february 2015 - Congregation Sons of Israel
february 2015 - Congregation Sons of Israel
Congregation Sons of Israel CONTINUING THE VISION — BUILDING OUR FUTURE FEBRUARY 2015 12 Shevat - 9 Adar 5775 FEBRUARY DATES TO REMEMBER: DON’T MISS CSI’S 15th ANNUAL WRAP! Feb. 1, 9:00am Feb. 7, 10:30am World Wide Wrap Family Shabbat Service with Musician Brian Gelfand Feb. 7 USY Shul-In Feb. 8, 9:00am Gimel family program JOIN OTHER MEN’S CLUBS FOR Feb. 8, 3:00-5:00pm Nursery School Open House THIS WORLDWIDE EVENT! Feb. 15-22 NO NS OR RS. PRESIDENTS’ WEEK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Feb. 16 OFFICE CLOSED-PRESIDENTS’ DAY MORE INFO ON PAGE 9! Feb. 28, 10:00am Dalet Class Service and Lunch SOCIAL ACTION WINTER COAT DRIVE (hats and mittens, too!) BRING YOUR CLEAN, GENTLY USED WARM COATS to CSI during the month of February. Coats in any size for men, women, and children are needed. Hang them on the specially marked coat rack in the lobby (bins for the hats and mittens below). They will be donated to IFCA (Interfaith Community Action) in Ossining. Casual jackets and ski parkas are preferred, but any warm coats are acceptable. Let’s help assure that everyone in our community is bundled up and warm during these cold days. Important Message from The Treasurer From The Rabbi Kol Nidre Pledges (cont’d) Cantorial Notes This Month’s Bar Mitzvah Religious School News World Wide Wrap page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 5 page 6 page 7 Babysitters Mazal Tov and Condolences Recent Donations Calendar Birthdays and Anniversaries Sisterhood News Nursery & R.S. News From our Rabbinic Fellow Join Rabbi Adam for CSI’s second Family Shabbat! On Saturday, February 7, at 10:30 am, join us for an abbreviated, family-friendly and musical service! We're thrilled to have renowned Jewish musician, Brian Gelfand, join us and lead us in song. Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends! page 9 page 9 page 10 page 15 page 16 page 17 page 18 page 20 Miss Chocolate Order Form Social Action Committee Caring Community Advertisements page 21 page 22 page 22 page 25 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Page 2 Congregation Sons of Israel Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Phone: (914) 762-2700 Fax: (914) 941-3465 www.csibriarcliff.org info@csibriarcliff.org OUR MISSION STATEMENT (adopted 1999, revised 2007): Congregation Sons of Israel is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue dedicated to imparting Jewish values and traditions from generation to generation in a welcoming participatory environment. We are a caring community committed to lifelong Jewish learning, the observance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer and charitable deeds. We promote spiritual, cultural and social connections within our community, to the State of Israel, and to Jews worldwide. Rabbi Steven C. Kane rabcsi@aol.com Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz jshiovitz@aol.com Educational Director: Roni Shapiro Ben-David ronishapiro@csibriarcliff.org Synagogue Director: Ellen Green Johnson ellen@csibriarcliff.org School Admin./Office Mgr.: Doreen Gioio education@csibriarcliff.org OFFICERS: Jack Zinn, President president@csibriarcliff.org Steven Bender, VP Aaron Gershowitz, VP Lisa Goodkin, VP Roberta Kay, VP Bob Margolies, Treasurer treasurer@csibriarcliff.org Eric Nadler, VP, Secretary Andrew Kagan, Past President Bulletin Editor: Jolie Levy jolie@csibriarcliff.org Bulletin Printer: February 2015 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER, BOB MARGOLIES: Are You a “Member in Good Standing?” Section 4 of the CSI Constitution, "Privileges of Membership" clearly defines the benefits and advantages enjoyed by “members in good standing” without really defining what it means to be such. An uncomplicated definition as it relates to elective synagogue membership is: "paying your bills on time and in full." With this reciprocal agreement in place, we provide continuing sources of study, worship, and social and cultural events in and near our facility so that we can maintain the essence and vitality of our Jewish community. In order for us to meet our financial obligations, which are transparent and approved by the congregation annually, we request that members, as well as non-member school families, pay one third in September, a second third in December and final payment in March. For this fiscal year, July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, we are operating with a very tight balanced budget, $1,649,950 in income and expense. In each of the past two years that I have been Treasurer, our income and expense have been right on budget. This means that we were diligent in the preparation of our budget and we kept our expenses within that amount. It also means that you paid your bills in a timely manner and generously met or exceeded the budgeted line items that are not dues and fees, namely our fundraising efforts over the course of each year. As of today, about three weeks before you read this, 65% of you are “in good standing.” The rest of you, 35% (or 171 families) are not. Some are in arrears from previous years. A health club can stop you at the door if you do not pay your bill. A cell phone provider can suspend service. A bank can charge late fees. CSI would not do any of this under any circumstances. All we can do is encourage you to be a “Member in Good Standing." Please feel free to contact me at treasurer@csibriarcliif.org if you would like to discuss this further or would like more information about our finances. Bob THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES IN THE MARCH BULLETIN IS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 3 FROM THE RABBI Steven C. Kane February is a very strange month on the calendar. There is very little activity on community calendars due to the possibility of bad weather. Even the Jewish calendar is empty, with Purim this year coming in March. Sports seem at a low point, with the Super Bowl over and the winter sports of hockey and basketball at mid-season breaks. Yet, for those of us who are baseball fans, February can mean only one thing—that Spring Training has begun and hopes are being nurtured for a new year of possibilities. programs or Jewish holidays to write about, I had written about the example that some professional athletes set with their generosity. One of those people was Mark McGwire, who had set up a foundation to help abused children with a milliondollar gift. As she was reading this article, she looked up, and there was Mark McGwire! She told him what I had written about, and he smiled. Some time later one of the people working there delivered her a note, to be sent to me. It was from Mark McGwire, saying, "Giving is hitting a home run." With that in mind, I want to relate to you a story that occurred many years ago. I received a personal note from Mark McGwire, one of the greatest baseball players of his era. His note, which is featured prominently in my office, says "Giving is hitting a home run. All my best, Mark McGwire." Each year the entire Gimel class comes into my office for a "shmooze with the rabbi," and I often show them this autograph. What I point out to them (after teaching them who he is!) is that not only is Mark McGwire generous to those in need, he sees the act of tzedakah as even greater than winning at sports. To me, in spite of some of the controversy surrounding his career (having played in the so-called "steroid era” of baseball), he is a true hero for his values and his generosity. Why did Mark McGwire send me this note? What did he mean by "Giving is hitting a home run?” It was February, and one of our members was away at a resort over the school break. She had brought along some reading material, including CSI's February bulletin. In that bulletin, with no major As we move into February, I hope that you are more taken up by the spirit of Spring Training than the doldrums of winter! I hope too that you will find some of your own heroes and share their values with your family, people who understand that "Giving is hitting a home run." L'hitraot, In the past, 10-15 CSI members have joined me at this incredible three-day event. Many times parents have come with their teenage children to give them a taste of "democracy in action" while at the same time gaining a greater understanding of Israel's challenges. Others come as individuals looking for a way to express support for Israel. I would love to double the number of attendees this year! You can register by going to www.aipac.org/pc. (Anyone from Westchester who enters the promo/discount code WESTBOB when they register online will receive $100 off the cost of registration.) I hope you will consider joining me and others who have found AIPAC to be the next best thing to a trip to Israel. Page 4 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 KOL NIDRE 5775 Help us reach our goal of 100% participation! Every contribution helps us to meet our annual operating budget. Thank you to those whose donations were already received. We will publish more names as they come in. Percent participation as of January 10: 52% of our membership. (*) denotes a donation of $500 or more. Drs. J. Allen & Andrea Britvan B. Ashley & R. Weinreb* Mr. & Mrs. Howard Berkower Mr. Richard & Dr. Audrey Birnbaum Mrs. Judith Boehr Steven & Bonnie Bromberg Mr. & Mrs. Alan Crosswell Mr. & Mrs. David Daly Ms. Sharon Davis Mr. Alan Fox & Ms. Resa Mestel E. Fuhr & M. Pine Mr. R. Gans & Ms. S. Propp Mr. Jonathan Gellman Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Ginsberg* Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gold* Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Goldheim Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gordon* Ms. Marcy Gray Mr. & Mrs. Neal Haber Mr. & Mrs. Craig Jampol Jeff & Cindy Kabat* Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kagan* Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Kahan Mr. & Mrs. James Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Joel Kazin Dr. Michael & Mrs. Margery Kirsch Mr. Scott Kornberg & Dr. Milana Flusberg Mr. & Mrs. Burton Koyner Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Krooks Mr. Richard Langeloh & Ms. Helen Chuckrow Dr. Gregg Lanier & Ms. Linda Boucai-Lanier Jonathan & Jill Lerner Mr. & Mrs. David Levine* Barry & Karen Malmet* Dr. Kevin & Mrs. Sonia Mathisson John & Helene Miller Konstantin Millerman & Ekaterina Milchtein Andrew & Susan Morris Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mortman Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Neider J. Parker & D. Kittay-Parker Mr. & Mrs. Barry Perlow* Mr. & Mrs. Neal Rechtman W. Drucker & R. Rosenbaum Jordan & Laura Russin Mr. & Mrs. Gary Slutsky Alan & Joanne Suna* Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sunberg Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sweedler* Adam & Marnie Tihany* Mr. & Mrs. B. Michael Thrope Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wolin David & Lisa Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zuckerman* 2014-15 Board of Trustees Jack Zinn, President Trustees 3 years: Steven Bender, V.P. Robin Ginsberg Aaron Gershowitz, V.P. Daniel Levine Lisa Goodkin, V.P. Barbara Palefsky Roberta Kay, V.P. Neil Schluger Robert Margolies, Fred Schulman Treasurer Mara Weissmann Eric Nadler, V.P., Secretary Andrew Kagan, Immediate Past President Trustees 2 years: Antony Anisman Doron Bar-Levav Ira Eisenstein Pamela Schumacher Lawrence Smoler Mark Wancier Trustees 1 Year: Lauren Benjamin Annleah Berger Michael Casper Josh Diamond Jonathan Gellman Daniel Silvershein February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 5 CANTORIAL NOTES Hazzan Jeffrey Shiovitz Not too long ago, it was the custom for most Jews to attend the synagogue regularly, to fulfill the mitzvah of prayer and to meet and communicate with other Jews. Nowadays, we all feel the process of too many obligations, and the synagogue stands a little emptier. Besides, we may say, God hears our prayers even when we are alone, for we are indeed Jews at heart. Yet the synagogue provides an added dimension to the prayer experience which no one can possible feel in solitary prayer. That dimension is the music of synagogue song. How fortunate we are that great rabbis, cantors and poets have composed works of inspiration which were included in our prayer book. But we all know that much of our service consists of prayers repeated from other times, or even from earlier in the same service. It is the music of our prayers which raises our consciousness to new heights. It is the traditional nusach — the varying yet comforting melodies; the ancient cantillation of the Torah and Haftarah; and the joyful sound of song which turns the printed page inward toward our hearts. It is, after all, only within our hearts that we can feel the majesty — yet the closeness — of God. Who says that we cannot pray at home? But do we? And, if so, can the silence of privacy substitute for the voice of the Jewish soul? No, the sound of our fellow Jews in prayerful song is the real voice of the Jewish soul. Just as the Sabbath is said to give the Jew an added soul, so too do the prayer chants of our synagogue raise our sensitivity, our collective consciousness and our souls. Let us return to the synagogue. Let us once again raise our voices in song — and open our hearts to God. See you in shul! FEBRUARY’S BAR MITZVAH February 28 ern Wall! It was so interesting seeing Jewish culture Hi, my name is Brian Baretz and I am in 7th grade at and having most people there be Jewish. It was cool Seven Bridges Middle School. I live in Millwood with to see Shabbat and Hanukkah being observed everymy mother Jodi, my father Lewis, older brother Alex where. and dog Lola. Although they can be annoying at My mitzvah project is playing basketball with chiltimes, they are always there for me, and supportive. dren with disabilities. I work with a kid named Jake. I was on the Cross County team in the fall, and now I It feels good to teach someone how to play basketplay tennis and basketball. I play on the Westchester ball. Even though he does not speak, I can communiJewish basketball league, and our team name is the cate with him. I hope I can continue to help him with “Kippas.” I go to Camp Silver Lake in the Catskills basketball and learning skills. and sometimes see my friends on other Jewish teams I would like to thank Rabbi Kane, Cantor Shiovitz, at the games. Roni Shapiro, and especially all the Hebrew School Our family just returned from Israel, and it was an amazing experience and very educational. We visited a school that housed Ethiopian Jews whose parents could not take care of them. They build their self-confidence and give them a safe place to live with people that care. We went to an archeological dig and found ancient pottery, in addition to visiting the Dead Sea, Masada and Golan Heights. We even did a pre-bar mitzvah ceremony for me at The West- teachers that had to deal with me and my friends misbehaving during class. I really do appreciate all your patience and support. I would like to thank my mom, dad and brother Alex for helping me get to this special day and putting up with me. I am excited to become a Bar Mitzvah because it means I am a man, and will have to take on more responsibilities. Brian Page 6 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Roni Shapiro, Educational Director The Religious school is looking for volunteers on Sunday, February 8 from 9:30-10:30 to volunteer at the Gimel class family program on Jewish heroes. We are creating a living museum of Jewish heroes. Volunteers should choose one personality from the list below and dress up as that character. Roni will provide you with information about your hero. When families visit your exhibit, you will tell them who you are and what you contributed to society. Jewish heroes: Levi Strauss Bess Myerson Golda Meir Natan (Anatoly) Sharansky Sally Becker Hank Greenberg Moe Berg Luis de Santangel (?-1498) Irving Berlin (1888-1989) Henrietta Szold (1860-1945) Lillian Wald (1867-1940) Gertrude Belle Elion Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) Jonas Salk (1914-1995) Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Béla Schick (1877-1967) Louis Dembitz Brandeis (1856-1941) JUNIOR CONGREGATION KADIMA SERVICE A special learning service for Alef, Bet and Gimel A special learning service for 6th and 7th graders Saturday, February 7, 28 11:00-12:00 YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! Saturday, February 28 10:30-12:00 (Upstairs) YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! (put your service card in front of the box) Service is led by Tami Drucker (put your service card behind the tab that says “Shabbat Morning Attendance behind here”) Service is led by Sheera Zuckerman Future Junior Congregation Dates: Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr. Future Kadima Service Dates: Mar. 21; Apr. 18 18, 25; May 2, 16 PLEASE REMEMBER that both Junior Congregation and Kadima Services take place on Shabbat. Children, as well as anyone else coming inside the building on Shabbat, should be dressed appropriately. Shabbat is a “special” and holy time, and children should wear “special” clothing. No sweatpants, jeans, sports uniforms, etc. February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 7 $3 and 45 minutes of your time… On Sunday, February 1st, CSI will participate in the 15th annual "World Wide Wrap." Co-chaired by Jason Eidlitz and Elliott Barish, it is a day when men, women and teenagers are encouraged (but not required) to wrap tefillin in support of Jews around the world. We are seeking donations to support CSI’s USY group, as well as for the purchase of tefillin to be delivered to Conservative/Masorti congregations in Latin America. So please, come on the 1st, wrap tefillin (if you don't have a set, we do) and donate a minimum of $3 (cash or checks made out to CSI) for this worthwhile cause. “Wrapping” (we will teach you how to wrap) begins at 9:00 AM, followed by a short service. Breakfast is included! RSVP to: Elliott Barish odontdr@aol.com or Jason Eidlitz jshoedog@optonline.net Thanks, and we are looking forward to hearing from you! Jason & Elliott WANT TO JOIN THE CSI CHOIR? If you sing tenor or bass and would like to sing with the CSI Choir, please call either Judy Boehr (762-1984) or Cantor Shiovitz (923-0175). Adults to work with students on Tuesday, Wednesday or Sunday: These volunteers help in classrooms or work one-on-one with our children. You do not have to be fluent in Hebrew, but a basic knowledge of reading Hebrew is necessary. Drop-in volunteers are welcome too. Teenagers interested in a paying job or community service working with children in our Lev program on Sundays from 9-11 AM: These volunteers help in classrooms or work one-on-one with our special needs children. Working with these special needs students is a wonderful mitzvah and looks great on your college application. Work opportunities for our teens are also available on Wednesdays, and community service is available on Tuesdays. Please contact Roni Shapiro. PLEASE JOIN THE CSI WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB! MEETING DATES: MAR. 1 APR. 19 The meetings are all at 7:00 PM at Roni Shapiro’s home: 26 Pocantico Road, Ossining Books include: Jerusalem Maiden by Talia Carner (Jan. 25), The Nazi Officer’s Wife by Edith Hahn Beer, The Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich, The Other Half of My Soul by Bahia Abrams, The Fruit of Her Hands: The Story of Shira of Ashkenaz by Michele Cameron, The Girl in the Green Sweater by Krytyna Chiger, and Women’s Minyan by Naomi Ragen. OUR MEETINGS ARE FUN AND ENLIGHTENING! MAKE NEW FRIENDS! Page 8 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 Have a friend or neighbor interested in synagogue life? Ask them to contact one of the following: Roberta Bar-Levav, Membership Chair, at rbarlevav@gmail.com or Ellen Johnson, Synagogue Director, at ellen@csibriarcliff.org. We welcome inter-faith families! Interfaith parents are full participants in all life cycle events, programs, and classes and are welcome to serve on CSI's committees. Every Child Deserves A Jewish Education! Please Support our Lev Program! Donations are needed to pay for our Lev program for the 2014-2015 school year. Lev means “heart.” CSI believes that all children, regardless of their developmental, emotional or cognitive challenges, should receive a Jewish education. These special children are mainstreamed into our classes, or, if necessary, are placed in a self-contained special Lev class. Many people in the past few years have given generously to support our Lev program. Without their support, we could not have given children with varying emotional, behavioral and learning needs the opportunity to join our Religious School program. We help children who range from developmentally delayed to autistic. Thanks to your generous donations, they, too, can have a Jewish education. Please make donations to the Mitzner Family Tuition Assistance Fund indicating they are to be used for the Lev Program. The Gift Shop of CSI, Matanah, is open during Sunday Religious School hours. Come take a look at the wonderful gifts available, some of which are imported from Israel. For assistance outside of Matanah hours, please send an email to giftshop@csibriarcliff.org. February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 9 Mazal Tov to: Sid & Joan Schneider on the engagement of their daughter, Beth, to Brad Rosen. Kathy Eisendrath Levin & Len Levin on the birth of her grandson, Dean Nathan Kalnit. Meredith & Craig Sofer on the birth of their daughter, Julia Devon. Condolences to: Donna Yellen & Adam Rude on the loss of their father, Herb Rude. Len Stahl on the loss of his mother, Faye Stahl. Amy Horowitz on the loss of her father, Norman Friedman. James Kahn on the loss of his father, Warren Robert Kahn. We mourn the death of CSI member Lewis Cohen, partner of Judith Rosof. Get Well Wishes to: Annleah Berger, Eleanor Frey, Donna Hannan, Diane Myers, Judy Rosof, Ann Studen KATYA DIDONATO SARAH DOLGIN KATIE KATZ LILY WOOLF DANIEL BIRNBAUM MARISSA LEWIS WALTER HOLZBERG ZOE SCHEIER 8TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 11TH GRADE Briarcliff Briarcliff Chappaqua Chappaqua Briarcliff Croton Ossining Ossining If you would like to contact one of these capable babysitters or would like your name added to our list, please contact the CSI Office at 762-2700 or email us at education@csibriarcliff.org. Page 10 Congregation Sons of Israel CONTRIBUTIONS February 2015 (received by January 10, 2015) ABRAHAM COHEN/FRED STARLER MEMORIAL TZEDAKAH FUND In memory of Fred Starler Gail M. Starler Thomas Magnani In memory of Archie Goldstein Jewel, David & Julia Weiss BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FUND In memory of Walter Lowenstein In memory of Joyce Silvershein CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Carol M. Kahn In memory of Herb Rude Mazal Tov on Josh Sirota's Bar Mitzvah In honor of Cantor Shiovitz In memory of Robert Klurfeld In honor of Sharon Richter and HaMishpacha Luncheon In memory of Adolph Jacobson Thank you to Cantor Shiovitz In memory of H.H. Kleinman CARING COMMUNITY In memory of Rita & Gabriel Sherr In memory of Herb Rude The Mathisson family Barbara Palefsky and family Barbara & James Kahn Geraldine Rude Yellen & Rude families Dale & Neil Sirota Adam & Jackie Moskow Ruth & Sam Papa Ruth & Sam Papa Bella & Bernie Jacobson Penina Aviram Paul Kleinman In memory of Faye Stahl, mother of Len Stahl Stuart Sherr Jewel, David & Julia Weiss Barbara Weiss Joan Weinstein Yellen & Rude families Annleah Berger Michael & Eleanor Frey Jill & Joel Greenstein Barbara & Alan Aronson EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Chana Ben-David The Makaron family The Fairman-Zinn family Faye Dittelman & David Perelman Bette & Gary Slutsky The Mathisson family Jolie Levy Ruth Jablansky Judy & Alan Duke The Silvershein family Mara & Greg Mortman Barbara Weiss Daniel & Nancy Cohen and family Hank & Sue Hartman & family In memory of Blossom Jacobson In memory of Iris Shapiro In memory of Faye Stahl Jane Kavy Iris & Joel Kazin The Palefsky family Judy Rosof Lisa & Robert Josephberg Murray Rottenberg Sonia, Paul, Jackie & Alex Kleinman Susan & Michael Thrope The Barish family Jewel & David Weiss Susan & Peter Diamond & family Kathy & Len Levin Esther Schwartz Bella & Bernie Jacobson The Mathisson family Susan & Peter Diamond & family Thank you to Rabbi Kane In honor of all who assisted during Shiva In memory of Anna Markowitz In memory of Lewis Cohen (Continued on page 11) February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 11 (Continued from page 10) ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND In memory of Bernard Eisenstein In memory of Louis Jablansky In memory of our parents In honor of Dan Levine In honor of Neil and Leona Schluger In memory of Narkis Tzoar Ira & Ellen Eisenstein Ruth Jablansky Mark & Elise Mottel Adam & Jackie Moskow Adam & Jackie Moskow The Crosswell Family IRA KESTENBAUM BEAUTIFICATION FUND In memory of Chana Ben-David In memory of Lewis Cohen Malvina & Bruce Browne Malvina & Bruce Browne JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Herb Rude Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family In memory of Irving Luban Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family In memory of Faye Stahl Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family In memory of Lewis Cohen Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family Mazal Tov on the birth of Dean Nathan Kalnit, grandson of Len & Kathy Eisendrath Levin Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family Mazal Tov on the engagement of Sid & Joan Schneider's daughter, Beth, to Brad Rosen Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family In memory of Norman Friedman Rabbi Steven C. Kane & family In memory of Lewis Cohen Nan & Allen Banks In honor of Sean Kowlessar David Perelman In memory of Paul Raskin Sharon Dittelman In memory of Jack Hanover & Leona Fields Ron Hanover KIDDUSH FUND In memory of Margie Goodman In memory of Jack Hanover & Leona Fields In memory of Rachel Greenstein In memory of Joan Rottenberg & David Rottenberg In memory of David Mervis Alan & Debra Goodman Ron Hanover Harvey Grosberg Jill & Joel Greenstein Murray Rottenberg Barbara Weiss MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In memory of Martha Maier In memory of Arthur Baer In memory Lewis Cohen In memory of Morris Roffman Ruth Baer The Baer family Irma & Larry Shapiro Dean, Elizabeth & Samantha Brown MINYAN BREAKFAST FUND In memory of Lewis Cohen Murray Rottenberg MITZNER FAMILY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS FUND In honor of The Zinn Family In honor of Ian Zinn's Bar Mitzvah In honor of Mel Mitzner Greg Pepe Barbara & Eric Beroff Jason & Diane Eidlitz Dr. Sheldon Travis The Palefsky family Richard & Sheera Zuckerman Erica, David & Jon Kolbrener Rosalyn Mitzner (Continued on page 12) Page 12 Congregation Sons of Israel In honor of the birth of Rachel Catherine Schoenfeld, granddaughter of Barbara & Henry Schoenfeld Jill & Joel Greenstein PRAYER BOOK FUND In memory of Joan Rottenberg In memory of David Rottenberg In memory of Iris Shapiro In memory of Deborah Wadsworth In memory of Maxine Charney Murray Rottenberg Murray Rottenberg Marc & JoAnne Shapiro Nan & Allen Banks Richard & Stacy Charney RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Alice Wendy Goodman In memory of T.Rae Lyons In memory of Carol M. Kahn In memory of Annette Duke In memory of David Cotel In memory of Herb Rude Thank you to Rabbi Kane Appreciation for the Congregation In honor of Rabbi Kane In memory of Lewis Cohen In memory of Irving Saperstein February 2015 Alan, Debra, Jason & Brandon Goodman Eleanor Kaufman Miller Barbara & James Kahn Alan Duke The Palefsky family Diana Schutt Yellen & Rude families Geraldine Rude Penina Aviram Robert Rubenstein Adam & Jackie Moskow Richard & Lynn Saltz and family Karen & Allen Saperstein RACHEL GREENSTEIN CHILDREN'S RESOURCE LIBRARY FUND In memory of Rachel Greenstein Jill & Joel Greenstein Harvey Grosberg In memory of Chana Ben-David Jill & Joel Greenstein Marilyn & Bob Margolies Mazal Tov on the birth of Dean Nathan Kalnit, grandson of Len & Kathy Eisendrath Levin Jill & Joel Greenstein RHODA & MEL MILLER TUITION ASSISTANCE FUND In memory of Joseph Glassberg In memory of Sonya Alpert In memory of Herb Rude In memory of Mel Miller Iris & Joel Kazin Sherman & Amy Alpert Debra & Alan Goodman Gayle & Jay Waxenberg Marsha Landsberg SAMANTHA SILVERMAN YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND In memory of Bernard Kaufman Ros, Amy & Martin Reichgott STUDY IN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of David Leider Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein ZUCKERMAN/CHARLOTTE HERING RAMAH DAY CAMP FUND In memory of Herb Rude Richard & Sheera Zuckerman Marcy Gray, Ella & Tal Mintz In memory of Chana Ben-David Richard & Sheera Zuckerman CSI gratefully acknowledges all donations. We strive to list donations completely and accurately. If we have missed any, simply let us know and we will make a special acknowledgment immediately! Your understanding of any inadvertent, human error is very much appreciated! February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 13 CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL NURSERY SCHOOL & SUMMER CAMP OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 from 3 PM – 5 PM Parents & Children - come and see for yourself what CSI’s School & Summer Camp offer! MEET the directors and our wonderful teachers. VISIT our classrooms, play games and do art & crafts. EXPLORE the school’s beautiful facilities and outdoor grounds. HEAR about our special programs; music, art, sign language, movement, nature, cooking and holiday celebrations. LEARN about our SUMMER CAMP program filled with fun and exploration. ASK about an extended day at Kids Karousel: karouselk@aol.com At CSI, 1666 PLEASANTVILLE RD., BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY 10510 (914) 762-2700 RONI SHAPIRO BEN-DAvID, EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR *AIMEE AXELROD, CAMP DIRECTOR EMAIL: EDUCATION@CSIBRIARCLIFF.ORG - WWW.CSIBRIARCLIFF.ORG Page 14 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 15 February 2015 / Shevat-Adar 5775 COLOR KEY: NURSERY SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL YOUTH IMPORTANT NOTE will only be open Sunday, February 8, during Religious School hours. Sun 1 Mon 12 Shevat 2 9:00am-Group B Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Class 9:00am-World Wide Wrap 9:15am-Minyan 10:00am-Learn to Chant the Haftarah 10:30am-Adult Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Class 11:00am-Heh & High School Tu B’Shevat 11:00am-High School 8 15 Wed 14 Shevat 4 NS Bubblemania RS Tu B’Shevat 11:15am-Jews in the News 12:30pm-Yiddish Club 7:00pm-Caring Community Thu 15 Shevat 5 16 Shevat 6 Fri Sat 17 Shevat 7 18 Shevat Yitro 7:30pmEducation Committee NS Nature of 6:00pm-Kabbalat Things Shabbat 9:10am-Service 7:15am-Minyan 10:30am-Family 9:15am-Playgroup Shabbat Service with musician Brian Gelfand Tu B’Shevat USY Shul-In CL: 4:59 20 Shevat 10 7:15am-Minyan 11:00am-Women’s Torah Study 7:30pm-5 Things about 5 People… Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson 8:45pm-Talmud 21 Shevat 11 22 Shevat 12 NS Hide & Seek Drill NS Sign Language 11:15am-Jews in the News 4:15pm-PJ Library: Bagels from Benny 9:30am-NS Dinosaurs Rock 7:30pmSisterhood Knitting 23 Shevat 13 24 Shevat 14 25 Shevat Mishpatim NS Challah Making 6:00pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 7:15am-Minyan 9:10am-Service 9:15am-Playgroup During Kiddush: The ZOHAR 10:30amHaMishpacha Discussion Group CL: 5:08 26 Shevat 16 9:15am-Minyan 13 Shevat 3 7:15am-Minyan 11:00am-Women’s Torah Study 7:30pm-Sisterhood Executive Board 7:30pm-Men’s Club 8:45pm-Talmud 19 Shevat 9 9:00am-Group B Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Class 9:00am-Gimel family program 9:15am-Minyan 10:00am-Learn to Chant the Haftarah 10:30am-Adult Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Class 3:00-5:00pmNS OPEN HOUSE Tue SHABBAT ends one hour after candle lighting time. 27 Shevat 17 9:15am-Minyan OFFICE CLOSED Presidents’ Day 28 Shevat 18 29 Shevat 19 11:15am-Jews in the News 12:30pm-Yiddish Club 7:30pm-Executive Committee 30 Shevat 20 7:15am-Minyan 1 Adar 21 2 Adar Terumah 6:00pm-Kabbalat Shabbat 9:10am-Service CL: 5:16 NO SCHOOL—PRESIDENTS’ WEEK 22 3 Adar 23 9:15am-Minyan NO SCHOOL 4 Adar 24 5 Adar 25 6 Adar 26 7 Adar 27 8 Adar 28 9 Adar Tetzaveh 7:15am-Minyan 9:30am-NS Dentist NS Music 7:15am-Minyan 6:00pm-Kabbalat 9:10am-Service 7:30pm-Sisterhood Visit: CSI member, RS Hamen9:15am-Playgroup Shabbat 10:00am-Dalet Dr. Jewel Weiss Mah Jongg taschen mak- 10:30amClass Service 11:15am-Jews in ing 8:45pm-Talmud HaMishpacha 10:30am-Kadima the News Discussion Group 11:00am-Jr. 7:30pm-Board of Cong. Trustees Purim Carnival Setup 5:15pm-Mincha CL: 5:24 BAR MITZVAH OF BRIAN BARETZ Page 16 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES February 2015 The following children are celebrating birthdays during the month of December and will be called to the bimah to receive a blessing on Friday, March 20, during our 7:00 PM Gimel Family Night/Shabbat Rocks service. Only the names of those present will be called. Please take your name card out of the “birthday box” in the front lobby and present it to a Ritual Committee usher. Charoltte Baer Brian Baretz Mia Benjamin Daniel Casper Leah Falah Yael Falah Jack Fogel Justin Greenfeld Abbey Hertz Frankie Janos Henry Kessler Madeleine La Fleur Alex Lanoff Alyssa Mathisson Ian Matias Brooke Ramer MAZAL TOV to our members who are celebrating anniversaries during the month of February: Date Years Spencer Ramer Tristan Rutman William Cedar Shulman Dylan Siegel Jacob Silvershein Chaes Thompson Noah Thompson Maddie Venezie Remember to join Sisterhood! We started our new fiscal year on July 1. Sisterhood Membership 2014-2015 1 Barry & Greta Seidel 29 2 Benjamin & Sara Levin 56 4 Asher & Susan Banks 47 6 Steven & Linda Kavee 28 12 Henry & Barbara Schoenfeld 39 17 Michael & Bryna Sweedler 52 18 Peter & Susan Diamond 36 Name_____________________________________________ 19 Mark & Elyse Kovler 32 Phone____________________________________________ Richard & Jane Taffet 31 21 Andrew & Julie Peskoe 28 25 Martin & Eleanor Friedman 42 29 Russell & Danielle Primack 19 Please send your $36.00 check for dues payable to: CSI Sisterhood and return it with this form to: CSI Sisterhood 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Address___________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ For questions concerning membership or to sign up for a Sisterhood committee, please call Annleah Berger, 762-5312, or email Annberger@optonline.net. February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 17 SISTERHOOD NEWS By Marion Jablansky, Secretary Sisterhood member movie night was a big hit! The social hall was transformed into a theater, smelling like popcorn, with candy and wine as well as popcorn for the approximately over 35 women who attended. The movie, Arranged, was humorous, enjoyable, and entertaining. A fun night for all. Back by popular demand: Knitting Night—Wednesday, February 11! We will have two projects you can work on: a beginner’s project and an advanced beginner’s project. We will provide a list of supplies for both projects so you will know what to bring. Or, if you prefer, bring a project you are working on and come for the camaraderie, support and any help you might need. Additional information will follow. Mah Jongg nights continue to be popular even through the cold dark nights of winter. If you have always wanted to learn how to play, now’s the time, as there really is a beginners’ table. The next Mah jongg game will be Monday, February 23, 2015 at 7:30 at CSI. The only requirements are Sisterhood membership and the willingness to have fun. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Katz at cabkatz@hotmail.com. Also during February, Mishloach Manot information will be sent to the congregation. Mishloach manot are gifts of food that Jews send to each other during the holiday of Purim. “Mishloach manot” means the "sending of portions" in Hebrew. The mitzvah of Mishloach Manot is meant to ensure that everyone has enough food to enjoy the traditional Purim feast. It is also seen as an opportunity to strengthen relationships among people, as a counter to Haman's assertion that the Jewish people are characterized by strife and disunity. The custom comes from the biblical Book of Esther, where the Purim story is recounted. Esther 9:22 reads: "as days of feasting and gladness, and sending portions of food to one another, and gifts to the poor." By participating in Sisterhood’s Mishloach Manot program, you fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot as well as support Sisterhood in its fundraising efforts. February is also the time that we prepare for Sisterhood Shabbat, which will be taking place on Saturday, April 11. All Sisterhood members are invited to participate, and all congregants are invited to attend. You should have received an email with instructions on how to participate. Please email Roberta Bar-Levav at rbarlevav @gmail.com if you have any questions. Wednesday, March 11, at 7:30 at CSI is Sisterhood’s first Bunco night. Bunco is a social dice game involving 100% luck and no skill (there are no decisions to be made), scoring and a simple set of rules. The object of the game is to accumulate points and to roll certain combinations. During the 1920s and Prohibition, Bunco, a gambling game, was often associated with a speakeasy, so law-enforcement groups raiding these parlors came to be known as "Bunco Squads". Bunco as a family game saw a resurgence in popularity in the 1980s. There is a lot more to look forward to for Sisterhood. There’s Mishloach Manot, Sisterhood Shabbat, and an author’s visit. There’s more Rosh Chodesh with Roni and the monthly Mah jong games. And there’s always surprises ahead. As you can see, there is a lot going on at CSI Sisterhood. Please don’t forget to pay your dues. You don’t want to miss out on any of these or future activities. The CSI bulletin and the CSI website are great sources of information. Continue to read future bulletins, as well as check the website for future Sisterhood programs. Also, we are always looking for new ideas, so if you have any suggestions or wish to lead or help with an activity, please let us know. Our officers/chairpersons are always open to new ideas. President: Robin Ginsberg Treasurer/ Financial Secretary: Sharon Richter Recording Secretary: Beth Levine Corresponding Secretary/ Bulletin: Marion Jablansky Membership: Annleah Berger Mah Jongg Chair: Cheryl Katz Gift Shop: Annleah Berger/ Robin Ginsberg Jill Greenstein/Marion Jablansky Sharon Orenstein www.WLCJ.org = the website for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the organization to which your Sisterhood belongs. Log in and check it out today! Gift tip: For family time, try playing Apples to Apples. The game is lots of fun, and the gift shop carries both a youth and adult version. Page 18 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 19 Hope your 2015 is off to a great start! PJ Library is getting ready to celebrate National Bagel Day!!!!! We will be having a Bagels From Benny program on February 10 based on the amazing book by Aubrey Davis (who I got to meet at The PJ Library Conference in April.) We will read the book, eat bagels, and complete the mitzvah of tzedakah all while celebrating a tasty National Holiday! You really can have your bagel and eat it too (as long as you share it!). I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful tzedakah boxes that were sent out from PJ Library for the holidays! Stay Warm and Read On! Merrie … JUST FOR YOU AT CSI Join us for the Gimel Class Family Program Come and learn about “Who is a Hero?” It’s NOT a day off from school; It IS a day to learn WITH your children Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM In the CSI Social Hall Breakfast sponsored by our PTA. See you then! Page 20 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 FROM OUR RABBINIC FELLOW & YOUTH DIRECTOR Adam Zagoria-Moffet February 1, join the CSI Men's Club for the World Wide Wrap. Come at 9am to pray with the Men's Club and enjoy a free breakfast! Then, from 11am to 1pm we'll have the incredible educators here from Eden Village to do a special program for Tu B’shevat. We'll learn how to take raw wheat and transform it into bread - everything from threshing, winnowing, baking, and enjoying it! Come for a fun, hands-on, activity and leave with delicious fresh bread! On February 7, we'll have our second CSI Family Shabbat! On Saturday, February 7th come at 10:30am for an abbreviated, familyfriendly, and musical service! We're lucky to have renowned Jewish musician, Brian Gelfand, to be joining us and leading us in song. Everyone is welcome! The service counts for Kadima and Junior Congregation as well! Then, the evening of February 7 we'll have our annual USY Shul-In. Beginning at 8, we'll take over CSI with fun, food, and games. Our theme will be Murder Mystery. See if you can find the killer before the sun comes up! $10 for USY Members; $15 for non. February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 21 Page 22 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE By Judy Boehr This year’s dinner at the First Presbyterian Church in Ossining was a beautiful and successful event. Eighty CSI families participated by cooking, serving, shopping, and donating. It was truly an intergenerational effort. A special thank you goes to co-organizers Sheera Zuckerman, Susan Code, Susan Diamond, and Debbie Kittay -Parker and to the kitchen crew, all of whom kept things running smoothly throughout the day. Each year, as I reflect on the day, something always stands out as special and positive. This year, it was the children from CSI. Kids of all ages were there, but the joy and comfort among the 8-12 year olds, many of whom were new at this, was a sight to see. They really engaged with our guests, personalized the service, and had a great time participating in a new kind of tzedakah project. I am so proud of all of them (and their parents, too!) These words from a facebook message to the synagogue from a longtime attendee at the dinner reflect the spirit and gratitude in the room. It is the best way to say “thank you” to all of you who shared the day. Dec 25th, 7:05pm Words can not express the heartfelt gratitude toward all of you, today. You made what was one of the most difficult Christmases of my life, into a memorable bright shining star, and brought me a smile to know that there are kind and caring people out there. CARING COMMUNITY By Merrie Daitch A long-time member recently told me that he had never heard of the Caring Community before we called his home concerning an illness. Truly, this committee has been around CSI for many, many years. We contact our congregants when we hear about a particular need or a congregant who might need a little TLC. But we never move unless the shul office is contacted. So, please do call and let CSI know what is going on with you and your family. You might hear from: Judy Boehr, who will call or write if we hear that you have an illness, accident, surgery, etc. She sends cards for life events such as engagements and weddings, births of grandkids, or other major events. If Judy finds that food is needed for an incapacitated congregant, she calls. Susan Hodara, who will call you to set up that service. Our Caring Community has a group of members who will cook for those who are unable to do so for a limited period of time. Resa Mestel-Fox, who takes care of baby presents for parents/children . Roberta Freilich, who brings special gifts to our shut-ins for holidays. At the present time, we have a very small list of people on Roberta’s list. If you know of anyone who fits this description, please let the shul office know. Margery Kirsch, who takes care of our taxi service. If you are a member who is 65 or over and live in the Town of Ossining, you may get free taxi tickets which you can use to come to and from shul. Call the shul office to get the ball rolling. Emily Sack, who distributes left-over “event” food. Merrie Daitch---I call you after a loss in the family. We offer bereavement bags or Shabbat dinners to our bereaved members. FYI: There is nothing that is perishable in our bereavement bag. Additionally, I want to thank our AT-LARGE committee members who come to meetings and lend their expertise with issues that arise within the committee. They are Larisa Paulmeno, Norma Katz, Jill Greenstein, Ruth Speier, and Dr. Michael Teitlelbaum. February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 23 DINOSAURS ROCK is coming to the CSI Nursery School WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 9:30 AM ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US! Dentist, Dr. Jewel Weiss Visits the Nursery School Our friend and neighbor, Marilyn Hill, who passed away a few weeks ago, requested that her cat “Rusty” be placed in a loving home. To honor her request, we are looking for a special home. Rusty is a five year-old Maine Coon, weighing in at about 35 pounds. He has been neutered, declawed , has a microchip and is up to date with all his shots. Rusty is very friendly and just wants to be loved and be part of a warm, loving family. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested in Rusty, please contact Annleah Berger at (914) 762-5312. Thank you! Tuesday, February 24, 2015 2’s 9:30 – 9:50 3’s Michelle & Tami 9:55 – 10:15 3’s Sue & Faith 10:20 – 10:40 4’s Aimee & Maris 10:45 – 11:05 4’s Lori & Elizabeth 11:10-11:30 Page 24 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 4:15 – 5:30 pm Come join us as we read “Bagels From Benny” and make individual bird feeders to take home! FREE! OPEN TO ALL! BRING YOUR FRIENDS! KID FRIENDLY DINNER WILL BE SERVED R.S.V.P. to pjlibrary@csibriarcliff.org by Feb.9 The PJ Library ® at CSI is underwritten by many generous CSI members, The Rachel Greenstein Children’s Resource Library Fund, the CSI Membership Committee, the N.S. PTA, in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Michael Steinhardt Foundation and The Jewish Education Project. CSI ● 1666 Pleasantville Road ● Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 25 Page 26 Congregation Sons of Israel February 2015 February 2015 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 27 Make Your Move steps in when you're feeling overwhelmed by a move to a more manageable space. Allow us to guide you or a family member through this difficult process. Visit our website or call for more information. CSI Website Photographer Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 www.csibriarcliff.org Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID White Plains, NY Permit No. 10086 Current Resident Or: David E. Weiss, D.D.S. Jewel A. Weiss, D.D.S. General & Cosmetic Dentistry for Adults and Children Come see our new state-of-the-art office! 61 Sunset Drive Briarcliff Manor, NY Hi-tech Dentistry with a Caring Touch! (914) 941-1890
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