. She is writing a third book, “And God Sends Angels” (2016). Margaret seeks the position of
delegate because of her commitment to the Church of the Holy Spirit and her desire to advance the Episcopal
Church in Region 1 and beyond.
Jean Collins (new to this position): Jean says that “The Church of England is where I received my religious
grounding.” She came to America in the 1960’s and received her Episcopal education at St. Marks Church in
Austin, Texas. She had excellent teachers, members who would themselves become priests and seminarians.
Jean was a Eucharistic Minister and organized the youth services run by the Eucharistic Ministers. She also
helped instigate a Clown Ministry. In previous parishes she has served on the Vestry, been part of the
nominating team and organized the Lector schedule. She is currently a Lector and bell choir member at CHS.
Richard D. (Rick) Paris (continuing): A “Recover ing Roman”, Rick mar r ied the for mer Ann L.
Pike at the Church of the Holy Spirit in 1971. Rick and Ann moved to East Orleans in 2009 after Rick
retired from a career as a Human Resources Executive at several teaching hospitals. Rick served on the
Vestry of St. Anne’s in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Lincoln, MA and on the Mission Committee of St.
Nicholas’ Episcopal Mission in Darnestown, MD. At CHS, Rick serves on the Finance and Personnel
Marcia Bechtold (continuing): Befor e they found their way to CHS in 2002, Chip and Mar cia wer e
members of several parishes, such as St Matthew’s Church in Wilton, CT, and All Saints, Milan, Italy,
where both of their children were confirmed. They lived in London, UK, three different times. Marcia has
co-chaired a few Rummage Sales and Summer Fairs and was a member of the Search Committee that
found Fr. Adam. She volunteer at Habitat for Humanity and is an Intercessor at our Saturday evening
Daniel (Danny) Corcoran (continuing): Daniel gr ew up in Falmouth, attending St. J oseph’s
Catholic Church in Woods Hole. He became a Third Class Petty Officer Storekeeper during his six years
of active duty in the U.S. Coast Guard. He met and married his wife, Amy Reese (Higgins) at the Church
of the Holy Spirit under the guidance of Mother Sue Lederhouse and has been worshipping at CHS for
four years. Their four-year old daughter, Ella Chase, attends Church School at CHS. They are South
Yarmouth residents.
Jack Gentile (continuing): J ack and his family ar r ived on the Cape in 2000 and joined CHS and the
Episcopal Church in 2002. He was a member of the Pastoral Care ministry from 2005-2008, a Lay
Eucharistic Minister and a Lay Eucharistic Visitor, and also serves on the Vestry and the Finance
Committee. His vision for CHS is to see the church grow and attract younger families, to provide a more
dynamic environment and to engage with newly retired couples to further expand our resource pool. He
supports our extensive outreach program both outside the parish as well as within the CHS healing
Susan Ruckert Owens (continuing): Pr ior to moving her e 15 year s ago, Susan and her family lived
in Dartmouth, where she was at St Peter’s Church, served on the Altar Guild, on the Vestry, and as a
Sunday school teacher. At Church of the Holy Spirit she works with the Kimball Craft Guild doing the
hammering of items for the Galley West Shop, and plays with the Bell Choir. She has already served two
years on the Vestry, been liaison to the Church School Committee and been liaison to the Cape and Island
Deanery. This fruitful experience has encouraged her to accept the nomination to serve another two years.
Katherine (Kathy) Goddard (continuing): Kathy states she “Grew up Presbyterian” in Buffalo,
becoming an Episcopalian after marriage to Nat Goddard in 1961. They lived and worked at the Episcopal
Center in West Cornwall, CT.
Matthew (Matt) Thompson (continuing): Born and r aised on the Cape, Matt is the owner of
Thompson’s Printing in Orleans. He and his wife Jamie were married 13 years ago here at CHS. He’s a
parent of two Sunday schoolers and is working with the members of the vestry to encourage growth
within the church family.
Bob and Janet Winter (continuing): They are both members of the Church of the Holy Spirit and
members of the Cape Cod Council of Churches.
Events in January
Please attend the Youth Brunch in the Parish Hall just after the Sunday 10:00 am service.
Every first Sunday of the month the Youth Group hosts a brunch. Come January 3rd and join the fun!
AN HOUR OF ENCOURAGEMENT , WEDNESDAYS 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm (6th, 13th, 20th and 27th)
Emerging from our series on Julian of Norwich, a group has begun meeting each Wednesday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
in the Parish Hall. The content and format varies from week to week and may include readings from authors like Julian
probing spiritual matters, time for prayer, praise and thanksgiving, time to share personal experiences, reflections and
writings of participants- all to the end of encouraging each one's spiritual journey. All are welcome to join at any time
and bring guests to participate in this intimate time together with the Lord.
The women of the parish will gather for their monthly luncheon at noon in Parish Hall on Thursday the
7th. Volunteers for the day are Betty Yearing, Janet Winter and Joan Proctor. All women are welcome
to come and enjoy the camaraderie, conversation and good food. Bring your own sandwich to share;
beverages and dessert are provided. If you need a ride, call Peter Blank, 508-760-1516.
RESPITE IN WALKING THE LABYRINTH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8th (9 am until 2 pm, guided walk at 10 am)
So much of modern life is exciting and stimulating. We are motivated to keep up with the demands of knowing as
much as we can, performing at our best and staying on top. If we’re smart about it and we get the right amount of
sleep, make the best nutritional choices, and put some time into exercise we are golden.
Realistically, however, living well requires that we actively sort through our daily choices. Like accomplishing our
spiritual goals, respite must be planned because it is an important pause, a rest, time away to breathe and think and
feel something besides the rush of living. It can’t just happen. You know yourself it usually doesn’t in the day to day
hubbub. Our lives are spent in the blare and glare of the technology age. We are distracted by the sounds and lights
urging us to keep going rather than looking forward to our health and happiness.
Walking the labyrinth is a practice, really a tool, that helps us dial back and shut out the blare and glare. In place of the
demands and the distractions the labyrinth focuses our attention on our inner lives. We come to experience our
private thoughts and feelings. We exalt in our personal worth, detached for fifteen or twenty minutes or an hour,
from the external conditions of worth. Dare I suggest we find ourselves?
Margaret Rappaport
The Red Cross will be here to run their Blood Drive on January 12th (Tuesday).
Every donor helps save three lives!
You are invited to . . .
“Getting to Know You”
Parish Pot Luck Supper
Thursday, January 14, 2016, 5:30 p.m., Parish Hall
Hosts: The Welcoming Paths Team
Music by our favorite DJ, Bernie Hutchens, playing all your favorites
Sign up sheet in reception room
Pot Luck assignments: A – H, main course dish
I – M, side dish, N – P, salad, Q – Z, dessert
If you need a ride, call Nancy Barrington, 508-255-0536
Questions? Call Sandy Marshall, 508-255-9971 or Marty Williams, 255-8730
Chosen? was written by Walter Brueggemann, preeminent contemporary scholar of the Jewish Bible who spoke at
Holy Spirit in 2014. Mark Braverman, who also spoke at Holy Spirit a few years ago says this about the book: “Walter
Brueggemann has trained his hermeneutic skills, keen perception of history, and deep faith on one of the most
important human rights issues confronting the church and world at large today." The study will take place on four
Fridays at noon in the Parish Hall beginning on January 15th. Please let Fr. Ken know if you plan on attending.
( or 413-478-5719 ) Bring a bag lunch, coffee and tea is provided. You can order the book
from The full title is: " Chosen ? - Reading the Bible Amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."
The Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast sponsored by the Nauset Interfaith Association will take place on Monday,
January 18th at 8:30 AM, SHARP in the Parish Hall at the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Sean Gonsalves, for many years a syndicated columnist for Universal Press and associate news editor for the Cape Cod
Times will be the featured speaker. Sean has been called, ' a voice for the voiceless,' and was awarded the Olive
Branch Award by the Cape Cod Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation for his social justice witness, the clarity of
his vision and his ability to cut to the heart of the matter.
A breakfast will be provided including a variety of muffins, bagels, fruits, cheeses, nuts as well as Fair Trade organic
coffee and tea. There is no charge for the event but a free will offering will be encouraged to meet expenses and to
support the work of the Nauset Interfaith Association. Pre-registration is requested for this popular event as seating is
limited to 175. You can pre-register with Fr. Ken Campbell at or 413-478-4719.
The Cape Cod Chapter of Church Women United have announced that Fr. Ken Campbell has been selected to be a
recipient of their Human Rights Award for 2016. Throughout the country each year Church Women United recognize
individuals who have made a difference through supporting the cause of Human Rights, particularly in maintaining the
dignity of others. The other recipients of the award are Linda Alhart, Grandmothers Against Gun Violence and Dan
McCullough, M25.
The award program will take place at Our Lady of Victory Parish Hall, 230 South Main Street, Centerville on Tuesday,
January 19th at 10 am. The program will begin with a brunch. Those wishing to attend can register with Marilyn
Lariviere, 19 Stetson Street, Hyannis, Ma. 02601, with name, address, email and telephone and $10.00 made out to
CWU of Cape Cod. or 508-776-6059. Deadline for registrations is January 15th.
MEN'S LUNCH will meet the third Wednesday of the month at 12:30 pm in the Fireplace Room. Bring your own bag
lunch. Coffee and snacks are provided by our donations. All men in the parish are welcome. If you think of a friend
who could come if a ride were provided, please invite them to come with you. Questions?
Bruce Lederhouse (508-240-2853)
Facilitator: Sandy Marshall
Maintaining good relationships with our children (and parents) as we age,
while holding on to what’s important to us.
Talking with our children or parents about our needs and theirs
Identifying the steps to take now.
Come join us: refreshments will be served at 2:45 pm
General Articles
We expect to receive proofs from Lifetouch over Christmas, and we hope to have the Pictorial Directories available for
the Annual Meeting on January 31st. We are very grateful to all who have helped us with this project Thank You - you know who you are!
Your Team: Celia Calhoun, Bernie Hutchens, Page McMahan and Sharon Inger
If you are interested in volunteering check their website (, scroll down to “Volunteer Up”, and/or
ask Jody Mines, Gilbert Merritt, or Nat Goddard about the variety of opportunities.
Thank you for all your generous donations in 2015. Thanks to you customers were
grateful, surprised, relieved, happy and grateful some more! The shop is now accepting
winter clothing - please no summer clothing. We are very limited in storage space and
only offer clothing for the appropriate season. Your donations can be dropped off any
time the Parish Hall is open. If the shop is closed there is a container outside the door for
your donations. The shop is open every Monday - noon to 3 and
every Wednesday - 10 to 1.
If you are the last one out of ANY SPACE in the church or parish hall be sure to see that the lights are turned
out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Lately, the daily news seems to include another reporting of violence. It is very disturbing since we are so blessed to
live in what has always been a peaceful and secure environment.
We can’t put our heads in the ground and not be alert to and report possible dangerous situations. Yet, as faith-filled
Christians, we can modify our perspective to preserve our treasured way of life right here.
Through our time, talent and treasures we can keep a balance in our parish life. As with a three legged stool, each leg
is critical to stay balanced. We thank all of you for your pledged treasures that keep the treasure/financial leg strong.
However, by being alert to the personal needs of our church and fellow parishioners, we can keep our time and talent
legs strong as well.
Winter can be difficult for some. Many of us don’t have family nearby… but we do have each other! Check up on
parishioners who are not at a service. Are they away? Are they ok? Do they need help? If you see something that
needs to be done at the church, ask Fr. Adam or Amanda what you can do.
Just remember to be alert and take action. As Jesus said in the parable of the fig tree…
“Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves… you know the kingdom of God is near…. Be on
guard so that your hearts are not weighed down…Be alert at all times..” Luke 21:29-36
Thank you to all who have made a 2016 financial pledge to CHS! We rely on everyone’s support to continue the
good works of our parish. If you need a pledge card, please contact the parish office. It is never too late to provide
your financial support! 2016 Offertory Envelope boxes for pledges to be paid on a weekly or monthly basis are in
the Reception Room. Please pick them up. Call the office if you need yours mailed to you.
If you can't sleep, don't count sheep.
Talk to the Shepherd.
The Cape Cod Council of Churches is made up of three sections: the Board of Directors that
handles the administrative duties, the paid staff that performs the operating functions and the
outreach ministries that work to accomplish the council’s goal of “serving God by serving
Fr. Bill Huess has been a member of the Board of Directors since 1998. He is a past president of
the Board and more recently Personnel Director until resigning from the Board earlier this year
which made him available to serve on one of the Ministries. He chose to serve on the Public
Policy (Social Justice) Ministry which was formed to prepare Council policy statements on issues on which the Council considers it appropriate to take a position. The Ministry was formed on a trial basis two
years ago and was voted a permanent Ministry earlier this year with Bill as it’s Chair.
He will be meeting with our Justice & Peace Committee to discuss ways he can help supply information on local issues
which can be included in the Advocacy Alerts which the committee issues to their social justice network several times a
year. Membership in the Network is available to all CHS members and , if you are not a member, this might be a good
time to consider joining. Just contact Fr. Ken Campbell, e-mail 508-240-5169.
The December Christmas Story exhibit can be viewed until the Epiphany Trope on January 3. January's exhibit will be
announced in the worship bulletin. Sign up to exhibit/sell your art/craft in 2016 for one month - a few months are still
"open". The sign up sheet is by the Reception/Gallery door................the show MUST GO ON!
Sharyn Laughton - 508 255 - 7277 -
QUESTION: What is yellow, full of joy, good news, enthusiasm AND absent
from this January 2016 edition of Together?
January 3 - Epiphany Trope and Gifts to the Christ Child - children attend church with their families. Please bring an
unwrapped toy that will be delivered to the CC Council of Churches in December. Their holiday gift shop provides for
over 325 families. After the Trope children will go to the CHS Library for a story told by Bernie Hutchens and
treats. Following the 10:00 service the CHS Youth Group will offer a delicious brunch in the Parish Hall.
January 10 - Children remain in Church School during church service.
January 17 - Youth Sunday - children sing in church. Singing with Father Charles begins at 9:45
followed by classes. Children join their families in church.
January 24 - Children's service in the Gathering Room. Children remain in Church School during
the service in main church.
January 31 - After Church School classes children join their families in church.
ANSWER: Ruth Campbell, creative editor of SPIRIT KIDS is taking a well-deserved "break". SPIRIT KIDS
will be greatly missed but appreciated even more when it returns in September. Thank you Ruth!
December 17, 2015
The Rector announced a meeting, to which we are invited, sponsored by the Diocese, on January 10, 2016 at St.
Mary’s Barnstable. The topic is to help in the evaluation and growth of the Diocesan Mission and Strategy in
coming years.
The Antiques Show in the Parish Hall over the Thanksgiving weekend brought visitors from several New England
states to a most successful exhibition and sale, as did the Women’s Christmas Bazaar.
After much discussion the Budget ’16 version 1C was approved and adopted.
Treasurer Jack Nixon was thanked once again for his expertise in presenting financial matters to the Vestry in a
manner easily understood.
Advent and Christmas preparations are well underway by the Church School and Youth Group; the annual Giving
Tree (our opportunity to share with less fortunate Cape Cod children) has been introduced in the Reception Room.
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on January 31, 2016 immediately following the 10:00AM service.
Respectfully submitted,
Dilys Jones Smith, Clerk
On the CHS website there is a blog
which posts all the announcements
for the week? It is updated weekly
to keep you in the know.
Volunteers to drive parishioners to church services,
activities and medical appointments are
sorely needed. If you can help please
call Pattie LaBranche at 508-255-3532 or
Peter Blank at 508-760-1516.
As you may have heard, Bob Marks, weekend sexton, has left to take care of family matters in PA. He will be sorely
missed---a hard act to follow. Don Bragdon has agreed to cover Sunday duties for us until we find a permanent
replacement for Bob.
BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you know of anyone who wants a part time weekend job, 8 – 16 hours, providing
custodial coverage and backup as needed, please contact Kate Paradise, 774-207-0435.
NEW TOGETHER CONTRIBUTORS NEEDED: We want Together to reflect all the MANY
ACTIVITIES going on at CHS. So if you haven’t written about your group in a while, please feel free to do a
Write Up so we have a chance to hear about your group!
TOGETHER DEADLINE: The Deadline for February issue of Together is the Third Monday in January,
which is January 18, 2016.
Together January 2016
The Church of the Holy Spirit
204 Monument Road
Orleans, Massachusetts 02653-3512
Vestry Officers:
Ike Cole, Warden
Rick Paris, Warden
Jack Nixon, Treasurer
Dilys Smith, Clerk
Or current occupant
Vestry Members:
Marcia Bechtold
Daniel Corcoran
Jack Gentile
Katherine Goddard
Cynthia Murray
Susan Owens
Matthew Thompson
The Rev. Adam S. Linton, Rector
The Very Rev. N. DeLiza Spangler, Assisting Priest
Amanda McClenahan, Parish Administrator
Darlene T. Hagon, Director of Music
Sandra H. Cole, Organist
John P. Hagon, Handbell Choir
Debbi Manning, Office Assistant
Larry Kane, Head Sexton
Wayne Currey, Assistant Sexton
Our mission as The Church of the Holy Spirit is
to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord,
welcome all people and serve one another with love.
Dates to remember in January
Jan. 3, Sunday
Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, Weds.
Jan. 7, Thursday
Jan. 8, Friday
Jan. 12, Tuesday
Jan. 14, Thursday
Jan. 15, 22, 29, Fridays
Jan. 18, Monday
Jan. 20, Wednesday
Jan. 21, Thursday
Jan. 31, Sunday
Youth Group Brunch
An Hour of Encouragement
Women’s Luncheon
Red Cross Blood Drive
Parish Pot Luck Supper
Martin Luther King Breakfast
Men’s Lunch
Managing Our Adult Children etc...
Annual Parish Meeting