the balance of power - Den Norske Atlanterhavskomite


the balance of power - Den Norske Atlanterhavskomite
FEBRUARY 2 nd-3rd 2015
Front page illustration: Derivative of several photos, among them one by E. O.
and one by Volkova Natalia under licenses from
Monday, February 2nd 2015
Session 1: NATO-Russia Relations: A Zero-Sum Game?
Opening session: Main auditorium of the Nobel Institute, Henrik Ibsens gt. 51. Chaired by the
Secretary General of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Ms Kate Hansen Bundt.
08:55 - 09:00
Words of welcome by the Chairman of the
Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Mr. Kjell Engebretsen
09:00 - 09:30
Opening Speech by the Prime Minister of Norway,
Ms Erna Solberg
09:30 - 09:45
09:45 - 10:15
Keynote Speech by the Deputy Secretary General
of NATO, Ambassador Alexander Vershbow
10:15 - 10:30
Bus to Leangkollen Conference Centre for lunch
and afternoon session
11:30 - 12:45
Session 2: The Conflict in Ukraine
Chaired by Professor Janne Haaland Matlary (University of Oslo)
12:45 - 13:15
Russia, Ukraine and NATO: Expecting the Worst?
Dr Sergey Utkin (Centre for Situation Analysis,
Russian Academy of Sciences)
13:15 - 13:45
The Eastern Fear of a Soviet Reunion
Mr Marcin Terlikowski (Polish Institute of
International Affairs)
13:45 - 14:15
Ukraine: Current Status and Threat Perception
Dr Hanna Shelest (Ukrainian National Institute for
Strategic Studies)
14:15 - 14:35
Comments by Dr Geir Flikke (University
of Oslo) and panel discussion
14:35 - 14:55
Coffee break
Session 3: The Diversity of the West
Chaired by Professor Julian Lindley-French (Institute of Statecraft)
14:55 - 15:15
The Baltics: In a Tough Spot
Ambassador Imants Lieģis (Latvia’s
Ambassador to Hungary)
15:15 - 15:35
France: France: The Crisis in Ukraine from
a French Perspective
Dr Thomas Gomart (French Institute of
International Relations)
15:35 - 15:55
Germany: The Implications for German
Security Policy
Dr Karl-Heinz Kamp (Bundesakademie
für Sicherheitspolitik)
15:55 - 16:15
Swedish Non-Alignment Challenged?
Dr Ann-Sofie Dahl (Center for Military
Studies, Copenhagen University)
16:15 - 16:35
Finland: The Vital Non-Member
Dr Pauli Järvenpää (International Centre
for Defence Studies)
16:35 - 17:00
Comments by Dr Jakub Godzimirski
(Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)
and panel discussion
Departure by bus to Oslo, Fridtjof Nansens
pl. 8, City Hall (ETA 17:30)
Tuesday, February 3rd 2015
Bus to Leangkollen, departure from
Fridtjof Nansens plass 8
08:30 - 09:00
Coffee and registration
Session 4: How to Handle Different Threats?
Chaired by Secretary General of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Ms Kate
Hansen Bundt and Dr Paal Sigurd Hilde (Norwegian Institute for Defence
09:00 - 09:30
Opening Lecture by the Norwegian State Secretary of
Defence, Mr. Øystein Bø
09:30 - 09:50
The Challenges of Hybrid Warfare
Professor Øyvind Østerud (University of Oslo)
09:50 - 10:10
Great Power Politics and the Decline of Liberalist
Dr Asle Toje (The Norwegian Nobel Institute)
10:10 - 10:30
Ambitions and Resources in Russian Military Policy
Dr Tor Bukkvoll (Norwegian Defence Research
10:30 - 10:50
The Implications for Finnish Defence Policy
Defence Policy Director Helena Partanen
(Finnish Ministry of Defence)
10:50 - 11:20
Coffee break
11:20 - 11:40
Preparing Against Military Threats in Practice
Major General Odin Johannessen (Norwegian Armed
Forces, Operations Division, The Defence Staff)
11:40 - 12:20
Comments by Dr Paal Sigurd Hilde and panel
12:20 - 12:40
What Can We Expect in the Future?
Professor Julian Lindley-French (Institute of
12:40 - 13:00
Q&A followed by Closing Statements by Secretary
General, Ms Kate Hansen Bundt
13:00 - 13:45
Departure by bus to Oslo, Fridtjof Nansens plass 8
Speaker biographies in order of appearance
Monday, February 2nd 2015
Session 1: NATO-Russia Relations: A Zero-Sum Game?
Kate Hansen Bundt
Secretary General, The Norwegian Atlantic
Bundt has been the Secretary General of DNAK since 2010. She holds a Cand.
polit. degree in political science from the University of Oslo, with a thesis on
“German reunification and the German Question”. She has additional studies
from the Humboldt University in Berlin 1987 and the Norwegian Defence
University College in 2009. Ms Bundt’s area of expertise includes the
development of European integration (EU) and diplomacy, German politics as
well as Transatlantic relations (NATO) and security policy.
Bundt worked at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) from
1990-93, was research director at the Oslo-based think-tank Europaprogrammet
from 1993-2005, and worked as an independent lecturer and media
commentator of European, German and international affairs from 2006-09. She
was member of the EEA Review Committee appointed by the Stoltenberg
Government in 2010-12, and from 2007—2009 she was member of the
Stoltenberg government’s Committee for Security Policy, Disarmament, and
International Challenges to Norwegian Security. Since 2014 she is chair of the
board at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and VicePresident of the Atlantic Treaty Association. She is also appointed member of
the Minister of Defence’s newly established expert commission on Norwegian
Defence Policy (Dec 2014).
Kjell Engebretsen
Chair, The Norwegian Atlantic Committee
He is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party, and was elected to the
Norwegian Parliament from Akershus in 1993, and was re-elected on two
occasions. Mr. Engebretsen has been a member of the Parliament’s Standing
Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, the Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs and Defence, and the Standing Committee on Scrutiny and
Constitutional Affairs. He has also been a delegate to the UN and a member of
the parliamentary assembly to the OSCE.
Erna Solberg
The Prime Minister of Norway
Erna Solberg was born in Bergen 24 February 1961. She is married to Sindre
Finnes. The couple has two children. Solberg holds a Cand. Mag. Degree (in
Sociology, Political Science, Statistics and Economy) from the University of
Bergen in 1986.
Solberg was Minister of Local Government and Regional Development 20012005, in Kjell Magne Bondevik's Second Government. Solberg has represented
the Conservative Party in the County of Hordaland at the Storting (Parliament)
since 1989. At the change of government she was the Conservative Party's
parliamentary leader. During the recent Storting period she was member of the
Standing Committee on Health and Care Services Affairs, the Standing
Committee on Foreign and Defence Affairs and the Electoral Committee,
08.10.2009 - 30.09.2013. She has previously been a member of standing
committees on i.a. Finance and Local Government, and head of the Storting's
delegation to NATO's Parliamentary Assembly. Solberg has been leader of the
Conservative Party since 2004.
Ambassador Alexander Vershbow
Deputy Secretary General of NATO
Ambassador Alexander Vershbow assumed his position in February 2012 after
serving for three years as the US assistant secretary of defense for International
Security Affairs. From 1977 to 2008, Vershbow was a career member of the
United States Foreign Service. He served as US ambassador to NATO (19982001); to the Russian Federation (2001-2005); and to the Republic of Korea (20052008). He held numerous senior positions in Washington, including special
assistant to the president and senior director for European Affairs at the National
Security Council (1994-1997) and State Department director for Soviet Union
affairs (1988-1991). He received a BA in Russian and East European Studies from
Yale University and a Master's Degree in International Relations and a Certificate
of the Russian Institute from Columbia University.
Session 2: The Conflict in Ukraine
Janne Haaland Matlary
Professor, University of Oslo and Norwegian
Defense College
She was a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs 19871992, Research Director at ARENA, Center for European Studies at the University
of Oslo 1995-1997 and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 1997-2000. Matlary’s
research interests include international relations, international security policy,
with a special focus on European security policy. Her latest books are (with
Magnus Petersson) NATO’s European Allies: Military Capability and Political Will
(Palgrave, 2013) and (as co-editor) Strategisk suksess? Norsk maktbruk i Libya og
Afghanistan [transl: Strategic Success? Norwegian Use of Force in Libya and
Afghanistan]. Professor Haaland Matlary is currently working on another book
project “Can Europe act strategically? Hard Power in Hard Times” and is
appointed member of the Minister of Defence’s newly established expert
commission on Norwegian Defence Policy (Dec 2014).
Dr Sergey Utkin
Head of Department, Centre for Situation
Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences
Dr Sergey Utkin heads the Department of Strategic Assessment at the Centre for
Situation Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences and has done so since 2012. In
2006 - 2013 he worked at the Institute of World Economy and International
Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences, where his last position was
Head of Section for Political Aspects of European Integration. He holds a PhD in
political science (international relations), which he received at IMEMO in 2006 for
a thesis on Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. In 2002 he graduated
from the Moscow Pedagogical State University, School of History. His research is
focused on the foreign and security policy of the EU, the EU's relations
with Russia and the US and Russia's foreign policy in the Euro-Atlantic area.
He is the author of a book "EU and Russia in the changing security architecture:
prospects for interaction" published in 2010 in Russian.
Marcin Terlikowski
Polish Institute of International Affairs
Mr. Terlikowski is Head of European Security and Defence Economics project at
the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). Since 2007 he has been
research fellow in PISM, and between 2013 and 2014 served as acting
coordinator of International Security Program. In his research he focuses on
European defence industry and defence equipment market and European Union
Common Security and Defence Policy, defence and military-to-military
cooperation in Europe. He is the author of various policy reports and academic
papers on European collaboration on defence capabilities, economic policy
towards defence industry, Polish security policy, and EU crisis management
operations. He co-led a number of collaborative research programs, including
Defence Austerity: a New Paradigm for Defence and Security Cooperation in the
Visegrad Region (three subsequent editions, 2011-2013); Weimar Defence
Cooperation – Projects to Respond to the European Imperative (2011);
Restructuring Europe's Armed Forces in Times of Austerity: A Dialog on Challenges
and Opportunities for Government and Industry (2010). Within his Ph.D. research
at the Warsaw School of Economics, he analyzed LoI countries defence
industrial policy over the last two decades.
Dr Hanna Shelest
Senior Researcher, National Institute for
Strategic Studies
Dr Hanna Shelest is a Senior Researcher at the National Institute for Strategic
Studies under the President of Ukraine, Odessa Branch, where she has been
working since 2004. She has a PhD in International Relations from the Institute of
World Economy and International Relations of the Ukrainian Academy of
Sciences. In 2014 Dr Shelest served as a Visiting Research Fellow at the NATO
Defense College in Rome. Her main research interests are conflicts resolution,
security and cooperation, especially in the Wider Black Sea Region and the
Middle East, foreign policy of Ukraine. She has more than 50 academic and more
than 100 articles in media published in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Georgia,
Sweden, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Switzerland, the USA, the UK and
Romania. She has a past experience as a journalist, PR consultant for the
government and business, and as a lecturer in International Relations for
different Universities. She is also Head of the Board of the NGO “Promotion of
Intercultural Cooperation”. Dr Shelest is a Rotary Peace Fellow 2010, Black Sea
Young Reformer 2011, John Smith Fellow 2012 and Women in Public Service
Project Alumna 2013. She was recognized as “40 under 40 Ukrainian Emerging
Leader 2013” by the US-Ukraine Foundation.
Geir Flikke
Associate Professor, University of Oslo
Dr Geir Flikke (b. 1963) is currently Associate Professor at the University of Oslo.
He holds a PhD degree from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oslo
(2006), with a thesis on Russia's democratization movement from the 1990s. He
was Assistant Director of NUPI (2006-2010), and worked as an advisor to the
Conservative Party in the Norwegian Parliament (Storting), 1999-2000. In 2001 he
served as Counsellor at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Moscow. Recent
publications include: 'An Arctic Home? The Arctic Policies of Norway and Russia,
in Robin M. Allers, Carlo Masala and Rolf Tamnes (eds) (2014) Common or
Divided Security? German and Norwegian Perspectives on Euro-Atlantic
Security.; 'Collusive Status-Seeking: The Sino-Russian Relationship', in Stephen
Blank (ed.), Central Asia after 2014.; 'Grand Bargain or Grand Strategy: The
Obama Administration and U.S. policy toward Russia', in B. Rajaee & M. J. Miller
(eds), National Security under the Obama Administration (2012); 'Norway and
the Arctic: Between Multilateral Governance and Geopolitics', in J. Kraska (ed.),
Arctic Security in an Age of Climate Change (2011); 'Chinese-Russian
Convergence and Central Asia' (with Julie Wilhelmsen), Journal of Geopolitics,
vol. 16, no. 4 (2011); 'Pacts, Parties and Elite Struggle: Ukraine's Troubled PostOrange Transition', Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 60, no. 3 (2008). He is currently
heading the Norwegian Research Council project NEPORUS, analyzing the
changing framework for social organization and social mobilization in Russia.
Session 3: The Diversity of the West
Julian Lindley-French
Senior Fellow, Institute of Statecraft
Julian Lindley-French is Senior Fellow of the Institute of Statecraft, Director of
Europa Analytica & Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow, National Defense
University, Washington DC. An internationally-recognised strategic analyst,
advisor and author he was formerly Eisenhower Professor of Defence Strategy at
the Netherlands Defence Academy, and Special Professor of Strategic Studies at
the University of Leiden. He is a Fellow of Respublica in London, and a member
of the Strategic Advisory Group of the Atlantic Council of the United States in
Washington. Latest books: The Oxford Handbook on War 2014. (Oxford: Oxford
University Press) & "Little Britain? Twenty-First Strategy for a Middling European
Ambassador Imants Lieģis
Latvia’s Ambassador to Hungary
Ambassador Lieģis has been Latvia’s Ambassador to Hungary since September
2012 and is also accredited to Montenegro, Slovenia and Croatia. He was Latvia’s
Ambassador to NATO in the pre-accession period until Latvia joined NATO 10
years ago. Thereafter he was Ambassador to the EU Political and Security
Committee and for a short time Ambassador to Spain. Other Ambassadorial
appointments include the Benelux countries. He has worked as a career
diplomat since 1992, and previously worked as a lawyer in England, where he
was born and educated. From March 2009 until November 2010 Imants Lieģis
served in Government as Minister of Defence (and Acting Minister of Justice from
May 2010). Following that he was elected to Latvia’s Parliament for one year,
working as Chairman of the European Affairs Committee and Head of Delegation
to NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly. He is a Research Fellow at the Latvian
Institute of International Affairs and Board Member of the European Leadership
Network for multilateral nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation issues. He
has published works on foreign affairs and defence and security matters.
Dr Thomas Gomart
Vice-President for Strategic Development,
French Institute of International Relations
Dr Gomart is Vice-President for Strategic Development at IFRI (since 2010) and
previously served as director of the Russia/NIS Center (2004-2013). His academic
and professional background has been closely related to post-Soviet space, as
Lavoisier Fellow at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (2001),
Visiting Fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies (2003) and Marie Curie
Fellow at Department of War Studies at King’s College (2003-2004). He holds a
PHD in History (Paris I - Panthéon La Sorbonne) and an EMBA from HEC Paris. He
directs the Russie.Nei.Visions collection with Tatiana Kastueva-Jean. His
research areas include Post-Soviet space, Energy Issues, Security Issues and
Digital Issues.
Dr Karl-Heinz Kamp
Academic Director, German Federal Academy
for Security Policy
Dr Kamp studied History and Political Sciences in Bonn and holds a Ph.D. from
the University of the German Armed Forces, Hamburg with a dissertation on
NATO’s nuclear planning procedures.
He started his career in 1986 at the German Council of Foreign Affairs in Bonn. In
1988, he has been Research Fellow with the Center for Science and International
Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. In
September 1988, he joined the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Bonn, where he
became Head of the Foreign- and Security Policy Research Section in 1992 and
later the Director of its International Planning Staff. From 2003-2007, he was the
Security Policy Coordinator of the Foundation in Berlin. From 1997-1998, Dr
Kamp was on a temporary assignment with the Planning Staff of the German
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He served as the Research Director of the NATO
Defense College in Rome to build up NATO's Research Division from 2007-13. In
November 2013, he took over the newly created position as Academic Director of
the BAKS.
He is a member of numerous international institutions and academic bodies. In
2009, Secretary Madeleine Albright selected him as one of the Advisors for the
NATO Expert Group on the New Strategic Concept. Dr Kamp has published more
than 330 articles on security policy issues in international books and renowned
Ann-Sofie Dahl
Associate Professor and Senior Research
Fellow, Center for Military Studies,
Copenhagen University
Dr Ann-Sofie Dahl is also Adjunct Fellow at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. She is the founder, former
Secretary General and Vice President of the Swedish Atlantic Council. From
2002-2005, Dr Dahl was Vice President of the Atlantic Treaty Association and in
2012, she was a Visiting Scholar at the NATO Defense College in Rome.
She is also a columnist and regular contributor to Svenska Dagbladet,
Sydsvenska Dagbladet and Børsen. Her research interests include Swedish
foreign and security policy, Nordic and Nordic-Baltic security policy, NATO,
partnerships, transatlantic relations and US foreign policy. Recent publications
include “The Ukraine Crisis and the End of the Post-Cold War European Order:
Options for NATO and the EU” (co-author, Copenhagen: Center for Military
Studies, Summer 2014), “NORDEFCO and NATO: Smart Defense in the North?”,
“Northern Security and Global Politics. Nordic-Balitic Strategic Influence in a
Post-Unipolar World” (co-editor with Pauli Järvenpää) and “Du gamla, du fria.
Moderat utrikespolitik från Høgerparti til Alliansregering”.
Pauli Järvenpää
Senior Research Fellow, International Centre
for Defence and Security
Dr Pauli Järvenpää, a former Finnish diplomat and a senior government official,
joined International Centre for Defence and Security on 1 May 2013.
As a Senior Research Fellow at ICDS, he focuses on the security of the Baltic Sea
and Nordic region and on issues related to NATO, the EU and transatlantic
cooperation, as well as on the security and development of Afghanistan.
Ambassador Järvenpää most recently served as the Finnish Ambassador to
Afghanistan (2010-2013). Before that he was Director General of the Defence
Policy Department at the Finnish Ministry of Defence (2002-2010) and the
Defence Advisor at the Mission of Finland to NATO in Brussels (1999-2002).
Järvenpää is educated at Harvard and Cornell Universities.
Jakub Godzimirski
Research Professor, Norwegian Institute of
International Affairs (NUPI)
Dr Jakub M. Godzimirski holds a PhD in social anthropology and is since 2012
Research Professor at NUPI. Between 2012 and 2013 he was the Head of the
Research Group on European Affairs at the Norwegian Institute of International
Affairs (NUPI). Between 1995 and 2012 he was and since 2014 he is again
member of NUPI’s Russia team. In 2009-2010 he was also the head of the NUPI
Energy Programme. Prior to joining NUPI he worked for two years (1993-94) at
the Department of Strategic Studies in the Polish Ministry of Defence. His
present research interests include Russian foreign and security policy, with focus
on energy’s role and Russia’s relations with the West. He has edited several
volumes on those issues and published many peer reviewed articles and book
chapters on Russian security and energy policy and its reception in Europe.
Tuesday, February 3rd 2015
Session 4: How to Handle Different Threats
Øystein Bø
State Secretary, The Norwegian Ministry of
Mr. Øystein Bø currently serves as the State Secretary at the Royal Norwegian
Ministry of Defense. Bø has served in the Norwegian Foreign Service since 1990,
in various capacities. He worked at the Norwegian Embassy in Sarajevo, where
he was seconded as legal advisor to the High Representative in Bosnia (OHR). He
has also been the chief of staff for the Foreign Minister, and served as Deputy
Chief of Mission at the Norwegian Delegation to NATO. During 2010-2013 Mr. Bø
was the Permanent Secretary in Parliament for the Standing Committee on
Defense and Foreign Affairs. Øystein Bø holds a law degree from the University of
Oslo from 1989, and served in the Royal Norwegian Army from 1982-1993.
Øyvind Østerud
Professor, University of Oslo
Østerud is Professor of political science, University of Oslo. He was Head of
Department from 1993-95 and also in 2008-2012. He directed the Norwegian
Power and Democracy Study 1998-2003 and was President of the Norwegian
Academy of Science and Letters 2008-2011. Østerud was adjoint professor at the
Norwegian Defence Academy 2006-2012 and has published numerous books
and scientific articles in political science/international relations. He has also
published extensively on sovereignty, military intervention and types of war.
Asle Toje
Research Director, The Norwegian Nobel
Dr Asle Toje (b. 1974) is the Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in
Oslo, and has been a lecturer at the Institute for Political Science at the
University of Oslo. He is appointed member of the Minister of Defence’s newly
established expert commission on Norwegian Defence Policy (Dec 2014). Toje’s
research interests are found at the intersection of security studies and European
studies. Since Toje graduated from Cambridge University in 2006, Toje has
published widely on transatlantic security, political theory and foreign policy.
Tor Bukkvoll
Senior Research Fellow, The Norwegian
Defence Research Establishment
Dr Tor Bukkvoll has studied political developments in Russia and Ukraine since
the mid-1990s, especially in the areas of defence and security. He speaks
Russian and Ukrainian, and obtained his PhD from the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology. Bukkvoll has spent much time in Russia and Ukraine.
Bukkvoll was a visiting research fellow at the Changing Character of War
program at the University of Oxford in 2008, worked as an associate professor of
international relations at the Norwegian Military Academy 1996-1999, and has
previously also worked at Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies and the
Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO). His research areas include Russian
military and security politics, Russian and Ukrainian foreign policy, Ukrainian
politics and Russian and Ukranian arms industries.
Helena Partanen
Defence Policy Director,
Finnish Ministry of Defence
Before taking up her current position in early 2000’s she worked mainly with
crisis management and peace support related issues. She currently leads the
Defence Policy Unit which is responsible for Finland’s cooperation with EU,
NATO and the Nordic countries as well as for other multinational and bilateral
defence cooperation. The unit also deals with crisis management and arms
control issues. Helena Partanen is also the Deputy Director General for Defence
Director, Defence Councellor Partanen joined the Ministry of Defence already in
1980 and has since held various positions at the MOD. She has contributed to
numerous studies and reports and development programmes for the defence
administration. She has been stationed abroad twice. She worked as the
Defence Councellor at the Finnish Embassy in Washington D.C. in 2004-2008 and
as the assistant to the Defence Attaché at the Finnish Embassy in Oslo in 19981999. She has also lived with her family in Sweden in 1989.
Helena Partanen has attended the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Course on
International Affairs for New Diplomatic Recruits, but never applied for a post at
the Foreign Service. During her career in the Ministry of Defence, she has
attended several courses organised by the Defence Forces. She has also
attended several Governmental Leadership programmes, including the Public
Management Strategies Programme and the Government Future Leaders
Helena Partanen graduated from the Helsinki University faculty of Law in 1980.
She passed the Court training only later, after first serving several years for the
Finnish government. She is married to Dr. Timo Partanen and they have two
adult sons, Hannu and Tommi.
Major General Odin Johannessen
Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations Division in
the Defence Staff
Major General Odin Johannessen (b. 1961) started his military career in the
Infantry in 1981, and graduated from the Norwegian Military Academy in 1986.
He then served as platoon commander in the Infantry and the Border Guard
Battalion in Kirkenes, before he was staff officer in 1989-92 in the Army Staff in
Oslo. He commanded 2nd Company in His Majesty the King’s Guards from 199294, when he started as Aid de Camp to the Chief of the Army Staff.
From 1996-98 he served as Operations Officer (S-3) and battalion Second in
Command in IFOR/SFOR in Bosnia Herzegovina. He then returned to the Army
staff as a Planner and attended National Defence College in Stockholm, Sweden
from 1999-01. After graduation he was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel and
became a Military Adviser in the Ministry of Defence. In 2002 he took command
of the Cavalry Battalion at Setermoen, and Telemark Battalion in 2004. Under his
command Telemark Battalion was on NRF readiness (NRF 4/2005), and ISAF
Quick Reaction Force in Regional Command North in Afghanistan (2006). In
August 2006 he was promoted Colonel and Commandant of the Norwegian
Military Academy. He attended The U.S. Army War College in Carlisle,
Pennsylvania in 2010-11. Promoted Brigadier in August 2011 he took command
of Brigade North at Bardufoss. Odin Johannessen was promoted Major General
on the 22nd April 2014 as Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS) Operations Division in
the Defence Staff.
Paal Sigurd Hilde
Associate Professor, Norwegian Institute for
Defense Studies
Dr Hilde received his DPhil in politics from the University of Oxford (St. Antony’s
College) in 2003. Prior to joining IFS in 2008, he was a senior adviser in the
Department for security policy in the Norwegian Ministry of Defense (2004-08),
when he also served as secretary for the Norwegian Defense Policy Commission
(2006-07). From 2008 to 2013, Hilde was head of the Center for Norwegian and
European Security at IFS. His main research interests include Norwegian security
and defense policy, NATO and Arctic security affairs and he has published both
in Norway and internationally on these topics. Dr Hilde is currently on leave
from IFS to serve as the head of the secretariat for the official commission that
will evaluate Norway’s engagement in Afghanistan.
Since its foundation in 1955, the Norwegian Atlantic Committee
(NAC) has sought to increase public awareness on issues relating to
defence, security and foreign policy with particular emphasis on EuroAtlantic relations. Over the years, we have broadened our scope of
security issues and geographical range, covering topics like nuclear
proliferation, terrorism and human rights and areas including the Middle
East, Eastern Europe and East Asia.
The Norwegian Atlantic Committee is politically independent and aims
to inform and inspire to discussion about issues on the international
agenda of security and foreign affairs. We attract a wide audience
consisting of representatives from the political environment, the
diplomatic corps and government officials as well as journalists, military
personnel and researchers from a number of institutions.
The Leangkollen Security Conference is our largest event, held in
February every year, while our other main activities include organizing
lunch seminars, regional courses in international politics and delegation
trips to key strategic cities and institutions. We also publish weekly
analyses on contemporary issues on our website and offer educational
websites on particular issues to Norwegian students. Furthermore, we
publish several short and sharp Security Briefs and more extensive
analyses in our “Security Policy Library” throughout the year.
Keep up to date on our activities by following us on social media or on
our website:
Facebook: Den norske Atlanterhavskomité
Twitter: @Atlantkomite