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Pages 1 to - The University of Western Australia
Number 6
Associate Professor
Mike Clare
Dr Maria Harries AM
Ms Violet Bacon
Dr Tom Barrett
Dr Brenda Clare
Dr Mark Sachmann
Dr Susan Young
Ms Susan Diamond
Emeritus Professor
Laksiri Jayasuriya AM
Dr Christine Choo
Ms Heather Deighan
Adjunct Professor
Denis Ladbrook
David Thorpe
July 2006
UWA Social Worker
Alumni Edition
Faculties and Schools to maximise the
pedagogical and research benefits of
new partnerships between Disciplines
and with industry.
A Word from the Chair
I would like to welcome
members and friends to the UWA
Social Work Alumni and am looking
forward to regular gatherings which
combine an essential mix of opportunities for professional development
and social networking. This is a Special Joint
Edition of The UWA Social Worker and The
UWA Alumni Newsletter. Building on the work
of Jennifer Gardner and Laki Jayasuriya, Looking Back – Reflections on Twenty Five Years
1965-90, I would like to ‘Look Back’ on the past
fifteen years of changes and challenges facing
Social Work and Social Policy at UWA:
From School to Department to Discipline
In 1990, we were known as the School of
Social Work and Social Administration but soon
moved to become the School of Social Work and
Social Policy – in the Faculty of Arts. In the late
1990’s, we became the Department of Social
Work and Social Policy in the Faculty of Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences. Currently, we
are the Discipline of Social Work and Social Policy in the School of Social and Cultural Studies
which is one of two Schools of Study in the Faculty.
Over the years, these changes were managed initially by Laki Jayasuriya until his early
retirement – and then by Rae Lindsay, Jim Ife
and currently by yours truly. These changes reflect some of the moves within UWA and within
the Australian university sector to restructure
ISSN: 1449-3977
Changes to the Degree Structure
The first enrolled students in
Social Work at UWA in 1965 were
postgraduates who studied for two years before
qualifying. For a few years, successful graduates
were awarded a qualifying MSW degree. However, the majority of Social Work graduates at
UWA have received a BSW degree – initially for
graduate entry only but broadened in 1988 to
admit undergraduates who had completed two
years of relevant undergraduate study. In the late
1990’s, we began to offer a Four Year BSW programme in the Faculty of Arts – and, for the first
time, became more connected with all matters of
undergraduate Admissions, Enrolments, Administration and Examinations.
In this time, the overall number of BSW
students has moved between 70 during the period
of the two year programme to 150 at the peak of
the demand for the BSW in 2001. Currently,
there are 105 BSW students in the four year programme – with a noticeable fall in the number of
graduates entering to study in Year Three. We
are watching with some interest as the Bologna
Agreement impacts on Australian universities;
The University of Melbourne has already moved
to change a number of professional programmes,
including their BSW, to become second degree
programmes. Will Australian Social Work have
a Qualifying MSW as an option in future?
Continued on page 3
Professor Jayasuriya honoured
Dr David Vicary
The ongoing contributions made by the Foundation
Professor of Social Work, Emeritus Professor D. L.
Jayasuriya AM, BA Hons (Syd) PhD (Lond), Hon
D.Litt (Colombo) FBPsS, FASSA, have often been
reflected on the pages of The UWA Social Worker.
Ms Rosa Catalano
This special Alumni Edition brings acknowledgment
of Professor Jayasuriya’s recent award of a UWA
Honorary Doctor of Letters in March this year - one
Mrs Judy Grimshaw
of the highest academic honours one can achieve.
As well as paying tribute to his prodigious contribution to the university, social work and social
policy, multiculturalism and comparative social
PUBLICATION EDITOR policy and his extensive publications, the Vice
Ms Philippa White
Chancellor, Professor Allan Robson, recognised
(Continued on page 4)
by Dr Maria Harries
Professor Jayasuriya
with Vice Chancellor
Professor Allan Robson
40years of Social Work at UWA
Over 200 people joined together
in November last year to celebrate the
40th anniversary of Social Work at
UWA. Held at the University Club,
the event was designed and very successfully implemented by Joanne Dolphin, Rhiannon McKenzie and Louise
Durack of the Social Work Students
Association. Invitations were sent to as
many of the 1200 graduates as we
could find to join with current and past
staff to celebrate the 40th birthday,
which culminated in a cocktail party in
the University Club Ballroom (photos
below). The evening commenced in
the Theatre Auditorium with talks by
four social work graduates from different eras.
Social Work – Then and Now
featured guest speakers Libby Lloyd,
Joe Calleja, Michael Wright and
Louise Durack. Presentations by these
Four UWA graduates—the guest
four UWA graduates identified some
significant social work milestones and
included a visual exhibit prepared by
Libby Lloyd illustrating ‘appropriate
attire’ for women social workers in
former days—to the great hilarity of
the audience.
Having completed her social
work degree in 2004, guest speaker
Louise Durack is the most recent
Libby Lloyd
graduate of the four. Since graduation
Louise has worked as a drug and alcohol counsellor at Wesley Hearth,
which is an in-home counselling service for families affected by parental
drug and alcohol use. Louise describes
this as a challenging and exciting role.
In her talk at the 40th Anniversary lecture Louise spoke of her impressions of social work education at
UWA and social work practice in the
new millennium:
“I have been asked to reflect on
my experiences as a student a number
of times this year and I keep coming
back to the intimate teaching style and
the one-on-one contact that we were
lucky to have with our lecturers. This
is invaluable not only in that it facilitates a better learning environment but
for me it has meant that I have had
wise words of advice when I have
come up against decisions about my
practice and future directions.
For me a common thread in my
experiences as a student and my ongoing learning has been the people that
have assisted me. I would like to think
that I can be that person for a future
social work student who encourages
and nurtures their budding professional
skills and identity. I would challenge
all of us here today to share our wis-
dom with those who are new to this
profession so as to maintain our sense
of connection and momentum.
From this Department we have
graduated into a world of uncertainty
and increasing disconnectedness. We
have been a nation of the ‘fair go’ in
rhetoric but I think our clients would
tell us a different story. I believe this
profession is the point at which our
clients’ voices need to meet and be
heard and be amplified and this is the
challenge to social workers of today.
The challenge to maintain our
professional integrity and continue to
identify as social workers and actively
pursue social justice and the lived experience of our Code of Ethics is
tough. In fact social work could be
considered a marginalised or deviant
activity in this ‘me’ centred world of
instant gratification and remote communication. I think it is an ideological
commonality amongst the social work
profession that we believe that when
an individual is disadvantaged so is the
whole community. To work against the
individualistic and increasingly cynical
attitude of Australians, social workers
need to have a legitimate and united
voice that can reiterate the goal of
equality of opportunity and put into
practice the rhetoric of a fair go”.
Louise Durack
A Word from the Chair
Vi Bacon
Maria Harries
Brenda Clare
The Growing Emphasis on Postgraduate
Research Programmes
Another important example of the changing landscape of Social Work education at
UWA is the significant and successful development of the postgraduate research programme;
there was one PhD student in 1990 and there are
currently over 40 MA and PhD students with at
least one Social Work PhD candidate at recent
Graduation Ceremonies. This huge success is
due to the considerable efforts of Jim Ife initially and of Maria Harries in recent years. The
list of completed PhD theses reflects the breadth
of policy and practice interests of the successful
candidates (see page 5).
As a consequence of Maria’s efforts, the
completion rate for Social Work research students is excellent – and the provision of a Saturday morning seminar series makes an important
contribution to the student experience. Currently
Maria and I are trying to consolidate the ‘taught
course’ pathway for postgraduates who wish to
develop their practice knowledge and skills
through a potential modular pathway of Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters in
Social Work (MSW) and a professional doctorate (DSW); these programmes will include a
number of taught academic units and a research
dissertation. As part of this initiative, we have
introduced a more flexible delivery structure,
including our Winter School offered in partnership with the WA Branch of the AASW.
Focus on Quality of Teaching and Learning
One important component of the changing
landscape within universities is the increased
focus on the quality of teaching and learning.
Besides internal university monitoring of student evaluation of teaching at the end of each
semester, the Keating Labour federal government introduced the annual Course Experience
Questionnaire to be completed by every graduating student in every university. The Discipline of Social Work and Social Policy has consistently performed well in this audit of student
satisfaction – coming top of the national list of
BSW courses on more than one occasion.
In the early years of the CEQ, we received a UWA award which enabled the staff
group to enjoy a two day retreat in York during
Continued from page 1
which we reflected on
teaching and learning
processes; this attention to
reflection and review of
the curriculum is essential
to maintain standards. Another important aspect of our focus on curriculum change has been initiated and maintained by
Vi Bacon whose commitment to Indigenous
Policy and Practice and to enhancing the quality
of counselling knowledge and skills has added
considerably to the BSW programme.
Fieldwork Education as Central in
Qualifying Social Work Education
A particular strength of the programme
has been – and continues to be – the priority
given to Fieldwork Education; initially led by
Tom Barrett, then by Mike Clare and currently
by Brenda Clare, the Discipline has made a serious commitment to the recruitment and support
of agency supervisors as key partners in the
teaching and learning of social work students.
Prompted in 1989 after an important
workshop facilitated by Libby Lloyd and attended by academic staff and students from
UWA and Curtin University, together with
agency managers and supervisors, the UWA
programme made a significant commitment to
enhancing the quality of Fieldwork Education.
This has included successful applications for
internal and external funding for development
Currently, Brenda
Clare is trialling and monitoring revised planning and
assessment tools for both
long placements. Another
recent innovation is the introduction of the BSW Practicum – a work experience
opportunity for second year
BSW students. Finally, another important innovation is
the Supervisors’ Honour
Board which shows the
Tom Barrett
names of supervisors who
have made a considerable
commitment to the UWA programme.
(Continued on page 4)
A Word from the Chair
Heather Deighan &
Denis Ladbrook
Christine Choo
Continued from page 3
Establishment of the Centre for Vulnerable Children and Families
All of the above initiatives to enhance teaching and learning and to
grow the number of research students is consistent with the strategic direction of both the university and the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. What also fits well with this strategic thinking was the establishment of the Centre for Vulnerable Children and Families in 2005 –
after a great deal of development work by colleagues and friends of the
Discipline. The focus on vulnerable children and families had emerged in
the research activities and interests of colleagues and postgraduate research students in the Discipline. The Centre will facilitate research and
consultancy projects with colleagues from other Disciplines, other universities and from the broad range of human service agencies.
The Centre also makes it more likely that we can attract visiting
international scholars to work with us in conducting research activities;
since 1990, we have been very pleased to welcome a number of visiting
scholars who share this interest including Dr Roslyn Ow (University of
Singapore), Dr Martyn Jones (University of Bath), Associate Professor
Kate Mevik (Northern Regional University, Norway), Professor Hyung
Shik Kim (Chung-Ang University, South Korea) and Professor David
Thorpe (University of Lancaster).
Establishment of the UWA Alumni
I am very pleased to be able to reflect on the significant commitment of colleagues past and present to the professional education of social
workers; it is now time to look forward to the next anniversary in 2015
when we shall celebrate 50 years of Social Work at UWA. As you will
see in the Alumni Fund brochure, the Social Work Alumni are committed
to a number of important Key Initiatives for students, for graduates and
for researchers.
I am particularly interested in the Mentoring and Networking initiatives for new graduates and for practitioners and mangers in need of
timely consultation and support. Obviously, I am hopeful that this will
become a valuable resource for UWA social workers. I hope there will be
recognition and support for all of these Key Initiatives. To this end, I am
delighted that Sev Ozdowski is able to provide the Inaugural Lecture, The
Role of Social Workers in Setting National Policy Goals, for the Alumni
launch at the University Club in July this year.
Susan Young
Mark Sachmann
David Thorpe
Professor Jayasuriya honoured
Continued from page 1
Laki’s long and distinguished record of engagement in
public affairs at international, national and state levels. It is
clear that Laki has led the way in charting new directions
for Australian multiculturalism and citizenship. He was the
first Asian to be appointed to the Immigration Advisory
Council and was Chairman, National Advisory and Coordinating Committee on Multicultural Education. Over
the past three years he researched and significantly contributed to the formulation of the WA’s Multiculturalism
Charter (2004) as well as the establishment of Australia’s
first Anti-Racism Strategy.
Prof Jayasuriya has been one of Australia’s leading
public intellectuals - one of the very few from ethnic
minority backgrounds – leading, engaging, and provoking,
debate on issues such as anti racism, justice, human rights
and multicultural policy. He best exemplifies the role of
public intellectual as ‘speaking truth to power’.
In delivering his Convocation address at the graduation ceremony, Laki expressed his gratitude to his social
work colleagues:
I owe a special word of gratitude and appreciation
to my colleagues past and present in Social Work and Social Policy. Thank you for enduring me – warts and all –
over these many years. I could not have wished for a
greater bunch of work mates. You have been a great
source of support and strength to me in all my scholarly
Laki has been a mentor and role model for many of
us, in the government, in the community, and in academic
life. We congratulate Professor Laksiri Jayasuriya on his
hugely significant achievement.
Dr Maria Harries AM
The Centre for Vulnerable Children and Families
Centre Update by CFVC Director Susan Diamond
The Centre for
Vulnerable Children and
Families, with significant
and much appreciated
support from the Department for Community
Development is just about
to complete its second
year of operation. What
an amazing journey it has
Developed from a
vision in the Discipline of Social Work
and Social Policy to promote high quality research in relation to vulnerable
children and families, to advance scholarly debate and to advocate for this
group, the Centre has been working
hard for a sustainable position from
which to meet these aims successfully.
In the two years since inception the
Centre has generated an income of
nearly $300,000 and at the end of June
2006 has a small surplus with which to
purchase some vital research and project support. The bulk of the monies
have of course been spent in meeting a
variety of contracted research, evaluative, consultative and project support
obligations. This has been possible because of the input and commitment of
academic staff from the Discipline of
Social Work and Social Policy, with
whom the Centre works in developing
successful partnerships and opportunities.
In relation to these the Centre is
interested in developing foci around
some key activity and interest areas. It
is anticipated that this strategy will assist in creating a depth of expertise in
the Centre and associated post-graduate
research opportunities. Emerging foci
around which a critical approach is already apparent include vulnerable children and young people in out of home
care and leaving care; a new child wellbeing and safety discourse; policy and
service development for vulnerable
children and families;
vulnerable children
and families and child
rights; government,
corporate and community responsibility
in vulnerability; social policy development particularly as
it relates to cultural vulnerability; and
vulnerability, mental health and drug
The Centre is on the cusp of becoming sustainable and is now actively
developing proposals for inclusive, interdisciplinary, medium term projects
that will inform policy and practice, and
advocate for the rights of vulnerable
children and families. Academic, industry and corporate partnership is being
In addition the Centre is actively
involved in a number of industry forums, alliances and networks which
have enabled input to the local and national agendas for vulnerable children
and families, and for the Centre’s concern for this group to be visible.
Professor Dorothy Scott launches
the Centre at the University Club
in September 2005.
PhD Completions in Social Work and Social Policy at UWA
McCotter, Denzil "Children in Limbo: An Investigation into the Nature, Extent and Policy Implications of Welfare Drift in Western Australia"
Stehlik, Dani “Competing Knowledges and Life-Long Discourses: Parents Caring for their Children with an Intellectual Disability in
Western Australia 1945-1992”
Earles, Wendy “Powerless places and placeless powers: The (re)shaping of human services institutions in Western Australia (1984-1997)
Murphy, Paul “Step-families as Mergers: Can organisational merger research, theory, and practice inform understandings of the stepfamily formation process?”
Young, Susan “Negotiating Racial Boundaries and Organisational Borders: An Interpretive Study of a Cross-Cultural Training
Barnard, Jennifer “So they might believe them: An ecological model of recovery for child traumatic stress survivors”
Toolo, Nezhat "Inter-cultural friendships: An investigation of Iranian women's inter-cultural friendships in Perth, Western Australia"
Barber, Neville "Civil commitment and review: Tensions in law and in practice"
Sachmann, Mark “The aetiological significance of early childhood trauma and temperament in the pathogenesis of borderline personality
Clare, Brenda “Social work and social working: Stories of learning and identity development”
Fielding, Angela “Conceptualising power for contemporary social work practice”
Davies, Lissanne “Monsters and Heroes’. Constructions of client hood: a postcolonial discourse”
Wilson, Erin “Community in diversity: Reinventing liberatory practice”
Stratton, Katrina “The Artistry of Social Work Understanding and Practice”
Tascon, Sonia “Refugees and volunteers in Australia: deconstructing border, reshaping compassion”
Graduate Profile:
Louise Marriott
In London—
one year after the bombings
One year ago this July social worker
Louise Marriott was at the site of the London train bombings, helping traumatised
survivors as they were brought up from the Underground
railway blasts. Louise had been working nearby at her job
with the Children with Disabilities Team at the City of Westminster when she heard news of the attacks.
“As I have first aid qualifications I went down to the
Edgeware Road site where a trauma centre had been set up. I
treated some of the victims as they were brought up from the
Edgeware Road blasts, and also did some debriefing with
some of the people who were in shock”, Louise said.
After graduating from UWA at the end of 2002,
Louise worked at Fremantle Hospital and Wanslea Family
Services before travelling to the UK to work in March 2005.
She is still a social worker with the City of Westminster, and
a year after the bombings Louise reports:
“The feeling in London is one of victory, in that people are defying the terrorists and getting on with their lives
after the bombings. People are still catching the tubes and
buses and it's almost like they are carrying on for those who
were injured or killed.
“Since the bombings there actually seems to be a
greater acceptance of Islam and Muslim people generally, as
people realise that the fanaticism the terrorists preach is so
far from the respect and gentle religion practiced by many
everyday Muslim families in London.
“I went to a memorial service at Edgeware Road
where people were gathered to remember their lost ones and
to lay flowers. It was a sombre occasion and quite eerie to be
at the site where so many people lost their lives a year ago.
There was also a feeling of great sadness and loss. The tubes
were still running, and life was still going on for many, while
for some people it was over forever.”
Graduate Profiles are planned as a regular feature in forthcoming Alumni newsletters and will provide a conduit for
connecting and enhancing the Social Work Alumni community. We encourage graduates to send in news about their current
activities to the Administrative or Editorial contacts listed on the back page of this edition.
Social Work at UWA—The formative years
1967:The first UWA Social Work graduates
In A Word from the Chair, Mike Clare describes some
significant milestones in the history of Social Work at UWA,
focussing particularly on developments during the last 15
years. An earlier history is chronicled in Looking Back: Reflections on Twenty Five Years by Jennifer Gardner, which
was commissioned by Laki Jayasuriya and published by the
UWA Social Work Department in 1990. Looking Back provided the ‘historic’ images published in this edition of The
UWA Social Worker, and it was also the primary source of
‘Key Developments’ listed on the opposite page. This
‘snapshot’ provides a basic timeline of events between 1965
and 1990 and does not do justice to some of the pivotal developments during the early years, such as the establishment
of the innovative Family Services Centre and the financial
counselling initiative, which was unique in its day. For a
detailed history of events from 1965 to 1990 refer to Looking
Back: Reflections on 25 Years.
Looking Back also describes contributions made by
some key individuals and staff members during the forma6
tive years, including Walter Tauss, ‘Teddy’ Stockbridge,
Barbara Evans, Frank Pavlin, Laksiri Jayasuriya, Jean Teasdale, Frances Donovan, Grace Vaughan, Jan Carter, Jennifer
Page, Winsome Roberts (formerly Tucker), Brian Wooller,
Diana Silver, Joe Calleja, Grant Elliott, Brian Cheers,
Patricia Harris (formerly Tulloch), Audrey Bolger, Pat Hansen, Mary Dynan, Lorinne Boyce, Jim Ife, Owen Hicks, Rae
Lindsay, Tom Barrett, Maria Harries, Mike Clare, Leonie
Nelson (formerly Butland), Marie Harris, Pam Hayden, and
Rosa Catalano.
UWA Senior Academics Ken Walker, Gordon Reid,
Brian de Garis, John Jory and Peter Boyce were true friends
of Social Work, as were Board members Aubrey Yates, Veronica Brady, Richard Harding, Mike Hobbs, and Peter Underwood. Visiting Lecturers, including Archie Ellis, Chris
Reynolds, Guy Hamilton, Laurie Wood, Val French and Jacquie Musk were some who contributed to the innovative and
multi-disciplinary focus of Social Work teaching at UWA.
Significant input was provided by overseas academics
who were on staff, including Kathleen Hill (USA), Ben
Schlesinger (Canada), Eric Butterworth (UK), Christine Hallett (UK); and visiting academics Richard Lazarus (USA),
Philip Bean, Olive Stevenson, Robert Pinker and Roy Parker
(all from the UK)
From the government and public sector, Keith Maine,
Peter Gorton, Des Semple, Barry MacKinnon and Ray
Young were supportive in a variety of ways.
Regrettably, limitations of space prevent the publication of a more detailed record of the formative years, and
once again, Looking Back should be consulted for a more
comprehensive description of key individuals and their significant contributions to the development of Social Work at
Key Developments in the Formative Years
Grace Vaughan
WA Branch of AASW initiates discussion with the University for the establishment of a Professional Social Work Program and a School of Social Work at
UWA (1946-57)
AASW WA Branch helps to establish an ad hoc Committee chaired by Prof.
Ken Walker (Psychology) to plan for the establishment of a School of Social
UWA grants in principle approval for a course in Social Work.
Secondment of Dr Wally Tauss (Psychology) as Executive Officer/Course
Controller to oversee the 18-month Diploma in Social Work Program
University approves Report of Senate Committee (Chaired by Prof. Gordon
Reid) on the establishment of a Department of Social Work and a two-year
postgraduate Masters program (MSW)
Department of Social Work established as an autonomous body under the
direction of a Board of Studies, reporting directly to the Vice-Chancellor
Prof Aubrey Yates (Psychology) appointed Foundation Chair of Board of Studies (1969-87)
Dr Tauss appointed first Head of Department (1970-71)
Rae Lindsay
Joe Calleja
Margaret Stockbridge
Mrs Teddy Stockbridge appointed Acting Head of Department, following the
death of Dr Tauss
Prof. Laksiri Jayasuriya of the Department of Sociology and Social Welfare,
University of Ceylon appointed as Head of Department at Assoc. Professorial
Temporary relocation of the Department from ‘old temporary huts’ in Irwin
Street to the Physics building
Prof. Jayasuriya appointed Foundation Chair of Social Work
Masters of Social Work program replaced by: a) Bachelors degree (BSW Pass and Honours); and b) Masters by Research (MSW)
Establishment of the Family Service Centre (FSC) to provide campus-based
practicum training facilities Mr Brian Cheers (1977-79) and Ms Rae Lindsay
(1979-1986) serve as Directors of the FSC
Restructure of Graduate Studies with the introduction of a doctoral program
leading to a PhD
Ms Patricia Harris (formerly Tulloch) appointed Head of Department
Internal Review of the Department by a Committee chaired by Prof. Peter
Boyce, which recommends organizational and course changes
Social Work incorporated within the University Faculty structure, and located
in the Faculty of Arts for administrative purposes
Restructure of Masters program into two degrees: a) MA by Research; and b)
MSW by Course Work
Restructure of BSW into a two-year undergraduate plus two-year postgraduate program
Laksiri Jayasuriya
Tom Barrett
Mike Clare and
Tom Barrett
Brian Wooller
Patricia Harris
GRADUATES 1967—1984
1967 DipSocWk
Foley, Marcia
Gorton, Peter
Patterson, Jennifer
Riduzis, Karliss
Silver, Marjorie
Osborne, Ilona
Scott, Virginia
Brazier, Caroline
Delaney, Joanna
Gentle, Jill
Green, Catrina
Wooller, Brian
Bell, Frank
Edwards, Roslyn
Halbert, Susan
Hansen, Patricia
Lloyd, Elizabeth
Marshall, Jennifer
O'Neil, Bryan
Silver, Diana
Taylor, Judith
Bain, Jill
Cook, Pamela
Davies, Gail
Harries, Maria
Hill, Elizabeth
Knauerhase, Juliet
Koce, Silvia
Manley, Sandra
Ralph, Paul
Goerke, Joseph
Hamory, Jean
Newman, Janice
Kohn, Shirley
Maguire, Aileen
Monson, Kenneth
Snooks, Diane
Stewart, Jennifer
Stockton, Earl
Vaughan, Ian
Whale, Helen
Zloich, John
Brathwaite, Sally
Brenton-Coward, K.
Cake, Graeme
Colless, Janette
Cross, Daphne
Hewett, Jennifer
Loverock, Jennifer
Thompson, Robynne
Ure, Lesley
Webber, Stephanie
1972 MSW
Bartlett, Robert
Dunn, George
Ellis, Lillian
Garton Smith, Carol
Gordon, Donald
Hickey, Barry
McKenzie, Robyn
Medcalfe-Moore, J.
Parry, Laurel
Pilgrim, Janice
Samlal, Stephen
Wilsmore, Patricia
1973 MSW
Ackland, Noelle
Adams, Victor
Carle, Elizabeth
Goodrick, Dorothy
Houston, Derry
Kelly, Margaret
Lindsay, Rae
Mazzuzcchelli, Joan
Mulroney, Terence
Neumann-Shebek, M.
Ngui, Robyn
Smith, George
Smith, Penelope
Vaughan, Grace
1974 MSW
Brookes, Charles
Choo, Christine
Menage, Marie
1975 MSW
De Jongh, John
Furphy, Margaret
Gould, Susan
Hill, Barbara
McGhee, Milton
Mildern, Edward
Ngui, Matthais
Roe, Graeme
Rosen, Kay
Solomon, Neville
Tucker, Winsome
Wiliams, Ricard
1976 MSW
Burke, Anne-Marie
Cox, Susan
Ellis, Michael
Fussell, John
Webber, Laurence
1976 BSW
Green, Maria
Patterson, Nancy
Leitmann, Sabina
Lindner, Rosemary
Plester, Vicki
Gardner, Jennifer
Searle, Lesley
Stamatiou, Emmanuel
Stone, Sheryl
Walsh, Barbara
Westheafer, Charles
Cook, Alison
White, Elizabeth
Zilko, Clare
1977 BSW
Armstrong, David
Binder, Nicholas
Bowden, Timothy
Britton Timothy
Chang, Kyung
Christensen, Susan
Gardosi, Barbara
Hennessey, Carmel
Jones, Vincent
Keith-Fraser, Anne
Laden, Samantha
Lankester, Diana
Lawn, Maxine
McDougall, Kerry
Mulcahy, Patricia
Owen, John
Page, James
Peacock, Erica
Purser, Margaret
Roskams, Mary
Scott, Robert
Scott, Jennifer
Turely, John
1977 MSW
Crawford, Frances
Gordon, Barbara
Mat Saat, Bin
Nowicki, Ronald
Robinson, Margaret
Storey, Penelope
Woodroffe, David
Blanchard, Shirley
1978 BSW
Hicks, Owen (Hons)
Selepak, Lynn (Hons)
Bavin, Dorothy
Bourke, Jennifer
Bowerman, Lesley
Chandler, Sally
Chen, Olga
Coleman, Dianne
Edward, William
Frost, Norah
Ingle, Judith
Irwin, Jeffrey
Kerr, Robyn
Kyron, Arthur
Lin, Marian
Lynch, Maureen
O'Sullivan, Rena
Oxnam, Helen
Page, Elva
Posney, Kenneth
Ryan, Paul
Cohen, Sandra
Smith, Jacqueline
Snook, Janice
Snook, Veronica
Wiese, Robyn
Buchanan, D (DipSW)
1979 BSW
Skevington, S. (Hons)
Barrett-Lennard, K.
Bouchier, John
Bruce, Barbara
Carroll, Kathleen
Cheng, Stephen
Chiu, Peggy
Deane, Shauna
Donovan, Mary
Dorricott, William
Evans, Deborah
Fitzpatrick, Cheryle
Jeffcote, Thomas
Kenny, Anne
Jordan, Susan
Lopez, Maria
Mangano, Ross
Marwick, Patrick
Martin, Jennifer
McSweeney, Susan
Miller, James
Miller, Peta
Mitchell, Gaynor
Pruiti, Rosina
Radovanovic, Liliana
Searson, Angela
Stanton, Josephine
Stick, Dorothee
Travers, Bonnita
Van De Ruit, Reinier
Zemer, Wendy
1980 BSW
Coppin, Pippin (Hons)
Johnstone, R. (Hons)
McNiel, Enid (Hons)
Ashworth, Marjorie
Astbury, Rodney
Bartlett, Alexia
Barton, Magasim
Bolt, Barbara
Congdon, Sally
Cooper, Royna
Denton, Linda
Emery, Lawrence
Gelle, Louise
Grill, Christian
Hallett, Susan
Heavens, Mary
Henderson, Frances
Hicks, Janet
Howle, Pamela
Joyce, Mary
Kauhanen, S.
Kaye, Judith
Kenner, Susan
Hands, Beth
Nunn, Patricia
O'Dwyer, Sally
O'Reilly, Eileen
Perlinksi, Amanda
Quann, Aileen
Roberts, Margaret
Silver, Wendy
Simkova, Dagmar
Smart, Jillian
Turton, David
Watkins, Alan
1981 BSW
Allbrook, Malcolm
Bannister, Holly
Bassel, Glenyse
Brackenreg, Ellen
Collins, Dianne
Couch, Julie
Dolman, Jeanette
Gevers, Leslie
Giovannangelo, Tanya
Goldstein, Dorothea
Gray, Margaret
Hall, Susan
Helfgott, Suzanne
Hobbs, Jeremy
Holloway, Anne
Mitchell, Francine
Morgan, Janet
Morris, Anthony
Mutton, Joan
Noronha, Juanita
Pillay, Lorraine
Price, Pamela
Punch, Donald
Rich, Flora
Sim, Christina
Sirouspour, Shireen
Smith, Geoffrey
Tan, Beng Lin
Thomas, Debra
Tiede, Annabel
Ward, Jeanette
Halim, Abdul (MSW)
1982 BSW
Allison, Paul
Barnett, Diane
Bellett, Shannon
Bibby, Donald
Bickford, Lee
Chan, Betty
Chin, Yuet Choo
Notarpietro, Anne
Collins, Frances
Cook, Joanne
Dagnall, James
Delamare, Tracey
Dwyer, Rosalie
Edmonson, Joy
Giorgi, Bert
Grech, Renay
Hales, Jennifer
Hope, Peter
Hoskins, Jennifer
Kolomyjec, Micahel
Lambert, Diane
MacMicking, Gayle
Mather, Russel
Manuel, Carole
Manessis, Sandra
O'Nies, John
Percy, Donna
Robinson, Jenny
Roy, Glenda
Sedgwick, Enid
Winer, John
Kagi, Carol-Anne
Pederick, K.(Hons)
Barningham, Jean
Brady, Deborah
Brown, Robert
Byrne, Jo-Anne
Calleja, Joseph
Cassidy, Laura
Chandler, Graham
Clements, Debra
Collins, Annette
Dodson, Evelyn
Girardin, Karen
Gleeson, Linda
Gorton, cindy
Johnston, Carol
Jones, Carolyn
Le Miere, Michele
Lumsdaine, Ann
Martinez, Luz
Menaglio, Darryl
Monaco, Rosa
Palmer, Marion
Penn, Christina
Rome, John
Samson, Carolyn
Small, Barbara
Street, Deborah
Swindley, Gavin
Thomas, Maribelle
Toschkoff, Renata
Travers, Laurence
Tuke, John
Tyler, Malcolm
Page, Jennifer (MSW)
Wainwright, C. (MSW)
1984 BSW
Hunziker, E. (Hons)
Carberry, Fiona
Cerny, Homa
Csillag, Kris
England, Lissane
Ferner, Kathleen
Fergusson-Stewart, D.
Giblett, Noel
Humphreys, Mary
Kennedy, Anne
Lacy, Karen
Lyle, James
MacPherson, Robert
Markham, Rae
McCracken, Jennifer
McKenna, Angela
Meier, David
Mummery, Anne
Shub, David
Sitas, Michael
Stokes, Marie
Stone, Pauline
Tomsons, Dace
Tran, Hang
Tropiano, Christina
Warrier, Matthew
Ward, Donna
GRADUATES 1985—1996
Walker, Erica
Yoong, Gek
Munro, Kathryn
Coleman, Paula
Cook, Jennifer
Cornish, Philip
Cowie, Zelma
Currie, William
Das, Dean
Du Gard, Kim
Hampton, Margaret
Hayler, Wendy
Kirton, Elizabeth
La Mela, Vincenzo
Langdon, Patricia
Liebeck, Toni-Anne
Mace, Jennifer
Marchant, Trudi
Martin, Micahel
Michie, David
Moran, Gerald
Nelthorpe, Joyce
Over, Errol
Payne, Andrea-Nyrelle
Piggott, Lynton
Polain, Barbara
Portman, Pamela
Radich, Vesna
Reberger, Caroline
Ronchi, Sharen
Smith, Warwick
Sutherland, Laurence
Abercromby, Leigh
Burke, Jeffrey
Churchward, Alison
Clark, Patricia
Cranwell, Beverly
De Graff, Adrian
Evans, Sarah
Fernandez, Leo
Harrison, Margaret
Healy, Brunnhilde
Hodgson, Terri
Hugo, Heather
Keogh, Matthew
Keys, Julian
Mills, Anne
Modra, Margaret
Morrison, Bruce
Phillips, Teresa
Pickard, Anne
Snyder, David
Spaziani, Marisa
Steel, John
Turner, Anne
Zdzitowiecka, Ewa
Allsop, Andrew
Barnett, Cheryl
Barclay, Fraser
Chan, Siew
Devereux, Edward
Doyle, Meredith
Gillieatt, Sue
Hennesey, Jadwiga
Inararangson, W.
Keating, Stephanie
London, Zoe
Majda, Richard
Matthews, Fergus
Menage, Jean-Pierre
Robson, Helen
Murdoch, Julie
O'Brien, Lyndell
Radich, Maria
Rice, Roxana
Rowe, Gloria
Sears, Cim
Searson, Bridget
Tate, Vicki
Teshome, Julie
Thomas, Sandra
Tindal, Bronwyn
Watts, Peter
Hansen, P. (MSW)
Henderson, J. (MSW)
1988 BSW
Bannan, Shelley
Bhadra, Gyan
Bisset, Roberta
Brisbane, Julie
Bullock, Elsie
Cake, Patricia
Carberry, Patricia
D Cruz, Derek
De Messa, Christiane
Dubois, Janelle
Harrison, Celine
Hendrick, Susam
Johnston, Noelle
Lang, Iolanthe
Medley, Dennis
Nguyen, Xuan
O'Dowd, Mary
Peterson, Leonie
Russell, John
Sandover, Penelope
Sargent, Margaret
Sloan, Mathhew
Thomas, Nicole
Versteegen, Patricia
Want, Joy
Wignall, Jennifer
Moffatt, Ronald (MSW)
Bell, Amanda-Lea
Boston, Elsa
Breen, Laura
Campbell, Alexander
Chia, Pauline
Dean, Donna
Dowse, Stephanie
Edwards, Stephen
Eves, Sally
Fenton, Nardeen
Hasan, Ismail
Hube, Waldemar
Jacobsen, Trevor
Laing, Dorothy
Luketina, Susan
Luxton, Barry
Nicholls, Thuan
Parry, Sarah
Poole, Roslyn
Radici, Maria
Reilly, Terri
Scarle, Diane
Skrmeta, Peter
Terry, Jennifer
Walford, Heather
Weeramanthri, Nirad
Wilson, Pamela
Withey, Elena
Woods, Peter
1989 MSW
Gaitskell, Kevin
Northcott, David
Richmond, John
Hunter, Thomas
Holsgrove, J. (Hons)
Axcell, Jane
Ball, Maurice
Bowles, Barbara
Brill, Deborah
Clark, Curtis
Cope, Thomas
Douglas, John
Doyle, Sallyanne
Doyle, Stephanie
Flood, Karen
Fowler, Niel
Gunnel, Anne
Herd, William
Kent, Ann
Loois, Vivienne
Loslier, Helene
MacDonald, Siobhan
Miller, Karen
Mulley, Rosalynde
Murdoch, Eileen
Mutton, Ronald
Nancarrow, Jenny
Neden, Jeanette
Nys, Helen
Oxley, Sandra
Percy, Ian
Stone, Judith
Taylor, Colleen
Vintilla, Barbara
Wilkes, Jennifer
Wolfe, Adam
Adams, Deanne
Banks, Clive
Barrie, Elizabeth
Bertone, Angela
Birch, Mandy
Boyett, Lee
Chiu, Kam
Chuong, Joe
Coffey, Delores
Crowe, Jenelle
Dare, Karen
Dawkins, Kate
De Cinque, Natarlie
Fairclough, Sheralee
Farruggio, Teresa
Galbraith, Gail
Galvin, Kathy
Green, Nancy
Heap, Helen
Hill, Mary-Jane
Jones, Rex
Kellett, Florence
Kitching, Bronwyn
Matthews, Jillian
Mendis, Asitha
Moore, Hazel
Muirhead, Dianne
O’Brien, Peter
Oliver, Diane
Rawlins, Marian
Romeo, Monica
Schuhmacher, Christl
Vance, Vivian
Wearne, Sally
Webb, Jane
Weir, Michael
Wheeler, Clare
Williamson, Gillian
Wilmot, Sandal
Worswick, Joanne
Yates-Round, Piers
Aloni, Ronite
Asensio, Sonia
Bachman, Gordon
Benham, Kathryn
Booth, Natalie
Casserly, Eoin
Chong, Cristal
Dwyer, Winnie
Gilovitz, Ruth
Kent, Rosemary
Kershaw, Peter
Lam, Maggie
McGrath, Eugene
Morrison, Kylie
Moss, Peter
Robb, Linley
Rooke, Kerrin
Schindler, Anthony
Schroeder, Agatha
Skye-Lark, Lolita
Speer, Andrea
Steffen, Sabina
Talikowski, Luke
Taylor, Sharon
Vernon, Wendy
Atkinson, Sue
Bennett, Claire
Bradley, Maria
Cahill, Peter
Clough, Paula
Connor, Jane
Darby, Kim
Doran, Georgina
Garcia, Natalie
Harris, Karen
Hicks, Madeleine
Jacobs, Alexandra
Kickett, Glenda
Knappers, Angelique
Mann, Jasbir
Morris, Jennifer
Peaty, Adam
Phillips, Duncan
Pielage, Anne
Robson, Anna
Rowe, Shirley
Selwyn, Lynda
Silvia, Renee
Simms, Trish
Sims, Fiona
Spence, Julie
Tarpy Christina
Walsh, John
Wilson, Jane
Ashbrook, Sally
Barrett-Lennard, Mark
Blitz-Cokis, Kathy
Bullow, Kate
Cheng, Mei
Collins, Emma
Czwienczek, June
Dapaz, Vania
Donnelly, Teresa
Dwyer, Kristina
Fogelman, Karen
Hansen, Ronald
Hovell, Robyn
Hua, Chanh
Linde, Lynette
Lipman, Aviva
McGeown, Nicola
Momber, Elizabeth
Moylan, Daniel
Padilla, Rosa
Ridley, Heath
Roome, Hazel
Rutherford, Susan
Searle, Catherine
Sparrow, Philip
Splitt, Fiona
Sturrock, Kathryn
Talikowski, Elizabeth
Thayne, Annette
Tomazin, Martin
Urquhart, Julie
Utting, Hannelore
Watson, Joanne
White, Gail
Windsor, Suzanne
Beach, Anne
Bissell, Lucille
Blom, Monique
BoterhovenDeHaan, M
Box, Catherine
Brabazon, Vernon
Calcei, Raechell
Choo, Clarissa
Clarke, Brendan
Coutinho, Anita
De Garis, Alison
Dewson, Kristy
Ferns, Julia
Fleming, Joseph
Gandy, Denise
Gillett, Robin
Hamilton, Lisa
Harris, Christopher
Jensen, Leanne
Jones, Rachel
Laughton, Kylie
Leach, Esther
Lee, Bruce
Leow, How Cheung
Lindahl, Lena
Lovell, Nerida
Marsh, Jennifer
McQuade, Grace
Myers, Lee-Anne
Perry, Rosemary
Poole, Anthony
Reeves, Terence
Stratton, Katrina
Stubbs, Dorothy
Toole, Stephen
Wenden, Jodie
Wright, Michael
Xavier, Lorraine
Adams, Clayton
Ban, Elizabeth
Beeton, Howard
Bingwa, Dorcas
Bowes, Carolin
Burns, Maria
Cahill, Joseph
Cheesley, Penelope
Cutler, Bronwyn
Davidson, Elizabeth
Fiske, Lucy
Frost, Deeana
Ghani, Sandra
Ghani, Shareen
Gorddard, Vanessa
Hashim, Patricia
Holyoake, Frances
Hope, Amanda
Isaacs, Lynette
Kelley, Deborah
King, Rosalie
Luong, Samantha
Pensalfini, Libero
Mathews, Kylie
McInnes, Katie
GRADUATES 1997—2004
Meddin, Rachael
Middleton, Daphne
Perkins, Angela
Read, Katharine
Reese, Amanda
Rose, Jennifer
Santa Maria, Jade
Searson, Rosemary
Tascon, Sonia
Telford, Lisa
Verwuster, Sabine
Wallis, Carmen
Williams, Lesbeth
Zuvela, Lynita
Aldas, Agnes
Atkin, Tricia
Baden, Fran
Bohm, Anette
Bonson, Leah
Bruss, Ines
Butcher, Petrina
Chong, Amanda
Daly, Brian
Diggins, Caroline
Elliott, Margaret
Farrell, Rose
Fazari, Margaret
Fitz, Karl
Fitzpatrick, Roslyn
Gear, Pamela
Grogan, Joe
Hagan, Kendra
Hays, Luke
Hudson, Sarah
Hudson, Susan
Lee, Vivien
Lewis, Felicity
Lewis, Michael
Lockyer, Mark
McDonald, Laura
McKenzie, Julie
McNevin, Elizabeth
Mansfield, Linda
Muir, Kellie
Mundy, Jennifer
Nelthorpe, Rachael
Porter, Mel
Robertson, Danielle
Rock, Stephanie
Schwind, Rebecca
Sinnick, Natasha
Spicer, Cathie
Stone, Vikki
Vukovich, Ivy
Walsh, Deborah
Watson, Judith
Weise, Virginia
Wright, Paula
Yong, Christina
Armstrong, Patricia
Branco, Kim
Britton, Katherine
Bullick, Joy
Clark, Michael
Cornelius, Rory
Davey, Rachel
Donald, Cheryl
Faulkner, Jennifer
Fernandes, Tina
Francke, Vanda
French, Tiffany
Gironda, Tania
Goh, Lisa
Gray, Jennifer
Hart, Maree
Hendrick, Antonia
Hollingworth, C.
Hulmes, Karen
Hunter, Ross
Jordan, Samantha
Kojima, Yukari
Kronberger, Rachel
Kunzli, Myles
Ling, Naomi
Long, Natalie
Mackell, Paulene
Maguire, Bruce
Milne, Angela
Morgan, Emma
Moulds, Shirley
Righton, Karen
Rizk, Angela
Semones, Sophie
Smith, Diane
Thomas, Amanda
Tomlinson, Kim
Tsang, Malcolm
Wallace, Kylie
Walsh, Jillian
Webb, Troy
Whelan, Amanda
Windsor, Norman
Adam, Veronique
Barclay, Andrew
Barker, Sarah
Beck, Erica
Beeck, Belinda
Berry, Carolin
Bolleter, Amanda
Chapple, Denise
Cherry, Adam
Christensen, Joan
Clissa, Peter
De Silva, Jayanti
Devine, Bernadette
Fogarty-Pryor, Seisha
Gardiner, Sarah
Graham, Jacalyn
Halsey, Michael
Hart, Frith
Higham, Naomi
Landers, Thomas
Las, Eva
McArthur, Nicola
McFadden, Melanie
Miles, Jason
Moncrieff, Noreen
Prentice, Margaret
Prince, Louise
Sim, Caleb
Small, Kylie
Sweet, Katharine
Thomas, Wayne
Williams, Danielle
Aanundsen, David
Balcombe, Deanne
Berko, Noella
Black, Barbara
Bolton, Stephanie
Braganza, Christabel
Colless, Sophia
Cranny-Connolly, M.
Dang, Lo-An
Denman, Fiona
Duckett, Mary
Duckworth, Lisa
Elliott, Sonya
Hale, Stephen
Hewitt, Lisa
Jaggard, Melissa
Jenner, Susanne
Kaiser, Elke
Lamont, Matthew
Lenzo, Belinda
Leung, Melissa
Lim, Vellar
McElhiney, Ky
McGuane, Thelma
McLeod, Madeleine
Mercer, Susan
Mitchell, Nicole
Owen-Conway, Elaine
Pitkethley, Donnelle
Randall, Mark
Rosario, Inez
Smith, Louise
Stevens, Rita
Stodel, Penni
Szito, Vera
Terry, Sara
Tollman, Lisa
Traupmann, Myrean
Tyrie, Emma
Veary, Belinda
Wain, Matthew
Willoughby, Marilyn
Arnett, Dianne
Axten, Katherine
Buckley, Lynette
Byrne, Michelle
Campbell, Patricia
Cosentino, Elena
Crawcour, Tracey
Cubitt, Fiona
Evans, Stephen
Farmer, Debra
Gallagher, Renee
Goh, Tracy
Harper, Kirsty
Hocking, Melanie
Hyde, Mark
Jackson, Samantha
Jeffreys, Angela
Kacperek, Amanda
Kolodenski, Sonia
Kurilj, Renata
Liew, Margaret
Lingard, Marguerite
Lloyd, Kelly
Lund, Stephan
Lutero, Anna
McKinnon, Erica
Magi, Debra
Mandolene, Brooke
Morley, Louise
Mousley, Carmel
Nettleton, Darryl
O’Brien, Eithne
Pasquier, Barbara
Prestipino, Amanda
Ramos, Jaime
Rea, Rachael
Reader, Kim
Readhead, Helen
Ridgeway, Lynne
Robinson, Jennifer
Saini, Jeswant
Schuhmacher, Ulli
Sertorio, Carrie
Sinclair, Narelle
Sinclair, Wade
Skipper, Hayley
Sullivan, Lauren
Sweeney, Pamela
Taylor, Cleo
Wood, Susan
Bailey, Susan
Barker, Heidi
Basili, Ann
Bennett, Shane
Bootes, Sheree
Brush, Wayne
Bryan, Angela
Carbone, Nancy
Castieau, Elizabeth
Claessen, Emma
Claydon, Daniel
Dearn, Amy
De-Fry, Pauline
Farray, Nicola
Fletcher, Penelope
Gallagher, Stephen
Giancola, Fiona
Greenwell, Dawn
Hall, Margaret
Harris, Leigh
Hartley, Joanne
Heerey, Alexandra
Hilditch, Zarin
Hirsch, Naomi
Inger, Wendy
Johnson, Adam
Johnson, Lisa
Kimberley, Stefanie
Klein, Nadine
Leaf, Kirsty
Lim, Karen
McFarlane, Denise
McKinlay, Kasey
Murdoch, Tracey
Negus, Tracey
Osbaldstone, Kate
Palmer, Gill
Pettit, Natasha
Randall, Martha
Richardson, Marilyn
Ring, Jonathan
Roberts, Bree
Rossouw, Annie
Sellick, Maureen
Sinno, Mira
Skinner, Shelly
Smit, Nyari
Stubber, Eve
Tekic, Nada
Walsh, Rebecca
Watson, Joanne
White, Philippa
Wilmot, Sarah
Wiltshire, Miranda
Worthington, Shannon
Addy, Grady
Adupa-Ekwang, F
Baker, Sonia
Barker, Aden
Biffen, Linda
Bird, Natalie
Bonnett, Morgan
Brown, Alison
Brown, Katie
Bruehwiler, Kerry
Cherian, George
Coote, Kate
Dunn, Amy
Edwards, Pamela
Gandy, Ian
Gardiner, Kelly
Gargett, Jodie
Georgiou, Isabell
Golding, Nathan
Hansen, Janet
Holliday, Anne
Hubble, Cheryl
Jeffreys, Anne
Jelinek, Ivana
Lewis, Emma
Little, Bridget
Lizza, Shirley
McCluskey, Sandra
McDonald, Tara
McNamara, Joanne
Maddock, Leith
Marriott, Louise
Maxwell, Ann
Merz, Anunda
Mitchell, Alison
Ngang, Sir-Kuan
Noonan, Jennifer
Peachey, Laura
Pickup, Stephen
Polglase, Michelle
Quenby, Claire
Reda, Mulugeta
Rosa, Anita
Rowcliffe, Katherine
Selley, Mia
Stringer, Benjamin
West, Melissa
Willis, Robyn
Angove, Beverley
Barrett, Carolyn
Bowen, Jenelle
Brown, Joanna
Byrne, Adrienne
Caporn, Zoie
Clarke, Sindy-Lea
Costello, Bernadette
Craddon, Ruby
Cullen, Ainsley
D’Adamo, Mark
Edwards, Melissa
Edwards, Timothy
Farrar, Wendy
Feehan, Steven
Fernandez, Melody
Fitzgerald, Jane
Garvie, Glenice
Hack, Bibi
Jenkin, Deborah
Kellner, Rickey
Kelly, Jennifer
Larson, Terry
Lohf, Jodie
McKelvie, Claudette
Millen, Rebecca
Murphy, Angela
Powys, Gemma
Rindfleish, Stuart
Russell, Marion
Sappal, Lara
Schaffner, Tracey
Seiler, Urs
Sneddon, Arlene
Steeles, Laura
Tait, David
Tarasenko, Kirsten
Tassie, Alana
Taylor, Katherine
Ward, Jennifer
Wicks, Carley
Wiggins, Keith
Wong, Sheryl
Woodman, Deborah
Young, Louise
GRADUATES 2005—2006
Almenning, Marianne
Barcham, Michelle
Bell, Lesley
Buccilli, Irena
Burmeister, Ruth
Campbell, Claire
Crackel, Carolyn
Croll, Katherine
D’Antoine, Noela
Derry, Lateah
Durack, Louise
Hammond, Michelle
Hayden, Rose
Hourigan, Geraldine
Hughes, Emily
Jaworski, Kellie
Jennings, Leah
Kingwell, Alison
McGrath, Eamon
May, Melissa
Mays, Shaun
Meredith, Heather
Michaels, Sarah
Munday, Karin
Newbold, Sarah
Nogueira-Joynes, S.
Norton, Philippa
O’Grady, Margaret
O’Meara, Maureen
Richardson, Ethna
Scanlon, Stephan
Sear, Hayley
Seghini, Linda
Smith, Mercedes
Snelgrove, Kirsty
Starcevich, Jacinta
Sultan, Azlee
Tucker, Penelope
Tucker, Sarah
Van Mierlo, Sonja
Visco, Larissa
Vujcic, Lorna
Warnes, Ingrid
Bates, Hayley
Bergman, Jennifer
Brewer, Jessica
Broadhurst, Lauren
Cica, Sasa
Copeman, Debra
Dolphin, Ian
Dolphin, Joanne
Earle, Melissa
Elms, Sarah
Elton, Larni
Fisher, Danielle
Gray, Elizabeth
Green, Amy
Haldenby, Kathryn
Higham, Elizabeth
McKenzie, Rhiannon
Milton, Natalie
Mofflin, Kristie
Monego, Karin
Musgrave, Amanda
Pinnell, Annette
Piscitelli, Jessica
Prout, Catherine
Shack, Charmaine
Shelley, Elizabeth
Shipley, Kaye
Slee, Rowan
Stotter, Belinda
Tay, Louise
Taylor, Leanne
Teo, Melissa
Turnbull, Maria
Viskovich, Leora
Ward, Leesa
Warner, Clinton
Witko, Shirley
Please note: The list of graduates was compiled from a number of sources, and some older records contain inconsistent data.
The UWA Social Worker apologises for any omissions or inaccuracies, and asks for notification of these to be forwarded to the Editor
or to the Administrative staff (contact details listed on back page)
Key Initiatives of the
UWA Social Work Alumni
Enhance Professional
*Annual professional development program
*Regular newsletter with updates
on important developments and
educational opportunities
Mentoring and Networking
*A mentoring program for new
graduates and social workers
taking up new appointments
*Informal opportunities for consultation and support
*Support for rural and remote
communities through sponsorship of field placements in rural
and remote areas
*A travel scholarship for a final
placement student in the first
The Laki Jayasuriya
*The Social Work Alumni Fund
will establish the Laki Jayasuriya
Scholarship to be awarded each
year to an honours or graduate
research student whose proposal
will address multicultural or Indigenous issues
CVCF Director Appointment
*The Social Work Alumni Fund,
in partnership with UWA and the
State government, will secure
funding for the three-year appointment of the Director of the
Centre for Vulnerable Children
and Families
The UWA Social Work Alumni Fund needs support
from alumni, industry and friends. Your donation will
. help us to enhance the education and research capacities
of professional social workers in WA.
Donation Form
All donations are tax deductible and managed by the UWA Hackett Foundation
Surname:______________________First name:____________________________
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Phone: __________________ Email: _____________________________________
Once off donation $__________ Annual pledge of $_______ over ______years
Total gift of $ _______________  I do not wish to be publicly acknowledged
Please make cheques payable to “The University of Western Australia”
Debit my credit card:
Diners Mastercard
Card number: _______ _______ _______ _______ Expiry date: ______/_______
Send to:
UWA Social Work Alumni Fund
Office of Development (M361)
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009
If you would like to preserve this
edition of The UWA Social Worker, print
out the donation form in the pdf version of
the newsletter available on the Discipline
Alumni Edition
Philippa White
Administrative Contact
General Enquires:
Telephone: +61 8 6488 2990
Fax: +61 8 6488 1070
Rosa Catalano
Editorial Contact
This special edition of The UWA Social Worker
celebrates the Alumni launch and the 40 year history of social work at UWA. The next edition
will return to the usual newsletter format and will
report Discipline prize winners, PhD completions, news from the
Social Work Students’ Association, and information about recent
staff and postgraduate activities.
The Flying V
In concluding her speech at the 40th Anniversary lecture last year Louise
Durack used the metaphor of The Flying V, prompting much interest
amongst the audience—including requests for the written version.
The Flying V is reproduced here with the kind permission of Louise.
Judy Grimshaw
Postal address:
Social Work and Social Policy M256
School of Social and Cultural Studies
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009
Street address:
Social Work and Social Policy
2nd Floor
Social Sciences Building
Hackett Drive
Entrance 1 Car Park 3
Then and now:
When you see geese flying along in a V formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why it is they fly that way.
As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in the V formation, the whole flock adds at least
twenty per cent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.
People who share a common direction and a sense of continuity can
get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are travelling on the thrust of one another.
When a goose falls from formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance
of trying to do it alone. It then quickly gets back into the formation, so as to
take advantage of the lifting power of one another. If we have as much sense
as geese, we will stay in formation with those people who are headed the
same way as we are.
When the head goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wings and another goose takes its place. It is sensible to take turns with long demanding
jobs, whether with people or with geese flying south.
Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their
speed. What messages do we give when we honk from behind?
Finally and most importantly, when a goose gets sick or is wounded
by gunshot and falls out of formation, two other geese fall out of formation
with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay
with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies; and only then do
they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with
their group. If we have the sense of geese, we will stand by each other like
We as the social work profession don’t know what challenges we
may face in the future but we need to stick together so at least we know we
are going together.
Academic staff in 1988
Some of the staff members in 2006