Rosebery News 29 01 16


Rosebery News 29 01 16
Friday 29 January 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have been marking Holocaust Memorial Day which took place on 27 January. Sophia Elger and Katie
Goddard in Year 13 have been leading moving and thought provoking assemblies each day where they have reflected
on their visit last November to Auschwitz and have encouraged everyone to embrace the theme chosen by the
Holocaust Memorial Trust this year which is ‘Don’t stand by’. Sophia and Katie highlighted how the Holocaust and
subsequent genocides took place because the local populations allowed insidious persecution to take root. Whilst
some actively supported or facilitated state policies of persecution, the vast majority stood by silently – at best, afraid
to speak out; at worst, indifferent. Of course, it takes a great deal of courage to stand up rather than to stand by. As
the number of Holocaust survivors dwindle, it is up to this generation to continue to tell their stories so that the
intolerance and extremism that threatens to destabilise our society can continue to be resisted and challenged. I am
therefore very proud that Rosebery students continue to work hard to ensure that our community is a safe, accepting
and inclusive one, in which diversity is embraced. Staff were fortunate to listen to an excellent presentation at the
start of our staff meeting this week from the LGBT+ group, led by our new Inclusion Ambassador, Em Anderson. We
all learned a great deal from these courageous students about the importance of inclusive language, safe spaces and
promoting a greater understanding of the issues that young people from the LGBT+ community face.
It has been another very successful week for our netballers with our U15s taking the District Championship and the
U16s coming second and our Year 11s have begun to meet with senior staff about their Sixth Form choices as well as
completing their Media and Tech controlled assessments and their Physics ISAs. Meanwhile, our cast for the school
production ‘Our Day Out’ have been working tirelessly to prepare for next week’s performances. I very much look
forward to seeing many of you there on Tuesday and Wednesday – tickets still available on ParentPay!
Finally, I am aware that there were significant problems with the booking of appointments at Year 9 parents’ evening.
As a result, those teachers who had multiple classes and who were particularly difficult to book to see will be available
from 3.30-5.30pm on Thursday 4 February. We have tried to make appointments already for parents who were most
affected by this, but if you who would like to see Miss Gatt, Mr Styles, Mrs Gardner, Mrs Davison (English) , Mrs Manley
(PE), Miss Collins, Mr Chamberlain, Mrs White (History) , Miss Reilly, Mr Croudace (Maths), Mr Musser ( Music),
Ms Babo, Miss Glazebrook, Mrs Tommasi or Mrs Abbes (Languages) then please contact Mrs Broome by email and she will organise appointments for you.
Have a lovely weekend
Ros Allen @RoseberyHT
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Dates for your Diary
Page 2
Headteacher Commendations
Page 3
Examinations and ‘OUR DAY OUT’ ticket information
Page 4
Rosebery student in Annie Musical and Work Experience request
Page 5
Aim Higher Language Conference
Page 6
PSA Quiz Night and other information
Pages 7, 8 & 9
Taster courses for students in Years 9, 10 and 11
Page 10
Epsom and Ewell Borough Adverts
Pages 11 & 12
Home Start Volunteers
Page 13
Dates for your Diary (subject to alteration)
30/31 January
School Production Technical Rehearsals
Monday 1 February
School Production Technical Rehearsal
Year 12 Concerns Evening
1 to 12 February
Taiwanese students visit Rosebery
Tuesday 2 & Wednesday 3
School Production Main Hall
Tuesday 2
U14 Netball
Thursday 4
Years 9 to 11 Intermediate Maths
Friday 5
Year 12 Drama Exam
Monday 8 to Friday 12
Rag Week
Tuesday 9 & Wed 10
KS4 Theatre Trip
Wed 10 & Thurs 11
Biology ISA
13 to 22
Year 10 Ski Trip to Italy
15-19 February
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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Headteacher Commendations
It is great to see so many students nominated this week. Many congratulations to them all.
Year 7 - The PE Department have nominated the following students for their performance in the County Netball
Tournament this week. All students played extremely well and they are very proud of them: Estelle
Tracey 7SX Charlotte Tame 7DX, Gemma Argyle 7DY, Emily Peters 7EY, Maya Mirza 7DY , Sophia Alexiou 7SY,
Charlotte Reynolds 7DY, Tiegan Canning 7RY, Alice Barcessat 7RY, Alice Anderton 7DX. Mr Chamberlain has
nominated Jaz Read and Lottie Burgess 7SX for their song about Thomas Becket.
Year 8 - The PE Department have nominated the following students for their performance in the County Netball
Tournament for their excellent performance: Issy Dean 8DX, Izzy Berry 8SY, Jenny Porter 8DX, Niamh Fitzgerald 8RY,
Martha McRobb 8SX, Molly Bailey 8RY, Erin Cowley 8DY, Ani White 8RX, Lucy Hagley 8DY and Carys Wakefield 8EX.
Mrs Callaghan has nominated Ellie Watson 8EY for outstanding effort and progress in History and Hannah Thomas,
Alexandra Michael and Jessica Winder 8EY for their consistency of effort, participation and engagement in History
lessons. Mrs Tommasi has nominated Mya Olaye 8EX and Phoebe Hogg 8RX for consistent attendance at Italian Club
and Mya has also been nominated by Mrs Hartridge along with Katerina Elger 8EX, Aamna Mahmood 8EX for
outstanding self-portrait final pieces in Art. Amaya Lawson-Fernandez and Monica Kitchen in 8SY have been
nominated by Mrs Glazebrook for writing fantastic short stories in Spanish. Their work is outstanding and
demonstrates hard work and creativity. Mrs Abbes has nominated Emma Miles, Summer Oliver and Iola Schmetzer,
all in 8DY this week for their outstanding contribution in the Cheerleading Competition.
Year 9 - Mr Musser has nominated Anny Barbosa in 9DY for her strong leadership of her group and performance of
their original song in Year 9 Music and Mr Chamberlain would like to nominate Tamzin Godfrey, Amy Warwick-Jones
and Niamh Moran 9RX for their presentations during the WW1 debate. Mrs Tommasi has nominated Ella Yard 9SY
for always working hard and challenging herself in French lessons and Mr Harvey has nominated Erin Andrew 9RX who
captained her waterpolo team to victory. They won the Under 14 Inter-region Waterpolo Tournament and Erin was
named Most Valuable Player. We are all very proud of her!
Year 10 - Laura Sinclair, Sophie Hopkins, Natasha Murphy, Millie Jones, Charlie Derwent-Smith, Heather Laird, Molly
Purvis, Georgia Boddy Thorp, Chloe Fish, Annabelle Bryant and Hannah Lee have all been nominated by the PE
Department for their winning performance in the District Netball Competition. Mrs Coombes has nominated a whole
class for commendation this week. The members of 10BR have each produced a mini lesson task related to a theme
in Pride and Prejudice- their creativity and enjoyment in doing this has been so impressive and they have all been
incredibly organised. Additionally, they have produced notes for the group including a created exam question,
corresponding selected extract and written response. She has been blown away by their dedication! They are: Saffie
Burgess, Anna Carroll, Natalia Chemaitelli, Emilie Cooke, Kaitlin Dailey, Alex Dawe, Ellen Drye, Anna Elphick, Holly
Fennell, Riya George, Isabella Harris, Ferya Hawken, Lorna Kennedy, Hannah Lee, Natalie Oxlade, Miral Pankhania,
Samantha Perren, Izzie Plowman, Olivia Rowse, Maddie Saunders, Sophie Scott, Beth Sheehan, Hannah Sledger,
Zorie Todorova, Saranya Umashankar and Annelie Zephir.
Year 11 - Mrs Tommasi has nominated Oriana Lewis 11EX, Ella McRobb 11SX, Alice Hill 11DX and Faye Rainger 11RX
for completing their GCSE Spanish achievement grids by always completing their homework to a high standard and
Imogen Burns 11DY for her commitment to her Spanish GCSE and always showing the willingness to make progress.
Anya Beri 11SY, Louise Chappell 11SY, Bethany Chapman 11RX, Anna Zuurmond 11SY, Izzy Kinder 11SY, Gabby
McCabe 11EY, Tilly Yorke 11SY, Megan Lewis 11SY, Kirsty Calverley 11EY and Faye Rainger 11RX have all been
nominated for their fantastic performance in the U16 District Netball Competition.
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Sixth Form - Mrs Callaghan has nominated Alicia Boxall 12C and Hannah Childs 12A and Nairne Wilkinson 12E for
consistent effort and progress in HSC and Miss Margetts has nominated Sofia Elger 13E and Katie Goddard 13F for
planning and leading the Holocaust Memorial assemblies.
Year 11 GCSE Exam Certificates
Year 11 students have been asked to collect their summer 2015 Science and Statistics exam certificates from the
Hall at lunchtime on Tuesday 2 February.
Summer 2016 Examinations
Entries for GCSE & A Level exams are in the process of being finalised. Individual Candidate Examination
Timetables will be given to students via form tutors during the week of 8 February.
If you have any queries you would like to raise with the Exams Office, please email
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Rosebery Student signed for the UK
Tour of Annie!
Megan Haynes in Year 7 has been signed for six months to play the role of Annie in the hit musical which will tour the
Many congratulations to Megan for this amazing achievement and ‘Break a Leg’! Actually,
please don’t as your school work is too important!
Mrs J Garrod, Deputy Headteacher
Are you an employer or employee who may be able to offer one of our students a work
placement within your company?
With many employers now looking for experience as well as academic achievements, work
placements have an increasing importance for students progressing into their chosen career.
Work experience gives students the opportunity to learn about the world of work, gain
employability skills, increase confidence and make them stand out on their personal statement
and CV.
Our Year 12 students are going out on Work Experience from 11 to 15 July 2016. If you feel that
you can offer some meaningful work experience to some of our students that would put their
curriculum learning into practice, I would love to hear from you.
Please email me on
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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Aim Higher Language Conference
“On Thursday 21 January, I went with a group of Year 11 languages students from Rosebery to attend an Aim Higher
in Languages Conference at Glyn School. This was a very enjoyable experience and I felt like it really benefitted my
Spanish, especially the speaking element. Practising speaking with a group of others helped boost my confidence as
it didn’t matter if I made mistakes because there were others in the same situation. Not only was it really helpful, but
it was really fun! The teachers made it seem really relaxed and we got to choose our own pairs to work with. I felt
like this was good because we got to mix with the other schools, and I learnt a lot of higher level vocabulary from them
that I didn’t know before. “
Student, Anya Beri
“Last Thursday a group of Year 11 French and Spanish students went to Glyn for a language course that was designed
to improve our verbal and written skills. Glyn and Tolworth girls' students also took part and we were split into French
and Spanish groups; I did French. We started the day with some icebreaker activities - in French, of course! The theme
was alcohol (one of the more challenging GCSE topics). We split into smaller groups and practised our vocabulary by
designing a beer mat to warn about too much alcohol. In the afternoon,n we had a great time recording our voiceovers to alcohol awareness adverts and there were many imaginative sound effects to add to the drama. To finish the
day, we all watched the adverts and prizes were given to the best - in the form of chocolate - yum!”
Student, Isabel
Congratulations to all the students who took part and, in particular, our Rosebery students who made me very proud!
Ms P Wright
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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