Friday 13 November 2015 Dear Parents and


Friday 13 November 2015 Dear Parents and
Friday 13 November 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week, many members of the Rosebery community have spent some time working with and
thinking of others. On Monday we were delighted to host Year 3 and 4 students from 10 local
primary schools to participate in our Sports Hall athletics competition. Our Junior Sports Leaders and Community
Sports Leaders all played a key role in running over two hours of excellent competition and we have received some
lovely positive feedback from the primary visitors about the way in which these students created such a great event.
On Tuesday our JLT lesson co-planners enjoyed a brilliant professional learning session where they worked with
teachers to plan and develop lesson ideas together. This work is having a very positive impact on the practice of our
staff and is revelatory to some students who now understand more clearly the complex task that is planning a lesson
for 30 students. We all paused for thought and reflection at 11am on
Wednesday to mark Armistice Day. Megan and Vicky, our Head Girls,
planted our poppies from the Tower of London in our WWI memorial
garden, and Laura Bell played the Last Post beautifully as they did so.
Sofia Elger and Katie Goddard from Year 13 were involved in a very
different act of remembrance. They visited Auschwitz as part of the
Holocaust Education Trust Programme, a trip which was a valuable
reminder of the shocking consequences of modern warfare. They will
write about their experiences in a future newsletter. Georgia Hasell
had already raised a great deal of money for Children in Need before
half term and her fundraising efforts were matched with a number of events today for that very worthwhile cause. I
am also very grateful to the PSA and to you for thinking of us and contributing to our Christmas Fair today. The Fair is
not far away and is such a crucial event for the school; we hope to see many of you there on the 27 th.
It was lovely to welcome so many families to our Sixth Form Open Evening. We want all our Year 11 students to know
that they have a place with us if they want it – the only constraint is getting the minimum entry requirements for the
subjects they want to do, as the jump between GCSE and A Level is significant. As Megan and Vicky, our current Head
Girls, described so articulately yesterday evening, our Sixth Formers achieve excellent results and are therefore able
to take up any opportunities that they wish. However, they also gain significant confidence, well-being and enjoyment
from the excellent leadership and extra-curricular opportunities which they take up in huge numbers and which in
turn hugely benefit the rest of the school.
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
This week I have had the privilege of appointing our new Head Girls. This was
an almost impossible task given the quality of the shortlisted students for
these positions. The warmth, energy, talent, integrity, empathy and creativity
demonstrated by Mary Prescott, Freya Selman, Sumaiyah Sultana, Emily
Anderson, Isobel Murphy and Kelly Owusu was very impressive indeed.
I am delighted to announce that Freya and Kelly (pictured) will be our new
Head Girls from January and will be ably supported by the rest of the
candidates who become our Deputy Head Girls and also join the Junior
Leadership Team. I am very excited about working with all of them.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ros Allen @HTRosebery
Dates for your Diary
Page 2
Headteacher Commendations
Page 3
Year 11 Atkins Mock Interviews
Page 4
Scholastics Book Club and Mental Health Guide
Page 5
Modern Foreign Languages
Page 6
KS3 Maths Autumn Assessments
Page 7
PSA Christmas Fair
Pages 8, 9 & 10
Shakespeare Drama Festival and Letter
Pages 11 & 12
Rosebery Christmas Concert Letter
Page 13
Dates for your Diary
Monday 16 November
Years 12 and 13 Maths in Action
Tuesday 17
Year 11 Drama exam
Wednesday 18
Year 11 and 13 Textiles Trip
Thursday 19
Drama Festival
Year 11 History Controlled Assessment
Years 7 and 8 Glyn Disco
Friday 20
Saturday 21
Monday 23 and Wed 25
Rotary Club Swimathon
Rosebery Singers’ Concert
Year 11 MFL Orals
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Wednesday 25 to Friday 27
Year 11 PE Mock Practicals
Wednesday 25
Thursday 26
Years 12 and 13 Pseudo Science
Primary Teachers’ Tea
Years 10 and 12 Textiles Trip
Friday 27
PSA Christmas Fair
Sunday 29
Scratch Youth Messiah
Headteacher Commendations
I am delighted to congratulate so many students this week whose achievements have been recognised.
Year 7 - Mrs Hanly has nominated Lottie Budgen and Isla Hamilton 7RY for being so resilient at Rosebery and
Mrs Callaghan has nominated Nikcheya Kuganesan 7RX for excellent enthusiasm and participation in History.
Nikcheya particularly impressed last week when she volunteered to read and act the part of King William in a class
role play. Mrs Barlow has nominated Annabel Cater, Charlotte Tame and Georgina Bathhurst of 7DX for an act of
kindness that she witnessed in her Tutor Group. She has also nominated Chloe Cannon and Annabel Carter again for
their thoughtfulness and care; they have already started to make Christmas Shoe Boxes for our Old People's Charity.
Miss Scarff has nominated Noor Hassanali 7EX for her fantastic attitude to learning and dedication to whole school
Year 8 - Miss Glazebrook has nominated Sophia Price 8DY and Anika Patel 8EY for consistent hard work and dedication
in French and Mr Chamberlain has nominated Amie Lundberg, Maisie Sanderson, Amy Church, Hana Ahmad, Rachel
Menzies-Gow, Amy Phelan in 8RX for their wonderful play on Henry's Break with Rome. Dr Swales has nominated
Ellie Bailey 8SY for great work and effort as well as helping others and explaining the maths clearly and Mrs Pingree
has nominated Lara West 8SX for her resilience and for being such a polite and delightful student. She has proved to
be an absolute star.
Year 9 - Mr Musser has nominated Georgia Oldridge 9RX for her Famous Singer Biography of Taylor Swift, which
included a full colour realistic portrait with text folded around it. Mr Chamberlain would like to nominate Amy Smith
9EY for her night time charity walk in London and Miss Bailey has nominated Danni Crawt 9EY for developing an
excellent attitude towards work in Mathematics. Miss Scarff has nominated Amy Catcheside 9RY for her fantastic
attitude to learning and dedication to whole school involvement. Mrs Janes has nominated Felicity Julian 9SY for
remarkable persistence with her reading.
Year 10 - Mrs Tyler has nominated Saffie Burgess 10SY, Amy Pickard 10SY and Saranya Umashankar 10EY for their
participation in the Poetry by Heart competition today. They had to choose, learn by heart and recite two poems of
their choosing. They all did an amazing job. Mrs Kowalski has nominated Neve Harris 10SX and Holly Standish 10EX
for their outstanding effort and achievement in Chemistry lessons and Miss Gatt has nominated Chloe Hay in 10SX for
her fantastic and thoughtful ideas in class. Miss Babo has nominated Miral Pankhania 10SY for being the only one in
the form to take part in the Swimathon because she thinks it is important to support our community. Mrs Abbes has
nominated Isabel Anderson 10EX, Megan Smith 10EX, Elisabetta Ciesco 10SY, Riya George 10RY, Catalina Magureanu
10RX, Becky Reeves 10SX, Parisa Shababi 10SX and Maddie Saunders 10DY for their remarkable work in Spanish.
These students have achieved an effort level 1 in every single paragraph they had to write for their coursework.
Miss Scarff has nominated Hannah Lee 10RY for her fantastic attitude to learning and dedication to whole school
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Year 11 - Kathryn Dempster 11EY and Gabriella Reynolds 11EY have been nominated by Miss Gatt for consistent and
valuable contributions in class discussions and Mrs Little has nominated Amelia Evans 11EX and Manaka Pibworth
11EX for all their help in the library this term. They gave up one lunch hour every week to assist students in the Library
and they also read with younger readers during registration once a week. I have nominated Laura Bell 11SX for her
beautiful rendition of the Last Post at our Armistice Day ceremony.
Sixth Form - Mrs Royall has nominated Ellen Michael 12D, Ellie Church 12C, Caitlin Philips-Ennis 12E and Katherine
Shepherd 13A for taking part in the Senior Maths Challenge and giving up their lunchtime to do so and Mrs MacLean
has nominated Connie Harvey 13C for writing an amazing Extended Project Qualification dissertation of 10,000 words
on the influence of nurture on serial killers! Mrs Turner has nominated Holly Carnegie 13D and Victoria Correia 12A
for conducting the orchestra in her absence due to exams and meetings and Miss Risby has nominated Daniela
Bouferrache 12B for her participation in the Epsom Rotary Senior French Speaking Competition this week. Her speech
on the topic of Islamophobia was excellent as were her responses to questions posed by the judging panel.
Year 11 Atkins Mock Interviews
On Wednesday, 17 students from Year 11 took part in mock job interviews as part of the STEM Southeast initiative
run by Atkins. The interviewers were from the engineering and human resources teams at Atkins. To prepare for the
interviews, the students needed to fill in an application form outlining career aspirations, education, work experience,
hobbies and instances when they had used teamwork and problem-solving skills. Each girl participated in a 20-minute
interview followed by 10 minutes of feedback. The interviewers commented that the students demonstrated
“excellent inter-personal skills” and thought “outside of the box to provide comprehensive answers”. Many thanks to
the STEM Southeast team at Atkins for organising such a worthwhile event.
Miss Risby, PHA Co-ordinator
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Scholastic Book Club
Great News! We're running a Scholastic Book Club to earn free books for our school. We will be sending the Book
Club leaflets home so that you and your child can choose from the latest exciting selection of books. Please place
your order online at by
November 16th, 2015.
Thank you,
Mrs J E Little
Please note: Students need to bring their printed out order confirmation with them to the Library to collect their
Resilience Therapy Toolkit Guide for Parents
The link above will take you to a very useful Guide for Parents which helps to gain a better understanding of mental
health and well-being (excerpt below). This guide is available to read on our website under the Parents tab. Please
contact, Intervention Manager, if you have any questions or concerns regarding
your child.
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Rosebery's Modern Foreign Languages
On Tuesday night, we hosted the senior section of
the Epsom Rotary French Speaking Competition
where Rosebery's Daniela Bouferrache competed
against Jamie Longcake from Glyn. Jamie was the
first to deliver his speech, which was about the
current immigration crisis. Daniela followed with
her speech on the topic of Islamophobia. Both
competitors were then asked further questions in
French about their chosen topic by the judges
before having a general conversation about topics,
ranging from sports to future aspirations. After
some deliberation by the judges, Jamie was
declared the winner. Both participants received
generous prizes courtesy of Rotary.
On Wednesday, we had a graduation ceremony
for the students who were successful in
achieving the British Airways Language Flag
Award (BALFA) in French last summer. To
prepare for the challenging exam, Year 9
students, ably assisted by the French Prefects,
Connie and Juliet, attended a weekly lunchtime
club. The girls should be very proud of their
achievements as the exam they took was
originally intended to test the language skills of
BA staff.
If any current Year 9 students are interested in
doing the BALFA, there will be an information
session with Miss Risby prior to the Christmas
Miss Risby
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
KS3 Maths Autumn Assessments
KS3 students (year 7, 8 and 9) will be completing a 1 hour non-calculator paper on the work covered so far this year
on the following dates:
27th November
27th November
27th November
27th November
27th November
27th November
27th November
24th November
1st December
2nd December
1st December
2nd December
1st December
2nd December
2nd December
2nd December
2nd December
2nd December
The assessment will be the same for all sets in each year group and will assess the three areas of Mathematics:
Conceptual Understanding, Problem Solving and Mathematical Fluency.
The topics covered this term can be found on the Hub.
The students will be expected to bring all Maths equipment with them and their Maths teachers will not supply them
with anything during the assessment.
They will need:
Sharp Pencil
The students will have feedback upon this assessment during December and, along with the investigation assessment
previously completed, will help to determine if any set changes are needed. It will also be taken on an individual basis
with discussions with the students Maths class teachers. Parents and carers will be notified of any set changes on the
week beginning 14 December. The next opportunity for set changes will be at the end of the Spring Term.
Miss Bailey, KS3 Maths Co-ordinator
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
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Whitehorse Drive
Epsom, Surrey KT18 7NQ
Tel: 01372 720439
Dear Parents/Carers
Re: House Drama Festival
As you will be aware, on Thursday 19 November 2015, our biennial Drama Shakespeare
Festival will be taking place in the School Hall. This is due to be an eventful evening,
where you are invited to enjoy the dramatic talents of the four Houses at Rosebery.
The evening begins at 6.30pm and concludes with the announcement of the Festival
winners at around 9.30pm. Each performance will be approximately 30 minutes long
and there will be an interval after two performances. You will be able to purchase
refreshments, kindly provided by the PSA members.
The students are performing within their school Houses and competing against one
another to win the overall Drama Festival Award. I am delighted to be welcoming
some exceptional judges who will be studying the performances.
The plays being presented are:
Sapphire House: Twelfth Night
Ruby House: Romeo and Juliet
Emerald House: The Tempest
Diamond House: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The cost of the evening is £2.50 per head. If you would like to come, please go to and enter your username and password; choose the service
called “Shakespeare Drama Festival 2015” and make your payment. If you have any
problems, please contact Mrs Field on 01372 720439 extension 256.
Yours sincerely
James Waight
Head of Drama
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1
Whitehorse Drive
Epsom, Surrey KT18 7NQ
Tel: 01372 720439
9 November 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
Re: Rosebery Christmas Concert 2015 – Epsom Playhouse
We are delighted to invite you to our popular Christmas Concert on Thursday 3 December
2015. We have a varied programme of music including seasonal, popular and classical
items from all the choirs and ensembles. Ticket arrangements for our Christmas Concert are
via the Playhouse box office as follows:
The Epsom Playhouse, Ashley Avenue, Epsom, Surrey KT18 5AL.
Dates and times: Thursday 3 December – Dress/matinee 2pm and evening 7pm
Ticket prices:
Full public dress rehearsal/Matinee: £4 (no concessions)
Evening £8.50 adults and concessions £5
Box office:
On sale through Epsom Playhouse (10am-5pm Mon-Saturday)
In person
By telephone 01372 742555/742227
“On-line” at:
Poster attached
Please note: Tickets are limited and on a “first come, first served” basis only. We expect
this, as with other years, to be a very popular concert. No tickets will be available through
Rosebery School.
The concert promises to be a brilliant chance to relax and enjoy the talents of our students
and we look forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely
Mrs H Turner
Head of Music
Rosebery School Whitehorse Drive Epsom KT18 7NQ T.01372 720439
Follow us at RoseberySchool1

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