International Sales
International Sales
VoX International 2 Bloor Street West, Suite 2601 Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2 Toll Free: 1-888-297-9472 Telephone: 416-935-1896 Email: International Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Services A LEADER IN MARKET COMMUNICATIONS VoX is a Canadian-owned sales, marketing and public relations service provider led by a team of high profile, knowledgeable executives, each with a proven track record in their field of expertise. Recognized as a marketplace leader, VoX offers a wide range of services to support the North American hospitality and tourism sectors. For complete details and list of participating Occidental hotels visit: For brochure or group quotes please call 416-935-1297 or e-mail: Occidental Hotels & Resorts is represented in Canada by VoX International Inc. @eXcXe[n_\i\XeZ`\ekY\Xlkpj\kjk_\jkX^\]fiZflekc\jjle]fi^\kkXYc\dfd\ekj#pflËccÔe[IfpXc?`[\XnXp$ d\dY\if]K_\C\X[`e^?fk\cjf]k_\Nfic[Xe[n`ee\if]k_\888=`m\;`Xdfe[8nXi[%K_\i\jkf]k_\nfic[d\ckj XnXpXe[k_`j^fi^\fljY\XZ_j`[\ki\Xjli\fek_\I`m`\iXDXpX#aljkdfd\ekj]ifdGcXpX[\c:Xid\e#`jXccpflifne% <m\ip[\kX`c`jgi\Z`j\cpXjpfl[i\Xd\[`k$]ifdk_\XcnXpj$ZffcY\m\iX^\Xkpflij`[\kfk_\Zfi[`Xc^i\\k`e^f]pfli fnem`ccXZfeZ`\i^\#]ifdk_\j`oXnXi[$n`ee`e^i\jkXliXekj#`eZcl[`e^CXjM\ekXeXj#kfk_\]lcc$j\im`Z\jgX%@e[lc^\ek cloli`\jXe[j\im`Z\ZXeY\]fle[\m\ipn_\i\$\oXZkcpXjk_fl^_pfln\i\ifpXckp% IFP8C?@;<8N8PGC8P8:8I 8::FDDF;8K@FEJ)'']lccpi\efmXk\[^l\jkiffdjn`k_\c\^Xekcp C8JM<EK8E8JÆj`^eXkli\i\jkXliXekj\im`e^fi`^`eXcZi\Xk`fejXe[ KfYffbpfliIfpXc?`[\XnXpGcXpXZXimXZXk`fe#gc\Xj\ZfekXZkpfli Xggf`ek\[Xd\e`k`\j`eD\o`ZXeZfcfe`Xcjkpc\`ejdXccm`ccXjf]knffik_i\\Õffij1 gi\d`ldn`e\Z\ccXij\c\Zk`fe KiXm\c8^\ekfim`j`kljXknnn%fZZ`[\ekXc_fk\cj%Zfd Clolip G8C8QQFÆkiX[`k`feXc@kXc`Xe]Xmfli`k\jXe[`eefmXk`m\<lifg\XeZl`j`e\ ClolipFZ\XeM`\n dXibk_`ji\jkXliXek`e`kj\c\^XekXe[Z_Xid`e^Xkdfjg_\i\ KiXm\c8^\ekjEfk\1 ?`[\XnXp;lgc\oJl`k\ JG@:<JÆdXa\jk`ZXccpfm\icffb`e^k_\:Xi`YY\Xe#k_`ji\jkXliXekZfdY`e\j=fi]lik_\i`e]fidXk`fe#YifZ_li\jfi^iflghlfk\j# IfpXc?`[\XnXpJl`k\ ÕXmflijf]k_\`jcXe[jn`k_Xlk_\ek`ZD\o`ZXeZl`j`e\ I`m`\iXDXpX#D\o`Zf gc\Xj\ZXcc1+(-$0*,$()\$dX`c1fZZ`[\ekXc7mfokd%ZX <XZ_iffdZXk\^fipc`jk\[XYfm\dXpY\ZfdY`e\[n`k_XIfpXcI\cXoXk`fe# 8Q@8ÆXd\el[\j`^e\[Xe[\o\Zlk\[YpZ_\]j]ifdAXgXe#]\Xkli`e^ nnn%ifpXc_`[\XnXp%Zfd I\gi\j\ek\[`e:XeX[XYpMfO@ek\ieXk`feXc@eZ% IfpXcIfdXeZ\#IfpXcD\dfi`\jfiIfpXccpCloli`fljgXZbX^\kf\e_XeZ\ [\c`ZXZ`\j]ifdk_\i\^`feXjn\ccXjfk_\i8j`XeZl`j`e\j pflijkXp%IffdjXd\e`k`\j`eZcl[\1\ohl`j`k\[\ZfiXe[Xi\\hl`gg\[n`k_ K?<>I@CCÆXifdXek`ZXc]i\jZfj\kk`e^Zfdgc\d\ekjXZ_\]Ëjj\c\Zk`fe k_\]fccfn`e^1gi`mXk\m`ccXZfeZ`\i^\#]lie`j_\[k\iiXZ\jfiYXcZfe`\j#ZXYc\KM f]^i`cc\[]Xi\ Xe[;M;gcXp\i#Zfdgc`d\ekXipn`i\c\jj`ek\ie\k#_p[ifdXjjX^\YXk_klY#jkXcc :CL9IFP8C<ÆZljkfd]fli$Zflij\[`ee\ijXZZfdgXepc`m\[Xqqc`e^ j_fn\iXe[X`i$Zfe[`k`fe`e^Xe[Z\`c`e^]Xej% \ek\ikX`ed\ek`ek_`jjkXk\$f]$k_\$Xik[`ee\ik_\Xk\i K?<;<:BÆ]\Xkli\jXeXiiXpf]kiX[`k`feXcÔe^\i]ff[j#jXe[n`Z_\j#Xe[ cfZXc]Xmfli`k\jaljkjk\gj]ifdk_\gffcXe[Y\XZ_ IFP8C?@;<8N8PGC8P8:8I=<8KLI<J 98I8CC<>I@8ÆZXjlXc\c\^XeZ\Xe[Xi\cXo\[Xkdfjg_\i\Xi\kiX`kjf] ;\j`^e\[Ypnfic[i\efne\[XiZ_`k\Zkj#IfpXc?`[\XnXpGcXpXZXinXj k_`j`[\XcgcXZ\kf\eafp^i\XkZfem\ijXk`feXkk_\\e[f]k_\[Xp ]Xj_`fe\[XjXelgjZXc\Yflk`hl\i\jfik]fik_\dfjkXjklk\kiXm\cc\i%J`o^flid\k C8JM<EK8E8J$G`XefCfle^\ÆX]k\iX_Xi[[Xpf]i\cXo`e^Ypk_\gffc ~cXZXik\i\jkXliXekjj\im\XiXe^\f]`ek\ieXk`feXcZl`j`e\%I\Zi\Xk`feXc fiXkk_\jgX#kXb\Xdfd\ekkf\eafpc`m\g`Xefdlj`Z Xd\e`k`\j`eZcl[\efe$dfkfi`q\[nXk\ijgfikj#Ôke\jjZ\ek\i#Y`b`e^#G8;@ ?@>?K<8$J\im\[[X`cp+kf-gd%<eafpX^cXjjf]Ôe\jgXibc`e^n`e\# jZlYX[`m\Z\ek\i#k\ee`jZflikj#Zffb`e^ZcXjj\j#c`m\\ek\ikX`ed\ekXe[dfi\% `ek\ieXk`feXcZf]]\\#k\XXe[pfliZ_f`Z\f]ZXeXg\j#Ôe^\ijXe[n`Z_\j E\n]\Xkli\j`eZcl[\Xefm\ij`q\[ZXjZX[`e^`eÔe`kpgffc#Y`$c\m\cfZ\Xe]ifek Xe[gXjki`\j jfcXi`ld[\ZbjXe[i\cXoXk`fegffcj[fkk`e^k_\gifg\ikp%9lj`e\jjXd\e`k`\j `eZcl[\d\\k`e^iffdjkfXZZfddf[Xk\lgkf*''^l\jkj#Xe@ek\ie\kZX]\Xe[ E<N:?<=ËJK89C<8KC8JM<EK8E8J! 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All bookings made from November 15th, 2009 through January 15th, 2010 for hotel stays from November 15th, 2009 through June 30th, 2010 are eligible. Plus, the travel agent with the highest number of bookings during the BOOK, WIN & SHOP promotion will be the lucky winner of a ONE-WEEK ALL INCLUSIVE 2-IN-1 HOLIDAY FOR TWO! And that’s not all; in addition to the 3 nights stay at the Occidental Grand Cozumel and 4 nights at the Occidental Grand Xcaret; this lucky Canadian Travel Agent will be kicking off the 2010 celebrations with an additional $2010 in CASH! APPLICABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL BOOKINGS. VALID AT THE FOLLOWING OCCIDENTAL HOTEL & RESORTS: MEXICO, CARIBBEAN, COSTA RICA & DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. NOT VALID FOR HOTELS IN CUBA For complete details and list of participating Occidental hotels visit: For brochure or group quotes please call 416-935-1297 or e-mail: Occidental Hotels & Resorts is represented in Canada by VoX International Inc. !8[[`k`feXcZfjk Jfd\g_fkf^iXg_j[\g`ZkjZ\e\j]fi`e]fidXk`feXcgligfj\jfecp% 8ccXd\e`k`\j#j\im`Z\jXe[XZk`m`k`\jXi\jlYa\ZkkfZ_Xe^\n`k_flkgi`fiefk`Z\% SPR ING 20 08 AU TOM N E 20 09 SPR ING O C C I D E N T A L rain-style shower head, Hermes amenities for suites and VIPs, upgraded pool furniture, meeting rooms upgrade, spa expansion with an additional 8 treatment rooms, two of which will be equipped with dual massage tables and the kitchens will all be remodeled. In addition, a Spanish designer, Jorge Gomez, has been commissioned to design an exclusive uniform for all Royal Hideaway staff. Watch for these “royal” touches throughout 2008! W E D D I N G S un club de plage privé situé à seulement 6 km de l’hôtel. A Walk Down the Aisle The Heat Is On Win With Occidental is back! Occidental’s Sizzling Summer Giveaway, this summer’s agent incentive is here with the heat. Every time you book a participating Occidental resort with any tour operator or wholesaler, you will win a $25.00 gift certificate of your choice at either Home Deport, HBC (Zellers, The Bay, Home Outfitters) or Petro Canada by simply registering your qualifying booking online. For full details and a list of participating hotels in Occidental’s agent incentive please visit and start winning! Turn up the heat today and start cooking! Viva Cuba Booking Bonus For a limited time only, booking an Occidental Cuba all-inclusive resort could be your ticket to a fabulous vacation for two! Along with your $25 gift certificate rewards, Occidental Hotels & Resorts wants to reward each 7 night Grand Playa Turquesa booking and for Royal Hideaway Ensenachos; every “two” 7 night stay booking, with a FREE one night all-inclusive stay at the booked hotel. Your collected nights can be endless, so book Cuba today and start packing your bags! Getting the Royal Treatment It’s the perfect time to see what AAA and Conde Nast Traveler’s Gold List recommended resort is doing! This year brings fabulous upgrades to the stunning Royal Hideaway Playacar. These upgrades will included: room enhancements such as 26” flat screen TV’s, Are your clients planning a walk down the aisle? Recommending a walk down a lush tropical garden path, or a white powder spit of sand with turquoise waters as their backdrop, is their key to happiness. Why not recommend they have their dream wedding at any one of our Grand all-inclusive resorts. With Occidental’s Grand exclusive FREE wedding packages for Canadian clients, taking care of these details will bring them a lifetime of memories. The free wedding package include consulting services from one of the professional Wedding Coordinators, complimentary bridal bouquet & groom’s boutonniere, champagne & wedding cake, ceremony decorations & music and the services of a judge and much more. For full details and how your clients can qualify for the free destination wedding, please visit or refer them to our website at www. For how to book, please contact Occidental Hotels & Resorts directly in Canada at occidental@ SPECI A L 20 09 Le club de plage est pourvu de restaurants, vestiaires, chaises longues et serviettes sur une magnifique étendue de sable. L’hôtel n’est qu’à 10 minutes de la Vieille-Havane, site déclaré patrimoine Plages sablonneuses, eaux turquoise, service et installations inégalés, moults plaisirs à la plage, de scintillants couchers de soleil dans les tropiques, autant de choix disponibles dans nos centres de villégiature cet hiver ! Vous et votre client pouvez consulter nos différents partenaires voyagistes qui offrent les Caraïbes, le Mexique ou le Costa Rica pour des vacances inoubliables dans un des centres de villégiature du réseau Occidental Hotels & Resorts. Ce communiqué est consacré aux merveilleux centres de villégiature de Cuba. Imaginez le luxe d’un hôtel de centreville jumelé à la plage et vous obtiendrez l’hôtel Occidental Miramar de La Havane Voici le seul hôtel situé sur la très célèbre “Quinta Avenida” de La Havane, dans le quartier diplomatique et résidentiel de la ville, lieu de prédilection pour les voyageurs en quête de raffinement, qui aiment voir, explorer, goûter et vivre l’expérience et les sons de La Havane et de sa ville coloniale. Et pour les clients avides de plage, le Miramar offre gracieusement l’accès et le transport aller-retour au Havana Club, mondial de l’humanité par l’UNESCO. Une navette gratuite y amène les clients quatre fois par jour. Ce magnifique hôtel de 427 chambres offre des vues sur la mer, la piscine ou la ville. Les services supplémentaires comprennent le service aux chambres disponible 24 heures, cinq boutiques pour les amants du magasinage, un salon de coiffure, marchand de journaux, service médical, location de voitures, bureau de change et comptoir de réservation d’excursions. Royal Hideaway Ensenachos, l’endroit idéal pour décrocher dans l’opulence Le Royal Hideaway Ensenachos, impressionnant centre de villégiature cinq étoiles est situé sur une des plages exotiques recouvertes d’impeccable sable blanc de Cayo Ensenachos, sur la côte Nord au centre de Cuba. C’est la première et la seule construction qu’il y aura sur ce petit territoire vierge de Cayo Ensenachos, site d’un ancien établissement aborigène et refuge pour Shop Till You Drop Occidental Hotels & Resorts has launched the “Book, Win & Shop” travel agent promotion. Every new booking confirmed with any Canadian tour operator or wholesaler at a participating Occidental resort will earn a $25 HBC (The Bay, Zellers and Home Outfitters) gift certificate. To participate, agents can visit the contest web site at and register their bookings. All bookings made February 23, 2009 through to June 30, 2009 for hotel stays from March 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009 are valid. Not valid for hotels in Cuba and The Royal Hideaway Playacar. Many thanks and congratulations to all of our wonderful travel partners who have participated in “Win with Occidental” previous promotions. Giving Travel Partners the Royal Treatment Royal Hideaway Playacar Booking Commission For a limited time offer, booking Royal Hideaway Playacar can earn you Bonus commission. Earn $200 CAD bonus for each NEW 7-night* hotel stay; and for every 5 rooms* booked earn an additional $250 CAD Bonus at the Royal Hideaway Playacar. New bookings confirmed with any Canadian tour operator April 1 through November 1,2009 for hotel stays April 1 through December 22, 2009 are eligible. Valid only for Canadian Retail Travel Agents. To qualify for this Booking Bonus, each travel agent must register the booking by sending an e-mail to bookingbonus@ Not applicable on group bookings or cancelled bookings. Bonus commissions will be paid following client stay. *Minimum 7 night hotel stay You’ll have a twinkle in your eye and on your hand when you win a Tiffany Diamond*! The Royal Hideaway Playacar, recipient of the coveted AAA Five-Diamond Award, announces the Royal Hideaway Diamond Giveaway. There are three chances to win. The new incentive will reward the Group planner with the highest number 1st Prize Tiffany Diamond* 2nd Prize 3 night stay at The Royal Hideaway Playacar** 3rd Prize $500 bonus commission * Winner will received a Tiffany’s gift certificate valued at $1500 **Black out dates applies for hotel stay, no cash value of group bookings with a spectacular Tiffany Diamond*. Every new group booking (minimum 10 rooms) confirmed March 20 – June 30, 2009 for hotel stays March 31 – December 15, 2009 are eligible. Complete contest details available at occidental@voxtm. ca. To be eligible for the $1500 Tiffany & Co gift certificate, a minimum of 150 rooms must be booked. Dining At Its Best Occidental’s Royal Hideaway Playacar Resort’s innovative Chef’s Table is now in full sensory operation located in the Las Ventanas Restaurant. The hotel’s kitchen was recently remodeled with a special glass table enclosed dining area for The Chef’s table. E DI T ION Royal Treatment, Dining at its best Diamonds are Everyone’s Best Friend Book Now Drive Free Occidental Hotels & Resorts combat high gas prices with their “Book Now Drive Free” fall event for travel agents. To start driving free, agents simply visit the contest website www. to register and win! The agent with the highest bookings will win FREE GAS FOR ONE YEAR*. All bookings will be tracked by logging into the contest website. Contest closes December 15, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. Bookings with our preferred tour operator partners qualify for this incentive program. Cater Your Every Whim at Royal Hideaway Playacar Mexico continues to be a popular vacation spot for Canadian travellers, so what better place to have someone cater to your every whim than Occidental’s Royal Hideaway Playacar? Located in Mexico’s Rivera Maya, this adult-only all-inclusive AAA Five-Diamond luxury resort welcomes guests to experience the finest in luxury accommodations. Recreational amenities include nonmotorized water sports, fitness centre, biking, PADI scuba dive centre, tennis courts, cooking classes, live entertainment and more. New features include an oversized cascading infinity pool, bi-level oceanfront solarium decks, Thai beds, beachside massage tents, butler service, golf course and six gourmet a la carte restaurants. Business amenities include meeting rooms which accommodate up to 300 guests, an Internet cafe and complimentary wireless internet access throughout the resort. There is a full-service spa on-site that includes the most advanced indigenous and international treatments. Minimum age requirement is 13 years old. Royal Hideaway’s two and three story-villas represent a fusion of Spanish and Mexican styles. Royal Hideaway Playacar is a member of the prestigious Leading Hotels of the World. Royal Hideaway Playacar boasts a multitude of full-service bars and restaurants featuring an array of gourmet dining options created by a team of culinary masters. Traditional favourites, as well as the imaginative creations of executive chefs, will tempt guests with epicurean delights that span the globe. All dining options are à la carte, but incorporated into all-inclusive features. Restaurants & Bars Menu Style Dining (Reservations Required) • Las Ventanas Piano Lounge – take a moment to enjoy live piano music • Palazzo – traditional Italian favourites with a spectacular view • Spices – this restaurant combines flavours of the islands and authentic Mexican cuisine • Azia – a menu designed and executed by chefs from Japan • The Grill – a romantic al fresco setting complements a chef’s selection of grilled fare • Club Royale – custom four-course dinners accompany live dazzling entertainment in this state-of-the-art dinner theater • The Deck – features an array of traditional finger foods, sandwiches, and local specialties • Bar Allegria – casual elegance and a relaxed atmosphere • Las Ventanas Piano Lounge – take a moment to enjoy live piano music +/KI8M<C WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? 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The laid-back patio bar serves wine, beer, cheese plates and other snacks. 512-693-9317,, 1316 S. Congress Ave., Austin. The Driskill Dating back to 1884, this elegant hotel is famous for dishy desserts at the 1886 Café and Bakery and the massive, luxe LBJ suite. 512-474-5911, driskillhotel .com, 604 Brazos St., Austin. ÊK?LIJ Ê Eat and Drink Starlite This chic see-and-be-seen boîte has crispy Gulf oysters and Tex-Mex fusion tuna tartare with avocado mole verde. The pumpkin cheesecake will break your heart. Hut’s Hamburgers A sports bar/roadTRAVEL 512-374-9012,, 407 Colorado house/diner with messy burgers-in-a-basket St., Austin. sided with giant onion rings in cracked Castle Hill Café This Southwestern pepper and cornmeal batter or skin-on fries. stalwart and perennial local favourite has 512-472-0693, 807 W. 6th St., Austin. an absurdly affordable wine list and a menu that changes every few weeks, featuring the See and Do best of the area’s local and seasonal products. Central Market A local gourmet grocery The funky little un-Texas 512-476-0728,, that has a wall of hot peppers, an aisle of capital that pridessalsas, itselfa selection of Texas wines and cooking 1101 W. 5th St., Austin. Town Lake Hike and Bike Trail classes with local chefs. 512-206-1000,, 4001 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin. AUSTIN TIME ;<C8E<P J<@=<I :Xc^XipJl C@E> POFP e GUIFN &Y FD VU .B OZ JWF JBO TI $B MHB S HSFXVQJO1 DI FG )V HP UJPOP BW VF )PVTUPO FL OP XO IFBOEIJTC CMB.FYJDP0S UFH B FYU OIPXZPVD SPU SB B G G J M J B BTB DJUZ OPXUIFSFTUB IFS3VCFO XIFSF DPN EBZWJTJUX BOJOEVMHFJO 0SUFH XXGPVST SFUVSOSF UFE X BO VSBOU 8Yfm\#k_\ IPVTUPO CVTJO FBTPOT FTTUSJQT J U I TPUIF HVMBSMZGPS TQBTUSZ DI B ?fk\c>Xcm\q# UJNFUPH FG OFXJOTQ ZDBODP #V UN GcXpXe[ UPN JSBUJP OUJ BZ UIFDJUZ FUUPLOPXXcjfbefne c\Xie BOFX CF JU T OP UIFSTUIFSFBMEFOVFUPPGGFSD O "C PV Xjk_\Hl\\e TJEFP #FZP G DPSO JO H MFT T UI BMǔJTJODMVEVT UIF 4Q ULNTPVUI BD BUFDMJNOEKVTUCPBTUJf]k_\>lc]# BO PG FT UPS F$ )P IP FOUFS ) JOUFSBDUJ VTUPO NF NB OHBUFN FOUUZ UJMMBTUXPQ PV BDDFTT BUFZFBSSPVi\gi\j\ekj EF WF OEBOEFQFS FTUN QFTPGUFRVJMB BHFTPGEJGGFS BMMUIJOHTP BOEDPMPVSG TUP OJ TB O GMJH IUT "JS$BOBEBe\Xicp('' TB VMNFDDB BSH UP EPFT EJS BTZ NP SO IBSJUBTDP OEUIFGSFTI %FTJHOF VUFSTQBDF PG BO E& EN )PV TUP OG p\Xijf] JOH EU FD VSU _`jkfip`e $B MHB U BHSFBUE CB SUF OE FS XI FTZPGUIF IJTUPSZPGTQ PFEVDBUFBCP IVHFSBO POUPO UISPN SZ BDF JUZ IB TB GSFTIMJN FBMPGIJTTIJG PT QF OE T XIBUTHPJOHP BDUJWJUZBT VUUIF >Xcm\jkfe BOEFOUF HFPGBSUTD FD FKVJDF UTRVFF[J XF UI VMU OX F SUB MMBT VSF JUI NV JONFO Xe[_XjY\\e #V EJOJOH /" TVSFUPF OH FYQ TF UESBXTUI JT UIFUUI FC FTU QB MPSFUIFSVN BMM PX T 4"UPEBZ _fjkkfj\m\iXc MFSPSB OHBHFUIFCVTJ BU SU GJO HV BSF PG FBM TTUSBWFM IPUDIPDPJTI & YR VJT JUF BO ZN FB M GJSTUQVUNFOP UFDIOPMPHZFT UT UP Y`^$eXd\ FOEPSMPOFOUJSFGBNJMZ OF GPZ\c\Yi`k`\j OH SBXFFL CFBOTUI MBUF NBEFGSP.FY JDB O SJFODFUIFGFF OUIFNPP VTFEUP )FSFBG FS OFYQF BUBSFSP MJOHPGBD MBVODIF PO FXIJHI BTUFEBO N DPDPB EJ MJHIUT fm\ik_\p\Xij%TJUF EHSPVOE UPVS/"4 OUPBOEMJWJ UVBMMZCFJOH OHJO "CFI NVDI <XkXlk_\ 8kc\]k#fe\f] NPSF JOEUIFTDFO TQBDF >Xcm\jkfeËj JkXpcfe^ ek "MUIPVH `Z FTBOE "O EB \i 5I F HP dXep FB UT UI ILOPXOGP BJN FE MUIPVHIJU BQ SH FP VT IP Y\XZ_\j% UFM BU JO UI JT FSF BSFT UJMM SJUT5FY JO QF 'P VS FOHB .FY BST UIFI NV B BVUIFOUJDJU ZX IF SF GFX QM BD FT BO EX BML JOH FBSUPGUIFE 4F BT PO T TFVNBDUVB HJOHDIJM ESF UPCF ZP VD PX D. BEVMUWJT MMZXFMDPNF O UIF "OE) FYJDBODVJTJO BO GJO E BUUSBDUJPOTFWEJ TUB OD FU PT OUPXO JUP TB ST CPVU 'P VH )P FW FO F S FSB UIPVHI VTUPOXB NP OF JHI CP PTTFUJO OPPO M XXXTQB SF JO GPS NB UI MLT VS IP PE Pŀ DFDFOUFS UJP O WJT PG .POFFDMFDUJD PGG FSJOHB4UBZ BOZXIFSF JT FJO 'PSN PSH -POH JU OP USP TF JT FSJ GSFFU OHHVFTUTBTF FSQSPNPUJP X BOEBGSFPSFJOGPSNBUJP O PFOKPZUI FDPQ DPOE OP FDJUZ'P OJHIUGPS 5SBWFM(VJEF ZPGUIF5FYBO5FYBT $BO XX SJOGPSNB T4UBU X5SBWFM5FYDP BEJBOTDBOWJT F 5&9 NPSDBM JU M on its alternative edge is on the verge of growing big—and growing up. Hear Antone’s, Momo’s and Stubbs are a few of the eclectic live-music venues. 512-320-8424,, 213 W. 5th St.; 512-479-8848,, 618 W. 6th St. (upstairs); 512-830-8341,, 801 Red River St., Austin. AUSTIN CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU K_\:Xc^X VoX senior managers will work with you to develop customized strategies that meet your business goals and ensure maximization of all opportunities within the marketplace. BY CHARLENE ROOKE TRAVEL Austin >Xcm\jkf e]Xi\#Õ `^_kj#j`^ _kj jZ j_\jfe fZfXY\Xej k_\d\e l% \ek`Z[` Capitol assets: The Texas State Capitol in Austin is humbly modeled after the National Capitol in Washington, D.C. DAVID STROHL ǔJOH JO(BMWF TZPVNVTUFY QFSJFOD TUP F UIB NÊ(V O UëFX UIJOHJT MGTISJNQ:FT NVTFV EVSJOHUIF CJHHFSJO FW UIBUJODMV 5FYBT FSZ HPSZ NQSFTJEFO XBSTBZT EF U-BSSZ( IB "MUIPVH TUIFTISJNQ BOE SF FSOWFCFDPNFBC (SFHPSZ BEJWFSTF IUIFJTMBO JUNPSF IBTI UP NPE 7JT GSFTITFB TFMFDUJPOP EPGGFST JUP HPPOTFWFSBMSBEUIFDIBOD F JOG JUXXXUIFHS GDV PSNBUJ TVSSPVO GPPEGSPNUI JTJOF JOHSTTPNFPGXIJEFTXJUIWJT BOED PO N 5I F BOETDIFE PNGPS BUU SBD UJPEJOHXBUFST FGSVJUGVM TP UPHFUPWFSBG PNBSFBJN VMF JTBNBJO NF FB O 8Z SPGëZJO TVDDVMFO BO EU IF OE I BN)P UFM (B MWF T UIF PGXIPN H TUBSTPGUIU(VMGTISJN IV HF GBNTBNFBJSDS XBOU UP GMZJO #V JMU JO ) JTU PS JD [ " )P BGU QBSFUIF " O E FTIPX XFSFJMZ N FN CF ST TUIBUUIFJS IP UFM JT KV TU UI JT TUV OO UFM JOH GMF X BO PUI FS FWFOLJMMF TUP FOPVHI J G ZP V SF V XBS (B MWF EJOEV JO PS SFQ OM BO ENBSL UIBU NJHIUT JOUIFNPSO Q F B S M Z SJOHUIF SFTFO JOHZPV FFUIFM i5 GVMQBTU UTUIFJTMBOETQSPVE MZ TISJNQJO POHB PG IF BJ SQ MBO HSBDF *UI ZPVSEJO HCPBUPVU SNTPGB TBZDIBSBDUFSBOEFT IBWF B MPU DBUDIJOH EPXO BTCFFOQSFTF OFS TiǔFZ IJTUPSZ N Ê 5I 7JTJUXXXIBWFNFBOJOH uIF ESJWF UPUIFTXFFQ SWFESJHIU .V TFV F -P OF 4UB JOH N u MTGN G?FKFJ:FLIK<JPK?<>8CM<JKFE:FEM<EK@FEM@J@KFIJ9LI<8L CMFCBUISBIPHBOZDFJM DJSDVMBS GFX N N 5I JT JT PO S 'MJ HI U )PNÊ 5I F( SBO PSH ;<C8E< JOHN PPNTI VT E 0 PJ<@=<I >Xcm\jkfe#XYflkXe_flijflk_\Xjkf]?fljkfe#`jdlZ_dfi\k_XealjkXY\XZ_^\kXnXp[\jk`eXk`fe%@kji`Z__`jkfipXe[Zfcfli]lcg\fgc\^`m\`kXkfkXccple`hl\m`Y\% GFBUVSJOH FV NT JO UI FP GUI F PME VTF .PSF UIB BOEQBJO BS C@E>&:8C> QF SB EFUBJMTBOE K_\dXjj 8IPJLE BJSDSBGUN4FDPOE8 FX PS ME IB UIJTSFTJMJF OZFBST UIFDPBTUMJO HPSHFPVTWJFX UFE OU PMEUI TTVS WJW ZXl^_k\ `m\>lc]j_i` F TPG BEFVQP PSME8BS ,OP FS FE FB GUIFGP k_\ejfc[Xicp`ek_\d dgXi\ JOHTQFSTPOBMBO VOE CJHBOETNB TFWFSBMTUPSNUSF PG UI F X O B T U I F fie DP ET Xk MM 2 (V D `e^ T k_ MMF UJMM B V F F O BO kfcfZXcj SF G V MG JU DUJ \Ôj_d HSPX EI UJ #V UX PO SFT UPS FEM M Z Q SF T F S W BT CFFO IPO H U I J T M B O TF FN T GJU i\jkXliXeXe[jliifle[ Xib\k FE BO NV TF VNIB US FB MMZ TF ENBS TUF E TV UP CF `e^ kj% HV E L PGGFSWJT BQ BSU JT UI UT UI JT GSP FTU TB UB TUF PGBC MF UP PGG FS 5F EE Z 3P DI CJH OB NF I B T NUIF T FW UI FU IF T UPBDUVB JUPSTUIFPQQPBU UI FZ T BUSF )V HI FT BO E' FMU )P XB BT *UT MMZëZJO SUV SE 7J TJU X SBO L4 UIFBJSQ OJUZ BTJUEUJMMMPPLTFYBDUM MBOFT IPUFMT(XX X ZO EI BNJOB USB ZUIFTBN JEBUUIF UVSZBMUI UV -4 F DP N 'PSNPSF )( PVHIUI SOPGUIFDFO FUPVSJOH JO BDUT XX X5 SBW FM5 GPSNBUJPOWJT G?FKF:F FY DP N JU LIK<JP PS DB MM M`j`kfijkf 5&9 K?<>8C >Xcm\jkf kfgif M<JKFE :FEM<EK@ e\ k\Z FEM@J@KF Zfek`el kk_\`jcXe[] ogcfi\k_\j\ fljj`[\ IJ9LI< ifd Xn 8L nXcb`ek jkfidj#Xe[ Xcc#n_`Z_nXj _\L%J% `jefnk Yl _\cfe^ `ck \jk 76 SEPTEMBER 2008 WESTERNLIVING . CA WESTERNLIVING . CA SEPTEMBER 2008 DAVID STROHL 90 WESTERNLIVING . CA SEPTEMBER 2008 78 WESTERNLIVING . CA SEPTEMBER 2008 77 Fast and slow. New and old. Indie and establishment. Austin is a city on the edge. SEPTEMBER 2008 WESTERNLIVING . CA 79 �GOLF TEXAS� Fall 2009 Winter 2008 Tax Free Shopping Say Spaaaah! Shopping is a Sport in Dallas In the Big D, shopping isn’t merely a mundane chore to outfit yourself. Shopping is a sport and a pastime, a social activity and entertainment. Look to Dallas for the best, and the trendiest places to shop as there are more shopping opportunities per capita in Dallas than any other city in the U.S. A true shopping highlight is NorthPark Center. NorthPark is one of the premier shopping centres in the U.S. and one of the four largest malls in the country. NorthPark offers more than 235 distinctive stores including Barneys New York, Neiman Marcus, Versace, Hugo Boss, and Coach. For more information, visit, www. 1 If great shopping wasn’t enough of an incentive, Canadian visitors can also enjoy Tax Free Shopping in the Big D. Canadian shoppers can receive refunds on Texas Sales Tax at TaxFree Shopping, Ltd. by presenting original receipts on purchases made at participating retail stores in Texas. TaxFree Shopping, Ltd. is conveniently located within NorthPark Center’s management office. For more information, visit, Ditch Your Heels and Don Those Spurs! Ever dream of ditching your BlackBerry and heels for saddles and spurs? If that’s the case, welcome to Cowgirl University - a place where you can learn the ropes of the Western lifestyle. Located in the Texas Hill Country, Cowgirl U features a chuckwagon’s worth of experiences including dynamic workshops, classes, trail riding and the Kindle the Cowgirl Spirit retreat. When the day unwinds, guests can also take in the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, and learn about the women of the west. For more information, visit, Enjoy a truly uplifting experience at one or many of the Lone Star Sates outstanding Spa Resorts. The Lake Austin Spa Resort is nestled on 19 lakefront acres in Central Texas. It is a luxury destination that gives its guests the opportunity to create their own spa experience in a casual, nurturing environment surrounded and inspired by nature. It has been honoured by Condé Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure and luxury spa lifestyle magazines as a Top U.S. Spa. For more information, visit, Relax poolside and then head over The Spa at The Crescent as it offers 77 one-of-a-kind treatments and services including the Texas Crushed Cabernet Body Scrub and the Cowboy Boogie. Rosewood Crescent Hotel has been designated as Best Hotel Spa in 2008 by readers of Condé Nast Traveler. The Spa is a true oasis in the heart of Texas. For more information, visit, The Windflower - The Hill Country Spa at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa in San Antonio invokes to a simpler way of life. Spa guests enjoy private spa pools set amid lush landscaping, and before or after treatments, a variety of fresh Texas Tourism News | Winter 2008 Ah, finally, cooler weather is here in Canada and time to start thinking of the warmer, comfortable temperatures of Texas! There is so much to see and do in Texas this fall with special events, wine tours, shopping, golf and holiday happenings around every corner of the state. Simply kick back and enjoy! hurricanes. The Great Storm of 1900, the worst recorded hurricane in America killed over 6,000 people and essentially swept parts of the island clean of all structures. In the mid 1860’s, Galveston’s harbor was the site of one of the most poignant sea battles of the Civil War, the Battle of Galveston. So many people have lived and died here and some of the Put treats into your tricks this Fall in Historic Galveston! Galveston is rich in history and your clients may be lucky enough to have a ghostof-the-past sighting! Galveston has been home to cannibalistic Indians, the Karankawas. It has been visited by Spanish and French explorers in the 1500’s – 1700’s. Pirate Jean Lafitte settled here in the early 1800’s and used Galveston as his home base for years, long before Texas became a Republic. There were downtown fires, yellow fever epidemics, and of course, the 1 dead still reside here. Would you like to visit the spirits first hand? Book overnight lodging online & receive up to $500 worth of valuable Galveston Island coupons to use during your stay. Dare to stay in a haunted hotel? If so, the Hotel Galvez and The Tremont House are two of the islands most popular haunted hot spots. Staff and guests have experienced many unexplained events, leading them to suspect that there are several ghostly residents. For more haunted happenings please go to: AT&T Performing Arts Centre in Dallas Opens The new AT&T Performing Arts Center in Dallas opens October 12th and will serve as a multi-venue arts and entertainment center for music, opera, theatre, dance and more centre with cutting edge communications technology. The Center will be one of the most technologically advanced performing arts venues in the country, equipped with AT&T Wi-Fi service and complimentary internet access to patrons. The Center will mark its grand opening with a weeklong celebration featuring a variety of indoor and outdoor performances, concerts and architecture forums that are free and open to the public. The Center is expected to offer a variety of free performances and concerts appealing to a broad audience throughout its seasons. Stand Taller in the Tall City of Midland, Texas Your clients are invited to escape for a week or even a weekend in one of Midland’s luxurious hotels and partake in the many unique Texas Tourism News | Fall 2009 Cityscapes Welcome to the first edition of MEETINGS TEXAS. This new publication will be published seasonally, four times per year presenting you with destination options, all the latest, new, hip and happening venues, events, and places to host your group. Who says conventions have to be conventional? In Texas, you’ll find a variety of locations perfect for getting down to business. Texas is 267,000 square miles of amazing opportunities and unforgettable destinations. In fact, our focus on business has led Texas to be home to more Fortune 500 and 1000 headquarters than any other state. Our urban centers feature world-class facilities, hotels, resorts, dining and shopping. If your clients are looking for a more relaxed setting, they can try a small town or a dude ranch. And when they need to make a big impression, hit up a luxurious golf resort or spa. For big business or big fun, there’s no place like the Lone Star State. You can order your complimentary meetings and conventions guide online at: www. 1 This month’s featured meetings, conventions and incentive market destinations. The State offers so many diverse, interesting and unique destinations for the next meeting. In the upcoming issues we will explore the cityscapes of Dallas, Austin and Houston. We will explore the beauty and diversity of San Antonio, South Padre, Port Aransas and many cities in between. Fall 2009 and preference are available - from luxury to limited-service lodging, B&Bs, condos, and beach houses. The Galveston Island Convention Center at The San Luis Resort is the perfect destination for their next meeting or event. Located on the Island’s famed Seawall Boulevard, the two-story, 140,000 square foot, multi-function property combines well-appointed executive conference facilities with the luxurious amenities of a relaxing Getting There Just Got Easier Effective Nov. 30, Air Canada will offer daily non-stop year-round service between Montreal and Houston. The flights will be operated by Air Canada Jazz with 74-seater Bombardier CRJ705 regional jets. For information, visit, Direct flights from Edmonton to Houston start in November! Travellers will be able to fly again directly from Edmonton to Houston on a daily Continental Airlines flight that starts Nov. 1. Meet Galveston Galveston is located just 50 miles south of Houston with major airline service, car rental and shuttle services. On Galveston Island, more than 151,000 combined square feet of meeting space at various hotels is available for your client’s next event, meeting, or convention. In addition, accommodations for every budget resort. Included is a column-free 43,100 square-foot exhibition hall, a 15,500 square-foot grand ballroom, 12,000 square feet of breakout meeting space and 29,000 square feet of pre-function, exhibit and reception space. Two-story floor-to-ceiling windows offer unparalleled views of the Gulf as guests enter and exit the first floor exhibition space and second level ballroom. The facility also features state-of-the-art audio/visual technology, including soundproof rooms, individual lighting, sound and climate controls, plus wireless internet access throughout. www.galveston. com/meetings Why San Antonio? JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa Sets Opening Date Set to add 1,002 rooms to San Antonio’s hotel repertoire of over 38,000 guest rooms, the nation’s largest JW Marriott resort is excited to announce that it has an opening Meetings Texas | Fall 2009 There are more than 900 golf courses across the state of Texas. Come and test your skill at some of the country’s most diverse and challenging courses, which are home to numerous PGA and LPGA tour events. Two of the Lone Star State’s most popular cities for golf and other activities are Houston and San Antonio. San Antonio is part of the South Texas Plains region, where you’ll experience a unique “TexMex” blend of languages, music, cuisine and customs. San Antonio is noted for excellent golf courses, with numerous municipal courses throughout the city. The newest are the Palmer Course at La Cantera, La Cantera Golf Course near Six Flags Fiesta Texas and the Quarry Golf Course. In addition to golf, San Antonio offers many interesting attractions and activities for visitors. The Quarry Golf Club Yards: 6740 Slope: 128 This unique course, rated 4 stars by Golf Digest, features a front nine set in native grassland and a back nine built in a 100-year-old rock quarry. Canyon Springs Golf Club Yards: 7078 Slope: 130 Rated 4 stars by Golf Digest, Canyon Springs is one of the top courses in San Antonio. This Tom Walker design features outstanding vistas of the surrounding countryside. Pecan Valley Golf Club Yards: 7010 Slope: 131 Rated 4 stars by Golf Digest, Pecan Valley was the site of the historic 1968 PGA Championship. After a $5.5 million renovation by architect Bob Cupp, the course is expected to regain top status in Texas. The Palmer Course at La Cantera Yards: 6926 Slope: 142 The courses at La Cantera are considered the finest in the San Antonio area. The complex plays host to the annual PGA Tour Texas Open. The Palmer Course is rated 4.5 stars by Golf Digest. SilverHorn Golf Club of Texas Yards: 6922 Slope: 138 The distinct Hill Country character of SilverHorn is enhanced by its treelined fairways, strategic water hazards and beautifully contoured greens. Rated 4 stars by Golf Digest. The Resort Course at La Cantera Yards: 7024 Slope: 134 This course offers breathtaking views of San Antonio and the scenic Texas Hill Country. Rated 4.5 stars by Golf Digest, the course features limestone rock outcroppings and 75 white sand bunkers. Houston, the largest city in Texas, is part of the state’s beautiful Gulf Coast region. Known as SpaceCity USA, Houston is an industrial and financial hub for much of the state. From world-class museums and theaters to family-friendly destinations, you'll find what you're looking for in Houston. When it comes to golf, Houston offers a moderate year-round climate, affordable green fees and excellent tee time availability. A number of high profile golf events take place in the Greater Houston Area, including the PGA Tour’s Shell Houston Open. The Village Golf Club Yards: 6700 Slope: 129 The Village Golf Club features 27 scenic holes of golf in a quaint, semirural residential setting, with a full clubhouse, swimming pool and practice facility. River Plantation Country Club Yards: 6882 Slope: 126 River Plantation Country Club is steeped in Southern friendliness, warmth and tradition. The lush fairways and greens of this 27-hole golf course are surrounded by azaleas, dogwoods and magnolias. The Links at West Fork Yards: 6908 Slope: 135 This links style course is cut along the banks of the west fork of the San Jacinto River. It features rolling terrain, towering hardwoods and natural wetlands that border the river. Augusta Pines Yards: 7041 Slope: 125 Rated 4 stars by Golf Digest, this course features mature pines, dogwoods and oaks as well as a state-of-the-art practice facility. An essential component of all VoX strategies include leveraging their extensive network of long-standing, successful relationships with trade partners, the trade and consumer press to the benefit of their clients. SUPPORT IN A WIDE RANGE OF INITIATIVES Boston WHERE THE LOBSTER SPEAKS FOR ITSELF DAVID LASKER F OR THE FIRST-TIME VISITOR TO BOSTON, strolling the Freedom Trail, Boston’s ‘Walk into History,’ is an excellent way to get the lay of the land. It originates in Boston Common, the oldest (1634) public park in the United States, where cows once grazed and convicts were dispatched at the Hanging Tree. The 2½-mile red-brick walking trail weaves together 16 nationally significant historic sites, including museums, churches, meeting houses, burying grounds, and even a ship, the USS Constitution, a.k.a. Old Ironsides. (Built in 1797 and the oldest and most famous warship of the U.S. Navy, it won 42 battles, lost none and was never captured.) Many events connected with the trail are so familiar they’re beyond famous. For instance, the trail ends at the Bunker Hill Monument, commemorating the 3D3<BA:7AB7<5 A>@7<57<;/AA/16CA3BBA¬ Freedom Trail Swan boats in Boston Common 1775 Revolutionary War battle remembered for the command “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” Another landmark, Old North Church, marks the spot where, in 1775, Paul Revere instructed the sexton to send a signal by lantern as to the movements of the British troops, giving rise to the saying, “One if by land and two if by sea.” Boston’s own Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), the most successful poet of his day, promoted Revere, an obscure silversmith, as a national figure in his Revere’s Ride: ‘Listen, my children, and you shall hear / Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere…’. Longfellow’s poem still resonates. Revere’s utterance, “The British are coming!” was recycled as the title of Canadian director Norman Jewison’s 1966 hit film, The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming! If the ominous, macabre animation by illustrator Edward Gorey introducing PBS television’s long-running Mystery! series appeals, you will warm to the Old Granary Burial Ground. Doubly tranquil for being surrounded by tall modern buildings, it is also a little spooky. Dating from 1660, its red sandstone tombstones are so old that many have started delaminating from damage caused by frost-thaw cycles, making their memento mori (reminders of death, such as 1:/AA71E6/:7<5>@7<BA/BB63 <3E0324=@2E6/:7<5;CA3C; Now through December 31 E6/:3E/B167<5B=C@A Now through October "B6/<<C/: </<BC193B47:;43AB7D/: June 19 - 21 0=AB=<6/@0=@43AB June 30 - July 5 B/<5:3E==2 (Summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra) July 3 - Sept 6 A/7:0=AB=<B/::A67>A ' July 8 - 13 #B6/<<C/:>@=D7<13B=E< 8/HH43AB7D/: August 14 - 16 4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\dWaWb eee[OaadOQObW]\Q][ B]ZZ4`SS(&&&'$$#$ 5@3/B3@0=AB=< On Newbury Street, café chairs and tables spill out onto the sidewalks; Magnolia trees burst into bloom on Commonwealth Avenue; and the Chessmaster returns to Harvard Square. In Kenmore Square, Red Sox fans make their annual pilgrimage to Fenway Park. 1/>31=2 Spring tides sweep the deserted beaches of Cape Cod and the islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. Flowers provide splashes of color along Cape Cod byways and island paths, and inns and restaurants open their doors to welcome the season’s first visitors. Glide round the Public Garden lagoon on a Swan Boat then admire the Garden’s ornamental flower beds. Stroll along the grand mansions on Cambridge’s “Tory Row,” then stop by Harvard Square for shopping and entertainment. Get a bird’s-eye view of Boston from the Skywalk Observatory at the Prudential Center. Rent a bike and pedal the 25-mile Cape Cod Rail Trail, then reward yourself with a seaside lobster dinner. Tour Oak Bluffs’ famous “gingerbread” cottages on Martha’s Vineyard. Visit America’s second oldest lighthouse, Brant Point Light on Nantucket Island. Enjoy one of 33 public golf courses along Cape Cod’s Golf Coast. <=@B6=40=AB=< 5@3/B3@;3@@7;/19D/::3G How can you tell spring’s here? Art studios along Bear Neck breaks into color; Patriots and Redcoats gather to re-enact the drama of Patriots’ Day; and seafood shacks reopen after the winter hiatus. 13<B@/:;/AA/16CA3BBA Spring ripples through the small towns and villages of Central Massachusetts: apple trees in the region’s many orchards push out the season’s first growth; carefully-crafted piles of rocking chairs and blanket chests sit outside antique emporiums. Take an artful excursion to the 35-acre DeCordova Sculpture Park in Lincoln filled with more than 75 large-scale contemporary American works. Go birding at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island, a barrier reef island off Newburyport that is home to more than 800 species of birds, plants and animals. Step on a turnof-the-century trolley at the Lowell National Historical Park, then tour the textile mills that heralded America’s Industrial Revolution. Experience spring in the 1830s at Old Sturbridge Village: see farmers plowing the fields with oxen while calves and lambs gambol in the sun. Take your binoculars to the Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary and see hawks circling the 1,000-acre site. Revel in the tranquility of Walden Pond, the site of Henry David Thoreau’s essay on the natural world. A=CB6=40=AB=< Tour Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower II at its berth on Plymouth’s Town Pier. Cranberry bogs turn a dark green, the Paragon Carousel starts to turn and baseball arrives with the Brockton Rox and the New Bedford Bay Sox. Head out on a whale watch from Plymouth Harbor and see the awe-inspiring sight of 50-foot, 40-ton whales breaching and spouting. Bring plenty of film! Learn about New Bedford’s whaling heritage on a walking tour of the New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park (walks start Memorial Day). Take a palate-pleasing tour (tastings included) of Westport Rivers Winery. E3AB3@<;/AA/16CA3BBA Nature. Harmony. Culture. Enjoy the shear physical beauty of the region: gently rolling hills, classic village greens, rushing rivers, and breathtaking vistas. MOTT Dreamscapes Revision 4 March 26, 2009 SALES Oyster bar at the Union Oyster House 47 Symphony Hall sounding concert halls in the world, the other two being Vienna’s Grosser Musikvereinssaal, 1870, and Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, 1888 (sorry, Carnegie Hall). As for the house band, RCA branded the Boston Symphony Orchestra as, ‘The Aristocrat of Orchestras’ on their record jackets. Aristocratic, too, is the adjective for Symphony Hall’s appearance. The deeply coffered ceiling evokes a Roman basilica. Even the seats—the leather originals—make one want to sit bolt upright. The room embodies the old-money, Boston Brahmin hauteur that John Collins Bossidy satirized in his oft-quoted dinner toast: And this is good old Boston, The home of the bean and the cod, Where the Lowells talk to the Cabots And the Cabots talk only to God. USS Constitution The hall also made history as the world’s first acoustically engineered concert hall. Wallace Clement Sabina, a young Harvard physics professor who was single-handedly inventing the science of architectural acoustics (the sabin, the unit of sound absorption, is named after him), dictated the long, narrow, tall shoebox proportions, since copied around the world. Where to stay in Boston? Well, here’s a hotel with a Canadian connection you might consider: The Colonnade Hotel’s recent, sleek $21-million makeover by ex-pat Montreal interior designer Alexandra Champalimaud, who updated Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s prime ministerial office, gives it a leg up over nearby business hotels such as the Copley Plaza. Many’s the time I’ve wanted to punch out the window in a sealed building, but the Colonnade’s windows open. And Champalimaud put power outlets everywhere, even where you wouldn’t think to ask for them, as in the base of floor lamps and the table-desk lamp. I was able to recharge my cell phone, laptop and camera and flash batteries simultaneously: a first, in my travels. � To learn more about Boston, visit 49 Golfing… It’s all here. •market research and competitive analysis •yield management and inventory control systems •aggressive contract and rate negotiation •traditional and dynamic packaging 51 For more information visit: WINTER 2009 | 2010 In Massachusetts, there are hundreds of ways to get into the holiday and winter spirit! Whether you are looking for great gift ideas, New Year’s events, cool broadway shows, winter fun in the great outdoors or catching a Canadian sports team in the Bay State, it’s all here! 2/3 Ad size Full Page Trim 5.375 x 10.875 Ad size Full Page Live 4.66”W x 1.8”H •organization of familiarization trips •product workshops, training seminars and webinars •branded presence at trade and consumer events •product launches and conferences •meeting, incentive and convention sales lead development •corporate and online travel agency networking •key strategic trade partner liaison •trade and/or consumer press relationship management •event planning PRODUCT Discover why Massachusetts is fast becoming known for some of the best golf courses around. Take time to smell the flowers… at the Bridge of Flowers, an old trolley bridge in Shelburne Falls. Go treasure hunting at Route 7’s antique stores. Start in Sheffield and head north. Shoot hoops on the outdoor court at Springfield’s brand-new Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame. Splash down the Deerfield River’s on a raft and plunge through the rapids of Zoar Gap! MOTT Toronto Golf Show Ad Full Page Revision 1 Full Page Trim 8.375 x 10.875 Full Page Bleed 0.125 February 6, 2009 Paul Revere In the play, Dave Singleman, an 84-year-old salesman, would go up to his room at the Parker House, sit in his green velvet slippers, pick up his phone and call the buyers. His meals likely included three dishes invented downstairs: the Parker House roll, a folded-over oval of bread dough that is buttery, soft, and crispy outside; Boston cream pie, a white sponge or butter cake that has been split in half, filled with pastry cream and glazed with chocolate; and Boston scrod, significant locally as baked cod or haddock, and known more widely as a risqué grammatical joke. (A businessman arriving in Boston for a convention found that his first evening was free, and he decided to go find a good seafood restaurant that served scrod, a Massachusetts specialty. Getting into a taxi, he asked the cab driver, “Do you know where I can get scrod around here?” “Sure,” said the Vineyard Winter’s Cool Escape To The Sports-Crazed State 1/3 Ad size Full Page Trim 2.875 x 10.875 winged skulls) all the more poignant. Tall and almost two-dimensionally thin, some stand tall while others are sunk with only their head and shoulders above ground. Collectively—and I mean no disrespect—they resemble a ghostly chorus line. And now, “Attention must be paid.” That line from perhaps the most famous American play, Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, directs our attention across the street from the cemetery to the venerable Parker House, founded in 1855 and the longest continuously operating hotel in America. When it comes to cities steeped in history and culture, Boston is simply unrivaled. The city’s sport teams are no different. Most of the major professional teams have won multiple championships in their respective leagues including five Stanley Cups by the Boston Bruins and 17 championships by the NBA’s most decorated team, the Boston Celtics. Sportscrazed fans within Bay State create a dynamic atmosphere to watch an event. Canadians seeking a change of scenery while still cheering on their home team do not have to look further than a getaway the Greater Boston Area. This season, the NBA’s Toronto Raptors (Jan. 2), as well NHL’s Ottawa Senators (Jan. 23), Toronto Maple Leafs (Mar. 4), Montreal Canadiens (Feb. 4), will each be making stops at TD Banknorth Garden. Tickets for each game can be purchased at or www. SPRING 2010 FALL 2009 Find The Perfect Treasure As You Shop In Massachusetts Massachusetts is the perfect place to find that special gift, from unique items to fantastic deals across the state. Shopping in Boston and Cambridge is an event in itself, and there’s plenty to choose from: the upscale boutiques of Newbury Street, The Shops at Prudential Center and Copley Place. Copley is currently offering incredible savings such as 50% off each second item at Armani Exchange and up to 40% at Hugo Boss. The outdoor kiosk at Faneuil Hall Marketplace makes for a treasure trove for shopping. Those looking for more deals can visit Wrentham Village Premium Outlets, ( just 35 minutes south of Boston. This shopper’s heaven includes stores such as Banana Republic, Burberry, COACH Factory, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Ann Taylor, and more. Nestled in the hills of Western Massachusetts is the Lee Prime Outlets. ( The centre offers savings of up to 65% at designer outlet stores including Cole Haan, Michael Kors, and more. Give the gift of an unforgettable Massachusetts adventure this holiday season or all year round. The perfect experience awaits for everyone on your list: the Adventurer; the Art Lover; the Theatre Buff; 1 the Shopaholic; the Sports Fan; the Family; the Foodie; and the Enlightened One. Massachusetts has exciting activities, events and attractions to satisfy everyone’s desires such as skydiving lessons, a weekend at the Cape, box seats to a ball game next summer or a romantic stay at a Berkshires B&B. www. Sing Auld Lang Syne this New Years at First Night Events Across Massachusetts With its vibrant theatre culture, world-class dining, and an alwaysexciting nightlife, Massachusetts makes for an ideal weekend getaway. Start the first weekend of the year with a Bang at Boston’s signature New Year’s event, First Night Boston. Celebrations begin midday on December 31 and features colossal ice sculptures, a Mardi Gras style procession and a dazzling fireworks display at the stroke of midnight. For more information visit, Bring the whole family to First Night in Chatham on Cape Cod. Now in its 19th year, this event is a family-oriented, non-alcoholic celebration of the Arts, offering something for everyone. Song, dance, drama, music, storytelling, puppets, hayrides, refreshments, ice carving as well as the wonderful fireworks Massachusetts is an exciting, diverse state to visit any time of the year, but in the fall it is truly magical! So much to see and do, your clients won’t know where to start! Open Studios, and Artists Group of Charlestown. For more information visit, visual/openstudios.asp Porter Airlines Touches Down in Boston Porter Airlines has added Boston to its growing list of destinations as part of its fall schedule. Service between Toronto City Centre Airport (TCCA) and Boston Logan International Airport began September 14 with up to three daily non-stop roundtrips. Porter will be the only carrier offering service between these two conveniently located airports. For information, please visit, www. 12 Weekends in 12 Neighborhoods… that is a great roadtrip! Starting September 19, Boston will open its doors to the public for the largest artists open studio series in the USA: 12 Weekends in 12 Neighborhoods. Every weekend until December 6, visitors will be able to talk to and buy art directly from the artist, see demonstrations, listen to music, sample area restaurants and peruse off-the-beaten path retail shops in Boston’s historic neighbourhoods. Participating areas and galleries include: Dorchester Open Studios, Jamaica Plain Artists, South Boston Treat Yourself and your Clients to Halloween High Jinx in Salem No city in the world brings out the ghosts and goblins of Halloween quite like Salem. For an entire month The 28th Annual Salem Haunted Happenings will overtake this seaport city starting October 1. Learn the truth behind the legends, superstitions and centuries of deadly propaganda as more than 140 events, venues and attractions are featured. Halloween enthusiasts of all ages will love the tours, haunted houses, psychic fairs, parties, children’s events, and Halloween Balls. Some of the top magical events include: October 2 Trick or Treat with the Mayor! October 17 The Great Pumpkin Carving Contest October 30 Official Salem Witches’ Ball October 31 The Reality Bites Costume Ball For more information, please visit, 1 Get ‘Bogged’ Down in Cranberry Country Your clients will enjoy the colourful fall foliage and annual cranberry harvest during the National Cranberry Festival at Edaville USA in Carver. From October 10-12, enthusiasts of the crimson-coloured berries can board the two mile railroad trip through the 1300 acre cranberry plantation, enjoy narrated bog tours as well as learn about the growing and processing as it is harvested. A family tradition for more than 40 years, the festival features vendors selling cranberry-related items, live entertainment, craft fairs, cooking shows, plus all the exciting attractions Edaville USA has to offer. Guests can also visit Cranberry World Museum sponsored by Ocean Spray and taste all their different types of products. For more information, visit, www. Did You Know? The name “cranberry” derives from the Pilgrim name for the fruit “craneberry”, so called because the small, pink blossoms that appear in the spring resemble the head and bill of a Sandhill crane. European settlers adopted the Native American uses for the fruit and found the berry a valuable bartering tool. SPRING 2009 A trip to Massachusetts is closer than you think! Savour and Save in the Bay State wineries and 11 local artisan cheese makers. A map and guide to the trails can be downloaded at Hop in the car and drive to Massachusetts for a weekend, a week or more! Getting to the State is an easy and beautiful drive through rolling hills, rich forests, urban cities and seaside adventures. Driving is one way to avoid airport line-ups and congestion and gives one the opportunity to really see the countryside, explore the towns and cities and soak in local culture. At a glance shows you how easy and convenient it is to drive and get out to enjoy the fresh Spring air in Massachusetts! Smell, Sip and Sample Scrumptious Commonwealth Delights From the vineyards perched above the dunes of Cape Cod to dairy farms in the rolling hills of the Berkshires, visitors can experience award winning, hand-crafted wines and farmstead cheeses. Massachusetts Wine and Cheese Trails features 21 Foodies can also get a behindthe-scenes peek at other authentic Massachusetts made products with local tours. Visitors to the Cape Cod Potato Chips (www. can overlook the entire production of the factory from Monday to Friday. Cape Cod Potato Chips begun as a mom-and-pop operation in 1980 and now produces 150,000 bags of chips daily. Visitors seeking something sugary can head north to Harbor Sweets (www. in Salem. Guests have the opportunity to watch, smell and sample the delectable treats at the harbour front factory. Beer lovers can taste the malts, smell the hops and sample the brews with a tour at the Samuel Adams Brewery (www. in Boston. 1 From New England clam chowder and lobster rolls to world class international cuisine, Massachusetts is showcasing some of its finest restaurants at inexpensive prices during select weeks this spring and summer. Restaurant Week Boston (March 14-19 and 21-26) offers lunch and dinner menus for US$20.10 and US$33.10 respectively at more than 200 restaurants in Boston, Cambridge and beyond. For a complete list of restaurants, menus and reservations visit, Other Restaurant Week’s around the state include: • Nantucket Restaurant Week, June 7-13 ( • Northampton Restaurant Week, June 2010 (www. • Martha’s Vineyard Restaurant Week .June 2010 (www. • Worcester Restaurant Week, August 2010 ( Get Extra Value From Massachusetts with the Mass Pass! The Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT), in conjunction with the Massachusetts Lodging Association and the Massachusetts Restaurant Association announced its latest money-saving, consumerminded promotion, Mass Value Pass. The program, which runs until March 31, 2009 gives consumers access to savings at over 300 hotels, restaurants and attractions. The offerings vary at each location, but all offer great discounts of at least 25 percent! Popular hotels chains such as Hyatt, Hilton, Holiday Inn and Best Western are offering 25 percent off room rates and/or a free night after two paid nights. Visitors can also save 45 percent off tickets to a live theatre performance at the Boston Conservatory; two for the price of one can view more than 2,500 works of art at Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; and visitors will receive 25 percent off admission to the museum and library that honours the legacy of former President John F. Kennedy. To find a list of participating lodgings, restaurants and attractions, travellers and residents can visit www.massvacation. com and print the wallet sized Mass Value Pass. To redeem the discounts, consumers must show the pass at point of purchase or be sure to mention the Mass Value Pass when booking hotel reservations. Tour the World of Cuisine During Restaurant Week Boston From Italian to Japanese, visitors can sample a variety of gourmet meals at special bargain prices during Restaurant Week Boston. This promotion, which runs March 15-20 and 22-27, 2009, offers lunch and dinner menus for US $20.08 and US $33.08 respectively at more than 200 restaurants in Boston, Cambridge and beyond. New to the Restaurant Week Menu this year is a 2-course lunch option for US $15.09. Diners can enjoy an entree and then elect either an appetizer or dessert as the second course. For a complete list of restaurants, menus and reservations visit, www. Boston Sees Green During the St. Patrick’s Day Festivities If you can’t get to Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day, Boston may very well be your next best choice. This St. Patrick’s Day, experience a taste of the green with all the shamrock festivities in one of the most Irish influenced city in the United States. The city’s annual parade contains dozens of colourful floats, marching bands, local Irish food and traditions, costume characters and much more. More than a half-million people gather each year in South Boston to enjoy this historic event. Become Irish for the day at the 108th St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 17, 2009. Other parades throughout the state include: Abington (March 15), Scituate (March 15), Worcester (March 7), Holyoke (March 22), Lawrence (March 8), and Cape Cod (March 7). Nancy Abbott, Account Director Tel: 416-966-0156 ext. 229 Toll-free: 1-888-966-0156 Email: Represented in Canada by VoX International MARKETING V E G A S • strategic brand development • development and implementation of marketing plans • niche marketing development and positioning • budget management • multi-layered tactical marketing strategies • online and e-commerce strategies • social media strategies and campaigns • building and management of loyalty programmes • trade sales incentives and consumer contest execution • diversity marketing programs (GLBT Segment) An update on the city of Las Vegas and surrounding areas for the Canadian client TEN REASONS TO HOLD YOUR EVENT IN LAS VEGAS EXHIBITIONS CONVENTIONS INCENTIVES MEETINGS STAY CURRENT ON THE LATEST NEWS AND TRENDS WINTER 2009 7. Weather Las Vegas averages 320 days of sunshine per year. With an average temperature of 19 Celsius, annual rainfall of 10.5 cm and humidity around 29 per cent, the climate is perfect for meetings held throughout the year. 8. Transportation The close proximity of Las Vegas hotels, in many cases, eliminates the need for transportation as delegates can walk to many destinations. When transportation is required, however, Las Vegas offers a myriad of options including bus, taxi, shuttles and the country’s first automated monorail. 9. Dining 1. Accommodations With more than 140,000 rooms, Las Vegas offers the best group value proposition in the world. 2. Convention Services With more than 233,000 resort industry employees, Las Vegas will provide the best convention experience in the world. Our resorts host more than 22,000 meetings, conventions and incentive programs annually, ranging in size from 10 to more than 100,000 attendees. 3. Increased Attendance The attractiveness of Las Vegas generates strong attendance for meetings. On average, attendance increases 14% when conventions rotate into Las Vegas. Research also shows that attendees spend more time in meetings and on the trade show floor when programs are held in Las Vegas. 4. Convention Centres Space, space and more space. Las Vegas has more than 9.8 million sq. ft. of exhibit space and is home to three of the country’s 10 largest convention venues: the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, a 1.7 million-square-foot center on the south Strip; 1.8 million-square foot Sands Expo and Convention Center adjacent to the Venetian; and the 2.3 million-square-foot Las Vegas Convention Center. 5. Air Service With direct flights from major cities across Canada, Las Vegas is easy on your time and budget. 6. Location, Location, Location McCarran International Airport is conveniently located just 1.5 kilometres from Las Vegas Blvd and 5.6 kilometres from the Las Vegas Convention Center. Over 70,000 hotel rooms are within a 15 minute drive from the airport. There are few other cities in the world that are able to boast about the wide array of dining options available, from all-you-caneat-buffets to some of the finest restaurants in the world. Many of the great chefs have set up shop in Las Vegas restaurants, where patrons are consistently rewarded with great food. As a result, Las Vegas has options for every culinary taste. 10. Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority The LVCVA is the ultimate authority on Las Vegas. Our team of friendly Las Vegas experts has an extensive array of tools available to assist you. CITYCENTER OPENS DOORS TO WORLD’S MOST SPECTACULAR OFFERINGS IN ONE SETTING An extraordinary urban resort destination brought to life by eight world-renowned architects, CityCenter will debut a new era of resort experiences with an ambition to refine and redefine Las Vegas. Conceived to bring a true centre to The Strip, CityCenter will be much more than a collection of resorts and residences; it’s a community – a welcoming environment for people to gather, relax and enjoy. Great pedestrian corridors, dynamic public spaces, authentic richness and diversity of experiences will evoke the energy of the world’s most exciting places. CityCenter’s public Fine Art Collection will enliven the street and engage passersby. Upon opening, CityCenter will be one of the largest sustainable developments in existence, bringing a new level of environmental consciousness to the world-famous Strip. The U.S. Green Building Council already has awarded Gold LEED certification 1 4=@/A>317/:D7>3D3<7<56=AB320GB63 :/AD35/A1=<D3<B7=</<2D7A7B=@A/CB6=@7BG 3F>3@73<13/::B634C</1B7=< /<20@/7<0CAB7<516/::3<53 BC3A2/G/>@7: bV ESabW\6O`P]c`1OabZS1]\dS\bW]\1S\b`S 4`]\bS\OQ0OZZ`]][=\S6O`P]c`A_cO`SB]`]\b] #(!>;³$(!>;@SUWab`ObW]\O\RB`ORSaV]e $(!>;³'(>;2W\\S`5O[SAV]eO\R>`WhSa An update on the city of Las Vegas and surrounding areas for the Canadian client March 2009 Issue #7 An update on the city of Las Vegas and surrounding areas for the Canadian client 500 to 1,650 square feet. Amenities will include a two-level spa, salon and fitness facility; Silk Road, a modern On March 1, M Resort, Spa and trans-ethnic restaurant; Bar Vdara, an presented each year, completing Casino opened its doors for business. eclectic lobby lounge; The Sky Pool & the original commitment in only 18 M Resort, Spa and Casino is located Lounge with spa cabanas and semimonths. During this time, Caesars on over 90 acres at the southeast secluded plunge pools; The Gourmet Palace extended the agreement for corner of St. Rose Parkway andonLas An update the city of Las Vegas and surrounding areas for the Canadian client May 2008 Issue #3 an additional 166 shows for a final Vegas Boulevard. Situated higher in engagement total of 241. For more elevation than other resort-casinos information, visit, www.caesarspalace. on the Las Vegas Strip, the M Resort com. provides optimal views of the worldSunwing Airlines has announced that famous Las Vegas skyline from its it will add Las Vegas to its schedule, guest rooms, suites, conference center starting this fall. The carrier will be and restaurants. The resort features CityCenter has revealed that its stunning offering service to Las Vegas from 390 guest rooms and suites, over resort casino, scheduled to open in Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto. Flights 92,000 square feet of gaming, more late 2009, will be named ARIA. ARIA onLas Sunwing’s new B737s, will be offered The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Vegas has than 60,000 square feet of meeting Resort & Casino will feature a variety on Thursdays unveiled two premium golf packages. and conference space, and a variety of of dining experiences, from the casual Grocer offering a variety of produce and and Sundays. For aficionados of prestige links and luxury amenities including a partnership comfort of bistros gourmet foods; 24-hour in-suite dining; and cafes to culinary Service from for those who relish variety in their with Taubman Centers, Inc. to bring in masterpieces from world-renowned housekeeping; Vancouver and play, the new offering includes a up to one million square feet of retail. chefs restaurateurs. ARIA will valet and parking Toronto September, 11 and from Golfer’s Dream package withstarts access to The resort also features a 14-screen house 4,004more. guest rooms, including 568 and much Calgary, November, 20. The program acclaimed Cascata, and a one-to-fourdigital movie entertainment complex, suites each delivering spectacular city Vdara’s opening also includes a range of hotels and night Golf-Around providing a choice of nine restaurants and a state-of-theorwill mountain views. As the entertainment deliver the car rentals. Sunwing is offering an art spa and fitness centre. For more centrepiece ARIA, the visionary first glimpseofinto introductory rate of $49 plus tax oneinformation, visit at Cirque du Soleil has partnered this urban Nightly rates will way from Vancouver and Calgary and CKX, Inc. range from U.S. $159with to $2,000. Forto create a production $99 plus tax one-way from Toronto, the timeless musical legacy more information,visitcelebrating based on a roundtrip fare. of Elvis Presley. CityCenter’s retail For more information, please visit and entertainment district, will house This October, MGM MIRAGE will more than 500,000 square feet of retail introduce its newest luxury boutique Believe - A New Show by Cirque du hotel on the world-famous Strip, Vdara Soleil at Luxor at CityCenter. Vdara is now accepting Tickets are now on sale for preview reservations for Oct. 1, 2009 and and regular performances of CRISS WestJet Vacations has added Mandalay Acclaimed singer, songwriter and beyond. Soaring 57 stories, Vdara will ANGEL Believe, the new Cirque du Bay and THEhotel at Mandalay Bay performer, Elton John returns to The offer 1,495 suites including 250 cornerSoleil production set to Colosseum open at Luxor Resorts and Casinos to its Las Vegas at Caesars Palace for his view units, ranging from approximately Las Vegas. CRISS ANGEL line-up. With the addition of the two, final Believe engagement of his hit show “The starring Criss Angel will open for WestJet Vacations preview performances September 1 now offers a total 1 and hold its Gala Premiere September of 23 properties in 12, 2008. Regular performances will the Entertainment begin September 14, 2008. Criss Capital. WestJet offers direct flights to Angel is recognized as one of the Las Vegas from six Canadian cities. most provocative artists in the world For more information, please visit today. CRISS ANGEL Believe will be a haunting exploration deep inside and deliver exclusive offerings from the inventive mind of Criss Angel as the world’s most celebrated brands. he hovers between the land of the Throughout CityCenter, visitors will living and a surreal world uniquely enjoy access to an extensive $40 million woven together by the distinctive public Fine Art Program encompassing imaginations of Criss Angel and Cirque sculptures and paintings to large-scale du Soleil. CRISS ANGEL Believe will be The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Las Vegas has installations. ARIA will form the core performed Friday through Tuesday with announced new packages for spring no shows on Wednesdays or Thursdays. of CityCenter, a more than $8 billion and summer 2008. All-new familydazzling vertical city underway between Tickets range from $ 59 to $ 150 US. oriented packages include The Family Bellagio and Monte Carlo resorts on the For more information, please visit, B&B package featuring a resort-view Las Vegas Strip. or room and breakfast for two adults Citycenter Sunwing Airlines Adds Unveils Details of Sin City to its Schedule Development’s Resort The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Casino Las Vegas Announces New Golf Packages Vdara Now Accepting Reservations John’s ‘The Criss Angel Elton Red Piano’ Final Engagement at Caesars Palace Westjet Vacations Adds Mandalay Bay The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Las Vegas Introduces Spring and Summer Packages 1 How to Enter March 2008 Issue #1 Red Piano.” Final performances will be April 7 -8, April 10-12, April 14-16, April 18-19, and April 21 – 22. “The Red Piano” was originally booked for 75 shows over three years. Responding to overwhelming demand, the resort accelerated the number of shows M Resort, Spa and Casino Opens The Prize BVS b`W^ T]` be] W\QZcRSa( `]c\Rb`W^ OW`TO`S PSbeSS\ O\g UObSeOg W\ 1O\ORO ^`]dWRSR Pg Ac\eW\U /W`ZW\Sa) 6]bSZOQQ][[]RObW]\ObB`SOac`S7aZO\R)Be]^OaaSab] E3BBVSA^OAOZ]\ObB7)Be]bWQYSbab];gab|`S Pg 1W`_cS Rc A]ZSWZ) AV]^^W\U a^`SS UWTb QS`bW¿QObS Ob 4OaVW]\ AV]e ;OZZ) O\R D7> ^OaaSa b] O :OaDSUOaCZb`O:]c\UST]`<SeGSO`¸a3dSQSZSP`ObW]\a B`OdSZ [cab bOYS ^ZOQS PSbeSS\ 2SQS[PS` &bV & O\R 8O\cO`g \R ' RS^S\RW\U ]\ OdOWZOPWZWbg the-art gym, and an array of daily fitness classes. For more information on these new treatments please visit, Cher To Headline the Colosseum at Caesars Palace Placeholder for Image Being Sourced By Getty To be purchased once sourced The legendary performer Cher will headline at The Colosseum at Caesars starting May 6, 2008. She will perform 200 shows over a span of three years. Cher’s 90-minute performance will elevate the art of relaxation. Signature feature countless treatments include the Four Seasons chart-topping hits Desert Oasis Treatment, the Everlasting over the course of Flower Stone Facial, the Desert Flower her career. Cher Stone Massage and the Vitality of the The second annual Gay Days & Nights has released more Glaciers, a facial which incorporates extravaganza kicks off in Las Vegas than 25 albums, An update on the city of Las Vegas and surrounding areas for the Canadian client December 2008 Issue #6 cool glacial waters. Travel + Leisure July 3-6, 2008. This exciting event sold over 100 Magazine ranked The Spa at Four Seais presented by Cirque du Soleil, flying Sky Box that takes 22 guests records sons Las Vegas as the number one spa to amillion viewing height of up to 180 feet. Travelocity, Paris Las Vegas, and received Theand 22 has guests are each comfortably QVegas Magazine. Selected Cirque Grammys, Oscars and Emmys her strapped intofor a leather seat that is du Soleil shows will feature a rare achievements. For more information, secured to a dining table. Dinner in opportunity to meet and mingle with cast please visit: the Sky experience is set to last for members. Participants can also enjoy approximately one hour per session. For special gifts, discounts, and preferred more information, visit, Gay Days & Nights group seating. On Thursday July 3, Risqué Night Club will Gay Days & Nights Las Vegas Announces Second Season Lineup Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art Presents American Modernism heat up the night at the “Gay & Risqué” JW Marriott Las Vegas Celebrates underwear fashion show followed by NewArt Year’s Eve Bellagio Gallery of Fine will showin Las Vegas and 12 overall in its list of AKON a night of dancing with a donation to • Singer-songwriter will perform case the best of “American Modernism” JW Marriott Las top hotel spas in the United Statesofand support The Gay & Lesbian Center, at the House Blues inside Mandalay February 8 through October 15, 2008. Vegas Resort Las Vegas Welcomes 2009 with Canada. ForTop more information, please SNAPI (Las Vegas Pride), and the Bay. Entertainers, Mega-DJ’s NonOrganized by the Museum of Fine Arts, & Spa will offer visit,and Liberace Foundation. Other events • Fergie, performs live at The Venetian Stop Parties Boston (MFA), two great ways include “The Red, White and ultra and The Palazzo On New Year’s Eve, the Las Vegas the exhibition to ring in the • Rain Nightclub at BLEU celebration” to the “OUT-rageNew Year. J. C. Strip will once again be transformed will feature the Palms welcomes ously fun and free pool party.” For more Wolloughan’s Irish Pub will offer an allinto a giant block party. Approximately masterworks European mega-DJ information, please visit;300,000 people are expected to watch inclusive, three-course dinner complete by American Paul Oakenfold with party favours and a champagne this annual midnight fireworks display. modernists Resident shows toast. The culinary team at Ceres has More than 30,000 effects will be fired such as Georand headliners prepared a four-course dinner menu The Aquae Sulis Spa at JW Marriott Las from eight locations during the eight gia O’Keeffe, will also get in the celebratory spirit and champagne reception. Join in minute, 10 second program. Vegas’ Vegas Las Resort & Spa has introduced its Stuart Davis, by offering special New Year’s Eve the countdown with entertainment famed Fremont Streetsignature Experience will treatments for 2008. The new Marsden packages that include: priority seating, The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Las provided by DJ Kayle Stevens. For more host a New Year’s Evetreatments celebrationinclude the Sampler and accommodations, tasting menus and Hartley, Arshile Vegas Introduces 2008 called Spa Menu information, visit www.jwlasvegasresort. “TributePalooza.” The Massages, world’s Watsu theVIP Wine Down to and entrance clubs and lounges. Gorky and others. An engaging retroThe Spa at Four Seasons Vegas com bestLas tribute bands willRoman performRitual 14 hours Body Treatments, the is hosting a “Divine Caesars Palace spective, the carefully chosen display has introduced its new 2008 menu. of livespa music from 6 p.m. until 1 Vichy a.m. Therapy and Vie Facial. Mermaid New Year’s Eve” with Bette Midler, while will showcase moreThe thanRitz-Carlton 30 of the Lake Las Vegas The menu features an array ofstages, new and will include tribute on two The world-class Aquae Spa also theSulis six resident shows from Cirque MFA’s mostdu renowned paintings. The signature treatments uniquely conceived Offers Ways to Ring in the New Year bands such as Billy Joel, Eagles, David menu of treatment offers an extensive Soleil offer packages to period meet aknown variety as American Modernism The Ritz-Carlton Lake Las Vegas to hydrate skin, promoteBowie, anti-aging KISS,and The Rolling Stones, U2, options, a full-service salon, of price state-ofpoints. will offer a four- and five-course Queen and Aerosmith. The five blocks gourmet dinner menus at Medici Café of the Fremont Street Experience, & Terrace complemented by party 1 home to 10 legendary casinos, will be favours, champagne, dancing and live transformed into the biggest private entertainment. Or, guests can join the party in town. party in the Firenze Lobby Lounge for dancing, a selection of fine libations and Beyond the fireworks, other places light dining fare. For more information, are offering alternative options to visit, ring in 2009: Dinner In The Sky Las Vegas Makes LakeLasVegas/ • XS, the nightclub inside the new Its Debut On New Year’s Eve Encore resort with 40,000 square feet of Taking the New Year’s celebration to Las Vegas Monorail party space, opens its doors for the first new heights, Dinner In The Sky will to Operate on New time at 9 p.m. New Year’s Eve. make its Las Vegas debut on New Year’s Eve with • Joël Robuchon, the only Michelin Year’s Eve beginning at 8 p.m. to 1:15 Special Fare three-star restaurant in Vegas will have am. Located between the Palms and The Las Vegas Monorail will continue a prix-fixe, eight-course holiday menu, the Rio, Dinner in the Sky will provide to operate even when the Strip closes featuring black truffles, for $600 U.S. per fantastic views of the Strip all while to vehicles and buses – providing a person drinking cocktails and eating hot hors convenient transportation option for d’oeuvres. Dinner in the Sky is a high- New Year’s Eve 2009 Spa Upgrades in Las Vegas B] S\bS` bVS Q]\bSab aW[^Zg ¿ZZ ]cb bVS POZZ]b ]` S\bS` ]\ZW\STOfWbW\b]bVS\c[PS`aV]e\PSZ]eO\Rg]c_cOZWTg b] eW\ BVS Q]\bSab Wa ]^S\ b] OZZ TcZZbW[S OQQ`SRWbSR b`OdSZOUS\ba3OQVbW[SO\OUS\bP]]YaObZSOabO!\WUVb abOg Ob O V]bSZ W\ DSUOa bVSg QO\ S\bS` T]` O QVO\QS b] eW\Ob`W^b]:OaDSUOaRc`W\U<SeGSO`a/ZZQ]\¿`[SR P]]YW\Ua [ORS T`][ <]dS[PS` %bV & bV`]cUV 2SQS[PS` #bV & T]` V]bSZ abOga T`][ <]dS[PS` %bV &bV`]cUV;O`QV!ab 'O`SSZWUWPZSb]S\bS` BVS []`S g]c P]]Y ³ bVS []`S S\b`WSa bVS PSbbS` g]c` QVO\QSa ]T eW\\W\U =\S S\b`O\b eWZZ PS aSZSQbSR Pg O `O\R][ R`Oe T`][ OZZ SZWUWPZS S\b`WSa `SQSWdSR 1]\bSabQZ]aSaS\R]TPcaW\Saa]\2SQS[PS`#bV & JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa Rolls Out New Signature Spa Treatments 1 G]cO`S^S`a]\OZZgW\dWbSRb]X]W\ca T]`Oa^SQWOZD7>:c\QVS]\V]abSRPgbVS :OaDSUOa1]\dS\bW]\O\RDWaWb]`a/cbV]`Wbg ;=<2/G/>@7:'B6 ESabW\6O`P]c`1OabZS6O`P]c`0@]][ =\S6O`P]c`A_cO`SB]`]\b] (<==<1]QYbOWZ@SQS^bW]\ (!>; (>;:c\QV>`SaS\bObW]\2]]`>`WhSa 3F>3@73<13E6/B=<:G:/AD35/A1/<=443@ @AD>0G/^`WZ' A^OQSWaZW[WbSRPgW\dWbObW]\]\Zg <O[S BSZS^V]\S /US\Qg 3[OWZ B]c`=^S`Ob]` 0]]YW\U Product:STAR Date:10-26-2009Desk: SPC-0001-CMYK/25-10-09/17:43:06 !MO0 261009ON U 001Q! U1 MONDAY ON MO0 Caribbean Travel 1MFBTFKPJOVTGPS BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN CMYK PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIAL SECTION U MONDAY OCTOBER 26, 2009 • media plans and media buying • press conferences and press releases • hosting of incoming sales missions • organization of media familiarization tours • trade and consumer press liaison • business language solutions including translation services • consumer media promotions SUPPORT SERVICES • procurement of third party services • web site design and maintenance • design and production of e-marketing tools • design and production of print materials • copy writing and copy editing Jump UP! 'FSNFOUJOH$FMMBS5IF%JTUJMMFSZ%JTUSJDU 'SJEBZ0DUPCFSUI1.UP1. "UUFOEFE CZ .JOJTUFST BOE $PNNJTTJPOFST PG 5PVSJTN BT XFMM BT BXBSEXJOOJOH NFEJB BOE MFBEFST PG UIF USBWFM BOE IPTQJUBMJUZ DPNNVOJUZ UIJT MVODIFPO TFSWFT UP SFDPHOJ[F $BOBEJBOCBTFE NFEJB UIBU IBWF DBQUVSFE UIF FTTFODF PG UIF $BSJCCFBO JO UIFJS TUPSZUFMMJOH BOE UP BXBSE UIF ®"OESFX 3 1BSSJT "XBSE¯ GPS UIF 5SBWFM Today’s generation takes the ancient African art form of moko jumbie stilt dancing to a new level in St. Croix, U6 "HFOU XIP CFTU FYFNQMJºFT UIF RVBMJUJFT PG QBTTJPO BOE JOOPWBUJPO JO USBWFM BOE UPVSJTN GPS UIF $BSJCCFBO $FMFCSJUZDIFG EFNPOTUSBUJPOTGSPN $VCB5SJOJEBE5PCBHP 1FESP2VJOUBOJMMB $VCB %BSSZM"MFYJT 5SJOJEBE5PCBHP THE SILVER STATE OFFERS AN EXCEPTIONAL ARRAY OF ACTIVITIES FOR EVERY PASSION UNDER THE SUN! 5IJTJTBUJDLFUFEBOECZJOWJUBUJPOPOMZFWFOU 5PQVSDIBTFUJDLFUTDBMM$50BUPSFNBJMVTBUDUP!WPYUN 'PSNPSFEFUBJMTPOUIJTBOEPUIFSFWFOUTWJTJU XXXDBSJCCFBOXFFLDB $IFGTTQPOTPSFE#Z'PDBDDJB3FTUBVSBOUBOE&ODPSF'PPEXJUI&YDFMMFODF XXXDBSJCCFBOUSBWFMDPN 'FSNFOUJOH$FMMBS5IF%JTUJMMFSZ%JTUSJDU 1EBOBE>PKBSBO?BBK>?BQQBOQFJBCLOQEB >OF??B>K Caribbean Week Awards Canadian Travel Press Revision 3 October 13, 2009 'SJEBZ0DUPCFSUI1.UP1. Full page Trim 9.875” x 13.25” Live 9.0” x 12.5” Bleed 10.25” x 13.625” 5IF$BSJCCFBO5PVSJTN0SHBOJ[BUJPO$50 QSFTFOUT5PSPOUP±T4FDPOEBOOVBM3VNBOE3IZUIN 'FTUJWBM¥"WBSJFUZPGUIF$BSJCCFBO±TBXBSEXJOOJOHSVNTXJMMCFBWBJMBCMFGPSUBTUJOHJOBEEJUJPO UPSVNDPDLUBJMTTFSWFEVQCZUIFSFHJPO±TUPQNJYPMPHJTUT5IF'FTUJWBMXJMMBMTPGFBUVSFUBOUBMJ[JOH DVJTJOFTFSWFECZ$BSJCCFBODIFGTBOENVTJDBMQFSGPSNBODFT:PVDPVMECFUIFMVDLZXJOOFSPGB OJHIUBMMJODMVTJWFWBDBUJPODPNQMJNFOUTPG"JS$BOBEB7BDBUJPOTBOE0DDJEFOUBM)PUFMTBOE3FTPSUT $PTUQFSQFSTPO 5JDLFUTPOTBMFOPXXXX5JDLFUNBTUFSDB 'PSNPSFEFUBJMTPOUIJTBOEPUIFSFWFOUTWJTJUXXXDBSJCCFBOXFFLDBXXXDBSJCCFBOUSBWFMDPN 40 x 10 10.5” x 2.8125” SWING YOUR PARDNER, ST. LUCIA-STYLE They’re plum crazy about those good, old-fashioned C&W hurtin’ songs in this stronghold of reggae and calypso, U9 Escape to CUBA with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estinations • 80 Plus Hotels • Packages/Air Only/Land Only • Long Stays/Car Rentals/Prepaid Excursions • Escorted Bus Tours • Bike and Salsa Programs • Sun & City Combos • Coast to Coast Departures within Canada • Prepaid Excursions • Various Airline Carriers • Additional Caribbean Destinations and MUCH MORE! 5 ' 4 FREE Added Value excursions for Hola Sun passengers ' 4 'SJEBZ0DUPCFSUI1.UP1. 5IF $BSJCCFBO 5PVSJTN 0SHBOJ[BUJPO $50 QSFTFOUT 5PSPOUP±T 4FDPOE BOOVBM 3VN BOE 3IZUIN 'FTUJWBM¥ " WBSJFUZ PG UIF $BSJCCFBO±T BXBSEXJOOJOH SVNT XJMM CF BWBJMBCMF GPS UBTUJOH JO BEEJUJPO UP SVN DPDLUBJMT TFSWFE VQ CZ UIF SFHJPO±T UPQ NJYPMPHJTUT5IF'FTUJWBMXJMMBMTPGFBUVSFUBOUBMJ[JOHDVJTJOFTFSWFECZ$BSJCCFBODIFGT BOE NVTJDBM QFSGPSNBODFT :PV DPVME CF UIF MVDLZ XJOOFS PG B OJHIU BMMJODMVTJWF WBDBUJPO DPNQMJNFOUT PG "JS $BOBEB 7BDBUJPOT BOE 0DDJEFOUBM )PUFMT BOE 3FTPSUT 72 x 5 5.1875” x 5.125” ESCAPE TO INCREDIBLE NEVADA. IT’S ONE PLACE WITH MANY ADVENTURES. $PTUQFSQFSTPO 5JDLFUTPOTBMFOPXXXX5JDLFUNBTUFSDB 'PSNPSFEFUBJMTPOUIJTBOEPUIFSFWFOUTWJTJUXXXDBSJCCFBOXFFLDBXXXDBSJCCFBOUSBWFMDPN 4 4U.BBSUFOXXXTUNBBSUFODPN Caribbean Week 4U.BSUJOXXXTUNBSUJOPSHRum Rythm Star Ads 4U7JODFOUUIF(SFOBEJOFTXXXEJTDPWFSTWHDPN Revision 1 4VSJOBNFXXXTVSJOBNFUPVSJTNPSH September 30, 2009 4FQUFNCFS 0DUPCFS 5SJOJEBE5PCBHPXXXWJTJUUOUDPN 5VSLT$BJDPT*TMBOETXXXUVSLTBOEDBJDPTUPVSJTNDPN 4 . 5 6OJUFE4UBUFT7JSHJO*TMBOETXXXWJTJUVTWJDPN 8 5 ' 4 4 . 5 8 5 ' 4 7FOF[VFMBXXXNJOUVSHPCWF /PWFNCFS 4 . 5 8 5 ' new Contact your local travel professional & book today! tod d y y!! 'FSNFOUJOH$FMMBS5IF%JTUJMMFSZ%JTUSJDU . 5 8 5 ! TRAVEL AND LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE %FDFNCFS 4 4 . 5 8 5 ' 4 THE SILVER STATE OFFERS AN EXCEPTIONAL ARRAY OF ACTIVITIES Visit us at FOR EVERY PASSION UNDER THE SUN! SEPTEMBER 2009 Blue Man Group, Las Vegas & Lake Tahoe, Nevada +BOVBSZ THE CARIBBEAN HEATS UP 4 . 5 8 5 ' 4 KOREAN PARADISE 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOPOUIF$BSJCCFBODPOUBDUZPVS5SBWFM"HFOUPSWJTJUXXXDBSJCCFBOUSBWFMDPN GOLF GETAWAYS VIRGINIA IS FOR FOODIES ULTRA-LUXURY CRUISING Nevada Blueman Group Travel Courier Full Page Revision 2 July 8, 2009 CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN 0DUPCFSSE/PWFNCFSTU 0VS $FMFCSJUZ $IFGT PWFSZFBST$IFG4UFQIFOKPJOFEUIFQSJWBUF ZBDIUDMVCJOEVTUSZBTFYFDVUJWFDIFGGPSUIF QBTUZFBST5PUIJTEBZIFDPOUJOVFTUPCF PQFOUPOFXPQQPSUVOJUJFTBOEFYQFSJFODFT UIBUXJMMGVSUIFSFOIBODFIJTTLJMMTFUBOE #SPXO$PMMFHFGPSZFBSTVQPOIJTSFUVSO UP$BOBEB$IFG-BNQBSEIBTCSPVHIUCBDL FOFSHZBOEDVMJOBSZDSFBUJWJUZUPUIFIPUFM TDFOFXIJMFDVMUJWBUJOHBOFXHFOFSBUJPO PGZPVOH$BOBEJBO$IFGTUISPVHIPOFPG FOKPZFEIJTVOJRVFCMFOEEJTIFTXJUIGPDVT POIJT$VCBOSPPUT 8JMMCFGFBUVSFEBUUIF$BSJCCFBO"XBSET -VODIFPOBOEUIF3VN3IZUIN'FTUJWBM DSFBUJWFDVMJOBSZJOUFSFTUT UIFJOEVTUSJFTMBSHFTUBOENPTUTVDDFTTGVM BQQSFOUJDFTIJQQSPHSBNTJO/PSUI"NFSJDB $IFG%BSSZM"MFYJT $IFG4UFQIFO.POUBHVF 8JMMCFGFBUVSFEBUUIF3VN3IZUIN'FTUJWBM 4QPOTPSFECZ&ODPSF'PPEXJUI&MFHBODF 4QPOTPSFECZ#BSCBEPT5PVSJTN"VUIPSJUZ 5IFPSHBOJ[BUJPOQSPWJEFTTQFDJBMJ[FE 8JMMCFGFBUVSFEBUUIF3VN3IZUIN'FTUJWBM GSPN5SJOJEBE5PCBHP "HSBEVBUFPGUIF TVQQPSUBOEUFDIOJDBMBTTJTUBODFUPNFNCFS $IFGG%VGG-BNQBSE %BSSZMXBTCPSOJO"VHVTU $VMJOBSZ"SUT DPVOUSJFTJOUIFBSFBTPGNBSLFUJOHIVNBO 4QPOTPSFECZUIF8FTUJO)BSCPVS$BTUMF $IFG1FESP2VJOUBOJMMB JO1PSUPG4QBJO BOEBMTPDPNQMFUFEBO SFTPVSDFEFWFMPQNFOUSFTFBSDIBOE %VGG-BNQBSEJTDVSSFOUMZ 4QPOTPSFECZ'PDBDDJBSFQSFTFOUJOH$VCB 5SJOJEBE5PCBHPBOE BEWBODFDVMJOBSZDPVSTF JOGPSNBUJPOUFDIOPMPHZBOETVTUBJOBCMF &YFDVUJWF$IFGBU5IF $VCBOCPSODIFG1FESP TQFOUIJTQSJNBSZTDIPPM JO$IFG4UFQIFOCFHBOIJTDBSFFSJO EFWFMPQNFOU 8FTUJO)BSCPVS$BTUMF 2VJOUBOJMMBCSJOHTB ZFBSTHSPXJOHVQJOUIFXBSNBOETVOOZ UIJTJOEVTUSZBTBDIFGBUUIF3JWFSB)PUFM 5IF$BSJCCFBO5PVSJTN JO5PSPOUPPWFSTFFJOH QBTTJPOBOEVOJRVFOFTT DMJNBUFPGUIF$BSJCCFBO 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ORGANIZATION (CTO) PRESENTS TORONTO’S SECOND ANNUAL RUM AND RHYTHM FESTIVAL . . . 5IF$50 'PVOEBUJPO ]] Ad size Full Page Trim 8.125 x 10.875 Full Page Bleed 8.375 x 11.125 ]] .VTUC FZFB STPGBH FPSPM BZC *%N BUUFOE EFSUP FSFRVF TVQQPS WFOUJO TUFE& UPG 0G UIF$5 PVOEBU JPO SAVE THE DATE This year, the Caribbean Rum and Rhythm Festival will take place on October 30 in The Distillery District of Toronto. In celebration of the Caribbean region’s awardwinning rums, this event will include samplings of premium Caribbean rums, a taste of Caribbean specialties prepared by celebrity chefs, traditional Caribbean hospitality, a silent auction, musical performances by Caribbean entertainers, and a chance to win a Caribbean vacation. Attendees must be 19 years or older. ESCAPE TO INCREDIBLE NEVADA. IT’S ONE PLACE WITH MANY ADVENTURES. For more information about Caribbean Week 2009, to register for events or to purchase your tickets, visit or call 416-935-0767 or 1-866-997-0096. Visit us at FNBJM UFMFQIP 4B JPO DFT 7BDBU O3VN PSNBO SJCCFB TJDBM1FSG MM*OD MVTJWF .V JOH$B JHIU" 8JOO OB/ "XBSE DFUP8J $IBO OBNF SJD U Z%JTU 1. JTUJMMFS T TUJOH S5IF% 1.UP O5B H$FMMBT USBUJP FOUJO EF $IFGT%FNPOT 'FSN PCFSUI U*ODMVCC FBO PO FO DU &W MFT]$BSJ JMFOU"VDUJ UIF$BSJCCFBO 0 NQ UP ]4 'SJEBZ OF A nd you’re invited to experience a fun-filled event that celebrates the tastes, sounds, colours and vibrant culture of the Caribbean. 3HOWGIRLCOURTESYOF7OLF#REEK'OLF#LUB-ESQUITE.EVADAs3HOWGIRLCOURTESYOF$ONN!RDENS*UBILEEAT"ALLYS,AS6EGAS top: Dancers from the Turks and Caicos Islands proudly flaunt their national costume. Turks and Caicos Tourist Board background: Soft sandy stretches, secluded coves, water the colour of sapphire lapping over rock formations——beaches in the U.S. Virgin Islands are idyllic. U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN Nevada Ad size KENYA CALLING Kenya Kenya KATS From Sniffing Warthogs To Majestic Masai, Kenya Is Indeed Magical Inset: Lions on the hunt can bring plains wildlife to a online standstill. Become a Kenya Authorized Travel Specialist with the Kenya Tourist Board’s KATS specialist program. Successful specialists receive CITC credits; exclusive FAM trip Text and photos by Dominick A. Merle opportunities; inside information from the Kenya Tourist Board like destination, hotel and attractions updates; brochures, special promotions; eligibility for Master KATS certification. Visit to sign up. KHALFWAYPOINTOFOUR+ENYANVACATION/RPERHAPS+ENYANhADVENTUREvISABETTERWORD SAFARISh+ENYAISNOWALKINTHEPARKnITKEEPS YOUINSUSPENSEv 4HEHOTELISABOUTAMINUTEDRIVEFROMTHE PORTOF-OMBASAONTHEKILOMETRECOASTLINE WHERE +ENYA MEETS THE )NDIAN /CEAN 4HIS IS THEPARTOF+ENYATHATHASBEENMOSTLYIGNORED BY.ORTH!MERICANTOURISTSWHOTENDTOhSAFARI AROUND THE CLOCKv UNTIL THEY DEPART 4HE TREND IS CHANGING HOWEVER AS MORE AND MORE TOUR OPERATORSAREINCORPORATINGABEACHSTAYINTHEIR ITINERARIES AS A WELCOME AND NEEDED BREAK BETWEENWILDLIFEEXPEDITIONS "UTMAKENOMISTAKEABOUTITTHEANIMALSWILL ALWAYS BE THE STAR ATTRACTION OF THIS EXOTIC LAND OFTENREFERREDTOASTHECRADLEOFMANKIND!ND THEMAINhTHEATREvWILLALWAYSBETHEMYSTERIOUS -ASAI-ARAATTHESOUTHWESTCORNEROFTHECOUN TRYBORDERING4ANZANIA4HATWASTHESETTINGFOR THETENTSNIFFINGANDHIPPOBATHMATE 7E STAYED AT THE -ARA %XPLORER A RELATIVELY NEWCAMPINTHEMIDDLEOFTHEWILDLIFERESERVE 4HERE WERE WELLSPACED TENTS EACH WITH ITS OWN PRIVATE DECK OVERLOOKING THE 4ALEK 2IVER !N ELEGANT 6ICTORIANSTYLE BATHTUB ADORNED MY DECK AND IT WAS THERE THAT ) TOOK A MIDDAY BATHWHILETHEHIPPOTOOKHISINA WATERINGHOLELESSTHANMETRES AWAYWHILETHEAMUSEDCROCODILE LOOKED ON /KAY SO WE DIDNT ACTUALLYBATHEINTHESAMETUBBUT ITWASCLOSEENOUGH "UTTHEREWASNOMISTAKINGTHE SNIFlNG INCIDENT IN THE MIDDLE OF THENIGHT!RMEDGUARDSPATROLTHE CAMPSITEAROUNDTHECLOCKANDONE SAIDHESPOTTEDASTRAYWARTHOGIN THE AREA AND THAT COULD HAVE BEEN THE MYSTERY SNIFFER 0ERHAPS BUT ) WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION IT HAD BEENALIONATTHEVERYLEAST 'ENERALLY YOU TAKE SEVERAL SAFARIS A DAY IN A WILDLIFE RESERVE ONE BEFORE BREAKFAST ONE BETWEEN AM AND NOON ONE BETWEEN PM ANDPMANDPERHAPSANIGHTSAFARIUSINGONLY ALARGEFLOODLIGHTFROMABOUTTOPM !T TIMES THE PLAINS ARE STRANGELY SILENT AND BARREN BUT WILL SUDDENLY EXPLODE WITH WILDLIFE WODAYSOFBEACHTIMEONTHE)NDIAN/CEANWASJUSTWHATTHEDOCTORORDEREDDURINGTHE Giraffes, antelopes and the black rhino have been reintroduced to 3OFAR the area around Il’ !WILDANDVERYHUNGRYANIMALWASSNIFlNGMYTENTATAMINTHEMIDDLEOFTHEJUNGLE Ngwesi a private game reserve and lodge THE BIGGEST SURPRISE OF ALL WAS WHEN THE LIONS n /NMYlNALNIGHTINTHECAPITALOF.AIROBI )SHAREDANAFTERNOONBATHWITHAHIPPOWHILEACROCODILEEYEDUSCURIOUSLYTHROUGHSLITEYES owned by the Masai. Visas are required and can be obtained through the Kenya nGIRAFFESZEBRASIMPALASBABOONSCAPEBUFFA LOESJACKALSHYENASANDOFTENWILDEBEESTSFORAS FARASYOUCANSEE4HEYDASHABOUTWITHBLURRING SPEEDANDTHENINABLINKFREEZEINTHEIRTRACKS LIKEASTILLLIFEPAINTINGBECAUSEOFANOBVIOUSDAN GERSIGNINTHEWINDPERHAPSAPACKOFHYENASOR LIONSONTHEHUNT 7E ARE ABLE TO APPROACH LIONS ELEPHANTS AND RHINOSFROMASCLOSEASNINEMETRESAWAYINOUR VAN TAKING PHOTOS AND OBSERVING THE LIFEAND DEATH DRAMA THAT PLAYS OUT HERE EVERY DAY !ND ALWAYS OVERHEAD FROM THE TREETOPS THE VULTURES AWAITTHEIRTURN 4HENEXTMORNINGWEDROVETOA-ASAIVILLAGE NEARTHE4ANZANIANBORDER4HE-ASAIARENOMADIC HERDERSWHOTRAVELBETWEEN+ENYAAND4ANZANIA 4HEYARETALLANDSLENDERANDWEREKNOWNTOHAVE BEEN lERCE WARRIORS /N OUR LAST VISIT TO -ASAI -ARASOMEYEARSAGOITWASDIFlCULTTOPHOTO GRAPHMEMBERSOFTHETRIBEWITHOUTPAYINGEXORBI TANTAMOUNTSOFMONEY 4HERE WAS NO HAGGLING OR THE TENSIONS THAT OFTENGOWITHITDURINGTHISVISIT7EWERESIMPLY REQUIREDTOPAYAFLATFEEOFABOUTTOENTERTHE VILLAGEANDTAKEANUNLIMITEDAMOUNTOFPHOTOS #IVILIZATIONHASCOMETOTHEJUNGLE !FTEROURTWODAYSOFSUNANDSURFATTHE3AFARI "EACH(OTELWEHEADEDBYSMALLAIRCRAFTTO,EWA $OWNSATTHEFOOTOF-T+ENYAAPRIVATERESERVE THATFEATURESSAFARISBYVANCAMELANDHORSEBACK 7EVIEWEDMUCHTHESAMEWILDLIFEASINTHE-ARA ALTHOUGHNOTINSUCHGREATNUMBERS4HEREAREALSO FARFEWERSAFARIVANSHERETHANINTHE-ARAWHICH MAKES IT SEEM MORE LIKE A PRIVATE VIEWING 4HE HECTARE RESERVE AT ,EWA $OWNS HAS BEEN OPERATEDBYTHE#RAIGFAMILYSINCE /UR lNAL RESERVE WAS LESS THAN KILOMETRES AWAYBUTITTOOKMORETHANTWOHOURSBYVANOVER ADIRTROADTHATHADTURNEDTOMUDAFTERANOVERNIGHT RAIN4HISTOOWASPARTOFTHE+ENYANADVENTURE &INALLYWEARRIVEDATTHE)L.GWESIRESERVEANDITS HILLTOPLODGE 4HELODGEWASBUILTINBYTHEMEMBER LOCAL-ASAITRIBE!NAMAZINGTRANSFORMATIONHAS TAKENPLACEHEREnBIGGAMECOEXISTINGPEACEFULLY WITH LIVESTOCK &IRST THE ELEPHANTS BEGAN ENTERING INTOTHISAREAANDINTERMINGLINGWITHTHECATTLE"UT If You Go 723EPTEMBERs#ANADIAN4RAVELLER TRADITIONALLYTHE-ASAISMOSTREVILEDENEMYn ATAWELLKNOWNRESTAURANTAPPROPRIATELYCALLED /URSAFARIVANGOTSTUCKINTHEMUDnPRACTICALLYSTRADDLINGTHEEQUATORnANDWEROCKED Consulate or upon entry into Kenya. BEGANSHOWINGUP #ARNIVORE THAT FEATURES MANY CUTS OF WILDLIFE ITBACKANDFORTHBETWEENTHETWOHEMISPHERESTOFREEIT /PERATORSOFTHELODGEKNOWTHATTHEFUTURE THE SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF THE GAME RESERVES )hSAWvMYlRSTMIRAGEAGLISTENINGBLUELAKETHATVANISHEDASSUDDENLYASITAPPEARED Clients should check with their family doctor or travel clinic ISWITHWILDLIFENOTCATTLEANDAREREINTRODUCING KEPTRUNNINGAROUNDINMYMIND/DDBECAUSE ONANOPENPLAIN for required and recommended shots. The policy is under GIRAFFES ANTELOPES AND THE PRIZED BLACK RHINO BEFORE)ARRIVEDHERE)WASDETERMINEDTOWRITE h7EHEARTHESEKINDOFEXPERIENCESALLTHETIMEvSAIDTHEMANATTHECONCIERGEDESKIN constant change. BACKINTOTHEAREA ABOUTSOMETHINGOTHERTHANTHESAFARIS THE3AFARI"EACH(OTELWHEREWEWOULDSPENDTHENEXTCOUPLEOFDAYSBETWEENWILDLIFE )FECOTOURISMCANBEPURE)L.GWESICOMES 3O MUCH FOR GOOD INTENTIONS 4HE ANIMALS ASCLOSEASPOSSIBLE0RACTICALLYEVERYBUILDING HADTHELASTWORD MATERIALEXCEPTTHEWATERPIPESANDSHOWERHEADS &OR MORE INFORMATION ON +ENYA VISIT WWW COMESFROMTHELANDITSELF4HEWALLSAREMADE -AGICAL+ENYACOM OF DRIED MUD THE BEAMS AND FURNITURE FROM )NCanadian Traveller: DEAD TREES 7ATER IS TRANSPORTED BY CAMEL AND HEATEDBYSOLARPANELS!NDTHEDEGREEVIEW A Wild Wonder3EPTEMBER ISMAGNIlCENT Captivating Kenya3EPTEMBER WILD AFRICA SAFARIS INC Proudly Presents DAVID SKILLAN’S Fully Escorted Tours! THE BEST OF KENYA & TANZANIA 18 Thrilling Days Departs October 2, 2009 BOTSWANA & ZAMBIA SAFARI 14 Amazing Days Departs January 6, 2010 The ultimate safari adventure....and a wonderful combination of the two most famous safari destinations in Africa. You will adventure in style and comfort on this exclusive connoisseur's tour which is limited to just 12 participants. EGYPT & JORDAN 16 Unforgettable Days Departs November 4, 2009 Join us in the lands of the Pharaohs, Petra, mystery and enchantment. If you've always wanted to see one of the world's greatest ancient civilizations, this is the trip for you! SOUTH AFRICA & ZAMBIA 19 Wonderful Days Departs March 6, 2010 Described as 'A World in One Country', the breathtakingly beautiful South Africa is one of the most diverse and exciting countries on earth. Combined with the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls, this is a definite winner. Call us now for prices, brochures and further information Each tour includes: major places of interest, round-trip airfare from Vancouver, accommodation, most meals, all sightseeing and game-viewing and is personally escorted by Africa specialist, David Skillan. Wild Africa Safaris offers one-stop booking for Southern, Eastern Africa and Egyptian tours and safaris plus net international, regional and domestic airfares, transfers, accommodation and activities. Africa offers excellent value and, with our knowledge, we help save you time and resources. Combined with good commissions and fast, friendly and efficient service we make selling Africa simple. WILD AFRICA SAFARIS INC. 604-519-1610 TOLL-FREE 1-800-991-6111 E-MAIL: 743EPTEMBERs#ANADIAN4RAVELLER A F R I C A OUT SOLD UR! ’S TO YEAR T NEXT ABOU ASK Avoid the months of November, April and May, the rain seasons. Some lodges close during those periods. The best air route from North America is through Europe. We flew Air Canada from Montreal to London, and then Kenya Airways from London to Nairobi. #ANADIAN4RAVELLERs3EPTEMBER73 VoX REPRESENTS A WIDE RANGE OF TOURISM BASED CLIENTS INCLUDING: OUR TEAM row 1 left to right SUSAN WEBB President GERLINDE PERERA Vice President, Client Services JUSTIN WEBB Director, New Business ROSALYN HUNTER Director, Public Relations & Communications RYAN JONES Public Relations Account Executive PATRICE BELL Account Director BARBARA FINN Account Executive, Groups and Incentive Specialist The B.O.S.S. Group Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Kenya Tourist Board VoX offers representation in all key Canadian markets including Vancouver and Montreal, with the Head Office conveniently located in downtown Toronto. Nevada Commission on Tourism Occidental Hotels & Resorts Texas Tourism PETER NOWICKI Regional Manager, Western Canada ARMANDO MENDONCA Director, Diversity Market Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority (LVCVA) Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT) NANCY ABBOTT Account Director, Sales & Business Development We have associates in the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico, Europe, Gulf States, China, Japan, Russia and South America. VoX can develop a regional or global solution for your organization. RENEE WILSON Marketing and Public Relations, Quebec SERGE LAMARRE Marketing and Public Relations - Quebec PAOLA ALVARADO Marketing, Promotions & Groups Manager ANDREW McTAVISH Design, Art Direction VoX International is a member of the following Associations and Groups The VoX management team is multi-lingual offering services in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Hungarian and Cantonese. HEATHER TIET Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant It has been said that “the trouble with experience is that it teaches you the lesson only after you’ve achieved the result”. As a team of specialists, we pride ourselves on our extensive experience and our ability to anticipate results. SUSAN EDWARDS Consultant, Marketing and Public Relations Hence our name… VoX -Voice of Experience SCOTT BARKER Printing Consultant DEANNE OSBORNE Administration Coordinator JACQUELINE KUEHNEL Consultant, Business Development GRANT ODDLEIFSON Director, Air Carrier Sector CALVIN McLENNAN Technology Consultant GORD DAVIS Website Design Consultant NADER SAAD Chartered Accountant NAEMA SAAD Bookkeeper
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