Dr. Minear`s Language Arts Class Fair
Dr. Minear`s Language Arts Class Fair
MAY 10, 2012, BEFORE A LATE FEE IS ADDED. TUITION IS DUE BY ISSUE 4 VOLUME 6 2012 MAY 21, 2012 WILL BE THE END OF THE YEAR RECOGNITION PROGRAM. MORE INFO TO COME! W E WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 28, 2012 UWA campus school IN OBSERVANCE OF MEMORIAL DAY. WHAT’S INSIDE: page 2 What’s Happening page 3-8 April Highlights page 9-10 Special People page 11-12 Classroom Blurbs page 13 Director’s Corner Dr. Minear’s Language Arts Class Fair …what’s happening… May 2012 MONDAY T UESDAY 1 W EDNESDAY 2 T HURSDAY 3 FRIDAY S AT & S UN 4 5/6 11 12/13 Music Pizza Hut Gymnastics IMPORTANT DATES AND REMINDERS Gymnastics will be held on Wednesday instead of Friday during the month of April due to conflicts with field trips. We are still collecting Box Tops 4 Education! You can turn them in to your child’s teacher. Visit www.boxtops4education. com for a list of participating brands. WE HAVE ALREADY MET OUR GOAL FOR THE 2011-12 SCHOOL YEAR!!! Thank you to all who helped-you made it possible! Keep the box tops coming! We are still collecting Labels for Education from Campbell’s Soup cans. You can turn them in to your child’s teacher. We currently have 821 points in the “bank!!!” Keyanna Chen bday 7 8 14 9 15 22 Science Music Gymnastics Pizza Hut Smokey the Bear Day last day for tuition before late fee is added 16 K5 Parent Conferences 21 10 17 End of the Year Recognition Program and Reception 18 Science Music Gymnastics Pizza Hut 23 24 Science Muffins for Mom 7:30-8 am 25 Music Pizza Hut closed for Memorial Day 29 Summer Program begins 30 19/20 Program Rehearsal Dalton Bracknell bday 28 13th Mother’s Day 31 Music Pizza Hut summer supplies due Where the children make the difference. 26/27 April Highlights Faculty Visit to Aiken Village Preschool at MSU Mississippi Symphony Orchestra Visits UWACS Field Trips to CHOM 2012 Trash Fair Week of the Young Child Special People ● ● students of the month MS. KIM’S STUDENT OF THE MONTH WE HAVE AN EXTRAORDINARY GROUP OF STUDENTS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO SHARE THEIR MOST AMAZING THINGS ABOUT THEMSELVES WITH ALL OF YOU. BRYSON KIMBROUGH- I LOVE HUNTING AND WOULD REALLY LIKE TO HUNT WATER BUFFALO ONE DAY. JORDAN LEWIS- I LIKE SCHOOL, AND I LOVE MS. KIM’S CLASS. JASMINE MCCANTS- I WANT TO BE A POLICE OFFICER WHEN I GROW UP. I LIKE TO PLAY ON THE KINDLE IN MY CLASSROOM. AVRY MOORE- I REALLY LIKE SCHOOL AND ENJOY PLAYING IN READING CENTERS. ANNIE ORLOFF- I LIKE TO GO TO INDIANA AND VISIT MY COUSINS. MY FAVORITE THING TO DO WHEN I AM THERE IS PLAY GAMES WITH THEM. BRYAN SHEALY- I LIKE TO PLAY AND WATCH TV. MS. KALEY’S STUDENT OF THE MONTH LEONARDO TABOADA IS FOUR YEARS OLD. HIS FAVORITE COLOR IS BLUE. LEONARDO ENJOYS READING STAR WARS AND WATCHING TRANSFORMERS. HE ALSO ENJOYS RIDING ROLLER COASTERS. WHEN HE GROWS UP, LEONARDO WANTS TO BE A FIREFIGHTER! ● MS. BROOKE’S STUDENT OF THE MONTH ARCHIE HOOPER V IS THE SON OF DR. ARCHIE AND MELISSA HOOPER. HE IS THREE YEARS OLD. HIS FAVORITE FOODS ARE MACARONI AND PIZZA. ARCHIE’S FAVORITE BOOKS ARE ANTS GO MARCHING, GO DOGS GO!, DINOSAURS LOVE UNDERPANTS, AND MATER’S MONSTER TRUCK. HE ENJOYS PLAYING OUTSIDE IN THE DIRT AND MUD, PLAYING TACKLE WITH HIS DADDY AND READING BOOKS. WHEN HE GROWS UP, HE WANTS TO BE “ TALL LIKE DADDY!” MS.JAYSA’S STUDENT OF THE MONTH ZAIDIN KEON FORD IS 4 YEARS OLD. ZAIDIN’S FAVORITE SUBJECT IS MATH, AND HIS FAVORITE COLOR IS PURPLE. HE LOVES PENGUINS AND WATCHING HAPPY FEET. ZAIDIN ENJOYS PLAYING BASEBALL AND WATCHING SPIDERMAN. HIS FAVORITE FOOD IS CEREAL AND HIS FAVORITE TREAT IS GUMMI WORMS. ZAIDIN IS SPECIAL BECAUSE HE HAS MAGIC. WHEN HE GROWS UP HE WANTS TO BE A FIREFIGHTER! Classroom Blurbs Ms. Brooke’s P-3 class… The month of April had so much to celebrate. We went to CHOM for a field trip and had a fantastic time. For Easter we had an egg hunt at Lake Lu and came back to school for a wonderful Easter party. We got to make so many different Easter crafts all week. We also learned all about spring and life cycles of butterflies and frogs. We are so excited to see all the beautiful flowers blooming on campus and the busy bees and butterflies. Earth Day is another special day in April that we celebrated. We came up with so many ideas that we can do to help save the Earth. Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce are great ways. We have recycling bins at our school for plastic, paper, and cans. We have been doing a GREAT job of remembering to recycle when we can! Our class recycled an apple juice bottle and turned it in to a bird feeder. We cannot wait to see the birds to come! Mississippi Symphony Orchestra also came to UWACS to play for us. They did such a wonderful job. We hope to see them again soon! During the last week of April we have celebrated The Week of the Young. Mayor Tom Tartt and Dr. Hooper even visited our room and read to us! We love for visitors to come see us! Can’t wait to see what next month holds. http://campusschoolp3b.blogspot.com/ Ms. Jaysa’s P-3 class… We have been busy bees this past month! We took our class picture, finished our Buildings Unit, the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra played their instruments for us, started our Reduce, Reuse, Recycle unit, put together a recycled trash fair (thanks to all parents who helped their child with their home projects ), took a field trip to the Children’s Hands on Museum in Tuscaloosa, and then another field trip to Jaycee Park for our annual Spring Fling. Whew! In keeping with recycling and taking better care of our planet, we are sending home a lot more information through email to save on paper. Please let us know if you aren’t receiving emails from the Campus School. The paper, plastic, and can recycle containers are still by the Science Lab. Please encourage your child to bring in recyclables. Every little bit can make a big difference! I can’t believe it’s already time for end of the year review and assessments. Time flies when you are having fun! www.uwacampusschoolp3.blogspot.com Ms. Kaley’s P-3 class… It is so hard to fathom that our school year is coming to a close. This month many students will leave me for summer, vacations, family time and much more. However, most of them will stay and for that I am excited! I have thoroughly enjoyed this class… So much so that I will be moving up to Kindergarten with them next year . This is something that I am greatly looking forward too. A lot of planning and preparation has already gone into this and will continue to do so. More on that later… During the month of May you can anticipate our Recognition Day Program and Reception on the 21st . This will be a lot of fun. The kids have been working hard on learning their songs, and I know all the teachers are working hard on portfolios! Our summer program will start on the 29th so be on the lookout for more information regarding that. It is going to be a very fun month ahead. www.uwacampusschoolk4.blogspot.com Ms. Kim’s K-5 class… April has come and gone with the wind. We have enjoyed the spring days filled with sunshine and have explored a lot of nature outdoors. We learned about buildings and who works in them and how they are made. Then, the second part of the month we explored reducing, reusing, and recycling to help take care of our Earth. Our most exciting part of this unit was when we got to create superheroes with superpowers that could help save the earth. We used things that our families had recycled to make our new heroes. We then made posters to stop littering on our school grounds. We made up slogans to remind people that it is unkind to pollute our planet and went on a campus cleanup around our school. Sadly, we found too much trash. So to help out, we recycled as much of it as we could and learned a new song to sing to remind us to reduce, reuse, and recycle to save our planet. We are looking forward to our recognition ceremony in May. We have been practicing every day and can’t wait to see you there. Campus School Staff: Annie Upchurch, Director (aupchurch@uwa.edu); Kim Smith, K-5 (ksmith@uwa.edu); Kaley Hayden, K-4 (khayden@uwa.edu); Jaysa Cofield Smith, P-3 (jcsmith@uwa.edu); Brooke Miller, P-3 (bmiller@uwa.edu); Donta Harris, Graduate Assistant, Dr. Andrea Minear, Curriculum Director (aminear@uwa.edu); Sheletha Ross, Librarian (sross@uwa.edu) Work Studies: Rashonda Alexander, Miranda Artis, Alesha Banks, Latoya Carpenter, Cady Defoe, Davida Robinson, Erin Williams Director’s Corner April was such a great month, and I am sad it is over! There was so much to look forward to that is now done. We had our egg hunt at Lake LU, visit from Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, CHOM field trips, Chinese lessons, P.E. lessons from the Physical Education department, Recycled Trash Fair, Week of the Young Child, and Spring Fling! The kids had such a great time at all of these events, and so did the teachers! I again want to thank the parents for all of your support and parental involvement. You help make these events really special for the kids. I especially want to thank those parents who helped their child with a Recycled Trash Fair project! We were all so impressed by what all was created with trash, and we have even been asked to display our art at Bibb Graves in the education department! How exciting! Continue to teach the kids our “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” motto that they keep hearing from school. One way the school is trying to live by our recycling motto, besides recycling, is to cut down on our use of paper. We are starting to send a lot of notes and reminders through email instead of sending them home in the mailboxes at school. Please let me know if you haven’t been receiving emails from the school. I may need to update your email address. The main thing that we are looking ahead to in May is our Recognition Program on Monday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m. at Wallace Hall Auditorium. All students will be involved in this special day, and we will honor Ms. Kim’s class who is graduating from Kindergarten. There will be more information coming home soon to give you more details. There will be a reception afterwards at the Campus School. Please mark your calendars now, and invite your family to join us for this special occasion! Mrs. Annie
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