Programme - Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière
Programme - Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière
Final conference of MOT’s project "The integrated economic development of cross border territories" Wednesday, September 30th 2015 - Paris Photo: Jean Isenmann, ADEUS Venue: Caisse des Dépôts 15, quai Anatole France 75007 Paris Salle Solférino 9h30 10h30 Welcome of the participants Panel n°1 "Partnerships for cross-border economic development" Languages: French, English Moderated by Olivier Denert, Secretary General, MOT 10h00 With: Contact: Silvia GOBERT-KECKEIS tel: + 33 (0) 1 55 80 56 85 Sophie DOS RAMOS tel: + 33 (0)1 55 80 56 80 Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière Opening address Marc Abadie, Director of the Network and Territories, Caisse des Dépôts (France) 10h10 38 rue des Bourdonnais 75001 Paris - France Presentation of the project "The integrated economic development of crossborder territories"* - Philippe Mestre, Director of the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion's EGTC (France-Spain) - Ralf Meyer, AGIT mbH (INTERREG Euregio MaasRhein – Germany-The Netherlands-Belgium) - Patrice Harster, Director General of the Eurodistrict PAMINA (FranceGermany) - Eric Delecosse, Director of the Technical team of France-WallonieVlaanderen INTERREG Programme (Belgium-France) By Jean Peyrony, Director General, MOT and Jonathan Boudry, Policy Officer Cross-border Studies and Legal Expertise, MOT * Project run since January 2014 by MOT in the framework of the national technical assistance programme Europ’Act. This event is co-funded by the European Union in the frame work Europ’Act. L’Europe s’engage en France avec le Fonds européen de développement régional. 11h45 14h30 Panel n°2 Panel n°3 "Cross-border economic projects" "The territorial reform and cross-border economic development" Moderated by Jonathan Boudry, Policy Officer Cross-border Studies and Legal Expertise, MOT Moderated by Giuseppe Bettoni, Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata With: - Henry Beillet, President of the Kiosk Office (France-Germany) - Peio Olhagaray, Director of Economic Development, Bayonne Basque Country Chamber of Commerce (France-Spain) - Mireille Gasser, Secretary General, (InnovARC project, Switzerland-France) - Sandra Casanova, President of the Cluster GAT Caraïbes (France-The Caribbean) 13h0014h30 Buffet-lunch With: - Sylvain Guetaz, Policy Officer, Directorate General, Rhône-Alpes Region - Simon Jodogne, Director, Dialogue & Territorial Prospective / Strategic Planning & Gouvernance, Métropole Européenne de Lille - Jean-Christophe Baudouin, Director of Territorial Strategies, General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET, France) - Marc Abadie, Director of the Network and Territories, Caisse des Dépôts (France) - Agnès Monfret, Head of Unit, European Cross-border Cooperation, DG REGIO (EC) 16h00 Perspectives and conclusions Jean-Christophe Baudouin, Director of Territorial Strategies, General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET, France) 16h15 End of the conference This event is co-funded by the European Union in the frame work of Europ’Act. L’Europe s’engage en France avec le Fonds européen de développement régional. Access map Venue Caisse des Dépôts 15, quai Anatole France - 75007 Paris Salle Solférino How to get there Public transportation in Paris: - RER C, station « Musée d’Orsay » - Métro line 12, station « Solférino » - Bus 63, 68, 69, 73, 83, 84, 94 Car park Deligny: access by the Seine riverbank Taxi companies: - Taxis bleus : +33 (0) 891 70 10 10 - Alpha Taxis : +33 (0)1 45 85 85 85 - Taxis G7 : +33 (0)1 47 39 47 39 Accomodation possibilities Paris Tourist Information Centre: - Phone : +33 (0)1 49 52 42 63 - Paris info: (online booking) Hotels nearby: Hôtel de Lille 40, rue de Lille - 75007 Paris Tel: +33 (0)1 42 61 29 09 (around 120€) - Vision de Paris : - CybeVasion Paris : - ACCOR group hotels (Mercure, Ibis, Novotel): Hôtel du Quai Voltaire 19 Quai Voltaire - 75007 Paris Tél: +33 (0)1 42 61 50 91 (around 120€) Hôtel Bellechasse 8 rue Bellechasse - 75007 Paris Tel : + 33 (0)1 45 50 22 31 (around 200€) This conference is financed by the European Union in the framework of the Europ’Act programme. Europe invests in France with the European Regional Development Fund.