Dear Big Bethel Family and Friends
Dear Big Bethel Family and Friends
VISION STATEMENT A spirit-filled fellowship engaging in fervent worship, Bible-based teaching and preaching, and compassionate missions driven to be the miracle in downtown Atlanta. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ; and to communicate to the world through preaching, teaching, evangelizing, worshipping, and stewardship, that “Jesus Saves.” VALUES STATEMENT: We are a God centered, people-oriented Christian community operating in an environment of excellence and love. All that we do is undergirded by prayer. 1 6 7 T H A N N I VER S A RY C O M M I T T EE N. Nannette McGee and Donna Williams Co-Chairpersons Dear Big Bethel Family and Friends: I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Today, Big Bethel AME Church - Atlanta’s oldest African American church congregation - celebrates 167 years of worship, fellowship and ministry. Big Bethel has withstood the numerous tests of time and yet, God still signifies Big Bethel as a Beacon of Light for downtown Atlanta which still proudly proclaims that “Jesus Saves.” At this time of celebration – let us all give thanks and honor to the glory of God for Big Bethel AME Church. We joyously welcome back Bishop McKinley Young who served as our pastor for twelve years. Bishop Young was instrumental in our growth and continued legacy of Big Bethel AME Church. Bishop Young’s work in the Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta is unsurpassed. We welcome Bishop Young and Dr. Dorothy Young back home to our church fellowship today. Let me lift up praise for our Church Anniversary Chairpersons - Sis. Nannette McGee and Sis. Donna Williams. Let me also thank the entire Church Anniversary committee for a job well done! We thank God again for all of the wonderful Anniversary Month activities: The Pilgrimage to Oakland City Cemetery, The Trinity Table, The Living Legacy Luncheon, The Philip Skerrett Organ Concert, and The Children Sabbath Weekend. Sis. Mary Ann, Kristina (Dewey), John Jr. and Jessica join me in wishing our ‘Big Bethel Family’ a Happy 167 th Anniversary!!! “Reflecting on God’s Glory!" Joann Brazil Teaner Corbett Marvin Fleming Carol Ann Dove Rose Jones Vickie Johnson Rev. H.A. Johnson Linda Jolly Ed Jones Vernon Kimbro Richard Marion Jacqueline Michael Price Michael Martinique Mix Charles W. Moore William Petty Gloria Pritchett Sharon Pritchett Stanley Pritchett Grace Terrell-McCoy Martha Thomas Essie Tunstall M. Paulyne Morgan White McDonald Williams Rev. Joyce Young The Black Heritage Ministry and Music Ministry Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Preston Warren Williams II, Presiding Prelate, 6th Episcopal District Dr. Wilma Delores Webb-Williams, Episcopal Supervisor, Sixth District The Reverend Dr. David Rhone, Presiding Elder, North Atlanta District THE REVEREND JOHN FOSTER PH.D., SENIOR PASTOR The Reverend Charmain Purvis, Special Assistant to the Pastor The Reverend Monica Jones, Ph.D., Christian Education Director The Reverend Willie L. Langley, Minister to the Sick & Shut-In/Nursing Care The Reverend Rosie Hunter, Big Bethel Village Bro. Vernon Kimbro, Minister of Worship & Arts Sincerely, ASSISTANT MINISTERS (ITINERANT ELDERS) The Reverend Jeannette Thomas-Fayson, The Reverend Lena Flowers Ph.D., The Reverend Rosie Hunter, The Reverend Wilbert Hobbs, The Reverend Monica Jones Ph.D., The Reverend Malcolm Stephens, The Reverend Joyce Young, The Reverend Lairalaine Morgan White John Foster, Ph.D. Senior Pastor LOCAL MINISTERS The Reverend Tony Brownlee, The Reverend Bessie Donaldson, The Reverend Mary Ellen Lake, The Reverend Betty Miley, The Reverend Charmain Purvis, The Reverend M. Gwen Senatle ITINERANT DEACONS The Reverend Reginald Cleaver, The Reverend George Johnson, The Reverend Charlene Maddox, The Reverend James Vance The Reverend Richard Williams The First Family 2 15 LICENTIATES Sister Shrala Askins, Brother Cornelius Pettway Sister Evelyn Jones MEDIA MINISTRY The purpose of the Media Ministry is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology and media, and to equip other ministries of the church to use the electronic ministry as worship and outreach tool. Those who choose to serve in this ministry can find great fulfillment in being part of a team who loves the Lord and who has a great time serving. The Audio Visual Ministry is seeking individuals that would like to be a part of this exciting ministry. All selected individuals will be fully trained and stipends awarded for service after training. If you are interested please call the church office or email Vernon Kimbro at WE ARE STREAMING LIVE! →→( bigbethelamechurch)←← TWITTER: #LiveatBigBethel YOUTH CHURCH URBAN GARDEN During the 2014-2015 Annual Conference year Youth Church will be raising awareness about environmental responsibility. While there are other facets of learning that will occur, they will all be centered around the completion of an urban garden which will be housed in the amphitheater. There is a booklet available that goes into more detail regarding the urban garden. We are asking for donations of $10 per book. We would love to see everyone get involved by filling out a volunteer card and committing to one of the seven areas of assistance. Any way that you can help would be much appreciated in addition Youth Church is held on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month during the 11:00AM Worship service. Volunteer assistance is needed for chaperones and teachers during each service. Snacks are being provided and individual and/or ministry sponsors are requested. Contact the Church office for additional information. and the Big Bethel Family CHILDREN’S SABBATH WEEKEND Saturday, October 25, 2014 Big Bethel's 9th Annual National Observance of Children's Sabbath. Get set for forum and group discussions for all ages Health and Wellness, primarily focusing on healthy families and highlighting "Foster Care and Adoption". FLAPJACK BREAKFAST The Laura L. Turner Women's Missionary and the Young People's Division (YPD) are hosting a Flapjack Breakfast on Sat, November 22nd at Applebee's 550 Thornton Road, Lithia Springs, GA. Breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. and 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Tickets ($7.00 per person) can be obtained from any member of the WMS and YPD after each worship service. For additional information please contact Sis Lisa Johnson, Cheryl Taylor, Tonya Lowe or Clarissa Carmichael. CHURCH SCHOOL You are invited to join us each Sunday at 9:45am for study and fellowship. We have classes for all age levels. COME and GROW SPIRITUALLY WITH US! ~~Sis. Sylvia McRae, Superintendent~~ IN MEMORY The Flowers in the alter today are given in “Memory” of Bro. Robert Mason. ~ Sis. Sonja Mason and Family HONORING OUR VETERANS Veterans Day is fast approaching. We want to recognize and lift up our Nation’s Heroes at our Veterans Day Worship Service on November 9, 2014 at Big Bethel AME Church. If you served in the United States Military, please register by completing the card located in the Vestibules, “Honoring Our Veterans”. Please drop the card in the Tithes & Offering Basket, or give it to an Usher. Chairperson for this program is, Arthur Maddox. The Crown Room was officially renamed in Honor of Bro. Robert Mason to be the Robert L. Mason, Jr. Conference Room THANK YOU To Pastor Foster and My Big Bethel family: Many Thanks for the cards, prayers, telephone calls and the kind words, during the illness and death of my niece, Lynn Roberts. I will always remember your thoughtfulness with deep love and appreciation. ~Sis. Marie F. Blake The dedication and the renaming took place this morning at 9:00am prior to Worship Service. Let us remember our sick and shut-in with our cards & calls. For the safety and security of our senior members, we have removed their address information. Sis. Lucille Burch, (404) 696-8524 Sis. Patricia Coles, (404) 254-4806 Sis. Jay Evans, (678) 467-2470 Bro. Horace Ford, (770) 478-3013 Sis. Daisy Gholston, (770) 439-9199 Sis. Jacquelyn Green, (678) 580-1248 Sis. Louise Hollowell, (404) 794-2877 Pastor and Mrs. Foster Sis. Pearline Irving, (404) 284-4717 Sis. Jacqueline Langley, (404) 696-9408 Sis. Ruth Lee, (478) 453-8514 Rev. Betty Miley, (770) 323-6841 Sis. Eleanor Miller, (678) 938-3338 Sis. Mary Miller, Summerset Assisted Living Community 14 Sis. Dorothy Moreland, (404) 691-0099 Sis. Martha Orr, (404) 691-4720 Sis. Ertha Poitier, A. G. Rhodes Nursing Home Sis. Joyce Spearman, (404) 286-4891 Sis. Mildred Whalen, (770) 603-8266 Welcome Bishop McKinley and Episcopal Supervisor Dorothy Young 3 THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT PRESIDING PRELATE BISHOP MCKINLEY YOUNG 109TH CONSECRATED BISHOP OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bishop McKinley Young is the presiding prelate of the Third Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. He was assigned to the Third District in 2012 by the 49th Quadrennial Session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. This assignment places Bishop Young over churches throughout the state of Ohio, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania. Bishop Young served as the presiding Bishop of the 11th Episcopal District (Florida and the Bahamas Islands) from 2004-2012 and chaired the Board of Trustees for Edward Waters College. Bishop Young served as the Presiding Bishop of the 10th Episcopal District, (Texas) for the Quadrennium 2000-2004. During this Quadrennium Bishop Young chaired the Board of Trustees for Paul Quinn College. In 1992, Bishop Young was elected and consecrated the 109 th Bishop of the AME Church; and was assigned to the 15th Episcopal District, which embraces the southern part of the Republic of South Africa; and the countries of Namibia and Angola. Prior to his elevation to the episcopacy, Bishop Young was the senior pastor at historic Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta, GA; serving Big Bethel Church with distinction and vision from 1980 to 1992. Bishop Young is a native of Atlanta, a son of the Parsonage and a product of the Public Schools of Atlanta. He furthered his education by obtaining degrees from Morris Brown College, Atlanta; Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, Massachusetts; and the University of Chicago Divinity School, Chicago, Illinois. Bishop Young received honorary Degrees from Morris Brown College, Paul Quinn College, Edward Waters College, Wilberforce University and Payne Theological Seminary. In South Africa, he led members of the 15th Episcopal District in the Centennial Celebration of the AME Church in Southern Africa. While serving as Secretary of the Council of Bishops, and Presiding Bishop of the 15 th Episcopal District, he participated in the reception of 12,000 members of the Angola Independent Methodist Church into the AME Church. This formed the Angola Annual Conference of the 15 th Episcopal District of the AME Church. From 1996 through 2000, Bishop Young served as the Ecumenical and Urban Affairs Officer for the AME Church. He also served as the Endorsing Agent for all Chaplains in the denomination. During this period he provided leadership in all Ecumenical and Interfaith forums nationally and globally. In July of 2004 Bishop Young was assigned to the Electrifying Eleventh Episcopal District AME Church. Bishop Young provided faithful leadership to the 17 Presiding Elders, over 400 Pastors and Ministers and thousands of lay persons who worked diligently and sacrificially to fulfill the mission of the church. Bishop and Mrs. Young led by example, exhibiting spiritual courage, innovative vision and dynamic interaction. Bishop Young worked across Denominational and interfaith lines to impact Local, State and National Elections. Bishop Young and Mrs. Young worked with Pastors, Ministers, Lay Leaders, elected official and the people of Jacksonville to elect the first Black Mayor of Jacksonville. He chaired, with distinction, the Board of Trustees for Edward Waters College. He provided leadership in the search for two Presidents and led the 11th District in raising and giving Edward Waters College Two Million dollars in addition to the sustained support provided by the District and the denomination. The Bahama Islands Annual Conference is a vital part of the 11 th District. Under Bishop and Mrs. Young’s administration this conference enjoys the outstanding leadership of two Bahamian Presiding Elders, Pastors, Ministers and Lay leaders who share the ministries of the 11th Episcopal District. During this time the Eleventh District acquired through purchase our first property in Freeport, Grand Bahamas. To God be the Glory! On July 4th 2012 Bishop and Mrs. Young were assigned to the Terrific Third Episcopal District embracing the great people of Ohio, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania. As the Presiding Prelate of the Third District, Bishop Young serves as Chancellor of Wilberforce University and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for Payne Theological Seminary. Bishop Young Chairs the Board of Directors for AME-SADA, the Service And Development Agency of the AME Church providing leadership in International Development and is the Chair of the Commission on Evangelism. Previously, Bishop Young served as President of the General Board, Chair of Annuity, Investments and Insurance and Chair of the Commission on Global Witness and Ministry and Women In Ministry. He served with honor and distinction as a member of the Executive Committee of the World Methodist Council, the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) 1998-2006. Bishop Young was re-elected to the Central Committee of the WCC at the Ninth (9th) Assembly in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2006. He chaired the Committee on Nominations for the National Council of Churches, USA, and provided leadership for the Pan Methodist Commission 1996-2000. He presently serves on the nominating committee for the World Methodist Council. Bishop Young is a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. Bishop Young is married to Dorothy Jackson Young of Boston, Massachusetts. They are the parents of Mr. Ron and Mrs. Karyn Young-Lowe; The Reverend Julius and Mrs. Deana Young McAllister; Mr. Roderick and Mrs. Andrea Young Jones, Miss Stephanie Lynn Young and grandparents of Little Miss Jennifer Renee Lowe, Master Julius Harrison McAllister, III, Master Peyton Leigh Jones, Master Colin McKinley Young McAllister, Little Miss Jessica Christine Lowe, Master Dylan David Jeremiah McAllister and Master Noah Parker Jones. 4 13 AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Celebrating 167 Years of Service to the Lord and the Community Sunday, October 19, 2014, 10:00AM DR. STANLEY PRITCHETT WORSHIP LEADER THE PRELUDE BRO. PHILIP V. SKERRETT , JR. THE INTROIT THE PROCESSIONAL BIG BETHEL MASS CHOIR, THE ACOLYTES AND STEWARDS, MINISTERS AND PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS * THE DOXOLOGY HYMN #647 PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW; PRAISE HIM ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW; PRAISE HIM ABOVE YE HEAVENLY HOST, PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST. AMEN. * THE CALL Leader: People: TO WORSHIP DR. STANLEY PRITCHETT I was glad when they said unto me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord!” Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem! For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Leader: For the sake of the house of the Lord our God; I will seek your good. People: They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. Leader: O Lord, I love the habitation of your house, and the place where your glory dwells. People: For the Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him. Leader: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things! I will sing of loyalty and of justice, to you, O Lord, I will sing. People: THE HYMN OF PRAISE SIS. SUSAN WRIGHT Hymn #62 “God of Grace and God of Glory” 1. God of grace and God of glory, On Thy people pour Thy power; Crown Thine ancient church’s story; Bring her bud to glorious flower, Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, For the facing of this hour, For the facing of this hour. 2. Lo! the hosts of evil round us Scorn Thy Christ, assail His ways! Fears and doubts too long have bound us, Free our hearts to work and praise, Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, For the living of these days, For the living of these days. 3. Cure thy children’s warring madness, Bend our pride to Thy control, Shame our wanton, selfish gladness, Rich in things and poor in soul, Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, Lest we miss Thy kingdom’s goal, Lest we miss Thy kingdom’s goal. 4. Set our feet on lofty places; Gird our lives that they may be, Armored with all Christ-like graces in the fight to set men free, Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, that we fail not man nor Thee, that we fail not man nor Thee. 5. Save us from weak resignation To the evils we deplore; Let the search for Thy salvation Be our glory evermore. Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, Serving Thee whom, we adore, Serving Thee whom we adore. Amen. 12 5 THE INVOCATION THE REVEREND ROSIE HUNTER THE CHORAL RESPONSE THE WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC BIG BETHEL MASS CHOIR THE SCRIPTURE LESSONS PSALM 100 SIS. PAIGE THOMAS EPISTLE 2 PETER 1: 1-3 BRO. RYAN JONES *GOSPEL MATTHEW 5: 14-16 BRO. ROSS TURNER * THE CONGREGATIONI WILL STAND FOR THE READING OF THE GOSPEL THE PREFACE TO THE DECALOGUE (IN THE TUNE OF #258) “FROM ALL THAT DWELL BELOW THE SKIES, LET THE CREATOR’S PRAISE ARISE; LET THE REDEEMER’S NAME BE SUNG, THROUGH EVERY LAND BY EVERY TONGUE.” THE DECALOGUE DR. GLORIA GASTON Leader: Hear the commandments of God to His people: I am the Lord your God who brought you out of bondage. You shall have no other gods but Me. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: You shall not make for yourself any idol. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. People: You shall not invoke with malice the Name of the Lord your God. Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: Honor your father and your mother. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: You shall not commit murder. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: You shall not commit adultery. Bishop: I commend you on the spirit that has prompted and inspired this addition given to assist in the most glorious of all endeavors and rejoice with you in the fact that, in the pre-senting of the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room for dedication, you express a most ardent wish that it shall be utilized from henceforth to the sacred task of making the name of Christ prominent in the hearts of people. Then shall the congregation stand and sing, "O Come Let Us Adore Him." Then the minister shall say these words of dedication: Bishop: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room to the praise of Almighty God and to the cause of a greater religious ministry. We dedicate the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room to the task of lifting the fallen from the nature of despair and despondency, and of relieving the troubled mind of their oppressive burdens. And finally, we dedicate the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room to every form of service through which the people may give praise to Almighty God, and derive a more intimate knowledge of his infinite love. Then shall the minister say: Our Heavenly Father, we beseech you to accept the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room as a token of our love for you and of our desire to praise and magnify your Holy Name. Amen. If it be your divine will, may the ministries produced through it be the source through which people shall call your name "Blessed:' Amen. May the room serve to disperse the darkness of evil and illuminate the paths of those who walk in darkness, by the comfort its strains shall give and the hope its ministry shall proclaim. Amen. Grant that those whom you have equipped to use the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room might forever be aware of they having been dedicated to you and your cause and, being thus aware, shall strive for consecration. Any may those who listen, now and then, be lifted to the mountaintop of inspiration and, being thus inspired, see more clearly their task in the valley of benighted people and human misery. Amen. Then shall the congregation sing the chorus of “Go Tell it on the Mountain” while the congregation views the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room. Benediction People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: We present the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room for dedication: the gift to the glory of God and the advancement of the cause of Christ. Receiving the Presentation OLD TESTAMENT Leader: Sis. Janie Asante: You shall not steal. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: You shall not be a false witness. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. People: Amen. Lord have mercy. Leader: And Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment and the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two Commandments depend all the law and the prophets. 6 11 Big Bethel AME Church Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room Dedication Service Order of Worship 9:30 AM October 19, 2014 * GLORIA PATRI #XVII-XVIII “GLORY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE SON, AND TO THE HOLY GHOST; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER SHALL BE, WORLD WITHOUT END. AMEN, AMEN.” THE OCCASION SIS. SLYVIA MCRAE THE WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC BIG BETHEL MASS CHOIR "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen" THE WELCOME TO BIG BETHEL SIS, LINDA JOLLY & SIS. RUTH MCKENZIE Then shall the minister read, all standing: THE WORSHIP THROUGH GIVING Minister: Dearly beloved, even as we are by virtue of our faith mem-bers of one body, built together to constitute the great Church of Christ, just so is each instrumentality used to assist in disseminating the gospel of our Lord to the unsaved a part of the material temple, and as such ought to be expressly set apart and dedicated to the service of God. Thus, God's people in all ages have followed the practice of setting aside structures, instruments and attire sacred to the Lord's service. Hence we come now to dedicate the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room - for service in the worship of Almighty God. All Standing THE WORSHIP THROUGH CREATIVE EXPRESSION SIGNS OF PRAISE MIME MINISTRY BRO. CHRIS PARKER THE CHORAL RESPONSE ALL THINGS COME OF THEE, OH LORD; AND OF THINE OWN HAVE WE GIVEN THEE. AMEN” THE CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER THE REVEREND ALI HOLNESS THE PRESENTATION OF THE BISHOP THE REVEREND JOHN FOSTER, PH.D. SENIOR PASTOR, BIG BETHEL AME CHURCH THE WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC BIG BETHEL MASS CHOIR THE PREACHED WORD BISHOP MCKINLEY YOUNG Minister: May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us. Psalm 67:1 People: That your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. Psalm 67:2 PRESIDING PRELATE, 3RD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH THE INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP Minister: Let the people praise you, 0 God; let all the people praise you. Psalm 67:3 THE REMARKS People: Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the people with equity and guide the nations upon earth. Psalm 67:4 THE DOXOLOGY Minister: Let the people praise you, 0 God; let all the people praise you. Psalm 67:5 THE BENEDICTION People: The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. Psalm 67:6 THE REVEREND JOHN FOSTER, PH.D. THE RECESSIONAL BISHOP YOUNG THE POSTLUDE Together: May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him. Psalm 67:7 Then the congregation shall chant the "Lord's Prayer," with preface: "Let the words of my mouth, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight; wilt thou teach me how to serve thee; wilt thou teach me how to pray" (Our Father, who art in heaven, etc.) Hymn 605 Presentation SERVING IN TODAY’S WORSHIP EXPERIENCE 1 0 : 0 0 AM W O R S H I P E X P E R I E N C E Trustee or person designated to make the presentation should be standing near the front. At conclusion of the above, rise and approach the front. DAILY SCRIPTURE READING FOR THE UPCOMING WEEK Acolytes: Camron Eppes/ Charis Eppes Monday: Exodus 33:12-23 Choir: Big Bethel Mass Choir Tuesday: Psalm 99 Philippians: Linda Jolly/ Ruth McKenzie Brother Floyd Baxter: "Almighty God, Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to whom all hearts are open and all desires known, it is with becoming reverence that we approach you, imploring your divine presence on this occasion and invoking your divine favor upon this gift to your church. We present the Robert L. Mason Jr. Conference Room meekly, beseeching you to lend us your spirit, and teach us from day to day how we might more aptly praise and magnify your Holy name:' Amen. 10 Wednesday: Isaiah 45:1-7 Stewardess: Eva B. Watson Stewardess Board Thursday: Psalm 96:1-9 (10-13) Stewards: Chris Brooks/ Tony Jones Friday: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Trustees: Violet Ricks/ Martha Thomas/ Dennis Brazil, Sr. Saturday: Matthew 22:15-22 Ushers: Samuel H. Giles Usher Ministry 7 Big Bethel AME Church A Brief History Significant milestones have been etched into the fabric of Atlanta’s growth and development by members of Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church during its 167-year history. Prior to Emancipation, slave masters of the Methodist Episcopal Church provided a facility for our ancestors to worship at Bethel Tabernacle Church on the corner of Courtland and Jenkins Streets ( now Georgia State University). Our founders, however, never lost sight of their vision to organize a church for self expression, self help, self government and worship. This dream became a reality when the members of Bethel Tabernacle united with the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1866. This year’s theme, “Reflecting on God’s Glory,” is taken from Matthew 5:16. At last, we comprehend the importance of each generation sharing these special events with one another: The October 25, 1943, issue of The Christian Recorder commended Big Bethel Church for raising $65,000 to clear the church indebtedness made in 1924. This article recognized the leadership of Rev. D. T. Babcock. Rev. Babcock’s tenure of 14 years at the helm of Big Bethel Church has not been exceeded to this date. The last segregated graduation ceremony for Grady Hospital Nurses of Color was held on August 16, 1965, in Big Bethel’s Sanctuary. During the administration of Rev. Reuben T. Bussey, the church celebrated its One Hundredth Birthday. One of the highpoints of his administration was the erection of Bethel Towers (a Resident Housing Facility) in 1968. On August 11, 2013, the mortgage for this $3, 514,700 building was burned. A warm handclasp between Rev. James Lynch, sent to organize the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the South, and Rev. Joseph Wood, member of Bethel Tabernacle, in Atlanta, resulted in Bethel Tabernacle becoming united with the African Methodist Episcopal connection in 1866. Big Bethel’s “Great Moller Organ” was initially installed in 1924 by the M.P. Moller Organ Company of Hagerstown, MD. The instrument was a three manual and pedal pipe, with 16 ranks. In 1987 the organ was completely restored and expanded under the pastorate of Rev. McKinley Young, when the instrument was raised to 32 ranks. Additionally, during the Young years, a major renovation of the church was completed, including upgrading, upholstery of the church furniture and carpeting added throughout the sanctuary. Rev. Jesse Peck, a member of the Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons. while living in Boston, became convinced of the organization’s merits. Later, while pastoring at Big Bethel AME Church, he established the first chapter of Free and Accepted Masons in Georgia, which became Saint James Lodge # 4, on March 5, 1871. Rev. James L. Davis, appointed as pastor of Big Bethel AME Church in 1992, established ambitious projects and programs. Among his greatest projects was PROCEED (Prayfully, Proclaiming Our Community, Emphasizing Economic Development), a catalyst for revitalizing “Sweet Auburn” and other communities. Some of its positive outgrowths include the Trinity-Bethel Partnership, Big Bethel Senior Village, and Renaissance Walk . Morris Brown College was established in 1881, when Big Bethel AME Church hosted the North Georgia Annual Conference. The first National Convention of the National Association for The Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was held at Big Bethel AME Church in 1919. A black Community Activist, Mr. Jesse O. Thomas, was able to convince the Atlanta City Council and the County Commission to each give $ 5,000 for rebuilding Big Bethel church, after it was severely damaged by fire in 1921. The reason for supporting this request was due to Bethel’s capacity to hold mass meetings of a non-denominational nature in the 1920’s. During the administration of Rev. Gregory V. Eason, Sr., in addition to his mantra of “Radical Hospitality,” FOCUS (Faithfully Obeying Christ with Unwavering Stewardship) was launched to raise funds for the church to retire the indebtness owed to Fulton County for taxes on Big Bethel parking lot. The parking lot is on Dobbs & Jesse Hill, Jr., Drive. One of Atlanta’s Historic Landmarks is Big Bethel’s “Lighted Cross,” bearing the message “Jesus Saves.” The sign was installed in 1922. This blue neon – lighted sign on the church’s steeple is still shining as a symbol of “Hope for the World.” In May, 2013, Rev. John Foster, PhD, was appointed as pastor of Big Bethel AME Church. In addition to continuing the excellent programs and projects that are in progress, he launched a “New Media Ministry.” The Big Screens are operational and the church services are streamed LIVE on the web weekly. The latest initiative that the church has embarked upon is “The Vision for Big Bethel 2020” - to be the Preeminent Religious Presence of the Auburn/Edgewood Corridor in Atlanta,GA. The National Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was held at Big Bethel AME Church in 1929. The Big Bethel AME Church’s Heaven Bound Choir was featured at the premier of the film Gone With the Wind, gaining an international reputation in 1930. The morality play “Heaven Bound,” authored and produced at Big Bethel AME Church, has been performed for 83 successive years since that time. In the 167 years of Big Bethel’s history, thirty-six ministers have served as pastors –“sainted spiritual leaders” of this flock. Three of those ministers, the Reverends Harold I. Bearden (1964), McKinley Young (1992), and James L. Davis (2004), were elected from Big Bethel’s pulpit and consecrated as bishops in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1953, Rev. Harold I. Bearden made arrangements with the first Black radio station in Atlanta, WERD, to broadcast directly from the church the Sunday morning “Worship Service” as an “inspirational gospel feast” for the “sick and shut in.” To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Hath Done! In 1967 there was a legal change in the name of the church. The name was officially changed from Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Tabernacle to Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. 8 9
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