Trull Parish Council Newsletter
Trull Parish Council Newsletter
Trull Parish Council Newsletter April 2009 Website Address: Volume 8, Issue 7 Bowing Out Camera, Action! Retainer Steve Watts, our retiring Parish Council clerk, was officially thanked and applauded for his effective commitment to the parish over his six-year tenure of the post. Mr. Steele of Bradbeers is very concerned about the speed of vehicles passing through Staplehay and Trull. He and CPSO Debra Perry sought the support of the Parish Council for a Community Speed Watch scheme, which Mr. Steele volunteered to organise. With the use of a speed camera, the group could record the speeds and car details so that NIPs (Notice of Intention to Prosecute) could be sent to offending drivers. The PC did not support the scheme, as experience elsewhere has caused local ill feeling, and enforcement was a Police role. However, traffic speed is to be monitored to see if there really is a problem, which will be reported at the PC AGM on 18th May. Mr. Nicholl requested that the Parish Council consider requesting a reduction in the speed limit for all of Amberd Lane, and cited numerous incidents. The PC agreed to raise the matter with Somerset Highways. The PC is considering building a retaining wall in Poke Lane, from the playing field to the school side entrance, to keep the path clear of encroaching soil. Costs for boarding to retain soil from the banks are approximately £840 plus labour, this does not include resurfacing work. It was suggested that a mini-digger would be needed, which could also be used to clean back the edges to the whole footpath. The PC is to investigate the costs of plant hire, materials and labour. To reduce disruption, footpath closure should coincide with school holidays, and use of the Jubilee Gate would be sought. Not Happy According to Simon Mitchell there are only two Trulls in the country, our village and his estate. Trull House, surrounded by Beech trees (hence, the name Trull), was built in 1843 and sits on a 550 acre Cotswolds estate. It has been running since at least 1650 and the garden is open to the public during summer. Old farm buildings have been converted into offices /workshops and the organic farm is run by the Duchy of Cornwall. Simon will halve the entry cost to anyone with a ‘Trull’ address, so if you’re interested see his website: The House is 75 miles away, sited off the A433. Address: Trull House, Near Tetbury,Gloucestershire,GL8 8SQ. Lakeland TDBC’s Forward Planning Manager has reported that the proposed water storage facility in Trull Meadows is unlikely to be built within the next three years. The facility is an option to reduce the flood risk in Taunton and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The site will help maintain Trull’s separate identity and is compatible with the long-term future of the Vivary green wedge. Trull Parish Two councillors recently attended two ‘spatial visioning workshops’ for the Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy, and reported the following back to the PC. A diagrammatic map was produced by the participants which indicated priorities should new housing developments be designated in the Comeytrowe / Trull area when the Regional Spatial Strategy is finally published by central government later this year. These included improved public transport; a new green wedge between Comeytrowe and Trull; new community and leisure facilities; measures to reduce traffic congestion and an area of expansion for new dwellings. A potential new ‘relief road’ would link Rumwell to J25 of the M5, by-passing the new development and the existing builtup area. The map shown on p.4 is subject to change. Local residents still consider the condition of Gatchell Green’s pavements and grassed areas to be unsatisfactory, and Somerset Highways is being asked to reconsider its decision that the work had been completed to an acceptable level. They will also be asked to look into an area of Honiton Road near Canonsgrove that is prone to flooding. Next Trull PC Meeting Mon. 20th April 2009 @ 7.15 pm Pearce Suite, Memorial Hall All Welcome Night Marauder A volunteer group, who planted numerous bulbs in the playing field, were dismayed to find that some of the bulbs had been dug up – by a badger! Twinning Affordable Housing Decision th On 25 March, Taunton Deane Borough Council Planning Committee decided by nine votes to five to grant planning permission for the affordable housing development on the old orchard site along Dipford Road. Planning permission had been refused on two previous occasions. This time, planning permission was recommended for approval by the planning officers. Although acknowledging that this would contravene TDBC’s planning policies, they and the Committee members felt that this was more than offset by the proven need for affordable housing, as demonstrated in the 2007 Trull Parish Housing Needs Report. The provision of such housing is a priority aim for both TDBC and central government. A condition of approval is that the developer restores and improves the footway between the site and the village to a minimum one metre width. On this basis, the highway authority withdrew its objection on sustainability grounds (i.e. increase in road traffic), describing the development as “accessible and in reasonable proximity to the village by means of a public footway.” These improvements must be made before building works commence. Another condition is that the developer makes a contribution (of some £14,000) to “active outdoor recreation and children’s play provision in locations accessible to the occupants of the dwellings.” The application was opposed at the Committee Meeting by a dozen or so Dipford Road residents and their supporters. They referred to a public petition against the scheme, and the opposition of Taunton Civic Society was reported. Support for the development was given verbally or reported from the Parish Council; the Ward Member (Mark Edwards); and the TDBC Housing Enabling Manager, Lesley Webb, who had attended the Parish Council meeting. The full report on how the decision was reached is available to read online or at Deane House. The scheme consists of two twobedroom flats, one two-bedroom house and one three-bedroom house for renting through Falcon Rural Housing; and two twobedroom and three three-bedroom houses for sale at a discounted rate of 70% market value, now and in the future. Tenants and purchasers must meet affordable housing criteria – essentially low-income with a local connection. Falcon Rural Housing and West of England Developments have already carried out several schemes on the same kind of scale. These have been recognised as being to a high standard and harmonising well with their existing settings. If you would like to see examples of their work, visit North Curry or Staple Fitzpaine. Route 97 The 97 bus service Taunton to Trull, Staplehay and Cannonsgrove changes to a modern, easy access bus from Mon. 11th May and raised kerbs will be installed at some stops during the summer. The large bus cannot access Eastbrook / Amberd Lane, so the bus will turn in Brookside where passengers can board or alight. The bus stop at Amberd Lodge will no longer exist; the Crown Inn stop is the closest alternative. Anyone wanting a bus at Amberd Lodge should use the Demand Responsive Taunton and Wellington Slinky service. Peeler’s Pledge Theresa Hart of Somerset and Avon Police has asked us to share the following with you: “Recently, you may have heard about the launch of the Policing Pledge. I would like to explain what we are doing locally to meet our commitments to the pledge. We will always treat you fairly. We have made it easier for you to contact your Safer Stronger Neighbourhood Team. I am your local point of contact and you can contact me on the number below. Your SSN Team is dedicated to your area and the team endeavour to maximise the time they spend on patrol targeting crime and antisocial behaviour hotspots. If you report an incident relating to a neighbourhood priority (listed on our website., we aim to be there to deal with it within an hour. If it’s better for you, we’ll make an appointment within 48 hours of your call, or we’ll gladly give advice, answer questions or put you in touch with someone who can help. We want to meet with people in your neighbourhood at least once a month – either in formal PACT (Partners and Communities together) meetings, which are advertised, or you can invite us to your own group’s meetings. We will come to groups like mother and toddlers, pensioners or clubs. We will provide updates every month on local issues either at meetings or on our website. If you’ve been a victim of crime and you would like us to visit, we will. We’ll agree how often you want information on how the case is progressing – it could be as much as every month. We are keen to tailor the policing pledge to meet your needs and I would welcome feedback. If you are not happy with our service I will work with you to resolve things”. Usual numbers 0845 456 7000 for all requests for assistance. You can reach us on Voicemail 01823 363287 and 70108 at the prompt. Police Community Support Officers 9273 Susan Thompson, 8413 Tony Wearmouth and 8123 Debra Perry. Nibbles Off His Rocker A rabbit infestation at the allotments is being resolved by a tenant trapping and removing the rabbits. The water supply will be turned on in April. Repairs to the elephant springer in the playing field have been made and installation of a replacement basketball hoop is in hand. An additional marker line for tennis will be painted on the east-facing wall of the changing room. Progress on the proposed purchase of picnic tables and a barbeque was discussed as part of the TAP review and funding was in place. An extension to the safety area around the climbing frame using the salvaged safety tiles from Trull Preschool is also in hand. Storey Telling The PC decided to support: • Erection of a two-storey extension to side and single-storey extension to rear of King’s Gatchell Cottage, Gatchell Green, Trull. • Erection of agricultural buildings (A&B) on land at Middle Sweethay Farm, Sweethay, Trull. • Erection of two-storey extension to rear Kibbear Barton, Kibbear, Trull. • Application to thin out (fell) 28 Sycamore trees from woodland included in TDBC (Trull No.1) TPO 1997 at Gatchell House, Honiton Road, Trull. Due to a misunderstanding of the intentions for the building application at 12, Killams Green, Trull, to provide assisted living, the applicant is the subject of tension within the local community. They had withdrawn the application and were contemplating moving. The PC expressed their sympathy, but resolution of the confusion lies with either TDBC planning or the Police. Washout It is unlikely that the repairs to the waterfall will commence until June because of SCC commitments, so the footpath will remain closed for longer than expected. The PC considered this delay unacceptable and is writing to SCC. Water ponding on Poke Lane to the south of the Bell House will hopefully be resolved when the footpath is resurfaced and a hole cut through the existing hedge to allow water to drain into a field. Local Diary TDBC’s Wild Play Day on Weds. 8th Apr. 2-4pm in King George V Playing Field – Free, lots of games and wild play activities for ages 816, but they may get messy! Trull Film Club’s Quantum of Solace (James Bond) on Good Fri. 10th Apr. at 7:30pm in Memorial Hall. Memorial Hall Jumble Sale on Sat. 25th Apr. at 2pm. Taunton Morris Men near Trull Church on Tues. 28th Apr. at 8pm. Footpaths John White (Non-councillor) Tel: 365991 (Evenings only). Email: Councillors Geoff Hewett (Chairman) Trull Green Farm, Dipford Rd. Trull Tel: 333630 Sid French (Deputy Chairman / Trull Development Group) Spearcey Farm, Staplehay Tel: 275868 Email: Don Archer (Housing & Development / School) 5 Church Road, Trull Tel: 333394 Email: Fiona Drew (Website / Trees) 1 Kibbear Cottages, Trull Tel: 253416 Email: Nick Hancock (Highways) Heatherdene, Comeytrowe Road. Tel: 337100 Email: Ann Hudson (Planning / SALC / Relief in Sickness) Amberd Farm, Amberd Lane, Staplehay Tel: 252627 Email: Dee Luke (Trull Community Centre Development Group) Rose Arbour, Wild Oak Lane Tel: 07930 377108 Peter Parris (Trees / Playing Field) Lower Kibbear Farm Tel: 284873 Email: Colin Ralph (Party in the Park / Planning) Canonsgrove Farm, Trull Tel: 279720 Email: Jo Wooldridge (Playing Field / Memorial Halls / Newsletter) 21 Church Road, Trull Tel: 253057 Email: Alison Harding (Parish Clerk/Allotments) 19 Castlemans Road, Taunton Tel: 01823 331309 Email: