Congregation Sons of Israel DECEMBER 2014 Thurs., Dec. 4 6:30
Congregation Sons of Israel DECEMBER 2014 Thurs., Dec. 4 6:30
Congregation Sons of Israel CONTINUING THE VISION — BUILDING OUR FUTURE DECEMBER 2014 9 Kislev 5775—9 Tevet 5775 DECEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER: Dec. 4: Dec. 12-13: Dec. 16: Dec. 16, 17: Dec. 21-Jan. 4: Dec. 25: Jan. 1: Holiday Boutique, sponsored by The Nursery School PTA Scholar-in-Residence First Chanukah Candle Community Candlelighting (RS students should dress to be outdoors at the Menorah and should also bring flashlights) NO NURSERY OR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS CSI OFFICE CLOSED CSI OFFICE CLOSED In the CSI Social Hall Todah Rabbah from CSI From The Rabbi Chanukah Blessings Cantorial Notes Religious School News Scholar-in-Residence News from the NS P.T.A. Babysitter List page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 Dr. Marc Zvi Brettler Bible Scholar, Author and Professor of Biblical Studies at Brandeis University. December 12 and 13, 2014 See the flyer on page 8. For more information, please contact Jolie Levy at 762-2700 or Have you seen our new website yet? It has a whole new design and feel! Visit us at Thurs., Dec. 4 6:30-9:30 PM (See page 18) - Scholar-In-Residence - Our “Adult Learning, Family and Youth Programs” booklet is available on our website, as is each month’s Bulletin. Check out our facebook page too! It is also new and improved. “Like us!” From the President This Month’s B’nai Mitzvah Mazal Tov and Condolences Recent Donations Calendar Kol Nidre 5775 Birthdays and Anniversaries Sisterhood News page 11 page 11 page 12 page 13 page 16 page 19 page 20 page 21 Nursery School pictures From our Rabbinic Fellow Donation Form Advertisements page 22 page 23 page 31 page 32 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Page 2 Congregation Sons of Israel Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Phone: (914) 762-2700 Fax: (914) 941-3465 December 2014 MANY THANKS TO OUR SUKKAH DESTRUCTORS: L-R: Michael Palefsky, John Palefsky, Sarah Teitelbaum, Laura Teitelbaum, Michael Teitelbaum and (in back) Segundo Ayabaca. OUR MISSION STATEMENT (adopted 1999, revised 2007): Congregation Sons of Israel is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue dedicated to imparting Jewish values and traditions from generation to generation in a welcoming participatory environment. We are a caring community committed to lifelong Jewish learning, the observance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer and charitable deeds. We promote spiritual, cultural and social connections within our community, to the State of Israel, and to Jews worldwide. Rabbi Steven C. Kane Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz Educational Director: Roni Shapiro Ben-David Synagogue Director: Ellen Green Johnson School Admin./Office Mgr.: Doreen Gioio OPERATION ISAIAH FOOD DRIVE: MANY THANKS to Jack and Ian Zinn for stapling the food drive flyers to the paper bags. MANY THANKS to all of the “schleppers” who loaded up cars at CSI and drove to the Ossining Food Pantry: Judy Boehr; Susan Diamond; Alan Fox & Resa Mestel; Laura & Jacob Gold; Jennifer & Abby Hentel; Carol, Jason & David Levitt; Andy & Ryan Morris; Stuart Rosen; Michael, Laura & Sarah Teitelbaum OFFICERS: Jack Zinn, President Steven Bender, VP Aaron Gershowitz, VP Lisa Goodkin, VP Roberta Kay, VP Bob Margolies, Treasurer Eric Nadler, VP, Secretary Andrew Kagan, Past President Bulletin Editor: Jolie Levy Bulletin Printer: MANY THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO GENEROUSLY DONATED FOOD and TO ALL OF THE RELIGIOUS STUDENTS (and RONI) WHO HELPED LOAD CARS. December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 3 FROM THE RABBI Steven C. Kane The Bible is often called "the best selling book in history." Indeed the Bible has probably been read by more people than any other book. Yet I would suggest that while people know of the Bible, they can't tell you all that much about the Bible. Everyone knows it is the foundational book of both Judaism and Christianity, but what is its background and history? Is it meant to be history along with religious instruction? More importantly, what exactly do Jews, both modern and ancient, believe about the composition of the Bible? Did God write it? If God did not, who did? If humans wrote it, is there still revelation from God in it? How does any of this affect each of our lives? In the 19th century, scholars began to question the authorship of the Torah. Different theories were put forward, the most well-known one being that the Torah was actually a composition of four different documents woven together over time, with the authors identified by the initials JEPD. What this meant was that our relationship to the Torah was being questioned. Was our faith dependent on Divine authorship of this document? Could one be an observant Jew without believing in revelation? Could one believe in revelation without believing that the entire Torah was the word of God? Our relationship to the Torah and the rest of the Bible is an ongoing dialogue. That is why we read and Many people use Bible and Torah interchangeably, study it over and over again, each time gaining new though the Torah is only the first part of the Bible. insights and sometimes new criticism. We are fortuThe other two parts are the Prophets and the nate this year to have as our Scholar-in-Residence Writings. For most Christians, God's "word" is found (December 12/13) Dr. Marc Zvi Brettler, one of the equally throughout the Bible (which of course for new generation of Bible scholars who seek to adthem includes the "New Testament"). Jews though dress these questions. Dr. Brettler describes himself differentiate between the three parts of the Bible, as both an Orthodox Jew and an academic scholar of with each descending in holiness. Thus, traditionally the Bible. While I don't know that he will answer the Torah was considered to be authored by God, every question you have about your relationship to the Prophets contained dialogue between God and the Bible, his talks will certainly be a good place to the prophet, although the prophet was the writer of begin or continue your own personal search. the text, and the Writings contain religious literature, The Talmud teaches concerning the study of the Bibut contain much less dialogue between God and ble, "study it over and over; you will find everything human beings. Perhaps the best examples of this are in it" (Avot 5.24). Please join us for what I am certain the Book of Esther and Song of Songs which do not will be very interesting and stimulating sessions on even mention God, and the Book of Psalms, which "the best selling book in history." are ancient prayers and are according to the text itL'hitraot, self written by human beings (for example, many begin with the words "A psalm of David”). TO OUR WONDERFUL HAFTARAH CHANTERS DURING THE HIGH HOLIDAYS: ANNLEAH BERGER ● JUDY KANE RONI SHAPIRO ● MARTY WEINBERG Yasher Koach! Page 4 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 CHANUKAH Chanukah commemorates the victory of the Jewish forces, led by Judah Maccabee, over the Syrian forces (often called SyrianGreeks because they had come under the influence of Greek culture) lead by Antiochus Epiphanes in the year 167 BCE. Antiochus had outlawed circumcision, Shabbat observance and other customs basic to Judaism. He then desecrated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem by placing the statue of a Greek god in the Holy of Holies, and conducting sacrifices of unclean animals. Praised are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe whose mitzvot add holiness to our life and who gave us the mitzvah to light the lights of Chanukah. This year the first Chanukah candle is lit on Tuesday, December 16, before dark. One candle is lit on the first night, two the second night and so on, adding a candle each subsequent night. The “Shamash” candle is lit first and used to light the others. On the first night the candle is placed on the far right of the menorah (as it faces you ). Each night a candle is added to the left and candles are lit left to right, so that the newest candle is always lit first, the second newest second, and so on. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, for granting us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this day. Baruch attah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam she-asah nissim After three years of fighting, the forces led by Judah recaptured la-avoteinu by-yamim ha—heim u-va-z’man hazeh. the Temple on the 25th of Kislev. They found it in ruins. As they Praised are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe who acbegan to repair and rebuild it, crowds of Jews congregated to complished miracles for our ancestors in ancient days, and in our celebrate and bring proper sacrifices to God. One version of the time. story tells us that the Jews celebrated the rededication of the Temple for eight days since they had been denied access to the On the first night only add the following benediction: Temple for the eight days of Sukkot. Of course, we are all familiar with the legend in the Talmud that recounts one cruse of oil found with the seal of the Cohen Gadol (High Priest). It was sufficient for one day, but a great miracle happened and the oil burned for eight days. Baruch attah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam shehecheyanu vekiamanu vehigianu lazman hazeh. KINDLING THE LIGHTS People often use larger candles on Friday night because these candles must burn for a period of time after complete darkness sets in. Matanah, the gift shop at CSI, has a wonderful selection of candles, menorahs and gifts for Chanukah and all year. Please be sure to stop in on Sundays during Religious School hours or make an appointment by emailing After lighting the candles: These lights we kindle to recall the wondrous triumphs and the miraculous victories wrought through Your holy kohanim for our ancestors in ancient days at this season. These lights are sacred through all the eight days of Chanukah. We may not put them to ordinary use, but are to look upon them and thus be reminded to thank You and praise You for the wondrous miracle of our deliverance. Ma’oz tsur yeshu’ati lecha na’eh leshabeakh. Tikon beit tefilati vesham todah nezaveakh. Le’et tachin matbeakh mistar hamnabeakh, ‘az ‘egmore beshir mizmor khanuat hamizbeakh. On Friday night, December 19, candles are lit before Shabbat Rock of Ages, let our song praise Your saving power. You amid candles, and Saturday night, December 20, candles are lit before the raging throng were our sheltering tower. Furious they assailed us, but Your help availed us. And Your word broke their Havdalah, so as not to delay the performance of the mitzvah. sword when our own strength failed us. While kindling the lights, say the following blessings: Baruch attah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kid shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’haldlik ner shel Hanukkah. Full Chanukah guides are available on the CSI lobby tables. December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 5 CANTORIAL NOTES Hazzan Jeffrey Shiovitz EIGHT INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT “FIDDLER ON THE ROOF” called “The Fiddler.” The sets used in the movie, designed by Boris Aronson, were also based on In honor of this auspicious birthday (it’s Chagall’s work. Fiddler’s 50th Anniversary), I bring to you a trove of obscure fun facts about 6. Norman Jewison, who directed the movie, isn’t actually Jewish (with a this Jewish classic. If nothing else, you name and credentials like that, he can try it out at the Shabbat dinner might as well just go ahead and table to one-up the family. What else is convert!) useless knowledge for? 7. When “Fiddler” is performed in 1. Richard Dreyfuss, Rob Reiner and Israel, “If I Were A Rich Man” is often John Ritter all auditioned for the part sung as “If I Were A Rothschild,” after of the tailor Motel Kamzoil in the the prominent Jewish family. 1971 film version of “Fiddler on the 8. Bea Arthur was the original Yenta the Roof.” The role eventually went to Matchmaker on Broadway. Rosie Leonard Frey. O’Donnell played Tevye’s feisty wife, 2. The role of Perchik has an interesting Golde in the 2005 revival. cast history. The 1971 movie adaptation cast Paul Michael Glaser in the role. This is the very same HaMishpacha Paul Michael Glaser who then went With Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz on to be the Starsky in “Starsky and Hutch.” In the original Broadway Tuesday, December 9, 12:30 p.m. production, Perchik was played by (LUNCH WILL BE SERVED) Bert Convy—future “Tattletales” Movie: The Sturgeon Queens game show host. HaMishpacha means “the fam3. Paul Lipson holds the record for ily.” This is a group for couples Tevye appearances, having played and singles over 65. Each the character more than 2,000 times. month, a different musical, But Theodore Bikel says he was the cultural, social or educational only one born into the role. program will be presented. 4. Bette Midler played the role of Tzeitel on Broadway from 1966THERE WILL BE NO HaMISHPACHA 1969. LUNCHEONS IN JANUARY OR FEBRUARY. 5. The title for “Fiddler on the Roof” More info: call Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz at 923-0175. comes from a Marc Chagall painting GREET OLD FRIENDS & MEET NEW ONES! Page 6 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 MAZAL TOV TO JACOB AFRAMIAN ON HIS BAR MITZVAH Shalom, my name is Jacob Aframian. I live in Briarcliff Manor with my parents Kelly and Isaac and my sister Sarah. Words cannot describe how excited I am for my Bar Mitzvah which [was] on November 22. I currently attend Briarcliff Middle School. At school I participate in modified sports, in the fall I run cross country and in the spring I play baseball. I also play the cello in the Briarcliff Middle School orchestra. These activities have taught me how to interact with my friends and help me make new friends. When I am not in school, I do many different activities. I have been playing baseball in my town since I was eight years old, and for the past few years I have been playing for the CSI basketball team. Being part of these activities is so much fun. I also enjoy spending lots of time with my friends and family. During the summer I travel to Israel to see my Dad’s family. My Dad is one of nine children so you can imagine how many first cousins I have. My Jewish roots run deep and I am proud to say that Israel feels like home to me. It means a lot to me that my Saba (grandfather), my aunt Tikva, and uncle Hertzel are traveling from Israel to be here for my Bar Mitzvah. For my Bar Mitzvah project I chose 13 different mitzvot. One mitzvah was visiting Mr. Ben Levin at Bethel Nursing Home in Ossining. When I was there Ben told me great stories about his life experiences. The most important part was when he talked about the Holocaust and how he survived it. I also wrote a letter to an Israeli soldier and visited the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital where I replaced all the batteries in the toys that kids play with. For me becoming a Bar Mitzvah means to become a man in the Jewish religion/community and take responsibility for my actions. I have been attending Hebrew school at CSI since I was in kindergarten and it helped me understand what it means to be Jewish and taught me about the wonderful traditions that we observe throughout the year. I look forward to continuing those traditions as an adult in the Jewish community. I would like to thank Roni Shapiro, Cantor Shiovitz, Rabbi Kane, and all my Hebrew School teachers for teaching me and helping me prepare for this moment. I would like to thank my mom, dad, sister, and all my friends for their support and helping me reach this amazing moment. I am definitely looking forward to my Bar Mitzvah. (This was inadvertently omitted from the November Bulletin. Our sincerest apologies to Jacob for the omission). JUNIOR CONGREGATION KADIMA SERVICE A special learning service for Alef, Bet and Gimel A special learning service for 6th and 7th graders Saturday, December 6 11:00-12:00 YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! Saturday, December 6 10:30-12:00 (Upstairs) YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! (put your service card in front of the box) Service is led by Tami Drucker (put your service card behind the tab that says “Shabbat Morning Attendance behind here”) Service is led by Sheera Zuckerman Future Junior Congregation Dates: Dec. 13; Jan. 10, 24, 31; Feb. 7, 28; Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr. 18, 25; May 2, 16 Future Kadima Service Dates: Dec. 13; Jan. 10, 31; Feb. 28; Mar. 21; Apr. 18 PLEASE REMEMBER that both Junior Congregation and Kadima Services take place on Shabbat. Children, as well as anyone else coming inside the building on Shabbat, should be dressed appropriately. Shabbat is a “special” and holy time, and children should wear “special” clothing. No sweatpants, jeans, sports uniforms, etc. December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 7 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Roni Shapiro, Educational Director I can’t believe it is already December. So much fun and learning has happened! NAME THE MYSTERY Our Nursery students have been busy baking challah and Thanksgiving treats for their feast. READER! They enjoyed listening to a “mystery reader” and spending time with our “Nature lady” and her reptiles. Our programs were a big hit! I don’t know which was more fun, Noah’s Ark Day or Sukkot? Hope you will join us for Dreidel Mania December 16. Our first ever free babysitting night was a huge success. Thank you to all the wonderful teens that came out to help and for all of the parents who trusted us by letting us play with your kids. Our older religious school students watched a documentary and met the producer of Kinderblock 66, Brad Rothchild. It was wonderful to have so many parents join us. Our first “Cookie Club “ met and baked cookies for the family emergency waiting rooms at Maria Fareri Hospital. CSI teens have been very busy. Our Midnight run was an incredible success. Thank you to David Saias, our Midnight Run coordinator, and all the many CSI families for contributing. Kadima and USY went to Grand Prix and enjoyed go-karts, bowling and arcade. Thank you to all of our CSI families who participated and contributed to our Nursery School turkey collection for the Star of Bethlehem Church in Ossining and to the Teen Thanksgiving Day Neighbors Link food collection. In December, all of our students will be very busy, making latkes & sufganiot (traditional jelly donuts) to celebrate Chanukah. Please join us on Tuesday and Wednesday evening at 5:40 for Chanukah singing and lighting of the outside chanukiyah. It’s not too late to join Hebrew High school!! Even if your teen has not yet signed up for one of our programs – he/she is always welcome and encouraged. We live in a big world, with many opportunities for our teenagers to get involved in activities. Being involved in some aspect of our teen programs will make a difference in your teenager’s life, now, in college and when they have families. Please encourage, cajole and bribe to get them here! Join Us For Hebrew High School – Try It You’ll Like It! Second Trimester starts December 14 Israel Today - Adam Zagoria-Moffet. What is life really like in Israel today, debate the Arab/Israeli conflict after learning about the issues. OR Topical Bible - Roni Shapiro. What if Dr. Phil wrote the Torah? How would he answer life’s issues? Everyone with a child in one of our programs should have received a parent handbook or Youth/Teen manual through e-mail. If you have not, call or e-mail the school office. Solomon Schechter children: We want you to join us for any and all student/youth programs and services. Please contact the school office to make sure that we have your correct e-mail and that you are receiving the age appropriate information. Help Our Youth Programs: Please help support our youth programs by donating to the Samantha Silverman Youth Fund. All moneys are used towards our teens. BABYSITTING: CHECK OUT OUR CSI BABYSITTING LIST IN THE SCHOOL OFFICE. Names will be added each month, so also keep checking this bulletin! Hebrew Ulpan Mondays at CSI for kids. It’s not too late to join the class! Call 762-2700 or send an email to Page 8 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 9 NEWS FROM THE NURSERY SCHOOL P.T.A. The November holidays were great fun for the kids, who loved baking for the Thanksgiving feast and then enjoyed songs, dances, and snacking with their families. The parents enjoyed some pre-holiday festivities at the annual Cocktail Party, where adorable artwork created by the kids was auctioned. Everyone is now looking forward to the next round of holiday celebrations - who doesn't love Chanukah and all its related fun? You can still enjoy a delicious Zomick's challah by picking up an order form in the office and selecting your delivery option. As always, the PTA appreciates your support! Lastly, we invite everyone to join us on Thursday, December 4th, from 6:30-9:30 pm for a Holiday Boutique. Come shop, enjoy some wine and snacks, and take a chance at winning one of our fabulous raffle prizes. Feel free to bring a friend with you! Adults to work with students on Tuesday, Wednesday or Sunday: These volunteers help in classrooms or work one-on-one with our children. You do not have to be fluent in Hebrew, but a basic knowledge of reading Hebrew is necessary. Drop-in volunteers are welcome too. Teenagers interested in a paying job or community service working with children in our Lev program on Sundays from 9-11 AM: These volunteers help in classrooms or work one-on-one with our special needs children. Working with these special needs students is a wonderful mitzvah and looks great on your college application. Work opportunities for our teens are also available on Wednesdays, and community service is available on Tuesdays. Please contact Roni Shapiro. PLEASE JOIN THE CSI WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB! MEETING DATES: DEC. 14 JAN. 25 MAR. 1 APR. 19 The meetings are all at 7:00 PM at Roni Shapiro’s home: 26 Pocantico Road, Ossining Books include: Jerusalem Maiden by Talia Carner, The Nazi Officer’s Wife by Edith Hahn Beer, The Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich, The Other Half of My Soul by Bahia Abrams, The Fruit of Her Hands: The Story of Shira of Ashkenaz by Michele Cameron, The Girl in the Green Sweater by Krytyna Chiger, and Women’s Minyan by Naomi Ragen. OUR MEETINGS ARE FUN AND ENLIGHTENING! MAKE NEW FRIENDS! SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE By Judy Boehr CSI is once again sponsoring a HOLIDAY DINNER at the First Presbyterian Church in Ossining. We will be cooking and serving dinner, and WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you can help out or donate food, please contact Judy Boehr at 762-1984 or email her at FOODS NEEDED: cooked turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, desserts and more! Page 10 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 Have a friend or neighbor interested in synagogue life? Ask them to contact one of the following: Roberta Bar-Levav, Membership Chair, at or Ellen Johnson, Synagogue Director, at We welcome inter-faith families! Interfaith parents are full participants in all life cycle events, programs, and classes and are welcome to serve on CSI's committees. CARING COMMITTEE By Merrie Daitch Some of the many jobs we undertake are contacting members who are sick and helping them with rides to the doctor, or providing meals, if necessary; providing bereavement Shabbat dinners or baskets for those who have lost family members; funding HaMishpacha; and bringing holiday gifts to our shutins. If YOU know of a member who needs some special caring, please let the office know. We will promptly swing into action! Our next meeting is December 2 at 7 PM. Come on down to what has been called “the nicest meeting you can come to at CSI.” We need your expertise, knowledge of our community and your caring! Hope to see you December 2! The Gift Shop of CSI, Matanah, is always open during Sunday Religious School hours. Come take a look at the wonderful gifts available, some of which are imported from Israel. Chanukah will be here before you know it!! For assistance outside of Matanah hours, please send an email to SAVE THE DATE: HONORING THIS YEAR: Saturday, March 7 is CSI’s Annual Dinner/Dance Fundraiser. DANIEL and MARIAN LEVINE NEIL and LEONA SCHLUGER WALTER HOLZBERG ZOE SCHEIER KATYA DIDONATO SARAH DOLGIN KATIE KATZ DANIEL BIRNBAUM MARISSA LEWIS LILY WOOLF BABYSITTERS 2014-15 11TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 373-4186 703-1183 787-0465 267-7079 406-3913 845-418-0684 886-5871 874-7352 December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 11 FROM THE PRESIDENT Jack H. Zinn It’s just starting to turn cold, so our thoughts are naturally turning toward…summer camp! Amazingly, it is time to start thinking about camp already. In between meeting with the Rabbi and Cantor regarding Ian’s upcoming Bar Mitzvah (foreshadowing for next month’s bulletin article), I am knee deep in camp applications. If you have children and are considering a camp program for the coming summer, I want to appeal to you to consider Camp Ramah, either the day camp in Nyack or the sleep-away camp in Berkshires. I spent eight summers between the two local Ramah camps as a camper and three summers on staff at Nyack. Darlene, Ian, Rebecca, and I attended the Ramah Poconos Tikvah Family Camp (5 days/4 nights) for special needs campers and their families for two summers. Ian spent six weeks at Camp Ramah in New England last summer. Rebecca went to Ramah Nyack for a few summers and has now graduated to sleep-away at Berkshires. The first thing she wanted me to do when she got home from Berkshires was to sign her up for next year. She didn’t get homesick at camp – she got campsick at home! There are many Jewish camps, but I can only speak to Ramah from my own experience. I’m sure they all have similar stories. Ramah taught me that being Jewish is special, rich in spirit, and fun. There were plenty of sports of all kinds, a lake with boating and swimming at Berkshires (and three pools in Nyack), rock climbing and ropes courses, theater productions, pottery, camping, and everything else you would expect at camp. We sang songs and had special names for everything. It barely mattered that Hebrew was used for the names, or that we sang songs in Hebrew, too. Everyone did it together – almost a thousand kids and staff, and no one felt out of place or in the minority being Jewish. Being Jewish was just natural at camp. Camp instilled a love of Judaism that I could not get anywhere else. I learned to appreciate the beauty of Judaism and the joy of being with so many fellow Jews. From the endless singing after Friday night dinner to learning how to be a soccer goalie, from the leisure of Shabbat afternoon to learning how to build a fire at a campout, Camp Ramah made it easy to be a Jewish kid. Ramah made it fun and made it important to me. My parents recognized this; my mother worked as a nursery school teacher at the former JCC-Spring Valley, and my father sold encyclopedias so they could afford to send us to camp. It’s a gift for which I am forever grateful to them. Every Child Deserves A Jewish Education! Please Support our Lev Program! Donations are needed to pay for our Lev program for the 2014-2015 school year. Lev means “heart.” CSI believes that all children, regardless of their developmental, emotional or cognitive challenges, should receive a Jewish education. These special children are mainstreamed into our classes, or, if necessary, are placed in a self-contained special Lev class. Many people in the past few years have given generously to support our Lev program. Without their support, we could not have given children with varying emotional, behavioral and learning needs the opportunity to join our Religious School program. We help children who range from developmentally delayed to autistic. Thanks to your generous donations, they, too, can have a Jewish education. Please make donations to the Mitzner Family Tuition Assistance Fund indicating they are to be used for the Lev Program. 2014-15 Board of Trustees Jack Zinn, President Trustees 3 years: Steven Bender, V.P. Robin Ginsberg Aaron Gershowitz, V.P. Daniel Levine Lisa Goodkin, V.P. Barbara Palefsky Roberta Kay, V.P. Neil Schluger Robert Margolies, Fred Schulman Treasurer Mara Weissmann Eric Nadler, V.P. Secretary Andrew Kagan, Immediate Past President Trustees 2 years: Antony Anisman Doron Bar-Levav Ira Eisenstein Pamela Schumacher Lawrence Smoler Mark Wancier Trustees 1 Year: Lauren Benjamin Annleah Berger Michael Casper Josh Diamond Jonathan Gellman Daniel Silvershein Page 12 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 SOCIAL COMMITTEE Co-chairs: Ellen Weiser & Debra Young “Welcome to Saturday Night at CSI”. That is what 70+ attendees heard on November 8 th at 8pm as they sipped their wine and nibbled on cheese and crackers as the Queen of Comedy, Robin Fox, held court. We laughed and chortled as this rising female comedian, Grand Champion of the 2012 Ladies of Laughter Competition of Gotham Comedy Club, NYC, regaled us with stories about her life in New Jersey, her husband, her kids, and even her parents. After the set was done, we mixed and mingled over cake and pie and tea and coffee and more wine. Robin stayed to pose for pictures and to chat with all of us. As the saying goes “a good time was had by all.” Look for our next event sometime in the spring so that you too can join in the fun and delight of one of our “Social Occasions.” TO DECEMBER’S B’NAI MITZVAH My name is Max Hertz, and I will have my Bar Mitzvah on December 6th. I live in Briarcliff Manor with my parents, sister, 2 dogs and 2 ferrets. I am in 8th grade and I am the last to have a Bat/ Bar Mitzvah in my grade. For my Bar Mitzvah project, I will be doing a collection of food for Thanksgiving and will help deliver and serve for the less fortunate in our community. It’s important for me to give back, especially at this time, to families that are in need when I have so much to be thankful for. For the past year and a half, I’ve gotten to watch my peers go through the same journey that I am about to take, in becoming a young man. Attending all of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah services has really helped me to prepare for this moment, knowing the prayers, the songs and just feeling comfortable with how the service will go. I know when I start to sing Ein Kelohenu that I did what I came out to do and that all my hard work with Mazal Tov to: Cantor Shiovitz and attending Hebrew school paid off. A special thank you to all the teachers throughout my years at CSI, Roni Shapiro, Cantor Shiovitz, Rabbi Kane and especially my parents who love me unconditionally!! * * * * Hi. My name is Aidan Wohl. I am becoming a bar mitzvah on December 6. I live in Millwood with my father Ron, mom Hillary and younger brothers Ryan and Jesse. I am currently in 7th grade at Seven Bridges Middle School. My favorite subject is English because I like to read and write. I love sports. I play football for Seven Bridges and am on the Jr. Quakers Travel Basketball Team. I volunteered for my bar mitzvah project at Backyard Sports. I helped developmentally disabled athletes participate in soccer, baseball and basketball. It was such a rewarding experience and something I will continue to volunteer my time doing. Harvey Grosberg on the marriage of his daughter, Michelle, to David Smith. Susan Wattenberg on the marriage of her daughter, Dana, to Kevin Khani. Robert & Francine Goldstein on the marriage of the daughter, Mallory, to Dustin Lea. Condolences to: Jamie Cotel on the loss of her father, David. Paul Horowitz on the loss of his mother, Gertrude. Get Well Wishes to: Ann Studen December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel CONTRIBUTIONS Page 13 (received by November 10, 2014) CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In appreciation of the programs Cantor Shiovitz provides to the community In memory of Robin Karp Thank you to Cantor Shiovitz CARING COMMUNITY In memory of Joseph Daitch Mazal Tov to Nathan Holzberg making All-State Wind Ensemble on percussion In memory of Hyman Katz In memory of T. Rae Lyons In memory of David Cotel In honor of Sharon Richter's 80th Birthday In memory of Estelle Solomon EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Elinore Thaler In memory of Iris Shapiro Iris & Joel Kazin Etti & Ludwig Cziment Susan & Howard Code Daniel & Laura Gold ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND In memory of Elinore Thaler In memory of David Cotel In memory of Laura Kay In honor of Elliot Barish receiving P'seichas Neilah Award Mazal Tov on the birth of Norman & Barbara Block's grandson, Noah Daniel Iyla's 2nd Birthday In memory of Iris Shapiro Mazal Tov to Ruth & Mel Speier on the marriage of their son Jonathan to Maya Arison Mazal Tov to Malvina & Bruce Browne on the birth of their grandson, Justin Silver Thank you to Dr. Leona Kim Schluger Mazal Tov to Diane & David Kahn on the marriage of their daughter, Ali Sol Krongelb Larry Karp, Liz Susman Karp, Robert & Eli Robert & Francine Goldstein Merrie Daitch Merrie Daitch Sonia & Paul Kleinman Etti & Ludwig Cziment Mimi & Steve Stambler Jill & Joel Greenstein Eleanor & Michael Frey Roberta Freilich Barbara Weiss The Semler Family Debbie & Richard Yoken Debbie & Richard Yoken Helene & Adam Rude David & Jewel Weiss Helene & Adam Rude Cheryl Kestenbaum Arthur & Susan Johannes Roberta & Rick Kay Ali & Phil Edelstein Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of T.Rae Lyons Deborah Rosenberg In memory of David Cotel Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family Speedy Recovery to Bob Margolies Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family Thank you to Ellen Johnson Arnold Thaler In memory of Jeffrey Alan Dittelman Sharon Dittelman (Continued on page 14) Page 14 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 (Continued from page 13) KIDDUSH FUND In memory of Estelle Solomon In memory of Robin Karp In memory of Elaine Karp The Semler Family Larry Karp, Liz Susman Karp, Robert & Eli Larry Karp, Liz Susman Karp, Robert & Eli MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In memory of Iris Shapiro CSI Families: Bagliebter, Ben-Zvi, Bronson, Burkhardt, Falah, Fijman, Girao, Gluck, Graham, Hawson, Holt, Korner, Linett, Payes, Polenberg, Roth, Sanders, Satran, Scheir, Schulman, Schwartz, Sofer, Thompson & Venezia Thank you for the great bulletin Katherine Koltai In memory of Majer Latowicki Bella & Bernie Jacobson In loving memory of Eva Eisenberger Suzanne & Neal Haber & family MINYAN BREAKFAST FUND In memory of David Mortman MITZNER FAMILY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS FUND Mazal Tov on the Bar Mitzvah of Ian Joseph Fairman Zinn Gregory & Mara Mortman & family In memory of Ruth Jame Jill & Joel Greenstein Pamela Sherman Eric & Lisa Nadler Mara & Richard Weissmann The Sternschein Family Ruth & Mel Speier Esther Schwartz ONEG In memory of Mel Mitzner Meryl & Jeffrey Mitzner RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you to the Rabbi In memory of Elaine Karp In memory of Hyman Katz Mazal Tov to Jill Greenstein being honored as Kalat Bereshit Mazal Tov to Bob Davis being honored as Hatan Hatorah Carol & Marc Levitt Neal & Jane Rechtman Robert & Francine Goldstein Jodi, Steve, Dylan & Zachary Segalewitz Seth & Marian Natter Faye Dittelman & David Perelman Marcy Gray Larry Karp, Liz Susman Karp, Robert & Eli Barbara & Norman Block Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein RACHEL GREENSTEIN CHILDREN'S RESOURCE LIBRARY FUND Mazal Tov to Jill Greenstein being honored as Kalat Bereshit Joel Greenstein RHODA & MEL MILLER TUITION ASSISTANCE FUND In memory of Jerome Shapiro In honor of Sharon Richter's 80th Birthday Barry Shapiro, Judith Jay & family Ruth & Mel Speier STUDY IN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Joseph Jay Judith Jay, Barry Shapiro & family In honor of Lois Gottlieb's Birthday In memory of T. Rae Lyons In memory of David Cotel ZUCKERMAN/CHARLOTTE HERING MEMORIAL FUND FOR RAMAH DAY CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Eliana Zuckerman's graduation from cosmetology school Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 15 Page 16 Congregation Sons of Israel Sun COLOR KEY: NURSERY SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL is open every YOUTH Sunday during IMPORTANT NOTE Religious School hours. 7 Mon Tue 1 8 Kislev 7:15am-Minyan NS-Red Apple Day 11:00am-Women’s Torah Study 7:30pm-Sisterhood Executive Board 2 9 Kislev NS-Sign Language 12:30pm-Yiddush Club 7:00pm-Caring Committee 7:30pm-Education Committee 7:30pm-Men’s Club 15 Kislev 8 9:00am-Group A Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class 9:15am-Minyan 11:00am-Cookie Club 10:30am-Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class 11:00am-High School December 2014 16 Kislev 9 7:15am-Minyan NS-Lockdown Drill 11:00am-Women’s Torah Study 7:30pm-Five Things You Always Wanted to Know…: Rabbi Stephen S. Wise 8:45pm-Talmud 17 Kislev NS-Sign Language 11:15am-Jews In The News 12:30pm-HaMishpacha Luncheon Heh class trip to Sammy’s Kosher Deli 6:00pm-Kadima Manhunt 14 22 Kislev 9:15am-Minyan RS Latke making (Shorashim, Prozdor 1, Prozdor 2 & Lev) 10:30am-Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class 11:00am-USY @ Jawanio Carnival 7:00pm-Women’s Book Club at Roni’s 21 9:15am-Minyan 15 23 Kislev 16 24 Kislev 7:15am-Minyan 10:15am-NS Candlelighting 8:00am-NS Teacher Meeting 11:15am-Jews In The News 7:30pm-Sisterhood Mah Jongg 12:30pm-Yiddush Club RS Chanukah Cooking 8:45pm-Talmud 4:30pm-PJ Library Chanukah Program (Dreidel Mania) 5:45-Community Candlelighting (outdoors) 7:30pm-Exec. Committee 29 Kislev 22 30 Kislev 23 1 Tevet 7:15am-Minyan 11:15am-Jews In The News 8:45pm-Talmud 7:30pm-Board of Trustees NO SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS 28 9:15am-Minyan NO SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS 6 Tevet 29 7:15am-Minyan NO SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS 7 Tevet 30 8 Tevet 11:15am-Jews In The News NO SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS December 2014 Wed Congregation Sons of Israel Thu Page 17 Fri Sat 13 Kislev 3 10 Kislev 4 11 Kislev 5 CL 4:09 12 Kislev 6 Vayishlach 7:15am-Minyan 7:00pm--Shabbat NS-Music 9:10am-Shabbat service NS-Nature of Things Rocks/Family Night BAR MITZVAH of MAX HERTZ 9:15am-Playgroup 10:30am-Adult Learner’s Service 10:30am-Kadima 11:00am-Junior Congregation HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE 11:00am-Bereshit & Bagels 6:30-9:30pm 4:00pm-MINCHA/HAVDALLAH BAR MITZVAH of AIDAN WOHL 8:00pm-Jewish Music Through the Ages 21 Kislev 10 18 Kislev 11 19 Kislev 12 CL 4:09 20 Kislev 13 Vayeshev 6:00pm-Kabbalat NS-Mad Science 7:15am-Minyan 9:10am-Shabbat service Shabbat 6:00pm-RS Teachers’ NS-Challah Making 6:45pm-S-I-R Dinner S-I-R D’var Torah: Joseph’s Dysfunctional Family Meeting RESERVATIONS 9:15am-Playgroup During Kiddush: The Zohar REQUIRED 10:30am-Kadima 10:30am-HaMishpacha 8:00pm-S-I-R Talk: 11:00am-Junior Congregation Discussion Group Genesis and History 1:15pm: S-I-R Talk: Song of Songs—Love and Sex in the Bible SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE: DR. MARC ZVI BRETTLER (see page 8) 17 25 Kislev NS-Latke making 10:15am-NS Candlelighting RS Chanukah Cooking 5:45-Community Candlelighting (outdoors) 24 18 26 Kislev 7:15am-Minyan 9:15am-Playgroup 10:15am-NS Candlelighting 7:00pm-USY Chanukah Party/Latke Making 19 CL 4:11 27 Kislev 20 Miketz NS-Chanukah candle9:10am-Shabbat service lighting 6:00pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 28 Kislev 2 Tevet 25 3 Tevet 26 CL 4:15 4 Tevet 27 Vayigash 9:15am-Minyan 6:00pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 9:10am-Shabbat service NO SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS NO SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS OFFICE CLOSED 31 9 Tevet NO SCHOOL—WINTER RECESS 5 Tevet SHABBAT ends one hour after candle lighting time. Page 18 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 Make Your Move steps in when you're feeling overwhelmed by a move to a more manageable space. Allow us to guide you or a family member through this difficult process. Visit our website or call for more information. December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 19 KOL NIDRE 5775 Help us reach our goal of 100% participation! Every contribution helps us to meet our annual operating budget. Thank you to those whose donations were received in time to include them in the December bulletin. We will publish more names in the January bulletin. Percent participation below: 19% of our membership. (*) denotes a donation of $500 or more. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ackerman D. Altman & R. Rosenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Allen Banks Mrs. Annleah Berger* Dr. Andrew & Mrs. Elaine Bloom Dean Brown Leonard & Deborah Chubinsky Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cohen Ms. Deborah Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Steven Cohn Mrs. Sharon Dittelman Philip & Ali Edelstein Ira & Ellen Eisenstein* Belle Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Jack Freeman Mrs. Roberta Freilich Dr. Michael & Mrs. Eleanor Frey Mr. & Mrs. Martin Friedman D. Ginsberg & S. Ziskin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goldstein* Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gottlieb* Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Gottlieb Ms. Marcy Gray Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Halper Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hannan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hodara Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jablansky Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Jacobson L. Karp & E. Susman Karp* Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Kavy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaye* Dr. Richard & Mrs. Roberta Kay* Mr. & Mrs. David Keidan* Dr. & Mrs. Paul Kleinman Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Kobren Peter Kretzmer Mr. & Mrs. John Le Var Mr. & Mrs. David Levitt Mr. & Mrs. Harold Levine Mathew & Carolyn Linett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Margolies David & Elizabeth Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Alan Nadel Mr. & Mrs. Eric Nadler* Seth & Marian Natter Ms. Arleen Neustein* Mr. & Mrs. Jay Neveloff* Mr. & Mrs. Michael Olin Mr. Aaron Ovedia* Mr. & Mrs. David Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Peskoe Mr. Steve Rappaport & Ms. Janice Nelson Rappaport Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Richter* Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Rosen Ms. Judith Rosof Dr. Nechama Ross Mr. & Mrs. David Rothfeld Mr. Murray Rottenberg Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sader Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sankin* Mr. & Mrs. Allen Saperstein Steven Saper & Shelley Glick Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick Schulman Mr. & Mrs. Adam Semler Dr. Barry Shapiro & Dr. Judith Jay Louis Sherman & Marci Dressler Mr. Robert Adler-Sole Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Speier* Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Stern* Mr. & Mrs. David Stiffman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Taffet* Ms. Diane Trilling Gary & Nancy Turer Mr. & Mrs. Louis Wachtel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Watt Jay & Gayle Waxenberg Drs. David & Jewel Weiss Dr. & Mrs. Evan Wetzler* Leon White Mr. & Mrs. Richard Yoken* Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zeitlin Mr. & Mrs. George Zimmerman* Page 20 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES December 2014 The following children are celebrating birthdays during the month of December and will be called to the bimah to receive a blessing on Friday, December 5, during our 7:00 PM Family Night/Shabbat Rocks service. Only the names of those present will be called. Please take your name card out of the “birthday box” in the front lobby and present it to a Ritual Committee usher. Julieta Antman Max Haberman Laura Horowitz Matthew Kessler Emma Merker Ryder Neave Alexis Packer Penelope Schneider Sabrina Venezia Olivia Wrubel MAZAL TOV to our members who are celebrating anniversaries during the month of December: Date 1 2 6 7 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 22 24 26 27 30 31 Robert & Lisa Josephberg Melvin & Ruth Speier Seth & Deena Kornblau Scott & Robyn Berman Stuart & Stacy Halper David & Beth Lachtman Eric & Lisa Nadler Ira & Lisa Schwartz Jeffrey & Ilene Calderon Giora & Karen Payes David & Jewel Weiss Adam & Jacqueline Moskow David & Lisa Zimmerman Jeffrey & Robyn Shiovitz Jonathan & Erica Kolbrener Joshua & Zhanna Glazenberg Gary & Bette Slutsky I. Sid & Joan Schneider Vivian Anschel-Weiss & Matthew Weiss Richard & Betsy Rosenblum Eric & Elizabeth Dworkin Gary & Lisa Lehman Thomas & Donna Hannan No. of Yrs. 24 42 17 29 23 18 19 14 22 13 25 19 20 31 20 21 52 46 36 43 22 36 20 December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 21 SISTERHOOD NEWS By Marion Jablansky, Secretary The Membership Dinner was a great evening. Almost 50 women gathered at CSI for a tasty Chinese dinner and an informative talk by Marion Sader about Tehilla Lichtenstein, a co-founder and leader of Jewish Science. Thanks, Marion, for educating us about a topic that few people know about. Mah jongg nights continue to be well attended. As always, there is a beginners’ table. If you have always wanted to learn how to play, now’s the time! The next Mah jongg game will be Monday, December 15, at 7:30 at CSI. The only requirements are Sisterhood membership and the willingness to have fun. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Katz at cabkatz@ The CSI bulletin and the CSI website are great sources of information. Continue to read future bulletins, as well as check the website for future Sisterhood programs. Also, we are always looking for new ideas, so if you have any suggestions or wish to lead or help with an activity, please let us know. Our officers/chairpersons are always open to new ideas. Our officers/chairpersons are always open to new ideas. President: Robin Ginsberg Treasurer/ Financial Secretary: Sharon Richter Recording Secretary: Beth Levine The gift shop is open and has many new items. Chanukah will Corresponding Secretary/ Bulletin: Marion Jablansky be here before you know it. There are lots of wonderful gifts, Membership: Annleah Berger as well as candles and menorahs to make your holiday brighter. Mah Jongg Chair: Cheryl Katz For example, this year for Chanukah we are carrying Maccabee Gift Shop: Annleah Berger/ Robin Ginsberg on the Mantel, a plush soldier doll who teaches the story of Jill Greenstein/Marion Jablansky Chanukah. Please stop by on Sundays when Religious School is in session, or if you can’t make it on a Sunday, send an email to Sharon Orenstein to make an appointment. And, as you know by now, many products are from Israel. There is a lot more to look forward to for Sisterhood. There’s Mishloach Manot, Sisterhood Shabbat, an author’s visit and a movie night. There’s Rosh Chodesh with Roni and the monthly Mah jongg games. And there are always surprises ahead. As you can see, there is a lot going on at CSI Sisterhood. Please don’t forget to pay your dues. Membership continues to grow, and you don’t want to miss any of these or future activities. Remember to join Sisterhood! We started our new fiscal year on July 1. Sisterhood Membership 2014-2015 Please send your $36.00 check for dues payable to: CSI Sisterhood and return it with this form to: CSI Sisterhood 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Name_____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ For questions concerning membership or to sign up for a Sisterhood committee, please call Annleah Berger, 762-5312, or email = the website for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the organization to which your Sisterhood belongs. Log in and check it out today! Gift tip: Colorful candles to brighten your chanukiah. The gift shop has lots to choose from! The second program of this year’s Jewish Music Through The Ages will take place on Saturday evening, December 6th at the home of Stacey and Richard Charney. The topic for this year will be a three-part series titled The CSI Top 100 Jewish Songs (according to the Cantor!). If you are interested in attending, please contact Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz at 923-0175 or The program, which begins at 8:00, will include dessert, too. This is the 27th year for this program. You will be surprised at some of the selections! In case you missed the first evening, Number 1 was............Over the Rainbow, a song written by two nice Jewish Boys who believed there is no place like home. Synagogue? Israel? Perhaps! (I bet you thought Hava Nagila!) Ok, number 2...Bob Dylan's Havava Nagila is pretty great. If you come, we will hear it again. It is worth the price of admission. Hope to see you on the 6th! Page 22 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 What’s going on in the CSI Nursery School: Shabbat in PJ’s with the Rabbi and Cantor… Simchat Torah... Mystery Reader... BUBBLE FUN! INDOOR FUN! OUTDOOR FUN! December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 23 FROM OUR RABBINIC FELLOW & YOUTH DIRECTOR Adam Zagoria-Moffet Eyes to Yourself: Bikram Yoga and Being a Rabbi I've practiced Bikram Yoga now, on and off, for a few years. Originally I went to support my wife Mikayla, who got turned on to the therapeutic power of Bikram for her back. Eventually, I gained an appreciation of it as well - although any appreciation I had was in spite of the practice itself. You see, Bikram yoga is done in a hot room - a really hot room, usually close to 105 degrees with 60-80% humidity. It feels like you're trapped in the worst day of a Florida August with 50 other people. Despite this, it can actually be a very satisfying practice - and I came to realize that it actually parallels quite a bit of my own experience of Judaism, and specifically of being a rabbi. In a Bikram class, there's one teacher, who usually stands in front of the class, but doesn't actually do the postures. Instead, they simply speak all the instructions - each movement, each adjustment. The only way to figure out what's happening is to listen. Partially that's also because one of the rules is that you must look at yourself in the mirror for the entire 90 minutes. The entire room is designed so that every person can see themselves. This is a lot harder to do than it sounds - as we rarely want to look at ourselves for an extended time in a moment where we look like crap - sweaty, stumbling, probably bright red - nobody looks good like that. And that's part of the point. What does this have to do with Judaism? A few things: 1) in order to practice Judaism well, you only need to listen - in fact it's better, just as in Bikram, if you don't look at what those around you are doing. It's better if you just focus on the instructions and on yourself, which brings us to 2) your religious journey (like your physical well being) is about you and no one else. Too often we Jews define ourselves and our religious life by those around us - that person is frum-er than I am, that guy is texting on shabbos, etc. This kind of approach is unproductive and distracting. Just as Bikram has shown me some incredible techniques for finding ways to work on my body in a healthy, productive way - the same ideas translate well to Judaism for the work I need to do on my soul. Next time the opportunity presents itself - challenge yourself to the workout in the hot room, whether in body or soul just listen, and keep your eyes on yourself. BULLETIN ADVERTISING CSI has recently made some changes to its bulletin advertising procedures: All CSI Bulletin advertisers will be able to place COLOR ads. This will give our sponsors the opportunity to publish eyecatching ads that will pop off the pages. One-month advertising options are available. The on-line bulletin posted on CSI’s website will now include advertisements! CSI’s monthly bulletins reach over 600 homes. If you shop at an advertiser from our bulletin, please remember to tell them that you saw their ad in our bulletin! Are you interested in placing an ad of your own? Do you know of a local business you frequent or new store in town which you think would benefit from placing an ad with us? Jolie Levy, Bulletin Editor, will be glad to answer any questions and send you the new ad rates. Jolie may be reached at 762-2700 or by emailing Our local businesses need our support. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS. Page 24 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 THE CSI RELIGIOUS SCHOOL P.T.A. NEEDS YOUR HELP Please contact Roni Shapiro if you can help out and volunteer. The Religious students and teachers need your help. The following programs happen for your children and teachers through your dues and by you supporting our PTA fundraisers. When you register your children for Religious school, please send in an additional check for $36 payable to RS PTA dues. PTA sponsored activities: First day of school snack for all students First day of school breakfast for teachers Open house informational meeting and coffee High Holiday Volunteers Apples and honey for students for Rosh Hashanah Sukkot snacks to eat in Sukkah Family Bingo afternoon Chanukah Zimriyah, Tzedakah Fair, Latke making, Sufganiot making, Chanukah treats for Dreydel, Lego Kristallnacht Holocaust Speaker Israeli soldier visits, Israeli soldier Gadna program Breakfast for family Sunday morning learning programs, Shorashim, Prozdor 1, Prozdor 2, Lev, Alef, Bet and Gimel Special art projects for Shorashim, Prozdor 1, Prozdor 2 and Lev Bar Mitzvah workshop Tu-Bishvat snacks Purim Carnival food, Hamentachen baking Israeli dancing Alef Siddur cover workshop Israel Independence Day snacks Yom Hashoah Holocaust speaker High school graduates gifts Last day of school snacks End of year teacher gifts and celebration Staff development training Computer games Subsidize class trips to Lower east Side, Tolerance Center When we have extra funds, big programs like the Israeli scout’s concert and Israel Defense force choir are able to come to CSI. In past years, we have had story tellers, authors and special educational shows. In addition to your dues, we need volunteers to help at programs. You should have received a PTA volunteer form. Please let us know if you need one. Please help; it is only through your support that we can create an experience for your children that encourages a love of Jewish learning, Israel and culture. Thank you to Jenean Eichenholtz and Ivy Lewis for all that they do for our PTA. In Addition, thank you to Beth Roth and Sonia Matthison, our Education Committee chair people, for all that they do to make our school great. We are only getting better! WANT TO JOIN THE CSI CHOIR? If you sing tenor or bass and would like to sing with the CSI Choir, please call either Judy Boehr (762-1984) or Cantor Shiovitz (923-0175). December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel C Page 25 kies for Kid’s Club (C.K.C.) Families of children join the C.K.C. at CSI as we do a mitzvah. Come bake cookies for families that have children who are sick and draw pictures for the children in the hospital. Sunday, December 7, 2014 11:00-12:00am At Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor (914) 762 – 2700 RSVP to Cookies & pictures will be brought to the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, NY PLEASE BRING ONE SMALL COOKIE DECORATION ITEM (i.e., SPRINKLES) OPEN TO CHILDREN/FAMILIES OF 2 YEAR OLDS – 7 YEAR OLDS – Bring your friends. Looking for volunteers to deliver. Page 26 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 CSI NURSERY SCHOOL MOMMY AND ME PLAYGROUP 2014-2015 For infants to children up to 23 months Come with your little one and make new friends while we: Sing songs Play parachute games Create projects and listen to stories Or be more active and help your child: Climb through tunnels Slide down slides Jump on the trampoline Play on the mats Or Bounce in the Jumpy castle Thursday mornings from 9:15-10:15 October 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20 December 4, 11, 18 Minimum enrollment is 5. Cost is $152.00 Checks are made payable to CSI Playgroup. Sign up now! If you have any questions, please call 762-2700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of child ________________________ Birthday ________________ Address ________________________________ Parent name _____________ Phone number ______________________ Email ________________________ December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 27 Page 28 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 29 Page 30 Congregation Sons of Israel December 2014 December 2014 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 31 Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Current Resident Or: Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID White Plains, NY Permit No. 10086
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