UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY INDEX TO K-AR AGE DETERMINATIONS FOR THE STATE OF OREGON By Robin B. Fiebelkorn, George W. Walker, Norman S. Macleod, Edwin H. McKee, and James G. Smith U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-596 1982 This report is preliminary and has not been edited or reviewed for conformity with Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature Table of Contents Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------Map and sample numbers --------------------------------------------Location ----------------------------------------------------------Geologic unit dl~ rock ~pe ---------------------------------------Potassium-argon age data ------------------------------------------Reported ages -----------------------------------------------------Recalculated ages -------------------------------------------------Selected references -----------------------------------------------Index map ---------------------------------------------------------tabular data -----------------------------------------------------------Selected references 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 35 INDEX TO K-AR AGE DETERMINATIONS FOR THE STATE OF OREGON By Robin B. Fiebelkorn. George W. Walker, Norman S. Macleod, Edwin H. McKee, and James G. Smith I NTRODUCTI ON As an adjunct to the preparation of a geologic map of Oregon, all available potassium-argon age determinations on rocks and minerals from the state were compiled and are presented in the accompanying table. The age determinations come from published reports, including earlier summaries of radiometric ages, unpublished U.S. Geological Survey radiometric ages, and unpublished ages from non-U.S. Geological Survey investigators. The data are complete through February 1982. Every effort has been made to obtain all analytical data and accurate sample locations and to cross reference all source publications. Age determinations are presented both as they were originally published in the source references and as recalculated ages using currently accepted potassium isotopic abundance and decay constants (Steiger and Jager, 1977). We strongly recommend that original source reports be carefully checked before making reference to the reported ages included in this report. This is especially important because space limitations prevent us from presenting authors interpretations of their data. In addition, typographic errors as well as errors of omission are possible in a compilation of this type and size. If a rearler detects an erTOr" or ami ss i on, we waul d appreci ate bei ng contacted through: George W. Walker, Branch of Western Mineral Resources, MS 41, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025. I Map and sample numbers The ages are grouped and numbered by county; each map number ldentlfles a sample location within a county on the index map. Whenever different authors referred to samples by different numbers, listed multiple determinations on the same sample, or gave different published versions of the same age, each age is listed as a subset of the map number, for example: la, lb, Ie. locatlon Most sample locations are given in latitude and longitude, to the nearest 0.1 1 (mi nute), and were ploUed on the index map by computer. Where authors included maps or reported location by section, township, and range (Willamette Meridian and baseline), the geodetic coordinates of these samples were determined from the largest scale topographic map available and manually transferred to the index map. Geodetic coordinates which do not match cadastral locations given by the same author are footnoted as apprOXimate. If authors give incomplete cadastral coordinates or vague descriptive sample location information, an abbreviated location description is listed in place of latitude and longitude. Although the latter have an assigned county number, they are not plotted on the index map and are so footnoted. The reader should refer to the source publlcatlons for any addltlonal locatlon i nformati on. Geol ogi calli t alld rock type Dated samples represent rocks with a broad range of compositions and textures collected from a wide variety of geologic structures, evolved during the course of a complex geologic history of diastrophism, intrusion, and volcanism. Information concerning geologic units and rock type was extracted from the references and lncluded in the table. The geologic units listed are those given by the original author and more recent workers, the latter of whom may have reconsidered formational assignments after evaluating radiometric data. Wherever possible, some kind of formational name or abbreviated geologic description is listed in the column titled "Geologic unit". Where the sample was taken from a body of limited areal extent, such as a volcanic dome, the geographic name or physical description of that body is given instead of a geologic unit name. Specific r'ock Ilames are tabulated in the "Rock type" column. It should be noted that formational units which were separated in one area may represent parts of undifferentiated units in another area. Also, some geologic units may have been assigned new formational names since the orlglnal publlcatlons were wrltten. Thus, some samples have multiple entries in the "Geologic unit" column; the most recent assignment is listed first. For example, several of the widespread ash-flow tuffs formerly incorporated in the Danforth Formation (Piper and others, 1939) have been separated into the Devine Canyon, Prater Creek and Rattlesnake Ash-flow Tuffs (Walker, 1979). These ash-flow tuff units also were assigned by other authors to the Rattlesnake Formation, part of the Drewsey Formation, and the silicic marginal facies of the Columbia River Group. In all cases, the users of the table should consult original sources. Potassium-argon age data Analytical data ar per gram 0 ra logenlc total 40Argon. Factors used to convert the data in source reports into these units were taken from Dalrymple and Lanphere (1969). Where the authors give an average of the data for an age determination, the average is listed in parentheses. If the authors also give multiple measurements of analytical data, all the measurements are listed below the average value. Reported ages Ages are presented in thi s column as they appear in the source publications. Most of the ages from references published prior to 1978 were calculated with abundance and decay constants different from those currently in use. Where the ages have been calculated with different sets of constants by various authors, all of the versions of tile reported ages were listed in an effort to resolve duplication. The reader should refer to the specific reference for the set of constants used by that author. Recalculated ages Thl s column 1i sts ages cal cal ated from the analyt ical data givell ill the publications, u~!ng currently accepted_t8un~ince and.decay cons:f8 ts _l. ( K/Ktotal = 1.167x10 mol/mol, AS= 4.962x10 yr , A€+ A€= O.581xlO yr , s~~rce 2 • Steiger and Jager, 1977). These constants, adopted by the subcommission of the International Union of Geological Sciences are used today by most isotope chronology laboratories in the United States and Canada. The recalculated ages using the new constants are generally older by a few percent than the originally reported ages determined using the old constants. The analytical uncertainty listed in this co1uI11n was adjusted to correspond with the recalculated ages by the percent difference between the reported and recalculated age. As the percent difference is usually very small, the analytical uncertainty is generally the same as the one given by the original author. We have tried to trace and correct all typographical and other errors and remove ambiguities found in the references which caused the recalculated ages to differ from the reported ages by more than an arbitrary cutoff of 5 percent. Recalculated ages which deviate more than 5 percent from the ages reported in source publications are footnoted. Some of the age determinations were reported to be spurious in the references and are also footnoted. No other attempts have been made to evaluate the data and users are once again remlnded to consult the original references for interpretation of the data. Selected references All known publications that include K-Ar age determinations are listed and cross referenced in this column. The publications are abbreviated in standard form and in order of earliest publication date. A complete bibliography is given at the end of the tabular data. Index map The general distribution and location of dated rocks are shown on an index map at a scale of 1:1,000,000. The four age ranges symbolized on the map are: • Present through the Pliocene epoch (O-<5 million year's (m.y.) ago), A Miocene epoch (5-<24 m.y. ago), • Paleogene/early Cenozoic period (24-<63 m.y. ago), and. pre-Cenozoic (63+ m.y. ago). These age intervals were chosen so that most units representing major events in the geologic record of Oregon would be placed in the same age group. For example, the extrusive events represented in the stratigraphic recor d by the extensive ash-flow tuffs of southeast Oregon, i ncludi n9 the Devine Canyon, Prater Creek and Rattlesnake Ash-flow Tuffs, fall within the Miocene (5-<2 4 m.y. ago) age interval, as do the vast outpourings of flood basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group; the John Day and Clarno Formations of northcentral Oregon occur within the early Cenozoic range (24-<63 m.y. ago); the pre-Cenozoic (63+ million years) rocks of the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon and of the Klamath Mountains of southwestern Oregon, including their respective intrusive episodes, are grouped together. 3 Sample latitu(le longitude UlIber ntlnber (N) (W) :} Geologicl unit!. or Igeogrdphi~ 1<Xia. ity weighl I datdd percent age 40Arrad (~06 yr) (106 yr) 95t3 b References I Tuff 1agiloclase (0.925) (I.995) BI 4.5±0.4 14.9±0. Walke and othe 5, 1974; lau sen and "",ond, 1978 oloy l10u laiol breccia Rhyol it 'lagiloelaso (1.296) (2.747) 74 4.3±0.4 14.7±0. Wlllke~ and othe=, 1974; Bro ks and others, 1976; lau sen and ond, 1978 118"08.5' qlnner Cre~k(? wolded I ff Tuff lagfloclase (1.837) (3.485 ) 73 4.ltO• 4 13.1tO,'a wtllaukejand othiS, 1974; sen and llIlIond, 1978 118"05.3 B~ld 110 un I tlabbro (0.249) 0.242 0.252 0.253 (5.953) 6.042 5.864 (40) 35 45 155 t 5 (0.552) 0.552 0.551 (7.543) 7.483 7.604 (11.870) 11.558 12.183 151.591 (58 ) 39 77 83 140±4 144±4 00. 131t4 134±4 b 00., 7.531 157.972 136±4 140±4 00., 8.302 1.241 161.542 16.779 93 81 128±4 125±4 130t4b 92t3al,h 00 74 122t4 123±4b 110., 118±4 12CJt4b 00 93t3 95±3 b 00 BR-I-7 4 °34L5' 118 ·12.8' GWW-68+69 4°34L7 ' 117°48.3' r,wW-22+69 4 °19L7' YU-WT-165 4°51LI' in Jalholilh florntilonde florntilende 118"09.9 ~ld l1ounl~in lIathollth Quarlz diorite { Biotilte foUte WT-745 5°031.4' 117°16.6' Cprnucoplal st04k, Craler l~ke trondhj ... ito TrondhJ"",ite 8a) 8b WT-818 5°001.3' 117°19.0' ~rnucoPial tonal He Tonal H 9 WT-753 5°021.4 ' 117°25.3' ~edlo pOi~t quartz diad Quartz diorite iotHe 8.278 152.171 fotflte 8.15 146.0 ,,"scoVite 7.604 106.654 e. alhll1th ~~o~te lende { rr 10 WR-987 5°02L 4' 117°14.1' Cprnucoplal st04k, I Tramway fron<!hj ...i 10 TrondhJ"",fte 11 WR-988 5°02L2' H7°H. 5' C rnucopial sto¢k, Pegmatite ~nol ithfel bre(da Rhyol it clasl { "lagloclaso iotito (7.73 ) 7.73 7.73 la9 oelase laglOclaso (0.872) (0.950) Plag oclase (0.468) 84 t raWerck' 1962 lau sen and H 159±5 ond, 1974 A nst ong and others, 1976, Lau sen and RIJIond. 1978 00 Pine lak~ t""ndhj liarntilende 2a} age nner CrO~k(? welded I ff Wall owa Ba~hollth 4°52L2' (moles/gm) Cal eulale Percent iotilto 117"06.0' Wallo"a .$:> Rock 1)1'0 !'ale1 ial Trond hj ~n ite 5"02,7' YU-WT-35 Reportod k 20 location Map U8-2-70k 4·311.0' 118°10.0' 2b 13 70USGS(O) , 72FP69 4°48.0' 117°19.0' Diorite 4a) 4b 5-9 4·211.0' H8°1 B. 0' Oacite 15 U-4 4"25.0' 118°15.0' SR65-1I5 4"311.5 ' 1I!3°34.3' KAI205 5°08.4 ' 1~2°32. 5' 42, R0719 5°1~.4' 1~1°4 7.6' \butmont, Whi ted 'lesevoir Oad te { ~ (0.446) 0.446 0.447 (0.520) 0.520 0.519 1.265 26.69 9.1±8 19.6±8 1.468 39.9 9.0to. 6 19.5±0.~ 96 21 8 t 5 2.50 2.48 80.81 80.74 9.8±0.38 8. Ito. 50 19.8tO.4 18. Ito. 51 1.30 57.39 O• 65 19.1±0.7 8rook~ and othljrs, 1976; G. 257.7 218t5 II. Wanor 1unpub. data Do ~rvf~ and Col~, 1978 ~yn 1977 00 00 Benton r'\>unty Pogmatito ,",rn~lende olalla FdnnaUon Tuff Plagioclase till Creek intrusion Diori tE IWhol 'lary's Pealk sill (0.696) 0.698 0.695 9.7 3.08 30.5tl.12 1 010 and F.naVel Y, 1969; la u sen and "",ond, 1974 P. • Snavel • unpub. data 15 1 ackamas ICounty 27 0.189 [~erJen 1964; lau sen and and Jlmes. CImIond. 1974. 0.8 Wal er and e rock 2.14 3.65 1.6tl. 2 1I.8tl.~b hers. 1974 1969; Bik noan, 190; lau sen and ootooles at e~d of labular Idata 0 ~ise, CImIond. 1974 ---I-------~-_+ --I Mall' sample I ~ocat ion 1--+-------+----------+ Ktl 40Arrad -l---- 4--+---+ --I ter'.l Latltud ~~~~ <1a_t..': age ( 0 6 yr) age 6 (10 yr) I Breeci a I Hornbl ende 0.35 0.350 T±2 1±2 Ijhnl el rock 1.20 1.025 5.8;tO.8 5.9;t018 '<>1 33. R0724 45f25. " 1211°48.1 • 12. 45f21. 1211°51.1 ' Tab fI ow. Iorseshoel Rid~e 01 iVine-laugite andesi te IIholel rock I. 45 1.115 5. 5;tO. 7 5.6±Ol7 45f23. ,', 1211°43.9' Sa holy Glacil". Volcano Pyroxen~ \jhol el rock 1.62 0.775 3.2tO.3 3.3;tOl3 ~rnb'ende 0.31 0.3885 B.4;tO.6 8.6;tOl6 97. R0723 "Y.U liQzag Mountain IAndesite Ito 509 ~~) M.B. 1-6 lIyperst~ene Quartz 45fI7.'l' 1211°46.2' T. 3. S., R.18E. ~rnb~erK1e diOrlJe L.aurel IJilll 1'1 uton Quartz diari e Oi ~e Aodesite 13.6 0.29 0.3379 11.3 8.0;tO.6 8.I;tO 6 hal el rock 1.386 1.025 80.0 5.0-1.0 5.0-Kl.5 5.lt11.0 0 45 ~08. 12/l032.5' Molalla Forl.atton Tuff '1 aglbclase 0.152 0.349 35 12.9±1.0 15.9±1I.oa DKA-1175 45~8.J111 12a '3 2.5' Molalla Forinat ion Tuff lagibclase 0.184 0.400 65 12.2±0.6 15.0td.7 a 44f55.'" 12 OMS-23-1 12 OMS-23-4 12a'12.0' 12 OMS-23-3 12 OMS-23-2 "'horn Fonn~tio 18i 9 81 ac~'1 fl ow {i~gf~~~t Andesitl porphj(ry Refe~ences I o OMS-18 45~03.33 OMS-21 45ro4. 12a028.9 ' As.urned ColllJnbq River ~rOCk mesh Basalt asalt eduivatents • rock hal 0/60 ol! et fuol 0/60 hed rock mesh hal 8/3 rock mesh 12a022.l o Salrdine Lavlas Andesit hal e rock 12a021.7 ' Salrd I ne Lavla s Andesit hal e rock "hal rock \lbOl rock rock 15a '( 2.931 39.3 115.28t O.1 15.7±il.2 o 2.868 53.9 5. 25±0. 2 15. 5tOI. 2 o 2.824 49.5 115.06±0.6 15.5±O.6 o (1.132) 1.140 1.124 2.893 25.8 7.22±0.2 17.7±O.2 n (1.420) 1.424 1.416 3.256 19.0 5.45±0.5 15.7±0.5 o (l.ll6) 1.120 I.ll2 (1.048) 1.048 1.048 2.547 55.0 5.38±0.1 15.8tO.2 o 2.l71 37.3 5. 27;tO. 2 15. 6tO. 2 o 2.95R 47.2 5.03±0.2 15.4tO.2 n hal 441°53.' , 122°13.2' R~odoolendr1n Fo~a t i on. welded I' roel stic flts Andesit lag oclase 1ag ocl ase 12.5±0.4 12.0;tO.4 441°59•• , 122'08.9 0 Andes I t lag oclase 1ag oel ase 1l.9±0.3 11. 5;tO. 3 11 17 I'EII-77-.,. FRL-4822 18 18 PEII-77 -~. FRL-4821 atlon. (1.326 ) 1.336 1. 317 Hamnpnd and glthers, 1980 ~t: Evanls and 8r~wn. 1981 unt Hood GraulI' holol rock 2.28 3.9B3 90 12.2±1.7 12.2±1.7 121 '52.0' Mount Hao<11 Gro~r' Iholll rock 0.965 1.495 6R 10. 7;tO. 5 10.7td.5 llo. 121 '48.2' Mount ~ood ,/hol' rnck 0.%6 1.469 64 In. 6;tO. 5 10.6±0.5 llo. MII-20/ Ut- 228 451°23.' , 121 °52.0' LCM/ UT-240 45°23."1 1111-10/ UT-227 45°23 •• , Footnotes at end of tabullar d~ta ododendr n Fo tephra b <1 ] o Sutter. 1978 19.2±01.6 Andesit 451°02.' , { o o 8. 73tO. 6 Sardine La;!as llMS-22 0 00. 15.9 12a'29.4 ' 12/1'23.7 Iwalktr and ot~ers. 1914; La rsen and IHaooond. 197 3.526 Andes; t, 441°57. o (1.268) 1.276 1.259 (1.296) 1.29B 1.294 (1.278) 1.259 /.216 (1.264 ) 1.274 1.254 Salrdine L.a;!as OMS-24 ikomnan.197 La~rsen and IlIaooond. 197 lL.aur!;en and 1I~lMIond. 1978 16.5t1.0 13.5tO.5 13.3t1. 6 13.0tO.7 lagi close hole rock 'I,ol~ 45 ~OO. (Jl I I andesllte DKA-1174 m} I I andesilte Ito 512 lti I Percent 40 Arra <1 Cal culat'd lacl amas Cou ty--Cont. For/lnation. l~d~~itel:l as n brecci R0722 15~ r x I~ll (moles/gm) Repcrte<1 'To'"1 A0726 7d percent r -:it----Ibrnble~-~t;;~ndror. "i"' weight I IGrol'p 1 -------+--~I---i--I-I--IMdfl nl'llfer_ Sample tUdd Longlitude -1-----1--1 t~aterl.1 ieolOY1c lJIIH lor ~~ __ ~_~~1 ntJnber K [J 2 weight ~~Arrad 1--- Roported Caleul.ted x lOll 1,lerce_n_t_ _ (mOles/ ym) I ae~ty- -Cant. van~ .nd Bro*,. 1981 22 LCM/ AH-48 45'23.8" 1211"49.8' I'I:>"nt llood urou Ilhol e Irock 0.965 1.460 ~2 0.5±0.4 10.5±OJ4 23 MH-19/ AH-47 45'23.7" 1211°52.0' MOlmt Hood (irou \jhol el rock 0.945 1.100 95 9.5±2.4 9.5±2J4 00. 24 OMF-711-3i50/ UT-224 45l23.8 1211°48.4 • Mount Hanoi liroul H"rnblende 0.230 0.109 85 .30±0.87 9.30±OJ87 00. 25a~ 17774 45'12.0" 1221°13.3' Co) ...hi. Rifer ~salt Gr up. r.nde Ro de a.salt Bas.1 t Who I e I rock ( Whol e rock 1.822 1.683 4.144 3.636 31.5 30.7 15.7-1()j6 14.9!0 6 26 17765 45'01.01' 1221°44.0' Col umbia RiEr asalt Gr up. ,rande Ro e a.sal t Bas.1 t Whol el rock I. 382 2.955 42.1 14.8±OJ4 d KA2134 45'55.0" 123~58.0 ' Ya~ im.-type I B.S~lt. 1 , 25bll • R.I Lux, in Iprep. Oc lld. l.t sop CiJunty 11 (0.386) 0.796B5 (I.54 ) 1.54 1.54 3.634 4.9 4.0±2.7 14.3±2l8 urn~r. 1970; So vely .ndlothers, 1973; La rsen and HilllIIlond. 19741; Walker .nd thers, 1974 25 5.9±0.3 16.3±ol3 lem I.nd Cres$y, 1973; L.Ursen .nd IHal'l1lond , 197E 79 147±4 150±4 ol"".n and L1nPhere. 1971; Laursen and H_ond. 19741 1.671 38 145±8 148±8 (0.625) 0.62 0.63 (3.65) 3.63 3.67 0.335 59 3.6±O.6 3. 7±OJ 6 1.93 71 3.6±0.2 3.7±Ol2 e poe Bay Ba sal t YU-EI 45456.0" 123~59.0' Ee~l. St. Park s111 Wholel rock Coos Cotlnty ::~ 94-97 43407.0" 124~25.8' Schi st { ~henglte ~1.ueiJphane (10.46) 10.47 10.46 (0.075) 0.077 0.073 236.0 lld. 0'1 Crook County la Ib I) GWW-121-!j4 43'47.8" IIsh-flo,j tuff 1201°22.8 ' { ~I RCG-61-1~65 43'48.1" 120~01.2' Ash-flowl tuff II k.1 felUpar (6.76) 9.298 92 ~.29±0.23 9.53±0124 ;reeie .nd ot~ers. 1972; Wa ker, 197 ; Walker.nd thers, 1974; L. rsen .nd H_ond. 19lE RCG-102-66 43'58.8" 119~54.1 B.salt holel rock (0.306) 0.268 16 .92±0.41 6.07±0142 ;ree~e .nd otters. 1972; Wa ker and thers, 1974; L. rsen .nd HiIII11lond. 197E RCG-106-~65 43'48.0" 120~00.6 ' Ash-flowl tuff ,I k.1 (6.90) 9.252 88 ~.05±0.281 9.2g±0129 .Ik!r. 1974; W. ker .nd tthers, 1974; L. rsen .nd Hanmond. 197E vans and Brown, 1981 ' fel~spar OOl}ll-Ba~I 4Hll.6 Pb-5/ IIH-34 1211°03.1 ' Powell Buttes holel rock 1.181 5.153 41 /l.I±I.1 30.I±HI 44,.1.01' 1211% .2' Po~ll 8uttes northoc1 ase 5.29 21. 718 32 8.1±1.0 28.1±1l0 Pb-I/ UT-216 44'14.5" 1211°03.1 ' Po~ll Buttes I agibelase 0.151 0.192 91 ~.83±1.3 Pb-2/ UT-210 44115.71' 1211°04.8 ' Po!'" 11 3uttes lihol el rock 0.355 0.305 96 .96t2• O, 5.96±2l08 0, 1I0Gi'lI-Bai81I/UT-226 4H09. cl ' 1211°03.1 ' Poj.ell Buttes lihoI el roc k 0.640 0.141 97 • 5HO. 771 I. 53±Ol 77 o 648-628 44115.41' 120°32.8 ' Clarno Fonnatio "1 ag 0.264 2.071 23.1' 2/UT-225 8 101 al k~r. 1970'11974; W.l ker.nd thers, 1974; La rsen .nd H....ond. 197E IJc " Footnotes .t end lof tabul.\r 8. 83±1l 36 53.7±1l0 • TJ Robinso~ and Eo H. MeIKee. unDub. data L at ion Map Sample nu"b r nURber Lati lIde (N Longi ude (W G ologic u it ge/9raphic r ocality Materi 1 Rock type d ted K20 40J\rrad' f,.,iqht x 1011 ercent ge age moles/gm) °Arrad (I 6 yr) (10 6 yr) ercent Re orted Calculate Refer noes Croc k County -Cont. 11 648-657 44' 2.8' 120' 1.9' 12 648-625A 44' 3.2' 120 Low r John 0 y F nnation 13 648-6238 44' 3.2' 120'~7.4' Jo~ 14 648-644C 43' 6.0' 120'b8.0' Mils all Fonn tio 35-8, 42" 4.3' 124 p8.4' Sad Ie Itlunt in Pea Se Peak 7.4' Joh r Oay Fon ati n Oay Fon ati n, well But e dim<! -- 1.983 10.7 - 0.317 Welded tu f Plagio lase 0.396 Rhyol ite Alkali feld par 3,58 1.849 21.47 - n.ltO. IJo 70.01 - 25,8±O. 00 Welded tu f Alkali feld par 3.89 9.17 - 13.8±O. Do Oiorite Hernbl nde 0.223 10.12 6 85t25 291t25 Quartz diorite Hernbl nde 1.10 48.00 24 75t20 280t20 IJo Mafic Wole ock D.43 14.42 32 15t5 219t5 Dptt.1965. Lau sen and ifamnond. 1974 Diorite Hernbl nde 1.103 25.75 66 155 Iptt.1965. Koc • 1966; La u sen and Wole 0.22 4.95 40 49t4 150H Iptt.1965. La u Sen and f1alll1lond. 1974 -- l~tt. 1965. 13,40 7.742 42.9t5. P T. Robinson and E, H. unp b. data Mc'I>e. Ikrnbl nde urry Cou ty 1 iorite A-DOn 2 Qll, A-ODlO 42' 0.8' 124 3 16-28-5 42' 3.7' 124' 1.3' Dik 4 C8-14(68) A-0071 42' 1.6' 124116.5' Col ier 8utt 5 18-28-7 42' 0.7' 124' 6.4' IJot an Fonna ion Andesite doc ite ERR-I, U.A.AKI42. 80321 42' 2.3' 124' 1.0' Pea se Peak Quartz diorite 7 62-173. R-D074 42" 9.7' 124 Col brook Fonnat on Schist I/Iole 8 62-82. A-D073 42' 4.6' 12420.9' Oik 9 C-l. CS-l, R-DD69 42' 1.4' 12423.3' lD Rhg 42' 3.3' 12418.3' 11 RD-62-62 42' 3.6' 12 54-65A •.• 54 -RGC-6OJ 423.3 59-69 42' 4.8 12418.0' 6a 6b 6c ""'-J 0.9' iorite di rite r ock -89 46 141t7 145t7 ock 1.922 40.75 46 138tiO 142ttO Do Diorite Hernbl nde 0.097 1.95 29 13Dtt5 135t15 Do Col""rook Fonnat on Schist Wlole ock 2.22 42.5 44 125t6 128t6 Do Dik Rhyolite Wlole ock 1.12 5.0 25 lD.Ot1.0 30.7tl.~ 12422.8' Sfl Mafic Wole ock 3.89 16.3 35 28.0tl.0 28.gH.~ 12402.1' 81gCra9giesKlipe Anphibolite Hernblnde 50 15lt6 154t6 0Iemnandlaphere.1971; Col ",an. 197 ; La" sen and !IOmmond. 1974 69 149t4 153t4 Six s River Schist olem n and La phere. 1971; lau sen and IIiommond. 1974 12 132t13 135t13 IJo 72 142t4 145!4 IJo 2.854 34 141t6 144!6 IJo 1.695 37 132t8 135tA IJo 78 145t4 148±4 00 80 141t4 145t4e IJo 2.5' {P engi e rea 13b G aucophane {P engite 14a 14b) 29-69 42' 1.4 12415.2' Roseburg are Schist 14c Altlnolite G auccphane 15 34-RCG-65 16 47-RCG-64 1 Foo notes a tend 42' 9.1 124109.1' T 365 •• R. 1 W. f tabul ar da a a...ond. 1974 -81.7 74.5 130 } amnond. 1974 -4.39 3.43 ior te {8 otit 8iotit 80tit 51 150 0 tt. 1965; Koc • 1966. Lau Sen and (0.145) 0.147 0.143 (9.87) :::~ (D.025) 0.D25 0.025 (9.68) 9.7D 9.66 (0.132) 0.132 . 0.132 (0.084) 0.086 0.082 Pea se Peak-type diorite Oiorite H rnhlende (0.728) 0.730 0.725 Pe rse Peak type diorite Diorite M scmite (9.36) 9.42 9.30 3.362 226.5 D.5D4 210.5 16.20 202.8 46t4 145t4 125t3a Koc • 1966; Lau sen and amond. 1974 l~tt. 1965. lau sen and amnond. 1974 Wal er and 0 hers. 1974 00 Location Sample Ma niJul1er nlJober Latitude Longitude rrologie (~) (N i Hfterilal nit rr gJ,graphic local ity Relported , K 0 2 dtec: Rock typ Cal cul ate weight Percent age age percent 40 Ar rad (,10 6 yrl (106 yr) Reference s Curry County~ -Cont. BlotUe 17a I) 19-RCG-65 42°~ MAR-I-67 42~3.0 1.4 Pe~rse 12H21.7 • Peak Itypel Diori te Diorite { 17b 18 Hornhllende 12lt55.0· Quartz diorite tibrnhlende 12or4 7.4' Basalt phgioc1 ase (2.445) 2.45 2.44 (0.453 ) 0.456 0.450 (0.228) 57 14114 145 qolem~n. 1972; 9.542 69 13 714 141 IX> 4.967 54.4 52.85 Lauhen and ~antllond, 1978 146t4.14 ~. A.I Lanpherel. unpuh. data alk~ and 5w son, 1969; Wal er and thers, 1974; D<lschutes tounty GWW-123-64 43453.0 I 0.34 (0.331) 26 6.6t2•O 6.7t2JO (6.65) (9.306) 75 .45tO.21 9. 70 t0122 een and ot ers. 1972; Walker, 1974. 1979; Walker and thers, 1974; La rsen and Hal1lTlond. 1978 (0.377) (O.ZI9) 13 3.9t O•4 4.0tOl4 alk~r. 1974; Walker and thers,1974; La rsen and Hal1lTlond, 19781 1.1 3 tO'05 Lau sen and Hanmond. 1978 llIW-16-6 FB-I-70 43441.7" 4H37.5" De. i ne Cany~n sh-flow tuff 119f54.1' Ash-flowl tuff felaspar Rhyodaci~e 1201"27.6' PI! kal ~1agioc1ase M073-31 43t37.5" 1201"53.3 ' Quartz 'buntain Idome Rhyolitel ~sidlan (3.835) 3.83 3.84 0.6Z68 36.4 1.10tO•0 M073-29 43t39.91' lZ01"5 9.6' Ea't 8utte dome Rhyol itel 3.84 0.4823 2Z.8 0. 85 t O•0 China Hat dfiae RhYOllt~ ~sld~ an M3-53 43t40. d' IZII"03.0' I~~)j 00. 3.69 0.4Z764 7.2 O. 78to. Z O.80to 21 0.944 (0.6656) 0.669 0.6622 (6.75 ) 5.3 8.2 4.8tO.4 4.9t .4 Armstron9 andlothers, 1975 La rsen and HalllTlond, 197 (9.85) 9.7 10.0 3.3t O• 2 3.3tO.2 00. 0.88t O•0 0.90td.05 o 0.5t O• 9 0. 83 tl.5 a r 0.4to.4 0.4td·4 00. la. H8-7 44f12. 121"24.5 ' 5-84 44fI9."' 12]"31.0' 8asalti andesIte hal e rock 1.027 (0.4947) TfJ-363 44f23. 121"46.0 ' Basalt i andesite hoi e rock 1.110 (0.1432) 0.1468 0.1397 (13.1 ) 13.8 12.4 B-4 441°08.' , 121°22.6 ' Oacite, ash- flow tuff hal e rock 3.45 0.4119 0.7 8T-31 441°10.' , 121 °36.1' MelYin Butte pl~9 d(J'e Oacite (3.705) 3.66 3.75 0.ZZ89 8T-72 441009. 121°34.0 ' Three CreeK Butlte pi ug dlome Oaci te holt rock 3.44 0.0821 0.2 0.2t O• 9 0.2tp M3-99 43°49.· , 121001.1' North of China IHat Rhyodacite, ash-flow tuff lag ocl ase 0.501 0.05478 0.05 O. 7to. 7 O. M-4-16 43°43." , 121°ZI.6 ' East McKay I But~e dome Rhyol it Whol e rock t ICbsl~ian 4.01 0.3442 0.906759 12 10.Z 8.45 M-4-72 43°48.p, IZO"47.0' pi ne Mounta i n Rhyod aclite Hornbl ende 0.285 M-6-4 43"55. 12~ HOrse Rldg 8asalt Whol e rock 0.992 1.08962 64.5 0.78Z 3.85 0.8315 3.4870 3.3 1.2 5anf~jne 43 "40.~' 1~1"03.0 ' China Hat dOOle Cbsidial Whol 101-6-58 43°42.17 • 1~1"24.1 Niawberry V~lca~o Ash-fl.<lw PI agli oc 1a se 0.311 0.234070 9 M-5-41 20 M-5-21 4t"03j8 ' 4 °38 6' 11 0'87t~005 hoi el rock c\.,sldlian MO-73-2 I ' alk~' 1974; Ou. co 17 1 Ma Leod and,otherS, 1975; Me e and 0 hers, 1976; La rsen and HaDlTlOnd, 19H Basalt ic andesilte "00.8' t e rock 0.5 8t O• 11l 7t~. 7 O·60tO.IO 22.0!' t 7.61 !.08 7.41 .8 Maseod and ithers, 1975; Kee and thers, 1976; L ursen an HalllTlond. 1971 In. N. ~. MacLe04 and E. H. MqKee, U1'puh. dat ",. 6.3t .1 '0. '0. 0.92 5.Z2t .OZ ~. pUlfllde Fdotnotes at en~ of tabul ar data ql"21.6' Bend ash- til ow tuff Ash-fl <jw tuff PI aglioel ase 0.768 0.440525 3.85 3. 98t~. 9 o. dl041.Z' Eaton Butt~ Rhyodadfte PI aglioc1ase 0.325 0.1725ZZ 1.10 3. 68tl3.3 bo. I location Ma nun er Sample lati1tude long tude n""ber ( ) [~) nit or le°logic g ographic loca lity KtJ 40Arrad M ter al weight x 1011 at", percent Rock typ (moles/gm) R ported Calculat ~ Percent age age 40Arrad ( 0 6 yr) (10 6 yr Refer ~nces lesch Jtes Coun y--Cont. 21 M-5-25 43 41.2 121 15.6 ' Ne iberry Vo c~no Rhyol ite P agi clase 0.50 0.226224 1.06 - 3.14!3 0 22 M-6-23 43 44.8 121 12.8 ' Ne iberry Vo eano Obsidian P a9i clase (0.604) 0.608 0.600 0.2407012 9.7 - 2.8tO 4 23 M-6-47 43 38.8 121 01.2 ' Ne iberry Vo eana Ash-flow P agl elase 0.325 0.128935 64.5 - 2.75tO 49 DJ. 24 80-2 44 10.0' 121 32.0' Be d tephra set Pumice P a91 c1 ase 0.303 0.1126 2.6t2.2 D, • 25 M-5-40 44 03.7 121 21.5 ' Be 26 M-5-18 43 55.8' 121 24.7' Be ham dome 27 M-6-45 44 104.7 121 33.2 ' Be rwallow Rhyodaci e P a91 c1 ase 0.590 0.138427 2.03 28 M-6-64 43 41.4' 121 19.0' Ne iberry Vo eana Rhyolite P a9i clase 0.818 0.11l510 29 M-6-31 43 41.0 121 14.3 ' Ne iberry Vo eano Rhyol i te - 3.94 id ash-fl .. utte 1.63!l 1 DJ. 0.95to 2 o• 0.459403 5.06 - O.80tO 23 Ill. - 0.74to 12 D• P a91 clase 0.709 0.255426 1.52 -- P tas ium fel spar 0.986 0.2488 3.25 M-6-44 43 42.2 121 23.3' Ne iberry Vo can -- P a91 clase 1.201 0.127209 10.96 M-9-12 43 ~9.4 121 00.9' Ne !berry Vo eano Ash-flow P a9i clase 0.277 0.0198104 1.03 32 M-6-80 43 ~3.1 121 09.6' Ne iberry Vo can< Obsidian ~ ole rock 4.00 0.27051 9.59 33 M-6-5 43 ~9.2 121 !'z0.7 ' 140 iberry Vo eano Obsidian Wole rock 3.87 0.227196 6.96 34 M-6-67 43 ~1.4 121 19.0' Ne iberry Vo eano Rhyol ite F Ids ar 3.36 0.195582 1.45 35 N-1075 43 44.9 121 1'09.1 ' He iberry Vo cano; rill cor 8asalt Wole rock 0.586 0.030430 0.21 36 N-630 43 44.9 121 1'09.1 ' Ne iberry Vo can rill cor Basalt ~ ole rock 2.024 0.0738245 37 M-6-76 43 42.1' 121 09.8' Ne iberry Vo can ObsIdian ~ ole rock 3.46 38 M-6-36 43 44.2 121 13.8' Ne !berry Vo can< -- R yol te 3.64 39 M-6-97 43 45.1' 121 10.7' Ne iberry Vo can, Obsidian Wole rock 40 M-6-109 43 45.6 121 26.5 ' He iberry Vo eano Basalt 41 MO-13-30 43 37.5' 120 53.3' Qu rtz Moun ain Obsidian E. H. HcK e. DJ. 6.17 Ash-flow 30 i ~nd - 2.24 31 \J:) • S. Macleod un~ ub. data 2.50t2 0 00. 1.8to 8 o• O.50tO 25 Ill. 0.47to 06 a• 0.41tO 08 Ill. 0.40t0 15 a• - 0. 36tO 25 Ill. 4.89 - 0.25to 09 0<. 0.10023 8.40 - 0.20t0 03 0<. 0.063103 4.69 - 0.12tO 01 11(. 4.02 0.0413527 0.58 o. Wole rock 1.157 0.0078064 0.32 ~ ole rock (3.905) 3.91 3.90 0.01709 0.22 - 0.07tO 12 0.05:1'0 01 11<. 0.03to 03 o• oU9las C unty la I} 10-58 43 108.5 123 24.0 ' Ro eburg ar a Schi st Ib auc phane 2 IJlS-I33 42 59.0' 122 51.8 ' 11 tl e Butt 3bl> 3c 760SJ391 4259.3' 122 55.2' 4 760SJ395 4355.2' 122 52.3' ]a 16OSJ394 42 53.6' 122 50.3' Fa ",at Ion 16OSJ359 Itlill" _,I "111' 42 56.3' . dh· , ,lid" 122 033.6 ' (0.274 ) 0.276 0.273 0.269 80 148±4 152:1'4 2.288 56 132 t 5 135:1'5 1.009 12.9 233.3 Whole rock Va canie ra ks fthe estern C sea e range Ash-flow tuff Slotl e Va canie ra ks Basalt flow ~hole rock (0.7185) 0.721 0,716 3.259 15.0 -- MafIc flow ~hole rock (0.9405) 0.938 0.943 4.008 11i.0 range Vo canlc r'" ks f the estern C sea e range Mafic flow ~ho1e rock (0.9145) 0.906 0.9?1 2.900 83.0 fthe r. sea e range Vo canlc r'" ks estern C sea b (10.22) 10.27 10.18 (0.113 ) 0.113 0.133 Basalt estern ~ e en9 te fthe P. (acId treated) ( acId treated) (acId treated' {'8.58) 8.58 8.58 (43.59) 43.1i9 43.49 (89.5) 91.0 88.0 2 .83±0.50 25.4:1'0 51 (34.9!J 35.0±1 H.9!! olen an and l nphere, 1911; La rsen and Hammond, 1974 DI. f1eBI ney. 197 • Su ter. 191 . 6. smith. n prep. 0 DI. 31. 2t1 Ill. - 29.4tO 88 IL - ?1.9:1'O 7 DI. t---+-+--+-~--+--f--+---~---t--:: ----I-- 20 Loclat Ion Mdp I Ilu~,ber Sdmpl e nlJllber La tit/K!e Longi~ude (w)1 (N) ~'a~eria' f",b I oq ie unlit u gealJraphie lp.:ality Rock type dJted 1 >fIght Jereent -hO- Arrad 11 10 ( ole./gm) Repprted Calculated ercent are age OArrad (101 6 yr) (10 6 yr) References opugl~s County+-Conl. 7a} 7b 7e 8 790SJ034 42'51.2' 122'<14.8' S79-19 43"38.3 ' 123°~1.7 • Vole~nie rock~ of It he Western ca s~ade range Oikel cutting Silletz Rlvler Vcblcanies Mafl c f1 0' PI <lgioell ase camptooit Whole rp.:k (0.249) 0.247 0.248 0.252 1.23 (0.7709) 0.7728 0.7689 9.25 (21.4tO.9 21.4to. 9 21.3tO.9 28.5 36.0 21.0 51.5 80.94 J.I G. $mith, inlprep. Do. Do. p.1 o. linavely, ~npub. data l1rant Cou~ty la} Ib' -- 6 Johnl Day Formatio Tuff Salidi"e Curti sland others. 1961; laur~n and HPmmond, 1974 44'2~.0' 119·18.0' Col u1nbla River Basalt Basal t Whcble nock (0.778) B 15.4 E.ernd Gray Swan Walk Laur nand ot ers, 1964; and Kitt eman, 1967; on, 1969; rand Dt er•• 1974; en and H Dnd, 1974 KAI206 44"2~.0 ' 119°ZI.0' Ratdesnake flonnat ion Rhyol ite, ash- f1 0 tuff Salidl"e (4.643 ) 84 .4 E"ernd Swan Walk Laur Enlo Walk n and ot ers. 1964 Dn, 1969, DavenpDrt, 1970; r and at ers, 1974; en and mOM, 1974; • 1976; r, 1979 CEB-61-75 44 °311.5' 118·42.0 • Dix ile Cree k area Quartz I diorite Bibti t 95 45 Rat~lesnake ~h-fIOw Tuff Ash-flDwtuff Alkali eld!par 41.5 .5tO.5 e Rat~le.nake A.h-flow Tuff Ash-flow tuff Anbrth elase Rat~lesnake ~h-fllow Tuff Ash-flDW tuff Alkali IfeldSpar Ignimbri t Anprthcbclase (1.344) 1.350 1.336 (3.150) 3.175 3.125 RhyDl ite, ash-flo tuff Anfort hOela.e (4.53 ) 4.53 4.52 4.306 Basalt WHole rock 0.596 (1.412) 1.428 1.419 1.410 1.392 E-71-67 Po""l1 treek Roa4cut, Paul ina Basi 44 ·215.9' 1IB"10.6' o KA-147 oatin Sprin~, Pa lina Basin KA-155 44°~1.7· 119·31.7' Mascall Fonn<ltlon Yu- 44 0~6.6' 119°38.7' Ra 44·30.9' 119·38.2 ' Picture Gorge Ba,jalt CottonwooUl) E-3-65 10 26.7 e { 2~.7e KA1203 KA-I-2 -, ohn IDay Ba.i 8-8-2( 1) 1eSnake fSh-~lOW Tuff" nforth F nna~i on, uble 0 R och w Ided tuf 3 8.02 (4.612) 4.709 4.51B 175.8 •Bt O•5 {3.975 ) 4.025 3.925 29 146t7 Ttlayer and Bro$' 1964; laur en and mmDnd, 1978; Marvin and 0 sDn, 1979 6.0tO• Ohenobrt, 19711; EnlQws, 1976 ~ven,*,rt, 191( .BtO.4 e 1~.8tl.4 16.2!l. Ehl DW~ and O.v~nport. 1971; Launsen and IjammDnd. 1974 6~42tO.l ~.4to.l 6. 59 t O• Ehlow Par Par lau Wal Enl Rob Nie Wal (56.1 ) 68.0 61.0 48.4 46.9 115.9tO.2 16.4tO. (38.1 ) 39.4 36.8 56 and Da~nport, 1971; er and mstrD"9, 1972; er, 1974' sen and mmDnd. 1974,1 197B; er and 0 hers. 1974; WS, 1976 and ot ers. 1977; Is, 1977 er, 1979 ~tki s and BalSi, 1968, 19~4; Bak i and Wa kins, 1973; Aak i, 1972. 1974; Lau sen and ammDnd, 1974J 197B; Wal er and 0 hers, 1974 II 13-3-2( I) 44"30.3 ' 119'137.9' Picture Gorge Basalt Basalt WHol e rock 0.572 (1.350) 1.352 1.34B (45) 41 42 115.8tO• 3 16.3tO.~ Do 12 1-15-1 (i) 44°31.6' 119137.9' Picture Gorge BaSalt Basal t WilDie Irock 0.525 (1.223 ) 1.245 1.214 1.209 (3B.0) 39.3 39.6 35.0 115. 7tO. 3 16.1tO.~ Do 13 l-13-1( 1) 44 o gl.0 119j38.3 ' Picfure Gorgf Batalt Basalt Wllol e Irock 0.465 1.08 35.2 115.6tO•4 16.1tO.~ Do Basalt ~ole Irock 0.761 (1.684 ) 1.696 1.673 (61.4) 62.0 60.B 4. 9to. 3 15.3to.13 Do 14 14-2-1(1) 44·g0.3 Foo~notes at end bf tabular data 119t37. 9' Pi clture Garde Ba a 1t --I Map Salnple nUllber nlint er Latltudt! (~) I 1------+----- 1---.--+--1---1---- ocat ion Lonqitude jW) K20 I,,,,olog;c lunitlor g~ograp"iq loc~llty 11ate1la' dat~ Rock tylle weight percent 40 Arra~ • 1011 I---~--+----+------J---+------t-t---t---+-I ~eporte<! I Caleulati'<! I I I I Percent age age (lnoles/9m) 40Arrad (1 10 6 yr) (10 6 yrl) Refetences Grant CountV--Cont. f} {* Ol~ rock (0.792) 0.790 0.793 (1.728) I_ 785 (1.709) 1.731 I. 700 1.696 (50.5) 58.6 (47.8) 56.4 52.8 34.3 (114.1:!;O. 3)1 14.9 14.5 (15.1:!;0~3) rock. rock ~hOl~ rock '!lhol d rock (0_541) 0.566 ( 1.180) (I. 248) 1.250 1.245 (1.180) 1.182 1.178 (1.113) 1.124 1.102 (56.4 ) (59.0) 65.0 52.9 (65.2 ) 65.8 64.6 (45) 59.9 30.0 14.7:!;0.2 )1 14.8 (15.1:!;0~2 ) (5.326) 5.314 5.338 5.338 (5.181 ) 29 nortlhoc1a se (4.626) 4.638 4.614 4.395 Rhyollt lagiloe]ase (0.525) (0.948) 116°55.0' Daei te lag110c1ase (1.357) 116°44.0 ' Cbsidla it assl (3.417) 15 15 15 5-11 5-11-2( 1 5-11-2 16 16' 4-12-1 4-12 (11I} 16 4-12-1( i,) 16 4-12-2( 110 g~} Vu-E-B4-67 44r19. 119"30.0' Ra~lesnakJ Ashtflow Tuft; anforth Fonn~t lon, uble 0 Rane elde<! t ff Rhyol it~, ash-flow tuff ","ortlhoc1a se ~~~} Yu-E-6-7' 44r46." , 119"27.9' Ra~leSnak)Astt+flOW Tuft; Rhyol it~, aSh-f1Iow tuff GlW-16-6 44~00.'" 116°50.5 ' Strawberry IVolel,"lcs TlR 75-3 44rI9." , V-23 44rlO. gl} 44~31. ", 44r31. 119"38.3 ' 119°38.3 ' Pi~ture Gorjge Rhal t Pl~ture Gor1Je Bhalt anforth onn~t;on, uble 0 Rane elde<! t ff Basalt aasal t 01 hoI { ~hol e rock 0.543 ~hol e rock 0.513 15.6 14.9 ~atk!ns Ba s1 and ~kSi' 1968, 1974; and W tklns, 1973; sf, 1972 1974; La rsen and Hamond, 197~, 1978; Wa ker and thers, 1974 Sa o 15.3 o 14.6 15.0 ~. 14.6 15.0 ~. 6.6tO.2 6. 56tO. 226 6.74:!;n~2 28 6.4ItO•2 6.4:!;O.2 49 5.183 8.58 Park Wa En La Wa r and A~stron9' 1972" ker and thers.1974; oW>, 197 ; rsen and Hammond, 197~; ker, 197 6.59:!;C"l.2 Park Wa En La r and A1stron9, 1972 ker and thers, 1974; ow>, 197 ; r sen and Hamond, 197 12.2:!;0.4 12.5:!;Q.4 Walk r and ot ers, 1974; La sen and Hamond. 197 62.67 25.7:!;0.5 25.7:!;Q.5 Raby , 1977; Ro yn and o~hers, 1977; Hf ols, 197 92.37 17 .3:!;0.3 17.3:!; .36 o 0, 0, 5-12 44r21. 116°39.0 ' Colunbia Rllver aasalt Basalt lagiloelase 0.192 0.410 32.24 (1 14 • 9:!;O.8 14.9:!;O.4 23 23 } 3-27 44r20." , 11$°43.0 ' Sujnmit. Stalwberh Mountain Mieronotlte lag lloe la se (1.833 ) 3.282 59.04 (1 12 • 4 :!;0.5 12.4:!;0.4 24 76-1 44r32. '" 119"01.0' Inhuslon n eech Cre k Fault lone Dacite la9110clase 2.194 51. 84 3.1:!;O.0 25 OX-I 44r32•• , 11$°35.4' Cllarno Fo Basalt 26 B-1 44r3 7. 116°36.0' Clarno Formatio Andes it hoi KA1230 42r36."' 116°30.0 ' Alltord Creek Fohnat ion Ba salt 'hol e rock 0.249 69 21.3 Ever £v La Wa KAI251 42r32. 11$ °35.0' Steens aasalt Basalt hoI e rock (0.367) 58 14.7 E'ller den and KAII65 421°44." , 118°37.8' ~tleens Basalt hoI e rock (1. 6 43) 40 14.5 KAI256 421°12. 11$'21.5' Trlout \lhole rock 0.664 51) 13.1 Ba sa lt hole rock (J.?8Q ) 10 12.1 Rh~~~~~l~w anidine (6.992 ) 9~.5 1 at 10 0.241 e rock 1.72 1.462 10.31 o o 12.4:!; .5 12.4:!; .4 0, 3. 1:!;O. 03 11.7 41.7:!;61.0 38.2 41. 2:!;Q. 4 P. n Robinso" and E. H. M4Kee, unpub. data Db. Harney C!lUnty Aa salt Cree~ ForlT,ation Rasaltl,!" den and ","es, 1964; rnden an others, 196r' rsen and Hamond, 1971; ker and thers, 1974 thers, 1964; Wa ker and eppening, 19$5La rsen and HamRond. 197.; Wa ker and t hers, 1974 °1 o tuff KA1240 431°45. IIf27.5' Julntura F0f:atibn KAI225 431°47.' , IIh6.8' oJ'II ine Can on Ash- flow Tuff l, Orewsey onnat ion Fo<ltnotes at endl of tabullar data tuff 8.9 Everfden and tt hers, 1964; La rsen and HaRTlond, 1 C}], Wa ker am thers, 1974; Iia ker, 197 j ~~+-~---+---+-~~-----I--ll----1-------I-t-IIK20 Md,) tAllbe'r Sa1T11>1 e LaIH,'de nllllber (N) Lon9itude (W Geplogic u1it a geobraPhic 110cal1ty ::}I 43°315.6' 119°)6.5' Oev11ne (aoyo 42°315.6 ' 119°16.5' Dev ilne Canyo Ash-flow Tuff Ash-flow TUff Rhyal He, ash- fl a tuff 9hl ercent dated larn~ GWW-140-61 +i Materi all +- I Renarted OAr rdd . 10 11 (nole s/!J11) Calcul ated ercent ge age OAr rad (Irl 6 yr) (10 6 yr) References Caunly" -Cont. 6.67 Al tal; eld~par Gl ss 5.32 9.B72 56 IO.Ot O• 3 10.3tO. 7.160 36 • lt O• 3 9.3tO• and Rep~n1n9' 1965; r. 1974, 1979; r and at ers. 1974; en and mmond, 1978 Wal ker and Repe nlng. 1965; Gree e and others. 1972; Gree e. 1972 ; .7tO.3 Rhyol ile. ash-fl 0' tuff Walker Walk Walk Laur Laursen and JlIIIond. 1978; Walk r. 1979 N 9a 9b II 11-6( i i) 9c 11-3(0 9d 11-4( i) ge 11-7( i) Oa Ob Oc 51-2( i) 51-5(i) 51 1 Od Oe 51-6( i) 51-1(1) la Ib 61-6(1) 61 } Ie 61-l( i i) 2a 2b 17 .., 14-4( i) 2c 2d 17-4(ii) 17-6(i)) 42"40.0', . liB 0~3.0' Steens Basal 8asalt Wh~le tack (1.853) 1. 94 whlol e rock 1.844 WHole rock 1.820 WHol e rock 1.80B ale ~ack Wale ock 01 e ack 42°.0.0 118133.0 Ste~ns 8asal Basalt {S ~ Ole IrOCk w:;: ::: 42""'0.0 liB t33.0' St""ns 8asallt Sa salt 118(330 • Steens 8asalt { W~ol e Irock Wl'ole rock 6B .., 6B-6( i) 6B-5( i) 6B-4(;) 6B-I(1) 42140.0" IIB~33.0' Steens Basalt Sa salt 4a 4b 70 70-5( i) ~ 70-3( I) 42140.~, 118"33.0' Steens 8asa!! Rasalt I RCG-248-66 RCG-54-51-66 Whole Irock 434 7J· 43P45. d' 431°3 0.·' 118°16.8' IIS059.9' 119"08.3' £ (1.572) 1.609 1. 532 1.530 1.576 (1.100) 1.04B 1.187 (1.006) 1.012 Sasalt 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e W-16 { 01 e rock Whol e Irack Whol e rock 42440.0 4cl Wh~le ~ack { { (74.8) (76.B) 74.9 78.7 (78.5 ) 81. 3 75.7 (64.2 ) 59.9 68.4 84.4 (/5.2tO•3 ) ~ (30.0) 34.5 25.5 (7.25) 7.26 7.24 (9.826) 9.9890 9.9763 (7.12) 7.10 7.14 9.710 (1.155 ) 1.147 1.163 1.338 Ash-fl m\ tuff $anidline Plagioclase 5 1 11 • (55. OJ (54.4 52.4 56.3 58.5 52.9 1 (2.370) 2.231 2.508 sh-flow-ITuff 15.5 (15.oto. 2) 5.0 (1.076 ) 1.004 1.148 Oe~.ine CanYlln 115.1 (15.1tO•3 ) olel rock ole rock hoi e rock Sanldline 15.6 (28.8) (38.8) 31.7 46.0 (5.3) (14.6) Rhyal lte. ash-fllow tuff 15.2 (2.454) (2.358) 2.405 2.312 (2.628) (2.539) 2.642 2.535 2.726 (2.396) 2.392 2.401 ~ 15.7 (15.lto. 3 ) 15.4 15.1 (2. 241 (2.267 2.258 2.276 2.218 2.213 29.4 6.4 9.3 (15.6 ) 24.2 6.9 (81.2) 81.3 81.1 15 (15.6tO.~) 15.3 (45.5) 36.3 (63.5) 42.9 65.1 82.4 7.0 39.4 (1.149) 1.205 1.113 1.205 1.072 rock rock (I ~.2tO.2) (3.474 ) 3.682 (3.441) 3.512 3.454 3.356 3.374 3.463 rock rock rock Ole 01 e hal e 01 e hal e Devine can y sh-flaw uff Irewsey F nnatioo. owest nI er RhyodacJte 1.000 1.006 (4.193) (4.413) 4.413 4.413 (4.166) 4.186 4.146 (4.070) 4.106 4.034 4.056 4.9 4.8 5.2 5.0 4.9 4.8 5.5 5.3 5.2 5.0 (i:4.9tO.3) 15.0 14.7 19.15to·1 othe~. and 1967; sen and mmond. 1974; er and a hers. 1974; ins and aks;, 1974 Do Do Do 15.5 (15.3to.~) 00 Do 15.8 15.5 00 15.3 15.2 ~I: ~I: (15.4tO.13 ) 15.6 Do,. 15.3 001' Do. (l5.4to.12) 15.5 ::J: 15.3 15.2 ~: (l5.3tOb) 15.2 15.8 15.6 15.5 ~. (l5.2tO~3 ) ~: 15.4 15.1 9.39;tOl19 Dalr pIe and others. 1967" Wa ker and thers. 1974; La sen and Hal1l1lond, 197~; Wa ker. 197 9. 21t0. 5 9. 45tDl. 51 9.2tO.5 7. 82 t O•2 Enlo and Ila enport, 1971 Gr ene and thers. 1972; Gr ene. 197 a; 9.2 59 JkSi Lau Wal Wat Wa ker, 197 • 1979; Wa ker and thers. 1974; La rsen and flanlnond. 197 8.03±O.26 It Gree e and at ers. 1972; 74 ; Gr ene. 197 a; Walker. Wa ker and t hers. 1974; Laursen an 8 wn and oOlnotes at end of tabuliar dllta Harrmond. 197 ; thers. 1980a i-II·-tKt- -+-~-~-+--~----j-----i-t----t Ma rllJnlJer Sampl e nunber Latiltude (N) r Lon9~tude (~) RCG-121-a6 43'W 7.2" 119~18.9' 19 RCG-166-~8 43152.2" 118~55.8 20 RCG-185-~7 43~04.7" 118~23.4 ' ' Steens Basalt Itar~ey (0.406) ( 1.167) 5q 9.4±0.8 19.9±oJ8 Ba salt pP agi0c1ase 0.262 (0.593 ) 39 5.3±1.0 15.7±ljO 1.8±5.1 12.0±5 2 8.7±0!3 Ilkal 1181°34.8 ' DrInkwater Sasallt 8asalt 1191°04.2 ' Rattlesnake~ASh,f1ow Tuf~; Harney FO""~t 1011' rights Point Member 22 GWW-176-62 4Hoo.6" 118~38.1 ' 23 RCG-165-68 43tz4.B" 24 RCG-257 -3-66 43~37.7" -, References n Dd. (0.1 5 (0.264 ) 7.15 8.976 61 8.5±0.3 Ilaglbc1ase (0.216) 0.221 18 .91±1.091 7.10±l1l2 Aslt-flo~ tuff no rt hocla se (4.93) 4.93 4.93 4.978 31 .B2±0.33 7.00±oJ34 Basalt hoi el rock (0.356) (0.125 ) 39 .3B±0.071 2.44±0107 DO. fel~spar ouble 0 anc 'elded tu f 25 age (l06 yr pP agi0c1ase Rhyoll tel' ash- f1 ow tuff 1191°30.2' age d0 6 yr) Andesite Devine Cany~n sh- fl ow tuff 43~54.01' (moles/9m) Countv--Cnnt. II ag i~cl ase RCG-I62-66 Percent 40 Arrad t~yPtr---Et--J~:;--~~~~t:~~_t~2-t--~~9==tt==t=:=~== Basal t 21 -+--+----+---+-----+--+--f----+---+--Roported Calculated Arrad x lOll percent ].ate Rock 18 weight Moterial 'fe0lo9ic nll lor yJographiC local ity 40 reeje and ot ers. 1972; Walker and thers, 1974; La rsen and Itamnond, 19781 ~ee e and ot Walker. 197 Walker and La rsen and ers. 1972; , 1979; thers, 1974; Hammond, 1978 Iree e and at ers. 1972 j, Walkerand thers.1974; La rSen and Hamnond, 1978 ~ee e and ot Gr ene, 197 Walker, 197 Walker and La rsen and 8r wn and 0 ers, 1972; a; Hiem, 19741; , 1979; thers, 1974. Itamnond, 19781; hers, 1980a I RCG-32-6 43~27.0" 1191°00.5 ' YU-P-l 42106••" WI OJ 7. 3 , Andesit, '1 agibc!ase (4.35B) 4.350 4.338 4.386 (71.42) 70.95 71.B9 (87) 92 82 108±1.S 11otU5 arrqld, 1972 Lallrsen and lltamnond, 197! YU-P-156+l 42fo7.·" 1111°37.8 ' Metaqua~tz hoi el rock 4.37 66.13 80 100±2.0 102±2l0 1JIl. 7.64 ~1.3±1.3 93.7±ll3 o 59. 5±1. 2 61.0±1l2 Du. 8.9±1.4 9.0±i1.4 Park Wa Wa La 8.6±0.2 9.I±rJ.2 a Park Pa Wa Wa La strong, 1972 ; , 1979; thers, 1974; Hamnond, 197 8.4±1.3 8.6±l1.3 Park Wa Wa La strong, 1972 ; thers, 1974; Hamnond, 197 (53) 59 47 8.2±0.1 8.4±rJ.12 Park Pa Wa Wa La strong, 1972 • , 1979; thers, 1974; Hamnond, 197,. 8 7.9±O.9 8.1±rJ.9 Park Pa Wa La strong, 1972 . i~ers, 1974; Hammond, 197 W dloride 311 YU-P-3 42101."' 118°38.2' Quartz monzonite iotite YU-P-156 42f07."' 118°37.8' Aplite Icroberthiticl (10.46) microcl ine 10.51 10.40 YU-DP-30 43f03. 11~004.3 ' 8asalt 'hoi el rock YU-DP-3118 43fo9."' 119°22.4 ' Rhyol it~. ash-now tuff YU-oP-14 43~13."' 119°21.2' Rhyol it, YU-OP-ll 43~14.· , 119 °13.5' Pr~ter Cree sh- fl ow ITuff Pr~ t er Cre~k sit-flow ITuff 431°03." , Fodtnotes at endl of tabul~r dolta 119°03.8 ' (88.5) 93.43 54 (0.415) 0.411 0.419 (0.542) 0.553 0.531 (4.5 ) 4 5 hoi el rock (4.51 ) 4.49 4.53 (5.91) 5.62 6.20 'hole rock (5.13) 5.13 5.13 (6.38) 6.29 6.47 (5.555) (5.62) (5.49) Rh~~~~~l~w hole rock (4.56) 4.55 4.58 Basalt hole rock (0.352 ) 0.34B 0.353 0.354 tuff YU-oP-25P 105.7 0.4114 (25 ) 42 8 (4.5 ) 4 5 r and An ker, 197 ker and r sen and strong, 1972 • thers, 1974. Hammond, 197 K20 40 Arrad ~terilal ""ight x 1011 Percent ated percent moles!gm) 40Arrad Location M. m'nOier Sample nllTlber Latitude (N Long itude 1'o109;c ~nit rr (II) gef>graPhic Iloca Ity Rock tYt) Reported age (110 6 yr) Calculate, age (10 6 yr) References Harn~y Count~--Cont. 35 VU-DP-3161 43°17.0 Rhyol i te 119 '18.8' 36 VU-DP-243 43 °04.9 119 '03.8' 37 VU-DP-330 43°09.0 119'22.4 ' Ra~tlesnake~Ash-rlOW Tuff Dubie 0 Ranch member. anforth 38 Vu-oP-311 43 °09.0 119'22.4 • VU-oP-214 43"1l0.3 119'18.0' anna ion Rafol esnake~Ash-rlOW Tuff o uhle 0 Ranch memher. anforth orma ion Rhyol ite 39b 41 VU-OP-160 VU-oP-41 43°16.5 43"20.4 119'(28,0 ' 119106.6' Andesf te Har~ey Formaltlon Wrights Poi~t Member Basalt (8.216) 8.198 8.233 (57) 59 55 7.lt1.0 7.2tl.p W~ol e Irock (4.86) 4.87 4.86 (4.797) 4.659 4.936 (10.5 ) 10 11 6.7tO.4 6.8:!;0. (4.93) 4.93 4.93 (4.853) 4.873 4.833 (23.5 ) 26 21 6.6tO.2 6.8tO.12 10 (8.31 ) 8.22 8.40 (4.90) 4.91 4.89 7.831 35 6.4±0.2 6.5to.12 ~arke~ and Arm~rong, 1972; 4.047 16 5.6to.4 5.7to.14 Whole Irock L~ole Irock 43°13.8 Rhyollte 119 tl2.0' 42b VU-oP-14 43°~6.4 119100.4 ' Ha~ney Format ion Basalt 16 7.8:!;0.5 Wal er. 1974 Wal er and 0 hers, 1974; Lau sen and anwnond, 1978 Par er, 1974; Walker, 197~; Wal er and 0 hers, 1974; La u sen and mmond, 1978 (1.892) 2.076 1.707 (7 ) 8 6 5.8tO•8 6.2:!;0.~a Whol e Irock (0.798) 0.789 (0.32910) 0.31639 0.34182 (8) 2.8±0.2 2.9tO.12 Do,. 2.7±0.4 2.7;to.14 arke~ and Arm~ron9' 1972; { ~ole Irock whol e Irock (6.47 ) 6.45 6.48 (4.46) 4.52 4.41 (0.291) 0.294 0.2B8 2.539 7 1.370 9 2.lto.24 2.lto·124 (0.1136) 0.1821 0.1250 (6) 5 2.6tO.3 2.7:!;0.13 0.BH.2 II.ltl.12 7 Drinkwater Basal Basalt Whol e Irock I 0.487 0.782 45 UO-132 KA 43°45.3 118 t2 5.8' Orelwsey Fon~at io l,. 01 can ic sand st one Sandston 1$% Sanidine. I 1.539 81it Pllagfoc1a .. 1.94 7 22 8.5tJ.0 8.7±1.10 46a 46b PB-2-70 43"28.8 119fJ8.0' Pallamino Ru~tes dOOle Rhyodacfte (1.227) (7.434 ) 31 53 6.5tO•3 6.1to.2 6.7 t O·13 6,2to·2 47 M4-114 43°B8.9 118 t37.3' 8uclhanan doole Rhyol ite Sanldlne 7.94 17.36 49.9 14.14tO.50 15.ltO.15 :~~ I) M3-B8 43°~2. 5 119t52.2' Wa~ontire HQuntalfn dOOle Rhyol ite Plagidc1ase 0.584 1.274 29.1 t {1!.71 I.IO I .70H.I0 15.ltl.ll 49 1014-117 42°06.8 119 IlaWkes Valley dOOle Rhyol ite SOnidine 7.26 14.541 64.9 1 • 48to· 23 13.9tO.12 10.6to.15 r '.55iO.IO (1.27) (8.27) t Par er, 1974; 118117.6 • p\a g l<!c1,se { 8 oti~e 'arke and Arm~trOng, 1972; Wal er and 0 hers, 1974; Lau sen and ammond, 1978 9 6 43°47.2 50' SOb1) 101073-43 42°~5. 5 119tI8.8' Beatys But to> don Rhyol ite Ohsidlan 4.81 7.386 37.0 I .37tO.53 { I .36tO.53 5la 1\ Sib J 1013-79 43 ~34.1 119r08.2 ' Burlns Butte IdOOle Rhyolite Ohsidlan 5.43 1i.065 72. ? l ,. 54 tO.10 7.7410.110 52a~ 52h 10\3-86 43~22.11'· 119r51. 0' E91 1 Ri dge ~one Rhyolite rbsidlan 4.93 4.672 44.9 .42tO.19 .41t0.19 ( { 6.5 7tO.119 Foo notes at end lof tahul ar data 1972; (2.13) 2.16 2.10 UO-129 KJl ~2c ~arkeland Armltron9, Par er, 1974 Wal er, 1974 1979: Wal er and 0 hers, 1974; Lau Sen and amond, 1978 44 to 7. 5 , Do Whol e Irock Blotl ~e VU-oP-158 43 (7.86) 7.87 7.84 0.806 42a ~ San id ilne [Bl ot Hle Rhyol ite ~arkei and Armttron9, 1972: 5.713 ash-fl~w Rhyolite ash-fl ~w tuff 8.0:!;0.~ (4.92) 4.98 4.86 Irock tuff 393' 40 W~ol e .4 Wal er and 0 hers, 1974: Lau sen and mmond, 1978 arke Par Wal Lau Wal Bro and Ann trang. 1972i er, 1974; er and 0 hers, 1974; sen and ammond, 1978 er, 1979; and ot ers, 1980h aurs n and H ond, 1974 L. Kltt! an, unpuh. dilta Do. alkef: Wal er1974; and thers, 1974; Lau sen andlHammond. 1978 aeLe and others, 1975: McK e and 0 hers, 1976; Lau sen and Hammond, 1978 Dol' Do. fo\cK~ aeLe 001' and others, 1975; and others; 1976: la u sen and Hammond, 1978 Wal er, 1971 aele and otlhers, 1975: fo\cK e ano others, 197/i: La u sen and Halllll1ond, 1978 ~: rJ. -~ Map Sample nuuoer nunber 53a 53b 53c 54 MJO-70 M3-90 rfol09iC "r it rr Longiltude La tHude (~) (N Ea s~ of Squalw Butte d"ne I 43°~0.0 119T46.7 ' sq~aw Butte~d".el ""ight Ipercen t teal gebgraphic Iloca ity 119132.1 ' 43°29.0 MilteriiJl i-----tRj;-;te<1 Percent ge age moles/gin) 40Arrad (lb 6 yr) (10 6 yr) Ix 1011 Rhyol ite Il\sidilan 5.046 4.258 75.1 Rhyol ite or si d ilan 4.22 3.209 61.4 2.682 23.26 (1.032) {~ • 70±0. 7 5.7±0.1 .69±0.67 5.85tD·l72 .ll±0.08 5.27 t O·f8 7.5±l 18.0±2 55 1105 42°b2.3 118IIM' Oi aster Pe k. top andesite Andesf te pi a9idcl ase 56 SII-4 43"b8.0 118156.8' Jaclkass Butde Andesite Plagfoclase 6.7±0.6 II. 3;!O.15 References McKee land otheh. 1976; L~urs.n and Ha""'ond. 1978 00 00 een¢. 1976; Brolm and ot~ers. l'lBOa rownland othe~s. Rhyodacite whol e Irock 4.326 7.025 37 Basalt Whol e Irock 0.605 0.959 II 1.1±1. 3 1l.1±1J3 Do. 57 SH-I05/ UT-204 43"l14.8 58 S1I-106/ UT-194 43"t'1.9 118~21.9' Southern Ha~ney ~asin Grolup ' Southern Ha~ney 18asin Grqup Basal t W/lol e Irock 0.780 1.054 16 Ild. 118~30.1 9.44±OJ8 SII-I06A/ AH-35 43421.8" .44±0.8 59 ' Southern Ha~ney 18asio Grqul' Ba salt ~01 el rock 0.895 1.035 16 Ild. 43408.2" 118~53.1 8.07;!OJ 69 SH-1I3/ AH-15 .07±0.69 60 sa"thern Harney 18asfn Grqup Ba salt "olel rock 0.321 0.311 00. 43115.7" 118~50.4 ' 2. 9i±DI 38 SH-12/ UT-209 .9ItD. 3 81 61 SH-Ill/ UT-214 43144.2" 1181"31.6 ' So lrt hern Ha rney 18a sin Grqup Mrthoc1 ase 2.83 6.316 50 5.4tD.6 15.4±Q16 62 SH-1I3/ AH-15 43135.4" 1181°31. 6' So~thern Harney IBasin Grqup northocl a50 3.16 6.357 23 3.9tD.9 13.9;!O19 63 M-5-7 43121.2" 1181°17.9 ' Vehtor !/hal el rock ( ~ol e rock 4.37 4.36 10.1522 9.92262 M-5-9 43115.4" 1181°36.2 ' Dome anidine 6.47 9.87466 6l 661 671 M-5-6 M-5-10 118"26.4 ' 43f2D·r 43~14)' Obsidian Crilne Creekl dam DOOle Obsidia 121°34.0' Bllue Ridge~and easttlakof flood Ri v r Ca~yon Andesit 121°34.1 ' Gulnsight Butte Pyroxen 121°31.4 ' 8adger Butde Area Andesi t 121°31.5 ' Milll Creek IBlltt 116°30.7 ' iotilte 7.58 hal" rock 4.77 10.371 6.41098 16'1±0~3 1980b rown and othe s. 1980b Eva sand Br wn. 1981 Southern lla~ney ~asln liro~p 1.3;!O.5 118130.9' ~:~~ U1 +t:-tatio~=t--t----tl-------I------II-I-tK;o-----~-d vans and Bro.jn, 1981 • SJ MacLeod Iand E. H. un"ub. data 73.4 70.2 15.7tD 3 20.44 10.6±0 7 00. 45.1 9.48±0 3 Ow. 62.2 9.3t .2 00. Mc~ee. H"od River ICounty 40, R0725 45~25.· 49, R0720 45~18. ~j21 4~020.· PH-MCll-I 4~"26. " , , fn,ole rock andesite 'ho 1. rock ornhl ende Wi se~ 1969; La rsen andl Hammond. 197t; Wa ker and bt hers. 1974 1.33 1.35 7.0±0.8 1.53 0.925 4.1±0.6 4.2±O.6 01 2.13 0.95 3.0±0.2 3.I±O.2 o 0.271 0.1384 3.7 Hammon~. unpub. data 6.2±1.3 P. Hot~. 1971; Jackson county II} n :t} 122°44.0 ' AShl and pl ~ton Granodibrite ~ rnllende rn 1ende (Horn lende lot te (81.6) 76.7 86.6 74.4 166 160 167±).5 (8.92 ) (17.99) 18.31 17.67 198.1 144 148± .4 (0.716) Lanp~~e, Laursen an M. A. HalTl11ond. 197 i ASH-7 -6 43°10.''' MED-3-6 43°27./" 123°00.0 ' Gold Hill pI uton Granodfbrfte BiotIte Hornbl ende (6.77) (0.451 ) 147.4 9.247 88.6 84.5 142 134 '0. I/IM-8-6 43°41.0' 12ll002.0' Wbi te Rock I PI uijon Tronclj h""f te 8i at! te (9.06) 191.1 92.1 138 Po. '-1£0-1-6 42°20.0 ' 122°59.0 ' .Jacksonville plluton Granod ilori te qiot,te Hornblende (8.39) (0.451 ) 177.5 9.247 88.6 84.5 138 134 o. o. MS-270 4Z002.1.. I 122°36.2 ' Little But~e Arldesite, Co 1est i nl Font.ati on Andesi ~e Ilhol P. rock (1.017) 1.028 1.005 4.408 31.5 9.11±OJ4 DMS-144 4Z028.12 ' 1<12°48.1 ' L,ttle 8utlte A"desite Andesi ~e IIholle rock (0.864 ) 0.868 0.B59 1.697 30.0 128.75±0.34 Fobtnotes at en~ of tabular data o. MeRirney. 1978; sotter. 1918 29.5±p.3 Po· unpub. drata - --- - ---- _._------ _._- 1-- --locat ion Ha 111111 er Sample Lat tud Long Itude nunber (I) (Ii) '" 01091 , g l ,graph ic loc 1ity - -I---- -' 0'\ ~ater 'al nU or - Rock typ - date K20 40 Ar rad weight x lOll percent (moles/gm) R ported Calculat d Percent age age 40 Ar rad ( 0 6 yr) (10 6 yr Refe ences Jael son Caun y--Cont. 1-. 7 I)'1S-147 4225.4' 122 °37.5- [1 Lake l la as Andesite hole rock (0.843) 0.844 0.842 1.146 8 H5-262, NA-137 42 04.6' 122 "20.8 ' Ou e rson l la as Sasalt hoI e rock (0.455) 0.457 0.454 9 HS-263, NA-1758 42 08.2' 122"26.0' Ou e rson g la as Sa salt hoI e rock 10 75OSJ235 42 21.1' 122°47.1 ' Ro y Rasa t aasalt 11 75OSJ201 42 12.9' 122 0) 7.2' Ro y Basa t 12 77OSJ766 42 02.8' 122 °35.2- Co e ston 13 76OSJ356 4239.8' 122 °44.6 ' 14 76OSJ3551 42 40.3' 15 75OSJ202 If 20.2 .17!0.12 9.42!0 12 0.2264 7.1 .33!0.09 3.45!0 09 0.. (0.584) 0.586 0.582 0.2606 4.9 .0I!0.14 3.10!0 14 0.. hole rock (0.373) 0.368 0.369 0.381 1.670 25.0 - 30.8!2 8asalt rhole rock (0.742 ) 0.739 0.740 0.747 3.250 49.0 - 30.2!0 9 III • Ash-flow tuff la9i c1 ase (0.4925 ) 0.490 0.495 2.139 69.0 - 29.9!1 5 III • Vo e anie '0 ks f the e stern C sea e range AndesHe hoI e rock acid treated) (1.2215) 1.216 1.227 5.135 83.0 - 29.0!O 9 III • 122 "41.2 ' Vo e nle ." ks fthe e stern C sea e range Ash-fl ow tuff lag I clase (0.323) 0.317 0.318 0.324 0.333 1.340 9.5 - 28.6!0 9 0. • 42 13.3' 122°36.5 ' Ro y Basa t aasalt hoI e rock (1.1205) 1.120 1.121 4.518 30.0 - 27.8!0 9 III • 75OSJ206 42 10.7' 122"33.0' Vo e anie ." ks fthe e stern C sea e range Andesl te 1agi el ase (0.231 ) 0.233 0.229 0.9196 16.0 -- 27.4!l III • 75OSJ221 42 02.£' 12 0)6.1' Vo e anle aasalt flow hole rock: acid treated) (0.498) 0.494 0.502 ( 1.876) 1.876 1.875 (50.5) 46.0 55.0 --- (26.0!0.8) 26.0!O 8 26.0!0.8 I 79OSJ041 42 40. 12 "40.7' Vo e anfe o ks f the e tern C sea e range Oasal tic andesl tee 7) flow rhole rock ae Id treated) (0.9943) 0.999 0.998 0.986 3.732 82.0 -- 25.9!O 9 o. I 760SJ317 42 41. 12 "37.8' Vo e aoie o ks fthe 0 stern C sea e range Ash-flow tuff la9; c1 ase (0.1985) 0.193 0.196 0.201 0.204 (0.7375) 0.7454 0.7296 (13.5 ) 14.0 13.0 (25.6!0 .8) 25.9!O .7 25.4!0.8 o. 12 "24.7' Vo e aoic o ks f the ~o stern Casea e range Andesito hole rock acid treate(1) (1.369 ) 1.366 1.373 5.106 57.0 -- 25.7!l o. 12 "41.4' Vo e aoie '0 ks f the ~o stern C sea e range aasalt i hole rock acl<1 treated) (0.5015) 0.512 0.510 0.508 0.500 1.869 39.0 -- 25.4!0.8 n. 12 °30.3' V l ank rleks f the ~, stern asca e range An<1esH flow lagi Del dse (0.2735 ) 0.273 0.274 0.9988 11.0 -- 25.2! .8 [ 12 °28.9' V l an1c rl ks f the ~, stern asca e range~ ir trusi Andesit lagl Del ase (0.3405 ) 0.140 0.341 1.213 g.O -- 24.6!l [ 17 17 } 17e 2( 76OSJ335 42 04. 21 79OSJ040 42 39. , , , 2' 75OSJ212 421'07. ' 2' 75OSJ216 42 04. , ,noat on -0 v, Fa tnotes at end of tabul ~r d ta ks f the ~e stern C sea e range andes'te ---- -- utt r, 1978 b. G. Smith, n prep. I). ~ : o• o. . . ation Ma f1tJll~ef~ Sampl e ologic nlJllber 9 rail lor flatedal ograPht~~~ 42+25.21, 122~32.7' /5OSJ233 42tl9.5" 1221'31.0 Volcanic r~ks elf the 75OSJ226 42125.6" 1221'30.6 Volcanic r~ks elf the estern Cascd~e range 24 750SJ220 2, 26 27 - - ~----~+--+-~--I----~~---+---I---+--~-~--~ 75OSJ263 I 42122.6" 1221°30.9 ' ~tYP K20 I wei9ht ~at I 40 ~+--+-----+-----t---+---t----+----+-- Reported Ar rad x lOll (moles/gm) Calculated Percent age age 40Arrad d0 6 yr) (106 yr -+---j--- Re fenences -~---=---IMlase prep. (0.4245 ) 0.424 0.425 1.402 60.0 22.8±oJ8 00. ~hol el rock (O.BOO) 0.797 0.803 2.627 42.0 22.7±1 00. (lac id treated) Volcanic rohs qf the estern Casca~e range ~hol el rock (lac id trea ted) (0.547 ) 1.735 25.0 21.9±J 00. llagiocl ase estern C~ sCd~e range 0.~43 0.551 28 760SJ 315 42142.3" 1221°35.5 Volcanic ro¢ks qf the estern Casca~e range hal el rock (lac id treated) (1.3045 ) 1.294 1.315 3.924 78.0 20.8±016 00. 29 79OSJ042 42141.8" 1221°36.1 ' Volcanic r~ks qf the estern Cascade range hal el rock (lac id treated) (0.516) 0.520 0.517 0.517 0.511 1.492 37.0 20.0±016 N. 30 79OSJ033 42150.4" 122r31.0 Volcanic ro¢ks elf the estern Casca~e range ~hol el rock (Iacid treated) (0.6158) 0.621 0.615 0.614 0.613 1.603 8.2 18.2±Ol5 N. 5.8 16.8±ol67 N. 42126.2" 122r25.0 Vol canic rol:ks elf the lestern ~sca~e range (0.2525 ) 0.253 0.252 (0.3615) 0.363 0.360 0.6130 790SJ90 0.8482 7.0 16.2±O148 Du. ~l aglocl ase {r 31a 31b uo~ic 01 e rock hYdrtf! and nltrlc -....J acl ) '1 agibcl ase (0.383 ) 0.378 0.382 0.389 0.9107 19.0 16.4±ol7 N. Andesite hal e~rOCk nitr'c acid anI ) (2.463) 2.475 2.459 2.454 2.522 35.0 7.10±ol2 N. Andesite hal e~rOCk nftr'c and hyd ofluoric aci ) (2.395) 2.410 2.409 2.366 2.327 22.1l 6.77±Ol2 N. 'holelrock I (0.725) (Iacid treated) 0.730 0.720 (0.5660) 0.6126 0.5194 (59.0 ) 55.0 63.0 41t 5.86!o 41 b 5. 4.97±0 15 °128 ~: hOlel rock I (1.2075) (Iacid treated) 1.199 1.216 0.8501 39.0 4.88±0 15 N. hal el rock I (0.849) acid treated) 0.853 0.845 0.5690 19 4.65±olI4 N. (17.0) 15.0 19.0 (3.1O±1l 15) 3.27±O 17 2.92±0 11 ~: (Q.6) ill. N. 32 76OSJ361 42t54.0" 1221°32.5 Volcanic rol:ks qf the estern dlscd~e range 33 798earN 42t38.9" 1221°45.3 TaMe Rock flow 34 798earf 42t38.9" 1221'45.3 ' Ta~le 35 8OSJI55 42t40.I" 1221°25.8 ' Volcanic ro¢ks elf the i 9h Ca sc~de ~ange Ra salt 36 76OSJ324 42145.21' 1221°21.6' Re~s Andesl tel 3/ 80OSJI58 42t4 7.7" 1221°23.4 Volcanic ro¢ks qf the igh Casc~de ~ange Basalt 38a} 38 38c 80SJ170 42t34• ." Bl ue Rock. igh ~ange Rasalti, andesilte 39 39 } 39 40 Rock flow fe Rock IU9h CaSCade ~ange 80SJI60 42r41." Volcanic rOFks <If the tl gh Casclade fclflge 76OSJ303 42P38.· • VO~Cdnlc ro~ks ?f th~ Ugh Casclade ~ange Fooltnotes at endl of tabular data !/hal el rock acid treated) (0.3465) 0.351 0.342 (0.1546) 0.1634 0.1458 Basalti, andesilte hal e rock acid treated) (Il.D75) 0.138 0.137 (0.06348) 0.06380 0.1l6315 10.1 9.1 (3.20±O 94) 3.22+1 69 3.1910 19 8asaiU andesilte llhole rock ac fd treated) (1l.256) 0.257 0.255 0.1087 13.0 2.95±0 15 :>J: La ation Mdp sample nunb r nunber Lati ude (N) K;P Longi ude G ologic u it or (W ge graphic 1oCdl ity Ma eri 1 Rock type rt ted °Arrad !leight ercent • 1011 (noles/gm) Re or ted ercent ge OAr rad (1 6 yr) Calculate< age 6 yr) Refere~ces (10 ads n County -Cant. 41 76OSJ313 42· 3.1' IZZ' 8.3' Vol anic roc s a the f!igh Casca e r nge Basaltic andesit Wh le (a Id ock reatert) (0.6215) 0.621 0.622 0.1516 42 8OSJI59 42· 5.1' 122' 9.8' Vol allic roc s a the f! gh Casca e r nge nasalt Whple (a id ock reated) (0.120) 0.120 0.120 43 76OSJ306 42' 9.2' 122' 7.2' Dey l's Peak f! gh Casca e r I1ge Andesite Wh Ie (a id ock redted) (0.734) ~: ~~g 1 KAI280 44' 3.4' 121· 2.6' Des hutes (M drd ) F nnation Tuff Plagio lase 0.245 -- 21 .3 2 KA1223 Vdn rd ( ade, T. 0 S. R. 13 E. Bes hutes (M dra ) F rmation Tuff Plagio lase 0.222 -- 58 .3 3a 3b DAS-67-80 44 4 DAS-66-20 5 J ~ith. 15.0 - 1.69tO.18 0.02162 1.4 - 1.25 tO. I 00. 0.08805 7.0 - 0. 833 tO.58 00. G. in prep. Je ferson C un ty -e E er.. en and J meso 1964; Lau sen dnd an.ond. 1974; Wal er and a hers. 1974 -- 00 120 ~O.O Cia no Fonno Ion Rhyollte S nidi e (1090) • 66.78 96 {4 .ltD·6 41.0tl.2 42.1+0. - S~ans nand Ro inson. 1968; 44· 3.3' 120 ~7.1' Joh Day Fa Welded tIff S nidi e (5.78) 31.41 85 36.4tl.1 37.4tl. ~ans nand Ro inson. 1968: 1978: IlAS-66-19 44' 1.9' 120136.1' Joh Day For ati n A s h - f l o w tuff S nidi e (7.06) 38.07 74 6.ltl.0 37.1t1.P i/<~ns 1978; 6 M-9 44' 8.4 12116.1' __ Basalt Wale rock 0.269 (0.6350) 0.5721 0.6980 (3.6) 3.1 4.1 15.9t3.0 16.3t3.p 7 WR-248 44' 5.6 121\35.0' ._ 8asaltic andesi e Wale rock (0.874) 0.880 0.868 (1.184) 1.252 1.115 (10.95) 11.9 10 9.2±0.6 9.4±0.6 00 MR-143-Gb MR-143 44"68 121346' M-8 44·~1.4 10 WR-328 44 11 ., 3.9 I., . ati n . --' 00 8a 8b ll Dal ~ple dn Lanphere. 1 74; lau sen and ....ond. 1974' Wal er and a hers, 1974 Lau sen and 1Ja0000nd. 1974 Wal er and a hers. 1974 n and Rc inson. 1968; Lau sen and 1Ja0000nd. 1974 Wal er and a hers. 1974 nnst on9 and thers.1975; Lau sen and jiaOlDOnd. 1978 -- 9 lt asa {'f! rnblende Wale rock 0.446 1.452 0.5351 (1.565) 1.580 1.549 13 (50.5) 56 45 8.1±0.6 7.3tD.l 8.31tO.6 7.5tD.I 00 Do. 121 18.0' Be chutes F nnatlon 9asalt Wale rock 0.145 (0.1243) 0.1089 0.1397 (5.2) 2.6 7.8 5.8±1.0 5.9tl0 00. ~0.6 12132.1' _. Andesite Wale rock 1.36 (1.158) 1.269 1.048 (7) 8 6 5.7tO.6 5.9tO 6 I). WR-246 4436.2 12134.6' __ 9dsaltic andesi e W~ole 0.958 (0.7515) 0.7760 0.7269 (5.5) 6 5 5.3±0.7 5.4tO 7 D. 12 WR-l02 4433.3' 12136.0' __ Andesite Ihole rock 1.53 (1.175) 1.191 1.159 (29.5) 33 26 5.2t O• 1 5.3±0 1 D. 13 S-74 44125.6' 121~36.0' __ adsdltic andesi e Hole rock 1.100 (0.813) 0.879 0.821 0.939 0.714 (15.25) 17 17 17 10 5.0t O• 2 5.1tO 2 II. 14 M-2 4431.0' 121'18.5' __ Basalt hole rock 0.319 (0.2291) 0.2557 0.2026 (7.8) 6 9.6 4.9t O• 5 5.0±0 5 [ • 15 WR-189 4430.. 121'38.2 __ ndsalti, aodesl te hole rock 1.024 (0.694) 0.634 0.754 4.5±0.4 4.7tO 4 U• 9 eo' Fa' tootes at end of tabul r d ta • rock (11) 6 16 KzO Location Mall nLllltier Sample nlillber Cleologie ,Init Pr Longitude La tiltude (~) (NI) gel09raphie Iloea) ity "tterilal Rock typ ate< 40A Reporte<1 rrad weight x percent 1R0Ies/gm) Percent 0 4 Arrad (0.5846) 0.5815 0.5877 (12.35 ) 12.3 12.4 lOll Cal cui ate~ age age (110 6 yr) (10 6 yr) References le'ffebon County- -Cont. ..... \D rmstron9 and (lthers. 1975; Lauben and ~ ...ond. 1978 Andesite Whole Iroek 1.181 0.3659 2.ltO.2 2.2 t O·12 00 121 t41.9' Basaltic andesite W!>olelroek 1.103 (0.3376) 0.3155 0.3597 7.5 8 7 2.1to.2 2.1±0.2 OOla 121 bB.4' Basalt Wholelrock 0.349 (0.08234) 0.08380 0.08077 (4.45) 1.6±0.3 1.6tO.13 00,. (0.0498) 0.0509 0.0486 (3 ) 3 • 54±0.14 0.56tOJL4 001• 121 +z8.6' 17 WR-308 44 "tl 9.2 18 WR-311 44°)9.2 19 WR-ll 44134.4 12Lf46.3 ' 44125.2 2.9tO.12 12lf4 1.6 ' 44°e8.7 TFJ-427 2.9tO.2 Whole Iroek B-22 20 1.389 Rasaltie andesi te 16 Basaltic andesite Whole Irock 0.621 14 5 3.9 3 21 5-80 44124.3 12Lf3 7.7 ' Basalt ie andesite Wholelrock 0.170 (0.0112) 0.0062 0.0161 (t.05) 0.6 1.5 .45tO.3 0.46toJ3 001. 22 5-23 44124.3 121 b7.7' Sasaltie andesite w~olelrock 0.321 (0.0221) 0.0192 0.0250 (1.5 ) •45:0.2 0.48±oJ2a 00 • 23 PTR-71-5al 44146.9 120~55.5 16.737 65.7 24 10-6-78- 44126.1 1211'05.4 ' CI arno forma t ionl 9.654 Jo~n Day fornatllon 1 ' pi ag f oelase JoHn Day fo~at fPn 25 PYT-71-1 44 38.81' 120j58.1' 26 648-584 44434.7' 120~57.3 ' 27 648-34b 4H45.1" 120~52. 7' Jolin Day format flon 28 PTR-71-6 44't44.9" 120~56.9 ' Jolin Day fo/mat ilon. asal manber 29 R08-Tuff~3 44 j 46.91' 1211°12.4 ' Jo~n Day fornatilon 30 R08-TUf- 44+46.8' 121°12.4 ' J06n Day fof,nat ion. ear top :~I) G'\L-12-7 42't33.0'· 1231°42.0 ' G'\L-I-67 42p4.0'· PP-I-67 42t33.0' Jo~n Day Basalt • T.I Robinso~ and E. H. Me~ee. undub. data 69.6 30.8:!:01 5 Ild. 30.38 75.4 30.5 00. tas ium fel spar 5.43 22.56 45.6 28.6to15 Ild. tas 1 UIR fel spar 6.02 24.57 46.3 28.lto15 Ild. t 2.156 1.399 5.615 47.14 27.7to125 Ild. ~I ag i fel ase 0.589 1.993 12.37 23.4±31 3 Ou. Tuff ~lagibe1ase O.3Q6 1.300 14.28 22.7±2 7 00. Cheteo Complex Quartz diorit jarnblende loti e (0.490) (7.58) 11.40 175.2 75.3 89.8 151 151 155±4l6 155±4L6 1231°42.0 ' C",teo Complex Gabbro jernb/ende (0.588) 13.52 86.8 150 153±4t 6 12~048.0' Chete 0 CompI' ex Quartz dioritl I~rnbl ende (0.422) 82.4 150 153t4 5 84.9 149 153±4l6 140 143:3 0 00. 56.8 138 142:41.3 Del. 81.2 136 139±4l2 0, Ash-flow tuff JOsephine ~ounty 9.715 4 OC-I-57 42to9'9' 12~020.0' Grrybaek plluton Gabhro jornb' ende (0.658) 15.35 51 G'\L-Il-5 d34.d' 1231°41.0 ' Ch~teo C()nll~ex Gabbro ~rnb~ ende (0.163) (3.485) 3.450 3.520 OC-2-75 421'08.'" 12~021.0' Grl!yback rlluton Qllartz GP-I-67 42~28. ri' 12j021.0' PP-2-57 42~21. 12j045.0' H3-105 42~35.· : 30.9 6.86 Ole rock 5 nid ne fo~at Ion (3.645) 3.66 3.63 I 2 fotl~e (8.90) 188.8 (25.55 ) 25.7 25.4 fiotzf 1971;and ~ Ha... ond. La rsen d~ta 197 ; H. A. Lanph re. unpuh. 00. diori~e Gr~nt s Pa s~ pI uton Quartz monzoni te ""rnbllende (0.350) TrondjhE!mite 'jlllseoY ite (9.78) 7.483 222.1 15lt41.5 90.7 1M. Al Lanpher~. unpub. dat I amath Oouoty FOcltnotes at endl of tabul~r , data 121°13.4' Bllaek Hll1 s d<>n Rhyol it 'I ag I10elase 0.930 0.7407 18.1 5. l8to. 5 5. 52tol.55 IMaeLEod and Others. 1975; Me e and 0 hers. 1975; La rsen and llalwIond. 197 --+--------+---+------+------t--l----II Map Sampl e flunhelt' nunber I looatlon I long i lude latit~e I Geplogic unlit I I I t ---I-----h-L ----------1----+1-+-1----l------+--+--I----+---------!-VAr Calculated f2 0 rad I Re""rted fight 0 geobraphic l~callty (W (N) I '1ercent loll erc:ent ( oles/gm) OArrad alge (10 6 yr) ------!--- age (10 6 yr) Referel\ices K' amath County+ -Cont. M4-122 121 °21.3' 43°16.5 ' Baldi Mounta inl arlea ciOOle 5 6 8 M4-135 43°19.2 ' 121 °<12.5' Raldl Mountainl Rhyol ite P1.Igiodlase 0.826 0.5973 1 g. 7 4.IB8±0.59 5.02±0.61 Do. f14-84 43°2P.l' 121°22.8' 8aldl Mountai area dc:me Rhyolite Biotit, 6.81 4.466 40.4 4.143;!O.18 4. 55;!O. I~ Do. M4-127 43°19.2' 121°p.3' BurlButte dte c!>onple. llac ite PI tgi09laSe 0.385 0.1395 4.6 2·145+O.g4 2.52±<!.9~ HeIKee lmd others. 1976 Basalt Wh Ie (1.197 ) 1.202 1.195 0.6290 4.9 3.55±0.23 3.6510.2~ S"tterL 1978 Andesite. tuff whbl e rlock 1.234 0.40690 6.63 •3±0.2 2.310• Basa It WhO! e rlock 0.490 0.13067 2.23 •9;!O.5 1.9±<!. 0.32 0.265832 1.17 5.814 1.544 0.0049461 21.63 0. 023 10.111 ar~a dane MS-261 NA-348 42"05.6 ' 122°.14.5 ' Oute son Age lava KFW-6 42°1~.O' 121°50.0 ' Vonnla Format ilon KFE-II 42°2~.O' 121°19.0' 9 M-5-2 42"211.1 ' 121°h.9 ' Bly IMountain 10 M-5-3 42"216.7 ' 121°j4.4 ' Nea~ ~ock Rhyol ite PI agiodlase Bly RidQe 11 760SJ340 42"013.3' 122°j6.7' Gri ~zl ey Pea,. Hibh c.scaQe ra"ge Andesite PJ9;oJlase Wh Ie ock ( id reated) 12 75OSJ270 42 °212.2' 122°0.8 ' Mou~tain lak~s Wilderness. Hilgh Ca sca~e rapge Ar<!esite Whple 13 75OSJ275 42°116.6 ' 122 °15.5' Bur~on Ba salt 14 75OSJ283 42°jl.0' 122°\1.9' Voldanic roc~s o~ the Hilgh Casca~e ralnge 750SJ273 42"~0.2 ' 122°\2.9' Mountain lak~s willderness Butte Hilgh Ca scaqe ra"ge I I 24.0 (1.2315 ) J. 230 1.233 0.6419 22.0 3.6210.~9 Do. Whpl e ~ock 1(0.164) (o~jd treated) 0.160 0.166 0.166 0.07873 22.0 3.3310.66 Do. Basaltic andesit Whple ~ock (a~id treated) (0.5585 ) 0.555 0.562 0.09449 11.0 1.1710.12 Do. Andesite Whple tock (a~id reated) (I.1935) 1.192 1.195 (0.1596) 0.1603 0.1589 (22.5) 40 5.0 (0.92410.~66) O. 924±<!. 90 0.923±0. 33 I lake 42 OJ 7.7 ' 120°32.0 ' PaiSley Hill 2a Ademel1it, 3a 3b 4 lBiPtit Cuttings 1184011850 (ft) (1.525) 1.53 1.52 (6.625) 6.68 6.57 7.631 (32.26) 32.26 32.26 29 (53.5 ) 50 57 42°115.0' 120°\9.6 ' "leavitt No.ll" core 42J4.0' 120°18.0' "Th~as Creel No.1 I" cbre 31·6±1.5 3 .6±1.0 33 3 .6±1.0 3 • 6;!O. 7 34.4±1. 33.5±!. Basalt 7[.8+4 3 .3±J.4 { Ba salt 2 .7±1.8 Th<>]Jas Creekl domE Rhyol ite Sanidine 5.130 6.15 42"<11.0' 1200~7.6 Quartz Buttel dom, Rhyal ite Rilot it 7.873 8.85 (28.4 ) 27.8 29 GWW-3-60 I 42°~8.2' 1I9~7.4' Aljotho~l ase Mothoclase 4.8Q 4.95 19.96 73 63 21 7•5 ±0.8 27.1;!O.8 28.2±0. 27.8±0.~ l*Ii~-4-60 42·~8.8· 119~3.7' Arlotbok:lase 4.87 18.10 74.52 215.0±0.8 25.6±0.~ I ' 2 Footpotes at end of tabular da~a Har~ Mounta i older corel roc~s Hart Mo un ta i 01 der corel rocts r Soda ~ rhyol i~e Soda rhyol iUe MiJntz~rt and Ftld 1968; Arm trong an others. 19761; lau sen and mor<!. 197B; Wal er, 1980 Do 1200~5.2 ' 1 j Do., lou sen and t!amond. 1978; Wal er. 1980 42° 9.9' 8-1233. Sample no Do Dlmi~n. 1970; 813.4±2 { Andesite (36.9) 29.1 44.7 B-1234. Sample no 6a 6b I 1 Do., 1 1 Cou~y Andesite Core 95769579 (ft) 1 prep. I [Hornblende Ib 2b ~ock (a~id ~reated) I la YIJ-JM-291·1 JM-291 i~ 0.7029 HIgh Casca4e range I Do. J! G. ISmith, (0.B085 ) 0.807 0.810 o ~5C Do • NJ S. Lacleod apd Eo H. HeKe•• unpu~. data 6.0310 • N I[-a) 15b o ~Brieh and Benson. 1981 ~te)on Do and M<1lntyre. 1970;, Lau~sen anrt ~r.vnond. 1978i .1±0.5 8.3±0. 7.6±0.4 7.8±0. Do Nbble!and othets. 1974' Wal er an~ 0 hers, 1974; lau sen and omond. 1978 00 -------l--------I--+--- -+-------+___ loclat lon Map Sample long itlude latitude t nlJnber _-I--~ ~~}r M073-33 11 0 cal r1lJllbe -----+------I----+----+-------fno------+----+-+---+----+--+----1-----+----+-Calculated Reil9rted fl Arrad ~___ I~F~91I- Rock I Ma1erla ty~~ted ight 1011 ,.cent (, oles/gm) age 6 yr) References (10 Rhyolite wa~er~ 1974; aclod and 01hers, 1975; 5.04±0.7 Ke and oth rs, 1976; aur en and II lIIlIond, 1978 ~) lOa) lOb Do. M3-33 43°31.8 ' 120'416.8 ' Squa\fl Ridge d!>ne Rhyol ite Obsidia 3.98 2.116 53.5 M073-39 42°34.6 ' 120'317.1 ' McCahh Rutte dooe Rhyol ite Obsidi a (4.52) 4.47 4.56 5.152 76.0 4.42 4.854 55.0 (7.7'~2±0'19 1±Q.19 7.6HO.l 00. 8.605 25.7 7. B±0.50 {7. 7±0.50 7.47tO.5 Do. 40.0 9 0 32 7'r: + • 7.18±J.54 { 7.17±1.54 7. 38tO.3 Do. { 3.3f,6±0.1 9+{).07 7. 71±0.09 ( 7.70±Q.09 3.69tO.1 Do. 7.9O±0.0 Mal:lffi and ieKe oth~s, 1975; and oth rs. 1976; nd. 1978i aur en and H al k r, 1980 N ...... lla) llb M013-30 42°36.0' 120°215.3 ' Tucker Hill dfme Rhyol ite Obsidia 12a) 12b M073-36 42°16.3 ' 120"317.9' Cou9~r Rhyol1te Riot I te 7.99 3 M073-37 42'19.g' 1200315.2 ' Thooas Creek dooe Rhyol ite Sarlidin 111.69 14a} J4b M4-73 43°0~.2' 121°11.2' West I of Si I ver la ~e Rhyo!i te. ash-floo tuff PI ;lgioclase 15a} 15b M073-343 42'16.1 ' J20 '413.8' Ore~ Ranch d!>ne Rhyolite Obs,dfa (4.425 ) 4.42 4.43 4.670 31.9 7'114to.34 ( 7. 13±Q. 34 7.32±0.3 16 M073-35 42°19.7 • 120°511.9 ' Owen! Butte dfme Rhyo] ite Biotite 6.55 6.896 15.2 7'111 +0.94 7.30 tO•9 17a} 17b M073-4\ 43°09.1 ' 120"017.7' Hors Rhyol ite Obsldia (4.405) 4.3R 4.43 4.510 67.6 [6. 92±Q.14 l6. 91 t O.14 18a} 18b MJ-57 43°02.8 ' 120"018.6 ' Sout~ Rhyol ite Sarlidin (6.51 ) 6.50 6.52 6.589 44.7 B4 t O• 22 [6·I l6.83±Q.22 7.02tO.2~ Do. M4-14 43°01.6' 121 "Q6.9' South of Sil v~r l;lke Rhyolite. ash-flo tuff PI ;lgioclase 0.404 0.4050 12.0 6.I77t!.10 6. 95t!.1 ~ Do. o M3-60 43°IS.0' 120'~0. 5' Elk Rhyol ite Biotitel 8.75 8.541 6.57±Q.18 Do. I MJ-61 43'00.6' 121"~1.2 ' Hage~ 6.85 t O.lf Rhyolite Obsidi aln 4.06 3.547 61.2 5·9OtO•09 6.06!0.0 Do. 22a} 22b M4-130 42°54.9' 121-d8.5 • Partin Butte dooe Rhyol ite Whole r~ck 3.77 2.798 39.5 (5.02+0.20 l5. 01 O• 20 5.15±Q.21 Do. 23a} 23b M4-431 42°56.6' 121°~9.5· Yams~y Rhyodac it Ilc Whole nock 2.414 1.668 36.7 4.68±Q.17 { 4.67±0.17 4. 79to. 117 Do. Peak daPe coopl el Mountaih dane of filrs, Mountain d~e ~untain ~ane Mountaih d,* Mountall n 4.84 t 7. 36!1.5~ HaFle~ and oth rs. 1975; ~Ke and oth s, 1976; aur en and llIIIond, 1978 Har,e and oth rs, 1975; Ke and oth rs. 1976; laur en and H nd, 1978; alk r. 1980 f 7.1O±O.1~ Do. Maf:le~ and ot~rs, 1975; ~Ke and oth rs, 1976; aur en and llIIIood, 1978 Do. Do. 0.3958 12.0 4.47to.84 4. 59to.8~ Obsfdialn (3.715) 3.72 3.71 2.369 24.7 4.13Ito.34 4.42±Q.315 00. Rhyolite, ash-flol tuff ObSidi an 3.63 1.797 15.8 3·135±0.44 ( 3. 34±Q. 44 3.44±0.415 00. 00. longl Rutte delne Rhyol fte Samidlne (7.185) 7.34 7.43 2.~08 16.~ 2.130±Q.32 ( 2~29!0.32 2. 36±0. :13 00. Con~]ey Hill ~ dan Rhyol i te whbl e nock 3.63 3.322 22.5 6H8!0.63 6.35±0.65 Andesite 1I0rnbiende 0.363 2.180 17.3 4!.2 t 4 41.2t4 W~l1s'l1979 Or a~e Peak cqnpl e Rhyolite PI a9iodl ase (0.890) 0.871 0.910 1.890 17.3 I .3t2 14.7±2 wJlls, 1979; Walk r. IgaO Peyerl tuff Rhyolite, ash-flo. tuff PI ;lgiocllase M()"73-32 43°24.0' 120°53.0' Couglar f>t>untalfn dime Rhyol ite 26a} 26b M4-48 43 °2~.5' 121°~ 7.3' Upper Dry Crokk a slh- flow t Jff 21a} 27b N3-31 43°3~. 5' 120°49.8' 8 M4-42 43 °.17.2' 121°03.8 ' OP-154 42OZr·9 ' 120 0t/7.2' OP-I08 4201~.O 120~8.2' Footrlotes at end o~ tabulan dat 11.3 0.598 121 '~2.1· I 0.3558 Do. 43°21. 7' o 12.45 area dane M4-30 4 0.335 Do. M<jKee lind other~, 1976; laur~en and II/lIllllOnd, 1978 Relported lOcat ion Hall nlinUer sample nUliber lati~ude (NI) (~) Cal cuI ate, Rnr~ _tlJ~.-+~~~~=t==±=~~tb~~~~ flaterilal longitude percent atedl "~r'~-'-:"+--+--t------+ Percent age aqe 40Ar rad (1~6 yr) (10 6 yr) Reference s tvo 31 GlW-33-77 42"27.5 120'/39.4 ' Or~ Hfll dclne RhyDI ite Alkal i feldlspar 6.05 14,028 62.9 116.0tO•4 16.0tO. 32 39-78 42"28.0 120~13.5 ' Abert Rim flIow Basalt W~ol e Irock 0.741 1.619 31.4 115.1tO•8 15.1tO.~ Do 33 10-78 42°~2.9 12ot31.7 ' Shqestring ~ttel flow Basaltic andesi te ~ole Irock 2.78 4.220 52.43 O. 5to. 3 10. 5to.~ 00 34 7-78 42°~0.2 120j41.0' Colleman Rim Iflow 8asal t WIIIole Irock 0.126 0.1549 5.88 8.5tl.3 8.5tl'~ 35 69-78 42"20.0 120b1.3' Whi~e King nllne Perl ite 5.533 34.5 7.0tO•4 7.0tO. Do PRP-2-70 43 0 04.0 120j48.4 ' Pi clture Roc~ Basalt ole rock. 0.471 0.4716 13.1 6.8to,9 6.9to.9 00 37 H-5-5 42'tJ 7.7 119+54.2 ' Rabbit Hlll j 5.44 36 P a9i clase 0.352 1.4950 8.74 38 M5-4 42°~1.4 119~59.3 Coypte Hlll s dan Rhyol iti4/ rhyodacitic Al kali feldspar 1.850 7.29075 54.37 27.2tO.17 Do,. 39 H-4-53 43°~3.8 121 fzO.4' Pe~erl Ash-flowltuff Plagioclase 0.59 0.399325 4.34 4.7t2 Do,. KA 1282 43°l;g.9 123~00.4 ' Tuff Pla9 i Oclase 0.245 SE57-14 44°!2.5 123153.4 ' Syenite porphyty Whol e Irock 4.34 HB-17 44 ~12.2 122t02.0· Basaltic andesite Whole Irock HB-130 44 ~13.2 1221'06.1' Ba salt H8-132 44~1l.5 122roo.s ' 8asalt ' Pa s tuff OlejrOCk 29.3t5 ~al k.~, 1980; G. • Walkeri and E. H. folc~ee, unp h. data 00 J. s.lMaCleod unp b. data ~nd E. H. McKee, lane County ,ver~en 1964; La u senand and ~s, Hammond, 1974 57 1.0 21.4 57.0 3.6 1.052 (0.9704) 0.9791 0.9617 (24.8) 16 33.6 6.2tO.2 6.4tO.12 Wholelrock 0.862 (0.779) 0.759 0.799 (32) 32 32 6.2tO•2 6.3tO.12 001. Whole Irock 0.451 (0.1691) 0.1584 0.1798 (8) 6 2.6tO•2 2.6tOJ2 Dol. Wal er and N N 3 H3-110 44~1l.8 1221'00.8' TS-137 44107.3 1211'51.3 ' M-343 43138.0 1231'05.0 • lOb 34.4 ats Lau Wal Har 0 nlIstrong and pthers, 1975; Lauhen and ~mmond, 197B 10 Wholelrock 0.451 (0.1431) 0.1316 0.1495 0.1482 (38.0) 93.0 12.0 9.0 2.ltO• 1 2.2t nJI 00. Husband Vol olano Basaltic andesi te WhDlelrock 0.640 (0.0109) 0.0147 0.0071 (1.2 ) 1.7 0.7 .04tO.1 0.12tOJ3a 00. Fi sher FOnllat ionl Andesite 43155.5" 1221'41.8' Li~tle Butt olcanic $eriels r.abbro MS-252 44 ~13.2" 122~13.6 ' Col umbla Riyer Ilasalt quivalen Basalt ~Bi~neY, 4.3tO.46 { 21.9toJ6 197E Bi ney, 1978: Sutter, 197F. W/lo1el rock (0.419) 1.330 28.6 21. 34tO. 55 Lil>olel rock (0.690) 0.694 0.685 (0.659) 0.659 0.658 3.537 6.8 311. 39to. 85 35. 3tOJ 9 iii. 36tO.29 14.7tO!3 Dd. ;0/6~ 01 e rock mesh) 1.404 34 utt r, 1978 11 M5-254 44 ~14.2" 122ro7.5 ' CollJ1lbi a lliyer quival en ~asalt Basalt \jhol el rock (0.624 ) 0.627 0.622 1.847 6.3 9.9t1. 94 20.4tz10 00. 12 ~S-158 43~31.5" 1221"29.B' Col umbia Riyer quivalen ~asalt BHalt I-Ihol e Iroc k (0.510) 0.512 0.508 1.222 31.2 16.14tO.19 16.6t013 00. 13 (]'~S-77 44~07.7" 1221°24.1 ' Ni,hrod stoc Granit ic Wholel rock (4.902) 4.932 4.873 n.3 15. a6tO.18 IS.3tO!? Od. Footnot.. at end lof tabuloJr dalta 11.54 hers. 1974 oto and Snavely. 1969 sen and mmond, 1974 er and 0 hers, 1974; in and son, 1979 Rdsalt CP-I73 lOa I} Indli an CreeW dlk --"--- -+---1 -----f-- l .. ation Sampl e M, Ip rlll r -e-o latit ude (II) nlarlber Geo lon91 u1e (w ge --_._-- C I 1JI11t I - K20 Malerlal 0 ~~o~_tY I ~ __ ~:"~~':J- leight OAr ra 1011 __~__~lloleS/g",) Lan<1 Rer orted Calculated ercent ge age OArrad (Ie 6 yr) (10 6 yr) Refere (lees County-~Cont. 14 llMS-159 43 "31.9 ' 122· 0.0' Sardi, avasl Andesite Whol e noek (1.155 ) 1.164 1.147 2.62 10.7 15. 30tO.25 15.7tO.3 .5 CP-166 44 "0p.9' 122" 7.7 ' Col 01 e u· River Basalt ent Basal t Whol e nock (1.030 ) 1.035 1.026 2.28. 26.9 14. 93tO.28 15.3!0.3 00. .6 CP-168 43"5 ~.1 ' 122" 3.2 ' Sardil avasl Andesite Whole rjoek (1.548) 1.548 1.548 1.26 34.2 14. 21!0.16 14.6tO.2 00. 7 MS-251 44"1 ~.2 ' 122°1 5.0' Sardio avas Basal t Whole nock (1.162) 1.167 1.158 2.35 28.6 13. 66tO•17 14.0tO.2 00. .8 0I1S-161 43°4 ~.7 ' 122 ° 0.5' EI k i age II ava 8asal t Whol e ,.pek (1.1>45 ) 1.651 1.639 2.70 14.2 11. P9tO.15 11. 4tO.4 00. 9 llMS-153 43°3 .5 ' 122° 0.9' Elk i age II ava 8asal t Wh"l e rfx:k (0.194 ) 0.194 0.194 0.3101 6.1 10. 79t O.28 11.1:0.3 00. MS-253 44 "I .8' 122° 2.7 ' EI k i age Ilava Andesi te Whole rpel (1.724) 2.16: 55.7 8.46!0.1I 8. 69 tO.11 00. ~O Su ter 1.730 I. 717 N W 197A ~1 CP-208 44 "0 9.5' 122° 2.9 ' Ol.lte ~ age II ava 8asalt Whol e rfx:k (1.089 ) 1.100 1.077 0.8150 15.4 5.06tO.06 5. 19 t O•O" 00. ~2 CP-205 44 "I .0' 122'" 5.5 ' Oute ~ age II ava Basalt Whol e rpek (0.625 ) 0.625 0.625 0.3588 16.8 3.88tO.06 3. 98 tO.0" 00. ~3 U-Cougar 44"0 .8' 122 °1 4.2 ' lava CoU9~r O~ BasaltIc andesit PI a910ellase 0.66 87 I .3t1.8 16.3tl.8 Rushl Creek Oae He. PI agloe~ ase 74 1 .9tO.8 13.9tO.8 ~4 U-flI-85 44 "0 .7' 122"16.2 ' Tuff ash-fl .. tuff ~5 Uan-1I2 44"0 .5' 122°17.0' Wal k ~b U-BF-5 44"0 .8 ' 122"12.5 ' Cast, '7 U-Tmw-Top 44°1 .2' 122"11.8' -- I eel ck p, U9 dlJJle 1 Andesite PI 9 i oel' ase Oaei te Ilh 1e r6ek Andesi te Whol e rbek 0.286 0.421 0.838 0.251 0.41 1.35 1. 72 8rpwn 00. 65 1I.5tD. 5 1I.5tD.5 -- 9.31t0.44 -- Bpwn nd other • 1980e 39 8. 9)t0. 34 8.93tD.3 8r~wn nd other • 1980e; and 8ro 1m, 1981 00. rvan ·8 U-Tpb 44°1 .5 ' 122"11.5 ' Ti ps ( ~9 U-foley 44°1 .8' 122·10.5" iO OM-5 43·3 .2 ' 122"2 0.2' tte Basaltic andesi tl Whol e rbck 0.440 0.52 61 8. 9:3.88 8.39!3.8 --- Oa sal t Whol e rbck 0.660 0.19 95 2. 05tO. 52 2.05tD· 5 ---- 21. 311.0 I .3tO.7 ---- Oaelte nd other • 1980 e; E~ans and 8roh • 1981 00. 00. Brpwn • and othe s. 1980<1 II OM-49 43·3 .7' 122"2 3.4 ' -- Basalt i2 OM-520 43·4 .8' 122· 2.2 ' -- RIlyol ite i3 08-161 AH-79 43·4 ,01 ' 122· 1.7' Burn dge ~rou Ilhol e rbek 0.976 3.489 11 2'.7!2.0 24.7t2.0 14 Stack! UT -199 43·4 .9' 122"3 2.2' Burn dge nrou Ilhol e rbek 0.651 2.07' 35 22.011. 0 22.0!1.0 00. 15 88-301 UT -242 43"4 . B' 122· 3.5' Burn dge ~irou Ilhol e rbek 0.621 I.Q70 II 2I.q!2.9 21. 9t2. 9 00. 16 T-141 UT-247 43"0 .0' 122"16.5' Tumb Ilhol e rfx:k 0.80 1.95 28 17.0tD.Q 17.0to.9 00. 17 IIB-NSHI AH-62 43·4 .5 ' 122· 1.8' Burn Hhol e rbek 0.29 0.668 3 15.9t7• 6 IS. 9t7.6 00. 18 T-101 UT -254 43·2 .3' 122·17.0' Tumb IIh01 e rbek 1.33 2.984 47 E.6tO.6 15.610.6 00. lotr otes at end 0 tabular dat I Cre~k rotoup dge ~rou 4 Creek Gl[oup 1!.7!0.9 Do. 00. Evans nd Brown 1981 _.- - ------ - - - I---- Ic---- f----~ -----~ K0 2 Loc t ion Map I Illll1Uen tati tu~e $amp] (N) nUllbe Longit ~e r", geog raphic t cali y - - ~-+-- (W) wight Mat rial logic uni t or Rock type (fc:i p reent ed 4 Arrad x lo ll (m les/9"') Rep, rted P rcent 4 Arrad a.e (10 yr) Calculated ag, (l06 yr) Referen es ane f.ounty- - ont. 39 T~IZZI 43"29.3 ' 122°1 .4 ' Tunbl ebuy Cree le: Gr u 44°06 5 ' 122°1 .6' Ride 44°04 .0' 122°0 .5 ' Mosq i to Creek Gro p -~f---- I.J -- Who e rc ok 0.96 1. 964 6 14.1t O• 8 14.1tO.8 -- liho e r( ok 0.530 0.950 7 12.4t2.5 12.4t2• 5 00. e r' ck {WhO Who e r( ck 0.230 0.340 4 10.2t1.0 1O.2tl • 0 00. -- 0.230 0.319 9 9. 6t1. 5 9.6t l • 5 00. -- Who e r( ok 0.121 0.145 2 8 3t5.5 8.3t5.5 Do. -- Who e r( ok 0.63 0.734 5 8 H2.3 8.1t2.3 00. Eva"s a Rro..". 1981 UT-250 40 41a} 41b MO-ENGUT -232 UT-241 Creek Gr oup 42 BB-PAT -l'l I AH-63 43°54 .1' 122°3 .4' Burnt 8ridge 43 RI-2BI AH-86 44°0 .2' 122°1 .9' Rid, 44 MO-I601 AH-49 44004 .5' 122°0 .2 ' Mosq ito Cree GrOJp -- Who e r k 0.430 0.476 1 7. 7to.96 7. 67to. 9 00. 45 MO-l 591 UT-220 44004.5' 122°0 .8' Mosq Ito Cree Gro~p -- Who e r ck 0.400 0.192 8 6. otl.I8 6. 8Ot l . l 00. 46 P-3241 Au-85 44°32.8' 122°1 .2' Pi nt -- Who e r 1.13 0.903 9 5. 3to.41 5. 53to. 4 00. 47 M8-1331 UT -222 44°1 .5' 122°0 .2 ' Mosq ito Cree -- Who e r ck 0.521 0.167 8 2. 3to·37 2.23to.3 00. 48 P-221 AH-73 43°3 I' 122°1 .9' Pi nt Creek Gr oup -- Who e r ICk 0.86 0.244 1 1. 8to.25 1. 98tO. 2 00. 49 P-3191 UT-260 43°32 8' 122°1 .0' Pi nt Creek. G oup -- Who e r ck 0.52 0.130 4 1. 3to.8 1.73to.8 00. 50 P-Notchl UT -239 43°33 .9' 122°1 .6' Pi nt [..reek. Gr oup -- Who e r ck 1.040 0.147 4 O. 8to.34 O. 98to. 3 00. 51 T-2111 UT -251 43°2 .9' 122°1 .6' Tumbl,bug Cre< k Grpu -- Who e r ck 0.82 0.115 3 O. 7to.46 0.97to.4 00. 52 T-2081 Au-74 43°2 .1' 122°1 .1' Tumb ,bug Cr, k Grpu -- liho , r ck 0.75 0.083 5 O. 7to.21 O. 77to. 2 00. 53 B8-Tpba AH-64 43°5 .3 ' 122°3 .0' Burn -- Who e r pek 1.42 0.114 5 O. 6to.16 0. 56t O.l 00. 54 T-2101 AM-7S 43°2 .5' 122°1 .7' Tumb ehug Cre k Grou -- IJho e r ck 0.98 0.024 1 O. 7to.48 0.I7to.4 Do. 55 80-7 43°3 .1' 122°3 .5' Cham i on Cree !).Jartz diorite Who e r ck 1.65) 1.66 1.63 5.163 4.1 21 7to.8 21. 7to. 8 56 BR-6 44 °1 .9' 122"2 0.4 ' Gold uill are Quartz diorite Who e r ck 1.0D4 ) 1.009 0.999 1.945 9.4 13 4t1.2 13.4;!-1.2 57 IOCG5 43°5 .3 ' 123°0p.3 ' Litt e Butte Vo canic 50 ies Basalt Who e r clc. 0.300 1.733 1.1 -- 39.7tl.4 N .p- Tmwll AH-60 roup Creek. G oup Creek G oup 8ridg, Gro~p roup ar a k Pokr and other , 1981 Do. O. R. , ux t in p ep. 58 I&GI 43°5 .5' 123°0 .0' Li tt e Butte Vo canic Se ies Basalt Whc Ie r ck 0.798 4.490 38.1 -- 38. 7to. 5 00. 59 18CG2 43°4 .5' 123°0 .0' Li tt e Butte Basaltic andesite Whc 1 e r ok 0,868 4.755 63.7 -- 37.7to.9 Do. Litt e Butte Vo canic Se ies Basal tic WI" Ie r ck 1.128 6.015 23.4 -- 37.0t1.3 00. WIl Ie r ck 0.480 2.525 56.6 -- 36.2t5 Do. 0.546 0.551 2. ROI 2.594 54.8 55.6 -- -- 35.3to.9 00. 36.1 -- Vo canic Se ies 60 61 62a} 62b 63 1115 43°5 .0' 123°0p.2' andesi te 1118 43°4 .0' 123°0 7.0' Li tt e Butle Va caoie Se ies Basal t IBCG29 44°0 .0' 123°0~.O' Li tt e Rutte Vo can ic Se ies 8asalt 44°0 .3' r· O' IIflAR21 footn tes at en 0 tabul ar data 123°0 Litt e Butte Vo caoie Se ies Basdlt {~~ Ie r ck flh 1e r ck WIl I, r ck 0.601 2. fi4q 32.4~0.8 00. 30.3t1.1 00. I-----l--++=-f----~--II--t--Loclat ion Map .L nunbe 64 Sample nllnber 7786 Latit~e (N) 44 °12.5' Longi~ucte (W) 122°4Ig.B' Geologic unlit lO Ar ge09raphic lpcaljty (~oles/!Jn) Rock type little Butte Vo canic Series Basaltic lt ttl e Butte VO canic SeHes 29.1tO.8 Basaltic andesitE \/hole rpck Whole rpek 0.516 0.517 2.120 2.027 32.5 36.8 28. 3tl. 1 21.0±1.0 Andesite \/hole rock 0.615 0.04074 (0.199 ) 0.201 0.199 0.197 0.8761 (0.433) 0.441 0.431 0.427 44 °OJ. 8' 122°06.0 ' 67 Skinner F 44 °06.0' 123 °110.0' Sk inner Butte Basalt 6B Ski nner F 44°06.0' 123°110.0' Sk i nher Butte Basal t \/h Ie r ck (nitric acid) 69 3S-46 (G) 44°04.3 ' 122°017.4' Lowder Basalt Whole rpek 70 35-44 (G) 44°011.8 ' 122°016.0 ' Three Si ster sl are Whole rpek 122°06.0' Lowder Mountali n (l06 yr) 15.B 3S-33(G) 44°0J.8 ' (lOr yr) 3.165 66 3S-47 (G) age OArrad 0.735 122°4Ig. B' 71 ane Whole rock 44°12.8' Mounta~n ercent References 0.1 R. tiux, in p~ep. andesi tE 77'1J 65a} 65b Calculated rad lOll Materia 0 whlle ck (n trlcr & hy rofl uric acid) Basalt ""ole rock 00. s. 0.46:!:O.4 N.I 156 30.3tO.9 J.IG. 1.846 153.0 29. 4:!:O. 9 \.043 2.144 116.19 14.2t2.0 0.083 0.102775 2.96 B.6!7.0 00. 0.04 1.55to.2 00. 0.047 0.0105214 0.54 00. tCleod'l' W, Walker and • H McKee, npub. data ith, un uh. data 00. G.I W. \IIalker and E. H. McKee npu~. data lincol n COtJ/lty SR59-47 44°51.0' 123°419.0' Hogsback dike Camptonit, SR59- 9, (SR66-1) 44°51.1' 123°515.9 ' Siletz dike Camptonit Hownblende pegmatft~ Biotite 2a} N U1 { 2b 3d) 3b SR57-263, SR5B-2, SR57-3 «°48.9 ' 123°51.6 ' Lambert Pointlsj] Gabbro SR-64-17B «016.B' 124 °016.8' Yachats Basal Andesitic basalt S79-6 44 OZ 11.6 , 124 °03.0' Bl t rea kl stook Hephel fne syenite EM-20 44 °16.6' 122°d2.6 ' r~k (5.84 ) 5.Bl 5.89 5.85 5.82 1.770 5.029 28.2 59 331. 6tl. 7 34. 6tl. 2 Ta~sum~o and Laur en and 81 3~.6tO.98 33.2tl.0 Ta 8.34 42 0.435 (0.B70) 0.873 0.B68 2.04 3.91 34 P1<Igiociase 0.23 1.24 Whol e rock 4.06 Whjle Ac inol fte (PI gioc aSe j 1.00 3.3 1969; H avely, ond, 1974; rv nand 00 son, 1979 to and avely, 1969; aur nand mond. 1914; ary n and son. 1979; • 0 Snavely unpub. data SI," 32.4tl.0 00. 311.6tl.6 3Q.2 32.3±1.6 30.9 00. 00. 311.6t3.6 31.1t3.6 Snfveltand Ma La ur en and eod, 1974; mmond, 191B 31.B P. O. npub. data 18.7 71.4 (0.624) 0.656 0.768 0.567 0.504 17.9 ) 23 22 15 10 .3t O•2 1 avely, inn County Basaltic Whole rock andesf t • ash-flo tuff 0.7'1J 5.5tO.21 Atst~ng and ahers, 1975; a ur en and 1IIl10nd, 1918; Bro and ot h rs. 19BOc EM-7B 44°19.5' 122005.6 ' Basaltic I andesit Whole rock 1.152 (0.8524) 0.83'1J 0.8657 34 ) 46 22 .0tO.l 5.1tO.l 00. TFJ-431 «019.B' 121°519.6 ' Basaltic I andesit Whole rpck 0.621 (0.1299) 0.1013 0.1584 (3.5 ) 4 3 .4±0.3 1. 6 to.31 00. TFJ-256 44°19.8' 121 °519.6' Basaltic andesit \/h~le rpek 1.021 (0.1671 ) 0.1553 0.17B9 (4.5) 5 .ltO.2 \.1 to. 21 00. (O.O'1JBI) 0.08702 0.09460 lo.s ) 0.168±0.05 o. 70:t0.0~ 00. (0.0414) 0.0428 0.0402 (3) 3 3 0.143:t0.12 0.44±0.1~ 00. EM-77 TFJ-321 44°U.0' 44°26.0' Footllptes at end of tabularl dat 122°do.8 • 121°55.5 ' I Rasaltic andesit I Basaltic andesi t I Wh~le rpek Wh~le rpek 0.901 0.651 5 9 12 ~-II~---II----t--tJ---10Arra-d I~ --+ Map ntJubeir sample Latitude Long; tiude ntJllber (N) (11')1 tieplogiC u1it geObraphic llocal jty dOted ercent 1innl 10 11 ercent (,pOl es/gm) OAr rad rted aloe (10 6 yr) 44°35.9' 122°d5. 0' Ore i~enhush tluff Tuff PI g ioelas. ( PI gioclase I .1±0.6 I • ltD. 5 8a) 8b 44°36.2' 122°db.O' Brel~enhush fuff PI gioelase ( PI gioclase I .0±0.6 I .2tD.6 9a} OMS-68 44°211.8' 122°36.8' tluff Assuifled CollJl1hia ~iver Basalt equilvalel,t Sa sa It lOa} "'hler k 30 60 esh { Wh 1e 9b ock Whell e rloe k OMS-69 44°211. I' 122°al.l' 10h Assuifled CollJl1hia ~1ver Basalt equi~al e~t age (10 6 yr) Referemces County-~Cont. 7a '} /b Sa sal t { ~lhelle ~ock 30160 mbsh (0.615) 0.619 0.610 (0.703 ) 0.741 0.665 (0.931 ) 0.938 0.936 (0. 976) 0.971 0.978 lalursen and H~ond. 1978 00. 00. 00. 2.292 44.9 25.05±0.28 25.7±0.3 2.286 1.1 21 .188±3. 71 22.4±3.9 00. 3.243 14.0 23.27±0.80 23.9±0.8 00. 3.15l 59.6 21 .174!0. 25 22. 3tD. 3 00. Sultterl 1978 II IlMS-70 44 °211.2' 122"216.8 ' Assuloed Colllll~ia ~1ver Balsa1t equilalen Ba salt Whelle ~k 30160 nlesh (1.014 ) 1.076 1.012 3.484 57.5 21.183±0.36 22.4±0.4 00. 12 CP-180 44 °45.2' 122 °39.3 ' StaY~on 1ava. as lIlled Collllllbi~ River Sa al t equi~al erlt Basalt Whell e <joCk (0.578) 0.581 0.575 1.653 31.6 19.126±0.23 19.8±0.21 00. 13 OMS-58 44°36.2' 122"114.2 ' Elk lake age Ilava Andesite Whell e ~ock (1.638) 1.640 1.636 2.570 35.2 1O.159tD.12 10. 9tD. I 00. 5.120±0.07 14 OMS-75 44°23.3' 122°110.7 ' 15 77113 44°32.0' 122°~3.0' 16 781842 44°3B.5' 17 7SHAlIl 18 Outerson age ~ ava Ba salt Wh!le i'Ck (1.019) 0.7848 30.3 Li ttl e Butte Vo~canic Series Basaltic andesi tE Wh Ie ,joCk 1.318 7.911 87.4 41. 5tD. 122°~1.5' Li ttl e Butte Vo canic Sehes Andes; te Whell e ~ock 1.197 6.822 19.9 39.2tD. 00. 44°211.8' 122001.0' li ttl e Butte Volcanic Sehes Andesite Whell e ~ock 1.178 6.037 64.7 35.2tD.! 00. 17121 44°2~.3' 123003.3' li ttle Butte Volcanic Selries Basal tic andesitE Whelle rock 0.128 3.671 40.7 34. 7tD. 41 Do. 19 77112 44°3\.0' 122°<19.0' Ll ttl e Butte Vol canic SeHes Basal t Whelle <jock 1.546 7.622 67.0 33.9±0. 00. 20 71110 44°32.0' 122°~2.0' little Butte Vo cantc Selries Basal tic andesit, Whl/le ~ock 0.871 4.169 40.l 32.9tD.41 00. 21a} 21b 71l11RI2 44°H.3' 122°~9. 5' li ttle Butte Vol canic Sehes Basal tic andesit WhIle ( Wh 1e rOCkk 0.859 0.913 3.970 4.115 68.3 31.9 3J.1ltD.7 31.0±J.2 00. 22 188R19 44°25.3' 123000.0 ' li ttl e Butte Va cank Series Basal t Wh 1e ck 0.437 1.997 42.3 31. 4tD. 51 00. 23 78BR31 44 % .0' 122°~4. 3' li ttl e ButteS~ries Vo canic Andesite Whelle rlock 1.155 4.912 42. g 29. ltD. 4 00. 24 78BR22 44 % .5' 122°~9.0' li tt e Butte Andesi te "'Mle rlod 1.763 7.381 79.2 28. 9tD. 5 00. 122°<17.3 ' Li ttle Butte 1'.) en ~~9ht Materiall 0 25a} 25h /1lII836 26 17118 21 44°211.3' Vo can'ic Selries 77100 44 .3' 44°23.8' 122°~4. 5' 122°32.0' 00. 0.1 R. lux, in prep. 00. l (HIli Wh Iee 0.492 0.4B9 1.810 I. 712 37.7 40.2 25. 4tD. 91 24.1±0.8 00. JOCk ock Andesi te Wh 1e ock 1.28'l 4.731 34.2 25.3±0.4 00. Li ttl e But te Andes ite Whell e rlock 0.512 1.899 30.0 25.1±1.1 00. Basalt Volcanic Selries % 5.34±0.017 Li ttl e Rutte Vo~canic Series Vo canie S~ries 00. 28 7792 44°25.0' 122°37.8' li tt e Butte Vo canic S~ries Oa sal t Whell e nock 0.477 I. 593 17.2 24.6tD.31 Do. 29a} 29b 1791 44°211.8' 122°39.0' li ttle Butte Vol canic Series Basa 1t WhGl e rlock { Wh$le rlock 0.424 0.430 1.298 1.310 23.2 26.7 21.1±1.1 21.0±J.l 00. footnptes at end o~ tahularl dat 00. --I- Mdll nUlIl)er I 5ampl e Lieation LaUtude Long,tude (~) nUlIber I (~) --+---1---+-----+-------+-----+---leologic ,Imit lor g~ogra"hicllocall ity 30al\7799-~-uiu;o;,tt;lr30b ¥ I I I I 31 7/104 44424.5 122f36.3 • 32 185 P49 44441.3 122f44.8 ' 33 7I9IAW 44441.3 34 7195 44443.3 ~OICdnie feries Li~tle K 0 2 Material Rock typ atel Reported Percent age age percent 40Arrad <J 0 6 yr) (10 6 yr 7194 44°~3.3 Refer~nces lirln County+-Cont. W~OI e Irock. (whole rod: Bd salt 0.464 0.470 1.242 1.217 22.4 20;. ? 18.5+1. 17.9!o. utter. 1978 001. 8utt olcanie $eriels Basal t W~ol e Irock 0.394 0.919 23.1 17.2tl. 001. Coll asalt ...bia Gr Rifr up • ..ande Ro e Dbsalt Ba salt Wholelrock 1.815 3.991 53.9 15.2tO. Dol. 122f44.8' coll"abia Ri er ~salt Gr uP. ande Ro • Dbsal t Ba salt Whole Irock 1.673 3.644 41.0 15. Ito· 001. 122f48. 3' co~"abl a Ri ~r Basal t Wholelrock 1.272 2.754 48.2 15.0to. Dol. CO~""bia Ri~r salt Gr up. 8asalt Whole Irock 1.368 2.951 60.8 14.9to. Dol. Ra salt Pla9idclase asalt Gr uP. ande Ro e Bbsal t 35 Calculated weight 122f50.3· ande Ro e Bb sal t al heur cqunty KA-1285 43°[5.4 111102.5 • Pa~ette Fonqat io 0.258 27 ver~en 1964; Laursen and and f.ames, Ha... ond, 1974 6.7 Wal er and 0 hers, 1974i L. • Kiltl an. unpub. dOta KA-I029 43 0~4.5 111147.5 • Butlte Creek Vblcanic Sandstone Volcanic sandstone GI ass Ishards 4.76 CEB-61-76 44°ll.6 118111.5 • So~theast 0 Mica Bl oti ne 8.78 Irohside Mbuntain diorit, 158.0 91 5.1 91 120 Do. 12l!:6 haY~ and and Br~wn. 1964; 1974 Lau sen Hammond, Mar in and N ""-J 42°22.8 118103.4 • Rhyol ite tuff Sanidlne (7.275) 7.19 7.36 (17.07) 11.09 17.05 (81.85 ) 80.0 83.7 5.8tO.40 16.210.14 W-18 42°23.0 117139.6' Rhyol ile tuff Sanidlne (8.56) 8.51 8.53 (17.22) 17.49 16.95 (78.35 ) 79.2 77. 5 13.56tO.28 13.9tO.13 001. Whole Irock { whol e Irock (0.374 ) 0.373 0.315 (0.372) 0.371 0.374 Whole Irock Whole rock (1.122) 1.166 6a fi-13 6b la Ib 42°~1.9 111149.4' Basalt 16-1 16-1 (ii)IJ (i i) 4Joa6.9 Ie bson. 1979 W-17 III 114.6' Owylhee Ri dg~ flo", Basalt { 16-2 (ii il aIr pIe and Wal er and Lau sen and 0.436 16.0 •87tO.55 8.08tO.156 Do,. 0.431 15.8 .8Ito.55 8.03to.157 nol. (2.437) (2.559) 2.843 2.276 2.191 (46.3) ??7.7) 12.9 12.9 60.7 (67.55) 69.6 65.5 (ll.6 t O.3) (408) (15.0to.13)a 15.2 6.4 5.4 3.6 14.1 3.4±O.3 13.8to.13 4.6:tl.8 25.3t1.18 aksi~and Watk~ns, 1973; Wat Ins and aksi. 1974; Wal er and 0 hers, 1974; La u sen and ...ond. 1978 wt ol e IrOCk 1.078 5-1 (i) 43°a5.1 117114.3' Owylhee Ri dg~ floWs Basalt Wole rock 1.25 (2.490) 2.499 2.481 UO-I22KAr 43°a7.3 117113.2 • Owylhee Basallt. ~asal flo 8asalt Whole Irock 1.024 3.750 15 10 UO-13IKAr 43 o~2.1 117 j48.0· Tim~ Basalt W~OI, e .Irock 0.488 1.527 22 1.012.2 21.6 t 2·13 Do,. 11 1J0-II4KAr 43°~1.1 1I7ko.8' oee~ ldout Buttemrnna~ion. ber Volcanic sandstone Jnldlne 8.65 25.22 87 9. 7!:1. 0 20.2tl.0 0010 12a 12b UO-128KAr 43°a9.1 117'106.1' Sucker .cree Ishards { Gla~s 5 nld lne 4.94 8.11 13.57 18.47 49 85 8. 5tl. 7 5.4to.9 19.0tl. 7 16.0to.9 ~~I: 13 UO-120KAr 43 o~ 1.4 11714 7.7' Li tltlefleld IRhyol ite Rhyol ite PI a9idcl ase 2.68 6.95 42 117.5tO. 6 17.9tO.6 flo,. 14 UO-125KAr (II) 43°~2. 4 11741.5' Antlelope Fl at aa'alt Ba salt Whol e Irock 1.440 3.35 20 5. 6to. 9 16.1to.6 DOlo 8 Footlnotes a tend bf tabular data Peak Balsalt VltrJC tu FOrlndtion, f thers, 1967; hers. 1974; dIII1Iond, 1978 001' Do. Do. aurs~n and Halnol1ond. 1974 L. R. Kittlelnan, unpub. dOta -+-- f----~--+_---j---------+-----~+__ +---+-Ifldeation Mad Sa"pl e latitude longjtude Geologic unit or wei!Jht atedl IDercent Md 1hl ur Count - -Cent. -J-- 110- Il7KAr 43°40.9 117~10.2' Ow "ee aasallt y,. 16 UD-I26KAr (I I) 43°1' 7.8 117%4.6' Monfinent Roclk aa salt 17 UO-130KAr 43°~4. 7 117147.5' Sh!Wa y Ran~h aasalt 18 UO-133KAr 43°h.7 118108.9 ' Jun ura fa at iO'I', vitrle tu f 19 UO-123KAr 43°p.9 117 20 • 1 ' Gralssy Moundain Fonnation 20 1135 (Trr) • No. 8 43°bl.2 118101.8' co~ero RCG-281-H67 43°12.2 2la 2'b 1 (W ole rock ole rock iw are;; Riser Cr ek lded tu f 118 'lo 7.5 , (moles/am) Calculate Relported Ar rad x 1011 Ipercent I 40Arrad lage (16 6 yr\ I age (10 6 yr) References 16.1±0.~ l~urs nand Ha!tnond. 1978; 13.2±0.6 13.4±0.~ Do 2.06 1.89 4.65 4.075 18 65 15.2±1.1 14.4±O.7 2.48 4.82 65 14.9±1.1 l • • Kittle an, unpub. d ta W~ol e Irock Basal t W~ol e Irock 1.480 2.67 45 112. I±O. 5 12.4tO·f 00 Tuff Glass Ishards 5.41 9.02 61 11.3±0.6 1I.5±0.~ 00 aasalt W~ol e 0.560 0.632 26 7. 6±O. 5 7.8±O·f 00 Rhyol ite welded Ituff San idilne II7.9±0.5 18.3±0.15 ~r",eiand MarvIn. Gre ne. 1976 10.3±O·14 9.8±O.6 ~alkef' 1974; Wal er and 0 hers. 1974; lau sen and 1978 aa salt Rhyodaci ~e Irock 5.43 14.41 69.6 rBloti~e (7.75 ) (0.754 ) II. 52 1.066 51 32 0.O±O.4 9.6±O.6 stnidilne { G ass 9.16 5.70 21.80 11.40 51 B4 116.0±0.8 3. 5±O. 6 16.5±0·18 13.8±O.6 Do Do \!' agldclase aC-I-64 42°1'2.8 117~39.4' 23 DC-2-70 43°47.7 117154.1' oiter w 'dedcree~(?) tu f Welded tuff Plagidclase (1.482 ) 3.283 73 4.9±0.4 Is.3±0.4 Do 24 GWW-36-69 44 °04.5 118110.6' Din er Cree (1) lded tu f welded tuff Plagidclase (1.770) 3.763 72 4.3to.4 14.7±O.14 Do 25 GWW-68-62 42°08.8 118~10.s ' J 7.01 13.67 85 3.1 13.5 001.. 26 KA392 42°58.0 117~35.0' ROOl> bed s( ?)I 4.89 7.60 79 10.8±0.14 Do,. 27 M4-11s 43°49.8 11mO.4' Doubl e Moundain (7.68) 7.75 7.61 a.938 54.3 Vi trophyrte Welded tuff ~ooe Al kal felispar Rhyoliti4(1). tuff G ass Silicic rock Sanidlne 28 1649 42°~ 1.3 118~1O.2 29 167 42"09.2 118109.9' 30 CE8-61-76 44°p.7 118 11 • 5 ' 31 1703 42°b3.3 lI7ts7.4' 32 1654 42°~ 2.1 118 U 1.2' Trqut Creek Itop unit 33 M-s-8 43°j>7.8 118107.4' StQckade 34 OG-2-70 42"148.0 117135.0' Ow~hee r.or95' Basalt (ptagi1claSe V a9i clase ' II0.5±0.4 .86±O.21 8.07±0.121 1974; ~alORond. 22a 22b N 00 K?O Mdterllal .~+-_n_lJnher ---I5a I5b -f------~---+1.,40.-------+--------+-1---+----+---+-+------+----I--- ~acl~ Mc and ot~ers. 1975; e and ot ers. 1976; lau sen and amnond, 1978 Trolut Creek lash-flow tuff Rhyol ite a sh-fl <pw tuff Silnidllne 7.67 18.12 68.4 5.9±0.3 16.3±0.13 Horlth of coliderol caldera. alsh-flow tluff. basal unit Rhyol ite ash-fl QW tuff Sanidlne 6.50 15.18 75.7 5.8±O.3 16.2±O.13 Di orite Bloti~e 8.78 91 121t6 Rhyolite SI.. ld Ine 6.17 14.74 54.0 16.s±OJ6 Rhyol ite ash-flow tuff San id Ine 7.72 12.42 37.0 11.I±OJs Sanidine 7.76 12.7037 41.44 11.3±OJs • SlMacleOd land E. H. McKee. unp h. data whol e Irock 0.656 1.259 12.06 13.3±IJ5 • W. Wal ker and E. H. McKe un b. ~ata 1 158.0 121±6 south of Rome eene. 1976 001. arvir and Doblson. 1979 • c-!.Greene alnd E. H. McKe, unprb. data Do. ""'rlon Colunty a ur s~n and HaVonond. 1978; Dc la Ib No. 4 44~41.5 121f59.9 ' Bre itenbl/shltuf fl. pperrnost un1 t Dacite. tuff 2 8X-99 44 ~4 6.0 122 rO 1.6 ' Lidtl e Butt Andesite Wole rock (0.972) 0.974 0.970 3.500 64.1 2t22±0.27 24.9±oJ3 Birhey. 19711; Sutter. 1971 DMS-43 44146.5" 121 r59.6 ' Breitenbush Ituff,. ittle Buhe gnimbri t Tuff Plagioclase (0.884 ) O.B77 0.892 2.594 32.4 19.74±0.24 20.3±OJ2 Dol. Footnotes at end lof tabul ar data flows 2.7±O.8 2.3±O.8 KtJ L at10n Mar nu,,~~r Sample nUTlber Latl ude (N Long itude ( ) C ologic u it ge graphic Mi teri 1 r oca tty Rock typ. ~ight )ercent ated 40Arrad' x lOll Re orterl Calculate ge age (1 6 yr) (lor; yr) moles/gm) Percent 40 Ar rad 3.002 20.9 17.24tO. 32 17.7tO. 3.294 34.5 17.18:0.20 17.6tO. Do Refer nces ----Marl n County -Cant. 4a MS-256 44° 4.1 ' 122 /B.2 ' Andes Ite Sar ioe lava 4b N lD {; ole ock ole ock 0/60 mesh) (1.173) 1.181 1.165 (1.292 ) 1. 306 1.277 S~tte , 1978 5 II1S-8 44" 5.2 ' 122 13.5 ' Sar 1ne 1ava Andesite 14 ole ock (1.306 ) 1.311 1.300 3.240 28.3 11.72:0.20 17.2tO. Do 6 II1S-5 44 ° 4.2' 122 14.2 ' Sar ine 1 ava Andesite 14 ole ock (1.oog) 1.012 1.006 2.386 17.8 I .94tO.21 16.4tO. Do I II1S-7 44 ° 4.5' 122 14.3' Sar 10e lava Andesite 14 ole ock (1.595) 1.604 1,586 3.668 17.5 1 .50:0.20 15.9tO. 00 8 IJMS-Il 44° 0.7 ' 122 18.5' Col ~bi a Riv r 8 salt e ~uival ent Basalt 14 ole ad (0.205 ) 0.213 0.198 0.3900 1,7 1 .80tO.76 13.2±0.~ Do 9 IJMS-49 44 ° 4.6' 121 55.6 ' Elk Lake age 1 av s Basalt Wale rock (1.015 ) 1.011 1.012 1.688 10.9 1 .23:0.17 11.5:0.2 00 10 8X-256 44" 6.9' 122 11.8' Elk Lake age 1av s Oacite 14 ole rock (2.383 ) 2.377 2.390 3.893 15.6 1 .02:0.35 11.3:0.4 Do 11 OHS-40 44" 9.8' 122 ~7.8' Elk Lake age lay s Andesite 14 ole rock 1.494 2.420 16.2 1 .96±0.75 11.2to.8 Do 12 OMS-53 44· 3.1' 122 15.0' Oet oit pluton ()j orite WI ole rock (1.480) 1.488 1.473 2.124 16.1 .68±O.18 9.94±O.18 00 13 MS-239 44° 3.3 121 57.2 ' Out ~rson age 1 av s 8asalt 14 ole rock (1.987) 1, 995 1.982 1.648 7.1 .60±0.10 5.75±0.10 00 14 OMS-48 44° 5.3 121 56.7 ' Out ~rson age 1av s Andesite 14 ole rock. (0.747) 0.750 0.743 0.5216 17.6 •72t O.19 4.84tO.19 00. 15 OMS-50 44° 5.9 121 55.2 ' Out ~rson ag lay s Andesi te 14 ole rock. (0.770) 0.774 0.766 0.5184 7.9 .55:0.07 4. 67 tO.07 00. 16 OHS-47 44° 5.6 121 55.2 ' Out erson d9 1av s Andes; te 14 ole rock (1.645 ) 1.658 1.633 0.B767 19.B .60tO. 05 3.70tO.05 00. 17 MS-258 44 ° 3.9 121 56.B' 0" erson ag 1 av s 8asalt Wale rock (0.925 ) 0.938 0.912 0.3B30 15.8 .80±0.18 2.87±0.18 00. IBa IBb OMS-53 44"49.4 122 08.2' 8a tl e Ax/H gh C scades lows Andes Ite (14 ole rock 1/ ole rock 0.713 0.711 0.2005 0.1357 9.1 5.5 .88:0.50 • 27±O.41 1.95tO 52 1.33tO.43 00. 00. 19a 19b OMS-41 44 48.7 122 05.8' 8at tIe Ax/Ii gh C scades lows Andesi te U 0.807 0.81B 0.1693 0.14B9 21.8 5.5 .41tO. 6O • 24±O. 53 1.46to 61 1. 26tO 54 00. Do • 20 MS-237 44 44.7 122 00.0' 8a tIe Ax/H gh C scades lows 21 MS-238 44 43.8 121 59.0' 8a tIe AX/ll gh lows 22 OHS-33 44 49.5 122 OB.I' aa tIe Ax/H 9h lows PEH-77-8. FRL #4B2 44 46.9' 122 01.0' 23a ~ 23b Foo notes at end of tabul r da a r. scades d scacfes Satdine Fon at 1 o. prer par 01 e rock. ole rock. 8a salt W101 e rock (0.707 ) 0.717 0.698 0.04634 0.3 .44±0.19 0.46;t0 21 Do. 8a sal t W 01 e rock (0.561 ) 0.572 0.550 0.02149 1.6 .26tO.02 0.27t0 02 00. Andesi te Wale rock (0.724) 0.725 0.772 0.02680 1.9 .2 5tO.03 0.26;t0 03 Il<. 4.3±1.1 3. ?±O. 8 ---- -- e a9; c1 ase P ag; c1 as€! --- --- ---- dl1lJ10 oct and a hers, 1980 o• Mop Sample I.ot I ~ude ReDorted K 0 2 lo(ot ion longi tude flotor iJ1 Gl1nlogic urlit rylr nt.lllb~r nunber ----t- ~i9ht ge 1 -1 (1 6 ....., d J" gl~lase 24a 24b 24c 24d PEH-77-9, FRl '4824 44°~5.0' 122°01.2 ' 8re,tenbush Formoltlon 250}1 25b PEH-77-1D, FRl '4825 44 0~8.4' 121°56.3 ' Rh04odendron Formation 26 PIl-4QA 44 '44.9' 122 °00.6' Rh04odendron I Fon~ot ion, ttphro bed Tephra Plagl 21 PH-to 44°48.0' 121°55.8' Hig~ coscadel 9rotjp, Tephra 28 NS-ll 44°49.9' 122°'3.2' North Santi .., mlning di stric 29a 29b 29c 7103 44°$2.0' 122°~9.5 ' Col ~bia Rfv~r B salt r",o p, W nap un Ba olt 3D 7722 44'49.0 ' 31a 31b 7763 32 Andesite 1!'4 oge I1n 'u 6 'I vr\ ,. t Re ferelnce s H....onfJ ond otlers, 1980 Po. Po. 00. I .8±O.9 l'O I .nO.2 I .5tO.2 PI agio lase Wh Ie od Whol e ock Do 00 1 .6to.2 1 .3to.2 [PlagiO lose \.I'laglo lase 1 Colculate, 0.535 0.8206 6,5 10.4t1.2 10.6t!. 00 Pllagfoclase 0.392 0.2404 12.1 • 2to.3 4.3to • Po Granodiorlite Hornbl ende (0.445) 0.446 0.443 0.8604 86.7 1~.4tP. 9 13.4to. 8asalt WHol e rock 1.348 (3.161 ) 3.221 3.101 (58.8) 59.2 58.4 (16.2tO.1 ) 16.5to· 15.9tO. 123'Ill.5' 8asalt WIlol e rock 1.300 2.934 42.6 15.6to.b Do 44°$3.8' 122147.5' 8asalt [Wllole rock \.11I\01 e rock 1.406 1.409 3.154 3.132 52.3 51.3 15. 5to.~ 15.4tD.~ Do 00 7727 44°47.3' 122139.0' Basol t WIIole Irock 1.568 3.503 52.3 15.5to.12 Do 7709 44°55.3 122433.3' 8asalt WII01 e Irock 1.398 3.037 51.5 15.0to·14 001. 33 34 7798 44°",8 122456.3' Basol t ,",01 e Irock 1.434 3.054 27.1 14.7to.12 001. 35 77231\H 44°1\9.0 123tOl. 5' co~umbia Rf~er Basal t ,",ole Irock 1.736 3.659 45.4 14.6to.14 Dol. 36 7729 44°1\7,3 122t39.0' co*.umbia Ri~er salt Gr up, rande Ro de B~salt 8asal t Whol e Irock 1.238 2.508 48.3 14.5tO.14 Dol. 7757 45135.1 1221'06,5 ' 8asalt whol e Irock 1.804 4.082 48.7 15.7tOJ4 7755 45135.1 122f06. 5' Columbia RI er !\asalt Gr up, anapum B sal tl 8a salt W/lQI el rock 1.744 3.898 62.5 15.2toJ2 SR59-61, SR59-17 45413.1" 123~43.9' MtJ Hebo sill Diorite 11agioclase (2.86 ) 2.69 KA2161 45f28.5" 123~58.0 ' De""e 8ay Bhal 8asalt hoi el rock (1.59) 3.564 KA214DR 45r9.5" 1231°58.0 ' DePoe Bay 8~sol Basalt hoi el rock (0.770 ) 1.6553 ase ttphra bed nearl base Pbwer land othe~s, 1981 0, R.llux, in Wrep. 00 w o salt Gr Up. anapun B sal t Multonomah county collumbla Rif:r ~asal t Gr up, ande Ro e B~ solt • R.I lUX, in Iprep. DQ, Till iIJ100k County YIJ-IN 6.0tO.65 16.4t0166 ats~to 3R.3 5.2tO•6 15.5t016 urnIr, 1970; Sn vel y andtothers, 1973; Wa ker and thers, 1974 la rsen ond Hammond, 197 15.3 4,5tl. 0 14.9!lfO 3.634 25 5, 5to. 4 16.3tD 4 6.1016 50.3 6.0tO. 9 46.DtO'9 6.76 2.82 45145.01' YOll r ootnotes at end lof tabul ~r dato 123'58.0' Ne~hkahnie ftounhin ill Basalt Tillamook Vplcarlic Serle Basal t Ijhol el rock (1.542) 1.54? 1. 542 0.913 l andjSnavel Y, 196~; la rsen and Hammond, 1974 P. D. SIlove y. unpub. data 00. ieloland cresfY' 1973; laksen and Hammond, 1971 ~09fjl and ot~ers, 1981 -+ Hap nllqbe Sample nlJaber latitfe (N) lOng1t~e (W) 1-1I--I~-fArrad'I I R e p rted a'ile MatbriaJ J~9ht J 1011 p~rcent Ge1logie unjt Mattria 01 geoJraphie l~al Iity percent da ed Rock type Ti 11 amobk 6a} 6b 6e Till~ook Volhnlc1 Series Y051 7 o78-T-5 8 078-T-3 10 Till fOOk vOllant] series Till ook Vol ani Serles Count~- age (njoles/gm) 4 Arrad (In? yr) (l06 yr) (5.3693) 5.5290 5.2095 (~9.95) ~8.5 (44 5!0.6) 45 8±D.5 4 32 tO.6 (44.5!0.6 45.7±D.5 Refereoces -Cont • 0.B31 Sa sal t Calculated 31.4 Ma<lill land otherS. 1981 00. Do. 00. 8dsalt 0.566 3.7605 ~8.3 45 7±D.5 8a salt 1.110 7.0784 51.6 439!0.5 43.9!0.5 Do. 42. 7±D. 5 00. Do. n06 Till nok Vol ani series Basal t 1.546 9.5721 46.7 42 7±D.5 078-T -14 Till ook Vol ani Series Basal t 0.953 5.9128 168.2 42 7!0.4 42.7!0.4 29 271.4!5 28.1!5 walkerll973; 'alk rand ot rs.1974; aur en and H ond, 1978 14.5±0.1 0'1 A. wan son a r Eo H. McKe unpu • data 11.6±6.7 Do. walker 1973; IWalk r and ot~ers. 1974; laur en and HanlOond. 1978 Urn"t 111 a Cot!nty JohnlOaY Fonnat io, 21.02 Rhyol ite Andrthocl ase I( 5.15) Basalt whdl e rbek I 1.384 2.900 I 1.104 1.854 CC-1 45°03.8 ' 118°411.5 ' OSTW-77 -245 45°50.5 • 118 °111.4' OSTW-77 -249 45°49.8' 118°110.2' Col fa Rive Ba alt. Fr nelman S rin s( 1) Basalt whdl e rpek SC-I-7D 45°01.5' 118"28.4 ' Clarno Fonftatllon( t) Andesl te Pl;lgiocilase 1(0.523) JOhnlOaY F°mlatioM1) Vitrophyr Bittit, (7.89) 31.73 6.75 40.1 (7.83) 7.86 7.80 40.52 ~ia ColFr nelman Rive[ Bajalt. S rin s( 1) 48.2 3.32 ~Ion CountY ()jW-56-69 w 45 "09.2' 118°~8.5 • WT-487 45"O~.2· 117"/6.4' Wall owa Bathdl1th Granodiorite BI tit. YU-WT-180 45°111.7 ' 117°:\1.5' Hall bwa Bat hdl1 th Granod iorHe BIOtit F-2 45°*.2' 117 °44.2' Grafe ROnde Ba sa' t, 9uplflws Ba salt 0.230 0.4584 l-44 45 "214.4' 117°41.2 ' Col bia Riv r fl ws, Gra de Ronde Nephel ine Basalt 0.325 0.5442 HM-2 45"219.1 ' 117"42.2' Gra~de RondeIBasa~t. Basal t 0.324 0.5374 0-8 45°119.6' 117°41.3 ' Gra~de Ronde IBa sallt, g~oup III flows Basalt 2.030 2.784 -' 8 2.186 1seet~on 67 2a.2!0.8 28.B!0.1 89 2 t.OtO.8 27.7!0. Do. 36!4 139±4 Arjrnstrbng and o~hers. 1976; laurSen and HanlOond. 1978 18!4 121!4 Do. 78 13.8!2. 7.71 t wJ H. ~aubeneckl and Eo H. ""'!<ee. unpup. data U.6±0. Do., 5.59 11.5!2. 00 8.42 9.5!1. 00 10.3 9~ouP II flows willi owa County I mrle West f Pe es Point,. 9J675' el evatio ,T J 1 Nl. R. 47 Granl te Picture Gorge Basalt Basalt Imn ha flows H t Point eet on; P et ure Basalt Wllole rock 1.71 (3.877) 3.860 3.905 3.B69 (53.6) 54.0 52.9 53.9 (1~.3tO.3 ) 15.7!D. Sa salt Hllol e rock 1.49 (3.369) 3.360 3.378 (48.8) 49.0 49.6 (l15.2!0.3 ) 15.6±0. (0.332) 0.335 0.328 0.334 (B.19) 8.21 8.17 30.5 32 29 l60±5 164±5 1~.6e 45°:\1.2' 116°.5.2' 8-2 (i) 45-a7.0' 116 °44.0' YU-WT-146 45°16.0' 117'125.6' Wal owa Bath lit (~ .".rr,o£ •. ".J Gabbro WT-204 45 °1 1.5" 117114.0' Wal~owa Bat~ollt"" Granodiorlite at end of tabular t Go~ge ~asalt Imn[ha fl ows eetion; 11 t Point P eture Go e Basalt Craig Mountain da~a Taubeneck, 196:(, La urlsen and ""nIOOnd. 1974 Wallowa BathOl itt 19-2 (ii) Foo~notes 49ts e Bipt it I H<lrnbl~nde 810title 6.51 149!5 WatkijS and Ba si. 1968; lau sen and .....ond. 1974 Baksl Wat lau Wal and Watk ns, 1973; Ins and ksl. 1974; sen and ond, 1974;1 er and 0 hers. 1974 Do Armstfong and l>thers. 1976; lautsen and ~amnond. 1978 Do ----"------f---lL;;datton --t----~I~----I~t--t---~---I--II~Hap IIlJntJelr sampl e nllnber La titude (H) Longidude Materiall Ge"logic unlit 0 (w)1 Rock typ_,:~~ 20 - OArra~ Rep • ight loll ercent percent ( oles/gm) °Ar rad rte~ a e (10 1 yr) calculatea l age References (1_0_6_y_r_)+~~-+~+-_ _+ .__ ~+_ --I------+---I--I----I-------l--+-f-I--il----+----I---+-i--+----}---+--+--+----+Wall wa Bathq1 ithl Po e Bridge unit WT -211 8a} I 8b YU-WT-216 45"le.4 ' I Wallbwa BathQlith Po~e Bridgel un; II 7°a5.0' Quartz diorite Tonalite granOeJiJrite 7.35 Biotitel ~ 1101nblelnde (L3~) 0.382 L~ Ri Ute (8.36) 62.4 U4±5 147±5 Arjnstrolng and o.hers. 1976; aursen and l'4rrmond. 1978 143±4 147t4 Do. 1126±4 129±4 Do. 70.5 1124±4 126±4 Do. 71.8 1119±4 121 ±4 b Do. (8.673) 8.657 8.688 60.7 29.5 ) 35 24 76 L~ Lm WT -811 45"1~.7' 117"28.5' 10 WT -308 45"1 ~.8' 117"110.0' II WT-582 45"16.4' 12 WT -1019 13 (9.07) Quartz diorite Riot i tE wallbwa Rath<jllth Crlaig Moun~ain Quartz diorite Bi't itE ~~ 117"27.4' Wall Iowa Bathdl ith Quartz tobnzoni ~e RiOtitE (7.41 ) 7.46 7.36 45"1~.2' 117"21.4 ' 81 ue lak.e co ier te tr ndhj""i e Trondhje.ite 8iott tE 7.12 OB-19 45"48.5' 116"42.2' Basa It Whol e nock 1.003 2.530 55.7 U.4t1J.3 17.4t1J. 14 OB-23 45"48.5' 116°42.2' 8asalt Whol e nock 0.900 2.209 37.2 U.otIJ.5 17.0tIJ· Do. 15 08-12 45"48.5' 116"42.2' Ba salt Whole nock 0.848 2.063 29.4 IEl.8±O.9 16.8±O. Do. II.n~a fl ows~ Ilug~Bar 8asalt Whol e nock 0.970 2.319 23.4 IEl. 5±1. 2 16.5tl. Do. Imn~ha Basalt Whole nock 1.738 4.358 48.5 WalT bwa Bathdl ith Dug Bar • R k typ (1) ~~ ~~ 17t3 b 02.6 63 95±3 00. 97±3 b Do. HqKee ~nd other~, 1981 k W N 16 OB-15 17 1-74 45"48.5' 116°42.2' t pe sect! n. R k C ek ma!JR typ (1) flows Jqseph Voldanic 17.3t1J. oe oJ A. ~wanson and E. H. HcKe U"pur' data 18 OB-6 45"418.5' 116°42.2 ' Imn~ha fl ows~ Ilugl Bar t pe secti n, ~nerican B r ma!JRa ype Basalt Whol e nock 0.735 1.695 19.8 16.0±1. Do. 19 08-7 45°418.5' 116°42.2' [mn~ha fl ows~ Ilugl Bar t pe sect1 n. ~erican R r ma9.a ype Basal t Whble nock 0.690 I. 382 16.00 13.9t2. Do. 20 08-20 45°418.5' 116°42.2' Imn~ha fl ows~ Ilugl Bar t pe sect! n. Rl>ck C eek rna9' typ Ba salt Whbl e nock 0.974 I. 768 19.85 12.6±!. 00.1 21 OB-2 45°418.5' 116°0\2.2' Im~ha fl ows~ Ilugl Bar t pe sect 1 n. Pict ure Basalt Whble neck 0.466 0.3558 I. 74 5.3±4. Do., 8Hsl ~and Watk~'ns. 1973; Wat Ins and aks;. 1974; Walker and others. 1974; Laursen and ammond. 1978 rge ona!JR typ asco County 18-1 (i) 45°116.0' 121°11.0 ' Butller Canyo'i' Yakima Basalt Rasalt Whpl e ,rock 1.892 (4.596) 4.596 4.596 5.176 (82.75) 80.5 85.0 34.1 16.4tO.3 16.8±O. 8-9-1 (i) 44"50.7 • 1200~5.4 CoWj Canyon. Rasalt ~Ihble 1.77 (4.036) 4.047 4.025 (76.4 ) 68.9 83.9 15.3±0.3 15.8tO• cowl Canyon • P cture GoMe, Y kima Ras~1t Rasalt (7.564) 7.631 7.497 R.6B (R5.65) 86.0 85.3 17.4 15.3t1J.3 Rutler Canyo". Y kima Rasalt Rasalt (3.990) 67.9 66 68.R a.6±0.3 ' "ock P cture Gorge. Y kima Rasalt 2-2-2 (i) 14-1 (i) 44°52.6' 45°16.8' Footnotes at end M tabula.. dat 120"55.2' 121°10.8' W1,~1 e rock W~ol e rock 3. 1I 1.844 3. q72 4.007 00., 00 Ilo 15.8t1J. Do Do 00 Do 15.0±O. Do Do Do -- -- f-------~---+_+.-------+- localtlon Map ntlul>er I Sample Latitu<lle lOn91tfe nllJlber (N) (W) - --+----- -.-·---l-----·--+____ ---+--+-+----Kt;l-~Arr.~---j-j;.-;;-o~Geologic uni~ 01'1 geOgtaPhi~a114Y I I Rock type Mat~rlall we~9ht percent ddU..1 -~:YFOnna '-"1" I '" "1'< ""~'~s~i sheet .110 11 (m~les/gm) 9.25 648-552 44 °5510' No.6 44°4313' 120 0 Ul.9' John Day ForOlaltion Sa sa 11 No. 4 44 °3910' 120 0 uLo' John ~Y Fonnaf ion Tuff Sanidine No, 1 44°4010' 120·14.0' John Tuff Al blte Pl'lircent 4"Arrad I Calculated age ag (10 6 yr) 1 (10 6 yr) Referendes ~ P 1".'0 I--~ I I "'VIU.'. I u Wheel er Coun~y 4a) 4b 120°1$.4' John Pay Fonnalli on (bsidian { Whole Who e rOrk 1'0 k 44°4114' 120°04.5' John Pay Fonna~ ion Al tered pumice Cel doni e No.3 44°4211' 120·ul.o' John pay Fonn~tion Tuff Sanidine Pay 3 00. 215 00. 2 214 00. 00. 2~±2.4 00. :1 art ~ac1alse 00. No. 5 44°39W 12001~.9 ' John 44°37L6' 120°14.2' Cl arnb Fonnat flon Andesite Wh01 e rack 1.17 37.15 KA824A 44 °38L3' 120009.8 ' Cl arnb Fonnat ilon Bentonitic clayston Sanldin, 5.53 36.15±0.9 10 KA1204 44 °55L 9' 120°2$. g' Cl arnb Fonnat lion Tuff PI a~ioc1lase 0.631 34.10 11 KA1384 44°541.9 ' 120"21.2 ' John IDaY Fonn~tton Bentonite Sanldin 7.645 2 32'1 12 KA845 44°43L2' 120°13.4 ' John Day FonnJtion Sa sall Whol e rdck 1.45 5 31. 5 Fonndlt ion 00. 4 KA818 H W Fonnaltion 44°3913 ' No. 2 5 W ~y Hayl. 19~2, Laursen and Htand, 1978 Ev~ndeland nlaw and ot~rs. Par er, 1964, 1972, urs n and Hand. 1974, lke and oth rs, 1974 00. EV$nde~ and at~rs, 1964, urs nand Hand, 1914; alke and ot h rs. 1974 00. 0 Ev~rndei and ot~rs. 1964, nlow and Par er, 1972, nand Hand, 1974, walke and oth rs, 1974 ~aurs 13 KA489 44 °311.9' 120°16.2' John IDay Fonnatfon 14 KA648 44 °39.4' 120°11>.5 ' John 10ay Fonnat ion 15 KA649A 44 °4d.0' 120°14.5 ' John IDay Fannat ion Sanld1n (bsidi an Whole rdck alke Pot~ssi um ° 1.72 16 KA647A 44°411.9' 120°11>.9' John 10ay Fann"tionl Rhyolite, tuff Sanlid i n 6.86 17 KA646 44 °34.2' 120°1 V.4· JOhnjOa y Fomat ion Cl aystone Muhri 4.2 W-14 44°29.8 • l1g04Z.4' 19 W-15 44 "29.8' 119°4~.4 • Rail As Ra 10 esnake -flow Tu f, tlesnakerFornlation. er tuff Rattlesnake As -flow Tu f; Ra tlesnaketFon~atiOn~ 9 and ottrs. 1964, nand Ha and, 1974; and ath rs, 1974 Evernde and ot rs, 1964, n1 and Pa ker, 1972, aurs n and H ond. 1974; al ke and ot ers, 1974 25J5 5.43 alhit 18a} ISb Ev~rnde Ll-aurs 31.11 6.88 Rhyol ite, tuff 24J9 00. 23J 3 Everndt. and atts, 1964, aurs n and H ond, 1974, 'alker and ot ers, 1974 00. 21 6 1 6 7+0.2 6. 9tO.2 6.R5±Q.2 oal.rymi e and alliers, 1967; lavenport. 19 Oi alk I' and at ers, 1974, aur nand Hand. 1978 ~ 'alk 1', 1979 5.115±0.18 6.1 0tO.l 00. 12 6. 11[0±3.9601 46 1±4.0 46.1±0.4 145 406±0.9 0.55 4±0.90201 41.6±0.9 Rhy01 it., ash-flow tuff Anolrtho¢l as. 4.98) 5.00 4.95 4.923 139.6 Tuff Ana~hoclase 5.68) 5.69 5.67 4.998 7.9 0.578) 0.568 0.588 1.808) 1.820 1. 795 3.889 up er red w 1ded tuff 20b 20a} Ho ~nb 1end e 1/-3-58 44°31.0' 20c 20d Footnotes at end of tabul arldata 120°113.5' Cl adlO Fonnation Andesite { Whd1. rock 10.95 Enlows~and parkJr, 1972, alk I' and ot ers, 1974, rmst rang and others. 1975; aur en and H 1TI1l0nd, 1978 no. ----+.. - - - - - - j - - . . I H_p Sample -"1 "~" _ 21a 21b 21e 21d 21e h 22_ 22h 22e 22d 22e h 23_ 23b 23e 23d 23e 1\I 24a 24b 24c I~ 24d 24e 25a 25b 1\ 25e I 25d 25e w .f::> ~--. - I Latit~e Longi~ude l=:1±:j KFO-1702ll KFO-1I12 H-859 KFO-901 EMT -11 1-+--+------r o--fJ Arrod ..~--.~---.-, LOQ_tion_+-- 44 °315.4 ' 44°315.8' 44 °315.2' 120"l! 1.0' 120°13.0' 120 j 0.4' 0 c.ebloyic ''''it , 'f -i ""I 'oc,' "_ _ CI_rlno Fonn_~ion Lo""r Cl arno IFonnati on Cl a~no Forma~ion, 'oc' 8asalt Andesite Oi ahase Matoriall ih~r'"' heel r County -Cant. Whol e nock WhOle nock Whole nock d,lke 44°314.0' 44 0~3.4' 120 0 @7.0' 120 jO.8 ' 0 Upper Cl arno IFonnation Cla~no Fonna~ ion, Andesite Diabase Whole nock Whple nock dike 44°~6.8' 120"IIJ0.6 ' John oay Fon,_ti o~(?} J3.1' 12016.2' Clanno Format Ion 44° 5.9' 120 °\1.4' 26 PTR-71-9a 21 E-16-11 2~ 648-695 44 44° 3.9' 29 PTR-l1-11 0 12048.2 ' Joh Joh F~atiot _t 10 oay oay Fo 1e i ght Pl~giodlase (1.442) 1.446 1.434 (1.130) 1.145 1.115 (1.000) 1.007 0.998 0.994 (0.151) 0.159 0.155 (1.053) 1.054 1.044 1.062 (0.501) 0.507 0.507 0.501 10 11 Calcul ated r.epprted ercent I alge I r'd~' ~ (9.693) (7.231) (4.900) (0.768) (4.478 ) 4.229 73 62 26 8 66 63.23 (4 .9!0.01) 45.03to.9O 5. 0299tO. 900 44.81to·90 4.8 56!0.896 ".' ,", ~ age 46.1tO.011 En~ owsiand parUr, 1972; la lk r and at ers, 1974; Irms rang and others, 1975" a ur en and 44.010. 6 (3 .4tO.9) 33. 48tl. 27 3.4 57tl.273 3330+1.23 3.2 6611.232 34.3!0. 1 Do. 00. 00. 00. Do. 00. 00. llo. Do. 00. (3 .8t3.0) 3559+3.41 5.5 8613.407 3009t4.71 0.0 23t4.705 33.1!3. (2 29 9.4 29 29. 29.3!0. Do. 00. Do. 00. Do. 00. 00. 00. Do. 00. 57.0 pJ T. LObinson land E. H. unPU~. data Hornbl ende 0.256 1.826 9.9 48.9t5. 00. HornbUnde 0.359 2.460 6.97 47t9. OO~I [gnimbrit Pl~giodlase 1.440 5.628 51.62 26.94!0.23 00., Air-fall ~uff Poltasslum feldspar 1.42 59.6 26.8tO• 00 Andesite m ddl ... l r unit P cture Go ge i nimbritl 30 648-456 44°"5.9' 120°\1.5' Joh oay Fo _ti n, b sal air- all uff 28.79 FOOT OTES aRec 1cuI ated agejaries mqre t~an 5 perFent frOln PUbli shed _g b AnOl olous age: ge appea~s tolbe eithe~ too old or 00 youngl ha$,d on ot~er geologic olr geochrdnoloaic data.1 Check soureol reference fdr more soecHIc infonnl_tlon. coat exc1 oded fr averag dApp ox ilOate loca ion. e Loc tion not pIa ted on ir\dex lIap. lTlllond. 1978 00. (4 .8to.6) 43.35!0.81 3.3 810.687 4 .3tO.85 2.3 1410.846: .4!0.4) 45!0.59 61!0.588 33+0.59 317!0.5866 t= Referemces :=:ttj McK~e, SELECTED REFERENCES Armstrong, R. L., Taubeneck, W. H., and Hales, P. Q., 1976, Rb-5r and K-Ar ages and Sr isotopic compositions of some granitic rocks of Oregon and Washillgtoll. IsochronjWest, no. 17, p. 27-32. ___~1977, Rb-Sr and K Ar geochronology of Mesozoic granitic rocks and their Sr isotopic composition Oregon, Washington and Idaho: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 88, p. 397-411. Armstrong, R. L., Taylor, E. M., Hales, P.O., and Parker, D. J., 1975, K-Ar dates for volcanic rocks, central Cascades Range of Oregon: Isochron/West Bulletin 13, p. 5-10. Baksi, A. 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