View / Spring 2014 Issue
View / Spring 2014 Issue
SAFE NEWSLETTER VOL. 2 ISSUE 1 SPRING 2014 SAFE News letter SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS 5 President’s Message By E’lyn Bryan, CDE ! CONTENTS ! SA FE 7.1 PRESIDENTS MESSAGE E’lyn Bryan 7.2 HIGH TECH William Koppenhaver SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF7.3 FORENSIC EXAMINERS SPOTLIGHT ON 2014 Conference Case Studies Education Equipment Research Projects Resources Conference Photo 7.4 Q&A TIPS AND TACTICS Book Review 7.5 ASSOCIATION UPDATE New Certification Committee Reports Editorial by Kathie Koppenhaver Proficiency Testing Association Dues Dear SAFE Members, As we rapidly approach summer, our second annual conference is only months away. We have a fantastic line up of speakers thanks to your input on what topics you would like discussed. So far, this is our line up. 6 We are going to have mock trials, refreshers on MiScope and Celestron microscopes, report writing, a session on "What attorneys expect from experts" by Brian Breedlove, Sylvia Kessler's case study on a serial killer, workshops on identifying photo copies, Interment research and Marcel's Index, Starzypcel and Daubert mock testimony with Kathie and Brian, information about light spectrum by Bill Koppenhaver, and Mike Wakshull, SAFE VP will talk about digital documents. Additionally, Reed presents on tremor, and Marcie Word shares her own personal case of check fraud. Useful information on Ethical dilemmas and ethical errors, as well as mistakes made when SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS giving lectures and how to address those mistakes will help our members maintain integrity in their business. I will present a power point on the Federal Rules of Evidence. One of our featured speakers will be Mike Caffrey a long-time employee of Appvion, a U.S. Treasuryapproved security paper manufacturer. Mr. Caffrey will share his wealth of knowledge about the many security checks and features contained in paper the government uses for checks, passports, visas, and other documents. Mr. Caffrey will demonstrate what we need to look for when examining suspect altered documents by chemical or mechanical alteration. Appvion’s web address is en-us/products/security/Pages/ default.aspx In addition, a very big surprise awaits you at our banquet dinner. This will be a night to long remember! E’lyn ! SAFE NEWSLETTER VOL. 2 ISSUE 1 SPRING 2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! HIGH TECH SOLUTIONS BY WILLIAM KOPPENHAVER Application Sequence of Inks Relationship Between Ball Point Pen and Red Stamp reprint K-1 Known Red Stamp over Ballpoint ! Recently we were asked to determine the sequence between a red date stamp and a ballpoint pen. In order to complete the assignment, it was necessary to perform experiments with similar materials to see what occurred when one ink was placed over the other. The process is more complicated than just looking through the microscope because darker colors always appear to be on top. The process resembles painting over a wet coat of paint with a different color causing the two colors to combine and produce a combined color. In examples K-1 and K-2, a similar red stamp and a blue ballpoint pen were used to illustrate the two possibilities. In Example K-1, the blue ballpoint line was applied first and in K-2 the red stamp was applied first. Both samples were given sufficient time to dry. For this test both samples were artificially dried at 300 degree in an oven for one hour. Following the drying period a red stamp was applied over the blue ballpoint pen line in sample K-1. In sample K-2, the blue ballpoint line was applied over the red stamp. When adding ink over ink, the first layer must be dry or the two layers of ink would mix together so that the one on top cannot be distinguished. In example K-1(with the ballpoint pen on the bottom and the red stamp over the ballpoint writing) even though the blue ball point ink was dried, the volatile solvents in the red stamp pad ink dissolved some of the ballpoint ink so that a blue/black color was produced. In example K-2 the red is already dry. When the ballpoint ink was applied over the stamp there was less volatile solvent in the ballpoint ink so less mixing of the colors occurred. !! ! K-2 Known Ballpoint over Red Stamp ! ! SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS SAFE NEWSLETTER VOL. 2 ISSUE 1 SPRING 2014 SAFE 2014 Conference Hotel Reservations in Boca Raton Conference dates are August 14-16. (Our Group code is : AFEAFEA) The conference hotel is available for reservations. The discounted rate is available for 3 days before and 3 days after the conference for anyone who wants to enjoy the beautiful area around the Mouth of the Rat (Boca Raton). Go to the hotel’s web site to register: to make any reservations. Click on the “+” to the left of “Special rates and awards” Enter the Group code into the “Group Code” Box. This will give you our negotiated rate of $129 per night. SAFE 2014 Conference Fees Conference Fee prices are: $350 Early bird registration for SAFE members fee $375 After June 15 for SAFE members fee $395 Non-members fee ! Registration Deadline for attending the Conference is August 5th. Participant’s registration is not confirmed until Conference fee is received. Mail your Conference fee check (payable to SAFE) to: Bill Smith, CDE, SAFE Treasurer, 10019 Sweetleaf Street, Orlando, FL 32827. Questions regarding payment, e-mail Bill at ! For questions about the conference contact one of our Conference Chairs. Mike Wakshull at: or E’lyn Bryan at: We will be sending an actual registration form soon. ! ! NADE 2014 Conference in Hawaii The upcoming Hawaii NADE Conference will be Wed., April 23 to Sat.,April 26, 2014. Here’s a link to detailed information about the conference, which contains a link to the registration form: SAFE Lifetime Achievement Awarded to Katherine Koppenhaver ! We are so appreciative of the many years of service Kathie has devoted toward the field of document examination, training, and the mentoring she has selflessly provided to colleagues and students alike. Our first Lifetime Achievement Award is a well- deserved recognition and is a small way for us to thank an amazing individual for so generously giving to so many in the field. ! SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS 2013 Conference picture courtesy of David Liebman SAFE NEWSLETTER VOL. 2 ISSUE 1 SPRING 2014 Q&A Tips and Tactics for the Forensic Document Examiner Last Issue’s question: What is graphic maturity in a writer? When all movements are habituated neuromuscular patterns. Define: Escapement in typing When allA noiseless type action for printing. A mechanical device that regulates movement. Answers submitted by Marcy Word Next Issue’s question: How would you define “background noise” pertaining to writing and document examination? Answers may be submitted to Book Review by Bruce Redding, CDE Introduction to Handwriting Examination and Identification By Russell R. Bradford and Ralph B. Bradford This book is a wonderful resource for anyone in the document examination field. The Bradford’s go into the history of handwriting examination with some famous cases and a who’s who in document examination, not to be confused with graphology. The educational requirements for membership in both the American Academy of Forensic Science and the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners states that one must have a college degree; however, a consensus of a task study said that document examiners should be able to: “Examine and render opinions on handwriting and handprinting; determine genuineness or non-genuineness of signatures; determine sequence of strokes; and date documents. He or she should be capable of examining typewriting for identification purposes: of differentiating and identifying photocopying methods, and examining printed matter, and other mechanical impressions (eg, check writers and rubber stamps.) The final skills required are training and preparation of written reports and charts for court exhibits and court testimony.) [The bold italic subject words are covered in this book]. The book goes on to describe, types of documents, equipment used, office arrangement, vocabulary, handwriting terms and the Bradford System which is a method of identifying “Check Writers” created by the authors. The importance of this method shows that people write check dates in the same way i.e. 7-5-00 as opposed 07/05/00, Jul 5, 2000, 7/5/00, 07/05/00. The same holds true for writing the written part versus the amount part. For instance the written part maybe nil, 00 over 00 centered, 00 over SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS 00 left of line or a dash. The figure amount 10.--, 10.00, 10. /00 etc. By using a specific pattern in the number writing, the author describes how to associate the writing pattern to a specific person. The authors delve into parts of letters and the examination of the elements. Many letters have a unique name as well as a particular formulation for that name i.e. the French a, the Greek e, the Palmer r. There are also two letters that are phenomenon’s, the capital J and W, while not taught in copybook, appear to be written by black males from the south. The importance of Exemplars is explained with some sample copies as illustration. There are basically two general classes of exemplars, the first is writing prepared in a normal course of daily affairs or business, the second is a requested exemplar prepared in the course of the investigative interview. The examiner should give credence to which exemplar is being examined and expect more variation found on the requested exemplar. Within the Elements of Comparison there are three distinctly different movements in writing: finger movement, hand movement, and forearm or muscular movement. Further information can be found In Chapter 7. Five types of handwriting are described in Chapter 8. They are: Unconsciously Written Handwriting, Consciously Written Normal Handwriting, Consciously Disguised Handwriting, Copied Handwriting and Traced Handwriting. Examples of these types of writing are shown as illustrations. In Chapter 9 the author discusses Hand Printing and Numbers. Hand printing was used a great deal by cartoonists and one who studies these cartoons can tell which cartoonist wrote the cartoon as many of the same cartoon (Mickey Mouse, Blondie, Orphan Annie) were drawn my multiple persons over the years. (cont. pg. 5) Chapter 10 discusses Check Protectors and Typewriters and at their idiosyncrasies’ which were important information for comparison. Now that we are in the twenty-first century, this equipment is rarely used. In the chapter on Fingerprinting, we learn the basics of fingerprinting, patterns and identification, which I thought was an extra chapter not relevant to this book or Document SAFE NEWSLETTER VOL. 2 ISSUE 1 me 1, Number 3 SPRING 2014 March 2013 Page 2 Find the star in the picture you all for joining giving us a chance to u with services. It is make SAFE a highly organization SAFE for all examiners with the ASSOCIATION UPDATE of our board members, Editorial chairmen, andGreetings all the to all of our SAFE bers as well. Members, I envision this organization as elps to set standards in the industry, provide xaminers through certification, and the to raise SAFE’s bylaws define types of l of private examiners. membership in our organization s an organization in which all of our as follows: re expected to“Active take an active part. This members” arecanthose lished in a variety of ways. Obviously, one members who have been awarded committee, but there are other ways to t h e d e s i g n a t i o n “ C e rbe t i fi e d ll members are required to obtainExaminer”, some Forensic Document ch year. Thisby can abe recognized as simple as reading a organization writing a bookapproved review to by writing articles for are SAFE, or who al, and presenting lectures at our annual working toward certification and who are members in good roject that I standing, would likeand to whose initiate designation is the an encyclopedia for document examination. has not been revoked by action of our members as contributing to this the Board of Directors. Active Everyone canmembers participateare by taking an entitled item to full ng the entry membership for the encyclopedia. includingThis voting enhance your reputation. rights. Associate members shall w have a weekly chat room from 8 to 9 pm h a v e n o v o t i n g r i g h t s . ma. This chat room is open prior to our Membership is a privilege, not a ss that I currently teach. You will receive right; the qualifications of r for the session prior to chat time. Simply membership are subject to the mber and punch in the code for that session. discretion of the Board of ke questions after class. The class usually Directors. 9 to 10 pm EDT. one would like to volunteer to teach a is thegive policy SAFE Right that all ght class, that Itwould meof a break. members participate in e 77 different topics that I cover on Monday continuing education. sometimes I am not available and it Certified would members maintain their have a back-up who could teach a class. certification e if you are interested in anybyofacquiring the above.points demonstrating their additional d like to thank Carolyn Kurtz for her training. Members working with producing the newsletter. I appreciate toward certification also need to acquire points. Any member who is not certified is expected to work toward certification. Anyone not working toward ! ! ! certification will be designated as an associate member. ! A list of points has been published through our newsletters. A copy of points will be posted on our forum for all members and also on our web site when it is completed. Kathie Koppenhaver SCIENTIFIC ASSOC. OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CEO: Kathie Koppenhaver Marcel Matley, CDE Brian Breedlove, Esq. Reed Hayes SAFE Officers: Newly Certified SAFE Member E’lyn Bryan Congratulations to our newest President certified SAFE member: Marcella Word. Mike Wakshull Vice President SAFE Journal OurTACTICS first SAFE Journal was well Debra Dunlap TIPS AND received! Thanks to E’lyn, Mike and Secretary I have come up with the following slogans in Kathie for their and hard who say response to contributions document examiners we Smith William work toward producing a journal within need a two-year apprenticeship: Treasurer our first year of operation. “A two-year apprenticeship doesn’t guarantee Kathie Koppenhaver competency.” Parliamentarian ! Book Review continued The most important qualification is believability. This book covers the history and names Avoid inconsistent Committee Chairs: some of the more famoustestimony experts in the Getof paid in advance. By-Laws: Robert Baier field Document Examination from theRequest mid 19th SEAK century deposition through 20th checklist – free. Certification: Eileen Hurley century. The more significant Communications: Jan Leach contribution from the Bradfords’ was Education: Reed Hayes TEST YOURofKNOWLEDGE: their system check writing Ethics: Open identification as most “The popular What werenow theknown three Forum: Mike Wakshull Bradford System”systems taught in the United penmanship Membership: Ann Kessler States in the 20th Century? I found that Chapter 5 “Parts of Letters” Publications: Kathie Koppenhaver Answer: Palmer, andPublicity: Sylvia Kessler was extremely helpful asZaner-Bloser the detail is D’Nealian. thorough, understandable and very necessary in my review of documents. Next Month’s Question: Newsletter Contributors: What does ESDA stand for and how is it After reading this book, I was compelled William Koppenhaver, Kathie used? to purchase it for my library because it a Koppenhaver, Debra Dunlap, great resource for Document Examiners. Bruce Redding, and E’lyn Bryan Newsletter Update Examples of Pangrams: Spring Newsletter Editor Yourmovement next newsletter A quick ofwill thebeenemy will jeopardize Debra Dunlap, FDE in the summer of 2014. Any sixpublished gunboats. member wanting to share information of Sixty zippers wereexaminers quicklyis picked from the interest to document SAFE Headquarters woven jute bag. their article to welcome to submit 403 Haslett Rd. Joppa, MD 21085 for consideration, Puzzled women bequeath jerks very exotic gifts. SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS ! Debra Dunlap, Editor