PDF - Columbia Valley Pioneer
PDF - Columbia Valley Pioneer
Vol. 2/Issue 5 Your Source for News and Events The Upper February 4, 2005 Columbia P ioneer FR EE Serving The Upper Columbia Valley including Brisco, Edgewater, Radium, Invermere, Windermere, Fairmont and Canal Flats Contents News 2 Letters 6 Classifieds 14 Faith 15 Thrifty Lady 2 Happy Retirement 8 Busy Businessman 10 Early Spring? Jagar Jefferson, 2, of Invermere enjoys splashing in the mud. Photo by Lisa Ede 2 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer February 4, 2005 VALLEY Thrift store turns rags to riches By Elinor Florence Pioneer Staff What has to be the most successful charity in the valley is also the most modest. The local thrift store profits have tripled since moving to its new location on main street. For the past three years it has raised about $10,000 every month - for a total of $330,000. Yet the 80 volunteers who slog away at tasks that are often dirty and physically demanding don’t demand or expect any publicity. Thrift store coordinator Marjorie Wright of Invermere is a good example. Although she spent more than 1000 hours at her job last year, she declined to be photographed since she said others deserve the recognition more than she does. Many of the volunteers - all of them women and most of them seniors - have been working at the thrift store for years. It’s a long tradition in the valley, since there has been a women’s group raising money for the local hospital since the early 1900s. In 1966 that group officially became the Invermere Health Care Auxiliary, which is a separate entity from the thrift store. The thrift store passes the money along to the auxiliary which then decides how to spend it “for patient care and comfort.” Unquestionably both the care and comfort of patients have been improved through their efforts. Over the past few years a whopping $30,000 purchased a new blood analysis machine for the lab, $20,000 went towards the new Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine in Cranbrook, $16,000 was spent on a defribrillator, $12,000 purchased new cabinets for Columbia House, $10,000 bought a portable ventilator, and dozens of smaller items such as a dishwasher and wheelchairs were purchased, right down to a new coffeemaker for the lounge. Not only the hospital but Meals on Wheels and the Family Resource Centre have benefitted from the thrift store. The sheer volume of items donated and sold is staggering, especially since most prices are only a few dollars or less. And the store is open only three half-days a week: Thursdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 1 to 4 p.m. Some people even buy things to make a profit. Mrs. Wright recalls that she sorted her collection of ceramic kittens a few years ago and brought several rejects into the thrift store where they sold for a dollar each. A few weeks later she opened her birthday present from her daughter to find the same kittens! “She had purchased them at another second-hand store for $3 each,” she laughed. The most popular items in the store are women’s clothing, and the least popular are baby items. In Volunteers Mary Smith and Sue Pearce sell a real bargain to newcomers Ashley Laboucane and Kiel Ross. between is a whole variety of merchandise such as books and puzzles, kitchen appliances, bedding and knick-knacks. What the thrift store does not sell is baby equipment like cribs, because that is against safety regulations, and furniture. “We would love to accept larger items, but we don’t have the space,” she says. Several husbands of the volunteers pitch in to maintain the property and move stuff around but for the most part, the ladies are on their own. They are better off than they were a few years ago when they had to cart boxes and bags stuffed with clothing up and down the stairs to the basement below Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy. Now people can drop their donations behind the store in several newly-constructed bins, which keeps the items safe and dry. And the new space has also resulted in more than triple the sales at the former location. Even volunteers who aren’t up to the heavy work help out by cutting labels, washing and mending some of the clothing that deserves to be saved, and waiting on customers. What makes the local thrift store so successful, says Mrs. Wright, is the incredible generosity of locals and visitors alike who donate their used items rather than selling them elsewhere. Keep those donations coming, folks - every item sold means a few dollars more for the good health of our community. Field’s coming to Invermere By Pioneer Staff The western end of the former Home Hardware store downtown will be occupied by Field’s Department Store, Field’s operations manager Mike Buell confirmed Wednesday. He said the 55-year-old business, owned by the Hudson’s Bay Company, operates 104 stores in Western Canada and is opening new stores this year in Kimberly, Golden and Invermere. “Invermere has the potential to be one of our best stores,” he said. Mr. Buell said the company looks for towns that haven’t been approached yet by the big-box retailers such as Walmart. “We’re hoping Walmart won’t notice Invermere for a while,” he said. About 30 percent of the new 7,500-square-foot department store will feature fashions and footwear, and the remainder will include groceries, housewares, bedding and other items. The store will hire about five to 10 staff and two managers. The company hopes to open the new Field Mini-Mart in May. Leases have not yet been signed for the rest of the building. • Whole, Quarter, & Fraction Ownership Available • • Nightly & Weekly Rentals & Group Rates Available • Now Selling Phase 5 Join us for the Phase 4 Grand Opening March 11 www.bighornmeadows.ca TOLL FREE 1-877-344-2323 or (250) 347-2323 Book your Valentine’s Getaway Now! February 4, 2005 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 3 NEWS ‘All incidents are reported’ By Elinor Florence Pioneer Staff The B.C. Minister of Education has vowed to crack down on school boards that don’t report incidents of inappropriate behavior by a teacher towards a student. Tom Christensen made the announcement last week following news about a teacher in the Lower Mainland who was disciplined on at least three occasions for sexually inappropriate behavior, but was able to continue teaching because his former employers had disciplined him, but had not reported the incidents. However, local school board superintendent Bendina Miller said this will not happen in our school district. “If an allegation is made by a student, parent, staff member or principal an investigation is immediately carried out,” she said, adding that the investigation is confidential for all parties concerned. Based on the findings of that investigation, the board has the discretion either to dismiss the charge as unfounded or report it to the B.C. College of Teachers - and in a case where it is suspected that a crime has been committed, to the RCMP. In spite of its name, the B. C. ColTodd Francis Thompson, who was lege of Teachers has nothing to do with teaching in Canal Flats, was found training teachers - it is an independent guilty of unprofessional conduct and body set up to issue licences to teach- conduct unbecoming a member after ers, and it is also the disciplinary body a college hearing in March 2003. for teachers in this province. Mr. Thompson pled guilty and Although a school board has the was convicted of possession of child authority to discipline or even fire a pornography in Ontario after child teacher, it pornog“We want to protect children, can’t susraphy was pend the but teachers also need protection found on t e a c h e r’s his laptop from the rumour mill, which in a computer licence. “ T h a t ’s small community like ours can be when it why it’s so was taken very damaging.” - Darren Lewis into a reimportant that these pair shop. incidents T h e go forward to the college,” said Mrs. York Regional Police in Ontario conMiller. tacted our local school board, which When an incident is reported by a then conducted its own investigation school board, the college may conduct and reported the case to the college a further investigation and can hand and to the local RCMP. out discipline including a tempoIt was determined that Mr. rary or permanent suspension of the Thompson had used the laptop comteacher’s licence. The college may also puter belonging to the school district choose to make the teacher’s name to access child pornography. He was public depending on the severity of stripped of his B.C. teacher’s licence. the offence. Darren Lewis is the current presiMrs. Miller said our school board dent of the Windermere Valley Teachhas reported several incidents to the ers Association, a local of the provincecollege, although only one case result- wide union called the B.C. Teachers’ ed in a teacher losing his licence. Federation. He said the union sup- ports full disclosure of any incident, including touching or speaking to a student inappropriately. However, he warned that teachers deserve a fair hearing. “We want to protect children, but teachers also need protection from the rumour mill, which in a small community like ours can be very damaging.” He said he has known cases where a teacher has left the community before his innocence has been established because he feels his career has already been compromised by the gossip that is circulating. He added that in some cases a student will say something which is blown out of proportion and then feels badly because a rumour against the teacher has been started. However, there have been cases across Canada where abusive teachers have moved from school to school before being apprehended. In a practice known in education circles as ‘passing the trash,’ some school boards have simply dismissed a teacher rather than pursuing legal action, allowing him or her to resume teaching. The names of B.C. teachers who have been disciplined by the B.C. College of Teachers for can be found on the college website at www.bcct.ca. Old blue high school bites the dust clearly separate the property lines between the school district and the District of Invermere,” Mr. Jackson said. The familiar old blue high school building at the The demolition will take away the connecting top of the Athalmer Hill is on the chopping block. portion in the centre and leave three separate buildThe school was abandoned in 1994 when the ings standing. new high school was opened. One building belonging to the school district Steve Jackson, Director of Operations for Rocky contains the Windermere Valley Child Care Society, Mountain School District Number Six, said the the newly-renovated School Board Office and the project should be completed in two weeks. Resource Center. The building is actually partly owned by the The other two buildings are the Fire Hall and the school district and partly by the town. The District rest of the old high school located closest to IGA. of Invermere bought a portion of the old high school Arlee Romane manages the Windermere Valley from the school district in the mid-1990s. Child Care Society and said the entire process has “The only reason for the demolition was to been handled very well. Plywood has been put up to By Michelle Taylor Pioneer Staff Fairmont 4 L Milk 3.99 DEAL Limit 1 - Overlimit 4.99 In Our Produce Department Medium Coffee Bananas 49¢ lb and a Jumbo Muffin In the Bakery AND LIQUOR Fairmont Village Mall 345-0045 Fresh Baked French 89¢ Check out our in-store Butcher Shop for great meat specials. Above offer expires at close Feb. 11/05. keep the area safe for the children and staff. The parking lot on the east side has become a little more congested as this is the only entrance to the building right now. “We will be expanding the infant and toddler room to provide extra play space, eating areas and sleep accommodations for the children,” she said. The number of toddlers and infants in the day care will remain the same. There is asbestos product in the roofing and flooring of the old building, but for safety reasons the school district had an abatement contractor remove all asbestos from the portion of the building being destroyed. Asbestos isn’t dangerous unless released into the air. for a TOONIE #6, 4992 Fairmont Village Mall Internet Café Fairmont Hot Springs • 345-4008 4 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer February 4, 2005 1*0/&&31&341&$5*7& )*4503*$"--&/4 *OUIF8JOEFSNFSF%JTUSJDU)PTQJUBMXBTFSFDUFEPOMBOEEPOBUFECZUIF$PMVNCJB7BMMFZ*SSJHBUFE'SVJU-BOET-UEJO*OWFSNFSF*USFNBJOFEUIF POMZIPTQJUBMJOUIFBSFBVOUJMUIFNPWFUPUIFGPSNFS#SVDFIPNFJODzFCVJMEJOHIBTCFFODPOWFSUFEUPBQBSUNFOUTBOETUJMMTUBOETPOUI4USFFU 1IPUPDPVSUFTZPG*OWFSNFSF)FBMUI$BSF"VYJMBSZ -&55&350 5)&&%*503 (ASWINTERSBACK BEENBROKEN #Z#PC&EF ɨ FQBTUGFXXFFLTIBWFTIPXOVTBWBSJFUZPG EJWFSTFXFBUIFSGSPNTOPXUPCJUUFSDPMEUISPVHI UP GSFF[JOH SBJO BOE OPX UP TQSJOHMJLF DPOEJ UJPOT .JOVT EFHSFFT $FMTJVT UP SBJO JO B NBU UFSPGBDPVQMFPGEBZT*DBOUSFNFNCFSXIFOJU EJEUIBU*GZPVBSFSFBEJOHUIJTJO$BMHBSZPSPVU PG UIF BSFB ZPV DBO POMZ JNBHJOF IPX TMJQQFSZ UIPTFSBJOESPQTXFSFXIFOUIFZIJUUIFNPVOUBJO SPBET 0OFPGUIFCJHHFTUDBTVBMUJFTCFTJEFTSPBEDMP TVSFTBOECSVJTFECPUUPNTXBTUIF$VSMJOHPOUIF -BLF #POTQJFM )PX EJTBQQPJOUJOH GPS UIF PSHB OJ[FSTUPCFXPSSZJOHBCPVUUIFDPMEPOFEBZUIFO DMFBSJOHTJYJODIFTPGTOPXUIFOFYUBOEUIFOm OBMMZ XBLJOH VQ UP BO 0MZNQJDTJ[FE TXJNNJOH QPPMUIFEBZBGUFS "OE UIF DVSMFST UP UIFJS EJTBQQPJOUNFOU TJODFPVUTJEFDVSMJOHJTIJHIMZBOUJDJQBUFEBMMZFBS IBE UP CF NPWFE JOTJEF UP UIF DVSMJOH DMVC #VU OPUBOPVODFPGGVOBOEIJMBSJUZVTVBMMZBTTPDJBUFE XJUIMBLFDVSMJOHXBTMPTUBNPOHUIFCSJHIUMJHIUT QFCCMFE JDF BOE FBTZ CFFS KVTU B TUBJSDBTF BOE B GFXDPOWFSTBUJPOTBXBZɨ FTQJSJUPGUIFXFFLFOE SFNBJOFEUSVFUPQBTUZFBST The ɨ FCJHRVFTUJPOBSPVOEUPXOOPXXJUIUIF TVOTIJOJOHJTi)BTUIFCBDLPGXJOUFSCSPLFO &WFSZPOF TFFNT UP CF FOKPZJOH UIF SFUVSO PG UIFNPVOUBJOTPVUPGUIFNJEXJOUFSDMPVET&WFO UIF TVO TFFNT UP CF IPMEJOH POUP UIF NPVOUBJO UPQTBMJUUMFMPOHFSCFGPSFHPJOHEPXO " ESJWF JOUP UIF CVTI SFWFBMT TJHOT UIBU UIF DSFFLTBSFTUBSUJOHUPCSFBLVQUIFTOPXJTDPSO BOE DSVODIZ QFSGFDU GPS TLJJOH XIJMF 8IJUFUBJM DBUDINZVOTVTQFDUJOHFZFXIJMFnBHHJOHPWFSUIF SJEHF ɨ FPUIFSOJHIUXIJMF*XBTJO(FSSZT(FMBUJ HFUUJOH B DPOF (FSSZ QSPDMBJNFE iɨ JT XBSN XFBUIFSTVSFIBTCFFOHPPEGPSJDFDSFBNTBMFTw * UIPVHIU UP NZTFMG i8IFSF FMTF CVU $BOB EBXPVMEZPVIFBSTVDIBTUBUFNFOUGSPNBOJDF DSFBNTUPSFPXOFSXIFOUIFUFNQFSBUVSFPVUTJEF JTTUJMMCFMPXGSFF[JOH w *UHPFTUPTIPXIPXNVDIXFBMMOFFEFEBGFX OJDFEBZTJOUIFNJEEMFPGXJOUFS *XPVMEOPUCFUUIBUXJOUFSJTDPNQMFUFMZHPOF "GUFSBMMJUJTPOMZUIFTUBSUPG'FCSVBSZ*TVTQFDU XFTUJMMIBWFBGFXTOPXGBMMTBOEDIJMMZXJOETUPFO EVSFBOEEPOUQBDLVQUIBUXJOEPXTDSBQFSZFU #VU UIFO IPQFGVMMZ PVS TUSFUDI PG NJOVT BOE TLBUJOH PO SPBEXBZT BSF CFIJOE VT GPS UIJT XJOUFS ,OVEYOURPAPER %FBS&EJUPS "TBOBWJESFBEFSPGBWBSJFUZPGOFXTQBQFSTJO UXP MBOHVBHFT XIFOFWFS BOE XIFSFWFS BWBJMBCMF UP NF * IBWF DPNF UP UIF DPODMVTJPO UIBU ɨ F 6QQFS$PMVNCJB1JPOFFSBUMFBTUJONZSBUJOHT JTPOFPGUIFCFTUXFFLMZOFXTQBQFSTEFBMJOHGPSF NPTUXJUIMPDBMBĊBJST ɨ F SFBEFSGSJFOEMZ MBZPVU UIF QIPUPHSBQIT BOEUIFWBSJFUZPGJOUFSFTUJOHTVCKFDUTEJTDVTTFE JODMVEJOHUIFJOUFSFTUJOHQJDUVSFTGSPNUIFQBTU FRVBMUIBUPGBOPUIFSMPDBMBXBSEXJOOJOHXFFLMZ OFXTQBQFSCVUJOBEJĊFSFOUNPSFDMPTFUPIPNF XBZ ɨ BOLZPVWFSZNVDI6QQFS$PMVNCJB1JP OFFSTUBĊGPSZPVSFYDFMMFOUKPC:PVSQSPGFTTJPO BMJTNZPVSEFFQBOEVOCJBTFEJOTJHIUJOUPMPDBM IBQQFOJOHTBOEUIFPVUTUBOEJOHIJTUPSJDBMQIPUP HSBQITGSPNUIF&EFGBNJMZDPMMFDUJPOBSFNBLJOH ZPVSOFXTQBQFSUIBUPGmSTUDMBTTRVBMJUZ ,FFQVQUIFHPPEXPSL '1ǰ PEF)BNJMUPO *OWFSNFSF Upper Columbia P IONEER JTJOEFQFOEFOUMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFEBOE JTQVCMJTIFEXFFLMZCZ)FJO[%SFXT"TTPDJBUFT-UE #PYUI"WFOVF*OWFSNFSF#$7", 1IPOF 5PMM'SFF 'BY &NBJMVQJPOFFS!UFMVTOFU ɨ FNBUFSJBMXSJUUFOPSBSUJTUJDNBZOPUCFSFQSJOUFEPSFMFDUSPOJDBMMZSFQSPEVDFEJOBOZXBZXJUIPVUUIFXSJUUFO DPOTFOUPGUIFQVCMJTIFSɨ FPQJOJPOTBOETUBUFNFOUTJOBSUJDMFTDPMVNOTBOEBEWFSUJTJOHBSFOPUOFDFTTBSJMZ UIPTFPGUIFQVCMJTIFSPSTUBĊPGɨ F6QQFS$PMVNCJB1JPOFFS*UJTBHSFFECZBOZEJTQMBZBEWFSUJTFSSFRVFTUJOH TQBDFUIBUUIFOFXTQBQFSTSFTQPOTJCJMJUZJGBOZGPSFSSPSTPSPNJTTJPOTPGBOZLJOEJTMJNJUFEUPUIFBNPVOUQBJE GPSCZUIFBEWFSUJTFSGPSUIBUQPSUJPOPGUIFTQBDFBTPDDVQJFECZUIFJODPSSFDUJUFNBOEUIFSFTIBMMCFOPMJBCJMJUZ JOBOZFWFOUHSFBUFSUIBOUIFBNPVOUQBJEGPSUIFBEWFSUJTFNFOU %LINOR&LORENCE 0UBLISHER "OB%DE %DITOR ,ISA%DE $AVE3UTHERLAND -ICHELLE4AYLOR -ANAGER 3ALES!SSOCIATE 2EPORTER The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 5 February 4, 2005 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ‘Choose nature over development’ Dear Editor: There are villagers in parts of England who are going to extraordinary lengths to retain the character and charm of their villages. They could be accused of being elitist by those anxious to cash in on the beautiful scenery and flow of tourists who flock to see the ancient churches, quaint houses and shops. These tourists actually like to amble along footpaths and ramble through woods, ooh and aah over the variety of flora and fauna, still flourishing. My point being, that they come because of what these villages are now, and not what they could become. These villagers club together to form a pact to keep out big developers and multi-chain stores. They have agreed to have less so that all may benefit in the communities. Hence one will see the butcher, baker and candlestick makers of old plying their trades in the high street, farmer’s markets and street vendors, small hotels, inns, bedand-breakfast outlets and campsites. Jumbo, Wild Forever By Jim Fisher, Windermere There’s a mountain range in the Kootenays called Jumbo. It’s got badgers, bears and mountain goats, animals whose habitat is there. There are mountain peaks, glaciers and lush valleys, the awesome scenery stretches afar. Each season brings new vision that can take your breath away. The seasons bring a new reason for savoring simply what’s there. In the winter the snow just glistens, the mountains stretch afar, they seem to reach to the heavens, the blue sky and then to the stars. the moon’s rays at night make the snow crystals glisten, the creak underfoot a guitar. The summer brings flowers, alpine meadows and bird song, a chance to be reborn again. A rarer and rarer sight as villages and small towns become mega-places for those tourists who expect all the noise of motorized terrain and water vehicles, bars, restaurants, night clubs and what-have-you. They are making everything uniform and predictable with none of the surprises and delights that nature can still provide. To put a marina on a small lake that is pond-sized compared to most lakes in British Columbia is like filling one’s bathtub with plastic toys. To erect multi-storied buildings in this area is to drive away any existing wildlife that still cause people to slow down, stop and take photographs, and replaces nature’s beautiful scenery with human takeover that for all its aesthetic ideals, still falls short of what nature has to offer. There is plenty of land on the highway to accommodate the grandiose plans of this latest development proposal, without spoiling views for existing residents and driving away the little bit of wildlife that sill roams these lakeside streets. How about installing a good bus service to take these people around town? It would be of benefit to the Seafood Sampler: Cracked Crab Claws, Smoked Salmon Bundles, Garlic Prawns & Mussels, Grilled Salmon Fillet and Squid Provencal. Served with Rice Pilaf and Fresh Seasonal Veggies. $17.99 Prime Rib: 10 oz Prime Rib with Yorkshire Pudding. Served with Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Fresh Seasonal Veggies. $17.99 The developers - they don’t get it, making all the decisions from afar. The locals have a passion, a burning gut feeling, to keep Jumbo alive. Keep the valley open to the people and let animals and nature thrive. The government took the decision to environmental assessment and the people made their appeal, the letters and faxes and emails were received by deaf ears it appears. The rubber stamp came down against us. Done deal - the government knows better than we. The final decision will go elsewhere, The province has passed the buck, It should be an easy decision and we hope it will be positive for us. You see, there’s a very good reason, a passion that comes from inside. We want to pass onto our children a wilderness loved far and wide. Margaret O’Sullivan, Invermere Valentine’s Dinner Now a big corporation wants to develop it, creating hotels, restaurants and bars. The mountains would be laced with chair lifts, gondolas and cars. they would exploit over ten thousand acres of Crown land belonging to us. It’s so very good for business so Why are we making a fuss? Why do they want to change our Jumbo, With ski lodges all about? We don’t want it the same as Europe with rampant development throughout. that’s why visitors come here to marvel at Nature’s display, be in awe of Creator’s invention, where hikers, campers and cross-country skiers can find their natural way. elderly in the community. How about low-income housing complexes for the struggling who have to rely on the food bank and thrift shop? Environmentalists are telling us to make do with less to maintain earth’s dwindling resources, but this falls on deaf ears to the property developers coming into the area. Soon it will become a jungle of buildings, the scene of some futuristic movie where man and his edifices are more important than earth, water, trees and beautiful scenery still hosting wildlife. Some prairie ranchers are forming groups to keep out property developers. A professor in Saskatchewan bought up acres of land around Saskatoon just to let indigenous grasses flourish. We have people in this community who care more about the quality of life than the almighty dollar. People who see the value of hanging onto what is already here for future generations to enjoy. Money markets come and go, but once nature is spoiled it’s either gone forever or takes generations to recover. Both dinners served with Green Salad or Prawn Bisque to start. For more information: 347-6400 Radium Hot Springs, BC lay! es to p d! m a g Fun t foo ous ho i c i l e D presents our annual Super Bowl Sunday Party February 6th Come watch the game on the big screen! Awesome prizes to give away! $ 3.75 Hi-balls and more great drink specials! Feb. 12th - Halfway to Summer Party! See you there! Editor’s Note: We will not as a rule publish poetry in The Pioneer. However, this is an exception because the author is writing on a topic of current interest to the community. 6 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY BRYCE! February 4, 2005 LOVE FROM YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS -&55&34 @$ONTREDElNE MARRIAGELAW #+(JGUTBOE4PVWFOJST -AIN3T2ADIUM"# *OWFOUPSZ#MPXPVU 0'' +BOUI'FCUI &953"0''8*5)5)*4"%0OFDPVQPOQFSQFSTPO 4$)00-%*453*$5/0 3PDLZ.PVOUBJO 5IF#PBSEPG5SVTUFFTJOWJUF 1BSFOUT4UVEFOUT4UBõBOE$PNNVOJUZ UPQSPWJEFJOQVUPOUIF 4DIPPM%JTUSJDU#VEHFU 5VFTEBZ'FCSVBSZQN %BWJE5IPNQTPO4FDPOEBSZ5IFBUSF 7BMFOUJOFT5FB #BLF4BMF Y 'SJEBZ'FCSVBSZUI BUQN 3BEJVN4ST)BMM Y Y Y &WFSZPOFXFMDPNFt"ENJTTJPO %FBS&EJUPS *UJTXJUIBHSFBUEFBMPGFNPUJPOBOEDPODFSO UIBU * XSJUF UIJT MFUUFS ɨ F SFTPMVUJPO CFGPSF 1BS MJBNFOU UP iSFEFmOFw NBSSJBHF UP JODMVEF BOZ UXP QFSTPOT JT PQFOJOH B EPPS UP JTTVFT UIBU DBO DBSSZ NPOVNFOUBMDPOTFRVFODFT ɨ F EFmOJUJPO PG NBSSJBHF CFUXFFO POF NBO BOEPOFXPNBOXBTFTUBCMJTIFECZ(PE)JNTFMGJO UIF(BSEFOPG&EFOCFUXFFO"EBNBOE&WF 5P SFEFmOF JU JT UP DBMM (PET KVEHFNFOU JO RVFTUJPO8FBMMIBWFBEFDJTJPOUPNBLFJODIPPT JOHXIFSFPVSIJHIFTUMFWFMPGNPSBMBVUIPSJUZXJMM DPNFGSPN *MPWFUIF/BUJPOPG$BOBEBBOEUIFQFPQMFUIBU NBLFVQJUTEJWFSTJUZCVUXIFOUIFSFBSFMBXTNBEF UIBUHPBHBJOTUUIF8PSEPG(PEUIFZTIPVMEOPU CFTVQQPSUFEɨ JTSFTPMVUJPOVOEFSNJOFTUIFWFSZ GBCSJDPGGBNJMZMJGF*EPOPUIBWFUIFLOPXMFEHFUP QVUGPSUIBEFFQUIFPMPHJDBMDBTFCVUXFBMMLOPX UIBUJUUBLFTBNBOBOEBXPNBOUPNBLFBCBCZUIF CFHJOOJOHPGBGBNJMZ*UBMMPXTGPSPVSTPDJFUZUPHP POCZDSFBUJOHUIFOFYUHFOFSBUJPO * BN DBMMJOH DIBMMFOHJOH FWFSZPOF XIP IBT SFTQFDU GPS UIF 8PSE PG (PE ɨ F )PMZ #JCMF UP JNQMPSF 1BSMJBNFOU UP QSPUFDU UIF EFmOJUJPO PG NBSSJBHFCFUXFFOPOFNBOBOEPOFXPNBOUPUIF FYDMVTJPOPGBMMPUIFST8FIBWFBMSFBEZMPTUUIFSJHIU UPQSBZJOPVSTDIPPMTZTUFNBOEJONBOZHPWFSO NFOUQMBDFT8IBUXJMMCFOFYU 'PSNTUIBUBEESFTTUIJTJTTVFDBOCFQJDLFEVQBU 4FMLJSL57BOE*OWFSNFSF$ISJTUJBO4VQQMJFTBOE BUBMMUIFDIVSDIFTUPIFMQZPVDPOUBDUPVS.1+JN "CCPUUBOEPVS1SJNF.JOJTUFS1BVM.BSUJO-FUVT SJTFVQBOECFDPVOUFE +PZDF.BUIFTPO*OWFSNFSF RESTAURANT EMPLOYMENT SKILLS TRAINING R.E.S.T This five-week program offers eight days of hands-on training in a professional teaching kitchen covering food preparation, cooking skills and dining room service, nine days focusing on Mixology/Bartending, and includes the required restaurant industry certification such as: FoodSafe Level 1 Serving It Right Occupational First Aid Level 1 WHMIS Superhost Customer Service Excellence. Designed to train the individuals for work in hotels, restaurants and bars in resort-based communities. Dates: Feb. 15 - March 19 Time: Tues. - Sat., 9:00 – 4:00pm Fee: $475 For more information or to register, call the Invermere Campus 342-3210 Register early to avoid Disappointment! Limited Seats @.EVERNEVERNEVER %FBS+JN"CCPUU.FNCFSPG1BSMJBNFOU * BN EFFQMZ USPVCMFE SFHBSEJOH UIF QSPQPTFE MFHBMJ[BUJPOPGTBNFTFYNBSSJBHFT*GTPNFPOFIBE BQQSPBDIFE NF ZFBST BHP PO UIF QPTTJCJMJUZ PG TBNF*XPVMEIBWFDPOTJEFSFEJUBKPLF *DBOVOEFSTUBOEUIPTFXJUIBCFSSBOUTFYVBMQSP DMJWJUJFT XJTIJOH UP FOUFS JOUP B MFHBM BSSBOHFNFOU XJUI B QBSUOFS CVU UP HJWF JU UIF TBODUJUZ PG )PMZ .BSSJBHFOFWFSOFWFSOFWFS * LOPX OPU OPS DBSF PG ZPVS TFYVBM MFBOJOHT IPXFWFS*NVTUJOTJTUBTNZ3FQSFTFOUBUJWFJO1BS MJBNFOUUIBUZPVWPJDFNZWFSZTFSJPVTDPODFSO #PC1FBSDF'BJSNPOU)PU4QSJOHT @3TOPWHINING ABOUTlSHFEE %FBS&EJUPS ɨ FBEBZMJDFODFGPSPVUPGQSPWJODFmTI FSNFOJTGPSDMBTTJmFEXBUFSTPOMZOPUGPSBMMBSFB mTIJOH IPMFT BT ZPVS BSUJDMF TVHHFTUFE ɨ F TBNF mTIJOH MJDFODF GFFT BQQMZ BOOVBMMZ GPS OPO #$ SFTJEFOUT VOMFTT ZPV XJTI UP mTI DMBTTJmFE XBUFST ɨ FSJWFSTJODMVEFEJOUIFQSPQPTBMBSFJNQPS UBOUTQBXOJOHHSPVOETGPS#VMMUSPVUBTQFDJFTUIBU IBTCFFOTPPWFSmTIFEJO"MCFSUBUIBUZPVDBOOP MPOHFSLFFQPOFɨ FZBSFDBUDIBOESFMFBTFPOMZ "MCFSUBOTXIJOFBCPVUIPXIBSEUIFZIBWFJU *G ZPV PXO UXP IPVTFT * EPOU XBOU UP IFBS BOZ DPNQMBJOJOH BCPVU IPX ZPV DBOU BĊPSE UP QBZ BEBZUPmTIDMBTTJmFEXBUFST:PVSBEBZ JTHPJOHUPIFMQQSPUFDUUIPTFWFSZXBUFSTZPVXBOU UPmTIBOELFFQUIFNPQFOUPBMMmTIFSNFO#$ SFTJEFOUTBOEOPOSFTJEFOUTBMJLF:PVEPOUIBWFUP mTIDMBTTJmFEXBUFSTFWFSZEBZEPZPV ɨ FDMBTTJm DBUJPOPGUIFTFTUSFBNTEPOPUMFBWFBOZBOHMFSXJUI OPQMBDFUPmTI ɨ FSF BSF QMFOUZ PG TUSFBNT BOE SJWFST OPU UP NFOUJPO BCPVU B [JMMJPO MBLFT CFUXFFO IFSF BOE $SBOCSPPL UIBU BSF OPU DMBTTJmFE XIFSF ZPV DBO DBUDICFBVUJGVMmTIBOEFJUIFSLFFQUIFNPSMFUUIFN HP:PVWFPWFSmTIFEZPVSPXOTQPSUmTITUPDLTJO "MCFSUBEPOUFYQFDUVTUPMFUZPVEPUIFTBNFIFSF *GJUSFBMMZHFUTZPVIPUJOUIFXBEFSTUFMM0M3BMQI ,MFJOUIBUZPVXBOUUPQSPUFDUZPVSPXOTQPSUmTI TUPDLT XJUI IJHIFS GFFT GPS OPO"MCFSUB SFTJEFOUT "GUFS BMM IF EJE TVDI B HSFBU KPC BT FOWJSPONFOU NJOJTUFS .FHBO+BDLTPO*OWFSNFSF Grocery & Meat Givaway Every Saturday 7546 Main St. E. 347-9600 Windermere Valley Literacy and The Summit Youth Centre present: An Evening with David Bouchard February 26 A gala fundraiser for youth and literacy Tickets available at Dave’s Book Bar and All Things Beautiful or email summityc@telus.net ,JE[2VJ[$PSOFS Question: What do we call a male duck? Question from McWiz Jr. Trivia Game Bring the correct answer into The Monkeyʼs Uncle for a chance to win a great prize! Correct answer to last weekʼs question - synonym. Name: _________________________________________________________ Age: __________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________ Answer: _______________________________________________________ sponsored by: the nkeyʼs o M Uncle TOY & GIFT c •o •m •p •a •n •y Main Street, Invermere 342-2515 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 7 February 4, 2005 great deals accessories area rugs bedding baskets furniture gadgets kitchen knives Red Dot Sale Range of savings between 25% & 75% Off Sale starts Thursday 3rd February Sale ends Monday 21st February 2005 Interior World wall art 8 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer February 4, 2005 4EACHERSTEPSDOWNAFTERYEARS i* MPWF CFJOH B UFBDIFS BOE * XJMM NJTT NZ LJET UIF NPTUw TIFTBZT 0SJHJOBMMZ GSPN /PWB 4DP UJB)FBUIFSNPWFEUP&ENPO UPOBGUFSCFJOHBTFDSFUBSZGPS ZFBSTUPQVSTVFB#BDIFMPST%F HSFF JO &EVDBUJPO 4IF NPWFE UP *OWFSNFSF BGUFS HSBEVBUJPO CVUEJEOPUHFUBUFBDIJOHQPTJ UJPOSJHIUBXBZ i*EJEBCPVUTFWFOEJĊFSFOU KPCT JODMVEJOH DMFBOJOH UPJMFUT BUUIF-BLFTJEF1VCXIJMFXBJU JOHGPSBUFBDIJOHPQQPSUVOJUZw TIFTBZT *O TIF XBT PĊFSFE B QPTJUJPO BU +" -BJSE BOE TJY ZFBST MBUFS NPWFE UP UIF IJHI TDIPPMi*UXBTOFBUUPNPWFVQ UPUIFIJHITDIPPMCFDBVTF*HPU UPUFBDINBOZPGUIFLJETUXJDFw TIFTBZT "TBKPLFGFMMPXUFBDIFST"MMJTPO#FMMMFGUBOE+PBOOF#SBHHSJHIUESFTTFEJOTDBSWFT 4IFEJEOUKVNQJOUPUFBDI BOEKFXFMSZUPNJNJDLUIFJSXFMMESFTTFEGSJFOE)FBUIFS.FBEPXTXIPJTSFUJSJOH JOHXJUIPVUTPNFIFMQUIPVHI 4IF IBE B WFSZ GVSSZ UFBDIFST UJNFUFBDIFS)FBUIFS.FBEPXTSFUJSFT BTTJTUBOU UIBU DBNF UP TDIPPM NPTU #Z.JDIFMMF5BZMPS BGUFSZFBST 1JPOFFS4UBą ,OPXO GPS IFS DPMPVS SFBEJOH PG EBZTi)FIFMQFEDBMNUIFLJETEPXO TUVEFOUTBOETUBĊBOEBUUJNFTXFBS )F BMXBZT LOFX KVTU XIJDI TUVEFOUT ɨ FIBMMTBOEDMBTTSPPNTBU%BWJE JOH IFS nBNCPZBOU PVUmUT )FBUIFS OFFEFE IJN CZ UIFJS TJEFw TIF TBZT FBTTJTUBOUXBTIFSEPH$PEZ ɨ PNQTPO 4FDPOEBSZ 4DIPPM XJMM CF IBT UPVDIFE UIF IFBSUT BOE NJOET PG ɨ )FBUIFSIBTUBVHIUXPSEQSPDFTT BMJUUMFMFTTDPMPVSGVM.POEBZBTMPOH NBOZTUVEFOUTPWFSUIFZFBST "OOPVODJOH Copper Crown Place POUI4UBOEUI"WF*OWFSNFSF 2VBMJUZ$POEPNJOJVNT CZ #6%&/;)0.&4-5% 'SPNUPTRHBSBHFPSCFESPPN 1SPVEMZQSFTFOUFECZ & CUI"WFOVF*OWFSNFSF#$7", 5FMt'BY &NBJMTDPUU!TDPUUXBMMBDFDB JOH BDDPVOUJOH DBSFFS QMBDFNFOU TDIPPMOFXTQBQFSUPVSJTNBOENBS LFUJOH 4IFBOEDPMMFBHVF+PBOOF#SBHH EFWFMPQFE B QSPHSBN UXFMWF ZFBST BHP UIBU NJNJDLFE UIF CVTJOFTT XPSME*UXBTOPUBUSBEJUJPOBMTUZMF PGDMBTTSPPNUFBDIJOHCVUJUBMMPXFE DIJMESFO UP EJTDPWFS TPNFUIJOH BCPVU UIFNTFMWFT CVJME TFMGFTUFFN BOEMFBSOJOBUFBNPSJFOUFEBUNP TQIFSF $PMPVSSFBEJOHUIFQSPDFTTCZ XIJDIEJĊFSFOUDPMPVSTPGGBCSJDTBSF ESBQFEBSPVOEUIFGBDFUPEFUFSNJOF XIJDIPOFTMPPLCFTUUIBUJTXIBU )FBUIFSJTGBNPVTGPSBOEXIBUTIF EPFTXJUIFBDITUVEFOU iɨ FHJSMTUFOEUPCFNPSFJOUFS FTUFE CVU UIF CPZT TFFN UP VOEFS TUBOECFUUFSwTIFTBZT ɨ F CJHHFTU DIBOHF PWFS UIF QBTU ZFBST XPVME CF JODPSQPSBU JOHMFBSOJOHTUZMFTQFSTPOBMJUJFTBOE TFMGFTUFFN JOUP UIF UFBDIJOH QSP HSBN"MMUIFTFUIJOHTXFSFOPUQBSU PGUIFDVSSJDVMVNJOUIFQBTU )FBUIFS JT MPPLJOH GPSXBSE UP FOKPZJOH TPNF MJGFMPOH GSJFOETIJQT XJUITUBĊBOEGPSNFSTUVEFOUT The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 9 February 4, 2005 4SUNAMI2OUNDUP 4SUN 2IVERSIDEAUCTIONRAISES "CPVUXBTSBJTFEBUUIF5TVOBNJ3FMJFG-JWFBOE4JMFOU"VDUJPOBU UIF4QPSUNBOT-PVOHFJOUIF3JWFSTJEF$MVCIPVTFJO'BJSNPOU5VFTEBZOJHIU ɨ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mSTUUJNFBSPVOE iɨFJOUFOUPGUIFGFTUJWBMXBTUP IFMQCVJMEPOSFMBUJPOTIJQTBSPVOEUIF XPSMEBOEUPMFBSOGSPNUIFUTVOBNJ*UTJNQPSUBOUUPUBLFBQPTJUJWFBQQSPBDI BOESFBMMZBQQSFDJBUFBOEDFMFCSBUFMJGFwTIFTBZT ɨFGVOmMMFEFWFOUJODMVEFECBMMIPDLFZTJOHJOHNVTJDmSFKVHHMJOHBOE HSFBUGPPEɨFFWFOUSBJTFEBCPVUXIJDIUIF3PUBSZXJMMNBUDIBOEQVU UPXBSETBTJTUFSWJMMBHFJO"TJB 3ILVERCOLLECTIONATPRIMARYSCHOOL -BOUFSO'FTUJWBMPSHBOJ[FS4IFMMFZ4USFJDFLXFBSJOHUIFQJOLIBUPOUIFMFGUTBJE TIFXBTIBQQZXJUIUIFUVSOPVUBUUIFmSTUBOOVBMFWFOUIFMEMBTU4BUVSEBZFWF OJOHBU8JOEFSNFSF#FBDI ɨF TUVEFOUT BU &JMFFO .BETPO 1SJNBSZ 4DIPPM IBWF SBJTFE NPSF UIBO GPSUTVOBNJSFMJFG"TJMWFSDPMMFDUJPOXBTIFMEEVSJOHUIFXFFLPG+BO UPi8FXFSFPWFSXIFMNFECZUIFSFTQPOTFwTBJETDIPPMTFDSFUBSZ+VEZ %PX"MMNPOFZUIBUXBTSBJTFEXJMMCFEPOBUFEUPUIF*OUFSOBUJPOBM4BWFUIF $IJMESFO"MMJBODF 7HYARETHESE FOLKSSMILING .-"8FOEZ.D.BIPOBOEUIFSFTUPGIFSHSPVQ MPPLFEMJLFUIFZXFSFIBWJOHUPPNVDIGVOBU(FSSZT (FMBUJMBTUXFFLXIFOTIFESPQQFEJOUPFOKPZBCSBD JOHDVQPGDPąFFBOENFFUXJUIUXPPG*OWFSNFSFTUPXO DPVODJMMPST(FSSZ5BGUSJHIUBOE#PC$BNQTBMMDFO USF .ST .D.BIPO XIP JT BMTP UIF OFXMZOBNFE .JOJTUFSGPS8PNFOBOE4FOJPSTIBEBDIBODFUPUPVS UIF OFX $PMVNCJB (BSEFO 7JMMBHF UIF BQBSUNFOU CVJMEJOHGPSTFOJPSTMPDBUFEOFYUUPUIFIPTQJUBMTFUUP PQFOJO.BZ "DDPNQBOZJOH.ST.D.BIPOXBT(PSEPO)PHH MFGUDBVDVTDIBJSDzFUXPQPMJUJDJBOTNFUXJUIMPDBMTF OJPSTBOEBHSPVQPGCVTJOFTTXPNFOEVSJOHUIFJSWJTJU DzF.-"IBTOUPĆDJBMMZLJDLFEPąIFSDBNQBJHOZFU CVUUIFQSPWJODJBMFMFDUJPOJTTFUGPS.BZ Tel. 342-0707 Email: klein@nucleus.com www.tepapanui.com To Panorama Panorama Drive Industrial Rd. #1 Tracks Architectural items for home & garden. Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Invermere Industrial Park (just off the road to Panorama) "$( %"$$ $" %"$ %" %"#"#$' ( !"!!( %! !$'$ $$ # "#' #$"'""(# "$ "$' Train Quality antique furniture and collectibles from Canada, Europe and Asia. N Ind. Rd. #2 ★ Turnoff to Panorama To Downtown Invermere To Hwy. 93/95 Bridge $ "#"&( %"$%#$ 10 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer Cupid’s coming and he’s looking for targets! February 4, 2005 #64*/&44 www.begiftedbaskets.com (250) 341-3775 NURSING & HOME SUPPORT SERVICES Now Serving the COLUMBIA VALLEY In-Home Care for all ages available 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week. Call today for a free in-home needs assessment 250.342.1306 • 1.800.891.8239 5SFBUZPVS4XFFUIFBSUUPUIFSE"OOVBM 8ĢħĝĞīĦĞīĞ'ĢīĞĦĞħĬ 4İĞĞĭġĞĚīĭ%ĚħĜĞ 4BUVSEBZ'FCUIBUUIF8JOEFSNFSF)BMM %JOOFSQNr%BODFQN 5JDLFUTBWBJMBCMFGSPN +JN.JMMFS4LPPLVN*OO4UPSF %BWFT#PPL#BSPSBOZ 8JOEFSNFSF'JSFNBO 3PDLZUPQ(BMMFSJBBOFXBSUTIPXQMBDFJO"UIBMNFSGFBUVSFTXPSLCZ$ISJT.BSTIPG,PPUFOBZ$BSWJOHT 2OCKYTOPHASMANYFACETS #Z.JDIFMMF5BZMPS 1JPOFFS4UBą PAUL GLASSFORD 250-341-1395 Rockies West Realty Independently owned and operated 230 Laurier Street DIRECTOR’S PLATINUM Invermere, BC V0A 1K3 AWARD E-mail: paul@rockieswest.com Website: www.PaulGlassford.com 4JOLCBDLFEVQ /FFEZPVSLJUDIFOSFOPWBUFE 0S XPVME ZPV MJLF UP WJFX MPDBM BSUXPSL JO B +BQBOFTFTFUUJOH "UISFFEJNFOTJPOBMDPNQBOZDBMMFE3PDLZUPQ .BJOUFOBODF BOE .BOBHFNFOU 4FSWJDFT PQFOFE JUTEPPSTJO"UIBMNFSMBTUGBMMXJUIBXPPEXPSLJOH TIPQBSUHBMMFSZBOENBJOUFOBODFEFQBSUNFOUBMM VOEFSPOFSPPG ɨFIFBEPGUIFPQFSBUJPOJT+3'MFFUBNBTUFS QBJOUFS XIP PXOT B QBJOUJOH DPNQBOZ JO "MCFSUB DBMMFE8BMMOVUT36T 4PXIZEFWFMPQUISFFNPSFCVTJOFTTFT %VFUPUIFHSPXUIJOUIFWBMMFZUIFSFJTBOFFE GPS RVBMJmFE USBEFTNFO MJLF QMVNCFST BOE FMFDUSJ DJBOTXIPDBOSFTQPOEUPFNFSHFODJFTIFTBJE i8F UBLF DBSF PG B QSPCMFN SJHIU BXBZw TBZT +3)JTDSFXJODMVEFTFJHIUQBJOUFSTBOFMFDUSJDJBO QMVNCFSBOEHBTmUUFS 'PS FYBNQMF )JHI $PVOUSZ 1SPQFSUJFT DBMMFE 3PDLZUPQMBTUXFFLCFDBVTFPGBCBDLFEVQLJUDIFO TJOLBOEEJTIXBTIFSBUPOFPGUIFJSSFOUBMVOJUTJO 1BOPSBNB0OFRVJDLUSJQUP$BMHBSZGPSQBSUTBOE 3PDLZUPQmYFEUIFQSPCMFN 8IFO.JLP1VTLBSJDGSPN3PDLZT.FUBM4IPQ OFFEFESFOPWBUJPOTPOBSFOUBMVOJUIFDBMMFE3PDL ZUPQ BOE UIF DSFX TIPXFE VQ UIF TBNF EBZ i8F OFFENPSFPGUIPTFLJOEPGHVZTBSPVOEIFSFw.JLP TBZT ɨFDPNQBOZFWFOCSPVHIUBi8IJMF:PV8FSF 0VU FYQFSJFODF UP UIF .BSCMF $BOZPO 0ċDF JO 4IΝӮUIǑӂґQɂJǑ͡ѾȪSҕΝӵΝӝDǑSȺ ~ Champagne Delight ~ Lovers Delight ~ Picnic for Two ~ Movie Night ~ Pancake Breakfast for Two 342-3160 'BJSNPOUɨFPXOFSTXBOUFEUPTVSQSJTFUIFJSTUBĊ CZ SFOPWBUJOH UIF FOUJSF PċDF JO UXP EBZT ɨF DSFXBSSJWFE'SJEBZBGUFSUIFTUBĊMFGUGPSUIFXFFL FOEBOECZ4VOEBZFWFOJOHUIFPċDFXBTmOJTIFE /FYUNPOUI5JN/PHBXJMMCFDPNJOHPOCPBSE UP mMM UIF SPMF PG (FOFSBM .BOBHFS5JN XIP IBT MJWFEIFSFGPSZFBSTBOEWPMVOUFFSTXJUIUIF'BJS NPOU 'JSF %FQBSUNFOU JT B IFBWZEVUZ NFDIBOJD BOEXJMMPWFSTFFUIFNBJOUFOBODFEFQBSUNFOU ɨFTFDPOEBSFBPGUIFCVTJOFTTJTUIF3PDLZUPQ 4IPQ SVO CZ NBTUFS DBCJOFUNBLFS ,FO 1BUFSTPO ,FO IBT GPVS DIJMESFO BOE BMTP WPMVOUFFST GPS UIF 'BJSNPOU'JSF%FQBSUNFOU)FIBTCVJMUTJYIPNFT GSPNGPVOEBUJPOUPmOJTIJODMVEJOHIJTPXO ɨFTIPQBMTPTFMMTXPPEGPSUIPTFXIPXBOUUP CVJMEUIFJSPXOQJFDFTɨFTIPQDBSSJFTFWFSZUIJOH GSPNBTIUP[FCSBJODMVEJOHFYPUJDIBSEXPPET 4PIPXEPFTBOBSUHBMMFSZmUJOUPUIFQMBO i*SFBMMZXBOUFEUPHFUQMVHHFEJOUPUIFDPNNV OJUZBOEXBTOUTVSFIPXUPEPJUw+3TBJE ɨFO7JDLJ-ZOOF+PTUDPPXOFSBOEQBSUOFSPG 3PDLZUPQTVHHFTUFETVQQPSUJOHMPDBMBSUJTUT$PO TUSVDUJPOPOUIF3PDLZUPQ(BMMFSJBCFHBOTPPOBGUFS BOEUIFJSPQFOJOHBSUTIPXXBTPO%FDFNCFSUI ɨF GFBUVSF TIPXSPPN JT TFU VQ JO B DMBTTJDBM TUZMFBOEBTFDPOESPPNHJWFTUIFJNQSFTTJPOPGB +BQBOFTFHBSEFOXJUINVTJDBOEXBUFSGBMMT .PTU QJFDFT JO UIF BSU HBMMFSZ BSF GSPN MPDBM BSUJTUT TVDI BT $JOEZ 8FJU[FM 1FHHZ #BSSFUU +PIO 1BMNFS+BO;PSPBOE.BSHJF(JCC "SU / )FBSUT JO UIF 3PDLJFT XJMM CF UIF OFYU TIPXPO'FCSVBSZUIUPUIFUI -PDBMBSUJTUTXJTIJOHUPEJTQMBZUIFJSXPSLDBO DPOUBDU7JDLJ-ZOOFBU Invermere BERNIE RAVEN Sales Specialist Box 459 • Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Office: (250) 342-6505 Cell: (250) 342-7415 Fax: (250) 342-9611 E-Mail: bernieraven@telus.net E-Mail: braven@cyberlink.bc.ca MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Web: www.ReMaxInvermere.com .-4 Web: www.BernieRaven.com Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 11 February 4, 2005 #64*/&44 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #71 Invermere Branch - 13th Street 4XFFUIFBSU -INDINGYOURBUSINESS )PF%PXO #Z&MJOPS'MPSFODF 1JPOFFS4UBą 5PN 8PPET JT QPVOEJOHUIFTJEFXBMLT UPDPOWJODFWBMMFZCVTJ OFTTFTUPKPJOUIF8JOE FSNFSF7BMMFZ$IBNCFS PG$PNNFSDF ɨ F OFX FYFDVUJWF Tom Woods EJSFDUPS JT EFUFSNJOFE UP DSFBUFBTUSPOHWJBCMFWPJDF GPSUIFCVTJOFTTDPNNVOJUZIFSF 'JSTU PO IJT MJTU HFU FWFSZCPEZ TJHOFE VQ )F FTUJNBUFT UIFSF BSF CVTJOFTTFT CFUXFFO $BOBM 'MBUTBOE4QJMMJNBDIFFOCVUPOMZPGUIFNCF MPOHUPUIFDIBNCFS 4FDPOEPOIJTMJTUMJTUFOUPXIBUUIFCVTJOFTTFT OFFEi:PVDBOUmOEPVUXIBUZPVSNFNCFSTXBOU JGUIFZEPOUUFMMZPVwIFTBZT "GUFS XPSLJOH BU UIF TBXNJMM JO 3BEJVN GPS ZFBST5PNEFDJEFEUPTXJUDIHFBSTɨ FZFBSPME BUUFOEFEUIF$PMMFHFPGUIF3PDLJFTJO$SBOCSPPL GPSUXPZFBSTXIFSFIFTUVEJFESFDSFBUJPONBOBHF NFOU BOE FWFOU QMBOOJOH "GUFS TFWFSBM NPOUIT XPSLJOHBUUIFDIBNCFSIFHPUUIFUPQKPC )F TBZT NFNCFSTIJQ JO UIF DIBNCFS XIJDI TUBSUTBUBCPVUBOESJTFTBDDPSEJOHUPUIFOVN CFSPGFNQMPZFFTPĊFSTTFWFSBMCFOFmUTEJTDPVOU POHBTHSPVQJOTVSBODFBOEMPOHEJTUBODFQMBO .PTU JNQPSUBOUMZ NFNCFSTIJQ NFBOT UIBU XIFO QFPQMF DBMM MPPLJOH GPS JOGPSNBUJPO ZPVS CVTJOFTTJTSFDPNNFOEFE 'PSFYBNQMFIFTFOETPVUBCPVUUISFFiSFMPDB UJPOwQBDLBHFTFWFSZXFFLJOGPSNBUJPOGPSQFPQMF XBOUJOHUPNPWFIFSF"OEUIFDIBNCFSXJMMEJTQMBZ CSPDIVSFTBOEPUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOJOUIF7JTJUPS*O GPSNBUJPO$FOUSFBUUIFDSPTTSPBET "TXJUIBOZPSHBOJ[BUJPOUIFSFJTBDPSFHSPVQ PGCVTJOFTTFTXIPEPNPTUPGUIFXPSL.S8PPET NFOUJPOFE $PQQFS 1PJOU (PMG $MVC BT UIF CVTJ OFTTUIBUiHJWFTCBDLUIFNPTUw$PQQFS1PJOUSBJTFE GPSUIFDIBNCFSBUUIFJSBOOVBMHPMGUPVS OBNFOUJOUIFQBTUUXPZFBST "OE.S8PPETIBTQMFOUZPGQMBOTGPSUIFGV UVSFVQEBUJOHBMMUIFCVTJOFTTJOGPSNBUJPOPOmMF VQEBUJOH UIF XFCTJUF QMBOOJOH TQFDJBM FWFOUT UP CSJOHNPSFNPOFZJOUPUIFWBMMFZBOETFMMJOHUPVS JTNSFMBUFEQSPEVDUTMJLFUSBJMNJYBOE5TIJSUT i*XBOUUPUBLFTPNFPGUIFMPBEPĊMPDBMCVTJ OFTTFTXIPBSFBMXBZTHFUUJOHBTLFEGPSNPOFZw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aturday, February 19th, 7:30 pm Spit-Roast Pig Supper Silent Auction • Live Music Limited Tickets at $15 each available from Branch Members • Costume Prizes • • Members & Guests Welcomed! • Monthly Independent FILM SERIES presents What The Bleep Do We Know?! “Enlightening Entertainment. This will change your life.” Monday, February 7 Toby Theatre at 7:00 pm Tickets $10 - available at the door Join us after the movie at FENDER • GIBSON • BEHRINGER • PEAVEY 342-6111 8th Ave., Invermere (near Peppiʼs Pizzeria) NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1985, CHAPTERS N-22 Shadybrook Resort Ltd. hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport under the Navigable Waters Protection Act for approval of the plans and site of the work described herein. Pursuant to Section 9 of the said Act, Shadybrook Resort Ltd. has deposited with the Minister of Transport at Vancouver B.C. and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Government Agents of British Columbia at Invermere, B.C. under deposit number 1000008 a description of the following work, its site and plans: expansion of existing marina and breakwater in, on, over, under, through or across Lake Windermere at Windermere, B.C. in front of lot number 1783 Victoria Avenue. Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation may be directed to: The Superintendent, Navigable Waters Protection Division, Transport Canada, Suite 200-401 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3S4. However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing and are received no later than 30 days after the date of this notice. Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response will be sent. Dated at Invermere this 25 day of January, 2005. District of Invermere Notice to all Dog Owners All dogs over the age of four months residing in the District of Invermere require a dog licence. If you live within the District of Invemere and own a dog, please drop by the municipal office at your earliest convenience to pick up a dog tag. Fees are as follows: Unspayed Female Dog Unneutered Male Dog Spayed Female Dog Neutered Male Dog 30.00 30.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ $ Impoundment fees are as follows: 1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence Each Subsequent Offence/year 65.00 90.00 $ 140.00 $ 190.00 $ $ For dog control issues within the municipality, please contact our Dog Control Officer, Carol Dobson at 342-1707. District of Invermere Box 339, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Tel.: (250) 342-9281 Fax:(250) 342-2934 info@invermere.net www.invermere.net ."$%0/"-%5)0."4 #"33*45&3440-*$*5034 "//06/$&.&/5 8+."$%0/"-%JTQMFBTFEUPBOOPVODFUIBU FĉFDUJWF +BOVBSZ ,FSSJ"OOF ͳ PNBT #BOIBN SFUVSOFE IPNF UP QSBDUJDF MBX JO *OWFSNFSF#$0VSOFXmSNXJMMCFLOPXOBT .BD%POBMEͳ PNBT -POH UJNF SFTJEFOUT NBZ SFNFNCFS ,FSSJ"OOF HSPXJOH VQ JO *OWFSNFSF BOE DPNQFUJOH GPS UIF *OWFSNFSF +VEP $MVC GPS ZFBST ,FSSJ"OOF HSBEVBUFEJOGSPN%544IBWJOHXPSLFEGPS OVNFSPVT WBMMFZ CVTJOFTTFT XIJMF BUUFOEJOH IJHI TDIPPM *O,FSSJ"OOFHSBEVBUFEGSPNUIF6OJWFSTJUZ PG$BMHBSZMBXTDIPPMJOUIFUPQmWFPGIFSDMBTT 4JODFIFSDBMMUPUIF"MCFSUB#BSJOTIFIBT QSBDUJTFE JO $BMHBSZ GPDVTTJOH PO SFBM FTUBUF FNQMPZNFOU BOE CVTJOFTT MBX 0WFS UIF ZFBST ,FSSJ"OOF EFWFMPQFE B TUSPOH QSBDUJDF CBTFE POUJNFMZDMJFOUDFOUSFETFSWJDF,FSSJ"OOFXJMM DPOUJOVFUPCFBNFNCFSPGUIF"MCFSUBCBS ,FSSJ"OOF XJMM DPOUJOVF IFS HFOFSBM QSBDUJDF PG MBX JODMVEJOH SFBM FTUBUF CVTJOFTT BOE DPSQPSBUF MBX :PV DBO SFBDI IFS BU PVS PĊ DFT BU ."$%0/"-% 5)0."4 # o UI "WFOVF*OWFSNFSF PSCZFNBJMBU LUIPNBT!UIPNBTMBXPĊ DFDPN 12 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer February 4, 2005 410354 ɧ F0ME;POF #Z#SFOU3BWFO "T*TJUIFSFJOUIFTLJMPEHFXBUDI JOH NZ EBVHIUFS JO TOPXCPBSE MFT TPOT * QPOEFS UIF RVFTUJPO i8IFSF EPFTUIFUJNFHP w8IFOZPVHFUPME FSJUTOPUPOMZUIFXFFLTUIBUnZCZ JUTUIFZFBST0VSDIJMESFOHSPXVQ TPRVJDLMZCVUJUTFFNTMJLFKVTUZFT UFSEBZ XF CSPVHIU UIFN IPNF GSPN UIFIPTQJUBM *UTOPUWFSZPGUFOZPVKVTUTJUEPXO BOESFnFDUPOZPVSNFNPSJFT*UTUIF TBNFJOIPDLFZ*UTFFNTMJLFPOMZZFT UFSEBZ XF XFSF ESBGUJOH B UFBN BOE OPXUIFTFBTPOJTBMNPTUPWFS/JOF UFFOHBNFTIBWFDPNFBOEHPOFXJUI 3FTVMUTGSPN+BO HPPEHBNFTBOETPNFCBE ɨ F NFNPSJFT GSPN FBDI TFB TPO BSF QSJDFMFTT CVU PVS NFNPSZ JT RVJDLMZGBEJOH*OGBDUKVTUMBTUXFFLB NFNCFSPGNZIPDLFZUFBNXBTHFU UJOHESFTTFEXIFOIFSFBMJ[FEIFIBE GPSHPUUFO IJT IPDLFZ QBOUT BU IPNF "XBZ IF HPFT IPNF SFUVSOJOH XJUI IJTQBOUTBOEBSFEGBDF ɨ FSFBSFTPNBOZNPSFNFNPSJFT *XPVMEMJLFUPTIBSFIPXFWFSXIBU IBQQFOTJOUIFESFTTJOHSPPNTUBZTJO UIFESFTTJOHSPPN 8FMMNZEBVHIUFSTMFTTPOTBSFBM NPTUPWFSBOETPJTUIJTZFBSTIPDLFZ TFBTPO(PPEMVDLJOUIFQMBZPĊT 4DIFEVMFGPS'FC 3BWFOPWFS8IJUF+VMJFOUJFE.BTPO QN&#QN%) 'JMMBUSFPWFS#PVSDJFSBOE+BOTFOPWFS QN'"QN($ %FBSJO '*/"-45"/%*/(4'033&(6-"34&"40/1-": 5FBN .BTPO +VMJFO #PVSDJFS 'JMMBUSF +BOTFO 3BWFO 8IJUF %FBSJO 8JOT -PTFT 5JFT 1PJOUT 4HE/LD:ONEISBROUGHT TOYOUBY HERE TO SERVE YOU Organic Valentine’s Chocolates from Cocoa West Chocolatier 342-8899 Invermere Dry Cleaners Ltd. arriving Feb. 11 926 - 7th Ave., Invermere INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. BOX 2228 BOX 459 742 - 13th STREET 7553 MAIN STREET RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, BC INVERMERE, BC. V0A 1K0 V0A 1M0 PHONE: 342-3031 PHONE: 347-9350 FAX: 342-6945 FAX: 347-6350 Email: info@invermereinsurance.com • Toll Free: 1-866-342-3031 #SFOEBO%POBIVF *OWFTUNFOU"EWJTPS 1IPOF %POUHFUUSBQQFEJOPOFDPNQBOZTGVOET 5SJNBSL.BDLFO[JF'JEFMJUZ"*$$*'VOET"(' %ZOBNJD"MUBNJSB#JTTFUU'SBOLMJO5FNQMFUPO (VBSEJBO$MBSJOHUPOBOENBOZNPSF 8FDBOBDDFTTPWFSGVOEOBNFT Dry Cleaning • Laundry • Alterations Repair • Bachelor Service Phone: 342-6610 • 507A - 7th Ave., Invermere 5IPNBT4BM[CSFOOFS $POTUSVDUJPO Bobcat & Backhoe Services • Renovations Ceramic Tiles • Carpentry Equipment Rentals • Paving Stones $BMMGPSBGSFFDPOTVMUBUJPOUPEBZ Ph. (250) 342-5034 • RR #3 Athalmer Rd., Invermere, BC RockyTop Maintenance & Management A- Towing (division of Wallnuts-R-us Inc.) Call today: (250) 342-0211 or (250) 342-0244 Emergency service available: (250) 270-0169 or (250) 688-2737 email: wallnuts@telus.net FOR IMMEDIATE, HASSLE-FREE ASSISTANCE We have certified electricians, plumbers, gas fitters and top notch finishers. We are exclusively available to local and Valley residents for all phases of reno construction from foundation to finish. We do it right . . . now! Specializing in: Long distance hauls • Boosting • Lake Recovery • Repo Recovery • 4x4 Recovery • • All Insurance Companies • 24 The only 4x4 and flatdeck in town. Hours Ph: 347-6326 • Fax: 342-5838 K-5 Mechanical Wheel Alignment • Custom Exhaust • Automotive Repair • Vehicle Inspections • Floor Covering & Cabinets Blinds & Paints 335 - 3rd Ave., Invermere, BC Telephone 342-6264 • Fax 342-3546 Email: warwick@rockies.net www.warwick-interiors.com Fred Kinsey Dave Strong Richard Kinsey Invermere Industrial Park Phone: 342-9316 WE PRINT FOR THE VALLEY PUROLATOR DEPOT 342-2999 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 13 February 4, 2005 ,ADIESREADYSETTOCURL ɨF BOOVBM -BEJFT 'JFTUB #POTQJFMXJMMCFHJOUPOJHIUBUUIF *OWFSNFSF$VSMJOH$MVC%FGFOE JOH DIBNQJPOT GSPN $SPTTmFME XJMM OPU CF CBDL UP EFGFOE UIFJS UJUMFCVUNBOZOFXIPQFGVMTXJMM NBLFUIFJSEFCVU -PDBMGBWPVSJUF$ISJTUJOF,FT IFOXIPQMBZTPOUIF,MFJCSJOL UFBN GSPN $BMHBSZ XJMM CF PVU GPS TPNF GVO DVSMJOH BOE B WJTJU IPNF8JUIIFSXJMMCFUFBNNBUF "NZ /JYPO GSPN UIF ,MFJCSJOL UFBN XIJDI JT SBOLFE TJYUI JO UIFDPVOUSZBOEIBTFBSOFEBTQPU JOUPUIF0MZNQJDUSJBMTMBUFSUIJT ZFBS iɨFZBSFDMBTTZDPNQFUJUPST XJOPSMPTFBOEXFBSFSFBMMZMPPL JOH GPSXBSE UP NFFUJOH UIFNw TBZT4VF&OHFMCSBDIUDIBJSPGUIF FWFOU ɨF mSTU NBUDI CFHJOT BU QN 'SJEBZ 4QFDUBUPST BSF XFM DPNFBUOPDIBSHF ɨFSFXJMMCFUFBNTDPN QFUJOH MPDBM BOE FJHIU GSPN $BMHBSZ 4QPOTPST GPS UIF FWFOU JODMVEF8BSXJDL*OUFSJPST)PNF )BSEXBSF -BNCFSU *OTVSBODF "HFODJFTBOE$BOGPS ɨF CPOTQJFM IBT CFFO SVO OJOHGPSUIFQBTUZFBST 4HATSONEBIGlSH 2/!$3+!4).' ,BUJF$BMEXFMMMFGUBOE)PMMZ,PIPSTUTQFOUTPNFUJNF TLBUJOHEPXO4UBSL%SJWFXIJMFUIFZXFSFIPNFGPSUIF XFFLFOEDzFUXPSPPNNBUFTBSFGSPN*OWFSNFSFBOE BUUFOEUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG$BMHBSZ)PMMZTQBSFOUT+FSSZ BOE )FMFO ,PIPSTU MJWF PO 4UBSL %SJWF XIJDI IBT UVSOFEJOUPBTIFFUPGJDFEVSJOHUIFXBSNTQFMM -BVSJF-FTNFJTUFSPG*OWFSNFSFXBTUIFXJOOFS PGMBTUXFFLFOETTJYUIBOOVBMmTIJOHEFSCZXJUIBO JODImTI4IFXPOGPSIFSFĊPSUT 8BMMBDF8BSCSJDLPG*OWFSNFSFDBNFJOBDMPTF TFDPOEXJUIBmTINFBTVSJOHJODIFTGPS BOE3PCJO5PSEJGBMTPPG*OWFSNFSFXPOUIFUIJSE QSJ[FPGGPSBmTINFBTVSJOHJODIFT ɨFXJOOFSPGBHPMGQBTTBU3BEJVN3FTPSUXBT .BSUJO(PUUJOHFSXJUIUIFTNBMMFTUmTINFBTVSJOH JODIFT 3BČFQSJ[FTXFSFXPOCZ.BSL5BOHVBZPG$BM HBSZXIPUPPLIPNFBOJDFBVHFSBOE0TDBS.BS UJOF[PG$BMHBSZXIPXPOB%7%QMBZFS"CPVU EPPSQSJ[FTXFSFBMTPBXBSEFE "MM QSPDFFET XFOU UP UIF 3PUBSZ $MVC UP CF VTFEGPS.PVOU/FMTPO"UIMFUJD1BSL ɨFmTIJOHEFSCZXBTTQPOTPSFECZ,FO"EBNT BOE&E4UFFMPXOFSTPGUIF4UBUJPO1VC Call The Pioneer to place your Valentineʼs Ad 341-6299 DISTRICT OF INVERMERE 2005 Budget Public Meeting It is time to begin our pre-budget consultation process and this year Council will be holding a public meeting on the evening of February 8th, 2005 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Residents and community organizations are invited to share your opinions and comments on how services are delivered in our community. This will provide Council with very important information regarding community expectations for the upcoming year. Respectfully, Mark Shmigelsky District of Invermere Box 339, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Tel.: (250) 342-9281 Fax:(250) 342-2934 info@invermere.net www.invermere.net Opening Spring 2005 Columbia Garden Village %%!,#$+$&'$)( $"")# (,&* +& # )&.'$,$(+.,-,).-#)''.($-1 +/$ 0+,+ ,$"( -),,$,-"+ "+.- ,)!-# )&.'$,$($(*.+,.$("*),-, )(+1 .-$)(-+$($("(-)+ 0+( ().+" -# $(/)&/ ' (-)!1).-## *+)/$ ,.*-) 0+,/&. - #!)+)( 1 + **&$-$)(,+ /$&& -, )(+1,#))&,()(-# 0 ,$- 000-)+" **&$-$)(,'.,- *),-'+% ()&- +-#( +.+1 - **&$-$)(,0$&&()- *- )+, & -$)(( &$"$$&$-1+$- +$( -$& $(!)+'-$)().--# 0+/$,$--# 0 ,$- )+&& INFORMATION MEETING Tuesday, February 1st at 1:00 pm Best Western Invermere Inn Amenities include: • delicious meals prepared by our chef • 24 hour staff and security • emergency monitoring system • studio, one bedroom and two bedroom suites available Limited suites available - call today to reserve! 489-0667 $&)'*& - **&$-$)(*%" ,-) )&.'$,$(+.,).-#)''.($-1 +/$ 0+ % +-+ +(+))% ! , $ & ( %$%! $ ( ' # The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 14 February 4, 2005 Classifieds Phone: 341-6299 Fax: 341-6229 Email: upioneer@telus.net Classified Deadline: Tuesdays 4:00 pm All classified ads must be prepaid by cash or cheque unless client has an existing account. Rates: First Week: $ 6.50 for 15 words (15¢ for each additional word) Additional Weeks: $ 4.50 for 15 words (15¢ for each additional word) All prices subject to GST. Please read your ad over carefully the first day it comes out to ensure the information is correct. If you should find an error in your ad please let us know immediately by calling 341-6299. The Upper Columbia Pioneer is not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion. The newspapers’ responsibility, if any, for errors of any kind is limited to the amount paid for that advertisement. We reserve the right to censor, reclassify, revise, edit or reject any advertisement not meeting our advertising standards. PUBLIC SERVICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. If alcohol is causing problems in your life, call 342-2424 for info. All meetings at 8 p.m.: Monday - Invermere Group, Invermere Health Unit, 1100-10th Street, Invermere; Wednesday Windermere Group, Valley Christian Assembly Church; Friday - Radium Group, Radium Catholic Church; Saturday - Invermere First Step, Invermere Health Unit, 1100-10th Street, Invermere; Sunday - Columbia Lake Band Hall, off Highway 93/95 south of Windermere; Sunday 7:30 p.m. Brisco Group , Brisco Town Hall. All meetings are open. ALCOHOLISM SHATTERS LIVES. To help the alcoholic, you have to help yourself first. Al Anon meets 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Catholic Church, 1210-9th Street, Invermere. For info call Carol, 347-9841. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Meet Thursdays 7:30-9 p.m. Invermere Health Unit, 1100-10th Street, staff entrance. IN MEMORIAM DONATIONS to the Canadian Cancer Society: drop off at The Pioneer, No. 8, 1008-8th Avenue, Invermere or mail to Box 868, Invermere. For info call June Florence, 3425573. IN MEMORIAM DONATIONS to the Family Resource Center: drop off at The Pioneer, No. 8, 1008-8th Avenue, Invermere or mail to Box 868, Invermere. For info call Pat Cope, 342-4242, Mon-Thu. IN MEMORIAM DONATIONS to B.C. and Yukon Heart and Stroke Foundation: drop off at The Pioneer, No. 8, 1008-8th Avenue, Invermere or mail to Box 868, Invermere. Call Pat Lien, 342-3078. net. References available. Contact brianwilkie@telus.net or call 780481-2654. MISC. WANTED IN MEMORIAM DONATIONS to Alzheimer Society of B.C.: mail to East Kootenay Alzheimer Society, Box 1094, Fernie, V0B 1M0. For info call 1-800-667-3742 or Melissa Agnew, 342-6591. Long term home for mature responsible, employed couple. Have one quiet adult dog and two adult cats. References available. Willing to pay additional damage deposit for pets. We need a home ASAP. Please call 341-3303. 24-HOUR WOMEN’S SAFE HOME. 1-800-200-3003 or call the Family Resource Centre, 3424242, Mon-Thu. HEALTH & WELL-BEING FOR SALE Pool table 4 1/2’ x 9’. Comes with four cues, one set of balls, misc. accessories and games. Like new, 4 1/2 years old. $4000 OBO. Phone Mel at 250-342-3838. Pilates classes essential. Starting February 8th, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 am to 10:00 am at Kicking Horse Coffee Studio. Instructor Jeremy Undershute. Please call 347-9007 to register. Other times may be available upon request. Stott Pilates. SERVICES VEHICLES FOR SALE 1997 Ford Escort. White, excellent condition. 145,000 km. Extra tires, automatic, $7000. 3429636. Wanted. Somebody to take over the lease on a 2005 Wolkwagon Jetta Station Wagon. Colour spice red. Call 342-1073. 2004 Ford Focus. 19,000 km. AC/ CD. Take over lease OAC $356/ month 28 months 341-3495. Duplex Rentals New 2 bedroom, 2 bath executive suite with large deck. All appliances including dishwasher, washer, dryer. Large lot, non-smoking, no pets. $1095/month heat and utilities included. Available Feb. 15. Call 3429770. CONDO FOR RENT RADIUM - Available May 2005. Brand new 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo, The Peaks in Radium, 7 appliances, heated underground parking, storage, pool, hot tub. N/S, N/P. $1000/month. (250) 347-9762 or (250) 341-5170. Summer Rental Semi-retired couple seeks 2 or 3 bedroom residence rental, Columbia Valley. June, July and August 2005. Good road access, inter Dashing Lizard Systems Computer Service. After hours service available 342-2044. sales@dashinglizard.ca MOVING SALE 1999 23 ft. Vanguard Travel Trailer $25,000. Value sell $15,000. Nordic track Ski Machine $300 OBO. Weight bench and weights $50. Huge garage sale February 19/05. 307 - 12th Ave. 342-3411 HELP WANTED Grounds Maintenance. Copper Point Golf Club requires 8 general labourers and 4 students. Rate of pay: $8.50/hr and $9.00/hour. Experience not necessary will train. Start date: March 28th, 2005 and June 25th, 2005. Duration: Seasonal employment April to the end of October. Only workers who are able to commit for entire season need apply. For interview please contact Dave at 250-341-3390, fax 250-341-3491 or email resume to dlister@copperpointgolf. com Reliable delivery person with vehicle capable of heavy hauling wanted to transport Pioneer from Calgary to Invermere every Thursday. Phone 341-6299 and ask for Elinor. Chez Guillaume Vinters needs casual help, one or two afternoons a week. Please phone Judy at 3427096 or apply in person at 1409 - 12A Avenue. Part-time sales clerk to work Thursdays and Saturdays. Duties include receiving of freight, daily accounting, reports and sales. Applicant must be responsible, reliable and comfortable working with cash. Apply in person with resume to Sears Invermere. Call Mary-Frances at 342-6901. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Invermere Public Library requires volunteers for shelf reading. Requirements: good eyesight, pysically able, can commit 2 - 4 hours per week. For more information call 342-6416. CHEERS AND JEERS Cheers to those who dropped off their ink jets and laser printer inkers at IGA, AG Foods and the High School. We have raised over $300 since September. GT Jeers to those who throw their garbage into the recycling receptacles. GT OBITUARIES John Halliday Blake Sept. 5, 1914 - Jan. 26, 2005 John passed away January 26 at the Invermere District Hospital in the company of his entire family. John’s great wit and humour could always bring a smile to everyone’s day. John enjoyed reading, classic car restoration and was an unbeatable billiards player. He loved to socialize with the locals and could never get enough of cruising town in his Lincoln. He will be greatly missed by his loving wife of 56 years, Yvette, his son Randy, daughter-in-law Fern, and his granddaughters Haley, Naomi and Teal. We could never have asked for a more exceptional, gentle and caring Dad and PaPa. To all the support staff, volunteers, residents, Maggie at Columbia House, Dr. White and the incredibly kind and caring nurses that were there for John and his family - a very heartfelt THANK-YOU. In respect of his wishes there will not be a service. In lieu of flowers a donation may be to Columbia House. “Forever cruising - never forgotten” February 4, 2005 '"*5) !.ATION!DRIFT #Z+PIO$VZMFS4FOJPS1BTUPS 7BMMFZ$ISJTUJBO"TTFNCMZ *LOPXJUT'FCSVBSZCVU UIFNJMEXFBUIFSPVUTJEFNBLFT VTBMMUIJOLBCPVUUIFDPNJOH TQSJOHBOETVNNFSXIFSFXF DBOHFUCBDLPVUPOUIFMBLF'PS UIPTFPGZPVXIPPXOCPBUTBOE MJLFUPmTIZPVLOPXUIFWBMVF PGIBWJOHBHPPEBODIPSUPLFFQ ZPVJOQMBDFXIJMFZPVDBTUZPVS MJOFJOUPZPVSGBWPSJUFmTIJOH TQPU)PXFWFSJGZPVSBODIPS EPFTOPUHSJQUIFCPUUPNPGUIF MBLFmSNMZBOEUIFSFIBQQFOTUP CFBCJUPGCSFF[FCMPXJOHXF DBOTMPXMZCVUTVSFMZESJGUBXBZ GSPNUIFQMBDFXFXBOUFEUPCF XJUIPVUFWFOSFBMJ[JOHJU 8IFO * DPOTJEFS PVS OBUJPO PG $BOBEB * TFF IPX XF IBWF MPTUPVSBODIPSBOEXFBSFESJGU JOH BXBZ JOUP B USPVCMJOH QMBDF B QMBDF XIFSF NBOZ $BOBEJBOT EPOU XBOU VT UP CF 0VS OBUJPO CFHBOPOUIFSJHIUGPVOEBUJPOCZ QFPQMF XIP WBMVFE TUSPOH NPSBM WBMVFT BOE CJCMJDBM QSJODJQMFT " OVNCFS PG UIF 'BUIFST PG $PO GFEFSBUJPOXFSFEFWPVU$ISJTUJBO QFPQMFXIPMJWFECZUIFUFBDIJOH BOE QSJODJQMFT MBJE PVU JO 4DSJQ UVSF 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Then consider the stunning Invermere Valley. www.ReMaxInvermere.com The e Best for Your Buck! Recreation or Revenue Perfect Small Acreage This new corner unit has 3 BR, master with ensuite, single car garage, large storage room, deck and awesome mountain views. Walking distance to all Invermere has to offer. New Home warranty, and best of all, no condo fees! Hurry, this wonʼt last long! MLS#108155 This Radium Riverstone town home is a great recreational retreat with revenue potential. Fully furnished and equipped with 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms, this nearly new home is close to golf, shopping and the hot pools. A great time to invest! Donʼt miss out on this one! MLS#106500 Rest your eyes on spectacular mountain views in all directions from this 4 BR, 3 BTR home. Vaulted pine ceilings accent the large kitchen with an island workspace. The large living area overlooks the beautiful landscaping and golf course. Large garage, workshop, propane furnace with heat pump.MLS#108083 $179,900.00 $349,000.00 The Dream is Yours Walk to the Beach Skiers Dream Build your dream home in Fort Point. This lot is one of the few left available with no building commitment. The architectural guidelines have maintained a community that will secure its value and prestige in the years to come. It is an easy stroll to Kinsmen Beach, parks and public tennis courts. MLS#108100 This beautiful year round home at Tretheway Beach has all you want. Access to the private beach and boat launch, 2 BR, 2 BTH, one level living, in-floor heating, double attached garage & more! Ready for a move? Donʼt miss your chance to be part of the Tretheway Beach community. MLS New This 2 bedroom Aurora town home offers ski-in, ski-out convenience and a beautiful view! Relax in this just like new condo, close to village amenities and all that Panorama has to offer! Donʼt miss this chance to own your personal skiers retreat! MLS#106140 Secluded Room to Grow Great Getaway This beautiful, open concept home has wonderful views and the privacy of a retreat. Nestled in the original subdivision of Panorama, you are a short walk to the ski lifts and village amenities. This is your perfect mountain getaway or full time residence. MLS#108187 This well designed home has a bright, open floor plan, fully finished on all levels. Enjoy 4 BR and 3 BTR, a cozy family room, and lower level walk-out. Double attached garage and nicely landscaped yard with beautiful mountain views from the deck. Close to beach, shops and schools. MLS#106321 This like new one bedroom condo is tastefully decorated and fully furnished with a newly renovated exterior. Next to the Toby chair lift and close to all the shops and services Panorama Mountain Village has to offer. Buyer to assume monthly New Vision payment of $161.43. Donʼt miss out, call today! MLS#106988 $249,000.00 $194,000.00 $498,500.00 $525,000.00 $325,000.00 $399,000.00 $112,000.00 Award Winning Home In 2003 this magnificent Timber Frame home received the Canadian Home Builders Award for Best New House in Canada. Mountain, lake and valley views surround the property. What makes it special is the feeling of elegance in time-honored wood, tempered with simplicity. This spacious, state of the art, energy efficient home must be seen to experience the true feeling of excellence in the building. For those who appreciate the best, this is it! MLS#105789 $1,300,000.00 A Very Special Place Creekside Gardens, Windermere This magnificent 4.34 acre property creates a sense of peace and tranquility. Mountain water flows into the pond and waterfall beside the Oriental Garden. Beautifully landscaped settings with breathtaking mountain views and gardens designed to attract hummingbirds and butterflies surround this intriguing 1868 sf home with 5 BR & 3.5 BTR. MLS#107168 $1,250,000.00
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